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Volume VI, Issue 3 October 2007

Football and Fall punch line of a lot of jokes (we then

came back to win all of the rest of the
As the readership knows, I love
games) and saying us to a roomful of
College Football. Love it. Im off to my
people who have lost blood and sweat
annual retreat to Tempe in a few weeks
together makes sense.
for ASU-Caland save for a back up
But, an internet forum? Just
QB, this could have been the biggest
because I sit and type this sentence
game in ASU History.
doesnt necessarily mean that you the
Too bad the season has gone
reader and I, the author, just finished a
exactly as expected this year
wonderful meal of steak, BBQ chicken
Lets remember the mission here:
and salad (which I did). It means that we
Our mission? To teach everyone: may have similar goals and a similar
1. The Body is One Piece worldview, but complaining to others
2. There are three kinds of strength training: that the world might not understand us
Putting weight overhead well, it really creeps me out.
Picking it off the ground
So, next time you find someone
Carrying it for time or distance
in a forum mentioning that no one (and
3. All training is complementary.
the word noone doesnt exist, by the
way) doesnt understand us, please
Us : Rant by the Editor feel free to shake your head and avoid
Daniel John sharing personal information with this
In the past few months, several people person.
have asked me to write more for Get Up.
I have to askwhy? Some Ideas for the Gym
I have something to talk about
Daniel John
that is driving me crazy: this constant
One of the ways I get my athletes
use by people on internet forums
to max without maxing is to get there
complaining that the world doesnt
names up on the wall by making a
understand us. I have seen this point
club. I learned this from Dick
on several placesyes, true, usually
Notmeyer who had clubs for everything,
internet discussion boards filled with
from all the Olympic lifts and Power
boggle eyed minionsbut it does drive
lifts to things like sit-ups, chin-ups, dips
me crazy.
and pull-ups. When people see a chance
What is this us thing? I get it:
for eternal and immortal fame, a Dick
Ive been the coach of a team that lost
Notmeyer quote, they will train for
five straight games and became the
months to break the gym record for I also have a club where the
Incline Sit-ups with a 45 pound plate. athlete jumps up on our highest box, the
42 incher, from a stand start.
For Boys, we have a Deadlift The key is this device:
Club with 400, 500 and 600 pound DLs
(girls are 200, 250 and 300). Cleans, for
boys, are 175, 200 and 225; Squats, 250,
300, and 350 and Bench Press is 200,
250 and 300.
Truly, every program uses some
variation of these numbers and lifts. But,
after meeting with Ethan Reeves at
Wake Forest, I developed an idea to get
a high school athlete to be more
balanced. We call it the Big Blue Club
and the key is to get all the lifts
mentioned. Sure, you can do more, but
you must do at least all of the following:

Front Squat 205

Deadlift 315 This inexpensive label maker prints out
Clean 205 the first and last names of the athletes
Back Squat 255 neatly and clearly and takes very little
Clean & J 165 room on the record board. I have
One arm Bench Press for 5 Reps: invested an additional $70 in fresh tapes
Left 70 to keep up with the athletes. I have had
Right 70 athletes come in after school to redo a
True, many of our athletes do lift to get their names on the Big
this on the first try, many can do some of Boards.
the lifts without warming up. But, it is One final thing: I have those stall
the balance we are looking for here in mat rubber mats and I invested in some
the Big Blue Club. white out, the magic device we all
We also added the 300 club for used before computers. With the white
the athletes who want an additional out, my TA, Devin Kallas, took a tape
challenge: measure and now we have about six
100 Pushups (to a short 2 inch cone) (No areas to measure Standing Long Jumps
knees down, but you can rest in the and various assessments. White Out can
extended position) immediately followed also be used for foot placement and
by: making Ts or whatever other needs
100 Overhead Squats with PVC (Butt you have for measurements or teaching.
touches a low box each time) We also began spray painting on
immediately followed by: school logo on every surface with a
100 Leg Curl/Raises with a 3 kilo Med cheap cut out of our school Eagle.
Ball held between the knees (protect the Cheap is good. Very good.
athletes face at all times!).
Fun for the whole family!

The Gary Column sometimes fifteen. My girls did the best
at showing up, so at the end of the
Gary John season, I worked mostly with them.
Besides being the voice of logic
and reason on the internet, Gary John Back to the story, the glide isnt
has quickly become a sought out working, the girls are in a funk and it is
throwing coach in the Bay Area. Since carrying over to the discus. I took one of
the loss of so much information on the the girls, Hosie, who is my most
site in June, we may or may not be competitive and we changed what she
reprinting two of his best works here was doing. With the shot put, I had her
face sideways in the ring, right foot
The more I coach, the less I almost touching the back of the ring.
know. So eventually Ill know Then I had her square her shoulders to
absolutely nothing. Two weeks ago, just the back of the ring, elbow high. She
before the finals for my high school would cross her right behind her left and
throwers, my entire girls throwing went power to the front. Worked like a
right into the toilet. The one thing I find charm. She threw a two-foot PR within
with girls is they are really more of a about four throws. She went on to place
group, than the boys are. Being 3rd in our league finals. We have
hopelessly male and the father of two seventeen high schools, and she is a
boys, this strange behavior remains a freshman.
I applied kind of the same
We had been to a couple of technique to the discus. Right foot
meets and one school has a terrific towards the back, cross behind, stretch
throwing program. All their girls have a and throw. In the finals we took 3rd, 4th,
perfectly beautiful glide. They dont and 5th. First place was only eighteen
throw far, but it is pretty. Of course, my inches further than third. Best part, the
throwing team was all brand new this improvement was from six feet to fifteen
year, so we have been working on feet for those three girls. And they did
learning a good solid stand and maybe it in the big show when it counted. First
adding a step and throw. So, my girls thing they asked me when they saw me
wanted to glide. Not practice it very again, can you please be the coach next
much or do the work necessary, just year?
magically glide in a couple of workouts.
Next year, we will glide and we
Im not a full time coach. I get will spin. The difference will be, the
there when I can and make Tuesdays and girls all have medals and maybe, just
Thursdays technique day. The male maybe practicing could help a little.
team consists of a few throwers and a Best part, Im sending a whole new crop
bunch of football players that are doing from the middle school, where I also
strength training three days a week. It coach. But, that is a much longer story.
isnt working and next year Im going to
put a stop to it. The athletic director had
made some promises that the other
coaches and kids didnt keep. Whole
point, sometimes Ive got four throwers,

New Toy: Gary John, Part Didnt make it all the way
Deux through the first time. My hands werent
too happy and it was new to my body.
Done it every other day since and the
The high school I coach the
walks are getting longer. What I like, as
throws at, has an ok weightroom. This
my body adjusts, I can increase the
winter, they got some new trap or shrug
weight and/or lengthen the walk. This is
bars. Basically, the bar is a hexagon,
one of those five-minute workouts that
which you climb into and the weights
pay off big time. My traps feel like
are loaded on the sides. There are two
someone has been beating on them with
different sets of handles, and you lift by
a baseball bat. You got to love it.
pulling from your sides. Google
Thanks, Gary, good stuff again
Olympic weight hex trap combo shrug
bar if you need a picture.

Anyways, I had been doing deads

with them and kind of almost like the
feel. Couple of weeks back, Fred
Cordova, a local strongman, asked if he
could lift with me at the high school.
We got things going and I was trying to
do farmers walks with a set of heavy
dumbbells. They were beating the heck
out of my knees, I kept banging into
Fred suggested that I try farmers
walks with the trap bar. Night and day,
worked great. I had to have me one.
After a little shopping around, I found
the best deal was from Jesup on ebay. In Memoriam, Al Oerter.
Bought it and waited. His profile in Ageless Athletes
I got home from a meet on a became my template for thinking and
Friday night and my bar was waiting at training as an adult. His story was my
the door. By Saturday afternoon, I first inspiration.
couldnt take it anymore and took the
bar over to my warehouse. Most of my
weights are there, wanted to just load up
and go. I had actually thought about
what I was going to do so this is my
quickie workout:

Load 235# Published by Daniel John

Set of 5 deads followed by a Daniel John, Editor
farmers walk until I cant Copyright Daniel John, 2007
Set of 4,3,2,1 each followed by a All Rights Reserved
farmers walk Any unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited.

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