Production Schedule

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Production Schedule

Please include location, time of film, what you are filming and team
members including actors

Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
9th 11th 12th 14th
October October, October October
Komedian, Purple Tv Readipop,
Brighton. turtle studio, Reading.
Filming b reading. Filmed Filmed
roll and Filming voice interview,
interview presenter overs b roll and
lead edits of
parts the band
and b roll playing
Charlie Sorcha, Sorcha, Auriane,
louis, louis, Charlie
Auriane, Auriane, and
Cormac Cormac cormac
and and
Charlie Charlie

Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd
editing Made Editing Putting Editing Editing Final
presenter intro interview b roll music archive touches
parts part with first over footage
band voice
Charlie charlie louis Charlie louis Charlie Charlie
and louis and and louis and
louis louis

Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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