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Universal Language and

Dictionary of Names
National Bureau
of Standards


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Universal Language and
Dictionary of Names

Kenneth L. Kelly and Deane B. Judd*

Sensorv'Environment Section
Center for Building Technology
National Bureau of Standards

Supersedes and Combines

by Kenneth L. Kelly and Deane B. Judd, NBS Circular 553, Nov. 1, 1955
A UNIVERSAL COLOR LANGUAGE, by Kenneth L. Kelly, Color Engineering 3, 16
(March-April 1965)


U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Elliot L. Richardson, Secretary

Edward O. Vetter, Under Secretary

Dr. Betsy Anker-Johnson, Assistant Secretary for Science and Technology

J .National Bureau of Standards, Ernest Ambler, Acting Director

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-600071

COVER PICTURE: Color solid representing the three-dimensional arrangement of colors.

See also page A-2.

Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 440, 184 pages (December 1976).

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402
(Order by SD Catalog No. C13. 10 440) Price $3.25

Stock Number 003-003-01705-1



The National Bureau of Standards' was established by an act of Congress March 3, 1901.
The Bureau's overall goal is to strengthen and advance the Nation's science and technology
and facilitate their effective application for public benefit. To this end, the Bureau conducts
research and provides: (1) a basis for the Nation's physical measurement system, (2) scientific
and technological services for industry and government, (3) a technical basis for equity in trade,
and (4) technical services to promote public safety. The Bureau consists of the Institute for
Basic Standards, the Institute for Materials Research, the Institute for Applied Technology,
the Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, and the Office for Information Programs.

THE INSTITUTE FOR BASIC STANDARDS provides the central basis within the United
States of a completeand consistent system of physical measurement; coordinates that system
with measurement systems of other nations; and furnishes essential services leading to accurate
and uniform physical measurements throughout the Nation's scientific community, industry,
and commerce. The Institute consists of the Office of Measurement Services, the Office of
Radiation Measurement and the following Center and divisions:

Applied Mathematics Mechanics Heat Optical Physics Center

for Radiation Research: Nuclear Sciences; Applied Radiation Laboratory Astrophysics
Cryogenics " Electromagnetics Time and Frequency -.

THE INSTITUTE FOR MATERIALS RESEARCH conducts materials research leading to

improved methods of measurement, standards, and data on the properties of well-characterized
materials needed by industry, commerce, educational institutions, and Government; provides
advisory and research services to other Government agencies; and develops, produces, and
distributes standard reference materials. The Institute consists of the Office of Standard
Reference Materials, the Oflfice of Air and Water Measurement, and the following divisions:

Analytical Chemistry Polymers Metallurgy Inorganic Materials Reactor

Radiation Physical Chemistry.

THE INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED TECHNOLOGY provides technical services to promote

the use of available technology and to innovation in industry and
facilitate technological
Government; cooperates with public and private organizations leading to the development of
technological standards (including mandatory safety standards), codes and methods of test;
and provides technical advice and services to Government agencies upon request. The Insti-
tute consists of the following divisions and Centers:

Standards Application and Analysis Electronic Technology Center for Consumer

Product Technology: Product Systems Analysis; Product Engineering Center for Building
Technology: Structures, Materials, and Life Safety; Building Environment; Technical Evalua-
tion and Application Center for Fire Research: Fire Science; Fire Safety Engineering.


and provides technical services designed to aid Government agencies in improving cost effec-
tiveness in the conduct of their programs through the selection, acquisition, and effective
utilization of automatic data processing equipment; and serves as the principal focus within
the executive branch for the development of Federal standards for automatic data processing
equipment, techniques, and computer languages. The Institute consists of the following

Computer Services Systems and Software Computer Systems Engineering Informa-

tion Technology.

THE OFFICE FOR INFORMATION PROGRAMS promotes optimum dissemination and

accessibility of scientific information generated within NBS
and other agencies of the Federal
Government; promotes the development of the National Standard Reference Data System and
a system of information analysis centers dealing with the broader aspects of the National
Measurement System; provides appropriate services to ensure that the NBS staff has optimum
accessibility to the scientific information of the world. The Office consists of the following
organizational units:

Office of Standard Reference Data Office of Information Activities Office of Technical

Publications Library Office of International Relations Office of International

' Headquarters and Laboratories at Gaithersburg. Maryland, unless otherwise noted; mailing address
Washington. D C. 20234.
- Located at Boulder. Colorado 80302.

Kenneth L. Kelly
Preface to 1976 Edition

The ISCC-NBS Color Names Dictionary (NBS Circular 553) has gone through
six previous printings and has sold nearly 14,000 copies. In the years since this Dictionary
became available in January 1956, a number of significant advances have been made in
this field of colorimetry. The importance of the Centroid numbers became increasingly
clear, so they were added to the appropriate color-name blocks in the color-name charts
in section 13 of the 1963 (4th) and subsequent printings. Otherwise the Color Names
Dictionary remains exactly the same.
The demand for colors to illustrate the color-name blocks was voiced even before
publication in November 1955. However, due to the high cost of developing precise
colorsand the lack of funds, the development of the ISCC-NBS Centroid Colors was
delayed until 1965. At that time, they were published with financial assistance from the
Color Marketing Group. These colors were produced by the Toby Color Card Company
and the Munsell Color Company of Baltimore supervised the final produc-
of St. Louis,
tion, thus assuring that the Centroid Colors would meet the very stringent tolerances
specified for them. The Centroid Color Charts became the first Supplement to the Color
Names Dictionary.
When the Centroid Color Charts were received in early 1965, there were fewer than
100 copies of the Color Names Dictionary in stock at the Government Printing Office.

Since would have required some time to update the Dictionary, it was reprinted with-

out change (5th printing, 5/12/65). The necessary revisions including a description of
the Centroid Colors were then incorporated into a paper entitled A Universal Color
Language (UCL), also published in 1965. That paper is the second Supplement to the
Color Names Dictionary.
Since the Color Names Dictionary is still the basic document in this field of color
and is now out of stock, it is being reprinted (7th printing) and updated by revising The
Universal Color Language and publishing it along with the Dictionary. The Color Names
Dictionary, The Universal Color Language and the Centroid Color Charts form a com-
plete unitand are most useful when purchased together. For the first time all three items
can be purchased from the Office of Standard Reference Materials, National Bureau of
Standards. In addition, this volume containing the UCL and the Color Names Dictionarj'
can be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office.
The National Bureau of Standards is again happy to acknowledge the cooperative
nature of this project and to express its appreciation to all those who have made it

Kenneth L. Kelly

Preface to 1976 Edition A-vi

Abstract A-1

Introduction A-1

Method of Color Designation A-1

The Universal Color Language A-6

The ISCC-NBS Centroid Colors A-10

Other Advantages and Applications of the Centroid Colors A-10

Level 1 A-13

Level 2 A-13

Level 3 A-13

Level 4 A-13

Level 5 A-13

Level 6 A- 17

Variable Accuracy A-17

Summary A- 18

References A-18

The Color Names Dictionary (CND) iii

(The CND has been reproduced exactly as it was in the 6th printing
including the Table of Contents and pagination)

The Universal Color Language
by Kenneth L. Kelly

The Uiiivei-sal Color Language (UCL) has been revised and will be published together with
the 7th printing of the Color Names Dictionary. It serves as the means of updating the Dictionary.
The UCL brings together all the well known color-order systems and methods of designating color.
It interrelates them in six correlated levels of fineness of color designation, each higher level in-
dicating a finer division of the color solid. It follows closely' the original requirements for the
ISCC-NBS Method of Designating Colore stated in the Color Names Dictionary. They were: a)
accurate enough to satisfy a scientist, b) usable enough to satisfy a manufacturer anci c) simple
enough to be undei-stood by the average person on the street. The first requirement is satisfied
by levels 6 and 5, the second by levels 5, 4 and 3, and the third by levels 3, 2 and L The UCL
is being increasingly used by science, education, art and industry. Instructions are included for
the application of the UCL at each level.

Key words: Color; colorimetry; color names; color designations; color-order systems.

1. Introduction and the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) co-

operated for many years in the development of the
Hardly a day goes by without the need for each
ISCC-NBS Method of Designating Colors and a
of us to verbally describe at least one color. The
Dictionarv of Color Names, usually shortened to
degree to which the other person understands our
the Colo/ Names Distionary (CND)^ [18, 23]. This
de.scription depends on a number of factors. Did I
publication describes the selection of the ISCC-NBS
use the common language of the street? Are we
hue names and modifiers descriptive of the lightness
from the same geographic area? Do we both work in
and .saturation of a color [sec. 4.2 and 5, CND]
the .same trade or occupation? Are we of the same
which form the basis of the ISCC-NBS Method.
ethnic group? How accurately must the color de-
This publication also describes the method by which
scription be understood?
the psychological color solid^ [sec. 4.1, CND;
If we are discussing the physical attributes of the
37-fig. dimensioned according to the Munsell
"redhead" that just walked by, the accuracy of color
(fig. 2) scales of hue (red, yellow, purple-fig. 3),
description is relatively unimportant. However, if we
value (lightne.ss-light, dark, very dark-fig. 4) and
are di.scussing the color of the carpet to be in.stalled
chroma (saturation-grayish, strong, vivid-fig. 5)
in a large office building involving a considerable
amount of money, then the color description as
[sec. 4, CND; 3, divided into 267
29, 30, 42], is

blocks. To each of these blocks is assigned the ap-

well as the lighting and viewing conditions under
propriate ISCC-NBS color name. The hue, value and
which the description applies must be very carefully
chroma boundaries of each color-name block were
specified and controlled.
adjusted so that the color ranges embodied in each
If we
allow ourselves to dream about an ideal color
color-name block reflected common usage of that
language, it must be able to:
ISCC-NBS color name [sec. 5, CND], figure 6. These
1) Be understood by the public at least in a gen-
267 color-name blocks are described in 31 color-
eral way;
name charts [sec. 13, CND]. Thus it is possible,
2) Describe a color with different degrees of
given the Munsell notation'* of a color, to determine
the ISCC-NBS color name most descriptive of
3) Use color names or numeral and/or letter
this color by assigning to it the color name of the
designations interchangeably
color-name block in which this Munsell notation
4) Specify color tolerances around a standard
5) Describe the color in terms of the best known
color-order systems or collections of color samples;
6) Describe colors with the even greater accuracies ' Figures in brackets [ ] indicate the literature references at the end of
this paper (sec. 13).
that will be demanded in the future; - The Color Names Dictionary [ref. 23] is frequently referenced in this
7) Correlate visual descriptions with instrumental paper. The abbreviation CND will be used to cite tliis source.
' .Such a color solid is a very convenient way to arrange and thereby to
measurements of a color; and visualize colors according to their hue, value or lightness and chroma or
saturation. Any non-fluorescent or non-retroreflective surface color, for
8) Provide meaningful translation of exotic or instance, can be represented by a point in the color solid at its proper hue,
promotional color names. value and chroma.
* All Munsell notations determined from the Munsell Book of Color up

A color language which is designed to meet these to and including the 1929 Edition, were called Munsell Book notations.
requirements will be described and its development After the publication in 1943 of the OSA study of the Spacing of the
Munsell Colors'^, all Munsell notations determined on the basis of the
and applications will be discussed. respaced colors in the 1943 Report were called Munsell renotations. This
was to distingui-sh them from Munsell Book notations. After all Munsell
2. Method of Color Designation colors were brought into conformity with the 1943 Report, and after suffi-
cient years had lapsed that the term Munsell renotation had become of
academic intere.st only, the term Munsell renotation lias been replaced by
The Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC) [25]' Munsell notation.

Figure 1. A photograph of a color solid constructed of Munsell samples affixed on ten constant-hue
charts or vanes. Note that the hue changes as the solid is rotated about its vertical axis. This color solid
was constructed at the National Bureau of Standards under the author s supervision.
CAUTION: Since allthe colors in this Figure are photographs of Munsell colors, they are approximations of them and
so should never be used in place of the actual samples.

Figure 2. A photograph of the glossy edition of the Munsell Book
of Color with one constant hue chart extended. A single color chip
with its Munsell notation is shown in the small insert.
CAUTION: Since all the colors in this Figure are photographs of Munsell
Colors, they are approximations of them and so should never be used in place
of the actual samples.

ITGURE 3. A photograph illustrating the hue circle ivith five generic Centroid Colors:
red, yellow, green, blue and purple.
CAUTION: Since all the colors in this Figure are photographs of Centroid Colors, they are approxi-
mations of them and so should never be used in place of the actual samples.

very light



dark green

very dark

Figure 4. A photograph illustrating the value or lightness scale

with Jive Centroid Colors: very light green, light green, moderate
green, dark green and very dark green.
CAUTION: Since all the colors in this Figure are photographs of Centroid
Colors, they are approximations of them and so should never be used in
place of the actual samples.

medium grayish moderate strong

gray green green green
265 150 145 141

Figure 5. A photograph illustrating the chroma or saturation

scale with five Centroid Colors: gray, grayish green, moderate
green, strong green and vivid green.
CAUTION: Since all the colors in this Fig ire are photographs of Centroid
Colors, they are approximations of them and so should never be used in
place of the actual samples.







Figure 6. A three-dimensional illustration of the ISCC-NBS color-name chart for -purple showing
the color-name block structure.

The ability of the ISCC-NBS Method to describe 5. This is the level used in most applications of
colors with different levels of accuracy was applied the Munsell Book of Color in science, education, art
many times during the development of this method. and industry. The practical limit of visual inter-
For instance, the Munsell Notation of a paint chip polation among these color standards has been
or a finely ground drug sample [1, 45] can be de- reached in level 5. As a result, the next higher level
termined by a trained observer under good lighting of accuracy of color designation, level 6, must be
and viewing conditions (sec. 6.1.2, CND) to one based on instrumental measurements. A spectro-
half of a hue step, to one tenth of a value step and photometer is the preferred instrument but certain
to three tenths of a chroma step. This accuracy is colorimeters can be used at this level of accuracy
more than that necessary to determine the appro- provided the conditions of measurement are care-
priate ISCC-NBS color name descriptive of the fully controlled. (See sec. 10, level 6). The results
color of the drug sample, for instance. Now, sup- from these instrumental measurements can be
pose that the ISCC-NBS color name of this drug expressed in the CIE coordinate system (x, y, Y
sample were "light yellowish brown". The same or X, Y, Z) [2, 17, 19, 38] or in a more finely inter-
drug sample could be described less accurately as polated Munsell notation determined mathemati-
simply "yellowish brown". It could be described cally from the CIE coordinates.
with still less accuracy by the simple generic hue levels 4, 5 and 6 are not expressly described
name "brown". Thus we can see that three levels in the ISCC-NBS Method of Designating Colors,
of accuracy of color designation are possible with they are logical extensions of this Method. Remem-
color names alone (see table 1).
ber that the boundaries of the color-name blocks in
Now letus consider another type of example. the color-name charts [sec. 13, CND] are defined in
Mrs. Smith has just told us she bought a "green" Munsell terms. Remember also that the appropriate
sofa. This color name tells us only that this color ISCC-NBS Color Name description of a color is
falls somewhere in the green part of the color solid; determined through a visually or instrumentally
that is, it is not a red, yellow, blue or purple. Let determined Munsell notation.
us call this most basic type of color designation level Through the determination of the Munsell nota-
1. If, however, she had said it was a yellowish green,
tions of the individual color samples in two well
then we would have known also that it was not a known collections of color standards (the 9th
plain green or a bluish green. Let us call this finer Standard Color Card of America [7, 41] and the
type of color designation level 2. If she had gone Horticultural Colour Chart [6, 33]), fig. 7, these
further and described the color of her new sofa as a collections can be used in place of the Munsell
light yellowish green, then we would have had a Book of Color in visually determining the ISCC-
very good idea of its color. Let us call this still NBS Color Names in level 3. By the same use of
more specific type of color designation level 3. equivalent Munsell notations, it is possible to use
(Naturally, we are assuming in this discussion that four other color-order systems in place of Munsell
all the people involved have normal color vision.) in level 4. These are Maerz and Paul, 1st Edition
Thus can be seen that through the use of the
it [26, 34], Plochere [28, 40], Ridgway [12, 43] and the
ISCC-NBS Method of Designating Colors, three Color Harmony Manual, 3rd Edition [10, 11, 16, 34,
correlated levels of accuracy of color description 44], figure 8.
can be delineated using color names alone. So, the
ISCC-NBS Method not only supplies the basis of 3. The Universal Color Language
what we will call The Universal Color Language,
It is difficult to trace the origin of the name The
but it also supplies the first three levels of increasing
Universal Color Language [14, 15, 21, 23] except
fineness of color designation of this language.
to state that it coincided with the development
A color designation can be a color name, numbers,
and extension of the ISCC-NBS Method of Desig-
letters or a combination of two or of all three of
nating Colors.

However, even three levels of fineness of color

Although reference has already been made to the
concept of six levels of color designation, historically
designation are not sufficient to meet the demands of
the notion of levels evolved during the solution of
science, art and industry. I'he usefulness of color
names is limited to levels 1, 2 and 3. Where still ISCC Problem 23, the Historical Expression of
greater accuracies of color designation are required
Color Usage [14, 21]. The Color Marketing Group
that is, where the color solid is divided into larger
(CMC) was formed in June 1962 [8, 21]. They
and larger numbers of smaller and smaller blocks adapted this method to the statistical analysis of

letters and/or numbers will be required to designate

color trends the
changing patterns of color usage
in the various industries in which product color is
these colors.
an important marketing factor. That level is used
Anobvious choice to be used in level 4, the next which is appropriate to the degree of accuracy of
level ofaccuracy higher than level 3, is the Munsell color designation needed in the particular applica-
Book of Color [3, 22, 30, 32] containing just over tion, the accuracy increasing with the level number.
1500 color standards. In response to the demands for The higher levels represent a finer division of the
stillgreater accuracy, the visually interpolated whole color solid into a greater number of .smaller
Munsell notation was the logical selection for level blocks of color.


Color Name Designations Numeral and/or Letter Color Designations

Level of
Fineness Level 6
of Color (least precise) Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 (most precise)

Number of
Divisions of
Color Solid 13 29 267* 943-7056* -100,000 ^5,000,000

Type of Color Generic hue Allhue names ISCC-NBS Color-order Visually inter- CIE (x,y,Y) or
Designation names and and neutrals Allhue names Systems polated Munsell Instrumentally
neutrals (See (See diagram and neutrals (Collections of notation (From Interpolated
circled designa- below) with modifiers color standards fvlunsell Book of fvlunsell Nota-
nations in (NBS-C553) sampling the Color) tion
diagram below) color solid

** = 0,395
Example of yellowish light yellow- Munsell 1548* 9y2YR 6.4/41/4 X
Color brown brown ish brown 10YR 6/4** y = 0.382
Designation (centroid #76) Y = 35.6% or
9.6YR 6.4j/4.3**

Alternate SCCA 216* M&P 7056*

Color-Order pPk yPk (9th Std.) (1st Ed.)
Usable at
^ rBr
70128 12H6

Given Levels
^ ^^ HCC
800* Plochere 1248*
180 0 5-d

V Ridgway 1115*
01 Br
(Q XXIX 13 "b

(3rd Ed.)

3 go


General Increased Fineness of Color Designation > >-

Applicability -<
^ A Statistical Expression of Color Trends (roll-up method) <.
^ \
* Figures indicate the number of color samples in each collection.
**The smallest unit used in the Hue, Value and Chroma parts of the Munsell notation in Levels 4 (1 Hue step, 1 Value
step and 2 Chroma steps), 5 (V2 Hue step, 0.1 Value step and V^, Chroma step) and 6 (0.1 Hue step, 0.05 Value step and
0.1 Chroma step) indicates the accuracy to which the parts of the Munsell notation are specified in that Level.

Table 1. Schematic Diagram Illustrating the Six Levels of The Universal

Color Language.

9th Standard Color Card of America

Horticultural Colour Chart

Figure 7. Photographs of two well known collections of color standards which can he used in place of
the Munsell Book of Color in Level 3: the 9th Standard Color Card of America and the Horticultural
Colour Chart.
CAUTION: Since all the colors in this Figure are pliotograplis of the colors, they are approximations of them and so
should never be used in place of the actual samples.
Pl.&2 41

1 11,

Color Harmony Manual

Plalc I


Maerz and Paul

Plochere Ridgway

Figure 8. Photographs of the four color-order systems which can be used in place of the Munsell
Book of Color in Level 4. Maerz and Paul, 1st edition, Plochere, the Color Harmony Manual, 3rd
edition and Ridgway.
CAUTION: Since all the colors in this Figure are photographs of the colored samples in the different systems, they are
approximations of them and so should never be used in place of the actual samples.

It was approximately 1963 that the name The tion fiows in both directions
between the salesman
Universal Color Language (UCL) was coined in and the customer, or between the scientist and the
discussions with the Executive Secretary of the manufacturer or management. The UCL is the
Color Marketing Group. The name indicates the second Supplement to the Color Names Dictionary.
very wide range of applications available depending
on the demands of the user, including variable levels 4. The ISCC-NBS Centroid Colors
of accuracy and the use of varying types of color
designations (color names or letter and/or number The ISCC-NBS Centroid Colors [15, 20] (fig. 9)

designations). It must be borne in mind that the were developed to illustrate the center (center-of-
UCL describes only the color of an object. It does gravity or centroid) of each of the 267 color-name
not describe any of the other appearance attributes, blocks [sec. 13, CND]. These standard colors are in
such as gloss or texture. When these other appear- the form of one-inch square glossy paint-on-paper
ance attributes are likewise standardized and reduced samples affixed on a variable gray background so
to a language, then the UCL will become part of the that each color is seen on a background of approxi-
larger, more inclusive Universal Appearance Lan- mately its own lightness. Under each Centroid
guage (UAL). Color is the abbreviation of the appropriate ISCC-
NBS color name plus the corresponding Centroid or
The UCL is being increasingly used in science, color-name-block number (fig. 10). These color
education, art and industry. It has the open-ended
samples illustrate the central or most typical color
flexibility to add level 7 when a still more accurate
of each of the color-name blocks. With a set of
designation of color is needed. By the same token,
Centroid Colors, we can now see directly what the
it can also add intermediate levels such as 2B or
average person is supposed to mean when he uses
2C between levels 2 (29 blocks) and 3 (267 blocks). one of the ISCC-NBS color names. Since the block
Such an intermediate level can be made to contain number, the corresponding ISCC-NBS color desig-
perhaps 80 to 150 color designations, if this number nation and the Munsell notation of each of the
is required for a special purpose. As a special divi-
Centroid Colors are listed in the table attached to
dend, the UCL has the unique ability to translate
each set of these charts, the Centroid Colors form
for the first time the special color names of the well-
an extremelv useful and inexpensive set of special
known color-order systems and collections of color color standards. The ISCC-NBS Centroid Color
standards into the ISCC-NBS color names, or from
Charts form the first Supplement to the Color
one of these special color languages into one of the Names Dictionary.
others. These special color languages include Ridg-
way (ornithology, geology, botany, j^iology), Plo-
4.1 Other Advantages and Applications of the
chere (interior decorating), Color Harmony Manual,
Centroid Colors
3rd edition ("mass market", items on the market
shelf), Maerz and Paul, 1st edition (historical color Another advantage associated with the Centroid
names), the Nickerson Color Fan (flower colors) Colors is the use of the Centroid number as an ab-
[35, 36], Dade (biology) [9, 12, 43], the 9th Standard breviation of the ISCC-NBS color designation. This
Color Card of America (fashion, flag colors), and number (ranging from 1 to 267) requires only three
the Horticultural Colour Chart (flower colors). columns on a computer punch card, such as an
When a new color-order system, such as the Natural acquisition or inventory card. It is also possible to
Color System of Sweden, is published and the indi- code the color of an item on a single data-processing
vidual colored samples are assigned Munsell nota- card at each of the six levels. In fact this has already
tions, it will likewise be possible to translate these been done on a commercial basis by the Color
new designations into the ISCC-NBS color names or Marketing Group.
into one of the special color languages listed above.
Another advantage results from the color-name-
important to remember that in each level
It is block structure of the ISCC-NBS Method of Desig-
(a) the whole color solid is divided into a stated num- nating Colors. Since the hue, value and chroma
ber of blocks, (b) the boundaries of each color-name boundaries of each color-name block enclose the
block are accurately specified and (c) all six levels ranges of color best described by that ISCC-NBS
are related through the UCL. Table 1 summarizes color name, these boundaries can be considered
the six levels of accuracy of color designation and color-name tolerances around each ISCC-NBS color
their applications. One arrow indicates the direc- name. To put it another way, each such boundary
tion to go for greater accuracy of color designation. separates the ranges of color best described by the
The other arrow indicates the direction taken in the contiguous ISCC-NBS color names.
statistical combination or "roll-up" technique used
Each level of the UCL will now be discussed
in statistical studies of color trends by the Color
separately and in the detail required to apply it to
Marketing Group.
color problems which can be solved with the accu-
The UCL has resulted from a. massive cooperative racy of color designation inherent in that level.
effort by organizations and individuals all interested 5. Level 1
in realizing the utmost benefits from color in every
field of application.To use a mechanical simile, it In level 1, the whole color solid is divided into
can be likened to a bridge over which color informa- just 13 large color-name blocks. As a result, each of

Figure 9. .4 photograph of a set of the ISCC-NBS Centroid Color Charts showing the charts for the
hues red, yellow, green, blue and purple, opened out.
CAUTION: Since all the colors in this Figure are photographs of Centroid Colors, they are approximations of them
and so should never be used in place of the actual samples.


263. White 153. g White 148. v. p. G 143. v. 1. G

Figure 10. A photograph of the Green ISCC-NBS Centroid Color Chart. A

single color sample with its Centroid number and equivalent ISCC-NBS color-
name abbreviation is shown in the small insert.
CAUTION: Since all the colors in Figure are photographs of Centroid Colors, they are
approximations of them and so should never be used in place of the actual samples.

these blocks will contain a relatively large range of lines of merchandise intended to have coordinated
color. This is why it is called the least precise level colors. In addition to these color names being used
in The Universal Color Language. On the other hand, to designate the colors of manufactured items, chips
it is the easiest level for the average person to under- of the Centroid Colors can also l)e used as the phy-
stand, since the color names describing each block sical standards upon which the colors of these or
are only generic (basic) hue names (red, yellow, other items can be based.
blue), and the neutrals (white, gray and black).
Although this level is called the least precise, the 8. Level 4
boundaries of these blocks are specified just as
Level 4 of our correlated series is exemplified by
accurately as those of the smaller blocks in the
the Munsell Color System and its associated set of
higher-numbered levels. The ten generic hue names
color standards, the IVIunsell Book of Color (see
and three neutrals and their abbreviations are listed
fig. 2). There are about 1500 color standards in the
in table 2 and circled in the round diagram in table
book which have been prepared with great care to
1. Thus, we can describe any color in this level of
illustrate visually equally-spaced scales (colors
accuracy by using one of these generic hue names
separated by visually equal steps) of hue, value and
or white, gray or black. As an example, we could
chroma. It is generally agreed that the perceived
describe a certain carpet as a brown (Br) carpet.
equality of the differences between adjacent samples
6. Level 2 in the book is good, but not perfect. The boundaries
of the ISCC-NBS color-name blocks are specified in
In level 2, the whole color solid is divided into 29
blocks; four of the level 1 blocks remain unchanged the Munsell system. The Munsell Book of Color can
while 9 are di\'ided into two or three parts. The 13 be used as a color-appearance system and lends
itself to interpolation among and extrapolation be-
color names or designations used in level 1 are still
applied to the appropriate 13 of the 29 blocks, yond its colored samples. In this fourth level, other
while each of the 16 new blocks is assigned an inter- sufficiently detailed color-order systems can be used

mediate hue name. These new intermediate hue in place of the Munsell System. These other color-

names each fall between two of the generic hue order systems include: Maerz and Paul (1st edition);
names in level 1; they are listed in table 3. They Ridgway; Plochere; and the Color Harmony Man-
are shown but not circled in the round diagram in ual (3rd edition). The number of divisions of the
table 1. In this level we can describe our brown whole color solid in this level, 943 to 7056, refers to
carpet a little more accurately by calling it a yellow- the number of colors in these color-order systems.
ish brown (yBr) carpet. A color-order system is a collection of color standards
which samples the color solid systematically. Our
7. Level 3 light yellowish brown carpet can now be more ac-
In level 3, the whole color solid is divided into 267 curately described by the Munsell notation lOYR
color-name blocks, as shown in the color-name charts 6/4, that is, lOYR designates the hue of the carpet
in section 13 of the Color Names Dictionary. Each of and 6/4 designates its lightness and saturation re-
the blocks in level 2 described by a generic or inter- spectively (for more details see pages 6 and 7, CND).
mediate hue name is divided again. To each of these
9. Level 5
subblocks is assigned the generic or intermediate
hue name of the original level 2 block and one or Level 5 is illustrated by the visually interpolated
more appropriate modifiers describing its lightness Munsell notation. Since the spacing of the samples in
and saturation. These modifiers are shown in figure the Munsell Book of Color is nearly uniform, it is
11 below and in figure 2 on page 3 of the Color possible through comparison of a color with the
Names Dictionary. The part of the color solid called colored standards in the Munsell scales of hue,
grayis divided into three parts named light gray, value and chroma to visually interpolate its Munsell
medium grav and dark gray. This level constitutes notation. An experienced observer can interpolate
the ISCC-NBS ^Method of Designating Colors, reliably to a tenth of a value step, to a quarter of a
which uses the full set of 267 color-name blocks in chroma step, and to anywhere from one hue step at
the Color Names Dictionary. Now we can describe chroma/2 to as little as one-quarter of a hue step at
our yellowish brown carpet still more accurately as chroma/ 10 and above. It is estimated that the
a light yellowish brown (l.yBr) carpet (color-name maintenance of these accuracies is equivalent to the
block or Centroid #76). division of the whole color solid into about 100,000
This level of accuracy of color designation is small blocks. Since the color standards in the other
suited for a variety of scientific and industrial ap- color-order systems listed above are not arranged in
plications [2, 14, 21]. These designations have been visually equally spaced steps along clearly defined
used in descriptions of the colors of drugs and chem- scales, interpolation among contiguous standards
icals [1, 23, 45], in qualitative chemical analysis can be carried out but not as conveniently nor as
[27, 39], in dermatology [5], in photogrammetry [4], accurately as within the Munsell system. This is the
and in the descriptions of mica [13], building mate- level which is most used in visual matching and in
rials [24], soils [31] and flags [7, 21]. The ISCC-NBS color tolerance specifications. In this level, the color
color names,together with the Centroid Color of our light yellowish brown carpet can now be very
Charts, are well suited for use in statistical studies accurately .specified as 9^YR 6.4/4j. (see table 1,
of color trends in industrial usage, and in planning note**).

Table 2. Ldst of generic hue names and neutrals and their abbreviations
comprising Level 1 of the UCL. Each hue name is illustrated by an appro-
priate Ceniroid Color.

Table 3. List of intermediate hue names and their abbreviations used in
Levels 2 and 3 of the UCL, each illustrated with an appropriate Centroid

CAUTION: Since all the colors in this Table are photographs of Centroid Colors, they
are approximations of them and so should never be used in place of the actual samples.

very pale very light
IS (v.p.) (V.I.)

CO ^ brilliant
CO , CD, (brill.)

(3 CO -c
T .52

(p.) light
light grayish (1.)

(I. gy.)

TO ^

.=i CD

grayish moderate strong vivid

(gy.) (m.) (s.) (V.)

CO >.
CD ^ I-

CO -

coii dark grayish dark deep
(d. gy.) (d.)

blackish very dark very deep
o (bk.) (v.d.) (v. deep)

lunsell Chroma (Saturation)

Figure 11. Scheme of the hue modifiers, the "-ish" grays and the neutrals with
their modifiers. Abbreviations are given in parentheses.
10. Level 6 and the results expressed numerically either in terms
of the CIE method or in the equivalent Munsell
Level 6, the level in which the greatest presently notation (level 6). If this accuracy is not required,
meaningful accuracy of color identification is now
a visually interpolated Munsell notation may suffice
possible, is illustrated hy two methods of color desig-
(level 5). In level 4, the color notation is expressed
nation which are related within the UCL. The first in terms of the nearest sample of either the Munsell
or basic method of color designation is the CIE
or one of the other color-order systems described
method in which the color is specified in terms of earlier. If one wants a quick understandable color
chromaticity coordinates x, y and daylight reflec- name such as that for a moist soil sample before its
tance Y (or in tristimulus values X, Y
and Z). It
color changes due to drying, a description in terms
is common in careful colorimetric work
to specify
of the ISCC-NBS color names can be obtained
these coordinates to three figures. This degree of
visually from the Munsell notation or from the
accuracy is realizable through instrumental measure- Centroid Color Charts (level 3). There are other
ment of a color and is equivalent to the di\'ision of collections of color samples smaller than the Munsell
the whole color solid into about 5,000,000 very small
Book of Color, which could be used in level 3. These
blocks. The spectrophotometer is the preferred in-
alternate systems include the ninth edition of the
strument for these measurements since not only will Standard Color Card of America and the Horti-
it produce the accuracy required in this level, but
cultural Colour Chart.
it can also warn of the possible presence of the condi-
If one is interested in the color of a thin section of
tion kno'wn as metamerism [19] in which excessive
a sample under the microscope [sec. 6.4, CND]
changes in color can result from changes in illumi- where the thickness of the section is not easily con-
nant. Some colorimeters can also be used to make trolled, the hue name of the color in question is
measurements in this level provided that (a) the usually sufl&cient (level 2). Level 1 is useful when a
unknown being measured and the standard against quick approximate designation of a color is sufficient
which it is being measured do not form a metameric or when color changes or color trends are beuig
pair and (b) the fit of the tristimulus filters to the
X, y and z functions are sufficiently close.
To assist correlating the color designations
The second method of color designation in level 6
derived from the many collections of color samples
which mu.st be based on instrumental measurements
mentioned in this paper, there are listed alpha-
is exemplified by non-\'isual (computed) interpola-
betically in section 15 of the Color Names Dictionary
tion of the Munsell notation in which the hue is
all of the color names used in the listed color-order
interpolated to a tenth of a hue step, the value to a
systems and in several of the well-known collections
twentieth of a value step and the chroma to a tenth
of color samples with their equivalent ISCC-NBS
of a chroma step. The ideal Munsell standards were
color designations. In section 14 of the Color Names
specified in the 1943 paper [32] in terms of CIE
Dictionary, the same color names are listed in a
specifications. There is a one-to-one equivalence
different arrangement, each under its equivalent
between Munsell notations and CIE specifications.
ISCC-NBS color name and block number. Opposite
Now the color of the light yellowish brown carpet
each of these color names in section 14 is listed the
can be specified with the greatest currently useful
numeral or letter designation used to identify the
accuracy as 9.6YR 6.45/4.3, or x = 0.395, y = 0.382
illustrating color sample. All of these color names
and Y = 35.6%.
with their identifying number and/or letter designa-
If, however, a standard and the unknowns are of tions equivalent to each ISCC color name, are further
exactly the same chemical composition, differing divided according to each color-order system or
only in the amounts of the individual colorants used, collection of color standards, such as: Maerz and
it is possible with a color-difference colorimeter to Paul, Plochere, Ridgway, ,Other
specify the chromaticity coordinates meaningfully to Sources. Thus, it is possible to get from this listing a
one in the fourth place. Such measurements were color name in one color-order system which is
performed in the latter 40's by the author using a synonymous or nearly synonymous with a color
Hunter Color Difference Meter, but then were only name in one of the other color-order systems. Here
possible when the color-difference colorimeter was it should be emphasized that the color-name-block
powered by a storage battery (to avoid line voltage or centroid numbers, besides being shorthand desig-
fluctuations). This degree of accuracy could be con- nations of the block names or Centroid Colors, are
sidered equivalent to level 7 in our correlated series most useful in that they tie together (a) the color
of levels of increasing accuracy of color designation. names in the dictionary part of the CND
[.sec. 15],
This level of accuracy was necessary to coordinate (b) the synonyms and near synonyms part [sec. 14],
instrumental measurements with visual estimates by (c) the color-name blocks in the color-name charts
trained observers of color differences between sub- [sec. 13] and (d) the Centroid Color Charts them-
mitted samples of a face powder and the standard. selves.

11. Variable Accuracy 12. Summary

Now, let us .summarize the six levels of fineness of This article has described a method or language
color designation in reverse order. For maximum of designating colors in simple, easily understood
accuracy, a color should be measured instrumentally but accurately defined color designations in definite,

correlated levels of accuracy of color designation. At [12] Hamly, D. H., The Ridgway Color Standards with a
each level, the whole color solid is divided into a Munsell Notation Key, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 39, 592
definite number of blocks whose boundaries are
[13] Hidnert, P. and Dickson, G., Some Physical Properties of
accurately specified and to each of which is assigned Mica, J. Research NBS 35, 309 (1945); RP1675.
one of these color designations. The levels are de- [14] ISCC, Expression of Historical Color Usage, Interim
fined in terms of the number of color designations Report of ISCC Subcommittee on Problem 23 (Color
in the Building Industry, 1960). Identification of
available in each one. Of course, the more color
Colors for Building, Building Research Institute,
designations in a level, the smaller the block in the Inc., Washington, D.C, Publication No. 1001, 49
color solid corresponding to each designation. (1962).
On the basis of the number of color designations [15] ISCC-NBS Centroid Color Charts, Standard Sample
No. 2106, obtainable from the Office of Standard
used, any old, current or future color-order system,
Reference Materials, National Bureau of Standards,
collection of color samples or color-designation Washington, D.C. 20234. $15.00 per set.
system, can be assigned to one of the levels. The [16] Jacobson, Egbert, Granville, Walter C. and Foss, Carl
necessary prerequisite is, of course, that each color E., Color Harmony Manual, Container Corporation of
America, Chicago, Illinois, third edition, 1948.
designation of the new color-order system or method
[17] Judd, D. B., The 1931 I.C.I. Standard Observer and
of color designation must be specified in terms of Coordinate Svstem for Colorimetry, J. Opt. Soc.
one of the presently utilized color-order systems. Amer. 359"( 1933).
These color-order systems include Munsell (level 6), [181 Judd, D. B. and Kelly, K. L., Method of Designating
Colons, J. Research NBS 23, 355 (1939); RP1239.
Color Harmony Manual (3rd edition) (level 4) or
[19] Judd, Deane B. and Wyszecki, Gunter, Color in Business,
the CIE numerical color designation system (level 6). Science and Industry (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
Once this relationship is established, it is possible to York and London, second edition, 1963).
translate one of the new color designations into the [20] Kelly, K. L., Central Notations for the Revised ISCC-
nearest equivalent (s) in any of the others. It is also NBS Color-Name Blocks, J. Research NBS 61, A27
(1958); RP2911.
possible to use the Centroid Color Charts for this
J21] Kelly, Kenneth L., A Universal Color Language, Color
translation in levels 3, 2 or 1. Engineering 3, 16 (March-April 1965).
The coordination of all established methods of [22] Kelly, K. L., Gibson, K. S. and Nickerson, D., Tristimulus
color designation and measurement by this system, Specification of the Munsell Book of Color from Spec-
tr()])hotome1ric Measurements, J. Research NBS 31,
and the potential for including new methods in the
55 (1943); RP1549. Also J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 33, 355
future, justify the name "The Universal Color (1943).
Language" for the total integrated system. [23] Kelly, K. L. and Judd, D. B., The ISCC-NBS Color
Names Dictionary and The LTniversal Color Language
(The ISCC-NBS 'Method of Designating Colors and a
13. References Dictionary of Color Names), NBS Circular 553, Nov. 1,
1955, 7th printing, 1976.
[1] American Pharmaceutical Association, The National
[24] Kessler, D. W., Hockman, A. and Anderson, R. E.,
Formulary, 14th Edition, 1975, 2215 Constitution
Physical Properties of Terrazzo Aggregates, NBS
Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 (revised every
Building Materials and Structures Report BMS98,
five years).
American National Standard, Spectrophotometry and
May 20, 1943.
[25] Kiernan, William J., A Story About the Inter-Society
Description of Color in CIE 1931 Svstem, Recom-
Color Council, Inter-Society Color Council News
mended Practice for (ASTM E308-66),"Z138.2-1969.
Letter, Number 173, 1 (Sept."-Dec. 1964). Updated by
[3] American National Standard, Color by the Munsell
Secretary F. W. Billmever, ISCC News Letter 207,
Svstem, Method of Specifying (ASTM ])1535-68),
July- August, 1970. Dr. Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr., Dept.
of Chemistry, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy,
[4] American Society of Photogrammetry, Manual of Color
N. Y. 1218i.
Aerial Photography (George Banta Co., Menasha,
[26] Maerz, A. and Paul, M. Rea, A Dictionary of Color,
Wis., 1968). Contains a set of ISCC-NBS Centroid
First Edition (McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
Color Charts in each volume.
Appel, Bernard, Decadent Descriptions in Dermatology,
New York, 1930).
[27] Mellon, M. G., Analytical Absorption Spectroscopy
Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology 62, 370
(John Wiley & Sons, 'inc., New York, 1950).
The [28] Middleton, W. E. Knowles, The Plochere Color System:
[6] The British Colour Council in collaboration with
Royal Horticultural Society (London), Horticultural
A Descriptive Analysis, Canadian J. Research, F.27,
1-21 (1949); N.R.C. No. 1856. Also J. Opt. Soc.
Colour Chart, 1938 and 1940. Copyright Robert F.
Wilson. Also issued as the Wilson Colour Chart.
Amer. 39, 633 A (1949).
[29] Mun.sell, A. H., A Color Notation, 12th edition, Munsell
[7] Standard Color Card of America, 9th Edition, Color
Color Company Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, 1971.
Association of the United States, 200 Madison Avenue,
New York 10016 (1941). [30] Munsell Color Company, Munsell Book of Color, Glossy
Color Marketing Group, Executive Secretary, 1000 Edition, 1976, Munsell Color, 2441 North Calvert
Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. Street, Baltimore, Md. 21218.
Dade, H. A., Colour Terminology in Biology, Mycological [31] Munsell Color Company, Munsell Soil Color Charts,
Papers No. 6, The Imperial Mycological Institute, Form for Use (if Soil Scientists, Geologists and Archeo-
logists, Baltimore, Md., 1973.
Kew, Surrey, England, 1-25 (.July 1943).
132] Newhall, S. M., Nickerson, D. and Judd, D. B., Final
|10] Granville, W. C, Munsell Renotations of Color Harmony
Manual Chips (third edition) from Spectrophotometric Report of the OSA Subcommittee on the Spacing of
the Munsell Colors, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 33, 385 (1943).
Measurements. Unpublished. Available from Container
Corporation of America. 133] Nickerson, Dorothy, Horticultural Colour Chart Names
[11] Granville, W. C, Foss, C. E. and Godlove, I. H., Color with Munsell Key, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 47, 619 (1957).
Harmony Manual: Colorimetric Analysis of Third 134] Nickerson, Dorothy, Interrelation of Color Specifica-
Edition," J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 40, 265A (1950). tions, Pap. Trade J. 125, 153 (1947).

[35] Nickerson, Dorothy, The Munsell Color Fan, ^Modern Co., Los Angeles, California, 1948).
Color Science is the Background for a New and Useful [41] Reimann, G., Judd, D. B. and Keegan, H. J., Spectro-
Color Chart, for Horticulture, Proc. 11th Annual Am. photometric and Colorimetric Determination of the
Horticultural Congress and Annual Meeting Am. Colore of the TCCA Standard Color Cards, J. Re-
Horticultural Council, p. 3-11, Oct. 1956. search NBS 36, 209 (1946); RP1700. Also J. Opt. Soc.
[36] Nickerson, Dorothy, Nickerson Color Fan (40 Hues- Amer. 36, 128 (1946).
Maximum Chromas), 262 Color Samples Arranged by [42] Rheinboldt, W. C. and Menard, J. P., Mechanized Con-
Hue on 40 Fan Leaves, Each Hue Scaled According to vereion of Colorimetric Data to Munsell Renotations,
Value (or Lightness). Published by Munsell Color J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 50, 802 (1960).
Company, Baltimore, Md., 12 pages. Out of print. [43] Ridgway, Robert, Color Standards and Color Nomen-
[37] Nickerson, Dorothv and Newhall, S. M., A Psychological clature, Washington, D. C. 1912 (Color plates by
Color Solid, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 33, 419 (1943). Alfred Hoen of Baltimore, Md.).
[38] Optical Society of America, Committee on Colorimetrj^ [44] Taylor, Helen D., Knoche, Lucille and Granville, Walter
The Science of Color (Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New C., Descriptive Color Names Dictionary (Container
York, 1953). Corporation of America, Chicago, Illinois, 1950).
[39] Pearce, D. W., Chemical Equilibrium and Qualitative [45] United States Pharmacopoeial Convention, The Phar-
Analysis (Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1946). macopoeia of the L^nited States of America, 19th
[40] Plochere, G. and Plochere, G., Plochere Color System, Revision, 1975, 12601 Twinbrook Pkwy., Rockville,
AGuide to Color and Color Harmon j- (Fo.x Printing Md. 20850 (revised eveiy five years).


Kenneth L. Kelly and Deane B. Judd

Ever since the language of man began to develop, words or expressions have
been used first to indicate and then to describe colors. Some of these have per-
sisted throughout the centuries and are those which refer to the simple colors or
ranges such as red or yellow. As the language developed, more and more color names
were invented to describe the colors used by art and industry and in late years in
the rapidly expanding field of sales promotion. Some of these refer to the pigment
or dye used, as Ochre Red or Cochineal, or a geographical location of its source such
as Naples Yellow or Byzantium. Later when it became clear that most colors are
bought by or for women, many color names indicative of the beauties and wiles of
the fair sex were introduced, as French Nude, Heart's Desire, Intimate Mood, or
Vamp. Fanciful color names came into vogue such as Dream Fluff, Happy Day,
Pearly Gates, and Wafted Feather. Do not suppose that these names are without
economic importance for a dark reddish gray hat for Milady might be a best seller

if advertised as Mauve Wine whereas it probably would not if the color were called

Paris ?ilud. Some color names, such as Blue Turquoise or Golden Poppy, are at
the same time self-explanator}" and also suited to the promotion of the sales of fabrics.
Other color names are not what they seem, for how would one know that African
Green is in reality a blue or that blue Fox will turn out to be a reddish gray? Liter-
ature is indeed richer because of such color names as Cold Morn, Folly, Kitten's
Ear, Languid Lavender, Risigal, Teen Age Pink, and Zedoary Wash, and their
precise meanings deserve to be systematically listed.
The purpose of this dictionary is to assist the scientist, businessman, and lay-
man to understand the different color vocabularies used in the many fields of art,,
science, and industry. Some of these vocabularies are very similar, in fact they bor-
row from one another, while others are nearly or completely unintelligible to workers,
in another field. The dictionary wiU serve not only as a record of the meanings of the
7,500 individual color names listed but it will also enable anyone to translate from
one color vocabulary to another. As an example, what is the meaning of Griseo-
Viridis? This dictionary shows that Griseo-Viridis (biology) = Serpentine (fashion) =
Mint Green (mass market), or in ordinary language, a light green.
The terms by which this dictionary defines color names are those of a refinement
of the method of designating colors outlined by the Inter-Society Color Council and
developed at the National Bureau of Standards. The Inter-Society Color CouncU.
(ISCC) consists of delegates from 20 societies of national scope interested in color,
and of individual members. The present member bodies of the ISCC are:
American Association of Textile Chemists National Association of Printing Ink Makers
and Colorists Optical Society of America
American Ceramic Society Packaging Institute
American Institute of Architects Society of Industrial Designers
American Institute of Decorators Society of Motion Picture and Television
American Oil Chemists' Society Engineers
American Psychological Association Tanners' Council of America
American Society for Testing Materials Technical Association for the Graphic Arts
Federation of Paint and Varnish Produc- Technical Association of the Pulp and
tion Clubs Paper Industry
Gravure Technical Association, Inc. Textile Color Card Association of the
Illuminating Engineering Society United States, Inc.
Industrial Designer's Institute

The ISCC-NBS method of designating colors was pubHshed in the Journal of
Research of the National Biu-eau of Standards 23, 355 (1939) RP1239. The Inter-
Society Color Council approved the refinement of this method and encouraged the
Bureau to compde the dictionary; most of the data upon which the translation of
the individual color names into ISCC-NBS equivalents is based were supplied by
its individual members who also helped to check the voluminous tables. The
particular contributions of these and other individuals are acknowledged at ap-
propriate places in the text. The Bureau is glad indeed of this opportunity to point
out the cooperative nature of this project.

A. V. AsTiN, Director.

Page Page
! Preface iii 6. Color designations from the Munsell Book of Color for

1. History 1 divers types of specimens
I 2. Scope 1 6.4. Microscopic specimens 9
3. Applications 2 6.4.1. Mounting 9
4. Logic of designations 2 6.4.2. Lighting 9
4.1. The color solid 2 6.4.3. Determination of Munsell notation 6
4.2. Basic plan of forming the designations 3 6.4.4. The color designation 10
4.3. Divisions of the hue circle 3 7. Color designations from chromaticity coordinates and
4.4. Some unavoidable disadvantages 4 daylight reflectance 10
5. Definition of the color ranges 4 8. Description of the Dictionary of Color Names 10
6. Color designations from the Munsell Book of Color for 9. Listing by source of color name and by ISCC-NBS
diverse types of specimens 5 designation 10
6.1. Dry opaque powders (grain size less than 1 mm) 5
9.1. American Association of Textile Chemists and
6.1.1. Preparation of sample 5
Colorists and the Society of Dyers and
6.1.2. Lighting and viewing conditions 5
Colourists 11
6.1.3. Determination of a Munsell notation
9.2. Biology 11
or renotation 6
9.3. Federal Specification TT-C-595 11
6.1.4. The color designation ._ 6
9.4. Horticultural Colour Chart 11
6.1.5. An example 6
9.5. Maerz and Paul Dictionary of Color 11
6.2. Opaque solids 7
9.6. Molded Urea Plastics and Polystyrene Plastics, 11
6.2.1. Comparison with Munsell color stand- 9.7. Plochere Color System 12
ards 7
9.8. Ridgway Color Standards and Nomenclature., 12
6.2.2. Lighting and viewing conditions 7
Rock-Color Chart
9.9. 12
6.2.3. Nonmetallic samples with matte sur- Postage-stamp color names
9.10. 12
faces 7
9.11. USD A Soil Color Charts 12
6.2.4. Glossy surfaces having no regular de- 9.12. Descriptive Color Names Dictionary 12
tailed structure 7
9.13. Textile Color Card Association of the United
6.2.5. Glossy surfaces made up of cylindrical
States 13
elements 7
10. Description of the alphabetical list of color names.. 13
6.2.6. Metallic surfaces 8
11. Summary 13
6.3. Liquids and nonpowdered solids 8
Opaque 12. References 13
li 6.3.1. solids and liquids 8
|| 6.3.2. Clear liquids 8 13. Color name charts 15
6.3.3. Clear solids (crystals, glasses, resins) - 8 14. Synonymous and near-synonymous color names with
6.3.4. Cloudy solids or liquids 8 their sample identifications 35
6.3.5. Fluorescent solids or liquids 9 15. Dictionary of color names 83

The ISCC-NBS Method of Designating Colors and
A Dictionary of Color Names
Kenneth L. Kelly and Deane B. Judd

In 1939 there was published a Method of Designating Colors as a solution of the problem
proposed by the first chairman of the Inter-Society Color Council, E. N. Gathercoal, who
said: "A means of designating colors in the United States Pharmacopoeia, in the National
Formulary, and in general pharmaceutical literature is desired; such designation to be
sufHciently standardized as to be acceptable and usable by science, sufficiently broad to be
appreciated and used by science, art and industry, and sufficiently commonplace to be under-
stood, at least in a general way, by the whole public." This method was developed with the
assistance of the American Pharmaceutical Association following plans outlined in 1933 by
the Inter-Society Color Council. As a result of suggestions of the member bodies and
individual members of the ISCC, a revision of the proposed system was made and approved
by the Council in June 1949 and recommended for use in general color description. The
revised ISCC XBS color designations are defined in Munsell terms by 31 name charts, one
for each of 31 ranges of Munsell hue. The ISCC-NBS equivalents of 7,500 color names
previously defined by reference to 11 different sets of material standards have been de-
termined and listed both alphabetical!}' and by ISCC-NBS color designation to form a
dictionary of color names.

1. History making the present revision. An ISCC committee

consisting of Beck, Clark, Foss, Godlove, Granville,
In 1932 the first chairman of the Inter-Society Judd (Chairman), Kelly, Nickerson, Reimann, Rorke,
Color Council (ISCC), E. N. Gathercoal, proposed and Stearns was formed in 1947 to study these
that the Council develop "a means of designating suggestions and make recommendations as to name
colors in the United States Pharmacopoeia, in the and boundary changes. The changes which are
I National Formulary, and in general literature . . .
embodied in this revision have been approved by
such designation to be sufficiently standardized as to letter ballot [21] for use wherever apphcable by all of
be acceptable and usable by science, sufficiently the 19 Member Bodies and the Individual Member
broad to be appreciated and used by science, art and Group of the ISCC.
I industry, and sufficiently commonplace to be under-
stood, at least in a general way, by the whole public." 2. Scope
This problem originally was referred by the ISCC to
its Committee on Measurement and Specification The color designations have been extended to apply
under the recommended conditions of lighting and

which, under the chairmanship of I. H. Godlove,

presented several reports surveying available methods viewing not only to opaque surfaces such as prepared
of color designation. The 1933 annual report of this powder samples or solids but also to clear or cloudy
committee [22] included the outline of a recom-
' liquids or solids, microscopic structures and fluores-
I mended system These recom-
of color designations. cent samples. The gamut of color names has been
I mendations were approved by the Council and extended to cover the colors of clear and cloudy light-
followed by the authors in developing this system of transmitting samples by substituting colorless for
color designations, in setting the color boundaries, white, faint pink for pinkish white, faint yellow for
and in working out methods of applying the system yellowish white, faint green for greenish white, faint
to drugs and chemicals in various forms. The blue for bluish white, and faint purple for purplish
Inter-wSociety Color Council in 1939 formally ap- white [20].
proved by letter ballot [20], and recommended to the It must be remembered that the Munsell renota-
National Formularv Revision Committee and to tions and the ISCC-NBS color names used in this
the United States Pharmacopoeial Convention, the system are determined under the conditions of aver-
method described in NBS Research Paper RP1239 [27]. age daylight (CIE source C), 45 illumination, and

Since 1939, a number of suggestions for revision

normal viewing (see section 6.1.2). In determining

of this system of color names have been received, Munsell approximate renotations by comparison with
the Munsell scales, the sample must be about the
especially from Margaret Hayden Rorke, Man-
aging Directdr of the Color Card Asso-
same size as the Munsell chips and must be viewed
ciation (TCCA), which have aided the authors in
on a white or light gray background. These con-
ditions will be referred to in this paper as "recom-
' Figures In brackets Indicate the literature references on pages 13 and 14. mended conditions of lighting and viewing" or simply

as "the ordinary observing conditions". Under these white:
conditions the ISCC-NBS color names agree well
with common usage. Use of other light sources
(such as incandescent-lamp light or light from the
mercury arc) will yield object colors not correctly
described by these names. IGHTNESS

In contradistinction to the color-name charts pub-

lished in RP1239 [27] which were based on Munsell _l

book notations, the charts in this revision are based BLUE

on Munsell renotations. However, the color names
resulting, from the use of these charts mth Miinsell
book notations will be sufficiently appropriate for all
usual purposes. If the precise designation is desired, PURPLE SATURATION ^\

the conversion from notation to renotation may be

read from Final Report of the OSA Subcommittee
on the Spacing of the Munsell Colors as in section \_t?UC--___|
6.1.3 [42] and the color name obtained in the usual YELLOW
3. Applications
Aside from the use of the ISCC-NBS system of
color names in the National Formulary and the
United States Pharmacopoeia for which they were
originally developed [29], they are finding increasing
use in fields where extreme accuracy or sales appeal
are not needed but where a simple, definite, easily
understood color designation is desired. Publica- Figure 1. Dimensions of the color solid.
tions in the fields of ceramics [45], chemistry [33, 50],
dermatology [2], dyestuffs [46], lights [28], mica [17], and that the bottom is black with the intermediate
interior and exterior painting [3], paper [26], plastics
grays in between. Next imagine the spectrum hues
[5, 6], rocks [40], soils [43, 47, 51, 55], stone [31], tex-
stretched around the equator of this grapefruit with
tiles [54], and general description [1, 18, 25], will give
the nonspectrum violet to red region filled in with
some idea of the type of applications for which these the proper purple colors. Then fill this solid with all
names are used. colors that a surface may have, thinking of each
surface color as a point, with the light colors near the
4. Logic of Designations top of the solid and dark ones near the bottom.
Grayish colors will naturally be near the core with
To fulfill the requirements of the problem stated the more saturated colors near the peel. In such a
by E. N. Gathercoal, especially comprehension by the solid, lightness will be measured up from the base
public, it was decided to use the simplest color desig-
plane of the table, or black, to the top of the core,
nations possible but to define the individual color
or white. Saturation will be measured outward from
ranges so designated as accurately as possible. The
the core with the strongest colors on the peel, and '

hue names were chosen for simplicity and descriptive- hue will be measured by angle around the core. Fur-

ness: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, purple,

ther imagine that all colors falling on one of the -

pink, brown, and olive. Adjectival forms of these

vertical planes intersecting in the black-white axis '

hue names are used in the compound designations will be of the same hue, all samples falling in one of 1

such as reddish orange, greenish yellow, purplish red.

the horizontal planes through the solid will be of the
These hue names are preceded by appropriate mod-
same lightness, and all colors falling on concentric
ifiers (light, dark, pale, deep and so on) also chosen for
cylinders about the black-white axis will be of the
simplicity and easy understanding. Therefore, the
same saturation.
designations for all but very grayish colors consist

of a hue name preceded by appropriate modifiers.

A. H. Munsell envisioned a system of color stand-
ards [10, 13, 30, 35, 36, 48, 49] embracing all colors

The designations for very grayish colors consist of a

noun (white, gray, or black) with modifiers appropri- organized on this plan. Under ordinary observing
conditions, the "Munsell value" of a sample corre-
ate to the lightness and hue of the colors, such as [

lates closely with the lightness of the color perceived

dark reddish gray or yellowish white. 1

to belong to the sample, while the "Munsell chroma"

correlates well with the saturation of the color per-
4.1. The Color Solid
ceived to belong to the sample [19, page 47].
In order to understand the color-name blocks used Now imagine this Munsell color solid with the j

in this system, it will be best to visualize the psy- primary hues evenly spaced around the equator giv- ^

chological color solid as shown in figure 1. Imagine ing the closed series red, yellow, green, blue, purple ;

a grapefruit set on the table so its pithy core is verti- and red, with their intermediates. The hue half-way
cal. Imagine also that the top of this core is white between each two of these primary hues is given a j

two-word name making five additional Munsell hues:
yellow-red, green-yellow, blue-green, purple-blue, and white

red-purple. These ten are called the major hues and white

to each one is assigned, consecutively on the equator

very pole very light
of the solid, ten divisions numbered from one to ten (V D ) (v 1 )

(see pages 31 to 34), giving a 100-point hue gray Gv.)

scale with each major Munsell hue placed at the -ish bril 1 i 0 nt
middle of its 10-point spread, or at division 5, as light

pole (brill.)
oR, oYR, SY, 5GY, and so forth. In this way, light
(p.) light
there are 10 steps between each major hue indicating light grayish (1.)
graduated steps of hue around the hue circuit. Ten groy

gray (i-gy.)

secondary Munsell hues are included in the system, Gy.)

namely: lOR, lOYR, lOY and so on, one between (med. -ish


each adjacent pair of major hues. These secondary

hues fall on the number ten positions of each set of
grayish m ode rote stron g
(gy.) (m.) (S.)
ten hue divisions. Therefore, each major Munsell groy


hue is understood to be at division five whereas each


secondary hue is understood to be at division ten of (d.Gy.)



the preceding major hue. The Munsell Color Com- dark

dork grayish dork
pany has now produced similar charts that come at deep
(d. gy.) (d.)
2.5 and 7.5 or midway between each pair of adjacent
ij primary and secondary charts [13]. Each of these
1 charts consists of colored rectangles all of the same ^ _
Munsell hue arranged in rows and columns, light 1
blockish very dork very deep


colors near the top of the chart, dark near the bottom, o -ish
(bl.) (v,d.) (v. deep)

grayish colors to the left and strong to the right. 1

The Munsell scale of value exhibits 10 visually
equal steps ranging between black (represented by
the notation N 0/) and white (N 10/), the intermedi-
Soturotion (Munsell Chroma)
ate chips being -dark to light grays. The Munsell
Figure 2. Scheme of the hue modifiers, the "-ish" grays and
value of a color is the same as that of the gray the neutrals with their modifiers.
sample in the same row of the constant-hue charts, Abbreviations are given in parentheses.
and is recorded in front of a shilling mark, thus 6
value is wTitten 6/. approved abbreviations. Deviations from the mod-
Munsell chi-oma is the degree of difference of a color erate range in value are indicated by the terms
from a gray of the same value and is indicated by light and dark; deviations in chroma by the terms
steps numbered outward from the neutral axis. grayish, strong and vivid; and deviations in both by
Therefore all samples in any vertical column of the the terms light grayish or pale, dark grayish, black-
constant-hue charts have the same Munsell chroma. ish, brilliant and deep The whole color designa-
Munsell chroma notations follow the shilling mark, tion, hue name and modifiers, therefore defines a
thus 2 chroma is wTitten /2. Colors of one Munsell block of the color solid bounded by vertical planes of
hue are therefore represented in the solid by points constant hue, horizontal planes of constant value,
falling in a single one of the v^ertical planes inter- and cylindrical surfaces of constant chroma. The
secting at the black-white axis. Colors of one value color solid is divided into 262 such blocks including
> are represented by points in any one horizontal the grays and "-ish" grays with 5 cylindrical blocks
plane; and colors of one chroma are represented by for black, grays, and white making 267 color-name
points in any one of the series of right circular cylin- blocks in all.
ders concentric about the black-white axis.
4.3. Divisions of the Hue Circle
; The complete notation is written in the order:
Hue Value/Cliroma or H V/C with a space between The 1933 recommendations by I. H. GoJlove in-
the H and the V/C; for example, 5R 6/3 means a red cluded division of the hue circle for
a 20-point
of value 6 and chroma 3, and 6YR 6.8/6.6 means a colors of moderate saturation, a 10-point division

yellow-red (orange) of value 6.8 and chroma 6.6 for weak colors and a 5-point division for very weak


whose hue departs from the 5YR chart toward the colors. These recommendations were followed closely
I 7.5YR chart by two-fifths of the hue difference at first with the thought that each color designation
between those charts. should refer to about the same fraction of the Mun-
sellhue circuit. However, it was soon evident that
4.2. Basic Plan of Forming the Designations deviations from this plan were necessary to make
The hue name of the color designation is intended the designations accord with usage at that time in
to indicate a range of hue represented by an angle the National Formulary and the United States
around the neutral axis in the color solid, and other Pharmacopoeia, and more recently with usage in
' words in the designation are to indicate ranges of the textile industries and by the general public.
' value and chroma for this hue range. The system Most of these improvements were achieved by intro-
of modifiers is indicated in figure 2 together with the ducing the terms pink, orange, brown, and olive


and the elimination of the double terms blue-green, date may be separated by many hours, but on the
purple-blue, and red-purple. other hand two scarcely separable midnight events
Unlike the terms green and blue, which are hue may have to be assigned different dates. Just as
names applying to all lightnesses and saturations, identifying the time of an event by giving the date
the term yellow is commonly used to designate not has proved to be useful, so it is with a system of
only a certain hue range but also a high lightness color designations such as this.
range within this hue range. Dark colors of the
same hue as yellow are commonly called olive or 5. Definition of the Color Ranges
olive brown. Common usage limits the term orange
even more strictly; it is taken to refer not simply to
The definitions of the boundaries of the 267 color
a range of yellow-red Imes but also to a medium-
name blocks or ranges have been carried out by the
lightness range and a high saturation range. Colors subcommittee of the Inter-Society Color Council in
terms of the Munsell renotations [41,42] which
of the same hue but of lower lightness and saturation
approximate more closely the ideal psychological
than the orange range are called browns.
color system than does the 1929 edition of the
To follow common usage in this respect, there is
Munsell Book of Color.
included a series of hue names applicable to dark
colors only, as follows reddish brown, brown, yellow-
The subcommittee checked the color boundaries
ish brown, olive brown, olive, and olive green. As by observation of all of the color standards obtain-
able for which Munsell renotations were available.
a further concession to common usage, there is also
included the following series of liue names appli-
These included the chips of the Munsell Book of
Color [42], some of the chips of the Maerz and Paul
cable to very light colors only: purplish pink, pink
Dictionary of Color [44], the ninth edition of the
and yellowish pink. The chief series of hue names
Standard Color Card of America published by the
to which these two subsidiary series have been fitted
Textile Color Card Association of the United States
follows closely the 20-point division recommended
Inc. [54], and the Color Harmony Manual [11].
by I. H. Godiove but now consists of 17 hue ranges
resulting from the changes recommended by the
The boundaries for the color-name blocks found
present committee. The terms brownish pink and
by the subcommittee to accord with common usage
are given in 31 color-name charts (pages 16 to
brownish orange have been added. The chief series
now includes the names red, reddish orange, orange, 31). They are more complicated than tho^e of
the original ISCC-NBS system and differ impor-
orange yellow, yellow, greenish yellow, yellow green,
tantly from one level of Munsell value to another.
yellowish green, green, bluish green, greenish blue,
blue, purplish blue, violet, purple, reddish purple,
The changes of the boundaries with Munsell value
are shown in seven constant-value charts (pages 31
and purplish red. The total number of designations
to 34) on which the Munsell hue is indicated in
has been reduced from 319 in 1939 to 267 iu the
present revision.
the 100-point scale. The chart for value 4.75 refers
to colors of medium lightness and shows 17 hue
4.4. Some Unavoidable Disadvantages ranges, the other constant-value charts refer to
lighter or darker colors than the first chart as in-
A frequent objection to this system of color desig- dicated by their respective value notations. The
nations is that each designation refers to a group of value levels of these charts were picked so that every
distinguishable colors rather than to a single color. different hue or chroma boundary in the 31 color-
Since there are about ten million surface colors dis- name charts would show on one of them. The hues
tinguishable in daylight by the trained human eye are indicated on these constant-value charts by the
and less than 300 color designations in this system, abbreviations shown in table 1.
it is obvious that the average color range denoted
by a single designation must contain nearly 40,000 Table 1. Abbreviations for the hue names used in the ISCC-
distinguishable colors. If it is important to make NBS system
distinctions among some of these thousands of colors
bearing by this system identical designations, resort Abbre- Abbre-
Name Name
must be had to one of the many numerical systems viation viation
of color specification available. Preeminent among
these is the colorimetric coordinate system recom- red R purple P
mended in 1931 bv the International Commission on reddish orange- rO reddish purple rP
Illumination (CIE) [16, 24, 53]. orange O purplish red pR
A corollary to this objection is that there are many orange yellow _ OY purplish pink pPk
yellow Y pink Pk
pairs of easily distinguishable colors which receive greenish yellow gY yellowish pink yPk
by this system the same designation, while there are yellow green _ , YG brownish pink brPk
also many pairs that can scarcely be distinguished yellowish green yG brownish orange. _ brO
which receive different designations. This property green G reddish brown rBr
bluish green bG brown Br
is, of course, an unavoidable result of dividing the gB
greenish blue... yellowish brown. vBr
color solid into an arbitrary number of blocks, one blue B olive brown "OlBr
for each of the 267 designations. Analogous dis- purplish blue__. pB olive Ol
advantages result from identifying the time of events violet V olive green OIG
according to date; two events occurring on the same

These constant-value charts show at a glance for used in the color-comparison work. A table placed
all Munsell chromas what ranges of Munsell hue are by a window so that light reaches the table top from
referred to by the various hue names of this system; the operator's left or right chiefly from the sky and
this information is of course obtainable, though less chiefly at angles centering on 45 from the horizontal
conveniently, from the color-name charts themselves. is recommended. A north window is best because
no special precautions are usually required to ehmi-
6. Color Designations From the Munsell Book nate direct sunlight. A canopy of black cloth,
of Color for Diverse Types of Specimens preferably black velvet, should be hung above the
sample on the side opposite the operator in such a
The procedure for comparing a specimen with the position as to be imaged in the mirror surface of the
Munsell Book of Color depends importantly on cover glass; such an arrangement eliminates errors
specimen type, whether the specimen is solid or from unwanted admixture of ceiling light reflected
liquid, opaque or transparent, large or small, flat or from the cover glass. The sample and standard
of irregular shape, and so on. placed on the table top are viewed nearly along the
perpendicular to the surfaces, that is, just enough
5.1. E>ry Opaque Powders (Grain Size Less Than 1 mm) off perpendicular to avoid having the operator's face
6.1.1. Preparation of Sample. The sample is mirrored in the cover glass. Illumination at 45 and
placed slightly heaped up in a clean holder (see fig. 3) perpendicular viewing are recommended by the
at least 2 mm
deep. Over this is placed a clear CIE [53]. A skyhght or source of artificial daylight
colorless coverglass about 1 mm
in thickness which (fig. 4) located above the sample may also be \ised,
is pressed down with a rotary motion and held in but in such an arrangement the angle of view should
place by friction between the holder and the cover- be approximately at 45 from the horizontal, and
glass mount. the black cloth should be hung vertically beside the
For very fine powders, the pressure exerted upon sample opposite the observer. Perpendicidar illu-
the sample by the holder becomes critical and may mination with viewing at 45 gives results equivalent
require that a special holder be designed. In the to the recommended CIE method.
measiu-ement of the colors of cosmetic powders, for It is important that the illumination of sample and
instance, color changes many times greater than the working standards be closely the same both in
allowable tolerances may result from inadvertent amount and quality; otherwise different Munsell
pressure on the sample. notations will be found by interchanging them.
6.1.2. Lighting ar,d Viewing Conditions. Since Even with closely uniform illumination it is good
the color designations conform to usage only for practice to make this interchange as a check during
specimens viewed in daylight, this source is "to be the comparison.
In any computations involving the spectral energy
distribution of the source, thai of standard source

Figure 3. Preparation oj an opaque powder sample for com-

parison with the Munsell color scales.
Note the friction ring that fastens the coverglass to the holder. (Courtesy Mun- Figure 4. Macbeth daylight unit mounted to give even illumi-
sell Color Co., Inc.) nation over a large area.


C recommended by the CIE [53] as representative steps between each two adjacent columns of Munsell
of average daylight be used.is to samples. Estimate the chroma to the nearest fifth
6.1.3. Determination of a Munsell Notation or step and record this number after the value notation
Renotation. Select the two adjacent Munsell and the shilling mark, as, for example, 3.0/6.0
constant-hue charts between which the hue of the or 6.2/4.6.
sample falls. Place these on each side of the sample Now with the corresponding Munsell standards
and cover each with a small neutral gray shield, or of value and chroma closest to those of the sample
if using the large triple-aperture shield (shown in showing through the apertures of the shield, estimate
fig. 5), place them under the holes in the side flaps the hue of the sample relative to that of the two
and the sample under the central opening. The Munsell charts. Remember that each two adjacent
Munsell hue, value, and chroma notations for a charts are two and a half hue steps apart. Record
sample are found by interpolation or extrapolation the hue estimated by this interpolation to the nearest
among the standards of the Munsell charts; most one-half s^ep in front of the value/chroma designation
operators prefer to estimate first the value, then the and separated from it by a space; for example, 7Y
chroma, and finally the hue. This is done as follows: 3.0/6.0 or 9.5YR 6.2/4.6. If the value and chroma
look at the three colored rectangles (1 sample and of the sample do not correspond very closely to
two standards) and see whether the sample is lighter those of any of the Munsell standards, it is advisable
or darker than the standards. Move the chart whose to repeat the interpolation for hue with the next
hue is nearer to that of the sample up and down from closest pair of standards and take an average nota-
one value level to another and find the two values tion for the hue.
between which that of the sample falls. Next esti- Check the Munsell notation, particularly hue
mate to the nearest tenth of a value step the value and value, with the charts interchanged.
of the sample relative to these two levels. Record For most color descriptions, the ISCC-NBS color
this number in front of a shilling mark as, for names derived from the Munsell book notations as
example, 3.0/ or 6.2/. determined above are sufficiently applicable. If
Then move the charts sideways so as to present greater accuracy is demanded, determine the chroma-
successively colors of the same Munsell hue and ticity coordinates, x, y and daylight reflectance Y
value but of different chroma, and by similar inter- corresponding to this Munsell notation from figures
polation determine the Munsell chroma of the color. 2 to 8 in the paper by Kelly, Gibson, and Nickerson
In this comparison pay chief attention to the [30]. From these values, determine the Munsell
Munsell standards having values nearest that of the renotation from figures 1 to 9 of the paper by New-
sample, and secondary attention to those next hall,Nickerson, and Judd [42].
nearest. Although all Munsell samples of the same 6.1.4. The Color Designation. After the Munsell
chroma notation are intended to yield in daylight notation for the sample has been determined, select
color perceptions of the same saturation, sometimes a the color-name chart referring to the Munsell hue
chroma will be obtained
slightly different estimate of of the sample (see Munsell hue designation near the
by comparison with the standards of the next nearest upper right hand corner of the color-name chart).
value. In such an instance, report an average nota- Plot the value and chroma of the sample on this
tion for chroma. Note that there are two chroma chart and record the name of the block in which this
point falls as the color designation of the sample. If,
however, the point falls on a hue, value, or chroma
boundary, the names of all of the blocks touching
the point apply to the sample. Any one, two or all
of the names may be used as the designation of the
sample depending on the type of name desired.
Different degrees of precision of designation are
possible under this system. For more precise designa-
tion than is possible by color names alone, specifica-
tion by the Munsell notation itself can be used.
For the colors of solids, powders and some colored
liquids or glasses, the complete color designations
(hue name and modifiers) defined herein should be
used. For the colors of microscopic structures, most
liquids and most chemical tests, the hue names
alone are sufficient. Where two or more hue names
are used, they should be arranged in sequence
according to the Munsell hue sequence (red-yellow-
6.1.5. An Example. Suppose that the hue of the
Figure 5. A triple-aperture shield vrith sample aperture in sample falls between the 7.5YR and lOYR charts
center and apertures for Munsell standards on each side. and that its value falls between the 7 and 8 value
At upper right is sliown a double-aperture shield for liquids, with vials and holder levels, but nearer the 7, and is estimated as 7.2.
(section 6.3.2), and at upper left the pocket edition of the iVIunsell Book of
Color. (Courtesy Munsell Color Co., Inc.) Suppose further that its chroma is found to be

closer to 4 than 6, and is estimated as 4.6. Now For samples having glossy surfaces the use of a
compare the sample with the two Munsell 7/4 black canopy or curtain will be required as described
standards. iSuppose that its hue is seen to be nearer in section 6.1 .2.

to that of the lOYR chart than the 7.5YR chart, The color of such a sample may be designated
say 4/5 of the hue difference between the charts either by giving the average color found for the
or 2 hue steps from the 7.5YR and one-half hue sample or by giving the color names corresponding
step from the lOYR chart, or at 9.5YR. Now inter- to the complete color range. This range may be in
change the positions of the charts and check the hue, lightness, or saturation, or a combmation of
Munsell notation. If these are found to be un- two or all of these. Color ranges involving chiefly
changed, the final notation is 9.5YR 7.2/4.6. If for variations in lightness and saturation can often be
greater accuracy the Munsell renotation is desired, conveniently indicated by the unmodified name,
it may be found by the method outlined in 6.1.3 such as orange, by which is meant the color range
above. covered by the designations light orange, brilliant
The color name corresponding to the Munsell orange, moderate orange, strong orange, vivid
notation is found by selecting from the color -name orange, and deep orange (see charts covering Mun-
charts the one that contains 9.5YR (page 21, see sell hues 2YR to 7YR).
hue designation 8YR-1Y near the upper right-hand 6.2.3. Nonmetallic Samples With Matte Surfaces.
corner). Plot 7.2 value and 4.6 chroma on this chart. Proceed as in 1 and 2 above. The recommended
It falls in the block named light yellowish brown angles of illumination and viewing need not be as
(see point O plotted on chart 8YR-1Y, p. 21); so strictly followed, because the appearance of a matte
this is the color designation of the sample. The surface does not change importantly with small
Munsell renotation corresponding to this notation variations in these angular conditions.
is 9.3YR 7.4/4.5 and the color designation is the same. 6.2.4. Glossy Surfaces Having No Regular Detailed
Structure. Samples of vitreous enamel and smooth
6.2. Opaque Solids paint films are often found with glossy surfaces
having no regular detailed structure. Proceed as in
6.2.1. Comparison with Munsell Color Standards.
1 and 2 above, giving particular attention to the
Hold the sample in the fingers, or in tweezers if the
prescribed angles of illumination and viewing. The
sample small, a short distance above the chart or
characteristic color of the sample is obtained only
charts and move it about for comparison with the
when specidarly reflected light is prevented from
Munsell color standards. Care should be taken
reaching the eye of the observer.
not to cast a shadow on the standard with which
6.2.5. Glossy Surfaces Made Up of Cylindrical
the sample is being compared (see fig. 6). Tlie
Elements. Samples of satin-finish textiles and glossy
amount of handling required for the comparison,
brush-marked paint films may be considered as
and consequent soil and wear on the standards, will
be diminished if the charts are arranged in hue
made up of cylindrical elements. Proceed as in 1
and 2 above. It is not always possible to prevent
sequence on the table or desk. If the sample is large
light from being specularly reflected from such
and flat, it will facilitate the comparison if a small
glossy surfaces into the eye of the observer; but by
neutral gray shield with the usual sized rectangular
so orienting the sample in its own plane that the
opening is placed over the surface.
specular component is reduced to a minimum, the
6.2.2. Lighting and Viewing Conditions. The sam-
most characteristic color of the sample is usually
ples are to be illuminated at 45 by daylight (see
section 6.1.2) and viewed along the perpendicular to
obtained. Some textiles require more than one
angle of view or illumination to bring out the char-
the surface. Since the samples are held above the
acteristic color or colors; changeable silks are
plane of the color standards, it is important that the
extreme examples of such textiles.
illumination on the two horizontal planes be as nearly
the same in amount and quality as possible. Care
should be taken to hold the surface of the sample in
the horizontal plane and close to the plane of the
standards; errors in Munsell value by as much as a
whole step are possible through inadvertent tilting
or raising of the sample surface. If a source of
artificial daylight such as in figure 4 is used giving
a diffused even illumination over a large area from
above, or if the comparison is made out of doors by
diffuse light from a large part of the sky, the position
of the sample with respect to the light source is less
For minimizmg the troubles due to uneven illumi-
nation on samples such as rods (pencils, twigs, roots)
having approximately
cylindrical surfaces, it is
recommended that the axis of the cylinder be held
Figure 6. Comparison of opaque solid with the Munsell
horizontal and pointed in the du'ection of the light color standards.
source so that neither side of the sample is shaded. The opaque solid shown is a leaf, held by tweezers above the color standards.

6.2.6. Metallic Surfaces. The characteristic color opening (fig. 8) and compare this color with those of
of a metaUic surface is obtained from the specularly the proper Munsell charts under the shield. By
reflected light. Proceed, therefore, as in 1 and 2 moving the shield around and exposing successive
above, but obtain, in addition, the hue name for the pairs of Munsell standards, the comparisons required
specularly reflected light. These two names may in section 6.1.3 for obtaining the Munsell notation
possibly yield a useful designation of the color of are made. The color designation is obtained from
the metallic surface, but they will not correspond the color-name charts as before.
well with common usage which involves color terms If only the hue name of the liquid is desired, it may
that apply characteristically to metallic appearance, be determined by holding the test tube, beaker or
such as silver, brass, gold, copper and so on. vial containing the liquid above the white shield as
in 6.2.1 above. Certain changes must be made in
6.3 Liquids and Nonpowdered Solids the regular color names to adapt them to the de-
scription of the colors of nonopaque media. These
6.3.1. Opaque Solids and Liquids. The color consist of making the substitutions shown in table 2.
designation of a precipitate can be obtahied in the
test tube if the liquid in which it is suspended is Table 2. Color designations for opaque and clear samples
itself not strongly colored, othei'wise on a filter paper;
the hue notation is usually sufficient. Opaque
Opaque samples Clear samples
liquids should be placed in a clear glass vial, test
tube, or bottle, and the Munsell notation of the
color obtained by holding it above the charts as for white colorless,
opaque solids (section 6.2.1). pinkish white faint pink,
yellowish white faint yellow,
6.3.2. Clear Liquids. To obtain the Munsell no- greenish white faint green,
tation of the color of a clear liquid, put it in a clear bluish white . . faint blue,
glass vial with a flat bottom to a depth of 1 cm (bot- purplish white _ faint purple.
tom of the meniscus) place the vial in the holder

(figs. 5 and 7) which has a rectangular opening in

the bottom and hold it about 8 inches above the white 6.3.3. (Uear Solids (Crystals, Glasses, Resins). The
shield illuminated by natural or artificial daylight. color designations of clear solids may be obtained if
Look down through the liquid at the rectangular the faces of the sample are nearly parallel, smooth,
and free from dust or scum. Estimate the hue
notation of the color of the sample when held over
the white shield as in section 6.3.2. If the size of the
crystals is less than 1 mm, proceed as for an opaque
powder as in 6.1. If the full color designation is
desired, it may be obtained as in 6.3.2.
6.3.4. Cloudy Solids or Liquids. Sometimes the
color designations of cloudy samples, that is, samples
which both transmit some light and reflect some, can
be obtained by transmitted light (6.3.3) but usually
they are more easily specified by reflected light like
opaque samples as in 6.2.

Figure 8. Method of using vial holder.

Figure 7. Vial, vial holder, and shield for liquids.
Munsell charts of the proper hues are placed under the shield so that the standards
The vial is shown being placed in the holder. corresponding in value and chroma appear in the rectangular openings.
6.3.5. Fluorescent Solids or Liquids. The color of of a circular piece of tin foil just large enough to slip
the fluorescence of a sohd or hquid is determined by into the ocular tube of the microscope, a semicircle
holding it or the test tube or vial directly in front of a as shown in the accompanying diagrara (fig. 11).
vertical black velvet cloth so that the sample is This shield is placed on top of the ocular micrometer
illimiinated by natural or artificial daylight chiefly with the cut edge extending from back to front a^d
in directions perpendicular to the line of sight. Any constituting the dividing line. Next, place a piece
light incident upon the sample from the back should of black velvet or cloth on the table beneath the
be avoided because it will produce a mixture of reflecting mirror of the camera lucida so that its
fluorescence and body colors in unknown proportions. outer edge coincides with the vertical edge of the
The fluorescence color will appear the strongest on shield in the ocular tube. This cloth must cover
the side toward the light source. The Munsell everything on the table visible in the upper half of
charts should receive light from the same source and the reflecting mirror. Slip an envelope of black
should be held slightly tilted beside the sample to paper or cloth down over the top half of the reflecting
facilitate the comparison. The hue notation is mirror until its lower edge also coincides with the
sufficient. dividing line.
6.4. Microscopic Specimens Now place a mount consisting of a slide, a sample
(for instance a thin section), a coverglass and liquid
6.4.1. Mounting. Unless otherwise specified, the
sample whether powdered or sectional is to be
mounted in a colorless medium such as water.
6.4.2. Lighting. A frosted Alazda lamp is used
for illumination and is placed above and to one side
of the microscope base where it wiU illumiinate both
the substage mirror of the microscope and the
MunseU charts (figs. 9 and 10). The proper day-
light filter (blue glass) for the light-source used must
be placed in the eyepiece of the comparison ocular or
the Abbe-type camera lucida, whichever is used.
6.4.3. Determination of Munsell Notation. When
using a comparison ocular (fig. 9), place one end
over the ocular of the microscope and support the
other end by a condenser clamp. If an Abbe-type
camera lucida is used (fig. 10), it m.ust be modified
somewhat to give a split field. To do this, cut out

Figure 10. Microscope and modified Abb6-type camera lucida,

showing position oj black velvet used to block out one-half of
the comparison field and one-half of the inclined mirror.

Figure 9. Microscope and comparison ocular. Figure 11. Tinfoil cut to block out half of microscope field
The Munsell charts are placed on the table under the open end of the ocular. when placed on the ocular micrometer.

chart or charts of the set of Munsell renotation

{x, y) charts [42] corresponding to reflectance Y, and
reading the corresponding Munsell renotation. The
color designation is then derived in the usual manner
from the color-name charts.
8. Description of the Dictionary of Color Names
The different branches of science, technology, and
commerce make use of more or less diflerent color
vocabularies some of whose color names (such as
Testaceous, Samurai, and Araby) are confusing, or
even unknown, to persons in another branch or to
the layman on the street. Actually, Testaceous,
Samurai, and Araby all refer to grayish reddish
orange colors; and, in a similar way, the meanings of
all the color names in these vocabularies may be indi-
Figure 12. Microscope field, using a comparison ocular. dicated more conveniently and precisely than has
Note that the Munsell 5R chart appears inverted in the field of the microscope.
hitherto been possible simply by giving for each the
on the microscope table and a suitable reflectance ISCC-NBS color designation. As stated by E. N.
standard such as an N 9.6/ Munsell paper, a magne- Gathercoal, these designations are intended to be
"sufficiently commonplace to be understood, at least
sium oxide reflectance standard, or a magnesium car-
bonate block under the open end of the ocular or in a general way, by the whole public." From this
basis sprang the idea of including, with the descrip-
camera lucida. Move the slide so that the sample
tion of the ISCC-NBS method, a Dictionary of Color
is out of the field of view, adjust the substage con-
denser, the substage iris diaphragm, or both, of the
Names which owes to this method its unique de-
microscope until the brightness of the slide-liquid- scriptive quality.
coverglass image on the one side matches that of tlie This dictionary of color names is comprised of two
parts: section 14 is a correlation of all of the color
image of the reflectance standard on the other. This
adjustment should be repeated for each mount names studied with the ISCC-NBS color designa-
tions, and section 15, the dictionary proper, is an
Now move the slide until the sample image touches alphabetical list of these color names with their cor-
the dividing line in the middle of the field (fig. 12). responding ISCC-NBS color designations. From
Place the appropriate Munsell charts on the table in the former, the color names corresponding to an
place of the reflectance standard, and make the com-
ISCC-NBS color designation or approximately to
parison for hue as in section 6.1.3 except that when each other may be found within the limits of the
the camera lucida is used, the inner edge of the chart block-type structure of the ISCC-NBS system.
must be slipped under the outer edge of the black From the latter, the meaning of any one of these
color names may be found in terms of the ISCC-NBS
cloth. The camera lucida has the advantage over the
comparison ocular in that it does not invert the image system.
of the Munsell chart, and also it is less expensive.
9. Listing by Source of Color Name and by
6.4.4. The Color Designation. Since the value and ISCC-NBS Designation
chroma vary greatly with the thickness of the sample
or with the amount of dye absorbed by it, it is suffi- Section 14 a correlation of all of the different

cient to determine only the hue of the sample. Esti- color names found in 14 recognized systems of color
mate the hue to the nearest halj-step but judge the nomenclature with the 267 ISCC-NBS color desig-
value and chroma only accurately enough to deter- nations, each of which has been assigned a serial
mine into which part of the color-name chart the number to facilitate cross referencing. In other
point representing the sample will fall. For example, words, each color name listed under an ISCC-NBS
if the Munsell hue of the sample is 5G, the sample color designation is described by a colored sample
will receive the color name green regardless of the whose Munsell notation or renotation would fall
value or chroma; but if the Munsell hue were found in the same ISCC-NBS color-name block. Any two
to be 3R, samples whose values are above 6.5 would color names under one ISCC-NBS designation are
receive the color name pink, but others whose values approximately equivalent. Other color names nearly
are below 5.5 would receive the color name red. If equivalent to a given name may be found listed under
the whole color name is desired, proceed as in section the ISCC-NBS color designations of adjacent blocks.
6.1.3. After each color name in section 14 are given the
code numbers or letters identifying the sample by
7. Color Designations From Chromaticity Co- means of which the name is defined, or, if several i

ordinates and Daylight Reflectance samples of similar colors are used in the definition,
Color designations may be obtained from chroma- the identification of only one of them is given. The
ticity coordinates {x, y), daylight reflectance Y, de- color names in Federal Specification TT-C-595
rived from spectrophotometric or colorimeftric meas- were collected from a number of federal agencies; |

nrements by plotting the (x, y) values on the value so, for identification purposes, the abbreviation of 1

the agency is given in parentheses after the color The color system is based on a hue circle of 64
name. An explanation of these abbreviations is saturated colors, supplemented by tints (admixtures
given on pages 36 and 84. of more whit3 pigment), shades (admixtures of less
A short description of each of these color-name white pigment), and tones (produced by adding
systems follows with such points of its development gray pigment) making 200 named colors. All of
or use as are necessary to make clear its part in the these full colors, tints, shades, and tones are shown
dictionary. in the Horticultural Colour Chart not only printed
solid but also in three dilutions with the white of
9.1. American Association of Textile Chemists and Color-
ists and the Society of Dyers and Colourists the paper by screen-plate printing. The ISCC-
In 1947 E. I. Stearns, Chairman, Committee on NBS designations corresponding to these names
Color of the AATCC, and F. T. Simon prepared a were found from Munsell notations of the solid
table specifying the 1939 ISCC-NBS equivalents of printings. These Munsell notations were supplied
the 88 color names to be used in the forthcoming by Dorothy Nickerson, U. S. Department of Agri-
second edition of the British Colour Index [58]. culture, some found by her by visual comparison
The ISCC-NBS equivalents on the present revised with the Munsell scales, others based on spectro-
system were derived from this table and were chocked photometric curves supplied through the courtesy
by Dr. Steams. Since there is a Colour Index color of W. E. Knowles Middleton, National Research
name for each part of the color solid, many of these Council of Canada.
88 names necessarily refer to large ranges of color.
9.5. Maerz and Paul Dictionary of Color
9.2. Biology
In the past, various writers such as ^Vharton [61], No introduction is needed for the Maerz and
Saccardo [57], and Ridg^vay [56] had tried to develop Paul Dictionary of Color [32]; this monumental
a system of color terminology for use by biologists.
work has become a by-word in the field of color.
Ridg^vay's outstanding early work has been consid- The Munsell notations of the colored samples on
the first twenty of the 56 color charts were published
ably used. H. A. Dade of The Imperial Mycological
Institute [7] has made a further attempt to bring
by Dorothy Nickerson in 1947 [44]. The Munsell
notations of the named samples in the remaining 36
order to this field by using Ridgway's colored sam-
charts were determined by us by visual comparison
ples and notations and applying to them a much
To do this, he laid out a of the colors with the scales of the Munsell Book of
smaller set of color terms.
color space according to Ridgway's notation and
Color under the recommended conditions of lighting
indicated the color range of each color term by mark- and viewing. Although the second edition had
ing off the corresponding Ridgway block. The been published by the time this work was started,
it was decided to use only the first edition because
color terms are all in Latin. In order to get the
ISCC-NBS equivalents, it was first necessary to the extensive research on color names was expressed
originally in terms of the color plates of the first
translate the Ridgway notations into Munsell nota-
edition, the colors of wdiicli are only approximately
tions using the work of D. H. Hamly, University of
Toronto [15], and thence obtain the ISCC-NBS color reproduced in the second edition. A considerable
designations. study was necessary to list all of the different color
names both from the charts in the front of the book
9.3. Federal Specification TT-C-595
and also from the lengthy index.
As early as 1920, E. F. Hickson, later Chief of Many of the color names listed in Maerz and Paul
the Paint Section at the National Bureau of Stand- consist of a specific name followed by a generic
ards, envisioned a federal color card which would name given in brackets, thus: Canary [Yellow]. In
show samples of all of the many colors of paints our listing of these names we have copied the brackets
used by the Federal services and thus facilitate their as well as the names. There are a number of inter-
procurement. Many years of effort by Mr. Hick- esting color names in the index which are not as-
son culminated in the promulgation in 1950 of signed colored samples. This is due, according to
Federal Specification TT-C-595, Colors; (for) Ready- the authors, either to the lack of a definite description
Mixed Paints [9], a joint project of the National of the associated color in the literature or to the
Bureau of Standards and the Federal Supply Service fact that the color name describes a range of color.
of the General Services Administration. The Mun- These color names are necessarily omitted from the
sell notations of the 187 colors in TT-C-595 were
present dictionary.
determined by us by visual comparison of the colors
with the scales of the Munsell Book of Color under 9.6. Molded Urea Plastics and Polystyrene Plastics
the recommended conditions of lighting and viewing.
The equivalent ISCC-NBS color designations for
9.4. Horticultural Colour Chart the color names of the 17 molded urea plastics and
Recognizing the need for an up-to-date chart of for the 12 polystyrene plastics were taken directly
named colors use in describing the colors of
for from the two publications of the Department of
flowers, Robert F. Wilson, Secretary of the British Commerce based on measurements of these samples
Colour Council, developed in 1938 the Horticultural at the National Bureau of Standards; Colors for
Colour Chart which has been issued in two volumes Molded Urea Plastics [5] and Colors for Poly-
by The British Colour Council in collaboration with styrene Plastics [6]. The names are based on Mun-
The Royal Horticultural Society [4]. 1
sell renotations, and have been checked by Fred G.

Clark, Bakelite Company. The five transparent he had prepared a number of very extensive exhibits
polystyrene samples were om.itted. showing the large ranges of color covered by some of
these color names. One of these exhibits was a
9.7. Plochere Color System
reproduction of the Munsell Book of Color in stamps
In 1948 Gladys and Gustave Plochere published in which there were mounted about 4,000 stamps
in Los Angeles, California, a book entitled Plochere selected by him from those in the Scott Stamp
Color System, A Guide to Color and Color Har- Catalog to exemplify the color names which he
mony [52]. Associated with the book are 1,248 judged to be of the most importance in the fiekl of
cards, 3. by 5 inches, each* illustrating a difTcrent philately. Mr. Beck supplied both the Munsell
color made by admixing one or more of nine basic notations of the stamps and their color names read
pigments with black and white. Each color is as- from the Scott Stamp Catalog, and the latter have
signed a number, a code designation indicative of been checked by O. L. Harvey of Washington, D. C.
the color, the paint formula, and a color name. The ISCC-NBS designations were read and checked
W. E. Knowles Middleton of the National Research by us. Only those color names were included in this
Laboratories of Canada has determined the Munsell dictionary whose meaning was exemplified by at
notations [34] of these 1,248 colored samples and least two of the 4,000-sta.mp collection. The color
from these the corresponding ISCC-NBS color desig- names listed are defined by the color of the stamp
nations were obtained. These designations were as a whole, but some of the names are apparently
checked by Mr. Plochere. intended to refer to a solid printing of the ink used
9.8. Ridgway Color Standards and Nomenclature because the IvSCC-NBS names indicate much lighter
colors than would ordinarily be meant (for example,
Robert Ridgway, an eminent ornithologist, pub-
lished in Washington, D. C. in 1912 a l)ook of Color
the sta.mp-color name black is applied to light gray
Standards and Color Nomenclature [56], and stated stamps).
9.11. USDA Soil Color Charts
that "the motive of this work is The Standardi-
ZATioN OF Colors and Color Names." It con- Ever since the early 1920's, the problem of color
tains 53 colored plates and 1,115 named colors and
names descriptive of the many soil colors under wet
was developed after many years study for the use of and dry conditions has plagued the soil scientist.
Finally the Munsell notations were determined for
biologists, botanists, entomologists, geologists, min-
eralogists, ornithologists, pathologists, aTul zoologists
250 selected soil samples and ISCC-NBS color
designations were applied to them [47]. A consider-
for the proper and lasting specification of the colors
al)Ie study was made of these names resulting in a
of natural objects. D. H. Hamly, formerly of the
])aper by Rice, Nickerson, O'Neal and Thorp [55]
Department of Botany of the University of Toronto,
including a set of color charts with 56 named color
Canada, determined the Munsell notations of these
chips [37]. The color designations used were much
colors [14, 15] and from these the corresponding
the same as tho ISCC-NBS except that they were
ISCC-NBS color designations were obtained. These
designations were checked by Professor Ilamly. i
applied to more restricted and somewhat different
line ranges. Red soils, for instance, would be called
9.9. Rock-Color Chart I'eddish brown or brown according to the color
In 1948 the National Research Council issued a (erminology used in other fields. It was soon learned
Rock-Color Chart [40] developed by a committc that the 56 color chips were not enough and that some
whose chairman was E. N. Goddard, representing changes woidd have to be made in the color names.
the U. S. Geological Survey, the Geological Society The next revision contained 202 Munsell samples [38]
of America, the American Association of P;itroleum and the present form has 240 [39, 51]. Further
Geologists, the Society of Economic Geologists, and changes were made in the original color names to
the Association of American State Geologists. The make them accord more closely with usage in the
color terms used in the Rock-Color Chart were field. The ISCC-NBS designations were taken from
based on the revised ISCC-NBS color designations a table supplied by Edward H. Templin, chairman
in so far as the revision had progressed by 1948 with of the Soil Color Committee of the U. S. Soil Survey,
minor modifi.cations to adapt the names to rock and are based on Munsell notations. The ISCC-
colors. .Dr. Goddard supplied the ISCC-NBS NBS designations were checked by Dorothy Nicker-
designations for each color term used in the Rock- son, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and Blanche
Color Chart for inclusion in the present dictionary. R. Bellamy, Mimsell Color Compan}^
It will be noted that the two sets of color designa-
9.12. Descriptive Color Names Dictionary
tions are very similar, the chief differsnce being that
the boundaries between moderate and grayish colors
Helen D. Taylor, Lucille Knoche, and Walter C.
Granville published in 1950 the booklet Descriptive
have been shifted to somewhat lower Munsell
Color Names Dictionary [59] as a supplement to the
chromas to accord with the meanings of the color
third edition of the Color Harmony Manual [23],
names in geology.
1948. The booklet is intended to fill the "need for a
9.10. Postage-Stamp Color Names systematized listing and color specification of the
For many years tlie late Wm. H. Beck of Baltimore words commonly used to describe the color of general
had worked for a simplification and standardization merchandise for the mass market". The colorimetric
of the color names used in the Scott Stamp Catalog coordinates of the samples of the Color Harmony
to describe the colore of stamps. Toward this end, Manual, both matte and glossy sides, were deter-

mined from measurements made on a G. E. spec- that color name such as Aerugineus, or that the
trophotometer equipped with a GAF-Librascope Munsell notation of the single colored sample used
Tristimulus Integrator [8, 12]. The specular com- to define that color name, such as Acacia (M), fell on a
ponent of the reflected radiant energy was excluded. color-names boundary. TT-C-595 agency abbre-
Alunsell renotations were determined by Mr. Gran- viations are given at the beginning of sections 14
ville for both sides of the chips. Synonyms were and 15.
liinited to those in which the two color names were Many of the color names consist of two or more
applied to only one colored chip. Only one colored words. The color name is alphabetized according to
chip is listed to illustrate each ISCC-NBS equivalent the first word unless that word is clear, artificial,
to a TKG name, and wherever possible one
color genuine, imitation, transparent, dusky or any of the
whose ISCC-NBSequivalent applied to both the ISCC-NBS modifiers. In these cases, the name is
glossy and matte sides was chosen. The letters g, m, alphabetized according to the second word. If the
or gm refer to the glossy side, ta the matte side, and word following the one alphabetized is a color name
to both sides of the chip, respectively. The ISCC- itself, the name is cross indexed as. Almond, Burnt
NBS designations were read by us and checked by (see Burnt Almond), or Brown, Dark Red (see Dark
Mr. Granville. Red Brown).
^.13. Textile Color Card Association of the United States The spelling of several color names varies from
one source to another. Gray is spelled with an "e"
The color cards of the Textile Color Card Associa- in Maerz and Paul (except for Chicadee Gray,
tion of the United States, Margaret Hayden Rorke,
Fashion Gray, and Pearl Gray), Horticulture, and in
Secretary and Managing Director [60], are widely one color name in the Ninth Standard Color Card,
used in the textile and allied industries and by many Pearl Grey. It is Wistaria in M, R, and T but
procuring agencies of the Federal Government. The Wisteria in P and H; it is Wedgwood, the correct
Textile Color Card Association issues both seasonal
and standard color cards. The seasonal cards pro-
spelling, in M
and T but W^edgewood in R. has M
Ochre and Ocher but R has Ocher only, M
spells it
vide a color forecasting service to textile manufac-
turers and promote color coordination among the
Castilian but P Castillian and M
has both Daffodil
Yellow and Daff"odile [Yellow]. In section 15 the
trades; the standard cards present colors for which spelling of each color name is reproduced exactly
there is a popular and continuing demand. Most from the original source; thus, there is a lengthy list
important of the color cards is the Standard Color of various grays, and also a separate long list of
Card of America, the current ninth edition contain- various greys.
ing 216 colors. Preeminent among the many special
sets of color cards issued by the Association for use H. Summary
of the Federal Government is the United States The ISCC-NBS system of color designations has
Army Color Card showing 22 official colors for the been revised and extended to apply not only to the
arms and services. The colors of the Standard Color colors of drugs and chemicals for which it was orig-
Card of America and the United States Army Color inally developed, but now to the colors of all opaque,
Card were measured at the National Bureau of Stand- clear, cloudy or fluorescent samples whether viewed
ards during a four-year research project financed l)y by reflected or transmitted light and to microscopic
the TCCA, and the results have been published [54]. structures. Its simplicity of terminology has rec-
The ISCC-NBS color designations given in the pres- ommended its use in a number of fields of color
ent dictionary were obtained directly from the description and a further application may be seen
Munsell renotations contained in this publication, in the translations given in the Dictionary of Color
and have been checked by Mrs. Rorke. Names. This method is dedicated to everyone who
10. Description of the Alphabetical List of has found it difficult to make his color descriptions
intelligible, in the hope that it will eventually find
Color Names
sufficiently wide use that it will serve as a common
Section 15 is color names diction-
the heart of tlie
denominator in the varied color terminology used in
ary. It is of the color names
an alphabetized list
science, art and industry.
from all of the sources studied. Each color name is
followed by a letter (A, B, F, and so on) identifying 12. References
the source, by the corresponding ISCC-NBS color [1] American Standards Association, Specification and de-
designation abbreviated according to figure 2 and scription of color, Am. War Standard Z44-1942, Am.
table 1, and finally by a number showing where to Standards Assoc., New York, June 17, 1942.
[2] Appel, Bernard, Decadent descriptions in dermatology,
find the designation in section 14. Synon^Tnous Arch. Dermatol. Syphilol. 62, 370 (1950).
color names (those defined by reference to the same [3] Birren, Faber and Company, Color standards for shore
colored sample) are indented under the main color establishment, U. S. Navy Department, Washington,
name, such as Foliage Green under Absinthe [Green]. D. C, 1953.
[4] The British Colour Council in collaboration with The
Where a s^mon^Tnous color name is found in the Royal Horticultural Society (London), Horticultural
table, it will be followed by a reference to the main Colour Chart, 1938 and 1940. Copyright Robert F.
color name, such as Acajou (same as Laurel Oak). Wilson. Also issued as the Wilson colour chart.
Where more than one ISCC-NBS color designation [5] Colors for molded urea plastics. Commercial Standard
CS147-47, U. S. Department of Commerce, Decem-
is used to describe a color name, it indicates either
ber 15, 1947.
that more than one colored samole was used to define [6] Colors for poly.styrene plastics, Commercial Standard

CSl 56-49, U. S. Department of Commerce, January [34] Middleton, W. E. Knowles, The Plochere color system:
1, 1949. a descriptive analysis, Can. J. Research [F] 27, 1
Dade, H. A., Colour terminology in biology, p. 1, Myco- (1949); Natl. Research Council, No. 1856. Also J.
logical Papers No. 6, The Imperial Mycological Insti- Opt. Soc. Am. 39, 633A (1949).
tute, Kew, Surrey, England, (1943). [35] Munsell, A. H., A color notation, 10th ed. (Munsell
Davidson, H. R. and Imm, L. W., An automatic, contin- Color Co., Inc., 10 East Franklin Street, Baltimore
uous tristimulus integrator, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 39, 2, Md., 1947).
633A (1949). [36] Munsell Color Company, Munsell Book of Color, 1929
Federal Specification TT-C-595, Colors; (for) Ready- ed. (Munsell Color Co., Inc., Baltimore, Md.).
Mixed Paints, Superintendent of Documents, U. S. [37] Munsell Color Company, Soil color name charts pre-
Government Printing Office, Wasliington 25, D. C. pared by T. D. Rice, Dorothy Nickerson, A. M.
Dated January 12, 1950 and issued in 1951. O'Neal and James Thorp; issued in conjunction with
Glenn, J. J., and Killian, J. T., Trichromatic analysis of reference [55], 1941 (Munsell Color Co., Inc., Balti-
the Munsell Book of Color, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 30, 609 more, Md.).
(1940). [38] Munsell Color Company, Munsell soil color charts, reg-
Granville, W. C, and Jacobson, E., Colorimetric speci- ular form; issued in conjunction with reference [51],
fication of the color harmony manual from spectro- 1948 (Munsell Color Co., Inc., Baltimore, Md.).
photometric measurements, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 34, 382 [39] Munsell Color Company, Munsell soil color charts, spe-
(1944). cial form for use of Soil Scientists, Geologists and
Granville, W. C, Foss, C. E., and Godloye, I. H., Color Archaeologists; issued in conjunction with reference
harmony manual: colorimetric analysis of third edi- [51], 1950 (Munsell Color Co., Inc., Baltimore, Md.).
tion, J. Opt. Soc, Am. 40, 265A (1950). [40] National Research Council, Rock-color chart, prepared
Granville, W. C, Nickerson, D., and Foss, C. E., Tri- by the Rock-Color Chart Committee (sponsored by
chromatic specification for intermediate and special five geological organizations), Natl. Research Council"
colors of the Munsell system, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 33, 376 Washington, D. C, 1948.
(1943). [41] Newhall, S. M., Preliminary report of the OSA sub-
Hamly, D. H., Robert Ridgway's color standard. Science committee on the spacing of the Munsell colors, J.
109, No. 2842, 605 (1949). Opt. Soc. Am. 30, 617 (1940).
Hamly, D. H., The Ridgwav color standards with a [42] Newhall, S. M., Nickerson, D., and Judd, D. B., Final
Munsell notation key, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 39, 592 (1949). report of the OSA subcommittee on the spacing of
Hardy, A. C, Handbook of colorimetry (The Technologv the Munsell colors, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 33, 385 (1943).
Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1936). [43] Nickerson, D., Color standards and color names for
Hidnert, P., and Dickson, G Some physical properties
soils, Proc. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 6, 392 (1941).
of mica, J. Research NBS
35, 309 (1945) RP1675. [44] Nickerson, D., Interrelation of color specifications.
Ilium. Eng. Soc. Lighting Handbook, 2d ed. (1860 Broad- Paper Trade J. 125, 153 (1947).
way, New York 23, N. Y., 1952). [45] Nickerson, D., ISCC-NBS color names, Bull. Am.
Inter-Society Color Council, Comparative list of color Ceramic Soc. 22, 306 (1943).
terms, Januarv 1949. [46] Nickerson, D., Standardization of color names, the ISCC-
Inter-Society Color Council, Letter ballot May 11, 1939, NBS Method, Am. Dyestuff Reptr. 29, 392 (1940).
see Minutes 9th Annual Meeting ISCC, p. 1 and 13, [47] Nickerson, D., Kelly, K. L., and Stultz, K. F., Color of
February 1940; also letter ballot of August 3, 1940, soils, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 35, 297 (1945).
Minutes 10th Annual Meeting ISCC, p. 3, March 1941. [48] Nickerson, D., and Newhall, S. M., Central notations
Inter-Society Color Council, Letter ballot of June 1949, for ISCC-NBS color names, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 31,
Minutes 19th Annual Meeting ISCC, p. 2, March 1950. 587 (1941).
Inter-Society Color Council, Report ISCC Committee on [49] Nickerson, D., Tomaszewski, J. J., and Boyd, T. F.,
Measurement and Specification for year 1933, Dr. I. H. Colorimetric specifications of Munsell repaints, J. Opt.
Godlove, Chairman. Soc. Am. 43, 163 (1953).
Jacobson, E., Color harmony manual, 3d ed. (Con- [50] Pearce, D. W., Chemical equilibrium and qualitativ?
tainer Corp. of America, Chicago, 111., 1948). analysis (Edwards Brothers, .\nn Arbor, Mich., 1946).
Judd, D. B., The 1931 ICI standard observer and co- [51] Pendleton, R. L. and Nickerson, D., Soil colors and
ordinate system for colorimetry, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 23, special Munsell soil color charts. Soil Sci. 71, 35 (1951).
359 (1933). [52] Plochere, Gladys and Plochere, Gustave, Plochere color
Judd, D. B., Colorimetrv, NBS Circular C478 (March 1, svstem, A guide to color and color harmony (Fox
1950). Printing Co., Los Angeles, Calif., 1948).
Judd, D. B., Systematic color designations for pajjcr, [53] Proc. Eighth Session, Comm. Internationale de I'Eclai-
TAPPI papers, 23, 473 (1940); Paper Trade J. Ill, rage, Cambridge, England, p. 19-29, September 1931.
201 (1940). [54] Reimaiin, G., Judd, D. B. and Keegan, H. J., Spectro-
Judd, D. B., and Kellv, K. L., Method of designating photometric and colorimetric determination of the
colors, J. Research NBS 23, 355 (1939) RP1239. colors of the TCCA standard color cards, J. Research
Kelly, K. L., Color designations for lights, J. Opt. Soc. NBS 36, 209 (1946) RP1700; J. Opt. Soc. Am. 36,
Am. 33, 627 (1943); J. Research NBS 31, 271 (1943) 128 (1946).
RP1565. [55] Rice, T. D., Nickerson, D., O'Neal, A. M., and Thorp,
Kelly,K. L., Instructions for determining the color J., Preliminary color standards and color names for
names for drugs and chemicals, Bull. Natl. Formulary soils, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 425, 1941.
Comm. 8, 359 (1940). [56] Ridgway, Robert, Color standards and color nomen-
[30] Kelly, K. L., Gibson, K. S., and Nickerson, D., Tristi- clature, Washington, D. C, 1912. Color plates by
mulus specification of the Munsell Book of Color from Alfred Hoen of Baltimore, Md.
spectrophotometric measurements, J. Research NBS [57] Saccardo, P. A., Chromotaxia, 3d ed., 1912.
31, 55 (1943) RP1549; J. Opt. Soc. Am. 33, 355 [58] Society of Dyers and Colourists, Colour index, Bradford,
(1943). Yorkshire, England, Jaiuiary 1924. Supplement Jan-
[31] Kessler, D. W., Hockman, A., and Anderson, R. E., uary 1928.
Physical properties of terrazzo aggregates, NBS [59] Taylor, H. D., Knoche, L., and Granville, W. C, De-
Building Materials and Structures Report BMS98 scriptive color names dictionary (Container Corpora-
(May 20, 1943). tion of America, Chicago, 111., 1950).
[32] Maerz, A., and Paul, M. Rea, A dictionary of color, 1st [60] Textile Color Card Association of the United States,
ed. (McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., Inc., Standard color card of America, 9th ed. {200
1930). Madison Ave., New York, N. Y., 1941).
[33] Mellon, M. G., Analytical absorption spectroscopy (John [61] Wharton, H. T., On Fries' nomenclature of colours,
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1950). Grevillea, xiii, 66, 25 (IJ

13. Color Name Charts

Pages 16 to 31.

How to use the color-name charts

Given: Munsell renotation of sample.

Required: The color designation.
First: Turn to the particular name chart containing the
Munsell hue of the renotation (sec upper right-hand corner of
name chart), or if the hue falls on two successive charts, use both
of them.
Second: Find the point on the chart defined by the Munsell
value and Munsell chroma of the renotation; or, if two charts are
used, plot the point on both of them.
Third: Read the color designation of the block within which
the point falls. If it falls on a hue, value, or chroma boundary
between blocks, read color designations of all blocks touching the

The serial numbers added to each ISCC-NBS color-name block

are those mentioned in sections 9 and 10, and may be used to
identify a color-name block in ])I:ice of the color name or its

paj daap


CO >^
J3 m


poa qsi>jD^-[q
2 12
qstppajc Listppsj >i-i^p

) uimpai AfjS :>iJ^p

92 ^92 592 992 Z92

paj 3uoJls

CO u


^uid pa J
>iuid s^isd qsiA^a9
p3J qsi>|DB^q
22 ^ A^j3 12
A^a ! qsippaj qsippaj >i-i^P i(3Eiq qsippsj t72

3;iqrt\ AT;ai Lunipaui >I3Biq

92 b92 Q92 992 Z92



3u-e JO
qsippa j:

dsap 9

paj dasp

psj ^J'ep

qsippsj dssp

uA^o jq
L{STpp3J :;i-t^p


2 >iu^d
qsi/<\o^-[aA qsippa j:
Urt\o jq
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Ah j3 g2
t^STppaa i^J'Ep

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9E G92 992

p3J 3uOJiS

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00 "

p3j -HJ-ep

u/AO jq
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5 It?
Oj 00 o
u/AO jq
qsTppaj ^l-i'ep


qsiMoxtsA qsirt\o^^aA qstppa J UA\o jq

qsiA-ej:3 qsippa
Ahj3 2
31H{/ft. i^s liquid A-ejS qsti^uid 0 Ahj3 qsippaj 22
6 qsTppaj; ^i^Hp iiDH^q qsippaj
Ahj3 iq3i-[ A^jS Lunipauj Ahj3 >iJ^p
92 P9Z G92 992 Z9Z



si UAVOjq l{STppc)J
qsippaj >[J^p

ijutd pa j[
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qsippaj i{StAhj3 qsippa
81 JHTI 61 9t?


qSTppSJ >l-i^p
Avj2 uinipaui Avx2 >I-i^P
e9Z t'SZ 992 19Z


piAl A

auE-io qsipp-ij
3uo jjs
9 dosp

paj daap

paj H^^P

aau^ao qsipp^j:
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qsi Ae j

umojq qstppaj UMO jq

qstppOJ M-^^P
2t7 t-t?

XuTd >[uTcI paa

paji UMO jq Zt7
l'SlA\0'['[3A qsiA\0"['[aA qsiAp j UMOaq
qstppaj qsiA^jS
I-IStAejS 2 91 IM^TT 61 qsippa
qsiA-e j
Abj3 qsippsa ZZ
qsippsj ^I-i^p M^^P
3;iqM a-ejS iqSn Atj3 ujnipauj Atj ^-i^'Ep

93 t793 Q92 992 13Z



aSu-E JO

CO o - UA\o jq
J CM ^ ^
qsippaj ;hSt-[ qSTpp 3 J
^I'e J3 pouj

u/AOjq qsippaj UA\ojq usippsj UA\o jq

t^sippa i
Sl7 9t7 i.{STA-e j
93 1 M-^ >tJ^p
Avz2 i^sti^uid I
qsTUA\o jq
01 179 Zb >|Dr.jq v,;smA\o jqgg
ajTq.r A^jS ujnipaui
92 993 19Z



YR-2YR yellowish pink brown


1 sSueao qsippaj 36
deep reddish

G 40 reddish

1 /12


1,1,1,1,1 /lO

reddish strong

26 pink 37 moderate
yellowish reddish
orange 38
strong orange 41




3ueJo qsippaa Munsell

qsiA-EjS 0 C

29 moderate yellowish
6 ro 1
28 light yellowish pink

O ^
u/AOjq i^sippsj UA\o jq
qsippaj ^l-i'ep ^

ijuid | u/AOjq nsxppsj l\?

>iuid l(STmO-[-[3A UA^ojq -qsippaj;
UMO jq
t{si:/AO^-[3A a^-ed itsiA^jg 22 qsiA-^jS jqSi] gi? i^siA^jS
31Tl{rt\ l{Sp[Uld A-Ej usippoj: A^jg qsTumojq qstA-ejg
6 01 t79 >iaep i^D"e'[q qsiu/AOjqgg ^
A-ej uinipaui A-ej ^-I'Ep o
93 993 993


. 1

1 1

1 1 1

1,1, 1 1 1 1

a3u"EJO piAlA


CO S c in 00 o
j:^ .-I (X

UMOjq a^'EJapouJ uM.oj:q iiJ'ep

89 65

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iqSn 09
19 qsiA-e j3

A-ejS i{siuA\o jq qsTUAvo jq gg

Z9 )\o-eiq

A'ejS ^l-fep
92 i792 592 992 19Z
. I
i I I I


fd DO

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^ DO
in DO nj

S c
UTAOjq >i::Hp
8S 6S

ijutd xxstMOxx^-^
UTYiOjq qsiAea3 u/AO Jq
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aXtq/A ixST^uid A^j3 iXSTUTAojq

29 il3Bxq qsiumoaqgg
6 01 9
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t79Z S92 99Z Z92
I t I

0? O


it! M o c
(1 CO

o]^ japoui
a t
>. LL

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6Z HSiAbjS 08
6 Apj3 qsiu.-AOjq \ Apj qsiumojq 9 2-\l 19
>^3'e-[q qsTUA^ojq

Aej ujnip3T.u ^3Btq

92 tp92 992 992 Z92


CO '

? c

o >-
- - -a


umojq qsiA^jS 29
^^^"^ qSTU;AOaq iqSn 09 UMOjq qstA-EjS uMoaq
2-1/ 19 qsiA-Bj
26 i^siM,oj^3A A^j8 qsi.Y.o-[^3A 5 >lJBp qsiUAftOjq gg

ajtq* Aej ujnip3u.i A-ej3 >i-i'PP

92 1^92 992 992 Z92

> =1

03 :=! :=)

- S


m^n 601 3Ai]o ustApjS
oil i{StA^ j3
Apj aAT^o ;mt^
6 211 Abj3 aAtTC I I I

1 I

Abj8 ujntpouj
92 592 992 /92

1{StA-B Jo

^ "rt

aiiH"^ 26 7-\/
Ust/AO-ciaA 6
A^j3 USTUMoaq
AvjS Lunipauj
92 992




C 01
^ .2 5 S

t'OI 501
U33 j
/AOf-[aA 3AT-[0
HSiA-e j: i^Sn 601 01 I
i{siA-e J
2 "T/ .

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Ab J 3AT^O I 1

A^j ujnipauj
92 S92 992 Z92


.2 *

2 *
2S 'J -


i[siAhj3 06 601 3AI][0 qsiA^jS

A^a3 aAT^o 01 I
UStA-e j3
A^a3 qSTMOj^aA
6 Aej3 3ATTC 1 1

i-0/ 11
92 t?9Z S92
AbjS 3m3tt A-ej3 >iJEp

I.I.I 992 19Z


cm %

S a is ?
o i< o
CC^H ^
T! 7;

e 5

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5 SSI 821
A-^jS uinipsui
92 i792 S92 992 /9Z

[ I I, [

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ggSliq*. xjst/AonsA 6'^^-'3 xisirt^o^i[aA AejS sat^o jiiSn 2 1


A^j3 IMSiT Abj3 uimpaui A-ejS ^i-^^'cp

f92 '
592 992
/9Z .
o .Ji

ro ;

- ^

U3aj3 i{Si5^3Exq
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92 f9Z S92 99Z 19Z

ro O "

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" ^ ?

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''3}tu/A U3TU33J3 Abj3 191 251
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9Z t792 S92 992 Z92

o 5-
t " ,2

E Si

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581 981 qsiA^
3]iqA\ qstn^q A-ex 881
681 061 161 ^6l Z9I
92 992 Z9 2
A-ej: JHil A^j ujnipauj

1 , 1 I 1 1 , 1
1 1 1 1

o CO r~ -ID in

O g M

33j a^^d Aj3a i33j qstApjS

8l7l 6t7l OSI
Z -I/- 151 ZSI
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aiiq/A j3 jqSn Abj LLinipaL Aej3 "il-i^p >I3i;iq
92 t792 S92 992 Z92



0> SI

an^q 543ix Aj3a anxq jqSil an-jq 3;BJapoui

081 181 281

5q3T-[ Az3A jqSq
861 661
an^q anjq 10 ,Q
qsT^djnd qST^dand
a^Bd qsiA^ j3

3n|q a|-ed Ajda an^q a^^d an^q hsiXbjS anxq

581 991 qSlA^j 88
an-[q qstijo^xq

681 061 161"

A-ej3 ujnipauj
1 , 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1

o CO r- ^ in
anxBj\ xi^sunyvj

t ft



2 j<

CO nj

anxq qST^t^^XR
ain^Av qstnxq qsmxq iqSix 881
/8 Ha^Xq Msinxqesi
681 061 161 26 i

ajiqM A-ej-S ujnipaui

92 t792 S92 992 2.92


ant^A XT^sunjnj
CD ^ J=

~ >


202 02

anjq a^-ed Ajsa 3n]^q 3]-Bd an^q

981 981
aniq qsT>^DE-[q
Apa3 qstn^q mSi^ Ahj ? qsin^q 881
681 061 161 261

At j iximpa uj
92 t792 992 992 192
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1

?5xqM iistn-[q Atj: qsin"[q AtjJ qstn^q I Abj3 qsini;q >jJ'Bp

681 061 161 261

Apj3 IM^U Avi2 Tiinipaiu

S9Z 99Z 19Z
m t.
OJ 00
(M X!


l2 22 2
Aea3 uinipauj

92 t-sz 99Z 992

00 *j

o- o

ja^OTA ustApjS

a'[d jnd
axdjcnd a^pd a^djnd hsiAbjS
922 i22 822
axdjnd uscwD^Tq
A-ej3 i{sixdjnd i^Si^ Abj3 qsT^dind Abj3 ^ST^djnd 02
!<; 22 2 iiOH-Xq qsi^djnd g^j
A'eaS uinipaui Aej3 ^J^P
92 1792 G92 992 /92
1 , 1 1 , 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CO r- in IM -H O
paj qsTidj-nd




A-ex2 qsT]djnd 02 J
22 2 t72

92 1792 992 992 19Z

I t I

r ^ p-

CM - i; a

ro xJ ft

^ ^
sx^d 82Z

ajiq/A iisi-[djnd
l2 22 Z
a;iq Apj uinipsui >13Bxq
92 992 992 Z92

J L_j L _1 I L I I I
= -2

i 2

s e

-5 S

psa qsT^dand piAiA

paj nsT|dj;nd
3uo jjs


> Q. a O
j= _ -0 J5

a-[dj:nd s^dand

6 01 ^j^p fez
Atj3 iM^iT AbjS Uinipauj Atj3 M-iTEp
9E f9Z 992 99Z Z9Z

J lJ lJ L_L

14. Synonymous and Near-Synonymous Color Names With
Their Sample Identifications

Pages 37 to 82.
Abbreviations of Color-Name Sources

The names are listed according to ISCC-NBS color designation from the
following sources:
Maerz and Paul, Dictionary of Color, l.st ed.
Plochere Color System
Ridgway, Color Standards and Color Nomenclature
Taylor, Knoche, Granville, Descriptive Color Names Dictionary
Textile Color Card Association, Standard Color Card of America and U. S. Army Color Card
A American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists and Society of Dyers
and Colourists
B Color Terminology in Biolog\-,H. A. Dade
F P'ederal Specification TT-C-5U5, Colors; (for) Ready-Mixed Paints
H Horticultural Colour Charts, R. F. Wilson
MUP Commercial Standard CS147-47, Colors for Molded Urea Plastics
PSP Commercial Standard CS156-41, Colors for Polystyrene Plastics
RC National Research Council, Rock-Color Chart
S Postage-Stamp Color Names, William H. Beck
SC U. S. Department of Agriculture Soil Color Charts

The following abbreviations designate the branch of the U. S. Government

using the color name:
(Agr) Department of Agriculture
(AN) Army-Navy (See Army-Navy Aircraft Standard Colors and Army-Navy
Aircraft Camouflage Standard Colors)
(BuOrd) Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Depaitment
(CAA) Civil Aeronautics Administration, Department of Commerce
(Eng) U. S. Engineers, U. S. Army
(FS) Forest Service, Department of Agriculture
(MC) U. S. Marine Corps, Navy Department
(MA) Maritime Administration, Department of Commerce
(N) Navy Department
(PC) The "Panama Canal
(PO) Post Ofiice Department
(PBS) Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration
(PR) Bureau of Public Roads, Dc]mrtment of Commerce
(QM) Quartermaster Corps, U. S. Army
(SCS) Soil Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture
(TC) Transportation Corps, U. S. Army
(Y&D) Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department
(USA) U. S. Army (See Supplement to U. S. Army Specification, 3-1, 1943; also
U. S. Army Color Card Published by the Textile Color Card Association)
Synonymous and Near- Synonymous Color Names With Their
Sample Identifications and Sources
1. VIVID PINK Crushed Strawberry 1110 Pink 4 1E7 Pale Purplish Vinaceous. . . XXXIX V"f
Fiesta.... 1110 Rose Breath 1D7 Pale Vinaceous XXVII l"f
Ridgway France Rose 1F4 Vinaceous XXVII l"d
Gaiety 2K8 Plochere Vlnaceous-Lavender XLIV 65"'f
La France Pink I 3f
Geranium Pink 1J8 Cameo 367 R 4-g
Laurel Pink 3J7 Charm 408 Rp 3-h Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Other Sources Moss Rose 3G3 Coral Blush 295 Ro 1-g Baby Pink g 7 ca
Pink Coral 1H9 Crab Pink 368 R 4-h
Carmine S Blossom Pink gm 7 ea
Radiance IJIO Desert Brown.. 359 R 3-g
Carmine Rose H 621 Cherry Pink gm 7 ea
Rambler Rose 3D4 Oolly Varden.. 352 R 2-h
Carmine Rose S Geranium Pink gm 7i'2 ea
Rose Dor6e 1K8 Evening Glow 416 Rp 4-h
Dawn Pink H 523 -
Pale Pink g 7 ca
Rose Nilsson.. 2J3 Heavenly Pink 376 R 5-h
Pink A Pink gm 6}i ea
Rose Marie . 212 Orchid Pink 415 Rp 4-g
Rose S Rose Mist gm 7 ec
Rose Soiree US Pink Lily.. 375 R 5-g Rose Pink gm..
Roseus- B 7J-2 ea
Royal Pink.. .. 214 Rose Morn 295 Ro 1-h
Springtime 2J9 Rosy Pink... 424 Rp 5-h Textile Color Card Association
2. STRONG PINK Strawberry Pink... IHIO Sun Rose.. 360 R 3-h
Arbutus Pink.. ... 70016
Sunglow - 2J10 Vesta 351 R 2-g
Chalk Pink 70181
Maerz and Paul Sweet William 119
Pastel Pink.... 70015
Watermelon 1K9 Ridgway
Arbutus 1B4
Carnation Rose 1E3 Livid Pink XXVII 3"f Other sources
Crushed Strawberry 1H3 Pale Purplish Vinaceous .. XXXIX r"f Griseo-Lilacinus B
Hermosa Pink 1B3 Cerise Rose.. . 300 Ro 2-d
Griseo-Roseus B
Nymph [Pinkl-.. 42F1 Coral.... . . 291 Ro 1-c Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Incarnatus . B
Orchid Pink 42G1 Coral Rose. . . . 292 Ro 1-d
Baby Pink m 7 ca Moderate Pink RC
Peach Blossom [Pinkj 1C2 Firefly 348 R 2-d
Pale Pink m 7 ca Pink.. A
Peach Blossom (Redl 1C2 Rose Glory . 340 R 1-d
Pink... MUP 22
Rose d Althoea 117 Tango 356 R 3-d
Textile Color Card Association Red . S
Sea Pink 217 Rose
Ridgway S
Baby Pink 70014
Rose Lake . . S
Plochere Alizarine Pink.... . XIII I'd Subvinosus B
Other sources
Eosine Pink I Id
Camellia Pink. 358 R J-f
Camellia Rose 341 R 1-e
Geranium Pink I 3d Griseo-Roseus B 6. DARK PINK
Cameo Pink 407 Rp 3-g
Jasper Pink XIII 3'd Pink A
Charm 408 Rp 3-h
Light Jasper Red XIII 3'b Rose. . S Maerz and Paul
Debutante Pink 342 R I-f
Orange-Vinaceous ... XXVII 5"b Salmon Rose S
Bridal Rose 3F3
Vinaceous XXVII l"d Subvinosus B
Flamingo Pink 343 R 1-g Lotus .. .. 3H8
Rose Leaf Venetian Pink... H 420
350 R 2-f Magnolia... 318
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Salome Pink 349 R 2-e Moss Rose -. 303
Vesta 351 R 2-g Bright Rose m.. . 8 ia
5. MODERATE PINK Vassar Rose... 312
Zest Pink 344 R 1-h Cherry Rose m . 7 ia Wild Rose 317
. . . . .

Maerz and Paul

Colonial Rose m. . . . 7 ic

Ridgway Coral Rose m 6V2 ic Almond Blossom 2D7 Plochere

Geranium Pink g . 7'/2 ga Almond IPinkl 2D7
Alizarine Pink XIII I'd Aurore 2E7 Ashes of Roses 413 Rp 4-e
Light Cherry Rose g... 7 ga
Hermosa Pink. I If Blossom 2F7 Old Rose 364 R 4-d
Light Rose g . . . 8 ga
Vinaceous XXVII l"d Corinthian Pink 3G1 Valencia Rose 365 R 4-e
Shrimp Pink gm . 5V2 ia
Dawn 42D1
Taylor, Kno<!he. Granville
Textile Color Card Association Debutante Pink 1G7 Ridgway
Geranium Pink m 7V4 ga Hermosa Pink 1B3
Peach Blossom . 70098 Deep Vinaceous. XXVII T'b
Light Cherry Rose m 7 ga Hydrangea Pink... 2E7
Light Corinthian Red XXVII 3"b
Sea Pink . 70018
Light Rose m 7Vi ga La France Pink 1G7
Vinaceous XXVII T'd
Shrimp Pink 70178
Shrimp Pink m SVi ga Lilac .. 3G7
Lilaceous 367
Other sources Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Textile Color Card Association Lilas 3G7
Coral 70206 Camellia Rose . H 622 Nymph (Pinkl . - 42F1 Dusty Coral m 6' 2 gc

Rose Pink Carmine.. S Orient 2E7 Ousty Rose g . .. . 7' 2 gc

Carmine Rose. . . . H 621 Peach Blossom |Pink| . 1C2 Light Colonial Rose gm . . . 7 gc
Carmine Rose S Peach Blossom IRedl .. . 1C2 Old Rose gm . _ . . . . 7 gc
Other sources
Corailinus B Pink4 1E7 Rose m . .
7' ic

Carmine S Deep Rose. . . . S Pink 5 1F7

Carmine Rose S Empire Rose . H 0621 Pink Pearl. . 1F8 Textile Clor Card Association
Dull Rose.. S Griseo-Roseus.- . . B RScamier . 1G8
Old Rose 70182
Griseo-Roseus B Incarnatus . . . B Rose Hermosa 1F8
Pink _._ _. A Lilac Rose . . S Roseleaf . .. .... .. 2G8
Pink ... A Sea Pink
Other s<urces
PSP 26 Pink . . 217
Pink S Pink S Venetian Pink . . 2F7 Carmine . . . S
Rose... S Porcelain Rose H 620 Griseo-Roseus B
Rose Pink H 427 Red S Plochere Light Red RC
Roseus _ B Rose. . ...... S
Dignify 423 Rp 5~g
Orange-Red.. .. . . S
Salmon Rose S Rose Carmine . S Pink.- A
Evening Haze .. 373 R 5-e
Rose Red . S Rose _ S
Light Mauve 414 Rp 4 f
Roseus. B Vermilion S
3. DEEP PINK Scarlet S
Mountain Haze 374 R 5-f
Vinosus . B
Orchid Pink 415 Rp 4-g
Spinel Pink H 0525
Maerz and Paul Rose Cloud... 356 R 4-f
Vinosus . - B
Vesta 351 R 2-g
Arbutus 1B4
Bachelor Button
Maerz and Paul
Begonia 2K8
4. LIGHT PINK Ridgway
Almond Blossom 2D7
Bermuda 1J8 Chatenay Pink XIII 3'f Almond |Pink| 2D7
Candy Pink.
Maerz and Paul
2H10 Corinthian Pink.. XXVII 3"d Pink 2 ... 1C7
Confetti 2J10 Almond Blossom 2D7 Flesh Color XIV 7'd Pink 3 - 1D7
Coral |Red|.. 2110 Almond |Pink|. 207 Light Purplish Vinaceous. XXXIX l'"d Rose Breath 107
Crushed Strawberry... 1H3 Pink 3 107 Livid Pink XXVII 3"f Zephyr . 42B1

Pochere Textile Color Card Association Signal Red 2LI1 Brigand 2J11
Crab Pink 368 R 4-h Gull 70185
Spanish Red ILU Buccaneer 4L12
Rose Morn 296 Ro 1-h
Spark 2L10 Buddha 4L11
Rose Pearl... 384 R 6-h
Vegetable Red ILU Cadmium Carmine 3L10
Rose Shadow 383 R 6-g
Other sources Vegetable Rouge ILU Cadmium Vermilion 3LU
Venetian Lake 3K5 Camellia 2J4
Ridgway Brown S Venetian Scarlet 1L12 Carmine 3K5
Duli Orange. S Vienna Lake 3K5 Carmine Lake 3K5
Livid Pink... XXVII 3"f Fumosus B Carnival Red 3L7
Pale Brownish Vinaceous.. XXXIX 5"'f Light Gray... SC Plochere Chinese Lake 3K5
Lilac S Currant |Red| 3L10
Other sources Crimson Glory 385 Rp 1-a
Lilac Brown S Devil's Red 3L11
Flame 338 R 1-b
Grayish Pink RC Pinkish Gray... RC Dewey Red 3L11
Spectra Red. 289 Ro 1-a
Griseo-Roseus B Reddish Gray A English Red 2J11
Tomato Red 337 R 1-a
Pink A Submurinus B English Vermilion 3L10
Torchlight 290 Ro I-b
Subvinosus.. B Subvinoso-Griseus B Firefly IKIO
Subvinosus B Ridgway Flaming Maple... 4L5
GRAYISH PINK Vinoso-Bubalinus B Flash 3K11
White SC Carmine I li
Florentine Lake 3K5
Rose Red XII 71
Maerz and Paul Folly 2J6
Scarlet-Red I 3
VIVID RED Geranium... 2K10
Almond Blossom.. 2D7 II. Spectrum Red 1 1

Almond IPink] 2D7

Gladiolus.. 2K5
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Golf IRedl... 3LU
Livid Pink.. 51D1 Maerz and Paul
Goya 3L10
Zephyr 42B1 American Beauty g _. 8 pa
Afghan Red 5L6 Bright Cherry Red g
Hamburg Lake 3K5
7 pa
Plochere Alkermes... 1L12 Bright Red g 7 pa
Holly Berry 4L10
Animal Rouge.. 3K5 Cardinal g.
Kinema Red 3L10
Silver Pink 382 R 6-f
. 7' -i
Artillery ILll Cherry Red g
Lake 3K5
7 na
BallLake... 3K5 Madder 2J11
Ridgway Deep Red g . . . 7 pc
Bastard Saffron ILll Flame 6'
Madder Lake... 1J4
g > na
Light Brownish Vinaceous. XXXIX 5"'d Cardinal IRedj 5L5 Madder Red 2J11
Light Tomato Red g 6' 4 na
Livid Pink XXVII 3"( Carmine 3K5 Munich Lake 3K5
Lobster Red g 6' ^ na
Pale Brownish Vinaceous.. XXXIX 5'"f Carmine Lake . 3K5 Orient Red 3L10
Poppy Red g 6' 2 pa
Pale Vinaceous-Drab XLV 5""d Carthamus Red ILll Oriental Red 3L10
Rose Red g 8 pa
Carlhamus Rose ILll
Scarlet g
Para Red 3L11
Taylor, Knoche, Granville . . . 7 pa
Castilian Red ILIO Parma Red 3L1I
Tomato Red g. 6' 2 pa
Clo id Pink g 7 cb Checkerberry 5L6 Permanent Red 3LU
Ro^ e Mist gm 7 ec Chinese Lake 3K5 Textile Color Card Association Perma Red 3LU
Chinese Rouge. ILll Pirate 2K11
Apple Red 70179
Other sources Chinese Vermilion. . 2L11 Poinsettia 2L9
Carmine 70210
Coccineous 1L12 Portable Red... 4LI2
Giiseo-Roseus _ B Geranium 70079
Cochineal ILIO Red Cross 4L6
Pink A Old Glory Red 70180
Coquehcot . 1112 Redfeather 4LU
S Pimento 70042
Crimson Madder 2L5 Roman Lake... 3K5
Red Brown S Scarlet 70080
Dutch Scarlet ILIO Rose Neyron. 1J4
Red Lilac S
Dyer's Saffron ILll Other sources Sanguine. 3L11
Subvinoso-Griseus.. B
Fez.... 5L4 Scarlet Lake 3L11
Subvinosus .. B Blood Red. H 820
Fire Scarlet ILIO Spinel Red... 3H5
Bright Red A
Flaming Maple... 4L5 Tommy Red 3L9
9. PINKISH WHITE Florentine Lake 3K5
Bright Yellowish Red A Troubador Red 3L8
Brown Red... S
Folly . 2J6 Venetian Lake 3K5
Plochere Cardinal Red H 822
French Scarlet 1L12 Vienna Lake... 3K5
Peach Gray..
Carmine H 21
239 Or 6-g Geranium Lake . 2L10
Pearl Cream. _ . 240 Or 6-h Geranium Petal 1K12
Carmine S Plochere
Pewter Cream
Carmine Lake S Buccaneer. 345 R 2-a
336 Ro 6-h Gobelin Scarlet ILIO
Carmine Rose S Flame. 338 R 1-b
Rose Ash... 191 0 6-g grain, in grain 1L5
Cherry H 722 Flash 297 Ro 2-a
Granat 1J12
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Crimson H 22 Fuchsia 386 Rp 1-b
Granatflower 1J12
Crimson. S Torchlight 290 Ro 1-b
Pink Tint gm.. 7 ba Grayn 1L5
Current Red. H 821 Toreador 298 Ro 2-b
Shell Pink m 5 ba Greyn.. 1L5
Dark Carmine. S
Hamburg Lake. . _ 3K5
Fire Red (Y&D) F 1105 Ridgway
Other sources Harrison Red 2L11
Hockey 3K6 Geranium Lake H 20 Nopal Red I 31
Reddish White ... A Insignia Red (AN) F 1105
Hypernic Red 5L6
White. . SO Orient Red H 819 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Jack Rose 3J6
Kermes 1L12
Red MUP 71
Bright Cherry Red m. 7 pa
10. PINKISH GRAY Kermes Berries 1L12
Red PSP 70 Bright Red gm T-i na
3K5 Red (BuOrd) F 2105
Lake Bright Rose g 8 na
Maerz and Paul Red (MA) F 1105
Leaf Red ILll Cardinal m.__ 71^ pa
Red (USA) F 1105
Opal Mauve 51A2 Lincoln Red ILll Cherry g... 7 nc
Red-Orange S
Pink 1 1B7 Munich Lake 3K5 Cherry Red m 7 na
Red Striping (N) F 1110
Nacarat 2LI0 Flame m 6'^ na
Plochere Red Striping (Vermilion)
Nacarine... 2L10 Geranium Red gm 714 na
Pimento 2L11
(MA) F 1105
Geranium Rose g... 7('2 la
Gray Light.. 335 Ro 6-g Rose Brown S
Poinsettia 2L9 Light Cherry Red gm 7 la
Moonmist 238 Or 6-1
Rose Red H 724
Peach Gray..
Pomegranate Blossom 1J12 Light Red g 7^2 la
239 Or 6 g Ruber B
Peach Sand 237 Or 6 e
Ponceau.. 1J12 Light Tomato Red m 6' 2 na
Scarlet H 19
Poppy |Red|... 1J12 Lobster Red m... 6'/2 na
... 333 Ro 6-e Scarlet S
Portugese Red.. ILU Scarlet m 7 pa
Signal Red H 719
Ridgway Red Cross 4L6
Turkey Red H 721 Textile Color Card Association
Red in plates ILU
Pale Brownish Drab . . XLV 9""d Roman Lake 3K5 Vermilion (PC) F 1105 Scarlet (USA). 65006
Pale Ecru-Drab XLVI 13""f Vermilion H 18
Rose Carthame ILU
Pale Grayish Vinaceous XXXIX 9"'f Other sources
Rouge Vegetal ILU
Pale Vinaceous Drab. .. .. XLV 5""d Safflor ILU 12. STRONG RED Brown Carmine S
Pale Vinaceous-Fawn. . XL 13"'f Safflower Red.. ILll Carmine S
Pallid Brownish Drab XLV 9""f Maerz and Paul Carmine Lake S
Saffor... ILU
Pallid Mouse Gray LI 15'""f Salvia 3L6 Animal Rouge .. 3K5 Carmine Rose S
Scarlet 1L12 Ball Lake.. 3K5 Claret Rose.. H 021
Taylor. Knoche, (Jranville
Scarlet in grain 1L12 Blood Red 3L11 Crimson. S
Pussywillow Gray gm 5 de Scarlet Red. 1L12 Bonfire 3L9 Delft Rose. H 020

Jasper Red H 018 Aurora Red 3G10 Rosevale 5K9 Chrysanthemum 5L12
Red A Barberry ... 5L7 Sandalwood 3K9 Clove Pink 6K5
Red S Barwood 3K9 Sanderswood 3K9 Cuba e-LlO

Rose S Begonia Rose 2K2 Sanguine 3L11 Cuyhoga Red 7J3

Rose Opal H 022 Bellemonte 4K4 Sanlalwood 3K9 Dark Cardinal 6L8
Ruber B Blaze 3J11 Sappanwood - 5K9 Dregs of Wine 7L7
Scarlet...- S Blood Red 3L11 Scarlet Lake 3L1I Egyptian Red 6L11
Vermilion S Bordeaux [Red] 3K4 Sheik 3J11 Eureka Red 7H4
Brazilwood Red . 5K9 Sultan.- 4K6 Flea - 7H4
Brigand 2J11 Sunglow. 2J10 Garnet 7J6
13. DEEP RED Bronze Red 4K10 Swiss Rose 4K2 Garnet Brown-- 6L9
Buccaneer 4L12 Turkey Red 4L9 Garnet Red 6K6
Maerz and Paul
Buddha 4L11 Turkish Red . 4L9 Grenat . ... 7J6
Antique Ruby 6L6 Burnt Carmine 5K6 Venetian Rose 5L1 Haematite Red _ 7H3
Apple-fallow.. 5L10 Burnt Crimson Lake 5K6 Watermelon 1K9 Malaga --- 7L1
Barberry 5L7 Burnt Lake 5K6 Weigelia 313 Maroon . . . 7L7
Brickdust 5L11 Cadmium Purple 5L8 Zinnia.- -- 4L2 Mauverose.-- 7E5
Burnt Carmine 5K6 Cadmium Vermilion 3L11 Moroccan 5K11
Burnt Crimson Lake 5K6 Caliaturwood 3K9 Plochere Morocco Red 6K11
Burnt Lake 5K6 Cambridge Red 4K8 Heart's Desire 339 R 1-c Neutral Red 6F5
Cadmium Purple 5L8 Camellia 2J4 Old Coral... 299 Ro 2-c Old Amethyst 7C5
Chianti - 6L6 Camwood 3K9 Rapture 3^7 R 2-c Old Roseleaf 7J3
Chimney Red 5Lin Carnation (Red] 414 Oporto 55L12
Rust Rose 354 R 3-b
Chrysanthemum 5L12 Cerise... 4J6 Spitfire 346 R 2-b Peony 7H6
Flaming Maple 4L5 Chatemuc 4K6 Peony Red.. 6J6
Garnet Red 6K6 Cherry Blossom ._ 4J4 Pewke 7H4
Hollywood 5K5 Chimney Red 5L10 Pigeon Blood.... ... 7J6
Old Red 5K6 Claret IRed) 3K4 Eugenia Red..- -. XIII 1' Plum Violet 7E6
Oxbeart 6L5 Confetti 2J10 Jasper Red XIII 3' Pomegranate 6L3
Peony Red 6J6 Copper Rose 5J5 Light Jasper Red XIII 3'b Puce 7H4
Purple Lake 5K6 CoralbelL 3H10 Old Rose XIII I'b Puke 7H4
Red Banana 5L9 Crimson Lake 4K6 Pompeian Red XIII 3'i Purple Madder 5K4
Turkish Crescent Red 5L12 Devil's Red 3L11 Purple Rubiate .. 5K4
Venetian Rose 5L1 Dewey Red... 3L11 Taylor, Knoche, (Jranville Raspberry -. 615
Wild Strawberry 6K6 Dianthus 5K3 Redwood 6K11
Brick Red m 6' 2 ne
Doge 4K9 Cardinal m 7' 2 pc
Roselustre 6L8
Plochere Dolly Pink 2K3 Rubaiyat 6J5
Catchup m - 6' 2 nc .

Autumn Glory 305 Ro 3-a Ember 5K10 Rubient - 55L8

Cherry gm -. . 7 nc
Emberglow 3G10 Ruby.... 6G6
Cherry Red m .. 7 pc
Ridgway English Red . 2J11 Cherry Rose g 7 ia
Spanish Wine 7J6
Eugenia Red 3K2 Colonial Rose g
Sultana 7C5
Garnet Brown I 3k 7 ic
Fernambucowood . 5K9 Tapestry Red 7J5
Ox-blood Red I Ik Coral gm. 6'2 Ic
Firefly . . IKIO Coral Rose g... 6' 2 ic Turkish Crescent Red 5L12
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Flaming Maple 4L5 Victoria Lake 7H4
Cranberry m 8 pc
Flash 3K11 Vineyard 55L12
Cardinal g 7',J pc Deep Red m . . 7 pc
Flirt . 2K9 Geranium Rose m 7' 2 la
Vin Rose 6C6
Cherry Wine g 7 pe
Fragonard 4K3 Light Red m -. 7U Wallflower [Brownl.. 6L10
Cranberry g 8 pc la
Golf IRedl 3L11
Rose g 7' 2 IC
Wild Cherry 6C6
Dark Red g 7 pe
Gypsy Red . 516
Rose Red m
Wild Raspberry 6E6
Deep Red g 8 pc . . 8 pc
Harvard Crimson... 5J6
Rose Wine g 8 nc
Wild Strawberry 6K6
Rose Red g 8 pc
Hebe .. 4J4 Ruby m 8 pc
Wine Dregs 7L7
Rose Wine g 8 nc
Holly Berry 4L10 Strawberry gm 7' 2 Ic Wine Lees.- 7L7
Ruby g ___ 8 pc
Hollywood 5K5 Tomato Red m 6'2 pc
Strawberry g 7' 2 nc - . .
Jacqueminot 3K9
Tomato Red g 6' 2 pe
Jasper Red 3JI0 Egyptian Red 353 R 3-a
Wine Red g 7 pe Other Sources
Jockey. . 5J5 Garnet Rose 393 Rp 2-
Textile Color Card Association
Laurel Pink 3J7 Badius - B Profound 409 Rp 4-
Levant Red 4L9 Brown Lake -. S Tapestiy Red 401 Rp 3-
Cardinal 70081 Limawood 5K9 Carmine S
Madder 2J11 Carmine Lake
,- S
Other sources Madder Carmine -. 4H6 Carmine Rose -- - S Victoria Lake I Im
Carmine . S Madder Red 2J11 Corallinus B
Chrysanthemum Crimson H 824 Mayflower 3J3 Dark Carmine S Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Claret Brown S Mephisto 3K10 Dark Rose S Brick Red g.- 6'^ ne
Henna Brown S Monsoreau.. 4K2 Deep Rose S
Narrawood 3K9
Cardinal m 7'-^ pc
Indian Lake H 826 Dull Red A Cherry Wine m 7 pe

Pansy Purple.. H 928 Nicaraguawood 5K9 Insignia Red (AN) F3115

Claret Wine gm.-- -. 8 pg
Red A Old Coral 3J10 Lake S
Dark Red gm 8 pe
Reddish Brown... A Old Red 5K6 Red..- . A
Dark Wine m 7 pi
Rose S Orchil (acid bath) 4K9 Red (USA) F3115
Para Red...
Deep Red m 7''^ pc
Rose Brown S 3L11 Red -. SO
Garnet gm- 8 pg
Ruby Red H 827 Parma Red 3LU Rhodonite Red H 0022

Peachwood 5K9
Light Garnet gm 8 pe
I Sanguineus B Rose S
Light Wine g 7 ne
Pepper Red.. 4K10 Rose Red. -. S
Permanent Red 3L11
Old Wine gm 7 ng
Roseus- B
U. VERY DEEP RED Perma Red 3L11 Scarlet S
Rose Wine g 8 ne

Pernambucowood Ruby Wine gm 8 pe

5K9 Vermilion S
Other sources Strawberry Wine gm 7'^ pe
Pomegranate Purple 416
Wine gm - 7 pg
Brown Carmine S Portable Red. 4L12
1 Maroon MUP 75 Purple Lake 5K6 16. DARK RED Wine Red gm 8 pe

Red A Purple Madder 5K4

Maerz and Paul Textile Color Card Association
Reddish Brown A Purple Rubiate 5K4
Rose Brown S Raspberry Glacg 4F4 Alcazar 6L11 Brick Red (USA). -.. 65020
Raspberry Red 3K9 American Beauty.- . 6F6 Dark Cardinal.. 70082
Red Banana.-.. 5L9 Aubusson 7H5 Garnet 70083
15. MODERATE RED Redfeather - 4L11 Autumn Glory.. 5K12 Maroon 70084

Maerz and Paul Redwood (soluble) 5K9 Burmese Ruby 7H6

Redwood (insoluble) 3K9 Burnt Russet 6LI0
Other sources
Adrianople Red.. 4L9 Rose Dorfe... 1K8 Canyon 7E6 Brown Carmine S
Amarylis 515 Rose of Picardy.- --. 5J5 Cauldron 6K11 Claret Brown.- S
Apple-fallow 5L10 Rose of Sharon 3K8 Chocolate Maroon 7J3 Dark Red ... SC
Deep Claret _ . . . S Subvinoso-Griseus -.. B Ridgway Ridgway
Dull Red A Vermilion S
Acajou Red XIII I'i
Dull Reddish Brown A Vinoso-Lividus B Dark Indian Red XXVll 3"m
Dusky Red RC
Corinthian Red XXVII 3" Dark Mineral Red XXVll l"m
Dark Grayish Brown XLV 5""k Hay's Maroon
Garnet Brown H 00918 Xlll I'm
19. GRAYISH RED Dark Indian Red XXVII 3"m Warm 1"'
Lake S Blackish Brown XXXIX
Maerz and Paul Dark Livid Brown XXXIX l"'k
Maroon.. S
Dark Mineral Red . XXVII I"m Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Orange Brown . . S Amarylis 515
Oxblood Red H 00823 Appleblossom [Pink] 413
Dark Vinaceous . . XXVII 1"
Purple Madder H 1028 Athenia 519
Dark Vinaceous-Brown XXXIX 5"'k Burgundy m T2 pl
Dark Vinaceous-Drab XLV 5""i Cordovan m.
Red Brown S Azalea 4J3 7,'-^ pl

Reddish Brown
Deep Brownish Vinaceous XXXIX 5"' Dark Mauve Taupe g 8 nl
A Berlin Brown 7H8
Rose Red
Deep Corinthian Red . ... XXVII 3"i Dark Rose Brown g 7 nl
.. S Blush Rose 5G4
Sanguineus Deep Livid Brown XXXIX l"'i Dark Wine m 7 pi
_ B Bois de Rose 5J9
Violet S Brazilwood 5K9
Etruscan Red . XXVII 5" Deep Maroon m 7' 2 pl

Very Dark Red RC Bulgare 5J7

Hay's Brown .. XXXIX 9"'k Light Rose Brown g 7 Ig

Cambridge Red 4K8 Hydrangea Red... XXVII l"i Maroon m 8 pi

Indian Red . XXVll 3"k Mauve Wine g 7! 2 ni
Cameo Brown 6F9
17. VERY DARK RED Cedarbark 6110
Light Vinaceous-Drab XLV 5""b Rose Brown gm 7 ni

Chalet Red 6K10 LividBrown XXXIX 1"'

Maerz and Paul Madder Brown XIII 3'k Textile C^lor Card As.sociation
Chevreuse... 6H10
Catawba 56J10 Mineral Red XXVll l"k
Cocobala 7H8 Maroon (USA).. 65017
Mulberry Fruit 56H12 Colonial Rose 418
Ocher Red. XXVll 5"i
Oporto 55L12 Corinthian Red 5J2
Prussian Red ... XXVll 5"k Other sources
Russet-Vinaceous. XXXIX 9"'
Port 56E12 Crushed Berry 6F4
Vandyke Red XIII I'k
Atrovinosus B
Vineyard 55L12 Damask. 4K1 Badius B
Devon [Brown] 6J9 Vinaceous-Brown. XXXIX 5"'i
Ridgway Vinaceous-Drab .. XLV 5"" Blackish Red.. RC
Dianthus 5K3 Brunneo-Vinosus B
Victoria Lake Im Diauolo - 4J3
Taylor, Knoche, <;ranville Dark Brown S
Dragon's Blood 4J10 Dull Reddish Brown A
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Dry Rose 5J10 Antique Rose gm 7 le
Violet Black.... S
Egyptian 5D3 Ash Rose gm ... 6' 2 ie
Claret Wine g 8 pg
Eifel 6J10 Ashes of Rose g 6 ge
Dark Wine g 8
Garnet g
. pi
Faded Rose 519 Barn Red m . . 6 pg 21. BLACKISH RED
8 pg
Maroon g
Fernambucowood 5K9 Brick Red m 6 ng
8 pi
Florence Brown 6K4 Cedar gm .__ 6'2 le
Maerz and Paul
Wine g.. 8 pg
Fontainebleau 54D1 Cedar Rose gm 65-2 ie Catawba 56J10
Other sources French Maroon 6J4 Dark Lacquer Red m 6 pe Mulberry Fruit 56H12
Haematite Red .. 7H3 Dark Redwood m 6 Ig
Dull Red A Havana Rose 6K9 Dusty Cedar gm _. 6 ie Plochere
Dull Reddish Brown A Hydrangea Red 6K1 Indian Red m 6 ng
Maroon H 1030 Old Burgundy ... 417 Rp 5-
Iron Minium.. 7H8 Light Rose Brown gm 6! 2 Ig
Sanguineus .. B Japonica 4J2 Light Wine m 7 ne Other sources
Limawood 5K9 Old Rose gm 7 ie
m 7ng Dull Reddish Brown A
18. UGHT GRAYISH RED Livid Brown
Old Wine
Redwood gm 6 ie
Maerz and Paul Marie Antoinette Rose Brown m
417 6' ; ni
Marsh Rose 419 Rose Gray g 6 ge
Colonial Rose 418
Meadowsweet 4J8 Rose Taupe gm 6 ig Maerz and Paul
Corinthian Pink 3G1
Mineral Red 6J3 Rose Wine gm 7 le
Dauphine 4C3 Evenglow 45C1
Nectar 5E3 Taupe Brown m 6 ni
Glaieul 3F9 Mist IGreyl 53B1
Nicaraguawood 5K9
Gloaming 4H2 Textile Color Card Association Opal Grey 54B1
Oakheart 6H10
Grecian Rose 3F9 Rose Castor 54C2
Ocher Red 519 Bois de Rose 70125
Lilac 3G7 Old Rose 412
Shadow 44B1
Lilaceous 3G7 Old Wood 5J4 Other sources Shadow 46C1
Lilas 3G7 Onion-peel 5K2
4G1 Atrovinosus .. B Plochere
Livid Violet Onion Red 5K2
i.otus 3H8 Badius B Rose Castor 379 R 6-c
Orchis 52E1
Marie Antoinette 417 Brick Red S Rose Smoke.. 380 R 6-d
. .
Peachwood 5K9
Mauveglow 53B2 Brown.. S
Fernambucowood 5K9
Mello-Mauve . 45F1 Pigeon's-breast 5D4
Brown Lake _. S Ridgway
Polignac 4D9 Brown Red S
Pompeian Red 4J10 Pale Vinaceous-Drab XLV 5""d
Rosebloom 3E9 Brunneo-Vinosus B
Raspberry Glace 4F4
Sappho 44C1 Carmine S
Redwood (soluble) 5K9 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Carmine Rose S
Rose Ash 6J9
Plochere Chocolate S Lead Gray m 5 ih
Rosedust 6B2
Dull Red A Shadow Gray m 5 Ih
18th Century Tan 324 Ro 5-d Rose Petal 514
Dull Reddish Brown A
Rose Mist 381 R 6-e Rosevale ._ 5K9 Textile Color Card Association
Fuscus B
Rose Smoke 380 R 6-d Sappanwood 5K9
Grayish Red RC Nickel 70152
Smokestain Rose 372 R 5-d Saraband 6K8
Lake S Pigeon 70170
Slate-Violet 618
Ridgway Moderate Red RC
Spanish Cedar 6J10
Red S Other sources
Brownish Vinaceous XXXIX 5"'b Strawberry 5H5
Red SC
Pale Vinaceous-Drab XLV 5""d Tango Pink 3J8 Chocolate -. S
Red Brown S
Purplish Vinaceous XXXIX r"b Vandyke Red 6K4 Dark Brown S
Reddish Brown A
Vassar Rose 312 Gray Lilac S
Rose. . . . S
Taylor, Knoche. Granville Withered Rose 5J10 LilacBrown S
Subvinoso-Griseus B
Red Brown... S
Ashes of Rose gm 6 ge Plochere Vermilion S
Reddish Gray A
Dusty Coral m 6 gc Vinoso-Griseus B
Bagdad 275 RO 5-c Reddish Gray SC
Rose Gray gm 6 ge Vinoso-Lividus B
China Rose 355 R 3-c Subvinoso-Griseus B
Vinosus B
Other sources Octoroon Rose 276 RO 5-d
Violet Brown S
Orchid Night 410 Rp 4-b
Brown Red S Rose Castor.... 379 R 6-c
Dull Rose S Rose Stain 371 R 5-c
Maerz and Paul
LilacRose S Slate Rose 323 Ro 5-c 20. DARK GRAYISH RED
Pale Red RC Sultana 370 R 5-b Blue Fox .- 47E1
Maerz and Paul Copra 708
Pale Red SO Swiss Rose 394 Rp 2-b
Pink A Venetian Rose 362 R 4-b Haematite Red 7H3 Mauve Castor 55E7
Red Brown S Withered Rose 363 R 4-c Paris Mud 48H5 Mauve Dust 46C?

Mauve Taupe 7C8 Crevette... lElO France Rose 1F4 Petal Pink m 6 ca
Rosetta 47CI Damonico- lOAll Morning Dawning Yellow.. IGIO Pale Peach m 5 ca
Turtledove 55C1 Du Barry 9A8 Orange Aurora IGIO Pale Pink m 6 ca
Flesh Ochre 10A8 Strawberry Pink IHlO Shell Pink m 5 ca
Honeydew 9B8 Tearose m 5 ea
Plochere Ibis Pink... IBIO Ridgway
Flint , 426 Rp 6-b Jasper Pink 218 Other sources
Begonia Rose. I lb
Taupe Rose 378 R 6-b Kyoto 9B10
Geranium Pink. I 3d Bubalinus B
Melon 2010
Jasper Pink XIII 3'd Buff S
Ridgway Monicon lOAll
Rose Doree _ I 3b Cameo Rose(Eng) F 3375
Morning Dawning Yellow.. IGIO
Blackish Brown (2) XLV 5""m Orange Aurora IGIO Croceus B
Dark Grayish Brown XLV 5""k Peach Red 2F10 Taylor, Knoche, Granville Incarnatus B
Dark Vinaceous-Drab XLV 5""i Pink Coral 1H9 Moderate Orange Pink RC
Shrimp Pink g 6'/i ia
Light Seal Brown XXXIX 9"'m Prawn IPink]... lElO Ochraceus B
Seal Brown.. _ XXXIX 5"'m RScamier 1G8 Textile Color Card Association Orange. S
Warm Blackish Brown XXXIX l"'m Rufous... lOAlO Orient Pink H 416
Shrimp Pink 70178 Peach H 512
Scarlet Madder 1H8
Taylor, Knoche, GranTille Tigerlily 70029 Persicinus. B
Shrimp [Pink] lElO
Shrimp [Red| lElO Pink.... SC
Burgundy m 8 pi Other sources
Strawberry Pink IHIO Red S
Chocolate m 5 ml
Tokyo 9B11 Azalea Pink H 618 Rose. S
Cordovan m 8 pi
Begonia... H 619 Roseo-Bubalinus B
Dark Rose Brown m 7 nl
Carmine Rose. Roseo-Vinosus B
Dark Rose Taupe gm 6 li Plochere S
Coral Pink. H 0619 Salmon H 412
Ebony Brown m__ 8 pn
Camellia Pink 358 R 3-f Deep Rose S Salmon S
Rose Taupe g _ 6 ig
Coral Pink 293 Ro 1-e Incarnatus B Salmon Rose... S
Golden Coral 244 RO 1-d Light Red SC Vinoso-Bubalinus B
Other sources
Grecian Rose 310 Ro 3-f Porcelain Rose H 620 Yellow.... S
Brown S Light Old Rose 357 R 3-e Red. S
Yellowish Pink A
Brunneo-Vinosus B Pink Jewel 294 Ro 1-f Rose S
Chocolate S Queen Coral 302 Ro 2-f Roseus B
Dark Brown S Radiant 260 RO 3-d Vermilion S
Dark Reddish Gray... SC Salmon Rose. 252 RO 2-d Yellowish Pink A PINK
Fusco-Niger B Shrimp Pink.. 301 Ro 2-e
Fuscus B Maerz and Paul
Reddish Gray A Ridgway 28. LIGHT YELLOWISH PINK Anatfa 10A7
Vinoso-Griseus B
Annatto... 10A7
Congo Pink.. XXVIII 7"b Maerz and Paul Annotto. 10A7
Coral Pink XIII 5'd
Baby Pink Arnotto _ 10A7
24. REDDISH BLACK Grenadine Pink II 7d _ 1C8
Baby Pink 1C8
Jasper Pink XIII 3'd Chatenay Pink 2E8
Orange-Vinaceous XXVII 5"b Nectarine... 9A5 Blush 11A6
Opera Pink 1B8 Chatenay Pink 2E8
Orient Pink II 9f
Sailor. 425 Rp 6-a Safrano Pink.. Peach 9A5 Cherub 9A6
II 7f
Venetian Pink. Seashell Pink 10A4 Coquette 2C10
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Coral Pink. 2F9
Tussore. 10A4
Ebony Brown g Coral Sands.. 3B8
8 pn Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Plochere Corial 3B9
Other sources Bright Peach m 5 ia
Cupid Pink 1E8
Coral Blush 295 Ro 1-g Flesh Blond 4A9
Light Coral Rose gm 6 ga
Reddish Black... A Coral Cloud 311 Ro 3-g Flesh Ochre 10A8
Peach gm 5 ga
Reddish Black... SC Flesh Tint 320 Ro 4-h Pink IBIO
Salmon m 5ia Ibis
Opera Pink 304 Ro 2-h Japan Rose 3A10
Salmon Pink gm 5 ga
Peach Bud 255 RO 2-g Nectarine 9A5
Shrimp Pink m 6H ga
25. VIVID YELLOWISH PINK Peach Pink 312 Ro 3-h Onion-skin Pink 11A7
Pink Dust 319 Ro 4-g Opera Pink 1B8
Textile Color Card Association
Maerz and Paul Pinocchio 246 RO 1-f Orient Pink 9A6
Salmon Pink 70026 Queen Coral 302 Ro 2-f Orlean 10A7
Capucine Red 9E12 Rose Morn 296 Ro 1-h
Shell Pink... 70027 Pastel Parchment 1IA5
Chinese Orange 9D12
Tea Rose 70025 Salmon Flush 263 RO 3-g Peach 9A5
Japanese Yellow 9D12 Salmon Pink 262 RO 3-f Peachbeige 11A6
Tokyo 9B11 Shell Coral 271 RO 4-g
Other sources Peachbloom 2B9
Smiles 247 RO 1-g Powder Pink 3E7
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Chinese Coral H 614 Sonata 254 RO 2-f Rocou 10A7
Orange m 5 la Deep Orange _. S Sundown 222 Or 4-f Rose Caroline 2C9
Sun Orange m 5 la French Rose _. H 520 Victoria 303 Ro 2-g Rose Cendre... 10A5
Incarnatus B White Jade 231 Or 5-g Rose Dawn... 3B9
Textile Color Card Association Orange.. White Mist
S 232 Or 5-h Rose France 289
Melon Pink 70028 Persicinus B Rose Morn. 2B9
Pink S Ridgway Rose Nude. 11A5
Other sources Red S Roucou - 10A7
Flesh Pink XIII 5'f
Rose S Safrano Pink IBS
Azalea Pink.. H 618 Hydrangea Pink XXVII 5"f
Roseus B Salmon [Pink] 10A7
Orange. S Light Congo Pink XXVIII 7"d
Salmon... S Sandust 3A9
Red Orange S Light Pinkish Cinnamon... XXIX 15"d
Salmon Rose S Sea Shell 11A7
Rose S Shell Pink. H 516
Ochraceous-Buff XV 15'b
XXIX 13"f Seashell Pink 10A4
Yellowish Pink A Shrimp Red. H 616
Pale Cinnamon-Pink
Pale Congo Pink XXVIII 7"f
Sunrise Yellow 10C7
Testaceus B Terra Orellana. 10A7
Pale Flesh Color.... XIV 7'f
Pale Ochraceous Buff XV 15'f
Terra Orellano 10A7
Vinosus B Trianon 9B7
Pale Yellow-Orange III I5f
Maerz and Paul Yellowish Pink A Tussore 10A4
Pinkish Buff XXIX 17"d
Aurora [Orange] Shrimp Pink. Vanity 3A9
Baby Rose ... 2G10 27. DEEP YELLOWISH PINK Vinaceous-Buff. XL 17"'d
Bittersweet Pink Plochere
Candy Pink Maerz and Paul Taylor, Knoche, Granville
2H10 Amber Coral 309 Ro 3-e
Capucine Lake lOAll Aurora [Orange] IGIO Flesh Pink m 5 ca Bisque 230 Or 5-f
Cherry Bloom _ 118 Aurora Red 3610 Light Apricot m 4 ea Bronze Pink 261 RO 3-e
Conch Shell. _ IDIO Candy Pink 2H10 Light Salmon m 5 ea French Nude 229 Or 5-e
Coquette 2C10 Coral Blush IFlO Peach Pink m 5 ea Grecian Rose.. 310 Ro 3-f
Coral Blush.. IFIO Emberglow 3G10 Pearl Pink g Honey Beige
4 ca 221 Or 4-e

Monticello Rost 317 Ro 4-e Textile Color Card Association 32. GRAYISH YELLOWISH PINK Dull Brown A
Peach Amber _ . 220 Or 4-d Fumosus B
Prairie Sunset 245 RO 1-e Grecian Rose 70124 Maerz and Paul
Olive Yellow S
Rosario 269 RO 4-e Coral Sands ... 3B8 Pink SC
Rose Caroline 318 Ro 4-f Other sources
Flesh Blond 4A9 Pinkish Gray SC
Salmon Buff 270 RO 4-f Ins Mauve 3B7 Pinkish White SC
Sundown 222 Or 4-f
Light Red SC
Miniature Pink 288 Purplish Bistre S
Rose .. ... S
Opera Pink 188 Roseo-Bubalinus 8
Ridgway Vermilion . . S
Pastel Parchment 11A5 Salmoneus.. 8
Yellowish Pink A
Buff-Pink XXVMI ll"d Reveree. .. 288 Very Pale Brown. . SC
Chatenay Pink.. XIII 3'f Rose Nude 1IA5 Vinoso-Bubalinus 8
Congo Pink XXVMI 7"b 31. PALE YELLOWISH PINK Sweet Pea. 5102 Yellow Brown S
Flest! Pink.... XIII 5'f Toquet 488
Hydrangea Pink XXVII 5"f Maerz and Paul
Japan Rose XXVIII 9"b Plochere Maerz and Paul
Light Congo Pink XXVIII 7"d Alabaster 10A2 Bisque 230 Or 5-f
Light Pinkish Cinnamon. XXIX 15"d Iris Mauve 387 Cherry.. 2L12
Fantasy Rose 278 RO 5-f
Ochraceous-Buff. XV 15'b Miniature Pink 288 Cherry Red 2L12
Finesse 326 Ro 5-f
Onion-skin Pink XXVIII W'b Opera Pink 1B8 Chrome Orange I0K12
Rainbow Mist . 277 RO 5-e
Pale Cinnamon-Pink XXIX 13"f Reveree Coquelicot. 1J12
2B8 Rose Mist . ... 381 R 6-e
Pale Congo Pink__ XXVMI 7"f Tilleul Buff 10A2 Dutch Vermilion 2K12
Rose Muse 325 Ro 5-e
Pale Flesh Color XIV 7'f White Jade.. 10A2 Fiery Red 1112
Silver Pink . 382 R 6-f
Pinkish Buff XXIX 17"d Firecracker 1H12
Silver Salmon . 286 RO 6-t
Pinkish Vinaceous XXVII 5"d Plochere FireRed 1F12
Salmon Color XIV 9'd Flame Orange IC12
Shrimp Pink I 5f Cinnamon Cream... 328 Ro 5-h Flame [Scarlet] 1C12
Copper Cream RO 3-h
Light Grayish Vinaceous. .. XXXIX 9"'d Flammeous 1D12
Vinaceous-Buff. XL 17"'d . . 264
XXIX 13"b RO 2-h
Light Vinaceous-Fawn... XL 13"'d Florentine 1C12
Vmaceous-Cinnamon . Creole Pink 256
Pale Congo Pink XXVIll 7"f French Vermilion
Vinaceous-Fawn.. XL 13"'b Dryad Rose .. 327 Ro 5-g 2J12
Flesh Cream 224 Or 4-h
Pale Grayish Vinaceous.. . XXXIX 9"'f Golden Poppy 9L12
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Pale Vinaceous-Fawn XL 13'"f Granat
Flesh Pink 272 RO 4-h 1J12
Flesh Tint 320 Ro 4-h
Pale Vinaceous-Pink XXVMI 9"f Granatflower... 1J12
Bright Shell Pink gm . 6 ea
Shell Pink XXVIll !l"f Indian Orange 1D12
Coral Pink gm 6 ea Mission White 184 0 5-h
Misty Rose 287 RO 6-g
Vinaceous-Fawn.. . XL 13"'b Mineral Orange. ._ 1F12
Dusty Coral m - 6 gc
Dusty Peach g Moonlight 288 RO 6-h Minium 1112
5 ec Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Light Apricot g 4 ea Peach Gray 239 Or 6-g Orange Lead 1F12
Pink Dust 319 Ro 4-g Bisque m... 4 ec Paprica 2J12
LightSalmon gm 5 ea
Nude Tan m 4 gc Rose Ash 191 0 6-g Dusty Peach m . .. 5 ec Paris Red 1F12
Pastel Pink gm 6 ea Rose Dust 279 RO 5-g Light Rose Beige m 4 ec Persian Yellow 9L12
Rose Morn 296 Ro 1-h Powder Rose gm 6 ec Phantom Red 2L12
Peach Pink gm . 5 ea
Peach Tan m 5 gc Rose Nude 280 RO 5-h Pomegranate Blossom 1J12
Rose Pearl
Other sources Ponceau 1J12
Rose Beige m 4 gc 384 R 6-h
Tearose gm 5 ea Rose Shadow 383 R 6-g Dull Buff S Poppy [Red] 1J12
Serene 248 RO 1-h Grayish Orange Pink RC Red Lead.. 1112
Textile Color Card Association Shell Coral 271 RO 4-g Light Brown .. S Sandarach 1112
White Jade 231 Or 5-g Pink SC Sandaracha.. 1112
Dusty Pink 70194
White Mist 232 Or 5-h Pinkish Gray. SC Sandix. 1F12
Peach 70148
Winter White 192 0 6-h Pinkish White SC Sandyx 1F12
Other sources Red Brown S Saturn Red 1F12
Ridgway Rose S Saturnine Red 1F12
Bistre Brown S Scarlet Vermilion 2112
Roseo-Bubalinus 6
Brown Orange. S Pale Cinnamon-Pink XXIX 13"f Sungod 2H12
Roseo-Vinosus 8
Buff S Pale Congo Pink XXVMI 7"f Toboggan 1812
Subvinosus 8
Cinnamomeus B Pale Grayish Vinaceous.... XXXIX 9"'f Vinoso-Bubalinus Toreador 2K12
Dull Orange A Pale Vinaceous-Fawn XL 13"'f Yellowish Pink. A
Fawn S Pale Vinaceous-Pink XXVIII 9"f Plochere
Incarnatus B Seashell Pink XIV Il'f
.33. BROWNISH PINK Scarlet 241 RO l-a
Moderate Orange Pink RC Shell Pink XXVIll W't
Ochraceus B Tilleul-Buff XL 17"'f Ridgway
Maerz and Paul
Orange S VInaceous-Buff XL 17"'d
Orange Buff S Atmosphere 12A3 Flame Scarlet II 9

Orient Pink H 416 Flesh Blond... 4A9 Grenadine Red 11 7

Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Peach H 512 Ins Mauve 3B7
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Persicinus B Cloud Pink m 7 cb Lilac Grey . 43B2
Pink MUP24 Flesh Pink gm 4 ca Mauve Blush 12A3 Bright Coral Red gm 6 pa
Pink SC Pale Peach gm 5 ca Nude 11A4 Flame g 6!-^ na
Red S Pale Pink g 6 ca Pastel Parchment 11A5 Light Tomato Red g 6' 2 na
Rose S Pearl Pink gm 4 ca Pearlblush. 12A5 Light Vermilion g 6 na
Roseo-Bubalinus B Petal Pink g 6 ca Rose Nude 11A5 Lobster Red g 6' 2 na

Roseo-Vlnosus B Shell Pink gm 4 ca Rosetan... 12A5 Poppy Red g 6V2 pa

Salmon S Tearose gm 4 ca Seasan IIA4 Tomato Red g.. 6H pa
Salmoneus B Vermilion gm 6 pa
Salmon Rose S Textile Color Card Association Plochere
Testaceus B Gravel 189 0 6-e Textile Color Card Association
Vinoso-Bubalinus B Flesh Pink 70013
Morning Mist 190 0 6-f Golden Poppy 70071
Yellow S
Indian Orange 70072
Yellow Buff. S Other sources Ridgway
Orange (USA) 65004
Yellowish Pink A
Buff S Ecru-Drab XLVl 13""d Paprica 70041
Dull Buff S Light Vinaceous-Fawn XL 13"'d
30. DARK YELLOWISH PINK Olive Yellow S Pale Cinnamon-Pink XXIX 13"f Other sources
Pink SC Pale Vinaceous-Fawn XL 13"'f Bright Reddish Orange A
Maerz and Paul
Pinkish White SC Seashell Pink. XIV Il'f
Bright Yellowish Red A
Glaleul 3F9 Vinaceous-Buff XL 17"'d
Red Brown S Capsicum Red H 715
Grecian Rose 3F9
Rose S Deep Rose S
Lotus 3H8 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Roseo-Bubalinus. 8 Dutch Vermilion H 717
Magnolia 318
Roseo-Vinosus B Bisque gm . 4 ec Fire Red H 15
Rosebloom 3E9
Salmoneus B Light Rose Beige gm 4 ec Indian Orange H 713
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Subymosus B International Orange (AN). F 1205
Vinoso-Bubalinus.. B Other sources International Orange (USA) F 1205
Dusty Coral g gc Yellowish Pink. A Buff . S International Orange (Y&D) F 1205

Mandarin Red.- H 17 36. DEEP REDDISH ORANGE Taylor. Knoche, Granville Plochere
Marigold Orange . H 11 Autumn
Maerz and Paul Bright Coral Rose gm 6 ia Glory. 305 Ro 2-3
Miniatus.-- B Bright Peach g Red
5 ia Brazil 306 Ro 3-b
Nasturtium Red H 14 Bittersweet 3J12
Chili gm 6 Ic Indian Red 257 RO 3-a
Orange (USA).. F 1210 Buccaneer 4L12
Chinese Red m 6 pc Paprica. 249 RO 2-a
Orange H 12 Chinese Red 3J12
Copper gm 5 Ic Sierra 209 Or 3-a
Orange MUP 58 Flash 3K11
Coral gm. 6 Ic
Orange.. S Lobster 3J12
Coral Red m 6 nc Ridgway
Poppy Red H 16 Portable Red 4L12
Coral Rose gm 6 ic
Brazil Red 5i
Red Lead and Oil (MA).... F 1210 Post Office Red 3L12 1

Lacquer Red m 6 pc Dragon's-Blood Red Xlll 5'i

Red Orange S
Light Lacquer Red m 6 nc
Saturn Red H 13 Taylor, Knoche, Granville English Red II 7i
Light Persimmon g 5 ic
Ferruginous XIV 9'i
Scarlet. S Catchup g 6' 2 nc
Paprika m_ _ 6 pc Mars Orange 11 9i
Vermilion H 18 Chinese Red g 6 pc Persimmon gm 5 Ic
Vinaceous-Rufous XIV 7'l
Vivid Orange (Y&D). F 1210 Coral Red g 6 nc Salmon g 5 ia
Lacquer Red g 6 pc
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Light Lacquer Red g 6 nc
35. STRONG REDDISH Paprika g 6 pc
Textile Color Card Association Catchup g 6' 2 nc
ORANGE Tomato Red g... 6'.2 pc Chinese Red m 6 pc
Burnt Orange 70160 Lacquer Red m 6 pc
Maerz and Paul Other sources Salmon. 70039 Paprika m... 6 pc

Brigand 2J11 Red S Redwood gm 6 ne

9E12 Red Lead Modified (MA).. F 1025
Other sources Tomato Red m 6' 2 pc
Capucine Red
Chinese Orange 9D12 Reddish Orange A
Armeniacus B Textile Color Card Association
Chrome Scarlet 2E12 Vermilion S
Brown.- S
English Red 2J11 Yellowish Red A Brown Orange
Lacquer 70150
Field'sOrange Vermilion. . 2F12 Terra Cotta _ 70161
Chinese Coral H 614
Japanese Yellow 9D12 37. MODERATE REDDISH Corallinus B Other sources
Madder 2J11
Madder Red.. 2J11
ORANGE Dull Vermilion... S
Ferrugineus B Chestnut Brown S
Mandarin Red.. 2F12 Maerz and Paul Ferrugineus B
Light Red SC
Midnight Sun 2E12 Miniatus B
Antique Red 4J11 Mars Orange H 013
Mikado 2B12 Moderate Reddish Brown.. RC
Arabesque 2D11 Miniatus B
Orange Vermilion 2G12 Red SC
Aurora (Orange) IGIO Orange S
Pirate 2K11 Red Brown. S
Aurora Red 3G10 Orange Brown S
Russet Orange 2E12 Reddish Orange.. A
Brigand 2J11 Orange Red S
Tigerhly IFll Vermilion S
Burmese Gold 3C11 Orange Vermilion.. S
Toboggan 1B12 Yellow Brown S
Burnt Ochre 3G12 Persicinus... B
Burnt Orange 3E12 Red... S Yellowish Red... A
Canna 4J11 Red SC
Bittersweet Orange 202 Or 2-b Capucine Lake lOAll Red Brown S 39. GRAYISH REDDISH
Firecracker... 242 RO 1-b Carnelian Red 2E11 Reddish Orange A ORANGE
Mandarin Orange 194 Or 1-b Chaudron... 4J11 Rose S
Sun God 201 Or 2-a Cherokee. 3D12 Vermilion. S Maerz and Paul
Vermilion 193 Or 1-a Coralbell 3H10 Yellowish Red A
Antique Red 4J12
Coral Blush IFIO
Araby 4G10
Bidgway Crabapple 2F11
Damonico lOAll 38. DARK REDDISH ORANGE Attar of Roses.... 4H10
Carnelian Red XIV 7' Canna 4J11
Emberglow 3G10
Grenadine II 7b Maerz and Paul Carnelian 4111
English Red 2J11
Scarlet I 5 Chaudron 4J12
Flamingo 2111 Antique Red 4J12
Congo Pink... .. 3C10
Grenadine Red IDll Autumn Glory 5K12
Copper 4111
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Jaffa Orange IICIO Bittersweet 3J12
Copper Red.. 4111
Light Red 3G12 Blaze 3J11
Bright Coral Red m 6 na Cornelian Red.. 4111
Bright Coral Rose g 6 ia
Madder 2J11 Brazil IRedl 4K12
Dragon's Blood 4J10
Madder Red 2J11 Buccaneer 4L12
Burnt Orange g... 5 nc Etruscan Red 4G11
Maintenon 3D10 Burnt Italian Earth 5F12
Light Coral Red gm 6 la Hyacinth Red 4F11
Mars Orange 3E12 Burnt Italian Ochre 5F12
Light Vermilion m 6 na Muskmelon. 11A8
Monicon lOAll Burnt Sienna 5F12
Nasturtium Red gm 6 la Persian Melon 3B10
Morning DawningYellow... IGIO Canna 4J11
Persimmon g 5 nc Pompeian Red. 4J10
Orange Aurora IGIO Chaudron 4J12
Poppy Red m. 6}^ pa Rembrandt's Madder 4J11
Sunset Redgm 6 Orange Tawny 3E12 Chinese Red 3J12
la Rosebloom 3E9
Tomato Red m. _._ 61-2 pa Peruvian Yellow 3F12 Chinook SHU Samurai 4H11
Rembrandt's Madder 4J11 Crawshay Red 4H12
Wax Red 4111
Satsuma 3D11 Crowshay Red 4H12
Textile Color Card Association
Tangerine 2H11 English Red 4H12
Crab Apple.... 70149 Tigerlily IFU Ferruginous 5D12
Flame Red 70030 Tile Red 3D12 Flash 3K11 Terra Cotta XXVI 11 7"
Flesh Ochre 5E12 Testaceous XXVIU 9"
Tangerine 70040
Plochere Forest of Dean Red _ 4H12 Vinaceous-Pink.... XXVllI 9"d
Aladdin's Lamp 243 RO 1-c Khiva 3112 Vinaceous-Tawny.. XXVUl 11"
Other sources
Bittersweet Orange.. 202 Or 2-b Korea ... 5JII
Brick Red H 016 Burnt Coral 307 Ro 3-c Lacquer Red 4K11 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Burnt Orange H 014 Copper 258 RO 3-b Lobster... 3J12
Light Persimmon m.. 5 ic

B Coral Gold 308 Ro 3-d Mars Red 4J12

Coralllnus Peach Tan g 5 gc
Enchantress 251 RO 2-c Monterey... 5J12
Dull Red S Rust Tan gm 5 le
Peach Rust 250 RO 2-b Moroccan 5K11
Miniatus B Tile Red m. 5ne
Persian Melon 259 RO 3-c Nasturtium IRed] 4112
Orange (BuOrd) F 2205 Ochre Red 5G12
Radiant. 260 RO 3-d Other sources
Orange.. S Portable Red.... 4L12
Orange Red. .- S Ridgway Post Office Red ... 3L12 Brown Orange S
Persicinus B Bittersweet Orange 119b Rembrandt's Madder 4J11 Dull Reddish Orange A
S Carrot Red XIV 7'b Rose Lake 5112 Dull Yellowish Red A
Coral Red XI II 5' Rose Pink 5H12 Lake... S
Red Lead, Mixed Pigment F2110
Ferruginous XIV 9'i Reset 4K12 Light Red ... SC
Light Coral Red Xlll 5'b Ruben's Madder 4K11 Moderate Reddish C ange.. RC
Red Orange S
Mars Orange II 9i Sheik 3J11 Orange Brown S
Reddish Orange A Peach Red I 5b Somalis 5111 Red... SC
Vermilion S Rufous XIV 9' Tomato [Red] 3112 Roseo-Vinosus B
Yellowish Red... A Strawberry Pink. I 5d Totem _ 4J12 Testaceus. _ B

40. STRONG REDDISH BROWN Red.- PSP74 Brown Madder 7J9 Rubrica-- SFll
Red Boottopping (light) F 1020 Brown Red SFll Ruddle -- __ SFll
Maerz and Paul (MA) Burnt Rose 7L2 Rustic Brown 7H11
Red Boottopping(PC)- F 1020 Burnt Russet.. 6LI0 Sang de Boeuf 719
Agate 6H12
Alcanna 6J12 Red Deck (MA) F 2010 Caldera 7LI2 Saona BFU
6L11 Red Deck (USA) F 2010 Cameo Brown BF9 Somalis 5111
Red Oxide (MA) F 1020 Canna 4J11 Spanish Cedar 6J10
Cauldron BKll
Reddish Brown A Caput Mortuum 7L11 Striegau Earth SFll
Chinese Red 6L12
Casserole 7H11 Tanagra 7J9
Egyptian Red 6L11
Castellon 7J11 Terra Lemnia- SFll
Henna_. 6J12
42. LIGHT REDDISH BROWN Castilian Brown 7J9 Terra Pozzuoli SFll
Indian Red 6L12
Cauldron BKll Terra Rosa SFll
Iron Oxide Red 6G12 Maerz and Paul
Cedarbark 6110 Terra Sigillata SFll
Iron Red 6L12
Araby 4G10 Cedar Wood 6G10 Tokay 6G10
Japanese Red 6L12
Attar of Roses 4H10 Chaudron 4J12 Tuscan Brown 7HI2
Kobe 6K12
Cameo Brown 6F9 Chevreuse 6H10 Tuscan Red 7L8
Majolica Earth -.. 6L12
Cinnamon Pink 5C10 Chutney 7J12 Tuscany 7L11
Mineral Rouge 6G12
Corial 3B9 Colcothar 7L11 Venice Red SFll
Morocco Red 6K11
Cream Beige 13A6 Columbian Red 7J9 Wallflower [Brown) 6L10
Naples Red_._. 6L12
Doe-skin Brown- .._ 5B9 Copperleaf 6J11 Withered Rose SJIO
Persian Earth 6L12
Dragon's Blood 41 10 Coptic 7L9
Persian Red 6L12
Indian Pink 3D9 Cordova 7J11 Plochere
Prussian Red 6L12
Maiden's Blush -.- -. 3D9 Coromandel 7L11
Purple Ochre -- 6L12 Bronzio 314 Ro 4-b
Monkey Skin 5B9 Crocus Martis SFll
Red Oxide - 6G12 Congo ._ 313 Ro 4-a
Peach Bisque 5D10 Cuba 6L10
Redwood-.- BKll Mohawk 265 RO 4-a
Pohgnac 4D9 Domingo. 7J8
Scarlet Ochre BL12 Plantation 266 RO 4-b
Pompeian Red 4J10 Dry Rose... 5J10
Siena BI12 Tuscanny Red 361 R 4-a
Rosebisque 3C9 Eifel BJIO
Sierra 6112
Rosebloom 3E9 English Red 7L11
Spanish Brown 6L12 Ridg way
Rose Blush 5C9 Eskimo..- 7H11
Spanish Red 6G12
Rose Dawn 3B9 Etruscan 7H12 Auburn... II 11m
Tarragona 6G12
Roseglow -_ 5D9 Florence Earth 7L11 Bay II 7m
Venetian Red 6112
Rose Hortensia 3C9 Fujiyama SEll Brick Red XIII S'k

Ridg way Sandstone 13A6 Garnet Brown 6L9 Cameo Brown.. XXVlll 7"k
Tawny Birch 13A6 Gingerspice 7H11 Chestnut II 9m
Burnt Sienna 9k
Indian Red SFll Chestnut-Brown XIV U'm
Plochere Iron Crocus SFll Claret Brown I 5m
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Grand Canyon 268 RO 4-d Iron Saffron SFll Hay's Russet... XIV 7'k
Dark Lacquer Red g 6 pe Peach Bisque 267 RO 4-c Kazak 7L9 LiverBrown XIV 7'm
Tomato Red g 6'> pc Ro 4-c Kettledrum 7L10 Mahogany Red 117k
Roman Tan. 315
Southern Rose 316 Ro 4-d Korea SJU Morocco Red I 5k
Textile Color Card Association LaurelOak 7110 Vinaceous-Russet XXVlll 7"i
Terra Cotta 70161 Ridg way Lemnian Earth SFll Walnut Brown XXVlll 9"k
Lemnian Ruddle SFll
Cacao Brown.- XXVIIl 9"i
Other sources Lemnos SFll Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Light Russet-Vinaceous . .. XXXIX 9"'b
Madder Brown 7J9
Badius _ B Russet-Vinaceous . .. XXXIX 9"' Barn Red gm 6 pg
Madder Indian Red 7L8 Brick Red gm
Dark Red . SC Testaceous XXVIU 9" B ng
Mahogany 7J10 Brown Mahogany m 6
Orange Brown S Vinaceous-Pink XXVlll 9"d pi
Mahogany Brown- - - 7J10 Cedar g 6
Reddish Brown A Vinaceous-Russet XXVlll 7"i le
Mahogany Red. -. 7J10 Cocoa Brown g S Ig
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Manzanita. 7L10 Copper Brown m S pi
41. DEEP UKDOISII BROWN Marsala 6D10 Dark Lacquer Red m 6 pe
Copper Tan gm 5 le
Mascara 7L8 Henna m 5 ng
Maerz and Paul Rosewood Tan gm 5 ie
Mauvewood 7H10 Indian Red gm 6 ng
Mecca 7H12 Red Mahogany m 6' 2 pi
Akbar. ... . . 7L4 Other sources
7L5 Metal Brown 7H10 Redwood g 6 le
Algerian Red -

Anatolia ... 7L3 Brown . . S Mexico .... SDH Rosewood Brown g 5 ni

7L6 Dull Reddish Brown. . .-- A Mohawk 7H12 Rosewood Tan g S Ig
Arabian Red
Light Red Brown ... S Mordore 6C11 Russet Brown m
Burnt Rose 7L2 S pi
Light Reddish Brown SC Morocco Red. - ... ... ... 6K11 Russet Tan g
Crimson Maple 7L5 S Ig
7L7 Pale Red ... .... - SC More Red 7L10 Rust Tan g 5 le
Dregs of Wine
Pale Reddish Brown RC Mort d'ore 6C11 Venetian Red m
India Red 7L6 6 pi
Red Brown - S Naples Red SFll
Malaga 7L1 .

Reddish Brown SC Nuremberg Red SFll Textile Color Card Association

Maroon 7L7
Roseo-Vmosus .- . B Oakheart 6H10
Mars Violet 7L6 Cocoa 70192
Terra Cotta (Y8.D). - . - F 1730 Old Cedar 7J9
Mineral Purple 7L6 .

Henna 70162
Testaceus B Oriental Bole SFll
Pompeii 7L2 Mahogany 70126
Vinoso-LividuS-.. B Oxblood |Red| 7L9
Red Robbin 7L6 Terra Cotta.... 70161
7L7 Weak Red SC Oxide Brown 7L12
Wine Dregs
Yellow Brown S Oxide Purple 7112
Wine Lees 7L7 Other sources
Pencilwood 6C11
Piccadilly 7H10 Badius B
Taylor, Knoche. Granville
43. MODERATE REDDISH Piccolpasso Red 7L9 Brown S
Barn Red g 6'v pg BROWN Plantation .. 6D11 Castaneus .-. B
Brown Mahogany g 6 pi
Pompeii 7L2 Dark Brown S
Wine g
Claret 8 pg Maerz and Paul Prussian Red 7L12 Dark Red SC
Garnet g 8 pg 7J10 Purple Brown 7L12 Dark Reddish Brown RC
Acajou -

Red Mahogany g 6H pi
Akbar 7L4 Purple Oxide ... 7L12 Dark Reddish Brown SC
Venetian Red g 6 pi
Ambrosia 6G9 Raddle SFll Deep Brown S
Wine g - 8 pg 7L11 Red Bole SFll Dull Red A
Angel Red -.-
4J12 Red Chalk SFll Dull Red (AN) F 3105
Antique Red
Other sources Antwerp Red 5F11 Redding SFll Dull Red (USA) F 3105

6F10 Reddle SFll Dull Reddish Brown A

Brown Striping (N) F 1015 AragoH- .

5F11 Red Earth SFll Dusky Red SC

Chocolate S Armenian Bole
Beef's Blood 7L9 Red Ochre SFll Fawn S
Dark Red SC
SFll Redwood 6K11 Ferrugineus B
Dull Red A BerlinRed
Bill Rembrandt's Madder 4J11 LatericiuS-- B
Maroon (AN) F 1010 Bismarck. - .

SFll Roan 7J7 Red SO

Maroon (USA) F 1010 Bole
SFll Rose Oak BEIO Red Brown ._ S
Metallic Brown (MA) F 2010 Bole Armoniack
SFll Rosewood SHIO Reddish Brown A
Metallic Brown (PC) F 1015 Bolus
7JI1 Rouge de Fer. SFll Reddish Brown SC
Metallic Red (USA) F 1020 Boreal...

. .

Testaceus .-. B Gray Brown .3 Very Dusky Red . .. RC Orange. S

Umbrinus B Griseo-Sepiaceus. - 8 Vinoso-Lividus B Orange Yellow S
Weak Red SC Hinnuleus B Weak Red... SC Persicinus. B
Latericius B Yellow S
Light Reddish Brown SC 47. DARK GRAYISH REDDISH
Maerz and Paul Pale Red SC Maerz and Paul
Andorra 8L4 Pinkish Gray SC Maerz and Paul
Reddish Brown SC Ambulance 8C6
Dregs of Wine 7L7 Aurora Yellow 9L8
Andorra ... 8L4
Maroon _ 7L7 Reddish Gray . SC Big 4 Yellow.. 10L12
Vinoso-Griseus B Armada . . 8H6
Old Burgundy 56H9 Burnt Roman Ochre lOLll
Brazil Brown 8L8
Wine Dregs 7L7 Weak Red SC Cadmium Orange. 9L10
Yellow Brown Carbuncle 8L7
Wine Lees 7L7 S Cadmium Yellow
Granada 8H6 9L8
Capucine Lake lOAIl
Plochere Ibis Red 8A6
46. GRAYISH REDDISH London Brown 8L7
Carrot Red.. lOCll
Padre Brown 369 R 5-a BROWN Morro 8H6 10J9

Old Burgundy 56H9 Daffodil Yellow 9L8

Ridgway Maerz and Paul Damomco- _ lOAll
Port Wine 56J12
Carob Brown XIV 9'm Rose Ebony 8E6
Danae 9L9
Autumn Oak 7H9
Iron Yellow..
Maroon 3m Solitaire 8H6 11L9
Berlin Brown 7H8
Spanish Raisin 48L3
Kyoto 9B10
Cameo Brown 6F9
Mandarin Orange
Taylor, Knoche. GranTille Zanzibar 8L5 . 11B12
Cedar 7H7
Marathon 11H12
Burgundy g 8 pi Cocobala 7H8 Zulu 8A6
Mars Yellow 11L9
Cordovan g 8 pi Hampstead Brown 7E9
Plochere Mangold (Yellow! 9L10
Dark Rose Brown g 7 pn Iron Minium... 7H8
Marygold .. 9L10
Dark Wine g 7 pi Kaffa 7E9 African Night 281 RO 6-a
Mikado 2B12
Deep Brown Mahogany g.. 6 pi Liver 7H9 Raisin 321 Ro 5-a
Monicon... lOAll
Deep Maroon g 7i4 Pl Liver Brown 7H9 Roman Rose 377 R 6-a
Moorish Red 10L9
Deep Red Brown g pl Liver Maroon.. 7H9
Ridgway Moresco. 9E10
Deep Red Mahogany g 6M pl Mauvewood 7H10
Nasturtium lYellow] . . 9L8
Maroon g 8 pi Metal Brown 7H10 Hessian Brown. XIII 5'm Navaho .. 10C12
Piccadilly 7H10
Other sources Orange Madder 9L11
Rosedust 6B2 Taylor. Knoche. Granville
Orange Ochre lOLU
Castaneus B Burgundy 7 pl Orange-peel lOLlO
Plochere g
Dark Reddish Brown SC Chocolate Brown m 5 po Orange Rufous nL12
Deep Reddish Brown (QM). F 1005 Kaffa 274 RO 5-b Cordovan g Orient Yellow 9L8
8 pl
Dull Reddish Brown A Mince Meat 273 RO 5-a Dark Brown g 6 nl Orpiment Orange. . ... . . 10B12
Reddish Black SC Taupe Rose 378 R 6-b Deep Maroon g 7! 2 pl Ponce de Leon. llLll
Sanguineus B Tobacco Brown 322 Ro 5-b Ebony Brown g_. 8 pn Princeton Orange 9K1I
Very Dusky Red SC Pumpkin lOHll
Ridgway Other sources Radiant Yellow. . 9L8
Burnt Umber . XXVIII 9"m Siderin Yellow . . 11L9
Castaneus. . _ B
Souci . 9L10
Dark Reddish Brown SC
BROWN Chestnut-Brown. XIV ll'm Dull Reddish Brown A
Spanish Ochre.. lOLll
Chocolate XXVIII 7"m Reddish Black SC
Sunburst 10K9
Maerz and Paul Tangier
Diamine Brown XIII 3'm
Very Dusky Red RC
Alesan,.. I2A6 Haematite Red XXVII 5"m Very Dusky Red SC
Tokyo 9B11
Autumn Blonde 14A7 Hay's Brown XXXIX 9"'k Zinc Orange 10J9
Buckskin MAS Hessian Brown XIII 5'm
Caf-au-lait-. 12A6 Seal Brown.. XXXIX 5"'m 48. VIVID ORANGE Plochere
Deauville Sand 14A5 Sorghum Brown. ._ XXXIX 9"'i Maerz and Paul Bittersweet Orange 202 Or 2-b
Faon... I4A7 Walnut Brown XXVIII 9"k
Burnt Orange. 153 0 2-a
Fawn [Brown] . 14A7 Big 4 Yellow 10L12
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Mandarin Orange 194 Or 1-b
French Nude.. 12A6 Chrome Orange 10K12
Orange 145 0 1-a
Misty Morn 5C7 Navaho 10C12
Burgundy m. 7 pl
Ormond 14A4 Orpiment Orange 10B12
Cocoa Brown m 5 Ig Ridgway
Polignac _. ... 4D9 Toboggan... 1B12
Dark Redwood gm 6 Ig
Rosestone 6C9 Dark Rose Taupe g 5
Cadmium Orange III 13
Sandalwood 14A7
Ridgway Cadmium Yellow..
Deep Brown m . ._ 5 pl .
Ill 17
Seaside 14A4 Deep Brown Mahogany m. . 6 pl Cadmium Orange III 13 Mikado Orange Ill 13b
Siennese Drab... 14A6 Deep Red Brown m 6'2Pl Orange Chrome II 11 Orange Ill 15
Sorghum Brown. 6B9 Deep Red Mahogany m 6' 2Pl Salmon-Orange II lib
Stucco WAS Rose Brown gm 6' ^ m
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Zinc Orange.. XV 13'
Wood Rose 6B9 Rose Taupe g 5 ig Bright Orange g 4 pa
Rosewood Brown m 5 ni Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Flame Orange g 5 na
Plochere Rosewood Tan m 5 Ig Tangerine g 5 pa Apricot g 4 la

Caravan 284 RO 6- d Russet Tan m 5 Ig .

Bright Orange m 4 pa
Octoroon Rose 276 RO 5-d Taupe Brown gm. .. 6 ni . . Other sources Flame Orange m 5 na
Sand Stucco 285 RO 6--e Aurantiacus B Light Orange g 4
Tapestry Beige 283 RO 6- c
O ther sources Bright Orange _ . A Orange gm 4

AtrovinosuS-. B Cadmium Orange H 8 Russett Orange gm 4 pc
Ridgway Badius B Mangold Orange H 11 Sun Orange gm 5 la
Brick Red S Orange S Tangerine m 5 pa
Benzo Brown XLVI 13" "i
Brown S
Brownish Drab . XLV 9"" . Orange Yellow S
Brown Red S Orpiment Orange... H 10 Textile Color Card Association
Cinnamon-Drab XLVI 13"
Brunneo-Vinosus B Persimmon Orange H 710
Fawn Color XL 13"' Golden Orange (USA) 65003
Castaneus. B Tangerine Orange H 9
Light Cinnamon-Drab. . XLVI 13' "b
Chocolate S Orange 70069
Rood's Brown XXVIII ll"k Yellow S
Dark Red Brown S Princeton Orange 70070

Taylor. Knoche. Granville Dark Reddish Brown SC

Dull Reddish Brown A 49. BRILLIANT ORANGE Other sources
Rose Taupe m . .. 5ig Dusky Red SC Aurantiacus, B
Rosewood gm 5 ge
Grayish Red RC Brown Orange S
Latericius B Orange-Pink II Uf Cadmium Orange H 8
Other sources
Maroon (USA) F3015 Carrot Red H 612
Other sources
S Reddish Brown S Luteus B
Dark Brown. . S Reddish Brown SC Cadmium Orange .. H8 Maiolica Yellow H 09
Dull Reddish Brown A Umbrinus.. B Orange. , A Mangold Orange.. . H 11

Nasturtium Orange- H 610 53. MODERATE ORANGE Burnt Orange m 5 nc Phyliamorl 5A12
Ochraceus B Copper m 5 Ic Phyllamort 5A12
Maerz and Paul Dusty Orange gm Platina Yellow. 13L12
Orange 4 Ic

Orange (USA) F 3205 Apricot 10F7 Light Orange m 4 ia Prairie Brown 13D12
Orange S Aurora Yellow.. 9L8 Pastel Orange gm 4 ic Prussian Brown 13L12
Orange Yellow S Bronze Yellow 11L8 Persimmon m 5 nc Punjab 12L12
Orpiment Orange. - H 10 Brown Ochre 11K9 Salmon m 5 la Raw Italian Earth 13L10
Persimmon Orange H 710 Cadmium Yellow... 9L8 Suntan gm 4 ic Raw Sienna 13L10
Red Orange S Capucine Lake lOAU Rose Amber 12B9
Spanish Orange H 010 Capucine Madder. 10B9 Textile Color Card Association Ru Ochre 12L9
Tangerine Orange H 9 Capucine Orange 918 Rut Ochre 12L9
Apricot 70037
Yellow S Capucine Yellow 9K8 Sanford's Brown 13A12
Honeydew 70038
Yellow Orange. _ S Carrot Red lOCll Sayal Brown 13G9
Ceres 9C8 Other sources Sonora 13A10
Cowslip 10J9 Sorrel 13J11
51. DEEP ORANGE Croceus 10K8 Armeniacus B
Spa-Tan 12D12
Crocreal 10K8 Brown Orange S
Spice 13B12
Maerz and Paul Crocus 10K8 Buff (TO F 2305
Spruce Ochre 12L9
Daffodil Yellow 9L8 Buff S
Algonquin . . 4D12 Sunstone 12F12
Damonico... lOAll Carrot Red H 612
Autumn Leaf... 5A12 Talavera 12A12
Danae 9L9 Cinnamomeus B
Bittersweet Orange 3B12 Tan 12L11
Doubloon 11K9 Croceus B
Dead Leaf . . 5A12 Tawny 13D10
Flesh Ochre 10A8 Deep Orange S
Feuille Morte. . 5A12 Terra Cotta 4D12
Formosa 12A8 Light Red SC
Feulamort. . . - . 5AI2 Terra Siena 13L10
Genista 9J8 Majolica Yellow H 09
Fleulamort _ . . - 5A12 Titian 13J12
Golden Ochre. 11K9 Ochraceus B
Filemol 5A12 Titian Gold.... 13A1I
Gold Leaf 11K8 Ochre S
Fillemot.- . 5A12 .
Transparent Gold Ochre... 12L9
Gold Ochre 11K9 Orange A Wild Honey
FoliageBrown 5A12 1389
Honeydew 9B8 Orange S
Fohmort 5A12 Windsor Tan 13G12
Iron Yellow.. 11L9 Orange Brown S Withered Leaf
Leattier Lake. .
5A12 5A12
Jacinthe .. 1019 Pale Brown S
Neutral Orange ... ... - 3B12 Yucatan 12L9
Jaffa Orange UCIO Persicinus B
Oakleaf Brown . . .. 5A12
Japan Rose.. 3A10 Red Brown S Plochere
Philamot. -. 5A12
Kyoto 9B10 Reddish Yellow SC
Philimot . . 5A12 Cinnamon 161 0 3-3
Mars Yellow 11L9 Salmoneus B
Ptiilomot 5A12 Copper Bronze 210 Or 3-b
Mikado Orange. 9J9 Testaceus B
Ptiyhamort 5A12 Spice 218 Or 4-b
Mirabelle 10J7 Yellow. S
Ptiyllamort - - . 5A12
Monicon lOAU Yellow Brown S
Puniab -. 12L12
. .
Moresco ..... 9E1C Yellow Buff S
Terra Cotta.. 4D12 .

Muskmelon . 11A8 Yellow Orange S Cinnamon-Rufous XIV ll'i

Withered Leaf . .. 5A12

Nasturtium (Yellow] 9L8 Tawny XV 13'i

Kidgway Nugget .. ... 11L8

Onion-skin Pink . . 11A7
5i. BROWNISH ORANGE Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Orange-Rufous II lli
Burnt Orange m

Orient Yellow 9L8 Maerz and Paul 5 nc

Xanthine Orange Ill I3i
Persian Orange lOFlO
. Copper g 5 Ic
Adust 12L11
Pheasant 4B11 Luggage Tan m 4 ne
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Algonquin . 4D12
Radiant Yellow. .. 9L8 Orange Rust m 4 pe
Roman Earth Amber Brown 13K12
Bittersweet gm. 5 pc 11K9 Persimmon m 5 nc
Amberglow 12H10
Burnt Orange gm 5 pc Roman Ochre 11K9 Terra Cotta m 5 pe
Autumn Leaf 5A12
Orange Rust g ... 4 pe Rufous lOAlO
Safaran 10K8 Burma 12J10
Textile Color Card Association
Russett Orange g 4 p:
Caramel 12F10
Saffron Yellow 10K8
Cathay 12L9 Gold Brown.. 70118
Other sources Saratoga 11J8
Chinese Gold 12K10
S Sea Shell 11A7 Other sources
Brown Orange Clay Bank 12K9
S Seville Orange 11C9
Ochre Creole 13A9
Siderin Yellow 11L9 Brown S
Orange... A Dead Leaf 5A12
Sunburst 10K9 Brown Orange S
Orange -. S 12B12
Sunkiss 9K9 Eldorado Fulvus B
Orange Brown S 5A12
Feuille Morte Light Brown RC
S Sunrise Yellow . 10C7
Orange Vermilion Feulamort 5A12
Testaceous 4B11 Orange A
Red Brown S
Fleulamort 5A12
Trianon 9B7 Orange Brown S
Senatus B 5A12
Zinc Orange 10J9 Filemot Red SC
Fillemot - 5A12 Red Brown S
52. LIGHT ORANGE Plochere Foliage Brown 5A12 Yellow Brown S
Folimort 5A12 Yellow Red SC
Plochere Apricot Tan 213 Or 3-e 12L9
French Yellow
Bronze Pink 261 RO 3-e Giraffe 13C9
Apricot 205 Or 2-e Chvia 195 Or 1-c
Gold Pheasant 13L12 55. STRONG BROWN
Cowslip.. 196 Or 1-d Golden Apricot 204 Or 2-d
Harvest 12H9
Golden Apricot 204 Or 2-d Golden Tan 162 0 3-b Maerz and Paul
Indian 12C12
Prairie Sunset 245 RO 1-e King'sRansom 211 Or 3-c
Italian Ochre.... 13L10 Agate 6H12
Talisman 253 RO 2-e Pumpkin 203 Or 2-c
Leather 12L11 Alamo 14A12
Talisman 253 RO 2-e
Ridgway Leather Lake 5A12 Arab (Brown) 14B12
Topaz Amber 212 Or 3-d
Mango 13D11 Arabian Brown
Orange-Pink II llf
13K11 6C12
Martinique Armenian Red
Salmon Color XIV 9'd Kidgway
Mast Colour 12L10 Autumn Leaf 5A12
Apricot Buff XIV ll'b Maya 12A10 Bombay... 14H12
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Apricot Orange XIV 11' Mexican 12L9 Briar 14L11
Apricot m 4 ga Bittersweet Pink II 9d Mexican Red..-. 13L10 Brick Red 6B11
Capucine Orange. ._ 11113d Oakleaf Brown 5A12 Brown Bread 14L12
Other sources Flesh-Ocher XIV 9'b Ochre de Ru 12L9 Cacao Brown 5B11
S Light Salmon-Orange II lid Oker de Luce 12L9 Caledonian Brown 6B12
Orange A Ochraceous-Salmon XV 13'b Oker de Luke 12L9 Copper Brown 6012
Onion-skin Pink XXVIII ll"b Oker de Rouse 12L9 Copper Lustre 5012
Orange S
Orange Yellow S Orange-Cinnamon XXIX 13" Oriole 12L11 Crawshay Red.. 4H12
Peach H 512 Salmon Color XIV 9'd Paloma I2A9 Crowshay Red 4H12
Persicinus B Zinc Orange... XV 13' Pekinese 13G10 Dead Leaf .- 5A1?
Peruvian Brown 13L1! English Red 4H12:
Reddish Yellow SC
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Philamot 5A12 Ferruginous 5D12:
Salmon H 412
B m Phihmot --- 5A12 FeuilleMorte 5A1Z
Salmoneus Apricot 4 ia

Yellow S Bright Peach m 5 ia Philomot 5A12 Feulamorte 5A12

fieulamort 5A12 Orange Brown.. S Tawny.. 13D10 Brown Bread 14L12
Filemot 5A12 Red SC Tawny Birch 13A6 Brown Sugar 15H11
Fillemot.. 5A12 Strong Brown.. SC Terra Siena 13L10 Brussels Brown 15E11
Foliage Brown 5A12 Umbrinus B Testaceous 4B11 Burel 15C11
Folimort 5A12 Yellow Brown S Toast 13F8 Burnt Almond 14CI0
Forest of Dean Red 4H12 Yellow Red SC Toasted Almond... 13B8 Burnt Terra Verte 7A11
Cingeline __. 6D12 Topaz. 1218 Burnt Umber 15A12
Gingeoline 6D12 Tuscan Tan 13C8 Butterscotch 14F9
Ginger 6D12
56. DEEP BROWN Wild Honey 1389 Cacha 7C11
Gingerline 6D12 Woodland Rose 4A10 Cachou 7C11
Other sources
Gingioline ___ 6D12 Caf6 Creme... 14D8
Gold Brown. _ 14F12 Plochere California Color 14H10
Brown A
Golden Brown 14F12 Brown Striping (N) F 1015 Caramel.. 170 0 4-b Cappagh .- 7C12
Gypsy 6B12 Metallic Brown (PC) F 1015 Cocoa Brown 178 0 5-b Cappah Brown. 7C12
Hathor 43D12 French Beige Caraibe 15H11
228 Or 5-d
Hispano 14D12 French Yellow.. 171 0 4-t Carob Brown 7C12
Iron Oxide Red 6G12 57. LIGHT BROWN Grand Canyon.. 268 RO 4-d Caroubier 7C12
Jalapa.. 5C11 Paloma 219 Or 4-c Cartouche _ 1489
Kaiser Brown 6D12 Maerz and Paul Cashew. 7C11
Sandlewood 227 Or 5-c
Latericeous 6B11 Alesan Spice. 218 Or 4-b Cashew Lake.... 7C1I
Lateritious 6B11 Cashoo 7C11
Almond [Brown) 13B6 Walnut. 179 0 5-c
Leather Lake 5A12 Cassel Brown 7A11
Aloma 13C7
Mexico. 5D11 Amberglow 12H10 Ridgway Cassel Earth... 7An
Mineral Rouge 6G12 Cafe 7C11
Army Brown 6A10 Cinnamon XXIX 15"
Mosque 4F12 Catechu 7C11
Avellaneous 13J9 Fawn Color XL 13"'
Oak [Brown] 14L11 Castile Earth.... 7A11
Biscuit 13B6 Mikado Brown XXIX I3"i
Oakleaf Brown 5A12 Cigarette 14K11
Blush 12A7 Pecan Brown XXVIll ll"i
Peach Blush 5C11 Cinnamon Brown 14110
Bran 12D7 Rood's Brown.. XXVIll ll"k
Pencilwood-. 5CU Caf6-au-Lait 12A6
Circassian 15A10
Sudan Brown III 15k
Persimmon... 6E12 Clove.. 15C12
Caf Creme.. 14D8
Philamot 5A12 Cochin 7A12
Caramel 12F10 Taylor. Knoche, Granville
Philimot 5A12 Cocoa. 7E12
Cinnamon I2E7
Philomot 5A12 Cork Tan gm.. 4 ie Cocoa Brown 15C11
Cork 1287
Phyliamort 5A12 Dark Luggage Tan m 4 pg Coconut Brown 14C10
Cream Beige 13A6
Phyllamort 5A12 Light Brown m 4 ng Coffee 15A11
Creole 13A9
Red Oxide. 6G12 Light Spice Brown m 4 Ig Cognac. 14J11
Doe 13B6
Rugby Tan. 14B12 Maple gm 4 le Cologne Brown 7An
Dogwood 14E8
Russett Brown 14112 Nude Tan g_ 4 gc Cologne Earth 7A11
Filbert |Brown| 13J9
Rust 6A12 Rose Beige g 4 gc Cookie. 14C11
Formosa 12A8
Saravan 6B11 Saddle Tan m 4 ng Cotch... 7C11
French Beige 13A7
Sorolla Brown 6A12 Sandalwood m 4 Ig Cowboy 15E11
French Nude 12A6
Spanish Red 6G12 Toast Tan m 4 Ig Cullen Earth.... 7A11
Giraffe 13C9
Sudan Brown 14L12 Turf Tan gm. 4 le Cutch 7C11
Harvest 12H9
Tarragona 6G12 Dark Beaver... 15A9
Hazel 13J9 Textile Color Card Association
Tortoise 14C12 Hazelnut 13J9
Dogwood 14E8
Vassar Tan 6A11 Burnished Straw 70117 Durango... 14B9
Hopi... 13A7
Withered Leaf 5A12 Cork 70092 English Oak 15A10
India Spice 13B8
Rose Beige 70191 Etruscan.... 7H12
Italian Ochre 13L10
Plochere Sandalwood 70093 Faon 14A7
Josephine 12A7
Lariat 12C6
Fawn {Brown]. 14A7
Congo Brown 169 0 4-a Other sources Feuille.. 14B10
Gypsy... 217 Or 4-a Longchamps 5A9
Fudge... 7C12
Sierra 209 Or 3-a Mango 13D11 Bistre S
Gambia 7C11
Martinique 13K11 Bistre Brown S
Golden Chestnut 14A9
Ridgway Maya 12A10 Brown A
Gorevan... 7C11
MayfairTan 13B7 Brown S
Amber Brown Ill 13k Grapenuts 14B10
Merida. 13B7 Brown SC
Antique Brown... Ill 17k 13L10 India Tan 7C12
Mexican Red.. Brown Orange S
Hazel XIV ll'k Japan Earth 7C11
Mindoro 13A8 Cinnamomeus B
Kaiser Brown XIV 9'k Kis Kilim. 7C12
Mosul 14F8 Desert Sand (USA) F 3030
Sanford's Brown Ilk Latericeous 6811
Muffin 13J9 Dull Orange A
Sudan Brown 111 15k Lateritious 6811
M'jscade 4A10 Hinnuleus B
Leather Brown 14A10
Noisette 13J9 Latericius B
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Malabar.... 7E11
Oakbuff 13D7 Light Brown RC
Malay... 15C11
Brick Red g- 5 ng Old Pink 4BI0 Light Brown SC
Manchu... 15C12
Copper Brown g 5 pi
Onion-skin Pink 11A7 Light Reddish Brown. SC
Manganese Brown 15CI2
Dark Luggage Tan gm 4 pg Pablo 12G7 Ochre S
Marron Glac6 14A8
Henna gm 5 pg Paloma _ 12A9 Orange Brown S
Mars Brown 7A12
Light Brown g 4 ng Papyrus 12C7 Pale Brown S
Mecca.. 7H12
Light Copper Brown gm... 5 pg Pawnee 13B6 Red Brown S
Mehal 15C11
Luggage Tan g 4 ne Pekinese 13G10 Reddish Brown SC
Mesa 14B9
IVIaple g... 4 ng Peruvian Brown 13L11 Testaceus B
Mikado Brown 14C9
Oak Brown g 4 pi
Pheasant- 4BU Umbrinus B
Mineral Bister. 15C12
Russet gm 5 Pigskin 14E8 Yellow S
pg Moccasin 7A12
Russet Brown g 4 pi
Raw Italian Earth 13L10 Yellow Brown S
Mocha Bisque 14C8
Rust Brown gm 5 pg
Raw Sienna 13L10
Mohawk 7H12
Rust Tan g 5 le
Rosario 6A10
Saddle Tan g 4 ng Rose Amber 12B9 58. MODERATE BROWN Mordore 6C11
Mort d'ore 6C11
Terra Cotta g _ 5 pe Rose Beige 2 5A10
Rose Blush 2.... 12A7
Maerz and Paul Mosul... - 14F8
Tile Red g 5 ne
Sandstone 13A6 Algerian.. 14B8
Mummy Brown 7E11
Muraille -. 14B9
Textile Color Card Association Satinwood _ 6B10 Antique Brown _ 14K11
Mustard Brown 14D10
Sauterne 13C8 Apache.... 7E12
Gold Brown 70118 Sayal Brown 13G9
New Bronze 15E11
Arabian Brown 14A11
Nutmeg 15A9
Sea Shell 11A7 Argus Brown 7A12
Other sources Oak [Brown] 14L11
Sonora. 13A10 Auburn 7C11
Oakwood 1489
Brown A Sorrel. 13J11 Autumn Blonde 14A7
Brown Pecan Brown 14A9
S Suede. 14D8 Bay 7E1I
Dark Red. SC Sunburn 13A7 Bombay... 14H12 Pencilwood 6C11
Deep Brown S Suntan 1387 Briar 14L11 Pigskin. 14E8
Ferruginous B Tansan. 1286 Brick Red 6B11 Praline 15A9
Latericius B Textile Color Card Association Deep Brownish Drab XLV 9""i
Prout's Brown 15H1I
Moderate Brown RC Natal Brown XL 13"'k
Pueblo.. 15C11 Beige 70104
S Vandyke Brown.. XXVIIl ll"m
Rangoon 15C12 OliveBrown Bisque 70201
Orange Brown S Warm Sepia XXIX 13"m
Roman Sepia 7A11 Putty 70169
Russet Brown 14112 Red Brown S
Taylor, Knoche, Granyille
Russian Calf 7C12 Reddish Brown SC Other sources
Sahara 7E12 Seal Brown (USA) F 1710 Beaver m 4 li
Brown S
Sandalwood 14A7 Sepiaceus B Chocolate Brown m 4 pn
Brown SC
Santos 15A9 Umbrinus B Dark Brown m 4 pn
Desert Sand (QM) F 1725
Saravan 6B11 Dark Rose Taupe g 5 li

Seminole UEIO
59. DARK BROWN Dull Brown A
Dark Spice Brown m 4 pi
Griseo-Sepiaceus B
Sherry (Brownl 15C12 Deep Brown m 4 pi
Maerz and Paul Hinnuleus B
Siam 15H11 Rose Taupe g 5 ig
Orange Brown S
Sienna Brown 7E12 Argentina 8L6 Taupe Brown g 5 li

8L6 Pinkish Gray -- SC

Stroller 14C9 ArtBrown
Reddish Gray SC Textile Color Card Association
Sudan Brown. 14L12 Domingo Brown 8L9
8L10 Sand (AN) F 3025
Suede 14D8 Java Autumn Brown 70107
Subvinoso-Griseus B
Tanbark 14B8 Kolinsky 8L11 70106
Vinoso-Griseus B Beaver
Teak IBrown] 7E12 Leaf Mold 8L11
Terra Japonica 7C11 Maracaibo 8L9 Other sources
Terrapin 14B10 Mirador 8L6 61. GRAYISH BROWN
Black Brown... S
Tortoise Shell 14G11 Nomad Brown 8L10
Brown S
Trotteur Tan 7E11 Weathered Oak 8L11 Maerz and Paul
Brown SC
Tulip Wood 7C11 Ascot Tan 7C10 Brunneo-Vinosus B
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Turtle 7E12 Autumn Blonde 14A7 Canyon Brown (QM) F 1715 .

Tuscan Brown 7H12 Chocolate Brown g 4 pn Beach Tan 15A8 S

Dark Brown
Vandyke Brown 7A11 Dark Brown g 4 pn Beechnut 15A7 Dark Brown SC
Vassar Tan 6A11 Dark Brown Mahogany g.. 6 pn 15C9 SC
Bister Dark Reddish Brown
Verona Brown 7 All Dark Rose Brown g 7 pn Bistre 15C9 SC
Dark Reddish Gray
Wigwam 14G10 DarkSpice Brown g 4 pi Brown Bay 7E10 Dull Brown A
Witchwood 14A8 Deep Brown g 4 pi Brownstone _ 7E10 Earth Brown (USA) F 3010
Zuni Brown 7C11 Brown Stone 7C10 RC
Grayish Brown
Textile Color Card Association 15H11
Brown Sugar Griseo-Sepiaceus B
Brushwood 15A7 Hinnuleus B
Caramel Brown 70120
Burnt Almond 226 Or 5-b Brussels Brown 15E11 Latericius B
Congo Brown 169 0 4-a Other sources Caraibe.... --- 15H11 Sepiaceus B
Earth Brown 177 0 5-a Cashew Nut 15A8 Umber Brown S
Anti-Corrosive Brown 7E10
Sable 225 Or 5-a Castaneous Vinoso-Griseus B
(MA) F2005
Chestnut 7E10
Ridgway Brown A Chicle 7C9
Antique Brown III 17k
Brown PSP 54
Chukker Brown 15C8 62. DARK GRAYISH BROWN
Dark Reddish Brown SC 7C10
Argus Brown 13m Coconut
Very Dark Brown SC Maerz and Paul
Cowboy 15E11
Army Brown XL 13"'i
Dark Beaver _ 15A9 Afghan 8H5
Brussels Brown 15m

XV 15'k 60. LIGHT GRAYISH BROWN Faon - 14A7 African Brown 8H5
Fawn [Brown] 14A7 Amelie.. 8H5
Mars Brown XV 13'm Maerz and Paul Friar 8L12 Armada - 8H6
Prout's Brown XV 15'm
12A6 Gazelle [Brown] 15C7 Briarwood.. 8J6
Raw Umber III 17m Alesan
Almond |Brown| 13B6 Gold Bronze ._ 15H12 Chippendale 8H5
Rood's Brown XXVIIl 11"!
Autumn Blonde 14A7 Grouse 15C7 Chocolate 8H10
Russet XV 13'k
Biscuit 13B6 Kermanshah_._. 7C10 Chocolate Brown 8H9
Vandyke Brown XXVIIl ll"r
Buckskin 14A6 Madrid... 15C10 Falcon 8J10
Verona Brown XXIX 13"k
13A5 Mandalay 8L12 Friar 8L12
Taylor, Knoche, Granyille Caf6-au-lait 12A5 Marocain 7C10 Galleon 8J9

Cream Beige 13A6 Marone 7E10 Granada 8H6

Chestnut Brown gm 4 ni
Deauvi lie Sand 14A5 Marron 7E10 Hindu
Cocoa Brown g__ _._ 5 ni 8J5
Doe 13B6 Marrone 7E10 Horsechestnut
Dark Spice Brown m 4 pi
Faon 14A7 Mummy Brown 15C8 Java Brown 8J8
Deep Brown m 4 pi
7A10 8J7
Fawn (Brownl 14A7 Natal Brown Liberia
Light Brown gm 4 ng 8L12
French Nude 12A6 New Bronze 15E11 Mandalay
Light Spice Brown gm 4 Ig
Longchamps 5A9 New Cocoa 7A10 Montella
Maple gm 4 ng
15A9 8J6
Manon 6A9 Nutmeg Morocco
Oak Brown m 4 pi
Brown 8L12 8H6
Misty Morn 5C7 Pilgrim Morro
Rosewood Brown g 5 ni
Nougat 13A5 Pinecone 15C9 Muskrat
Russet Brown m 4 pi
Ormond 14A4 Pony Brown 15A7 Norfolk
Saddle Tan gm 4 ng 8L12
Pawnee 13B6 Praline 15A9 PilgrimBrown
Sandalwood gm 4 Ig
15H11 8H9
Pearlblush 12A5 Prout's Brown.. Rembrandt
Spice Brown gm 4 ni 8H6
Rosetan 12A5 Racquet 15C7 Solitaire
Toast Tan gm 4 Ig
Sandalwood 14A7 Saddle 15C10
13A6 Sandalwood 14A7 Plochere
Textile Color Card Association 15A9
Seaside 14A4 Santos Charcoal 329 Ro 6-a
Autumn Brown 70107 Siennese Drab 14A6 Sarouk 7C9 Nomad Brown 233 Or 6-a
Brown (USA) 65016 Sorghum Brown 6B9 Sedge 15A8
Brown 70119 Stucco 14A5 Siam 15H11 Ridgway
Caramel Brown 70120 Tawny Birch 13A6 Soapstone 15A7
Blackish Brown (3) XLV 9""m
Oakwood 70094 Wood Rose. --_ 6B9 Soot Brown 15C9
Spicebrown 70141 Tamarack 15C8
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Toast Brown 70140 Ridgway Teakwood 15C9
Chocolate g 5 nl
Tobacco. - - 70095 Vienna Brown... 15H12
Benzo Brown XLVI 13""i Chocolate Brown g 4 pn
Warm Sepia 7C10
Other sources Brownish Drab XLV 9"" Winter Leaf.... 15A8 Dark Brown g 4 pn
Cinnamon-Drab XLVI 13""
Brown A Fawn Color XL 13"' Textile Color Card Association
Brown S Plochere
Light BrownishDrab XLV 9""b African Brown. 70096
Brown. SC Light Cinnamon-Drab XLVI 13""b Nubian Brown 282 RO 6-b 70108
Dark Brown S
Dark Brown SC Ridgway Other sources
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Dark Reddish Brown. SC
Army Brown XL 13'"i Black SC
Deep Brown S Fawn m 4 ig
Benzo Brown XLVI 13'"'i Black Brown S
Earth Red (USA) F 3020 Light Fawn gm 4 ge
Bone Brown.. X L13"'m Brownish Black RC
Hinnuleus B Rose Beige gm 4 ge

Dark Reddish Brown SC Rose Grey 7A8 67. BRILLIANT ORANGE Majolica Yellow H 09
Dull Brown A Sakkara 15C6 YELLOW Ochraceus B
Dusky Brown RC Sparrow 15C6 Orange S
15A6 Plochere Orange Yellow (AN) F 1310
Fusco-Nlger B Starling
Red Boottopping. Dark F 1705 Taupe 16A6 Orange Yellow S
Nasturtium... 147 0 1-c
(MA) Wild Dove Grey 707 Reddish Yellow A
Reddish Black SC Wild P-geon 707 Other sources Saffron Yellow. H 7

Very Dark Brown SC Yellow (BuOrd) F 2315

Bright Yellow S Yellow (FS) F 1310
Indian Yellow H 6 Yellow (MA) F 1310
63. UGHT BROWNISH GRAY Falcon 234 Or 6-b Maize Yellow H 607 Yellow (USA) F 1310
Gun Metal 330 Ro 6-b Ochre S Yellow Striping (N) F 1310
Maerz and Paul Orange S Yellow S
Ridgway Orange Yeliow S
14A3 Yellow Ochre H 07
Ormond 14A4 Blackish Brown (3) XLV 9'"'m Reddish Yellow A Yellowish Orange A
Sandrift MAS Blackish Mouse Gray LI15""'m Yellow S
Sandy-Beige 14A3 Bone Brown XL 13"'m Yellowish Orange A
Seaside 14A4 Chaetura Drab XLVl 17""k 69. DEEP ORANGE YELLOW
Dark Mouse Gray. 15""'k
Deep Mouse Gray
LI 15""'i

Deep Twilight 331 Ro 6-c Dusky Drab XLV9""k Maerz and Paul Mars Yellow 111 15i

Gray Morn 332 Ro 6-d Fuscous XLVl 13""k Ochraceous-Orange XV 15'

Andrinople Berries 10L6
Peach Sand 237 Or 6-e Fuscous-Black XLVl 13""m
Brown Aurora Yellow 9L8 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Quail 235 Or 6-c Hair XLVl 17""i
Avignon Berries 10L6
Sandrift 236 Or 6-d Amber gm 3 pc
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Buckthorn Berries 10L6
Ridgway Cadmium Yellow 9L8 Other sources
Chocolate m 4 nl
Daffodil Yellow 9L8
Light Mouse Gray Li 15""'b Chocolate Brown m 5 pn
Dutch Orange 10L8 Ochraceus B
Mouse Gray LI 15""' Dark Brown m 4 nl Olive Bistre S
Florida Gold 10L8
Pale Mouse Gray LI 15""'d Dark Brown Mahogany m.. 6 pn Orange S
French Berries 10L6
Dark Rose Taupe gm 5 li
Orange Yellow ^ S
Gild 10L7
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Taupe Brown gm. 5 li
Reddish Yellow A
Gilded 10L7
Ashes gm 5 fe Gilt 10L7 Senatus B
Textile Color Card Association
Silver Gray gm 3 fe Golden Yellow 10L7 Yellow S
African Brown 70096 Gold Yellow 10L7 Yellowish Orange A
Textile Color Card Association Castor 70137 Indian Yellow 10K7
Taupe 70138 Morea Berries 10L6
Nasturtium [Yellowl 9L8
Other sources
Other sources Orient Yellow 9L8 Maerz and Paul
Atromurinus B Orpiment Red 10L8
Bistre S Jonquil lYellow] 9J5
Black Brown S Piuree 10K7
BistreBrown S
Brown S Piuri 10K7
Black Brown S Plochere
Brown-Black... S Purrea Arabica 10K7
Brown S Apricot Sherbet 197 Or 1-e
Brownish Gray... A Purree 10K7
Brownish Gray A Radiant Yellow.. 9L8 Blush Yellow 198 Or 1-f
Brownish Gray RC
Dark Brown.. ._ S Sunburst 214 Or 3-f
Brunneo-Vinosus B Realgar 10L8
Gray _ SC Zinnia Gold 156 0 2-d
Dark Brown S Risigal 10L8
Gray Black.. S
Dark Gray SC Rosalgar 10L8
Gray Brown S Ridgway
Dark Reddish Gray SC Ruby of Arsenic 10L8
Gray Lilac S
Fusco-Niger B Sandarach 10L8 Capucine Buff 111 13f
Light Brownish Gray RC
Fuscus B Sandaracha 10L8 Pale Orange-Yellow Ill 17f
Light Gray SC
Griseo-Sepiaceus B Snowshoe 10K7
Light Olive Gray. RC Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Murinus B Spanish Yellow 10L7
Lilac Brown S
Niger B Ta-Ming... 10L6 Melon Yellow m 3 ga
Olive Brown S
Very Dark Gray SC Venice Berries 10L6
Reddish Gray SC Yellow Berries Other sources
Sepia S
Yellow Carmine 10L8
Submurinus B 6.5. BROWNISH BLACK Bright Yellow S
Croceus B
Taylor. Knoche. Granville Dull Buff , S
64. BROWNISH GRAY California Poppy 146 0 1-b Dull Yellow S
Chocolate Brown g 5 po
Maerz and Paul Old Gold 57 Yo 2-a Egyptian Buff H 407
Other sources Indian Yellow H 6
Argali 15A4 Ridgway Luteolus B
Beaver 15A6 Black SC Maize Yellow H 607
Cadmium Yellow 111 17
Bonito 7C7 Brownish Black A Orange
Capucine Yellow 111 15b S
Boulevard... 15C6 Reddish Black SC Orange Buff H 507
Deep Chrome Ml 17b
BroccoliBrown. 15C5 Orange Yellow S
Ochraceous-Orange XV 15'
Bronze Brown.. 16C9 A
Camel. 15A6
66. VIVID ORANGE YELLOW Reddish Yellow
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Reddish Yellow SC
Castor 16A8 Taylor. Knoche. Granville Yellow S
Clove Brown 16A7 Bright Maize gm 3 la
Yellow SC
Eagle.... 16A7 Bright Marigold g 3 pa Bright Marigold m.. 3 pa
Yellowish Orange A
Elephant Skin_._ 7A2 Bright Yellow g 3 pa Bright Melon Yellow g 3 ia

Fuscous 7C7 Sunflower g 3 pa Bright Yellow gm . . 3 na

Goat 1505 Mangold gm 3 na 71. MODERATE ORANGE

Other sources
Grey 31... 1506 Nasturtium Yellow gm 3 1a YELLOW
Hair Brown 15A4 Bright Reddish Yellow A Sunflower gm.. 3 na

Limestone 15A4 Bright Yellowish Orange... A

Maerz and Paul
Textile Color Card Association
Loam 15C5 ChromeYellow(PC) F 1310 Andrinople Berries 10L6
Log Cabin 15A5 National School Bus Spanish Yellow 70068 Antimony Yellow 10J6
Mouse-dun 15C6 Chrome F 1305 Yellow (USA).... 65002 Aurora Yellow 9L8
Mouse IGreyl 15C6 Orange S Auteuil... 11C7
Murinus 15C6 Orange Yellow (AN) F 1310 Other sources Avignon Berries. 10L6
Mushroom.. 15A6 Yellow (BuOrd) F 2315 Apricot... H 609 Buckthorn Berries 10L6
Owl 16A9 Yellow (FS)... F 1310 Aurantiacus B Buff 11K7
Pampas.. 15C4 Yellow (MA).... F 1310 Bright Yellow S Cadmium Yellow 9L8
Pelt 15C4 Yellow Striping (N) F 1310 Brown Orange S Cavalry 9L7
Plover 15C5 Yellow (PR) F 1315 Chrome Yellow (PC) F 1310 Chinese Yellow 10K6
Quail 15A4 Yellow (USA) F 1310 Luteus B Chinese Yellow 11L7
Rabbit 15C5 Yellow S Maize Yellow H 607 Croceus 10K8

Crocreal - 10K8 Light Ochraceous-Buff ... V 15'd Cinnamomeus B Textile Color Card Association
Crocus..-. - 10K8 Light Orange-Yellow III 17d Dark Yellowish Orange RC
Champagne 70091
Oaffodile lYellow] 10J6 Orange-Buff III 15d Fulvus B
Sunset 70127
Daffodil Yellow 9L8 Pale Orange-Yellow Ill 17f Ochraceus B
Deep Chrome Yellow 9L7 Pinkish Cinnamon XXIX 15"b Olive Bistre S
Other sources
Di Pahto 11L7 Salmon-Buff.. XIV ll'd Orange S
Dutch Orange.. 10L8 Warm Buff XV 17'd Reddish Yellow A Buff... S
English Ochre 11L7 Reddish Yellow SC Bubalinus.. B
Florida Gold 10L8 Taylor, Knoche. Granville Senatus B Cameo Rose (Eng) F 2330
Forsythia 9K6 Amber m 3 nc
Yellow... S Croceus B
French Berries I0L6 Yellow Brown. S Dull Buff S
Bright Melon Yellow m 3 ia
French Ochre 11L7 Butterscotch m 3 Ic
Yellowish Orange A Dull Reddish Yellow A
Gild 10L7 Light Amber m 3 ic
Dull Yellowish Orange A
Gilded 10L7 Egyptian Buff H 407
Gilt -. 10L7
Melon Yellow g. 3 ga 7.3. PALE ORANGE YELLOW Ochre S
Gold Earth 11L7 Other sources Olive Yellow S
Maerz and Paul
Golden Corn. 916 Orange S
Golden Glow 9L6 Bistre S Bath Stone 10B3 Pale Yellowish Orange RC
Golden Wheat 11D7 Bright Yellow S Belleek 11B3 Peach (Y&D). F 3370
Golden Yellow 10L7 Brown Orange S Bisque 11A3 Pink SC
Gold Yellow 10L7 Bubalinus B Burnous 9C4 Roseo-Bubalinus B
Imperial Yellow 11L7 Buff (Eng) F 3335 Caen Stone 10B3 Salmoneus B
Inca Gold 11J7 Buff - S Capucine Buff 9E5 Very Pale Brown SC
Indian Yellow.. 10K7 Cinnamomeus B Champagne 11B3 White. SC
Italian Lake 11L7 Croceus B Cornhusk 10E6 Yellow S
Jonquil lYellow] 9J5 Dull Buff S Fakir 10B5 Yellow Buff S
Maise. 10G5 Dull Yellow S Flesh 1IA2 Yellow Tint (MA).. F 3345
Mellowglow 1016 Lufeolus B Freestone 10B3
Mineral Yellow 11L7 Maize Yellow H 607 French Pink 10F4
Mirabelle 10J7 Majolica Yellow H 09 Grain 11B5 74. STRONG YELLOWISH
Morea Berries I0L6 Melleus.. B Jonquil lYellowl 9J5 BROWN
Mountain Yellow 11L7 Ochre S Maise.. 10G5
Nasturtium |Ycllow] 9L8 Orange S Milwaukee Brick. 9E3 Maerz and Paul
Ochraceous.. 11L7 Orange Buff H 507 Moonlight 11A2
Ochre. _ 11L7 Orange Yellow... S Natural 11A2 Antique Gold 12L8
Orient Yellow. .. 9L8 Red Zinc Yellow Primer(N). F 3310 Nude 11A4 Avellaneous 13J9.
Orpiment Red... 10L8 Reddish Yellow A Pate Shell 11B5 Aztec 1318
Oxford Chrome. .. 11L7 Reddish Yellow SC Peach Blow 10B5 Brown Pink.. 12L8
Oxford Ochre 11L7 Salmoneus B Polar Bear 9B2 Buckthorn Brown 13L8
Oxford Yellow. 11L7 Yellow. S Seasan . 11A4 Bure I3H8
Oxide Yellow UL7 Yellow . SC Sienna Yellow 10F4 Burnished Gold 12L7
Permanent Yellow . 11L7 Yellow Buff S Sugar Cane 10B6 Cathay 12L9
Piuree. 10K7 Yellow Ochre H 07 Sunset 10C4 Centennial Brown 13K8
Piuri ._ 10K7 Yellowish Orange . . A Tuscan. 10E5 Chamoline 13L8
Pompeian Yellow 11F7 Veau d'or 10E6 Chipmunk 13L9
Purrea Arabica 10K7 Wheat 10F5 Clay 13J8
Purree 10K7
72. DARK ORANGE YELLOW Filbert (Brown] 13J9
Plochere French Yellow 12L9
Quercitron Lake . 11L7 Maerz and Paul
Radiant Yellow. 9L8 Almond Cream. 175 0 4-g Golden Yellow 12L8
Realgar. 10L8 Antique Gold .... 12L8 Angora . 200 Or 1-h Hazel 13J9
Risigal 10L8 Bronze Yellow 11L8 Apricot Cream 207 Or 2-g Hazelnut 13J9
Rosalgar I0L8 Bronze Pink 12L8 Apricot Ice . . 206 Or 2-f Indian Tan 1318
Ruby of Arsenic 10L8 Buckthorn Brown 13L8 Bath Stone 215 Or 3-g Mexican 12L9
Safaran 10K8 Burnished Gold. 12L7 Blush Yellow 198 Or 1-f Muffin 13J9
Saffron Yellow 10K8 Chamolme 13L8 Buckskin Tan 173 0 4-e Noisette 13J9
Sandarach. 10L8 Cotrine .. 12J8 Caen Stone 216 Or 3-h Ochre de Ru 12L9
Sandaracha 10L8 Golden Yellow. 12L8 Caramel Cream 174 0 4-f Oker de Luce I2L9
Sil 11L7 Gold Leaf 11K8 Cream Blush 199 Or 1-g Oker de Luke 12L9
Snowshoe 10K7 Nugget 11L8 Desert Mist.... 182 0 5-f Oker de Rouse 12L9
Spanish Yellow... 10L7 Pinchbeck Brown. 12L7 Dutch Cream.. 208 Or 2-h Pinchbeck Brown 1217
Sunray 10J6 Spruce Yellow 12K8 Eggshell 136 OY 5-h Pygmalion 13K8
Ta-Ming. 10L6 Stil de Gram Brown 12L8 Cream 224 Or 4-h Ru Ochre 12L9
Toltec 11B7 Sumac. 13L8 Golden Fleece 134 OY 5-f Rut Ochre 12L9
Venice Berries 10L6 Topaz 1218 Mellow Buff 135 OY 5-g Sayal Brown 13G9
Wheat 10F5 Mission White 184 0 5-h Spruce Ochre 12L9
Yellow Berries 10L6 Plochere Orange Blush... 167 0 3-g Stil de Grain Brown 12L8
Yellow Carmine. 10L8 Peach Cream 223 Or 4-g Sumac 13L8
Autumn Gold. .. 122 OY 4-b Transparent Gold Ochre... 12L9
Yellow Earth 11L7 Spanish White 168 0 3-h
Golden West 113 OY 3-a Yucatan 12L9
Yellow Ochre 11L7 Sunburst 214 Or 3-f
Yellow Sienna 11L7 Ridgway Sundown 222 Or 4-f
Yellow Wash.. nL7 Walnut Cream 183 0 5-g Plochere
Zedoary Wash.. 10J6 Cinnamon XXIX 15" White Fawn 176 0 4-h
Mars Yellow III 15 i Autumn Brown 129 OY 5-a
Plochere Ochraceous-Tawny XV 15'i Ridgway Bay Leaf. 121 OY 4-a
Apricot Tan 213 Or 3-e Raw Sienna HI 17i
Capucine Buff Ill 13f
Burnt Yellow 123 OY 4-c Yellow Ocher XV 17' Ridgway
Light Buff XV 17'f
California Gold... 114 OY 3-b XV 13'd
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Light Ochraceous-Salmon. .
Buckthorn Brown XV I7'i
Chamois Yellow _ 124 OY 4-d Light Vinaceous-Cinnamon XXIX 13"d Clay Color XXIX 17"
Cheddar Cheese 155 0 2-c Amber m . 3 nc Pale Ochraceous-Salmon. XV 13'f
Ochraceous-Tawny XV 15'i
Gold Rush 154 0 2-b Butterscotch m . 3 ne Pale Pinkish Buff XXIX 17"f Raw Sienna III 17i
Golden Peach 165 0 3-e Light Amber g 3 XXIX 15"f
Pale Pinkish Cinnamon ... Sayal Brown XXIX 15"i
Nasturtium Buff 163 0 3-c Topaz m. 3 pe XIV 9'f
Pale Salmon Color Sudan Brown. .. Ill 15k
Old Gold 57 Yo 2-a XIV ll'd
Salmon-Buff . .

Spanish Gold 164 0 3-d Textile Color Card Association

Seashell Pink ... XIV ll'f Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Sunburst 214 Or 3-f Warm XV
Topaz... 70116 Buff 17'd
Veiled Sun 115 0Y3-C 3 ne
Butterscotch g
Other sources Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Ridgway Cinnamon g 3 le

Antimony Yellow. XV 17'b Bistre S Light Melon Yellow gm 3 ea Golden Brown gm 3 pg

Capucine Buff Ill 13f Brownish Yellow SC Pearl Pink gm 3 ca Topaz gm 3 pe

Cinnamon-Buff XXIX 17"b Buff (USA)... F 1735 Shell gm.. 3 ca Yellow Maple g. 3 le


Other sources Sugar Cane 10B6 Bure 13H8 Cinnamomeus . . B

Disire c
_ 13L8
Dark Brown
Dark Yellowish Brown
Brown Olive S
Suntan 1387 Cafe Creme . 14D8 Dull Yellowish Brown A
Cinnamomeus ... B
Sweetmeat 11C5 Calabash 14J7 Griseo-Sepiaceus. B
Dark Yellowish Brown. . . SC
Fuivus. p Taffy
Centennial Brown
Medium Tan (Y&D) ... .
F 1720
Melleus B
Topaz 1218 Chamoline. 13L8 Melleus B
Ochre. S
Veau d'or 10E6 Cinnamon Brown 14110 Moderate Yellowish Brown . RC
Walnut [Brownl ... 12E6 Clay 13J8 Olive Bistre S
Red Brown S
p Yellow Beige 13H7 Clay Drab 1417 Red Brown S
Yosemite 1186 Condor 14K10 Sepiaceus... B
Cowboy 15E11 Umbrinus ... B
Umbrinus B Plochere Cyprus Earth ... 15L12 Yellowish Brown SC
Yellow Brown S
Almond.. 172 0 4-d Cyprus Umber _. 15L12
Yellowish Brown A
Amber Gold OY 5-d Dogwood. 14E8
Yellowish Brown. SC 132
. .

Chamois Yellow . 124 OY 4-d Dresden Brown 14K8 78. DARK YELLOWISH BROWN
Desert Sand 181 0 5-e Fox 14K8
Maerz and Paul
Light Oak 131 OY 5-c 1318
Sultan Sand 180 0 5-d Isabella 13K7 Cyprus Earth . . . 15L12
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Khaki I3J7 Cyprus Umber .. 15L12
Golden Brown g... 3 pi Ridgway Linoleum Brown 14L9 Manganese Velvet Brown.. 15L12
Tobacco Brown g 3 pi Lion 13G7 Partridge I5L12
Avellaneous . . XL 17"'b
Lion Tawny 13G7 Raw Umber.. 15L12
Buffy Brown XL 17"'i
Other sources Madura.. 1418 Roman Umber... 15L12
Cinnamon-8uff ... XXIX 17"b
Manganese Velvet Brown.. 15L12 Sicilian Umber 15L12
Yellowish Brown A Drab XLVI 17""
MapleSugar 14J8 Terra Umber 15L12
Pinkish Cinnamon XXIX 15"b
Mayfair Tan. 1387 Turkey Umber 15L12
Vinaceous-Cinnamon XXIX 13"b
7fi. LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN Wood Brown . XL 17"'
Medal Bronze 14J7 Velvet Brown . . . I5LI2
Merida 13B7
Maerz and Paul Taylor Knoche, Granville Mosul 14F8 Ridgway
Mummy 14J9
Mummy Brown XV 17'm
Almond IBrown] 13B6 Camel m 3 le

New Bronze 15E11

Aloma _ 13C7 Cinnamon m 3 le
_ Oakbuff 13D7 Taylor. Knoche, Granville
Arizona 13E6 Light Tan gm 3 gc Partridge 15L12
Aztec... 1318 MapleSugar m 3 ie Chocolate Brown g 4 pn
Pigskin 14E8
Bamboo 1317 Tan m. 3 ie Clove Brown gm 3 pi
Prout's Brown 15H1I
Beige Soiree 11B4 Yellow Maple m 3 le Coffee g 3 pn
Pygmalion .. 13K8
Biscuit 13B6 Raw Umber Dark Brown g . 3 pn
15L12 .

Blond 13G6 Textile Color Card Association Deep Brown gm 3 pi

Roman Umber . 15L12
Bran 12D7 Seal Brown g 3 pn
Amberlite. 70115 Shagbark UC7
Buckthorn Brown 13L8 Sepia Brown g 3 pn
Buff (USA) 65015 Siam 15H11
Bure. 13H8
Tan 70128 Sicilian Umber 15L12
Burnished Gold. 12L7 Other sources
Stag 14E7
Centennial Brown 13K8 Other sources Suede 14D8 Dark Brown . . SC
Chamoline 13L8
Sumac 13L8 Dark Yellowish Brown SC
Cinnamon 12E7 Avellaneus B Suntan 13B7 Dull Yellowish Brown. .. A
Clay.. 13J8 Bistre S Terra Umber 15L12 Murinus B
Cornhusk 10E6 BistreBrown S
Thrush 14C7 Olive Brown. S
Cotrine.. 12J8 Brown Bistre S
Tiffin .. 14K10 Umbrinus. B
Cracker 13D6 Brown Orange S
Turkey Umber 15L12 Very Dark Brown SC
Cuir 1IC6 Brownish Yellow. SC Tyrol 15L11
Desert 1217 Buff (MA). F 2310
Velvet Brown 15L12
Doe 13B6 Buff S Wax Brown 14L9
Dorado 11C6 Cinnamomeus B Yellow Beige 13H7 ISH BROWN
Fallow 12B5 Dull Yellowish Brown A
Golden 13G6 Earth Yellow (USA) F 3330 Plochere Maerz and Paul
Grain 11B5 Gray Bistre S
Honey Beige... Autumn Tan 130 OY 5-b Almond (Brown). 1386
11C6 Grayish Orange... RC
Honeysuckle. 1206 Atmosphere 12A3
Griseo-Sepiaceus B Ridgway
Indian Buff Belleek. 1183
12E5 Light Yellowish Brown SC
Indian Tan Buffy Brown XL 17'"i Biarritz _ 1383
_ 1318 Melleus B
Iron Buff... 11D5 Orange Clay Color XXIX 17" Biscuit 1386
Drab XLVI 17"" Bronze Clair 13D2
Isabella... 13K7 Pale Brown SC
Khaki.... Dresden Brown XV 17'k Burlwood -. 13A5
13J7 Pink SC
12C6 Sayal Brown XXIX 15"i Champagne... 11B3
Lariat Very Pale Brown SC
Lion 13G7 Snuff Brown XXIX 15"k Cobweb... 587
Vinoso-Bubalinus B
Lion Tawny 13G7 Tawny-Ohve XXIX 17"i Cuban Sand 13A3
Yellow S
Long Beach 12B4 Doe... 1386
Yellow Buff S
Macaroon... Taylor, Knoche, Granville Elmwood 13B3
Malacca 12C4 Folkstone .. 13A3
77. MODERATE YELLOWISH Adobe Brown gm _ 3 Ig
Manila 12C5 Grain 1385
Camel g 3
MayfairTan 13B7 BROWN Cinnamon Brown gm 3 Ig
Gravel 13A4
Merida 13B7 Mauve Blush 12A3
Maerz and Paul Clove Brown m 3 ni
Mirage 11B4 Mavis 1385
Deep Brown m 3 pi
Morocco Sand 13C6 Adobe 14D7 Meerchaum 13A4
Golden Brown m 3 pi
Nude 11A4 Airedale 14F6 Miami Sand 1383
Light Brown gm 3 Ig
Oakbuff 13D7 Alderney 14G7 Nougat 13A5
Maple Sugar g 3 le
Pablo 12G7 Aloma 13C7 Nude 11A4
Tan g 3 ie
Pate Shell 11B5 Antique Bronze 14L10 Pawnee 1386
Tobacco Brown m 3 pi
Pawnee 13B6 Antique Drab 14K8 Pecan 1385
Yellow Maple m 3 ng
Pinchbeck Brown 12L7 Aztec 1318 Seasan 11A4
Polo Tan 13C6 Bamboo 1317 Textile Color Card Association
Pongee. 11B4 Beeswax 14L9 Plochere
MapleSugar... 70129
Prarie 13F6 Bismarck Brown 14K9 189 0 6-e
Pygmalion 13K8 Bronze 14L9 0 &-d
Other sources Smog... 188
Raffia 11E5 Brown Sugar 15H11
Roe. 12H6 Brussels Brown 15E11 Avellaneus B
Samovar. 12K7 Buckthorn Brown 13L8 Bistre S
Seasan.. 11A4 Buffalo 15L11 Bistre Brown S Avellaneous XL 17"'b
Spruce Yellow 12K8 Bunny 14K9 Brown SC Dtab XLVI 17""

Drab-Gtay XLVl 17""d Dark Brown m 3 nl Olive Brown S Yellow Daisy 10K3
Light Drab XLVl 17""b Fawn g 4 ig Sepiaceus B Yellow Madder 10K2
Wood Brown. XL 17"' Mist Brown m... 3 ig Very Dark Brown SC Yellow Realgar 10K3
Very Dark Grayish Brown.. SC
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Textile Color Card Association Plochere
Beige m 3 ge Fawn 70105 82. VIVID YELLOW Bright Sun 50 Yo 1-b
Bisque gm 3 ec Canary Yellow 107 OY 2-c
Camel m 3 ge Other sources Plochere Cinderella 100 OY 1-d
Light Beige gm 3 ec Bistre S Empire Yellow 98 OY 1-b
Bright Sun 50 Yo I-b
Brown S Gold Fantasy 116 OY 3-d
Textile Color Card Association Canary Bronze 105 OY 2-a
Brown SC Golden Glow. 59 Yo 2-c
Canary Yellow 107 OY 2-c
Ecru 70103 Dark Brown S Golden Rapture 148 0 1-d
Cheer 106 OY 2-b
Nude 70139 Dark Brown SC Golden Ray 60 Yo 2-d
Chrysanthemum Yellow 49 Yo 1-a
Dark Earth (AN). F 3005 Golden Rod 9 Y 2-a
Empire Yellow 98 OY 1-b
Other sources Dark Grayish Brown SC Pansy Yellow 99 OY 1-c
Spectra Yellow 97 OY 1-a
Dark Yellowish Brown RC Plantation Yellow 10 Y 2-b
Avellaneus B
Bistre S Dull Yellowish Brown A Ridgway Radiance 58 Yo 2-b
Field Drab (USA) F 3005 Southern Sun 108 OY 2-d
Brown S Light Cadmium IV 19
Grayish Brown SC TuNp Yellow 51 Yo 1-c
Brown Bistre S
Buff S Griseo-Sepiaceus B Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Dull Yellowish Brown A Olivaceus... B
Bright Gold g 2 pc
Fumosus B Olive Brown S Amber Yellow XVI 21'b
Sepiaceus. B Bright Yellow gm 2 pa
Empire Yellow IV 21b
Gray Bistre S
Buttercup gm 2 pa
Pale Orange- Yellow
Light Brownish Gray
Daffodil g
Dandelion gm

Pinard Yellow

IV 21d

Light Gray SC ISH BROWN Gold g IH pc Taylor, Knoche, Granville

Orange Brown S
Golden Yellow gm 2 ob
Pale Brown SC Maerz and Paul Bright Yellow m... 2 la
Goldenrod gm ... V4 na
Pale Yellowish Brown RC Butter Yellow g 1^ ga
Antwerp Brown... 8H11 Jonquil g 1!4 la
Very Pale Brown SC Colonial Yellow g 2 ga
Asphaltum 8H11 Maize g 2 la
Vinoso-Bubalinus B
Squash Yellow g
Daffodil gm \\4 ia
Autumn Brown 8E10 2 la
Forsythia gm \\4 \a
Biskra 16A12
Textile Color Card Association Jasmine Yellow g I'/^ga
Jonquil gm V4 ia
BROWN Bitumen 8H11 Golden Yellow (USA) 65001 Light Gold m V4 kb
Broncho 8E12
Macrz and Paul Other Sources
Maize gm 2 ia
Byron 8E3
Squash Yellow gm 2 ia
Cafg Noir 8HI2
Acorn 15E7 Aureolin H 3 Sunlight Yellow gm. l(-^ia
Cattail 8H12
Airedale 14F6 Bright Reddish Yellow A
Congo [Brown] 8H11
Bister I5C9 Bright Yellow A Textile Color Card Association
Cordovan 8H8
Bistre 15C9 Brilliant Yellow (Y&D) F 1320
Date 16A12 Lemon Yellow 70205
Blondine 14B7 Buttercup Yellow H 5
Egyptian Brown 8H11
Bobolink 14B6 Canary Yellow H 2 Other sources
Elk 16A11
Brown Sugar 15H11 Chrome Yellow (light) H 605
Goose-Grey 16A11 Amber Yellow H 505
Brussels Brown 15E11 Empire Yellow H 603
Camels Hair Indian Brown 8EI2 Barium Yellow H 503
14B6 Lemon. S
Iron. 8E9 Bright Yellow S
Caraibe. 15H11 Lemon Yellow (USA) F 1320
Iron Brown 8E9 Chinese Yellow H 606
Caucasia 14C6 Lemon Yellow H 4
Jacaranda Brown 16AI2 Electrinus B
Chukker Brown... 15C8 Light Yellow (AN) F 1320
Jew's Pitch 8HI1 Flavus B
Collie 15E10 Luteus B
Cowboy 15E1I
Lama 16AI1
Sulphur Yellow H 1
Lemon. S
Mineral Pitch 8H11 Luteolus... B
Deer 14B6 Yellow MUP 37
Montella 8J11 Maize Yellow H 607
Gazelle (Brown] 15C7 Yellow PSP38
Gold Bronze. .. 15H12
Mummy 8H11
Yellow S Naples Yellow H 403
Musk 8H12 Ochre S
Grouse 15C7
Negro 8E9 Orange S
Madrid 15CI0
li/leadowlark 15E7
Old English Brown 8E12 83. BRILLIANT YELLOW Orange Buff H 507
Otter [Brown] 8E11 Reddish Yellow A
Mummy Brown 15C8 Maerz and Paul
Perique 8E11 Straw Yellow H 604
Mustang 15E8
Piccaninny 8E11 Aureolin 10L2 Yellow A
New Bronze 15E11
St. Benoit. 8E9 Auripigmentum 10K3 Yellow S
Olive Wood 15E10
Seal [Brown] 8E10 Balge Yellow 9L4
Pinecone 15C9
Spalte 8H11 Cassel Yellow 10K3
Prout's Brown 15H1I 84. STRONG YELLOW
Spaltum 8H11 Chinese Yellow 10K3
Racquet 15C7
Woodland Brown 8H8 Cobalt Yellow 10L2
Rose Beige 14B7 Maerz and Paul
Sable... 14B7 Dandelion 9L4
Plochere Dutch Pink I0K2 Aureolin 10L2
Saddle 15C10
Shagbark.... 14C7 Lava 185 0 6-3 Empire Yellow 9K3 Auripigmentum 10K3
Slam 15HI1 English Pink 10K2 Cassel Yellow.. 10K3
Soot Brown 15C9 Ridgway Fustet 9L5 Chinese Yellow 10K3
Tamarack I5E8 Generall 10K3 Cobalt Yellow 10L2
Bister XXIX 15"m
Teakwood 15C9 Golden Feather Yellow 11L2 Cologne Yellow 10L4
Chaetura Black XLVl 17""m
Thrush 14C7 Italian Pink 10K2 Dutch Pink... 10K2
Clove Brown XL 17"'m
Vienna Brown 15HI2 Jasmine 9K4 English Pink 10K2
Sepia XXIX 17"m
Woodbark 14B7 Kasseler Yellow 10K3 Fustet 9L5
Taylor, Knoche, Granville King's Yellow 10K3 Gallstone 10L4
Plochere Lemon Chrome 9L2 Gamboge 10K5
Beaver g 4 li
Lemon ]Yellowl 10K3 Generall 10K3
Sparrow 187 0 &-c Chocolate g 4 nl
Mineral Yellow 10K3 Golden Feather Yellow 11L2
Chocolate Brown g 4 pn Montpellier Yellow 10K3 Golden Glow 9L6
Coffee gm 3 pn Orpiment 10K3 Golden Rod 10L5
Bister XXIX 15"m Dark Brown gm 3 nl Orpin 10K3 Italian Pink 10K2
Drab XLVl 17"" Seal Brown gm 3 pn Patent Yellow 10K3 Kasseler Yellow. 10K3
Olive-Brown XL 17"'k Sepia Brown gm 3 pn Pyrethrum Yellow 11L2 King's Yellow 10K3
Saccardo's Umber XXIX 17"k Royal Yellow 10K3 Lemon (Yellow] 10K3
Snuff Brown XXIX 15"k Other sources
Stilde Grain Yellow I0K2 Light Chrome Yellow 10L4
Dull YellowishBrown A Sunflower (Yellow] 9L4 Mineral Yellow 10K3
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Dusky Yellowish Brown... RC Turner's Yellow 10K3 Montpellier Yellow 10K3
Beaver m 3 li Fusco-Niger B Verona Yellow 10K3 Narcissus 10K4
Beige Brown m _. 3 ig Olivaceus B Veronese Yellow 10K3 Orpiment.. 10K3

Orpin - 10K3 86. LIGHT YELLOW Vanilla Custard 70 Yo 3-f Lemon (Yellowj 10K3
Oxgall _ 10L4 Zinnia Gold 156 0 2-d Lime [Yellow) 11L5
Paris Yellow
Maerz and Paul Maise
. 10L4 10G5
Patent Yellow, 10K3 Amber lYellow)
Ridgway Malmaison 1112
. 10J3
Primuline Yellow __ 10L5 Apricot Yellow 9K5 Amber Yellow XVI 2rb Meline 11L3
Pyrethrum Yellow 11L2 Auripigmentum 10K3 Baryta Yellow IV 21f Mineral Yellow 10K3
Royal Yellow. _ 10K3 Cassel Yellow 10K3 Buff-Yellow IV 19d Montpellier Yellow 10K3
Oil! 08 brain Yellow _. 10K2 Chinese Yellow.. 10K3 Colonial Buff XXX 21"d Mustard |Yellow| 11J4
Turner's Yellow 10K3 Chrome Citron 9K2 Cream-Buff XXX 19"d Nankeen [Yellow) 10F3
Ultramarine Yellow _ 10L4 Chrome Lemon 9K2 Cream Color XVI 19'f
Naples Yellow 10F3
Verona Yellow. _ 10K3 Citron lYellow] 10J2 Maize Yellow IV 19f Narcissus 10K4
Veronese Yellow 10K3 Cockatoo 10H2 Massicot Yellow XVI 21'f Neapolitan Yellow 10F3
Vitelline Yellow 10L5 Colonial Buff 10G2 Naples Yellow XVI 19'd Orpiment 10K3
Vitellinous 10L5 Cornsilk 10G3 Pale Orange-Yellow III 17f Orpin.. 10K3
Yellow Daisy 10K3 Cupreous 10J2 Pinard Yellow IV 21d Patent Yellow 10K3
Yellow Madder 10K2 Curcuma 10J2 Straw Yellow XVI 21'd Pineapple 11J2
Yellow Realgar 10K3 Dutch Pink 10K2 Pond Lily 1014
Yolk Yellow 10L5 Empire Yellow 9K3 Taylor, Knoche, Granville Primrose Yellow 10J4
Zinc Yellow 10L4 English Pink 10K2 Pyrethrum Yellow 111.2
Gaude Lake.... 10J2
Butter Yellow m I'a ga Quince Yellow 11L3
Plochere Generall 10K3
Colonial Yellow m 2 ga
Rattan 11K6
Jasmine Yellow m I'jga
Giallolini 10F3 Royal Yellow 10K3
Bronze Gold 67 Yo 3-c Light Maize gm 2 ea
Giallolino 10F3 Sauterne. 10J5
Old Gold_ 57 Yo 2-a Light Wheat gm.. 2 ea
Golden Feather Yellow 11L2 Sienna Yellow 10F4
Veiled Sun _.. 115 OY 3- Indian Saffron 10J2
Light Yellow gm 1' _. ea
Snapdragon 10J4
Italian Pink 10K2
Maize m 2 ga
Stil de Grain Yellow 10K2
Ridgway Jasmine 9K4
Pastel Yellow gm 1> 4 ea
Sunni 1014
Jonquil [Yellowl 9J5
Sunlight Yellow gm 1)2 ea Sunlight 10H4
Amber Yellow XVI 2rb
Kasseler Yellow 10K3 Turner's Yellow 10K3
Apricot Yellow IV 19b Textile Color Card Association
King's Yellow 10K3 Venetian Yellow 10J3
Lemon Chrome _ IV 21
Lemon [Yellowl 10K3 Jasmine 70067 Vero.ia Yellow 10K3
Light Orange-Yellow III 17d
Malmaison 1112 Maize 70006 Veronese Yellow 10K3
Mustard Yellow XVI 19'b
Mimosa 10J2 Wax Yellow I1L4
Pale Orange-Yellow III17f
Mineral Yellow 10K3 Other sources Yellow Brazil Wood 11L5
Primuline Yellow. XVI 19'
Montpellier Yellow 10K3 Yellow Daisy 10K3
Wax Yellow XVI 21' Amber Yellow H 505
Nankeen |Yellow| 10F3 Yellow Madder 10K2
Bright Yellow S
Naples Yellow 10F3 Yellow Realgar 10K3
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Bubalinus B
Neapolitan Yellow 10F3 Yellow Wood 11L5
Canary Yellow (Eng) F 2325
Orpiment 10K3
Bright Gold m VA ob Canary Yellow (Eng) F 3355
Orpin 10K3 Plochere
Gold gm 2 Ic Cream Striping (PO) F 1325
Patent Yellow.... 10K3
Golden Yellow gm 2 kb Electrinus B Absinthe Yellow 75 Yo 4-c
Pinard Yellow 9J2
Light Gold gm VA kb Flavus B Antique Yellow 27 Y 4-C
Maize g Pineapple 11J2
2 ia Ivory (USA) F 1330 Bronze Gold 67 Yo 3-c
Nugget Gold m Pond Lily 1014
2 nc Light Yellow (Eng) F 3350 Citron Yellow 20 Y 3-d
Pastel Yellow g
Squash Yellow g
2 ia
Primrose Yellow
. 9J3
Light Yellow
(USA) F 2320
Cuban Sand
Fall Leaf..
19 Y 3-c
Y 3-a

Pyrethrum Yellow 11L2

Naples Yellow H 403 Fall Yellow 28 Y 4-d
Queen's Yellow .. 10J2
Other sources Ochre... S Glint O'Gold 125 OY 4-e
Quercitron 10J2
Orange Buff H 507 Misted Yellow 76 Yo 4-d
Royal Yellow. 10K3
Bright Yellow S Olive Yellow S Russet Yellow 18 Y 3-b
Snapdragon 10J4
Electrinus.t B Orange S Yellow Smoke 26 Y 4-b
Stil de Grain Yellow 10K2
Flavus.._ B Reddish Yellow A
Sunni 1014 Ridg way
Lemon... S Soft Yellow (Y&D) F 2325
Terra Merita... 10J2
Luteolus. B Stramineus B Amber Yellow XVI 2rb
Turbith Mineral 10J2
Luteus B Yellow A Buff-Yellow IV 19d
Turmeric 10J2
Maize Yellow H 607 Yellow S Chamois XXX 19"b
Turner's Yellow 10K3
Ochre S Yellow SC Cinnamon-Buff XXIX 17"b
Venetian Yellow 10J3
Orange... S Cream-Buff XXX 19"d
Verona Yellow 10K3
Orange Buff H 507 XXX
Reddish Yellow A
Veronese Yellow 10K3 87. MODERATE YELLOW Deep Colonial Buff
Honey Yellow XXX 19"
Yellow Daisy 10K3
Yellow. A Ohve-Ocher XXX 21"
Yellow Madder. 10K2 Maerz and Paul
Yellow. S Pale Orange-Yellow III 17f
Yellow Realgar.... 10K3
Amber lYellow) 10J3 Warm Buff XV 17'd
Apricot Yellow 9K5
85. DEEP YELLOW Auripigmentum 10K3 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Aurora Yellow 101 Oy 1-e Brass.- 11L6
Ridgway Bamboo g. 2 fb
Banana 69 Yo 3-e Brazen Yellow 11L6
Buff g.... 2fb
Boquet Yellow 109 OY 2-e Canary lYellow] 11L3
Aniline Yellow IV 19i
Gold m IJ^ Ic
Celestial 62 Yo 2-f Capucine 11L3
Honey Gold gm 2 ic
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Ceres 117 OY 3-e Cassel Yellow 10K3
Light Antique Gold gm l'2ic
Citron Yellow 20 Y 3-d Chinese Yellow 10K3
Antique Gold g I'-^pe Light Gold gm 2 ic
Cream Gold 118 OY 3-f Colonial Yellow 11K3
Bright Gold g .. 2 nc Dried Leaf
Maize gm 2 hb
77 Yo 4-e Copper Yellow 11L3
Mustard Gold gm 2 pe Pastel Yellow g.._ U-^ fb
Easter Egg Yellow 150 0 1-f Corn 10J5
Nugget Gold g 2 nc Straw g _ 2 fb
Fall Leaf 19 Y 3-c Dutch Pink 10K2
Old Gold g 2 ne Wheat g 2 fb
Fall Yellow 28 Y 4-d English Pink 10K2
Glint O'Gold 125 OY 4-e French Pink 10F4 Textile Color Card Association
Textile Color Card Association Golden Buff 126 OY 4-f Fustic 11L5
Golden Cream 61 Yo 2-e Generall 10K3 Chamois 70196
Nugget Gold 70215
Golden Dawn 157 0 2-e Giallolini 10F3 Old Gold (USA) 65021
Golden Gem 158 0 2-f Giallolino 10F3 Popcorn.... 70203
Other sources
Golden Ray 60 Yo 2-d Glint O'Gold 11K4
Other sources
S Golden Yellow 149 0 1-e Golden Feather Yellow 11L2
Lemon S Harvest Gold.. __ 68 Yo 3-d Honeysweet 11J6 Bistre S
Lemon Yellow. S Mellow Yellow 30 Y 4-f Italian Pink 10K2 Brown Bistre S
Olivaceo-Citrinus B Mustard Cream 78 Yo 4-f Jonquil (Yellowl 9J5 Brown Orange S
Olive Bistre S Muted Yellow 29 Y 4-e Kasseler Yellow 10K3 Bright Yellow S
Reddish Yellow A Pom Pom 11 Y 2-c King's Yellow 10K3 Bubalinus B
Yellow A Southern Sun 108 OY 2-d Latoun 11L6 Electrinus B
Yellow S Sun Glow 110 OY 2-f Latten 11L6 Luteolus B

Melleus B Ivory (Yellow] I0B2 Eggshell (Eng)... F 2705 Ridgway
Moderate Yellow RC Lead Ochre 10D2 Flat Cream (PC) F 3360
Deep Olive-Buff XL 2r"b
Ochre S Leghorn 10D3 Ivory Cream (Engl F 1335
Olive-Buff XL 2r"d
Olive Bistre S Lint-white 11C2 Light Gray (Eng) F 2660
Smoke Gray XLVI 21""d
Orange S Massicot [Yellow) 10D2 Light Ivory (Y&D) F 3360
Orange Buff.. H 507 Milwaukee Brick. 9E3 Olivaceo-Bubalinus B
Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Reddish Yellow A Nankeen |Yellow| 10F3 Olive Bistre S
Straw S Naples Yellow 10F3 Olive Green S Bamboo gm 2 go
Yellow A Neapolitan Yellow 10F3 Olive Yellow S Biscuit gm 2 ec
Yellow S New Silver llBl Orange S Bisque g 3 ec
Yellow SC Putty 11B2 Pale Yellow SC Chamois gm 2 gc
Zinc Yellow Primer (N) ... F 3315 Rose de Nymphe 10B2 Primulinus B Ecru gm _ 2 ec
Seed Pearl 11B2 Salmoneus.. B Ivory g 2 db

88. DARK YELLOW Spanish Flesh 11B2 Stramineus B Light Beige g 3 ec

Straw (Yellowl 10F2 Sun Tan (Y&D) F 1335 Oatmeal gm 2 ec
Maerz and Paul Vanilla 10C3 Yellow PSP 34 Putty gm 1' 2 ec
Wine Yellow 11E2 Yellow S Sand gm 2 ec
Bistre Green 13L5
Yellow Buff.... S
Buckthorn Brown 13L8 Plochere White... MUP03 Textile Color Card Association
Burnished Gold 12L7
Canary-bird Green 12L3 Apricot Cream 207 Or 2-g Flax 70187
Canary Green 12L3 Celestial Yellow 62 Yo 2-f Goldmist.. 70183
Champagne 127 OY 4-g
Chamoline 13L8
Deep Stone 13L7 Champagne Butf... 86 Yo 5-f Other sources
Cheerful Yellow 1215 YYG 2- Maerz and Paul
Orient (Yellowl 13L6
Cloud Cream . 64 Yo 2-h Aircraft Cream (AN) F 1745
Pinchbeck Brown 12L7 Amber White llCl
Colonial 120 OY 3-h Bistre.. S
Pyrite Yellow 12L3 Banana 11K5
Cream Tone 23 Y 3-g Buff (PC) F 1745
Sulphine Yellow 12L4 Beige 11C2
Cream Yellow 112 OY 2-h Cream (Eng) F 3340
Sumac 13L8 Belieek 11B3
Desert Dust. 143 OY 6-g Cream (MA) F 1740
Tennis 12L6 Buttercup [Yellow] 11J5
Ecru 38 Y 5-f Cream (USA). F 1745
Tinsel 13L7 Carnation 11B2
Ecru Cream 39 Y 5-g Dull Reddish Yellow A
Venus 12L5 Cartridge Buff 11B2
Eggshell 136 OY 5-h Dull Yellow A
Chamois 1115
Fantasy Yellow 102 OY 1-f Fumosus B
Plochere ChamoisSkin 1115
Golden Fleece 134 OY 5-f Gray (PBS) F 1660
Champagne.. 11B3
Antique Brass 73 Yo 4-a Golden Sheaf 159 0 2-g Gray Tint (MA) F 3040
Cloudy Amber 12K3
Brass 65 Yo 3-a Ivory 160 0 2-h Grayish Yellow RC
Crash 12D3
Cuban Sand 17 Y 3-a Ivory White 128 OY 4-h Highlight Buff (Y&D) F 1750
Cream Buff 10E3
Fall Bronze 25 Y 4-a Jersey Cream. 71 Yo 3-g Light Gray (Eng) F 3040
Ecru 11C2
Gold Coast... 74 Yo 4-b Kitten's Ear 79 Yo 4-g Light Gray (USA) F 2655
Eucalyptus [Green] 20C1
Mustard 66 Yo 3-b Mellow Buff 135 OY 5-g Light Gray SC
Flax.... 12B2
Yellow Smoke 26 Y 4-b Mellow Yellow 30 Y 4-f Olivaceo-Bubalinus B
Flaxen 12B2
Misty Cream 87 Yo 5-g Olive Bistre S
Ridgway Fustic 11L5
Murmur 46 Y 6-f Olive Green S
Giallolini 10F3
Ecru-Ohve XXX 21"i Mushroom 144 OY 6-h Pale Yellow SC
Giallolino 10F3
Honey Yellow XXX 19" Mustard Cream 78 Yo 4-f Pearl Gray(PC) F 1665
Golden Green 12K3
Old Gold XVI 19'i Neutral 47 Y 6-g Sand (USA) F 3325
rioneysweet 11J6
Olive-Ocher. XXX 21" Orange Cream 166 0 3-f Butf 11D5
Warm Gray (Eng) F 3650
Sulphine Yellow IV 21i Spring Yellow 111 OY 2-g 11D2
Warm Gray (USA) F 1750
Italian Stiaw
Straw Yellow 119 OY 3-g 12B3
Yellow MUP32
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Sun Glow 110 OY 2-f Yellow S
Leghorn 10D3
Transparent Yellow 103 OY 1-g Yellow Butf S
Antique Gold gm Vine Light Stone 12J5
Tumbleweed 142 OY 6-f
Mustard gm 2 le Lime [Yellow] 11L5
Twilight Sun 7 Y 1-g Lint-white 11C2
Mustard Gold m. 2 ne
Old Gold gm 2 le
Vanilla Custard.... 70 Yo 3-f Malacca 12C4
Winter Yellow 37 Y 5-e Maple 11E4
Textile Color Card Association Yellow Cream 63 Yo 2-g Maerz and Paul
Moth [Grey] 11C3
Yellow Gem 151 0 1-g Nankeen [Yellow].... 10F3 Bistre Green 13L5
Gold 70158
70157 Naples Yellow 10F3 Blond 13G6
Old Gold Ridgway
Neapolitan Yellow 10F3 Buckthorn Brown 13L8
Other sources Cartridge Buff XXX 19"f NewSilver... IIBI Burnt 12K6
Ivory Yellow XXX 21"f Old Ivory I2C3 California Green 13H4
Bistre S
Light Buff XV 17'f Parchment 12B3 Chamoline 13L8
Melleus B
Marguerite Yellow XXX 23"f Pastel Grey 11D3 Cloudy Amber 12K3
Olivaceo-Citrinus B 12B2
Massicot Yellow XVI 21'f Peanut Crash 12D3
Ollvaceus B
Olive-Buff XL21"'d Pebble 12B2 Deep Stone 13L7
Olive Bistre S
Pale Ochraceous-Salmon. .. XV 13'f Putty 11B2 Golden 13G6
Olive Green S
Pale Olive-Buff XL 21"'f Raffia 11E5 Golden Green 12K3
Olive Yellow SC 11B2
Seed Pearl Honey [Yellow] 12J6
Reddish Yellow A Taylor, Knoche, Granville 11C3
Sheepskin Isabella 13K7
Yellow A 11D4
Sombrero Lark 12B3
Yellow S Bamboo m 2 fb
Spanish Flesh 11B2 Light Stone 12J5
Buff m 2fb
Sunbeam I1K5 Middle Stone 12J6
Cream gm V/ica
89. PALE YELLOW Eggshell gm 2 ca
Tanaura 12D4 Old Ivory 12C3
Vanilla 10C3 Olivesheen 13K3
Maerz and Paul Ivory gm 2 db
Wine Yellow.. 11E2 Orient [Yellow[ 13L6
Light Ivory gm 2 ca
Amber White llCl Yellow Brazil Wood I1L5 Parchment 12B3
Parchment gm. I'A db
Beige 11C2 Yellow Wood 11L5 Powdered Gold 1216
Straw m 2 fb
Cameo Yellow 10E2 Roe 12H6
Wheat m 2 fb
Carnation [Red] 1162 Plochere Sudan 13E4
Cartridge Buff 11B2 Textile Color Card Association Sumac 13L8
Amber Gold.. 132 OY 5-d
Colonial Buff 10G2 Tennis 12L6
Eggshell 70004 Buff Citron 85 Yo 5-e
Cream 9D2 Tinsel.... 13L7
Leghorn 70005 18th Century Yellow 36 Y 5-d
Cream Buff ICES Venus.... 12L5
Golden Fleece 134 OY 5 -f
Cuisse de Nymphe 10B2 Yellowstone 12K6
Other sources Gray Sand 141 OY 6-e
Eburnean 10B2
Hemp 84 Yo 5-d
Ecru 11C2 Bistre S Plochere
Mood Beige... 45 Y 6-e
Giallolmi 10F3 Bubalinus B
Giallolino 10F3 Buff S Rio Grande 133 OY 5-e Amber Gold _. - 132 OY 5-d
ItalianStraw 11D2 Dull Reddish Yellow. A Siam Sand 93 Yo 6-e Fog Yellow 35 Y 5-c
Ivory White 1082 Dull Yellow A Winter Yellow 37 Y 5-e Russet Leaf 83 Yo 5-c


Crash 12D3
Dark Olive-Buff XL 21"' Maerz and Paul Maerz and Paul
Deep Stone
Ecru-Olive XXX 21"! Drab UBS Acanthe
10A2 15L9
Isabella Color XXX 19"!
Dresden Brown Antique 14L8
XVI 21'i
Olive Lake 14B4 Antique Drab
11B3 Dust 14K8
11 A3 Elmwood..- Bone Brown 8C12
Taylor, Knoche, GranTille
11B3 Fox- 14K8 Bracken 8C12
Light Mustard Tan gm 2 ie Flesh. 11A2 Gold 14K7 Broncho 8E12
43B2 Golden Bronze Nude 15H7
Other sources 12A3 Imperial Stone Butternut 15L9
11A2 Hamadan Cocher 15L10
Bistre S
12A2 Isabella Dresden Brown 14K8
Dull Reddisfi Yellow A
11A2 Lark 12B3 Fox 14K8
Dull Yellow --- A
UBl Lido 13C3 Indian Brown 8E12
Dusky Yellow RC
UAl Mastic Ivory Brown.. 8C12
Isabellinus - B
44 A Medal Bronze. Loutre.. 8C12
Ligtit Yellowisti Brown SC
44 A Miami Sand . Old English Brown 8E12
Olivaceus - B
44 A Mode Beige Old Olive 15H7
Olive Bistre S
10A2 Old Bronze Olive Brown 15H7
Olive Green. S
10A2 Old Ivory Rubber 15H8
Pale Olive - SC
27A1 Parchment .. Siberian Brown.. 15L9
Sand (USA).- _-. F 3325
Pepita 13D5 Syrup 14L8
Viridi-Olivaceus _-- B
Plochere Pinchbeck Brown... 12L7 Whippet 15L10
Rustic Drab 14B5
Beige Gray 94 Yo 6-f
92. YELLOWISH WHITE Sand Dune 14B5 Plochere
Gravel 189 0 6-e
Seaside... 13B4 Autumn Brown 129 OY 5-a
Maerz and Paul Gray Dream.... 1200 Yg 6-h
Sponge.. 14C5 Bison 186 0 6-b
Gray Sand 141 OY 6-e
-.. 9B1 Sudan.., 13E4 Citron Bronze... OY 6-b
Milk White..- 1247 YYg 6-g 138
Moth.... Sumac 13L8
Polar Bear 9B2 Deep Ravine 42 Y 6-b
Murmur. 46 Y 6-f
Syrup 14L8
Scotch Mist. 1199 Yg 6-g
Hawk Brown 89 Yo 6-a
Plochere Tea Time.... 13B4 Oriental Bronze 90 Yo 6-b
Silver Lining 334 Ro 6-f
Tinsel... 13L7
Angora.. 200 Or 1-h Tumbleweed.. 142 OY 6-f
Tourterelle 13B4 Ridgway
Cheerful Yellow 1215 YYg 2-g
Travertine.. 14C4
Cloud Cream 64 Yo 2-h Ridgway Brownish Olive XXX 19"m
Conclude 1248 YYg 6-h Medal Bronze IV 19m
Drab-Gray XLVI 17""d Plochere
Cream 32 Y 4-h Saccardo's Olive XVI 19'm
Light Olive-Gray LI 23""'d
Cream Dream... 56 Yo 1-h Saccardo's Umber XXIX 17"k
Pale Mouse Gray. LI 15""'d Citron Gray 91 Yo 6-C
Cream Cheese 152 0 1-h Sepia XXIX 17"m
Pale Olive-Gray. LI 23""'f Shadow Beige... 44 Y 6-d
Cream Pearl 96 Yo 6-h XLVI 21""f Taupe Sand 43 Y 6-c
PaleSmoke Gray Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Cream Tone 23 Y 3-g Tuscan Sand 139 OY 6-c
Smoke Gray XLVI 21""d
Cream White 80 Yo 4-h Yellow Mist 140 OY 6-d Beaver g 3 li

Desert Dust 143 OY 6-g Beige Brown g... 3 ig

Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Dutch Cream.... 208 Or 2-h Ridgway Clove Brown g 3 ni

Ecru Cream 39 Y 5-g Ivory Tint gm 2 cb Covert Brown m 2 nl

Froth 16 Y 2-h Natural gm 2 dc Buffy Citrine XVI 19'k Dark Brown m 2pn
Gray Dream 1200 Yg fr^h Putty m VAeo Clay Color XXIX 17" Deep Brown g 3 pi
Green Breath 1184 Yg 4-h String gm 2 dc
Light Brownish Olive XXX 19"k Mist Brown g 3 ig
Green Ice 1144 Ygg 5-h Old Gold XVI 19'i Mustard Brown gm 2 pi

Heavenly Charm 8 Y i-h Textile Color Card Association

Orange-Citrine IV 19k
Lamb's Wool 1160 Yg 1-h Textile Color Card Association
Natural. 70199 Saccardo's Olive XVI 19'm
Misty Cream. 87 Yo 5-g Pearl Grey 70193 Tawny-Olive XXIX 17"i Bronze. 70159
Misty Morn 1152 Ygg 6-h Sand.. 70136 Light Olive Drab 70184
Mushroom. 144 OY 6-h White (USA) 65005 Taylor. Knoclie. Granville
Neutral 47 Y 6-g Other sources
Peace 72 Yo 3-h Other sources Beige g 3 ge Bistre S
Pearly Gales 95 Yo 6-g Camel g .. 3 ge Brownish Olive A
1168 Yg 2-h Bistre S Covert Tan m 2 ge
Promise Dark Earth (AN) F 3005
Sea Foam 1136 Ygg 4-h Brownish Gray A Dull Gold m 2 ng Dark Grayish Brown SC
Smile 1176 Yg 3-h Buff S Greige m... 2 ge Field Drab (USA) F 3005
88 Yo 5-h Dark Brown S Light Mustard Tan g
String.. 2 ie Olivaceo-Citrinus B
Suet 104 OY 1-h Fumosus B Mustard g 2 Ie Olivaceus B
1208 YYg 1-h Gray (PC) F 1655 Mustard Gold gm
Sunset Cream.... 2 pg Olive. S
Transparent Yellow 103 OY 1-g Gray (PBS) F 3640 Mustard Tan m. 2 Ig Olive Brown S
White Clover 1216 YYg 2-h Gray S Old Gold g. 2 ne Olive Brown SC
Light Gray SC Silver Gray g 3 fe Red Brown... S
Ridgway Olive Bistre S
Sepiaceus B
Olive Green. S Textile Clor Card Association Very Dark Grayish Brown.. SC
Pale Olive-Gray LI 23""'f Olive Yellow S
Submurinus B Khaki 70188
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Subolivaceo-Griseus B 96. DARK OLIVE BROWN
Very Pale Orange RC
Other sources
Ivory Tint m 2 cb
Maerz and Paul
Pearl gm 2 ba White MUP02 Bistre... S
Shell Tintgm 2 ba White SC Bistre Brown... S Bark.-.. 8C11
Yellow Tint m 1 ba Yellowish Gray RC Brown Bistre... S Bone Brown 8C12
Brown Olive S Bracken.. 8C12
Textile Color Card Association Brownish Olive A Broncho... 8E12
94. LIGHT OLIVE BROWN Dark Ochre S Indian Brown 8E12
Cream 70003 Ivory Brown 8C12
Deep Bistre S
Ivory 70002 Maerz and Paul Loutre.. 8C12
Gray Bistre S
White (USA) 65005 Mocha
Antelope 14B4 Gray Brown S 8C11
White 70001 Old English Brown
Antique 14L8 Grayish Brown SC 8E12
Antique Drab. 14K8 Isabellinus B Sepia.. - 8A10
Other sources
Arrowwood 13C4 Light Olive Brown SC
Brownish White A Aurum 14K7 Melleus B
Buff S Biarritz..... 13B3 Middle Stone (AN) F 3320 Lava 185 0 6-a
Eggshell (Eng) .-. F 3720 Buckthorn Brown 13L8 Middlestone(USA) F 3320
Burnished Gold 12L7 Taylor. Knoche, Granville
Subolivaceo-Griseus B Olivaceo-Citrinus B
White SC Calabash... 14J7 Olivaceus B Beaver Gray g 3 ml
Yellow S Chamoline 13L8 Olive Bistre S Coffee g. 3 pn

Dark Brown g 3 nl 99. STRONG GREENISH Citron Yellow 20 Y 3-d Liqueur Green 18K2
Sepia Brown g 3 pn YELLOW Debutante Yellow 1213 YYg 2-e Luteous UKl
Seal Brown g 3 pn Fairy Gold 1205 YYg 1-e Oil Yellow 12L1
Maerz and Paul Gay Yellow 1204 YYg 1-d Olde UKl
Other sources Gleam 13 Y 2-e Oold UKl
Chartreuse... llLl
Gold Glow.. _. 1222 YYg 3-f Russet Green 20K1
Citronelle 18L2
Black SC Golden Sulphur. 1221 YYg 3-e Trentanel UJl
DullBrownish Olive A Grapefruit Green. 1210 YYg 2-b Wald UKl
Marine Green F 1405 Green Charm 1165 Yg 2-e Wau UKl
Olive Brown SC Arcadia 1209 YYg 2-a Love Light 1158 Yg 1-f Weld UKl
Olive Drab (AN) F 1405 Grapefruit Green 1210 YYg 2-b Lustrous Yellow 53 Yo 1-e Wield UKl
Olive Drab (PC) F 1405 Lime Yellow 1201 YYg 1-a Mellow Green 1220 YYg 3-d Woald UKl
Olive Drab (USA) F 1405 Mellow Yellow 30 Y 4-f Wod UKl
Misty Jade 1173 Yg 3-e Wold UKl
Citron Yellow XVI 23'b Muted Yellow 29 Y 4-e
97. VIVID GREENISH YELLOW Pale Star 31 Y 4-g
Greenish Yellow V 25
Poet's Yellow 54 Yo 1-f Arcadia 1209 YYg 2-a
Lemon Yellow IV 23
Maerz and Paul Pom Pom 11 Y 2-c Citron Yellow 20 Y 3-d
Light Greenish Yellow V 25b
Shining Yellow 4 Y 1-d Grapefruit Green 1210 YYg 2-b
Cadmium Lemon 9L1 Strontium Yellow XVI 23'
Spring Dream 1166 Yg 2-f Green Banana 1228 YYg 4-d
Viridine Yellow V 29b
Mutrie Yellow 9L1
Spring Eve.... 1157 Yg 1-e Green Sulphur
1219 YYg 3-c
1218 YYg 3-b
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Sulphur 5 Y 1-e
Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Sun Yellow 3 Y 1-c
Bright Chartreuse Yellow 1 mb Ridgway
Bright Chartreuse Yellow g. lob Sunshine 12 Y 2-d
Bright Lemon Yellow gm... pa Winter Sun 14 Y 2-f Barium Yellow XVI 23'd
Chartreuse Yellow gm 1 pc
Lemon Yellow g 1 la
Citron Yellow g 1 Ic
Yellow Bright 52 Yo 1-d Citron Green XXXI 25"b
Mimosa Yellow g la Yellow Rose 1212 YYg 2-d Citron Yellow XVI 23'b
1 Light Chartreuse Yellow g . 1 kb
Youth Yellow 1206 YYg 1-f Javel Green V 27i
Light Citron Yellow g 1 kb
Other sources Lime Green XXXI 25"
Textile Color Card Association Ridgway Olive-Yellow XXX 23"
Bright Greenish Yellow A Barium Yellow XVI 23'd
Pale Greenish Yellow V 25d
Chartreuse 70208
Lemon S Chalcedony Yellow XVII 25'b
Reed Yellow XXX 23"b
Primrose Yellow H 601
Other sources Chartreuse Yellow XXXI 25"d Viridine Yellow V 29b
Sulphur Yellow H 1
Citron Yellow... XVI 23'b
Citron Green H 763 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Light Chalcedony Yellow... XVII 25'd
Flavo-Virens B
Light Green-Yellow V 27d Chartreuse Yellow gm 1 Ic
Light Viridine Yellow V 29d Citron Yellow gm 1 ic
YELLOW Greenish Yellow A
Martius Yellow IV 23f Dusty Yellow g 1' 2 gc
Viridi-Flavus B
Naphthalene Yellow XVI 23'f Light Chartreuse Yellow g . 1 hb
Maerz and Paul Pale Green-Yellow V 27f Light Citron Yellow g 1 hb
100. DEEP GREENISH YELLOW Pale Greenish Yellow V 25d Pastel Yellow g 1 fb
Cadmium Lemon 9L1
Pale Viridine Yellow V 29f
Chartreuse llLl Other sources
Taylor, Knoche. Granville Primrose Yellow XXX 23"d
Chrome Primrose 9K1 XXXI 25"f
Sea-foam Yellow
Citronelle 18L2 Olive Yellow g. _ 1 pe Bistre S
Sulphur Yellow V 25f
Endive 17L3 Citrino-Viridis B
Other sources Citron Green H 763
Eve Green Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Mutrie Yellow 9L1 Greenish Yellow A Flavo-Virens.. B
lOLl Canary Yellow gm 1 ea Greenish Yellow A
Strontium Yellow Lemon Yellow S
Light Chartreuse Yellow m. 1 hb Griseo-Chlorinus B
Olive Green S
Light Citron Yellow m 1 hb Herbaceus B
Light Lemon Yellow m 1 ga Primulinus B
Butterfly Yellow 1211 YYg 2-c 101. LIGHT GREENISH Light Yellowgm___ _ 1 ea Stramineus B
Chartreuse Yellow 1202 YYg 1-b YELLOW Mimosa Yellow m 1 ga Sulphureus B
Gay Yellow. _ 1204 YYg 1-d Pale Lemon Yellow gm 1 ea Viridi-Flavus B
Grapefruit Green 1210 YYg 2-b Maerz and Paul Pastel Yellow g 1 fb

Lime Yellow 1201 YYg 1-a Primrose Yellow gm lea

Acacia llKl
Primrose Yellow 1 Y 1-a
Brimstone lYellow] lOJl
Sulphur Yellow m _ _ . 1 ga 103. DARK GREENISH YELLOW
Spring Flower 1203 YYg 1-c
Chalcedony Yellow 18J1 Maerz and Paul
Summer Sun 2 Y 1-b Other sources
Chartreuse llLl
Sun Yellow 3 Y 1-c Flavo-Virens B Certosa 20L3
Chartreuse Yellow 1111
Yellow Bright 52 Yo 1-d Greenish Yellow. A Chartreuse Green 12L2
Chrome Primrose 9K1
Citronelle 18L2 Griseo-Chlorinus B Courge Green 21L3
Ridgway Citrus lOJl Primulinus B Olive Yellow 12L2
Dyer's Broom llJl Stramineus. B Russet Green 20K1
Citron Yellow XVI 23'b
Dyer's Greenwood UJl Sulphureus B
Green-Yellow V 27b
Endive 17L3 Viridi-Flavus B Plochere
Lemon Yellow IV 23
Gaude IIKI
Light Greenish Yellow V 25b Green Oasis 1217 YYg 3-a
Genestrole IIJ!
Pale Lemon Yellow IV 23b
Picric Yellow IV 23d YELLOW Ridgway
Liqueur Green 18K2
Luteous llKl
Taylor, Knoche. Granville Maerz and Paul Light Yellowish Olive XXX 23"t
Martius Yellow 911
Lime Green XXXI 25"
Olde UKl Acacia. UKl
Bright Chartreuse Yellow m lob llKl
Oil Yellow V 251
Gold Butterfly 1911
Lemon Yellow gm. _ 1 ia Pyrite Yellow IV 23i
Reed Yellow 1011 Chartreuse llLl
Light Chartreuse Yellow m. 1 kb Yellowish Citrine XVI 23''t
Sulphur lOJl Chartreuse Yellow 1111
Light Citron Yellow m 1 kb
Sulphur (Yellow) Chrysolite Green 19K3
Light Lemon Yellow g 1 ga Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Trentanel llJl Citronelle 18L2
Light Yellow g 1 ga
Wald UKl Citron Green 19K2 Antique Gold gm. l!2fe
Mimosa Yellow gm 1 ia
Wau Dyer's Broom UJl Olive Yellow gm 1 ne
Sulphur Yellow gm 1 ia
Weld Dyer's Greenwood UJl
Wield UKl Eau de-Javel Green 19L2 Other sources
Other sources Woald UKl Gaude UKl
H 64 Wod UKl Genestrole UJl Citrino-Viridis B
Dresden Yellow
B Wold UKl Genet UJl Dark Greenish Yellow RC
Greenish Yellow A Grapefruit 19L1 Greenish Yellow A
Plochere Javel Green 19L2 Herbaceus B
Mimosa Yellow H 602
Sulphurous B Butterfly Yellow 1211 YYg 2-c Linden Green 19J1 Oliuaceo-Citrinus B
Viridi-Flavus B Chelsea Yellow 21 Y 3-e Unden Yellow 19J1 Olivaceus B;

104. PALE GREENISH YELLOW Other sources 107. MODERATE OLIVE Moss Grey. 14F2
Dull Greenish Yellow A Quaker Grey 21B1
Maerz and Paul Maerz and Paul
Green (PC) F 3453 Sage Grey 13C2
Amber White llCl Griseo-Chlorinus B Ivy [Green] 16L9 Sand 13B2
Primrose Green lOFl Light Green (USA). F 1470 Kentucky Green 22H12 Silver Fern 14J2
Reed Yellow 1011 Moderate Greenish Yellow. RC Lierre 16L9 Sirocco. 14B2
Tilleul IGreen).... 18E1 Metallic Green 15L6 Smoke Yellow. 13B2
Wax Color IIDI Olivaceous 15L4 Sudan 13E4
Waxen IIDI 106. LIGHT OLIVE Olive [Green) 15L4 Twine. 14B3
Wax White.. __ UDl Roman Green. 15L5 Vetiver Green 22G1
Maerz and Paul
Willow 15L7
Plochere Antique Brass 14J4 Plochere
Aucuba Green 22L1 Plochere
Best Effort 1224 YYg 3-h Citron Gray... 91 Yo 6-c
Bladder Green 22K1
Blossom 6 Y 1-f Antique Bronze 81 Yo 5-a Oriental Sand 92 Yo 6-d
Certosa 20L3
Breath of Spring 1183 Yg 4-g Midnight Bronze 33 Y 5-a
Chelsea Yellow 21 Y 3-e
Citrine 14L6 Ridgway
Courge Green 21L3 Ridgway
Cream Chant.. 1223 YYg 3-g
Green Finch 14L5
Grayish Olive XLVI 21""
Cream Delight 1175 Yg 3-g
Grape Green 21J1 Calla Green V 25m Light Grayish Olive XLVI 2r"'b
Gold Glow 1222 YYg 3-f
Laurel Green Citrine IV 21k Olive-Gray.. LI 23""'b
Happy Day 22L1
1159 Yg 1-g
Leek Green 22K1 Dark Citrine IV 21m
Heavenly Day 1167 Yg 2-g Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Lime Green 20J1
Dark Greenish Olive. XXX 23"m
Jade Cream 1174 Yg 3-f
Mignonette [Green] 22K1 Deep Olive XL 2r"k Citron Gray gm 1 ge
Light Hearted 15 Y 2-g Dull Citrine XVI 2rk
Mellow Yellow 30 Y 4-f
Moss [Green] 21L2 Covert Tan gm 2 ge
Mousse 21L2 Ivy Green ... XXXI 25"m Greige gm 2 ge
Misty Jade 1173 Yg 3-e
Oak [Green] 22L1 Kronberg's Green XXXI 25"k Light Olive Gray gm 1'4 ge
Nymph Green 1182 Yg 4-f
Oasis 20L2 Olive XXX 21"m Olive Gray gm 1 ig
Olive Glow _ 1230 YYg 4-f
Old Bronze I4L7 Olive-Citrine XVI 21'm
Olive Hint 1231 YYg 4-g
Old Gold 14K5 Olive-Green IV 23m Other sources
Pale Star 31 Y 4-g
Old Moss [Green] 14L2 Roman Green XVI 23'm
Shine 1207 YYg 1-g Yellowish Olive XXX 23"k
Bistre S
Olive Terra Verte. 22L1 Gray (PC)
Spring Dream 1166 Yg 2-f F 1635
Olive Yellow 14L2
Sun Green 1214 YYg 2-f Taylor, Knoche, Granville Griseo-Olivaceus B
Palmleaf.. 14LI (BuOrd) F 2445
Unique 22 Y 3-f Light Olive
Reseda [Green) 22K1 Bright Olive Green g 24I2
Yellow Essence 55 Yo 1-g pg Light Olive Gray SC
Rhubarb 14L6 Dark Olive Green gm 24> 2 pl Medium Gray (Eng) F 2645
Ridgway Romantic Green 14L3 Dull Gold g 2 ng Olive A
Russet Green 20K1 Golden Olive g 1''2 Ig
Olive SC
Naphthalene Yellow XVI 23'f Sap Green 22K1 Mustard Brown g 2 ni
Olive Gray. SC
Pale Chalcedony Yellow... XVII 25'f Sea Moss (a) 22L1 Mustard Tan g.. 2 Ig Olive Green S
Pale Green-Yellow V 27f Serpentine Green 14K3 Olive gm 1 pi Pale Olive RC
Pale Viridine Yellow V 29f Silver Fern 14J2 Olive Green g... 24,>^ pl Pale Olive SC
Sea-foam Green XXXI 27"f Verde Vessie 22K1 Slate Green S
Sea-foam Yellow.. XXXI 25"f Warbler Green 14L3 Other sources
Subolivaceo-Griseus B
Sulphur Yellow V 25f Willow Green 22K1 Atroherbaceus B
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Dark Olive SC
Herbaceus B 110. GRAYISH OLIVE
Pale Yellow g ca Bronze Mist Moderate Olive Brown
34 Y 5-b RC
Pastel Yellow m 1 fb
Maerz and Paul
Cocoa Bronze 82 Yo 5-b Obscuro-Virens B
Olivaceo-Citrinus B Autumn 8A12
Other sources Ridgway Olivaceus B Beech 15E4
Dull Greenish Yellow A Buffy Olive. XXX 2r'k Olive A Bronze Lustre 16E12
Flavo-Virens B Citrine IV 21k Olive SC Bronzesheen 16H12
Griseo-Chlorinus... B Citrine-Drab XL 2r"i Olive Gray.. S Cod Grey... 16C7
Stramineus B Dull Citrine XVI 2rk Olive Green S Drabolve 15J5
Sulphureus. B Kronberg's Green XXXI 25"k Olive Yellow S Fish Grey 16C7
Viridi-Flavus B Lime Green.... XXXI 25" Ivy [Green] 16L9
Mignonette Green XXXI 25"i Lierre 16L9
Olive Lake XVI 21'i
108. DARK OLIVE Olive Drab 15J5
105. GRAYISH GREENISH Serpentine Green XVI 23'k Taylor, Knoche, Granville
YELLOW Warbler Green IV 23k
Yellowish Oil Green.. V 25k Black Olive g 1 po Bronze Sheen 41 Y 6-a
Maerz and Paul Dark Brown g 2 pn
Yellowish Olive XXX 23"k Desert Palm 137 OY 6-a
Absinthe Yellow... 12J2 Ebony g 1 po
Amber White... IICI Taylor. Knoche, Granville Teak g 1 po Ridgway
Chrysolite Green 19K3 Bright Olive Green g 24i-2
pg Dark Greenish Olive XXX 23"m
Citron Green 19K2 Dull Gold m Other sources
2 ng
Dark Olive XL 21"'m
1212 Dusty Olive gm 1 pg Anti-Corrosive Green (MA). F 2430 Dark Olive-Gray LI 23""'i
Lime Green 20J1 Golden Olive gm 114 pg Dark Olive SC Deep Olive XL 21'"k
Russet Green 20K1 Light Moss Green gm 1 ie Green (PO) F 1410 Ivy Green. ...^ XXXI 25"m
Sallow 12E2 Light Mustard Tan g 2 ie Olive A Olive XXX 21"m
Siskin Green 19J2 Light Olive gm l'-2 ie Olive Drab (USA). F 2430
Water Green 19C2 Olive m pi Olive Green (USA)
1 F 1410 Taylor. Knoche. Granville
Wax Color IIDI Pullman Green (PC) F 2430
Waxen IIDI Other sources Covert Brown gm 2 11

Wax White UDl Atroherbaceus. B Dark Olive gm 1 nl

Yellowstone 12G2 Bistre Brown S
109. LIGHT GRAYISH OLIVE Dark Olive Gray g 1 ml
Light Olive Drab gm 1 11
Citrino-Viridis B
nochere Dull Greenish Yellow A Maerz and Paul Olive m.- 1 pl

Golden Mist Herbaceus B Acier 2IBI Olive Drab gm 1 nl

1238 YYg 5-f
Light Olive RC Anamite 14B3 Olive Gray g 1 ig
Green Banana. 1228 YYg 4-d
Light Olive Brown RC Antique Brass 14J4 Slate Tan g 2 ig
Lily Green 1181 Yg 4-e
Shadow Olive 1229 YYg 4-e Light Olive Green S Beach 13B2
Other sources
Olivaceo-Citrinus B Chip 13B2
Ridgway Olivaceus B Crash 12D3 Black Brown S
Olive. A Dune 14B3 Dark Olive S
Citron Green XXXI 25"b Olive SC Dusty Green 22C1 Dark Olive Gray SC
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Olive Bistre. S Grey Drab... 21B1 Grayish Olive RC
Olive Green S Hemp.... 14H4 Obscuro-Virens B
Citron gm. 1 gc Viridi-Olivaceus B Lead Grey... 13C1 Olivaceo-Griseus B
Dusty Yellow gm IJ^ gc Yellow Brown S Lint 13C2 Olivaceus B

Olive -
A Chickadee Gray 47A1 Sap Green H 62 Pea Green gm .. 24 ne
OlivB o Cod Grey... 16C7 Viridi-Flaveus B Sap Green gm 24 pe
Crag 15C2 Viridis B Spring Green g 24 ic
Olive Black . _ _ S Crystal Palace Green 31A2 Willow Green gm 24i2pe
niiup Rrnwn s Cub 15C1
Olive Drab (AN) F3412 English Grey 15C2
116. BRILLIANT YELLOW Textile Color Card Association
Olive Drab (USA) F 3412 Fish Grey 16C7 GREEN Spring Green 70061
Olive Gray_ SC Grege 15A3
Olive Green S Jaffi 47A1 Other sources
Pullman Green (PC) ... F3412 Kangaroo 16C6 Chartreuse Green 1154 Yg 1-b
Agathia Green H 60
Metallique 15C3 Glory Green 1162 Yg 2-b
Apple Green S
Nutria... 15A3 Growth Green 1116Ygg2-d
111. DARK GRAYISH OLIVE Rat 16C5 Jade Lime 1155 Yg 1-c
Atroviridis B
Deep Green S
Sea Hawik.. 47A1 June Bud.. 1108 Ygg 1-d
Fern Green ._ H 0862
Maerz and Paul Stone Grey 31A2 Lime Yellow 1201 YYg l-a
Flavo-Virens B
Wren 8A11 Love Bird 1163 Yg 2-c
Autumn 8A12 Green S
Montrose Yellow 1156 Yg 1-d
Moose 8C10 Herbaceus B
Ridgway Pistachio Cream... 1109 Ygg 1-e
Wren .- Lettuce Green H 861
Spring Eve 1157 Yg 1-e
Dark Grayish Olive XLVI 2r"'k Light Olive Green S
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Verdugo 1171 Yg 3-c
Dark Olive-Gray LI 23""'i Olive Green S
Dark Olive g. 1 pn Deep Grayish Olive XLVI 21""i Ridgway Scheele's Green H 860
Iron Gray... LI 23 ""'k Viridi-Flavus B
Other sources Olivaceous Black (1) XLVI 2r"'m Bright Chalcedony Yellow. XVII 25'
Viridis B
Clear Dull Green-Yellow... XVII 27'b
Olivaceous Black (3) LI 23""'m Yellow Green S
Black Clear Yellow-Green VI 31b
Dark Olive SC Yellowish Green A
Light Yellow-Green VI 31d
A Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Olive... Neva Green V 29
Olive Black RC Beige Gray g .. 3 ih Vanderpoel's Green VI 33b
Black Olive m 1 po Viridine Green VI 33d
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Dark Covert Gray g 2 ih Yellow Green
112. LIGHT OLIVE GRAY Dark Olive m li ^ nl
VI 31
Lime Peel g 24 pg
Dark Olive Gray m 1 ml Taylor. Knoche, Granville
Maerz and Paul Ebony m 1 po
Other sources
Bright Chartreuse gm 24'/^ ia
Beach 13B2 Light Olive Drab m l' Ii
Yellowish Green A
Bright Lime Green m 24 na
C6ruse. 6A1 Mouse g 3 ih
Lettuce Green gm 241-2 ga
Chip 13B2 Olive Drab m 1' , nl
Light Chartreuse gm 24' )ga
Cookie 14C3 Olive Gray g 1 ih 119. LIGHT YELLOW GREEN
Light Lime Green gm 24 ga
Grey Stone 13A2 Teak m _ 1 po
Kasha-Beige 14A2 Other sources Maerz and Paul
Light Grege 13A2 Other sources Glass Green 18F3
Chartreuse Green H 663
Oriental Pearl 14A2 Lumiere Green 1815
Black S Flavo-Virens B
Piping Rock 13A2 Reed Green 19D2
Black Brown S Pale Yellow Green S
Russian Grey.. 14A2 Rhone 18B3
Dark Gray... SC Pea Green H 6!
Sand 13B2 Sky Green 1815
Dark Olive S Sap Green H 62
Slate-Grey 14A2 Viridine Green 1716
Dark Putty (Eng) F 1605 Subviridis B
Smoke Yellov* 13B2 Vitreous 18F3
Ferro-Griseus B Uranium Green H 63
Water Grey 14B1 Water Green... 19C2
Gray Black S Veronese Green H 660
Greenish Gray A Viridi-Flavus B
Ridgway Plochere
Griseo-Olivaceus B Viridis B
Deop Olive-Gray.. LI 23""' Loam (Eng) F 3403 Yellowish Green.. _ A Breath of Spring 1183 Yg 4-g
Light Grayish Olive XLV) 21""b Niger B Corydahs. 1134 Ygg 4-f
Olive-Gray LI 23""'b Olivaceo-Griseus B Etherial Green 1127 Ygg 3-g
Olivaceo-Niger. B 117. STRONG YELLOW G REEN Flowerlet 1110 Ygg 1-f
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Olive Black RC
Maerz and Paul Golden Mist 1238 YYg 5-f
Citron Gray m.. 1 fe Olive Black S Green Charm 1165 Yg 2-e
Covert Gray gm 2 fe Olive Brown S Calliste Green 19L6 Green Pride 1164 Yg 2-d
Dark Covert Gray m 2 ih Olive Gray RC English Green 19L8 Gumdrop Green 1125 Ygg 3-e
Greige m 1 fe Olive Gray S Love Bird 18L6 Heavenly Green 1126 Ygg 3-f
Olive Gray m 1 ih Olive Green S Neva Green 17L8 June Green 1117 Ygg 2-e
Slate Tan m 2 ig Very Dark Gray SC Scheele's Green 19L8 Lily Green 1181 Yg 4-e
Swedish Green 19L8 Lime Cream 1119 Ygg 2-g
Other sources Viridine Yellow 17L7 Misty Jade 1173 Yg 3-e
114. OLIVE BLACK Muse nil Ygg 1-g
Bistre S Plochere
Other sources Nymph Green 1182 Yg 4-f
Gray (PC) . F 1635
Foliage 1170 Yg 3-b Shadow Lime.... 1172 Yg 3-d
Gray S Black SC Green Oasis 1217 YYg 3-a Spring Bud 1118 Ygg 2-f
Gray.. SC Greenish Black A Green Spring 1115 Ygg 2-c Spring Eve 1157 Yg 1-e
Gray Black S
Greenery 1161 Yg 2-a Verdugo 1171 Yg 3-c
Gray Brown S
Lettuce Green 1169 Yg 3-a
Gray Green .... S 115. VIVID YELLOW GREEN Ridgway
Greenish Gray. A Ridgway
Griseo Olivaceus B Plochere Bright Chalcedony Yellow.. XVII 25'
Light Gray... SC Apple Green. .. XVII 29' Clear Dull Green-Yellow... XVII 27'b
Chartreuse Green 1154 Yg 1-b
Light Olive Gray RC Calliste Green.. VI 311 Corydalis Green XLl 29"'d
Greenery 1161 Yg 2-a
Light Olive Gray SC Clear Dull Green-Yellow.. . XVII 27'b Deep Sea-foam Green XXXI 27"d
Verdant 1153 Yg 1-a
Medium Gray (USA) F 3625 Cosse Green V 29i Glass Green XXXI 29"d -

Olivaceo-Griseus B Dull Green-Yellow... .... XVII 27' Light Dull Green-Yellow... XVII 27'd
Olive Bistre... S Mineral Green XVIIl 31' Light Fluorite Green XXXII 33"d
Olive Gray. S Bright Green-Yellow V 27 Scheele's Green VI 33i Light Lumiere Green XVII 29'd
Olive Gray SC Night Green VI 33 Vanderpoel's Green VI 33b Light Turtle Green XXXIl 31"d
Olive Green.. . . S Light Viridine Green VI 33f
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Slate Green . S Taylor. Knoche, Granville Light Yellow-Green VI 31d
Subolivaceo-Griseus... .. B
Bright Chartreuse gm 24>2na
Bright Chartreuse gm 24' 200 Lumiere Green XVII 29'b

Bright Lime Green gm 24 pa

Bright Lime Green gm 24 pc Opaline Green Vll 37f
Chartreuse gm 24' 2 Ic Pale Cendre Green VI 35f
Hi. OLIVE GRAY Vivid Chartreuse gm 24' _> pa
Lettuce Green g 24 ic Pale Dull Green-Yellow.... XVII 27'f
Light Lime Green g 24 ia Pale Glass Green XXXI 29"f
Maerz and Paul Other sources
Lime Green gm 24 nc Pale Lumiere Green XVII 29'f
Beaverpelt 15A3 Apple Green S Lime Peel gm _ 24 pe Pale Tiber Green XVIIl 33'f
Beech... 15E4 Bright Yellowish Green A Parrot Green gm 24 Ic Pale Turtle Green XXXIl 31"f

XVIll 31'! Porret, 22J5 Light Leal Green gm .. 24 gc Ridgway
Pale Veronese Green ,

Pale Yellow-Green VI 31t Rainette Green 21K4 Light Olive Green gm .... 24'2lg Corydahs Green . . . . XLI 29"'d
Rivage Green XVIll 3rb Rivage Green 1717 Light Pea Green gm, 24 gc
Glaucous ... .. ... XLI 29 f
Veronese Green XVIll 3rd Sage [Green] 2215 Lime Peel gm , 24 pg
Opaline Green ,,, , . VII 37f
Sea Green 19K6 Moss Green gm. ... 24 Ig
Pale Cendre Green... VI 35f
Taylor, Knoche. Granville Sea-water Green , . 19K6 Pastel Green g 24' ec
Pale Glass Green. .. , ,, XXXI 29"f
Seered Green 20K3 Pea Green gm 24 Ie
Pale Turtle Green ,. XXXII ,tl"
Lettuce Green m 24,' 2 fib
Sage Green gm ?4

Shadow Green 20J3 Ig

Pale Veronese Green _ XVIll 3ri
Light Chartreuse gm,.. 24' Sea , .

Spinach Green 22K7 Spring Green gm 24 Ie

Water Green, ,. XLI 25' "J
Light Green gm 24 ea
Willow Green gm 24' Ie
Spring Green 18J7 .

Yellowish Glaucous XLI 2b' '(

Mist Green g 244 db
Wedgwood Green ... 24ijec
Tapis Vert 21L5 g . ,

Pale Chartreuse gm 24i2ca

Tarragon 21B7 Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Pale Green g 24 ca Textile Color Card Association
Terrasse Green 21 L5
Turtle Green 19G5 Chartreuse Tint gm. ... 24' _. ba
Textile Color Card Association Limepeel... 70154
Verdant Green 20K5 Green Tint gm . . . . 24 ba
Mosstone 70155
--. 70031 Verd Gay 21L6 Greige m 1 dc
Nile. Mosstone(USA) 65022
Water Cress 22K6 Light Citron Gray m . . 1 ec
Nile 70031
Other sources Woodbine Green... 22L6 Mist Green m. . . . . 24' db
Pale Chartreuse m 24' ca
Flavo-Virens B Other sources ..

Pale Green m . 24 ca
B Plochere . .

Gnseo-Chlorinus Atroherbaceus , , . . B Pale Yellow m . . .. 1 ca

Light Green (Eng) F 3448 Apple Green 1180 Yg 4-d Atroviridis B
. .
Parchment gm . . . . . . . I cb
Light Olive Green S Cedar 1130 Ygg 4-b ChlorinuS- B
- ,
Pastel Green m. . . . 24' 2 ec
Pale Green S Cedar Bough. 1186 Yg 5-b Deep Green S m db
, . , . . ,
Pastel Yellow . . . 1

Pale Yellow Green S Chrysolite Green 1179 Yg 4-c Exterior Green (PC) . ... F 1455 Putty m . . . 1 ec
Prasinus B Drab Olive . 1188 Yg 5-d Flavo-Virens B Wedgwood Green m 24' 2 ec
Subviridis B Dusky Citron ,. 1237 YYg 5-e Gray Green. . . , , S Yellow Tint gm ... 1 ba
Viridi-Flavus B Dusty Green 1189 Yg 5-e Green S
VIridi-Glaucus B 18th Century Citron 1236 YYg 5-d Green Zinc Yellow Primer F 3436 Other sources
Yellowish Green A Fern Green .,, 1131 Ygg 4-c (N)
Dull Yell iwish Green . .A
Fir Green,. , , 1234 YYg 5-b Griseo-Chlorinus . . B

Flavo-Virens . B
Green Grass 1178 Yg 4 b Herbaceus, B
120. MODERATE YELLOW Green Moss..

. 1122 Ygg 3 -b Light Green (USA)

. .

F 3433
Green Tint (MA) . F 3451

GREEN Green Olive,... 1225 YYg 4-a Moderate Yellow Green . RC

Griseo-Chioi inus. B
Pale Gray Gieen ,, S
Green Tee 1177 Yg 4-a Olive Green S
Maerz and Paul Pale Greenish Yellow RC
Mignonette 1226 YYg 4-b Pale Green . , S
Subviiidis ... - B
Absinthe [Green] 20J5 Mistletoe , 1139 Ygg 5-c Pale Olive Green. . . S
Viridi Glaucus ... ... B
Apple Green 19J6 Pea Green . 1132 Ygg 4-d Pistaceus 8
Art Green. 22L7 Piquant Green 1123 Ygg 3-c Pod Green H 051
Asphodel Green 21J5 Queen Anne 1133 Ygg 4-e Vindi-Flavus . B 122. (iRAYISH YELLOW GREEN
Autumn Green 22K7 Sage 1187 Yg 5-c Viridi-Griseus ,. B
Biscay Green 21 K5 Seville 1124 Ygg 3-d Viridi-Olivaceus ... . B Maerz und Paul
Boa 19B5 Slate Citron ,, , 1235 YYg 5-c Willow Green . H 000862
Bourgeon.. 20J4 Winter Pear ... 1227 YYg 4-c Yellow Green S Artichoke Green ., 20B2
Box Green 22L3 Yellowish Green , , A Boa 19B5
Celadon Green. 21 B4
Calla Green 22L4 Ridgway Zinc Chromate(MA) F 3436 .

Calliste Green 19L6 Corydahs Gieen . 19B4

Cerro Green 22L5 Absinthe Green, XXXI 29" Eau-de-Nile 19B5
Certosa 20L3 Asphodel Green XLI 29"' 121. PALE YELLOW GREEN Eucalyptus [Green]. 20c 1
Chromium Green 21K7 Bice Green XVII 29'k Fern Green ,. 21F5
Chrysolite Green 19K3 Biscay Green XVII 2?'i Maerz and Paul Gage Green _, .., 22 E6

Cosse Green 19L5 Cedar Green VI 31ni Greenstone . . 20D2

Amber White. UCl
Courge Green 21L3 Chromium Green, XXXII 31"i Ingenue lbA3
Asparagus Green 19C3
Cress Green 22K6 Chrysolite Green XXXI 27"b Mermaid 21 B2
Chicory Blue 28A2
Cresson 22K6 Clear Dull Green-Yellow... XVII 27'L Mistleloe . ... 22B5
Glaucous 19B3
Eau-de-Nile 19B5 Courge Green .. , XVII 25'i Mytho Green 2085
Ingenue 19A3
Epsom 2016 Cress Green, XXXI 29"k Nile [Green[ 1985
Light Blue 26A2
Fern 2117 Deep Chrysolite Green . XXXI 27" 1
Olive Grey ... 21A2
Marguerite Yellow, . . .. lOCl
XXXII 31"k

Fern Green 21F5 Deep Dull Yellow-Green (1) Palmetto. ... .. 2286
Deep Grape Green XLI 25"'i
New Silver . UBl 22L6
Foliage Green... 20J5 Peridol
Oyster Grey 19A2
Gaudy Green 22K7 Forest Green XVII 29'm Pois Green... 22G5
Oyster (White] lOBl
Gay Green 21L6 Grape Green XLI 25"' Queen Anne Green 21C2
Rhone - 18B3
Grass Green 21L5 Grass Green VI 33k Scotch Giey 21A2
Seafoam Green. . . , . , . . 18D2
Grasshopper 20F5 Hellebore Green, XVII 25'm Seaspray 20B6
Seafoam Yellow.. 17C2
Kildare Green 1915 Kildare Green, XXXI 29"b Seaweed Green . . . . .. 2185
Silurian Grey ... . 19B2
Lawn Green,. 21L5 Lettuce Green V 29k Seladon Green 218'!
Skimmed-Milk White 26A2
Leek [Greenl... 22J5 Light Bice Green XVII 29'i Sliver Green 21F3
Smoke Grey 28A2
Lettuce Green 20L5 Light Cress Green ,. XXXI 29"i Surrey Green 20A4
Succoiv Blue 28A2
Liberty Green 1914 Light Elm Green .., XVII 27'k Tarragon. . .. 21B7
Water Green 19C2
LilyGreen 19H5 Light Grape Green __. XLI 25"'b Tea . 19A4
Mignon Green, 21J6 Light Hellebore Green..... XVII 25'k Tea Green . 21C2
Morillon,. 22L2 Lumiere Green XVII 29'b Woodbine Green 22L6
MosslGreen] 21L2 Mytho Green.. XLI 29"'b Best Effort 1224 YYg 3-h
Mousse - 21L2 Oil Green V 27k Blend 1240 YYg 5-h Plochere
Mytho Green Parrot Green . VI 31k Corydahs 1134 Ygg 4-f
20B5 1198 Yg6-f
Peacock Green VI 35i
Nile [Green] 19B5 Desert Pride. 1192 Yg 5-h
Dusky Green 1148 Ygg6-d
Oasis 20L2 Rainette Green XXXI 27"i Dream Cream 1232 YYg 4-h
Dusty Green .... 1189 Yg 5 e
Palm 22L2 Rinnemann's Green XVIll 3ri Ethenal Green 1127 Ygg 3-g
18th Century Green 1140 Ygg 5-d
Park Green 21L7 Rivage Green XVIll 31'b Golden Mist.. -., 1238 YYg 5-f
Elm... 1243 YYg 6-c
Porraceous 22J5 Scheele's Green . . VI 33i Gieen Stone 1190 Yg 5-t
Spinach Green V 29m Eucalyptus Green 1196 Yg6 d
Parrakeet 21L6 Happy Day 1159 Yg 1-g
Green Fog ... ... 1245 YYg 6 e
Parroquit Green... 21L6 Turtle Green XXXII 31"b Math .. 1247 YYg6-g
Green Haze. 1246 YYg 6-f
Parrot Green 21L6 Veronese Green XVIll 3rd Olive Glow . 1230 YYg 4-t
Green Mist ... 1197 Yg 6-e
Pea Green . , 20G6 Vetiver Green XLVII 25'" Olive Hint 1231 YYg 4-g
Mistletoe 1139 Ygg 5-c
Peridot 22L6 Reed 1239 YYg 5-g
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Misty Green 114! Ygg 5-e
Perruche 21L6 Scotch Mist 1199 Yg 6-g
Repose . 1244 YYg 6 -d
Piquant Green 20K6 Bright Olive Green gm 24' pg Sea Mist .. 1142 Ygg 5-f
1150 Ygg 6
Smoke Pine f

PIstache 19C6 Chartreuse m 24' 2 ic Silver Gieen.. . . , .. 1143 Ygg 5-g

Sung Green 1149 Ygg 6- e
Pistachio Green 1906 Fern Green gm 24 ie Sylvan 1135 Ygg 4-g
Pomona Green Twilight Sun. .... 7 Y 1-g Temple... 1195 Yg5-c
19J6 Leaf Green gm 24 Ie .

Popinjay Green 21L6 Lettuce Green m 24 ic Water Green 1191 Yg 5-g Vista Green 1147 Ygg 6-c

Ridgway Woodbine Green 22L6 Mountain Top 1145 Ygg 6-a Pans Green gm 23 pa
Woodland Green 23L6 Oak Leaf 1137 Ygg 5-a Vivid Green gm 23 pa
Andower Green XLVIl 25""l
Yew Green 24L1 Old Master Green 1146 Ygg 6-b
Deep Grape Green XLI 25"'i Other sources
Yew Green 1241 YYg 6-a
Hellebore Green XVII 25'm Plochere
Light Hellebore Green XVII 25'k Bright Green S
Mineral Gray XLVIl 25""d Chive 1121 Ygg3-a Bright Yellowish Green A
Mytho Green XLI 25"'b Life Green 1185 Yg 5-a Cossack Green VI 33m Deep Green S
Pols Green XLI 29"'i Violet Leaf 1129 Ygg 4-a Dark Dull Yellow-Green. . . XXXII 31"m Emerald S
Tea Green XLVIl 25""b Yuletime 1233 YYg 5-a Dark Ivy Green XLVIl 25""k Green PSP 16
Vetlver Green XLVIl 25"" Dusky Olive-Green XLI 25"'m Green S
Ridgway Dusky Yellowish-Green ... XLI 29'"m Yellow Green S
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Cedar Green VI 31m Elm Green XVII 27'm
Cerro Green V 27m Hellebore Green XVII 25'm 130. BRILLIANT YELLOWISH
Celadon Gray g 24 fe
Jade Green XXXI 27"k
Celadon Green gnn 24' 2 ge Cossack Green VI 33m
Leaf Green XLI 29"'k
Citron Gray g 1 fe Cress Green XXXI 29"k
Dark Cress Green XXXI 29"m Lincoln Green XLI 25'"k Maerz and Paul
Dusty Green g 24 ge
Dark Dull Yellow-Green... XXXII 31"m Olivaceous Black (2) XLVIl 25""m
Greige g 1 dc Eve Green.. 18L8
Light Citron Gray g ec Deep Dull Yellow Green(l) XXXII 3r'k
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Neva Green 17L8
Light Mistletoe Gray gm 241.2 fe Elm Green XVII 27'm
Light Mistletoe Green gm_. 24' ge Forest Green XVII 29'm Dark Green m 24 pi Plochere
Light Reseda Green g 24 ge Hellebore Green XVII 25'm Dark Olive m 1 pn
Jade Green XXXI 27"k Dark Olive Gray g 1 ml
Bouquet Green 1107 Ygg I-c
Light Sage Green g 24 ge
XXXI 27"m Dark Olive Green m Eve Green 1114 Ygg 2-b
Mistletoe Gray m 24'4 ih Yew Green . 24'2nl
Dark Reseda Green g 24 Festive Green 1059 GY 1-c
Mistletoe Green gm 24'^ ig li

Taylor, Knoche, Granville Ivy Green gm 24 nl

Fountain Green 1062 GY 1-f
Pastel Green g 24H ec
June Bud 1108 Ygg 1-d
Putty g 1 ec Bright Olive Green g. 24'2 pg Mistletoe Gray g 24' 2 ih
Moss Green m 24 ni
Spring 1061 GY 1-e
Reseda Green g 24 ig Dark Green g 24 pi
Mistletoe Green gm .. 24' 2li Vibrant Green ... 1060 GY 1-d
Sage Green g 24 ig Dark leaf Green gm 24 pi

Wedgwood Green 24; 2 ec Dark Olive Green gm 24' 2 pi Olive Gray g 1 ih

g Ridgway
Lime Peel g ... . 24 pg Sage Gray g 24 ih
Other sources Moss Green gm. . . 24 pi Sage Green m 24 ni Cendre Green. VI 35b

Otive Green gm 24' 2 pi

Emerald Green VI 35
Dull YellowishGreen A Other sources
Parsley Green gm 24 Light Cendre Green VI 35d
Dusky Yellow Green RC . pi

Glauco-Griseus B Sage Green gm. 24 ni Atroherbaceus B

Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Government Wall Green F 3457 Atroviridis B
Textile Color Card Association Bluish Olive A Bright Lime Green m 24
(PBS) la

Gray Green _ . S Olive . 70156 Dark Olive S Bright Nile Green gm 23 ga

Grayish Yellow Green RC Dark Zinc Yellow Primer F3415 Green m
Brilliant 23 na
Herbaceus B Other sources (N) Light Lime Green m 24 ia

Lavender Green, H 000761 Dull Green S Light Pans Green gm 23 ia

Atroherbaceus. ...... . B
Olive S Grayish Olive Green RC Pans Green m 23 na
Atrovmdis . B
Olive Bistre S Herbaceus B
Bluish Olive A Other sources
Olive Gray .. S Leek Green. . H 000858
Dark Olive Green S
Olive Green S Obscuro-Virens . B Cyprus Green H 59
Deep Olive Green . . . S
Pistaceus B Olivaceo-Niger B Deep Green.. S
Herbaceus ... B
Sky (AN) F 3454 Olive Green.. S Emerald S
Interior Green (AN) F 3430
Spring Green (Eng) _ F 3457 Sage Green H 000861 Green S
Leek Green . H 000858
Viridi Griseus B Spruce Green (Y&D) F 1450 Pale Yellow Green S
Obsctjro-Virens B
Viridi-Olivaceus B Subvlrldls B
Olive .3
Willow Green H 000862 Veronese Green. H 660
Olive Green S 128. DARK GRAYISH OLIVE Viridis B
Parsley Green . H 00962 GREEN Yellow Green S
Sage Green H 000861
123. STRONG OLIVE GREEN Yellowish Green A
Slate Green S Maerz and Paul
Other sources Spinach Green. . . H 0960
Rifle [Green] 32A2
Yellowish Green . A 131. STRONG YELLOWISH
Bluish Olive A
Olive Green S
Plochere GREEN
Slate Green S 126. DARK OLIVE GREEN Mountain Top 1145 Ygg 6-a Maerz and Paul
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Ridgway Bud Green 19K10
124. DEEP OLIVE GREEN Cyprus Green 18K9
Dark Ivy g 24 po Olivaceous Black (2) XLVIl 25""m
24'2pn Eden Green 20L9
Dark Olive Green g
Other sources . .

English Green 19L8

Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Other sources Eve Green.. 18L8
Bluish Olive A Dark Green g . . 24 pn Harlequin 17KI1
Bluish Olive A Ivy Green g 24 pn Hooker's Green No. 1 20L10
Exterior Green(PC) . F 1415
Oriental Green 19F10
125. MODERATE OLIVE GREEN Forest Green (USA) F 1415 Other sources
Peppermint 17J10
Green (MC) F 1415
Maerz and Paul Bluish Olive A Scheele's Green 19L8
Pullman Green (PC) F 1415
Greenish Black RC 19L12
Art Green 22L7 Ivy Green H 0001060 Swedish Green.. 19L8
Autumn Green _ _ 22K7
127. GRAYISH OLIVE GREEN Olivaceo-Niger B
Brewster Green _ 24L! Plochere
Cedar Green 23L5 Maerz and Paul Eve Green 1114 Ygg 2-b
Ccdre - 23L5
Andover Green 23E2
129. VIVID YELLOWISH GREEN Shamrock. 1113 Ygg 2-a
Cypress |Green|.. 23L6 Turf Green 1066 GY 2-b
Beetle 16J6 Maerz and Paul
Elm Green 23J5
Bronze Green 16L7
Forest Green - 23L6 .

Shamrock [Green] 19L1? Ridgway

Lichen 23H3
Garland Green 22H7
New Hay 24J3 Deep Turtle Green . XXXII 31"
Gaudy Green... 22K7 Plochere
Peridot 22L6 Motmot Green XVIII 35'
Hellebore Green . 23L3
Privet . 24C2 Bouquet Green 1107 Ygg I-c
Holly Green 23L1 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Sage Drab. . 23E5 Festive Green . . 1059 GY 1-c
Kronberg's Green 22K2
Woodbine Green... 22L6 Hanging Garden 1105 Ygg 1-a Bright Green gm 22 na
Lincoln Green . . 23J4
Irish Isle... 1058 GY 1-b Bright Kelly Green gm 22 pa
Mount Vernon Green 23J8
Plochere Leaf Green. 1106 Ygg 1-b
Peridot 22L6 BrilliantGreen gm . 23 pc
Pok) Green 23J9 Black Forest .1193 Yg 6-a Grass Green gm 23 pe
Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Quaker Green 23L4 Conifer . 1242 YYg 6-b Kelly Green gm 22 nc
Spinach Green 22K7 Green Slate . 1194 Yg 6-b Bright Kelly Green g 22 pa Light Grass Green gm 23 Ic

Velvet Green.. 22L8 Iris Leaf .. 1138 Ygg 5-b I

Brilliant Green g . . 23 na Vivid Green gm 22 pa

Textile Color Card Association Neuwieder Green 17B8 Fairy [Green] 20A7 Gray Green S
Nile (Green) 19B5 Fluonte Green.... 19D9 Green s
Emerald 70063
Ocean Green. ._ 18B5 French Green 29D8 Griseo-Viridis B
Mintleaf. 70062
Olivine 18C6 Gooseberry Green 2IA8 Herbaceus B
Oural Green 18A5 Gretna Green 29E8 HospitalShipGreen(N).... F 1465
Other sources
Patina Green 19B7 Hungarian Green 28A9 Light Green (MA).. F 2410
Agathia Green H 60 Pistache.. 19C6 Imperial Green 18B9 Light Green(PC).... F 1480
Apple Green S Pistachio Green 19C6 Iris Green 28A9 Malachiteus B
Chlorinus B Psyche 18B8 Jadesheen... 22A7 Moderate Yellowish Green. RC
Deep Green S Rivage Green 1717 Killarney [Green] 20A9 Pea Green (USA) F 2410
Emerald S Seacrest 19A6 Malachite Green 28A9 Pistaceus _ B
Emerald Green H 758 Spring Green 18J7 Mineral Green 28A9 Yellow Green S
Green S Tiber Green 18E6 Montpellier Green 28B7 Yellowish Green... A
Griseo-Viridis B Water Sprite 1718 Motmot Green. 27B10
Light Green (AN)._ _ F 1460 Mountain Green 28A9
Light Green S Plochere OilGreen 28A9 137. DARK YELLOWISH GREEN
Paris Green H 58 Olympian Green 28A9
Green Ash 1077 GY 3-e
Willow Green (USA) F 1460 Opaq 21B8 Maerz and Paul
Hemlock.... 1005 GY 4-e
Yellow Green S Oriental Green 19F10
Yellowish Green A Joy 1068 GY2-d Ackermann's Green... 21A9
Paris Green 18B9
Mint Lime 1078 GY 3-f Alfalfa 22C12
Patina Green. 19B7
Paradise Green 1070 GY 2-f American Green 22A7
Peacock Green 20C9
132. DEEP YELLOWISH GREEN Trellis 1069 GY 2-e
Rejane Green. 28A7 Australian Pine 22K12
Rinnemann's Green 20D9 Cactus... 22C7
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Ridgway
Civette Green 22E8
Russian Green 30D7
Bright Green gm._. __ 22 pe Chrysopraise Green VII 37b
Saxony Green 20D9 Cossack Green 23J11
Deep Grass Green g_ _ 23 pg Clear Fluonte Green XXXll 33"b Seaspray 20B5 Danube Green 31A10
Holly Gfaen g 22 pg Dark Greenish Glaucous. XLI 33"'b Shale Green 28A9 Deep Chrome Green 24H12
Kelly Green gm 22 pe Deep Lichen Green XXXIII 37"d Smalt Green 20D9 Empire Green.. 23E9
Mint Leaf g 22 ne Light Cendre Green VI 35d English Ivy 23A12
Source 28B6
Pepper Green g 22 ne Light Oriental Green XVIll 33'b Evergreen 24E12
Spanish Green 28B7
Light Paris Green XVIll 35'd Surf Green Fir [Greenj 24E7
Other soarces Malachite Green XXXll 35"b Tarragon Flower de Luce Green 22D8
Neuvider Green VII 37d Tyrolese Green 28A9 Garland Green 22H7
Dark Green S
Olivine XXXll 35"d Verdet 28B7 Golf Green.. 21B12
Deep Green S
Oural Green XVIll 35'f Hibernian Green 22L11
Emerald __ S Verdigris (Green] 28B7
Paris Green .. XVIll 35'b
Verditer Green 28A9 Imperial Jade 21L12
Green... S
Rejane Green XXXIIi 37"b Vert Russe.... 30D7 Iris Green 22D8
Medium Green (USA) F 1445
Tiber Green... XVIll 33'd Winter Green 21E9 Jadesheen. 22A7
Yellow Green _. S
Yellowish Green A Zinc Green 20D9 Kashmir 30E8
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Light Brunswick Green 22L10
Apple Green m 23 ic Plochere Light Chrome Green 22L12
133. VERY DEEP YELLOWISH Bright Nile Green m 23 ga
Arbor Green 1067 GY 2-c
Meadowgrass 23H9
GREEN Light Almond Green gm... 23 gc Meadow [Green] 30D10
Cypress 1084 GY 4-d Medium Chrome Green 23H12
Light Green g 23 ca
Forest Shade ... 1083 GY 4-c
Other sources Light Nile Green g 23 ea Middle Brunswick Green, . 23C12
Green Eyes 1076 GY 3-d Monticello Green 23E11
Mist Green gm 24 ec
Deep Green.. S Green Tea 1075 GY 3-c Palm Green
Pastel Green gm 24 oc 23L12
Yellowish Green A Norway Pine 1074 GY 3-b Pancy Green
Pistachio Green gm 24 ec 22D8
Turf Green 1066 GY 2-b Paradise Green 22L11
Textile Color Card Association Pauncy Green 22D8
Polo Green 23J9
GREEN Crayon Green 70197
American Green __ XLI 33"'i Russian Green. 30D7
Pistache 70032
Civette Green XVIll 31'k Ski... 29DI2
Other sources Dark Greenish Glaucous... XLI 33"'b Verdure 22A12
Ambrosia 1071 GY 2-g Deep Malachite Green XXXll 35" Vert Russe 30D7
Emerald Green 1063 GY 1-g Aerugineus B Deep Turtle Green ., XXXll 31" Windsor Green 22L12
Fountain Green. 1062 GY 1-f Blue Green (CAA) F 3442 Fluorite Green XXXll 33" Wintergreen 23A12
Paradise Green 1070 GY 2-f Blue Green (USA) F 1485 Hay's Green XVIll 33'k
Deep Green S Killarney Green XVIll 35'i Plochere
Ridgway Dull Green S Meadow Green. VI 35k
Glaucus B Motmot Green XVIll 35' Chive 1121 Ygg 3-a
Oural Green XVIII 35'f
Green S Oriental Green XVIll 33' Ferndell 1082 GY 4-b
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Griseo-Viridis B Pistachio Green.. XLI 33"' Four-leaf Clover 1065 GY 2-a
Light Green S Rejane Green XXXIII 37"b Monticello Green 1073 GY 3-a
Light Green m.. _ 23 ea
Malachiteus B Shamrock Green XXXll 33"i
Light Nile Green m 23 ea
B Ridgway
Pistaceus.. Stone Green XLII 37"'
Pale Green gm 23 ca
Prasinus B Winter Green . XVIll 33'l
Pale Nile Green gm 23 ca
Subviridis B Dark American Green XLI 33"'k
Dark Green XVIll 35'm
Other sources Viridis B Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Dark Yellowish Green XVIll 33'm
Yellow Green . S
Prasinus B Yellowish Green A Almond Green m 23 Ig Deep Dull Yellow-Green(2). XXXll 33"k
Yellow Green S Apple Green g. 23 ic Hay's Green XVIll 33'k
Yellowish Green A Celadon Green gm.. 24 ge Varley's Green XVIll 31'm
136. MODERATE YELLOWISH Deep Grass Green m 23 pg
GREEN Dusty Green gm 24 ge Taylor, Knoche. Granville
U5. LIGHT YELLOWISH Grass Green m. 23 ne
Almond Green g 23 Ig
GREEN Maerz and Paul Light Almond Green gm... 23 ie
Dark Grass Green gm 23 pi
Light Reseda Green gm 24 ge
American Green 22A7 Dark Green gm 22 pi
Maerz and Paul Light Sage Green gm 24 ge
Andorre 21A7 Dark Laurel Green g 22 nl
Medium Green gm 23 Ie
Aquagreen 18B7 Bremen Green 28A9 Dark Leaf Green m 24 pi
Palm Green m 23 Ig
Arcadian Green... 17G8 Chromium Oxide. 21B8 Dark Palm Green gm 23 ni

Boa 19B5 Chrysocollo 28A9 Textile Color Card Association Dark Pine Green g 22 nl

Cameo Green 27B6 Cobalt Green 20D9 Grass Green g 23 ng

Chinese Green 18A8 Copper Green 28A9 Jade Green 70166 Holly Green m 22 pg
Eau-de-Nile 19B5 Crystals of Venus 28B7 Tarragon 70033 Hunter Green gm 22 pi
Hazy Blue 27B6 Distilled Green 28B7 Mint Leaf m 22 pg
Other sources
Lo-kao 18A8 Eden Green 20L9 Moss Green m 24 pi
Mist Blue 2786 Emerald Green (gem) 20J10 Aerugineus B Myrtle Green gm 22 pi

Misty Blue 27B6 Emeraude 20J10 Atroviridis B Palm Green g 23 Ig

Neuvider Green 17B8 Eriau Green 28A9 Chlorinus B Parsley Green m 24 pi

Textile Color Card Association Plochere Green S Seafoam 17A9
Viridian Green H 55 Serpentine 2619
Evergreen . . 70036 Festival... 964 Gy 1-d
Yellow Green S Source 28B6
Green (USA) 65007 Festoon 1012 Gyy 1-d
Variscite Green... 25B7
Hunter 70054 Lush Green.. 1013 Gyy 1-e
Veridine Green 26C9
Meadow Green 1020 Gyy 2-d 142. DEEP GREEN Victoria Green 27G5
Other sources Parrakeet 1019 Gyy 2-c
Promised Land 963 Gy 1-c Maerz and Paul
Atroherbaceus B Plochere
Salome Green 1021 Gyy 2-e
Atrovitidis B 30K11
Summer Green 1014 Gyy 1-f Aden 1028 Gyy 3-d
Dark Green (USA) F 1440 Service Corps 30K12
Chantilly _ 1029 Gyy 3-e
Dark Green S Ridgway Taylor, Knoche, Granville Lovely 1037 Gyy 4-e
Dark Yellowish Green RC
Meadow Green 1020 Gyy 2-d
Dull Green S Light Blue-Green VII 39d
Dark Emerald Green g 21 pg Porcelain Green 1036 Gyy 4-d
Dusky Yellowish Green RC Viridian Green VII 37i
Dark Green g 21 pg
Forest Green (Y&D) F 1440 Vivid Green VII 37
Deep Emerald Green g 21 pe Ridgway
Green (Agr). _ F 1440 Deep Green g 21 pe
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Cobalt Green XIX 37'b
Green (BuOrd) F 2405
Textile Color Card Association Dark Bluish Glaucous XLI 37"'b
Green (MA) F 1440 Bright Emerald Green g.._ 21 la

Green Striping (N) Deep Glaucous-Green XXXIII 39"b

. F 1440 Bright Green gm 22 la
Light Blue-Green VII 39 d
Green Boottopping (PC).._ F 1440 Bright Kelly Green m 22 na Irish Green 70168
B Montpellier Green XXXIII 37"
Herbaceus Bright Mint Green gm 22 ia
Verdigris Green XIX 37'
Spinach Green... H 0960 Light Emerald Green g 21 ia Other sources
Yellow Green S Mint Leaf m 22 Ic
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Bright Green S
Yellowish Green A
Textile Color Card Association Dark Green S Light Emerald Green g 21 ga
Deep Green.. S Light Mint Green g 22 ga
Scarab Green ... 70214 A
Mint Green gm 22 ic
Green S
GREEN Other sources Surf Green m 22 ie

Maerz and Paul Atroviridis B Other sources

Blue-Green S
Chasseur 24CU Bright Blue-Green S
Aerugineus B
Elephant Green 24C11
Maerz and Paul Blue-Green. S
Chrysocolla Green H 56
Fir IGreenI 24E7
Emerald Opaline Green 17A6 Brilliant Green RC
Hunter [Green] _ 24C11 Dull Green S
Green A
Hunter's Green.. 24C11 Plochere Emerald S
Green S
Gray Green _ S
Light Green S Icy Morn.. 1031 Gyy 3-g
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Green A
Nickel Green H 57 Island Green 1023 Gyy 2-g
Viridian Green H 55
Green MUP 12
Bottle Green g.. 22 pi Jealousy 1022 Gyy 2-f
Green S
Cypress Green g 23 pn Viridi-Caeruleus B La Mer 1015 Gyy 1-g
Griseo-Viridis B
Dark Bottle Green g 22 pn Viridis B Pale Water 1038 Gyy 4-f
Light Green RC
Dark Green g ... 22 pi Yellow Green S Pine Frost 1030 Gyy 3-f
Pistaceus B
Dark Hunter Green g 22 pi Salome Green 1021 Gyy 2-e
Verdigris H 655
Forest Green g 22 pi Summer Green 1014 Gyy 1-f
Wintergreen g ... .. . 22 pi
141. STRONG GREEN Viridi-Caeruleus B
Ridgway Yellow Green S
Maerz and Paul
Textile Color Card Association
Deep Greenish Glaucous... XLI 33"'d
Evergreen. 70036
Variscite Green... XIX 37'd 145. MODERATE GREEN
Cadmium Green 20B12
Chrome Green . . . 28K11 Taylor, Knoche, Granville Maerz and Paul
Other sources
Emeraude 28K11
Ice Green g 21 ea Amazon 29J10
Chrome Green (PC) F 1430 Empire 20B12
Light Green gm. 22 ea Blue Spruce.... 30H7
Yellowish Green A [French] Veronese Green . 28K11
Ming Green... Light Mint Green gm 22 ga Chrome Green. 28K11
Pale Emerald Green g 21 ea Egyptian Green 28110
Transparent Chromium
139. VIVID GREEN Oxide.. 28K11 Pale Green g 22 ca Emeraude 28K11
Pale Mint Green g 22 ca Erin 29F12
Viridian 28K11
Maerz and Paul French Green 29D8
Plochere Other sources [French] Veronese Green... 28K11
Spearmint 25L12
Gobelin Green 30H9
Blarney... 1009 Gyy 1-a Blue-Green S
Plochere Gretna Green 29E8
Ming 1018 Gyy 2-b Green A Hazy Blue 27B6
Blarney .. 1009 Gyy l a Promised Land 963 Gy 1-c Green S Hooker's Green No. 2 29J11
Emerald Isle 1010 Gyy 1-b Light Blue(Eng)._. F 2525
Jasper Green.. 29H7
Killarney Green -._ 1057 GY 1-a Ridgway Pale Green S Kashmir 30E8
Merry Green.. 1011 Gyy 1-c Viridian Green VII 37i
Prasinus B Killarney [Green] 20A9
Viridi-Glaucus... B Lizard [Green] 28F7
Other sources Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Yellow Green S Locarno Green 20A11
Bright Blue-Green S Neptune [Green] 27J8
Bright Emerald Green g... 21 na
Pigeon's Throat 30J7
Bright Green A Bright Green m. .. 22 nc 144. LIGHT GREEN
Bright Green S Pi Yu 29K10
Bright Jade Green gm. 21 nc
Emerald S Maerz and Paul Runnymede 29K9
Bright Kelly Green g 22 na
Green S Scarab 28K9
Emerald Green gm 21 pc Aden 2718
Yellow Green S Ski 29D12
Kelly Green m 22 nc Bouquet Green 27H7 Transparent Chromium 29K11
Mint Leaf g 22 Ic Cabaret.. 2716 Oxide
Pepper Green g 22 ne Cameo Green 27B6
140. BRILLIANT GREEN Viridian 28K11
Chantilly 26F7
Textile Color Card Association Chinese Green 18A8
Maerz and Paul Plochere
Chrysoprase [Green] 17A10
Primitive Green 70167 Blue Spruce
Chrysoprase [Green] 17A10
. .

Corsage Green 28G6 _. 1035 Gyy 4-c

Emerald Green (pigment).. 26C11 Elf 27E6 Bottle Green 1034 Gyy 4-b
Other sources Colonial Exterior Green 1026 Gyy 3-b
Emperor Green ... 26C11 Elfin Green 27F7
Imperial Green .. 26C11 Atroviridis . . . B Feldspar 2719 Primeval 1027 Gyy 3-c
Kirchberger Green,. 26C11 Blue-Green S Lo-kao 18A8
Mitis Green 26C11 Bright Blue-Green S Mist Blue... 27B6
Parrakeet 25J10 Bright Green S Misty Blue 27B6 Ackermann's Green XVIII 35'k
Pans Green . . 26C11 Chrysocolla Green. ...... H 56 Motmot Green 27B10 Danube Green XXXII 35"m
Paul Veronese Green 26C11 Dark Blue-Green S Naiad.. 27B7 Dark Viridian Green VII 37k i

Schweinfurt Green 26C11 Dark Green S Neptune [Green] 27J8 Dark Zinc Green XIX 37'k
Seafoam ... 17A9 Deep Green S Neuvider Green. 17B8 Diamine Green VII 37m I

Vienna Green 26C11 Green.. A Neuwieder Green UBS French Green . .. XXXII 35"i >

Jasper Green XXXIII 37"i Textile Color Card Association Green Tint m _ . . 24 ba Celadon Gray gm 24 fe
Ught Danube Green . XXXII 35"k Ice Cream gm 20 ca Celadon Green m 24 ge
Bottle Green 70066
Montpellier Green XXXIII 37" Ice Tint gm 22 ba Dusty Green gm 22 ge
Myrtle 70065
Nickel Green XXXIII 37"k Mist Green m 23 ec Dusty Aqua Green gm 19 ge
Zinc Green XIX 37'l Other sources Pale Aqua g 18 ca Dusty Jade Green gm 21 ec
Pale Aqua Green gm 19 ca Jade Gray gm 21 ge
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Atrovenetus B Pale Green m 22 ca Light Almond Green gm... 23 ge
Atroviridis B Pale Jade Green gm Light Aqua g 18 ec
Deep Green m 21 pe 21 ca
Cab Green (PC) F 1435
Pale Mint Green m 22 ca Light Aqua Green gm 19 ec
Dark Green m _ 22 pi
Dark Blue-Green S
Deep Emerald Green m 21 pe Pale Nile Green m 23 ca Light Bayberry gm 22 ge
Dark Green S Pastel Green m Light Blue Spruce gm 20 ge
Emerald Green m 21 ne 23 ec
Dark Slate Green S Light Reseda Green m
Hunter Green m 22 pi
24 ge
Dusky Green RC Textile Color Card Association Light Sage Green m 24 ge
Jade Green g 21 le
Green A Mist Green gm 22 ec
Laurel Green m 22 nr Tourmaline 70019
Obscuro-Virens B Pastel Green gm 22 ec
Medium Green gm 22 ie
Mint Leaf m 22 ne Spray Green gm 22 ec
Other sources
Myrtle Green gm 22 ng 147. VERY DARK GREEN Textile Color Card Association
Pepper Green m Blue Tint (MA) F 3460
22 ne
Pine Green m 22 ni Maerz and Paul Caeruleo-Glaucus- 8 Spraygreen 70200
Caeruleus B
Sea Green gm_ 22 Ig Jungle Green 32LI2
Spruce Green gm 22 Ig
Dull Bluish Green A Other sources
Surf Green g 22 ie Taylor, Knoche, Granville Dull Green A Aerugineus B
Glauco-Griseus. B
Dark Green g. 21 pn Dull Bluish Green A
Textile Color Card Association Glaucus . B
Hemlock Green g 21 pn Dull Green A
Green S
Blue Spruce 70131 Glauco-Griseus. B
Light Blue(Eng) F 3550
Other sources Glauco-Venetus B
Light Blue (USA) F 2425
Other sources Dark Blue-Green S
Glaucus B
Prasinus B
Gray S
Aerugineus... B Dark Slate Green S Sky Grey H 449
Green S
Atroherbaceus_ B Green A Very Pale Green RC Greenish Black S
Atrovenetus B Green (FS) F 1425 Viridi-Caeruleus B Greenish Gray RC
Atroviridis B Viridi-Glaucus- B Pale Blue Green RC
Blue-Green... S
Bright Green (Y&D) F 1475
148. VERY PALE GREEN Pale Green RC
149. PALE GREEN Pale Yellowish Green RC
Dark Green S Maerz and Paul Pistaceus B
Deep Green S
Court Grey 27B2 Maerz and Paul Slate.... S
Dull Green S
Etain Blue 26F1 Viridi-Griseus B
Gray Green S Aloes (Green] _ 20A5
Glaucous-Green 27B5
Green A Bird's-egg-green 27H3
Green (USA) F 3421
Light Blue 2 34D1
Cameo Green _ . 27B6 150. GRAYISH GREEN
Light Blue 3 34E1
Green. S Clairde lune 36E2
Light Blue 5 25D2 Maerz and Paul
Herbaceus. B Eggshell Blue 27H3
Microcline Green 25C4 Almond Green
Malachiteus.. B Eggshell Green 27H3 30E6
Oural Green 18A5 American Green 22A7
Moderate Green.. RC Elf 27E6
Obscuro-Virens B Etang 28B2 Andorre 21A7
Slate Green. S Gnaphalium Green 28A4 Aspen Green 31C6
Blue Waltz 951 G 5-g Blue Ochre 38J4
Yellow Green S Hazy Blue 27B6
Cabbage 928 G 2-h Blue Spruce 30H7
Msa,ige 36F1
Cleopatra 1007 Gy 6-g Celandine Green 29B4
Mist Blue 27B6
146. DARK GREEN Cloister 872 Gb 1-h
Misty Blue 27B6 Cossack 38K2
Desirable 1032 Gyy 3-h Dewkiss 29C3
Morning Blue.._ 35E1
Maerz and Paul Fairy Land. 999 Gy 5-g Dryad 28H4
Normandy Blue .. 36G1
Amarna 30K11 Fancy Free 944 G 4-h Green Slate.. 31C5
Ondine 28B3
Bakst Green 31H12 Fantasia. 920 G 1-h Immenssee 37H2
Pacific 36J1
Fern Lane 1086 GY 4-f Jadesheen 22A7
Billiard.. Pine Frost 28B4
Carrara Green BIJU Garden Pool 1000 Gy 5-h Japanese Blue 30J2
Robin's Egg Blue 27H3
Chmese Green Gracious Green 1064 GY 1-h Japanese Green 30J2
29L10 Seaspray 20B6
Green Glow 1079 GY 3-g Kashmir 30E8
Deep Brunswick Green 24A12 Serpent. 29D5
Green Lily 992 Gy 4-h Posy Green 29E6
English Green.. 24A12 Source . 28B6
Ice Flow 1040 Gyy 4-h Ripple Green 29K2
Marine Green 31H10 Surrey Green 20A4
Medium Chrome Green 23H12 Icy Morn . 1031 Gyy 3-g Russian Green 30D7
Tea 19A4
Mint 29L10 Inspiration . 1016 Gyy 1-h Silverpine 30E5
Titmouse Blue 36F1 _
Marine Glow 991 Gy 4-g Slate-Green 31C5
Pineneedle 31H9 Victoria Green 27G5
Robinhood Green Market Green.. 1039 Gyy 4-g Vert Russe 30D7
Mint Lime.. 1078 GY 3-f
Plochere Yucca 22A6
Tiber 30J11
Promise Green 984 Gy 3-h
Triton 31L11
Sky Lane 952 G 5-h Abyss 1092 GY 5-d Plochere
YuChi 29K12
Snow Green 1008 Gy 6-h Aqua Gray 1005 Gy 6-e
Acacia 1091 GY 5-c
Ptochere Summer Shower 1047 Gyy 5-g Cool Eve. 958 G 6-f
Banshee 938 G 4-b
Tourmaline Green. 943 G 4-g Elf Green... 998 Gy 5-f
Fernery 1017 Gyy 2-a Bottle Green 1034 Gyy 4-b
Zephyr Green 1024 Gyy 2-h Favorite 1046 Gyy 5-f
Trail Green 1033 Gyy 4-a Gray Green 955 G 6-c
Fog Green 1045 Gyy 5-e
Green Ravine 947 G 5-c
Ridgway Granite Green 1093 GY 5-e
Ridgway Juniper 1042 Gyy 5-b
Bluish Glaucous Iceberg Green 957 G 6-e
XLII 37"'f Myrtle Green . . . 946 G 5-b
Bottle Green XIX 37'm Court Gray XLVII 29""f
Meadow Mist. 1006 Gy 6-f
North Green. 948 G 5-d
Danube Green XXXII 35"m Dull Opaline Green XIX 37'f
Sleepy Hollow 910 Gb 6-f
Pan 986 Gy 4-b
Diamine Green VII 37m Etain Blue XX 43'f
Venice 997 Gy 5-e
Persian Gulf 996 Gy 5-d
Gnaphalium Green XLVII 29""d Remote 956 G B-d
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Ridgway
Greenish Glaucous XL! 33"'f Shadow Aqua 1004 Gy 6-d
BottleGreen m 22 pi Lichen Green XXXIII 37"f Bluish Gray-Green.. XLII 41"' Shadow Green 1090 GY 5-b
Dark Green m 22 pi Pale Blue-Green VII 39f Celandine Green XLVII 33""b Silent Night 1003 Gy 6-c
Dark Hunter Green m 22 pi Pale Fluorite Green XXXII 33"f Dark Bluish Glaucous XLII 37"'b Silver Pine 1044 Gyy 5-d
Dark Jade Green g 21 ng Pale Glaucous-Green XXXIII 39"f Glaucous-Green XXXIIl 39"d Slate Green 1043 Gyy 5-c
Dark Laurel Green g 22 nl Pale Niagara Green XXXIIl 41"f Gnaphalium Green XLVII 29""d
Dark Pine Green g. 22 nl Pale Olivine XXXII 35"f Niagara Green.... XXXIIl 41"b Ridgway
Forest Green m 22 pi Sage Green XLVII 29"" Antique Green
Taylor, Knoche, Granville VI 35m
Hunter Green m 22 pi
Bluish Gray-Green XLII 41"'
Laurel Green g. Taylor, Knoche, Granville
22 ni Aqua Green Tint gm 19 ba Danube Green XXXIl 35"m
Myrtle Green m 22 pi Celadon m... 24 dc Aqua Gray g 19 dc Dark American Green XLI 33"'k
Pine Green g 22 Celadon Tint gm
ni 24 cb Bayberry Gray gm 22 fe Dark Bluish Gray-Green... XLII 41"'k
Wintergreen m... 22 pi Emerald Tint gm 21 ca Celadon gm 24 dc Dark Glaucous-Gray XLVlll 37""t

Dark Green XVIII 35'm Narva... 31L5 Obscuro-Virens B Glauco-Griseus. - B
Dark Porcelain Green XXXIII 39"k Nickle Green 31E7 Olive Green S Gray S
Dark Russian Green XLII 37"'k Pan 31J3 Slate S Green... .. S
Dark Terre Verte XXXIII 41"k Persian Green 31H7 Slate Green S Greenish Gray A
Deep Bluish Gray-Green .. XLII 4r"i Pinegrove 31H5 Light Green (Y&D) F 3555
Deep Grayish Blue-Green.. XLVIII 37""i Pineneedle 31H9 Light Greenish Gray RC
Dusky Green XXXIII 37"m Pitchpine 31E6
152. BLACKISH GREEN Sung Green H 000658
Empire Green XXXII 33"m Poplar 31C8 Maerz and Paul Viridi-Griseus . . B
Grayish Blue-Green XLVII 37"" Rigi Blue 39J2
Nickel Green XXXIII 37"k Romarin 24A10 Cannon 32A5
Russian Green XLII 37"'i Sea Moss(b) 31H7 Fairway 32J12 155. GREENISH GRAY
Terre Verte XXXIII Shirvan 24C10 Hemlock 32H12
Siberien 31J5
Invisible Green 32C12 Maerz and Paul
Taylor. Knoche. Granville Spruce 32H6 Jasper 32H9
Artemesia Green... 30F2
Swamp 24A9 Jungle Green 32L12
Almond Green gm 23 ig Cabbage Green 30G1
Tartan Green 24E11 Tyrohan 32A12
Bayberry gm 22 ig Colewort Green 30G1
Blue Spruce gm. 20 Thyme 31E6 Esthetic Grey 30C1
Dark Jade Gray gm 21 li Hathi Grey 37C1
Plochere Night Watch 993 Gy 5-a
Dark Laurel Green m 22 nl Olive Grey 21A2
Dark Pine Green m 22 nl Balsam Green 1041 Gyy 5-a Taylor. Knoche. Granville Scotch Grey 21A2
Dark Reseda Green m 24 li Banshee 938 G 4-b Storm Grey. _ 30C2
Dark Laurel g 22 po
Dark Teal Green m 19 ni Christmas Green 1025 Gyy 3-a
Evergreen m 23 nl Dark Forest 1081 GY 4-a Plochere
Other sources
Jade Gray gm 21 ig Depth Green 1002 Gy 6-b
Dark Blue-Green S Acacia Gray 1099GY 6-c
Laurel Green m 22 li
Green Black 1049 Gyy 6-a
Medium BlueSprucegm... 20 ig
Dark Slate Green S Acacia Green... 1100GY6-d
Highland 977 Gy 3-a
Dull Bluish Green A Avon 1051 Gyy 6-c
Moss Gray gm 22 ih Jasper 1097 GY 6-a
Dull Green A California Green.. 1052 Gyy 6-d
Pine Green m 22 li Jungle 929 G 3-a
Greenish Black RC English Mist 1053 Gyy 6-e
Reseda Green gm 24 ig Juniper 1042 Gyy 5-b
Vineyard Green (SCS) F 1420
Sage Gray gm 24 ih Marble 985 Gy 4-a Ridgway
Sage Green gm _. 24 ig Mohawk Trail 1089 GY 5-a
Slate Green gm 23 li
Nabob 881 Gb 3-a 153. GREENISH WHITE Artemisia Green XLVII 33""
Spruce m 20 nl Noel 994 Gy 5-b Castor Gray Lll 35""'i
Shadow Green 1090 GY 5-b Maerz and Paul Hathi Gray Lll 35""'b
Textile Color Card Association Green.. XLVII 33""d
Trail 1033 Gyy 4-a Horizon |Bluel 25A4 Light Celandine Green
Almond Green 70130 Tranquil Green 1001 Gy 6-a LilyGreen XLVII 33""i
Palmetto 70034 Plochere Pea Green XLVII 29""b
Reseda 70035 Ridgway Birch 1112 Ygg 1-h Slate-Olive XLVII 29""i
Blonde Green 1128 Ygg 3-h Storm Gray Lll 35""'
Antique Green VI 35m
Other sources Green Ice 1144 Ygg 5-h
Danube Green XXXII 35"m
Lullaby 1096 GY 5-h Other sources
Aerugineus. B Dark American Green XLI 33"'k
Atroherbaceus B Dark Bluish Gray-Green. . XLII 4r"k Memory Lane 1048 Gyy 5-h Carnation Green H 00058
Atrovenetus B Dark Green XVIII 35'm Milky Green 1120 Ygg 2-h Dark Green. S
B Dark Russian Green XLII 37"'k Misty Morn 1152 Ygg 6-h
Atroviridis Deep Green... S
Dark Green S Duck Green XIX 39'm Naive 1088 GY4-h Glauco-Griseus B
Dark Greenish Gray RC Dull Blackish Green XLI 33"'m Peace-maker 1080 GY 3-h Gray S
Deep Green (Y&D) F 1620 Dusky Blue-Green XXXIII 39"m Phantom Green 1072 GY 2-h Gray Black ... S
Dull Bluish Green A Dusky Dull Bluish Green... XLII 4r"m Quiet 1087 GY 4-g Greenish Gray A
Dull Green A Dusky Dull Green XLII 37"'m Sea Foam 1136 Ygg 4-h Greenish Gray RC
Glauco-Venetus B Dusky Green XXXIII 37"m Solitary 1104 GY 6-h Olive Gray S
Grayish Blue Green RC Empire Green XXXII 33"m Surf Spray 976 Gy 2-h Olive Green S
Grayish Green RC Greenish Slate-Black XLVIII 37""m Slate S
Invisible Green XIX 41'm
Other sources
Green S Slate Green S
Herbaceus B Greenish White A Viridi-Griseus B
Machinery Green (PBS)... F 2440 Taylor. Knoche. Granville
Machinery Green (QM) F 2435
Blue Spruce g 20 154. LIGHT GREENISH GRAY
Medium Green (Y&D) F 3540
Cypress Green m 23 pn
Obscuro-Virens B Maerz and Paul
Dark Bottle Green m 22 pn Maerz and Paul
Olive Green S Dark Green m 21 pn Ash [Grey] 27A2
Pistaceus B Dark Jade Gray gm 21 nl Etang 28B2 Castor Grey 3102
Viridi-Griseus B Dark Laurel Green m 22 nl French Grey 28C1 Green Slate 31C5
Dark Pme Green m 22 nl Grey Ultramarine Ash 28B1 Lily Green 31H2
Dark Spruce m Lichen Green 26A4
Mineral Grey 20A2
Muscovite.. 31E3
Evergreen g 23 nl Sagebrush Green 16E5
Maerz and Paul Hemlock Green m 21 pn Morning Blue 35E1 Saul 39H1
Ivy g 24 ml Slate-Green 3105
Alhambra 31L8 Plochere
Laurel g 22 ml Slate-Olive 23A3
Alpine Green 31C9
Spruce gm 20 nl Agean Mist 1151 Ygg 6-g
Antique Green 31E8 Plochere
Dewkist 1055 Gyy 6-g
Baltic. 31L1 Textile Color Card Association Drizzle 1103 GY 6-g
Banshee 31L5 Far Horizon 1098 GY 6-b
Reseda 70035 Gorge 1054 Gyy 6 f
Bayou 31 L3 Green Black 1049 Gyy 6-a
Green River Mist 1094 GY 5-f
Bosphorus... 31L7 Seclusion _. 1050 Gyy 6-b
Other sources Lullaby 1096 GY 5-h
Bottle Green 31J7
Modest 1095 GY 5-g
Cendrillon 39H2 Atroardesiacus B Ridgway I

Room Green 1102 GY 6-f

Danube Green 31A10 Atrovenetus B
Scotch Mist 1101 GY 6-e Dark Grayish Blue-Green.. XLVIII 37' "k I
Empire Green 23E9 Atroviridis. B
Smoke Pine 1150 Ygg 6-f Deep Slate-Green XLVII 33" k I
Epinauche 31H4 Dark Blue-Green S
Solitary.. 1104 GY 6-h Deep Slate-Olive XLVII 29" 'k 9
Fir IGreen] 24E7 Dark Green (USA) F 3406
Forest 24A11 Dark Green Deck (N) F 3409
Dull Greenish Black (1). . :XLVII 29"' m !

Ridgway Dull Greenish Black (2).... XLVII 33" m

Frosty Green 31E7 Dark Green S
Hathi Gray Lll 35""'b Dusky Bluish Green XXXIII 41"!m
Gardenia Green 31H6 Dark Slate Green S
Light Celandine Green XLVII 33""d Dusky Dull Green XLII 37"'m
Juniper 31H4 Dull Bluish Green A
Light Mineral Gray XLVII 25""f Greenish Slate-Black XLVIII 37'"
Kabistan 31H5 Dull Green A
Marine Green 3IH10 Dull Green S Textile Colrir Card Associati >n Taylor. Knoche, Granville
Maris 39L1 Dusky Blue Green RC
Meadowbrook RC Pale Blue 70007 Dark Ivy m 24 po
31J7 Dusky Yellowish Green
Meadowgrass- 23H9 Greenish Black RC Dark Laurel m. 22 po
Other sources
Mountain Green.. 24A11 Herbaceus B Ivy m 24 ml
Myrtle |Green| 31L1 Medium Green (AN) F 3406 Blue Gray. S Laurel gm 22 ml

Other sources Skobeloff Green 25K9 Streamline 927 G 2-g Ridgway
Wall Green 28L8 Suggestion 888 Gb 3-h
Atroardesiacus B Greenish Glaucous-Blue. , XLII 4r"b
Tourmaline Green. 943 G 4-g
Atrovenetus B Light Niagara Green XXXIII 41"d
Plochere Venice Blue.... 886 Gb 3-f
Atroviridis B Light Porcelain Green XXXIII 39"
Blue Drab (USA) F 3515 Dynasty Green 962 Gy 1-b Light Sulphate Green XIX 39'b
Dark Greenish Gray RC Green Glory 923 G 2-c Ridgway Lumiere Blue XX 43'd
Gray S Plenty Bright 915 G 1-c Niagara Green XXXIII 41"b
Promised Land Bluish Glaucous XLII 37"'f
Greenish Black RC 963 Gy 1-c Nile Blue XIX 4I'd
Vivid Turquoise 867 Gb 1-c Deep Bluish Glaucous XLII 37"'d
Greenish Gray A Pale Sulphate Green XIX 39'd
Etain Blue XX 43'f
Olivaceo- Niger B Sulphate Green XIX 39'
Olive Gray S
Ridgway Microcline Green XIX 39'f
TurquoiseGreen VII 41d
Pale Nile Blue XIX 41'f
Olive Green S Benzol Green VII 41 Tyrolite Green VII 39b
Pale Turquoise Green XII 41f
Slate S Ethyl Green VII 41i
Guinea Green VII 39i
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Methyl Green XIX 41' Taylor, Knoche, Granville
157. GREENISH BLACK Skobeloff Green. VII 39 Aqua g 18 ic

Bright Aqua Green m 19 ga Aqua Green gm 19 ic

Maerz and Paul Taylor, Knoche, Granville Ice Green gm 20 ea Bright Aqua m 18 ia

Highland Green 32L5 Light Aqua Green gm 19 ea Bright Aqua Green m 19 ia

Bright Emerald Green gm. . 21 na
Marble Green 32L7 Light Emerald Green m 21 ga Bright Turquoise Green m_ 19 ia
Bright Green gm 21 na
Spruce 32H6 Light Turquoise Green m.. 19 ga Dark Jade Green g 21 ng
Bright Jade Green m 21 nc
Pale Aqua Green 19 ca
Tzarine. - 32C11 g Dusty Turquoise Green m. _ 20 ie
Bright Teal Green g 19 pc
Ultramarine Green 32C10 Pale Emerald Green gm... 21 ea Jade Green m 21 ie
Bright Turquoise gm 18 na
Pastel TurquoiseGreen m.. 20ec Light Jade Green gm 21 ic
Bright Turquoise Blue g .. 17 na
Other sources Light Emerald Green g 21 ga
Bright TurquoiseGreen gm. 19 na
Other sources Light Turquoise g 18 ga
Greenish Black A Emerald Green m 21 pc
Light Turquoise Green g.._ 19 ga
Greenish Black RC Turquoise g 18 nc Bluish Green A Pastel Turquoise Green gm. 20 ec
Turquoise Green gm 20 nc Caerufeo-Glaucus.. B Turquoise m 18 ia
Vivid Emerald Green gm... 21 pa
158. VIVID BLUISH GREEN Vivid Green gm 21 pa
Caeruleus B Turquoise Green gm 19 ic
Gnseo Venetus B
Other sources Vivid Turquoise gm 18 pa Light Blue S
Vivid Turquoise Blue g 17 pa Viridi Caeruleus
Textile Color Card Association
Blue-Green S VivicJ Turquoise Green gm. 19 pa Aqua 70145
Bright Bluish Green A Turquoise 70020
Turquoise Green S Other sources 163. LIGHT BLUISH GREEN
Atrovenetus B Other sources
159. BRILLIANT BLUISH Blue-Green S Maerz and Paul Aerugineus B
GREEN Bluish Green A Blue S
Bright Blue S Aphrodite 25J8 Blue-Green S
Maerz and Paul Capri Blue H 52 Beryl Green 25J5 Bluish Green A
Dark Blue-Green S Bird's-egg-green 27H3 Caeruleus _. B
Sprite 25K6
Deep Green S Blue Turquoise 25K2 Dark Blue-Green __ S
Plochere Jade Green H 54 Cambridge Blue 35J1 Deep Green. S
Langite Green H 53 Cameo Blue 26F3 Dull Green.. _ S
Bewitch 868 Gb I~d Prussian Green S Cascade 25J3 Glauco-Venetus B
Chill 965 Gy 1-e Venetus B Corsage Green 28G6 Glaucus B
Crest 869 Gb 1-e
Eggshell Blue Gray Green S
Ou Barry Blue 876 Gb 2-d
Festival 964 Gy 1-d 161. DEEP BLUISH GREEN Eggshell Green. Green MUP 18
Eton Blue 35J1 Green S
Ice Boat, 966 Gy 1-f
Plochere Fox Trot 27K1 Griseo-Venetus B
Lilting Green 916 G 1-d
Lagoon 26K2 Light Blue S
Naid 926 G 2-f Billiard 961 Gy 1-a Lumiere Blue 2611 Light Blue Green RC
Persian Green 925 G 2-e
Niagara Green 27H4 Venetus B
Picturesque 870 Gb 1-f Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Nile Blue 26J2 Veridi Caeruleus B
Pool Green 917 G l~e Bright Teal g 18 pc Pacific 36J1
Promised Land 963 Gy 1-c
Bright Teal Green g 19 pc Robin's Egg Blue 27H3
Salome Blue 877 Gb 2-e
Deep Turquoise Green g... 20 pe Sprite 25K6 164. MODERATE BLUISH
Song of Norway 924 G 2-d GREEN
Sulphate Green 26J8
Sulfate Green 972 Gy 2-d Other sources Tourmaline. 26H2
Bluish Green A Turquoise [Blue]. 25J2 Maerz and Paul
Prussian Green S TurquoiseGreen 2515
Adriatic _. 26L2
Beryl Green XIX 4rb Tyrolite Green 25J8
Bleu Louise 36K2
Venice Green VII 41b Venet 27K2
Bremen Blue 36K1
162. VERY LIGHT BLUISH Venice [Blue] 27K2
Canton Jade 30L6
Taylor, Knoche, Granville GREEN Venice Green.. 25J6
Chemic Green 36K1
Bright Aqua g 18 Victoria Green 27G5
ia Colibri 28L7
Maerz and Paul Water-color 27K2
Bright Aqua Green gm 19 ia Cyan Blue 36J2

Bright Emerald Green gm.. 21 ia Spray 25D3 Yama 25J7

Bright Green m... 21 la Gendarme |Blue| 37K2
Bright Jade Green m 21 Ic
Plochere Hummingbird 28L7
Bright Turquoise gm 18 1a AprilSky 871 Gb 1-g Huron 28J2
Bright Turquoise Green gm 19 la Aqua Queen 936 G 3-h Aqua Sky 933 G 3-e Indian Turquoise 28L2
Light Emerald Green gm .. 21 ia Blanch 880 Gb 2-h Beryl Green 934 G 3-1 Jouvence Blue 37L2
Turquoise g 18 ia Blue Waltz 951 G 5-g Dryad 949 G 5-e Kara 38L1
Brook Green 974 Gy 2-f Elf Green 998 Gy 5-f Lake Blue 37J2
Other sources
Electra... 878 Gb 2-f Empirical Blue 893 Gb 4-e Lapis 26K5
( Blue-Green S Fairy Land 999 Gy 5-g Enduring 894 Gb 4-f Marmora 29J6
Bluish Green A Green Dream 967 Gy 1-g Huron 989 Gy 4-e Matrix 28L6
j Green S Holiday 975 Gy 2-g Icy Green . 941 G 4-e Mediterranian 27L4
t Turquoise Green S Moonlight Bay 887 Gb 3-g Monaco 981 Gy 3-e Monaco 27K4
Venetus B Naid 926 G 2-f Naid 926 G 2-f Monte Carlo 35L1
Picturesque 870 Gb 1-f Ocean Wave 950 G 5-f Neuwied Blue 36K1
Piquant. _ 879 Gb 2-g Prudence 911 Gb 6-g Neuwieder Blue 36K1
160. STRONG BLUISH GREEN Plume 968 Gy 1-h Rill 982 Gy 3-f Olympia 35L1
Robin Egg 942 G 4-f Santa Anita Green 884 Gb 3-d Opal 28K5
Maerz and Paul
Sky Green 919 G l~g Sulfate Green 972 Gy 2-d Pehgofs Blue 36K1
Guinea Green 27L9 Spray 935 G 3-g Turquoise Blue 885 Gb 3-e Porcelain Green 29J5
Monte Carlo 35L1 Spring Stream 983 Gy 3-g Venetian Turquoise 990 Gy 4-f Riga 37K1
Olympia.... 35L1 Streamlet.. 918 G 1-f Yama 973 Gy 2-e Ripple Green 29K2

Samara - 30L6 Glauco-Venetus B Dark Teal g 18 pi Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Saxon Green . .. 36K1 Grayish Blue Green RC Hemlock Green g 21 pn
Bright Blue g. .. 16 la
Sorrento Green 29L3 Grayish Green RC Bright Cerulean Blue gm . 15 na
Sulphate Green... 26J8 Green S
Other sources .

Bright Peacock Blue g 16 la

Venezia 36K6 Greenish Blue. S Bluish Green A Bright Turquoise Blue gm . 17 na
Water Blue 36K1 Light Blue(BuOrd) F 2520 Brilliant Blue gm 16 na
Waterfall 28K1 Light Blue (USA) F 1535 167. VIVID GREENISH BLUE Brilliant Peacock Bluegm.. 16 na
Light Blue S Cerulean Blue gm 15 pa
Plochere Moderate Blue Green RC Maerz and Paul Light Cerulean Blue g 15 la
Myrtle Green S Peacock Blue gm..
Amulet 979 Gy 3-c Caeruleum 33L9 16 nc
Prussian Green S
Aquamarine Green 940 G 4-d Cerulean Blue 33L9 Turquoise Blue g 17 nc
Slate Blue S Vivid Blue gm
Banstiee 938 R 4-b Coeruleum.. 33L9 . 15 pa
970 Gy 2-b Venetus B Vivid Cerulean Blue gm...
Beautiful Italian Blue 33L4 15 pa
Blue Idol 883 Gb 3-c Oxide Blue 34L8 Vivid Peacock Blue gm... 16 pa
Canton 922 G 2-b Vivid Turquoise Blue gm.. 17 pa
Deep Sea 987 Gy 4-c
165. DARK BLUISH GREEN Other sources
Erie 939 G 4-c Meerz and Paul Bright Greenish Blue A Textile Color Card Association
Glory Green-Blue... 866 Gb 1-b
Alhambra 31L8 Grotto Blue 70022
Green Glory 923 G 2-c
Guinea Green 914 G 1-b
Other sources
Hiawatha Green 995 Gy 5-c Baltic 31L1 BLUE
Jewel Green ... 988 Gy 4-d Blue Grass 31L6 Blue S

Lagoon 978 Gy 3-b Bottle Green 31 J7 Maerz and Paul Bright Blue S
Canard 38L3 Capri Blue H 52
Lush Gray 892 Gb 4-d Honey Bird 33L2
Chinese Green 29L10 Cyaneus B
North Green 948 G 5-d
Opal Green 980 Gy 3-d Duck Green 31L6 Plochere Greenish Blue A
Guignet's Green 29L9 Greenish Blue S
Pan 986 Gy4-b Blithe.. 773 BG 1-e
Invisible Green. 31L2 Indian Blue H 51
Persian Gulf 996 Gy 5-d Blue Turquoise 820 Gbb 1-d
Kremlin 29L6 Crystal Blue.. 774 BG 1-f KingfisherBlue H 50
River Nile.. 932 G 3-d
Maris 39L1 Peacock Blue S
Scarab 971 Gy 2-c Delectable 781 BG 2-e
Meadowbrook. 31J7 Porcelain Blue H 49
Sorrento 931 G 3-c Neon Blue 772 BG 1-d
Spanish Blue.. 875 Gb 2-c Michigan 30L2 Niagara 821 Gbb 1-e
Mint .. 29L10
Suez Green. 882 Gb 3-b
Mittler's Green ... 29L9
Paramount 828 Gbb 2-d 170. DEEP GREENISH BLUE
Superior 930 G 3-b Singing Blue 782 BG 2-f
Myrtle IGreen).. 31L1 Maerz and Paul
Vagabond 874 Gb 2-b
Paddock 29L7 Ridgway
Ridgway Pine Tree.. 31L6 Antwerp Blue 36L8
Cendre Blue VIII 43b
Harlem Blue 36L8
Sea Blue 29L4
Anthracene Green VII 39m Mineral Blue 36L8
Superior _. 30L3 Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Dark Bluish Gray-Green. . XLII 4r"l(
Vagabond Green 31L6
Dark Cinnabar Green XIX 39'k Bright Blue gm 16 la Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Dark Sulphate Green XIX 39'i Plochere Bright Peacock Blue gm 16 la
Deep Cerulean Blue g 15 pc
Deep Bluish Gray-Green... XLII 41"'i Bright Turquoise Blue gm. 17 1a

Ethyl Green VII 41i Banshee 938 G 4-b

Horizon Blue g 15 ia Other sources
louvence Blue .. XX 43'k
Basic 921 G 2-a
Light Cerulean Bluegm... 15 1a
Light Porcelain Green XXXlll 39" Billiard 961 Gy 1-a Blue S
Light Terre Verte XXXlll 41" Green Matrix 865 Gb 1-a Other sources Dark Blue S
Methyl Green ... XIX 41' Native Blue ... 873 Gb 2-a Deep Blue ._ S
Spectra Green 913 G 1-a Blue S Greenish Blue.. A
Porcelain Green . . XXXlll 39"i
Yule Tree 969 Gy 2-a Caeruleus B Prussian Blue S
Sea Green XIX 4ri
Faience Blue H 649 Prussian Green. S
Sorrento Green VII 41k
Ridgway Greenish Blue A
Sulphate Green XIX 39'
Light Blue S
Wall Green VII 39k Anthracene Green VII 39m 171. VERY LIGHT GREENISH
Dark Bluish Gray-Green. XLII 41"'k
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Dusky Green-Blue (1)
. .

XX 43'm
Invisible Green XIX 4rm Plochere
Bright Teal ... 18 pc Maerz and Paul
Myrtle Green VII 41m
Bright Teal Green m 19 pc
Beaucaire 35L4 Blue Prose 846 Gbb 4-f
Prussian Green XIX 4rk
Bright Turquoise Green m. 20 pc
34L4 Blue Tease 792 BG 3-li
Blue Jewel
Dark Emerald Green m 21 pg
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Capri 35L7 Charm 840 Gbb 3-h
Dark Green m 21 pg Crisp Blue 775 BG 1-g
Cobalt Blue 34L7
Dark Jade Green m 21 ng Bright Teal Blue g 17 pc

Cobalt Ultramarine 34L7 Crystal Blue 774 BG 1-t

Deep Emerald Green m 21 pe Dark Green m 21 pi
Duck Blue 36L7 Cupid Blue 783 BG 2-g
Deep Green m 21 pe Dark Jade Gray g 21 nl
Faience 35L5 Debutante Blue 896 Gb 4-h
Deep Teal m 18 pe Dark Jade Green g 21 ni
Grotto [Blue! 34L2 Delusion 824 Gbb 1-h
Deep Teal Green m.. 19 pe Dark Teal gm 18 pg
895 Gb 4-g
Indico Carmine 36L7 Ideal
Deep Turquoise Green m.. 20 pe Dark Teal Green gm 19 pg
Indigo Carmine 36L7 Paloma 791 BG 3-g
Dusty Turquoise Green g.. 19 ie Deep Teal g 18 pe
Indigo Extract 36L7 Phantom Blue 776 BG 1-h
Emerald Green m 21 ne Deep Teal Blue g... 17 pe
Italian Blue 33L4 Reflection 832 Gbb 2-h
Jade Green gm 21 le Deep Teal Green g 19 pe
Kashan 36L4 Sleigh Bells.. _.. 784 BG 2-h
Medium Green gm 21 le Teal g. 18 ng
Leithner's Blue 34L7 Sparkle 839 Gbb 3-g
Medium Teal Green g 19 Ig Teal Green g 19 ng
Leyden Blue 34L7 Tete-a-tete - 823 Gbb 1-g
Teal gm 18 ne
Motmot Blue 35L2
Textile Color Card Association
Teal Green gm 19 ne
Olympic Blue 34L7 Ridgway
Turquoise m 18 no Jungle Green 70132
Saxon Blue 36L7
Turquoise Green gm 19 le Beryl Blue. - VIII 43f
Saxony Blue 36L7
Other sources Calamine Blue.... VIII 43d
Thenard's Blue 34L7 XX 43'f
Textile Color Card Association Etain Blue
Atrocyaneus _ B Venetian Blue... 34L7 XXXIV 43"d
Light Glaucous-Blue
Parrot Blue 70207 Atrovenetus __ B Vienna Blue 34L7
Pale Blue (Ethyl Blue) VIII 45f
Atroviridis B
Other sources Pale Glaucous-Blue ._ XXXIV 43"f
Bluish Green A Plochere
Aerugineus B Deep Green S
Blue Danube 819 Gbb 1-c Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Atrocyaneus B Myrtle Green S
Classic Blue 770 BG 1-b
Atrovenetus B Aqua Blue m 16 ga
Dazzle Blue 771 BG 1-c Baby Blue g 15 ea
Alroviridis B
Blue S
166. VERY DARK BLUISH Fanfare 780 BG 2-d
Bright Aqua m 18 ga

Blue-Green S GREEN North Blue _ 779 BG 2-c

Light Aqua gm 18 ea
Bluish Green A Light Aqua Bluegm 16 ea
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Ridgway
Dark Blue-Green S Light Blue gm 16 ea
Dark Green S Dark Green g 21 pn Blue
Italian VIII 43 Light Horizon Blue g 15 ea

Deep Green S Dark Spruce g 20 pn Peacock Blue VIII 43i Light Sky Blue g 15 ea

Light Turquoise m 18 ga Milky Blue S Clear Blue (Y&D) F 1530 Caeruleum 33L9
Light Turquoise Blue m, 17 ga Pale Blue RC Cyaneus B Cerulean Blue... 33L9
Turquoise Blue S Dark Blue S Coeruleum 33 L9
Other sources Dark Blue-Green S Ch'ing 36F12
Deep Blue. S Cleopatra 35J12
Caeruleus B
173. MODERATE GREENISH Greenish Blue A Cloisonn6 34D12

Glaucus B
BLUE Greenish Blue S Cyanine Blue 34LI0
Light Blue(BuOrd) F 2520 Directoire Blue 43A11
Greenish Blue... A Maerz and Paul Light Blue (USA) F 3530 Egyptian Blue 35L8
Academy Blue 36L3 Light Blue S Genuine Ultramarine|Blue . 35G12
Moderate Blue RC Hathor 43D12
Beaucaire 35L4 Leitch's Blue 34L10
Maerz and Paul Bleu Louise 36K2
Blue Sapphire
Aquamarine 3513
Brittany... 35J6 Maerz and Paul Bonnie Blue 674 Bg 1-b
Beryl 33K2
Beryl Blue 33H2 Como 37K4 Sevres.. 723 Bgg 1-c
Cyan Blue 36J2
Arno Blue 37J5
Blue Turquoise 25K2 39L8
Email 36K2 Atlantis Ridg way
Calamine Blue 33J2 Bruges.. 39J7
35K2 Faience. 35L5 Bradley's Blue IX 51
Ether Canard 38L3
35H4 Gendarme [Blue] 37K2 Methyl Blue.. Vlll 47
Firmament Blue Ceylon Blue... 38L6
34K1 Jouvence Blue 37L2 Rood's Blue IX 49k
Love-in-a-m'st Chemic Blue... 37J7
25K1 Larkspur 35K5 Spectrum Blue IX 49
Niagara Dragonfly 36L6
35H5 Sistine 35H5 Ultramarine Blue IX 49i
Sistine Drake 37L5
3415 Tile Blue 36J6
Twinkle Blue Drake's-neck Green 37L5
Versailles.. 35J3 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Plochere Duckling 39L6
Mallard 38L7 Bright Blue g_ 13' 4 na
Plochere Algiers Blue 795 BG 4-c
Merle 37L5 Deep Blue g 13 pc
Arno Blue 755 Bgg 5-c
Asthetic Blue 788 BG 3-d Napoli 37K7 Royal Blue gm 13 pa
Blue Grotto. 836 Gbb 3-d Azurite Blue 787 BG 3-c
Newport 37L7 Sapphire Blue g 13 pc
853 Gbb 5-e
Biscay Bay 851 Gbb 5-c 39L8
Blue Mist Pagoda IBIue) Ultramarine gm 13 pa
Blue Swirl 797 BG 4-e Blue Hour 852 Gbb 5-d 37L6
Gbb 1-f Blue Shadow 844 Gbb 4-d Textile Color Card Association
Chateau 822 Pavonine 37L6
China Sea 838 Gbb 3-f Ceramic 747 Bgg 4-c
Peacock |Blue|.. 37L6 Ultramarine Blue (USA) . 65010
781 BG 2-e Cruise Blue 748 Bgg 4-d _

Delectable Saxon Blue 37J7

Enduring 894 Gb 4-f Cyan Blue 835 Gbb 3-c
Saxony Blue 37J7 Other sources
Ice Cap 798 BG 4-f Delta 796 BG 4-d Skating 37L7
837 Gbb 3-e 18th Century Turquoise. . . 900 Gb 5-d Atrolazulinus B
ItalianBlue Teal Blue 39L6
Jewel Blue 830 Gbb 2-f Lyre Blue 827 Gbb 2-c Bright Blue A
Teal Duck 39L7
Gbb 5-f Marco Polo 891 Gb 4-c Bright Ultrsmarine S
Magic Moon 854 Whirlpool 37L7
Paramount 828 Gbb 2-d Marine Blue 834 Gbb 3-b Cobalt Blue H 44

Paramour 829 Gbb 2-e Blue

Priscilla 764 Bgg 6-d Plochere Deep Blue. S
Polar Blue 845 Gbb 4-e Saxe Blue 756 Bgg 5-d Deep Ultramarine S
Slate Turquoise 899 Gb 5-c Marine Blue 834 Gbb 3-b Enamel Blue H 48
Rivulet Blue. 790 BG 3-f
Teal Blue 843 Gbb 4-c Night Blue 817 Gbb 1-a Lazulinus. B
Singing Blue 782 BG 2-f
Water Fail 818 Gbb 1-b Peacock Blue 826 Gbb 2-b Oriental Blue H 47
Steel Blue 901 Gb 5-e
Watteau 789 BG 3-e
Spectrum Blue H 45
Winsome Blue 831 Gbb 2-g Ridgway Ultramarine S
Blackish Green-Blue Vlll43m
Capri Blue XX 43'i
Ridgway Chessylite Blue... XX 45'k
Chessylite Blue XX 45'k 177.
Dark Chessylite Blue XX 45'm
Bremen Blue XX 43'b Dark Gobelin Blue XXXIV 43"k
Dusky Green-Blue (1) XX 43'm Plochere
Calamine Blue VIII 43d Gobelin Blue... XXXIV 43"i
Patent Blue Vlll 43k
Glaucous-Blue.. XXXIV 43"b Jouvence Blue XX 43'k Blue Heaven 677 Bg 1-e
Light Dull Glaucous-Blue... XLII 41"'d Motmot Blue XX 43' Taylor, Knoche, Granville Celestial Blue 629 B 1-e
Lumiere Blue XX 43'd Heavenly Flower 725 Bgg 1-e
Porcelain Blue XXXIV 43" Taylor. Knoche, Granville Bright Teal Blue g 17 pc
Norse Blue 635 B 2-c
Dark Cerulean Blue g 15 pg
676 Bg 1-d
Bright Blue gm 16 Ic Supreme
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Dark Peacock Blue gm 16 pg
Bright Teal Blue gm 17 ne
Dark Teal Blue gm
Aqua gm 18
17 pg Ridgway
ic Colonial Bluegm.. 15 ie
Deep Cerulean Blue g 15 pe
Aqua Blue gm 17 ic Deep Cerulean Blue m 15 pc Clear Cadet Blue XXI 49'
Deep Peacock Blue gm 16 pe
Aqua Green m 19 gc Deep Peacock Blue m 16 pc Deep Aniline Lilac XXXV 53"b
Deep Teal Blue g 17 pe
Bright Aqua m 18 la Deep Teal Blue m 17 pe Light Amparo Blue IX 51d
Medium Blue g 15 ng
Bright Aqua Blue gm 17 la Dusty Turquoise gm 18 ie Light Cadet Blue XXI 49'b
Shadow Blue g.. 15 ni
Bright Blue gm 16 ia Dusty Turquoise Blue gm.. 17 Ie Light Methyl Blue Vlll 47b
Teal Blue g... 17 ng
Dusty Turquoise Blue gm.. 17 gc Medium Blue gm 15 Ie Mazarine Blue IX 49d
Dusty Turquoise Green m.. 19 ie Medium Teal g 18 Ig Textile Color Card Association Pale Violet-Blue IX 53d
Horizon Blue g 15 ga Medium Teal Blue g 17 Ig
Light Clear Blue g Duckling 70024 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
15 ga Medium Turquoise Blue gm 17 Ie
Light Sky Blue g 15 ga Peacock Blue gm 16 ne Teal.... 70147
Bright Blue gm 14 la
Light Turquoise g 18 ga Shadow Blue gm 15 ie
Other sources Bright Copen Blue gm 14 la
Light Turquoise Blue g 17 ga Teal m 13 Ie
Pastel Blue gm
Delphinium Blue m 131 2 la
16 gc Teal Blue m 17 ng Atrocyaneus B
Robin's Egg Blue gm 16 ic Turquoise gm 18 Ic Blue S Other sources
Sky Blue g 15 ic Turquoise Blue gm 17 Ic Dark Blue S
Turquoise gm 18 ic Vivid Turquoise Blue m... 17 pa Greenish Blue... A Blue A
Turquoise Blue gm 17 ia Prussian Blue S Blue PSP44
Turquoise Green m 19 gc Textile Color Card Association Blue.. S
Butterfly Blue H 645
Textile Color Ciird Association
Brittany Blue 70142 175. VERY DARK GREENISH Griseo-Lineus: ... B
Electric 70176 BLUE Lazulinus... .. . B
Blue Turquoise 70021 Light Blue (USA) 65014
Lineus B
Parrot Blue.. 70207 Other sources
Other sources Sublazulinus B
Peacock. 70023
Greenish Blue. A Ultramarine S
Blue S River Blue... 70146
Caeruleo-Glaucus B
O ther sources 176. VIVID BLUE 178. STRONG BLUE
Caeruleus 8
Caesius B Atrocyaneus B Maerz and Paul Maerz and Paul
Ethyl Blue H 548 Atrovenetus B
Greenish Blue A Blue S Alexandria Blue 35L8 Alexandria Blue 35L8
Light Blue RC Blue-Green S Armenian Blue 35G12 Amparo Blue 33A10
Light Blue S Caesius B Bonnie Blue 43A12 Armenian Blue 35G12


Artificial Ultramarine 41F12 Bluejay 38L12 181. LIGHT BLUE Asmalte 43D11
36111 Cairo 37E12 Bleu de Lyons 44B11
Bleu d'Orient..
Maerz and Paul Blue Ashes 36K7
Columbia..- 43B12 Cobalt Glass
43A11 Colonial. 39C12 Airway 3316 Blue Aster 44A8
Directoire Blue
Dumonfs Blue. 43D11 Blue Lotus 34F7 Bluebell 37J10
Diva Blue 43B10
34HU Dutch Azure 43D11 Cerulean 33E6 Blue Bice 36K7
Enamel Blue 43D11 Diana 3416 Blue Bird 36J9
Egyptian Blue 35L8
Eschel Blue 43D11 Ethereal Blue 33E6 Bluet 34F8
Frencti Blue.... - 41F12
41F12 Helvetia Blue 44C12 King's Blue 34G7 Blue Ultramarine Ash 35B9
French Ultramarine
Imperial Blue 37C12 Lupine 3407 BlueVerditer 36K7
GenuineUI'ramarine(Blue|. 35G12
King's Blue 43D11 Sky 33E6 Brittany 35J6
Gmelin's Blue 41F12
Laundry Blue.. 43D11 Sky Blue 33E6 Cadet Blue 35A9
Guimet's Blue 41F12
Matelot 458 Sky Colour 33E6 Cathedral Blue 43C10
Liberty 43C12 1

Napoleon Blue 44C12 3416 Celestial 3518

Limoges 36K9 Squill Blue
National |Bluel.... 44B11 Watteau 34J6 Centre Blue 36K7
Lyons Blue 42C12
Olympian Blue 45B12 Ceramic. 36K7
New Blue 41F12
Powder Blue 43D11 Plochere Chessylite Blue 36K7
Oriental Blue 41F12
Rameses 44D12 China Blue 36J7
Orient |Blue| 36D11 Allure 750 Bgg 4-f
41F12 Royal Blue 43011 Cobalt Glass 43D11
Permanent Blue Baronet 734 Bgg 2-t
Royal Blue 44D12 Commelina Blue 42B10
Regatta 43C12 Bewitching Blue 741 Bgg 3-e
Saxony Blue 43D11 Copper Blue 36K8
Riviera 35K10 677 Bg 1-e
Blue Heaven Daphne 33H8
Salvia Blue 33D10 Smalt 43D11
Bounding Main 749 Bgg 4-e 43B10
34K9 Smaltino 43D11 Diva Blue
Sevres IBIuel Delectable 781 BG 2-e
Starch Blue 43D11 Dresden Blue 3417
Victoria Blue 36111
Divine Blue 684 Bg 2-d Dumonfs Blue 43D11
Yacht 35J11 Yale Blue. 44D12
Good Omen 733 Bgg 2-e Dutch Azure 43D11
Zatfre Blue 43D11
King Neptune. 742 Bgg 3-f Empire Blue 36J8
Larkspur Blue 636 B 2-d Enamel Blue 43D11
Blue Lightning 675 Bgl-c Ridgway 726 Bgg 1-f
. . . .. Romantic Blue English Blue 36K7
Castillian Blue 722 Bgg 1-b Dusky Greenish Blue XX 47'm Sovereign Blue 692 Bg 3-d 43D11
Eschel Blue
Lake Blue 724 Bgg 1-d Paris Blue VIII 47k 42A8
Flaxflower Blue
Palace Blue ._. 683 Bg 2-c Ridgway
Gentian 35C8
Sevres -.. 723 Bgg 1-c Taylor. Knoche, Granville Burn Blue. .. XXXIV 47"f Harlem Blue 36L8
Ridgway Navy Columbia Blue. .. XXXIV 47"b Hungarian Blue 36K7
Bright g.. 13'2 Pg
King's Blue XXII 47'b Infanta 35J9
Cadet Blue XXI 49'i Dark Blue g 13'^ pg
Light Alice Blue XXXIV 45"d Jay IBIuel 36G8
Cerulean Blue Deep Blue g 13 pe
XXI 49' Light Cerulean Blue 45b VIII King's Blue 43D11
Clear Cadet Blue Deep Royal Blue g 13 pe
Leitch's Blue VIII 47i Deep Sapphire Blue 13 pe
Light Columbia Blue XXXIV 47"d King's Blue 45A10
g. . .

Light Forget-me-not Blue. XXII 51*d Lambert's Blue 36K7

Light Methyl Blue VIII 47b Lapis Luzuli Blue g 13 ne
LightGrayish Blue-Violet.. XXXV 51"d Laundry Blue 43D11
Lyons Blue IX 51i Royal Blue g 13 nc
Mathews' Blue.. XX 45' Strong Blue g 13' 2 ne Light Squill Blue XX 45'd Lime Blue 36K7
XX 47' Mazarine Blue IX 49d Limoges 36K9
Olympic Blue
Neropalin Blue XXII 49*b Madonna - 37J9
Oxide Blue _ VIII 45i Textile Color Card Association
Paris Blue VIII 47k Pale Aniline Lilac XXXV 53"f Mineral Blue 36K7
Royal Blue 70087 Pale Cadet Blue XXI 49'd Mineral Blue 36L8
Prussian Blue. ._. IX 49m
Pale Cerulean Blue VIII 45d Mosaic Blue 37A10
Ultramarine Ash XXII 49*
Vanderpoel's Blue XX 47'i
Other sources Pale Methyl Blue . .. VIII 47d Mountain Blue 36K7
Venetian Blue XXII 47* Pale Windsor Blue XXXV 49"d Muri lo 36K8
Atrolazulinus B
Sky Blue XX 47'd National (Blue) 44B11
Blue A
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Squill Blue XX 45'b Nikko 36J7
Blue S
Bright Copen Blue gm 13' 2 la Wedgewood Blue XXI 5rf Orient Blue 36G7
Dark Blue S
Bright Dutch Blue gm 13 la Yale Blue XX 47'b Pilot Blue 3519
Deep Blue S
Bright Blue gm 14 na Pompadour [Green] 35J8
Dull Blue S
Taylor, Knoche, Granville

Copen Blue gm 13''2 Ic Porcelain 34J7

Indigo S
Deep Blue m 13 pc Cerulean Blue m 15 Ic Powder Blue 43D11
Princess Blue.. H 745
Queen Blue 36B8
Delphinium Blue g 13> > la
Royal Blue S Copen Blue m 14 ic

Royal Blue m 13 pc gm 13' 2 ga Queen's Blue 36B8

Ultramarine ... S Delia Robbia Blue
Sapphire Blue m 13'2ga Raphael 37K10
13 pc Delphinium Blue gm
Strong Blue gm.-_ Rapids 36L2
_ 14 nc Forget-me-not Blue gm 14 ga
Vivid Blue gm 14 pa 180. VERY LIGHT BLUE Horizon Blue m. . . 15 ia Resolute 35G9
Royal Blue 43D11
Light Cerulean Blue m 15 1a
Textile Color Card Association Plochere Sander's Blue 36K7
Light Copen Blue gm 14 ga
Oriental Blue 70209 Saunder's Blue 36K7
Baby Blue 727 Bgg 1-g Light Dutch Blue gm 13 ga
Saxony Blue 43D11
Other sources Baby Blue Eyes 637 B 2-e Sky Blue gm 14 ga
Smalt. 13D11
Atrolazulinus B Blue Appeal 743 Bgg 3-g
Textile Color Card Association Smaltino 43D11
Blue A Blue Heaven 677 Bg 1-e 43D11
Starch Blue
Blue Ridge 630 B 1-f Forget-me-not 70012
Blue Striping (N) F 1525 Stone Blue .-. 36K7
Blue MUP42 Dream Blue 678 Bg 1-f 37HU
Other sources Triumph Blue
Blue PSP42 Romantic Blue. 726 Bgg 1-f 35J7
Blue S Blue - A Virgin 35K7
Bright Blue (USA) F 1525 Ridgway Blue MUP 43 3517
Bright Blue S Burn Blue XXXIV 47" f
Blue S Zatfre Blue 43D1I
Bright Ultramarine S Pale Aniline Lilac XXXV 53"f Caeruleus B
Butterfly Blue H 645 Pale Cerulean Blue VIII 45d Caesius B Plochere
Cerulein Blue H 46 Pallid Methyl Blue VIII 471 Deep Blue S
Cyaneus B XXI Dull Blue S Bohemian Blue ... 738 Bgg 3-b
Wedgewood Blue . Sl'f
Dark Blue S Griseo-Caeruleus B Ceramic 747 Bgg 4-c
Deep Blue S Griseo-Lineus B Classic Blue 770 BG 1-b
Taylor. Knoche, Granville
Dull Blue... S Light Blue S Coronet Blue 739 Bgg 3-c
Lazulinus... B Horizon Blue m 15 ga Lineus B Cosmic Blue 778 BG 2-1

Light Blue S Light Clear Blue m . . 15 ga Sublazulinus B Cruise Blue 748 Bgg 4-d
Persian Blue H 647 Light Sky Blue m 15 ga Ultramarine S Deep Water.. 730 Bgg 2-b
Sublazulinus B Lake Como 732 Bgg 2-d
Other sources
Ultramarine S Lake Louise 642 B 3-b
Blue . A 182. MODERATE BLUE Neapolitan Night.. 682 Bg 2-b
Caeruleus B
179. DEEP BLUE . .
Maerz and Paul Palace Blue.... 683 Bg 2-c
Griseo Caeruleus B
Queen Blue 690 Bg 3-b
Maerz and Paul Griseo-Lineus B Air Blue 36K7
36L8 Riviera 731 Bgg 2-c
Asmalte 43D11 Lineus B Antwerp Blue
B Armenian Stone 36K7 Theatrical Blue 740 Bgg 3-d
Bleu de Lyons 44B11 Sublazulinus...

Ridgway Japan Blue 39E12 Light Blue 2 34D1 Other sources
Kingfisher 39L10 Light Blue 3...- 34E1
Alizarine Blue XXI 51' m Blue S
Labrador 40J8 Light Blue 4 34F1
Antwerp Blue VIII 45k
Caeruleo-Glaucus B
Legion Blue 46B11
Blanc's Blue XX 47'k Caeruleo-Griseus. B
Majolica 38K9 Plochere
Cadet Blue XXI 49'i
Caeruleus B
Majolica Blue 39H11
Chapman's Blue XXII 49*i Dull Blue A
Marine [Blue] 46G12 Abstract Blue 768 Bgg 6-h
Chessylite Blue XX 45'k Dull Greenish Blue A
Middy 38D12 Air Castle Blue 759 Bgg 5-g
China Blue XX 45'i Dull Reddish Blue A
Musketeer 40H12 Angel Blue.. 760 Bgg 5-h
Columbia Blue XXXIV 47"b Glaucus. B
Nippon 40L10 Balmy Air 848 Gbb 4-h
Dark Cadet Blue XXI 49'm Griseo-Caeruleus B
Normandy 40J11 Bean Blue 744 Bgg 3-h
Dark Chessylite Blue XX 45'm Light Blue S
Orion 39E11 Billow 847 Gbb 4-g
Deep Cadet Blue..._ XXI 49'k Lineus B
Peasant Blue _ 39H11 Blue Appeal 743 Bgg 3-g
Dusky Greenish Blue XX 47'm Sublazulinus B
Peking Blue 38J10 Blue Chill 663 B 5-g
Eton Blue XXII 49*k Very Pale Blue RC
Purple Navy 46G12 Blue Glow 855 Gbb 5-g
Gendarme Blue XXII 47'k
Radio 38J9 Blue Light 752 Bgg 4-h
Hortense Blue XXII 47'm
Raphael 37K10 Cloister 872 Gb 1-h
Jay Blue XXII 47'i
Marine Blue VIII45m
Sapphire [Blue] 37L8 Cloudy Blue 662 B 5-f 185. PALE BLUE
Tapestry 39H11 Cuddle Blue 767 Bgg 6-g
Orient Blue XXXIV 45"
Triumph Blue 37H11 Debutante Blue 896 Gb 4-h Maerz and Paul
Oxide Blue VII! 45i
Trooper 40L9 Demure Blue . 856 Gbb 5-h
Prussian Blue IX 49m Alice Blue 35G5
Easter Bonnet 736 Bgg 2-h
Vanderpoel's Blue XX 47'i Aquamarine 3513
PIohere Eerie Blue 807 BG 5-g
Firmament Gray 671 B 6-g Baby Blue 35E2
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Atlantis 777 BG 2-a Bambino 36G2
Frozen Dew 808 BG 5-h
Bavarian Blue 769 BG 1-a Bleu Pass6 36F3
Ghostly Blue 639 B 2-g
Bright Cerulean Bluem... 15 na Colonial Blue. 689 Bg 3-a Burn Blue 34B4
Gray Drift 959 G 6-g
Bright Navy m 1354 Pi Geneva Blue 641 B 3-a Celestial Blue 35D3
Harbor Blue 751 Bgg 4-g
Cerulean Blue m 15 nc Ink Blue 649 B 4-a Columbia Blue 35D6
Harem Blue 735 Bgg 2-g
Copen Blue gm 14 Ic Ionian Blue 737 Bgg 3-a Endive Blue. 43B5
903 Gb 5-g
Dark Blue m. Wi pg Majolica 746 Bgg 4-b
Iceland Blue
Illusion 912 Gb 6-h Forget-me-not [Blue] 36G4
Deep Blue m 14 pc Marine Corp Blue 697 Bg 4-a Iris 43B5
Lover's Note 728 Bgg 1-h
Deep Cerulean Blue m 15 pc Midnight 657 B 5-a Light Blue 6 34F2
Moonlight Blue 670 B 6-f
Delft Blue gm 13 le Monastral Blue 721 Bgg 1-a Lucky Stone 34G6
Mountain Peak Blue 679 Bg 1-g
Delia Robbia Blue gm 13',4 ic Opera Blue 681 Bg 2-a Myosotis Blue 36G4
Mysti: Blue 703 Bg 4-g
Dutch Blue gm 13 Ic Peasant Blue _ 705 Bg 5-a Old Blue 36F3
Northern Skies 702 Bg 4-f
Lapis Lazuli Blue m 13 ne Uniform Blue 729 Bgg 2-a Persian Blue 33C4
Medium Blue gm 13 le
Phantom Blue 776 BG 1-h
Plumbago Blue 646 B 3-f Pompeian Blue 36E4
Sky Blue g 14 ic Ridgway
Restrained Blue_ 800 BG 4-h Poudre...- 36H2
Strong Blue gm. 14 ne
Antwerp Blue VIII 45k Sentimental Mood 647 B 3-g Poudre Blue 36H2
Berlin Blue.. VIII47m Silver Blue 654 B 4-f Powder Blue.. .- 36H2
Textile Color Card Association Bluish Slate-Black XLVIII45""m Russian Blue 35D4
Silver Cloud 719 Bg 6-g
Bluebird: 70211 Dark Chessylite Blue XX 45'm Sleigh Bells. 784 BG 2-h Sistine 35H5
Hydrangea Blue 70123 Dark Delft Blue XLII 45"'m Snow Green... 1008 Gy 6-h Starlight 34E5
Lustre Blue 70085 Dark Green-Blue Slate XLVIII45""k Spiritual Blue.. 799 BG 4-g
Majolica Blue 70177 Dusky Greenish Blue XX 47'm Starch White 640 B 2-h Plochere
Old China 70143 Indigo Blue XXXIV 47"m Sweet Blue 655 B 4-g
Peking Blue 70047 Twilight Mood 711 Bg 5-g Blue Horizon 766 Bgg 6-f
Taylor. Knoche, Granville
Twinkle 686 Bg 2-t Blue Mist 853 Gbb 5-e
Bright Navy gm... 13 pg Venus Blue 904 Gb 5-h Cuddle Blue 767 Bgg 6-g
Other aoarces
Dark Blue gm.. . . 13 pg White Light 696 Bg 3-h Debonair 902 Gb 5-f
Atrocyaneus B Dark Navy g 134 pn White Swan 632 B 1-h Dreamy Blue 909 Gb 6-e
Atrolazulinus B Deep Blue m... . 13 pe Winter Sky 687 Bg 2-g Dusky Blue 709 Bg 5-e
Blue. A Deep Royal Blue m 13 pe Zephyr Blue 710 Bg 5-f Fall Blue 660 B 5-d
Blue (MA) F 1520 Deep Sapphire Blue m 13 pe Gray Mist 669 B 6-e
Blue S Delft Blue g 13 ng Holland Blue 758 Bgg 5-f
Bright Blue S Flag Blue g... 13 pi Horizon. 861 Gbb 6-e
Caesius B Indigo g 13 pi Etain Blue XX 43'f Iceberg Green 957 G 6-e
Cyaneus B Light Navy gm 134 pi Light King's Blue.... XXII 47*d Magic Moon 854 Gbb 5-f
Dark Blue S Medium Blue g 13 ng Pale Amparo Blue... IX 51f Melodious 661 B 5-e
Deep Blue S Midnight Blue g 13V2 pn Pale Blue (Ethyl Blue).... VIM 45f Moonlit Water 701 Bg 4-e
Deep Ultramarine S Navy g 13 pi Pale Dull Glaucous-Blue... XLII 41"'f Platonic 765 Bgg 6-e
Dull Blue S Shadow Blue g XXXIV 43"f Prudence 911 Gb 6-g
134 ni Pale Glaucous-Blue
Gray Blue S Pale Grayish Blue XXI 49'f Retreat 668 B 6-d
Lazulinus B Textile Color Card Association Pale Mazarine Blue IX 49f Rio Blue 757 Bgg 5-e
Light Blue F 1520 Pale Neropalin Blue XXII 49*f Russian Blue 813 BG 6-e
Cobalt Blue (USA) 65011
Medium Blue (USA) F 1520 Pale Russian Blue XLII 45"'f Saga Blue... 708 Bg 5-d
Marine Corps 70048
Ultramarine. S Persian Blue XX 45'f Shadow Blue 862 Gbb 6-f
Navy 1. 70088
Russian Blue XLII 45"'d Sleepy Hollow... 910 Gb 6-f
Navy 2 70089
Sky Gray XXXIV 45"f Smoke 716 Bg 6-d
183. DARK BLUE Peking Blue . 70047
Smoke Ring 717 Bg 6-e
Sky Blue (USA) 65019
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Static 806 BG 5-f
Maerz and Paul
Other sources Sterling Blue 718 Bg 6-f
Bagdad 40L7 Alabaster Tint m 13 ba Sublime 652 B 4-d
Atroardesiacus B Baby Blue m..
Bluebell 37J10 15 ea Thames River 814 BG 6-f
Bluejay Atrocyaneus B Blue Tint m
38L12 15 ba Translucent Blue 805 BG 5-e
Canton [Blue] 39E11
Atrolazulinus B Cloud Blue m 15 cb Zephyr Blue. 710 Bg 5-f
Chiswick 38J12
Blue A Forget-me-not Blue gm 14 ea
Colonial 39C12 Blue S Light Blue gm 14 ea
Dark Blue S
Comet 37F8 Light Horizon Blue m 15 ea
Corsair 40LI2 Greenish Navy A Light Sky Blue gm 14 ea Alice Blue... XXXIV 45"b
Crystal Palace Blue Lazulino-Ardesiacus B Aqua m
38A12 Pale 18 ca Cadet Gray XLII 45"'b
Dagestan 40L11
Light Blue Enamel (PC)... F 1515 Pale Aqua Blue gm 16 ca Clear Green-Blue Gray XLVIII 45""d
Dozer 39J10
Navy A Pale Blue gm 14 ca Dutch Blue XLIIl 49"'b
Du Gueslin Royal Blue (TC) F 2510
39H11 Pale Sky Blue gm 14 ca French Gray Lll 49""'t
Ensign _ 40J12 Pearl Gray m 13 cb Light Alice Blue XXXIV 45"d
France 38B12 184. VERY PALE BLUE Light Dull Glaucous-Blue.. XLII4r"d
Freedom 46A12 Light King's Blue XXII 47'd
Maerz and Paul Textile Color Card Association
Ghent 40J9 Light Neropalin Blue XXII 49*d
Hankow 40J11 Burn Blue 34B4 Baby Blue 70009 Light Payne's Gray XLIX 49""d
Holland Blue 39En Etain Blue 26F1 Pastel Blue 70008 Light Sky Blue . XX 47'f

Light Violet-Plumbeous.,.- XLIX 53""d Electric IBluel 3717 Kidgway Dark Blue S
Pale Ampato Blue IX 51f Electric Green 3717 Deep Blue... S
Antwerp Blue VIII 45k
Pale Cadet Blue XXI 49'd Escadre 37G10 Dull Blue.... A
Chessylite Blue XX 45'k
Pale Dull Glaucous-Blue... XLII 41"'f Firmament 36D7 Dull Blue S
Clear Payne's Gray XLIX 49""b
PaleForget-me-notBlue... XXII 51*f Flaxflower Blossom 36F7 Dull Greenish Blue A
Dark Chessylite Blue XX 45'm
Pale Green-Blue Gray XLVIII 45""f Forget-me-not [Blue] 36G4 Dull Reddish Blue A
Dark Gobelin Blue XXXIV 43"k
Pale Mazarine Blue IX 49f Genoa Blue 37K6 Dusky Blue RC
Dark Green-Blue Gray XLVIII 45""
Pale Medici Blue XLVIil 41""f Glacier Blue 39H7 Glauco-Griseus B
Dark Madder Blue XLIII 53"'k
Pale Payne's Gray.. XLIX 49""f Glaucous-Blue 3613 Grayish Blue RC
Dark Orient Blue XXXIV 45"k
Pale Violet-Plumbeous.... XLIX 53""t Gobelin Blue 3715 Griseo-Lazulinus B
Dark Tynan Blue XXXIV 47"k
Parula Blue XLII 45"' Heron 46B8 Intermediate Blue (AN). . F 3525
Dark Violet-Slate XLIX 53""k
Persian Blue. XX 45'f Hussar... 38D9 Intermediate Blue (USA).. F 3525
Deep Delft Blue... XLII 45"'k
Plumbeous _ Lll 49""'b Hydrangea Blue 35B7 Lazulino-Ardesiacus B
Deep Dutch Blue XLIII 49"'
Russian Blue XLII 45"'d Hydro..-. 37H8 Medium Blue(BuOrd) F 2515
Deep Green-Blue Gray XLVIII 45""b
Iceberg 36H4 Ocean Gray (BuOrd) F 2620
Deep Orient Blue XXXIV 45"i
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Indo 3818 Pale Blue S
Deep Payne's Gray XLIX 49'"'i
Infantry 3614 Plumbeus B
Aqua Gray gm 19 fe Deep Plumbeous Lll 49""'
International 3819 Slate Blue... S
Cadet Gray m 13 ge Deep Slate-Blue XLIII 49"'k
Chalk Blue gm... 16 ec
Light Wedgwood IBIue)...- 37A7 Ultramarine S
Delft Blue XLII 45"'i
Dawn Bluegm.. Louvain 3816 Violaceo-Griseus B
15 dc Dusky Green-Blue (1) XX 43'm
Dusk m 13 fe
Madonna 37J9
XXXIV 43"m
Dusky Green-Blue (2)
Dusty Aqua gm Milano Blue 38E7
18 ge Dusky Orient Blue XXXIV 45"m 187. DARK GRAYISH BLUE
Dusty Aqua Blue gm Moonlight Blue 3614
17 ge Gobelin Blue XXXIV 43"i
Dusty Blue gm. 15 ge
Myosotis Blue 3664
Green-Blue Slate XLVIII 45""i Maerz and Paul
Nice 3617
Haze Blue g 13 ec Indigo Blue XXXIV 47"m
Horizon Blue gm 15 go Nikko.... 36J7 Arena 39J6
Light Medici Blue XLVIII 41""d
Aqua gm Oad 47A10 Atlantic 40L1
Light 18 ec Light Tynan Blue XXXIV 47"
Aqua Blue gm 16 ec Old Blue 36F3 Atlantis 39L8
Light Light Violet-Plumbeous ... XLIX 53""d
gm Old China 37C7 Bagdad. 40L7
Light Gray Blue 15 ge Onent Blue XXXIV 45"
Opal Blue 36E6 Balsam 40L4
Mist Blue gm . 15 ge Payne's Gray XLIX 49""
Pastel Blue gm Oiiental 36F5 Bruges 39J7
14 gc Parula Blue XLII 45'"
Pearl Gray gm Orient Blue 36G7 Duckling 39L6
13 dc Tyrian Blue XXXIV 47"i
Pewter m Parula Blue 36C6 Flemish Blue. 39E10
13 fe Violet-Slate XLIX 53""i
Powder Blue gm 14 ec
Pastel 47A10 Glacier. 39J8
Sky Blue gm... 15 gc Pastel Blue 47A10 Taylor. Knoche, Granville Ink Blue. 47A11
Smoke m 13 fe Payne's Grey 47A9 Ionian Blue 40L6
Peasant Blue 3718 Aqua Gray g 19 fe Ispahan. 40L3
Wedgwood Blue gm 14 gc
Porcelain Blue 36J3 Cadet Blue gm 14 ie Kurdistan 48A10
Textile Color Card Association Quimper 3617 Cadet Gray g 13 ge Labrador 40J8
Radio... 38J9 Colonial Blue m 15 ie Mascot 40E12
Blue Flower 70011 Dark Cerulean Blue m 15 pg
Rigi Blue 39J2 Navy 1 47C11
Dustblu 70195 Dark Blue m 14 pg
Saxe Blue 3616 Navy 3 40A10
Old Blue ... 70109 Dark Gray Blue gm 14
Serapi 37F5 li
Olympic 39L5
Sistine 70043 Dark Navy m 13' 2 pn
Sistine 35H5 Pagoda IBluel 39L8
Sky Blue 70010 Dark Steel Blue gm 14
Slate Blue 46A7 li
Payne's Grey 47A9
Slate-Blue 46B8 Dark Teal m 18 pi
Radio Blue 40J7
Other sources
Stardew 35F7 Dark Teal Blue m 17 pi
Romany 40E12
Caesius B Swiss Blue 46A7 Dusk g 13 fe Sinbad 48A12
Caeruleo-Glaucus... B Torino Blue 38C8 Dusty Blue g 14 ge Teal Blue 39L6
Caeruleo-Griseus B Trublu 35G6 Fog Blue gm 13 ig Trooper 40L9
Caeruleus B Twilight (Blue) 36G6 Graphite m 13 nl
Tunis 40C12
Chalky Blue S Tynan Blue 37C8 Light Gray Blue g 14 ge Veteran 47A11
Dull Blue.. A Wad 47A10 Medium Blue m 14 ng
Dull Greenish Blue A Woad 47A10 Medium Gray Bluegm 14 ig Plochere
Dull Reddish Blue A Wode... 47A10 Medium Teal m 18 Ig
African Green 937 G 4-a
Glauco-Griseus B Medium m
Teal Blue 17 Ig
Arctic... 898 Gb 5-b
Gray Blue S Plochere Medium Teal Green m 19 Ig
Baltic 841 Gbb 4-a
Griseo-Caeruleus B Midnight Blue m 13' 2 pn
Bayou 945 G 5-a
Griseo-Lazulinus B Arctic... 898 Gb 5-b Mist Blue g 14 ge
Black Knight 509 Bp 5-a
Hull Gray (Light GrayXMA) F 2640 Azurite Blue 787 BG 3-c Night Blue m 13' 2 nl
Black Water 801 BG 5-a
Lavendulo-Gnseus B Biscay Bay 851 Gbb 5-c Pewter g 13 fe
Blase Blue 794 BG 4-b
Lineus B Blase Blue 794 BG 4-b Shadow Blue gm 14 ie
Corsair 713 Bg 6-a
Pale Blue... RC Blue Dash 763 Bgg 6-c Slate Blue gm 13 ig
Duckling Blue 842 Gbb 4-b
Plumbeus B Blue Fog - 812 BG 6-d Smoke g 13 fe
Ink Blue. 649 B 4-a
Sublazulinus B Ceylon Blue 786 BG 3-b Steel Blue gm 14 ig
Ionian Blue 737 Bgg 3-a
Ultramarine S Congo Blue 706 Bg 5-b Stone Blue gm 13 li

Iron Mask 905 Gb 6-a

Duckling Blue ... 842 Gbb 4 b Storm Blue gm. 13 li

Midnight 657 B 5-a

18th Century Turquoise. . . 900 Gb 5-d
186. GRAYISH BLUE Flemish Blue 658 B 5-b Textile Color Card Association
Nabob 881 Gb 3-a
Ombre 761 Bgg 5-a
Maerz and Paul Granite Blue 859 Gbb 6-c
Bluesteel 70112 Peasant Blue. 705 Bg 5-a
Gray Night 715 Bg 6-c
Copenhagen.. 70044 Purple Night... 601 Bp 4-a
Aero 36H6 Harmonious Blue 908 Gb 6-d
Flemish Blue 70046 Rhapsody Blue 793 BG 4-a
Alpine 38G7 Milano Blue 651 B 4-c
Light Blue (USA) 65014 Sorcerer 897 Gb 5-a
Arctic Blue 36D6 Myth Blue 907 Bg 6-c
Mistiblu 70110 Stormy Night 833 Gbb 3-a
Ardoise 46C7 Profound Blue 659 B 5-c
Peasant Blue 70144 Suez Blue 825 Gbb 2-a
Azulin 3618 Puritan 666 B 6-b
River Blue 70146 Television Blue 753 Bgg 5-a
Blue Ochre 38J4 Rigi Blue 860 Gbb 6-d
Robin's Egg 70204 Tranquil Green.. 1001 Gy 5-a
Blue Orchid 45A7 River Mist 811 BG 6-c
Saxe Blue 70175 Universal 785 BG 3-a
Bleu Pass6 36F3 Saxe Blue 756 Bgg 5-d
Stone Blue.. 70113 Valor Green 889 Gb 4-a
Brittany 35J6 Shore Line 890 Gb 4-b
Tile Blue 70045 Viking 665 B 6-a
Cadet. 46A6 Slate Blue 714 Bg 6~b
West Point.... 70111
Celest 36B7 Slate Turquoise 899 Gb 5-c Ridgway
China Blue. 36J7 Solitary Blue 803 BG 5-c Other sources XLIX 49""m
Chin-Chin Blue 3618 Somber Blue.. 802 BG 5-b Bluish Black
Cloud 36G5 Storm 667 B 6-c Atroardesiacus... B Bluish Slate-Black XLVIII 45""m
Copenhagen IBIue] 37E7 Atrocyaneus B Dark Aniline Blue X 55m
Stratosphere 610 Bp 5-b
Crayon Blue 36C5 Atrolazulinus B Dark Delft Blue XLII 45"'m
Danae 47A10
Style Gray .. 810 BG 6-b XLVIII 45""k
Atrovenetiis B Dark Green-Blue Slate
Delphinium 36F6 Tabu 804 BG 5-d Blue S Dark Payne's Gray XLIX 49""k
Denmark.. 38J8 Trade Winds 707 Bg 5-c Caeruleo-Griseus B Dull Blue-Green Black XLVIII 41""m
Dutch Blue 44A6 Tynan Blue 698 Bg 4-b Caesius B Dull Violet-Black (2) XLIX 53""m

Ousky Greefl^ue(2) XXXIV 43"m Frosty Night 712 Bg 5-h Plochere Plumbeo-Niger.. B
Dusky Slate-ltlle XLIM 49"'m Mystic White 672 B 6-h Plumbeus B
Blue Fog 812 BG 6-d
Dusky Violet-Blue (2) XLlll 53"'m New Blue 688 Bg 2-h Retreat 668 B 6-d
Sea Blue, Non-Specular F 3510
Indigo Blue.. XXXIV 47"m Night Cloud 680 Bg 1-h (AN)
Russian Blue.. 813 BG 6-e
Plumbeous-Black Lit49""'m Steam Blue 656 B 4-h Sea Blue (USA) F 351U
Vapor Blue 648 B 3-h Ridgway Slate. S
Taylor, Knoche, GranTille Gb 5-h Viridi-Gnseus B
Venus Blue 904
Charcoal g 10 ml Wan Blue 720 Bg 6-h Cinereous Lll 49""'d
Dark Blue m 13 pi Clear Green-Blue Gray XLVIII 45""d
Clear Payne's Gray XLIX 49""b 193. BLUISH BLACK
Dark Navy m 13 pr>
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Dark Teal m.. 18 pi Deep Glaucous-Gray XLVIII 37""d
Maerz and Paul
Dark Teal Blue m 17 pi Alabaster Tint gm 13 ba Deep Medici Blue XLVIII 41""
Blue Tint gm 15 ba Deep Plumbeous 49""'
Flag Blue m 13 pi Lll Kurdistan 48A10
Graphite g.. 13 nl Light Payne's Gray. XLIX 49""d Sinbad 48A12
Indigo m 13 pi Other sources Medici Blue XLVIII 4r"'b
Midnight Blue m 13 pn Pale Medici Blue XLVIII 41""f Plochere
Bluish White. A Plumbeous 49""'b
Navy m 13 pi
Bluish White.. RC
Puritan Gray XLVI! 33""f Night Horizon 849 Gbb 5-i
Night Blue g.. 1314 nl
Gray... S Sorcerer 897 Gb 5-a
Shadow Blue g_. 14 ni
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Textile Color Card Association Ridgway
190. LIGHT BLUISH GRAY Aqua Gray g 19 fe
Graphite Blue 70114 Dusk g. 13 fe Dull Blue-Green Black.... XLVIII 41"
Maerz and Paul Pewter g 13 fe
Other sources Slate m 13 ih Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Baby Blue 35E2 Smoke g 13 fe
Atroardesiacus... B Dark Navy g 13 po
Blonket 34B2
Atrolazulinus- B Midnight Blue g.. 13 po
Blunket 34B2 Other sources
Atrovenetus B
Glass Grey 34B2
Atroviolaceus B Blue Black S Other sources
Glaucous-Grey 35B2
Dark Blue.. S Blue Gray S
Plumbet 34B2 Atroardesiacus B
Dull Blue A Bluish Gray A
Plunket 34B2 Bluish Black A
Dull Greenish Blue A Caeruleo-Griseus B
Sky Grey... 34B2
Dull Reddish Blue A Glauco-Griseus B
Dusky Blue RC
White Blue.... 34B2
Lavendulo-Griseus B 194. VIVID PURPUSH BLUE
Insignia Blue (AN) F 3505 Medium Bluish Gray RC
Plochere Maerz and Paul
Insignia Blue (USA) F 3505 Plumbeus B
Lazulino-Ardesiacus B Gray Blue. 815 BG 6-g Slate S Cloisonne... 34D12
Niger B Gray Drift 959 G 6-g Viridi-Griseus B Commodore 43FI2
Slate... S Gray Lady.... 864 Gbb 6-h Horace Vernet's Blue 42E12
Gray Mist 669 B 6-e 192. DARK BLUISH GRAY Oil Blue 42E12
188. BLACKISH BLUE Illusion 912 Gb 6-h Westminster 41112
Moonlight Blue. 670 B S-f Maerz and Paul
Maerz and Paul Plochere
Poudre 863 Gbb 6-g
Atramentous.. 40C7
Bagdad. 40L7 Silver Cloud 719 Bg 6-g
Cendrillon.... 39H2 Bonnie Blue 674 Bg 1-b
Ensign 40J12 Sky Cloud 816 BG 6-h
Harbor Blue 38H6 Diva Blue. 627 B I-c
Ionian Blue 40L6 Snow Green. 1008 Gy 6-h
Ink Black 40C7 Lyons Blue 626 B 1-b
Mascot 40E12 Sterling Blue 718 Bg 6-f
Logwood Blue 40C8 Spectra Blue 625 B 1-a
Navy 3. 40A10 Thames River. 814 BG 6-f
Louvain 3816
Romany 40E12 WhiteSmoke 960 G 6-h
Slate 39A7 Ridgway
Trooper.. 40L9
Smoke Blue 47A6
Tunis Ridgway Blue-Vioiet X 55
West Point 38A6
Bluish Violet. X 57
Plochere Cinereous Lll 49""'d Commelina Blue XXI 51'
Dawn Gray Lll 35""'d Cornflower Blue.. XXI 53'
Sorcerer. 897 Gb 5-a
French Gray.. Lll49""'f Black Knight 609 BP 5-a X
Transatlantic Blue. 745 Bgg4-a Deep Blue-Violet 55i
Glaucous-Gray XLVIII 37""f Bruges 754 Bgg 5-b Light Blue-Violet X 55b
Ridgway Pale Medici Blue XLVIII 41""f Demon Blue.. 762 Bgg 6-b Phenyl Blue IX 53
Gale Cloud 906 Gb 6-b Salvia Blue IX 49b
Bluish Black XLIX 49""m Taylor, Knoche, Granville 850 Gbb 5-b
Gale Winds Smalt Blue.... IX 53i
Dull Blue-Green Black XLVIII 41""m Myth Blue.. 907 Gb 6-c
Aqua Gray m 19 dc
Nabob 881 Gb 3-a
Taylor, Knoche. Granville Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Cloud Blue g 15 cb
Night Fighter. 617 Bp 5-a
Dark Blue g. 13 pn
Dawn Blue g 15 dc
954 G 6-b Deep Blue g 13 pc
North Sea
Dark Navy g 13 pn Pearl Gray g... 13 cb
Puritan 666 B 6-b Royal Blue m 13 pa
Indigo g 13 pn Slate Blue 714 Bg6-b Sapphire Blue g 13 pc
Midnight Blue g 13 pn Other sources Stratosphere 610 Bp 5-b Ultramarine m 13 pa

Bluish Gray A Tempest Blue 858 Gbb 6-b

Textile Color Card Association Textile Color Card Association
Glauco-Griseus B
Graphite Blue Gray Blue S Ultramarine Blue (USA)... 65010
Homage Blue 70078 Lavendulo-Griseus B Blackish Plumbeous Lll 49""'k
Midnight 70090 Light Bluish Gray.. RC Dark Medici Blue.... XLVIII 4r"'i Other sources
Subviridi-Griseus B Dark Payne's Gray... XLIX 49""k
Other Boorces Dark Plumbeous Lll 49"'"i Blue PSP46
Atroardesiacus B Dull Violet-Black (2) XLIX 53""m Bright Reddish Blue A
Dark Blue. S 191. BLUISH GRAY Saccardo's Slate.... XLVIII 4r"'k Bright Ultramarine S
Dull Blue A Cornflower Blue H 742
Dull Greenish Blue... A Maerz and Paul Taylor, Knoche, Granville Deep Ultramarine S
Dull Reddish Blue A Dark Blue m 13 pn French Blue H 43
Baby Blue 35E2 Gentian Blue.. H 42
Greenish Navy A Dark Navy m 13 pn
A Bleu Pass6 36F3 Lazulinus... B
Navy Indigo m 13 pn
Sea Blue. Glossy (AN) F 1505 Cadet Grey 36C4 Midnight Blue m 13 pn Sublazulinus B
Sea Blue, Semi-Glossy (AN) F2505 Luciole 37B6 Slate gm 13 Ih Subviolaceus B
Sea Blue (USA) F 2505 37E3 Teal Gray g.. 19 ih Ultramarine S
Medici Blue..
Slate.. S Violaceus B
Old Blue 36F3
Other sources
Poilu.. 37C5
189. BLUISH WHITE Poudre 36H2
Atroardesiacus B
Blue Black 8
Plochere Poudre Blue 36H2
Bluish Gray A BLUE
Powder Blue. 36H2 Dark Gray S
Blue Wash. 664 B 5-h Maerz and Paul
Fairy Princess.. 704 Bg4-h Puritan Grey 36B2 Dull Blua S
Firmament Gray. 671 B 6-g Russian Blue.... 35D4 Gray S Amparo Blue 33A10
Plochere Flax Blue H 642 Sky 33E6 Liberty Blue... 44B10
Lazulinus ._ B Sky Blue 33E6 Marine [Blue].. 46G12
Celestial Blue 629 B 1-e
Reddish Blue A Sky Colour 33E6 Monet Blue. 44C11
Diva Blue 627 B 1-c
Sea Blue H 043 Wistaria Blue 42C8 Pharoah 45C12
Flax Flower Blue 628 B 1-d
Sublazulinus B Zenith IBIue] 34A7 Purple Navy 46G12
Norse Blue 635 B 2-c
Subviolaceus B Ragged Sailor 42C10
Ultramarine S Plochere Sailor Blue 44D10
Violaceus B Ballad Blue 685 Bg 2-e
Amparo Blue IX 51b Violet Blue S Plochere
Blue Bell 644 B 3-d
Campanula Blue_ _ . XXIV 55*b
French Blue 691 Bg 3-c Monastral Blue. 721 Bgg 1-a
Deep Lavender-Blue XXI 53'b
Deep Wedgewood Blue XXI 5rd 197. DEEP PURPLISH BLUE Lucerne Blue 643 B 3-c Neopolitan Night _ 682 Bg 2-b
Sovereign Blue 692 Bg 3-d Opera Blue.. 681 Bg 2-a
Diva Blue XXI 5ri
Flax-nower Blue XXI 51'b
Maerz and Paul Yale Blue 633 B 2-a
Forget-me-not Blue XXII 5rb Bellflower 44112
Burn Blue.. XXXIV 47"f Ridgway
Lavender-Blue XXI 53'd Colonial 39C12
Light Bluish Violet X 57b Glory 44G12 Chicory Blue XXIV 57d Azurite Blue IX 53m
Light Campanula Blue XXIV 55*d Hyacinth Blue 44H12 Clear Windsor Blue XXXV 49" Cyanine Blue IX 51m
Light Grayish Violet-Blue_ . XXIV 53*b Mazarine Blue 44112 Endive Blue XLIII 49"'d Dark Diva Blue. XXI Sl'k
Light Soft Blue-Violet XXIII 55'b Monet Blue 44C11 Grayish Blue- Violet (2).... XXXV 51"b Dark Soft Blue-Violet XXIIl 55'k
Light Violet X 59b Regal 44F12 Grayish Violaceous Blue... XXII 51'i Deep Dull Violaceous Blue. XXII 5I'k
Pale Blue-Violet X 55d Roslyn Blue _ _.. 44112 Jay Blue XXII 47*i Deep Soft Blue-Violet XXIIl 55'i
Pale Bluish Violet X 57d Lavender-Blue XXI 53'd Grayish Blue-Violet (1).___ XXIV 55*i
Wistaria Blue XXIII 57'b Plochere Light Grayish Blue-Violet.. XXXV 51"d Navy Blue XXI 53'ni
Light Lavender-Blue XXI 53'f Roslyn Blue X 57k
Napoleon 673 Bg 1-a
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Light Windsor Blue XXXV 49"b Windsor Blue XXXV 49"i
Yale Blue 633 B 2-a
Light Wistaria Blue XXIIl 57'd
Bright Dutch Blue gm 13 la
Ridgway Pale Cadet Blue XXI 49'd Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Other sources Pale Campanula Blue XXIV 55'f
Hyacinth Blue X 55k Pale Grayish Violet-Blue ._ XXIV 53'd
Bright Navy m . 13 pg
Flax Blue H 642 Roslyn Blue X 57k Pale Soft Blue-Violet XXIIl 55'd
Dark Blue m 13 pg
Lavendulus B Deep Blue m 13 pe
Pale Violet X 59d
Lazulinus B Taylor, Knoche, Granville Deep Royal Blue m 13 pe
Pale Windsor Blue XXXV 49"d
Lineus B X 55f
Deep Sapphire Blue m 13 pe
Deep Blue g IZ'A pe Pallid Blue-Violet
A Light Cornflower Blue g-__ 12'i'a
Reddish Blue
Deep Royal Blue g WA pe Pallid Bluish Violet X 57f
Royal Blue m W/2 pa
Subviolaceus B
Royal Blue g WA pa Pallid Grayish Violet-Blue.. XXIV 53*f
Pallid Soft Blue-Violet ... XXIIl 55'f
Ultramarine S Textile Color Card Association Textile Color Card Association
Pallid Violet X 59f
Pallid Violet-Blue IX 53f
196. STRONG PURPLISH BLUE Sapphire Blue 70216
Wedgewood Blue XXI 51'f
Old Glory Blue 70075
Yale Blue 70086
Maerz and Paul Other sources
Other sources Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Artificial Ultramarine 41F12 Atrolazulinus B
Bright Periwinkle Blue gm. 1212 ic
Delia Robbia 43C11 Atroviolaceus B Atroviolaceus B
French Blue 41F12 Dark Blue S
Dusty Copen Blue gm UH gc Bluebird Blue H 042
Dutch Blue gm 13 ic
Caesius B
French Ultramarine 41F12 S
Gmelin's Blue 41F12 Reddish Blue. A Light Cornflower Blue gm.. Wi \3
Purple S
Light Dutch Blue gm 13 ga
Guimet's Blue 41F12 Reddish Blue A
Light Periwinkle Blue gm.. 13 ea
Liberty 43C12 Ultramarine S
Luxor 43B11
198. VERY LIGHT PURPLISH Light Sky Blue g 13! 2 ea Violaceus B
Ne\n Blue 41F12
BLUE Periwinkle Blue gm 13 gc Violet S
Twilight Blue gm 13 gc
Oriental Blue 41F12
Permanent Blue 41F12
Regatta 43C12 Alpine Blue 638 B 2-f Textile Color Card Association 201. DARK PURPLISH BLUE
Steeplechase 43F11 Baby Blue Eyes 637 B 2-e Lupine 70122
Blue Ridge
Maerz and Paul
630 B 1-t Periwinkle 70073
Plochere Panama Blue 645 B 3-e Coohe 45D12
Firmament Blue .- 634 B 2-b
Princely Blue 631 B 1-g Other sources Corsican Blue 45H12
Lyons Blue 626 B 1-b Azure Blue (AN) F 3535 Cyanine Blue 45E12
Yale Blue 633 B 2-a Azure Blue (USA) F 3535 Du Gueslin 39H11
Burn Blue XXXIV 47"f Blue A Hankow 40J11
Ridgway Pale Campanula Blue XXIV 55'f Blue Violet S Homage Blue 47E12
Pallid Blue-Violet X 55t Caesius B Infernal Blue 47E12
Dark Diva Blue .XXI 51'k
Pallid Bluish Violet X 57f Dark Blue S Intense Blue 45F12
Diva Blue XXI 51'i
Pallid Soft Blue-Violet.__. XXIIl 55'f Griseo-Caeruleus B Majolica Blue.. 39H11
Dull Blue-Violet (1) XXIV 55*
Pallid Violet X 59f Griseo-Lavendulus.. B Marine IBIuel 46G12
Dull Violaceous Blue XXII 51*
Pallid Violet-Blue IX 53f Griseo-Lineus B Mascot.... 40E12
Dull Violet-Blue XXIV 53*
Wedgewood Blue XXI 51'f Lavendulus.. B Musketeer _. 40H12
Gentian Blue XXI 53'i I

Lineus B Navy Blue 40E11

Grayish Blue-Violet (1)._ XXIV 55*i
Other sources
Reddish Blue A Normandy 40J11
Hay's Blue IX 53k
Blue A Sublazulinus B Peasant 40H11
Helvetia Blue IX 51k
Griseo-Caeruleus B Subviolaceus B Peasant Blue.... 39H11
Light Bluish Violet X 57b
Pharoah 45C12
Light Violet-Blue IX 53b Lavendulus B Ultramarine S
Purple Navy 46G12
Sailor Blue XXI 53'k Lineus B
Reddish Blue A Romany 40E12
Violet Ultramarine X 57i
Sublazulinus B
200. MODERATE PURPLISH Scotch Blue 47E12
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Subviolaceus B BLUE Tapestry 39H11
Ultramarine S
Bright Dutch Blue gm 13 la Maerz and Paul Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Cornflower Blue gm 12'^ la
199. LIGHT PURPLISH BLUE Cathedral Blue 43C10
Deep Blue m 13 pc
Clochette 43D9
Dark Blue g WA pg
Royal Blue gm 12!^ na Maerz and Paul Dark Navy g 13^ pn
Colonial 39C12
Sapphire Blue m 13 pc Light Navy g WAfii
Campanula Blue 42B8 45D12
Cerulean 33E6
Cornflower |Blue|. 42C10
Midnight Blue g WA pn
Textile Color Card Association Navy g.. WA pl
Ethereal Blue 33E6 Corsican Blue 45H12
Cornflower Blue 70074 Flaxflower Blue 42A8 Columbine |Blue| 42G10 Textile Color Card Association
Gentian 35C8 C>..nine Blue 45E12
Other sources
Louis Philippe 34K7 Dark Wedgwood |Blue|_... 45G11 Graphite Blue 70114
Atrolazulinus B Lucerne Blue 35B8 Flame Blue 45G11 Homage Blue 70078
Bluebird Blue. _ H 042 Lupine 34D7 Gentian Blue 43D10 Independence 70076
Bright Ultramarine S Nattier 35K6 Intense Blue 45F12 National Flag Blue 70077

Other sources Pallid Grayish Violet-Blue . XXIV 53'f Deep Violet-Plumbeous XLIX 53"" Flax Blue H 642
Pallid Violet X 59f Dusky Blue XXII 49*m Heliotrope H 636
Atroviolaceus B
Pearl Blue XXXV 49"f Dusky Violet-Blue (1) XXIII 55'm Lavendulus.. B
Blue..-. A XXXIV 47"m
Violet-Plumbeous XLIX 53""b Indigo Blue Lilacinus. B
Dark Blue (USA) F 1510
Indulin Blue XXII 51*m Sea Lavender Violet H 637
Insignia Blue (AN) F 1510
Taylor, Knoche, GranTille Light Tyrian Blue XXXIV 47" Subviolaceus B
Navy A
Navy Blue XXI 53'm Veronica Violet H 639
Reddish Blue A Dark Blue g 13 pi
Nigrosin Blue XXXV 49"m Violaceus B
Slate S Delft Blue m 13 ie
Slate-Blue XLIII 49"'i Violet S
Dusk Blue m 12H ie
Tyrian Blue...- XXXIV 47"i Wisteria Blue H 640
Haze Blue gm 13 ec
202. VERY PALE PURPLISH Light Navy g 13' pi Taylor, Knoche, Granville
BLUE Moonstone Blue gm 13H ec 207. STRONG VIOLET
Powder Blue gm 13V^ ec
Dark Blue m 13 pi

Maerz and Paul Shadow Blue gm 13}-2 ie

Delft Blue gm.. 13 Ig Maerz and Paul
Dusk Blue g 12',4 ie
Burn Blue.. 34B4
Textile Color Card Association Light Navy m 13 pi Abbey 41F10
Plochere Medium Blue m 13 ng Campanula 42J10
Lupine... 70122 Canterbury 43K12
Shadow Blue gm 13 Ig
Alpine Blue 638 B 2-f Starlight Blue 70121 Clematis 42K11
Blue Day 695 Bg 3-g Foxglove 42H9
Other sources Textile Color Card Association
Rdelity 693 Bg 3-e Lobelia (Blue) 42J12
Fountain Blue.. 694 Bg 3-f Caeruleo-Griseus
Graphite Blue 70114 Pansy 41K12
Ghostly Blue 639 B 2-g Independence 70076 Pens6e 41K12
Caesius B
Plumbago Blue 646 B 3-f Dull Blue A Perilla 42K12
Princely Blue 631 B 1-g
Other sources
Dull Reddish Blue A Regal Purple 43K11
Sentimental Mood... 647 B J-g Gray Blue S Atrolazulinus B Royal Purple 43K11
Silver Blue 654 B 4-f Grayish Blue RC Atroviolaceus B Violine 42110
White Swan 632 B 1-h Griseo-Caeruleus B Caesius B
Griseo-Lavendulus... B Dull Blue. A Plochere
Ridgway Griseo-Lazulinus B Dull Blue S
Larkspur Purple 578 Bp 1-b
Uvender Gray XLIII 49"'f Griseo-Violaceus B Dull Reddish Blue A
Prism Violet 577 Bp 1-a
Pale Grayish Blue XXI 49'f Lineus B Griseo-Lazulinus B
Pale Grayish Blue-Violet... XXXV 51"f Sublazulinus B Griseo-Violaceus B
Pale Mazarine Blue IX 49f Subviolaceus.. B S
Pallid Violet X 59f Ultramarine S Lazulino-Ardesiacus- B Bradley's Violet XXIII 59'
Pearl Blue XXXV 49"f Slate S Deep Dull Bluish Violet(l). XXIV 57i
Ultramarine S DeepSof! Bluish Violet XXIII 57'i
Taylor. Knocbe, Granville 204. GRAYISH PURPLISH BLUE Violaceo-Griseus B Dull Blue-Violet (1) XXIV 55*
Sky Blue m. Maerz and Paul Dull Bluish Violet (1) XXIV 57*
Light 13H ea
gm 205. VIVID VIOLET Dull Bluish Violet (3) XXXVI 57"
Pale Blue 13H ca
Banner 46H12 Grayish Blue-Violet(l).... XXIV 55*i
Pale Periwinkle Blue gm.. 13 ca
Blue Devil 39C11 Maerz and Paul Pleroma Violet XXV 61'
Copenhagen |Blue| .. 37E7 Soft Bluish Violet XXIII 57'
Other sources Basketball 41J12
Dark Wedgwood [Blue].... 45G11 Spectrum Violet X 59
Dull Blue A Delft Blue... 38A8 Perilla 42K12
Violet Ultramarine X 57i
Westminster 41112
Dull Reddish Blue A Duck-Wing 47E11
Griseo Caeruleus B Du Gueslin.. 39H11 Textile Color Card Association
Griseo-Lavendulus B Dutch Ware Blue... 38A8 Ridgway
Griseo-Lineus B Flame Blue 45G11 Pansy (USA) 65009
Blue-Violet X 55
Lineus B Garter Blue 46B10 Parma Violet 70212
Bluish Violet X 57
Sublazulinus B Geneva Blue.. 47C12 Violet 70058
Deep Blue-Violet X 55i
Subviolaceus B Hankow 40J11
Ultramarine S Madeline Blue. 46E12 Other sources Other sources
Majolica Blue. 39H11 Bluebird Blue
Aster Violet H 38 H 042
Marine Corps 39A11
203. PALE PURPLISH BLUE Bright Bluish Violet A Bluish Violet A
Mascot 40E12
Bright Violet S Livido-Violaceus B
Musketeer 40H12
Maerz and Paul Campanula Violet H 37 Purple S
Navy Blue 40E11
Hyacinth Blue H 40 Violaceus.. B
Blue Lavender 43B7 Neapolitan Blue 46F12
Lobelia Blue H 41
Burn Blue.. 3484 Normandy 40J11
Magenta S
Celest.... 36B7 Old China 37C7
Methyl Violet. ... H 39
Chicory 42B7 Oriental Blue 38A8
Moorish Blue H 739
Chicory Blue.. 42B7 Peasant 40H11 Maerz and Paul
Violaceus B
Hydrangea Blue 35B7 Peasant Blue 39H11
Violet H 36 Adelaide. 44K11
Ontario Violet. 43B7 Periwinkle 43B8
Periwinkle 43B8 Persian Blue 47C10
Glory 44G12
Zenith (Blue) 34A7 Pervenche 45B9 206. BRILLIANT VIOLET Prunella 44K11
Regimental 47C10
Russian Violet 44K11
Plochere Plochere Seville 42L12
Roma Blue 46G11
Romany 40E12 Fortune 579 Bp 1-c
FallBlue 660 B 5-d
Seaman Blue 47E11 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Fog Blue 653 B 4-e
Tapestry 39H11 Ridgway
Milano olue 651 B 4-c Violet g 12 pc
Turkey Blue 37A9
Moonlit Water.... 701 Bg 4-e Bradley's Violet XXIII 59'
Turkish Blue... 37A9 Campanula Blue.... XXIV Textile Color Card Association
Profound Blue. 659 B 5-c 55'b
Tyrian Blue. 37C8
Smoke Blue 700 Bg 4-d Deep Chicory Blue XXIV 57'b
Waterloo 47A12 Pansy 70059
Sublime 652 B 4-d Dull Blue-Violet (1) XXIV 55*
Windsor Blue 44B8 57'
Swiss Blue... 699 Bg 4-c Dull Bluish Violet (1) XXIV Other sources
Lavender-Violet XXV 61'b
Ridgway Plochere Light Bluish Violet X 57b Bluish Violet... A
Geneva Blue 641 B 3-a Light Soft Blue-Violet XXIII 55'b Victoria Violet. H 738
Deep Dull Bluish Violet(2). XXXV 51"i
Hussar.. 650 B 4-b Light Violet X 59b
Deep Dutch Blue XLIII 49"'
Mauve XXV 63'b
Dutch Blue XLIII 49"'b
Ridgway Pleroma Violet XXV 51' 209. VERY LIGHT VIOLET
Endive Blue XLIII 49"'d
Soft Blue-Violet XXIII 55'
Lavender Gray XLIII 49"'f Acetin Blue XXXV 49"k Plochere
Wistaria Blue XXIII 57'b
Light Tyrian Blue XXXIV 47" Dark Cadet Blue XXI 49'm
Wistaria Violet.. XXIII 59'b Ballerina 582 Bp 1-f
Light Violet-Plumbeous.... XLIX 53""d Dark Dull Violet-Blue XXIV 53*k
Pale Cadet Blue XXI 49'd Dark Madder Blue XLIII 53"'k
Other sources Ridgway
Pale Forget-me-not Blue.. XXII 51'f Dark Tyrian Blue XXXIV 47"k
Pale Mazarine Blue IX 49f Deep Dull Bluish Violet(2). XXXV 51"i Bluish Violet A Lavender.. XXXVI 59"f
Pale Violet-Plumbeous.... XLIX 53""f Deep Madder Blue XLIII 53"'i Deep Violet S Pale Verbena Violet XXXVI 55"f

. . . ..

Pale Wistafia Blue ... XXlll 57'f Prelate .. 44J11 Dusky Blue-Violet (2). . . . XXIV 55'm Lavendulus B
Pallid Bluish Violet . . X 57f Roman Purple 44K10 Plum Purple XXIV 57'm Mauvette H 537
Pallid Solt Blue-Violet .... XXlll 55't Veronica 43H9 Urania Blue. XXIV 53*m Subviolaceus B
Pallid Violet .. ... X 59f Violine . 42110 Violet S
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Other sources Plochere
Blue Plum g 12 pg
Bluisti Violet .. A Bellflower 585 Bp 2-a Dark Violet g 12 pg
Lavendulus. . . . .. B Bishop 586 Bp 2~b Violet g 12 pe
Lilac. . S Deep Violet 529 Pb 1-a
Maerz and Paul
Subviolaceus . B King Lear 594 Bp 3-b Textile Color Card Association
Imperial Purple 45G10
Purple 70060 Madder Blue.... 44C7
210. LIGHT VIOLET Ridgway Monkshood... 46110
Other sources Pimlico 45H10
Maerz and Pau Anthracene Violet XXV 6rk
Roma Blue 46G11
X 59m

Blackish Violet. .. Aconite Violet H 937

Daybreak 42E6 Bradley's Violet... XXlll 59' Atroviolaceus B Plochere
Hyacinth 42F7 Dark Bluish Violet X 57m Bluish Violet A
IVIinuet 41C8 Dark Dull Bluish Violet (1). XXIV 57k Reddish Navy A Scotch Blue 593 Bp 3 -a
Wistacia IBIuel 41E8 Dark Soft Blue-Violet XXlll 55'k Sorcerer 602 Bp 4-b

Wistaria |Violet| 41E8 Dark Soft Bluish Violet. . . XXlll 57'k

Dark Violet X 59k 213. VERY PALE VIOLET Ridgway
Dauphin's Violet XXlll 59'i
Plochere Blackish Violet X 59 m
Chalk Violet. . 596 Bp 3-d Deep Dull Bluish Violet(l). XXIV 57*i
Blanc's Violet XXIII 59'k
Good Omen. . 588 Bp 2-d Deep Dull Bluish Violet(3). XXXVI 57"i Languid Lavender 583 Bp l~g
Dark Bluish Violet X 57m
Mogul 580 Bp 1-d Deep Dull Violet-Blue XXXV 53"i Souvenir.. 590 Bp 2-f
Swank Dark Dull Bluish Violet(l). XXIV 57*k
Princess 581 Bp 1-e Deep Soft Blue-Violet XXlll 55'i 606 Bp 4-f
Dark Dull Bluish Violet (2). XXXV 51"k
Quality . . .. . 587 Bp2-c Dull Blue-Violet (2) XXXVI 55"i Sweet Lavender 598 Bp 3-f
589 Bp Dull Bluish Violet (2). XXXV 51" Dark Dull Violet-Blue XXIV 53*k
Sweet Lady . . . 2- e . .

Wisteria. . 595 Bp 3-c Dull Bluish Violet (3) XXXVI 57" Ridgway Dark Dull Violet-Blue... XXXV 53"k
Dull Violet-Blue XXXV 53" Dark Grayish Blue-Violet. . XXIV 55*k
Lavender XXXVI 59"f Deep Dull Bluish Violet(2). XXXV 5r'i
Ridgway Grayish Blue-Violet (1).... XXIV 55*i Lavender Gray XLIII 49'"f
Grayish Violet-Blue XXIV 53*i
Diamin-Azo Blue XXXV 51"m
Aniline Lilac. . _ XXXV 53' d Pale Bluish Lavender XXXVI 57"f Dusky Blue-Violet (1) XXlll 57'm
XXXVI 57"d Hyacinth Blue X 55k Pale King s Blue. XXII 47*f
Bluish Lavender Dusky Dull Violet-Blue XXXV 53"m
Roslyn Blue X 57k Pallid Violet X 59f
Bradley's Violet Dusky Violet-Blue (1) XXIII 55'm
XXIV 57'd Royal Purple X 59i
Chicory Blue .
Ramier Blue XLIII 57"'
XXXVI 59"d Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Deep Lavender Urania Blue XXIV 53*m
XXXV 51" Taylor. Knoche. Granville
Dull Bluish Violet (2) Light Periwinkle Bluem... 12' 2ca Yvette Violet XXXVI 55"k
Grayish Violet-Blue. XXIV 53*1 Bright Lavender g _ . 12 ic

Light Chicory Blue. XXIV 57*f Bright Violet gm 12 la

Other sources Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Light Dull Bluish Violet XXXVI 57"b Heliotrope gm ..... 12
XXXVI 59"b
Dull Bluish Violet .A Blue Plum m.. 12 pg
Light Hyssop Violet Light Cornflower Blue g 12' ..la
Light Lavender-Violet XXV 61'd
. .
Griseo-Lavendulus . . . B Dark Violet m 12 pg
Violet gm 12 pa Lavendulus B Dusk Blue g 12'^ le
Light Mauve XXV 63'd
Subviolaceus.. .. B Dusty Lavender g 12 ie
Light Wistaria Blue XXlll 57'd Other sources
Light Wistaria Violet XXlll 59'd
Violet m 12 pe

Ontario Violet XXXVI 55'b Atroviolaceus B 214. PALE VIOLET

Bluebird Blue H 042 Other sources
Pale Soft Blue-Violet XXlll 55'd
Pale Violet X 59d Bluish Violet A Maerz and Paul Atroviolaceus B
Pale Wistaria Blue XXlll 57'f Bright Violet S
Afterglow ... . 42B5
. . Dull Bluish Violet A
Pale Wistaria Violet XXlll 59't Dauphin's Violet H 039
Eventide.. . . . 42C6 Griseo-Lavendulus B
Pallid Bluish Violet X 57f Dull Lilac S
.. Madder Blue ... ..... 44C7 Griseo Violaceus B
Pallid Soft Blue-Violet XXlll 55'f Griseo-Violaceus B Purple
Persenche 43E7 . S
Pallid Violet X 59f Livido-Violaceus B
Verbena |Violet| 42B6
Vanderpoel's Violet. XXXVI 55" Purple S
Vervain . 42B6
Violaceus B 21li. VIVID PURPLE
Taylor. Knoche, Granville Violet S Plochere
Bright Violet m 12 la
Chalk Violet 596 Bp 3-d
Bright Lavender gm . 12 ic
212. DARK VIOLET Cold Morn . 613 Bp 5-e Amethyst Violet XI 61
Bright Periwinkle Blue gm - 12' 2ga Day Dream 605 Bp 4-e Violet-Purple XI 63
Heliotrope m . 12 la Maerz and Paul Lilac Lavender . . 597 Bp 3-e
Light Cornflower Blue g 12' -la Purple Ode Other sources
Bramble 46K12 . 604 Bp 4-d
Light Periwinkle Blue gm . .
12' sea Romance 603 Bp 4 -c
Cathedral . 47J12
Periwinkle Blue gm .. . 12' 2 gc Amethyst Violet H 35
Concord... 45K12
Twilight Blue gm. 12' > gc Ridgway Bishop's Violet H 34
Corsican Blue 45H12
Bright Red-Violet S
Other sources Damascen 45J11 Dark Grayish Lavender . . . XLIII 57"'b
Bright Violet A
Damson 45JI1 Dark Plumbago Blue. ... . XLIII 53"'b
Bright Violet S
Bluish Violet. . A Derby Blue 45J12 Deep Dull Bluish Violet (2) XXXV 51"i
Petunia Purple H 32
Griseo-Lineus B Elderberry 45J12 Deep Grayish Lavender XLIII 57"'d
Purple S
Lavendulus B Flag 46112 Lavender Gray XLIII 49"'f
Purpureas B
Lilac. . . .3 Grape 47J12 Madder Blue XLIII 53"'
Red-Violet S
Lilacinus B Grape Blue 46112 Pale Varley's Gray XLIX 57""d
Violaceus B
Livido-Violaceus B Huckleberry 47J11 Pale Wistaria Violet XXlll 59'f
Mauvette H 537 Independence 17H12 Pallid Violet. . X 59f
Subviolaceus. B Jean Bart _ 47H12 Plumbago Blue XLIII 53"'f 217. BRILLIANT PURPLE
Ultramarine . . S Nightshade 47H11 Ramier Blue XLIII 57"'
Violaceus.. B Plum (Purple).. 47J12 Verbena Violet XXXVI 55"d Ridgway
Violet... S Prunella 45K11
Amparo Purple XI 63b
Toga _ 45K1I Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Hortense Violet.. XI 61b
211. MODERATE VIOLET Urania Blue ... 47HI2 Dusk Blue m n>4 ie Light Amparo Purple XI 63d
Dusty Lavender m 12 ie Light Hortense Violet XI 61d
Maerz and Paul Plochere
Dusty Periwinkle Blue gm. 12'2 ec Rose-Purple XXVI 67'd
Bishop 44H10 Deep Violet ... 529 Pb 1-a Old Lavendei gm. 12 ge
Grape 553 Pb 4-a Twilight Blue gm U'A ge Other sources
Campanula. 42J10
Clochette . 43D9 Independence.. 545 Pb 3-a Lilacinus B
Royal Robe 537 Pb 2-a Other sources
Columbine |Blue| . 42G10 Malvaceus B
Damascen 45111 Dull Bluish Violet.. A Mauve H 633
Damson 45111 Gray Blue S Subviolaceus B
Foxglove... 42H9 Birtckish Violet X 59m Griseo-Lavendulus B Violet A
Parme 44G9 Dark Bluish Violet .. X 57m Griseo-Violaceus B Violet S

218. STRONG PURPLE 221. VERY LIGHT PURPLE French Lilac 44H7 Old Helio 45J9
Gigas.... 43J7 Petunia... 46K11
Maerz and Paul Plochere Hepatica 42K8 Plum (Purple) 47J9
551 Pb 3-g Hortense Violet 4118 Prune Purple.. 46L11
Burgundy Violet 42J8 Bouquet Orchid
550 Pb 3-f Hyacinth 42F7 Vatican . 45L12
Manganese Violet 42J8 Cosmos Pink
534 Pb 1-f Lilium 43K7 Victoria 46J9
Meadow Violet 51A9 Desire
535 Pb 1-g Litho Purple 4418 Windsor 47J10
Mineral Violet 42J8 Maid of Orleans
Orchid Lane 543 Pb 2-g Mignon 43G7
Monsignor 41 K8
Nuncio 41H7 Plochere
Nuremberg Violet 42J8
Ridgway Nymphea 43H6 Hortensia
Permanent Violet 42J8 497 P 3-a
Pleroma Violet 4318 Independence
Pale Hortense Violet XI 61f 545 Pb 3-a
Ridgway Purple Aster 43J7 Lilac Shadow 554 Pb 4-b
Purple Heather 4218
XI 63b Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Amparo Purple Thistle 42J7 Ridgway
Litho Purple XXV 63'i Light Lilac m 11 ea Viola. 42G7
Manganese Violet XXV 63' Dark Anthracene Violet,.. . XXVSl'm
Mathews' Purple... XXV 65' Other sources Dark Dull Bluish Violet (3). XXXVI 57"k
Pansy Violet XI 63i Dark Hyssop Violet XXXVI 59"k
Lilac S Belladonna 547 Pb 3-c
Saccardo's Violet XXXVII 61" Dark Madder Violef XXV 63'm
Subviolaceus B Light Violet 530 Pb 1-b Dark Nigrosin Violet XXV 65'm
Taylor, Knoche, GranTille
Violet A Mood Lilac 555 Pb 4-c Dusky Dull Violet (1) XXXVI 57"m
Petunia 546 Pb 3-b Fluorite Violet XI 61m
Heliotrope gm 11 la
Pomp and Power 538 Pb 2-b Madder Violef XXV 63'k
222. LIGHT PURPLE Purple Heather 531 Pb 1-c Mulberry Purple
Textile Color Card Association XI 61k
Royal Lilac 539 Pb 2-c Nigrosin Violet XXV
Mauve 70057 Maerz and Paul 65'k
Prune Purple XI63m
Daybreak 42E6 Ridgway Dusky Dull Violef (2)
Other sources XXXVI 59"m
Orchid 41F5 Aconite Violet XXXVll 63"
Bright Red-Violet S Rose-Purple.. 41G5 XXXVll 63"b Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Ageratum Violet
Bright Violet S Chinese Violet XXV 65'b
Plochere Dark Purple gm 11 ng
Cobalt Violet H 634 XI 63k
Deep S
Cotinga Purple Deep Purple gm U ne
Violet Amethyst Orchid 532 Pb 1-d Deep Hyssop Violet XXXVI 59"i Mulberry gm 11 ne
Imperial Purple H 33 Desen Glass 549 Pb 3-e Dusky Dull Violet (2) XXXVI 59"m Plum m 11 pg
Livido-Violaceus B Lilac... 548 Pb 3-d Haematoxylin Violet XXV 6ri
Purple m H pc
Magenta.. Misty Lilac 557 Pb 4-e Hyssop Violet XXXVI 59" Purple Wine g 11 ni
Malvaceus B Regal Orchid 533 Pb 1-e Litho Purple XXV 63'i
Mauve H 633 Sophisticated Lady 540 Pb 2-d Livid Violet XXXVll 61"i Textile Color Card Association
Mineral Violet H 635 Surrender 541 Pb 2-e Mathews' Purple XXV 65'
Purple S 542 Pb 2-f XXXVll 61" Plum 70135
Viola Saccardo's Violet
Purpureus B Whimsical 556 Pb 4-d Prune 70164
Red-Violet. S Taylor, Knoche. Granville
A Ridgway Other sources
Amethyst gm 11 Ic
Violet.. S Atrolividus B
Dark Lavender. XLIV 61"'b Bright Lavender g 12 ic
Hay's Lilac XXXVII 63"d Atropurpureus . B
Bright Violet gm 12 ia
XXXVII 61"d Atroviolaceus ,.. B
219. DEEP PURPLE Light Lobelia Violet Heliotrope gm 11 ia
Dark Violet S
Lilac XXV 65'd Lavender g 12 gc
XXXVII 61"b Very Dusky Purple RC
Maerz and Panl Lobelia Violet Light Amethyst gm 11 ic
Pale Amparo Purple XI 63f Lilac gm 11 ia
Violet.. A
Cotinga Purple... 45L10
Pale Hortense Violet XI 61f Purple m II pa
Fireweed 44L10
Pale Lavender-Violet XXV 61'f
Gloxinia 43L10
Pale Rose-Purple XXVI 67'f Textile Color Card Association
Grapejuice 44L10
Phlox Pink XI 65f
Hyacinth Violet. 43K9 Amethyst 70134 Maerz and Paul
Imperial. 45L10 Lilac 70056
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Fluorite Violet... 46L12
Monsignor .- 41 K8
Other sources Hortensia 47L12
Patriarch 43L9 Bright Lavender gm 12 ga
Vatican 45L12
Petunia [Violetl 43K8 Lavender gm 12 gc Atrolividus B
Pontiff |Purple| 41K10 Light Lavender gm 12 ea Atropurpureus B Plochere
Wild Aster. 44L9 Light Lilac gm. 11 ea
Bright Violet S
Wood Violet 42K10 Light Violet gm... 12 ga Cathedral 569 Pb 6-a
Deep Violet S
Lilac gm 11 ga Lilacinus B
Ridgway Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Livido-Purpureus B
Textile Color Card Association
Cotinga Purple XI 63k Livido-Violaceus B Dark Purple g 11 pg
Hyacinth Violet XI 61i Orchid 70133 Purple (BuOrd) F 2715 Deep Purple g. 11 pe
Littio Purple XXV 63'i Purple (USA) F 3730 Deep Purple Wine g 11 pi
Mulberry Purple XI 61k Other sources Purple S Plum g 11 pg
Petunia Violet.... XXV 65'i Bright Violet... S Purpureus B Prune g 11 pi

Griseo-Lavendulus B Red Violet S

Taylor, Knocbe, Granville Violaceus B Textile Color Card Association
Lilacinus B
Malvaceus B Violet A Prune 70164
Purple g 11 pa
Red Violet... S Violet. S
Violet g 12 na
Rose Purple H 533 Other sources
Textile Color Card Association Subviolaceus.. B
Violet.. A 224. DARK PURPLE Plum Purple H 934
Dahlia Purple 70173
Violet.. S Violet.. A
Imperial Purple 70174 Maerz and Paul
Other sources Adamia 45L11
223. MODERATE PURPLE Amethyst (Violetl 45J8
Atropurpureus B Belladonna 44J7
Atroviolaceus B Maerz and Paul Plochere
CamSrier 45K10
Purpureus. - B Cotinga Purple... 45L10 Bouquet Orchid 551 Pb 3-g
Aconite Violet 4417
Red Violet S Eminence 45L11 568 Pb 5-h
Amethyst [Violet] 45J8 Caprice
Royal Purple H 834 English Violet 44K9
Amparo Purple 4117 Cloud Gray 614 Bp 5-f
Violaceus B Pb
Antique Fuchsia 43K7 Eveque... 45J9 Cosmos Pink 550 3-f
Violet A Dawn Glow 544 Pb 2-h
Bougainville.. 4416 Fluorite Violet 46L12
Cattleya 42H6 Hortensia 47L12 Delight 560 Pb 4-h
220. VERY DEEP PURPLE Chinese Violet... 4217 Imperial 45L10 Illusive 567 Pb 5-g
Cobalt Violet 42J7 Litho Purple 4418 Languid Lavender 583 Bp 1-g
Other Bonrces 46L11 Lilac Hint 559 Pb 4-g
Dahlia. 4316 Loganberry
Spctnim Violet H 735 Datura 4417 Madder Violet.... 45J9 Maid of Orleans 535 Pb 1-g
VioM A Fleur-de-Lys 42H7 Mulberry Purple 45K10 Midseason 536 Pb 1-h


Myth __. 592 Bp 2-h Textile Color Card Association Slate-Violet (2) XLIV 61'" UdlK mdUQUl VIOIcl..-.., aav oj m
Old Lavender 591 Bp 2-g
Varley's Gray XLIX 57"" Ddfk N3phth3l6n6 Viol6t . aaav Di m 1 1
Orchid Leaf 558 Pb 4-f Vinaceous-Gray L 69""d UdiK Ivcllc VIOicl .
aaavi i;i;"m
dd m
Radiant Orchid 552 Pb 3-h Other sources Vinaceous-Slate L 69""i D66p SIdty Brown
Sea Fog 622 Bp 6-f YY YU
aaav Rl "m
01 m
Swank 606 Bp 4-f Dark Violet Taylor, Knoche, Granville null
uuu HiicLir
S uusKy Diirr\ta
rurpie aavi 0/ m
Temptation 599 Bp 3-g Dull Bluish Violet A Dusty Lavender g 12 Ie UUU VlUlfcfi DidLR . . L DI m
Winsome 607 Bp 4-g Dull Lilac S Dusty Lilac gm. 11 ie UUSKy Diue- ViOlcl _ AAiv D3 m
Dull Reddish Violet A Dusky Brown _ . Yl
ALVU i "ffLK 1
Dusty Mauve g 8 ge
Ridgway A HitcLu Dull V/inlot Dliio YYY\/ t:Q//~
Dull Violet
Dusty Orchid g 10 ge _ AAAV 30 m
Pale Bluish Lavender XXXVI 57"f Griseo-Lavendulus B Fog Blue gm 12> 2 ig Dusky Purplish Gr3y._ _ _ LI 0/
1 1 m
Lilac S UUSKy oiaic- vioiei Villi
ALl (;7'"m
113/ m
Pale Lobelia Violet XXXVII 61"f Heather m 10 ie - _ . _

Lilacinus B Dusky Viol6t VVIII

AA (^Q'm
Pale Mauve XXV 63'f Mauve Gray gm 8 ig 11 1 Dy
Pale Purple Rt- Old Lavender g Indisn Purple Y
Y VV/I 110/ m 1 1
12 ge
Taylor, Knoche. Granville Pale Red Purple RC Orchid Gray gm 9 ig
Mars Violet- XXXVIII 71"m
Rose S Orchid Taupe m Raisin Black XLIV 65"'m
Orchid Mist m 10 cb 9 li

Subvinoso-Griseus B Rose Mauve m Slate-Violet (1) XLIII 57'"i

Orchid Tint m 10 ba
Violet S
8 Ig
Rose Taupe m 7 Ig Taupe Brown XLIV 69"'m
Pale Lavender gm 12 ca
Urania Blue XXIV 53*m
Pale Lilac m 11 ca
Other sources
Pale Periwinkle Blue gm .. 12'^ ca 228. GRAYISH PURPLE Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Atrolividus B
Other sources Maerz and Paul Atroviolaceus B Black Plum m 10 po

Dull Bluish Violet A Ageratum Violet 43F6 Brown Purple S Blackberry Wine m 9 pi

Dull Violet A Amethyst [Violet] 45J8 Claret Brown S Blue Plum m 12 pi

Dark Violet S Charcoal g 10 ml
Gray Lilac S Ardoise 46C7
Lavendulus Dull Bluish Violet A Dark Orchid Taupe g 9 nl
B Aster 44F7
Dull Bordeaux A Dark Prune m 11 pn
Lilac S Catalpa 44D3
Lilacinus B Crushed Violets 45G5 Dull Reddish Violet A Dark Purple Wine m 1 1 pn
Dull Violet A Dppd f oon\Ani m 9 pi
Pastel Lavender H 440 Del Monte 46E7
Pastel Lilac. H 437 Digitalis 45G8 Dull Violet S Deep Plum m 10 pi

Violet S Eugenie 44F5 Grayish Purple RC pggp Purple Wine m 11 pi

French Lilac 44H7 Grayish Red Purple RC Eggplant m 9 ni

Heliotrope Grey 44C3 Griseo-Lavendulus B Grape Wine m 10 pi

227. PALE PURPLE Hyssop Violet 44G7 Lilac S Mauve Taupe g 8 li

Judee 44E6 Livido-Violaceus B Mauve Wine gm 8 ni

Maerz and Paul Purple Brown Navy m
La Valliere 54A6 S 12'A pi

Ageratum Blue 43C3 Litho Purple- Purpureo-Ardesiacus B Orchid Taupe g 9 li

Diadem 43E5 Lobelia Violet 43E6 Purpureo-Griseus B Plum m 10 pi

Endive Blue 43B5 Old Lilac 45H6 Subvinoso-Griseus B Prune m 11 pi

Floss Flower Blue 43C3 Palestine.. Vinoso-Griseus B Purple Wine m 11 ni

Heliotrope Grey 44C3 Ramier Blue Violaceo-Ardesiacus B Red Plum m, 9 pi
Iris 43B5 Scabiosa Violaceo-Griseus B Rose Mauve g . 7V2 Ig
Lavender 43C5 Shark 4703 Violet S Storm Blue g W/2 li

Lilac 41C4 Telegraph Blue 45B7 Violet Brown S

Mauvette 41C4 Vanda
Other sources
Orchid 41F5 Varley's Grey 45D6 Atrohvidus. B
Phlox Pink 41E4 Vestal 44F4
229. DARK GRAYISH PURPLE Atropurpureus B
Plumbago Blue 43B4 Yvette Violet 4618 Atrovinosus B
Plumbago Grey. 44B4
Maerz and Paul
Atroviolaceus.- ..- ..- B
Rose Quartz 53B3 Plochere Burgundy 56E8 Black Violet S
Verbena [Violet) 42B6 Continental Blue. 48C11 Brunneo-Vinosus B
Del Monte 523 P 6-c
Vervain 4286 Dante 47L10 Dark Violet Brown S
Lilac Gray 572 Pb 6-d
English Inde 47E10 Dull Bluish Violet A
Plochere Lilac Shadow 554 Pb 4-b
Goura 47E9 Dull Bordeaux. _ A
Mood Violet 570 Pb 6-b
Atonement 566 Pb 5-f Graphite 48C7 Dull Reddish Violet A
Mulberry 506 P 4-b
Cold Morn 613 Bp 5-e Inde Blue 47E10 Dull Violet A
Romance. 603 Bp 4-c
Daybreak 525 P 6-e Indebaudias 47E10 Fusco-Niger B
Secret 571 Pb 6-c
Fhrtation 574 Pb 6-f Indian Blue 47E10 Fuscus B
Shadow Lilac 564 Pb 5-d
Heliotrope Gray 477 Pr 6-e Indico 47E10 Niger B
Shadow Mauve. 524 P 6-d
Mellow Mood 565 Pb 5-e Indigo 47E10 Purpureo-Ardesiacus... _ B
Slate Orchid 475 Pr 6-c
Misty Lilac 557 Pb 4-e Hortensia 47L12 Very Dusky Purple RC
Slate Violet 563 Pb 5-c
Night Magic 573 Pb 6-e Kurdistan. 48A10 Very Dusky Red Purple.-- RC
Sorcerer 602 Bp 4-b
Silver Night 612 Bp 5-d Midnight 40A8 Violaceo-Ardesiacus B
Wineberry... 418 Rp 5-b
Nightshade 47H11 Violaceo-Niger B
Wisteria Gray 611 Bp 5-c
Ridgway Old Mauve 4615 Violet S
Wisteria Mist 476 Pr 6-d
Sinbad 48A12
Dark Plumbago Blue XLIII 53"'b
Slate-Purple 4615
Deep Dull Lavender XLIV 61"'d Ridgway
Deep Grayish Lavender XLIII 57"'d
Blanc's Violet XXIII 59'k Plochere
Deep Plumbago Blue XLIII 53"'d Maerz and Paul
Dark Heliotrope Gray L 65""
Grayish Lavender XLIII 57'"f Admiral 521 P 6-a
Dark Hyssop Violet . XXXVI 59"k Admiral 48E12
Heliotrope Gray L 65""d Deep Purple 513 P 5-a
Dark Plumbago Gray L 61""
Light Heliotrope Gray L 65""f Egg Plant 505 P 4-a Aubergine 48H12
Dark Purple-Drab XLV l""i Burgundy 56E8
Light Varley's Gray XLIX 57""b Grape 553 Pb 4-a
Dark Slate-Violet (2) XLIV 6r"k Eggplant 48H12
Light Vinaceous-Gray L 69""f Huckleberry 562 Pb 5-b
Dark Vinaceous-Gray L 69""
Lilac XXV65'd Independence 545 Pb 3-a Hortensia 47L12
Deep Heliotrope Gray L 65""b
Pale Lavender-Violet XXV 6rf

Nightshade 522 P 6-b Logwood 48E12

Deep Slate-Violet XLIV 6r"i Navy 2 40A12
Pale Lobelia Violet XXXVII 61"f Roman Purple 473 Pr 6-a
Deep Varley's Gray XLIX 57""i Oxford Blue 40A12
Pale Varley's Gray XLIX 57""d Tempest 514 P 5-b
Deep Vinaceous-Gray . - . L 69""b Sailor 48C9
Plumbago Blue XLIII 53"'f Violet Pansy 465 Pr 5-a
Dusky Dull Violet (2) XXXVI 59"m
Rood's Lavender XLIX 57""f Wineberry 418 Rp 5-b
Heliotrope-Gray . L 65'"'d Plochere
Vinaceous-Gray L 69""d
Heliotrope-Slate . L 65""i
Ridgway \ Cathedral 569 Pb 6-a
Light Purple-Drab XLV \""b
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Deep Purple. 513 P 5-a
Livid Violet XXXVII 61"i Aniline Black L 69""m
Egg Plant.. 505 P 4-a
Dusty Mauve m 8 ge Madder Blue XLIII 53'" Anthracene Purple XLIV69"'k
Dusty Orchid m 10 ge Purple-Drab XLV I"" Blanc's Violet XXIII 59'k
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Lavender Mist gm 12 ec Purplish Gray Llli 67""' Dark Anilihe Blue . X 55m
Orchid Haze m 10 dc Ramier Blue XLIII 57'" Dark Anthracene Violet. XXV 61'm Dark Blue g. 12^2 pn
Orchid Mist m 10 ec Slate Purple XLIV 65'"i Dark Heliotrope-Slate L 65""k Dark Eggplant g 9 pn
Wistaria gm 11 ec Dark Livid Purple XXXVII 63"m Dark Navy g 12J4 pn


Dark Plum g. 10 pn Dove Grey 45B1 Dark Heliotrope-Slate L 65'"'k Other sources
Dark Prune g , 11 pn Granite 46B1 Dark Plumbago Gray L6r"' Bright Red-Violet S
Dark Purple Wine g 11 pn Grey Davn 45B2 Dark Plumbago-Slate L 6r"'k Bright Reddish Violet A
Midnight Blue g U'A pn Gull Grey 36A3 Dark Purplish Gray Llll 67""'k Cyclamen Purple H 30
Heliotrope Grey 44C3 Dark Quaker Drab LI V""V. Mallow Purple H 630
Textile Color Card Association Irisglov^ 44B3 Dark Slate-Violet (1). XLlll 57'"k
Orchid Purple H 31
Metallic Grey 46B1 Dark Varley's Gray XLIX 57""k Persian Rose. H 628
Eggplanf___ 70165
Plumbago Blue 43B4 Dark Violet-Gray Lll 59""'k
Petunia Purple H 32
Other sources Plumbago Grey 44B4 Deep Purplish Gray Llll 67""'i
Phlox Purple H 632
Prince Grey 54A2 Deep Quaker Drab LI l""'i
Plum S
Black Violet S 45B3 XLIX 57""i
Quaker Deep Varley's Gray Purpureus. 8
Dark Violet Brown S
Sea Mist 4583 Deep Violet-Gray Lll 59""'l Roseine Purple. H 629
Dull Bluish Violet A Silver Wing 53A2 Dull Purplish Black L 65""m
Dull Bordeaux A Tapestry 4584 Dull Violet-Black (1) XLIV 61"'m
Dull Reddish Violet A Wild Iris 44B5 Dull Violet-Black (3) L 61""m 237. STRONG REDDISH
Dull Violet.. A Zinc 45B2 Dusky Brown XLV l""k PURPLE
Very Dusky Purple RC Dusky Purplish Gray Llll 67""'m
Very Dusky Red Purple.... RC Plochere Dusky Slate-Violet XLlll 57"'m Maerz and Paul
Plumbago-Slate L 61""i Ecclesiastic 52A12
Gull Gray 428 Rp 6-d
Purplish Gray Llll 67""'
231. PUKPUSH WHITE London Fog 620 Bp 6-d
Slate-Violet (1) XLlll 57'"i
Liseran Purple 5089
Quaker 619 Bp 6-c Meadow Violet. 51A9
Plochere Silver Wing 429 Rp 6-e Patricia 42K7
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
600 Bp 3-h
Phlox Purple 51A11
Caprice Lavender
Dream Fluff 432 Rp 6-h RIdgway Black Plum m 10 po Thistle Bloom 51D10
Fable 584 Bp 1-h 61"" Charcoal m 10 ml
Dark Plumbago Gray L Plochere
.- 624 Bp 6-h
Dark Blue m 124 pn
Nlagical Deep Plumbago Gray L 6r"'b
Placid 608 Bp 4-h Dark Eggplant m 9 pn Dark Fuchsia 482 P 1-b
Deep Violet-Gray Lll 59'""i
Silver Sky 615 Bp 5-g Dark Mauve Taupe m 8 nl Monsignor.. 483 P 1-c
Light Plumbago Gray L 61""f
Virginia Lavender 616 Bp 5-h Dark Navy m 12' 2 pn Pink Rapture 444 Pr 2-d
Light Purplish Gray Llll 67""'b
Wafted Feather.... 623 Bp 6-g Dark Orchid Taupe m 9 nl
Light Quaker Drab LI l""'b
Dark Plum m 10 pn Ridgway
Wan Blue 720 Bg 6-h Light Vinaceous-Gray L 69'"'f
Dark Prune m _ 11 pn
Light Violet-Gray Lll 59""'b Dull Dark Purple XXVI 67'k
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Dark Purple Wine m 11 pn
Pale Purplish Gray Llll 67"'"d Dull Magenta Purple XXVI 67'i
Eggplant m 10 nl
Orchid Tint g 10 ba Pale Quaker Drab LI l""'d Liseran Purple XXVI 67'b
l/auve Taupe gm. 8 li

Pale Violet Gray Lll 59""'d Magenta XXVI 67'

Midnight Blue m 124 P"
Other sources Plumbago Gray L 61""d Phlox Purple XI 65b
1""' Slate m 10 ih
Quaker Drab LI Tourmaline Pink XXXVIII 67"
Lilac S Taupe Gray gm 7 ih
Violet-Gray Lll 59""' Tynan Pink Xll 69b
Reddish White A
Other sources
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Taylor, Knoche, Granville
UGHT PURPLISH GRAY Atroardesiacus 8
232. Dusk gm 10 fe Bright Fuchsia Purple m... 10 na
Fusco-Niger __ 8
Slate m 10 ih Fuchsia Purple m 10 pa
Maerz and Paul Fuscus 8
Taupe Gray m 7 ih Light Fuchsia Purple gm . . 10 la
Niger 8
French White 42B2 Orchid g 10 ia
Purpureo-Griseus 8
Textile Color Card Association
Reddish Gray.. A Textile Color Card Association
Steel 70153 Violaceo-Ardesiacus 8
Dove Gray 430 Rp 6-f Violaceo-Griseus... 8 Purple Orchid 70172
Moonbeam 431 Rp 6-g Other sources Violaceo-Niger B
Nocturne 621 Bp 6-e Other sources
Dark Violet S Violet Black S
Sea Fog 622 Bp 6-f Atropurpureus 8
Gray Violet S
Silver Sky 615 Bp 5-g
Griseo Lavendulus B 235. PURPLISH BLACK Bright Red-Violet S
Silver Wing 429 6-e Lilac Rose. S
Lavendulo-Griseus B
Wafted Feather 623 Bp 6-g Maerz and Paul Lilacinus B
Lilac S
Purpureo-Griseus B Magenta S
Ridgway Admiral 48E12
Reddish Gray A Malvaceus.. 8
Aubergine 48H12
Light Vinaceous-Gray L 69""f Subpurpureo-Griseus B Purpureus. B
Continental Blue 48C11
Lilac Gray Lll 59 Subvinoso-Griseus B Red Violet... S
Eggplant 48H12
Pale Quaker Drab LI l""'d Violaceo-Griseus... B Reddish Violet A
Kurdistan 48A10
Pallid Purple-Drab XLV l""f Rose Lilac S
Logwood 48E12
Pallid Purplish Gray. Llll67""'f Roseus 8
Morello 48E9
Pallid Quaker Drab LI l""'f 234. DARK PURPLISH GRAY Mulberry 48E9
Pallid Vinaceous-Drab XLV 5""f
Maerz and Paul Murrey 48E9 238. DEEP REDDISH PURPLE
Old Lavender 56A7
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Dusk 47C6 Raisin Black 56A9 Maerz and Paul
Grebe 55A2 Sailor 4809
Orchid Haze g 10 dc
Lead 55A2 Amaranth 44L8
Orchid Mist g 10 cb Sinbad 48A12
Leadville 47C5 Amaranthine... 44L8
Other sources Livid... 55A2 Plochere Auricula Purple 54F12
Pigeon 55A3 Botticelli.... 44L7
Gray S Plumbaceous 55A2 Deep Purple... 513 P 5-a Byzantium 44K7
Gray Blue S Plumbago Slate 46D6 Cotinga Purple 45L10
Gray Lilac S
Shark 47C3 Imperial.. 45L10
Lavendulo-Griseus B Slate IColor] 47C6 Black Plum g 10 po Oriental Fuchsia 53E12
Lilac S Squirrel 55A2 Phlox 54H12
Lilac Gray S Other sources Raisin Purple 54812
Purplish Blue S Plochere Reddish Black A Thistletuft 54A12
Reddish Gray A Wild Aster 44L9
Continental Blue 561 Pb 5-a
Subpurpureo-Griseus B
Subvinoso-Griseus B Deep Reverie 474 Pr 6-b 236. VIVID REDDISH PURPLE Plochere
Gray Mood 427 Rp 6-c
Night Fighter 617 Bp 6-a Maerz and Paul Heliotrope 490 P 2-b
233. PURPUSH GRAY Nightshade 522 P 6-b Caprice 51G11 Ridgway
Roman Purple 473 Pr 6-a Cellini.... 51111
Maerz and Paul Slate 618 Bp 6-b Ecclesiastic 52A12 Dull Dark Purple XXVI 67'k
Fuchsia 50112 Rood's Violet XI 65i
Art Grey 45B3
Cinder IGrey].. 53A2 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
69""m Ridgway
Cloud Grey 4582 Aniline Black L
Crane 54A2 Blackish Violet-Gray Lll59""'m Mallow Purple Xll 67b Bright Fuchsia Purple g... 10 na
Crystal Grey 53A2 Blue-Violet Black XLIX 57""m Purple (True) XI 65 Fuchsia Purple gm 10 pc

Other sources Taylor, Knoche, Granville 244. PALE REDDISH PURPLE Pink s
Roseus B
Atropurpureus B Fuchsia Purple m 10 no Maerz and Paul
Deep Violet S Orchid gm 10 ic

H 732
Doge Purple
S Textile Color Card Association Argyle Purple 43G4
Purpureus B
Crocus 43F4 Maerz and Paul
Heliotrope 70163
Morning Glory 42F4
Red Purple S Arbutus 1B4
Red Violet S Other sources Plochere
Reddish Violet A Plochere
Atropurpureus B
Rose Violet S Charm School 468 Pr 5-d
Lilac S Aurora Pink 398 Rp 2-f
Violet S Diadem 509 P 4-e
Lilacinus B Charm Pink 438 Pr 1-f
Violet Purple H 733 Heliotrope Gray 477 Pr 6-e
Livido-Purpureus- B Fuchsia Pink... 339 RP 1-e
Vanda... 517 P 5-e
Mauve S Iris Orchid.. ._ 485 P 1-e
239. VERY DEEP REDDISH Pansy Violet H 033 Ridgway Quality Pink 454 Pr 3-f
PURPLE Purple S Ruffled Petunia.... 446 Pr 2-f
Red Violet S Deep Vinaceous-Lavender. XLIV 65"'d Sussanqua Pink 390 Rp 1-f
Other sources Reddish Violet A Light Vinaceous-Lllac XLIV 69"'d
Rose Violet S Ridgway
Reddish Violet A Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Deep Rose Pink XI 1 71d
Dusty Orchid m 9 ge
Pale Amaranth Pink Xll 69f
Other sources
Maerz and Paul Maerz and Paul Thulite Pink XXVI 71'd
Dull Reddish Violet A
Opera Mauve 42H5 Byzantium 44K7 Other sources
Griseo-Lilacinus B
Orchadee 42H4 Coronation 46L8
Lilac S Amaranth Rose H 530
Rose-Purple 4165 Cotinga Purple 45L10
Lilacinus B Bluish Pink A
Dante 47L10
Plochere Violet S Pink S
Heliotrope 54C10
Rhodamine Pink ___ H 527
Cuban Orchid 501 P 3-e Imperial 45L10
Rose ___ S
First Lady 453 Pr 3-e Pansy Violet 44K8 245. GRAYISH REDDISH
Roseus B
Opera Mauve 493 P 2-e Prune 47J8 PURPLE
Wild Orchid - 500 P 3-d Roman Violet 44K8
Romanesque 46L10 Maerz and Paul 248. DEEP PURPLISH PINK
Ridgway Slate-Purple 4616 Argyle Purple 43G4
Titania 54F11 Campanula Purple 44G5 Maerz and Paul
Eupatorium Purple XXXVIII 67"
Violet Carmine 46L9 Campanula Violet 44G5
Laella Pink XXXVIII 67"d Amaranth Pink 49D8
Light VInaceous-Lllac XLIV 69"'d Crocus 43F4 Arbutus... 1B4
XXVI 67'b Livid Purple 4516 Rosebud
LIseran Purple 41H1
Purplish Lilac XXXVII 65"d Heliotrope 490 P 2-b Old Lilac 45H6 Sweet Briar 1C4
Hortensia.... 497 P 3-a Ophelia 52F8 Thulite Pink 5011
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Pansy Purple... 498 P 3-b Ophelia... 53A7 Valencia 49H5
Rosemary 44H4
Orchid gm 10 gc Ridgway Vanda 43E4 Plochere
Textile Color Card Association Blackish Purple XI 65m Vestal 44F4
Wild Orchid 52A7
China Pink 388 RP 1-d
70202 Burnt Lake... XII 71m
Crocus - First Lady 453 Pr .3-e
Dark Maroon Purple XXVI 71'm
Plochere Fuchsia Pink 389 Rp 1-e
Other sources Dark Naphthalene Violet... XXXVll 61"m
Iris Orchid 485 P 1-e
Dark Slate-Purple XLIV 65"'k Amethyst 507 P 4-c
Lilacinus B Mayflower 396 Rp 2-d
DullDusky Purple XXVI 67'm 18th Century Violet 516 P 5-d
Livldo-Purpureus B Morning Glory 484 P 1-d
Dusky Auricula Purple XXVI 69'm French Lilac 508 P 4-d
Red Violet.. S Phlox Pink 445 Pr 2-e
Naphthalene Violet XXXVll 61"k Tropic Night 515 P 5-c
Reddish Violet A Rose Garden 437 Pr 1-e
Raisin Purple XI 65k
Rose Lilac... S Ridgway Rose Marie 397 Rp 2-e
Violet S Taylor, Knoche, Granville Light Perilla Purple XXXVll 65"! Ridgway
Eggplant g 10 nl
Light Vinaceous-Purple.... XLIV 65"'b
241. MODERATE REDDISH Fuchsia Purple m 10 pc
Slate-Purple XLIV 65"'i Amaranth Pink Xll 69d
PURPLE Grape Wine m 10 pg
Vinaceous-Purple (2) XLIV 65'" Daphne Pink XXXVlll 69"l>
Laella Pink XXXVlll 67"d
Plum Wine m 10 pe
Maerz and Paul Taylor, Knoche, Granville Light 'lallow Purple Xll 67d
Royal Purple m 10 pg
43K7 Light hlox Purple XI 65d
Antique Fuchsia Dusty Orchid g 9 ge
Bishop's Purple 44J6 Other sources Heather gm 10 ie
Light Rosolane Purple XXVI 69'b
Bishop's Violet... 44J6 Rose Plum m 9 ie
Liseran Purple XXVI 67'b
Atrolividus B Mallow Purple Xll 67b
Bougainville 4416
Atropurpureus B Other sources Pale Rosolane Purple XXVI 69'd
Claver 5107
Magenta S Rocellin Purple XXXVlll 71"b
Clover 51C7 Dull Reddish Violet A
Purple S Rose Color.... Xll 71b
Dahlia Mauve _. 53D9 Dull Violet S
Purpureo-Ardesiacus B Tourmaline Pink XXXVlll 67"t>
Eupatorium Purple 43J4 Livldo-Purpureus B
Reddish Violet A
Geisha 4313 Purple S
Sanguineus B Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Lilium 43K7 Purpureo-Ardesiacus B
Melilot 51C7 Vinoso-Purpureus B Fuchsia Pink g 9 ga
Ophelia 52F8 243. VERY DARK REDDISH Violet S Light Orchid Rose g 9 ga
Verbena 52A8 PURPLE Orchid m 10 la

Orchid Rose m 9 ia
Plochere Maerz and Paul 246. BRILLIANT PURPLISH
Antique Fuchsia 491 P 2-c
PINK Other sources
Caprice Pink 452 Pr 3-d Bluish Pink.. A
Mystic Purple 492 P 2-d Ridgway Bright Rose S
Pansy Purple 498 P 3-b Beauty Pink 439 Pr 1-g Bright Rose Violet S
Purple Aster 499 P 3-c Blackish Purple XI 65m Pink Carnation. __ 391 Rp 1-g Carmine Rose S
Verbena Lavender 460 Pr 4-d Pink Povder 447 Pr 2-g Fuchsine Pink H 627
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Sussanqua Pink 390 Rp 1-f Griseo-Roseus B
Ridgway Deep Eggplant g 10 pi Tourmaline Pink 486 P 1-f Lilac Rose S
Argyle Purple XXXVll 65"b Deep Plum g 10 pi Lilacinus B
XXXVll 65" Grape Wine g 10 pi
Bishop's Purple Malvaceus. B
DullDark Purple XXVI 67'k Plum g 10 pi Cameo Pink XXVI 71'f Neyron Rose H 623
Eupatorium Purple XXXVlll 67" Rosolane Pink XXVI 69'f Phlox Pink H 625
Light Perilla Purple XXXVll 65"i Other sources
Pink S
Liseran Purple XXVI 67'b Atropurpureus B
O ther sources Rose.. S
Livid Purple. XXXVll 63"i Reddish Violet A Bluish Pink A Roseus B

249. UGHT PURPLISH PINK Other sources Other sources Fuchsia Purple... H 28
Magenta H 27
Plochere Bluish Pink A Bluish Pink A
Peony Purple H 729
Dull Rose S Lilac S
Angel Wing 392 Rp 1-h Persian Rose H 628
Griseo-Roseus B Lilacinus. B
Bridesmaid Pink 400 Rp 2-h Rhodamine Purple H 29
Lilacinus B Pale Lilac S
Cameo Pink 407 RP 3-g Rose S
Red Violet. S Pale Pink RC
Charm 408 Rp 3-h Rose Bengal H 25
Rose Lilac S Pastel Mauve H 433
Clementine 487 P 1-g Rose Carmine S
Violet S Subvinoso-Griseus B
Crocus Rose 503 P 3-g Rose Madder H 23
Violet S
Dawn Pink_ 440 Pr 1-h Rose Pink S
Dignity 423 Rp 5-g Roseus B
Dream Stuff 495 P 2-g 251. DARK PURPLISH PINK 253. GRAYISH PURPLISH PINK Ruber B
Lover's Knot 448 Pr 2-h Solferino Purple H 26
Maerz and Paul Maerz and Paul Spiraea Red H 025
Pink Icing... 456 Pr 3-h
Pouf du Vent 464 Pr 4-h Cosmos 50D6 Tyrian Purple H 727
Cameo Pink 50C2
Prism Pink 463 Pr 4-g Laelia Pink 43G2 Tyrian Rose H 24
Rosea 455 Pr 3-g Persian Lilac 51H1 Plochere
Stellar 504 P 3-h Rhodonite Pink 43G1
Ageratum 518 P 5-f
Teen Age Pink. 399 Rp 2-g Rosebud.... 41H1
Dove Gray 430 Rp 6-f Maerz and Paul
Tourmaline Pink 486 P 1-t Starflower 43G3
Eventide... 526 P 6-f
Vamp 496 P 2-h Casino Pink 114
Heliotrope Gray 477 Pr 6-e
Plochere Cobalt Red 42K2
Kidgway Mauve Mist 470 Pr 5-f
Madder Lake 1J4
Ashes of Roses 413 Rp 4-e Orchid 510 P 4-f
Madder Pink 114
Cameo Pink XXVI 71'f Clover.... ___ 461 Pr 4-e Orchid Smoke 478 Pr 6-f
Light Pinkish Lilac _ XXXVII 65"f Daphne Pink.... 404 Rp 3-d
Malmaison Rose 2H6

XXV Ridgway Pomegranate 1E6

Mauvette..-- 65'f Mayflower 396 Rp 2-d
Rose de Provence 53J9
Pale Laelia Pink XXXVIII 67"f Orchid Mauve 412 Rp 4-d
Deep Vinaceous-Lavender. XLIV 65"'d Rose Madder 114
Pale Rhodonite Pink XXXVIII 71"f Vivid 405 Rp 3-e
Dull Lavender XLIV 6r"f Rose Neyron 1J4
Pale Vinaceous-Lilac XLIV 69"'f Light Vinaceous-Gray L 69""f
Rose Pink XII 71f Ridgway Spinel Red 3H5
Light Vinaceous-Lilac XLIV 69"'d Spring Beauty 50J5
Rosolane Pink.. XXVI 69'f
Pale Purple-Drab XLV l""d
Daphne Pink XXXVIII 69"b
Persian Lilac XXXVIII 69"d Pallid Purple-Drab XLV l""f Plochere
Taylor, Knoche. Granville
Rhodonite Pink XXXVIII 71"d
Taylor, Knoche, Granville Cerise Pink 387 Rp 1-c
Geranium Pink m 714 ea RocellinPurple XXXVIII 71"b
China Pink 388 Rp 1-d
Light Orchid m 10 ea Vinaceous-Lilac XLIV 69"'b Dawn Pink gm 7 dc Fuchsia..-. 386 Rp 1-b
Orchid Pink m 9 ea Orchid Mist gm 9 ec Fuchsia Rose 434 Pr 1-b
Pink m. 7V2 ea Taylor, Knoche, Granville Rose Mist gm 8 ec Irresistible 443 Pr 2-c
Rose Pink m 8 ea
Clover Pink gm .. 9 gc Persian Rose 435 Pr 1-c
Other sources
Dusty Rose gm 8 gc Pink Shock 436 Pr 1-d
Other sources
Rose m 8 ic Bluish Pink A
Bluish Pink A Griseo-Lavendulus B
Gray Lilac S
Other sources Griseo-Lilacinus _. B Rosolane Purple XXVI 69'
Lilac _ S Spinel Pink XXVI 71'b
Griseo-Roseus B Bluish Pink A
Lilacinus.. B Spinel Red XXVI 71'
Lilac _ S Claret S Red Violet S
Lilacinus B Deep Rose S Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Red Violet S
Subvinoso-Griseus B
Griseo-Roseus B S
Rose S
Violet Bright Rose gm 8 na
Rose S
Rose Pink.... _. H 427 Fuchsia Rose g 9 la
Rose Lilac. S
Roseus--- B Raspberry Rose g 9 la
Vinoso-Lividus B 254. VIVID PURPLISH RED
Textile Color Card Association
Maerz and Paul
PINK Byzantine 51K8

Maerz and Paul

Cellini 51111 Other sources
Maerz and Pan] Cineraria 52L8
Bluish Red A
French White 42B2 Cobalt Red 42K2
Mallow Pink 49A7 Carmine S
Eglantine 3C6 Carmine Lake S
Plochere Fandango 52L10
Plochere Carmine Rose S
Indiana 49L7
China Rose H 024
After Glow 527 P 6-g Malmaison Rose 2H6
Aurora Pink _. 398 Rp 2-f Magenta. S
Coquette 575 Pb 5-g Persian Rose 50K7
Blackberry Cream... 502 P 3-f Magenta Rose H 027
Corsage Pink 512 P 4-h Renaissance ._ 52L9
Candida.,.. 462 Pr 4-f Purpureus.. B
Cuban Orchid
Dawn Glow 544 Pb 2-h Rubellite 51L8
501 P 3-e Rose S
Dignity 423 Rp 5-g Spring Beauty 50J5
Light Mauve _ 414 Rp 4-f Rose Carmine S
Heavenly Orchid 519 P 5-g Tyrian Pink... 50J6
Nymph Pink 406 Rp 3-f Roseus B
Mauvetle 511 P 'l-g Venetian Fuchsia 51K11
Quality Pink 454 Pr 3-f Spinel Red H 0023
Personal 480 Pr 6-h
Serenity 494 P 2-f
Pink Lavender 479 Pr 6-g Plochere
Ridgway Pink Mist ... 576 Pb 6-h
Fuchsia Rose... 434 Pr 1-b
Pink Orchid 471 Pr 5-g
Persian Rose 435 Pr 1-c Maerz and Paul
Light Vinaceous-Lilac XLIV 69"'d Pouf du Vent 464 Pr 4-h
Spectra Rose 433 Pr 1-a
Pale Laelia Pink XXXVIII 67"f Queen Pink 472 Pr 5-h Amaranth Purple 53L3
Pale Persian Lilac XXXVIII 69"f Romance _ 520 P 5-h Ridgway Aster Purple 53K10
Purplish Lilac XXXVII 65"d Seance 528 P 6-h Hollyhock 53L11
Thistle Down 488 P 1-h Rhodamine Purple XII 67 Magenta 52K12
Taylor, Knoche. Granville Rose Color XII 71b Magenta Rose 53J11
Ridgway Tyrian Rose XII 69 Schoenfeld's Purple 5319
Fuchsia Pink m 9 ga
Geranium Pink m 7H ea Pale Lilac XXXVII 63"f Textile Color Card Association Ridgway
Light Orchid g... 10 ea Pale Vinaceous-Lilac _ XLIV 69"'f Fuchsia 70213 Amaranth Purple XII 69i
Light Orchid Rose m 9 ga Pallid Vinaceous-Drab XLV 5""f
Aster Purple XII 67i
Light Rose m 8 ga Other sources
Orchid m Taylor, Knoche, Granville Schoenfeld's Purple XXVI 69'i
10 ga
Orchid Pink gm 9 ea
Bright Bluish Red A
Baby Pink m 8 ca Bright Rose
Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Pink m.. T/2 ea S
Rose Pink m Light Orchid Pink gm 9 ca Carmine S Bright Fuchsia Purple g. .. 10 na
7J^ ea
Mauve Pink gm 9 ca Cerise S Fuchsia Purple g 10 pa
Textile Color Card Association Pale Lilac g _ 11 ca Crimson H 22 Fuchsia Red g 9 pc
Pale Orchid gm 10 ca Deep Magenta S Magenta g 9 pa
Vassar Rose 70097 Pale Pink m 8 ca Dianthus Purple.. H 730 Raspberry g 9 nc

Textile Color Card Association Taylor, Knoche, Granyille Royal Violet 481 P 1-a Other sources
Ruby Lake 449 Pr 3-a
Crimson (USA) 65013 American Beauty m. 8 pa Black Violet S
Vatican 489 P 2-a
Harvard Crimson 70050 Bright Fuchsia Rose gm.._ 9 na Bordeaux A
Magenta 70053 Bright Rose g 8 la Dahlia Purple H 931
Ruby 70051 Dark Rose gm 8 Ic Dark Violet Brown S
Fuchsia Red m 9 pa Anthracene Purple XLIV 69"'k Dull Bluish Red.. A
Other sources Fuchsia Rose m 9 la Auricula Purple XXVI 69'k Dull Bordeaux A
Magenta m 9 pa Blackish Red-Purple XII 67m Fusco-Niger. B
Beetroot Purple H 830 Bordeaux
Magenta Rose gm 9 na XII 71k Very Dusky Red Purple.... RC
Bluish Red A Orchid Rose g 9 ia Corinthian Purple XXXVIII 69"k
Carmine S
Raspberry m 9 pc Dahlia Carmine.... XXVI 71'k
Cerise S Dahlia Purple XII 67k LIGHT GRAYISH
Raspberry Rose gm 9 Ic 261.
Garnet Lake H 828
Pansy Purple H 928
Rose gm 8 ic Dark Corinthian Purple.... XXXVII169"m PURPLISH RED
Rose Red m 8 pa Dark Livid Purple XXXVII 63"m
Plum S XXXVII 65"m Maerz and Paul
Rose Wine m 8 nc Dark Perilla Purple
Purpureus B Dark Vinaceous-Purple ... XXXVIII 67"k
Rose Brown S Candida 51C5
Textile Color Card Association Deep Livid Purple XXXVII 63"k
Rose Violet S Laelia Pink 43G2
Peach Blossom 70098
Indian Purple.. XXXVIII 67"m
Ruber B
Raspberry 70100 Neutral Red XXXVIIl 71"k Plochere
Pansy Purple XII 69k
Strawberry 70099
Perilla Purple XXXVII 65"k Charm School 468 Pr 5-d
257. VERY DEEP PURPLISH Violine Pink 70198
Violet Carmine XII 69m Intimate Mood 469 Pr 5-e
RED Mauve Orchid 421 Rp 5-e
Other sources Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Other sources Other sources
Bluish Red. A Claret Wine m 8 pg
Carmine S Eggplant g 9 ni Bluish Pink A
Beetroot Purple H 830 Carmine Lake S Garnet m 8 pg Dull Violet S
Bluish Red A Carmine Rose S Lilac S
Mauve Wine g 8 ni
Rose Brown _._ S Deep Plum S Pink A
Old Wine m 8 ng
Deep Rose S Plum Wine g 10 pe Violet S
Dull Bluish-Red A Raspberry gm
258. MODERATE PURPLISH Erythrite Red H 0027
9 pc

RED Raspberry Wine m 9 pg

Lake S Red Plum gm 9 ng 262. GRAYISH PURPLISH RED
Lilac Purple H 031 Rose Mauve g 8 Ig
Maerz and Paul LilacRose S Maerz and Paul
Rose Plum g 9 Ig
Livido-Purpureus B Wine m 8 pg Artificial Vermilion 4A4
Archel 53K5
Livido-Ruber B Ashes of Rose 4A4
Archil 53K5
Magenta S Textile Color Card Association Aztec Maroon 6B5
Bacchus 53J4
Magnolia Purple H 030 Claret Cup 6B4
China Rose SAB American Beauty 70052
Pink.. S 70102 Corinth 46J2
Corcir 53K5 Burgundy
Purpureus.. B Corinthian Purple 6C5
Cork 53K5 Catawba _ 70190
Red Lilac. S Daphne Pink... 5211
Corker 53K5 Claret 70101
Rose S Magenta 70053 Daphne Red 4A5
Rose Carmine.. S Geisha 4313
Crostil 53K5 Maroon 70084
Rose Lilac... S Heather 45K1
Crotal 53K5 Raspberry 70100
Rose Violet. S Meadowpink 5A5
Crottle 53K5 Redgrape 70054
Ruber B Moss Pink 4B4
Cudbear 53K5
Daphne Red.. 4A5 Other sources Ophelia , 52F8
Dead Carnations 4B5 Atrolividus B Palestine 44E2
French Purple 53K5
259. DARK PURPLISH RED Atropurpureus B Raspberry Glacfi 4F4
Geisha. Atrovinosus B Rosed'Alma 53F2
4313 Maerz and Paul
Gridelin 53K5 Black Violet S Sorbier - 53H3
Gris-de-lin 53K5 Bokhara 47L2 Bordeaux A Tourmaline Pink 4312
Hellebore Red 4C5 Canyon 7E6 Brown Violet S Veronia Purple 6A5
Indian Lake 53K6 Chardon 55E10 Brunneo-Vinosus B Windflower 53F6
Kork 53K5 Charles X 54J8 Dahlia Purple H 931
Korkir 53K5 Claret Lees... 47J6 Dark Violet Brown S Plochere
Lac Lake... 53K6 Columbine [Red] 47L4 Deep Lake S Amaranth 458 Pr 4-b
Madder Carmine 4H6 Corinthian Purple 6C5 Dull Bluish Red A Blush Rose 402 Rp 3-b
Mallow (Purple] 5113
Coronation 46L8 Dull Bordeaux A Cineraria 450 Pr 3-b
Mallow Red 5113
Cygnet 45L7 Dull Violet S Distinction 459 Pr 4-c
Meadowpink Dahlia Carmine 46L3 Magenta S
5A5 Lady Orchid 466 Pr 5-b
Orchall Dahlia Purple 55J12 Maroon S
53K5 Mauve Decade 467 Pr 5-c
Orchil (alkali bath) 53K5 Dante 47L10 Red Purple S Mauve Taupe 419 Rp 5-c
Orseilie 53K5 De'Medici 54L12 Rose Lake S Mellow Mauve 420 Rp 5-d
Persian Pink 3H4 Dove 47 L4 Sanguineus B Orchid Night 410 Rp 4-b
Persio 53K5 Gooseberry 55H9 Very Dusky Red Purple ... RC Raspberry Glac6 403 Rp 3-c
Persis Indian Purple 47J2 Brown S
53K5 Violet Sweet Pea Pink 422 Rp 5-f
Pomegranate Purple Neutral Red.... 6F5
416 Verbena Lavender 460 Pr 4-d
Old Amethyst 7C5
Rambler Rose 3D4
Old Mauve 4615
260. VERY DARK PURPLISH Windflower 411 Rp 4-c
Raspberry Glac6 4F4
Schoenfeld's Purple Pansy-Maroon 7A6 RED
5319 Ridgway
Solferino Pansy Purple 54L8
4E5 Maerz and Paul
Perilla Purple 47J3 Deep Hellebore Red XXXVIIl 71"i
Spinel Pink 51K1
Phlox 54H12 Dahlia Purple 55J12 Deep Purplish Vinaceous. . XLIV 69"'
Tyrian 44K5
Plum Violet 7E6 Dull Indian Purple XLIV 69"'i
Vandyke Madder 314 Ridgway
Raisin 55J8 Indian Lake XXVI 71'i
Plochere Rhododendron 54J6 Blackish Brown (1) XLV \""m Neutral Red. XXXVIIl 71"k
Sultana 7C5 Pomegranate Purple XII 71i
Azalea 395 Rp 2-c Titania. 54F11 Taylor, Knoche, Granville Vernonia Purple XXXVIIl 69"i
Caprice Pink 452 Pr 3-d Vinaceous-Lilac XLIV 69'"b
Velasquez 54K10 Blackberry Wine g 9 pi
Magenta 442 Pr 2-b Vin Ros6 6C6 Vina eous-Purple(l) XXXVIIl 67"i
Deep Eggplant g 9 pi
Thistle Bloom 451 Pr 3-c Wild Cherry 6C6 Grape Wine g 10 pg
Wild Raspberry 6E6 Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Plum g 10 pi
Ridgway Wineberry 55H4 Raspberry Wine g 9 pg Ash Rose gm 714 ie
Daphne Red XXXVIII 69" Red Plum g 9 pg Dusty Rose gm 8 ie
Hellebore Red XXXVIII 71" Royal Purple g 10 pg Light Wine m 8 ne
Indian Lake XXVI 71'i Amaranth 458 Pr 4-b Raspberry gm 9 nc
Pomegranate Purple XII 71i Magenta Rose 441 Pr 2-a
Textile Color Card Association Rose Plum gm 9 ie
Vinaceous-Purple (1) XXXVIII 67" Purple Lake 457 Pr 4-a Burgundy.... 70102 Rose Wine gm 8 Ie

Textile Color Card Association Pale Drab-Gray XLVI 17""f Textile Color Card Association Smoke Brown 16A2
Gray (Pale Gull Gray) LMI CGo '10 Smoked Pearl 46B3
70189 Nickel 70152
Ashes of Rose.... Squirrel 55A2
Pallid Mouse Gray LI 15""'f 70151
Gray Llll NGf Steel - 47 A4
Pallid Neutral Silver Gray (USA) 65008
Other sources Steel Grey.. 47A4
Pearl Gray Lll 35""'f
Atrovinosus B Traprock 15A2
Other sources
Bordeaux A Taylor, Knoche, GranTille Turtledove - . . 55C1
Bright Rose S Battleship Gray (PC) F 1640 Vienna Smoke 16A2
Light Gray gm c
Brown Violet S Black S Wrought Iron 48C1
Oyster White g b
Claret S Blue Gray (BuOrd) F 2630
Dark Violet S Textile Color Card Association Blue Gray (USA) F 3615 Plochere
Dull Lilac - S Dark Gull Gray (AN) F 3615
Pale Blue 70007 Green Black 1049 Gyy 6-a
Dull Violet S Engine Gray (MA) F 2625
Pearl Grey 70193 Night Fighter 617 Bp 6-a
Lilac S Gray A
Slate 618 Bp 6-b
Livido-Purpureus B Gray Wood (MA) F 3520
Other sources
Livido-Ruber B Gray Deck (N 20-L) F 3615
Magenta S Aircraft Gray (AN) F 1645 Gray (PBS) F 1640
Purpureus... B Black S Gray MUP 69 Blackish Mouse Gray LI 15""'m
Red Lilac... S Fumosus B S Blackish Slate Llll CGm '3
Red Violet _ S Gray A Gray SC Blackish Violet-Gray Lll 59""'m
Rose. - S Gray.. S Gray Black ... S Blue-Violet Black XLIX 57""m
Rose Lake S Light Gray (AN) F 3635 Haze-Gray (N) F 2635 Dark Grayish Blue-Green.. XLVIII 37""k
Rose Lilac S Light Gray (N) _. F 1650 Lavendulo-Griseus B Gray (Dark Gull Gray) Llll CG '6
Ruber B Light Gray RC Light Gray (MA).. F 1630 Dark Mouse Gray LI 15""'k
Vinoso-Lividus B Light Gray SC Light Gray Boottopping Dark Neutral Gray Llll NGk
Light Gull Gray (AN) F 3635 (PC) F 1630 Dark Purplish Gray Llll 67""'k
Olive Bistre S Light Gray (USA) F 1640 Dark Violet-Gray Lll 59""'k
263. WHITE Oyster Gray (MA) F 3635 Light Gray SC Deep Mouse Gray LI 15""'i
Pearl Gray (Y&D) F 3635 Light Navy Gray (Y&D).... F 2635 Deep Neutral Gray Llll MGi
Submurinus B Medium Gray (N) F 1630 Deep Violet-Gray Lll 59""'i
Airy Cream 48 Y 6-h Subviridi-Griseus B Medium Gray (USA) F 1625 Dull Greenish Black(l).... XLVIl 29""m
Ancestral. 1056 Gyy &-h Very Light Gray RC Medium Gray... RC Dull Greenish Black (2)... XLVIl 33""m
Chaste 24 Y J-h Viridi-Griseus.. B Medium Light Gray RC Dull Violet-Black L 61""m
Lullaby 10% GY 5-h White SC Medium Navy Gray (Y8iD). F 1615 Dusky Green-Gray Lll 35""'k
Misty Morn. 1152 Ygg 6-h Murinus... B Dusky Neutral Gray Llll NGm
Nil.... 40 Y 5-h Ocean Gray (N). F 2615 Dusky Purplish Gray Llll 67""'m
Solitary 1104 GY 6-h 265. MEDIUM GRAY Ocean Gray (USA) F 2615 Fuscous-Black XLVI 13""m
Purpureo-Griseus B Greenish Slate-Black XLVIII 37""m
Ridgway Maerz and Paul Rod and Tire Gray (PC)... F 1615 Olivaceous Black (3) LI 23""'m
Violaceo-Griseus... B Slate Color Llll CGk '4
Pale Drab-Gray.... XLVI 17""f Aluminum 45A1
Viridi-Griseus B Slate-Gray Llll CGi '5
White LIU NGo Argent 37 A2
45B3 Sooty Black LI l""'m
Art Grey
Taylor, Knoche, GranviJIe Battleship Grey 45A4 266. DARK GRAY Taylor, Knoche, Granville
Oyster White m b Cement 46A1
White gm a Chateau Grey 46A2 Maerz and Paul Beaver Gray m 3 ml
Chinchilla... 37A3 Charcoal Gray m n
Annapolis. 40C6
Textile Color Card Association Cloud Grey 45B2 Chocolate m 5 ml
Argali 15A4
Dawn Grey 37 A2 Dark Brown m 6 nl
White 70001 Asphalt. - 16A2
Denver 45A4 Ebony m 3 po
Bat. 24A2
Flint Grey 14A1 Ebony Brown m 8 pn
Other sources Bear 16A5
Frost Grey 46A2 Gray gm
Bear's Hair 16A5 i

Fumosus B Grey Dawn 45B2

Bearskin (Grey].. 16A5 Lead Gray g 5 ih
Insignia White (AN) F 1755 Gull 53A1
Blue Haze 38C3 Mole gm I

White.. A Kasha-Beige... 14A2

Chaetura Drab 16A5 Oxford Gray gm... I

White MUP 00 National Grey.. 46A1

Charcoal Grey 47A2 Shadow Gray g 5 ih
White... PSPOO New Silver 37A2
Cobblestone 48C4 Teak m 3 po
White RC Nickle 36A2
Cruiser 48A1 Teal Gray m 19 ih
White SC Nimbus 36A2
Davy's Grey 47 A4
Old Silver 38A1
Dove - 47A2 Textile Color Card Association
Opal Grey 54BI
264. LIGHT GRAY Oriental Pearl 14A1
Dover Grey
Grebe 70186
Fashion Gray 48A1
Penguin 38A2 Smoke 70171
Maerz and Paul Gargoyle 16C1
Platinum 45A3
Grebe 55A2
Agate Grey. 43A1 Puritan Grey.. 36B2 Other sources
Griffin 47 A3
Aluminum 45A1 Quaker 45B3 B
Guinea Hen 16C4 Atroardesiacus
Cinereous... 35A3 Quaker Drab... 46B2
Gunmetal 48C2 Atromurinus B
Fog 35A2 Russian Grey... 14A2
HairBrown 15A4 Black S
French Grey... 28C1 Sea Mist 45B3
Hudson Seal 8A9 Dark Gray (MA) F 1610
Glaucous-Grey 35B2 Slate-Grey 14A2 F 1610
India Ink 16A2 Dark Gray (USA)
Granite Blue 44A2 Zinc 45B2 RC
Iron Blue.. 47A4 Dark Gray
Metal 44A2 SC
Ridgway Iron Grey 24A2 Dark Gray
Moonbeam 44A2
Jack Rabbit 39A2 Deep Navy Gray (Y&D) F 1610
Pearl 44A2 Castor Gray 35""'i
Lll Lead 55A2 Engine Gray (AN) F 1610
Pearl Blue 44A2 Gray (Deep Gull Gray) Llll CGb *7 B
LightGunmetal 47A2 Fusco-Niger
Pearl White... 44A2 Deep Mouse Gray LI 15""'i A
Limestone 15A4 Gray
Priscilla 35A2 Deep Violet-Gray 59""'i
Lll Livid - 55A2 Gray Deck(MA) F 2610
Gray (Gull Gray). Llll CGd '8 Pelican 47 A2 Medium Dark Gray RC
Hathi Gray Lll 35""'b Pewter 48A3 Murinus B
Ancestral 1055 Gyy 6-h Light Neutral Gray Llll NGb Phantom 16A3 Navy Gray (N).... F 3605
Dewkist 1055 Gyy 6-g Light Purplish Gray Llll 67""'b Pigeon's Neck 47A4 Niger B
Gorge 1054 Gyy 6-f Light Violet-Gray Lll 59""'b Pilgrim 48A1 Olivaceo-Niger B
Gray Light. 335 Ro 6-g Neutral Gray Llll NG Plumbaceous 55A2 Sea Gray (AN) F 3610
Lullaby 1096 GY 5-h Pale Neutral Gray... Llll NGd Plymouth.,.. 48A1 Sea Gray (USA)... F 3610
Silver Lining 334 Ro 6-f Pale Violet-Gray... Lll 59""'d Poil d'ours 16A5 Slate S
1104 GY 6-h Quaker Drab LI 1""'
Solitary Quail 15A4 Slate (BuOrd) F 2605
Rail 39A4
Ridgway Taylor, Knoche, Granville Very Dark Gray SC
Rodent .- 16C3
Violaceo-Griseus B
Dawn Gray... Lll 35""'d Beige Gray m 3 ih Rose Taupe 16A4
15A2 Violaceo-Niger B
Hathi Gray Lll 35""'b Gray gm g Seabird
Gray (Light Gull Gray) LI 1 1 CGf '9 Mouse m 3 ih Slag 48A4 Viridi-Niger. B

267 BLA( K Quaker Blue 40E5 Ridgway Other sources
Rameau . 32L6 Black... Llll NGOO *!
Atroardesiacus. ... B
Maerz and Paul Rifle IGreenl. 32A2

Blackish Green-Gray.. ... Lil 35""'m Black A
St. Benoit... 8E9
Afiican__ 8E8 Dull Violet-Black .. .. L 61""m Black (AN) F 3725
Slate Black. 48C6 Black (N) F 1775
Arctic .... . 32L2 Dusky Purplish Gray Llll 67""'m
Sooty Black 48C5 Black Deck(N) F 2710
Balsam Green . . 32H5 Greenish Slate-Black XLVIII 37""m
Woodland Brown 8H8 Black Boottopping (PC)... F 1775
Chaetura Black . _ _ _ 8C8 Plumbeous-Black Lll 49""'m
Black (USA). F 1775
Cordovan 8H8 Plochere Slate-Black ... CGOO *2
Black MUP60
Everglade .... 32L4 841 Gbb 4-a PSP60
Baltic Black
Flint 56C1 Bayou 945 G 5~a Taylor, Knoche. Granville RC
Graphite 48C7 Black Water 801 BG 5-a Black Plum g 10 po Black S
Hudson Seal 8A9 Charcoal 329 Ro 6-a Charcoal Gray g. . . n Black SC
Iron 8E9 Everglade 953 G 6-a Gloss Black (AN).... F 1775
Dark Navy gm 13 po
Iron Brown. 8E9 Green Black 1049 Gyy 6-a Grayish Black RC
Lamp Black gm p
Kara Dagh... 56A2 Iron Mask 905 Gb 6-a Hull Black (MA) 7 2710
Midnight Blue gm 13 po
Lava 8E7 Jasper ._ 1097 GY 6-a Jet (AN) F 1770
Lonoun Smoke _ . 8C9 Night Horizon 849 Gbb 5-a Jet Black (PO) F 1770
Textile Color Card Association
Negro 8E9 Ombre 761 Bgg 6-a Instrument Black (AN).... F 2710
Neutral Tint.. 48C8 Raven 809 BG 6-a Black (USA) 65018 Niger B
NuDian 8C9 Stoic 857 Gbb 6-a Dark Blue (USA) 65012 Violaceo-Niger B

Dictionary of Color Names

Pages 85 to 158.
How To Use the Dictionary of Color Names
Meaning of a color name. Look up the name in section 15. Example 1. Madonna. Section 15 shows the source code
It willbe followed by the ISCC-NBS designation in abbrevi- letter M and the ISCC-NBS abbreviations m.B and gy.B.
ated form: This is a "pin-pointing" name for a color on the border between
grayish blue and moderate blue; see the color-name charts.
B = blue gy. = grayish pk = pinkish
b = bluish 1. = light R = red Example 2. Yellow (S). Section 15 shows abbreviations
for 27 ISCC-NBS designations including I.Br, l.yPk, v.Y,
Br = brown m. = moderate r = reddish
br = brownish med. = medium s. = strong
and v.O. Yellow is used in philately to refer to postage-stamp
colors ranging from light brown and light yellowish pink on
= brilliant
brill. 0 = orange v. = very or
= dark the one hand, to vivid yellow and vivid orange on the other.
d. 01 = olive vivid
G = green p. = pale V = violet Color-name families. Look up the generic name in sec-
g = greenish P = purple Y = yellow tion 15. Immediately following the definitions of the name
from various sources will be found listed the specific names
Gy = gray p = purplish y = yellowish
Pk = pink formed by a preceding adjective or adjectives in the form of
cross-index references. These will be followed by all of the
See the color-name charts (section 13) for the color range of color names formed by use of the generic name as an adjective.
the designation in Munsell terms. Example. Blue. Section 15 shows five definitions of the
Example. Continental Blue (P). Section 15 shows the generic name Blue. Then it lists 540 kinds of blue from Blue,
ISCC-NBS designation to be dark purplish gray (d.pGy). Abstract to Blue, Zephyr. Following these are 115 names
The color-name charts (section 13) show that its Munsell commencing with blue from Blue Appeal to Bluish White.
notation must lie between 9PB and IR in hue, between 2.5 Exact synonyms of a color name. Look up the color name
and 4.5 in value, and between 0.5 and 1.5 in chroma. in section 15. If it is the key name for the color with less well-
Source of a color name. Look up the name in section 15 known synonyms defined by the same color chip, the syno-
and note the code letter following it (M, R, P, and so on). nyms will be found listed immediately after and indented
The sources and uses of the color names are as follows: under the key name. If it is a less well-known exact syno-
nym of a key color name, section 15 will show in parentheses
the key name preceded by "same as".
Code Example 1. Acacia. Section 15 shows eleven exact
Source Field
synonyms following Acacia, such as Gaude, Luteous, Olde
and so on.
Example 2. Wod. Section 15 shows "Wod (same as
M Maerz and Paul, Dictionary General. Acacia) ".
of Color, 1st ed. Near synonyms of a color name. Look up the color name
P Plochere Color System _ _ _ Interior decor- in section 15 and note the key number following the abbrevi-
ating. ation for the ISCC-NBS designation. Look up the key
R Ridgway, Color Standards Biology, bot- number in section 14 (pages 37 to 82). There, classified as to
and Color Nomenclature. any. source, will be found all of the color names corresponding to
T laylor, Knoche, Granville, Mass market. this ISCC-NBS designation.
Descriptive Color Names Example. Section 15 shows the abbreviated ISCC-
Dictionary. NBS designation to be gy.B with the key number 186.
TC Textile Color Card Associa- Textile sales Under this key number section 14 shows 75 near synonyms
tion, Standard Color Card promotion. from Maerz and Paul, 32 from Plochere, 32 from Ridgway,
of America and U. S. 32 from Taylor, Knoche, Granville, 12 from the Standard
Army Color Card. Color Card, and 27 from the other five sources.
A American Association of Tex- Dyes.
Chemists and Colorists
and Society of Dyers and The following abbreviations designate the branch
of the U. vS. Government using the color name:
B Colour Terminology in Biol- Biology.
ogy, H. A. Dade. (Agr) Department of Agriculture
F Federal Specification TT-C- Paint. (AN) Army-Navy (See Army-Navy Aircraft Stand-
595, Colors; (for) Ready- ard Colors and Army-Navy Aircraft Cam-
Mixed Paints. ouflage Standard Colors)
H Horticultural Colour Charts, Horticulture. (BuOrd) Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department
R. F. Wilson. (CAA1 Civil Aeronautics Administration, Depart-
MUP Commercial Standard Plastics. ment of Commerce
CS 147-47, Colors for (Eng) U. S. Engineers, U. S. Army
Molded Urea Plastics. (FS) Forest Service, Department of Agriculture
PSP Commercial Standard Plastics. (MC) U. S. Marine Corps, Navy Department
CS 156-49, Colors for (MA) Maritime Administration, Department of
Polystyrene Plastics. Commerce
RC National Research Council, Rock colors. (N) Navy Department
Rock-Color Chart. (PC) The Panama Canal
S Postage-Stamp Color Philately. (PO) Post Office Department
Names, William H. Beck. (PBS) Public Buildings Service, General Services
SC U. S. Department of Agri- Soil colors. Administration
culture Soil Color Charts. (PR) Bureau of Public Roads, Department of
(QM) Quartermaster Corps, U. S. Army !

Color range of name. Look up the name in section 15 and (SCS) Soil Conservation Service, Department of
note the code letter following it (M, R, P, and so on) denoting Agriculture
its source. If the letter is F, H, M, MUP, P, PSP, R, or TC, (TC) Transportation Corps, U. S. Army ,

the color name is defined by a single color chip and is intended (Y&D) Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Depart-
to "pin point" that color. If the letter is A, B, RC, S, SC, or T, ment '

the name is defined by two or more color chips, and is intended (USA) U. S. Army (See Supplement to U. S. Army t

to denote a range of colors of greater or lesser extent. To Specification, 3-1, 1943; also U. S. Army i

find the color range, note all of the ISCC-NBS designations Color Card published by the Textile Color
given for the color name in section 15. Card Association)

Dictionary of Color Names
ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec.
number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Abbey M S.V 207 Aircraft Cream (AN 507).. F gy.Y 90 Amber, Cloudy (see
Absinthe |Greenl_ M m.YG 120 Buff (PC), Cream (USA Cloudy Amber)
Foliage Green 127) Light Amber m.OY 71, d.OY 72
Absinthe Green R m.YG 120 Aircraft Gray (AN 512)... F I.Gy 264 Amber, Peach (see Peach
Absinthe Yellow M gy.gY 105 Airedale.-- M m.yBr 77, gy.yBr 80 Amber)
Absinthe Yellow P m.Y 87 Airway - M LB 181 Amber, Rose (see Rose
Abstract Blue P v.p.B 184 AiryCream P White 263 Amber)
Abyss - P p.G 149 Akbar M rippn rRf A\ Amber, Topaz (see Topaz
Acacia _ M l.gY 101. m.gY 102 m.rBr 43 Amber)
Gaude, Luteous, Olde. Alabaster (same as White M p.yPk 31, yGy 93 Amber Brown M brO 54
Oold, Wald, Wau, Jade) Amber Brown R sIBr 55
Weld, Wield, Woald, Alabaster Tint- T v.p.B 184. Amber Coral P m.yPk 29
Wod, Wold Amberglow M brO 54, I.Br 57
Acacia P gy.G 150 Aladdin's Lamp P m.rO 37 Amber Gold P l.yBr 76, gy.Y 90,
Acacia Gray _ P gGy 155 Alamo M s.Br 55 d.gy.Y 91
Acacia Green p ljuy ijj Alcanna (same as Henna). M s rBr 40 Amberlite TC l.yBr 76
Academy Blue M m.gB 171 Alcazar (same as Egyptian M d.R 16. S.rBr 40 Amber White M p.Y 89, gy.Y 90,
Acajou (same as Laurel M m.rBr 43 Red) p.gY 104,
Oak) Alderney- M m.yBr 77 gy.gY 105,
Acajou Red.. R gy.R 19 Alesan (same as French M l.gy.rBr 45, I.Br 57, p.YG 121
Acanthe .. M m niRr 99
m.UIDI Nude) l.gy.Br 60 Amber Yellow... brill.Y83, I.Y86
Butternut, Siberian Alexandria Blue M v.B 17fi, S.B 178 Amber [Yellowl I.Y 86, m.Y 87
Brown Egyptian Blue Venetian Yellow
Acetin Blue R v dB 204 Alfalfa M d.yG 137 Amber Yellow brill.Y 83, s.Y 84,
Acier (same as Grey M l.gy.OI 109 Algerian (same as Tan- M m.Br 58 I.Y 86, m.Y 87
Drab) bark) Ambrosia M m.rBr 43
Ackermann's Green M d.yG 137 Algerian Red M deep rBr 41 Ambrosia. P v.l.yG 134
Ackermann's Green R m G 145 Crimson Maple Ambulance M d.gy.rBr 47
Aconite Violet.. H d.V212 Algiers Blue p m .^D
IIIoR 17*)
I f O Amelie (same as Chippen- M d.gy.Br 62
Aconite Violet M m.P223 Algonquin (same as Terra M deep 0 51, brO 54 dale)
Datura Cotta) American Beauty M d.R 16
Aconite Violet R m.P 223 Alhambra M d.gy.G 151, d.bG 165 American Beauty T v.R 11, m.pR 258
Acorn M gy.yBr 80 Alice Blue M p B 185 American Beauty TC d.pR 259
Meadowlark Alice Blue R p.B 185 American Green (same as M m.yG 136, d.yG 137,
Adamia (same as Emi- M d.P224 Light Alice Blue
101, n R
\).0 IftR
lOD Jadesheen) gy.G 150
nence) Alizarine Blue R m.B 182 American Green R m.yG 136
Adelaide (same as Pru- M deep V 208 Alizarine Pink R s.Pk 2, deep Pk 3 Dark American Green R d.yG 137, gy.G 150,
nella) Alkermes (same as Scar- M v.R 11 d.gy.G 151
Aden M I.G 144 let) Amethyst P gy.rP 245
Aden D
P I.G 144 Allure r I.D 181 Amethyst T m.P 223
Admiral __. M blackish P 230, Almond P l.yBr 76 Amethyst TC m.P 223
Logwood pBlack 235 Almond. Burnt(see Burnt M. P Light Amethyst T m.P 223
Admiral P d.gy.P229 Almond) Amethyst, Old (see Old M
Adobe. M m.yBr 77 Almond, Toasted (see M Amethyst)
Adobe Brown T m.yBr 77 Toasted Almond) Amethyst Orchid P LP 222
Cinnamon Brown Almond Blossom (same as M LPk 4, m.Pk 5, Amethyst Violet H V.P216
Adrianople Red. _ M m.R 15 Almond |Pink|) p.Pk 7, gy.Pk 8 Amethyst [Violetl M m.P 223, d.P 224,
Almond |Brown| M 1 Dr C7
l.br 5/,
/II, Or Cn
l.gy.Br 50,

Levant Red. Turkey gy.P 228

Biscuit, Doe, Pawnee l.yBr 76,
Red, Turkish Red Amethyst Violet R V.P216
gy yBr 79

Adriatic M m.bG 164 Almond Cream p p.OY 73 Amparo Blue M S.B 178, brill.pB 195
Adust (same as Tan) M brO 54 Almond Green M gy.G 150 Amparo Blue R brill.pB 195
Aero. M gy.B 186 Almond Green T m.yG 136, d yG 137, Light Amparo Blue R brill.B 177
Aerugineus B l.yG 135, m.yG 136, gy.G 150 Pale Amparo Blue R v.p.B 184, p.B 185
I.V3 IHf, lll.u 1^3, Almond Green TC gy.G 150 Amparo Purple M m.P 223
p.G 149, gy.G 150. Light Almond Green T l.yG 135, m.yG 136, Amparo Purple R briILP 217, s.P 218
l.bG163. m.bG 164 p.G 149 Light Amparo Purple R brill.P 217
Afghan (same as Chippen- M d.gy.Br 62 Almond [Pink] M I.Pk 4, m.Pk 5, Pale Amparo Purple R LP 222
dale) Almond Blos.som n PL 7 nu Plf fl
Amulet M d.bG 165
Afghan Red M v.R 11 Aloes IGreenj. M p.G 149 Amulet P m.bG 164
Checkerberry, Hyper- Aloma- M I.Br 57, l.yBr 76, Anamite (same as Twine) M l.gy.OI 109
mic Red Anatolia M deep rBr 41
African M Black 267 Alpine M gy.B "186 Anatta (same as Salman M m.yPk 29
African Brown (same as M d.gy.Br 62 Alpine Blue P v.l.pB 198, v.p.pB 202 IPinkj)
Chippendale) Alpine Green M d.gy.G 151 Ancestral. P White 263, I.Gy 264
African Brown TC Aluminum M I.Gy 264, Andorra M d.rBr44, d.gy.rBr 47
African Green P d.gy.B 187 med.Gy 265 Andorre M m.yG 136, gy.G 150
African Night P d.gy.rBr 47 Amaranth M deep rP 238 Andover Green M gy.OIG 127
Afterglow M p.V 214 Amaranthine Andover Green. R gy.YG 122
After Glow p p.pPk 252 Amaranth P d.pR259, gy.pR262 Andrinople Berries (same M s.OY 68, m.OY 71

Agate M s.rBr 40, s.Br 55 Amaranthine (same as M deep rP 238 as Ta-Ming)

Agate Grey K I.Gy 264 Amaranth) Anemone M p.rP 244

Agathia Green H s.YG 117. s.yG 131

Amaranth Pink M deep pPk 248 Angel Blue... P v.p.B 184

Agean Mist P
Amaranth Pink R deep pPk 248 Angel Red (same as M m.rBr 43
l.gGy 154
Pale Amaranth Pink R s.pPk 247 Coromandel)
Ageratum.. P gy.pPk 253
Amaranth Purple M deep pR 256 Angel Wing P l.pPk 249
Ageratum Blue M p.P 227
Amaranth Purple R deep pR 256 Angora- P p.OY 73. yWhite92
Floss Flower Blue
Amaranth Rose H s.pPk 247 Animal Rouge (same as M v.R 11, s.R 12
Ageratum Violet M gy.P 228 Amarna M deep G 142, d.G 146 Carmine)
Ageratum Violet R m.P 223 Amarylis M m.R 15, gy.R 19 Aniline Black d.gy.P 229,
Air Blue (same as Ce- M m.B 182 Amazon M m.G 145 d.pGy 234
ramic) Amber T deep OY 69, Dark Aniline Blue d.gy.B 187, d.gy.P 229
Air Castle Blue P v.p.B 184 m.OY 71, d.OY 72 Aniline LilaC- - I.V 210

. . .. .

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISC(^-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with seriil ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Deep Aniline Lilac brill. B 177 Apricot Ice P p.OY 73 Armenian Bole (same as m.rBr 43
Pale Aniline Lilac - v.l.B 180, I.B 181 Apricot Orange.. R m.O 53 Bole)
Aniline Yellow deep Y 85 Apricot Sherbet. P I.OY 70 Armenian Red (same as S.Br 55
Annapolis d.Gy 266 Apricot Tan P m.O 53, m.OY 71 Copper Brown)
Annatto (same as Salmon m.yPk 29 Apricot Yellow. M I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Armenian Stone (same as m.B 182
IPinkl) Apricot Yellow. R s.Y 84 Ceramic)
Annotto (same as Salmon m.yPk29 April Sky P v.l.bG 162 Army Brown I.Br 57

IPinkl) Aqua T l.bG 163, l.gB 172 Rosario

Antelope (same as Dust). I.OIBr 94 Aqua TC l.bG 163 Army Brown m.Br 58, gy.Br 61
Anthracene Green m.bG 164, d.bG 165 Bright Aqua T brill. bG 159, l.bG 163, Arno Blue m.gB 173, d.gB 174
Anthracene Purple . d.gy.P 229, d.pR 259 v.l.gB 171, Arno Blue m.gB 173
Anthracene Violet . m.V 211 l.gB 172 Arnotto (same as Salmon m.yPk 29
Dark Anthracene Violet d.P 224, d.gy.P 229 Aqua, Dusty (see Dusty IPinkl)
Anti-Corrosive Brown(MA) d.Br 59 Aqua) Arona d.gy.B 187
Anti-Corrosive Green (MA) d.Ol 108 LightAqua p.G 149, V.l.gB 171, Arrowwood (same as I.OIBr 94
(same as Olive Drab p.B 185 Hamadan)
(USA 202)) ij Pale Aqua.. v.p.G 148, v.p.B 184 Arsenate s.G 141
Aqua, Shadow (see

Antimony Ye!low(samcas '

m.OY 71 Ii
Art Brown d.Br 59
DaffodilelYellowl) jl Shadow Aqua) Argentina, Mirador
Antimony Yellow m.OY 71 I! Aqua Blue . . V.l.gB 171, l.gB 172 Artemesia Green gGy 155
Antique (same as Syrup)., I.OIBr 94, m.OIBr95 I
Bright Aqua Blue l.gB 172 Artemesia Green gGy 155
Antique Brass I.OI 106, l.gy.OI 109 Aqua Blue, Dusty (see Art Green m.YG 120, m.OIG 125

Antique Brass d.Y 88 I

Dusty Aqua Blue) Art Grey (same as Quaker) pGy 233, med.Gy 265
Antique Bronze m.yBr 77 '

Light Aqua Blue V.l.gB 171, p.B 185 Artichoke Green gy.YG 122
Cacao I
Pale Aqua Blue v.p.B 184 Artillery v.R 11
Antique Bronze m.OI 107 '
Aqua Gray p.G 149 Bastard Saffron,
Antique Brown (same as m.Br 58 Aqua Gray. .. p.G 149, p.B 185, Carthamus Red,
Cigarette) gy.B 186, Carthamus Rose,
Antique Brown s.Br 55, m.Br 58 l.bGy 190, bGy 191 Chinese Rouge,
Antique Drab (same as m.yBr 77, I.OIBr 94, Aquagreen l.yG 135 Dyer's Saffron, Leaf
Fox) m.OIBr 95 Aqua Green . . l.bG 163, l.gB 172 Red, Lincoln Red,
Antique Fuchsia m.P 223, m.rP241 Bright Aqua Green brill. bG 159, Portugese Red. Red
Lilium V.l.bG 162, l.bG 163 in plates. Rose
Antique Fuchsia m.rP 241 Aqua Green, Dusty (see Carthame, Rouge
Antique Gold d.OY 72, s.yBr 74 Dusty Aqua Green) Vegetal, Safflor,
Brown Pink, Golden Light Aqua Green p.G 149, V.l.bG 162 Safflower Red, Saffor,
Yellow, Stil de Gram Pale Aqua Green. . V.p.G 148, V.l.bG 162 Spanish Red, Vege-
Brown Aqua Green Tint V.p.G 148 table Red. Vegetable
Antique Gold deep Y 85, d.Y 88, Aquamarine .... l.gB 172, p.B 185 Rouge
d.gY 103 Aquamarine Green . m.bG 164 Ascot Tan (same as gy.Br 61
Light Antique Gold m.Y 87 Aqua Queen ..... . V.l.bG 162 Coconut)
Antique Green d.gy.G 151 Aqua Sky . IbG 163 Ash, Green (see Green
Antique Green gy.G 150, d.gy.G 151 Arab |Brown| ..... S.Br 55 Ash)
Antique Red (same as m.rO 37, d.rO 38, Rugby Tan Ash, Rose (see Rose Ash).. M,P
Canna) gy.iO 39, m.rBr 43 Arabesque m.rO 37 Ash, Ultramarine (see R
Antique Rose gy.R 19 Arabian Brown S.Br 55, m.Br 58 Ultramarine Ash)
Antique Ruby (same as deep R 13 Oak Ashes l.brGy 63
Chianti) Arabian Red (same as deep rBr 41 Ashes, Blue (see Blue
Antique Yellow . . m.Y 87 India Red) Ashes)
Antwerp Blue deep gB 170, m.B 182 Araby gy.rO 39, I. rBr 42 Ashes of Rose gy.pR 262
Harlem Blue, Mineral Aragon m.rBr 43 Artificial Vermilion
Blue Arbor Green m.yG 136 Ashes of Rose T l.gy.R 18, gy.R 19
Antwerp Blue m.B 182, d.B 183, Arbutus s.Pk 2, deep Pk 3, Ashes of Rose TC gy.pR 262
gy.B 186 s.pPk 247, Ashes of Roses P d.Pk 6, d.pPk 251
Antwerp Brown (same as d.gy.yBr 81 deep pPk 248 Ash [Greyl M l.gGy 154
Congo IBrownl) Arbutus Pink. TC m.Pk 5 Ash Rose. _ T gy.R 19, gy.pR262
Antwerp Red (same as m.rBr 43 Arcadia . ... P s.gY 99, m.gY 102 Asmalte(same asSmalt).. M deep B 179, m.B 182
Bole) Arcadian Green M l.yG 135 Asparagus Green M p.YG 121
Apache (same as Cocoa). m.Br 58 Archel (same as Orchil).. M m.pR 258 Aspen Green M gy.G 150
Aphrodite l.bG 163 Archil (same as Orchil)... M m.pR 258 Asphalt (same as Smoke M d.Gy 266
Tyrolite Green Arctic M Black 267 Brown)
Apple, Crab (see Crab TC Arctic -. P gy.B 186. d.gy.B 187 Asphaltum (same as d.gy.yBr 31
Apple) Arctic Blue M gy.B 186 Congo IBrownj)
Appleblossom (Pink) gy.R 19
Ardoise. M gy.B 186, gy.P 228 Asphodel Green M m.YG 120
Apple-fallow (same as deep R 13, m.R 15
Asphodel Green R m.YG 120
Chimney Red)
Argali (same as Hair M brGy 64, d.Gy 266 I

Brown) Aster M gy.P 228

Apple Green m.YG 120
Argent (same as New M med. Gy 265 Aster, Blue (see Blue M
Pomona Green
Silver) Aster)
Apple Green P m.YG 120
Apple Green s.YG 117 Argentina (same as Art M d.Br 59 Aster, Purple (see Purple M, P
Apple Green v.YG 115, s.YG Brown) Aster)
S 117,
s.yG 131 Argus Brown (same as m.Br 58 Aster, Wild (see Wild
Apple Green T l.yG 135, m.yG 136 Cochin) Aster)
Apple Red.. TC v.R 11 Argus Brown m.Br 58 Aster Purple deep pR 256
Apricot... H s.OY 68 Argyle Purple p.rP 244, gy.rP 245 Aster Purple deep pR 25G
Apricot M m.O 53
Argyle Purple m.rP 241 Aster Violet v.V 205
Apricot P 1.0 52
l.gB 172
Arizona... l.yBr 76 Asthetic Blue
Apricot T S.0 50, 1.0 52, m.O 53
Armada (same as Gran- d.gy.rBr 47, Athenia gy.R 19
Apricot TC m.O 53
ada) d.gy.Br 62 Faded Rose, Ocher Red
Apricot, Golden (see P
Armeniacus.. m.r0 m.O 53 Atlantic d.gy.B 187
Golden Apricot) 37,

Light Apricot T l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29 Armenian Blue (same as v.B 176, s.B 178 Atlantis (same as Pagoda d.gB 174, d.gy.B 187
Apricot Buff R m.O 53 Genuine Ultramarine [Blue])
Apricot Cream P p.OY 73, p.Y 89 [Blue])

Atlantis d.B 183

. .

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Atmosphere M brPk 33, I.gy.yBr 79, Auburn _ _ m.Br 58 Azurite Blue. R m.pB 200
Mauve Blush yGy 93 Cacha, Cachou, Cashew, Baby Blue,.. M p.B 185, l.bGy 190,
Atonement P p.P 227 Cashew Lake, Cashoo, bGy 191
Atramentous (same as M d.bGy 1S2 Cate, Catechu. Cotch, Baby Blue P v.l.B 180
Ink Black) Cutch, Gambia, Gor- Baby Blue T v.l.gB 171, v.p.B 184
Atroardesiacus B d.gy.G 151. d.gGyl56,
evan. Japan Earth, Light Horizon Blue

d.B 183. gy.B 186, Terra Japonica, Tu- Baby Blue TC v.p.B 184
lip Wood, Zuni Brown Baby Blue Eyes P v.l.B 180. v.l.pB 198
blackish B 188, Auburn m.rBr 43 Baby Pink M l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29
d.bGy 192, Aubusson d.R 16 Baby Pink T l.Pk 4, m.Pk 5,
bBlack 193, Aucuba (same as Laurel I.OI 106 p.pPk 252
d.pGy 234, Green) Baby Pink TC l.Pk 4

d.Gy 266. Aurantiacus v.O 48, s.O 50, Baby Rose M s.yPk 26

Black 267 s.OY 68 Bacchus M m.pR 258

Atrocyaneus. B m.bG 164, d.bG 165,
Aureolin v.Y 82 Bachelor Button. M deep Pk 3
Aureolin brill.Y 83, S.Y 84 Badius B m.R 15. gy.R 19,
m.gB 173,
Cobalt Yellow d.gy.R 20,
d.gB 174, m.B 182, i

Auricula Purple I
deep rP 238 s.rBr40, m.rBr 43,
d.B 183, gy.B 186
Auricula Purple I d.pR259 gy.rBr 46
Atroherbaceus. B I.OI 106, m.OI 107,
Dusky Auricula Purple_.. d.rP 242 Bagdad. M d.B 183. d.gy.B 187,
m.YG 120.
Auripigmentum (same as brill.Y 83, S.Y 84, blackish B 188
m.OIG 125,
Lemon |Yellowl) I.Y86, m.Y87 Bagdad P gy.R 19
gy.OIG 127.
Aurora [Orange] s.yPk 26, Bakst Green M d.G 146
d.yG 137, m.G 145,
Morning Dawning Yel- deep yPk 27. Balge Yellow (same as M brill.Y 83
gy.G 150
low. Orange Aurora m.rO 37 Sunflower [Yellow])
Atrolazulinus. B v.B 176, s.B 178, Aurora Pink s.pPk 247, Ballad Blue P LpB 199
deep B 179,
m.pPk 250 Ballerina P v.l.V 209
m.B 182, d.B 183, Aurora Red (same as Em- M m.R 15, BallLake (same as Car- M v.R 11, s.R 12

gy.B 185, berglow) deep yPk 27, mine)

d.gy.B 187, j

m.rO 37 Balmy Air. P v.p.B 184


s.pB 196, Aurora Yellow (same as M s.O 50, m.O 53, Balsam d.gy.B 187
| i

m.pB 200, Cadmium Yellow) ! s.OY 68, Balsam Green Black 267
gy.pB 204 m.OY 71 Balsam Green d.gy.G 151
Atrolividus. B m.P 223, d.P 224, Aurora Yellow. . . P I.Y 86 Baltic (same as Myrtle d.gy.G 151, d.bG 165
gy.P 228, Aurore (same as Hydran- M m.Pk 5 [Green])
d.gy.P 229, gea Pink) Baltic d.gy.B 187,
d.rP 242, Aurum (same as Gold) M I.OIBr 94 Black 267
d.pR 259 Australian Pine M d.yG 137 Bambino. p.B 185
Atromurinus... B brGy64. d.Gy 266 Auteuil M m.OY 71 Bamboo. l.yBr 76, m.yBr 77
Atropurpureus. B deep P219, Autumn M gy.OI 110, Bamboo.. m.Y 87, p.Y 89,
m.P 223, d.P 224, d.gy.Ol 111 gy.Y 90
d.gy.P 229, Autumn Blonde (same as M 1. gy.rBr 45, m.Br 58, Banana gy.Y 90
s.rP 237, Fawn [Brown]) Sunbeam
deep rP 238, gy.Br 61 Banana I.Y 86
m.rP241. d.rP242. Autumn Brown (same as d.gyiySr 81 Banana. Green (see Green
v.d.rP 243, Seal [Brown]) Banana)
d.pR 259 Autumn Brown P s.yBr 74, m.OIBr 95 Banana, Red (see Red
Atrovenetus. B m.G 145, d.G 146,
Autumn Brown TC m.Br 58, gy.Br 61 Banana)
gy.G 150. Autumn Glory . M d.R 16. d.rO 38 Banner gy.pB 204
d.gy.G 151, Autumn Glory P deep R 13, d.rO 38 Banshee d.gy.G 151

d.gGy 156, Autumn Gold P d.OY 72 Narva

s.bG160, m.bG 164, Autumn Green (same as M m.YG 120, m.OIG 125 Banshee gy.G 150, d.gy.G 151,

d.bG 165, m.gB 173, Spanish Green) m.bG 164, d.bG 165

gy.B 186, Autumn Leaf (same as deep 0 51, brO 54, Barberry deep R 13, m.R 15
d.gy.B 187 Feuille Morte) S.Br 55 Barium Yellow brill.Y 83
Atrovinosus. Autumn Oak (same as gy.rBr 46 Barium Yellow l.gY 101, m.gY 102
B gy.R 19, d.gy.R 20,
gy.rBr 46,
Liver Brown) Bark. d.OlBr 96
Autumn Tan m.yBr 77 Mocha
d.gy.P 229.
Avellaneous (same as I.Br 57, S.yBr 74 Barn Red gy.R 19, deeprBr41,
d.pR 259.
Hazel) m.rBr 43
gy.pR 262
Avellaneous l.yBr 76, I.gy.yBr 79 Baronet I.B 181
Atroviolaceus. B d.gy.B 187,
Avellaneus.. l.yBr 76, m.yBr 77, Barwood (same as Rasp- m.R 15
deep pB 197,
I.gy.yBr 79 berry Red)
m.pB 200,
Avignon Berries (same as s.OY 68, m.OY 71 Baryta Yellow I.Y86
d.pB 201,
Ta-Ming) Basic d.bG 165
gy.pB 204,
Avon gGy 155 Basketball v.V 205
m.V 211. d.V 212,
Azalea gy.R 19 Bastard Saffron (same as v.R 11
Diavolo Artillery)
deep P 219,
Azalea. m.pR 258 Bath Stone (same as Caen p.OY 73
d.P 224, gy.P 228,
Azalea Pink. v.yPk 25, Stone)
d.gy.P 229
deep yPk 27 Bath Stone.. p.OY 73
Atroviridis. B s.YG 117, m.YG 120,
Aztec S.yBr 74, l.yBr 76, Bat d.Gy 266
m.OIG 125,
Indian Tan m.yBr 77 Iron Grey
gy.OIG 127, med.Gy 265
Aztec Maroon gy.pR 262 Battleship Gray (PC)
m.yG 136, d.yG 137, Azulin (same Chin- (same Gray
as gy.B 186 as Light
brill.G 140, s.G 141,
Chin Blue) (USA 124))
m.G 145, d.G 146, Azure, Dutch (see Dutch Battleship Grey med.Gy 265
gy.G 150, Azure) Denver
d.gy.G 151,
Azure Blue (AN 609) l.pB 199 Bavarian Blue d.B 183
d.gGy ISe.m.bG 164, m.Br 58
(same as Azure Blue Bay (same as Trotteur
d.bG 165
(USA 308)) Tan)
Attar of Roses M gy.rO 39, l.rBr 42 Azure Blue (USA 308)... l.pB 199 Bay m.rBr 43
Aubergine (same as Egg- M blackish P 230, Azure Blue (AN 609) Bay, Biscay (see Biscay
plant) pBlack 235 Azurite Blue m.gB 173, gy.B 186 Bay)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Bay, Brown (see Brown Beige Gray. yGy 93 Bistre... S I.Br 57, l.brGy 63,
Bay) Beige Gray OIGy 113, med.Gy265 m.OY 71, d.OY 72,
Bayberry gy.G 150 Mouse s.yBr 74, l.yBr 76,
Light Bayberry p.G 149 Beige Soirge l.yBr 76 m.yBr 77,
Bayberry Gray p.G 149 Mirage, Pongee l.gy.yBr 79,
Bay Leaf s.yBr 74 Belladonna d.P 224 gy.yBr 80,
Bayou d.gy.G 151 Belladonna m.P 223 deep Y 85, m.Y 87,
Bayou d.gy.B 187, Black 267 Belleek (same as Cham- p.OY 73, l.gy.yBr 79, d.Y 88, p.Y 89,
Beach (same as Sand)... l.gy.OI 109, pagne) gy.Y 90, yGy 93 gy.Y 90, d.gy.Y 91,
I.OIGy 112 Bellemonte m.R 15 yGy 93, I.OIBr 94,
Beach, Long (see Long Bellflower deep pB 197 m.OIBr 95
Beach) Mazarine Blue, Roslyn m.gY 102
Beach Tan (same as gy.Br 61 Blue l.gy.OI 109,
Winter Leaf) Bellflower m.V 211 I.OIGy 11?
Bear d.Gy 266 Benzo Brown l.gy.rBr 45, l.gy.Br 60, Bistre, Brown (see Brown s
Bear's Hair, Bearskin gy.Br 61 Bistre)
IGreyl, Chaetura Benzol Green s.bG 160 Deep Bistre s I.OIBr 94
Drab, Poll d'ours Berlin Blue d.B 183 Bistre, Olive (see Olive s
Bear, Polar (see Polar Berlin Brown gy.R 19, gy.rBr 46 Bistre)
Bear) Cocobala, Iron Minium Bistre Brown . s m.yPk 29, I.Br b/
Bear's Hair (same as d.Gy 266 BerlinRed(sameas Bole). m.rBr 43 l.brGy 63, l.vB' 76.
Bear) Bermuda (same as Ger- deep Pk 3 m.yBr 77,
Bearskin [Grey] (same as d.Gy 266 anium Pink) I.OIBr 94, 1.01 106
Bear) Beryl l.gB 172 Bistre Green. .. M d.Y 88, d.gy.Y 91
Beau Blue. v.p.B 184 Beryl Blue l.gB 172 Bittersweet M deep rO 36, d.rO 38
Beaucaire s.gB 169. m.gB 173 Beryl Blue v.l.gB 171 Chinese Red, Lobster
Beautiful m.bG 164 Beryl Green l.bG 163 Bittersweet (same as Pap- P d.rO 38
Beauty Pink brill. pPk 246 Beryl Green l.bG 163 rika)
Beaver brGy 64 Beryl Green brill.bG 159 Bittersweet T deep 0 51
Camel, Mushroom, Star- Best Effort p.gY 104, p.YG 121 Bittersweet Orange M deep 0 51
ling Bewitch brill.bG 159 j
Neutral Orange
Beaver gy.Br 61, gy.yBr 80, Bewitching Blue IB 181 1 Bittersweet Orange. . . . P s.rO 35,
d.gy.yBrSl, Biarritz l.gy.yBr 79,I.OIBr 94

s.O 5ft

m.OIBr 95 Elmwood. Miami Sand Bittersweet Orange R m.rO 37

Beaver TC gy.Br 61 Bice, Blue (see Blue Bittersweet Pink M s.yPk 26
Dark Beaver M m.Br58, gy.Br 61 Bice) Du Barry
Nutmeg, Praline, Santos I
Bice Green m.YG 120 Bittersweet Pink . R m.O 53
Beaver Gray T d.OIBr 96, d.Gy 266 Light Bice Green m.YG 120 Bitumen (same as Congo M d.gy.yBr 81
Beaverpelt M OIGy 113 ;
Big 4 Yellow... v.O 48, s.O 50 IBrownl)
GrSge, Nutria Billiard d.G 146 Black A Black 267
Beech M gy.OlllO, OIGy 113 Billiard deep bG 161, d.bG 165 Black (AN 604) F Black 267
Beechnut M gy.Br 61 Billow v.p.B 184 Black (N38) (same as F Black 267
Brushwood, Pony Birch gWhite 153 Gloss Black (AN 515))
Brown, Soapstone Bird's-egggreen (same p.G 149, l.bG 163 Black (USA 101) (same as F Black 267
Beef's Blood (same as M m.rBr 43 as Robin's Egg Blue) Gloss Black (AN 515))
Kazak) Biscay Bay m.gB 173, gy.B 186 Black MUP Black 267
Beeswax (same as Bronze) M m.yBr 77 Biscay Green m.YG 120 Black PSP Black 267
Beetle M gy.OIG 127 Biscay Green m.YG 120 Black R Black 267
Beetroot Purple. H deep pR 256, [
Biscuit (same as Almond I.Br 57, l.gy.Br 60, Black RC Black 267
v.deeppR257 IBrownl) l.yBr 76, l.gy.yBr 79 Black s OIGy 113, I.Gy 254,
Begonia H deep yPk 27 Biscuit gy.Y 90 med.Gy 265,
Begonia M deep Pk 3 Ecru, Oatmeal d.Gy 266, Blacki267
Gaiety Bishop m.V 211 Black. sc d.gy.Br 62,
Begonia Rose M m.R 15 Bishop m.V 211 brBlack 65,
Begonia Rose R deep yPk 27 Bishop's Purple (same as m.rP 241 d.OIBr 96,
Beige M P.Y89, gy.Y 90 Bishop's Violet) d.gy.OI 111,
Ecru, Lint-white Bishop's Purple m.rP 241 OIBIack 114,
Beige T l.gy.yBr79, I.OIBr94 Bishop's Violet.. v.P 216 Black 267
Beige TO l.gy.Br 60 Bishop's Violet m.rP 241 Black (USA) TC Black 267
Beige, Cream (see Cream M Bishop's Purple Black, Aniline (see Ani- R
Beige) Biskra d.gy.yBr 81 line Black)
Beige, French (see French M,P Date, Jacaranda Brown Black, Blue (see Blue S
Beige) Bismarck M m.rBr 43 Black)
Beige, Honey (see Honey M,P Bismarck Brown (same as M m.yBr 77 Black, Blue-Violet (see R
Beige) Bunny) Blue-Violet Black)
Light Beige T l.gy.yBr 79, gy.Y 90 Bison M d.gy.yBr 81 Black, Chaetura (see M, R
Beige, Light Rose (see T Bison P m.OIBr 95 Chaetura Black)
Light Rose Beige) Bisque M p.OY 73, yGy 93 Black, Dull Blue-Green... R
Beige, Mode (see Mode M Bisque P m.yPk 29, gy.yPk 32 (see Dull Blue-Green
Beige) Bisque T gy.yPk 32, brPk 33, Black)
Beige, Mood (see Mood P l.gy.yBr 79, gy.Y 90 Black, Dull Greenish (1).. R
Beige) Bisque TC l.gy.Br 60 (see Dull Greenish

Beige, Rose (see Rose M,T,TC Black (D)

i Bisque, Mocha (see Mo- M
Beige) Black, Dull Greenish (2) R
cha Bisque)
Beige, Rose 2 (see Rose (see Dull Greenish
Bisque, Peach (see Peach M, P
Beige 2) Black (2))
Beige, Shadow (see Black, Dull Purplish (see R
Shadow Beige) Bister (same asTeakwood). M gy.Br 61, gy.yBr 80
Dull Purplish Black)
Beige, Tapestry (see Bister R gy.yBr 80, Black, Gloss (see Gloss F
Tapestry Beige) d.gy.yBr 81 Black)
Beige, Yellow (see Yellow Bister, Mineral (see Min- M j

Black, Gray (see Gray S

Beige) eral Bister) Black)
Beige Brown M RC

gy.yBr 80, m.OIBr 95 Bistre (sanae as Teak- gy.Br 61, gy.yBr 80 Black, Grayish (see Gray-
Mist Brown wood) ish Black)


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
U 14 14

Black, Green (see Green P Blond l.yBr 76, d.gy.Y 91 Blue, Angel (see Angel P
Black) Golden Blue)
Black. Hull (see Hull F Blond, Flesh (see Flesh Blue,Antwerp (see Ant- M,R
Black) Blond) werp Blue)
Black. Ink(see Ink Black) M Blonde Green gWhite 153 Blue, Aqua (see Aqua T
Black, International (see F Blondine gy.yBr 80 Blue)
International Black) Rose Beige, Sable, Blue, Arctic (see Arctic M
Black, Jet(seeJet Black). F Wood bark Blue)
Black, Lamp (see Lamp T Blonket (same as Sky l.bGy 190 Blue, Armenian (see M
Black) Grey) Armenian Blue)
Black, Olivaceous (1) (see fi Blood, Beef's (see Beef's Blue, Arno (see Arno Blue) M,P
Olivaceous Black (1)) Blood) Blue, Asthetic (see P
Black, Olivaceous (2) (see R Blood, Dragon's (see Asthetic Blue)
Olivaceous Black (2)) Dragon's Blood) Blue, Azure (see Azure F
Black, Olivaceous (3) (see R Blood, Pigeon (see Pigeon Blue)
Olivaceous Black (3)) Blood Blue, Azurite (see P,R
Black, Raisin (see Raisin M, R Blood Red v.R 11 Azurite Blue)
Black) Blood Red s.R 12, m.R 15 Blue, Baby (see Baby M, P,T,
Black. Slate (see Slate M Cadmium Vermilion, Blue) TO
Black) Devil's Red, Dewey Blue, Ballad (see Ballad P
Black. Sooty (see Sooty M, R Red, Golf [Red], Blue)
Black) Para Red, Parma Blue, Bavarian (see Ba- P
Black, Violet (see Violet S Red, Permanent varlan Blue)
Black) Red. Perma Red, Blue, Beau (see Beau P
Blackberry Cream P m.pPk 250 Sanguine. Scarlet Blue)
Blackberry Wine T d.gy.P229, v.d.pR250 Lake Blue, Berlin (see Berlin R
Black Boottopping F Black 267 Blossom m.Pk 5 Blue)
(PC) (same as Gloss Venetian Pink Blue, Beryl (see Beryl M, R
Black (AN 515)) Blossom p.gY 104 Blue)
Black Brown gy.Br 61, d.gy.Br 62. Blossom, Cherry (see Blue, Bewitching (see Be- P
l.brGy 63. brGy 64. Cherry Blossom) witching Blue)
gy.OlllO, OIGyllS Blossom, Flaxflower (see Blue, Blanc's (see Blanc's R
Black Deck(N 24) Black 267 Flaxflower Blossom) Blue)
Hull Black(MA). Instru- Blossom, Peach (see M,TC Blue, Blase (see Blase P
ment Black (AN 514) Peach Blossom) Blue)
Black Forest gy.OlG 127 Blossom Pink.. m.Pk 5 Blue, Bluebird (see Blue- H
BlackistiBrown (1) v.d.pR 260 Cherry Pink bird Blue)
Blackish Brown (2) d.rGy 23 Blue brIll.B 177, s.B 178, Blue,Bohemian (see Bo- P
Blackish Brown (3) d.gy.Br 62, brGy 64 deep B 179. hemian Blue)
Blackish Brown, Warm v.l.B 180, 1.8 181, Blue, Bonnie (see Bonnie |
M, P
(see Warm Blackish m.B 182, d.B 183, Blue)
Brown) v.l.pB 198, Blue. Bradley's (see R
Dull Blackish Green R d.gy.G 151 l.pB 199, d.pB201 Bradley's Blue)
Blackish Green-Blue R d.gB 174 I

Blue (MA) (same as Me m.B 182 Blue. Bremen (see Bre- M, R

Blackish Green-Gray R Black 267 dium Blue (USA 116)) men Blue)
Blackish Mouse Gray R brGy 64. d.Gy266 Blue IVIUP-42 s.B 178 Bright Blue A v.B 176
Blackish Plumbeous R d.bGy 192 Blue MUP-43 l.B 181 Bright Blue (USA 117).... F S.B 178
Blackish Purple R d.rP 242, v.d.rP 243 Blue PSP-42 s.B 178 Blue Striping (N 43)
Blackish Red RC d.gy.R 20 Blue. PSP-44 brIII.B 177 Bright Blue S s.bG 160. S.gB 169,
Blackish Red-Purple R d.pR 259 Blue.. PSP-46 v.pB 194 s.B 178, m.B 182
Blackish Slate R d.Gy 266 '

Blue... S l.bG 163, m.bG 164, Bright Blue T brill.gB 168, S.gB 169,
Blackish Violet R m.V 211, d.V 212, brill.gB 168, l.gB 172, m.gB 173,
gy.V 215 s.gB 169, V.B176, brill.B177,
Blackish Violet-Gray R d.pGy 234, d.Gy 266 deep gB 170, S.B 178
Black Knight P d.gy.B 187, d.bGy 192 v.l.gB171,LgB172, Blue, Bright Aqua (see T
Black Olive T d.OI 108, OIGy 113 m.gB 173, d.gB 174, Bright Aqua Blue)
Black Plum T d.gy.P 229, d.pGy 234, brill. B 177, S.B 178, Blue, Bright Cerulean T
pBlack 235, deep B 179, l.B 181, (see Bright Cerulean
Black 267 m.B 182, d.B 183, Blue)
Black Violet d.gy.P 229, V.P.B184, gy.B 186 Blue, Bright Copen (see T
blackish P 230, Blue, Abstract, (see Bright Copen Blue)
d.pR259,v.d.pR260 Abstract Blue) Blue, Dutch (see
Bright T
Black Water d.gy.B 187, Black 267 Blue, Academy (see M Bright Dutch Blue)
Bladder Green (same as I.OI 106 Academy Blue) Blue, Bright Peacock (see T
Reseda [Green]) Blue, Acetin (see Acetin R Bright Peacock Blue)
Blanch v.l.bG 162 Blue) Blue, Bright Periwinkle T
Blanc's Blue m.B 182 Blue, Ageratum (see M (see Bright Periwinkle
Blanc's Violet gy.V 215, gy.P 228, Ageratum Blue) Blue)
d.gy.P 229 Blue, Air (see Air Blue). . M Blue, Bright Reddish (see A
Blarney v.G 139, s.G 141 Blue, Air Castle (see Air Bright Reddish Blue)
Bla$e Blue gy.B 186. d.gy.B 187 Castle Blue) Blue, Bright Teal (see T
Blaze. m.R15, d.r0 38 Blue, Alexandria (see M Bright Teal Blue)
Sheik Alexandria Blue) Blue, Turquoise
Bright T
Blend p.YG 121 (see Bright Turquoise
Blue, Algiers (see Algiers P
Bleu de Lyons (same as deep B m.B Blue)
179, 182 ;
National (Bluej) Brilliant Blue T s.gB 169
Blue, Alice (see Alice M,R
Brilliant Peacock Blue
d'Orient (same as s.B 178 Blue)
Victoria Blue)
Blue, Brilliant Peacock T
Blue, Alizarine (see R (see Brilliant Peacock
Bleu Louise (same as m.bG 164, m.gB 173 Alizarine Blue)
Blue, Alpine (see Alpine P Blue, Brittany (see Brit- TC
Bleu PassS p.B 185, gy.B 186, Blue)
|| tany Blue)
Old Blue bGy 191 Amparo (see Am- M,R

Blue, Blue, Burn (see Burn M, R

Blithe brill.gB 168 "
paro Blue) Blue)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Blue. Butterfly (see But- H |Blue|,Cornflower (see M |Blue|, Dark Wedgwood M

terfly Blue) Cornflower |Blue|) (see Dark Wedgwood
Blue, Cadet (see Cadet M, R, T Blue, Coronet (see Cor- P IBIuej)
Blue) onet Blue) Blue, Dav/n (see Dawn T
Blue, Calamine (see Cala- M, R Blue, Corsican (see Cor- M Blue)
mine Blue) sican Blue) Blue, Dazzle (see Dazzle P
Blue, Cambridge (see M Blue. Cosmic (see Cosmic P Blue)
Cambridge Blue) Blue) Blue, Debutante (see P
Blue. Cameo (see Cameo M Blue, Crayon (see Crayon M Debutante Blue)
Blue) Blue) Deep Blue S deepgB 170,
Blue, Campanula (see M, R Blue, Crisp (see Crisp P m.gB 173, v.B 176,
Campanula Blue) Blue) s.B 178,
Blue, Canton (see Canton M Blue, Cruise (see Cruise P deep B 179, 1. B 181,
Blue) Blue) m.B 182, gy.B 186
Blue, Capri (see Capri H, R Blue, Crystal (see Crystal P Deep Blue T v.B 176, s.B 178,
Blue) Blue) deep B 179,
Blue. Castillian (see Cas- P Blue, Crystal Palace (see M m.B 182, d.B 183,
tillian Blue) Crystal Palace Blue) v.pB 194, s.pB 196.
Blue. Cathedral (see M Blue, Cuddle (see Cuddle P deeppB 197,
Cathedral Blue) Blue) m.pB 200
Blue. Celestial (see Cel- M, P Blue, Cupid (see Cupid P Blue, Deep Cadet (see R
estial Blue) Blue) Deep Cadet Blue)
Blue, Cendre(see Cendre R Blue, Cyan (see Cyan M, P Blue, Deep Cerulean (see T
Blue) Blue) Deep Cerulean Blue)
Blue, Centre (see Centre M Blue, Cyanine (see Cy- M, R Blue, Deep Chicory (see R
Blue) anine Blue) Deep Chicory Blue)
Blue, Cerulean (see Ceru- M, R, T Dark Blue (USA 115) F d.pB 201 Blue. Deep Delft (see R
lean Blue) (same as Insignia Blue Deep Delft Blue)
Blue, Cerulein (see Ceru- H (AN 502)) Blue, Deep Dull Viola- R
lein Blue) Dark Blue S deep gB 170. ceous (see Deep Dull
Blue, Ceylon (see Ceylon M, P m.gB 173, Violaceous Blue)
Blue) d.gB 174. S.B178, Blue, Deep Dutch (see R
Blue, Chalk (see Chalk T deep B 179, Deep Dutch Blue)
Blue) m.B 182, d.B 183, Blue, Deep Madder (see R
Blue. Chalky (see Chalky S gy.B 186, Deep Madder Blue)
Blue) d.gy.B 187, Blue, Deep Medici (see R
Blue, Chapman's (see R blackish B 188 ,
Deep Medici Blue)
Chapman's Blue) deep pB 197, 1
Blue, Deep Orient (see R
Blue. Chemic (see Chemic M l.pB 199 1
Deep Orient Blue)
Blue) Dark Blue T deep B 179, m.B 182, Blue, Deep Peacock (see T
Blue, Chessylite (see M, R d B 183, gy.B 186, Deep Peacock Blue)
Chessylile Blue) d.gy.B 187. Blue, Deep Plun'bago(see R
Blue, Chicory (see Chic- M, R blackish B 188. Deep Plumbago Blue)
ory Blue) d.bGy 192. Blue, Deep Royal (see T
Blue, China (see China M, R m.pB 200. Deep Royal Blue)
Blue) d.pB2Gl. p.pB 203. Blue. Deep Sapphire (see T
Blue. Chin-Chin (see M gy.pB 204. Deep Sapphire Blue)
Chin-Chin Blue) blackish P 230. Blue, Deep Teal (see T
Blue. Classic (see Classic P d pGy 234 Deep Teal Blue)
Blue) Dark Blue (USA) TC Black 267 Blue. Deep Wedgewood R
Blue, Clear (see Clear F Blue, Dark Aniline (see R (see Deep Wedgewood
Blue) Dark Aniline Blue) Blue)
Blue. Clear Cadet (see R Blue, Dark Cadet (see R Blue, Delft (see Delft Blue) M, R, T
Clear Cadet Blue) Dark Cadet Blue) Blue, Delia Robbia (see T
Blue. Clear Windsor (see R Blue, Dark Cerulean (see T Delia Robbia Blue)
Clear Windsor Blue) Dark Cerulean Blue) Blue, Delphinium (see T
Blue, Cloud (see Cloud T Blue, Dark Chessylite (see R Delphinium Blue)
Blue) Dark Chessylite Blue) Blue, Demon (see Demon P
Blue, Cloudy (see Cloudy P Blue, Dark Deltl (see R Blue)
Blue) Dark Delft Blue) Blue. Demure (see De- P
Blue, Cobalt (see Cobalt H, M, TC Blue, Dark Diva (see R mure Blue)
Blue) Dark Diva Blue) Blue. Derby (see Derby M
Blue, Colonial (see Colo- P, T Blue, Dark Gobelin (see R Blue)
nial Blue) Dark Gobelin Blue) Blue, Diamin-Azo (see R
Blue, Columbia (see Co- M. R Blue, Dark Gray (see T Diamin A;o Blue)
lumbia Blue) Dark Gray Blue) Blue, Directoire (see M
Blue, Columbine (see M Blue Dark Madder (see R Directoire Blue)
Columbine Blue) Dark Madder Blue) Blue. Diva (see Diva Blue)_ M. P. R
Blue, Commelina (see M, R Blue, Dark Medici (see R Blue. Divine (see Divine P
Commelina Blue) Dark Medici Blue) Blue)

Blue. Congo (see Congo P Blue, Dark Orient (see R Blue. Dream (see Dream P
Blue) Dark Orient Blue) Blue) 1

Blue. Continental (see M, P Blue, Dark Peacock (see T Blue, Dreamy (see P
Continental Blue) Dark Peacock Blue) Dreamy Blue)
Blue, Copen (see Copen T Blue, Pirk Plumbago (see R Blue, Dresden (see Ores M
Blue) Dark Plumbago Blue) den Blue)
[Blue],Copenhagen (see M i

Blue, Dark Steel (see T Blue, Du Barry (see P

Copenhagen |Blue|) i
Dark Steel Blue) Du Barry Blue)
Blue,Copper (see Copper M 1 Blue, Dark Teal (see T Blue, Duck (see Duck M
Blue) Dark Teal Blue) Blue)
Blue, Cornflower (see H, R, T, Blue, Dark Tyrian (see R Blue, Ouckling(see Duck P
Cornflower Blue) TC '

Dark Tyrian Blue) ling Blue)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source number from
number from sec. number from sec. sec.
14 14 14

Dull Blue. v.p.B 184, p.B 185. Blue. Flemish (see Flem- M, P, TC Blue.Hydrangea (see Hy- M, TC
gy.B 186, ish Blue) drangea Blue)
d.gy.B 187. Blue. Floss Flower (see M Blue, Iceland (see Ice- P
blackish B 188. Floss Flower Blue) land Blue)
v.p.pB2Q2, Blue. Fog (see Fog Blue). P. T Blue, Imperial (see Im- M
p.pB 203, [Blue].Forget-me-not(se M perial Blue)
gy.pB 204 Forget-me-not [Blue]) Blue, lnde(see Inde Blue). M
Dull Blue. s.B 178, Blue. Forget-me-not (see R, T Blue, Indian (see Indian H, M
deep B 179, Forget-me-not Blue) Blue)
I.B 181. m.B 182, Blue. Fountain (see Foun- P Blue, Indigo (see Indigo R
gy.B 188. tain Blue) Blue)
d.bGy 192. Blue, French (see French H, M, P Blue, Indulin (see Indu- R
gy.pB 204 Blue) lin Blue)
Blue. Dull Violaceous Blue. Garter (see Garter M Blue, Infernal (see In- M
(see Dull Violaceous Blue) fernal Blue)
Blue) [Blue],Gendarme (see M Blue, Ink (see Ink Blue). M. P
Blue. Dumont's (see Du- M Gendarme [Blue]) Blue, Insignia (see In- F
mont's Blue) Blue, Gendarme (see R signia Blue)
Blue. Dusk (see Dusk T Gendarme Blue) Blue, Intense (see In- M
Blue) Blue, Geneva (see Gen- M, P tense Blue)
Dusky Blue P p.B 185 eva Blue) Blue, Intermediate (see F
Dusky Blue R gy.pB 204 Blue. Genoa (see Genoa M Intermediate Blue)
Dusky Blue. RC gy.B 186, d.gy.B 187 Blue) Blue, Ionia (see Ionia M, P
Blue, Dusky Orient (see R Blue, Gentian (see Gen- H, M, R Blue)
Dusky Orient Blue) tian Blue) Blue, Iron (see Iron Blue). M
Blue. Dusty (see Dusty T |Blue|. Genuine Ultra- M Blue, Italian (see Italian M, P. R
Blue) marine (see Genuine Blue)
Blue. Dusty Aqua (see T Ultramarine [Blue]) Blue, Japan (see Japan M
Dusty Aqua Blue) Blue. Ghostly (see Ghostly P Blue)
Blue, Dusty Copen (see T Blue) Blue, Japanese (see Jap- M
Dusty Copen Blue) Blue, Glacier (see Gla- M anese Blue)
Blue, Dusty Periwinkle T cier Blue) [Blue|,Jay(seeJay[Bluel). M
(see Dusty Periwinkle Blue, Gmelin's (see Gme- M Blue, Jay (see Jay Blue).. R
Blue) lin's Blue) Blue, Jewel (see Jewel P
Blue. Dusty Turquoise Blue. Gobelin (see Gobe- M, R Blue)
(see Dusty Turquoise lin Blue) Blue,Jouvence (see Jou- M, R
Blue) Blue. Granite (see Gran- M, P vence Blue)
Blue. Dutch (see Dutch M. R, T ite Blue) Blue, Kingfisher (see H
Blue) Blue. Grape (see Grape M Kingfisher Blue)
Blue, Dutch Ware (see M Blue) Blue, King's (see King's M, R
Dutch Ware Blue) Blue. Graphite (see TC Blue)
Blue. Eerie (see Eerie P Graphite Blue) Blue, Lake (see Lake M, P
Blue) Blue. Gray(seeGray Blue). P. S Blue)
Blue. Eggshell (see Egg- M Blue. Grayish Violaceous R Blue. Lambert's (see M
shell Blue) (see Grayish Violaceous Lambert's Blue)
Blue. Egyptian (see M Blue) Blue, Lapis Lazuli (see T
Egyptian Blue) [Blue], Grotto (see Grotto M Lapis Lazuli Blue)
[Blue], Electric (see Elec- M (Blue)) Blue, Larkspur (see Lark- P
tric (Bluel) Blue, Grotto (see Grotto TC spur Blue)
Blue. Empire (see Em- M Blue) Blue, Laundry (see M
pire Blue) Blue, Guimet's (see Gui- M Laundry Blue)
Blue. Empirical (see Em- P met's Blue) Blue, Legion (see Legion M
pirical Blue) Blue, Harbor (see Harbor M, P Blue)
Blue. Enamel (see Enamel H, M Blue) Blue, Leitch's (see M, R
Blue) Blue, Harlem (see Har- M, P Leitch's Blue)
Blue, Endive (see Endive M, R lem Blue) Blue, Leithner's (see M
Blue) Blue, Harmonious (see P Leithner's Biue)
Blue, English (see English M Harmonious Blue) Blue. Leyden (see Leyden M
Blue) Blue, Hays (see Hays R Blue)
Blue, Eschel (see Eschel M Blue) Blue, Liberty (see Liberty M
Blue) Blue, Haze (see Haze T Blue)
Blue, Etain (see Etain M, R Blue) Light Blue(AN501)(same F m.B 182
Blue) Blue. Hazy (see Hazy M as Medium Blue (USA
Blue, Ethereal (see M Blue) 116))
Ethereal Blue) Blue. Helvetia (see Hel- M. R Light Blue (BuOrd) F m.bG 164, m.gB 173
Blue. Ethyl (see Ethyl H vetia Blue) Light Blue (Eng) F 2525 v.l.G 143
Blue) Blue. Holland (see Hol- M, P Light Blue (Eng) F 3550 v.p.G 148
Blue, Eton (see Eton M. R land Blue) Light Blue (USA 118) F 1535 m.bG 164
Blue) Blue, Homage (see Hom- M, TC Light Blue (USA 209) F 2425 v.p.G 148
Blue, Farence (see H age Blue) Light Blue (USA 307) F 3530 m.gB 173
FaTence Blue) Blue, Horace Vernet's M Light Blue RC l.gB 172
Blue, Fall (see Fall Blue). P Light Blue S v.l.bG 162, l.bG 163,
(see Horace Vernet's
Blue, Firmameni (see M, P Blue)
m.bG 164.
Firmament Blue) brill.gB 168.
[Bluel. Horizon (see Hori- M
Blue, Rag (see Flag Blue). T l.gB172. m.gB 173,
zon [Blue])
Biue, Flame (see Flame M S.B 178, I.B 181.
Blue, Horizon (see Hori- T v.p.B 184
zon Blue)
Blue. Flax (see Flax Blue). H Light Blue T v.l.gB 171, v.p.B. 184
Blue, Hortense (see Hor- R TC m.gB 173, gy.B 186
Blue. Flaxflower (see M Light Blue(USA)
Flaxflower Blue) tense Blue) Light Blue 1 (same as M p.YG 121
B'ue, Flax Flower (see P Blue, Hungarian (see M Skimmed-Milk White)
Flax Flower Blue) Hungarian Blue) Light Blue 2 M v.p.G 148. v.p.B 184
Blue, Flax-flower (see R Blue, Hyacinth (see Hya- H, M, R Light Blue 3 M v.p.G 148. v.p.B 184
Flax-flower Blue) cinth Blue) Light Blue 4 M v.p.B 184

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec number from sec.
14 14 14

Light Blue 5 M v.p.G 148 (Blue), Marine(see Marine M Blue. Neropalin (see R
Light Blue 6 M p.B 185 IBIuel) Neropalin Blue)
Blue, Light Alice (see R Blue, Marine (see Marine P, R Blue, Neuwieder (see M
Light Alice Blue) Blue) Neuwieder Blue)
Blue, Light Ampato (see R Blue, Marine Corp (see P Blue, New (see New Blue). M, P
Light Amparo Blue) Marine Corp Blue) Blue, Night (see Night P, T
Blue, Light Aqua (see T Blue, Mathew's (see R Blue)
Light Aqua Blue) Mathew's Blue) Blue, Nigrosin (see Ni- R
Blue, Light Cadet (see R Blue, Mazarine (see M, R grosin Blue)
Light Cadet Blue) Mazarine Blue) Blue, Nile (see Nile Blue). M, R
Blue, Light Campanula R Blue, Medici (see Medici M, R Blue, Normandy (see M
(see Light Campanula Blue) Normandy Blue)
Blue) Moderate Blue RC m.gB 173 Blue, Norse (see Norse P
Blue, Light Cerulean (see R, T Medium Blue T m.gB 173, d.gB 174, Blue)
Light Cerulean Blue) m.B 182, d.B 183, Blue, North (see North P
Blue, Light Chicory (see R gy.B 186, Blue)
Light Chicory Blue) gy.pB 204 Blue, Oil (see Oil Blue).... M
Light Clear Blue T l.gB 172, v.l.B 180 Medium Blue(BuOrd) F gy.B 186 Blue, 01d(seeOld Blue)... M, TC
Blue, LightColumbia (see R Medium Blue (USA 116) F m.B 182 Blue, Old Glory (see Old TC
Light Columbia Blue) Blue (MA), Light Blue Glory Blue)
Blue, Light Copen (see T (AN 501) Blue, Olympian (see M
Light Copen Blue) Blue, Medium Gray (see T Olympian Blue)
Blue, LightCornflower T Medium Gray Blue) Blue, Olympic (see Olym- M, R
(see Light Cornflower Blue, Medium Teal (see T pic Blue)
Blue) Medium Teal Blue) Blue, Opal (see Opal M
Blue, Light Dutch (see T Blue, Medium Turquoise T Blue)
Light Dutch Blue) (see Medium Turquoise Blue, Opera (see Opera P
Blue, Light Forget-me-not R Blue) Blue)
(see Light Forget-me- Blue, Methyl (see Methyl R |Blue], Orient (see Orient M
not Blue) Blue) IBIuel)
Blue, Light Gray (see T Blue, Midnight (see Mid- T Blue, Orient (see Orient M, R
Light Gray Blue) night Blue) Blue)
Blue, Light Horizon (see T Blue, Milano (see Milano M, P Blue, Oriental (see Ori- H, M, TC
Light Horizon Blue) Blue) ental Blue)
Blue, Light King's (see R Blue, Milky (see Milky S Blue, Oxford (see Oxford M
Light King's Blue) Blue) Blue)
Blue, Light Medici (see R Blue, Mineral(see Mineral M Blue, Oxide (see Oxide M, R
Light Medici Blue) Blue) Blue)
Blue, Light Methyl (see R Blue, Mist(see Mist Blue)_ M, T IBIuel, Pagoda (see Pa- M
Light Methyl Blue) Blue, Misty (see Misty M goda IBIuel)
Blue, Light Neropalin R Blue) Blue, Palace (see Palace P
(see Light Neropalin Blue, Monastral (see P Blue)
Blue) Monastral Blue) Pale Blue (Ethyl Blue).... R v.l.gB 171, v.p.B 184
Blue, Light Periwinkle Blue, Monet (see Monet M Pale Blue RC l.gB 172. p.B 185
(see Light Periwinkle Blue) Pale Blue S gy.B 186, l.pGy 232
Blue) Blue, Moonlight (see M, P Pale Blue T v.p.B 184. v.p.pB 202
Blue, Light Sky (see Light R. T Moonlight Blue) Pale Blue.. TC l.gGy 154. I.Gy 264
Sky Blue) Blue, Moonlit (see Moon- P Blue, Amparo (see
Pale R
Blue, Light Squill (see R lit Blue) Pale Amparo Blue)
Light Squill Blue) Blue, Moonstone (see T Blue, Pale Aqua (see Pale T
Blue, Light Turquoise (see T Moonstone Blue) Aqua Blue)
Light Turquoise Blue) Blue. Moorish (see H Blue, Pale Cadet (see Pale R
Blue, Light Tyrian (see R Moorish Blue) Cadet Blue)
Light Tyrian Blue) Blue, Morning(see Morn- M Blue, Pale Campanula R
(Blue), Light Wedgwood M ing Blue) (see Pale Campanula
(see Light Wedgwood Blue, Mosaic (see Mosaic M Blue)
IBIuel) Blue) Blue, Pale Cerulean (see R
Blue, Light Windsor (see R Blue, Molmot (see Mot- M, R Pale Cerulean Blue)
Light Windsor Blue) mot Blue) Blue, Pale Forget-me-not R
Blue, Light Wistaria (see R Blue, Mountain (see M (see Pale Forget-me-
Light Wistaria Blue) Mountain Blue) not Blue)
Blue, Lime(see Lime Blue) M Blue,Mountain Peak (see P Blue, Pale Grayish (see R
Blue, Lobelia (see Lobelia H Mountain Peak Blue) Pale Grayish Blue)
Blue) Blue, Myosotis (see M Blue, Pale King's (see R
[Bluel, Lobelia (see M Myosotis Blue) Pale King's Blue)
Lobelia |Blue|) Blue, Mystic (see Mystic P Blue, Pale Mazarine (see R
Blue,Logwood (see Log- M Blue) Pale Mazarine Blue)
wood Blue) Blue, Myth (see Myth P Blue, Pale Medici (see R
Blue, Lucerne (see Lu- M, P Blue) Pale Medici Blue)
cerne Blue) Blue, Napoleon (see M Blue, Pale Methyl (see R
Blue, Lumiere (see M, R Napoleon Blue) Pale Methyl Blue)
Lumiere Blue) |Blue|, National (see M Blue, Pale Neropalin (see R
Blue, Lustre (see Lustre TC National |Blue]) Pale Neropalin Blue)
Blue) Blue, National Flag (see TC Blue, Pale Nile (see Pale R
Blue, Lyons (see Lyons M. P, R National Flag Blue) Nile Blue)
Blue) Blue, Native (see Native P Blue, Pale Periwinkle(see T
Blue, Lyre(see Lyre Blue) P Blue) Pale Periwinkle Blue)
Blue, Madder (see Mad- M, R Blue, Navy (see Navy M, R Blue, Pale Russian (see R
der Blue) Blue) Pale Russian Blue)
Blue, Madeline (see M Blue, Neapolitan (see M Blue, Pale Sky (see Pale T
Madeline Blue) Neapolitan Blue) Sky Blue)
Blue, Majolica (see M, TC Blue, Neon (see Neon P Blue, Pale Windsor (see R

Majolica Blue) Blue) Pale Windsor Blue)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
i^nstion with seri3l ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from

number from sec number from sec. sec.


14 14

Blue, Pale Wistaria (see R Blue, Robin's Egg (see M, T Blue, Steam (see Steam P
Pale Wistaria Blue) Robin's Egg Blue) Blue)
Blue. PallidMethyl (see R Blue, Roma (see Roma M Blue, Steel (see Steel P. T
Pallid Methyl Blue) Blue) Blue)
Blue, Panama (see Pan- P Blue. Romantic (see Ro- P Blue, Sterling (see Ster- P
ama Blue) mantic Blue) ling Blue)
Blue, Paris (see Paris R Blue. Rood's (see Rood's R Blue, Stone (see Stone M, T, TC
Blue) Blue) Blue)
Blue, Parrot (see Parrot TC Blue, Roslyn (see Roslyn M, R Blue, Storm (see Storm T
Blue) Blue) Blue)
Blue. Parula (see Parula M, R Blue, Royal (see Royal F, M, S. Strong Blue T s.B 178, deep B 179,
Blue) Blue) T, TC m.B 182
Blue, Pastel (see Pastel M, T, TC Blue, Russian (see Rus- M, P, R Blue, Succory (see Suc- M
Blue) sian Blue) cory Blue)
Blue, Patent (see Patent R Blue, Saga (see Saga P Blue, Suez (seeSuez Blue) P
Blue) Blue) Blue, Sweet (see Sweet P
Blue], Peacock (see Pea- M Blue, Sailor (see Sailor M, R Blue)
cock (Bluej) Blue) Blue, Swiss (see Swiss M, P
Blue, Peacock (see Pea- P, R,S,T Blue, Salome (see Salome P Blue)
cock Blue) Blue) Blue, Teal (see Teal Blue). M, P, T
Blue. Pearl (see Pearl M, R Blue, Salvia (see Salvia M, R Blue, Telegraph (see M
Blue) Blue) Telegraph Blue)
Blue, Peasant (see Peas- M, P, TC Blue, Sander's (see M Blue, Television (see P
ant Blue) Sander's Blue) Television Blue)
Blue, Peking (see Peking M, TC IBIuej, Sapphire (see M Blue, Tempest (see P
Blue) Sapphire (Blue)) Tempest Blue)
Blue, Peligot's (see Peli- M Blue, Sapphire (see Sap- T, TC Blue, Theatrical (see P
got's Blue) phire Blue) Theatrical Blue)
Blue, Periwinkle (see T Blue, Saunder's (see M Blue, Thenard's (see M
Periwmkle Blue) Saunder's Blue) Thenard's Blue)
Blue. Permanent (see M Blue, Saxe (see Saxe M, P, TC Blue. Tile(see Tile Blue).. M, TC
Permanent Blue) Blue) Blue, Titmouse (see Tit- M
Blue. Persian (see Per- H, M, R Blue. Saxony (see Saxony M mouse Blue)
sian Blue) Blue) Blue, Torino (see Torino M
Blue. Phantom (see Phan- P Blue. Scotch (see Scotch M, P Blue)
tom Blue) Blue) Blue, Transatlantic (see P
Blue. Phenyl (see Phenyl R Blue. Sea (see Sea Blue) F, H, M Transatlantic Blue)
Blue) Blue. Sea. Glossy (see F Blue, Translucent (see P
Blue, Pilot (see Pilot M Sea Blue, Glossy) Translucent Blue)
Blue) Blue. Sea. Non-Specular F Blue, Triumph (see M
Blue, Plumbago (see P, R (see Sea Blue, Non- Triumph Blue)
Plumbago Blue) Specular) Blue. Turkey (see Turkey M
Blue. Polar (see Polar P Blue. Sea. Semi-Glossy F Blue)
Blue) (see Sea Blue. Semi- Blue. Turkish (see Turk- M
Blue. Pompeian (see M Glossy) ish Blue)
Pompeian Blue) Blue,Seaman (see Sea- M [Bluej. Turquoise (see M
Blue. Porcelain (see Por- H, M, R man Blue) Turquoise [Bluej)
celain Blue) [Blue], Sevres (see Sevres M Blue. Turquoise (see P, S, T
Blue. Poudre(see Poudre M IBIuel) Turquoise Blue)
Blue) Blue, Shadow (see Shadow P, T [Bluej. Twilight (see Twi- M
Blue. Powder (see Powder M, T Blue) light [Blue!)
Blue) Blue, Silver (see Silver P Blue, Twilight (see Twi- T
Blue. Princely (see P Blue) light Blue)
Princely Blue) Blue, Singing (see Sing- P Blue, Twinkle (see (A

Blue. Princess (see Prin- H ing Blue) Twinkle Blue)

cess Blue) Blue,Sky(seeSky Blue).. M, R, T, Blue, Tyrian (see Tyrian M, P, R
Blue, Priscilla (see Pris- P TC Blue)
cilia Blue) Blue, Slate (see Slate M, P.S.T Blue, Ultramarine (see R, TC
Blue. Profound (see Pro- P Blue) Ultramarine Blue)
found Blue) Blue, Smalt (see Smalt R [Bluej, Genuine Ultra- M
Blue, Prussian (see Prus- R, S Blue) marine (see Genuine
sian Blue) Blue, Smoke (see Smoke M, P Ultramarine [Blue[)
Blue. Quaker (see Quaker M Blue) Blue, Uniform (see Uni- P
Blue) Blue, Solitary (see Soli- P form Blue)
Blue. Queen (see Queen M, P tary Blue) Blue, Urania (see Urania M, R
Blue) Blue, Somber (see Somber P Blue)
Blue. Queen's (see M Blue) Blue, Vanderpoel's (see R
Queen's Blue) Blue, Sovereign (see P Vanderpoel's Blue)
Blue, Radio (see Radio M Sovereign Blue) Blue, Vapor (see Vapor P
Blue) Blue, Spanish (see Span- P Blue)
Blue, Ramier (see Ramier M, R isn DIUcJ Blue, Venetian (see Vene- M, R
Blue) tian Blue)
Blue, Spectra (seeSpectra P
Blue, Reddish (see Red- A Blue) [6lue[, Venice (see Venice tA

dish Blue) [Bluej)

Blue,Spectrum (see Spec- H, R
Blue, Restrained (see Re- P Blue Venice (see Venice P
trum Blue)
strained Blue) Blue)
Blue, Spiritual (see P
Blue, Rhapsody (see P Blue, Venus (see Venus P
OpilllUdl DIUC^
Rhapsody Blue) Blue)
Blue, Rigi (see Rigi Blue)_ M, P Blue, S(]uill (see SquIM M, R Very Pale Blue . ... RC v.p.B 184
Blue, Reo(see Reo Blue).. P Blue) M
Blue, Victoria (see Vic-
Blue, River (see River TC Blue, Starch (see Starch M toria Blue)
Blue) Blue) Blue, Vienna (see Vienna M
Blue, Rivulet (see Riv- P Blue, Starlight (see Star- TC Blue)
let Blue) 1
light Blue) Vivid Blue '
T s,gB 169, S.B 178

.. _

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation witti serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Blue, Vivid Cerulean (see T Dark Blue Green. S s.G 141, d.G 146, Dusky Blue-Violet (2)... d.V 212, d.gy.P229
Vivid Cerulean Blue) v.d.G 147, Blue-Violet, Grayish
Blue, Vivid Peacock (see T d.gy.G 151, (see Grayish Blue-Vio-
Vivid Peacock Blue) blackish G 152, let (D)
Blue, Vivid Turquoise T s.bG 160, l.bG 163, Bluc-Violet, Grayish (2)
(see Vivid Turquoise m.bG 164, (see Grayish Blue-Vio-
Blue) m.gB 173 let (2))
Blue, Wan (see Wan Blue). P Blue-Green. Dark Grayish R Light Blue-Violet V.pB 194
Blue, Water (see Water M (see Dark Grayish Blue- Blue-Violel, Light Gray-
Blue) Green) ish (see Light Grayish
Blue, Wedgev*ood (see R Blue-Green, Deep Grayish R Blue-Violet)
WedgevKood Blue) (see Deep Grayish Blue- Light Soft Blue-Violet- -. brill.pB 195,
Blue, Wedgwood (see T Green) brill.V 206
Wedgwood Blue) Dusky Blue-Green R d.gy.G 151 Pale Blue-Violet bnll.pB 195
|Blue|, Dark Wedgwood M Dusky Blue Green RC d.gy.G 151 Blue-Violet, Pale Gray-
(see Dark Wedgwood Blue-Green, Grayish (see R ish (see Pale Grayish
[Blue!) Grayish Blue-Green) Blue-Violet)
(Blue), Light Wedgwood M Blue Green, Grayish (see RC Pale Soft Blue-Violet LpB 199, I.V 210
(see Light Wedgwood Grayish Blue Green) Pallid Blue-Violet V.l.pB 198, l.pB 199
IBIuel) Light Blue-Green R brill.G 140, I.G 144 Pallid Soft Blue-Violet... V.l.pB 198, l.pB 199,
Blue, White (see White M Light Blue Green. RC l.bG 163 v.l.V 209, I.V 210
Blue) Moderate Blue Green RC m.bG 164 Soft Blue-Violet brill.V 206
Blue, Windsor (see Wind- M, R Pale Blue-Green R v.p.G 148 Blue-Violet Black d.pGy 234, d.Gy 266
sor Blue) Pale Blue Green RC p.G 149 Blue Waltz v.p.G 148, v.l.bG 162
Blue,Winsome (see Win- P Dull Blue-Green Black ... R d.gy.B 187, Blue Wash bWhite 189
some Blue) blackish B 188, Bluish Black bBlack 193
(Blue), Wistaria (see M bBlack 193 Bluish Black d.gy.B 187,
Wistaria IBIuel) Blue Grotto . P l.gB 172 blackish B 188
Blue, Wistaria (see M, R Blue Haze . M d.Gy 266 Bluish Glaucous v.p.G 148, V.l.bG 162
Wistaria Blue) Blue Heaven. P brill.B177, v.l.B 180, Dark Bluish Glaucous... I.G 144, p.G 149
Blue, Wisteria (see H 1 B 181 Deep Bluish Glaucous V.l.bG 162
Wisteria Blue) Blue Horizon P p.B 185 Bluish Gray l.bGy 190,
Blue, Yale (see Yale Blue). M, P, R, Blue Hour P m.gB 173 med.bGy 191,
TC Blue Idol... P m.bG 164 d.bGy 192
Blue, Zaffre (see Zaffre M Bluejay M deep B 179, d.B 183 Light Bluish Gray RC l.bGy 190
Blue) Blue Jewel _ M s gB 169 Medium Bluish Gray RC bGy 191
|Blue|, Zenith (see Zenith M Blue Lavender (same as M p pB 203 Bluish Gray-Green R p.G 149, gy.G 150
IBluej) Ontario Violet) Dark Bluish Gray-Green.. R gy.G 150, d.gy.G 151,
Blue, Zephyr (see Zephyr Blue Light P V p.B 184 m.bG 164, d.bG 165
Blue) Blue Lightning P s.B 178 Deep Bluish Gray-Green.. R gy.G 150, m.bG 164
Blue Appeal P v.l.B 180, v.p.B 184 Blue Lotus M IB 181 Bluish Green A brill.bG 159, s.bG 160,
Blue Ashes (same as M m.B 182 Blue Mist P 1gB 172, p.B 185 deep bG 161,
Ceramic) Blue Ochre. M gy.G 150, gy.B 186 V.l.bG 162, l.bG 163,
Blue Aster M m.B 182 Blue Orchid... M gy.B 186 m.bG 164, d.bG 165,
Bluebell M m.B 182, d.B 183 Blue Plum T d.V 212, gy.V 215, v.d.bG 166
Blue Bell P l.pB 199 d gy.P 229 Bright Bluish Green V.bG 158
Blue Bice (same as M m.B 182 Blue Prose P vl.gB 171 Dull Bluish Green v.p.G 148, p.G 149,
Ceramic) Blue Ridge P v.l.B 180, v.l.pB 198 gy.G 150,
Blue Bird M m.B 182 Blue Sapphire M m.gB 173 d.gy.G 151,
Bluebird TC m.B 182 Blue Shadow P m.gB 173 blackish G 152
Bluebird Blue H s.pB 196, m.pB 200, Blue Spruce M m.G 145, gy.G 150 Dusky Bluish Green... d.gGy 156
S.V207, m.V211 Blue Spruce P m.G 145 Dusky Dull Bluish Green d.gy.G 151
Blue Black S bGy 191, d.bGy 192 Blue Spruce. T gy.G 150. d.gy.G 151 Bluish Lavender I.V 210
Blue Chill P v.p.B 184 Blue Spruce TC m.G 145 Pale Bluish Lavender , v.p.V 213, v.p.P 226
Blue Danube P s.gB 169 Light Blue Spruce _. T p.G 149 Bluish Olive s.OIG 123,
Blue Dash ._ P gy.B 186 Medium Blue Spruce T gy.G 150 deep OIG 124,
Blue Day P v.p.pB 202 Bluesteel. TC gy.B 186 m.OIG 125,
Blue Devil M gy.pB 204 Blue Striping (N) (same F s.B 178 d.OIG 126,
Blue Drab (USA 328) F d.gGy 156 as Bright Blue (USA gy.OIG 127,
Light Blue Enamel (PC). - F d.B 183 117)) d.gy.OIG 128
Blue Eyes, Baby (see P Blue Swirl P l.gB 172 Bluish Pink brill.pPk 246,
Baby Blue Eyes) Bluet M m B 182 s.pPk 247,
Blue Flower TC p.B 185 Blue Tease P v l.gB 171 deep pPk 248,
Blue Fog P gy.B 186, bGy 191 Blue Tint T v.p.B 184, l.pPk 249,
Blue Fox M d.rGy 23 Dwniie loj m.pPk 250,
Blue Glow P v.p.B 184 Blue Tint (MA) F v.p.G 148 d.pPk 251,
Blue Grass (same as Pine M d.bG 165 Blue Turquoise M l.bG 163. l.gB 172 p.pPk 252,
Tree) Blue Turquoise P brill.gB 168 gy.pPk 253,
Blue Gray S l.gGy 154, bGy 191 Blue Turquoise TC l.gB 172 l.gy.pR 261

Blue Gray (BuOrd) F med.Gy 265 Blue Ultramarine Ash M m.B 182 Bluish Red s.pR 255,

Blue Gray (USA 331) ... F med.Gy 265

Blue Verditer (same as M m.B 182 deep pR 256,
Ceramic) v.deep pR 257,
Dark Gull Gray (AN
Blue-Violet R v.pB 194, v.V 205 m.pR 258
621), Gray Deck (N)
Blue Violet S l.pB 199 Bright Bluish Red. v.pR 254
Blue Green (CAA) I yG 135
Blue-Violet, Dark Grayish R
(USA Dull Bluish Red... m.pR 258, d.pR 259.
Blue Green 119).... l.yG 135 (see Dark Grayish
v.d.pR 260
blue Green brill.G 140, s.G 141, Blue Violet)
Bluish Slate-Black. d.B 183, d.gy.B 187
v.l.G 143, I.G 144, DarkSoft Blue-Violet R m.pB 200, m.V211
m.G 145, v.bG 158, Bluish Violet brill.V 206, s.V 207.
Deep Blue-Violet R v.pB194, v.V 205
brill.bG 159, s.bG DeepSoft Blue-Violet R m.pB 200, m.V 211 deep V 208,
v.l.V 209, I.V 210,
160, l.bG 163, m.bG DullBlue-Violet(l) R S.pB 196, brill.V 206,
164, m.gB 173 s.V 207
m.V 211, d.V 212

Bright Blue Green. v.G 139, brill.G 140, Dull Blue-Violet (2). . R m.V 211 Bluish Violet V.pB 194, v.V 205

s.G 141 I Dusky Blue-Violet (1). R gy.V 215 Bright Bluish Violet v.V 205

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ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Dark Bluish Violet.. m.V 211, d.V 212. Bole, Armenian (see M Bremen Green (same as M m.yG 136
gy.V215 Armenian Bole) Malachite Green)
Dark Dull Bluish Violet(l). m.V 211. gy.V 215 Bole, Red (see Red Bole) M Brewster Green (same as M m.OIG 125
Dark Dull Bluish Violet(2). gy.V 215 Bole Armoniack (same as M m.rBr 43 Yew Green)
Dark Dull Bluish VioletO). d.P 224 Bole) Briar (same as Oak M S.Br 55, m.Br 58
Dark Soft Bluish Violet... m.V 211 Bolus (same as Bole) M m.rBr 43 (Brownj)
Deep Dull Bluish Violet(l). S.V 207. m.V 211 Bombay M S.Br 55, m.Br 58 Briarwood M d. gy.Br 62
Deep Dull Bluish Violet (2). p.pB 203. gy.pB 204, Bone Brown (same as M m.OIBr95, d.OIBr 96 Morocco
P.V214. gy.V 215 Bracken) Brick, Milwaukee (see M
Deep Dull Bluish VioletO) m.V 211 Bone Brown R gy.Br 61, brGy 64 Milwaukee Brick)
Deep Soft Bluish Violet... s.V 207 Bonfire (same as Tommy M S.R 12 Brickdust M deep R 13
Dull Bluish Violet v.p.V 213, p.V 214, Red) Brick Red H s.rO 35
gy.V 215. V.P.P226, Bonito M brGy 64 Brick Red M S.Br 55, m.Br 58
p.P 227, gy.P 228. Fuscous, Wild Dove Latericeous, Lateritious,
d.gy.P 229. Grey, Wild Pigeon Saravan
blackish P 230 Bonnie Blue M v.B 176 Brick Red m.rBr 43
Dull Bluish Violet (1) brill.V 206, S.V 207 Bonnie Blue P v.B 176. v.pB 194 Brick Red gy.R 19, gy.rBr 46
Dull Bluish Violet (2). I.V 210. m.V 211 Bordeaux A d.pR 259, v.d.pR 260, Brick Red m.R 15, d.R 16,
Dull Bluish VioletO). S.V 207, m.V 211 gy.pR 262 gy.R 19, m.rBr 43,
Light Bluish Violet... brill. pB 195. Bordeaux. R d.pR 259 S.Br 55
s.pB 196. DullBordeaux A gy.P 228, d.gy.P 229, Brick Red (USA) TC d.R 16
brill.V 206 blackish P 230, Bridal Rose M d.Pk 6
Light Dull Bluish Violet- R I.V 210 d.pR 259, Bridesmaid Pink P l.pPk 249
Pale Bluish Violet R brilLpB 195 v.d.pR 260 Brigand M S.R 12, m.R 15,
Pallid Bluish Violet R v.l.pB 198. l.pB 199, Bordeaux (Red) (same as M m.R 15 English Red, Madder, s.rO 35. m.rO 37
v.l.V 209, I.V 210 Claret (Redl) Madder Red
Soft Bluish Violet R S.V 207 Boreal (same as Cordova) M m.rBr 43 Bright Sun v.Y 82, brill.Y 83
Bluish White... A bWhIte 189 Bosphorus M d.gy.G 151 Brimstone |Yellow| (same l.gY 101
Bluish White RC bWhite 189 Botticelli M deep rP 238 as Sulphur (Yellow))
Blunket (same as Sky M l.bGy 190 Bottle Green M d.gy.G 151, d.bG165 Brittany m.gB 173, m.B 182,
Grey) Meadowbrook gy.B 186
Blush M m.yPk 29 Bottle Green P m.G145, gy.G150 Brittany Blue TC m.gB 173
Peachbeige Bottle Green R d.G 146 Broccoli Brown (same as M brGy 64
Blush.. M I.Br 57 Bottle Green T v.d.yG 138, d.G 146 Goat)
Josephine. Rose Blush 2 Dark Hunter Green, Broncho d.gy.yBr81,
Blush. Coral (see Coral M, P Forest Green, Winter- Indian Brown, Old m.OIBr95,
Blush) green English Brown d.OIBr 96
Blush. Cream (see Cream P Bottle Green TC d.G 146 Bronze m.yBr 77
Blush) Dark Bottle Green T V.d.yG 138, d.gy.G 151 Beeswax, Linoleum
Blush, Maiden's (see M Bougainville M m.P 223, m.rP 241 Brown, Wax Brown
Maiden's Blush) Bougainvillea (same as P v.pR 254 Bronze TC m.OIBr 95
Blush, Mauve (see Mauve M Spectra Rose) Bronze, Antique (see M, P
Blush) Boulevard (same as Grey M brGy 64 Antique Bronze)
Blush, Orange (see Or- P 31) Bronze, Canary (see Ca- P
ange Blush) Bounding Main P I.B 181 nary Bronze)
Blush, Peach (see Peach M Bouquet Green... M I.G 144 Bronze, Citron (see Citron P
Blush) Bouquet Green P v.yG 129, brilLyG 130 Bronze)
Blush, Rose (see Rose M Bouquet Orchid P v.l.P 221. v.p.P 226 Bronze, Cocoa (see Cocoa P
Blush) Bouquet Yellow P I.Y 86 Bronze)
Blush Rose M gy.R 19 Bourgeon M m.YG 120 Bronze, Copper (see Cop- P
Blush Rose P gy.pR 262 Box Green M m.YG 120 per Bronze)
Blush Yellow P I.OY 70, p.OY 73 Bracken M m.OIBr95. d.OIBr 96 Bronze, Fall (see Fall P
Boa (same as Nile |Green|) M m.YG 120. gy.YG 121, Bone Brown. Ivory Bronze)
l.yG 135 Brown. Loutre Bronze, Gold (see Gold M
Bobolink (same as Deer). M gy.yBr 80 Bradley's Blue R v.B 176 Bronze)
P gy.YG 122 Bradley's Violet R brill.V 206, s.V 207, Bronze, Medal (see Medal M, R
Bohemian Blue P m.B 182 I.V 210, m.V 211 Bronze)
Bois de Rose M gy.R 19 Bramble. M d.V 212 Bronze, Midnight (see P
Rosewood Bran. M I.Br 57. l.yBr 76 Midnight Bronze)
Bois de Rose.. TO gy.R 19 Brass M m.Y 87 Bronze, New (see New M
Bokhara . ... M d.pR 259 Brazen Yellow, Latoun, Bronze)
Bole M m.rSr 43 Latten Bronze, Old (see Old M
Antwerp Red, Armen- Brass. P d.Y 88 Bronze)
ian Bole. Berlin Red, Brass, Antique (see M, P Bronze, Oriental (see Ori- P
Bole Armoniack, Antique Brass) ental Bronze)
Bolus, Brown Red, Brazen Yellow (same as M m.Y 87 Bronze Brown M brGy 64
Crocus Marlis, Indian Brass) Bronze Clair M l.gy.yBr 79
Red, Iron Crocus, Brazil Brown M d.gy.rBr 47
Bronze Gold P S.Y84, m.Y 87
Iron Lem-
Saffron, Brazil (Redl M d.rO 38
nian Earth.Lemnian
Bronze Green M gy.OIG 127
Ruddle. Lemnos, Bronze Lustre M gy.OI 110
Brazil Red P d.rO 38
Naples Red, Nurem- p Bronze Mist P I.OI 106
Brazil Red n u.ru Jo
berg Red, Oriental
M m.R
Bronze Nude (same as M m.OIBr 95
Brazilwood (same as 15. gy.R 19
Bole. Raddle, Red Olive Brown)
Bole, Red Chalk, Bronze Pink P m.yPk 29, m.O 53
Redding, Reddle, Red
Brazil Wood, Yellow (see M
Yellow Brazil Wood) Bronze Red (same as Pep- M m.R 15
Earth, Red Ochre, per Red)
Rouge de Fer, Breath of Spring P p.gY 104, I.YG 119
Bronzesheen M gy.OI 110
Rubrica, Ruddle, Bremen Blue... M m.bG 164
ChemicG'cen, Neuwied Bronze Sheen P gy.OI 110
Striegau Earth, Terra
Lemnia, Terra Poz- Blue, Neuwieder Blue, Bronze Yellow M m.O 53,

zuoli. Terra Rosa, Peligot's Blue, Saxon Nugget d.OY 72

Terra Sigillata, Green, Water Blue Bronzio P m.rBr 43
Venice Red Bremen Blue R l.gB 172 Brook Green P v.l.bG 162


ISCC-NBS color des- 1 ISCC-NRS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Brown A S.Br 55. deep Br 56, Brown. Cameo(see Cameo M, R Brown. Doeskin (see M
I.Br 57. m.Br 58. Brown) Doe-skin Brown)
d.Br 59 Brown. Canyon (see Can- F Brown. Domingo (see M
Brown PSP d.Br 59 yon Brown) Domingo Brown)
Brown S pkGy 10. gy.R 19. Brown. Cappah (see Cap- M Brown. Dresden (see M, R
d.rGy 23. m.rO 37, pah Brown) Dresden Brown)
l.rBr 42, m rBr 43. Brown. Carob (see Carob M. R Brown. Diamine (see R
l.gy.rBr 45. Brown) Diamine Brown)
gy.rBr 46. brO 54. Brown. Caramel (see TC Dull Red A brPk 33. l.gy.Br 60.
S.Br 55, I.Br 57, Caramel Brown) gy.Br 61, d.gy.Br62
m.Br 58. l.gy.Br60. Brown. Cassel (see Cassel M Dusky Brown.. . R d.gy.P229. d.pGy234
gy.BrSl. l.brGy63. Brown) Dusky Brown RC d.gy.Br 62
brGy 64, Brown. Castilian(see Cas- M Brown. Earth (see Earth F, P
l.gy.yBr 79, tilian Brown) Brown)
gy.yBr 80 Brown. Centennial (see M Brown. Ebony (see T
Brown_ . . . SC I.Br 57, m.Br 58, Centennial Brown) Ebony Brown)
l.gy.BreO. gy.Br61. Brown. Chestnut (see S. T Brown. Egyptian (see M
m.yBr 77, gy.yBr 80 Chestnut Brown) Egyptian Brown)
Brown . TC m.Br 58 Brown. Chocolate (see M, T IBrownl. Fawn (see Fawn M
Brown (USA) TC m.Br 58 Chocolate Brown) IBrown])
Brown. Adobe (see Adobe T Brown. Chukker (see M IBrown]. Filbert (see Fil- M
Brown) Chukker Brown) bert [Brown])
Brown, African (see Af- M. TC Brown. Cinnamon (see M, T Brown, Florence (see M
rican Brown) Cinnamon Brown) Florence Brown)
|Brown|, Almond (see Al- M Brown. Claret (see Claret R, S Brown. Foliage (see Foli- * M
mond IBrownl) Brown) age Brown)
Brown, Amber (see Am- M. R Brown. Clove (see Clove M, R, T Brown. Garnet (see Gar- H, M, R
ber Brown) Brown) net Brown)
Brown, Anti-Corrosive F Brown. Cocoa (see Cocoa M, P. T IBrown], Gazelle (see M
(see Anti-Corrosive Brown) Gazelle |Brown|)
Brown) Brown, Coconut (see M Brown. Gold (see Gold M, TC
Brown, Antique (see M. R Coconut Brown) Brown)
Antique Brown) Brown. Cologne (see Co- M Brown. Golden (see M, P,T
Brown, Antwerp (see rvi logne Brown) Golden Brown)
Antwerp Brown) IBrownl. Congo (see Congo M Brown. Gray (see Gray S
|Brown|, Arab (see Arab M IBrown]) Brown)
|Brown|) Brown. Congo (see Congo P Brown. Hair (see Hair M, R
Brown, Arabian (see Ara- M Brown) Brown)
bian Brown) Brown. Copper (see Cop- M, T Brown. Hampstead (see M
Brown, Argus (see Argus M, R per Brown) Hampstead Brown)
Brown) Brown. Covert (see T Brown. Hawk (see Hawk P
Brown, Army (see Army M, R Covert Brown) Brown)
Brown) Dark Brown S d.gy.R 20. rOy 22. Brown. Hay's (see Hay's R
Brown, Art (see Art M d.rGy 23. m rBr 43. Brown)
Brown) l.gy.rBr 45. m.Br 58. Brown. Henna (see Henna S
Brown, Autumn (see Au- M, P.TC gy.Br 61. l.brGy 63. Brown)
tumn Brown) brGy 64. gy.yBr 80. Brown. Hessian (see R
Brown, Beige (see Beige T yGy 93 Hessian Brown)
Brown) Dark Brown... SC m.Br 58. gy.Br 61. Brown. Indian (see M
Brown, Benzo (see Benzo R m.yBr 77. d.yBr 78. Indian Brown)
Brown) gy.yBr 80 Brown. Iron (see Iron M
Brown, Berlin (see Berlin M Dark Brown _ _ T d.gy.rBr 47. d.Br 59. Brown)
Brown) gy.Br 61. Brown. Ivory (see Ivory M
Brown, Bismarck (see tA d. gy.Br 62, brGy 64, Brown)
Bismarck Brown) d.yBr 78. gy.yBr 80. Brown. Jacaranda (see M
Brown, Bistre (see Bistre S d.gy.yBr 81. Jacaranda Brown)
Brown) m.OIBr 95. Brown. Java (see Java M
Brown, Black (see Black S d.OIBr 96. d.OI 108. Brown)
Brown) d.Gy 266 Brown. Kaiser (see Kaiser M, R
Brown, Blackish (1) (see R Brown. Dark Livid (see R Brown)
Blackish Brown (1)) Dark Livid Brown) Brown. Leather (see M
Brown, Blackish (2) (see R Brown. Dark Rose (see T Leather Brown)
Blackish Brown (2)) Dark Rose Brown) Light Brown... RC brO 54, I.Br 57
Brown. Blackish (3) (see R Brown. Dark Spice (see T Light Brown... S gy.yPk 32
Blackish Brown (3)) DarkSpice Brown) Light Brown SC I.Br 57
Brown, Bone (see Bone M, R Brown. Dark Violet (see S Light Brown.. ... T s.Br 55, I.Br 57,
Brown) Dark Violet Brown) m.Br 58, m.yBr 77
Brown, Brazil (see Brazil M Deep Brown S m.rBr 43, s.Br 55, Brown. Light Copper (see T
Brown) m.Br 58 Light Copper Brown)
Brown, Broccoli (see M Deep Brown T gy.rBr 46. m.Br 58, Brown. Light Red (see S
Broccoli Brown) d.Br 59. gy.Br 61. Light Red Brown)
Brown, Bronze (see M m.yBr 77. d.yBr 78. Brown. Light Rose (see T
Bronze Brown) m.OIBr 95 Light Rose Brown)
Brown, Brussels (see M, R Brown. Deep Livid (see R Brown. Light Seal (see R
Brussels Brown) Deep Brown)
Livid Light Seal Brown)
Brown, Buckthorn (see M, R Brown, Deep Red (see T Brown. Light Spice (see T
Buckthorn Brown) Deep Red Brown) LightSpice Brown)
Brown, Buffy (see Buffy R Brown, Deep Slaty (see R Brown. Lilac (see Lilac S
Brown) Deep Slaty Brown) Brown)
Brown. Cacao (see Cacao M, R Brown, Desert (see P Brown. Linoleum (see Li- M
Brown) Desert Brown) noleum Brown)
Brown. Caledonian (see M |Brown|, Devon (see M Brown. Liver (see Liver M, R
Caledonian Brown) Devon |Brown|) Brown)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Brown, Livid (see Livid M, R Brown, Russet (see Rus- M, T Brown, Woodland (see
Brown) set Brown) Woodland Brown)
Brown, London (see M Brown, Rust (see Rust T Brown, Yellow (see Yel-
London Brown) Brown) low Brown)
Brown, Madder (see M, R Brown, Ru;tic (see Rustic M Brown, Zuni (see Zuni
Madder Brown) Brown) Brown)
Brown, Mahogany (see M Brown, Sanford's (see M, R Brown Bay (same as gy.Br 61
Mahogany Brown) Sanford's Brown) Chestnut)
Brown, Manganese (see M Brown, Sayal (see Sayal M, R Brown Bistre l.yBr 76, l.gy.yBr 79,
Manganese Brown) Brown) m.Y 87, I.OIBr 94
Brown, Manganese Velvet M [Brown], seal (see Seal M Brown-Black brGy64
(see Manganese Velvet [Brown]) Brown Bread (same as S.Br 55, m.Br 58
Brown) Brown, Seal (see Seal F, R, T Sudan Brown)
Brown, Mars (see Mars M, R Brown) Brown Carmine. s.R 12, v.deep R 14,
Brown) Brown, Sepia (see Sepia T d.R 16
Brown, Metal (see Metal M Brown) Brownish Black A brBlack 65
Brown) [Brownl, Sherry (see M Brownish Black RC d.gy.Br 62
Brown, Metallic (see F Sherry (Brown|) Brownish Drab R l.gy.rBr 45, l.gy.Br60
Metallic Brown) Brown, Siberian (see Si- M Deep Brownish Drab R gy.Br 61
Brown, Mikado (see Mi- M, R berian Brown) Light Brownish Drab R l.gy.Br 60
kado Brown) Brown, Sienna (see Si- rvi Pale Brownish Drab R pkGy 10
Brown, Mist (see Mist T enna Brown) Pallid Brownish Drab R pkGy 10
Brown) Brown, Smoke (seeSmoke M Brownish Gray A l.brGy63, brGy 64,
Moderate Brown RC m.Br 58 Brown) yGy 93
Brown, Mummy (see M, R Brown, Snuff (see Snuff R Brownish Gray RC brGy 64
Mummy Brown) Brown) Light Brownish Gray RC l.brGy 63
Brown, Mustard (see M, T Brown, Soot (see Soot M Light Brownish Gray SC l.gy.yBr 79, LOIBr 94
Mustard Brown) Brown) Brownish Olive A I.OIBr 94, m.OIBr 95
Brown, Natal (see Natal M, R Brown, Sorghum (see M, R Brownish Olive R m.OIBr 95
Brown) Sorghum Brown) Dull Brownish Olive A d.OIBr 96
Brown, Nomad (see M, P Brown, Sorolla (see M Light Brownish Olive R I.OIBr 94
Nomad Brown) Sorolla Brown) Brownish Vinaceous R Lgy.R 18
Browi.. Nubian (see P Brown, Spanish (see M Deep Brownish Vinaceous R gy.R 19
Nubian Brown) Spanish Brown) Light Brownish Vinaceous R gy.Pk 8
[Brown], Oak (see Oak M Brown. Spice (see Spice T Pale Brownish Vinaceous. R p.Pk 7, gy.Pk 8
[Brown]) Brown) Brownish White A yWhite 92
Brown, Oak (see Oak T Brown, Stil de Grain (see M Brownish Yellow SC d.OY 72, l.yBr 76
Brown) Stil de Grain Brown) Brown Lake S m.R IE, gy.R 19
Brown, Oakleaf (see M Strong Brown SC S.Br 55, s.yBr 74 Brown Madder (same as M m.rBr 43
Oakleaf Brown) Brown. Sudan (see Sudan M, R Castilian Brown)
Brown, Old English (see M Brown) Brown Mahogany. deep rBr 41,
Old English Brown) Brown, Taupe (see Taupe R, T Venetian Red m.rBr 43
Brown, Olive (see Olive M Brown) Dark Brown Mahogany... d.Br 59, brGy 64
Brown) [Brown], Teak (see Teak M Deep Brown Mahogany.. d.rBr 44, gy.rBr 46
Brown, Orange (see S [Brown]) Brown Ochre (same as m.O 53
Orange Brown) Brown, Toast (see Toast TC Doubloon)
[Brown], Otter (see Otter M Brown) Brown Olive s.yBr 74, I.OIBr 94
[Brown]) Brown, Tobacco (see To- P, T Brown Orange.. m.yPk29, m.rO 37,
Brown, Oxide (see Oxide M bacco Brown) gy.rO 39, s.O 50,
Brown) Brown, Tuscan (see Tus- M deep 0 51, m.O 53,
Brown, Padre (see Padre P can Brown) brO 54, I.Br 57,
Brown) Brown. Umber (see Um- S s.OY 68, m.OY 71,
Pale Brown RC l.gy.rBr 45 ber Brown) l.yBr 76, m.Y 87
Pale Brown. S m.O 53, I.Br 57 Brown, Vandyke (see Van- M, R Brown Pink (same as d.OY 72, s.yBr 74
Pale Brown SC l.yBr 76, l.gy.yBr 79 dyke Brown) Antique Gold)
Brown, Pecan (see Pecan M, R Brown, Velvet (see Velvet M Brown Purple gy.P 228
Brown) Brown) Brown Red (same as Bole) m.rBr 43
Brown, Peruvian (see M Brown, Verona (see Ver- M, R
Brown Red v.R II, l.gy.R 18,
Peruvian Brown) ona Brown)
gy.R 19, gy.rBr 46
Brown, Pilgrim (see Pil- M Very Dark Brown SC d.Br 59, d.gy.Br 62,
grim Brown)
Brown Stone (same as gy.Br 61
d,yBr 78,
Brown, Pinchbeck (see M d.gy.yBr 81
Pinchbeck Brown) Very Pale Brown_ SC brPk 33, p.OY 73,
Brownstone (same as gy.Br 61
Bfown, Pony (see Pony M l.yBr 76,
Brown) l.gy.yBr 79 Brown Striping (N 41)... deep rBr 41,
Brown, Prairie (see M Brown, Vienna (see Vi- M Metallic Brown (PC) deep Br 56
Prairie Brown) enna Brown) Brown Sugar m.Br 58, gy.Br 61,
Brown, Proofs (see M, R Brown, Violet (see Violet S Caraibe, Prout's Brown, m.yBr 77,
Prout's Brown) Brown) Siam gy.yBr 80
Brown, Prussian (see M [Brown], Wallflower (see M Brown Violet _ d.pR 259, gy.pR 262
Prussian Brown)
Wallflower [Brown]) Bruges. d.gB 174, d.gy.B 187
Brown, Purple (see Pur- M, S
[Brown], Walnut (see Wal- M Bruges d.bGy 192
ple Brown)
nut [Brown]) Brunneo-Vinosus gy.R 19, d.gy.R 20,
Brown, Red (see Red S
Brown) Brown, Walnut (see Wal- R d.rGy23, gy.rBr 46,
Brown, Redwood(see Red- nut Brown) gy.Br 61, brGy 64,
wood Brown) Brown, Warm Blackish R d.gy.P 229,
Brown, Rood's (see R (see Warm Blackish d.pR 259
Rood's Brown) Brown) Deep Brunswick Green d.G 146
Brown, Rose (see Rose S, T Brown, Wax (see Wax M English Green, Royal
Brown) Brown) Green, Victoria Green
Brown, Rosewood (see T Brown, Wood (see Wood R Light Brunswick Green d.yG 137
Rosewood Brown) Brown) Middle Brunswick Green.. d.yG 137

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Brushwood (same as gy.Br 61 Buff, Warm (see Warm Burnt Terre Verte (same m.Br 58
Beechnut) Buff) as Vandyke Brown)
Brussels Brown (same as m.Br 58, gy.Br 61, Buff, Yellow (see Yellow Burnt Umber m.Br 58
New Bronze) m.yBr 77, Buff) Burnt Umber gy.rBr 46
gy.yBr 80 Buffalo m.yBr 77 Burnt Yellow m.OY 71
Brussels Brown . m.Br 58 Tyrol Buttercup v.Y 82

Bubalinus l.yPk 28, m.OY 71, Buff Citron gy.Y 90 Buttercup Yellow v.Y 82

p.OY Buttercup |Yellow|.. gy.Y 90

73, I.Y 86, Buff-Pink m.yPk 29
m.Y 87, p.Y 89 Butterfly m.gY 102
Buffy Brown l.yBr 76, m.yBr 77
Butterfly Blue brill.B 177, s.B 178
Buccaneer s.R 12, m.R 15, Buffy Citrine I.OIBr 94
Butterfly Yellow brill.gY 98, l.gY 101
Portable Red deep rO 36,
Buff-Yellow I.Y 86, m.Y 87
Butternut (same as Acan- m.OIBr 95
d.rO 38
Buffy Olive I.OI 106 the)
Buccaneer s.R 12
Bulgare gy.R !9
Butterscotch m.Br 58, m.yBr 77
Buckskm l.gy.rBrAS, .gy.Br 60 Bunny m.yBr 77
Siennese Drab Butterscotch m.OY 71, d.OY 72,
Bismarck Brown
S.yBr 74
Buckskin Tan p.OY 73 Bure S.yBr 74, l.yBr 76,
Butter Yellow brill.Y 83, I.Y 86
Buckthorn Berries (same s.OY 68. m.OY 71 m.yBr 77
as Ta-Ming)
Jasmine Yellow
Burel (same as Cocoa m.Br 58
Buckthorn Brown . d.OY 72, s.yBr 74, Brown) Byron d.gy.yBr 81
Chamoline, Sumac l.yBr 76. m.yBr 77, Burgundy d.gy.P 299, Byzantine v.pR 254
d.Y 88, d.gy.Y 91 blackish P 230 Byzantium deep rP 238, d.rP 242
I.OIBr 94 Burgundy d.gy R 20. d.rGy 23, Cabaret I.G 144
d.rBr 44, Cabbage v.p.G 148
Buckthorn Brown S.yBr 74
gy.rBr 46, Cabbage Green gGy 155
Buddha (same as Red- s.R 12, m.R 15
d.gy.rBr 47 Colewort Green
Burgundy TC d.pR259, v.d.pR260 Cab Green (PC) d.G 146
Bud Green s.yG 131
Burgundy, Old (see Old M,P Cacao (same as Antique m.yBr 77
Buff (Eng 126)..,. m.OY 71
Burgundy) Bronze)
Buff (MA) I yBr 76 Burgundy Violet (same as M s.P 218
Cacao Brown S.Br 55
Buff (PC) (same as Air- gy.Y 90 Manganese Violet)
Cacao Brown I. rBr 42
craft Cream (AN 507)) Burlwood (same as M I. gy.Br 60, l.gy.yBr 79
Cacha (same as Auburn). m.Br 58
Buff (TC) m.O 53 Nougat)
Cachou (same as Auburn) m.Br 58
Buff (USA 126) d.OY 72 Burma M brO 54
d.yG 137
Buff. m.OY 71 Burmese Gold M m.rO 37
Cadet gy.B 186
Buff.. l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29, Burmese Ruby (same as M d.R 16
Cadet Blue m.B 182
p.yPk 31, brPk 33, Peony)
Cadet Blue s.B 178, m.B 182
1.0 52, m.O 53, Burn Blue v.p.B 184, pB 185,
gy.B 186
Cadet Blue
m.OY 71, p.OY 73, v.p.pB202,
Clear Cadet Blue brill.B 177, s.B 178
l.yBr 76, p.pB 203
Dark Cadet Blue m.B 182, gy.p3 204
l.gy.yBr 79, p.Y 89, Burn Blue. v.l.B 180, I.B 181,
Deep Cadet Blue m.B 182
y White 92. yGy93 v.l.pB 198, l.pB 199
Light Cadet Blue brill.B 177
Buff m.Y 87, p.Y 89 Burnished Gold d.OY 72, S.yBr 74.
Pale Cadet Blue I.B 181, p.B 185,
Straw, Wheat Pinchbeck Brown LyBr 76, d.Y 88,
l.pB 199, p.pB 203
Buff (USA) TC l.yBr 76 I.OIBr 94
Buff, Apricot (see Apri- R Burnished Straw TC I.Br 57 Cadet Gray p.B 185
cot Buff) Burnous M p.OY 73 Cadet Gray p.B 185, gy.B 186
Buff, Capucine (see M, R Burnt (same as Yellow- M d.gy.Y 91 Cadet Grey bGy 191
Capucine Buff) stone) Light Cadmium v.Y 82
Buff, Cartridge (see Cart- M, R Burnt Almond _ m.Br 58 Cadmium Carmine(same s.R 12

ridge Buff) Coconut Brown as Goya)

Buff, Champagne (see P Burnt Almond P m.Br 58 Cadmium Green (same as s.G 141

Champagne Buff) Burnt Carmine (same as M deep R 13, m.R 15 Empire)

Buff, Colonial (see Colo- M, R Old Red) Cadmium Lemon v.gY 97, brill.gY 98
nial Buff) Burnt Coral P m.rO 37 Mutrie Yellow
Buff, Cream (see Cream M Burnt Crimson Lake M deep R 13, m.R 15 Cadmium Orange v.O 48. brill.O 49,

Buff) (same as Old Red) s.O 50

Buff,Deep Colonial (see R Burnt Italian Earth (same M d.rO 38 Cadmium Orange s.O 50
Deep Colonial Buff) as Burnt Sienna) Marigold (Yellow),
Dull Buff S p.yPk31, gy.yPk32, Burnt Italian Ochre(same M d.rO 38 Marygold, Souci
I.OY 70, m.OY 71, as Burnt Sienna) Cadmium Orange v.O 48, s.O 50
p.OY 73 Burnt Lake (same as Old M deep R 13, m.R 15 Cadmium Purple deep R 13, m.R 15
Buff, Egyptian (see H Red) Cadmium Vermilion s.R 12, m.R 15
Egyptian Buff) Burnt Lake R d.rP 242 (same as Blood Red)
Buff, Golden (see Golden P Burnt Ochre M m.rO 37 Cadmium Yellow s.O 50, m.O 53,
Buff) Light Red Aurora Yellow. Daffo- s.OY 68, m.OY 71
Buff, Highlight (see High- F Burnt Orange H s.rO 35 dil Yellow, Nastur-
light Buff) Burnt Orange M m rO 37 tium [Yellow], Orient
Buff, Indian (see Indian M Mars Orange, Orange Yellow, Radiant Yel-
Buff) Tawney low
Buff, lion(see Iron Buff).. M Burnt Orange P s.O 50 Cadmium Yellow s.O 50, s.OY 68
Light Buff R p.OY 73, p.Y 89 Burnt Orange T S.rO 35, deep 0 51, Caen Stone p.OY 73
Buff, Mellow (see Mellow P m.O 53. brO 54 Bath Stone, Freestone
Buff) Burnt Orange TC m.rO 37
p.OY 73
Caen Stone
Buff, Nasturtium (see P Burnt Roman Ochre(same M s.O 50
Caeruleo-Glaucus v.p.G 148, v.l.bG 162
Nasturtium Buff) as Tangier)
l.gB172, v.p.B 184.
Buff, Orange (see Orange H,S Burnt Rose (same as M deep rBr 41, m.rBr 4;
p.B 185
Buff) Pompeii)
Caeruleo-Griseus- v.p.B 184, p.B 185
Buff, Pale Pinkish (see R Burnt Russet (same as M d.R 16, m.rBr 43
Pale Pinkish Buff) Cuba) gy.B 186, bGy 191,

Buff, Pinkish (see Pinkish R Burnt Sienna M d.rO 38 p.pB 203


Buff) Burnt Italian Earth, Caeruleum. . . v.gB 167, v.B 176

Buff, Salmon (see Salmon P Burnt Italian Ochre Cerulean Blue, Coeru-
Buff) I Burnt Sienna s.rBr 40 leum

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial


Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source

number from sec. I
number from sec. number from sec.
14 li 14 14

Caeruleus. v.p.G 148, v.l.bG 162, Campanula Violet gy.rP 245 Dark Cardinal d.R 16
l.bG 163. Campanula Purple Roselustre
brill.gB 168, Camwood (same as Rasp- m.R 15 Dark Cardinal TC d.R 16
v.l.gB 171, berry Red) Cardinal Red.. H v.R 11
l.gB 172, v.l.B 180, Canard d.bG 165, d.gB 174 Cardinal |Red| M v.R 11
I.B 181. v.p.B 184. Canary-bird Green (same d.Y 38 Carmine H v.R 11
p.B 185 as Pyrite Yellow) Carmine M v.R 11, s.R 12
Caesius. l.gB 172. m.gB 173. Canary Bronze. v.Y 82 Animal Rouge, Ball
I.B 181. m.B 182, Canary Green (same as d.Y 88 Lake, Carmine Lake,
p.B 185, gy.B 186, Pyrite Yellow) Chinese Lake, Flor-
l.pB199, m.pB200, Canary Yellow v.Y 82 entine Lake, Ham-
p.pB 203. Canary [YellowJ... m.Y 87 burg Lake, Lake,
gy.pB 204 Capucine, Copper Yel- Munich Lake, Roman
Caf6-au-lait (same as l.gy.rBr 45, I.Br 57, low, Meline, Quince Lake, Venetian Lake,
French Nude) l.gy.Br 60 Yellow Vienna Lake
Caf6 Creme I.Br 57, m.Br58, Canary Yellow v.Y 82, brill.Y 83 Carmine v.R 11
Suede m.yBr 77 Canary Yellow.. l.gY 101 Carmine.. v.Pk 1, s.Pk 2,
Caf Noir (same as Cat- d.gy.yBr 81 Pale Lemon Yellow, deep Pk 3, d.Pk 6,
tail) Primrose Yellow v.R 11, s.R 12,
Cairo _ deep B 179 Canary yellow(Eng) F 2325 I.Y 86 deep R 13, m.R 15,
Calabash m.yBr 77, I.OIBr 94 Soft Yellow (Y8,D 4) gy.R 19, v.pR 254,
Medal Bronze Canary Yellow (Eng) F 3355 I.Y 86 s.pR 255,
Calamine Blue l.gB 172 (USA 128) deep pR 256,
Calamine Blue V.l.gB 171, l.gB 172 Candida M l.gy.pR 261 m.pR 258
Caldera.-. m.rBr 43 Candida P m.pPk 250 Carmine TC v.R 11
Oxide Brown, Oxide Candy Pink.. M deep Pk 3, s.yPk 26, Carmine, Brown (see S
Purple, Prussian Red, deep yPk 27 Brown Carmine)
Brown, Pur- Canna m.rO 37, d.rO 38. Carmine, Burnt (see Burnt
ple Oxide Antique Red. Chaudron, gy.rO 39, Carmine)
Caledonian Brown (same S.Br 55 Rembrandt's Madder m.rBr 43 Carmine,Cadmium (see
as Gypsy) Cannon blackish G 152 Cadmium Carmine)
Caliaturwood (same as m.R 15 Canterbury s.V 207 Carmine, Dahlia (see M, R
Raspberry Red) Canton m.bG 164 Dahlia Carmine)
California Color m.Br 58 Canton [Blue] d.B 183 Dark Carmine v.R 11, m.R !5
California Gold. _.. m.OY 71 Holland Blue, Orion Carmine, Indico (see
California Green d.gy.Y 91 Canton Jade m.bG 164 Indico Carmine)
California Green gGy 155 Samara Carmine, Madder (see
California Poppy S.OY 68 Canyon d.R 16, d.pR 259 Madder Carmine)
Calla Green m.YG 120 Plum Violet Carmine, Rose (see Rose
Calla Green m.OI 107 Canyon. Gra nd (see Grand Carmine)
Calliste Green s.YG 117, m.YG 120 Canyon) Carmine, Violet (see Vi-
Calliste Green. s.YG 117 Canyon Brown (QM) gy.Br 61 olet Carmine)
Cambridge Blue l.bG 163 Cappagh (same as Rus- m.Br 58 Carmine, Yellow (see Yel-
Eton Blue sian Calf) low Carmine)
Cambridge Red.. m.R 15, gy.R 19 Cappah Brown (same as m.Br 58 Carmine Lake (same as M v.R 11, s.R 12
Camel (same as Beaver).. brGy 64 Russian Calf) Carmine)
Camel l.yBr 76. m.yBr 77, Capri s.gB 169 Carmine Lake v.R 11, s.R 12,
l.gy.yBr 79. Capri Blue s.bG 160, S.gB 169 m.R 15, S.pR 255,
I.OIBt 94 Capri Blue m.gB 173 m.pR258
Camellia s.R 12. m.R 15 Caprice, v.rP 236 Carmine Rose v.Pk 1, deep Pk 3
Camellia Pink s.Pk 2. s.yPk 26 Caprice v.p.P 226 Carmine Rose v.Pk 1, s.Pk 2,
Camellia Rcie. deep Pk 3 Caprice Lavender.. pWhite 231 deep Pk 3, v.R 11,
Camellia rtose s.Pk 2 Caprice Pink m.rP 241, m.pR 258 s.R 12, m.R 15,
Camel'. Hair (same as gy.yBr 80 Capsicum Red. v.rO 34 gy.R 19,
Dfer) Capucine (same as Canary m.Y 87 deep yPk 27,
C?:neo I.Pk 4 |Yellow|) deep pPk 248,
Cameo Blue.. l.bG 163 Capucine Buff... p.OY 73 S.pR 255, m.pR 258
Cameo Brown gy.R 19, l.rBr 42, Capucine Buff. I.OY 70, m.OY 71, Carnation (same as Putty) p.Y 89, gy.Y 90
m.rBr 43, 'p,OY 73 Carnation, Pink (see Pink
gy.rBr 46 Capucine Lake S.yPk 26, m.rO 37, Carnation)
Cameo Brown m.rBr 43, gy.rBr 46 Damonico. Monicon s.O 50, m.O 53 Carnation Green gGy 155
Cameo Green l.yG135, I.G144, Capucine Madder m.O 53 Carnation |Red| m.R 15
Hazy Blue. Mist Blue, p.G 149 Capucine Orange m.O 53 Carnation Rose.. s.Pk2
Misty Blue Capucine Orange m.O 53 Carnelian (same as Cop- gy.rO 39
Cameo Pink M gy.pPk 253 Capucine Red v.yPk25, s.r0 35 per)
Cameo Pink P s.Pk 2, l.pPk 249 Capucine Yellow m.O 53 Carnellan Red... m.rO 37
Cameo Pink R bnll.pPk 246, Capucine Yellow S.OY 68 Carnelian Red s.rO 35
l.pPk 249 Caput Mortuum (same as m.rBr 43 Carnival Red s.R 12
Cameo Rose (Eng)...,.. F 2330 p.OY 73 Coromandel) CarnivalRed (same as v.R 11
Cameo Rose (Eng). F 3375 l.yPk 28 Caraibe (same as Brown m.Br 58, gy.Br 61, Tomato Red)
Cameo Yellow M p.Y 89 Sugar) m.yBr 77, Carob Brown (same as m.Br 58
Camrier (same as Mul- M d.P224 gy.yBr 80 Russian Calf)
berry Purple) Caramel M br0 54, LBr57 Carob Brown d.rBr 44
Campanula M S.V207, m.V211 Caramel P LBr 57 Caroubier (same as Rus- m.Br 58
Campanula Blue M l.pB 199 Caramel Brown TC m.Br 58, d.Br 59 sian Calf)
Campanula Blue R brill.pB 195, Caramel Cream P p.OY 73 Carrara Green d.G 146
brill.V 206 Caravan P l.gy.rBr 45 Carrot Red s.O 50, m.O 53
LightCampanula Blue brill.pB 195 Carbuncle M d.gy.rBr 47 Carrot Red s.O 50, m.O 53

Pale Campanula Blue v.l.pB 198, London Brown Carrot Red m.rO 37
l.pB 199 Cardinal T v.Rll, S.R12, Carthamus Red (same as v.R 11
Campanula Purple (same 1 gy.rP 245 deep R 13, m.R 15, Artillery)
as Campanula Violet) d.R 16 Carthamus Rose (same as v.R 11
Campanula Violet '

v.V 205 Cardinal TC deep R 13 Artillery)

. .

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- \[ ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 I

Cartouche (same as Oak- M m.Br 58 Cedar Green M m.OIG 125 Chaetura Drab (same as M A Pw OCC
u.uy tut)
wood) Cedre Bear)
Cartridge Buff (same as M p.Y 89. gy.Y 90 Cedar Green m VP i^u,
m.Tu 9n T m nir icj
m.uib Chaetura Drab R brGy 64
Putty) Cedar Rose T gy.R 19 Chalcedony Yellow IVI "gY lUl
Cartridge Buff R p.Y 89 Cedar Wood... IVI m.rBr 43 Chalcedony Yellow R I.gY 101
Cascade M l.bG 163 Tokay Bright Chalcedony Yellow R brill.YGlie,
Cashew (same as Auburn). M m.Br 58 Cedre (same as Cedar M m.OIG 125 I.YG 119
Cashew Lake (same as M m.Br 58 Green) Light Chalcedony Yellow. R I gY 101
Auburn) Celadon T
v.p.ij ^AQ
iHo, AQ
p.u iiy ^
Pale Chalcedony Yellow... R n nV 11U4
p.gY t\A

Cashew Nut (same as M gy.Br 61 Celadon Gray T gy.Yb lZz, p.G My Chalet Red IVI gy.R 19
Winter Leaf) Celadon Green IVI gy.YG 122 Chalk Blue T p.B 185
Cashoo (same as Auburn). M m.Br 58 Seladon Green Chalk Pink TC m.Pk 5
Casino Pink M s.pR 255 Celadon Green T m> VP 100
gy.Yb III,
m wP
m.yb IOC
IJb, Chalk Violet P M/ oin
I.V ZlU,
p.V '}^

Madder Pink, Rose p.G 149 Chalky Blue S p.D lOD

Madder Celadon Tint T v.p.G 148 Chamois M gy.Y 90
Cassel Brown (same as M m.Br 58 Celandine Green M gy.G 150 Chamois Skin
Vandyke Brown) Celandine Green R p.G 149 Chamois R m.Y 87
Cassel Earth (same as M m.Br 58 Light Celandine Green. R l.gGy 154, gGy lab Chamois T gy.Y au
Vandyke Brown) Celest IVI gy.D lob, p.ptJ 2Uo Chamois TP
1u m Y 87
Cassel Yellow (same as M brill. Y 83, s.Y 84, Celestial M m.B 182 Chamois Skin (same as M gy.Y 90
Lemon lYellowj) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Celestial Blue M p.B 185 Chamois)
Casserole (same as Rustic M m.rBr 43 Celestial Blue P Drill. D III, Chamois Yellow P m PV
m.UT 71
i.ybr 7C
A r\\/ 70 nDr lA
Brown) Drill. pb lyD Chamoline(sameas Buck- M d.UY r-
S.yBr /4,

Castaneous (same as M gy.Br 61 Celestial Yellow P 1.1 00, p.Y 07 thorn Brown) l.yBr 7G,
Chestnut) Cellini M v.rP 236, v.pR 254 m wDr
m.ybr 77
/ /,
a. t
A nyi V 01
Castaneus B m.rBr 43, d.rBr Cement M med.Gy 265 fl.gy.Y yi,
gy.rBr 46, National Grey 1 PIDr QA
d.gy.rBr 47 Cendre Blue R brill.gB 168 Champagne M p.UT /J, Lgy.yDr /y,

Castellon (same as Cor- M m.rBr 43 Cendre Green R brill.yG 130 Belleek gy.Y yu, yby yo
dova) Light Cendre Green R brill.yG 130, l.yG 135 Champagne P p.Y 89
Castile Earth (same as M m.Br 58 Pale Cendre Green R I.YG 119, p.YG 121 Champagne. TC p.OY 73
Vandyke Brown) Cendrillon M d.gy.G 151, d.bGy 192 Champagne Buff P p.Y 89
Castilian Brown M m.rBr 43 Centennial Brown M s.yBr 74, l.yBr 76. Chantilly. M I.G 144
Brown Madder. Co- Pygmalion m.yBr 77 Chantilly P I.G 144
lumbian Red, Madder Centre Blue (same as M m.B 182 Chapman's Blue. R m.B 182
Brown, Old Cedar, Ceramic) Charcoal P d.gy.Br 62, Black 267
Tanagra Ceramic M m.B 182 Charcoal T d.gy.B187,d.gy.P229,
Castilian Red v.R 11 Air Blue, Armenian d.pGy 234
Cochineal, Dutch Scar- Stone, Blue Ashes, Charcoal Gray T d.Gy 266, Black 267
let, Fire Scarlet, Gob- Blue Bice, Blue Ver- Charcoal Grey (same as M d.Gy 266
lin Scarlet diter. Centre Blue, Pelican)
Castillian Blue P s.B 178 Chessylite Blue, Chardon M d.pR 259
Castor M brGy 64 English 'Blue, Hun- Charles X M d.pR 259
Castor _ TC brGy 64 garian Blue, Lam- Charm P408 s.Pk 2, I.Pk 4,
Castor, Mauve(see Mauve M bert's Blue, Lime l.pPk 249
Castor) Blue, Mineral Blue, Charm P840 v.l.gB 171
Castor, Rose (see Rose Mountain Blue, San- Charm Pink P s.pPk 247
Castor) der's Blue, Saunder's Charm School P p.rP 244,
Castor Gray R gGy 155, med.Gy 265 Blue, Stone Blue l.gy.pR 261
Castor Grey M d.gGy 156 Ceramic. m.gB 173, m.B 182 Chartreuse M brill.gY 98,
Catalpa M gy.P 228 Ceres m.O 53 s.gY99, I.gY 101,
Catawba M v.d.R 17, Ceres I.Y 86 m.gY 102
blackish R 21 Cerise m.R 15 Chartreuse T s.YG 117, m.YG 120
Catawba . TC d.pR 259 Cerise V.pR 254, deep pR 256 Chartreuse TC s.gY 99
Catchup T m.R 15, deep rO 36, Cerise Pink s.pR 255 Bright Chartreuse T v.YG 115,
d.rO 38 Cerise Rose deep Pk 3 brill.YG 116,
Cate (same as Auburn). . M m.Br 58 Cerro Green m.YG 120 s.YG 117
Catechu (same as Au- M m.Br 58 j
Cerro Green m.OIG 125 Light Chartreuse brill.YG 116,
burn) 1
Certosa d.gY 103, I.OI 106, I.YG 119
Cathay (same as Yuca- br0 54, s.yBr74 m.YG 120 Pale Chartreuse I.YG 119, p.YG 121
tan) Cerulean (same as Sky LB181,l.pB199 Vivid Chartreuse v.YG 115
Cathedral (same as Grape). d.V 212 Blue) Chartreuse Green brill.YG 116
Cathedral v.d.P 225, Cerulean Blue (same as v.gB 167, v.B 176 Chartreuse Green d.gY 103
blackish P 230 Caeruleum) Olive Yellow
Cathedral Blue m.B 182, m.pB 200 Cerulean Blue s.B 178 Chartreuse Green v.YG 115,
Cattail d.gy.yBr 81 Cerulean Blue s.gB 169, I.B 181, brill.YG 116
Caf6 Noir, Musk m.B 182 Chartreuse Tint p.YG 121
Cattleya m.P 223 Bright Cerulean Blue S.gB 169, m.B 182 Chartreuse Yellow I.gY 101, m.gY 102
Caucasia.. gy.yBr 80 Dark Cerulean Blue d.gB 174, gy.B 186 Chartreuse Yellow brilLgY 98
Cauldron d.R 16, s.rBr 40, Deep Cerulean Blue deep gB 170, Chartreuse Yellow LgY 101
Morocco Red, Redwood m.rBr 43 m.gB 173, d.gB 174, Chartreuse Yellow S.gY 99, m.gY 102
Cavalry (same as Deep m.OY 71 m.B 182 Bright Chartreuse Yellow v.gY 97,
Chrome Yellow) Light Cerulean Blue I.B 181 brill.gY 98,
Cedar gy.rBr 46 Light Cerulean Blue brilLgB 168, S.gY 99

Cedar. m.YG 120 S.gB 169, I.B 181 Light Chartreuse Yellow. brill.gY 98, S.gY 99,
Pale Cerulean BIuq^ v.l.B 180, I.B 181 I.gY 101, m.gY 102
Cedar gy.R 19, m.rBr 43
Vivid Cerulean Blue S.gB 169 Chasseur (same as Hunter v.d.yG 138
Cedar, Dusty (see Dusty
Cerulein Blue s.B 178 IGreenJ)
Chaste White 263
Cedar, Old (see Old Cedar) CSruse I.OIGy 112
Chateau l.gB 172
Cedar, Spanish (seeSpan- Ceylon Blue d.gB 174
Chateau Grey (same as med.Gy 265
ish Cedar) Ceylon Blue gy.B 186 Frost Grey)
Cedarbark gy.R 19, m.rBr 43 Chaetura Black.. Black 267 Chatemuc (same as Sul- m.R 15
Cedar Bough m.YG 120 Chaetura Black d.gy.yBr 81 tan)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with seria ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. : number from sec. number from sec.

14 14 14

Chafenay Pink M l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29 I

China Rose H S.pR 255 Chrome Citron (same as I.Y 86
Chatenay Pink R m.Pk 5, m.yPk 29
China Rose M m.pR 258 Chrome Lemon)
Chaudron (same as M m.rO 37, d.rO 38, China Rose P gy.R 19 Chrome Green (PC) v.d.yG 138
Canna) gy.rO 39, m.rBr 43 China Sea P l.gB 172 Chrome Green (same as s.G 141, m.G 145
Checkerberry (same as M v.R 11 Chinchilla M 1
meo.by zod Transparent Chromium
Afghan Red) i Chin-Chin Blue M gy.B 186 Oxide)
Cheddar Cheese p m.OY 71 Azulin Deep Chrome Green d.yG 137
Cheer P v.Y 82 ! Chinese Coral H s.yPk 26, m.rO 37 Light Chrome Green d.yG 137
Cheerful Yellow p p.Y 89. yWhite 92 Chinese Gold M brO 54 Windsor Green
Chelsea Yellow P l.gY 101. p.gY 104 Chinese Green M(18A8) l.yG 135, I.G 144 Medium Chrome Green... d.yG 137, d.G 145
Chemic Blue... M d.gB 174 Lo-kao Chrome Lemon I.Y 86
Saxon Chinese Green (same as M d.G 146, d.bG 165 Chrome Citron
Chemic Green (same as M m.bG 164 l^int) Chrome Orange V.rO 34, v.O 48
Bremen Blue) Chinese Lake (same as M v.R 11. S.R 12 Chrome Primrose brill.gY 98, l.gY 101
Cherokee (same as Tile M m.rO 37 Carmine) Chrome Scarlet (same as s.rO 35
Red) Chinese Orange M v.yPk25, s.r0 35 Midnight Sun)
Cherry H v.R 11 Japanese Yellow Chrome Yellow (PC) v.OY 66.
Cherry M v.rO 34 Chinese Red (same as Bit- M (3J12) deep rO 36, d.rO 38 (same as Orange Yel- s.OY 68
Cherry Red, Phantom tersweet) low (AN 506))
Red Chinese Red (same as M (6L12) s.rBr 40 Deep Chrome Yellow m.OY 71
Cherry (same as Spectra P v.R 11 Indian Red) Cavalry
Red) Chinese Red T deep rO 36. m.rO 37, LightChrome Yellow v.Y 82
Cherry... J s.R 12, m.R 15 Lacquer Red, Paprica d.rO 38 LightChrome Yellow s.Y 84
Cherry TC s.pR 255 Chinese Rouge (same as M v.R 11 Cologne Yellow, Gall-
Cherry, Wild (see Wild M Artillery) stone. Oxgall, Paris
Cherry) Chinese Vermilion (same M v.R 11 Yellow, Ultramarine
Cherry Bloom _. M s.yPk 26 as Pimento) Yellow, Zinc Yellow
Cherry Blossom... M m.R 15 Chinese Violet M m.P 223 Chromium Green m.YG 120
Hebe Chinese Violet R m.P 223 Chromium Green m.YG 120
Cherry Pink T m.Pk 5 Chinese Yellow H brill.Y 83 Chromium Oxide(Opaque) m.yG 136
Cherry Red (same as M V.rO 34 Chinese Yellow (same as tvi brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Opaq
Cherry) Lemon (Yellow)) (10K3) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Transparent Chromium S.G 141, m.G 145
Cherry Red... _. T v.R 11, s.R 12. m.R 15 Chinese Yellow. M m.OY 71 Oxide
Bright Cherry Red (same J v.R 11, s.R 12 (10K6) Chrome Green, Emer-
as Scarlet) Chinese Yellow. M m.OY 71 aude. [French] Vero-
Light Cherry Red J s.R 12 (1IL7) nese Green, Viridian
Cherry Rose J deep Pk 3, m.R 15 Ch'ing M v.B 176 Chrysanthemum deep R 13, d.R 16
Light Cherry Rose T s.Pk 2, deep Pk 3 Chinook M d.rO 38 Turkish Crescent Red
Cherry Wine T deep R 13, d.R 16 Rose Pink Chrysanthemum Crimson. deep R 13
Cherub _ _. M m.yPk 29 Chip (same as Sand) M l.gy.Ol 109, I.OIGy 112 Chrysanthemum Yellow .. v.Y 82
Orient Pink Chipmunks M s.yBr 74 Chrysocolla Green brill.G 140, s.G 141
Chessylite Blue (same as M m.B 182 Chippendale M d.gy.Br 62 Chrysocollo (same as m.yG 136
Ceramic) Afghan, African Brown, Malachite Green)
Chessylite Blue... R m.gB 173. d.gB 174. Amelie Chrysolite Green m.gY 102, gy.gY 105,
m.B 182. gy.B 186 Chiswick M d.B 183 m.YG 120
Dark Chessylite Blue p U.^D IM.D lo^. Chive P m.OIG 125, d.yG 137 Chrysolite Green m.YG 120
Chlormus B m.YG 120, s.yG 131, Chrysolite Green m.YG 120
Chestnut... M gy.Br 61 m.yG 136 Deep Chrysolite Green... m.YG 120
Brown Bay, Brown- Chocolate. M d.gy.Br 62 Chrysopraise Green l.yG 135
stone. Castaneous, Norfolk Chrysoprase [Greenj brill.G 140, I.G 144
Marone, Marron, Chocolate. R gy.rBr 46 Chukker Brown gy.Br 61, gy.yBr 80
Marrone Chocolate. S gy.R 19, rGy 22. Mummy Brown, Tama-
Chestnut R m.rBr 43 d.rGy23, rack
Chestnut. Golden (see M deep rBr 41, Chutney m.rBr 43
Golden Chestnut) gy.rBr 46 Cigarette m.Br 58
Chestnut-Brown. __ R m.rBr 43, gy.rBr 46 Chocolate. T d.rGy 23, d.gy.Br 62, Antique Brown
Chestnut Brown S d.rO 38 brGy 64, Cinderella brill.Y 83
Chestnut Brown T m.Br 58 d.gy.yBr 81, Cinder (Greyj (same as pGy 233
Spice Brown d.Gy266 Silver-Wing)
Chevreuse M gy.R 19, m.rBr 43 Chocolate Brown (same M d.gy.Br 62 Cineraria v.pR 254
Oakheart as Rembrandt) Cineraria gy.pR 262
Chianti __ M deep R 13 Chocolate Brown T d.gy.rBr 47, d.Br 59, Cinereous I.Gy 264
Antique Ruby gy.Br 61, Cinereous.. l.bGy 190, bGy 191
Chickadee Gray (same as M OlGy 113 d.gy.Br 62,
Sea Hawk) brGy 64, Dark Cinnabar Green. m.bG 164
Chicle. M gy.Br 61 brBlack65, Cinnamomeus m.yPk 29, m.O 53,
Sarouk d.yBr 78, LBr 57, m.OY 71,
Chicory M p.pB 203 d.gy.yBr 81 d.OY 72, S.yBr 74.
Chicory Blue (same as M(28A2) p.YG 121 Chocolate Maroon (same M d.R 16 l.yBr76. m.yBr77
Smoke Grey) as Old Roseleaf) Cinnamon LBr 57, l.yBr 76
Chicory Blue (same as IVI(42B7) p.pB 203 Christmas Green Cinnamon.. brO 54
P d.gy.G 151
Chicory) Golden Brown
Chromate, Zinc (see Zinc F
Chicory Blue R l.pB 199. I.V 210 Chromate Cinnamon I.Br 57, d.OY 72
Deep Chicory Blue R brill.V 206
Deep Chrome R s.OY 68 Cinnamon S.yBr 74, l.yBr 76
Light Chicory Blue R I.V 210
Chili _ T m.rO 37
Chrome, Lemon (see M, R Cinnamon, Light Pinkish
Lemon Chrome) (see Light Pinkish
P briM.bG 159
Chimney Red.. Chrome, National School F Cinnamon)
M deep R 13, m.R 15
Apple-fallow Bus (see National Cinnamon, Pale Pinkish
China Blue m.B 182, gy.B 186 School Bus Chrome) (see Pale Pinkish Cin-
Mikko Chrome, Orange (see R namon)
China Blue m.B 182 Orange Chrome) Cinnamon, Pinkish (see
China Pink deep pPk 248, Chrome, Oxford (see Ox- M Pinkish Cinnamon)
S.pR 255 ford Chrome) Cinnamon Brown m.Br 58, m.yBr 77

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Cinnamon-Brown m.Br 58 Clay s.yBr 74, l.yBr 76, Cochin m.Br 58

Cinnamon Brown (same m.yBr 77 m.yBr 77 Argus Brown, Mars
as Adobe Brown) Clay Bank. brO 54 Brown, Moccasin
Cinnamon-Buff m.OY 71, l.yBr 76, Clay Color.. S.yBr 74, m.yBr 77, Cochineal (same as Cas- v.R 11
m.Y 87 I.OIBr 94 tilian Red)

Cinnamon Cream p.yPk 31 Clay Drab m.yBr 77, I.OIBr 94 Cockatoo I.Y 86
Cinnamon-Drab l.gy.rBr 45, l.gy.Br 60 Clear Blue (Y&D 17).... m.gB 173 Cocoa m.Br 58
Light Cinnamon-Drab l.gy.rBr 45, l.gy.Br 60 Clematis s.V 207 Apache, Sahara, Sienna
Cinnamon Pink l.rBr 42 Clementine l.pPk 249 Brown, Teak [Brown],
Pale Cinnamon-Pink- l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29, Cleopatra v.B 176 Turtle
p.yPk 31, brPk33 Cleopatra v.p.G 148 Cocoa TC m.rBr 43
Cinnamon-Rufous brO 54 Clivia m.O 53 Cocoa, New (see New M
Circassian (same as Eng- m.Br 58 Clochette m.pB 200, m.V211 Cocoa)
lish Oak) Cloisonne v.B 176, v.pB 194 Cocoa Bronze I.OI 106
Citrine.. I.OI 106 Cloister v.p.G 148, v.p.B 184 Cocoa Brown m.Br 58
Rhubarb Cloud gy.B 186 Burel, Malay,
Citrine I.OI 106, m.OI 107 Cloud. Coral (see Coral Mehal, Pueblo
Citrine, Buffy (see Buffy Cloud) Cocoa Brown P I.Br 57
Citrine) Cloud, Gale (see Gale Cocoa Brown T m.rBr 43, gy.rBr 46,
Dark Citrine m.OI 107 Cloud) m.Br 58
Dull Citrine I.OI 106, m.OI 107 Cloud, Night (see Night Cocobala (same as Ber- M gy.R 19, gy.rBr 46
Citrine, Yellowish (see Cloud) lin Brown)
Yellowish Citrine) Cloud, Rose (see Rose Coconut M gy.Br 61
Citrine-Drab I.OI 106 Cloud) Ascot Tan, Brown
Citrino-Viridis m.gY 102, d.gY 103, Cloud, Silver (see Silver Stone, Kermanshah,
I.OI 106 Cloud) Marocain, Warm
Citron gy.gY 105 Cloud, Sky (seeSky Cloud). Sepia
Citron, Buff (see Buff Cloud Blue v.p.B 184, l.bGy 190 Coconut Brown (same as M m.Br 58
Citron) Cloud Cream p.Y 89, yWhite 92 Burnt Almond)
Citron, Chrome (see Cloud Gray v.p.P 226 Cod Grey M gy.OI 110, OlGy 113
Chrome Citron) Cloud Grey (same as Zinc) pGy 233, med.Gy 265 Fish Grey
Dusky Citron m.YG 120 Cloud Pink gy.Pk 8, p.yPk 31 Coeruleum (same as M v.gB 167, v.B 176
Citron, 18th Century (see Cloudy Amber gy.Y 90, d.gy.Y 91 Caeruleum)
18th Century Citron) Golden Green Coffee M m.Br 58
Citron, Slate (see Slate Cloudy Blue v.p.B 184 Coffee T d.yBr 78, d.gy.yBr 81,
Citron) Clove m.Br 58 d.OIBr 96
Citron Bronze m.OIBr 95 Manchu, Manganese Cognac M m.Br 58
Citronelle brill.gY 98, s.gY 99, Brown, Mineral Colcothar (same as Coro- M m.rBr 43
l.gY 101, m.gY 102 Bister, Rangoon, mandel)
Citron Gray. I.OIBr 94, l.gy.OI 109 Sherry [Brown] Cold Morn P p.V 214, p.P 227
Citron Gray. l.gy.OI 109, Clove Brown (same as br.Gy 64 Colewort Green (same as M gGy 155
I.OIGy 112, Eagle) Cabbage Green)
gy.YG 122 Clove Brown d.gy.yBr 81 Colibri (same as Hum- M m.bG 164
Light Citron Gray p.YG 121, gy.YG 122 Clove Brown m.yBr 77, d.yBr 78, mingbird)
Citron Green S.gY 99, m.gY 102 m.OIBr 95 Collie (same as Olive M gy.yBr 80
Citron Green m.gY 102, gy.gY 105 Clove Pink d.R 16 Wood)
Citron Green m.gY 102, gy.gY 105 Clover m.rP 241 Cologne Brown (same as M m.Br 58
Citron lYellowj I.Y 86 Claver, Melilot Vandyke Brown)
Cupreous, Curcuma, Clover d.pPk 251 Cologne Earth (same as M m.Br 58
Gaude Lake, Indian Clover, Four-leaf (see Vandyke Brown)
Saffron, Mimosa, Four-leaf Clover) Cologne Yellow (same as M s.Y 84
Queen's Yellow, Clover, White (see White Light Chrome Yellow)
Quercitron, Terra Clover) Colonial M deep B 179, d.B 183.
Merita, Turbith Min- Clover Pink d.pPk 251 deep pB 197,
eral, Turmeric Cobalt Blue v.B 176 m.pB 200
Citron Yellow I.Y86, m.Y 87, Cobalt Blue S.gB 169 Colonial Blue P d.B 183
l.gY 101, m.gY 102 Cobalt Ultramarine, Colonial Blue T m.gB 173, gy.B 186
Citron Yellow. brill.gY 98, S.gY 99, Leithner's Blue, Ley- Colonial Buff M I.Y 86, p.Y 89
LgY 101, m.gY 102 den Blue, Olympic Colonial Buff R I.Y 86
Citron Yellow S.gY 99, m.gY 102 Blue, Thenard's Deep Colonial Buff R m.Y 87
Light Citron Yellow. brill.gY 98, S.gY 99, Blue, Venetian Blue, ColonialCream P p.Y 89
LgY 101, m.gY 102 Vienna Blue Colonial Exterior Green... P m.G 145
Citrus (same as Sulphur l.gY 101 Cobalt Blue (USA) TC d.B 183 Colonial Rose M l.gy.R18, gy.R 19
jYellowl) Cobalt Glass (same as IVI deep B 179, m.B 182 Colonial Rose T deep Pk 3, m.R 15
Civette Green __ M d.yG 137 Smalt) Light Colonial Rose T d.Pk 6
Civette Green. ._ R m.yG 136 Cobalt Green m.yG 136 Colonial Yellow M m.Y 87
Clair de lune M p.G 149 Rinnemann's Green. Colonial Yellow T brill.Y 83, I.Y 86
Claret S d.pPk 251. gy.pR 262 Saxony Green, Smalt Color, California (see M
Green, Zinc Green California Color)
Claret TC d.pR 259
Cobalt Green I.G 144 Color, Clay (see Clay R
Deep Claret-. S d.R 16
Cobalt Red v.pR 254, s.pR 255 Color)
Claret Brown R m.rBr 43
Cobalt Ultramarine (same S.gB 169 Color, Cream (see Cream R
Claret Brown S deep R 13, d.R 16, as Cobalt Blue) Color)
gy.P228 Cobalt Violet s.P 218 Color, Fawn (see Fawn R
Claret Cup M gy.pR 262 Cobalt Violet (same as m.P223 Color)
Claret Lees M d.pR 259 Thistle) Color, Flesh (see Flesh R
Claret (Redj M m.R 15 Color)
Cobalt Yellow (same as brilLY83, s.Y 84
Bordeaux [Red] Aureolin)
Color, Isabella (see Isa- R
bella Color)
Claret Rose H s.R 12 Cobblestone d.Gy 266
Color, Pale Flesh (see R
Claret Wine T d.R 16, v.d.R 17, Cobweb l.gy.yBr 79
Pale Flesh Color)
deep rBr 41, Coccineous (same as Scar- v.R' 11 Color,Pale Salmon (see R
d.pR 259 let) PaleSalmon Color)
Classic Blue s.gB 169, m.B 182 Cocher (same as Whip- m.OIBr 95 Color, Rose (see Rose R
Claver (same as Clover). m.rP 241 pet) Color)


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Color, Salmon (see Sal- R Copper Red (same as M gy.rO 39 Light Corinthian Red R d.Pk 6
mon Color) Copper) Cork M(12B7) I.Br 57
IColorj, Slate (see Slate M Copper Rose (same as M Cork (same as Orchil)... M(53K5) m.pR 258
IColorl) Rose of Picardy) Cork TC LBr 57
Color. Slate (see Slate R Copper Tan_ T LrBr 42 Corker (same as Orchil) M m.pR 258
Color) Copper Yellow (same as M m.Y 87 Cork Tan T LBr 57
Color, Wax (see Wax M Canary |Yellow|) Corkur (same as Orchil). M m.pR 258
Color) Copra (same as Mauve M d.rGy 23 Corn M m.Y 87
Colour, Mast (see Mast M Taupe) Sauterne
Colour) Coptic (same as Kazak). IVl m.rBr 43 Corn, Golden (see Golden M
Colour, Sky (see Sky M Coquelicot (same as Pon- M v.R 11, v.rO 34 Corn)
Colour) ceau) Cornelian Red (same as gy.rO 39
Columbia... M S.B 178 Coquette M s.yPk 26, m.yPk 29 Copper)
(k)lumbia Blue M p.B 185 Coquette P p.pPk 252 Cornflower Blue..... H V.pB 194
Columbia Blue R I.B 181, m.B 182 Coral P deep Pk 3 Cornflower [Blue] M m.pB 200
Light Columbia Blue R LB 181 Coral T Die
m.K m rn OT
lb. m.rO 3/ Ragged Sailor
Columbian Red (same as M m.rBr 43 Coral... TC s.Pk 2 Cornflower Blue. R V.pB 194
Castilian Brown) Coral, Amber (see Amber P Cornflower Blue. T s.pB 196
Columbine [Blue] M m.pB 200, m.V211 Coral) Cornflower Blue TC s.pB 196
Columbine (Red) M d.pR 259 Coral. Burnt (see Burnt P Light Cornflower Blue T l.pB 199, m.pB 200,
Dove Coral) I.V 210, m.V 211
Comet M d.B 183 Coral, Chinese (see Chi- H Cornhusk p.OY 73, l.yBr 76
Commelina Blue M m.B 182 nese Coral) Veau d'or
Commelina Blue R v.pB 194 Coral, Dusty (see Dusty T Cornsilk.. I.Y 86
Commodore M v.pB 194 Coral) Coromandel m.rBr 43
Como M m.gB 173 Coral, Golden (see Golden P Angel Red, Caput Mor-
Conch Shell M s.yPk 26 Coral) tuum, Colcothar, Eng-
Conclude P yWhite S2 Coral, Old (see Old Coral) M, P lish Red, Florence
Concord... M d.V 212 Coral, Pink (see Pink M Earth, Tuscany
Condor (same as Tiffin)... M m.yBr 77 Coral) Coronation d.rP 242. d.pR259
Confetti.... M deep Pk 3, m.R 15 Coral. Queen (see Queen P Coronation (same as Royal d.pR 259
Sunglow Coral) Violet)
Congo.. P m.rBr 43 CoraL Shell (see Shell P Coronet Blue m.B 182
Congo Blue P gy.B 186 Coral) Corsage Green 1.6 144, l.bG 163
Congo [Brown) M d.gy.yBr 81 Coralbell... M m.R 15. m.rO 37 Corsage Pink p.pPk 252
Antwerp Brown, As- Coral Blush M s.yPk 26, Corsair. d.B 183,
phaltum. Bitumen, deep yPk 27, Corsair d.gy.B 187
Egyptian Brown. m.rO 37 Corsican Blue m.p3 200, d.pBjaOl,
Jew's Pitch, Mineral Coral Blush P LPk4, LyPk28 d.V 212
Pitch, Mummy, Coral Cloud P l.yPk 28 Corydalis I.YG 119, p.YG 121
Spalte, Spaltum Coral Gold P m.rO 37 Corydalis Green. gy.YG 122
Congo Brown P S.Br 55, m.Br 58 Corallinus B deep Pk 3, m.R 15. Corydalis Green I.YG 119, p.YG 121
Congo Pink M gy.rO 39 s.rO 35, m.rO 37 Cosmic Blue... m.B 182
Congo Pink R s.yPk26, m.yPk29 Coral Pink deep yPk 27 Cosmos... d.pPk 251
Light Congo Pink R l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29 Coral Pink H m.yPk 29 Cosmos Pink v.l.P 221. v.p.P 226
Pale Congo Pink R l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29. Coral Pink M S.yPk 26 Cossack gy.G 150
p.yPk31. Coral Pink.. P S.yPk 26 Cossack Green d.yG 137
gy.yPk32 Coral Pink R m.yPk 29 Cossack Green m.OIG 125,
Conifer P gy.OIG 127 Bright Shell Pink. T gy.OIG 127
Continental Blue M d.gy.P 229, Pastel Pink Cosse Green... m.YG 120
pBlack 235 Coral |Red| deep Pk 3 Cosse Green s.YG 117
Continental Blue P d.pGy 234 Coral Red.... M m.rO 37 Cotch (same as Auburn).. m.Br 58
Cookie M m.Br 58 Coral Red R deep rO 36, m.rO 37 Cotinga Purple (same as deep P 219. d.P 224,
Cool Eve P p.G 149 Light Lacquer Red T Imperial) deep rP 238.
Coolie M m.pB200, d.pB201 Bright Coral Red V.rO 34. S.rO 35 d.rP 242
Copen Blue T S.B 178, I.B 181, Light Coral Red T m.rO 37 Cotinga Purple deep P 219. m.P 223
m.B 182 Light CoralRed (same as R S.rO 35 Cotrine d.OY72. l.yBr76
Bright Copen Blue T brill.B 177, S.B 178 Nasturtium Red) T Courge Green... d.gY 103. I.OI 106,
Gopen Blue, Dusty (see T Coral Rose deep Pk 3 m.YG 120
Dusty Copen Blue) Coral Rose P deep Pk 3, m.R 15, Courge Green m.YG 120
Light Copen Blue... J I.B 181 T m.rO 37 Court Gray v.p.G 148
Copenhagen TO gy.B 186 Bright Coral Rose S.rO 35, m.rO 37 Court Grey. v.p.G 148
Copenhagen (Biue) M gy.B 186. gy.pB 204 Light Con\ Rose T S.yPk 26 Covert Brown m.OIBr 95, gy.OI 110
Copper M gy.rO 39 Coral Sands T m.yPk 29, gy.yPk 32 Covert Gray I.OIGy 112
Carnellan, Copper Red, Corcir (same as Orchil).. M m.pR 258 Dark Covert Gray I.OIGy 112, OIGy 113

Cornelian Red, Wax Cordova M m.rBr 43 Covert Tan I.OIBr 94, l.gy.OI 109
Red Boreal, Castellon M Cowboy (same as New m.Br 58, gy.Br 61,

D m rn Ot
Cordovan... d.gy.yBr 81, Bronze) m.yBr 77.
Copper r W.IKJ
Woodland Brown M Black 267 gy.yBr 80
Copper T m.rO 37, m.O 53,
Cordovan. d.gy.R 20, d.rGy 23. Cowslip s.O 50, m.O 53
brO 54
T d.rBr 44, Zinc Orange
Copper Blue (same as M m.B 182 Cowslip P 1.0 52
d.gy.rBr 47
Corial (same- as Rose m.yPk 29, l.rBr 42
Crabapple M m.rO 37
Copper Bronze P brO 54 M Crab Apple. TC s.rO 35
Copper Brown. M Dawn) Crab Pink P
S.Br 55 LPk 4, p.Pk7
Corinth gy.pR 262 M
Armenian Red M Cracker LyBr 76
Copper Brown. T m.rBr 43. s.Br 55 Corinthian Pink M m.Pk 5, l.gy.R 18 Crag (same as English M OIGy 113
Light Copper Brown(same T s.Br 55 Corinthian Pink R m.Pk 5 Grey)
as Russet) Corinthian Purple M d.pR 259, gy.pR 262 Cranberry T deep R 13, m.R 15
Copper Cream Corinthian Purple R d.pR 259
P p.yPk 31
Crane M pGy 233
Copper Green (same as M m.yG 136 Dark Corinthian Purple. R d.pR 259
Prince Grey
Malachite Green) Corinthian Red M gy.R 19
Crash M gy.Y 90, d.gy.Y 91,
Copperleaf M m.rBr 43 Corinthian Red R gy.R 19 L0IBr94.
Copper Lustre M s.Br 55 Deep Corinthian Red R gy.R 19 l.gy.OI 109


ISCC-NES color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial _ ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name o0urc6
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Ctawshay Red d.rO 38. S.Br 55 Cream Dream yWhite 92 Cudbear (same as Orchil). IV! m.pR 258
Ctowshay Red, English Cream Gold I.Y 86 Cuddle Blue p V.p.D 10^, p.D loD
Red, Forest of Dea n Cream Pearl yWhite 92 Cuir (same as Dorado) M 1 yBr 76
Red Cream Striping (PO) I.Y 86 Cuisse de Nymphe (same M p.Y 89
Crayon Blue M gy.B 186 Cream Tone p.Y 89, yWhite 92 as Ivory |Yellow|)
Crayon Green TC l.yG 135 Cream White. yWhite 92 Cullen Earth (same as M m.Br 58
Cream (Eng 127) F gy.Y 90 Cream Yellow. p.Y 89 Vandyke Brown)
Cream (MA). F gy.Y 90 Creole brO 54, I.Br 57 Cupid Blue p
r w nO
1 771
Cream (USA 127) (same F gy.Y 90 Creole Pink p.yPk 31 Cupid Pink M m.yPk 29
as Aircraft Cream (AN Cress, Water (see Water Cupreous (same as Citron M I.Y 86
507)) Cress) (Yellow!)
Cream M p.Y 89 Cress Green m.YG 120 Curcuma (same as Citron M I.Y 86
Cream P yWhite 92 Cresson, Water Cress (Yellow!)
Cream_-_ _ _. T p.Y 89 Cress Green R m.YG120, m.OIG125 Currant Red U
n v.n 11
Cream _ TC yWhite 92 Dark Cress Green R m.OIG 125 Currant (Red! (same as M
Cream, Aircraft (see Air- F Light Cress Green R m.YG 120 Goya)
craft Cream) Cresson (same as Cress M m.YG 120 Cutch (same as Auburn).. M
Cream, Airy (see Airy Green) Cuyahoga Red (same as IVI
HP 1 C
Cream) Crest P brill.bG.159 Old Roseleaf)
Cream, Almond (see Al- Crevette (same as Shrimp M s.yPk 26 Cyan Blue IVI
m hP
m.Db }CA
m nD 171
m.gb 1/3
mond Cream) IPinkl) Cyan Blue... p lll.gD 1/0
Cream, Apricot (see Apri- Crimson... H v.R 11, v.pR 254 Cyaneus g c oR 1luj,
s.gD m aR
rn.gD 1
1 /
cot Cream) Crimson S v.R 11, s.R 12 <^ R 1 70 m D 1 QO
Cream, Blackberry (see Crimson (USA) TC deep pR 256 Cyanine Blue.. IVI
w n 1/D
V.D t7c
Blackberry Cream) Crimson, Chrysanthemum H Leitch's Blue (34L10)
Cream, Caramel (see (see Chrysanthemum Cyanine Blue IVI
m nR Onn H nR ODI
Caramel Cream) Crimson) (45E12)
Cream, Cinnamon (see Crimson, Harvard (see M, TC Cyanine Blue R m.pB 200
Cinnamon Cream) Harvard Crimson) Cyclamen M
If H rP OA'i
Cream, Cloud (see Cloud Crimson Glory v.R 11 Cyclamen Purple 1^
V.lr dJD
Cream) Crimson Lake (same as m.R 15 Cygnet M d.pR 259
Cream, Colonial (see Sultan) Cypress P m.yG 136
Colonial Cream) Crimson Lake, Burnt (see Cypress (Green) (same as M
m nir 1

Cream, Copper (see Cop- Burnt Crimson Lake) Forest Green)

per Cream) Crimson Madder v.R 11 Cypress Green T v.d.yG 138,
Cream, Dream (see Dream Crimson Maple (same as deep rBr 41 d.gy.G 151
Cream) Algerian Red) Cyprus Earth (same as IVI
m nDr 77
rn.yDr / /,
A iiPr 7fi
a. yBr /o
Cream, Dutch (see Dutch Crisp Blue v.l.gB 171 Raw Umber)
Cream) Croceus l.yPk 28, m.O 53, Cyprus Green H Drill. yb loU
Cream, Ecru (see Ecru i.OY 70, m.OY 71, Cyprus Green IVI s.yG 131
Cream) p.OY 73 Cyprus Umber (same as IVI
m iiDr 77 A ..Dr 70
Cream, Flat (see Flat Croceus (same as Saffron M m.O 53, m.OY 71 Raw Umber)
Cream) Yellow) Daffodil T1 V.T OZ, Drill. T 60
Cream, Flesh (see Flesh Crocreal (same as Saffron M i
m.O 53, m.OY 71 Daffodile |Yellowl IVI m.OY 71
Cream) Yellow) Antimony Yellow, Sun-
Cream, Golden (see Crocus (same as Saffron M(I0K8)' m.O 53, m.OY 71 ray, Zedoary Wash
Golden Cream) Yellow) Daffodil Yellow (same as M S.U OU, m.U 06,
Cream, Ivory (see Ivory Crocus M (43F4) p.rP 244, gy.rP 245 Cadmium Yellow) S.UT Do, m.Ui /

Cream) Crocus TC l.rP 240 Dagestan M d B 183

Cream, Jade (see Jade Crocus, Iron (see Iron M Dahlia M m.P 223
Cream) Crocus) Dahlia Carmine , IVI a.pn jy
Cream, Jersey (see Jersey Crocus Martis (same as M m.rBr 43 Dahlia Carmine R d.pR 259
Cream) Bole) Dahlia Mauve M m.rP 241
Cream, Lime (see Lime Crocus Rose P l.pPk 249 Dahlia Purple H d.pR 259, v.d.pR 260
Cream) Crostil (same as Orchil)_ M m.pR 253 Dahlia Purple... M d.pR 259, V.d.pR 260
Cream, Misty (see Misty Crotal (same as Orchil). M m.pR 258 Dahlia Purple A nP 91^0
a. pi* ZDs
Cream) Crottle (same as Orchil). M m.pR 258 Dahlia Purple Deep r ziy
Cream, Mustard (see Crowshay Red (same as M d.rO 38, S.Br 55 Daisy, Yellow (see Yellow M
Mustard Cream) Crawshay Red) Daisy)
Cream, Orange (see Cruise Blue P m.gB 173, m.B 182 Damascen (same as Dam- M m.V 211. d.V 212
Orange Cream) Cruiser M d.Gy 266 son)
Cream, Peach (see Peach Fashion Gray, Pilgrim, Damask M gy.R 19
Cream) Plymouth Damonico (same as Capu- M
IVI s.yrK 9C
e \/PL ZD, m rrt ^7
m.ru oi
Cream, Pearl (see Pearl Crushed Berry gy.R 19 cine Lake) s.O 50, m 0 53
Cream) Crushed Strawberry deep Pk 3 Damson M m.V 211, d.V 212
Cream, PevKter (see Pew- (same as Fiesta) Damascen
ter Cream) Crushed Violets gy.P 228 Danae M (9L9) s.O 50, m.O 53
Cream, Pistachio (see Crystal Blue brill.gB 168, Danae (same as Woad). .. IVI gy.B 186
Pistachio Cream) / 47 ft 1 n\
V.l.gB 171 (4/AlU)
Cream, Sunset (see Sun- Crystal Grey (same as pGy 233 Dandelion (same as Sun- IVI brilLY 83
set Cream) Silver-Wing) flower (Yellow!)
Cream, Walnut (see Wal- Crystal Palace Blue d.B 183 Dandelion T1
IfV 119
V.T oZ
nut Cream) Crystal Palace Green OIGy 113 Goldenrod
Cream, Yellow (see Yel- (same as Stone Grey) Dante IVI
A n\i D zzy,
u.gy.r 09Q a.rr OAO
A rD z4z,
low Cream) Crystals of Venus (same m.yG 136
Cream Beige (same as l.rBr 42, LBr 57, as Verdigris |6reen)) Danube. Blue (see Blue p
Tawny Birch) l.gy.Br 60 Cub OIGy 113 Danube)
Cream Blush p.OY 73 Cuba d.R 16, m.rBr 43 Danube Green M ri vG H7 d Pv G 151
Cr'?am Buff. p.Y 89, gy.Y 90 Burnt Russet, Wall- Danube Green R m.G 145, d.G 146,
Cream-Buff I.Y 86, m.Y 87 flower (Brown) gy.G 150,
Cream Chant p.gY 104 Cuban Orchid... l.rP 240, m.pPk 250 d.gy.G 151
Cream Cheese yWhite 92 Cuban Sand _ l.gy.yBr 79 LightDanube Green. R m.G 145
Crean^ Color. I.Y 86 Folkstone Daphne M m.B 182
Cream Delight p.gY 104 Cuban Sand.. m.Y 87, d.Y88 >
Daphne Pink M gy.pR 262

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from
number from sec. number from sec. sec.
U 14 14

Daphne Pink_ p d.pPk 251 Derby Blue (same as M d.V212 Drab, Brownish (see R
Daphne PinlL. R deep pPk 248. Elderberry) Brownish Drab)
d.pPk 251 Desert M l.yBr76 Drab, Chaetura (see M, R
Daphne Red M m.pR 258. gy.pR 262 Desert Brown P l.Pk4 Chaetura Drab)
Daphne Red p m.pn .M Desert Dust P p.Y 89. yWhite 92 Drab, Clay (see Clay M
Date (same as Biskra)._- M 1
d.gy.yBr 81 Desert Glass P I.P 222 Drab)

Datura (same as Aconite m.P 223 Desert Mist i

P P.OY73 Drab. Dark Quaker (see R
I '

Violet) Desert Palm P gy.OI 110 Dark Quaker Drab)

Dauphine M l.gy.R 18 Desert Pride
P p.YG 121 Drab. Deep Brownish (see R
Dauphin's Violet n m.V .11 Desert Sand P l.yBr76 Deep Brownish Drab)
Dauphin's Violet R m.V 211 Desert Sand (QM) F l.gy.Br 60 Drab, Deep Quaker (see ;
Davy's Grey (same as u
M a.uy cm Desert Sand (USA 313)... F I.Br 57 Deep Quaker Drab)
Steel) Desirable 1
P v.p.G 148 Dusky Drab R brGy 64
Dawn M m.Pk 5 Desire I
P ! V.I.P221 Drab, Field (see Field F
Dawn. Golden (see Gold- P Devil's Red (same as M I
s.R 12, m.R 15 Drab)

en Dawn) Blood Red) Drab, Grey (see Grey M


Dawn. Grey (see Grey M j Devon [Brown) (same as M gy.R 19 Drab)


Dawn) Rose Ash) Light Drab R l.gy.yBr 79

Dawn, Rose (see Rose M j

Dewey Red (same as M I
s.R 12, m.R 15 Drab, Light Brownish (see R
Dawn) 1

Blood Red) Light Brownish Drab)

Dawn Blue T p.B 185, l.bGy 190 Dewkiss. M

gy.G 150 Drab, Light Olive (see T,TC


Dawn Glow P v.p.P 226. p.pPk 252 Dewkist _ P ,

l.gGy 154, I.Gy 264 Light Olive Drab)
Dawn Gray R l.bGy 190. I.Gy 264 Diadem 1
M p.P 227 Drab. Light Quaker (see R
Dawn Grey (same as New M med.Gy 265 Diadem P ;
p.rP244 Light Quaker Drab)
Silver) Diamin-Azo Blue R !
gy.V 215, d.gy.P 229 Drab, Olive (see Olive F, M, T
Dawn Pink.. H v.Pk 1 Diamine Brown R gy.rBr46 Drab)
Dawn Pink P l.pPk 249 Diamine Green R m.G 145, d.G 146 Drab, Pale Brownish (see R
Dawn Pink T gy.pPk 253 Diana M IB 181 Pale Brownish Drab)
Daybreak M I.V 210, I.P 222 Squill Blue Drab. Pale Quaker (see R
Daybreak P P.P227 Dianthus m.R 15. gy.R 19 Pale Quaker Drab)
Day Dream P
r p.v ti** Dianthus Purple v.pR254 Drab. Pallid Brownish(see R
Daytona (same as Sandy- M l.brGy 63 Diavolo (same as Azalea).. gy.R 19 Pallid Brownish Drab)
Beige) Digitalis gy.P 228 Drab. Pallid Quaker (see R
Dazzle Blue P s.gB 169 Dignity _ m.Pk 5. l.pPk 249, PallidQuaker Drab)
Dead Carnations.. In m.pn iVi p.pPk 252 Drab, Quaker(see Quaker M, R
Dead Leaf (same as M deep 0 51, brO 54, Di Palito (same as Yellow m.OY 71 Drab)
Feuille Morte) s.Br 55 Ochre) I
Drab, Rustic (see Rustic M
Deauville Sand. M l.gy.rBr45. l.gy.Br60 Directoire Blue

v.B 176, s.B 178 Drab)
Stucco Distilled Green (same as M I
m.yG 136 Drab, Sage (see Sage M
Debonair P p.B 185 Verdigris [Green]) Drab)
Debutante Blue P v.l.gB 171, v.p.B 184 Distinction _ gy.pR 262 Drab, Siennese (see Sien- M
D6butante Pink.. M m.Pk 5 Diva Blue s.B 178, m.B 182 nese Drab)
1.3 France Pink Diva Blue v.pB194, brill.pB195 Drab-Gray R l.gy.yBr 79, yGy 93
Debutante Pink.. P s.Pk 2 Diva Blue brill.pB195, s.pB196 Pale Drab-Gray R White 263. I.Gy 264

Debutante Yellow P l.gY 101 Dark Diva Blue S.pB 196, m.pB200 Drab Olive P m.YG 120
Deep Ravine p m DIRr Divine Blue

I.B 181 Drabolve (same as Olive M gy.OI 110

Deep Reverie P d.pGy 234 Doe (same as Almond I.Br 57, l,gy.Br 60, Drab)
Deep Sea P m.bG 164 jBrownj) l.yBr 76, Dragonfly M d.gB 174
Deep Stone M d.Y 88, d.gy.Y 91, l.gy.yBr 79 Dragon's Blood (same as M gy.R 19, gy.rO 39,
Tinsel I.OlBr 94 Doe-skin Brown (same as I
l.rBr 42 Pompeian Red) l.rBr 42

Deep Twilight P l.brGy 63 Monkey Skin) ]

Dragons-blood Red R d.rO 38
Deep Water P m.B 182 Doge m.R 15 Drake M d.gB 174
Deer M gy.yBr 80 Orchil (acid bath) Drake's-neck Green,
Bobolink, Camels Hair Doge Purple deep rP 238 Merle
Delectable P brill.gB 168, l.gB172, Dogwood I.Br 57, m.Br 58, Drake's-neck Green M d.gB 174
I.B 181 Pigskin m.yBr 77 (same as Drake)
Delft Blue. M gy.pB 204 Dolly Pink. m.R 15 Dream Blue P v.l.B 180
Dutch Ware Blue, Dolly Varden I.Pk4 Dream Cream P p.YG 121
Oriental Blue Domingo.- m.rBr 43 Dream Fluff P pWhite 231
Delft Blue... R gy.B 186 Domingo Brown (same as d.Br 59 Dream Stuff P l.pPk 249
Delft Blue T m.B 182, d.B 183, Maracaibo) Dreamy Blue P p.B 185
p.pB 203. Dorado. l.yBr 76 Dregs of Wine (same as M d.R 16, deep rBr 41,
gy.pB 204 Cuir, Honey Beige Maroon) d.rBr 44
Dark Delft Blue.... R d.B 183, d.gy.B 187 Doubloon m.O 53 Dresden Blue M m.B 182
Deep Delft Blue... R gy.B 186 Brown Ochre, Golden Dresden Brown (same as M m.yBr 77, I.OlBr 94,
Delft Rose H s.R 12 Ochre, Roman Earth, Fox) m.0IBr95
Delight.. P v.p.P 226 Roman Ochre Dresden Brown R m.yBr 77
Delia Robbia M s.pB 196 Dove (same as Pelican).. M(47A2) d.Gy 266 Dresden Yellow H brill.gY 98
Delia Robbia Blue. T I.B 181, m.B 182 Dove (same as Colum- M(47L4)| d.pR 259 Dried Leaf P I.Y 86
Del Monte M gy.P 228 i bine |Red|) Drizzle. P l.gGy 154
Del Monte p aw P 99H Dove Gray. l.pGy 232, gy.pPk 253 Dryad M gy.G 150
Delphinium M gy.B 186 Dove Grey.. pGy 233 Dryad P l.bG 163
Delphinium Blue.. T brill.B 177, s.B 178, !
Dover Grey d.Gy 266 Dryad Rose.. P p.yPk 31
I.B 181 Dozer d.B 183 M gy.R m.rBr 43
Dry Rose (same as With- 19,
Delta P 1
m.gB 173 Drab I.OlBr 94
ered Rose)
Delusion P V.l.gB 171 Mode Beige, Rustic
M s.yPk 26
Du Barry (same as Bitter-
De'Medici M d.pR259 Drab, Sand Dune

sweet Pink)
Demon Blue Drab l.yBr 76, m.yBr 77,
P 1 d.bGy 192 Du Barry Blue... P brill.bG 159
l.gy.yBr 79,
Demure Blue P v.p.B 184 Duck Blue (same as In- M S.gB 169
gy.yBr 80
Denmark M gy.B 186 Drab, Antique (see An- digo Carmine)
Denver (same as Battle- M med. Gy 265 tique Drab) Duck Green (same as M d.bG 165
ship Grey) Drab, Blue (see Blue Pine Tree)
Depth Green P '
d.gy.G 151 Drab) Duck Green R d.gy.G 151


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Duckling d.gB 174, d.gy.B 187 Dyer'sBroom l.gY 101, m.gY 102 Dark Eggplant blackish P 230,
Teal Blue Dyer's Greenwood, d.pGy 234
Duckling TC d.gB 174 Genestrole, Genet, Deep Eggplant d.gy.P 229.
Duckling Blue P gy.B 186, d.gy.B 187 Trentanel v.d.rP 243.
Duck-Wing (same as Sea- M gy.pB 204 Dyer's Greenwood (same l.gY 101, m.gY 102 v.d.pR 260
man Blue) as Dyer's Broom) Eggshell P p.OY 73, p.Y 80
Du Gueslin (same as Ma- d.B 183, d.pB 201, Dyer's Saffron (same as v.R 11 Eggshell T p.Y 89
jolica gy.pB 204 Artillery) Light Ivory
Dumont's Blue (same as deep B 179, m.B 182 Dynasty Green s.bG 160 Eggshell TC p.Y 89
Smalt) Eagle br.Gy 64 Eggshell (Eng) F 2705 p.Y 89
Dune (same as Twine).. l.gy.OI 109 Clove Brown Eggshell (Eng) F 3720 yWhite 92
Dune. Sand (see Sand Earth, Burnt Italian (see Eggshell Blue (same as M p.G 149, l.bG 163
Dune) Burnt Italian Earth) Robin's Egg Blue)
Durango (same as Oak- m.Br 58 Earth, Cassel (see Cassel Eggshell Green (same as M p.G 149, l.bG 163
wood) Earth) Robin's Egg Blue)
Dusk (same as Slate d.pGy 234 Earth, Castile (see Castile Eglantine M v.pR 254
IColorl) Earth) Egypt M s.B 178
Dusk p.B 185, gy.B 186, Earth. Cologne (see Co- Egyptian M gy.R 19
bGy pGy 233
191, logne Earth) Egyptian Blue (same as M v.B 176, s.B 178
Dusk Blue.. p.pB 203, gy.pB 204. Earth, Cullen (see Cullen Alexandria Blue)
p.V 214, gy.V 215 Earth) Egyptian Brown (same as d. gy.yBr 81

Oust I.OIBr 94 Earth, Cyprus (see Cy- Congo IBrownj)

Antelope prus Earth) Egyptian Buff,. H I.OY 70, p.OY 73
Oust. Desert (see Desert Dark Earth (AN 617).. . gy.yBr 80, m.OIBr 95 Egyptian Green M m.G 145
Dust) Earth, Florence (see Flor- Egyptian Red M d.R 16, .s.rBr4P
Dust, Mauve (see Mauve ence Earth) Alcazar
Dust) Earth, Gold (see Gold Egyptian Red P d.R 16

Dust, Pink (see Pmk I P Earth) Eifel (same as Spanish M gy.R 19, m.rBr 43
Dust) Earth, Japan (see Japan Cedar)

Dust, Rose (see Rose P Earth) 18th Century Citron P m.YG 120
Dust) Earth, Lemnian (see Lem- 18th Century Green P gy.YG 122
Duslblu TC p.B 185 nlan Earth) 18th Century Tan P l.gy.R 18
Dusty Aqua T p.B 185 Earth, Majolica (see Maj- !8th Century Turquoise.. P m.gB 173, gy.B 186
Dusty Aqua Blue.. T p.B 185 olica Earth) 18th Century Violet P gy.rP 245
Dusty Aqua Green T p.G 149 Earth, Persian (see Per- 18th Century Yellow P gy.Y 90
Dusty Blue T p.B 185 gy.B 186 sian Earth) Elderberry M d.V 212
Dusty Cedar T gy.R 19 Earth, Raw Italian (see Derby Blue
Dusty Copen Blue T l.pB 199 Raw Italian Earth) Eldorado M brO 54
Dusty Coral _ T d.Pk 6, l.gy.R 18, Earth. Red (see Red Electra P v.l.bG 162
m.yPk29, d.yPk30 Earth) Electric TC m.gB 173
Dusty Green M l.gy.OI 109 Earth, Roman (see Ro- Electric jBluej M gy.B 186
Dusty Green P m.YG 120, gy.YG 122 man Earth) ElectricGreen
Dusty Green T gy.YG 122, m.yG 136, Earth, Striegau (see Strie Electric Green (same as gy.B 186
p.G 149 gau Eartli) Electric |Blue|)
Dusty Jade Green T p.G 149 Earth, Yellow (see Yel- Electrinus brill.Y 83, s.Y 84,
Dust" Lavender T p.V 214, gy.V 215, low Earth) l.Y 86, m.Y 87
gy.P 228 Earth Brown m.Br 58 Elephant Green (same as v.d.yG 138
Dusty Lilac T gy.P 228 Earth Brown (USA 302) . gy.Br 61 Hunter (Greenj)
Dusty Mauve T P.P 227, gy.P 228 Earth Red (USA 312) m.Br 58 Elephant Skin brGy 64
Dusty Olive T I.OI 106 Earth Yellow (USA 305)... l.yBr 76 Elf I.G 144, p.G 149
Dusty Orange T m.O 53 Easter Bonnet v.p.B 184 Elf Green p.G 149, l.bG 163
Dusty Orctiid T p.P 227, gy.P 228, Easter Egg Yellow l.Y 86 Elfin Green I.G 144
p.rP244, gy.rP245 Eau-de-Javel Green (same m.gY 102 Elk d.gy.yBr 81

Dusty Peach -. T m.yPk 29, gy.yPk 32 as Javel Green) Goose-Grey, Lama

Dusty Periwinkle Blue T p.V 214 Eaude-Nile (same as m.YG 120. gy.YG 121, Elm gy.YG 122
Dusty Pink TC m.yPk 29 Nile IGreenj) l.yG 135 Elm Green m.OIG 125
Dusty Rose T d.Pk 6, d.pPk 251, Ebony d.OI 108, OIGy 113, Elm Green m.0IG125, gy.0IG127
gy.pR 262 d.Gy 266 Light Elm Green m.YG 120
Dusty Turquoise T m.gB 173 Ebony, Rose (see Rose Elmwood (same as Biar- l.gy.yBr 79, I.OIBr 94
Dusty Turquoise Blue... T l.gB 172, m.gB 173 Ebony) ritz)

Dusty Turquoise Green.. T l.bG 163, m.bG 164, Ebony Brown. d.rGy 23, rSlack 24, Email m.bG 164. m.gB 173
l.gB 172 d.gy.rBr 47, Bleu Louise
Dusty Yellow T m.gY 102, gy.gY 105 d.Gy 266 Ember m.R 15
Dutch Azure (same as M deep B 179, m.B 182 Eburnean (same as Ivory p.Y 89 Emberglow m.R 15, deep yPk 27,
Smalt) lyellowj) Aurora Red m.rO 37
Dutch Blue M gy.B 186 Ecclesiastic M v.rP 236, s.rP 237 Emerald v.yG 129, brill.yG 130,
Dutch Blue R p.B 185, p.pB 203 Ecru (same as Beige) . M p.Y 89, gy.Y 90 S.yG 131.
Dutch Blue... T m.B 182, l.pB 199 Ecru P p.Y 89 deep yG 132,
Bright Dutch Blue T s.B 178, brill.pB 195, Ecru (same as Biscuit). . T gy.Y 90 v.G 139, brill.G 140,
s.pB 196 Ecru. TC I gy.yBr 79 I.G 144
Deep Dutch Blue R gy.B 186, p.pB 203 Ecru Cream P p.Y 89. yWhite 92 Emerald TC S.yG 131
Light Dutch Blue T I.B 181. l.pB 199 Ecru-Drab R brPk 33 Emerald Green H S.yG 131
Dutch Cream P p.OY 73, yWhite 92 Pale Ecru-Drab... R pkGy 10 Emerald Green (gem) M m.yG 136
Dutch Orange (same as M s.OY 68, m.OY 71 Ecru-Olive R d.Y88, d.gy.Y91 Emeraude
Florida Gold) Eden Green M s.yG 131, m.yG 136 Emerald Green (pigment) brill.G 140
Dutch Pink (same as Stil M brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Eerie Blue P v.p.B 184 Emperor Green, Im-
de Gram Yellow) I.Y86, m.Y87 Eggplant M blackish P 230, perial Green, Kirch-
Dutch Scarlet (same as M v.R 11 Aubergine pBlack 235 berger Green, Mitis
Castilian Red) Egg Plant... d.gy.P 229, Green, Pans Green,
Dutch Vermilion H v.rO 34 blackish P 230 Paul Veronese Green,
Dutch Vermilion (same as M v.rO 34 Eggplant d.gy.P 229, Schweinfurt Green,
Toreador) d.pGy234.d.rP 242, Vienna Green
Dutch Ware Blue (same gy.pB 204 d.pR 259 Emerald Green v.l.yG 134
as Delft Blue) Eggplant TC blackish P 230 Emerald Green. brill.yG 130

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Emerald Green. s.G 141, m.G 145, Epinauche (same as d.gy.G 151 Fantasy Rose P gy.yPk 32
s.bGieO, m.bG164 Juniper) Fantasy Yellow. P p.Y 89
Bright Emerald Green. brill.G 140, s.G 141, Epsom m.YG 120 Faon (same as Fawn M l.gy.rBr 45, m.Br 58,
brill.bG159, Erie. m.bG 164 (Brown]) l.gy.Br60, gy.Br61
s.bG 160 Erin m.G 145 Far Horizon P d.gGy 156
Dark Emerald Green deep G 142, m.bG 164 Eriau Green (same as m.yG 136 Fashion Gray (same as M d.Gy 266
Deep Emerald Green deep G 142, m.G 145, Malachite Green) Cruiser)
(same as Deep Green) m.bG 164 Erythrite Red m.pR258 Favorite P p.G 149
Light Emerald Green brill.G 140, I.G 144, Escadre gy.B 186 Fawn S m.yPk 29, m.rBr 43
brill.bG 159, Eschel(same as Smalt).. deep B 179, m.B 182 Fawn.. T l.gy.Br 60, gy.yBr 80
v.l.bG 162, l.bG 163 Eskimo (same as Rustic m.rBr 43 Fawn TC gy.yBr 80
Pale Emerald Green T V.I.G143, V.l.bG 162 Brown) Light Fawn T l.gy.Br 60
Vivid Emerald Green T s.bG 160 Esthetic Grey gGy 155 Fawn. White (see White P
Emerald Isle P v,G 139 Etain Blue v.p.G 148. v.p.B 184 Fawn)
Emerald Tint T v.p.G 148 Etain Blue v.p.G 148, V.l.bG 162, Fawn IBrown] l.gy.rBr 45, m.Br 58,
Pale Jade Green v.l.gB 171, Autumn Blonde, Faon, l.gy.Br 60, gy.Br61
Emeraude (same as Emer- M m.yG 136 V.p.B 184 Sandalwood
ald Green) (20J10) Etang p.G 149, l.gGy 154 Fawn Color l.gy.rBr 45, LBr 57,
Emeraude (same as M s.G 141, m.G 145 Ether l.gB 172 l.gy.Br 60
Transparent Chromium (28K11) Ethereal Blue (same as I.B 181, LpB 199 Feldspar I.G 144
Oxide) Sky Blue) Fern m.YG 120
Eminence M d.P 224 Etherial Green I.YG 119, p.YG 121 Fern, Silver (see Silver
Adamia Ethyl Blue l.gB 172 Fern)
Emperor Green (same as brill.G 140 Ethyl Green S.bG 160, m.bG 164 Fernambucowood (same m.R 15, gy.R 19
Emerald Green) Eton Blue (same as Cam- l.bG 163 as Rosevale)
Empire S.G 141 bridge Blue) Ferndell d yG 137
Cadmium Green Eton Blue m.B 182 Fernery d.G 146
Empire Blue m.B 182 Etruscan (same as Mo- m.rBr 43, m.Br 58 Fern Green s.YG 117
Empire Green d.yG 137. d.gy.G 151 hawk) Fern Green... m.YG 120, gy.YG 122
Empire Green gy.G 150, d.gy.G 151 Etruscan Red... gy.rO 39 Fern Green m.YG 120
Empire Rose deep Pk 3 Etruscan Red gy.R 19 Fern Green m.YG 120
Empire Yellow. v.Y 82 Eucalyptus |Green| gy.Y 90, gy.YG 122 Fern Lane v.p.G 148
Empire Yellow brill.Y 83, I.Y 86 Eucalyptus Green gy.YG 122 Ferro-Griseus... OIGy 113
Empire Yellow v.Y 82, brill.Y 83 Eugenia Red m.R 15 Ferruginous m.rO 37, d.rO 38,
Empire Yellow brill.Y 83 Eugenia Red. m.R 15 m.rBr 43, s.Br 55
Empirical Blue l.bG 163 Eugenie gy.P 228 Ferruginous. d.rO 38, S.Br 55
Enamel Blue v.B 176 Eupatorium Purple m.rP 241 Ferruginous. m.rO 37, d.rO 38
Enamel Blue (same as deep B 179. m.B 182 Eupatorium Purple l.rP 240, m.rP 241 Festival.. brill.G 140,
Smalt) Eureka Red d.R 16 brill.bG 159
Enchantress. m.rO 37 Flea, Pewke, Puce, Festive Green v.yG 129, brill.yG 130
Endive brill.gY 98, l.gY 101 Puke, Victoria Lake Festoon brill.G 140
Endive Blue (same as p.B 185, p.P 227 Eve Green. M (18L1) brill.gY 98 Feuille (same as Terra- m.Br 58
Iris) Eve Green. M (18L8) brill.yG 130, s.yG 131 pin)
Endive Blue... l.pB 199, p.pB 203 Eve Green.. P brill.yG 130, s.yG 131 Feuille Morte deep 0 51, brO 54,
Enduring l.bG 163. l.gB 172 Evenglow M rGy 22 Autumn Leaf, Dead S.Br 55
Engine Gray (AN 513).... d.Gy 266 Evening Glow P I.Pk 4 Leaf, Feu la mo rt,
Dark Gray (MA). Dark Evening Haze P m.Pk 5 Fieulamort, Filemot,
Gray (USA 122), Eventide M p.V 214 Fillemot, Foliage
Deep Navy Gray Eventide P gy.pPk 253 Brown, Folimort,
(Y&D 21) Eveque (same as Old M d.P 224 Leather Lake, Oak-
Engine Gray (MA). F med.Gy 265 Helio) leaf Brown, Philamot,
English Blue (same as M m.B 182 Everglade M Black 267 Philimot, Philomot,
Ceramic) Everglade P Black 267 Phyliamort, Phylla-
English Green (same as M s.YG 117, s.yG 131 Evergreen M d.yG 137 mort. Withered Leaf
Scheele's Green) (19L8) Evergreen T gy.G 150, d.gy.G 151 Feulamort (same as deep 0 51, brO 54,
English Green (same as M d.G 146 Evergreen TC d.yG 137, v.d.yG 138 Feuille Morte) S.Br 55
deep Brunswick Green) (24A12) Exterior Green #14 (PC) F 1415 d.OIG 126 Fez v.R 11
English Grey M OIGy 113 Exterior Green #15 (PC) F 1455 m.YG 120 Fidelity v.p.pB 202
Crag Fable P pWhite 231 Field Drab (USA 303) gy.yBr 80, m.0IBr95
English Inde (same as M d.gy.P 229 Faded Rose (same as M gy.R 19 Dark Earth (AN 617)
Indigo) Athenia) Field's Orange Vermilion S.rO 35
English Ivy (same as d.yG 137 Faience.. M s.gB 169, m.gB 173 (same as Mandarin Red)
Wintergreen) Faience Blue H brIll.gB 168 Fiery Red v.rO 34
English Mist... gGy 155 Fairway M blackish G 152 Minium, Red Lead,
English Oak. m.Br 58 Fairy Gold P l.gY 101 Sandarach, Sandar-
Circassian Fairy |Green| M m.yG 136 acha
English Ochre (same as m.OY 71 Fairy Land P v.p.G 148, V.l.bG 162 Fiesta deep Pk 3
Yellow Ochre) Fairy Princess P bWhite 189 Crushed Strawberry
English Pink (same as M brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Fakir (same as Peach M p.OY 73 Fieulamort (same as deep 0 51, brO 54,
Stilde Grain Yellow) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Blow) Feuille Morte) s.Br 55
English Red (same as M s.R 12, m.R 15, !
Falcon d.gy.Br 62 Filbert (Brownj (same as LBr 57, s.yBr 74
Brigand) (2J1I) s.rO 35, m.rO 37 Muskrat Hazel)
English Red (same as M d.rO 38, S.Br 55 Falcon brGy 64 Filemot (same as Feuille deep 0 51, brO 54,
Cfawshay Red) (4H12) Fall Blue p.B 185, p.pB 203 Morte) s.Br 55
English Red (same as M m.rBr 43 Fall Bronze d.Y 88 Fillemot (same as Feuille deep 0 51, brO 54,
Coromandel) (7L11) Fall Leaf I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Morte) s.Br 55
English Red... R d.rO 38 Fallow l.yBr 76 Finesse gy.yPk 32
English Vermilion (same M s.R 12
Fall Yellow I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Firecracker V.rO 34
as Goya)
Fancy Free _ V.p.G 148 Firecracker S.rO 35
English Violet M d.P 224
Ensign M d.B 183, Fandango v.pR 254 Firefly s.R 12, m.R 15
blackish B 188 Fanfare.. S.gB 169 Fire Fly deep Pk 3
Eosine Pink. deep Pk 3 Fantasia v.p.G 148 Fire Red V.rO 34

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ign3tion with seri3(
Color name ource Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec
14 14 14

Fire Red M v.rO 34 Flesh Pink P p.yPk 31 Forest Shade... P m.yG 136
Mineral Orange, Orange Flesh Pink R l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29 Forget-me-not... TC I.B 181
Lead, Paris Red, Flesh Pink... T l.yPk 28, p.yPk 31 Forget-me-not [Blue] M p.B 185, gy.B 186
Sandix, Sandyx, Sat- Flesh Pink TC p.yPk 31 Myosotes Blue
urn Red, Saturnine Flesh Tint P l.yPk 28, p.yPk 31 Forget-me-not Blue R brilLpB 195
Red Fleur-de-Lys. M m.P 223 Forget-me-not Blue T I.B 181, v.p.B 184
Fire Red (Y&D 13)(same F v.R 11 Flint M Black 267 Light Forget-me-not Blue R I.B 181
as Insignia Red (AN Flint _. P d.rGy 23 Pale Forget-me-not Blue R p.B 185, p.pB 203
509)) Flint Grey M med.Gy 265 Formosa M m.O 53, I.Br 57
Fire Scarlet (same as M v.R 11 Flirt... M m.R 15 Forsythia M m.OY 71
Castilian Red) Flirtation P p.P 227 Forsythia T brill.Y 83
Fireweed (same as Grape- M deep P 219 Florence Brown _ M gy.R 19 Fortune P brill!V 206
juice) Vandyke Red Fountain Blue P v.p.pB 202
Fir |Green| M d.yG137. v.d.yG138, Florence Earth (same as m.rBr 43 Fountain Green p brill vG nn
d.gy.G 151 Coromandel) v.l.yG 134
Fir Green P m.YG 120 Florentine (same as V.rO 34 Four-leaf Clover P d.yG 137
Firmament M gy.B 186 Flame [Scarlet]) Fox , M m.yBr 77. I.OIBr 94,
Firmament Blue M l.gB 172 Florentine Lake (same as v.R 11, S.R 12 Antique Drab, Dresden m.OlBr 95
Firmament Blue P s.pB 196 Carmine) Brown
Firmament Gray P V.P.B184, bWhitel89 Florida Gold S.OY 68, m.OY 71 Fox, Blue (see Blue Fox) M
First Lady P l.rP 240.deep pPk 248 Dutch Orange, Orpi- Foxglove M S.V 207, m.V211
Fish Grey (same as Cod M ment Red, Realgar, Fox Trot M l.bG 163
Grey) Rislgal, Rosalgar, Fragonard M m.R 15
Flag (same as Grape Blue). M d.V 212 Ruby of Arsenic, France IVl d.B 183
Flag Blue. T d.B 183, d.gy.B 187 Sandarach, Sandara- France Rose. M deep Pk 3,
Flame p v.R 11, s.R 12 cha, Yellow Carmine
Troubador Floss Flower Blue (same M p.P 227 Freedom M d.B 183
Flame . J v.n 11, ic, as Ageratum Blue) Freestone (same as Caen M p.OY 73
Light Tomato Red V.rO 34 Flower, Blue (see Blue TC Stone)
Flame Blue (same as M m.pB 200, gy.pB204 Flower) French Beige.. M I.Br 57
Dark Wedgwood IBIuel) Flower de Luce Green M d.yG 137 Hopi, Sunburn
Flame Orange (same as M V.rO 34 Iris Green, Pancy Green, French Beige.. p I.Br 57
Flame (Scarlet)) Pauncy Green French Berries (same as M S.OY 68, m.OY 71
Flame Orange.. T v.O 48, s.O 50 Flowerlet P 1
T u \iQ
iij Ta-Ming)
Flame Red. TC s.rO 35 Fluorite Green M m.yG 136 French Blue H v.pB 194
Flame [Scarlet] M V.rO 34 Fluorite Green R m.yG 136 French Blue (same as M S.B 178, S.pB 196
Flame Orange, Floren- Clear Fluorite Green R l.yG 135 Artificial Ultramarine)
tine Light Fluorite Green R I.YG 119 French Blue P l.pB 199
Flame Scarlet... R V.rO 34 Pale Fluorite Green R v.p.G 148 French Gray R p.B 185, l.bGy 190
Flaming Maple M u R
V.n 11
11, c R
i.n 19
IL, Fluorite Violet M d.P 224, v.d.P 225 French Green M m.yG 136, m.G 145
deep R 13, m.R 15 Fluorite Violet R d.P 224 French Green R m.G 145
Flamingo M m.rO 37 Flush, Salmon (see Sal- P French Grey.... M l.gGy 154, I.Gy 264
Flamingo Pink P s.Pk 2 mon Flush) French Lilac M m.P 223, gy.P 228
Flammeous (same as M s.rO 35 Fog (same as Priscilla).. M I.Gy 264 French Lilac P gy.rP 245
Indian Orange Fog, Blue (see Blue Fog).. P French Maroon M ov R IQ
gy.n 13
Flash M S.R 12, m.R 15, Fog, Green (see Green P French Nude M l.gy.rBr 45, I.Br 57.
deep rO 36, d.rO 38 Fog) Alesan, Caf6-au-lait 1 au Rr f^n

Flash P s.R 12 Fog, London (see London P French Nude. P m.yPk 29

FlatCream (PC 11) F p.Y 89 Fog) French Ochre (same as M m.OY 71
Lighllvory(Y&D6) Fog, Sea (see Sea Fog).. P Yellow Ochre)
Flavo-Virens B s.gY 99, l.gY 101, Fog Blue P p.pB 203 French Pink M p.OY 73, m.Y87
m.gY 102, p.gY 104, Fog Blue. T gy.B 186, gy.P 228 Sienna Yellow
brill.YG 116, Fog Green P p.G 149 French Purple (same as M m.pR 258
s.YG 117, I.YG 119. Fog Yellow P d.gy.Y 91 Orchil)
m Vfi 19n
lll.TU IL\J, n Vfi 191
p.iU 1^1 Foliage P s.YG 117 French Rose H s.yPk 26
Flavus.. B brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Foliage Brown (same as M deep 0 51, brO 54, French Scarlet (same as M v.R 11
I.Y 86, brill.gY 98, Feuille Morte) S.Br 55 Scarlet)
S.gY 99 Foliage Green (same as M m.YG 120 French Ultramarine (same M S.B 178, s.pB 196
Flax.... M gy.Y90 Absinthe [Green]) as Artificial Ultrama-
Flaxen, Peanut, Pebble Folimort (same as Feuille M deep 0 51, brO 54, rine)
Flax TC gy.Y 90 Morte) s.Br 55 French Vermilion (same M V.rO 34
Flax Blue H brill.pB 195, S.pB 196, Folkstone (same as Cuban M l.gy.yBr 79 as Paprica)
brill.V 206 sand) [French] Veronese Green M <: r5 141
o.U l*tl, m r^ 14S
III.U l*tQ

Flaxen (same as Flax) M gy.Y 90 Folly M v.R 11. s.R 12 (same as Transparent
Flaxflower Blue M
m m.D ioc, i.pD 139 Fontainebleau M gy.R 19 Chromium Oxide)
Flax Flower Blue p brill.pB 195 Forest M d.gy.G 151 French White M LpGy 232, p.pPk 252
Flax-flower Blue R brill.pB 195 Mountain Green French Yellow (same as M hrO 54 <: vBr 74
Flaxflower Blossom M gy.B 186 Forest, Black (see Black P Yucatan)
Flea (same as Eureka M d.R 16 Forest) French Yellow p I.Br 57
Red) Dark Forest P d.gy.G 151 Friar (same as Mandalay). M gy.Br 61, d.gy.Br 62
Flemish Blue. M d.gy.B 187 Forest Green M m.OIG 125 Frost Grey M med.Gy 265
Flemish Blue. p gy.D loo Cypress [Green] Chateau Grey
Flemish Blue TC gy.B 186 Forest Green R m.YG 120, m.OIG 125 Frosty Green (same as M d.gy.G 151
Flesh M P.OY73, yGy93 Forest Green (same as T v.d.yG 138, d.G 146 Nickle Green)
Moonlight. Natural Bottle Green) Frosty Night p bWhite 189
Flesh, Spanish (see Span- M Forest Green (USA 109).. F d.OIG 126 Froth p yWhite 92
ish Flesh) Green (MC), Exterior Frozen Dew P v.p.B 184
Flesh Blond M m.yPk 29, gy.yPk 32. Green (PC 14), Pull-
Fuchsia... M v.rP 236
brPk 33 man Green (PC)
Fuchsia p S.R 12, s.pR 255
Flesh Color R m.PkS Forest Green (Y&D 23) F d.yG 137
Pale Flesh Color R l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29 (same as Dark Green Fuchsia TC v.pR 254
Flesh Cream P p.yPk 31, p.OY 73 (USA 111)) Fuchsia. Antique (see An- M, P
Flesh Ochre M d.rO 38 Forest of Dean Red (same M d.r0 38, S.Br 55 tique Fuchsia)
Flesh -Ochre R m.O 53 as Crawshay Red) Dark Fuchsia P s.rP 237


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Fuchsia, Oriental (see Gay Yellow p brill. gY 98, l.gY 101 Glaucous p.YG 121
Oriental Fuchsia) Gazelle [Brown] (same as M gy.Br 61, gy.yBr 80 Glaucous, Bluish (see
Fuchsia, Venetian (see Racquet) Bluish Glaucous)
Venetian Fuchsia) Geisha M m.rP 241, m.pR 258, Glaucous, Dark Bluish
Fuchsia Pink s.pPk 247, gy.pR 262 (see Dark Bluish Glau-
deep pPk 248 Gendarme [Blue] M m.bG 164, m.gB 173 cous)
Fuchsia Pink deep pPk 248, Gendarme Blue R m.B 182 Glaucous, Deep Bluish
Light Orchid Ruse m.pPk 250 Generall (same as Lemon M brill.Y 83, S.Y 84, (see Deep Bluish Glau-
Fuchsia Purple v.pR 254 [Yellow]) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 cous)
Fuchsia Purple s.rP237, dr.eprP 238, Genestrole (same as M l.gY 101, m.gY 102 Glaucous, Greenish
m.rP241, d.rP 242, Dyer's Broom) (see Greenish Glaucous)
deep pR 256 Genet (same as Dyer's tA l.gY 101, m.gY 102 Glaucous, Dark Greenish
Bright Fuchsia Purple. s.rP237, deep rP 238, Broom) (see Dark Greenish
deep pR 256 Geneva Blue M gy.pB 204 Glaucous)
Light Fuchsia Purple s.rP 237 Geneva Blue P d.B 183, gy.pB 204 Glaucous, Deep Greenish
Fuchsia Red._ deep pR 256, Genista. M m.O 53 (see Deep Greenish
I Magenta m.pR 258 Genoa Blue. M gy.B 186 Glaucous)
Fuchsia Rose. V.pR 254, s.pR255 Gentian M m.B 182, l.pB 199 Glaucous, Yellowish (see
Fuchsia Rose s.pR 255, m.pR 258 Gentian Blue. H v.pB 194 Yellowish Glaucous)
Bright Fuchsia Rose (same m.pR 258 Gentian Blue M m.pB 200 Glaucous- Blue.. gy.B 186
as Magenta Rose) Gentian Blue R s.pB 196 Glaucous-Blue l.gB 172
Fuchsine Pink. deep pPk 248 Geranium M S.R 12 Glaucous-Blue, Greenish
Fudge (same as Russian m.Br 58 Geranium. TC v.R 11 (see Greenish Glau-
Calf) Geranium Lake H v.R 11 cous-Blue)
Fujiyama m.rBr 43 Geranium Lake (same as M v.R 11 Light Glaucous-Blue v.l.gB 171
Fulvus brO 54. d.OY 72, Spark). Light Dull Glaucous-Blue. l.gB 172, p.B 18b
s.yBr 74 Geranium Petal M v.R 11 Pale Glaucous-Blue V.l.gB 171, v.p.B 184
Fumosus- pkGy 10, brPk 33, Geranium Pink M deep Pk 3 Pale Dull Glaucous-Blue.. v.p.B 184, p.B 185
l.gy.yBr79, gy.Y90, Bermuda Glaucous-Gray LbGy 190
yGy 93, White 263, Geranium Pink R deep Pk 3, Dark Glaucous-Gray gy.G 150
I.Gy 264 deep yPk 27 Deep Glaucous-Gray bGy 191
Fusco-Niger. d.rGy 23, d.gy.Br 62, Geranium Pink. T s.Pk 2, deep Pk 3, Glaucous-Green v.p.G 148
brGy 64, m.Pk5, l.pPk 249, Glaucous-Green ._ p.G 149
d.gy.yBr81, m.pPk 250 Deep Glaucous-Green I.G 144
d.gy. P 229, Geranium Red T s.R 12 Pale Glaucous-Green v.p.G 148
d.pGy 234, Geranium Rose T S.R 12, m.R 15 Glaucous-Grey.. l.bGy 190, I.Gy 264
v.d.pR 260, Ghent M d.B 183 Glauco-Venetus... p.G 149, gy.G 150,
d.Gy 266 Ghostly Blue P v.p.B 184, v.p.pB 202 LbG 163, m.bG 164
Fuscous (same as Bonito). brGy 64 Giallolini (same as Nan- M I.Y 86, m.Y 87, Glaucus l.yG 135, v.p.G 148,
Fuscous. brGy 64 keen [Yellow]) p.Y 89, gy.Y 90 p.G 149, l.bG 163,
Fuscous-Black brGy 64, d.Gy 266 Giallolino (same as Nan- M I.Y 86, m.Y 87, V.l.gB 171,
Fuscus gy.R 19, d.rGy 23, keen [Yellow]) p.Y 89, gy.Y 90 v.p.B 184
brGy64,d.gy.P229, Gigas (same as Purple M m.P 223 Gleam P l.gY 101
d.pGy 234 Aster) Glint O'Gold. M m.Y 87
Fustet brill.Y 83, s.Y 84 Gild (same as Golden M S.OY 68, m.OY 71 Glint O'Gold. P I.Y 86, m.Y 87
Fustic (same Lime m.Y 87, gy.Y 90 Yellow) Gloaming M l.gy.R 18
[Yellow]) Gilded (same as Golden M S.OY 68, m.OY 71 Glory M deep pB 197,
Gage Green gy.YG 122 Yellow) deep V 208
Gaiety (same as Begonia). deep Pk 3 Gilt (same as Golden M S.OY 68, m.OY 71 Glory,Autumn (see Au- M, P
Gale Cloud- d.bGy 192 Yellow) tumn Glory)
Gale Winds d.bGy 192 Gingeline(sameas Ginger) M S.Br 55 Glory, Crimson (see Crim- P
Galleon (same as Hindu). d.gy.Br 62 Gingeoline (same as M s.Br 55 son Glory)
Gallstone (same as Light s.Y 84 Ginger) Glory, r/lorning(see Morn- M
Chrome Yellow) Ginger M S.Br 55 ing Glory)
Gambia (same as Auburn) m.Br 58 Gingeline, Gingeoline, Glory, Rose (see Rose P
Gamboge s.Y 84 Gingerline, Gingio- Glory)
Gardenia Green d.gy.G 151 line. Kaiser Brown Glory Green P brill.YG 116
Garden Pool v.p.G 148 Gingerline (same as M s.Br 55 Glory Green-Blue P m.bG 164
Gargoyle.. d.Gy 266 Ginger) Gloss Black (AN 515).... F Black 267
Garland Green m.OIG 125, d.yG 137 Gingerspice (same as M m.rBr 43 Black Boottopping
Garnet d.R 16 Rustic Brown) (PC), Black (N 38),
Grenat, Pigeon Blood, Gingioline (same as M s.Br 55 Black (USA 101)
Spanish Wine Ginger)
Garnet.. d.R 16, v.d.R 17, Giraffe..... M brO 54, I.Br 57 Glow, Golden (see Golden
deep rBr 41, Glacier.. M d.gy.B 187 Glow)
d.pR 259 Glacier Blue M gy.B 186 Gloxinia deep P 219
Garnet... TC d.R 16 Gladiolus... M s.R 12 Gmelin's Blue (same as s.B 178, S.pB 196
Light Garnet (same as T d.R 16 Glaieul (same as Grecian M l.gy.R 18, d.yPk 30 Artificial Ultramarine)
Ruby Wine) Rose) Gnaphalium Green p.G 149
Garnet Brown H d.R 16 Glass, Desert (see Desert P Gnaphalium Green v.p.G 148, p.G 149
Garnet Brown M d.R 16, m.rBr 43 Glass) Goat brGy 64
Garnet Brown R deep R 13 Glass Green (same as M I.YG 119 Broccoli Brown, Loam,
Garnet Lake H deep pR 256 Tiber Green) Plover, Rabbit
Garnet Red M deep R 13, d.R 16 Glass Green R I.YG 119 Gobelin Blue_ gy.B 186
Wild Strawberry Pale Glass Green R I.YG 119, p.YG 121 Gobelin Blue.. m.gB 173, gy.B 186
Garnet Rose. P d.R 16 Glass Grey (same as Sky M l.bGy 190 Dark Gobelin Blue m.gB 173, gy.B 186
Garter Blue.. M gy.pB 204 Grey) Gobelin Green m.G 145
Gaude (same as Acacia). M l.gY 101, m.gY 102 Glauco-Griseus B gy.YG 122, v.p.G 148, Gobelin Scarlet (same as v.R 11
Gaude Lake (same as M I.Y 86 p.G 149, l.gGy 154. Castilian Red)
Citron [Yellowj) gGy 155, p.B 185, Gold I.OlBr 94
Gaudy Green (same as M m.YG 120, m.OIG 125 gy.B 186, Aurum, Golden, Im-
Spmach Green) l.bGy 190, perial Stone
Gay Green (same as Par- M m.YG 120 bGy 191 Gold T v.Y 82, S.Y 84, m.Y 87
rot Green) Glaucous. M p.YG 121 Gold TC d.Y 88

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source
number from
Color name Source
number from sec. sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Gold. Amber (see Amber P Golden Glow P brill.Y 83 Grand Canyon l.rBr 42, I.Br 57
Gold) Golden Green (same as iVI gy.Y 90, d.gy.Y 91 Granite (same as Metallic pGy 233
Gold, Antique (see An- M, T Cloudy Amber) Grey)
tique Gold) Golden Mist._ P gy.gY 105, I.YG 119. Granite Blue (same as I.Gy 264
Gold, Autumn (see Au- P p.YG 121 Moonbeam)
tumn Gold) Golden Ochre (same as M m.O 53 Granite Blue gy.B 186
Bright Gold T v.Y 82. s.Y 84. Doubloon) Granite Green p.G 149
deep Y 85 Golden Olive T I.OI 106, m.OI 107 Grape d.V 212
Gold, Bronze (see Bronze P Golden Orange (USA)_ TC s.O 50 Cathedral, Plum Purple
Gold) Golden Peach P m.OY 71 Grape d.V 212, d.gy.P 229
Gold,Burmese (see Bur- M Golden Poppy M v.rO 34 Grape Blue d.V 212
mese Gold) Persian Yellow Flag
Gold, Burnished (see Bur- M Golden Poppy TC v.rO 34 Grapefruit m.gY 102
nished Gold) Golden Rapture P brill.Y 83 Grapefruit Green brill.gY 98, s.gY 99.
Gold, California (see Cali- P Golden Ray P brill.Y 83, I.Y 86 l.gY 101, m.gY 102
fornia Gold) Golden Rod _. M s.Y 84 Grape Green 1.01 106
Gold, Chinese (see Chi- M Primuline Yellow, Vitel- Grape Green m.YG 120
nese Gold) line Yellow, Vitellin- Deep Grape Green m.YG 120, gy.YG 122
Gold, Coral (see Coral P ous. Yolk Yellow Light Grape Green m.YG 120
Gold) Golden Rod P brill.Y 83 Grapejuice deep P 219
Gold, Cream (see Cream P Goldenrod T v.Y 82 Fireweed
Gold) Golden Sheaf P p.Y 89 Grapenuts (same as Ter- m.Br 58
Dull Gold T I.OIBr 94, I 01 106. Golden Sulphur P LgY 101 rapin)
m.OI 107 Golden Tan P m.O 53 Grape Wine d.gy.P 229. d.rP 242,
GoW, Fairy (see Fairy P Golden West P d.OY 72 v.d.rP243.
Gold) Golden Wheat M m.OY 71 v.d.pR 260
Gold, Florida (see Flor- M Golden Yellow M(10L7) s.OY 68, m.OY 71 Graphite M d.gy.P 229, Black 267
ida Gold) Gild. Gilded. Gilt, Gold Graphite T gy.B 186, d.gy.B187
Gold, Glint 0' (see Glint M, P Yellow, Spanish Yel- Graphite Blue. TC d.gy.B187,
O'Gold) low blackishB 188,
Gold, Harvest (see Har- P Golden Yellow (same as M(12L8) d.OY 72, S.yBr 74 d.pB201,
vest Gold) Antique Gold) gy.pB 204
Gold, Honey (see Honey T Golden Yellow P I.Y 86 Grass, Blue (see Blue M
Gold) Golden Yellow T v.Y 82. s.Y 84 Grass)
Gold, lnca(seelnca Gold) M Golden Yellow (USA). TC v.Y 82 Grass, Green (see Green P
Light Gold T brill.Y 83. s.Y 84, Gold Fantasy P brill.Y 83 Grass)
m.Y 87 Gold Glow P l.gY 101. p.gY 104 Grass Green M m.YG 120
Gold, Light Antique (see T Gold Leaf M m.O 53. d.OY 72 Lawn Green, Tapis vert,
Light Antique Gold) Goldmist TC gy.Y 90 Terrasse Green
Gold, Mustard (see Mus- T Gold Ochre (same as M m.O 53 Grass Green R m.YG 120
tard Gold) Doubloon) Grass Green T s.yG 131, m.yG 136,
Gold, Nugget (see Nugget T, TC Transparent Gold Ochre M brO 54, S.yBr 74 d.yG 137
Gold) (sameas Yucatan) Dark Grass Green T d.yG 137
Gold, Old (see Old Gold). M, P. R, Gold Pheasant M brO 54 Deep Grass Green T deepyG 132, m.yG 136
T, TC Platina Yellow. Prussian Light Grass Green T s.yG 131
Gold, Powdered (see M Brown Grasshopper M m.YG 120
Powdered Gold) Gold Rush P m.OY 71 Gravel M l.gy.yBr 79
Gold, Spanish (see Span- P Gold Yellow (same as M s.OY 68. m.OY 71 Meerschaum
ish Gold) Golden Yellow) Gravel P brPk 33. l.gy.yBr 79,
Gold, Titian (see Titian M Golf Green... M d.yG 137 yGy 93
Gold) Golf |Red| (same as Blood M s.R 12, m.R 15 Gray A I.Gy 264. med.Gy 265,
Gold, Zinnia (see Zinnia P Red) d.Gy 266
Gold) Good Omen P (588) I.V 210 Gray #7 (PC) F 1635 l.gy. 01 109,
Gold Bronze M gy.Brei. gy.yBr 80 Good Omen P (733) I.B 181 I.OIGy 112
Vienna Brown Gooseberry M d.pR 259 Gray #12 (PC) F 1655 yGy 93
Gold Brown M S.Br 55 Gooseberry Green M m.yG 136 Gray (PBS) (same as F 1640 med.Gy 265
Golden Brown Goose Grey (same as Elk). M d.gy.yBr 81 Light Gray (USA 124))
Gold Brown.. TC brO 54, S.Br 55 Gorevan (same as Au- M m.Br 58 Gray (PBS).... F 1660 gy.Y 90
Gold Coast P d.Y 88 burn) Gray (PBS) F 3640 yGy 93
Gold Earth (same as Yel- M m.OY 71 Gorge P l.gGy 154, I.Gy 264 Gray MUP med.Gy 265
low Ochre) Goura M d.gy.P 229 Gray S yGy 93. I.OIGy 112,
Golden (same as Blond) M (13G6) l.yBr 76. d.gy.Y 91 Government Wall Green F gy.YG 122 p.G 149, l.gGy 154,
Golden (same as Gold) M(14K7) I.OIBr 94 (PBS) (same as Spring gGy 155, d.gGy 156,
Golden Apricot P 1.0 52. m.O 53 Green (Eng)) bWhite 189,
Golden Brown (same as M S.Br 55 Goya s.R 12 d.bGy 192,
Gold Brown) Cadmium Carmine, Cur- l.pGv 232,
Golden Brown (same as P" brO 54 rant (Red), English I.Gy 264,
Cinnamon) Vermilion, Kinema med.Gy 265
Golden Brown T s.yBr 74, deep yBr 75, Red, Orient Red. Gray. SC LbrGy63, I.OIGy 112,
m.yBr 77 Oriental Red med.Gy 265
Golden Buff P I.Y 86 Gracious Green P v.p.G 148 Gray T med.Gy 265, d.Gy 266
Golden Chestnut (same as M m.Br 58 Grain M(11B5) p.OY 73. l.yBr 76
Gray, Acacia (see Acacia P
Pecan Brown) Pat6 Shell Gray)
Golden Coral P s.yPk 26 Grain M(13B5) l.gy.yBr 79
Gray, Aircraft (see Air-
Golden Corn M m.OY 71 Mavis, Pecan
craft Gray)
Golden Cream. P I.Y 86 grain, in grain (Kermes M v.R 11
Gray, Aqua (see Aqua P. T
Golden Dawn P I.Y 86 dye)
Golden Feather Yellow M brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Grayn, Greyn
Granada M Gray, Battleship (see Bat- F
(same as Pyrethrum I.Y 86, m.Y 87 d.gy.rBr 47,
Armada, Morro, d.gy.Br 62 tleship Gray)
Yellow) Soli-
Golden Fleece p.OY 73. p.Y 89, tare Gray, Bay berry (see Bay- T
gy.Y 90 Granat (same as Ponceau). v.R 11, V.rO 34 berry Gray)
Golden Gem I.Y 86 Granatflower (same as v.R 11, V.rO 34 Gray, Beaver (see Beaver T
Golden Glow m.OY 71, s.Y 84 Ponceau) Gray)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
U 14 14

Gray, Beige (see Beige P. T Gray. Deep Varley's (see R Medium Light Gray RC med.Gy 265
Gray) Deep Varley's Gray) Gray, Medium Navy (see F
Gray, Blackish Mouse (see R Gray, Dove (see Dove P Medium Navy Gray)
Blackish Mouse Gray) Gray) Gray, Mineral(see Mineral R
Gray, Blue (see Blue Gray) F. S Gray, Dusky Neutral (see R Gray)
Gray, Cadet (see Cadet R. T Dusky Neutral Gray) Gray, Mistletoe (see Mis- T
Gray) Gray, Dusky Purplish (see R tletoe Gray)
Gray, Castor (see Castor R Dusky Purplish Gray) Gray, Moss (see Moss T
Gray) Gray, Engine (see Engine F Gray)
Gray. Celadon (see Cela- T Gray) Gray, Mouse (see Mouse R
don Gray) Gray, Fashion (see Fash- M Gray)
Gray, Charcoal (see Char- T ion Gray) Gray. Navy (see Navy F
coal Gray) Gray, Firmament (see P Gray)
Gray, Chicadee (see Chic- M Firmament Gray) Gray, Neutral (see Neutral R
adee Gray) Gray, French (see French R Gray)
Gray. Citron (see Citron P, T Gray) Gray, Ocean (see Ocean F
Gray) Gray, Gull (see Gull Gray) P, R Gray)
Gray. Clear Green-Blue R Gray, Hathi (see Hathi R Gray, Orchid (see Orchid T
(see Clear Green-Blue Gray) Gray)
Gray) Gray, Heliotrope (see He- P, R Gray, Oxford (see Oxford T
Gray. Clear Payne's (see R liotrope Gray) Gray)
Clear Payne's Gray) Gray, Hull (see Hull Gray) r Gray, Oyster (see Oyster r

Gray. Cloud (see Cloud P Gray, Iron (see Iron Gray) R Gray)
Gray) Gray, Jade (see Jade T Gray, Pale Green-Blue R
Gray. Court (see Court R Gray) (see Pale Green-Blue
Gray) Gray, Lead (see Lead T Gray)
Gray. Covert (see Covert T Gray) Gray, Pale Gull (see Pale R
Gray) Light Gray (AN 602) F I.Gy 264 Gull Gray)
Dark Gray (MA) (same as F d.Gy 266 (same as Light Gull Gray, Mouse (see
Pale R
Engine Gray (AN 513)) Gray (AN 620)) Pale Mouse Gray)
Dark Gray (USA 122) F d.Gy 266 Light Gray (Eng) F 2660 P-Y 89 Gray, Pale Neutral (see R
(same as Engine Gray Light Gray (Eng) F 3040 gy.Y 90 Pale Neutral Gray)
(AN 513)) Gray Tint (MA) Gray, Payne's (see
Pale R
Dark Gray.. RC d.Gy 266 Light Gray (MA) (same F med.Gy 265 Pale Payne's Gray)
Dark Gray S d.bGy 192 as Medium Gray (N)) Gray, Pale Purplish (see R
Dark Gray SC brGy 64. OIGy 113. Light Gray(N) F I.Gy 264 Pale Purplish Gray)
d.Gy 266 Light Gray (USA 124) . F 1640 med. Gy 265 Gray, PaleSmoke (see R
Gray, Dark Covert (see T Battleship Gray (PC), Pale Smoke Gray)
Dark Covert Gray) Gray (PBS) Gray, Pale Varley's (see R
Gray. Dark Green-Blue R Light Gray (USA 208)... F 2655 gy.Y 90 Pale Varley's Gray)
(see Dark Green-Blue D
Light Gray RC I.Gy 264 Gray, PallidMouse (see n
Gray) Light Gray SC pKby lu, i.Drby bi, Pallid Mouse Gray)
Gray. Dark Gull (see Dark F.R l.gy.yBr 79,
Gray, Pallid Neutral (see
Gull Gray) gy.Y 3u, yby v6. Pallid Neutral Gray)
Gray. Dark R Al/'*.. Ill
Heliotrope 1

I.UIGy 112, Gray, Pallid Purplish (see R

(see Dark Heliotrope I.Gy 264, Pallid Purplish Gray)
Gray) med.Gy 265 Gray, Payne's (see R
Gray. Darkjade(see Dark T Light Gray T I.Gy 264 Payne's Gray)
Jade Gray) Gray. Light Citron (see T Gray, Peach (see Peach p
Gray. Dark Mouse (see R Light Citron Gray) Gray)
Dark Mouse Gray) Gray, Light Gull (see Light F. R Gray, Pearl (see Pearl r, M, R,
Gray. Dark Neutral (see R T
Gull Gray) Gray) 1

Dark Neutral Gray) Gray, Light Heliotrope R Gray, Plumbago (see p

Gray. Dark Payne's (see R (see Light Heliotrope Plumbago Gray)
Dark Payne's Gray) Gray) Gray, Puritan (see Puri-
Gray. Dark Plumbago(see R Gray, Light Mineral (see R tan Gray)
Dark Plumbago Gray) Light Mineral Gray) Gray, Pussywillow (see

Gray. Dark Purplish (see R Gray. Light Mistletoe (see T Pussywillow Gray)
Dark Purplish Gray) Light Mistletoe Gray) Gray, Rod and Tire (see F
Gray. Dark Varley's (see R Gray. Light Mouse (see R Rod and Tire Gray)
Dark Varley's Gray) Light Mouse Gray) Gray, Rose (see Rose Gray) T
Gray. Dawn (see Dawn R Gray. Light Navy (see F Gray, Sage (see Sage T

Gray) Light Navy Gray) Gray)

Gray. Deep Green-Blue R r
Gray. Light Neutral (see R Gray, Sea (see Sea Gray).,. r
(see Deep Green-Blue Light Neutral Gray) Gray, Shadow (seeShadow T1

Gray) Gray, Light Payne's (see R Gray)

Gray. Deep Gull (see Deep R Light Payne's Gray) Gray, Silver (see Silver
Gull Gray) Gray, Light Plumbago(see Gray)
Gray. Deep Heliotrope R Light Plumbago Gray) Gray Sky(seeSky Gray) R
(see Deep Heliotrope Gray, Light Varley's (see R Gray, Smoke (see Smoke R
Gray) Light Varley's Gray) Gray^
Gray. Deep Mouse (see R Gray, Lilac (see Lilac P, S Gray, Storm, (see Storm R
Deep Mouse Gray) Gray) Gray)
Gray, Lush (see Lush P P
Gray, Deep Navy (see F Gray. Style (see Style
Deep Navy Gray) Gray)
Gray, Mauve (see Mauve T
Gray,Deep Neutral (see R Gray, Taupe (see Taupe T
Deep Neutral Gray) Gray)
Medium Gray (Eng) F l.gy.OI 109
Gray,Deep Payne's (see R
Medium Gray (N) Gray, Teal (see Teal Gray). T
F med. Gy 265
Deep Payne's Gray) Light Gray (MA), Light Gray. Varley's (see Var- R
Gray,Deep Plumbago (see R Gray Boottopping (PC) I
ley's Gray)
Deep Plumbago Gray) Medium Gray (USA 123)..! F 1625 med.Gy 265 Very Dark Gray SC brGy 64, OIGy 113,

Gray.Deep Purplish (see R Medium Gray (USA) F 3625 I.OIGy 112 d.Gy 266
Deep Purplish Gray) Medium Gray... '
RC 1

med.Gy 265, d.Gy 266 Very Light Gray... RC I.Gy 264


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source
number from
Color name' Source Color name Source
sec. number from sec. j
number from sec.
14 14 14

Warm Warm Light Grayish Violet-Blue.. hrill nR i3J

breen, A
American /
Gray, (see M, R
Gray) Pale Grayish Violet-Blue. p 1pB 199 American Green)
Gray, Wisteria (see Wis- Pallid Grayish Violet- Blue. p nR 173,
1 QQ 1 n nR 9rt^
P-PC' /.\Jo Green, Andover (see M, R
teria Gray) Grayish Yellow pp gy.Y 90 Andover Green)
Gray Bistre l.yBr76, l.gy.yBr 79, Gray Lady p hRu IQn
iSU Green, Anthracene (see D
LOIBr 94 Gray Light p nLPu 10
pKuy lU, riu tOH
1 7(^A Anthracene Qreen)
l.brGy63, I.OIGylI2. Gray Lilac luy Green, Anti-Corrosive c
Gray Black... i.uiuy 00, r
OIGy 113, gGy 155, V p P 226 (see Anti-Corrosive
med.Gy 265 Green)
Gray Blue
Gray Blue
l.bGy 190
m.B 182, p.B 185, Gray Mist p p.D
n R IQc:
ioj, hPu l7U
Green, AntiQue (see An-
tique Green)
M, R

l.bGy 190, Gray Morn p

r i.Diuy DO Green, Apple (see Apple im
r, n.
p.pB 203, p.V 214, Gray Mood p Puy c.j't Green) <i T
l.pGy 232 Grayn (same as grain in iVI v.R 11 Green, Aqua (see Aqua T
Dark Gray Blue gy.B 186 grain) Green)
Light Gray Blue p.B 185, gy.B 186 Gray Night D nilD 1loo
gy.D Green, Aquamari ne (see
r P
Medium Gray Blue gy.B 186 j
Gray Sand P gy.T yu, yby yo Aquamarine Green)
Light Gray Boottopping med.Gy 265 Gray Tint (MA) (same as r gy.Y 90 Green, Arbor (see Arbor P
(PC) (same as Medium Light Gray (Eng)) Green)
Gray(N)) Green, Arcadian (see Ar- M
c nPw Zoo
Gray Brown.. l.gy.rBr45, l.brGy63, Gray Violet o puy cadisn Green)
I.OIBr94. Gray Wood (MA) r med.Gy 265 Green. Art (see Art M
I.OlGy 112 Grebe (same as Lead). IVI Q.puy ioi, o.uy Zoo Green)
Gray Deck (MA) d.Gy 266 Grebe TP A Pw OCC
U.by DD Green, Artemisia (see M D
Gray Deck (N 20-L)... med.Gy 265 Grecian Rose M
m l.gy.K lo, u.yrK oU Artemisia Green)
(same as Blue Gray GlaTeul Green, Artichoke (see Ar- M

(USA 331)) Grecian Rose. D

r s.yrK cb. m.yrK zy tichoke Green)
Gray Dream yWhite 92, yGy 93 Grecian Rose TP a.yrK oU Green, Asparagus (see M
hrilt P P
Gray Drift v.p.B 184, l.bGy 190 Green MA /in 1 c 'lA^
Asparagus Green)
Gray Green... gy.G 150 deep G 142, Green. Aspen (see Aspen M
Gray Green I.OlGy 112, m.YG120, M C \A'7 IP \ 1 AA Green)
gy.YG 122, m.b 1AQ
u.b ^AC Green, Asphodel (see As- M, R
m.yG 136, l.G 144. v.d.G 147 phodel Green)
m,G145, LbG163 Green (Agr) (same as c
r d.yG 137 Green, Aucuba (see Au- M
Gray-Green, Bluish (see Dark Green (USA 111)) cuba Green)
Bluish Gray-Green) Green (BuOrd) p H uP n?
Q.yu 10/ Green. Autumn (see Au- M
Gray-Green, Dark Bluish Green (FS)... F v.d.G 147 tumn Green)
(see Dark Bluish Gray- Green (MA) (same as F d.yG 137 Green, Bakst (see Bakst M

Green) Dark Green (USA 111)) Green)

Gray-Green, Deep Bluish Green (MC) (same as r
r Green, Balsam (see Bal- M
(see Deep Bluish Gray- Forest Green (USA sam Green)
Green) 109)) Green, Benzol (see Ben- D
Pale Gray Green S p.YG 121 Green (PC 8) F gy.gy lUb zol Green)
Grayish Black RC Black 267 Green (PO) (same as F d.OI 108 Green, Beryl (see Beryl M
r, K
Grayish Blue RC gy.B 186, p.pB 203 Olive Green (USA 110)) Green)
Pale Grayish Blue R v.p.B 184, v.p.pB202 Green (USA 322) F m.G 145 Green, Bice (see Bice D
Grayish Blue-Green R gy.G 150 Green AjI 1 1 D 10 l.G 144 Green)
Grayish Blue Green RC gy.G 150, m.bG 164 Green. mUr-lo l.bG 163 Green, Biscay (see Bis- M
Dark Grayish Blue-Green. R d.gGy 156, d.Gy 266 Green PSP v.yG 129 cay Green)
Deep Grayish Blue-Green. R gy.G 150 Green s f VP 117
S.Tb 11/,
m VP
m.Yb 1 on
1^:0, Green, Bistre (see Bistre M
Grayish Blue-Violet(l)... R s.pB 196. m.pB 200, V.yG 129, Green)
u .,r> 1 on Green, Bladder (see Blad-
S.V 207, m.V 211 brill.
1 1

yG 130, IVI

Grayish Blue-Violet (2)... R l.pB 199 s.yG 131, der Green)

Dark Grayish Blue-Violet. R gy.V 215 A nnr\ iiP
deep 1 00 Green, Blonde (see p
yb loz.
Light Grayish Blue-Violet. R I.B 181, l.pB 199 1 i,P
l.yb lob,
1 OC w-n t,P 1 OC
m.yb lob. Blonde Green)
Pale Grayish Blue-Violet. R v.p.pB 202 I.PIOQ
V.b loy,
krillP l>in
Drill. b 14U, ureen, dome (.see doi- M
m, P
r, D

Grayish Brown RC gy.Br 61 S.G 141, tle Green) TIt TP

V 1

Grayish Brown.. SC gy.yBr 80, I.OlBr 94 deep G 142, Green. Bouquet (see Bou- M P
Dark Grayish Brown R gy.R 19, d.rGy 23
IP ^ Art IP inii quet Green)
v.l.G 143, l.G 144.
Dark Grayish Brown SC gy.yBr 80, m.OIBr95 P1ilC
m.b ..P1>IO
v.p.b 14o,145,
Green, Box (see Box IVI

Very Dark Grayish Brown. SC d.gy.yBr 81, ^p

^ An
149, gy.b IbO,
r... c- icn Green)
m.OIBr 95 nPii
1 1 ^A
134, Green, Bremen (see Bre- M
Grayish Green RC gy.G 150, m.bG 164 brill-bG 159, men Green)
Grayish Lavender R p.P 227 l.bG 163. m bG 164 Green, Brewster (see M
Dark Grayish Lavender.. R p.V 214 Green (USA) TC d.yG 137 Brewster Green)
Deep Grayish Lavender. R p.V 214, p.P 227 IGreenj, Absinthe (see M Bright Green A v.G 139
Grayish Olive R l.gy.OI 109 Absmthe |Green|) Bright Green (Y&D) F m.G 145
Grayish Olive RC gy.OI 110 Green, Absinthe (see Ab- R Bright Green S V.yG 129, v.G 139,
Dark Grayish Olive R OIGy 113 sinthe Green) S.G141, deep G 142
Deep Grayish Olive R OIGy 113 Green, Acacia (see Acacia p J s.yG 131,
Light Grayish Olive R l.gy.OI 109, Green) deep yG 132,
I.OlGy 112
Green, Ackermann's (see M, R brill.G 140, S.G 141,
Grayish Olive Green RC gy.OlG 127 Ackermann's Green) brill.bG 159,
Grayish Orange RC l.yBr 76
Green, African (see p sbG 160
Grayish Orange Pink RC gy.yPk 32
African Green) Green, Bright Aqua (see T
Grayish Pink RC p.Pk 7
Green, Agathia (see Aga- H Bright Aqua Green)
Grayish Purple RC gy.P 228
Grayish Red.. RC gy.R 19, gy.rBr 46
thia Green) Green, Bright Emerald T
Green. Almond (see Al- M, T, TC (see Bright Emerald
Grayish Red Purple RC gy.P 228
Light Grayish Vinaceous. R gy.yPk 32 mond Green) Green)
Pale Grayish Vinaceous. R pkGy 10, p.yPk 31, IGreenj, Aloes (see Aloes M Green, Bright Jade (see T
gy.yPk 32 IGreenI) Bright Jade Green)
Grayish Violaceous Blue. R LpB 199 Green, Alpine (see Alpine M Green, Bright Kelly (see T
Grayish Violet-Blue R 1.V210, m.V 211 Green) Bright Kelly Green)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignatioR with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name <;nrrp
^"""^^ Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
U 14 14

Green, Bright Lime (see Green, Colewort(see Cole- M Green, Dark Leaf (see
Bright Lime Green) wort Green) Dark Leaf Green)
Green. Bright Mint (see Green, Colonial Exterior P Green, Dark Palm (see
Bright Mint Green) (see Colonial Exterior Dark Palm Green)
Green, Bright Nile (see Green) Green, Dark Pine (see
Bright Nile Green) Green, Copper (see Cop- M Dark Pine Green)
Green, Bright Teal (see per Green) Green, Dark Porcelain
Bright Teal Green) Green, Corsage (see Cor- M (see Dark Porcelain
Green, Bright Turquoise sage Green) Green)
(see Bright Turquoise Green, Corydalis (see M, R Green, Dark Reseda (see
Green) Corydalis Green) Dark Reseda Green)
Brilliant Green (same as d.bG 165 Green, Cossack (see Cos- M, R Green, Dark Russian (see
Spectra Green) sack Green) Dark Russian Green)
Brilliant Green RC I.G 144 Green, Cosse (see Cosse M, R Green, Dark Slate (see
Brilliant Green T v.yG 129, Green) Dark Slate Green)
brill.yG 130. Green. Courge (see M, R Green, DarkSulphate(see
s.yG 131 Courge Green) Dark Sulphate Green)
Green, Bronze (see Green, Crayon (see TC Green, Dark Teal (see
Bronze Green) Crayon Green) Dark Teal Green)
Green, Brook (see Brook Green, Cresse (see Cresse M, R Green, Dark Viridian (see
Green) Green) Dark Viridian Green)
Green. Bud (see Bud Green, Crystal Palace M Green, Dark Yellowish
Green) (see Crystal Palace (see Dark Yellowish
Green. Cab (see Cab Green) Green)
Green) IGreen], Cypress (see Cy- M Green, Dark Zinc (see
Green. Cabbage (see Cab- press |Green|) Dark Zinc Green)
bage Green) Green, Cypress (see Cy- T Deep Green (Y&D 3).... gy.G 150
Green, Cadmium (see M press Green) Deep Green.. S.YG 117, m.YG 120,
Cadmium Green) Green, Cyprus (see Cy- H, M V.yG 129,
Green, California (see M, P prus Green) brill.yG 130,
California Green) Green. Danube (see Dan- M, R S.yG 131,
Green, Calla (see Calla M, R ube Green) deepyG 132,
Green) Dark Green (USA 111) F 1440 d.yG 137 v.deep yG 133,
Green, Calliste (see Cal- M, R Dark Green (Y&D 23), l.yG 135, s.G 141,
liste Green) Green (Agr). Green deep G 142.
Green, Cameo (see Cameo (MA), Green Striping m.G 145, gGy 155,
Green) (N 39). Green Boottop- s.bG 160, l.bG 163,
Green, Canary (see Ca- Ping (PC) m.bG 164, d.bG 165
nary Green) Dark Green (USA 318). F 3406 d.gy.G 151 Deep Green deep G 142, m.G 145.
Green, Canary-bird (see Medium Green (AN Deep Emerald Green m.bG 164
Canary-bird Green) 612) Green, Deep Brunswick
Green, Carnation (see Dark Green R d.yG 137, gy.G 150, (see Deep Brunswick
Carnation Green) d.gy.G 151 Green)
Green. Carrara (see Car- M Dark Green. deep yG 132, Green, Deep Chrome (see
rara Green) d.yG 137, Deep Chrome Green)
Green, Cedar (see Cedar M, R s.G 141, Green, Deep Chrysolite
Green) deep G 142. (see Deep Chrysolite
Green, Celadon (see Cela- M, T m.G 145. d.G 146, Green)
don Green) gy.G 150, Green, Deep Emerald (see
Green, Celandine (see M, R d.gy.G 151, Deep Emerald Green)
Celandine Green) gGy 155, m.bG 164 Green, Deep Grape (see
Green. Cendre (see Cen- Dark Green. m.OIG 125, Deep Grape Green)
dre Green) gy.OIG 127, Green, Deep Grass (see
Green. Cerro (see Cerro M, R d.gy.OIG 128, Deep Grass Green)
Green) d.yG 137, Green, Deep Lichen (see
Green. Chartreuse (see H, M, P v.d.yG 138, Deep Lichen Green)
Chartreuse Green) deep G 142, Green, Deep Malachite
Green. Chemic (see m.G 145, d.G 146, (see Deep Malachite
Chemic Green) v.d.G 147, Green)
Green, Chinese (see Chi- d.gy.G 151, Green, Deep Sea-foam
nese Green) m.bG 164, (see Deep Sea-foam
Green, Christmas (see d.bG 165, Green)
Christmas Green) v,d.bG 166 Green, Deep Teal (see T
Green, Chrome (see F, M Green, Dark American Deep Teal Green)
Chrome Green) (see Dark American Green, Deep Turquoise T
Green, Chromium (see M, R Green) (see Deep Turquoise
Chromium Green) Green, Dark Bottle (see Green)
Green, Chrysocolla (see Dark Bottle Green) Green, Deep Turtle (see R
Chrysocolla Green) Green. Dark Cinnabar(see Deep Turtle Green)
Green, Chrysolite (see M, P. R Dark Cinnabar Green) Green, Depth (see Depth P
Chrysolite Green)
Green, Dark Cress (see Green)
Green, Chrysopraise (see Green, Diamine (see Dia- R
Dark Cress Green)
Chrysopraise Green) mine Green)
Green, Dark Grass (see
(Green), Chrysoprase (see
Dark Grass Green)
Green. Distilled (see Dis- M
Chrysoprase |Green)) tilled Green)
Green. Dark Hunter (see
Green, Citron (see Citron H, M. R Green. Drake's-neck (see M
Dark Hunter Green)
Green) Drake's-neck Green)
Green, Civette (see Civ- M, R Green, Dark Ivy (see Dark Green. Duck (see Duck M, R
ette Green) Ivy Green) Green)
Green, Clear Fluorite (see Green. Dark Jade (see Dull Green A v.p.G 148, p.G 149,
Clear Fluorite Green) Dark Jade Green) gy.G 150,
Green, Cobalt (see Cobalt M, R Green, Dark Laurel (see d.gy.G 151,
Green) Dark Laurel Green) blackish G 152

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with seria
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec
14 14 14

Dull Green. gy.OIG 127. l.yG 135. Green, Fog (see Fog P Green, Hooker's No. 2 M
d.yG 137, I.G 144. Green) (see Hooker's Green
m.G145, Green, Foliage (see Foli- M No. 2)
d.gy.G 151, age Green) Green, Hospital Ship (see F
l.bG 163 Green, Forest (see Forest F, M, R, Hospital Ship Green)
Green, Dull Blackish (see R Green) T Green, Hungarian (see M
Dull Blackish Green) Green, Fountain (see P Hungarian Green)
Green, Dull Opaline (see R Fountain Green) [Green], Hunter (see M
Dull Opaline Green) Green, French (see French M. R Hunter (Green))
Dusky Green P gy.YG 122 Green) Green, Hunter (see Hunter T
Dusky Green R gy.G 150, d.gy.G 151 Green, French Veronese M Green)
Dusky Green RC d.G 146 (see French Veronese Green. Hunter's (see M
Green, Dusky Blue (see RC Green) Hunter's Green)
Dusky Blue Green) Green, Frosty (see M Green, Ice (see Ice Green). T
Dusky Dull Green R d.gy.G 151, d.gGy 156 Frosty Green) Green, Iceberg (see Ice- P
Green, Dusty (see Dusfy P, T Green, Gage (see Gage M berg Green)
Green) Green) Green, Icy (see Icy Green). P
Green, Dusty Aqua (see T Green, Gardenia (see M Green, Imperial (see Im- M
Dusty Aqua Green) Gardenia Green) perial Green)
Green, Dusty Jade (see T Green, Garland (see Gar- M Green, Interior (se6 In- F
Dusty Jade Green) land Green) terior Green)
Green, Dusty Turquoise T Green, Gaudy (see Gaudy M Green, Invisible (see In- M, R
(see Dusty Turquoise Green) visible Green)
Green) Green, Gay (see Gay M Green, lris(see Iris Green) M
Green, Dusty Yellowish Green) Green, Irish (see Irish TC
(see Dusty Yellowish Green, Glass (see Glass M, R Green)
Green) Green) Green, Island (see Island p
Green, Dynasty (see P Green, Glory (see Glory P Green)
Dynasty Green) Green) Green, Ivy (see Ivy Green). H, R. T
Green, Eau de-Javel (see fA Green, Gnaphalium (see M. R [Green], Ivy (see Ivy M
Eau-de-lavel Green) Gnaphalium Green) [Green])
Green, Eden (see Eden M Green, Gobelin (see Gobe- M Green. Jade (see Jade H, R, T,
Green) lin Green) Green) TC
Green, Eggshell (see Egg- M Green, Golden (see Golden M Green, Japanese (see M
shell Green) Green) Japanese Green)
Green, Egyptian (see M Green, Golf (see Golf M Green, Jasper (see Jasper M. R
Egyptian Green) Green) Green)
Green, 18th Century (see P Green, Gooseberry (see M Green, Javel (see Javel M, R
18th Century Green) Gooseberry Green) Green)
Green, Electric (see Elec- M Green, Government Wall F Greets J&wel (see Jewel P
tric Green) (see Government Wall Green)
Green, Elephant (see M Green) Green, June (see June P
Elephant Green) Green, Gracious (see P Green)
Green, Elf (see Elf Green) P Gracious Green) Green, Jungle (see Jungle M, TC
Green, Elfin (see Elfin M Green, Granite (see Gran- P Green)
Green) iteGreen) Green, Kelly (see Kelly T
Green, Elm (see Elm M, R Green, Grape (see Grape M, R Green)
Green) Green) Green, Kentucky (see M
Green, Emerald (see H, M, P, Green, Grapefruit (see P Kentucky Green)
Emerald Green) R, T Grapefruit Green) Green, Kildare (see Kil- M, R
Green, Emperor (see Wl Green, Grass (see Grass M, R, T dare Green)
Emperor Green) Green) [Greenj, Killarney (see M
Green, Empire (see Em- M, R Green, Gray (see Gray P,S Killarney (Greenj)
pire Green) Green) Green, Killarney (see Kil- P, R
Green, English (see Eng- M Green, Gretna (see Gretna M larney Green)
lish Green) Green) Green, Kirchberger (see M
Green, Eriau (see Eriau M Green, Growth (see P Kirchberger Green)
Green) Growth Green) Green, Kronberg's (see M, R
Green, Etherial (see Eth- P Kronberg's Green)
Green, Guignet's (see M
erial Green) Green, Langite (see H
Guignet's Green)
Green, Ethyl (see Ethyl R Langite Green)
Green, Guinea (see Guinea M, P, R
Green) Green, Laurel (see Laurel M, T
[Green], Eucalyptus (see M Green)
Eucalyptus lGreen|) Green, Gumdrop (see P Green, Lavender (see H
Green, Eucalyptus (see P Gumdrop Green) Lavender Green)
Eucalyptus Green) Green, Hay's (see Hay's R Green, Lawn (see Lawn M
Green, Eve (see Eve M, P Green) Green)
Green) Green, Heavenly (see P Green, Leaf (see Leaf P, R, T
Green, Exterior (see Ex- F Heavenly Green) Green)
terior Green) Green, Hellebore (see M, R Green, Leek (see Leek H, M
[Green), Fairy (see Fairy M Hellebore Green) Green)
Green, Hemlock (see T [Green], Leek (see Leek M
Green, Fern (see Fern H, M, P,l [Green])
Hemlock Green)
Green) Green, Lettuce (see Let- H, M, P,
Green, Hiawatha (see P
Green, Festive (see Fes- tuce Green) R, T
Hiawatha Green)
tive Green) Green, Liberty (see Lib- M
[Greenj, Fir (see Fir M Green, Hibernian (see M erty Green)

Hibernian Green)
[Green]) Green, Lichen (see Lichen M, R
Green, Fir(seeFir Green). P i
Green, Highland (see M Green)
Green, Flower de Luce M I
Highland Green) Green, Life (see Life P
(see Flower de Luce Green, Holly (see Holly M, T Green)
Green) Green) Light Green (AN 503) F s.yG 131
Green, Fluorite(see Fluo- M, R Green, Hooker'sNo 1 (see M Willow Green(USA 113)
rite Green) Hooker's Green No. 1) Light Green (Eng 206) F I.YG 119

ISCC-NBS color des- lOvv 11 DO rnlnr
l<;rfi-NR<i Hp*:-
LUIUl UCo KrC-NHS rnlnr rie>;-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with seria

Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec
14 14 14

Light Green (MA) m.yG 136 Green. Light Viridine (see R Green. Mittler's (see M
Pea Green (USA 205) Light Viridine Green) Mittler's Green)
Light Green (PC) F m.yG 136 Green. Lilting (see Lilting P Moderate Green... ... . RC m.G 145
Light Green (USA 114).. F U70 gy.gY 105 Green) Green, Monticello (see M, P
Light Green (USA 321).. F 3433 m.YG 120 Green. Lily (see Lily M, P, R Monticello Green)
Light Green (Y&D) F l.gGy 154 Green) Green, Montpellier (see M, R
Light Green RC I.G 144 Green. Lime (see Lime M, R. T Montpellier Green)
Light Green S s.yG 131, l.yG 135, Green) [Green], Moss (see Moss M
brill.G 140 Green, Lincoln (see Lin- M, R (Green))
Light Green I.YG 119, v.l.yG 134, coln Green) Green, Moss (see Moss T
l.yG 135. v.l.G 143 Green. Linden (see Lin- M Green)
Green. Light Almond (see den Green) Green, Motmot (see Mot- M, R
Light Almond Green) Green. Liqueur (see Li- M mot Green)
Green. Light Aqua (see queur Green) Green, Mountain (see M
Light Aoua Green) |Green|. Lizard (see Liz- M Mountain Green)
Green. Light Bice (see ard [Green]) Green, Mt. Vernon (see M
Light Bice Green) Green, Locarno (see Lo- M Mt. Vernon Green)
Green, Light Brunswick carno Green) (Green). Myrtle (see Myr- M
(se* Light Brunswick Green. Lumiere (see Lu- M, R tle (Green))
Green) miere Green) Green. Myrtle (see Myr- P, R,S. T
Green. Light Celandine Green, Lush (see Lush P tle Green)
(see Light Celandine Green) Green. Mytho (see Mytho M, R
Green) Green, Machinery (see F Green)
Green. Light Cendre (see Machinery Green) (Green). Neptune (see M
Light Cendre Green) Green. Malachite (see M, R Neptune jGreen])
Green. Light Chrome (see Malachite Green) Green, Neuvider (see M, R
Light Chrome Green) Green. Marble (see Mar- M Neuvider Green)
Green. Light Cress (see ble Green) Green, Neuwieder (see M
Light Cress Green) Green. Marine (see Ma- F, M Neuwieder Green)
Green. Light Danube (see rine Green) Green, Neva (see Neva M, R
Light Danube Green) Green. Market (see Mar- P Green)
Green. Light Elm (see ket Green) Green, Niagara (see Ni- M, R
Light Elm Green) |Green|. Meadow (see M agara Green)
Green. Light Emeraid (see Meadow (Green)) Green. Nickel (see Nickel H, R
Light Emerald Green) Green. Meadow (see P. R Green)
Green. Light Fluorite(see Meadow Green) Green. Nickle(see Nickle M
Light Fluorite Green) Medium Green... T m.yG 136. m.G 145, Green)
Green. Grape (see
Light m.bG 164 Green. Night (see Night R
Light Grape Green) Medium Green (AN 612) F d.gy.G 151 Green)
Green. Light Grass (see (same as Dark Green (Green). Nile (see Nile M
Light Grass Green) (USA 318)) (Green))
Green, Light Hellebore Medium Green (USA 112) F deep yG 132 Green. North (see North P
(see Light Hellebore Medium Green (Y&D 2).. F gy.G 150 Green)
Green) Green. Medium Chrome M Green, Nymph (see P
Green. Light Jade (see (see Medium Chrome Nymph Green)
Light Jade Green) Green) JGreen), Oak (see Oak M
Green, Light Leaf (see Green. Medium Teal (see T (GreenO
Light Leaf Green) Medium Teal Green) Green, Ocean (see Ocean M
Green, Light Lime (see Green. Mellow (see Mel- P Green)
Light Lime Green) low Green) Green, Oil (see Oil Green). M, R
Green. Light Lumiere(see Green. Merry (see Merry P Green, Old Master (see P
Light Lumiere Green) Green) Old Master Green)
Green. Light Mint (see Green. Metallic (see Me- M [Green], Old Moss (see M
Light Mint Green) tallic Green) Old Moss [Green])
Green, Light Mistletoe Green. Methyl (see R ]Green]. Olive (see Olive M
(see Light Mistletoe Methyl Green) JGreen))
Green) Green, Microcline (see M, R Green, Olympian (see M
Green. Light Moss (see Microcline Green) Olympian Green)
Light Moss Green) Green, Middle Brsnswick M Green, Opal (see Opal P
Green. Light Niagara (see (see Middle Brunswick Green)
Light Niagara Green) Green) Green, Opaline (see Opal- M, R
Green, Light Nile (see Green, Mignon (see M ine Green)
Light Nile Green) Mignon Green) Green, Oriental (see Ori- M, R
Green. Light Oriental (see [Green], Mignonette (see M ental Green)
Light Oriental Green) Mignonette [Green]) Green, Oural (see Oural M, R
Green. Light Paris (see R, T Green, Mignonette (see R Green)
Light Paris Green) Mignonette Green) Pale Green RC p.G. 149
Green, LightPea (see Green, Milky (see Milky P Pale Green.. S I.YG 119, m.YG 120,
Light Pea Green) Green) v.l.G 143
Green, Light Porcelain Green. Mineral (see Min- M, R Pale Green T I.YG 119, p.YG 121,
(see Light Porcelain eral Green) V.l.yG 134,

Green) Green, Ming (see Ming M v.l.G 143, v.p.G 148

Green, Light Reseda (see Green) Green, Pale Aqua (see T

Light Reseda Green)
Pale Aqua Green)
Green, Mint (see Mint
Green, Pale Cendre (see R
Green, Light Sage (see
Pale Cendre Green)
Light Sage Green) fifppn
Illldl /cpp
y^CC Mict
lilldl T
Green. Pale Emerald (see T
Green, Light Sulfate (see Green)
Pale Emerald Green)
Light Sulfate Green) Green, Mistletoe (see T1
Green. Pale Fluorite (see R
Green, Light Turquoise Mistletoe Green) Pale Fluorite Green)
(see Light Turquoise Green. Misty (see Misty r Green, Pale Glass (see R
Green) Green) Pale Glass Green)
Green, Light Turtle (see Green, Mitis (see Mitis M Green, Pale Gray (see S
Light Turtle Green) Green) Pale Gray Green)

ISCC-NBS color des-
ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ISCC NBS coloi
Color name Source Color name ignation with serial
number from sec. Source Color name ignation with
number from sec. Source
14 number Irorr

Green, Pale Jade (see T Green, Primitive (see TC

Pale Jade Green) Green. Shadow (see M, P
Primitive Green)
Green, Pale Lumiere (see Shadow Green)
Pale Lumiere Green)
Green, Primrose (see M Green. Shale (see Shale M
Primrose Green)
Green, Pale Mint Green)
(see T Green, Promise (see P
Pale Mint Green) IGreenj, Shamrock (see M
Promise Green)
Green, Pale Niagara (see Shamrock IGreen])
R Green, Prussian (see R, S Green, Shamrock (see R
Pale Niagara Green)
Prussian Green)
Green, Pale Shamrock Green)
Nile (see T Green, Pullman (see Pull- F
Pale Nile Green) Green, Silver (see Silver M, P
man Green) Greer))
Green, Pale Sulfate (see R Green, Quaker (see M
Pale Sulfate Green) Green, Siskin (see Siskin M
Quaker Green) Green)
Green. Pale Tiber (see R Green, Queen Anne (see M
Pale Tiber Green) Green, Skobeloff (see M, R
Queen Anne Green) Skobeloff
Green, Pale Turquoise Green)
R Green, Rainette(see Rain- M, R Green, Sky
(see Pale Turquoise (see Sky M, P
ette Green) Green)
Green, Reed (see Reed M Green, Slate (see Slate P, S, T
Pale Turtle (see R Green)
Pale Turtle Green) Green)
Green, Rejane (see Re- M, R
Green, Pale Veronese R
Green, Smalt (see Smalt M
jane Green)
(see Pale
IGreen], Reseda (see Res- M Green. Snow (see Snow P
eda (Greenj)
Green, Palm (see Palm Green)
M, T Green, Reseda (see Res- T Green. Sorrento (see Sor- M, R
eda Green)
Green, Pancy (see Pancy rento Green)
M IGreen], Rifle (see Rifle M Green, Spanish (see Span- M
Green, Paradise(see Para- ish Green)
M, P Green, Rinnemann's (see M, R Green, Spectra (see
dise Green) P
Rinnemann's Green)
Green, Pans Spectra Green)
(see Paris H, M, R,
Green, Ripple (see Ripple M Green, Spinach (see H, M, R
T Green)
Spinach Green)
Green, Park (see Park M Green, Rivage (see Rivage M, R
Green) Green, Spray (see Spray T
Green, Parroquit (see M Green, Robinhood (see M
Parroquit Green) Green, Spring (see Spring F, M,
Robinhood Green)
Green, Parrot (see Green) T, TC
Par- M, R, T Green, Roman (see Ro- M, R Green. Spr uce (seeSpruce
rot Green) F, T
man Green) Green)
Green, Parsley (see Pars- H. T Green, Romantic (see Ro- M Green, Stone (see Stone R
ley Green)
mantic Green)
Green, Pastel (see Pastel Green)
T Green, Room (see Room P
Green) Green, Suez (see Suez P
Green, Pastel
Turquoise T
Green, Russet (see Rus- M Green, Sulfate (see Sul- P, R
Pastel Turquoise set Green)
fate Green)
Green, Russian (see Rus- M, R
Green, Patina (see Patina M Green, Sulphate (see Sul- M
sian Green)
Green) phate Green)
Green. Sage (see Sage H, R, T
Green, Paul Veronese (see Green, Summer (seeSum- P
M Green)
Paul Veronese Green) mer Green)
IGreenj. Sage (see Sage M
Green, Pauncy (see Green, Sun (see Sun P
M IGreenl)
Pauncy Green) Green)
Green, Pea
Green, Sagebrush (see M Green, Sung (see Sung H, P
(see Pea F, H. M, Sagebrush Green)
Green) Green)
P, R, T Green, Salome (see Sa- P
Green. Peacock (see Pea- Green, Surf (see Surf M, T
M, R lome Green)
cock Green) Green)
Green, Santa Anita (see P
Green, Pepper (see Pep- T
Green, Surrey (see Sur- M
Santa Anita Green) rey Green)
per Green)
Green, Sap (see Sap H, M, T Green, Swedish
Green. Persian (see Per- M, P (see M
sian Green) Swedish Green)
Green, Saxon (see Saxon M
Green. Phantom (see P
Green, Tartan (see Tar- M
Green) tan Green)
Phantom Green)
Green, Pine
Green, Saxony (see Sax- M Green, Tea (see Tea M. R
(see Pine T ony Green)
Green) Green)
Green, Scarab (see Scarab TC
Green, Piquant (see Pi- Green, Teal (see Teal T
M, P Green)
quant Green) Green)
Green, Scheeles (see H
Green, Pistachio (see M, R, T
Green, Terrasse (see Ter- M
Scheeles Green) rasse Green)
Pistachio Green)
Green. Scheele's (see M, R
Green. Pod Green, Tiber (see Tiber M, R
(see Pod H Scheele's Green)
Green) Green)
Green, Schveinfurt (see M IGreen], Tilleul (see Til- M
Pois (see Pols M, R Schwfeinfurt Green) leul IGreen])
Green, Sea (see Sea M, R, T Green, Tourmaline (see P
Green, Polo (see Polo M Green)
Tourmaline Green)
Green) Green, Seafoam (see M Green, Trail (see Trail P
Green. Pomona (see Po- M Seafoam Green) Green)
mona Green) Green, Sea-foam (see R Green, Tranquil (see P
[Greenl, Pompadour (see M Sea-foam Green) Tranquil Green)
Pompadour |Green|) Green, Sea-water (see M Green, Turf (see Turf P
Green. Pool (see Pool P Sea-water Green) Green)
Green) Green, Seaweed (see M Green, Turquoise (see M, R,
Seaweed Green)
Green, Popinjay (see M Turquoise Green) S, T
Popinjay Green) Green, Seered (see Seered M Green, Turtle (see Turtle M, R
Green, Porcelain (see M. Green)
P, R
Porcelain Green)
Green, Seladon (seeSela- M Green, Tyrolese (see Tyr- M
don Green) olese Green)
Green, Posy (see Posy M Green. Serpentine (see M, R
Green) Green, Tyrolite (see Tyr- M, R
Serpentine Green) olite Green)

. .

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number trom sec. number from sec
14 14 14

Green. Ultramarine (see M Green Banana. m,gY 102, Greenish Yellow brill.gY 98, s.gY 99,
Ultramarine Green) gy.gY 105 deep gY 100,
Green. Uranium (see Ura- H Green Black,. d.gy.G 151, l.gY 101, m.gY 102,
nium Green) d.gGy 156, d.gY 103
Green. Vagabond (see M d.Gy 266. Greenish Yellow R s.gY 99
Vagabond Green) Black 267 Bright Greenish Yellow... A v.gY 97
Green. Valor (see Valor P Green-Blue, Blackish (see Dark Greenish Yellow RC d.gY 103
Green) Blackish Green-Blue) Dull Greenish Yellow A p.gY 104, gy.gY 105,
Green. Vanderpoel's (see R Dusky Green-Blue (1). .. d.bG 165, d.gB 174, I.OI 106
Vanderpoel's Green) gy.B 186 Light Greenish Yellow brill.gY 98,
Green. Variscite (see M, R Dusky Green-Blue (2)... gy.B 186, S.gY 99
Variscite Green) d.gy.B 187 Moderate Greenish Yellow RC gy.gY 105
Green. Varley's (see Var- R Green-Blue, Glory (see Pale Greenish Yellow R l.gY 101, m.gY 102
ley's Green) Glory Green-Blue) Pale Greenish Yellow RC p.YG 121
Green, Velvet (see Vel- M Clear Green-Blue Gray... P.B185, bGylSl Green Lily P v.p.G 148
vet Green) Dark Green-Blue Gray. . gy.B 186 Green Matrix... P d.bG 165
Green. Venice (see Ven- M, R Deep Green-Blue Gray. . gy.B 186 Green Mist.. P gy.YG 122
ice Green) Pale Green-Blue Gray p.B 185 Green Moss P m.YG 120
Green. Verdant (see Ver- M Green-Blue Slate gy.B 186 Green Oasis P d.gY 103. S.YG 117
dant Green) Dark Green-Blue Slate... d.B 183, d.gy.B 187 Green Olive P m.YG 120
IGreenJ. Verdigris (see M Green Boottopping (PC) d.yG 137 Green Pride P LYG 119
Verdigris |Green|) (same as Dark Green Green Ravine P gy.G 150
Green. Verdigris (see R (USA 111)) Green River Mist P l.gGy 154
Verdigris Green) Green Breath P yWhite 92 Green Slate M gy.G 150, d.gGy 156
Green. Verditer (see Ver- M Green Charm p l.gY 101. I.YG 119 Slate-Green
diter Green) Dark Green Deck (N19) F d.gy.G 151 Green Slate P gy.OIG 127
Green. Veridine(seeVeri- M Green Dream P v.l.bG 162 Green Spring... P S.YG 117
dine Green) Greenery P V.YG 115, S.YG 117 Green Stone M gy.YG 122
Green. Veronese (see H, R Green Eyes P m.yG 136 Green Stone P p.YG 121
Veronese Green) Green Finch M I.OI 106 Green Striping (N 39) F d.yG 137
Very Pale Green RC v.p.G 148 Green Fog P gy.YG 122 (same as Dark Green
Green. Veliver (see M, R Green Glory P s.bG 160, m.bG 164 (USA 111))
Vetiver Green) Green Glow P v.p.G 148 Green Sulphur m.gY 102
Green. Vibrant (see Vi- P Green Grass P m.YG 120 Green Tea m.yG 136
brant Green) Green-Gray, Blackish (see R Green Tee m.YG 120
Green. Victoria (see Vic- M Blackish Green-Gray) Green Tint. p.YG 121, v.p.G 148
toria Green) Dusky Green-Gray R d.Gy 266 Green Tint (MA) p.YG 121
Green. Vienna (see Vienna M Green Haze P gy.YG 122 Green-Yellow brill. gY 98
Green) Green Ice P yWhite 92, Bright Green-Yellow V.YG 115
Green. Vineyard (see F gWhite 153 Clear Dull Green-Yellow.. brill.YG 116,
Vineyard Green) Greenish,Black. UIDiaCK 114, S.YG 117, I.YG 119,
Green. Viridian (see Viri- H. R gSlack 157 m.YG 120
dian Green) Greenish Black RC d.gy.OIG 128, Dull Green-Yellow S.YG 117
Green, Viridine (see Viri- M, R d.gy.G 151, Light Green-Yellow l.gY 101
dine Green) blackish G 152, Light Dull Green-Yellow. I.YG 119
Green. Vista (see Vista P d.gGy 156, Pale Green-Yellow l.gY 101, p.gY 104
Green) gBlack 157 Pale Dull Green-Yellow.. I.YG 119
Vivid Green. R brill.G 140 Greenish Black S p.G 149 Green Zinc Yellow Primer m.YG 120
Vivid Green T v.yG 129, s.yG 131, Dull Greenish Black (1). R d.gGy 156, d.Gy 266 (N 84G) (same as Zinc
s.bG 160 Dull Greenish Black (2) R d.gGy 156, d.Gy 266 Chromate(MA))
Green. Vivid Emerald (see T Greenish Blue A brill.gB 168. s.gB 169, Gr^ge (same as Beaver- OIGy 113
Vivid Emerald Green) deep gB 170, pelt)
Green. Vivid Turquoise T v.l.gB 171, Light GrSge (same as Pip- I.OIGy 112
(see Vivid Turquoise l.gB 172, m.gB 173, ing Rock)
Green) d.gB 174, Greige I.OIBr94,
breen. Wall (see Wall M, R v.?l.gB 175 l.gy.OI 109,
Greenish Blue. S m.bG 164, s.gB 169, I.OIGy 112,
Green. Warbler (see M, R m.gB 173 p.YG 121,
Warbler Green) Bright Greenish Blue. A v.gB 167 gy.YG 122
ureen, water (see water M, P, R
Dull Greenish Blue... A v.p.B 184, p.B 185, Grenadine s.rO 35

Green) gy.B 186, Grenadine Pink s.yPk 26

d.gy.B 187, Grenadine Red m.rO 37
Green, Wedgwoo.d (see T
Wedgwood Green) blackish B 188 Grenadine Red v.rO 34
Dusky Greenish Blue. R deep B 179, m.B 182, Grenat (same asUarnet). d.R 16
Green, Willow (see Willow F, H,
d.B 183 Gretna Green m.yG 136, m.G 145
Green) M, T Greenish Glaucous R v.p.G 148 Grey, Agate (see Agate
Green. Windsor (see M Dark Greenish Glaucous. R l.yG 135, m.yG 136 Grey)
Windsor Green) Deep Greenish Glaucous. R v.l.G 143 [Greyl, Ash (see Ash
Green. Winter (see Winter M, R Greenish Glaucous-Blue. R l.bG 163 IGreyl)
Green) Greenish Gray A I.OIGy 112, OIGy 113, Grey, Art (see Art Grey).
Green. Woodbine (see M l.gGy 154, gGy 155, Grey, Battleship (see Bat-
Woodbine Green) d.gGy 156 ship Grey)
Gfeen. Woodland (see M Greenish Gray RC p.G 149, g.Gy 155 IGreyj, Bearskin (see
Woodland Green) Dark Greenish Gray. RC gy.G 150. d.gGy 156 Bearskin |Grey|)
Green. Yellowish Oil (see Grey, Cadet (see Cadet
R Light Greenish Gray. RC l.gGy 154
leiiowisn uil breen) Grey)
Greenish Navy A d.B 183.
Grey, Castor (see Castor
Green. Yew (see Yew M. P, R blackish B 188
Dark Greenish Olive. R m.OI 107, gy.OI 110
Grey, Charcoal (see Char-
Green. Zephyr (see P Greenish Slate-Black. R d.gy.G 151, coal Grey)
Zephyr Green)
d.gGy 156, Grey, Chateau (see
Green. Zinc (see Zinc M, R d.Gy 266. Chateau Grey)
Green) Black 267 IGreyl, Cinder (see Cinder
Green Ash. l.yG 135 Greenish White. A gWhife 153 IGreyl)


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14

Grey, Cloud (see Cloud M Grey. Silurian (see M Griseo-Viridis. s.yG 131. l.yG 135.
Grey) Silurian Grey) m.yG 136, I.G 144
Grey, Cod (see Cod Grey). M Grey, Sky (see Sky Grey). H, M Grotto. Blue (see Blue
Grey, Court (see Court M Grey, Smoke (see Smoke M Grotto)
Grey) Grey) Grotto |Blue| M s.gB 169
Grey, Crystal (see Crys- M Grey, Steel (see Steel M Grotto Blue TC s.gB 169
tal Grey) Grey) Grouse (same as Racquet), M gy.Br 61,
Grey, Davy's (see Davy's M Grey, Stone (see Stone M gy.yBr 80
Grey) Grey) (jrowth Green P brill.YG 116
Grey, Dawn (see Dawn M Grey, Storm (see Storm M Guignet's Green M d.bG 165
Grey) Grey) Mittler's Green
Grey, Dove (see Dove M Grey, Varley's (see Var- M Guimet's Blue (same as s.B 178, s.pB 196
Grey) ley's Grey) Artif cial Ultramarine)
Grey, Dover (see Dover M Grey, Water (see Water M Guinea Green M s.bG 160
Grey) Grey) Guinea Green P m.bG 164
Grey, English (see Eng- M Grey, Wild Dove(see Wild M Guinea Green R S.bG 160
lish Grey) Dove Grey) Guinea Hen M d.Gy 266
Grey, Esthetic (see Es- M Grey 31 M brGy 64 Gull M med.Gy 265
tltetic Grey) Boulevard, Mouse Gull TC pkGy 10
Grey, Fish (see Fish Grey). M IGreyl, Mouse-dun, Gull Gray P pGy 233
Grey, Flint (see Flint M Murinus, Sakkara, Gull Gray R med.Gy 265
Grey) Sparrow Dark Gull Gray R d.Gy 266
Grey, French (see French M Grey Dawn (same as Zinc) M pGy 233, med.Gy 265 Dark Gull Gray (AN 621) F med.Gy 2fiS

Grey) Grey Drab M l.gy.OI 109 (same as Blue Gray

Grey, Frost (see Frost M Acier, Quaker Grey (USA 331))
Grey) Grey Stone (same as Pip- M I.OIGy 112 Deep Gull Gray med.Gy 265
Grey, Glass (see Glass M ing Rock) Light Gull Gray I.Gy 264
Grey) Grey Ultramarine Ash M l.gGy 154 Light Gull Gray (AN 620). I.Gy 264
Grey, Gull (see Gull Grey). M Greyn(gram, Kermesdye) M v.R 11 Light Gray (AN 602).
Grey, Hathi (see Hathi M (same as grain in grain) Oyster Gray (MA).
Grey) (same as Orchil).
Gridelin M m.pR 258 Pearl Gray (Y&D 9)
Grey, Heliotrope (see M Griffin M d.Gy 266 Pale Gull Gray I.Gy 264
Heliotrope Grey) Gris-de-lin (same as Or- M m.pR 258 Gull Grey pGy 233
Grey, Iron (see Iron Grey). M chil) Gumdrop Green I.YG 119
Grey, Lead (see Lead M Griseo-Caeruleus B v.l.B 180. I.B 181, Gunmetal d.Gy 266
Grey) v.p.B 184, p.B 185, Gun Metal __. brGy 64
Grey, Lilac (see Lilac M v.l.pB 198, l.pB 199, Light Gunmetal (same as d.Gy 266
Grey) v.p.pB 202, Pelican)
Grey, Metallic (see Metal- M p.pB 203 Gypsy S.Br 55
lic Grey) Griseo-Chlorinus- B l.gY 101, m.gY 102, Caledonia Brown
Grey, Mineral (see Min- M p.gY 104, Gypsy S.Br 55
eral Grey) gy-gY 105, Gypsy Red m.R 15
IGreyj, Mist (see Mist M I.YGI19, m.YG120. Haematite Red.. d.R 16. gy.R 19,
IGreyl) p.YG 121 d.gy.R 20
Grey, Moss (see Moss M Gnseo-Lavendulus. B l.pB 199, V.p.pB 202, Haematite Red gy.rBr 46
Grey) p.pB 203. Haematoxylin Violet m.P 223
IGreyj, Moth (see Moth M v.p.V 213. p.V 214, Hair Brown brGy 64, d.Gy 266
IGreyl) gy.V 215. I P 222, Argali. Limestone,
IGreyl, Mouse (see Mouse M p.P 227, gy.P 228, Quail
IGreyl) pGy 233. Hair Brown brGy 64
Grey, National (see Na- M gy.pPk 253 Hamadan I.OIBr 94
tional Grey) Griseo-Lazulinus B p.B 185, gy.B 186. Arrowwood
Grey. Olive (see Olive M p pB 203. Hamburg Lake (same as v.R 11, s.R 12
Grey) gy.pB 204 Carmine)
Grey, Opal (see Opal M Griseo-Lilacinus B m.Pk 5. p.rP 244. Hampstead Brown (same gy.rBr 46
Grey) gy.pPk 253 as Katfa)
Grey, Oyster (see Oyster M Griseo-Lineus B brill.B 177,
Hanging Garden v.yG 129
Grey) v.l.B 180, I.B 181,
Hankow (same as Nor- d.B 183. d.pB 201,
Grey, Pastel (see Pastel M l.pB 199
mandy) gy.pB 204
Grey) Hansa Yellow (same as v.Y 82
V.p.pB 202,
Grey, Payne's (see M I.V 210 Spectra Yellow)
Payne's Grey) Happy Day p.gY 104. p.YG 121
Griseo-Olivaceous B l.gy.OI 109.
Grey, Pearl (see Pearl TC Harbor Blue d.bGy 192
I.OIGy 112.
Grey) Harbor Blue v.p.B 184
OIGy 113
Grey, Plaza (see Plaza M Harem Blue ... v.p.B 184
Griseo-Roseus B s.Pk 2, deep Pk 3,
deepgB m.B 182
Grey) Harlem Blue (same as 170,
I.Pk 4. m.Pk 5,
Grey. Plumbago (see M Antwerp Blue)
d.Pk 6, p.Pk 7.
Plumbago Grey) Harlequin _. S.yG 131
gy.Pk 8,
Grey. Prince (see Prince M Harmonious Blue gy.B 186
deep pPk 248,
Grey) Harrison Red (same as v.R 11
l.pPk 249.
Grey, Puritan (see Puritan M Pimento)
m.pPk 250,
Grey) Harvard Crimson 15
d.pPk 251
Grey, Quaker's (see M Jockey
Quaker's Grey) uriseo-Sepiaceus l.gy rBr 45, Harvard Crimson TC deep pR 256
Grey, Rose (see Rose M l.gy.Br 60, Harvest M brO 54, I.Br 57
Grey) gy.Br 61, brGy 64, Harvest Gold P I.Y 86
Grey. Russian (see Rus- M i yBr 76, m.yBr 77, Hathi Gray R l.gGy 154. gGy 155,
sian Grey) l.gy.yBr 79, I.Gy 264.
Sage M gy.ySr 80 med.Gy 265
Grey, Sage (see
Grey) Griseo-Venetus g v.l.bG 162, l.bG 163 Hathi Grey... gGy 155
Grey. Scotch (see Scotch M Griseo-Violaceus B p.pB 203. Hathor v.B 176, S.B 178
Grey) gy.pB 204. Havana Rose. gy.R 19
Grey, Shell (see Shell M m.V 211. p.V 214, Hawk Brown. m.OIBr 95
Grey) gy.V 215 Hay gy.gY 105

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Colcr name Source Color name Source Color name
number from -sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Hay. New (see New Hay).. Hepatica... m.P 223 Hortensia.. d.P 224, v.d.P 225,
Hay's Blue.... s.pB 196 Herbaceus. m.gY 102, d.gY 103, d.gy.P 229,
Hay's Brown gy.R 19, gy.rBr 46 1.01 106. m.OI 107, blackish P 230
Hay's Green m.yG 136, d.yG 137 s.YG 117. Hortensia d.P224, d.rP242
Hay's Lilac I.P 222 m.YG 120, Hortensia, Rose (see Rose
Hay's Maroon d.gy.R 20 gy.YG 122, Hortensia)
Hay's Russet m.rBr 43 m.OIG 125, Hospital Ship Green (N 12) m.yG 136
Haze, Blue (see Blue gy.OIG 127, Huckleberry d.V 212
Haze) m.yG 136, Huckleberry d.gy.P 229
Haze, Evening (see Eve- d.yG 137, m.G 145, Hudson Seal d.Gy 266, Black 267
ning Haze) I

gy.G 150, Hull Black (MA) (same Black 267

Haze. Green (see Green d.gy.G 151 as Black Deck (N
Haze) Hermosa Pink s.Pk 2, m.Pk 5 24))
Haze, Mountain (see Hermosa Pink s.Pk 2 (MA,
Hull Gray light Gray) p.B 185
Mountain Haze) Heron gy.B 186 Hummingbird m.bG 164
Haze. Orchid (see Orchid Slate- Blue Colibri
Haze) Hessian Brown gy.rBr 46, Hungarian Blue (same as m.B 182
Haze Blue p.B 185, p.pB 203 d. gy.rBr 47 Ceramic)
Haze-Gray (N) (same as med.Gy 265 Hiawatha Green m.bG 164 Hungarian Green (same m.yG 136
Light Navy Gray (Y&D Hibernian Green (same as d.yG 137 as Malachite Green)
19)) Paradise Green) Hunter TC d.yG 137
Hazel I.Br 57, s.yBr74 Highland d.gy.G 151 Hunter (Green) M v.d.yG 138
Avellaneous, Filbert Highland Green gBlack 157 Chasseur, Elephant
[Brown], Hazelnut, Highlight Buff (Y&D 22) gy.Y 90 Green, Hunter's
Muffin. Noisette (same as Warm Gray Green
Hazel R S.Br 55 (USA 125)) Hunter Green d.yG 137, m,G 145,
Hazelnut (same as Hazel). M I.Br 57, s.yBr 74 Hindu d.gy.Br 62 d.G 146
Hazy Blue (same as M l.yG 135, 1.6 144, Galleon Dark Hunter Green (same V.d.yG 138, d.G 146
Cameo Green) p.G 149 Hinnuleus l.gy.rBr 45, I.Br 57, as Bottle Green)
Heart's Desire P m.R 15 m.Br 58, Hunter's Green (same as V.d.yG 138
Heather M gy.pR 262 l.gy.Br 60, gy.Br61 Hunter |Green|)
Heather T gy.P228, gy.rP245 Hispano S.Br 55 Huron M m.bG 164
Heather. Purple (see Pur- M, P Hockey v.R 11 Huron P l.bG 163
ple Heather) Holiday... v.l.bG 162 Hussar M gy.B 186
Heavenly Charm P yWhite 92 Holland Blue (same as d.B 183 Hussar P gy.pB 204
Heavenly Day P p.gT IW Canton [Blue)) Hyacinth.. M I.V 210, m.P 223
Heavenly Flower P brill. B 177 Holland Blue p.B 185 Hyacinth Blue H v.V 205
Heavenly Green P I.YG 119 Holly Berry s.R 12, m.R 15 Hyacinth Blue M deep pB 197
Heavenly Orchid P p.pPk 252 Holly Green m.OIG 125 Hyacinth Blue R deep pB 197,
Heavenly Pink P LPk 4 Holly Green deep yG 132, m.V 211
Kebe (same as Cherry M m.R 15 d.yG 137 Hyacinth Red M gy.rO 39
Blossom) Hollyhock deep pR 256 Hyacinth Violet M deep P 219
Heliotrope H brill.V 206 Hollywood deep R 13, m.R 15 Hyacinth Violet. R deep P 219
Heliotrope M d.rP 242 Homage Blue d.pB 201 Hydrangea Blue M gy.B 186, p.pB 203
Heliotrope P deep rP 238. Internal Blue. Scotch Hydrangea Blue TC m.B 182
d.rP 242
Blue Hydrangea Pink M m.Pk 5
Heliotrope. T I.V210, m.V211. Homage Blue TC blackish B 188, Aurore, Orient
s.P 218, m.P 223 d.pB 201 Hydrangea Pink R l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29
Heliotrope TC m.rP 241 ;
Honey, Wild (see Wild Hydrangea Red M gy.R 19
Heliotrope Gray. P p.P 227. p.rP 244, Honey) Hydrangea Red R gy.R 19
gy.pPk 253 I Honey Beige (same as l.yBr 76 Hydro M gy.B 186
Heliotrope Gray R p.P 227, gy.P 228
Dorado) Hypermic Red (same as M v.R 11
Dark Heliotrope Gray. R gy.P 228 Honey Beige P m.yPk 29 Afghan Red)
Deep Heliotrope Gray R gy.P 228 Honey Bird M brill.gB 168 Hyssop Violet... M gy.P 228
Light Heliotrope Gray.. R p.P 227 1
Honeydew.. M s.yPk 26, m.O 53 Hyssop Violet R m.P 223
Heliotrope Grey M p.P 227, gy.P 228, !
Honeydew TC m.O 53 Dark Hyssop Violet R d.P 224, gy.P 228
pGy 233 Honey Gold T m.Y 87 Deep Hyssop Violet R m.P 223
Heliotrope Slate R gy.P 228 Honeysuckle M l.yBr 76 Light Hyssop Violet R I.V 210
Dark Heliotrope Slate. R d.gy.P229, Honeysweet M m.Y 87, gy.Y 90 Ibis Pink M s.yPk 26, m.yPk 29
d.pGy 234 Honey [Yellowl M d.gy.Y 91 Ibis Red M d.gy.rBr 47
Hellebore Green. M m.OIG 125 Middle Stone Zulu
Hellebore Green. R m.YG 120, gy.YG 122, Honey Yellow R m.Y 87, d.Y 88 Ice, Apricot (see Apricot
m.OIG 125, Hooker's Green No. 1 M s.yG 131 Ice)
gy.OlG 127 Hooker's Green No. 2 M m.G 145 Ice, Green (see Green Ice)
Light Hellebore Green R m.YG 120. Hopi (same as French M I.Br 57 Iceberg gy.B 186
gy.YG 122 Beige) Iceberg Green p.G 149, p.B 185
Hellebore Red M m.pR 258 Horace Vernet's Blue v.pB 194 Ice Boat brill.bG 159
Hellebore Red R m.pR 258 (same as Oil Blue) Ice Cap l.gB 172
Deep Hellebore Red R gy.pR 262 Horizon p.B 185 Ice Flow v.p.G 148
Helvetia Blue (same as M deep B 179 Horizon; Blue (see Blue Ice Green v.l.G 143, v.p.G 148,
Napoleon Blue) Horizon) V.l.bG 162
Helvetia Blue R S.pB 196 Horizon [Blue] gWhite 153 Iceland Blue.. v.p.B 184
Hemlock M blackish G 152 Horizon Blue brill.gB 168, Ice Tint _ v.p.G 148
Hemlock. P l.yG 135 l.gB 172, Icy Green l.bG 163
Hemlock Green T v.d.G 147, v.l.B 180, I.B 181, Icy Morn _ v.l.G 143, v.p,G 148
d.gy.6 151, p.B 185 Ideal V.l.gB 17!
v.d.bG 166 Light Horizon Blue (same v.l.gB 171, v.p.B 184
l.bGy 190
Illusion v.p.B 184.
Hemp M l.gy.OI 109 as Baby Blue)
Illusive v.p.P 226
Hemp P gy.Y 90 Horsechestnut d.gy.Br 62
Henna M s.rBr 40 Hortense Blue m.B 182 Immenssee gy.G 150
Alcanna Hortense Violet.. m.P 223 Imperial. deep P 219, d.P 224,
Henna T 1 m.rBr 43, s.Br 55 Hortense Violet brill.P 217 Cotinga Purple deep rP 238,
Henna TC ! m.rBr 43 Light Hortense Violet... brill.P 217 d.rP 242
Henna Brown. S deep R 13 Pale Hortense Violet v.l.P 221. I.P 222 Imperial Blue deep B 179

ISCC-NBS color des- !
ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
in3tion with sgti^I ign3tion with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source niimhor fmm cor Color name Source
number from sec number from sec.
14 14 14

Imperial Green (same as M(18B9) m.yG 136 Indico Carmine (same as M S.gB 169 Iron (same as Negro) M d.gy.yBr 81.
Pans Green) . Indigo Carmine) Black 267
Imperial Green (same as M brill. G 140 Indigo M d.gy.P 229 Iron, Wrought (see M
Emerald Green) (26C11) English Inde, Inde- Wrought Iron)
Imperial Jade .. M d.yG 137 baudias, Inde Blue, Iron Blue (same as Steel). M d.Gy 266
Imperial Purple H s.P 218 Indian Blue, Indico Iron Brown (same as M d.gy.yBr 81,
Imperial Purple M gy.V 215 Indigo S deep B 179, Negro) Black 267
Imperial Purple TC deep P 219 gy.pB 204 Iron Buff... M l.yBr 76, gy.Y 90
Imperial Stone (same as M I.OIBr 94 Indigo T d.B 183. d.gy.B 187, Iron Crocus (same as Bole] M m.rBr 43
Gold) blackish B 188, Iron Gray R OIGy 113
Imperial Yellow (same as M m.OY 71 d.bGy 192 Iron Grey (same as Bat).. M d.Gy 266
Yellow Ochre) indigo Blue R d.B 183, gy.B 186, Iron Mask... .. P d.gy.B 187,
Inca Gold M m.OY 71 d.gy.B 187, Black 267
Incarnatus B deep Pk 3, m.Pk 5. gy.pB 204 Iron Minium (same as M gy.R 19, gy.rBr46
s.yPk 26, Indigo Carmine. M S.gB 169 Berlin Brown)
deep yPk 27, Duck Blue, Indico Iron Oxide Red (same as M S.rBr 40, s.Br 55
l.yPk 28, Carmine, Indigo Ex- Tarragona)
m.yPk 29 tract. Saxon Blue. Iron Red (same as Indian M S.rBr 40
Indebaudias (same as M d.gy.P 229 Saxony Blue Red)
Indigo) Indigo Extract (same as M S.gB 169 Iron Saffron (same as M m.rBr 43
Inde Blue (same as In- M d.gy.P 229 Indigo Carmine) Bole)
digo) Indo M gy.B 186 Iron Yellow M s.O 50, m.O 53
Independence M d.V 212 Indulin Blue.. R gy.pB 204 Mars Yellow, Siderin
Jean Bart, Urania Blue Infanta M m.B 182 Yellow
Independence P d.V 212, d.P 224, Infantry M gy.B 186 Irresistible P s.pR 255
d.gy.P 229 Moonlight Blue Isabella M l.yBr 76, m.yBr 77,
Independence TC d.pB 201, gy.pB 204 Infernal Blue (same as M d.pB 201 d.gy.Y 91,
India Ink (same as Smoke M d.Gy 266 Homage Blue) I.OIBr 94
Brown) Ingenue M p.YG 121, gy.YG 122 Isabella Color R d.gy.Y 91
Indian M brO 54 Ink Black M d.bGy 192 Isabellinus B m.yBr 77, d.gy.Y 91,
Indiana M v.pR 254 Atramentous I.OIBr 94
Indian Blue H s.gB 169 Ink Blue(sameas Veteran) M d.gy.B 187 Island Green... ... .. P v.l.G 143
Indian Blue (same as In- M d.gy.P 229 Ink Blue P d.B 183, d.gy.B 187 Ispahan . .. M d.gy.B 187
digo) Insignia Blue(AN 502) .. F 1510 d.pB 201 Italian Blue M v.gB 167, S.gB 169
Indian Brown (same as M d.gy.yBr 81, Dark Blue (USA 115) Italian Blue P l.gB 172
Broncho) m.OIBr 95, Insignia Blue (USA 324).. F 3505 d.gy.B 187 Italian Blue R S.gB 169
d.OIBr 96 Insigma Red (AN 509)... F 1105 v.R 11 Italian Lake (same as M m.OY 71
Indian Buff M l.yBr 76 Fire Red (Y&D 13), Red Yellow Ochre)
Indian Lake H deep R 13 (MA), Red (USA 105), Italian Ochre (same as M brO 54, I.Br 57
Indian Lake_ ... M m.pR 258 Red Striping (Ver- Raw Sienna)
Lac Lake milion) (MA), Ver- Italian Pink (same as Stil M brill.Y 83, s.Y 84,
Indian Lake R m.pR 258, gy.pR 262 milion(PC) de Gram Yellow) I.Y 86, m.Y 87
Indian Orange H v.rO 34 Insignia Red (AN 619) F 3115 m.R 15 ItalianStraw M p.Y 89, gy.Y 90
Indian Orange M v.rO 34 (same as Red (USA Ivory (USA 128) F I.Y 86
Flammeous 314)) Ivory .. P p.Y 89
Indian Orange TC V.rO 34 Insignia White (AN 511).. F White 263 Ivory T p.Y 89. gy.Y 90
Indian Pink M l.rBr 42 Inspiration P v.p.G 148 Ivory .. TC yWhite 92
Maiden's Blush Instrument Black (AN F Black 267 Light Ivory (same as Egg- T p.Y 89
Indian Purple... M d.pR 259 514) (same as Black shell)
Indian Purple R d.gy.P 229, d.pR 259 Deck (N 24)) Light Ivory (Y&D 6)(same F p.Y 89
Dull Indian Purple R gy.pR 262 Intense Blue M m pB 200, d.pB 201 as Flat Cream (PC 11))
Indian Red (same as Bole) M (5F11) m.rBr 43 InteriorGreen (AN 611).. F m.OIG 125 Ivory, Old (see Old Ivory). M
Indian Red M (6L12) s.rBr 40 Intermediate Blue (AN F gy.B 186 Ivory Brown (same as M m.OIBr 95, d.OIBr 96
Chinese Red. Iron Red, 608) (same as Inter- Bracken)
Japanese Red, Ma- mediate Blue (USA Ivory Cream (Eng)... ... F p.Y 89
jolica Earth, Naples 329)) Sun Tan (Y&D 11)
Red, Persian Earth. International ... M gy.B 186 Ivory Tint T yWhite 92, yGy 93
Purple Ochre, Per- International Orange (AN F V.rO 34 Ivory White (same as M p.Y 89
sian Red, Prussian 508) Ivory (Yellow])
Red, Scarlet Ochre, Intimate Mood P l.gy pR 261 Ivory White . P p.Y 89
Spanish Brown Invisible Green M d.bG 165 Ivory lYellow] . M p.Y 89
Indian Red. P d.rO 38 (31L2) Cuisse de Nymphe,
Indian Red R gy.R 19 Invisible Green M blackish G 152 Eburnean, Ivory
Indian Red T gy.R 19, m.rBr 43 (32C12) White, Rose de
Dark Indian Red R gy.R 19, d.gy.R20 Invisible Green R d.gy.G 151, d.bG 165 Nymphe
Indian Red, Madder (see M Ionian Blue. M d.gy.B 187, Ivory Yellow R p.Y 89
Madder Indian Red) blackish B 188 Ivy T d.gyG 151, gGy 156
Indian Saffron (same as M I.Y 86 Ionian Blue... P d.B 183, d.gy.B 187 Dark Ivy T d.OIG 126. d.gGy 156
Citron |Yellow|) Iris M p-.B 185, p.P 227 Ivy, English (see English M
lndianTan(sameas Aztec) M s.yBr 74, l.yBr 76, Endive Blue Ivy)
m.yBr 77 Ins, Wild (see Wild Iris).. M Ivy Green ... H d.gy.OIG 128
Indian Turquoise . M m.bG 164 Irisglow . M pGy 233 Ivy (Green) M m.OI 107, gy.OI 110
Indian Yellow. H brill.OY 67, I.OY 70 Iris Green (same as M d.yG 137 Llerre
Indian Yellow (same as M s.OY 68, m.OY 71 Flower de Luce Green) (22D8) Ivy Green R m.OI 107, gy.OI 110
Snowshoe) 1 ric f^raan fc^mo Mala M lll.yxj lju Ivy Green T gy.OIG 127,
India Red M deep rBr 41
d.gy.OIG 128
Arabian Red, Mars Vio- TP Dark Ivy Green R gy.OIG 127
1 rish Green . eep u mc
let, Mineral Purple,
Jacaranda Brown (same as M d.gy.yBr 81
r V yG 129
Red Robbin Biskra)
Iris Leaf P gy.OIG 127 M
India Spice M I.Br 57 Jacinthe.- .. . m.O 53
Toasted Almond Iris Mauve M p.yPk 31, gy.yPk 32, Jack Rabbit M d.Gy 266
India Tan (same as Rus- M m.Br 58 brPk 33 Jack Rose M v.R 11
sian Calf) Iris Orchid P s.pPk 247, Jacqueminot (same as M m.R 15
Indico (same as Indigo).. M d.gy.P 229 1
deep pPk 248 M Raspberry Red)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation v/ith serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Jade. Canton (see Canton M Jewel Green m.bG 164 King's Yellow (same as M briU.Y 83, s.Y 84,
Jade) Jew's Pitch (same as d.gy.ySr 81 Lemon [Yellow]) I.Y 86, m.Y 87
hr!ll P An
Jade. Imperial (see Im- M Congo [Brown]) Kirchberger Green (same M Drill. b 14U 1

perial Jade) Jockey (same as Harvard m.R 15 as Emerald Green)

Jade, Misty (see Misty P Crimson) Kis Kilim (same as Rus- M m.Br 58
Jade) Jonquil v.Y 82, brill.Y 83 sian Calf)
Jade. Wtiite (see White M, P Jonquil [Yellow] LOY 70, m.OY 71, Kitten's Ear r p. I oy
Jade) p.OY 73, I.Y 86, Kobe IVl S.rBr 40
P m.Y 87 Kolinsky (same as M H
o.br CO
Dr 0)}
Jade Cream p.gY 104 Leaf
Jade Gray T p.G 149, gy.G 150 Josephine(sameas Blush) M LBr 57 Mold)
Dark Jade Gray.. T gy.G 150, d.gy,G 151, Jouvence Blue M m.bG 164, m.gB 173 Korea. M a.ru Jo, m rbr 4J
d.bG 165 Jouvence Blue R m.bG 164, m.gB 173 Kork (same as Orchil) M m.pR 258
Jade Green. H s.bG 150 1

Joy P l.yG 135 Korkir (same as Orchil).. M

IVl m.pn ^Do
R M M A hp CC 1
Jade Green. m.OIG 125. Judee gy.P 228 Kremlin
gy.OIG 127 June Bud P brill.YG 116, Kronberg's Green IVl m 0^
C\\C, 1l^j
Jade Green. T m.G 145. l.bG 163, brill. yG 130 Kronberg's Green \
lUD, m ni
rn.ui 1rt7
m.bG 164 June Green P I.YG 119 Kurdistan M Q.gy.D lo/.
Jade Green TC m.yG 136 Jungle P d.gy.G 151 DBiack lyd,
Brigtit Jade Green. T s.G 141, brill.bG 159, Jungle Green M v.d.G 147, A nw D OOQ
u.gy.r LlVi
S.bG 160 blackish G 152 pBlack 235
Dark Jade Green... T d.G 146, l.bG 163. !
Jungle Green TC d.bG 165 Kyoto M S.yPk 26. S.O50.
m.bG 164. Juniper M d.gy.G 151 m.O 53
d.bG 165 Epinauche Labrador M d.B 183. d.gy.B 187
Jade Green. Dusty (see T Juniper P gy.G 150, d.gy.G 151 Lac Lake (same as Indian M m.pR 258
Dusty Jade Green) Kabistan (same as Pine- M d.gy.G 151 Lake)
Light Jade Green T l.bG 163 grove) Lacquer TP u.ru io
Pale Jade Green (same as T v.p.G 148 Kaffa gy.rBr 46 Lacquer Red. M d.rO 38
Emerald Tint) Hampstead Brown Ruben's Madder
Jade Lime P brill.YG 116 Kaffa... gy.rBr 46 Lacquer Red (same as T deep rO 36.
Jadesheen M m.yG 136, d.yG 137, : Kaiser Brown (same as S.Br 55 Chinese Red) m.rO 37, d.rO 38
American Green
T gy.K
gy.G 150 i
Ginger) Dark Lacquer Red 1 13, S.rBr 4U,
Jaffa Orange M m.rO 37, m.O 53 Kaiser Brown S.Br 55 m.rBr 43
(same as Sea Hawk).. M T eep ru Jo, m.ruj/
Jaffl OIGy 113 Kangaroo OIGy 113 Light Lacquer Red (same 1

Jalspa M S.Br 55 Kara m.bG 164 as Coral Red)

Peach Blush. Pencil- Kara Dagh Black 267 Lady Orchid p gy.pn ZDZ
wood Kasha-Beige (same as I.OIGy 112, Laelia Pink... M U.prK tDl.
Japan Blue M d.B 183 Slate-Grey) med.Gy 265 l.gy.pR 261
Japan Earth (same as M m.Br 58 Kashan s.gB 169 Laelia Pink R l.rP 240.
Auburn) Kashmir d.yG 137, m.G 145, deep pPk 248
Japanese Blue M gy.G 150 gy.G 150 Pale Laelia Pink R l.p. k i;4y, m.prkioO
Japanese Green Kesseler Yellow (same as brill.Y 83, s.Y 4, La France Pink (same as M m.Pk 5
Japanese Green (same as M gy.G 150 Lemon [Yellow]) I.Y 86. m.Y 87 Debutante Pink)
Japanese Blue) Kazak m.rBr 43 La France Pink R v.Pk 1

Japanese Red (same a; M s.rBr 40 Beef's Blood. Coptic, Lagoon M I.Du luJ
Indian Red)

Oxblood [Red], Pic- Lagoon

r m hP ^c./^

Japanese Yellow (same as M v.yPk 25. s.rO 35 colpasso Red, Sang Lake (same as Carmine). M V.K 11, s.R 12
Chinese Orange) de Boeuf Lake s m.R 15, d.R 16,
Japan Rose M m.yPk 29, m.O 53 j
Kelly Green s.yG 131, gy.R 19, gy.rO 39,
Japan Rose R m.yPk 29 deep yG 132, m.pR 258
r. n
Japonica M gy-R 19

s.G 141 Lake, Ball (see Ball Lake). M

Jasmine M brill.Y83, I.Y86 Bright Kelly Green. v.yG 129, S.yG 131, Lake, Brown (see Brown S
Jasmine TC I.Y 86 brill.G 140, s.G 141 Lake)
Jasmine Yellow (same as T brill.Y 83, I.Y 86 Kentucky Green m.OI 107 Lake, Burnt (see Burnt M, R
Butter Yellow) Kermanshah (same as gy.Br 61 Lake)
Jasper M blackish G 152
Coconut) Lake, Burnt Crimson (see M
Jasper P d.gy.G 151. Kermes (same as Scarlet). v.R 11 Burnt Crimson Lake)
Black 267 Kermes Berries (same as v.R 11 Lake, Capucine (see Cap- M
Jasper Green. M m.G 145 Scarlet) ucine Lake)
Jasper Green. R m.G 145 Kettledrum (same as m.rBr 43 Lake, Carmine (see Car- M, S
Jasper Pink.. M s.yPk 26 Mora Red) mine Lake)
Jasper Pink.. R deep Pk 3. s.yPk 26, Khaki M l.yBr 76, m.yBr 77 Lake, Cashew (see M
deep yPk 27 Khaki TC I.OIBr 94 Cashew Lake)
Jasper Red H s.R 12 Khiva (same as Tomato M d.rO 38 Lake, Chinese (see M
Jasper Red (same as Old M m.R 15 IRedl) Chinese Lake)
Coral) Kildare Green M m.YG 120 Lake, Crimson (see Crim- M
Jasper Red R m.R 15 Kildaie Green R m.YG 120 son Lake)
Light Jasper Red R deep Pk 3, m.R 15 Killarney [Green] M m.yG 136, m.G 145 Deep Lake S d.pR 259
Java M d.Br 59 Killarney Green P v.G 139 Lake. Florentine (see M
Nomad Brown Killarney Green R m.yG 136 Florentine Lake)
Java Brown M d.gy.Br 62 Kinema Red (same as M s.R 12 Lake. Garnet (see Garnet H
Javel Green M m.gY 102 Goya) Lake)
Eau-de-Javel Green Kingfisher M d.B 183 Lake, Gaude (see Gaude M
Javel Green R m.gY 102 Kingfisher Blue H S.gB 169 Lake)
Jay IBIue].... M m.B 182 King Lear P m.V 211 Lake, Geranium (see Ger- H, M
Jay Blue. R m.B 182. l.pB 199 King Neptune.. P LB 181 anium Lake)
Jealousy P v.l.G 143 King's Blue. M(34G7) LB 181 Lake,Hamburg(see Ham- M
Jean Bart (same as Inde- M d.V 212 King's Blue M deep B 179, m.B 182 burg Lake)
pendence) (43D11) Lake, Indian (see Indian H, M, R
Jersey Cream. P p.Y 89 King's Blue M m.B 182 Lake)
Jet (AN 622) (same as Jet F Black 267 (45A10) Lake, Italian (see Italian M
Black (PO)) King's Blue R l.B 181 Lake)
Jet Black (PC).. F Black 267 Light King's Blue R v.p.B 184, p.B 185 Lake, Lac (see Lac Lake). - M
Jet (AN 622) Pale King's Blue R v.p.V 213 Lake, Leather (see M
Jewel Blue. P l.gB 172 King's Ransom P m.O 53 Leattier Lake)


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color n<^nie Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec, number from sec.
14 14 14

Lake, Madder (see Mad- M Lavender, Bluish (see Lead, Red, mixed pig-
der Lake) Bluish Lavender) ments (see Red Lead,
Lake, Munich (see Munich M Bright Lavender I.V 210 m.V 211 mixed pigments)
Lake) I P 222, m,P223 Lead, Red, modified (see
Lake, Olive (see Olive R Lavender, Caprice (see Red Lead, modified)
Lake) Caprice Lavender) Lead, Red, and Oil (see
Lake Purple (see Purple M, P Dark Lavender LP 222 Red Lead and Oil)
Laiie) Lavender, Dark Grayish Lead Gray rGy 22, d.Gy 266
Lake, Quercitron (see M (see Dark Grayish Shadow Gray
Quercitron Lake) Lavender) Lead Grey l.gy.OI 109
Lake. Roman (see Roman M Deep Lavender I.V 210 Lead Ochre p.Y 89
Lake) Deep Dull Lavender p.P 227 Massicot [Yellowl
Lake Rose (see Rose M, S Lavender, Deep Grayish Leadville d.pGy 234
Lake) (see Deep Grayish Leaf, Autumn (see (Au-
Lake, Ruby (see Ruby P Lavender) tumn Leaf)
Lake) Dull Lavender R gy.pPk 253 Leaf, Bay (see Bay Leaf).
Lake, Scarlet (see Scarlet M Lavender, Dusty (see T Lead, Dead (see Dead
Lake) Dusty Lavender) Leaf)
Lake, Venetian (see Ve- M Lavender, Grayish (see R Leaf. Dried (see Dried
netian Lake) Grayish Lavender) Leaf)
Lake. Victoria (see Vic- M , R Lavender, Languid (see P Leaf, Fall (see Fall Leaf)
toria Lake) Languid Lavender) Leaf. Gold (see Gold Leaf)
Lake, Vienna (see Vienna M Light Lavender T LP 222 Leaf. I ris (see I ris Leaf)
Lake) Lavender, Lilac (see Lilac P Leaf, Mint (see Mint Leaf)
Lake Blue M m.bG 164 Lavender) Leaf, Oak (see Oak LeaO
Lake Blue P s.B 178 Lavender, Old (see Old M, P, T Leaf, Orchid (see Orchid
Lake Como P m.B 182 Lavender) Leaf)
Lake Louise P m.B 182 Pale Lavender T v.p.P 226 Leaf, Rose (see Rose
Lama (same as Elk) M d.gy.yBr 81 Lavender. Pale Bluish (see R Leaf)
Lambert's Blue (same as M m.B 182 Pale Bluish Lavender) Leaf, Russet (see Russet
Ceramic) Lavender, Pastel (see H Leaf)
Lamb's Wool P yWhite 92 Pastel Lavender) Leaf, Violet (see Violet
La Mer P v.l.G 143 Lavender, Pink (see Pink P Leaf)
Lamp Black T Black 267 Lavender) Leaf, Winter (see Winter
Langite Green. H s.bG 160 Lavender Rood's (see R Leaf)
Languid Lavender... P V.P.V213. V.P.P226 Rood's Lavender) Leaf, Withered (see With-
Lapis. M m.bG 164 Lavender, Sweet (see P ered Leaf)
Lapis Lazuli Blue T deep B 179, m.B 182 Sweet Lavender) Leaf Green v.yG 129
Lariat M l,Br 57. l.yBr 76 Lavender, Verbena (see P Leaf Green gy.OIG 127
Lark (same as Parchment) M gy.Y 90. d.gy,Y 91 Verbena Lavender) Leaf Green m.YG 120
I.OIBr 94 Lavender, Virginia (see P Dark Leaf Green (same as m.OIG 125, d.yG 137
Larkspur. M m.gB 173 Virginia Lavender) Parsley Green)
Larkspur Blue _.. P I.B 181 Lavender. Blue R brill.pB 195, Light Leaf Green m.YG 120
Larkspur Purple. P s,V 207 l.pB 199 Leaf Mold d.Br 59
Latericeous (same as M S.Br 55, m.Br 58 Deep Lavender. Blue R brill.pB 195 Kolinsky, Weathered
Brick Red) Light Lavender. Blue R l.pB199 Oak
Latericius m.rBr 43, l.gy rBr 45, Lavender .Gray R v.p.pB 202, p.pB 203, Leaf Red (same as Artil- M v.R 11
gy.rBr 46. I.Br 57, v.p.V 213, p.V 214 lery)
m.Br 58, gy.Br 61 Lavender Green H gy.YG 122 Leather (same as Tan). . M brO 54
Lateritious (same as Brick S.Br 55, m.Br 58 Lavender Mist T p.P 227 Leather Brown M m.Br 58
Red) Lavender-Violet R brill.V 206 Leather Lake (same as M deep 0 51, brO 54,
Latoun (same as Brass).. m.Y 87 Light Lavender-Violet R I.V 210 Feuille Morte) s,Br 55
Latfen (same as Brass)... m.Y 87 Pale Lavender-Violet R LP 222, p.P 227 Leek Green H m.OIG 125,
Laundry Blue (same as deep BUS. m.B 182 Lavender Violet, Sea (see H gy.OIG 127
Smalt) Sea Lavender Violet) Leek Green (same as M(22K1) I.OI 106
Laurel d.gy.G 151, Lavendulo-Griseus p.B 185, l.bGy 190, Reseda |Green|)
d.gGy 156 bGyl91, l.pGy232, Leek Green M(22J5) m.YG 120
Dark Laurel.. - blackish G 152, pGy233.med.Gy 265 Porraceous, Porret
d.gGy 156 Lavendulus. brill.pB 195, Leghorn M p.Y 89, gy.V 90
Laurel Green I.OI 106 v.l.pB 198, Leghorn TC p.Y 89
Aucuba Green, Oak l.pB 199. Legion Blue M d.B 183
|Green|. Olive Terra brill.V 206, Leitch's Blue (same as M v.B 176
Verte, Sea Moss (a) v.l.V 209, I.V 210, Cyanine Blue)
Laurel Green.. m.G 145 d.G 146 v.p.V 213, p.V 214, Leitch's Blue R s.B 178
gy.G 150 v.p.P 226 Leithner's Blue (same as M s.gB 169
Dark Laurel Green d.yG 137, d.G 146, Lawn Green (same m.YG 120 Cobalt Blue)
Dark Pine Green gy.G 150, Grass Green) Lemnian Earth (same as M m.rBr 43
d.gy.G 151 Bole)
Lazulino-Ardesiacus d.B 183, gy.B 186,
Laurel Oak m.rBr 43
d.gy.B 187,
Lemnian Ruddle (same as M m.rBr 43
Acajou, Mahogany, Ma- Bole)
gy.pB 204
hogany Brown, Ma- Lemnos (same as Bole)... M m.rBr 43
Lazulinus. v.B 176,
hogany Red Lemon S v.Y 82, btill.Y 83,
brill.B 177,
Laurel Pink M deep Pk 3, m.R 15 s.Y 84. deep Y 85,
s.B 178, m,B 182,
Lava M Black 267 v.gY 97
v.pB 194,
Lava P d.gy.yBr 81, Lemon, Cadmium (see
brill.pB 195,
d.OIBr 96 Cadmium Lemon)
s.pB 196
La Valliere M gy.P 228 Lemon, Chrome (see
Lead d.pGy 234.
Lavender. . M p.P 227 Chrome Lemon)
Lavender R v.l.V 209. v.p.V 213 Grebe. Livid, Plumba- d.Gy 266 Lemon Chrome brill.Y 83
Lavender T I.P 222, m.P223 ceous. Squirrel Lemon Chrome s.Y 84
Lavender TC p.P 227 Lead, Orange (see Orange Lemon Yellow (USA 121) v.Y 82
Lavender, Blue (see Blue M Lead) (same as Light Yellow
Lavender) Lead. Red (see Red Lead), (AN 505))


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Cobr name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Lemon Yellow H v.Y 82 Lilac, Hay's (see Hay's Bright Lime Green v.YG 115,
Lemon [Yellow] M brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Lilac) brill.YG 116,

Auripigmentum, Cassel I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Light Lilac V.I.P 221. I.P 222 s.YG 117,
Yellow, Chinese Yel- Lilac, Light Pinkish (see brill.yG 130

low, Generall, Kas- Light Pinkish Lilac) Light Lime Green brill.YG 116,

seler Yellow, King's Lilac, Misty (see Misty s.YG 117.

Yellow. Mineral Yel- Lilac) brill.yG 130

low, Montpellier Yel- Lilac, Mood (see Mood Lime Peel s.YG 117,
low. Orpiment, Or- Lilac) deep YG 118,
pin. Patent Yellow, Lilac, Old (see Old Lilac). m.YG 120,

Royal Yellow, Tur- Pale Lilac. p.pPk 252 m.OIG 125

ner's Yellow, Verona Pale Lilac p.pPk 252 Limepeel TC m.YG 120
Yellow, Veronese Yel- Pale Lilac V.P.P 226, p.pPk252 Limestone (same as Hair M brGy 64, d.Gy 266
low. Yellow Daisy, Lilac, Pale Aniline (see Brown)
Yellow Realgar Pale Aniline Lilac) Lime lYellow] m.Y 87, gy.Y 90
Lemon Yellow R Drill. gT yo, s.gi yy Lilac, Pale Persian (see Fustic, Yellow Brazil

Lemon Yellow S deep Y 85, Pale Persian Lilac) Wood, Yellow Wood
deep nV 1luu
Ann gi r\n
Lilac, Pastel (see Pastel Lime Yellow brill.gY 98, s.gY 99,
Lemon Yellow T v.gi y/, Drill. gy yo Lilac) brill.YG 116

Lemon Yellow brill.Y 83 Lilac, Persian (see Persian M, R Limoges S.B 178, m.B"l82
Bright Lemon Yellow T v.gY 97 Lilac) Lincoln Green m.OIG 125
Light Lemon Yellow T brill.gY 98. l.gY 101 Lilac, Purplish (see Pur- Lincoln Green gy.OIG 127
Pale Lemon Yellow R rill, gY 98 plish Lilac) Lincoln Red (same as v.R 11
Pale Lemon Yellow (same T l.gY 101 Lilac, Red (see Red Lilac). Artillery)

as Canary Yellow) Lilac, Rose (see Rose Linden Green m.gY 102
Lettuce Green. H s.YG 117 Lilac) Linden Yellow
Lettuce Green M m.YG 120 Lilac, Royal (see Royal I
Linden Yellow (same as m.gY 102
Lettuce Green P s.YG 117 Lilac) Linden Green)
Lettuce Green R m.YG 120 Lilac, Shadow (see Shad- Lineus brill. B 177, V.1.B180,
Lettuce Green T brill.YG 116, ow Lilac) I.B 181, v.p.B 184,
S.YG117, I.YG119, Lilac Brown pkGy 10, rGy 22, p.B 185,
m.YG 120 l.brGy 63 brill. pB 195,
Levant Red (same as M m.R 15 Lilaceous (same as Lilac). m.Pk 5. l.gy.R 18 v.l.pB 198,
Adrianople Red) Lilac Gray gy.P 228 l.pB 199.
Leyden Blue (same as M s.gB 169 Lilac-Gray l.pGy 232 v.p.pB 202,
Cobalt Blue) Lilac Gray.. l.pGy 232 p.pB 203
Liberia M d.gy.Br 62 Lilac Grey. brPk 33, yGy 93 Linoleum Brown (same as m.yBr 77
Liberty M S.D 178, s.pB 196 Lilac Hint.. v.p.P 226 Bronze)
Regatta Lilacinus brill.V 206, l.V 210, Lint l.gy.OI 109
Liberty Blue. M
IVl m.pB 200 brill. P 217, Sage Grey
Liberty Green M m.YG 120 LP 222, m.P 223, Lint-white (same as p.Y 89, gy.Y 90
Lichen M gy.OIG 127 v.p.P 226, p.P 227, Beige)
Lichen Green M l.gGy 154 S.rP 237, l.rP 240, Lion LyBr 76, m.yBr 77
Lichen Green. R v.p.G 148 m.rP241, Lion Tawny
Deep Lichen Green R l.yG 135 p.rP 244, Lion Tawny (same as l.yBr 76, m.yBr 77
Lido M t.UlBr 94 deep pPk 248, Lion)
Lierre (same as Ivy M m Al 1
m.ui lu/,
m nil
Al 1 1
110 l.pPk 249, Liqueur Green l.gY 101. m.gY 102
IGreenj) m.pPk 250, Liseran Purple s.rP 237
Life Green P m.OIG 125 p.pPk 252, Liseran Purple s.rP 237. l.rP 243,
Light Hearted P p.gY 104 gy.pPk 253 m.rP 241,
Light Stone... M gy.Y 90. d.gy.Y 91 Lilac Lavender p.V 214 deep pPk 248
Lilac M (3G7) m DL
m.rK C
1nil D 1 0
l.gy.K lo Lilac Purple... m.pR 258 Litho Purple m.P 223, d.P 224,
Lilaceous, Lilas, Mauv- Lilac Rose deepPk3. l.gy.R 18, gy.P 228
ette S.rP 237, Litho Purple s.P 218, deep P 219,
Lilac M (41C4) p.P 227 deep pPk 248, m.P 223
Lilac P I.P 222 l.pPk 249, Liver (same as Liver gy.rBr 46
Lilac R
1 Q 111
I.P 222,
_ n
p.P 227
on m.pR 258 Brown)
Lilac S pkby 10, v.l.v 209, Lilac Shadow P d.P 224, gy.P 228 Liver Brown gy.rBr 46
LV llO. V.I.P Z21, Lilas (same as Lilac) M m.Pk 5, l.gy.R 18 Autumn Oak, Liver,
v.p.r clb, p.P 227, Lilium (same as Antique M m.P 223, m.rP 241 Maroon
gy.P 228, Fuchsia) Liver Brown m.rBr 43
pwnite 2ol, Lilting Green P brill.bG 159 Liver Maroon (same as gy.rBr 46
Lily, Green (see Green P Liver Brown)
m.rP 241, Lily) Livid (same as Lead) d.pGy 234, d.Gy 266
p.rP 244, Lily, Pink (see Pink Lily). P Livid Brown... gy.R 19
p.prK cOc, Lily Green M(19H5) m.YG 120 Livid Brown gy.R 19
Lily Green M (31H2) d.gGy 156 Dark Livid Brown gy.R 19
l.gy.pR 261, Lily Green P gy.gY 105, I.YG 119 Deep Livid Brown gy.R 19
gy.pR 262 Lily Green R gGy 155 Livido-Purpureus. m.P 223, l.rP 240,

Lilac T I.P 222, m.P223 Limawood (same as Rose- M m.R 15, gy.R 19 m.rP 241,
m.P223 vale) gy.rP 245.
Lilac TC
Aniline (see Aniline
Lime, Jade (see Jade m.pR 258,
Lilac, R
Lime) gy.pR 262
Lime, Mint (see Mint Livido-Ruber... m.pR 258, gy.pR262
Lilac,Deep Aniline (see
Lime) Livido-Violaceus S.V 207, l.V 210.
Deep Aniline Lilac)
Lime, Shadow (see Shad- m.V 211, S.P 218,
Dull Lilac. s m.V 211, p.P 227,
ow Lime) m.P 223, gy.P 228
gy.pR 262
Lime Blue (same as Ce- m.B 182 Livid Pink gy.Pk 8
Lilac, Dusty (see Dusty T ramic) Livid Pink I.Pk4, m.Pk 5,
Lilac) Lime Cream.. I.YG 119 p.Pk7. gy.Pk 8
Lilac, French (see French M, P Lime Green gy.gY 105, I.OI 106 Livid Purple gy.rP 245
Lilac) Lime Green m.gY 102, d.gY 103, Livid Purple m.rP 241
Lilac, Gray (see Gray S I.OI 106 Livid Violet l.gy.R 18
Lilac) Lime Green. s.YG 117 Livid Violet m.P 223, gy.P 228

; .

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color namp Source Color name Source Color namp Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Lizard Bronze (same as M I.OI 106 )

Madder, Crimson (see Mahogany Red (same m rBr 43
Old Moss IGreenl) Crimson Madder) Laurel Oak)
Lizard IGreen) M m.G 145 Madder, Orange (see Mahogany Red m.rBr 43
Loam (same as Goat) M i
brGy 64 Orange Madder) Maiden's Blush (same as l.rBr 42
Loam (Eng 7) F 1
OIGy 113 Madder, Purple (see Pur- H, M Indian Pink)
Lobelia Blue H v.V 205 pie Madder) Maid of Orleans P 221,
V.I. V.P.P226
Lobelia |Bluel M s.V 207 Madder, Rembrandt's(see Maintenon _ m.rO 37
Lobelia violet M gy.P 228 Rembrandt's Madder) Maise m.OY 71, p.OY 73.
Lobelia Violet _.. R LP 222 !

Madder, Rose (see Rose H, M m.Y 87

Light Lobelia Violet R LP 222 Madder) Maize v.Y 82, brill.Y 83,
w n D z/b,
IOC r\ D 007
cl/ S.Y84, I.Y86,
Pale Lobelia Violet R V.p.r p.r 1

Madder, Ruben's (see
Lobster (same as Bitter- ',A deep ru 6b, d.rO 38 i Ruben's Madder) m.Y 87
sweet) Madder, Scarlet (seeScar- Maize.. TC I.Y 86
Lobster Red T V.n 1 1, S.n It, let Madder) Bright Maize (same as T S.OY 68
v.rO 34 Madder, Vandyke (see Nasturtium Yellow)
Locarno Green M m.G 145 Vandyke Madder) Light Maize I.Y 86
Loganberry (same as M d.P 224 Madder Blue.. M P.V214, gy.V215 Light Wheat
Prune Purplet Madder Blue. R P.V214, gy.P 228 Maize Yellow brill.OY 67, s.OY 68,
Log Cabin M brGy 64 Dark Madder Blue R gy.B 186, gy.pB 204 LOY 70, m.OY 71,

Logwood (same as Ad- M blackish P 230, Deep Madder Blue R gy.pB 204 brill.Y 83, s.Y 84

miral) pBlack 235 : Madder Brown (same ss M m.rBr 43 Maize Yellow I.Y 86
A hCx, 00 Majolica.. d.B 183
Logwood Blue M 1 1

Castilian Brown)
Lo-kao (same as Chinese M Lyb ISo, Lb 144 Madder Brown R gy.R 19 Majolica.. d.B 183
Green) Madder Carmine M m.R 15, m.pR 258 Majolica Blue d.B 183, d.pB 201,
London Brown (same as M o.gy.rbr 4/ Madder Indian Red (same |
M m.rBr 43 Du Gueslin, Peasant gy.pB 204
Carbuncle) as Mascara) Blue, Tapestry
London Fog P pGy 233 Madder Lake (same as ! M s.R 12, S.pR 255 Majolica Blue TC m.B 182
London Smoke M Diack CO/ 1

Rose Neyron) Majolica Earth (same as M s.rBr 40

Indian Red)

Nubian Madder Pink (same as S.pR 255


Long Beach M LyBr 76 ,

Casino Pink) Majolica Yellow S.O 50, m.O 53,
Dw Of, nw Dr Cn m.OY
Longchamps M 1
Lbr 1
Lgy.Df bU ;

Madder Red (same as S.R 12, m.R 15, s.OY 68, 71

Lotus.- M U.rK b, l-gy.K lo, 1

Brigand) s.rO 35, m.rO 37 Malabar (same as Trotteur m.Br 58

d.yrk ou Madder Violet (same as d.P 224 Tan)
Louis Philippe M LpB 199 Old Helio) Malacca LyBr 76, gy.Y 90
Loutre (same as Bracken) M m.ulbr yo, d-UlBr yb Madder Violet R d.P 224 Malachite Green. m.yG 136
rtij D IOC A kP.. IQO
Louvain M gy.D lob, d.Dby lyz Dark Madder Violet R d.P 224, d.gy.P 229 Bremen Green, Chryso-
Love Bird M s.YG 117 ,
Madeline Blue M gy.pB 204 collo. Copper Green,
Love Bird P bnlLiG 116 Madonna.. '
M m.B 182, gy.B 186 Eriau Green, Hungar-

Love-in-a-mist... M l.gB 172 Madrid(sameasSaddle)_.; M gy.Br 61, gy.yBr 80 ian Green, Iris Green,

Love Light. P LgY 101


Madura '
M m.yBr 77 Mineral Green, Moun-
Lovely _, P LG 144 Magenta '
H v.pR 254 tain Green, Oil Green,

Lover's Knot
1nDL O^Q Magenta M deep pR 256 Olympian Green,
Lover's Note. P v-p.B 184 Magenta... P m.pR 258 Shale (jreen, Tyrolese
Lucerne Blue M LpB 199 1
Magenta R s.rP 237 Green, Verditer Green

Lucerne Blue P LpB 199 :

Magenta S v.V 205, s.P 218, Malachite Green l.yG 135

Luggage Tan T brO 54, S.Br 55 !

S.rP 237, d.rP242, Deep Malachite Green m.yG 136

Dark Luggage Tan T S.Br 55, LBr 57 s.pR 255, Malachiteus l.yG 135, m.yG 136,

Luciole. _ _ M bGy 191 m.pR 258, m.G 145

Lucky Stone... M p.B 185 d.pR 259, Malaga d.R 16. deep rBr 41
Lullaby... P gWhite 153, gy.pR 262 Malay (same as Cocoa m.Br 58
LgGy 154, Magenta (same as Fuchsia T deep pR 256, Brown)
White 26o, LGy 264 Red) m.pR 258 Mallard d.gB 174
m.pPk 250

Lumiere Blue. M LbG 163 I

Magenta TC deep pR 256, Mallow Pink __

Lumiere Blue. R LbG 163, LgB 172 d.pR 259 Mallow Pink _ s. pPk 247

Lumiere Green (same as M LYG 119 Deep Magenta S v.pR 254 Mallow Purple v.rP 236

Sky Green) Dull Magenta Purple. R S.rP 237 Mallow jPurplel m.pR 258
Lumiere Green R I.Tu iiy, m.iij izu Magenta Rose H S.pR 255 Mallow Red
Light Lumiere Green R LYG 119 1
Magenta Rose M deep pR 256 Mallow Purple V. rP 236,
Pale Lumiere Green R LYG 119 Magenta Rose P d.pR 259 deep pPk 248
Lupine M LB 181, LpB 199 Magenta Rose.. T m.pR 258 Light Mallow Purple. deep pPk 248
Lupine TC
1 D inn
i.pB lyy,
n r,Dmo
p.pB 203 Bright Fuchsia Rose Mallow Red (same as m.pR 258
Mallow (Purple))
Lush Gray
Lush Green
m.bG 164
brill. G 140
Magic Moon
pWhife 231
l.gB 172, p.B 185 Malmaison
Malmaison Rose
I.Y 86,
V.pR 254, S.pR 255
m.Y 87
Lustre Blue TC m.B 182 Magnolia M d.Pk 6, gy.R 19,

Lustrous Yellow P l.gY 101 d,yPk30 Malvaceus brill. P 217,

Luteolus B LOY 70, m.UY 71, Magnolia Purple H m.pR 258 S.P 218, LP 222.

brilLY 83, s.Y 84, Mahogany (same as Lau- M m.rBr 43 S.rP 237,

LY 86, m.Y 87 rel Oak) deep pPk 248

Luteous (same as Acacia). M l.gY 101, m.gY 102 Mahogany... TC m.rBr 43
Luteus 8 S.O 50. S.OY bo. Manchu (same as Clove). M m.Br 58
Mahogany, Brown (see T
v.Y 82, s.Y 84
Brown Mahogany) Mandalay. M gy.Br 61, d.gy.Br 62
Luxor. M s.pB 196 Friar, Pilgrim Brown
Mahogany, Dark Brown
Lyons Blue M s.B 178
(see Dark Brown Ma-
Mandarin Orange M S.0 50
Lyons Blue. _. P v.pB 194, s.pB 196 Mandarin Orange P S.rO 35, S.O 50
Lyons Blue R s.B 178 Tangerine
Mahogany, Deep Brown
Lyre Blue P m.gB 173 H V.rO 34
(see Deep Brown Ma- Mandarin Red
Macaroon M LyBr 76
Mandarin Red... M S.rO 35
Machinery Green (PBS)... F gy.G 150
Mahogany, Deep Red (see Field's Orange Ver-
Madder (same as Brigand). M S.R12, m.R15,
Deep Red Mahogany) milion
S.r0 35, m.r0 37
Madder, Brown (see M Mahogany, Red (see Red Manganese Brown (same M m.Br 58
Brown Madder) Mahogany) as Clove)
Madder, Capucine (see M Mahogany Brown (same m.rBr 43 Manganese Velvet Brown M m.yBr 77, d.yBr 78
Capucine Madder) as Laurel Oak) (same as Raw Umber)

. .

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- !| ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial i
ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source

Color name Source


number from sec. number from sec. i number from sec.

14 14 I

Manganese Violet S.P218 Maroon, Liver (see Liver Mauve Mist P ! gy.pPk253
Burgundy Violet. Min- Maroon) Mauve Orchid P i
eral Violet. Nurem- Dark Maroon Purple K U.ir Mauve Pink T p.pPk 252
berg Violet, Perman- Marron (same as Chest- M gy.Br 61 Light Orchid Pink
ent Violet nut) Mauverose d.R 16
Manganese Violet. s.P 218 Marrone (same as Chest- M gy.Br 61 Mauve Taupe d.rGy 23
Mango... br0 54, I.Br 57 nut) Copra
Manila l.yBr 76 Marron Glac6.. M
m m Qr l^ff
Mauve Taupe gy.pR 262
Manon l.gy.Br60 Witchwood Mauve Taupe d.gy.P229,
Manzanita (same as Moro m.rBr 43 Marsala M m.rBr 43 d.pGy 234
Red) Mars Brown (same as M Dark Mauve Taupe d.gy.R 20, d.pGy234
Maple gy.Y90 Cochin) Mauvette I.V 210, p.V 214
Maple.. s.6r 55, I.Br 57, Mars Brown.. R m.Br 58 Mauvette (same as Lilac) p.P 227
m.Br 58 Marsh Rose M gy.K IS Mauvette p.pPk 252
Maple. Crimson (see Mars Orange H m.rO 37 Mauvette l.pPk 249
Crimson Maple) Mars Orange (same as M m.rO 37 Mauve Wine... d.gy.R 20.
Maple. Flaming (see M Burnt Orange) d.gy.P 229,
Mars Orange D
n m.ru u.rU JO
Flaming Maple) 0/, d.pR 259
Maple. Yellow (see Yel- T Mars Red (same as Totem) M d.rO 38 Mauvewood(sameas Pic- m.rBr 43, gy.rBr 46
low Maple) Mars Violet (same as ' M deep rBr 41 cadilly)

Maple Sugar... M m.yBr 77 India Red) Mavis (same as Grain)... l.gy.yBr 79

Maple Sugar T l.yBr 76. m.yBr 77 Mars Violet... R g.gy.r Zl^ Maya brO 54. I.Br 57

Tan Mars Yellow (same as M S.O 50, m.O 53 Mayfair Tan (same as I.Br 57, l.yBr 76,
Maple Sugar. TC m.yBr 77 Iron Yellow) Suntan) m.yBr 77
Maracaibo M d.Br 59 Mars Yellow.. R deep OY 03, d.uY 72 Mayflower m.R 15
Domingo Brown Martinique.. M
m oru d4, I. or / Mayflower deep pPk 248,
Marathon... M s.O 50 Martinique p d.pPk 251
Marble P d.gy.G 151 Martius Yellow M l.gY 101 Mazarine Blue (same as deep pB 197
Marble Green... _. M gSlack 157 Martius Yellow.. R l.gY 101 Bellflower)
Marco Polo P m.gB 173 Marygold (same as Cad- M S.O 50 Mazarine Blue brill. B 177, I.B181
Marguerite Yellow... M p.YG 121 mium Orange) Pale Mazarine Blue v.p.B 184. p.B 185,
Marguerite Yellow R p.Y 89 Mascara M m.rBr 43 v.p.pB 202,
Marie Antomette M l.6y.R18. gy.Rig Madder Indian Red, p.pB 203
Marigold.. T s.OY 68 Tuscan Red Meadowbrook (same as M d.gy.G 151, d.bG 165
Bright Marigold T v.OY 66. s.OY 68 Mascot (same as Romany) M d.gy.B 18/. Bottle Green)
Marigold Orange H v.rO 34. v.O 48, DiacKish b 188, Meadowgrass M I
d.yG 137, d.gy.G 151
s.O 50 d.pB 201, Meadow [Green] M d.yG 137
.... D mn
Marigold |Yellow| (same s.O 50 gy.pB Z04 Meadow Green P !
brill.G 140, I.G144
as Cadmium Orange) Massicot |Yellow| (same M p.Y 89 Meadow Green R I

m.yG 135
Marine (Blue| d.B 183. m.pB 200, as Lead Ochre) Meadowlark (same as M [
gy.yBr 80
R 1 V oc w, V on
Purple Navy d.pB 201 Massicot Yellow l.Y 86, p.Y 89 Acorn)
Marine Blue P m.gB 173. d.gB 174 Mast Colour M brO 54 Meadow Mist P p.G 149
Marine Blue R m.B 182 Mastic. M I.OIBr 94 Meadowpink M m.pR 258, gy.pR 262
Marine Corps Blue P d.B 183 Matelot (same as Olym- M deep B 179 Meadowsweet M gy.R 19
Marine Corps M gy.pB 204 pian Blue) Meadow Violet M i s.P 218, s.rP237
Marine Corps TC d.B 183 Malhew's Blue . . R s.B 178 Meat. Mince (see Mince P
Marine Glow P v.p.G 148 Mathew's Purple R s.P 218, m.P223 Meat)
Marine Green (same as F d.OIBr96 Matrix M m.bG 164 Mecca (same as Mohawk) M j
m.rBr 43, m.Br 58
Olive Orab (USA 108)) Mauve_ H brill. P 217. S.P 218 Medal Bronze (same as M m.yBr 77, I.OIPr 94
Marine Green... M d.G 146, d.gy.G 151 Mauve_ R brill.V 206 Calabash)
Maris M d.gy.G 151. d.bG 165 Mauve. S m.rP241 Medal Bronze m.OIBr 95
Market Green P v.p.G 148 Mauve TC s.P 218 Medici Blue bGy 191
Marmora _ M m.bG 164 Mauve. Dahlia (see Dahlia M Medici Blue bGy 191
Marocain (same as Coco- M gy.Br 61 Mauve) Dark Medici Blue d.bGy 192
nut) Mauve. Dusty (see Dusty T Deep Medici Blue.. bGy 191
Marone (same as Chest- gy.Br 51 Mauve) Light Medici Blue.. gy.B 186
nut) Mauve, Iris (see Iris M Pale Medici Blue p.B 185. l.bGy 19J,
Maroon (AN 510) (same deep rBr 41 Mauve) bGy 191
as Maroon (USA 103)) Light Mauve P m.Pk 5. mipPk 250 Mediterranian m.bG 164
Maroon (USA 103) F 1010 ,
deep rBr 41 LightMauve.. R I.V 210 Meerschaum (same as l.gy.yBr 79
Maroon (AN 510) Mauve. Mellow (see Mel- P Gravel)
Maroon (USA 310)... F 3015 gy.rBr 46 low Mauve) Mehal (same as Cocoa m.Br 58
Maroon H v.d.R 17 Mauve. Old (see Old M Brown)
Maroon M d.R 16, deep rBr 41, Mauve) same as Clover).
Melilot( M m.rP241
Dregs of Wine, Wine d.rBr 44 Mauve. Opal (see Opal M Meline (same as Canary M m.Y 87
Dregs, Wine Lees Mauve) lYellowl)
Maroon. MUP v.deep R 14 Mauve. Opera (see Opera M, P Melleus B m.0Y71, s.yBr74
Maroon R d.rBr 44 Mauve) l.yBr 76, m.yBr 77,
Maroon S d.R 16, d.pR 259 Mauve, Orchid (see Orchid P m.Y 87. d.Y 88,
Mtroon T v.d.R 17. d.gy.R 20, Mauve) I.OIBr 94
d.rBr 44 Pale Mauve.. R v.p.P 226 Mello-Mauve M l.gy.R 18
Maroon TC d.R 16, d.pR 259 Mauve. Pastel (see Pastel H Melluw Buff P p.OY 73, p.Y 89

Maroon (USA) TC d.gy.R 20 Mauve) Mellowglow M m.OY 71

Mauve, Rose (see Rose T Mellow Green P l.gY 101
Maroon. Aztec (see Aztec M
Mauve) Mellow Mauve... P gy.pR 262
Mauve. Shadow (see P Mellow Mood P p.P 227
Maroon. Chocolate (see M
Shadow Mauve) Mellow Yellow P l.Y 86, p.Y 89.
Chocolate Maroon)
Mauve Blush (same as M brPk 33. l.gy.yBr 79, l.gY 101, p.gY 104
Deep Maroon T d.gy.R 20. d.rBr 44, Atmosphere) yGy 93 Melodious P p.B 185
d. gy.rBr 47 M
Mauve Castor d.rGy 23 Melon M s.yPk 26
Maroon. French (see M Mauve Decade P gy.pR 252 Melon, Persian (see Per- M, P
French Maroon) Mauve Dust M d.rGy 23 sian Melon)
Maroon. Hay's (see Hay's R Mauveglow M l.gy.R 18 Melon Pink TC v.yPk 25
Maroon) Mauve Gray T gy.P 228 Melon Yellow T I.OY 70. m.OY 71

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Bright Melon Yellow. S.OY68, m.0Y71 Milano Blue gy.B 186, p.pB 203 Mist, Green River (see
Light Melon Yellow p.OY 73 Milk White yWhite 92 Green River Mist)
Memory Lane gWhite 153 Milky Blue l.gB 172 Mist,Lavender (see Lav-
Mephisto m.R 15 Milky Green gWhite 153 ender Mist)
Merida (same asSuntan). I.Br 57, l.yBr76. Milwaukee Brick p.OY 73, p.Y 89 Mist, Mauve (see Mauve
m.yBr 77 Mimeosa Yellow brill.gY 98 Mist)
Merle (same as Drake)... d.gB 174 Mimosa (same as Citron I.Y 86 Mist,Meadow (see Mea-
Mermaid gy.YG 122 [YellowD dow Mist)
Merry Green v.G 139 Mimosa Yellow v.gY 97, brill.gY 98, Mist, Morning (see Morn-
Mesa (same as Oakwood) m.Br 58 I gY 101 ing Mist)
MSsange p.G 149 Mince Meat P gy.rBr 46 Mist. Orchid (see Orchid
Titmouse Blue Mindoro M I.Br 57 Mist)
Metal (same as Moon- l.6y 264 Mineral Bister (same as M m.Br 58 Mist, Pink (see Pink Mist)
beam) Clove) Mist, Rainbow (see Rain-
Metal. Gun (see Gun Mineral Blue (same as M(36K7) m.B 182 bow Mist)
Metal) Ceramic) Mist, River (see River
Metal Brown (same as m.rBr 43, gy.rBr 46 Mineral Blue (same as M (36L8) deep gB 170, Mist)
Piccadilly) Antwerp Blue) m.B 182 Mist, Rose (see Rose Mist) P, T
Metallic Brown (MA) deep rBr 41 Mineral Gray R gy.YG 122 Mist, Scotch (see Scotch P
(sam3 as Red Deck Light Mineral Gray R l.gGy 154 Mist)
(MA)) Mineral Green (same as M m.yG 136 Mist,Sea (see Sea Mist). M, P
Metallic Brown (PC) deep rBr 41, Malachite Green) Mist, White (see White P
(same as Brown Strip- deep Br 56 Mineral Green R s.YG 117 Mist)
ing (N 41)) Mineral Grey M l.gGy 154 Mist, Wisteria (see Wis- P
Metallic Green m.OI 107 Mineral Orange (same as M v.rO 34 teria Mist)
Metallic Grey pGy 233 Fire Red) Mist, Yellow (see Yellow P
Granite Mineral Pitch (same as M d.gy.yBr 81 Mist)
MetallicRed (USA 104) deep rBr 41 Congo |Brown|) Mist Blue (same as Cameo M l.yG 135, I.G 144,
(same as Red Boot- Mineral Purple (same as M deep rBr 41 Gref n) p.G 149
topping (PC)) India Red) Mist Blue T p.B 185, gy.B 186
M6tallique OIGy 113 Mineral Red M gy.R 19 Mist Brown (same as T gy.yBr80, m.OIBr95
Methyl Blue v.B 176 Mineral Red R gy.R 19 Beige Brown)
Light Methyl Blue brill. B 177, s.B 178 Dark Mineral Red R gy.R 19, d.gy.R 20 Misted Yellow P m.Y 87
Pale Methyl Blue 1.6 181 Mineral Rouge (same as M s.rBr 40, s.Br 55 Mist Green T I.YG 119, p.YG 121,
Pallid Methyl Blue v.l.B 180 Tarragona) l.yG 135,
Methyl Green s.bG 160, m.bG 164 Mineral Violet H S.P218 v.p.G 148,
Methyl Violet v.V 205 Mineral Violet (same as M s.P 218 p.G 149
Mexican (same as Yuca- brO 54, s.yBr 74 Manganese Violet) Mist (Grey] M rGy 22
tan) Mineral Yellow (same as M (10K3) brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Mistiblu TC gy.B 186
Mexican Red (same as brO 54, I.Br 57 Lemon |Yellowl) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Mistletoe M gy.YG 122
Raw Sienna) Mineral Yellow (same as M (11L7) m.OY 71 Mistletoe P m.YG 120,
Mexico m.rBr 43, s.Br 55 Yellow Ochre) gy.YG 122
Miami Sand (same as Bi- l.gy.yBr 79, I.OIBr 94 Ming P s.G 141 Mistletoe Gray gy.YG 122.
arritz) Ming Green M s.G 141 gy.OIG 127
Michigan. d.bG 165 Miniature Pink M p.yPk 31, gy.yPk 32 Light Mistletoe Gray gy.YG 122
Microcllne Green v.p.G 148 Reveree Mistletoe Green gy.YG 122,
Microcline Green v.l.bG 162 Miniatus V.rO 34, S.rO 35, gy.OIG 127
Middle Stone (same as d.gy.Y 91 m.rO 37, d.rO 38 Light Mistletoe Green gy.YG 122
Honey |Yellow|) Minium (same as Fiery V.rO 34 Misty Blue (same as l.yG 135, I.G 144,
Middle Stone (AN 615) I.OIBr 94 Red) Cameo Green) p.G 149
(same as Middlestone Mint d.G 146, d.bG 165 Misty Cream p.Y 89, yWhite 92
(USA 304)) Chinese Green Misty Green... gy.YG 122
Middlestone (USA 304)... I.OIBr 94 Mint Green I.G 144 Misty Jade l.gY 101, p.gY 104,
Middle Stone (AN 615) Bright Mint Green brill.G 140 I.YG 119
Middy M d.B 183 Light Mint Green v.l.G 143, I.G 144 Misty Lilac. I.P 222, p.P 227
Midnight M d.gy.P 229 Pale Mint Green v.l.G 143, v.p.G 148 Misty Morn.. _. l.gy.rBr45, l.gy.Br60
Midnight P d.B. 183. d.gy.B 187 Mint Leaf deep yG 132, Misty Morn. yWhite 92,
Midnight TC blackish B 188 d.yG 137, gWhite 153,
Midnight Blue T d.B 183, d.gy.B 187, brill.G 140, White 263
blackish B 188, s.G 141, m.G 145 Misty Rose p.yPk 31
d.bGy 192. Mintleaf TC s.yG 131 Mitis Green (same as brill.G 140
bBlack 193, Mint Lime P l.yG 135, v.p.G 148 Emerald Green)
d.pB 201, Minuet M I.V 210 Mittler's Green (same as d.bG 165
blackish P 230, Mirabelle M m.O 53, m.OY 71 Guignet's Green)
d.pGy 234, Mirador (sam Art M d.Br 59 Moccasin (same as m.Br 58
Black 267 Brown) Cochin)
Midnight Bronze m.OI 10 Mirage (same as Beige l.yBr 76 Mocha (same as Bark) d.OIBr 96
Midnight Sun s.rO 35 SoirSe) Mocha Bisque m.Br 58
Chrome Scarlet, Russet Mission White p.yPk31, p.OY 73 Mode Beige (same as I.OIBr 94
Orange Mist, Agean (see Agean Drab)
Midseason v.p.P 226 Mist) Modest l.gGy 154
Mignon... m.P 223 Mist, Blue (see Blue Mist) Mogul I.V210
Mignonette m.YG 120 Mist, Bronze (see Bronze Mohawk m.rBr 43, m.Br 58
Mignonette [Green] (same 1.01 106 Mist)
Etruscan,Mecca, Tus-
as Reseda |Green|) can Brown
Mist, Desert (see Desert
Mignonette Green I.OI 106 Mohawk m.rBr 43
Mignon Green m.YG 120 Mohawk Trail d.gy.G 151
Mist, English (see English
Mikado. S.rO 35,s.O 50 Mole d.Gy 266
Mikado Brown (same as m.Br 58 Oxford Gray
Stroller Tan) Mist, Golden (see Golden Monaco m.bG 164
Mikado Brown I.Br 57
Mist) Monac l.bG 163
Mikado Orange m.O 53 Mist, Gray (see Gray Mist) Monastral Blue d.B 183. m.pB 200
Mikado Orange.. s.O 50 Mist, Green (see Green Monet Blue deep (.8 197,
Milano Blue gy.B 186 Mist) m.pB 200

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial
Colcr name Source Color name oource Color name Source
number from
number from sec. number from sec. sec.
14 14 14

Monicon (same as M s.yPk 26, m.rO 37, Moss [Green]. M I.OI 106, m.YG 120 Murrey (same as Mul- pBlack 235
Capucine Lake) s.O 50, m.O 53 Mousse berry)
Monkey Skin M l.rBr 42 Moss Green.. T m.YG 120, Muscade I.Br 57
Doe-skin Brown m.OIG 125, Woodland Rose
Monkshood M gy.V 215 gy.OIG 127, Muscovite d.gGy 156
Monsignor M s.P 218. deep P 219 d.yG 137 Muse... I.YG 119
Monsignor P s.rP 237 Light Moss Green T I.OI 106 Mushroom (same as brGy 64
Monsoreau (same as M m.R 15 Moss Grey M l.gy.OI 109 Beaver)
Swiss Rose) Moss Pink M gy.pR 262 Mushroom p.Y 89, yWhite 92
Monte Carlo (same as M s.bG 160, m.bG 164 Moss Rose... M deep Pk 3, d.Pk 6 Musk (same as Cattail)... d.gy.yBr 81
Olympia) Mosstone TC m.YG 120 Musketeer. d.B 183, d.pB 201,
Montella M d.gy.Br 62, Mosstone (USA) TC m.YG 120 gy.pB 204
d.gy.yBr 81 Mosul M I.Br 57, m.Br 58, Muskmelon gy.rO 39, m.O 53
Monterey M d.rO 38 m.yBr 77 Muskrat (same as Falcon). d.gy.Br 62
Monticello Green M d.yG 137 Moth p yGy 93. p.YG 121 Mustang gy.yBr 80
Monticeilo Green P d.yG 137 Moth [Grey] (same as M gy.Y 90 Sphinx
Monticello Rose P m.yPk 29 Sheepskin) Mustard d.Y 88,
Montpellier Green (same M m.yG 136 Motmot Blue M s.gB 169 Mustard d.Y 88, I.OIBr 94
as Verdigris [Green]) Motmot Blue R m.gB 173 Mustard Brown m.Br 58
Montpellier Green R l.G 144, m.G 145 Motmot Green M m.yG 136, i.G 144 Mustard Brown m.OIBr 95, m.OI 107
Montpellier Yellow (same M brill.Y83, S.Y84, Motmot Green. R s.yG 131, m.yG 136 Mustard Cream _. I.Y 86, p.Y 89
as Lemon [Yellow]) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Mountain Blue (same as M m.B 182 Mustard Gold. deep Y 85. d.Y 88.
Montrose Yellow P brill.YG 116 Ceramic) I.OIBr 94
Mood Beige P gy.Y 90 Mountain Green (same as M d.gy.G 151 Mustard Tan... I.OIBr 94, m.OI 107
Mood Lilac P m.P 223 Forest) (24A11) Light Mustard Tan d.gy.Y 91, I.OIBr 94,
Mood Violet. P gy.P 228 Mountain Green (same as M(28A9) m.yG 136 I.OI 106
Moonbeam M I.Gy 264 Malachite Green) Mustard [Yellow] m.Y 87
Granite Blue. Metal, Mountain Haze p m.Pk 5 Mustard Yellow S.Y 84
Pearl, Pearl Blue, Mountain Peak Blue P v.p.B 184 Muted Yellow I.Y 86, l.gYlOl
Pearl White Mountain Top ., p gy.OIG 127, Mutrie Yellow (same as v.gY 97, brill.gY 98
Moonbeam.- P l.pGy 232 d.gy.OIG'l28 Cadmium Lemon)
Moonlight (same.as Flesh) M p.OY 73, yGy 93 Mountain Yellow (same as M m.OY 71 Myosotis Blue (same as p.B 185, gy.B 186
Moonlight P p.yPk 31 Yellow Ochre) Forget-me-not [Blue])
Moonlight Bay P v.l.bG 162 Mt. Vernon Green !
M m.OIG 125 Myrtle TC d.G 146
Moonlight Blue (same as M gy.B 186 Mouse (same as Beige ;
T OIGy 113, Myrtle [Green] M d.gy.G 151,
Infantry) Gray) med.Gy 265 Baltic d.bG 165
Moonlit Blue._ P v.p.B 184, l.bGy 190 Mouse-dun (same as M brGy 64 Myrtle Green P gy.G 150
Moonlit Water P p.B 185, p.pB 203 Grey 31) Myrtle Green , R d.bG 165
Moonmist M yGy 93 Mouse Gray R l.brGy 63 Myrtle Green S m.bG 164, d.bG 165
Moonmist.-. P pkGy 10 Mouse Gray, Blackish (see R Myrtle Green. T d.yG 137, m.G 145,
Moonstone Blue T p.pB 203 Blackish Mouse Gray) d.G 146
Moorish Blue. H v.V 205 Dark Mouse Gray R brGy 64, d.Gy 266 Mystic Blue P v.p.B 184
Moorish Red.. M s.O 50 Deep Mouse Gray R brGy 54, med.Gy 265, Mystic Purple P m.rp 241
Moose M d.gy.OI 111 d.Gy 266 Mystic White P bWhite 189
MordorS (same as Pencil- M m.rBr 43, m.Br 58 LightMouse Gray R l.brGy 63 Myth P v.p.P 226
wood) PaleMouse Gray R l.brGy 63, yGy 93 Myth Blue P gy.B 186, d.bGy 192
Morea Berries (same as M s.OY 68, m.OY 71 PallidMouse Gray R pkGy 10, I.Gy 264 Mytho Green M m.YG 120, gy.YG 122
Ta-Ming) Mouse [Grey] (same as M brGy 64 Mytho Green R m.YG 120, gy.YG 122
Morello (same as Mul- M pBlack 235 Grey 31) Nabob P d.gy.G 151,
berry) Mousse (same as Moss M I.OI 106, m.YG 120 d.gy.B 187,
Moresco M s.O 50, m.O 53 (Greenj) d.bGy 192
Morillon (same as Palm).. M m.YG 120 Mud, Paris (see Paris M Nacarat (same as Spark). v.R 11
Morning Blue M p.G 149. l.gGy 154 Mud) Nacarine (same as Spark). v.R 11
Morning Dawning Yellow M s.yPk 26, Muffin (same as Hazel). _ M I.Br 57, s.yBr 74 Naiad l.G 144
(same as Aurora deep yPk 27, Mulberry M pBlack 235 Naid brill.bG 159,
[Orange]) m.rO 37 Morello, Murrey V.l.bG 162,
Morning Glory M p.rP 244 Mulberry p gy.P 228 l.bG 163
Morning Glory P deep pPk 248 Mulberry T d.P 224 Naive gWhite 153
Morning Mist. P brPk 33 Mulberry Fruit M v.d.R 17, Nankeen [Yellow].. I.Y 86, m.Y 87,
Moroccan... M d.R 16, d.rO 38 blackish R 21 Giallolini, Giallolino, p.Y 89, gy.Y 90
Morocco (same as Briar- M d.gy.Br 62 Mulberry Purple... M d.P 224 Naples Yellow, Nea-
wood) Camerier politan Yellow
Morocco Red (same as M d.R 16. s.rBr 40, Mulberry Purple R deep P 219, d.F 224 Naphthalene Violet. d.rP 242
Cauldron) m.rBr 43 Mummy (same as Congo M(8H11) d.gy.yBr 81 Dark Naphthalene Violet.. d.gy.P 229,
Morocco Red R m.rBr 43 [Brown]) d.rP 242
Morocco Sand (same as M l.yBr 76 Mummy M (14J9) m.yBr 77 Naphthalene Yellow l.gY 101, p.gY 104
Polo Tan) Mummy Brown (same as M(7E11) m.Br 58 Naples Red (same as Bole). M (5F11) m.rBr 43
Moro Red M m.rBr 43 Trofteur Tan) Naples Red (same as In- M (6L12) s.rBr 40
Kettledrum, Manzanita Mummy Brown (same as M (15C8) gy.Br 61, gy.yBr 80 dian Red)
Morro (same as Granada). M d.gy.rBr 47, Chukker Brown) Naples Yellow brill.Y83, I.Y 86
d.gy.Br 62 Mummy Brown R d.yBr 78, Naples Yellow (same as I.Y 86, m.Y 87,
Mort d'ore (same as Pen- M m.rBr 43, m.Br 58 Munich Lake (same as M v.R 11, s.R 12 Nankeen jYellow|) p.Y 89, gy.Y 90
cilwood) Carmine) Naples Yellow I.Y 86
Mosaic Blue u
M m.B 182 Muraille (same as Oak- M m.Br 58 Ncpoleon deep pB 197
Mosque M S.Br 55 wood) Napoleon Blue deep B 179
Moss, Green (see Green P Murillo M m.B 182 Helvetia Blue
Moss) Copper Blue Napcli d.gB 174
Moss. Old (see Old Moss). M Murinus... B brGy 64, d.yBr 78, Narcissus. S.Y 84, m.Y 87
Moss. Sea (a) (see Sea med.Gy 265, Nariawood (same as Rasp- m.R 15
Moss (a)) M d.Gy 266 berry Red)
Moss, Sea (b) (see Sea Murinus (same as Grey M brGy 64 Narva (same as Banshee). d.gy.G 151
Moss (b)) 31) Nasturtium brill.OY 67
Moss Gray |
T gy.G 150 Wurmur P p.Y 89, yGy 93 Nasturtium Buff m.OY 71


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Color name Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Nasturtium Orange s.O 50 Pale Neropalin Blue v.p.B 184 Nile Blue l.bG 163
Nasturtium Red v.rO 34 Neutral p.Y 89, yWhite 92 Nile Blue l.bG 163
Nasturtium |Redl d.rO 38 Neutral Gray med.Gy 265 Pale Nile Blue.. v.l.bG 162
Nasturtium Red s.rO 35 Dark Neutral Gray d.Gy 266 Nile )Green) m.YG120, gy.YG122,
Light Coral Red, Sunset Deep Neutral Gray d.Gy 266 Boa, Eau-de-Nile l.yG 135
Red Dusky Neutral Gray d.Gy 266 Bright Nile Green brill.yG 130, l.yG 135
Nasturtium [Yellow) (same M s.O 50, m.O 53, Light Neutral Gray med.Gy 265 Light Nile Green v.l.yG 134, l.yG 135
as Cadmium Yellow) s.OY 68, m.OY 71 Pale Neutral Gray med.Gy 265 Pale Nile Green v.l.yG 134. v.p.G 148
Nasturtium Yellow T s.OY 68 Pallid Neutral Gray I.Gy 264 Nimbus (same as Nickle) med.Gy 265
Brite Maize Neutral Orange (same as deep 0 51 Nipoon d.B 183
Natal Brown (same as M gy.Br 61 Bittersweet Orange) Nocturne l.pGy 232
New Cocoa) Neutral Red d.R d.pR 259
16, Noel d.gy.G 151
Natal Brown R gy.Br 61 Neutral Red d.pR 259, gy.pR 262 Noisette (same as Hazel). I.Br 57, s.yBr74
National |Bluel M deep B 179, m.B 182 Neutral Tint Black 267 Nomad Brown (same as d.Br 59
Bleu de Lyons Neuvider Green l.yG 135, I.G 144 Java)
National Flag Blue TC d.pB 201 Neuwieder Green Nomad Brown d.gy.Br 62
National Grey (same as M med.Gy 265 Neuvider Green l.yG 135 Nopal Red s.R 12
Cement) Neuwied Blue (same as m.bG 164 Norfolk (same as Choco- d.gy.Br 62
National School Bus F v.OY 66 Bremen Blue) late)
Chrome Neuwieder Blue (same as m.bG 164 Normandy d.B 183, d.pB 201,
Native Blue p d.bG 165 Bremen Blue) Hankow gy.pB 204
Nattier M l.pB 199 Neuwieder Green (same as l.yG 135, I.G 144 Normandy Blue p.G 149
Natural (same as Flesh). M p.OY 73, yGy 93 Neuvider Green) Norse Blue brill.B 177,
Natural.. T yGy 93 Neva Green S.YG117, brill.yG130 brill.pB 195
Natural TC vGv 93 Neva Green. _ brill.YG 116 North Blue s.gB 169
Navaho IVI v.O 48. s.O 50 I
New Blue (same as Arti- s.B 178, s.pB 196 Northern Skies v.p.B 184
Navy d.B 183 ficial Ultramarine) North Green gy.G 150, m.bG 164
blackish B 188, New Blue bWhite 189 North Sea d.bGy 192
d pB 201 New Bronze m.Br 58, gy.Br 61, Norway Pine m.yG 136
Navy. T d.B 183, d.gy.B 187, Brussels Brown, Cowboy m.yBr 77, gy.yBr 80 Nougat l.gy.Br 60,
d.pB201, New Cocoa... gy.Br 61 Burlwood l.gy.yBr 79
d.gy.P 229 Brown
Natal Nubian (same as London Black 267
Bright Navy. T deep 8 179, m.B 182, New Hay gy.OIG 127 Smoke)
d.B 183, m.pB 200 Newport (same as Skat- d.gB 174 Nubian Brown gy.Br 61
Dark Navy.. T d.B 183, gy.B 186, ing) Nude brPk 33, p.OY 73,
d.gy.B 187, New Silver. M(llBl) p.Y 89, gy.Y 90, Seasan l.yBr 76,
blackish B 188, yGy 93, p.YG 121 l.gy.yBr 79
New Silver M(37A2) med.Gy 265 Nude TC l.gy.yBr 79
bBlack 193, Argent, Dawn Grey Nude, Bronze(see Bronze M
d.pB 201. Neyron Rose H deep pPk 248 Nude)
Niagara M IgB 172 Nude, French (see French M, P
d.pGy 234, Niagara P brill.gB 168 Nude)
Niagara Green M l.bG 163 Nude, Rose (see Rose M, P
Navy, Greenish (see A Niagara Green R p.G 149, l.bG 163 Nude)
Greenish Navy) Light Niagara Green R l.bG 163 Nude Tan T m.yPk 29, I.Br 57
Light Navy J d.B 183, d.pB 201, Pale Niagara Green R v.p.G 148 Nugget (same as Bronze M m.O 53, d.OY72
p.pB 203, Nicaraguawood (same as M m.R 15, gy.R 19 Yellow)
Rosevale) Nugget Gold T S.Y84, deep Y 85
Navy, Purple (see Purple M Nice (same as Quimper). M gy.B 186 Nugget Gold TC deep Y 85
Navy) Nickel TC rGy 22, med.Gy 265 Nuncio M m.P223
Navy, Reddish (see Red- A Nickel Green.. H brill.G 140 Nuremberg Red (same as M m.rBr 43
dish Navy) Nickel Green R m.G 145. gy.G 150 Bole)
Navy 1- M d.gy.B 187 Nickle M med. Gy 265 Nuremberg Violet (same M S.P218
Navy 1 TC d.B 183 Nimbus as Manganese Violet)
Navy 2 M blackish P 230 Nickle Green d.gy.G 151 Nut, Cashew (see Cashew M
Oxford Blue Frosty Green Nut)
Navy 2.. TC d B 183 Niger brGy64, 0IGyll3, Nutmeg (same as Dark M m.Br 58, gy.Br 61
Navy 3. IVI d.gy.B 187, d.gy.B 187, Beaver)
d.gy.P 229, Nutria (same as Beaver- M OIGy 113
Navy Blue M d.pB 201, gy pB 204 d.pGy 234, pelt)
Navy Blue m nR ?nn pu nR ?0& d.Gy 266, Nymphea M m.P 223
Navy Gray (N 7) F d.Gy 266 Black 267 Nymph Green P p.gY 104, I.YG 119
Deep Navy Gray(Y&D21) F d.Gy 266 Night Blue d.gB 174 Nymph (Pink) M s.Pk 2, m.Pk 5
(same as Engine Gray Night Blue gy.B 186, d.gy.B 187 Nymph Pink P m.pPk 250
(AN 513)) Night Cloud bWhite 189 Oad (same as Woad).. .. . M gy.B 185
LightNavy Gray (Y&D 19). p meu.uy cuj Night Fighter d.bGy 192, Oak, Autumn (see Au- M
Haze Gray(N) d.pGy 234, tumn Oak)
Medium Navy Gray (Y&D F med.Gy 265 d.Gy 266 Oak, English (see English M
20) Night Green R v.YG 115 Oak)
Rod and Tire Gray Night Horizon P bBlack 193, Black 267 Oak, Laurel (see Laurel M
(PC) Night Magic P p.P 227 Oak)
Neapolitan Blue M gy.pB 204 Nightshade M d.V 212, d.gy.P 229 Light Oak P l.yBr 76
Neapolitan Yellow (same M I.Y 86, m.Y 87, Nightshade P d.gy.P 229, Oak, Rose (see Rose Oak). M
as Nankeen (Yellowl) p.Y 89, gy.Y 90 d.pGy 234 Oak, Weathered (see M
Nectar M gy.R 19 Night Watch P blackish G 152 Weathered Oak)
Nectarine (same as Peach) M l.yPk28, m.yPk29 Nigrosin Blue R gy.pB 204 Oak (Brown) S.Br 55, m.Br 58
Negro M d.gy.yBr 81, Nigrosin Violet R d.P224 Briar
Iron, Iron Brown, St. Black 267 Dark Nigrosin Violet R d.P224 Oak Brown S.Br 55, m.Br 58
Benoit Nikko (same as China M m.B 182, gy.B 186 Oakbuff I.Br 57, l.yBr 76,
Neon Blue P brill.gB 168 Blue) m.yBr 77
Neopolitan Night P m.B 182, m.pB 200 Nil P White 263 Oak (Green) (same as I.OI 106
Neptune (Green) M I.G 144, m.G 145 Nile TC 1.YG119, m.YG120 Laurel Green)
Neropalin Blue R LB 181 Nile, River (see River P Oakheart (same as Chev- gy.R 19, m.rBr 43
Light Neropalin Blue R p.B 185 Nile) reuse)


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec, number from sec.
14 14 14

Oak Leaf gy.OIG 127 Ochre, Red (see Red M Old Rose p d.Pk 6
Oakleaf Brown (same as deep 0 51, brO 54, Ochre) Old Rose... R m.R 15
Feuille Morte) S.Br 55 Ochre, Roman (see Roman M Old Rose T d.Pk 6, gy.R 19
Oakwood m.Br 58 Ochre) Old Rose TC d.Pk 6
Cartouche, Durango, Ochre, Ru (see Ru Ochre). M Light Old Rose.. P s.yPk 26
Mesa, Muraille Ochre, Rut(see Rut Ochre) M Old Roseleaf M d.R 16
Oakwood TC m.Br 58 Ochre, Scarlet (see Scarlet M Chocolate Maroon,
Oasis M I.OI 106, m.YG 120 Ochre) Cuyahoga Red
Oasis. Green (see Green P Ochre, Spanish (seeSpan- M Old Silver. med.Gy 265
Oasis) ish Ochre) Old Wine d.R 16, gy.R 19,
Oatmeal (same as Biscuit) T gy.Y 90 Ochre, Spruce (see Spruce M d.pR 259
Obscuro-Virens B m.OI 107. gy.OI 110. Ochre) Old Wood gy.R 19
m.OIG 125. Ochre, Transparent Gold M Olivaceo-Bubalinus. p.Y 89, gy.Y 90
gy.OIG 127. (see Transparent Gold Olivaceo-Citrinus. . deep Y 85, d.Y 88,
m.G 145.d.G146, Ochre) I.OIBr 94,
gy.G150.d.gy.G151 Ochre, Yellow (see Yellow H, M m.OIBr 95,
Ocean Gray (BuOrd) gy.B 186 Ochre) d.gY 103, I.OI 106,
Ocean Gray (N 17) med.Gy 265 Ochre de Ru (same as Yu- brO 54, S.yBr 74 m.OI 107
Ocean Gray (USA 330) catan) Olivaceo-Grlseus. gy.OI 110. I.OIGyll2,
Ocean Gray (USA 330) med.Gy 265 Ochre Red d.rO 38 OIGy 113
(same as Ocean Gray Octoroon Rose gy.R 19, l.gy.rBr 45 Olivaceo-Niger... 0IGyll3, gy.OIG 127,
(N17)) Oil Blue__ v.pB 194 d.gy.OlG 128,
Ocean Green l.yG 135 Horace Vernet's Blue d.gGy 156,
Ocean Wave l.bG 163 Oil Green (same as Mala- m.yG 136 d.Gy 266
Ocher. Yellow (see Yellow chite Green) Olivaceous (same as Olive m.OI 107
Ocher) Oil Green m.YG 120 |Green|)
Ocher Red (same as gy.R 19 Oil Yellow m.gY 102 Olivaceous Black (1)... OIGy 113
Athenia) Oil Yellow.. ._ d.gY 103 Olivaceous Black (2)... gy.OIG 127,
Ocher Red gy.R 19 Oker de Luce (same as brO 54, S.yBr 74 d.gy.OlG 128
Ochraceous (same as Yel- m.OY 71 Yucatan) Olivaceous Black (3). OIGy 113, d.Gy 266
low Ochre) Oker de Luke (same as brO 54, S.yBr 74 Olivaceus... gy.yBr 80,
Ochraceous-Buff l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29 Yucatan) d.gy.yBr 81,
Light Ochraceous-Buff m.OY 71 Oker de Rouse (same as brO 54, S.yBr 74 d.Y 88, d.gy.Y 91.
Pale Ochraceous-Buff l.yPk 28 Yucatan) I.OIBr 94,
Ochraceous-Orange s.OY 68. Old Amethyst (same as d.R 16, d.pR259 m.OIBr 95,
deep OY 69 Sultana) d.gY 103, I.OI 106,
Ochraceous-Saimon m.O 53 Old Blue (same as Bleu p.B 185. gy.B 186, m.OI 107, gy.OI 110
Light Ochraceous-Salmon. p.OY 73 Pass6) bGy 191 Olive. I.OI 106, m.OI 107.
Pale Ochraceous-Salmon_ p.OY 73, p.Y 89 Old Blue TC p.B 185 d.Ol 108,
Ochraceous-Tawny d.OY 72, s.yBr 74 Old Bronze M I.OIBr 94, I.OI 106 l.gy.OI 109,
Ochraceus _ l.yPk 28. Old Burgundy M d.rBr44, d.gy.rBr47 gy.OI 110,
m.yPk 29, s.O 50, Old Burgundy P blackish R 21 d.gy.OI 111
m.O 53. s.OY 68. Old Cedar (same as Cas- M m.rBr 43 Olive R m.OI 107,
deep OY 69, tilian Brown) gy.OI 110
d.OY 72 Old China M gy.B 186. gy.pB 204 Olive _. S m.OIBr 95, gy.OI 110,
Ochre (same as Yellow m.OY 71 Old China _ TC m.B 182 gy.YG 122,
Ochre) Old Coral... M m.R 15 m.OIG 125
Ochre deep 0 51. m.O 53, Jasper Red Olive _. SC I.OI 106. m.OI 107,
I.Br 57, brill.OY 67, Old Coral m.R 15 l.gy.OI 109,
m.OY 71, p.OY 73, Olde (same as Acacia) l.gY 101, m.gY 102 gy.OI 110
S.yBr 74. brill.Y 83. Old English Brown (same d.gy.yBr 81, Olive I.OI 106, m.OI 107,
s.Y 84. I.Y 86. as Broncho) m.OIBr 95, gy.OI 110
m.Y 87 d.OIBr96 Olive TC m.OIG 125
Ochre. Blue (see Blue M Old Glory Blue TC m.pB 200 Olive, Black (see Black T
Ochre) Old Glory Red TC v.R 11 Olive)
Ochre, Brown (see Brown M Old Gold M I.OI 106 Olive, Bluish (see Bluish A
Ochre) Old Gold P s.OY 68, m.OY 71, Olive)
Ochre, Burnt (see Burnt M S.Y 84 Olive, Brown (see Brown S
Ochre) Old Gold R d.Y 88, I.OIBr 94 Olive)
Ochre. Burnt Italian (see M Old Gold T deep Y 85. d.Y 88, Olive, Brownish (see A, R
Burnt Italian Ochre) I.OIBr 94 Brownish Olive)
Ochre, Burnt Roman (see M Old Gold TC d.Y 88 Olive, Buffy (see Buffy R
Burnt Roman Ochre) Old Gold (USA) _. TC m.Y 87 Olive)
Dark Ochre S I.OIBr 94 Old Helio... M d.P 224 Dark Olive _ R gy.OI 110

Ochre, English (see Eng- M Eveque, Madder Violet Dark Olive S gy.OI 110, OIGy 113,
lish Ochre) Old Ivory gy.Y 90, d.gy.Y 91, gy.OIG 127
Ochre. Flesh (see Flesh M I.OIBr 94 Dark Olive SC m.OI 107, d.Ol 108,
Ochre) Old Lavender pBlaCk 235 d.gy.OI 111
Ochre. French (see French M Old Lavender v.p.P 226 Dark Olive gy.OI 110,
Ochre) Old Lavender P.V214, gy.P228 d.gy.OI 111"
Ochre, Gold (see Gold M Old Lilac gy.P 228, gy.rP 245 OIGy 113,
Ochre) Old Master Green gX.OIG 127 gy.OIG 127
Ochre. Golden (see Golden M Old Mauve d.gy.P 229, d.pR259 Olive, Dark Grayish (see
Ochre) Old Moss [Green] 1.01 106 Dark Grayish Olive)
Ochre. Italian (see Italian M Lizard Bronze, Olive
Olive,Dark Greenish (see
Ochre) Yellow
Dark Greenish Olive)
Ochre, Lead (see Lead M Old Olive (same as Olive m.OIBr 95
m.OI 107,
Deep Olive gy.OI 110
Ochre, Orange (see Or- M Old Pink... I.Br 57
Olive,Deep Grayish (see
ange Ochre) Old Red.... deep R 13, m.R 15 Deep Grayish Olive)
Ochre, Oxford (see Oxford M Burnt Carmine, Burnt Olive, Drab (see Drab
Ochre) Crimson Lake, Burnt Olive)
Ochre, Purple (see Purple M Lake, Purple Lake Brownish (see
Olive, Dull
Ochre) Old Rose gy.R 19 Dull Brownish Olive)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Olive, Dusty (see Dusty Olive-Gray. l.gy.OI 109, Olive Yellow- deep gY 100,
Olive) I.OIGy 112 d.gY 103
Olive, Golden (see Golden Olive Gray. RC OIGy 113 Olivine l.yG 135
Olive) Olive Gray. S m.OI 107, I.OIGy 112, Olivine l.yG 135
Olive, Grayish (see Gray- OIGy 113. Pale Olivine v.p.G 148
ish Olive) gy.YG 122, Olympia s.bG160, m.bG164
Olive, Green (see Green gGy 155, d.gGy 156 Monte Carlo
Olive) Olive Gray. SC l.gy.OI 109, Olympian Blue deep B 179
Light Olive (BuOrd) F l.gy.OI 109 gy.OI 110, Matelot
Light Olive RC I.OI 106 I.OIGy 112 Olympian Green (same as m.yG 136
Light Olive T I.OI 106 Olive Gray l.gy.OI 109, Malachite Green)
Olive, Light Brownish (see R gy.OI 110, Olympic d.gy.B 187
Light Brownish Olive) I.OIGy 112, Olympic Blue (same as s.gB 169
Olive, Light Grayish (see OIGy 113, Cobalt Blue)
Light Grayish Olive) gy.OlG 127 Olympic Blue s.B 178
Olive, Light Yellowish(see Dark Olive-Gray... R gy.OI 110, OIGy 113 Ombre d.gy.B 187,
Light Yellowish Olive) Dark Olive Gray SC gy.OI 110 Black 267
Olive, Old (see Old Olive) M Dark Olive Gray T gy.OI 110, OIGy 113, Ondine p.G 149
Pale Olive RC l.gy.OI 109 gy.OIG 127 Onion-peel gy.R 19
Pale Olive SC d.gy.Y 91, Deep Olive-Gray R I.OIGy 112 Onion Red
l.gy.OI 109 Light Olive-Gray R yGy 93 Onion Red (same as gy.R 19
Olive, Saccaido's (see Light Olive Gray RC l.brGy 63, I.OIGy 112 Onion-peel)
Saccardo's Olive) Light Olive Gray SC l.gy.OI 109, Onion-skin Pink m.yPk 29, m.O 53,
Olive, Shadow (see I.OIGy 112 Sea Shell I.Br 57

Shadow Olive) Light Olive Gray T l.gy.OI 109 Onion-skin Pink m.yPk 29, m.O 53
Olive, Yellowish (see Yel- Pale Olive-Gray R yWhite 92, yGy 93 Ontario Violet p.pB 203
lowish Olive) Olive Green (USA 110) F d.OI 108 Blue Lavender
Olive Bistre deep OY 69, d.OY 72, Green (PO) Ontario Violet I.V 210
s.yBr 74, m.yBr 77, Olive (Green) m.OI 107 Odd (same as Acacia) l.gYlOl, m.gY 102
deep Y 85, m.Y 87, Olivaceous Opal m.bG 164
d.Y 88, p.Y 89, Olive-Green m.OI 107 Opal, Rose (see Rose
gy.Y 90, Olive Green d.Y 88. p.Y 89, Opal)
d.gy.Y 91, yGy 93. gy.Y 90, d.gy.Y 91, Opal Blue gy.B 186
I.OIBr 94, I.OI 106, yGy 93, Opal Green m.bG 164
I.OIGy 112, deep gY 100, Opal Grey rGy 22, med.Gy 265
gy.YG122, I.Gy264 I.OI 106, Opaline Green v.l.G143
Olive Black RC d.gy.OI 111, OIGy 113 m.OI 107, Opaline Green I.YG 119. p.YG 121
Olive Black S gy.OI 110, OIGy 113 l.gy.OI 109, Dull Opaline Green v.p.G 148
Olive Brown M m.OIBr 95 gy.OI 110, Opal Mauve.- pkGy 10
Bronze Nude, Old Olive I.OIGy 112, Opaq (same as Chromium m.yG 136
Olive-Brown R gy.yBr 80 OIGy 113, Oxide)
Olive Brown S m.Br 58, l.brGy 63, s.YG 117, Opera Blue d.B 183, m.pB 200
d.yBr78, m.YG 120, Opera Mauve l.rP 240
gy.yBr 80, gy.YG 122, Opera Mauve l.rP 240
d. gy.yBr 81. s.OIG 123, Opera Pink l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29,
m.OIBr 95, m.OIG 125, p.yPk 31,
gy.OI 110, OIGy 113 gy.OIG 127, gy.yPk 32
Olive Brown SC m OIBr 95, d.OIBr 96 gy.G 150, Opera Pink P l.yPk 28
Light Olive Brown RC I.OI 106 d.gy.G 151, Ophelia M (52F8) m.rP 241, gy.pR 262
Light OliveBrown SC I.OIBr 94 gGy 155, d.gGy 156 Ophelia M (53A7) gy.rP 245
Moderate Olive Brown RC m.OI 107 Olive Green m.OI 107, m.OIG 125 Oporto (same as Vine- M d.R 16, v.d.R 17
Olive-Buft_ R p.Y 89, gy.Y 90 Bright Oliver Green I.OI 106, m.OI 107, yard)
Dark Olive-Buff R d.gy.Y 91 m.YG 120, Orange brill.0 49, S.0 50,
Deep Olive-Buff. R gy.Y 90 m.OIG 125 deep 0 51, 1.0 52,

Pale Olive-Buff R p.Y 89 Dark Olive Green m.OIG 125 m.O 53, br0 54
Olive-Citrine R m.OI 107 Dark Olive Green m.OI 107, m.OIG 125, Orange (BuOrd) F s.rO 35
Olive Drab (AN 504) 1405 d.OIBr 96 d.OIG 126, Orange (USA 107) F 1210 v.rO 34
(same as Olive Drab gy.OIG 127 Red Lead and Oil (MA),
(USA 108)) Deep Olive Green S m.OIG 125 Vivid Orange (Y&D 15)
Olive Drab (AN 613) F 3412 gy.OI no Dusky Olive-Green R gy.OIG 127 Orange (USA 315) F 3205 s.O 50
(same as Olive Drab Light Olive Green S 1.01 106, s.YG 117, Orange H V.rO 34
(USA 319)) I.YG 119 Orange MUP V.rO 34
Olive Drab (PC) (same F d.OIBr 96 Light Olive Green T m.YG 120 Orange P s.O 50
as Olive Drab (USA Pale Olive Green S m.YG 120 Orange R s.O 50
108)) Olive Grey M gy.YG 122, gGy 155 Orange S v.yPk25, s.yPk26,
Olive Drab (USA 108) F 1405 d.OIBr 96 Scotch Grey l.yPk 28,
Marine Green, Olive Olive Hint P p.gY104, P.YG121 m.yPk 29,
Drab (AN 504), Olive Olive Lake R d.gy.Y 91, 1.01 106 V.rO 34, S.rO 35,
Drab (PC) Olive-Ocher R m.Y 87, d.Y 88 m.r0 37, v.O 48,
Olive Drab (USA 202) F 2430 d.OI 108 Olivesheen M d.gy.Y 91 brill.O 49, S.0 50,

Anti-Corrosive Green Olive Terra Verte (same as M 1.01 106 deep 0 51, 1.0 52,

(MA), Pullman Green Laurel Green) m.O 53, v.OY 66,

(PC) Olive Wood M gy.yBr 80 brill.OY 67,

Drab (USA 319) Collie s.OY 68,

Olive F 3412 gy.OI 110
Olive Drab (AN 613), Olive Yellow (same as M (12L2) d.gY 103 deep OY 69,

Pullman Green (PC) Chartreuse Green) I.OY 70, m.OY 71,

Olive Drab _. gy.OI 110

Olive Yellow (same as Old M (14L2) I.OI 106 d.OY 72, p.OY 73,

I^oss IGreen]) l.yBr 76,

Olive-Yellow R m.gY 102 brill.Y 83, S.Y 84,
Olive Drab gy.OI 110, OIGy 113
Olive Yellow S p.yPk31, brPk33, I.Y 86, m.Y 87,
Light Olive Drab __ gy.OI 110, p.Y 89
p.OY 73, 1.Y 86, I

OIGy 113 m.Y p.Y 89, Orange T v.yPk25,

Light Olive Drab. TC m.OIBr 95 yGy 93 Orange TC s.0 50
Olive Glow P p.gY104, P.YG121 Olive Yellow SC d.Y 83 Orange (USA) TC V.rO 34


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Orange. Apricot (see Apri- R Orange Aurora (same as ;

M s.yPk 26, Orchid, Mauve (see
cot Orange) Aurora [Orange]) deep yPk 27, Mauve Orchid)
lOrange], Aurora (see M m.rO 37 Pale Orchid T p.pPk 252
Aurora lOrangel) Orange Blush.. p.OY 73 Orchid, Pink (see Pink P
Orange. Bittersweet (see M. P, R Orange Brown. d.R 16, m.r0 37, Orchid)
Bittersweet Orange) gy.r0 39, s.rBr 40, Orchid, Purple (see Pur- TC
Brigtit Orange A v.O 48 deep 0 51, m.O 53, ple Orchid)
Brigtit Orange T v.O 48. s 0 50 brO 54, S.Br 55, Orchid, Radiant (see Ra- P
Orange. Brown (see S I.Br 57, m.Br 58, diant Orchid)
Brown Orange) I gy.Br 60, Orchid, Regal (see Regal P
Orange. Burnt (see Burnt H, M, P, l.gy.yBr 79 Orchid)
Orange) T, TC Orange Buff. I.OY70, m.0Y71, Orchid, Slate (see Slate P
Orange, Cadmium (see H, M, R brill.Y83. S.Y84, Orchid)
Cadmium Orange) I.Y86, m.Y87 Orchid, Wild (see Wild M, P
Orange. Capucine (see M, R Orange-Buff R m.OY 71 Orchid)
Capucine Orange) Orange Buff S m.yPk 29 Orchid Gray T gy.P 228
Orange, Chinese (see M Orange Chrome R v.O 48 Orchid Haze.. T p.P 227, l.pGy 232
Chinese Orange) Orange-Cinnamon R m.O 53 Orchid Lane P v.l.P 221
Orange, Chrome (see M Orange-Citrine R I.OIBr 94 Orchid Leaf P v.p.P 226
Chrome Orange) Orange Cream P p.Y 89 i
Orchid Mauve P d.pPk 251
Deep Orange S s.yPk 26. m.O 53 Orange Lead (same as M V.rO 34 Orchid Mist T v.p.P 226. p.P 227,
Dull Orange A m.yPk29, I.Br 57 Fire Red) l.pGy 232,
Dull Orange S pkGy 10 Orange Madder M s.O 50 gy.pPk 253
Orange, Dusty (see Dusty T Orange Ochre (same as M s.O 50 Orchid Night. gy.R 19, gy.pR 262
Orange) Tangier) Orchid Pink.. s.Pk 2
Orange. Dutch (see Dutch M Orange-peel M S.O 50 Orchid Pink.. I.Pk4. m.Pk 5
Orange) Orange-Pmk R brill.O 49 1.0 52 Orchid Pink.. l.pPk 249,
Orange. Flame(see Flame T Moderate Orange Pink RC l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29 m.pPk 250
Orange) Orange Red.. S d.Pk 6, s.rO 35, Light Orchid Pink (same p.pPk 252
Orange. Golden (see TC m.rO 37 as Mauve Pink)
Golden Orange) Orange Rufous.. M s.O 50 Orchid Purple v.rP 236
Orange. Indian (see In- H, M, TC Orange-Rufous R deep 0 51 Orchid Rose (same as deep pPk 248,
dian Orange) Orange Rust T deep 0 51 brO 54 Fuchsia Pink) m,pR 258
Orange. International (see F Orange Tawny (same as M m.rO 37 Light Orchid Rose deep pPk 248.
International Orange) Burnt Orange) m pPk 250
Orange. Jaffa (see Jaffa M Orange Vermilion M S.rO 35 Orchid Smoke gy.pPk 253
Orange) Orange Vermilion.- S m.rO 37, deep 0 51 Orchid Taupe gy.P 228. d.gy.P229
LightOrange T s.O 50, m.O 53 Orange Vermilion. Field's M Dark Orchid Taupe. d.gy.P 229.
Orange, Mandarin (see M, P (see Field's Orange d.pGy 234
Mandarin Orange) Vermilion) Orchid Tint v.p.P 226.
Orange, Marigold (see H Orange-Vinaceous . deep Pk 3, s.yPk26 pWhite 231
Marigold Orange) Orange Yellow (AN 506) v.OY 66. s.OY 68 Orchil (acid bath) (same m.R 15
Orange, Mars (see Mars H, M, R Chrome Yellow (PC), as Doge)
Orange) Yellow (FS). Yellow Orchil (alkali bath) m.pR 258
Orange, Mikado (see M, R (MA). Yellow Striping Archel, Archil, Corcir,
Mikado Orange) (N 42), Yellow (USA Cork, Corker, Corkur,
Orange, Mineral (see M 120) Crostil, Crotal, Crot-
Mineral Orange) Orange Yellow v.O 48, bnll.O 49, tle. Cudbear, French
Orange, Nasturtium (see H s.O 50, 1.0 52, Purple, Gridelin,Gris-
Nasturtium Orange) brill.OY 67, de-lin, Kork, Korkir,
Orange, Neutral (see M s.OY 68, Orchall, Orseille, Per-
Neutral Orange) deep OY 69, sio, Persis
Orange. Orpiment (see H, M I.OY 70, m.OY 71 Orchis M gy.R 19
Orpiment Orange) Light Orange-Yellow m.OY 71, s,Y84 Orient (same as Hydran- M m.Pk 5
Orange. Pastel (see Pastel T Pale Orange-Yellow I.OY 70. m.OY 71, gia Pink)
Orange) bnll.Y 83, s,Y 84, Oriental M gy.B 186
Orange. Persian (see Per- M I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Oriental Blue H v.B 176
sian Orange) Orchadee l.rP 240 Oriental Blue (same as M (38A8) gy.pB 204
Orange. Persimmon (see H Orchall (same as Orchil). m.pR 258 Delft Blue)
Persimmon Orange) Orchid LP 222. p.P 227 Oriental Blue (same as M(41F12) s.B 178, s.pB 195
Orange. Princeton (see M, TC Orchid gy.pPk 253 Artificial Ultramarine)
Princeton Orange) Orchid s.rP 237. l.rP 240, Oriental Blue TC s.B 178
Orange. Red (see Red S m.rP 241, Oriental Bole (same as M m.rBr 43
Orange) deep pPk 248, Bole)
Orange. Russet(see Rus- M, T m.pPk 250 Oriental Bronze P m.OIBr 95
set Orange) Orchid TC LP 222 Oriental Fuchsia M deep rP 238
Orange. Seville (see M Orchid, Amethyst (see P Oriental Green. M s.yG131. m.yG 136
SevilleOrange) Amethyst Orchid) Oriental Green R m.yG 136
Orange. Spanish (see H Orchid, Blue (see Blue Light Oriental Green. R l.yG 135
Spanish Orange) Orchid) Oriental Pearl (same as M I.OIGy 112.
Orange, Sun (see Sun T Orchid, Bouquet (see Slate-Grey) med.Gy 265
Orange) Bouquet Orchid) Oriental Red (same as M s.R 12
Orange, Tangerine (see H 1
Orchid, Cuban (see Cuban Goya)
Tangerine Orange) [

Orchid) Oriental Sand P l.gy.OI 109

Very Pale Orange- RC yGy 93 Orchid, Dusty (see Dusty Orient IBIue] M s.B 178
Vivid Orange (Y&O 15) F v.rO 34 Orchid) (36D11)
(same as Orange (USA Orchid, Heavenly (see Orient Blue. M (36G7) m.B 182. gy.B 186
107)) Heavenly Orchid) Orient Blue R m.B 182. gy.B 186
Orange. Xanthine (see R Orchid, Ins (see Ins Or- Dark Orient Blue R gy.B 186
Xanthine Orange) chid) Deep Orient Blue R gy.B 186
Orange. Yellow (see Yel- S Orchid, Lady (see Lady Dusky Orient Blue. R gy.B 186
low Orange) Orchid) Orient Pink H l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29
Orange. Zinc (see Zinc M, R Light Orchid l.pPk 249, Orient Pink (same as M m.yPk 29
Orange) m.pPk 250 Cherub)

. . .

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source number from sec.
number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Orient Pink R s.yPk 26 Pan P gy.G 150, m.bG 164 Partridge (same as Raw m.ySr 77, d.yBr 78
Orient Red H v.R 11 Panama Blue P v.l.pB 198 Umber)
Orient Red (same as Goya). M s.R 12 pancy Green (same as M d.yG 137 Parula Blue M gy.B 186
Orient Yellow (same as M (9L8) s.O 50, m.O 53, Flower de Luce Green) Parula Blue R p.B 185, gy.B 186
Cadmium Yellow) S.OY 68, m.OY 71 Pans^e (same as Pansy). M s.V 207 Pastel (same as Woad). . M gy.B 186
Orient |Yellowl M (13L6) d.Y 88, d.gy.Y 91 Pansy M S.V 207 Pastel Blue (same as M gy.B 186
Oriole (same as Tan) M brO 54 Pans6e Woad)
Orion (same as Canton M d.B 183 Pansy. TC deep V 208 Pastel Blue T l.gB 172, p.B 185
IBIuej) Pansy (USA) TC s.V 207 Pastel Blue TC v.p.B 184
Oriean (same as Salmon M m.yPk 29 Pansy, Violet (see Violet P Pastel Green T m.YG 120, p.YG 121,
IPinkI) Pansy) gy.YG 122,
Ormond (same as Seaside) M l.gy.rBr 45, Pansy-Maroon M d.pR 259 l.yG 135, v.p.G 148,
l.gy.Br 60, Pansy Purple H deep R 13, deep pR256 p.G 149
l.brGy 63 Pansy Purple M d.pR 259 Pastel Grey M gy.Y 90
Orpiment (same as Lemon brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Pansy Purple P m.rP 241, d.rP 242 Pastel Lavender H v.p.P 226
lYellowl) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Pansy Purple .. R d.pR 259 Pastel Lilac H v.p.P 226
Orpiment Orange v.O 48, s.O 50 Pansy Violet H m.rP 241 Pastel Mauve H p.pPk 252
Orpiment Orange v.O 48, s.O 50 Pansy Violet M d.rP 242 Pastel Orange T m.O 53
Orpiment Red (same as S.OY 68, m.OY 71 Roman Violet Suntan
Florida Gold) Pansy Violet... R s.P 218 Pastel Parchment (same M m.yPk29, gy.yPk32,
Orpin (same as Lemon brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Pansy Yellow P 83
brill.Y as Rose Nude) brPk 33
lYellow]) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Paon (same as Peacock M d.gB 174 Pastel Pink (same as T m.yPk 29
Orseille (same as Orctiil). m.pR 258 IBIuel) Coral Pink)
Otter IBrown] (same as d.gy.yBr 81 Paper White M yGy 93 Pastel Pink TC m.Pk 5
Piccaninny) Paprica M v.rO 34 Pastel Turquoise Green... T v.l.bG 162, l.bG 163
Oural Green l.yG 135, v.p.G 148 French Vermilion Pastel Yellow. T s.Y 84, I.Y 86,

Oural Green v.l.yG 134, l.yG 135 Paprica TC v.rO 34 m.Y 87, l.gY 101,
Owl brGy 64 Paprika P d.rO 38 m.gY 102, p.gY 104,
Oxblood Red d.R 16 Bittersweet p.YG 121
Oxblood |Red| (same as m.rBr 43 Paprika (same as Chinese deep rO 36, m.rO 37, Patent Blue d.gB 174
Kazak) Red) d.rO 38 Patent Yellow (same as brin.Y83, s.Y 84,
Ox-blood Red... . deep R 13 Papyrus I.Br 57 Lemon |Yellow|) I.Y 86, m.Y 87
Oxford Blue (same as blackish P 230 Paradise Green d.yG 137 PatSShell (same as Grain), p.OY 73, l.yBr 76
Navy 2) Hibernian Green Patina Green l.yG 135, m.yG 136
Oxford Chrome (same as m.OY 71 Paradise Green V.l.yG 134, l.yG 135 Patriarch deep P 219
Yellow Ochre) Paramount brill.gB 168, l.gB 172 Patricia s.rP 237
Oxford Gray (same as d.Gy 266 Paramour l.gB 172 Paul Veronese Green brill.G 140
Mole) Para Red (same as Blood s.R 12, m.R 15 (same as Emerald
Oxford Ochre (same as m.OY 71 Red) Green)
Yellow Ochre) Parchment gy.Y 90, d.gy.Y 91. Pauncy Green (same as d.yG 137
Oxford Yellow (same as m.OY 71 Lark I.OIBr 94 Flower de Luce Green)
Yellow Ochre) Parchment T p.Y 89, p.YG 121 Pavonine (same as Pea- d.gB 174
Oxgall (same as Light s.Y 84 Parchment, Pastel (see M cock (Bluel)
Chrome Yellow) Pastel Parchment) Pawnee (same as Almond I.Br 57, l.gy.Br 60,
Oxheart deep R 13 Paris Blue.- R s.B 178, deep B 179 (Brown)) l.yBr 76,

Oxide Blue. v.gB 167 Paris Green H s.yG 131 l.gy.yBr 79

Oxide Blue S.B178, m.B!82 Paris Green (impure)... M(18B9) m.yG 136 Payne's Gray gy.B 186
Oxide Brown (same as m.rBr 43 Imperial Green Clear Payne's Gray. gy.B 186, bGy 191
Caldera) Paris Green (pigment)... M brill.G 140 Dark Payne's Gray. d.gy.B187,
Oxide Purple (same as m.rBr 43 (26C11) d.bGy 192
Caldera) Paris Green. R l.yG 135 Deep Payne's Gray gy.B 186
Oxide Yellow (same as m.OY 71 Paris Green. T v.yG 129, Light Payne's Gray p.B 185, bGy 191
Yellow Ochre) brill.yG 130 Pale Payne's Gray p.B 185
Oyster Gray (MA) (same I.Gy 264 Light Paris Green R l.yG 135 Payne's Grey gy.B 186, d.gy.B 187
as Light Gull Gray Light Paris Green T bnll.yG 130 Pea, Sweet (see Sweet
(AN 620)) Paris Mud M d.gy.R 20 Pea)
Oyster Grey p.YG 121 Paris Red (same as Fire M V.rO 34 Peace yWhite 92
Oyster (White) p.YG 121 Red) Peace-maker. _ gWhIte 153
Oyster White White 263. I.Gy 264 Paris Yellow (same as s.Y 84 Peach (Y&D 7) p.OY 73
Pablo I.Br 57, l.yBr 76 Light Chrome Yellow) Peach l.yPk 28,
Pacific p.G 149, l.bG 163 Park Green M m.YG 120 m.yPk29, 1.0 52
Paddock.. d.bG 165 Parma Red (same as M S.R 12, m.R 15 Peach.. l.yPk28, m.yPk29
Padre Brown d.rBr 44 Blood Red) Nectarine
Pagoda IBIue] d.gB 174, i.gy.B 187 Parma Violet TC s.V 207 Peach s.yPk 26
Atlantis Parme M m.V 211 Salmon Pink
Palace Blue. s.B 178, m.B 182 Parrakeet(sameas Parrot M m.YG 120 Peach TC m.yPk 29
Pale Star l.gY 101, p.gY 104 Green) (21 L6) Bright Peach (same as T S.yPk 26, m.r0 37,
Palestine gy.P 228, gy.pR 262 Parfakeet M brill.G 140 Salmon) m.O 53
Pale Water v.l.G 143 (25JI0) Peach, Dusty (see Dusty
Palm m.YG 120 Parrakeet |
P brill.G 140 Peach)
Morillon Parroquit Green (same as M m.YG 120 Peach, Golden (see Golden
Palm, Desert (see Desert Parrot Green) Peach)
Palm) Parrot Blue TC m.bG 164, m.gB 173 Pale Peach T l.yPk28, p.yPk31
Palmetto... M gy.YG 122 Parrot Green M m.YG 120 Peach Amber. P m.yPk 29
Palmetto TC gy.G 150 Gay Green, Parrakeet, Peachbeige (same as M m.yPk 29
Palm Green M d.yG 137 Parroquit Green, Per- Blush)
Palm Green T m.yG 136, d.vG 137 ruche. Popinjay Peach Bisque M l.rBr 42
Dark Palm Green T d.yG 137 Green, Verd Gay Peach Bisque P LrBr 42
Palmleaf... M I.OI 106
Parrot Green. m.YG 120 Peach Bloom M m.yPk 29
Paloma M brO 54, I.Br 57
Parrot Green S.YG 117 Rose France, Rose Morn
Paloma P (219) I.Br 57
Paloma. Parsley Green m.OIG 125 Peach Blossom TC deep Pk 3, m.pR 258
P(791) v.l.gB 171
Pampas (same as Pelt)... M brGy 64 Parsley Green m.OlG 125, d.yG 137 Peach Blossom |Pink) M s.Pk2, m.Pk 5
Pan M d.gy.G 151 Dark Leaf Green Peach Blossom IRedl


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Peach Blossom |Red| s.Pk 2, m.Pk 5 Peasant Blue. M gy.B 186 Pale Persian Lilac R m.pPk 250
(same as Peach Blos- (3718) Persian Melon M gy.rO 39
som (Pink|) Peasant Blue (same as M d.B 183, d.pB201, Persian Melon P m.rO 37
Peach Blow M p.OY 73 Majolica Blue) (39H11) gy.pB 204 Persian Orange M m.O 53
Fakir Peasant Blue P d.B 183. d.gy.B 187 Perian Pink M m.pR 258
Peadi Blush (same as M S.Br 55 Peasant Blue.. TC gy.B 186 Persian Red (same as M s.rBr 40
Jalapa) Pebble (same as Flax) M gy.Y 90 Indian Red)
Peach Bud P l.yPk 28 Pecan (same as Grain) .. M l.gy.yBr 79 Persian Rose H v.rP 236, V.pR 254
Peach Cream P p.OY 73 Pecan Brown M m.Br 58 Persian Rose M V.pR 254
Peach Gray P pkWhite 9. pkGy 10 Golden Chestnut Persian Rose P V.pR 254, s.pR255
p.yPk 31 Pecan Brown R I.Br 57 Persian Yellow (same as M V. rO 34, V 0 48
Peach PinK P l.yPk 28 Pekinese M brO 54, I.Br 57 Golden Poppy)
Peach Pink T l.yPk 28, m.yPk29 Peking Blue M d.B 183 Persicinus B syPk 26, 1 yPk 28.
Light Salmon Peking Blue TC m.B 182, d.B 183 m.yPk29, s.r0 35,
Peach Red M s.yPk 26 Pelican M d.Gy 266 m.rO 37,
Peach Red R m.rO 37 Charcoal Grey, Dove, brill.O 49, 1.0 52.
Peach Rust P m.rO 37 Light Gunmetal m.O 53
Peach Sand. P pkGy 10, l.brGy 63 Peligot's Blue (same as m.bG 164 Persimmon. M S.Br 55
Peach Tan T m.yPk29. gy.rO 39 Bremen Blue) Persimmon. T s.rO 35, m.rO 37,
Peachwood (same M m.R 15, gy.R 19 Pelt brGy 64 m.O 53, brO 54
Rosevale) Pampas Light Persimmon T m.rO gy.rO 39
Peacock TC m.gB 173 Pencilwood m.rBr 43, m.Br 58 Persimmon Orange H V.O 48, S.0 50
Peacock |Blue| M d.gB 174 Mort d'ore, Mordor6 Persio (same as Orchil).. M m.pR 258
Paon, Pavonine Penguin med.Gy 265 Persis (same as Orchil) . M m.pR 258
Peacock Blue P d.gB 174 Peony d.R 16 Personal P p.prk 252 ,
Peacock Blue R s.gB 169 Burmese Ruby Peruvian Brown M brO 54, I.Br 57
Peacock Blue S s.gB 169 Peony Purple v.pR 254 Peruvian Yellow M m.rO 37
Peacock Blue T S.gB 169. m.gB 173 Peony Red. deep R 13, d.R 16 Pervenche M gy.pB 204
Bright Peacock Blue.. T brill.gB 168, Pepita I.OIBr 94 Petal Pink T l.yPk28, p.yPk31
S.gB 169 Pepper Green deep yG 132, s.G 141, Petunia M d.P 224
Brilliant Peacock Blue T S.gB 169 m.G 145 Petunia P m P 223
(same as Brilliant Blue) Peppermint s.yG 131 Petunia. Ruffled (see P
Dark Peacock Blue T d.gB 174 Pepper Red. . m.R 15 Ruffled Petunia)
Deep Peacock Blue T m.gB 173, d.gB 174 Bronze Red Petunia Purple . . H v.P 216, V.rP 236
Vivid Peacock Blue T S.gB 169 Peridot m.YG 120. Petunia [Violetl M deep P 219
Peacock Green M m.yG 136 Woodbine Green gy.YG 122, Petunia Violet R deep P 219
Peacock Green R m.YG 120 m OIG 125, Pewke (same as Eureka M d.R 16
Pea Green (USA 205) F m.yG 136 gy.OIG 127 Red)
(same as Light Green Perilia M v.V 205. s.V 207 Pewter M d.Gy 266
(MA)) Perilla Purple M d.pR 259 Pewter P pkGy 10
Pea Green _ H YG 116
brill. Perilla Purple R d.pR 259 Pewter T p.B 185, gy.B 186,
Pea Green M m.YG 120 Dark Perilla Purple . R d.pR 259 bGy 191
Pea Green P m.YG 120 Light Perilla Purple R m.rP 241, gy.rP 245 Pewter Cream. P pkWhite 9
Pea Green R gGy 155 Perique (same as Picca- M d.gy ySr 81 Phantom M d.Gy 266
Pea Green _. T s.YG 117, m.YG 120 ninny) Phantom Blue P v.l.gB 171, v.p.B 184
Light Pea Green T m.YG 120 Periwinkle ... M p.pB 203. gy.pB 204 Phantom Green . P gWhite 153
Peanut (same as Flax) ... M gy.Y 90 Periwinkle ... TC l.pB 199 Phantom Red (same as M v.rO 34
Pearl (same as Moon- M I.Gy 264 Periwinkle Blue T l.pB 199. I.V 210 Cherry)
beam) Bright Periwinkle Blue. T l.pB 199, I.V 210 Pharaoh M m.pB 200, d.pB 201
Pearl T yWhite 92 Periwinkle Blue. Dusty T Pheasant M m.O 53, I.Br 57
Pearl. Cream (see Cream P (see Dusty Periwinkle Testaceous
Pearl) Blue) Pheasant. Gold (see Gold M
Pearl. Oriental (see Ori- M Light Periwinkle Blue T l.pB 199. I.V 210 Pheasant)
ental Pearl) Pale Periwinkle Blue T v.p.pB 202. v.p.V 213, Phenyl Blue. R v.pB 194
Pearl, Pink (see Pink M V P P 226 Philamol (same as Feuille M deep 0 51, brO 54,
Pearl) Permanent Blue (same as M s.B 178, s.pB 196 Morle) S.Br 55
Pearl. Rose (see Rose P Artificial Ultramarine) Philimot (same as Feuille M deep 0 51, brO 54,
Pearl) Permanent Red (same as M s R 12. m.R 15 Morte) S.Br 55
Pearl, Seed (see Seed M Blood Red) Philomot (same as Feuille M deep 0 51, brO 54,
Pearl) Permanent Violet (same M s P 218 Morte) s.Bt 55
Pearl. Smoked (see M as Manganese Violet) Phlox M deep rP 238, d.pR259
Smoked Pearl) Permanent Yellow (same M m OY 71 Phlox Pink H deep pPk 248
Pearl Blue (same as Moon- M I.Gy 264 as Yellow Ochre) Phlox Pink M p.P 227
beam) Perma Red (same as Blood M s.R 12, m.R 15 Phlox Pink P deep pPk 248
Pearl Blue. R v.p.pB 202, p.pB203 Red) Phlox Pink R I P 222
Pearlblush. M brPk 33. l.gy.Br 60 Pernambucowood (same M m.R 15. gy.R 19 Phlox Purple H V.rP 236
Rosetan as Rosevale) Phlox Purple . M s.rP 237
Pearl Cream P pkWhite 9 Perruche (same as Parrot M m.YG 120 Phlox Purple. - R s.rP 237
Pearl Gray , M yGy 93 Green) Light Phlox Purple. ... R deep pPk 248
Pla?a Grey. Shell Grey Persenche . M p.V 214 Phyliamort (same as M deep 0 51, brO 54,
Pearl Gray R I.Gy 264 Persian Blue H s.B 178 Feuille Morle) S.Br 55
Pearl Gray T v.p.B 184, p.B 185, Persian Blue M p B 185 Phyliamort (same as M deep 0 51, brO 54,
l.bGy 190 (33C4) Feuille Morte) s Br 55
Pearl Gray (PC 6) F gy.Y 90 Persian Blue (same as M gy.pB 204 Piccadilly M m.rBr 43, gy.rBr 46
Pearl Gray (Y&D 9) (same F I.Gy 264 Regimental (47C10) Mauvewood, Metal
as Light Gull Gray (AN Persian Blue R v.p.B 184, p.B 185 Brown
620)) Persian Earth (same as M s rBr 40 Piccaninny M d.gy Br 81
Pearl Grey TC yGy 93. I.Gy 264 Indian Red) Otter |Brown|, Perique
Pearl Pink. T yPk 28. p.yPk 31, Persian Green M Piccolpasso Red (same as M m.rBr 43
1 d.gy.G 151
p.OY 73 Sea Moss (b) as Kazak)
Pearl White (same M I.Gy 264 Persian Green P brill. bG 159 Picric Yellow R brill.gV 98
Moonbeam) Persian Gulf _ P gy G 150, m.bG 164 Picturesque P brill.bG 159,
Pearly Gates P yWhite 92 Persian Lilac. . M d.pPk 251 v.l.bG 162

Peasant M 1
d.pB201, gy.pB 204 Persian Lilac R d.pPK251 Pigeon. M d.pGy 234

m 1 -

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source UUlUi ndlllc OUU rrp
Cnii Color n3m6 Source
number from sec. number from sec. |

number from sec.

14 14 14

Pigeon TC rGy 22 Pink Arbutus (see Arbu- TC Pink, Dutch (see Dutch M
Pigeon, Wild (see Wild M tiK Pink^
lUo r III n/ Pink)
Pigeon) Pink Aurord {sec Aurors p Pink, English (see English M
Pigeon Blood (same as M d.R 16 Pink) Pink)
Garnet) Pink Azdle3 (sg6 Az3l63 H Pink, Eosine (see Eosine
Pigeon's-breast M dv R 19 Pink) Pink)
Pigeon's Neck (same as M ri Gv 2(ifi Pink
riiin, R^ihv ^^pp
oauy \ow uouj
Rflhv M,T, TC Pink FInminon
rum, /*:pp
iiaiiiiii|^u ^3cc Fl9>
rid p
Steel) Pink) m in on r
iiiMigu Pink^
Pigeon's Throat M m.G 145 Pink RpAiitv ^CPP Rp9iitu p mm,
Pink Pipch
r icdii / CPP
\dcc Flpch
ricsii P D
Pigskin (same as Dog- M I.Br 57, m.Br 58, Pink) Pink) TC
wood) m yBr 77 Pink
rllin, Rittorcwoot
Dllicl bWccl f^ao
V'"*^ M, R Pink Prpnrh
rum, /cpp Ffpnrh
riciik>ii \3cc rit'ii\<ii M
Pilgrim (same as Cruiser). M d Gv 7fi(i Rittprcwppf' Pink^ Pink)
Pilgrim Brown (same as IVI ov Rr ft^ d pv Rr R? Pi n k RInccnm ^<pp Rlnc- T Pink
r iim, Fiirhcia/ cpp Fii^hcia
uvfiioid \d6c
I r ULiidia P T
Mandalay) ] Pink)
Pilot Blue M m.B 182 Pink Rliii*:h ^<vPP Rlrii^h A Pink Fuchsine(see Fuch*
Pimento IVI v.R 11 Pink) sine Pink)
Chinese Vermilion, Pink Rridp^mnid ^cpp p Pink ucidiiiuiii
rtim, / cpp uc
ftprani iim \dcc Hp- M R T
Harrison Red, Signal Rridpcmaid PinL^ idiiiuiii Pink^
raniiim rum/
Red Pink
rilln. Rrioht
Dl l^lll ^hpll
^^C6 T mm,
Pink uidjidii
Rravich Hranop/cpp
uidiigc^acc RC
Pimento TC v.R 11 Rrioht OIICII
Dllglll Pinkt
^hpll rilln/ Rrsvich Hfanop
uidyioii ui Pink^
dii^c rum/
Pimlico M Pink Rri^nTD ^cpp Rmn7P p Pink
riim, fiTPnaHinp
uiciiduiiic /cpp
Pinard Yellow M 1 Y 86 Pink) Hrpnadinp
uiciiduiiic Pink^
Pinatd Yellow p brill.Y 83, I.Y 86 Pink
riim, Rrnwn ^dcc
uiumi ( cpp muvrii
Rrnuwn M Pink Hpaupntv
rum, /cpp Hpau
icq 511 ly ^dcc
i iicd v p
Pinchbeck Brown (same IVI d.OY 72. s.yBr 74, Pink) enly Pink)
Burnished Gold) l.yBr 76, d.Y 88, Pink Cdmsllid (s6G p Pink, Hermosa (see Her* IVI R
I.OIBr 94 V/aiiiciiia Pink^
Pampllin rum/ mnca Pink^
iiiudd rill rv/

Pine, Norway (see Nor- p Pink CsniGO (ses Cdni60 M, P, R Pinky Hydr3nge3 (see IVI, n
way Pine) Pink) HuHranopa Pink^
nyuidii^cd rum/
Pme. Silver (see Silver p r IIIK, V/dlluy V**^^ vdllUj M Pink Ihic/cpp
rum, lui^^^cc luia Pink^
Ihic riim/_ M

Pine) Pink) Pink, Indisn (see Indian M

Pine, Smoke (see Smoke p Pink
lim, va|JI ^cpp PADfirp
lUC \3CC vd)JI IkfC p Pink)
Pine) Pink) Pink
rum, tali an /
cpp iidiidii
^oC6 talia n 1
Pineapple IVI I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Pink Pncinn
rum, f cpp Pacinn
V/daiiiu \>C6 \^dduiu M Pink)
Pinecone (same as Teak- M ou Rr ov vRr 8(1 Pink) mm, Jd^pcl V>>vC jd^pcl
Pink lacncr /cpp lacnpr M R
wood) Pink
rilln, Ppncp \^CC
/cpp Ppticp
l^/Clloc I9C p Pink)
Pine Frost... M p.G 149 Pink) 1
aplii /cpp Ldciid
Pink udciiu
rnm, 1
Pine Frost p v.l.G 143 Pink Chalk \scc
rum, \/iicim ^<ipp Phalk
v/iiam TC Pink)
Pine Green J m.G 145. d.G 146. Pink) rum, i-da Franrp
Pink 1 laiivc /cpp
I^occ L.aa 1

gy.6 150 Pink Pharm

rum, \/iiaiiii f ^pp oiiaMii
P ha f p Franrp
r 1
aiii.>c rill n/
Dark Pine Green (same as J H vG 137 d G 14fi Pink) Pink LdUIci
rum, 1 /cpp LdUitjl
aiirpl V^cc oiirpt I
Dark Laurel Green) Dv R ISfl
gy.u iju. PinU PKalonci/ f coa Ulldl
rlim, Vyiidlciidy V^"" Phat. M,R Pink)
u -gy .u 1 J t enay Pink) Pink idht
miK, Li)(iii t Pnnon
UU115U /cpp
v^"" 1^

Pinegrove M d.gy.G 151 iiiin, Phorruy ^3Ct;

Pink uiici 1
/cpp \^iiciiy T 1 ioht
1.1^111 Pnncn rum/
<,/uiigu Ptnk^
Kabistan Pink, Orchid (see
Pineneedle M rink, Utiina (.see cnin3 p Light Orchid Pink)
Pine Tree M d hft IfiS Pink) Pink, Livid (see Livid M R
BlueGrass.DuckGreen, Pink, Cinnamon (see Cin- M Pink)
Vagabond Green lldillUii mm/ 1
Pink, Madder (see Madder M
Pink u PU
v.ri\ 1
1, PU ?
3.rn, <: Pink PlniiH /cpp PIniiH Pink)

dppn Pk
ucc^ in -J,
3 Pl<
i.rr\ 1 4
T, Pink) Pink, Mallow (see Mallow M R
m.Pk 5, d.Pk 6, Pink
rum, PInup
v^iuvc / ^pp
yocv PIdup
viuvc M Pink)
n Pk 7 PV Pk $t Pink) Pink, Mauve (see Mauve J
1 ov P 1ft Pmk, Clover {see Clover f Pink)
l.gy.pR 261 Pink) Pink, Melon (see Melon TC
Pink. (VlUP-22 m.Pk 5 Pink Pnnnn /cpp Pnnrrn M, R Pink)
Pink. MUP-2^ rn yPk 29 Pink) Pink, Miniature (see Mini- M
Pink. PSP s.Pk 2 Pi n k
rum, Pnifl!
v^uioi / ^pp
\dcc Pnral
wuidi H, M, P, ature Pink)
Pink. 5 <: Pk ? dppn Pk ^ Pink) R. T Moderate Pink RC m.Pk 5
s yPk 26 Pink, Corinthian (see M R Pink, Moderate Orange RC
brdl.pPk 2^6, Pnrinthian Pink^
Miiiiidii rum/ (see Moderate Orange
s.pPk 247, Pink
r1M R, Pnrcaop
I^UI bdgc /cpp Pnr.
V^*"" vUl p 1
deep pPk 248, caop
odgc Pink^
rum/ Pink, Moss (see Moss M
m nP Pink, Cosmos (see Cos* p Pink)
Pink. SC 1 uPk ?M m vPk ?<i mnc Pink\ (Pinkl, Nymph (see Nymph M
p.yPk 31, Pink
rlllK, Prah
UidU /cpp PraK
\riaV p IPinkl)
ov vPk "^9
Pink) Pink, Nymph (see Nymph p
hrPk 33 n OY 73 Pink Pranip /cpp Pfpnip p Pink)
l.yBr 76 Pink) Pink, Old (see Old Pink).. M
Pink T m Pk 'inPk 249 1 Pink PimiH /cpp Piinifl M Pink, Onion-skin (see M R
m.pPk 250 Pink) Onion-skin Pink)
Pink M nkfiv 10 mm,
Pink Udpilllc Danhnp
Hanhnp/cpp L'dpilllc IVI P R Pink, Opera (see Opera M P
Pink 2 M p Pk 7 rinK^ Pink)
Pink 3 M I.Pk 4, p.rk / Pink, Dswn (see D3wn HPT Pink, Orchid (see Orchid MPT
Pink\ Pink)
Pink 4 M I.Pk 4. m. Pk 5
Pink 5 M m.Pk 5
Pink njShiitfintp /cpp M Pink, Orient (see Orient H M R
ueuuiaiiie Pink^
nltiitanta rlnR^ Pink)
Pink, Alizarine (see R
Pink, Debutante (see p Pale Pink RC p.pPk 252
Alizarine Pink)
nohiit^nto Pink\ Pale Pink J I.Pk 4, m.Pk 5,
|Pink|, Almond (see Al- M Pink Dopn Pncp/cpp Hapn p j

l.yPk28, p.yPk31
mond [Pink])
p.pPk 252
Rose Pink)
Pink, Amaranth (see Am M, R Pink, Dolly (see Dolly M Pink, PaleAmaranth (see R
aranth Pink) Pink) PaleAmaranth Pink)
Appleblossom (see
|Pink|, IVI Pink, Dusty (see Dusty TC Pink, Pale Congo (see R
Appleblossom |Pink|) Pink) Pale Congo Pink)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial-
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Pink, Pale Laelia(see Pale Pink Oust P l.yPk 28. p.yPk 31 Plum, Rose (see Rose
Laella Pink) Pink Icing. P l.pPk 249 Plum)
Pink, Pale Rhodonite (see Pinkish Buff R l.yPk 28. m.yPk 29 Plumbaceous (same as d.pGy 234, d.Gy 266
Pale Rhodonite Pink) Pale Pinkish Buff R p.OY 73 Lead)
Pink, Pastel (see Pastel T, TC Pinkish Cinnamon R m.OY 71. l.yBr 7S Plumbago Blue p.P 227, pGy 233
Pink) Light Pinkish Cinnamon. R l.yPk 28. m.yPk 29 Plumbago Blue v.p.B 184.
Pink. Peach (see Peach P, T Pale Pinkish Cinnamon.. R p.OY 73 v.p.pB 202
Pink) Pinkish Gray RC pkGy 10 Plumbago Blue P.V214, p.P 227
Peach Blossom (see
[Pink]. Pinkish Gray SC gy.yPk 32, brPk 33, Dark Plumbago Blue. P.V214, p.P 227
Peach Blossom [Pink]) l.gy.rBr 45, Deep Plumbago Blue. p.P 227
Pink, Pearl (see Pearl l.gy.Br 60 Plumbago Gray pGy 233
Pink) Light Pinkish Lilac. R l.pPk 249 Dark Plumbago Gray. gy.P 228, pGy 233,
Pink. Persian (see Persian Pinkish Vinaceous.- R m.yPk 29 d.pGy 234
Pink) Pinkish White SC p.yPk 31. gy.yPk 32, Deep Plumbago Gray pGy 233
Pink, Petal (see Petal brPk 33 Light Plumbago Gray pGy 233
Pink) Pink Jewel P s.yPk 26 Plumbago Grey... p.P 227, pGy 233
Pink, Phlox (see Phlox H, M, P, Pink Lavender P p.pPk 252 Plumbago Slate d.pGy 234
Pink) R Pink Lily P LPk 4 Plumbago-Slate d.pGy 234
Pink, Powder (see Powder M Pink Mist P p.pPk 252 Dark Plumbago-Slate d.pGy 234
Pink) Pink Orchid P p.pPk 252 Plunibeo-Niger d.bGy 192
[Pink], Prawn (see Prawn M Pink Pearl M m.Pk 5 Plumbeous p.B 185. bGy 191
IPinkj) Rose Hermosa Plumbeous, Blackish (see
Pink, Prism (see Prism Pink Powder.. P brill.pPk 246 Blackish Plumbeous)
Pink) Pink Rapture P s.rP 237 Dark Plumbeous d.bGy 192
Pink, Quality (see Quality Pink Shock... P s.pR 255 Deep Plumbeous. gy.B 186, bGy 191
Pink) Pink Tint T pkWhite 9 Plumbeous-Black d.gy.B 187,
Pink, Queen (see Queen Pinocchio... P l.yPk 28 Black 267
Pink) Piping Rock. M I.OIGy 112 Plurnbef (same as Sky l.bGy 190
Pink, Rhodamine (see Light GrSge, Grey Stone Grey)
Rhodamine Pink) Piquant P v.l.bG 162 Plumbeus B p.B 185, gy.B 186.
Pink, Rhodonite (see M, R Piquant Green M m.YG 120 bGy 191, d.bGy 192
Rhodonite Pink) Piquant Green. P m.YG 120 Plume P V.l.bG 162
Pink, Rose (see Rose H, M. R, Pirate M s.R 12. s.rO 35 Plum Purple H v.d.P225
Pink) S, T, TC Pistaceus B m.YG 120. Plum IPurplel . M(47J9) d.P 224
Pink, Rosolane(see Roso- R gy.YG 122, Plum Purple (same as M d.V212
lane Pink) l.yG 135. Grape) (47J12)
Pink. Rosy (see Rosy m.yG 136, I.G 144. Plum Purple R d.V 212
Pink) p.G 149, gy.G 150 Plum Violet (same as M d.R16, d.pR259
Pink, Royal (see Royal Pistache m.YG 120. l.yG 135 Canyon)
Pink) Pistachio Green Plum Wine T d.rP 242, d.pR259
Pink. Safrano (see Saf- M, R Pistache TC LyG 135 Plunket (same as Sky M l.bGy 190
rano Pink) Pistachio Cream P brill. YG 116 Grey)
Pink], Salmon (see Sal- Pistachio Green (same as M m.YG 120, l.yG 135 Plymouth (same as d.Gy 266
mon (PinkJ) Pistache) Cruiser)
Pink. Salmon (see Sal- P,T,TC Pistachio Green m.yG 136 Pod Green H m.YG 120
mon Pink) Pistachio Green l.yG 135 Poet's Yellow P l.gY 101
Pink. Salome (see Salome Pitchpine d.gy.G 151 Poil d'ours (same as M d.Gy 266
Pink) Thyme Bear)
Pink. Sea (see Sea Pink).. M, TC Piuree (same as Snow- s,OY 68, m.OY 71 Poilu M bGy 191
Pink. Seashell (see Sea- M,R shoe) Poinsettia M v.Rll, s.R 12
shell Pink) Piuri ( same as Snowshoe). S.OY 68, m.OY 71 Pois Green M gy.YG 122
Pink, Shell (see Shell H, R, T, Pi Yu m.G 145 Pois Green R gy.YG 122
Pink) TC Placid.. pWhite 231 Polar Bear... M p.OY 73, yWhite 92
IPinkl, Shrimp (see M Plantation m.rBr 43 Polar Blue P l.gB 172
Shrimp |Pink|) Plantation m.rBr 43 Polignac M l.gy.R 18, l.rBr 42,
Pink, Shrimp (see Shrimp P, R, T, Plantation Yellow brill.Y 83 l.gy.rBr 45
Pink) TC Platina Yellow (same as brO 54 Polo Green.. M m.OIG 125, d.yG 137
Pink, Silver (see Silver P Gold Pheasant) Polo Tan , M l.yBr 76
Pink) Platinum med.Gy 265 Morocco Sand
Pink, Spinel (see Spinel H, M, R Platonic. p.B 185 Pomegranate M (6L3) d.R 16
Pink) Plaza Grey (same as Pearl yGy 93 Pomegranate Blossom M v.R 11, v.rO 34
Pink, Strawberry (see M, R Gray) (same as Ponceau)
Strawberry Pink) Plenty Bright s.bG 160 Pomegranate Purple M m.R 15, mpR258
Pink,Sussanqua (seeSus- Pleroma Violet m.P223 Pomegranate Purple R m.pR 258, gy.pR 262
sanqua Pink) Pleroma Violet brill.V 206, s.V 207 Pomona Green (same as M m.YG 120
Pink, Sweet Pea (see Plover (same as Goat) brGy 64 Apple Green)
Sweet Pea Pink) Plum v.rP 236, Pompadour (Green] M m,B 182
Pink, Tango (see Tango deep rP 238, Pomp and Power P m.P223
Pink) deep pR 256 Pompeian Blue M p.B 185
Pink.Teen Age (see Teen Plum. d.P 224. v.d.P 225, Pompeian Red M gy.R19, gy.r0 39,
Age Pink) d.gy.P 229, Dragon's Blood l.rBr 42
Pink. Thulite(see Thulite

M, R v.d.rP 243, Pompeian Red R m.R 15

Pink) v.d.pR 260 Pompeian Yellow. M m.OY 71
Pink, Tourmaline (see M, P, R Plum TC d.P224 Pompeii M deep rBr 41,
Tourmaline Pink) Plum, Black (see Black T Burnt Rose m.rBr 43
Pink, Tyrian (see Tyrian M, R Plum) Pom Pom P I.Y 86, l.gY 101
Pink) Plum, Blue (see Blue Ponceau M v.R 11, V.rO 34
Pink, Venetian (see Vene- H, M, R Plum) Coquelicot, Granat,
tian Pink) Dark Plum blackish P 230, Granatflower, Pome-
Pink. Violine (see Violine TC d.pGy 234 granate Blossom,
Pink) Deep Plum. m.pR 258 Poppy |Redl
Pink, Zest (see Zest Pink). P Deep Plum. d.gy.P 229, Ponce de Leon M S.0 50
Pink Carnation P brill.pPk 246 V.d.rP 243 Pond Lily M I.Y 86, m.Y 87
Pink Coral M deep Pk 3, s.yPk 26 Plum, Red (see Red Plum). Sunni

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source number from sec.
number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Pongee (same as Beige IVI l.yBr 76 Primuline Ye!low(same as S.Y84 Purple. deep pB 197,

Soir6e) Golden Rod) m.pB 200,

Pontiff IPurplel M deep P 219 Primuline Yellow. R s.Y 84 S.V 207, m.V 211,

Pony Brown (same as M gy.Br 61 Primulinus. B p.Y 89, l.gY 101, gy.V215, V.P216,
Beechnut) m.gY 102 s.P 218,

Pool Green p brill. bG 159 Prince Grey (same as M pGy 233 deep P 219,
Crane) m.P 223,
Popcorn M I.Y 86
Princely Blue.. P v.l.pB 198, m.rP 241,
Popcorn TC m.Y 87
d.rP 242,
v.p.pB 202
Popinjay Green (same as M m.YG 120 Princess _ P I.V 210 gy.rP 245
Parrot Green) deep P 219,
Princess Blue H deep B 179 Purple.
Poplar - M d.gy.G 151
Princeton Orange M s.G 50 m.P 223,
'oppy, California (see P Princeton Orange d.P 224
TC s.O 50
CaliforniaPoppy) Priscilla M I.Gy 264 Purple TC d.V 212
Poppy, Golden (see Golden M, TC Fog Purple, Amaranth (see M, R
Poppy) Blue P m.gB 173
Priscilla Amaranth Purple)
Poppy Red H v.rO 34
Prism Pink P l.pPk 249 Purple, Amparo (see M, R
Poppy IRed] (same as M v.R 11, V.rO 34 Prism Violet P S.V 207 Amparo Purple)
Ponceau) Privet M gy.OIG 127 Purple, Anthracene (see R
Poppy Red T v.R 11, V.rO 34, Profound P d.R 16 Anthracene Purple)
s.rO 35 Profound Blue P gy.B 186, p.pB 203 Purple, Argyle (see Ar- M, R
Porcelain M m.B 182 Promise. _ P yWhite 92 gyle Purple)
Porcelain Blue H s.gB 169 Promised Land P brill.G 140, s.G 141, Purple, Aster (see Aster M, R
Porcelain Blue, M gy.B 186 brill.bG 159, Purple)
Porcelain Blue R l.gB 172 s.bG 160 Purple, Auricula (see M, R
Porcelain Green M m.bG 164 Promise Green v.p.G 148 Auricula Purple)
Porcelain Green, _. p I.G 144 Prout's Brown (same as m.Br 58, gy.Br 61, Purple, Beetroot (see H
Porcelain Green,.. R m.bG 164 Brown Sugar) m.yBr 77, Beetroot Purple)
Dark Porcelain Green R gy.G 150 gy.yBr 80 Purple, Bishop's (see M, R
Light Porcelain Green R l.bG163, m.bG 164 Prout's Brown R m.Br 58 Bishop's Purple)
Porcelain Rose H deep Pk 3, Prudence P l.bG 163, p.B 185 Purple, Blackish (see R
deep yPk 27 Prune M d.rP 242 Blackish Purple)
Porraceous (same as Leek M m.YG 120 Prune T v.d.P 225, d.gy.P229 Purple, Bright Fuchsia T
IGreenI) Prune TC d.P 224, v.d.P 225 (see Bright Fuchsia
Porret (same as Leek M m.YG 120 Dark Prune T d.gy.P 229, Purple)
[Green]) i Dark Purple Wine blackish P 230, Purple,Cadmium (see M
Port _ 1 M v.d.R 17 d.pGy 234 Cadmium Purple)
Portable Red (same as M s.R 12, m.R 15,
Prunella M deep V 208 Purple,Campanula (see M
deep rO Adelaide, Russian Violet (44K11) Campanula Purple)
Buccaneer) 36,
d.rO 38 Prunella (same as Toga). M d.V212 Purple, Corinthian (see M, R
Portugese Red (same as M v.R 11 (45K11) Corinthian Purple)
Prune Purple M d.P 224 Purple, Cotinga (see M, R
Loganberry Cotinga Purple)
Port Wine M d.gy.rBr 47
Prune Purple R d.P 224 Purple, Cyclamen (see H
Post Office Red M deep rO 36, d.rO 38
Prussian Blue R s.B 178, m.B 182 Cyclamen Purple)
Posy Green M gy.G 150
Prussian Blue S deep gB 170, d.gB 174 Purple, Dahlia (see Dahlia H, M, R,
Poudre (same as Powder M p.D loo, Dby Ibfl

Prussian Brown (same as M brO 54 Purple) TC
Gold Pheasant) Dark Purple T d.P 224, v.d.P 225
Poudre P l.bGy 190
Prussian Green R d.bG 165 Purple, Dark Corinthian R
Poudre Blue (same as M p.D lOD, Dby l9l
Prussian Green.. S.bG 160,
S (see Dark Corinthian
Powder Blue)
deep bG 161, Purple)
Pouf de Vent P LpPk 249, p.pPk252 m.bG 164, Dark Livid Purple d.gy.P 229,
Powder Blue. M(36H2) p.B 185, bGy 191 deep gB 170 d.pR 259
Poudre, Poudre Blue Prussian Red (same as M s.rBr 40 Purple, Dark Maroon (see R
Powder Blue (same as M deep B 179, m.B 182 Indian Red) (6L12) Dark Maroon Purple)
Smalt) (43Dn) Prussian Red (same as M m.rBr 43 Purple, Dark Perilla (see R
Powder Blue _. T p.B 185, p.pB 203 Caldera) (7L12) Dark Perilla Purple)
Powdered Gold M d.gy.Y 91 Prussian Red... R gy.R 19 Deep Purple P d.gy.P 229,
Powder Pink M m.yPk 29 Psyche M l.yG 135 blackish P 230,
Powder Rose T gy.yPk 32 Puce (same as Eureka M d.R 16 pBlack 235
Prairie M l.yBr 76 Red) Deep Purple. T d.P 224, v.d.P 225
Prairie Brown M brO 54 Pueblo (same as Cocoa M m.Br 58
Deep Livid Purple R d.pR 259

Prairie Sunset _. P m.yPk 29, 1.0 52 Brown)

Purple, Dianthus (see H
Praline (same as Dark M m.Br 58, gy.Br 61 Puke (same as Eureka M d.R 16
Dianthus Purple)
Beaver) Red)
VP 94 Purple, Doge (see Doge H
Prasinus B 1
1 1 fl
11 1
v.i.yG 134,
Pullman Green (PC) F 1415 d.OlG 126
l.yG135, V.I.G143, (same as Forest Green
Dull Dark Purple R s.rP 237,
v.p.G 148 (USA 109))
deep rP 238,
Pullman Green (PC) F 2430 d.OI 108
Prawn [Pink] (same as M s.yPk 26 m.rP 241
Shrimp |Pink|) (same as Olive Drab
Dull Dusky Purple R d.gy.P 229, d.rP 242
(USA 202))
Prelate M m.V 211 Purple, Dull Indian (see R
Pullman Green (PC) F 3412 gy.OI 110
Primeval.. P m.G 145 Dull Indian Purple)
(same as Olive Drab
Primitive Green TO s.G 141
Purple, Dull Magenta (see R
(USA 319))
Primrose, Chrome (see M Pumpkin... s.O 50 Dull Magenta Purple)
Chrome Primrose) Pumpkin Dusky
m.O 53 Purple, Auricula R
Primrose Green. __ M p.gY 104 Punjab deep 0 51 brO 54 (see Dusky Auricula
Primrose Yellow. __ H v.gY 97 Puritan gy.B 186, d.bGy 192 Purple)
Primrose Yellow.. M I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Puritan Gray bGy 191 Purple, Eupatorium (see M, R
Snapdragon Puritan Grey bGy 191, Eupatorium Purple)
Primrose Yellow.. P brill.gY 98 med.Gy 265 Purple, French (see M
Primrose Yellow R l.gY 101 Purple (BuOrd).. m.P223 French Purple)
Primrose Yellow (same as T l.gY 101 Purple (USA).... m.P 223 Purple, Fuchsia (see H, T
Canary Yellow) Purple (True) v.rP 236 Fuchsia Purple)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation witli serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color nsms Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from
number from sec. number from sec. sec.
14 14 14

Purple, 1 mperial (see H, M, TC Purple, Rosolane (see Purrea Arabica (same as s.OY 68, m.OY 71
Imperial Purple) Rosolane Purple) Snowshoe)
Purple, Indian (see In- M, R Purple, Royal (see Royal H, M, Purree (same as Snow- S.OY68, m.OY 71
dian Purple) Purple) R, T shoe)
Purple, Larkspur (see p Purple, Schoenfeld's (see M, R Pussywillow Gray pkGy 10
Larkspur Purple) Schoenfeld's Purple) Putty p.Y 89, gy.Y 90
Purple, Light Anfiparo (see R Pu rple, Solferino (see Sol- H Carnation, Cartridge
Light Amparo Purple) ferino Purple) Buff, Seed Pearl,
Purple, Light Fuchsia (see T Purple, Tyrian (see Tyr- H Spanish Flesh
Light Fuchsia Purple) ian Purple) Putty gy.Y 90, yGy 93,
Purple, Light Mallow (see R Purple, Vernonia (see M, R p.YG 121,
Light Mallow Purple) Vernonia Purple) gy.YG 122
Purple, Light Perilla (see R Very Dusky Purple RC d.P 224, d.gv.P 229, Putty TC l.gy.Br 60, l.brGy 63
Light Perilla Purple) blackish P 230 Dark Putty (Eng) F OIGy 113
Purple, Light Phlox (see R Purple, Violet (see Violet K Pygmalion (same as Cen- M s.yBr74, l.yBr76,
Light Phlox Purple) Purple) tennial Brown) m.yBr 77
Purple, Light Rosolane R Purple Aster. M m,P 223 Pyrethrum Yellow. M brin.Y83, S.Y84,
(see Light Rosolane Gigas Golden Feather I.Y 86, m.Y 87
Purple) Purple Aster. P m.rP 241 Pyrite Yellow. M d.Y 88
Purple, Lilac (see Lilac H Purple Brown (same as M m.rBr 43 Canary-bird Green,
Purple) Caldera) Canary Green
Purple, Liseran (see Lis- M, R Purple Brown S gy.P 228 Pyrite Yellow.. R d.gY 103
eran Purple) Purple-Drab... R gy.P 228 Quail (same as Hair M brGy 64, d.Gy 266
Purple, Litho (see Litho M, R Dark Purple-Drab R gy.P 228 Brown)
Purple) Light Purple-Drab R gy.P 228 Quail p l.brGy 63
Purple Livid (see Livid M R Pale Purple-Drab R gy.pPk 253 Quaker M pGy 233, med.Gy 265
Purple) PallidPurple-Drab.. R l.pGy 232, gy.pPk 253 Art Grey, Sea Mist
Purple, Magnolia (see H Purple Heather.. M m.P 223 Quaker P pGy 233
Magnolia Pu rple) Purple Heather P m.P 223 Quaker Blue M Black 267
Purple, Mallow (see Mal- H, M, R Purple Lake (same as Old M deep R 13, m,R 15 Quaker Drab. M med.Gy 265
low Purple) Red) Quaker Drab R pGy233, med.Gy 265
Purple, Mathew's (see R Purple Lake P d.pR 259 Dark Quaker Drab R d.pGy 234
Mathew's Pu rple) Purple Madder H d.R 16 Deep Quaker Drab R d.pGy 234
Purplci Mineral (see Min* M Purple Madder M m.R 15, d.R 16 Light Quaker Drab R pGy 233
eral Purple) Purple Rubiate Pale Quaker Drab. R l.pGy 232, pGy 233
Purple, Mulberry (see M, R Purple Navy (same as d.B 183, m.pB 200, Pallid Quaker Drab R l.pGy 232
Mulberry Purple) Marine) d.pB 201 Quaker Green M mOIG 125
Purple, Mystic (see Mys* p Purple Night P d.gy.B 187 Quaker Grey (same as M l.gy.OI 109
tic Purple) Purple Ochre (same as M s.rBr 40 Grey Drab)
Pu rple. Orchid (see Or* H Indian Red) Quality P I.V210
chid Purple) Purple Ode... P p.V 214 Quality Pink P s.pPk 247,
Purple, Oxide (see Oxide M Purple Orchid TC s.rP 237 m.pPk 250
Purple) Purple Oxide (same as M m.rBr 43 Queen Anne.. P m.YG 120
Pale Purple RC p.P 227 Caldera) Queen Anne Green (same M gy.YG 122
Purple, Pale Amparo (see R Purple Rubiate (same as m.R 15, d.R 16 as Tea Green)
Pale Amparo Purple) Purple Madder) Queen Blue.. M m.B 182
Purple, Pale Rosolane R Purple Wine d.P 224, d.gy.P 229 Queen's Blue
(see Pale Rosolane Dark Purple Wine d.gy.P 229, Queen Blue.. P m.B 182
Purple) blackish P 230, Queen Coral... p s.yPk 26, l.yPk 28
Purple, Pansy (see Pansy H, M, d.pGy 234 Queen Pink P p.pPk 252
Purple) P, R Deep Purple Wine v.d.P 225, d.gy.P 229 Queen's Blue (same as M m.B 182
Purple, Peony (see Peony H Purplish Bistre. brPk 33 Queen Blue)
Purple) Dull Purplish Black d.pGy 234 Queen's Yellow (same as M I.Y 86
Piirnip Pprill;) ^cpp Pp. M R Purplish Gray gy.P 228, d.pGy 234 Citron lYellowl)
rilla Purple) Dark Purplish Gray d.pGy 234, d.Gy 266 Quercitron (same as M I.Y 86
Purple, Petunia (see Pe- Deep Purplish Gray d.pGy 234 Citron lYellowl)
tunia Purple) Dusky Purplish Gray d.gy.P 229, Quercitron Lake (same as M m.OY 71
Purple, Phlox (see Phlox H, M, R d.pGy 234, Yellow Ochre)
Purple) d.Gy 266, Quiet P gWhIte 153
Purple, Plum (see Plum H, R Black 267 Quimper M gy.B 186
Purple) Light Purplish Gray pGy 233, med.Gy265 Nice
IPiirnlpt PInm ^^pp Plum M Pale Purplish Gray pGy 233 Quince Yellow (same as M m.Y 87
IPUTDlel) Pallid Purplish Gray l.pGy 232 Canary |Yellow|)
Purple,Pomegranate (see M R Purplish Lilac l.rP 240, m.pPk 250 Rabbit (same as Goat) M brGy 64
Pomegranate Purple) Purplish Vinaceous l.gy.R 18 Rabbit, Jack (see Jack M
IPfirnlpI Pnntiff ^^pp Pnn. M Deep Purplish Vinaceous. gy.pR 262 Rabbit)
ti^ [Purple]) Light Purplish Vinaceous m.Pk 5 Racquet M gyBrei ,gy.yBr80
Purple, Prune (see M R Pale Purplish Vinaceous. I.Pk 4, m.Pk 5 Gazelle |Brown|, Grouse
Prune Purple) Purpureo-Ardeslacus gy.P 228, d.gy.P 229, Raddle (same as Bole).... M m.rBr 43
Piirnip Pni^in ^<pp Rnictn M R d.rP 242, gy.rP245 Radiance.. M deep Pk 3
Purple) Purpureo-Griseus gy.P 228, pGy 233, Radiance P brIII.Y83
Purple, Regal (see Re- M d.pGy 234, Radiant... P s.yPk 26, m.rO 37
gal Purple) med.Gy 265 Radiant Orchid P v.p.P 226
Purple, Rhodamine (see H R Purpureus v.P 216, s.P 218, Radiant Yellow (same as M s.O 50, m.O 53,
R hod 3 mine Purple) dep P 219, Cadmium Yellow) S.OY 68, m.OY 71
Piirnip Rnrpllin ^cap R Radio M d.B 183, gy.B 186
m.P 223, v,rP 236,
Rocellin Purple)
s.rP 237, Radio Blue. M d.gy.B 187
Purple, Roman (see Ro- M, P Raffia M l.yBr 76, gy.Y 90
deep rP 238,
man Purple) Ragged Sailor (same as M m.pB 200
s.pR 255,
Purple, Rose (see Rose H Cornflower |Blue|)
Purple) deep pR 256, Rail M d.Gy 266
Purple, Roseine (see H m.pR 258, Rainbow Mist P gy.yPk 32
Roseine Purple) gy.pR 262 Rainette Green M m.YG 120


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des. ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color n?me Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec;
14 14 14

Rainette Green hi.YG 120 Red. deep Pk 3, m.Pk 5, Red, Carrot (see Carrot H, M, R
Raisin d.pR 259 gy.Pk 8, s.R 12, Red)
Raisin d.gy.rBr 47 gy.R 19, s.yPk 26, Red, Carthamus (see M
Raisin, Spanish (seeSpan- deep yPk 27, Carthamus Red)
ish Raisin) l.yPk 28, Red, Castilian (see Cas- M
Raisin Black pBlack 235 m.yPk 29, tilian Red)
Raisin Black d.gy.P 229 s.rO 35, Red, Chalet (see Chalet M
Raisin Purple\ deep rP 238 deep rO 36, Red)
Raisin Purple d.rP 242 m.rO 37 Red, Cherry (see Cherry M, T
Rambler Rose deep Pk 3, m.pR 258 Red oU m.R 15, gy.R 19, Red)
Rameau _ Black 267 m.rO 37, d.rO 38, Red, Chimney (see Chim- M
Rameses (same as Yale deep B 179 gy.rO 39, ney Red)
Blue) m.rBr 43, Red, Chinese (see Chi- M, T
Ramier Blue gy.P 228 brO 54, S.Br 55 nese Red)
Ramier Blue p.V 214, gy.V 215, nCd, AC3J0U (sec AC3J0U p [Redl, Claret (see Claret M
gy.P 228 nea } IRedl)
Rangoon (same as Clove) m.Br 58 Red, Adrianople (see m Red, Cobalt (see Cobalt M
Raphael m.B 182, d.B 183 Adridnople Red) Red)
Rapids -- m.B 182 Red, Afghsn (see Afghan M Red, Columbian (see Co- M
Rapture ._ m.R 15 Red) lumbian Red)
Raspberry d.R 16 Red, Algerisn (see Alge- M [Red], Columbine (see M
Raspberry deep pR 256, rian Red) Columbine |Red|)
m.pR 258, Red, Angel (see Angel M Red, Copper (see Copper IVI

d.pR 259, Red) Red)

gy.pR 262 Red, AntiQue(s6e AntiQue M
IVI |Red|, Coral (see Coral M
Raspberry TC m.pR 258, d.pR 259 IRedl)
Raspberry, Wild (see Wild M Red, Antwerp (see Ant- M
IVI Red, Coral (see Coral R, T
Raspberry) werp Red) Red)
Raspberry GlacS m.R 15, gy.R 19, Red, Apple (see Apple Tr
1u Red, Corinthian (see Co- M, R
m.pR 258, rinthian Red)
gy.pR 262 Red, Ardbian (see Arabian IV) Red, Carnelian (see Car- M
Raspberry Glace gy.pR 262 Red) nelian Red)
Raspberry Red m.R 15 Red, Armenian (see Ar- IVI Red, Crawshay (see Craw- M
Barwood. Caliaturwood, menian Red) shay Red)
Camwood, Jacque- Red, Aurora (see Aurora M Red, Crowshay (see Crow- M
minot. Narrawood, Red) shay Red)
Redwood (insoluble), Red, Barn (see Barn Red). T Red. Currant (see Currant H
Sandalwood, Sanders- Red, Berlin (see Berlin M Red)
wood, Santalwood Red) |Red|. Currant (see Cur- M
Raspberry Rose s.pR 255, m.pR 258 Ked, dIooo (see blood H, M rant IRedl)

Raspberry Wine --. d.pR 259, v.d.pR 260 Red) Red, Cuyahoga (see Cuya- M
Red, Bluish (see Bluish A hoga Red)
Rat.. OIGy 113
Red) Red, Daphne (see Daphne M, R
Rattan m.Y 87
(Red), Bordeaux (see Bor- M Red)
Raven Black 267 deaux [Red]) Dark Red SC d.R 16, s.rBr 40,
Raw Italian Earth (same brO 54, I.Br 57 [Red], Brazil (see Brazil M deep rBr 41,
as Raw Sienna) |Red|) m.rBr 43,
Raw Sienna brO 54, I.Br 57 Red, Brazil (see Brazil P, R s.Br 55
Italian Ochre, Mexican Red) Dark Red deep R 13, d.R 16
Red, Raw Italian Red, Brick(see Brick Red) H, M, R, Red, Dark Indian (see
Earth, Terra Siena S, T, TC Dark Indian Red)
Raw Sienna d.OY 72, s.yBr 74 Bright Red . _ A v.R 11 Red, Dark Lacquer (see

m.yBr Urignt Ked T v.R 11. s.R 12 Dark Lacquer Red)

Raw Umber 77, d.yBr 78
Red, Bright Bluish (see A Red, Dark Mineral (see
Burnt Umber, Cyprus
Bright Bluish Red) Dark Mineral Red)
Earth, Cyprus Umber.
Manganese Velvet
Red, Bright Cherry (see T Deep Red v.R 11, deep R
Brown, Partridge,
Bright Cherry Red) m.R 15, d.R 16
Red, Bright Coral (see T Red, Deep Corinthian (see
Roman Umber, Sicil-
Umber, Terra Bright Coral Red) Deep Cormthlan Red)
Red, Bright Yellowish A Red, Deep Hellebore (see
Umber, Turkey Um-
(see Bright Yellowish Deep Hellebore Red)
ber, Velvet Brown
Red) Red, Devil's (see Devil's
Raw Umber m.Br 58
Red, Bronze (see Bronze M Red)
Realgar (same as Florida s.OY 68, m.OY 71
Red) Red, Dewey (see Dewey
Gold) M.S
Red, Brown (see Brown Red)
Realgar. Yellow (see Yel- Red) Red, Dragons-blood (see
low Realgar) Red, Cambridge (see M Dragons-blood Red)
RScamier m.Pk 5, s.yPk 26 Cambridge Red) Dull Red - m.R 15, d.R 16,
Red s.R 12, deep R 13, Red, Capsicum (see Cap- H v.d.R 17, gy.R 19,
v.deep R 14, sicum Red) deep rBr 41,
m.R 15 Red, Capucine (see Cap- M m.rBr 43
Red(BuOrd) . F v.R 11 ucine Red) Dull Red S s.rO 35
Red, Cardinal (see Car- H Dull Red (AN 618) (same F m.rBr 43
Red (MA) (same as In F v.R 11
dinal Red) as Dull Red (USA 311))
signa Red (AN 509))
[Red], Cardinal (see Car- M Dull Red (USA 311) F m.rBr 43
Red (USA 105) (same as F 1105 v.R 11
dinal |Red|) Dull Red (AN 618)
Insigna Red (AN 509))
JRedj, Carnation (see M Red, Dull Bluish (see A
Red (USA 314) F 3115 m.R 15 Dull Bluish Red)
Carnation IRedJ)
Insigna Red (AN 619)
Red, Carnelian (see Car- M, R Red, Dull Yellowish (see A
Red MUP v.R 11 nelian Red) Dull Yellowish Red)
Red PSP-70 v.R 11 Red, Carnival (see Carni- M. P Dusky Red. RC d.R 16
Red PSP-74 deep rBr 41 val Red) Dusky Red SC m.rBr 43, gy.rBr 46
lOUl/ liDO LUIUI Ucs* ISCC-NB*; rnirr dps-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec, number from sec, number from sec.
14 14 14

Red, Earth (see Earth Red). F Red. Lobster (see Lobster T Red, Phantom (see Phan- M
Red, Egyptian (see Egyp- M, P Red) tom Red)
tian Red) Red. Madder (see Madder M Red, Piccolpasso (see Pic- M
Red, Enghsh (see English M, R Red) colpasso Red)
Red) Red, Madder Indian (see M Red, Pompeian (see Pom- M, R
Red. Erythrite (see H Madder Indian Red) peian Red)
Erythrite Red) Red, Mahogany (see Ma- M, R Red, Poppy (see Poppy H, T
Red. Etruscan (see Etrus- M, R hogany Red) Red)
can Red) Red, Mallow (see Mallow M [Red], Poppy (see Poppy M
Red, Eugenia (see Eu- M, R Red) IRedl)
genia Red) Red, Mandarin (see Man- H, M Red, Portable (see Porta- M
Red. Eureka (see Eureka M darin Red) ble Red)
Red) Red. Mars (see Mars Red). M Red, Portugese (see Por- M
Red, Fiery (see Rery Red). M Red. Metallic (see Metallic F tuguese Red)
Red, Fire (see Fire Red).. F, H, M Red) Red, Post Office (see Post M
Red, Flame (see Flame TC Red. Mexican (see Mex- M Office Red)
Red) ican Red) Red, Prussian (see Prus- M, R
Red, Forest of Dean (see M Red, Mineral
(see Min- M, R sian Red)
Forest of Dean Red) eral Red) Red. R3spberry(see Rasp- M
Red. Fuchsia (see Fuchsia T Moderate Red RC gy.R 19 berry Red)
Red) Red, Moorish (see Moor- M Red, Rhodonite (see Rho- H
Red, Garnet (see Garnet M ish Red) donite Red)
Red) Red, Moro (see Moro Red). M Red, Rose (see Rose Red). H, R, S,
Red, Geranium (see Ge- T Red, Morocco (see Mo- M, R T
ranium Red) rocco Red) Red, Ruby (see Ruby Red). H
|Red), Golf (see Golf |RedD- M Red, Naples (see Naples M Red. Safflower (see Saf- M
Red. Grenadine (see M, R Red) flower Red)
Grenadine Red) Red, Nasturtium (see H, T Red, Saturn (see Saturn H, M
Red, Gypsy (see Gypsy M Nasturtium Red) Red)
Red) |Redl. Nasturtium (see M Red, Saturnine (see Sat- M
Red, Haematite (see M, R Nasturtium |Red|) urnine Red)
Haematite Red) Red. Neutral (see Neutral M, R Red, Scarlet (see Scarlet M
Red. Harrison (see Har- M Red) Red)
rison Red) Red, Nepal (see Nepal R Red, Shrimp (see Shrimp H
Red, Hellebore (see Helle- M, R Red) Red)
bore Red) Red, Nuremberg (see M |Redl, Shrimp (see Shrimp M
Red, Hyacinth (see Hya- M Nuremberg Red) IRedl)
cinth Red) Red, Ocher (see Ocher M, R Red, Signal (see Signal H, M
Red, Hydrangea (see Hy- M, R Red) Red)
drangea Red) Red. Ochre (see Ochre M Red, Spanish (see Span- M
Red, Hypernic (see Hy- M Red) ish Red)
pernic Red) Red, Old (see Old Red)... M Red, Spectra (see Spectra P
Red, Ibis (see Ibis Red).. M Red, Old Glory (see Old TC Red)
Red, India (see India Red). M Glory Red) Red, Spectrum (see Spec- R
Red, Indian (see Indian M, P, Red, Onion (see Onion M trum Red)
Red) R, T Red) Red, Spinel (see Spinel H, M, R
Red, Insignia (see Insig- F Red, Orange (see Orange S Red)
nia Red) Red) Red, Spiraea (see Spiraea H
Red, iron (see Iron Red).. M Red, Orijnt (see Orient H, M Red)
Red. Japanese (see Jap- M Red) Red, Sunset (see Sunset T
anese Red) Red, Oriental (see Ori- M Red)
Red, Jasper (see Jasper H, M, R ental Red) Red, Tapestry (see Tapes- M, P
Red) Red, Orpiment (see Orpi- M try Red)
Red, Kinema(see Kinema M ment Red) Red, Tile (see Tile Red).. M, T
Red) Red, Oxblood (see Ox- H |Red|, Tomato(seeTomato M
Red, Lacquer (see Lac- M, T blood Red) IRedl)
quer Red) |Red|, Oxblood (see Ox- M Red, Tomato (see Tomato P, T
Red, Leaf (see Leaf Red). M blood |Red|) Red)
Red, Levant (see Levant M Red, Ox blood (see Ox- R Red, Tommy (see Tom- M
Red) blood Red) my Red)
Light Red (same as Burnt M m.rO 37 Pale Red.. RC l.gy.R 18, l.gy.rBr 45 Red, Troubador (see M
Ochre) Pale Red SC Lgy.R 18, LrBr 42, Troubador Red)
Light Red.. RC d.Pk 6 l.gy,rBr 45 Red, Turkey (see Turkey H, M
Light Red.. SO deep yPk 27, Red, Para (see Para Red). M Red)
d,yPk 30, m.rO 37, Red, Paris (see Paris Red). M Red, Turkish (see Turkish M
gy.rO 39, m.O 53 Red, Parma (see Parma M Red)
Light Red T s,R 12, m.R 15 Red) Red, Turkish Crescent M
Red, Cherry (see
Light T Red. Peach (see Peach M, R (see Turkish Crescent
Light Cherry Red) Red) Red)
Red, Light Coral (see R lRed|.Peach Blossom (see M Red, Tuscan (see Tuscan M
Light Coral Red) Red)
Peach Blossom [Red])
Red, Light Corinthian R Red, Tuscany (see Tus- P
Red, Peony (see Peony M
(see Light Corinthian cany Red)
Red) Red, Vandyke (see Van- M, R
Red. Light Jasper (see R
Rpii Ppnnpr (<p& Ppnnpr M dyke Red)
Light JasperRed)
M Red, Vegetable (see Veg- M
Red, Light Lacquer (see T Red, Perma (see Perma in
etable Red)
Light Lacquer Red) neu^ Red, Venetian (see Vene- M, T
Red, Light Tomato (see T Red, Permanent (see M tian Red)
Light Tomato Red) Permanent Red) Red, Venice (see Venice M
Red, Lincoln (see Lincoln U Red, Persian (see Persian M Red)
Red) i

Red) Very Dark Red RC d.R 16

_ . . , .

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Souice Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Very Dusky Red RC nil r D r AC.

gy.rDi Ad, Keddisn Brown CP 1 rDr AO
i.iDr 4, m rDr
m.iDr A1
4j, Red Lead, mixed pigment F s rO 35
o.gy.rDr */
1nu rRr 4j,
i.gy.iDr ^IVIrty

Very Dusky Red CP A rQr AA nil rDr AC Rarl

nea Leaa
t Ail /'MA\
ana uii (iviaj F V.rO 34
A nil rDr A~f
Q.gy.rDi 4/ 1
Dr J
Dr (^7
/ ,
m Dr 00
m.DI ^& (same as Orange (USA
c r\arL PoHHich Rrnuun RC m.rBr 43
Red, Violet (see Violet o lyj/)}
Red) Dark Reddish Brown.. m rDr 4o,
m.rDi A'3 A rDr 44,
a.rDi AA Red Lead Modified (MA) F
lioon rr\ "iC

DaH wax /caa

Keo, U/^v (.Sec U/av PoH^
wax ncU^__ M gy.rBr 46, RoH lar
ncU LlldC
1 i
... S pv Pk R m nR
U/ntL Darl CP nil D
gy.n 1
rRr AO
Dl tt, A n\i rRr A7
a.gy.iDi m Du nR ?fi?
m.rBr 43, m Dr
JO, Red Mahogany T Hppn rRr d 1
1ntf rDr A^
I.gy.rDI 40, A Dr oy,
Q.Bi ntfDr f^l
gy.Br di, m rRr
III .1D 1 HsJ
nil rDr A(^ A n\i Dr CO li rRr ou rRr HD
gy.lDI A(\
gy.iDr 40 u.gy.Dr Deep Red Mahogany T U.I Dl *tH,
Dn>J U/!nA /frin. UUinA Keo/_
Keo, Wine (see wine
DBrl\ T
1 Deep Keooisn Brown A rDr AA (same as Deep Red
Red, Yellow (see Yellow CP Brown)
Red) null RoHHIch Rrnu/n rlR
U.n 1A
ID, t(HD17
V U-K Li, Red Ochre (same as Bote). M m.rBr 43
A v.R 11, v.yPk 25,
Red, Yellowish (see Yel- M gy.K ly. S
lowish Red) A n\t D OA V.rO 34 S.rO 35
M Hoon Vt \'X m R 1 S s.O 50
Red Bole (ssme as Bole). M
m m.rBr 43 1 rBr 42 Ked Oxide (same as Tar- M S.rBr 40, s.Br 55
Red Boottopping, dark c
A ntf Dr O m.rBr 43, ragona)
(MA) A rDr 44,
u.rDr AA Red Oxide (MA) (same deep rBr 41
r mi'rDr 4D,
Red Boottopping, light r deep rBr 41 1
l.gy.lDT as Red Boottopping
(MA) (same as Red gy.rBr 46, (PC))
Boottopping (PC)) d. gy.rBr 47 Red Plum.. T ,
u.gy.r ..3,

r inVit R^HHich Dmviun SC AO

rRr He, au rDr d.pR 259,
Keo boonopping (.ru^ r deep rBr 41 1 1
i.ior I.gy.rDI

metallic Kefl(UoA iuh/, Dr (;7

i.tjr 5/
1 V rl nR 7Rn
Red Bootto ppi n g, Moderate Keddisn Brown. RP m.rBr 38 Red Purple S deep rP 238,
iigni (mA), Keu Pale Reddish Brown . .
DP l.rBr 42 H nR
neooisn uioy nLPii in rPii 09
uxioe (iviA^ . . . pKby lu, rby cc, Red-Purple, Blackish (see R
Red Brown s nilDL 06,
gy.rk A o \a
fl.K lb, d.rGy 23, Blackish Red-Purple)
ni> D 10 nt>D 1Q p.P 227
lo, gy.K la. l.pGy 232, Pale Red Purple RC
rby p.yrK oi, pGy 233. Very Dusky Red Purple RC d.gy.P 229,
gy.yrk oz, A nPi, J4
u.pby 0'3A blackish P 230
m.ru ii a.ru jo. , neoaisn uiay. .
rby 00
1ni, rDr
i.gy.rDr 43,
Ati d.pR, 259,
I.TdT 4c, m
rDr AO rDr Jl9
m.lDI '0, 1. gy.Br 60. v.d.pR 260
oeep u Dl, 1 hrPw C7 Red Roobin (same as In- M deep rBr 41
m.u jj, uiu J'*, n^rL nt^UUlbli
L/dlK RoHHich uldy
f^rau SC A rPw OQ nil Dr CI la nea^

l.Br 57. m.Br 58, brGy 64 Red Striping (N 40) F v.R 11

Reddish Navy^ A v.R 11
s.yBr 74, d.V 212 Red Striping (Vermilion) F
m.yBr 77, Reddish Orange. . _ ... s.rO 35, (MA)(same as Insignia
AIDr yo
m.uiBr QC deep rO 36, Ked AW Duy>)
DnA /(An enow
Dark Red Brown . s gy.rBr 46 m rn J/,
m.ru Q7 A rn oo
Ked Violet S V.I ciu, ^. r i.io.

A rDr A nilrDr 4d
AC Bright Keddisn Orange deep P 219, 1.P 222,
Deep Red Brown T a. rBr 44,
gy.rBr v.rO 34
Dull Reddish Orange mi rfX OO m.P 223 S.rP 237
Deep Red Mahogany gy.ru jy
Light Red Brown S 1 rDr
l.rBi AO
4Z Moderate Reddish Orange. RP gy.ru OQ
mi r-n oy deep rP 238,
Red Chalk (same as Bole), M m.rBr 43 Reddish Violet A s.rP 237, l.rP240 m.rP241
Red Cross M 1,oil
V.n 11,
S.K Id deep rP 238, l.pPk 249,
Kea uecK (.mA; F deep rBr 41 v.deep rP 239, m.pPk 250,
Metallic Brown (MA), 1 rP Z4U,
l.lr 0>in m rn Z41,
m.ip 0>1 1 gy.pPk 253,
Keo uecK A rP OAO PV dR 262
,, J _ D OA"?
203) v.o.rr z4J Bright Red Viclet S V.P216, S.P218,
r V.rP 236, S.rP 237
Keo uecK(UoA ^u^nsame r deep rBr 41 Drtgni ncUQisn vioiei_ v.rP 236
as Keo uecK (iv)a>) null RaHHich Uintat
uuii neauisn vioiei- n D LLi,
p.r 097 nif D 990
gy.r ceo, Redwood (insoluble) FIJI /OUQ\ m.R 15
Redding (same as Bole)_- M m.rBr 43 d.gy.P 229, (same as Raspberry
k 1 i^k D OOA
Reddish Black A d.gy.R 20, 1
DlaCKlsn 1.
r ZSxj, Red)
rBlack 24, p.rP 244. Redwood (soluble) (same M (5K9)
m.K Id, nil DIO
gy.K ly
pBiacK cio gy.rP 24d as Rosevale)
Reddish Black . SC rBiacK i4. nefluisn wmte A pkwnite y. Redwood (same as Caul- m (6K1I) d.R 16. S.rBr 40.
d.rBr 44, pwnite zjI dron) m.rBr 43
A nil rDr 4/,
Jl7 DaAA'ieh Vallmii A
M gy.R19. d.r0 38.
o.gy.iBr Drill. UY b/. Redwood . .... T
Q.gy.Dr b. S.OY 68. m.rBr 43
DrbiacK bb deep UY 69, Dark Redwood . T 0v R 14 PV rRr dC

Keddisn Blue A hrlll rsD

Drill. pb 1
Qi; 1AV 7n
I.UY /U,
m AV
m.UT 71
/I Red Zinc Yellow Primer F m.OY 71

s.pB 196, d.OY 72, (N 84R)

deep pB ly/. brill. Y 83, Reed . P p.YG 121
v.l.pB 198, s.Y 84, Reed Green ... _ ... M I.YG 119
l.pB 199, deep Y 85, Reed Yellow M l.gY 101, p.gY 104
m.pB zuu. 1
m V 07
m.T 0/, Reed Yellow. R m.gY 102
d.pB 201 d.Y 88 Reflection P v.l.gB 171

Bright Reddish Blue A .> nO \0A Reddish Yellow. . . .

CP 1 A CO m
i.u oi,
A 06,
m.u CO Regal - M deep pB 197
Dull Reddish Blue A v.p.B 184, AV 7n
i.ui /u,
m AV
m.UT 71
/I, Rega! Orchid _ P !.P 222
p.B 185, d.OY 72 Regal Purple (same as M s.V 207
gy.B 186, Bright Keddisn Yellow A v.OY 66, V.Y 82 Royal Purple)
A nx, D 1lo/.
o.gy.B 07 Dull Reddish Yellow_ A AV
p.UT 70
n V OO
p.T oy, Regatta (same as Liberty).' M s.B 178, S.pB 196
blackish B 188, gy.Y 90, Regimental M gy.pB 204
,,_ _D IDl,
V.p.pB ono d.gy.Y 91 Persian Blue
p.pB 203, Reddle (same as Bole) , M m.rBr 43 Rejane Green M m.yG 136
gy.pB 204 Red Earth (same as Bole). M m.rBr 43 Rejane Green R l.yG 135, m.yG 136
A deep R 13, Redfeather M s.K iz, m.K lo Rembrandt M d. gy.Br 62
v.deep R 14, Buddha Chocolate Brown
d.R 16, gy.K 19, Redgrape .. TC d.pR 259 Rembrandt's Madder M m rO ^7 fi rfl 1R

s.rBr 40, Red in plates (same as M v.R 11 (same as Canna) gy.r0 39, m.rBr 43
deep rBr 41, Artillery) Remote gy.G 150
m.rBr 43 Red Lead (same as Fiery M V.rO 34 Renaissance... M v.pR 254
Reddish Brown s gy.rBr 46 Red) Repose P gy.YG 122


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS rnlnr dps-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Coloi name Source Coloi name Source
number from sec. i
number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14


Reseda TC gy.G 150, d.gy.G 151 i Roman Tan. P l.rBr 42 Rose, Cedar (see Cedar T
Reseda (Green) M I.OI 106 Romantic Blue P v.l.B 180, I.B 181 Rose)
Bladder Green. Leek Romantic Green M I.OI 106 Rose, Cerise (see Cerise P
Green, Mignonette ll Warbler green Rose)

IGreen], Sap Green, ll Roman Umber (same as m.yBr 77, d.yBr 78 Rose, Cherry (see Cherry T
Verde Vessie, Willow II Raw Umber) Rose)
Green Roman Violet (same as M d rP242 Rose, China (see China H, M, P
Reseda Green T gy.YG 122. gy.G 150 ;
Pansy) Rose)
Dark Reseda Green T gy.OIG 127, gy.G 150 Romany M d.gy-B 187, Rose, Claret (see Claret H
Light Reseda Green (same T gy.YG 122. m.yG 136, Mascot blackish B 188, Rose)
as Light Sage Green) p.G 149 d.pB 201, Rose, Colonial (see Col- M, T
Resolute M m.B 182 gy.pB 204 onial Rose)
Restrained Blue. __- P v.p.B 184 Romarin M d.gy.G 151 Rose, Copper (see Copper M
Retreat P P.B185, bGy 191 \\
Rood's Blue ._ R v.B 176 Rose)
Reveree (same as Minia- M p.yPk 31. gy.yPk 32 \\
Rood's Brown R l.gy.rBr 45, I.Br 57, Rose, Coral (see Coral P. T
ture Pink) m.Br 58 Rose)
Rhapsody Blue. d.gy.B 187 1
Rood's Lavender R p.P 227 Rose, Crocus (see Crocus P
Rhodamine Pink H s.pPk 247 Rood's Violet, R deep rP 238 Rose)
Rhodamine Purple. _ H v.pR 254 Room Green l.gGy 154 Dark Rose S m.R 15
Rhodamine Purple R v.pR 254 Rosalgar (same as Florida S.OY 68, m.OY 71 Dark Rose T m.pR 258
Rhododendron M d.pR 259 Gold) Deep Rose S deep Pk 3, m.R 15,
Rhodonite Pink M d.pPk 251 Rosario (same as Army M I.Br 57 deep yPk 27,
Rhodonite Pink R d.pPk 251 v.rO 34, d.pPk 251
Pale Rhodonite Pink R l.pPk 249 i
m.yPk 29 m.pR 258
Rhodonite Red H m.R 15 v.Pk 1, s.Pk 2, Rose, Delft (see Delft H
Rhone M I.YG 119. p.YG 121 deep Pk 3, I.Pk 4, Rose)
Rhubarb (same as Citrine) M I.OI 106 :
m.Pk 5, d.Pk 6, Rose, Dry (see Dry Rose). M
Rifle |Green| M d. gy.OIG 128, i! s.R 12, deep R 13, Rose, Dryad (see Dryad P
Black 267

m.R 15. gy.R 19, Rose)

Riga M m.bG 164 1
v.yPk25. s.yPk26, Dull Rose S s.Pk 2. l.gy.R 18,
Riga Blue M d.gy.G 151, gy.B 186 deep yPk 27, m.pPk 250
Rigi Blue P gy.B 186 l.yPk 28, Rose, Dusty (see Dusty T
Rill P l.bG 163 m.yPk 29, Rose)
Rinnemann's Green (same M m.yG 136 d.yPk30, p.yPk3I, j
Rose, Empire (see H
as Cobalt Green) gy.yPk32. m.r0 37. Empire Rose)
Rinnemann's Green R m.YG 120 p.P 227. s.pPk 247, Rose, Faded (see Faded M
Rio Blue P p.B 185 deep pPk 248, Rose)
Rio Grande. P gy.Y 90 l.pPk 249, Rose. Fantasy (see Fan- P
Ripple Green M gy.G 150, m.bG 164 m.pPk 250, tasy Rose)
Risigal (same as Florida M s.OY 68, m.OY 71 d.pPk 251, Rose, France (see France M
Gold) V.pR 254, j
Rivage Green M m.YG 120, l.yG 135 s.pR 255, 1
Rose, French (see French H
Rivage Green. R I.YG 119. m.YG 120 m.pR 258. 1
River Blue TC m.gB 173. gy.B 186 gy.pR 262 Rose. Fuchsia (see P. T
River Mist _. P gy B 186 d.Pk 6, m.R 15, Fuchsia Rose)
River Nile P m.bG 164 d.pPk 251, Rose, Garnet (see Garnet P
Riviera . M s.B 178 m.pR 258 Rose)
Riviera. . .. P m.B 182 Rose. Amaranth (see Am- Rose, Geranium (see Ge- T
Rivulet Blue P l.gB 172 aranth Rose) ranium Rose)
Roan. . M m.rBr 43 Rose. Antique (see An- Rose, Grecian (see Gre- M, P,
Robin Egg. P v.l.bG 162 tique Rose) cian Rose) TC
Robinhood Green M d.G 146 Rose. Ash (see Ash Rose). T Rose, Havana (see Havana M
Robin's Egg TC gy.B 186 Rose. Ashes of (see Ashes T, TC Rose)
Robin's Egg Blue M p.G 149, l.bG 163 of Rose) Rose, Jack (see Jack Rose). M
Bird's-egg-green, Egg- Rose, Baby (see Baby M Rose, Japan (see Japan M, R
shell Blue, Eggshell Rose) Rose)
Green j

Rose. Begonia (see Be- M. R T s.Pk 2, deep Pk 3,

Robin's Egg Blue T l.gB 172 gonia Rose) m.pPk 250
Rocellin Purple R deep pPk 248, Rose, Blush (see Blush M, P Rose, Cherry (see
Light T
d.pPk251 Rose) Light Cherry Rose)
Rocou (same as Salmon). M m.yPk 29 Rose, Bois de (see Bois M. TC Rose. Light Colonial (see T
Rod and Tire Gray (PC) F med.Gy 265 de Rose) Light Colonial Rose)
(same as Medium Navy Rose, Bridal (see Bridal M Rose, Light Coral (see T
Gray (Y&D 20)) Rose) Light Coral Rose)
Rodent M d.Gy 266 Bright Rose... S deep pPk 248, Rose, Light Old (see Light P
Roe M l.yBr 76, d.gy.Y 91 V.pR 254. gy.pR262 Old Rose)
Roma Blue.. M gy.pB 204, gy.V 215 Bright Rose T deep Pk 3, s R 12, Rose, LightOrchid (see T
Romance P (520) p.pPk 252 S.pR 255, m.pR258 Light Orchid Rose)
Romance P (603) P.V214, gy.P228 Rose, Bright Coral (see T Rose, Lilac (see Lilac S
Roman Earth (same as M m.O 53 Bright Coral Rose) Rose)
Doubloon) Rose, Bright Fuchsia (see T Rose, Magenta (see Ma- H, M,
Romanesque M d.rP 242 Bright Fuchsia Rose) genta Rose) P, T
Roman Green M m.OI 107 Rose, Burnt (see Burnt |
M Rose, Malmaison (see M
Roman Green R m.OI 107 Rose) Malmaison Rose)
Roman Lake (same as M v.R 11, s.R 12 Rose, Camellia (see Ca- H, P Rose, Marsh (see Marsh M
Carmine) mellia Rose) Rose)
Roman Ochre (same as M m.O 53 Rose, Cameo (see Cameo F Rose, Misty (see Misty P
Doubloon) Rose) Rose)
Roman Purple. M m.V 211 Rose, Carmine (see Car- H, S Rose, Monticello (see P
Roman Purple. P d.gy.P 229, mine Rose) Montlcello Rose)
d.pGy 234 Rose, Carnation (see Car- M Rose, Moss (see Moss M
Roman Rose P d.gy.rBr 47 nation Rose) Rose)
Roman Sepia (same as M m.Br 58 Rose, Carthamus (see M Rose, Neyron (see Neyron H
Vandyke Brown) 1 Carthamus Rose) Rose)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number trom sec.
14 14 14

Rose, Octoroon (see Octo- Light Rose Brown gy,R 19, d.gy.R 20 Rose Opal s.R 12
roon Rose) Rosebud deep pPk 248, Roseo-Vinosus. l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29,
Rose, Old (see Old Rose). M, P, R, d.pPk 251 p.yPk 31,
T, TC Rose Carmine.. deep Pk 3, v.pR 254, gy yPk 32,
Rose, Orchid (see Orchid T s.pR 255, gy.rO 39,
Rose) m.pR 258 l.rBr 42
Rose, Persian (see Persian H, M, P Rose Caroline m.yPk 29 Rose Pearl P p.Pk 7, p.yPk 31
Rose) Rose Caroline m.yPk 29 Rose Petal M gy.R 19
Rose, Porcelain (see Por- H Rose Carthame (same as v.R 11 Rose Pink H s.Pk 2, l.pPk 249
celain Rose) Artillery) Rose Pink (same M d.rO 38
Rose, Powder (see Powder T Rose Castor rGy 22 Chinook)
Rose) Rose Castor... gy.R 19. rGy 22 Rose Pink R l.pPk 249
Rose, Rambler (see Ram- M Rose Cendre m.yPk 29 Rose Pink S V.pR 254
bler Rose) Rose Cloud m.Pk 5 Rose Pink T m.Pk 5, l.pPk 249,
Rose, Raspberry (see T Rose Color.. deep pPk 248, m.pPk 250
Raspberry Rose) V.pR 254 Rose Pink TC s.Pk 2
Rose, Roman (see Roman P Rose d'Alma gy.pR 262 Deep Rose Pink. R s.pPk 247
Rose) Rose d'Althoea s.Pk 2 Rose Plum T gy.rP 245, d,pR 259
Rose, Rust (see Rust P Rose Dawn m.yPk 29, l.rBr 42, gy.pR 262
Rose) Corial Rose Purple. H LP 222
Rose, Salmon (see Salmon P, S Rose de Nymphe (same p.Y 89 Rose-Purple M LP 222, l.rP240
Rose) as Ivory (Yellowr)) Rose- Purple R brill.P217
Rose, Slate (see Slate P Rose de Provence S.pR 255 Pale Rose-Purple. R LP 222
Rose) Rose Dor6e deep Pk 3, m.R 15 Rose Quartz M p.P 227
Rose, Smokestain (see P Rose Doree deep yPk 27 Rose Red H v.R 11
Smokestain Rose) Rosedust gy.R 19, gy.rBr 46 Rose Red R v.R 11
Rose, Southern (see P Rose Dust p.yPk 31 Rose Red S deepPkS, m.R 15,
Southern Rose) Rose Ebony.. d.gy.rBr 47 d.R 16
Rose, Spectra (see Spectra P Rose France (same as m.yPk 29 Rose Red. T v.R 11, deep R 13,

Rose) Peachbloom) m.R 15, m.pR258

Rose, Sun (see Sun Rose) P Rose Garden deep pPk 248 Roses, Ashes of (see M, P
Rose, Swiss (see Swiss M, P Rose Glory deep Pk 3 Ashes of Roses)
Rose) Roseglow l.rBr 42 Roses, Attar of (see Attar M
Rose, Taupe (see Taupe P Rose Gray l.gy.R 18, gy.R 19 of Roses)
Rose) Rose Grey brGy 64 Rose Shadow P p.Pk 7, p.yPk31
Rose, Tea (see Tea Rose) TC Rose Hermosa (same as m.Pk 5 Rose Soiree M deep Pk 3
Rose, Tyrian (see Ty- H, R Pink Pearl) Rose Smoke P l.gy.R 18, rGy 22
rian Rose) Rose Hortensia l.rBr 42 Rose Stain P gy.R 19
Rose, Valencia (see Val- P Rosebisque Rosestone M l.gy.rBr 45
encia Rose) Roseine Purple v.rP236 Reset (same as Brazil M d.rO 38
Rose, Vassar (see Vassar M, TC Rose Lake d.rO 38 IRedl)
Rose) Rose Lake m.Pk 5, d.pR 259, Rosetan (same as Pearl- brPk33, l.gy.Br 60
Rose, Venetian (see Vene- M, P gy.pR 262 blush)
tian Rose) Roseleaf m.Pk 5 Rose Taupe d.Gy 266
RosS, Vin (see Vin Ros6)- M Rose Leaf S.Pk 2 Rose Taupe... gy.R 19, d.rGy 23,
Rose, Wild (see Wild Rose) M Roseleaf, Old (see Old l.gy.rBr 45,

Rose, Withered (see M, P Roseleaf) gy.rBr 46,

Withered Rose) Rose Lilac s.rP 237, LrP 240, gy.Br61, gy.P 228
Rose, Wood (see Wood M m.pPk 250, Dark Rose Taupe d.rGy 23, gy.rBr 46,
Rose) d.pPk 251, gy.Br61, brGy 64
Rose, Woodland (see M m.pR 258, Rosetta d.rGy 23
Woodland Rose) gy.pR 262 Roseus v.Pk 1, s.Pk 2,

Rose, Yellow (see Yellow P Roseiustre (same as Dark d.R 16 deep Pk 3, m.R 15,

Rose) Cardinal) s.yPk 26,

Rosea P l.pPk 249 Rose Madder V.pR 254 deepyPk27,
Rose Amber M brO 54, I.Br 57 Rose Madder (same as s.pR 255 s.rP 237,

Rose Ash -. M gy.R 19 Casino Pink) brill.pPk 246,

Devon (Brown] Rose Marie deep Pk 3 s.pPk 247,

Rose Ash P pkWhite 9, p.yPk 31 Rose Marie deep pPk 248 deep pPk 248,
Rose Beige (same as M(I4B7) gy.yBr 80 Rosemary gy.rP 245 l.pPk 249,
Blondine) Rose Mauve gy.P228, d.gy.P229, V.pR 254. S.pR 255
Rose Beige 2 M(5A10) I.Br 57 d.pR 259 Rosevale m.R 15, gy.R 19
Rose Beige T m.yPk 29, I.Br 57, Rose Mist -. l.gy.R 18, gy.yPk 32 Brazilwood, Fernam-
l.gy.Br 60 Rose Mist.. m.Pk 5, gy.Pk 8, bucowood. Limawood,
Rose Beige TC I.Br 57 gy.pPk 253 Nicaraguawood,
Light Rose Beige T gy.yPk 32, brPk 33 Rose Morn (same as m.yPk 29 Peachwood, Pernam-
Rose Bengal H v.pR 254 Peachbloom) bucowood. Redwood
Rosebisque(sameas Rose M l.rBr 42 Rose Morn I.Pk4, p.Pk7, (souble), Sappan-
Hortensia) l,yPk 28, p.yPk 31 wood
Rosebloom l.gy.R 18, d.yPk 30, Rose Muse gy.yPk 32 Rose Violet.. s.rP 237,
gy.rO 39, l.rBr 42 Rose Neyron s.R 12, S.pR 255 deep rP 23l!,
Rose Blush M (5C9) l.rBr42 Madder Lake m.rP241,
Rose Blush 2 (same as M(12A7) I.Br 57 Rose Nilsson deep Pk 3 deep pR 256,
Blush) Rose Nude m.yPk29, gy.yPk 32, m.pR 258
Rose Breath M I.Pk4, p.Pk7 Pastel Parchment brPk 33
Bright Rose Violet deep pPk 248
Pink 3 Rose Nude p.yPk 31
Rose Wine deep R 13, m.R 15.
Rose Brown... S v.R 11, deep R 13, Rose Oak.. m.rBr 43
d.R 16. gy.R 19,
v.deep R14, Roseo-Bubalinus l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29.
m.pR 258,
deep pR 256, p.yPk 31,
gy.pR 262
v.deep pR 257 gy.yPk 32,
Rosewood m.rBr 43
Rose Brown gy.R 19, d.gy.R 20, brPk 33, p.OY 73
m.R 15 Rosewood l.gy.rBr 45
gy.rBr 46 Rose of Picardy
Dark Rose Brown d.gy.R 20, d.rGy 23, Copper Rose Rosewood Brown. m.rBr 43. gy.rBr 46,

d.rBr 44, d.Br 59 Rose of Sharon m.R 15 m.Br 58


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number trom sec.
14 14 14

Rosewood Tan _. l.rBr42,

gy.rBr 46
m.rBr 43, Rufous. s.yPk 26,
m.O 53
Saffron, Bastard (see Bas-
tard Saffron)

Roslyn Blue (same as M deep pB 197 Rufous m.rO 37 Saffron, Dyer's(see Dyer's

Bellflower) Rufous. Orange (see Saffron)

Roslyn Blue R deep pB 197, Orange Rufous) Saffron, Indian (see In-
m.pB200. m.V211 Rugby Tan (same as Arab S.Br 55 dian Saffron)
Rosolane Pink.__ _ R brill. pPk 246, [Brown]) Saffron, Iron (see Iron
l.pPk 249 Runnymede m.G 145 Saffron)
Rosolane Purple R s.pR 255 Ru Ochre (same as Yuca- brO 54, s.yBr 74 Saffron Yellow s.OY 68
Light Rosolane Purple R deep pPk 248 tan) Saffron Yellow. m.O 53, m.OY 71
Pale Rosolane Purple R deep pPk 248 Russet m.Br 58 Croceus, Crocreal, Cro-
Rosy Pink P I.Pk 4 Russet S.Br 55 cus. Safaran
Roucou (same as Salmon M m.yPk 29 Light Copper Brown, Safrano Pink m.yPk 29
IPink]) Rust Brown Safrano Pink. s.yPk 26
Rouge. Animal (see Ani- M Russet, Burnt (see Burnt Saga Blue p.B 185
mal Rouge) Russet) Sage m.YG 120
Rouge, Chinese (see Chi- M Russet, Hay's (see Hay's Sagebrush Green d.gGy 156
nese Rouge) Russet) Sage Drab gy.OIG 127
Rouge, Mineral (see Min- M Russet Brown S.Br 55, m.Br 58 Sage Gray gy.OIG 127, gy.G 150
eralRouge) Russet Brown m.rBr 43, s.Br 55, Sage Green m.OIG 125,
Rouge, Vegetable (see M m.Br 58 gy.OIG 127
Vegetable Rouge) Russet Green m.gY 102. d.gY 103, Sage [Green] m.YG 120
Rouge de Per (same as M m.rBr 43 gy.gY 105, I.OI 106 Sage Green p.G 149
Bole) Russet Leaf d.gy.Y 91 Sage Green m.YG 120, gy.YG122,
Rouge Vegetal (same as M v.R 11 Russet Orange (same as s.rO 35 m.OIG 125,
Artillery) Midnight Sun) gy.OIG 127.
Royal Blue(TC) F d.B 183 Russet Orange s.O 50, deep 0 51 gy.G 150
Royal Blue (same as M deep B 179, Russet Tan m.rBr 43, gy.rBr 46 LightSage Green .. gy.YG 122.
Smalt) (43D11) m.B 182 Russet-Vinaceous gy.R 19, l.rBr 42 Light Reseda Green m.yG 136, p.G 149
Royal Blue (same as Yale M deep B 179 Light Russet-Vinaceous... l.rBr 42 Sage Grey (same as Lint). l.gy.OI 109
Blue) (44D12) Russet Yellow m.Y 87 Sahara (same as Cocoa). m.Br 58
Royal Blue - S deep B 179 Russian Blue p.B 185, bGy 191 Sailor blackish P 230,
Royal Blue T v.B 176, s.B 178, Russian Blue p.B 185, bGy 191 pBlack 235
deep B 179, Russian Blue v.p.B 184, p.B 185 Sailor rBlack 24
v.pB 194, Pale Russian Blue v.p.B 184 Sailor Blue. m.pB 200
s.pB 196, Russian Calf m.Br 58 Sailor Blue S.pB 196
deep pB 197, Cappagh, Cappah Brown, St. Benoit (same as Negro) d. gy.yBr 81,
m.pB 200 Carob Brown, Ca- Black 267
Royal Blue TC deep B 179 roubier, Fudge, India Sakkara (same as Grey 31) brGy 64
Deep Royal Blue. T deep B 179, d.B 183, Tan, Kis Kilim Sallow.- gy.gY 105
deep pB 197, Russian Green m.yG 136, d.yG 137, Salmon... l.yPk 28, 1.0 52
m.pB 200 Vert Russe gy.G 150 Salmon S.yPk 26, l.yPk 28,
Royal Lilac m.P 223 Russian Green gy.G 150 m.yPk 29
Royal Pink deep Pk 3 Dark Russian Green gy.G 150. d.gy.G 151 Salmon S.yPk 26, m.rO 37,
Royal Purple... deep P 219 Russian Grey (same as I.OIGy 112, Bright Peach m.O 53
Royal Purple... s.V 207 Slate-Grey; med.Gy 265 Salmon TC m.rO 37
Regal Purple Russian Violet (same as deep V 208 Light Salmon (same as T l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29
Royal Purple... m.V 211 Prunella) Peach Pink)
Royal Purple... d.rP 242, Rust S.Br 55 Salmon, Silver (see Silver
v.d.pR 260 Sorolla Brown Salmon)
Royal Robe... d.V 212 Rust, Orange (see Orange Salmon Buff m.yPk 29
Royal Violet... d.pR 259 Rust) Salmon-Buff m.OY 71, p.OY 73
Coronation Rust, Peach (see Peach Salmon Color m.yPk 29, 1.0 52.
Royal Yellow (same as brIII.Y 83, s.Y 84, Rust) m.O 53
Lemon lYellow)) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Rust Brown (same as s.Br 55 PaleSalmon Color p.OY 73
Rubaiyat d.R 16 Russet) Salmoneus m.yPk 29, p.yPk 31,
Rubber... m.OIBr 95 Rustic Brown... m.rBr 43 brPk 33, 1.0 52.
Rubellite v.pR 254 Casserole, Eskimo, m.O 53, m.OY 71.
Ruben's Madder (same as d.rO 38 Ginger Spice p.OY 73, p.Y 89
Lacquer Red) Rustic Drab (same as M I.OIBr 94 Salmon Flush l.yPk 28
Ruber v.R 11, S.R12, Drab) Salmon-Orange s.O 50
V.pR 254, Rust Rose P m.R 15 Light Salmon-Orange m.O 53
deep pR 256, Rust Tan T gy.rO 39, m.rBr 43. Salmon |Pink] m yPk 29
m.pR 258, s.Br 55 Anatta, Annatto, An-
gy.pR 262 Rut Ochre (same as Yuca- M brO 54, S.yBr 74 notto, Arnotto, Or-
Rubienf M d.R 16 tan) lean, Rocou, Roucou,
Rubrica (same as Bole)... M m.rBr 43 Sable (same as Blondine). M gy.yBr 80 Terra Orellana, Terra
Ruby... M d.R 16 Sable P m.Br 58 Orellano
Ruby (same as Cranberry) T deep R 13, m.R 15 Saccardo's Olive R I.OIBr 94, m.OIBr 95 Salmon Pink P l.yPk 28
Ruby. TC deep pR 256 Saccardo's Slate R d.bGy 192 Salmon Pink (same as T s.yPk 26
Ruby, Antique (see An- M Saccardo's Umber R gy.yBr 80, Peach)
tique Ruby) m.OIBr 95 Salmon Pink TC S.yPk 26
Ruby, Burmese (see Bur- Saccardo's Violet. R S.P 218, m.P 223 Salmon Rose P S.yPk 26
mese Ruby) Saddle M gy.Br 61, gy.yBr 80 Salmon Rose.. S s.Pk2, I.Pk 4.
Ruby Lake d.pR 259 Madrid S.yPk 26, l.yPk28,
Ruby of Arsenic (same as S.OY68, m.0Y71 Saddle Tan... T s.Br I.Br
m.yPk 29
55, 57,
Florida Gold) Salome Blue .. brill.bG 159
m.Br 58
Ruby Red deep R 13 Salome Green brill.G 140, v.l.G 143
Ruby Wine
Safaran (same as Saffron M m.O 53, m.OY 71
d.R 16 Salome Pink s.Pk2
Light Garnet Salvia v.R 11
Ruddle (same as Bole)... m.rBr 43 Safflor (same as Artillery). M v.R 11
Salvia Blue s.B 178
Ruddle, Lemnian (see Safflower Red (same as M v.R 11 Salvia Blue. V.pB 194
Lemnian Ruddit) Artillery) Samara (same as Canton m.bG 164
Ruffled Petunia s.pPk 247 Saffor (same as Artillery). M v.R 11 Jade)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec
14 14 14

Samovar _.. M l.yBr 76 Santos (same as Dark m.Br 58, gy.Br 61 (Scarletj, Flame (see
M gy.rO 39 Beaver) Flame IScarlet])
c-,nH/AN l.gy.Br 60 Saona m.rBr 43 Scarlet, Flame (see Flame
Sand (USA 306) F gy.Y 90, d.gy.Y 91 Sap Green v.YG 115, brill.YG 116 Scarlet)
Sand.-- M l.gy.OI 109, Sap Green (same as I.OI 106 Scarlet, French (see
I.OIGy 112 Reseda IGreen)) French Scarlet)
Yellow Sap Green s.YG 117 Scarlet, Gobelin (see
Sand J gy.Y 90 Sappanwood (same as m.R 15, gy.R 19 Gobelin Scarlet)
TP yGy 93 Rosevale) Scarlet, Venetian (see
OdliU, UUUdll Voce UUUdll M P Sapphire, Blue (see Blue Venetian Scarlet)
Sdnd) Sapphire) Scarlet in grain (same as v.R 11
OdIIU, UcdUVIliC V^*''' M Sapphire |Blue| M d.B 183 Scarlet)
Deauvilte Sand) Sapphire Blue T v.B 176, s.B 178, Scarlet Lake (same as s.R 12, m.R 15
Sand, Dsssrt (S66 Dssert F P v.pB 194, s.pB 196 Blood Red)
Sand) Sapphire Blue TC deep pB 197 Scarlet Madder s.yPk 26
OdilU, f^rau
uidy /coo
v^"" firit\i
uidy p Deep Sapphire Blue T deep B 179, d.B 183, Scarlet Ochre (same as s.rBr 40
Sand) m.pB 200 Indian Red)
Sand, Miami (see tVliani M Sappho.. M l.gy.R 18 Scarlet Red (same as v.R 11
oano; Saraband.. M gy.R 19 Scarlet)
Sand, Morocco (see Mo- M Saratoga M m.O 53 Scarlet-Red v.R 11
Saravan (same as Brick M S.Br 55, m.Br 58 Scarlet Vermilion V.rO 34
odIiU, Ofiontal /coo Ull
ullcMldl V-^""
rtrl. p Red) Scheeles Green... s.YG 117
entdl Sand) Sarouk (same as Chicle). M gy.Br 61 Scheele's Green s.YG 117, s.yG 131
Canri Oaa/^h /coo Poarh
odllU, rcdCll v5cc rcdtli p Satinwood M I.Br 57 English Green, Swedish
Sand) Satsuma M m.rO 37 Green
odllU, Old III Oldlll p Saturnine Red (same as M V.rO 34 Scheele's Green.. s.YG 117, m.YG 120
Sand) FireRed) Schoenfeld's Purple deep pR 256,
C^nH oUlldll /coo
OdHQ, Ciilt^n ^SCC Ciiltan
oUlldM p Saturn Red H V.rO 34 m.pR 258
Sand) Saturn Red (same as Fire M V.rO 34 Schoenfeld's Purple deep pR 256
QfinH Taiina /coo Taiina p Red) Schweinfurt Green (same brill.G 140
Sand) Saul M d.gGy 156 as Emerald Green)
Q^nH Tiicf>an /coo TiiCf^an p Saunder's Blue (same as M m.B 182 Scotch Blue (same as d.pB 201
Sand) Ceramic) Homage Blue)
Sandalwood (same as M(3K9) m.R 15 Sauterne (same as Corn).. M (10J5) m.Y 87 Scotch Blue. gy.V 215
Raspberry Red) Sauterne(sameas Tuscan M(13C8) I.Br 57 Scotch Grey (same as gy.YG 122. gGy 155
Sandalwood (same as M(14A7) l.gy.rBr 45, m.Br 58, Tan) Olive-Grey)
Fawn [Brown]) l.gy.Br 60, Saxe Blue M gy.B 186 Scotch Mist... P(llOl) l.gGy 154
gy.Br 61 Saxe Blue P m.gB 173, gy.B 186 Scotch Mist P(1199) yGy 93. p.YG 121
Sandalwood I.Br 57, m.Br 58 Saxe Blue TC gy.B 186 Sea, China (see China P
Light Spice Brown, Saxon Blue (same as M(36L7) s.gB 169 Sea)
Toast Tan Indigo Carmine) Seabird (same as Trap- M d.Gy 266
Sandalwood TC ! I.Br 57 Saxon Blue (same as M (37J7) d.gB 174 rock)
Sandarach (same as Fiery jM(lll2) v.rO 34 Chemic Blue) Sea Blue H S.pB 196
Red) I
Saxon Green (same as M m.bG 164 Sea Blue M d.bG 165
Sandarach (same as Flor- M (10L8) s.OY 68, m.OY 71 Bremen Blue) Sea Blue, glossy (AN 623). F 1505 blackish 6 188
ida Gold) Saxony Blue (same as M (36L7) S.gB 169 Sea Blue, non-specular F 3510 d.bGy 192
Sandaracha (same as M (1112) V.rO 34 Indigo Carmine) (AN 607) (same as Sea
Fiery Red) Saxony Blue (same as IVl (37J7) d.gB 174 Blue (USA 325))
Sandaracha (same as M (10L8) s.OY 68, m.OY 71 Chemic Blue) Sea Blue, semi-gloss (AN F 2505 blackish B 188
Florida Gold) Saxony Blue (same as M deep B 179, m.B 182 606) (same as Sea Blue
Sand Dune (same as M I.OIBr 94 Smalt) (43D11) (USA 210))
Drab) Saxony Green (same as M m.yG 139 Sea Blue (USA 210) F 2505 blackish B 188
Sander's Blue (same as M m.B 182 Cobalt Green) Sea Blue, semi-gloss
Ceramic) Sayal Brown M brO 54, I.Br 57, (AN 606)
Sanderswood (same as M m.R 15 s.yBr 74 Sea Blue (USA 325) F 3510 dbGy 192
Raspberry Red) Sayal Brown R s.yBr 74, m.yBr 77 Sea Blue, non-specular
Sandix (same as Fire Red). IVl V.rO 34 Scabiosa M gy.P 228 (AN 607)
Sandlewood P I.Br 57 Scarab M m.G 145 Seacrest l.yG 135
Sandrift (same as Sandy- M l.brGy 63 Scarab P m.bG 164 Seafoam brill.G 140, I.G 144
Beige) Scarab Green TC brill.G 140 Sea Foam yWhite 92,gWhite 153
Sandrift P l.brGy 63 Scarlet H v.R 11 Seafoam Green. p.YG 121
Sands, Coral (see Coral M Scarlet M v.R 11 Sea-foam Green... p.gY 104
Sands) Alkermes, Coccineous, Deep Sea-foam Green I.YG 119
Sandstone (same as M l.rBr42, I.Br 57. French Scarlet, Seafoam Yellow p.YG 121
Tawny Birch) l.gy.Br 60 Kermes, K e m es r Sea-foam Yellow... LgY 101, p.gY 104
Sand Stucco P l.gy.rBr 45 Berries, Scarlet in Sea Fog v.p.P 226, l.pGy 232
Sandust.. M m.yPk 29 grain, Scarlet Red, Sea Gray (AN 603) (same d.Gy 266
Vanity Venetian Scarlet as Sea Gray (USA 326))
Sandy-Biege M l.brGy 63 Scarlet V.rO 34 Sea Gray (USA 326) d.Gy 266
Daytona, Sandrift Scarlet s.rO 35 Sea Gray (AN 603)
Sandyx (same as Fire Red). M V.rO 34 Scarlet... deep Pk 3, v.R 11, Sea Green m.YG 120
Sanford's Brown M brO 54 S.R 12, m.R 15, Sea-water Green
V.rO 34 Sea Green m.bG 164
Sanlord's Brown R S.Br 55
Sea Green m.G 145
Sang de Boeuf (same as M m.rBr 43 Scarlet v.R 11, s.R 12
Bright Cherry Red
Spruce Green
Sea Hawk OlGy 113
Sanguine (same as Blood M s.R 12, m.R 15 Scarlet (USA) TC s.R 12
JaffI, Chicadee Gray
Red) Scarlet TC v.R 11
Seal TC d.gy.Br 62
Sanguineus.. B deep R 13, d.R 16, Scarlet, Chrome (see M Seal, Hudson (see Hudson M
v.d.R 17, d.rBr44. Chrome Scarlet) Seal)
d.rP 242, d.pR259 Scarlet, Dutch (see Dutch M Sea Lavender Violet H brill.V 206
Santa Anita Green P l.bG 163 Scarlet) Seal Brown (USA 102).... F m.Br 58
Santalwood (same as M m.R 15 Scarlet, Fire (see Fire M Seal (Brown) M d.gy.yBr 81
Raspberry Red) Scarlet) Autumn Brown I

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Seal Brown R d.rGy 23. gy.rBr 46 Shadow Aqua. gy.G 150 Sienna Yellow (same as M p.OY 73, m.Y 87
Seal Brown T d.yBr 78. d.gy.yBr 81. Shadow Beige I.OIBr 94 French Pink)
Sepia Brown d.OIBr 96 Shadow Blue. p.B 185 Slennese Drab (same as M l.gy.rBr 45,
Light Seal Brown R d.rGy 23 Shadow Blue. m.gB 173. d.gB 174, Buckskin) l.gy.Br 60
Seaman Blue- M gy.pB 204 d.B 183, gy.B 186, Sierra M S.rBr 40
Duck-Wing d.gy.B 187, Siena, Venetian Red
Sea Mist (same as Quaker) M pGy 233, med.Gy 265 p.pB 203. Sierra P d.rO 38, S.Br SS
Sea Mist P p.YG 121 gy. pB 204 Signal Red H v.R 11
Sea Moss (a) (same as M (22L1) I.OI 106 Shadow Gray (same as rGy 22, d.Gy266 Signal Red (same as Pi- M v.R 11
Laurel Green) Lead Gray) mento)
Sea Moss (b) (same as M(31H7) d.gy.G 151 Shadow Green.. m.YG 120 Sil (same as Yellow Ochre) M m.OY 71
Persian Green) Shadow Green gy.G 150, d.gy.G 151 Silent Night P gy G 150
Seance P p.pPk 252 Shadow Lilac. gy.P 228 Silurian Grey M p.YG 121
Sea Pink M s.Pk2. m.Pk5 Shadow Lime. I.YG 119 Silver TC med.Gy 265
Sea Pink _ TC deep Pk 3 Shadow Mauve gy.P 228 Silver, New (see New M
Seasan (same as Nude).. M brPk 33, p.OY 73. Shadow Olive. gy.gY 105 Silver)
l.yBr 76, Shagbark (same as m.yBr 77, gy.yBr 80 Silver, Old (see Old M
l.gy.yBr 79 Thrush) Silver)
Sea Shell (same as Onion- M m.yPk 29, m.O 53, Shale Green (same as m.yG 136 Silver Blue P v.p.B 184,
skin Pink) I.Br 57 Malachite Green) V.p.pB 202
Seashell Pink M l.yPk28, m.yPk29 Shamrock s.yG 131 Silver Cloud.. P v.p.B 184, l.bGy 190
Tussore Shamrock |Green| Silver Fern M I.OI 106, l.gy.OI 109
Seashell Pink R p.yPk 31, brPk 33, Shamrock P s.yG 131 Silver Gray T l.brGy 63. I.OIBr 94
p.OY 73 Shamrock |Green]. M S.yG 131 Silver Gray (USA) TC med.Gy 265
Seaside- M(13B4) I.OIBr 94 Shamrock Green R m.yG 136 Silver Green M gy.YG 122
Tea Time, Tourterelle Shark M gy.P 228, d.pGy 234 Silver Green.. P p.YG 121
Seaside. M(14A4) l.gy.rBr45. l.gy.Br60. Sheepskin M gy.Y 90 Silver Lining.. P yGy 93, I.Gy 264
Ormond l.brGy 63 Moth IGrey] Silver Night. P P.P227
Seaspray M gy.YG 122. m.yG 136, Sheik (same as Blaze) M m.R 15. d.rO 38 Silverpine M gy.G 150
p.G 149 Shell T p.OY 73 Silver Pine P gy.G 150
Sea-water Green (same M m.YG 120 Shell, Conch (see Conch M Silver Pink P gy.Pk8, gy.yPk32
as Sea Green) Shell) Silver Salmon P gy.yPk 32
Seaweed Green. M gy.YG 122 Shell. Egg (see Egg Shell). P Silver Sky P pWhite 231,
Seclusion .__ P d.gGy 156 Shell Coral P l.yPk 28, p.yPk 31 l.pGy 232
Secret P gy.P 228 Shell Grey (same as Pearl M yGy 93 Silver-Wing pGy 233
Sedge (same as Winter M gy.Br 61 Gray) Cinder |Grey|, Crystal
LeaO Shell Pink H s.yPk 26 Grey
Seed Pearl (same as Putty) M p.Y 89, gy.Y 90 Shell Pink R p.yPk 31, gy.yPk 32 SilverWing. l.pGy 232, pGy 233
Seered Green. M m.YG 120 Shell Pink T pkWhite9, l.yPk28, Sinbad d.gy.B 187,
Seladon Green (same as M gy.YG 122 p.yPk 31 bBlack 193,
Celadon Green) Shell Pink TC s.yPk 26 d.gy.P 229,
Seminole. M m.Br 58 BrightShell Pink(sameas T m.yPk 29 pBlack 235
Senatus.. B deep 0 51, Coral Pink) Singing Blue P brill.gB168, l.gB172
deep OY 69, Shell Tint T yWhite 92 Sirocco M l.gy.OI 109
d.OY 72, s.yBr 74 Sherry [Brown] (same as M m.Br 58 Siskin Green M gy.gY 105
Sentimental Mood P v.p.B 184. v.p.pB 202 Clove) Sistine... M l.gB 172, m.gB 173,
Sepia d.OIBr 96 Shine.. P p.gY 104 p.B 185, gy.B 186
Sepia R d.gy.yBr 81,m.OIBr95 Shining P l.gY 101 Sistine TC p.B 185
Sepia... C Shirvan M d.gy.G 151 Skating M d.gB 174
o i.Diuy OJ
Sepia. Roman (see Roman M Shore Line.. P gy.B 186 Newport, Whirlpool
Sepia) Shrimp [Pink] M S.yPk 26 Ski M d.yG 137, m.G 145
Sepia. Warm (see Warm M Crevette, Prawn [Pink], Skimmed-Milk While M p.YG 121
Sepia) Shrimp |Redl Light Blue 1

Sepia Brown (same asSeal T d.yBr 78,

Shrimp Pink s.yPk 26 Skobelotf Green. M s.bG 160
Brown) d.gy.yBr 81,
Shrimp Pink LyPk28, m.yPk29 Skobeloff Green... R s.bG 160

d.OIBr 96
Shrimp Pink s.Pk 2, deep Pk 3, Sky (same asSky Blue)... M LB 181, l.pB 199

Sepiaceus. m.Br 58,

S.yPk 26, Sky (AN 610) F gy.YG 122
6 gy.Br 61,
deep yPk 27 Sky, Aqua (see Aqua Sky). P
m.yBr 77,
gy.yBr 80,
Shrimp Pink TC deep Pk 3, Sky, April (see April Sky). P
deep yPk 27 Sky,Silver(seeSilverSky). P
d.gy.yBr 81,
Shrimp Red.. S.yPk 26 Sky, Winter (see Winter P
m.OIBr 95
Shrimp (Red! (same as S.yPk 26 Sky)
Serapi.. M gy.B 186
Shrimp IPink!) Sky Blue-. I.B 181, LpB 199
Serene P p.yPk 31
Siam (same as Brown m.Br 58, gy.Br 61, Cerulean, Ethereal
Serenity P m.pPk 250
Sugar) m.yBr 77, Blue, Sky, Sky Colour
Serpent M p.G 149
gy.yBr 80 Sky Blue R LB 181
Serpentine M I.G 144
Siam Sand gy.Y 90 Sky Blue. T l.gB 172, I.B 181,
Serpentine Green M 1.01 106
Siberian Brown (same as m.OIBr 95 m.B 182, p.B 185
Serpentine Green R I.OI 106
Acanthe) Sky Blue TC p.B 185
Service Corps M deep G 142
Siberien d.gy.G 151 Sky Blue (USA) TC d.B 183
Seville. M deep V 208
Umber (same
Sicilian as m.yBr 77, d.yBr 78 Light Sky Blue R p.B 185
Seville. P m.YG 120
Raw Umber) Light Sky Blue T v.l.gB 171, l.gB 172,
Seville Orange M m.O 53
(same as v.l.B 180.
Sevres P v.B 176. s.B 178 Siderin Yellow s.O 50, m.O 53
Iron Yellow) v.p.B 184,
Sevres (Blue] M s.B 178
l.pB 199,
Shadow Siena (same as Sierra) M s.rBr 40
V.p.pB 202
Shadow M rGy 22 Sienna, Burnt (see Burnt M, R
Pale Sky Blue v.p.B 184
(4601) Sienna)
Sky Cloud l.bGy 190
Shadow. Blue (see Blue P Sienna, Raw (see Raw M, R Sky Colour (same as Sky I.B 181, l.pB 199
Shadow) Sienna) Blue)
Shadow. Lilac (see Lilac P Sienna, Yellow (see Yellow M Sky Gray... v.p.B 184
Shadow) Sienna) Sky Green.. I.YG 119
Shadow. Rose (see Rose Sienna Brown (same as M m.Br 58 Lumlere Green
Shadow) Cocoa) Sky Green v.l.bG 162

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- louu NRQ color
l^rr iiDj Hoc
rnlnr oes-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec
14 14 14

Sky Grey v.p.G 148 Dark Slate-Purple d.rP 242 Solitare (same as Granada) M d.gy.rBr 47,
Sky Grey l.bGy 190 Slate Rose gy.R 19 d. gy.Br 62

Blonket, Blunket, Glass Slate Tan gy.OlllO. I.OIGy 112 Solitary P gWhite 153. l.gGy 154,
Grey, Plumbet, Plun- Slate Turquoise m.gB 173. gy.B 186 White 263,
ket. White Blue Slate-Violet gy.R 19 l.Gy 264
Sky Lane P v.p.G 148 Slate Violet gy.P 228 Solitary Blue. P gy.B 186
Slag M d.Gy 266 Slate-Violet (1) d.gy.P 229. Somalis M d.rO 38, m.rBr 43
Slate (BuOrd). F d.Gy 266 d.pGy 234 Somber Blue P gy.B 186
Slate M (39A7) d.bGy 192 Slate-Violet (2) gy.P 228 Sombrero M gy.Y 90
Slate P d.pGy 234, d.Gy 266 Dark Slate-Violet (1) d.pGy 234 Sonata P l.yPk 28
Slate S p.G 149, d.gy.G 151. Dark Slate-Violet (2) gy.P 228 Song of Norway P brill.bG 159
gGy 155, Deep Slate-Violet gy.P 228 Sonora. _ M br0 54, LBr 57
d.gGy 155, Dusky Slate-Violet d.gy.P 229, Soot Brown (same M gy.Br 61, gy.yBr 80
d.gy.B 187, d.pGy 234 Teakwood)
blackish B 188, Deep Slaty Brown d.gy.P 229 Sooty Black. M Black 267
bGy 191. Sleepy Hollow p.G 149. p.B 185 Sooty Black. R d.Gy 266
d.bGy 192, Sleigh Bells v.l.gB 171, v.p.B 184 Sophisticated Lady... P LP 222
d.pB 201. Smalt.. deep B 179, m.B 182 Sorbier M gy.pR 262
gy.pB 204, Asmalte. Cobalt Glass, Sorcerer P (602) gy.V 215, gy.P 228
d.Gy 266 Dumont's Blue, Sorcerer P (897) d.gy.B 187,
Slate. bGy 191. d.bGy 192, Dutch Azure, Enamel blackish B 188,
pGy 233, Blue, Eschel Blue, bBlack 193
d pGy 234 King's Blue, Laundry Sorghum Brown (same as M l.gy.rBr 45,
Slate. Blackisti(see Black- Blue. Powder Blue, Wood Rose) l.gy.Br 60
ish Slate) Royal Blue. Saxony Sorghum Brown R gy.rBr 46
Slate, Dark Green-Blue Blue. Smaltina, Sorolla Brown (same as M S.Br 55
(see Dark Green-Blue Starch Blue, Zaffre Rust)
Slate) Blue Sorrel M brO 54. I.Br 57
Slate, Dark Heliotrope Smalt Blue v.pB 194 Sorrento... p m.bG 164
(see Dark Heliotrope Smalt Green (same as m.yG 136 Sorrento Green M m.bG 164
Slate) Cobalt Green) Sorrento Green R m.bG 164
Slate. Green (see Green M, P Smaltino (same as Smalt). deep B 179. m.B 182 Souci (same as Cadmium M s.O 50
Slate) Smile -. yWhite 92 Orange)
Slate. Green-Blue (see R Smiles l.yPk 28 Source M m.yG 136, l.G 144,
Green-Blue Slate) Smog l.gy.yBr 79 p.G 149
Slate. Heliotrope (see R Smoke p.B 185 Southern Rose P l.rBr 42
Heliotrope Slate) Smoke p.B 185. gy.B 186. Southern Sun p brill.Y 83, I.Y 86
Slate. Saccardo's (see R bGy 191 Souvenir P V.P.V213
Saccardo's Slate) Smoke . TC d.Gy 266 Sovereign Blue p LB 181, l.pB 199
Slate-Black... _ M Black 267 Smoke. London (see Lon- M Spalte (same as Congo d.gy.yBr 81
Slate-Black R Black 267 don Smoke) (Brownl)
Slate-Black, (see
Bluish R Smoke. Orchid (see Or- P Spaltum (same as Congo M d ev vBr 81
Bluish Slate-Black) chid Smoke) |Brown|)
Slate-Black, Greenish(see R Smoke. Rose (see Rose P Spanish Blue p m.bG 164
Greenish Slate-Black) Smoke) Spanish Brown (same as M s.rBr 40
Slate Blue (same as Swiss M(46A7) gy.B 186 Smoke. Vienna (see M Indian Red)
Blue) Vienna Smoke) Spanish Cedar M gy.R 19, m.rBr 43
Slate-Blue (same as M(46B8)' gy.B 186 Smoke, White (see White P Cedarbark, Eifel
Heron) Smoke) Spanish Flesh (same as M p.Y 89, gy.Y 90
Slate Blue P gy.B 186. d.bGy 192 Smoke. Yellow (see Yellow P Putty)
Slate-Blue R gy.pB 204 Smoke) Spanish Gold p m.OY 71
Slate Blue S m.bG 164, gy.B 186 Smoke Blue. M d.bGy 192 Spanish Green (same as M m.yG 136
Slate Blue T gy.B 186 Smoke Blue P p.pB 203 Verdigris |Green|)
Deep Slate-Blue R gy.B 186 Smoke Brown IVl d.Gy 266 Spanish Ochre (same as M s.O 50
Dusky Slate-Blue R d.gy.B 187 Asphalt, India Ink, Tangier)
Slate Citron P m.YG 120 Vienna Smoke Spanish Orange H S.0 50
Slate IColorl M (47C6) d.pGy 234 Smoked Pearl d.Gy 266 Spanish Raisin M d.gy.rBr 47
Dusk Smoke Gray gy.Y 90. yGy 93 Spanish Red (same as M (ILll) v.R 11
Slate Color R d.Gy 266 Pale Smoke Gray yGy 93 Artillery)
Slate-Gray R d.Gy 266 Smoke Grey p.YG 121 Spanish Red (same as M (6G12'> S.rBr 40, s.Br 55
Slate-Green (same as M gy.G 150, d.gGy 156 Chicory Blue, Succory Tarragona)
Green Slate) Blue Spanish White p p.OY 73
Slate Green P gy.G 150 Smoke Pine gy.YG 122. Spanish Wine (same as IVI d.R 16
Slate Green S l.gy.OI 109, l.gGy 154 Garnet)
I.OIGy 112, Smoke Ring p.B 185 Spanish Yellow (same as M S.OY 68, m.OY 71
s.OIG 123, Smokestain Rose l.gy.R 18 Golden Yellow)
m.OIG 125, Smoke Yellow (same as l.gy.OI 109. Spanish Yellow TC S.OY 68
m.G 145, Sand) I.OIGy 112 Spark M v.R 11
d.gy.G 151, Snapdragon (same as I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Geranium Lake, Na-
gGy 155 Primrose Yellow) carat, Nacarine
p u I oR 171
Slate Green gy.G 150 Snow Green v.p.G 148, v.p.B 184, Sparkle r V.I.gD 1/1
Dark Slate Green. d.G 146, v.d.G 147, l.bGy 190 Sparrow (same as Grey 31) M brGy 64
d.gy.G 151, Snowshoe S.OY 68, m.OY 71 Sparrow P gy.yBr 80
blackish G 152 Indian Yellow, Piuree, Spa-Tan M brO 54
Deep Slate-Green. d.gGy 156 Piuri,Purrea Arabica,
Spearmint M v.G 139
Slate-Grey I.OIGy 112. Purree
Spectra Blue... P V.pB 194
Kasha-Beige. Oriental med.Gy 265 Snuff Brown m.yBr 77. gy.yBr 1

Pearl, Russian Grey Soapstone (same as gy.Br 61
Slate-Olive M Spectra Green P d.bG 165
d.gGy 156 Beechnut)
LY86 Brilliant Green
Slate-Olive R gGy 155 Soft Yellow (Y&D 4) (same
Deep Slate-Olive R d.gGy 156 as Canary Yellow Spectra Red... P v.R 11
Slate Orchid P gy.P 228 (Eng)) Cherry
Slate-Purple M d.gy.P 229, d.rP 242 Solferino.. m.pR 258 Spectra Rose P V.pR 254
Slate-Purple R gy.P 228. gy.rP245 Solferino Purple v.pR 254 Bougainvillea

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Spectra Yellow P V.Y82 Starch Blue (same as deep B 179. m.B 182 Strawberry Pink deepPk3, s.yPk 26,
Hansa Yellow SmalO deep yPk 27
Spectrum Blue H v.B 176 Starch White P v.p.B 184 Strawberry Pink. _ m.rO 37
Spectrum Blue R v.B 176 Stardew.. M gy.B 186 Strawberry Wine d.R 16
Spectrum Red R v.R 11 Starflower M d.pPk 251 Straw Yellow brill.Y 83
Spectrum Violet H v.deep P 220 Starlight M p.B 185 Straw lYellow] p.Y 89
Spectrum Violet R s.V 207 Starlight Blue TC p.pB 203 Straw Yellow p.Y 89
Sphinx (same as Mus- M gy.yBr 80 Starling (same as Beaver) M brGy 64 Straw Yellow I.Y 86
tang) Static P p.B 185 Streamlet V.l.bG 162
Spice M brO 54 Steam Blue P bWhitel89 Streamline V.l.bG 162
Spice. _ P brO 54, I.Br 57 Steel M d.Gy 266 Striegau Earth (same as m.rBr 43
Spice. India (see India M Davy's Grey, Iron Blue. Bole)
Spice) Pigeon's Neck, Steel String yWhite 92
Spice Brown (same as m.Br 58 Grey String yGy 93
Chestnut Brown) Steel TC pGy 233 StrollerTan m.Br 58
Spicebrown TC m.Br 58 Steel Blue P l.gB 172 Mikado Brown
Dark Spice Brown T m.Br 58, d.Br 59, Steel Blue T gy.B 186 Strontian Yellow brill.gY 98
gy.Br 61 Dark Steel Blue T gy.B 186 Strontian Yellow... s.gY 99
Light SpiceBrown (same LBr 57, m.Br 58 Steel Grey (same asSteel). M d.Gy 266 Stucco (same as Deauville l.gy.rBr 45.
as Sandalwood) Steeplechase M s.pB 196 Sand) I. gy.Br 60
Spinach Green m.OIG 125, d.yG 137 Stellar P LpPk 249 Stucco. Sand (see Sand
Spinach Green m.YG 120, m.OIG 125 Sterling Blue. P p.B 185. l.bGy 190 Stucco)
Autumn Green, Gaudy Stil de Grain Brown (same M d.OY 72. S.yBr 74 Style Gray gy.B 186
Green as Antique Gold) Sublazulinus brill.B 177, s.B 178,
Spinach Green R m.YG 120 Stil de Grain Yellow brill.Y 83, S.Y 84, v.l.B 180. LB 181,
Spinel Pink H deep Pk 3 Dutch Pink. English I.Y86. m.Y87 v.p.B 184, p.B 185,
Spinel Pink M m.pR 258 Pink, Italian Pink, v.pB 194,
Spinel Pink R s.pR 255 Yellow Madder brill.pB 195,
Spinel Red H s.pR 255 Stoic P Black 267 s.pB 196.
Spinel Red M s.R 12, S.pR 255 Stone, Armenian (see Ar- M v.l.pB 198.
Spinel Red R s.pR 255 menian Stone) l.pB 199,
Spiraea Red H v.pR 254 Stone, Bath (see Bath M, P v.p.pB 202,
Spiritual Blue P v.p.B 184 Stone) p.pB 203
Spitfire P m.R 15 Stone. Brown (see Brown M Sublime p.B 185, p.pB 203
Spcnge M LOIBr 94 Stone) Submurinus pkGylO, l.brGy63,
Spray_ M v.l.bG 162 Stone, Caen (see Caen M, P yGy 93, I.Gy 264
Spray P v.l.bG 162 Stone) Subolivaceo-Griseus, y White 92. yGy 93,
Spray Green T p.G 149 Stone. Deep (see Deep M l.gy.OI 109,
Spraygreen TC p.G 149 Stone) LOIGy 112
Spring P brilLyG 130 Stone. Green (see Green M, P Subpurpureo-Griseus l.pGy 232, pGy233
Spring Beauty M V.pR 254, s.pR 255 Stone) Subvinoso-Griseus... gy.Pk8. pkGylO,
Spring Bud P I.YG 119 Stone. Grey (see Grey M l.gy.R 18, gy.R 19.
Spring Dream P l.gY 101, p.gY 104 Stone) rGy 22. l.gy.Br 60.
Spring Eve._ P l.gY 101. Stone, Imperial (see Im- M P.P 227, gy.P 228.
brill.YG 116, perial Stone) l.pGy 232,
I.YG 119 Stone. Light (see Light M pGy 233,
Spring Flower P brill.gY 98 Stone) p.pPk 252,
Spring Green. M m.YG 120. l.yG 135 Stone. Lucky (see Lucky M gy.pPk 253
Spring Green. T S.YG 117. m.YG 120 Stone) Subvinosus. I.Pk 4, m.Pk 5,

Spring Green TC S.YG 117 Stone. Middle (see Middle F. M p.Pk 7, gy.Pk 8,
Spring Green (Eng) F gy.YG 122 Stone) pkGylO, p.yPk31.
Government Wall Green Stone. Yellow (see Yellow M gy.yPk 32
(PBS) Stone) Subviolaceous. v.pB 194,
Spring Stream P V.l.bG 162 Stone Blue (same as Ce- M m.B 182 brill.pB 195,
Springtime M deep Pk 3 ramic) S.pB 196.
Spring Yellow P p.Y 89 Stone Blue __. T gy.B 186 V.l.pB 198,
Sprite M brill.bG 159, LbG 163 Stone Blue TC gy.B 186 l.pB 199.
Spruce M d.gy.G 151, Stone Green.. R m.yG 136 V.p.pB 202,
gBlack 157 Stone Grey M OIGy 113 p.pB 203.
Spruce T gy.G 150. d.gy.G 151 Storm P gy.B 186 brill.V 206,
Spruce, Blue (see Blue M, P, Storm Blue _ T gy.B 186, v.l.V 209, l.V 210.
Spruce) T, TC d.gy.P 229 V.P.V213, P.V214,
Dark Spruce T d.gy.G 151, Storm Gray R gGy 155 brilLP217,
v.d.bG 166 Storm Grey:.. M gGy 155 V.LP221, 1.P222
Spruce, Light Blue (see T Crystal Palace Green Subviridi-Griseus. l.bGyl90, I.Gy 264
Light Blue Spruce) Stormy Night. P d.gy.B 187 Subviridis brill.YG 116,
Spruce,Medium Blue(see T Stramineus. B I.Y 86, p.Y 89. LYG119. P.YG121,
Medium Blue Spruce) l.gY 101, m.gY 102 brill.yG 130,
Spruce Green (same as T m.G 145 p.gY 104 l.yG 135
Sea Green) Stratosphere P gy.B 186, d.bGy 192 Succory Blue (same as p.YG 121
Spruce Green (Y&D 12)... F gy.OIG 127 Straw S m.Y 87 Smoke Grey)
Spruce Ochre (same as M brO 54, s.yBr 74 Straw (same as Buff) T m.Y 87, p.Y 89 Sudan d.gy.Y 91, LOIBr 94,
Yucatan) Straw. Burnished (see TC l.gy.OI 109
Spruce Yellow.. M d.OY 72, l.yBr 76 Burnished Straw) Sudan Brown _. S.Br 55, m.Br 58
Squash Yellow T v.Y 82. brill.Y 83, Brown Bread
Straw, Italian (see Italian
S.Y 84 Straw)
Sudan Brown s.Br 55. I.Br 57.
S.yBr 74
Squill Blue (same as Di- LB 181 Strawberry M gy.R 19
ana) Suede (same as Caf$ LBr 57, m.Br 58,
Strawberry T deep R 13. m.R 15
Crgme) m.yBr 77
Squill Blue _ LB 181 Strawberry.. TC m.pR 258
Suet yWhite 92
Light Squill Blue LB 181 Strawberry. Crushed (see M Suez Blue ._ d.gy.B 187
Squirrel (same as Lead).. d.pGy 234. d.Gy 266 Crushed Strawberry) Suez Green _ m.bG 164
Stag m.yBr 77 Strawberry, Wild (see Wild Sugar Cane... p.OY 73. l.yBr 76
Star. Pale (see Pale Star). Strawberry) Suggestion.. V.l.bG 162


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Sulphate Green LbG163, m.bG164 Sunset M p.OY 73 Tan, 18th Century (see P
Sulphate Green brill.bG159, l.bG 163 Sunset TC p.OY 73 18th Century Tan)
Sulphate Green.. LbG163, m.bG164 Sunset, Prairie (see P Tan, Golden (see Golden P
Dark Sulphate Green m.bG 164 Prairie Sunset) Tan)
Light Sulphate Green l.bG 163 Sunset Cream P yWhite 92 Tan, lndia(see India Tan) M
Pale Sulphate Green l.bG 163 Sunset Red (same as T S.rO 35 Tan, Indian (see Indian M
Sulphine Yellow d.Y 88 Nasturtium Red) Tan)
Sulphine Yellow d.Y 88 Sunshine P l.gY 101 Light Tan T l.yBr 76
Sulphur (same as Sulphur l.gY 101 Sunstone M brO 54 Tan, Light Mustard (see T
[Yellow]) Suntan M I.Br 57, l.yBr 76. Light Mustard Tan)
Sulphur l.gY 101 Mayfair Tan, Merida m.yBr 77 Tan, Luggage (see Lug- T
Sulphur, Golden (see Suntan (same as Pastel m.O 53 gage Tan)
Golden Sulphur) Orange) Tan. Mayfair (see Mayfair M
Sulphur, Green (see Green Sun Tan (Y&D 11) (same p.Y 89 Tan)
Sulphur) as Ivory Cream (Eng)) Medium Tan (Y&D 5) F m yBr 77
Sulphureus. _ brill.gY 98, l.gY 101, Sun Yellow brill.gY 98, l.gY 101 Tan, Mustard (see Mus- T
m.gY 102, Superior d.bG 165 tard Tan)
p.gY 104 Superior m.bG 164 Tan, Nude (see Nude T
Sulphur Yellow V.Y82, v.gY97 Supreme brilLB 177 Tan)
Sulphur lYellow) l.gY 101 Surf Green m.yG 136 Tan, Peach (see Peach T
Brimstone |Yellow|, Surf Green I.G 144, m.G 145 Tan)
Citrus, Sulphur Surf Spray gWhite 153 Tan, Polo (see Polo Tan). M
Sulphur Yellow l.gY 101. p.gY 104 Surrender IP 222 Tan, Roman (see Roman P
Sulphur Yellow brill.gY 98. l.gY 101 Surrey Green gy.YG 122, p.G 149 Tan)
Sultan m.R 15 Sussanqua Pink brill. pPk 246, Tan, Rosewood (see Rose- T
Chatemuc, Crimson s.pPk 247 wood Tan)
Lake Swamp d.gy.G 151 Tan, Rugby (see Rugby M
Sultana d.R 16, d.pR 259 Swank v.p.V 213, v.p.P 226 Tan)
Old Amethyst Swedish Green (same as s.YG 117, s.yG 131 Tan, Russet (see Russet T
Sultana gy.R 19 Scheele's Green) Tan)
Sultan Sand l.yBr 76 Sweet Blue v.p.B 184 Tan, Rust (see Rust Tan). T
Sumac (same as Buck- d.OY 72, s.yBr 74, Sweet Briar deep pPk 248 Tan, Saddle (see Saddle T
thorn Brown) l.yBr76, m.yBr77, Sweet Lady l.V 210 Tan)
d.Y 88, d.gy.Y 91. Sweet Lavender v.p.V 213 Tan, Slate (see Slate Tan). T
LOIBr 94 Sweetmeat l.yBr 76 Tan. Stroller (see Stroller M
Summer Green brill.G 140, v.l.G 143 Sweet Pea gy.yPk 32 Tan)
Summer Shower v.p.G 148 Sweet Pea Pink gy.pR 262 Tan, Sun (see Sun Tan) . F
Summer Sun brill.gY 98 Sweet William... deep Pk 3 Tan, Toast (see Toast Tan) T
Sun, Bright (see Bright Swiss Blue gy.B 186 Tan, Trotteur (see Trot- M
Sun) Slate Blue teur Tan)
Sun, Midnight (see Mid- Swiss Blue.. p.pB 203 Tan, Turf (see Turf Tan) . T
night Sun) Swiss Rose m.R 15 Tan, Tuscan (see Tuscan M
Sun, Southern (see Monsoreau Tan)
Southern Sun) Swiss Rose gy.R 19 Tan. Vassar (see Vassar M
Sun, Summer (see Sum- Sylvan.. p.YG 121 Tan)
mer Sun) Syrup l.01Br94, m.OIBr95 Tan, Windsor (see Wind- M
Sun, Twilight (see Twi- Antique sor Tan)
ligh; Sun) Tabu... gy.B 186 Tanagra (same as Cas- M m.rBr 43
Sun, Veiled (see Veiled Taffy (same as Walnut l.yBr 76 tilian Brown)

Sun) IBrownl) Tanaura M gy.Y 90

Sun, Winter (see Winter Talavera brO 54 Tanbark M m.Br 58
Sun) Talisman 1.0 52, m.O 53 Algerian
Sunbeam (same as gy.Y 90 Tamarach (same as Chuk- gy.Br 61, gy.yBr 80 Tangerine M m.rO 37
Banana) ker Brown) Tangerine (same as Man- P S.rO 35, s.O 50
Sunburn (same as French I.Br 57 Ta-Ming s.OY 68, m.OY 71 darin Orange)
Beige) Andrinople Berries, Tangerine T v.O 48, s.O 50
Sunburst s.O 50, m.O 53 Avignon Berries, Tangerine TC S.rO 35
Sunburst I.OY 70, m.0Y71, Buckthorne Berries, Tangerine Orange H v.O 48, s.O 50
p.OY 73 French Berries. Tangier M s O 50
Sundown l.yBr 76 Morea Berries, Ven- Burnt Roman Ochre,
Yosemite ice Berries, Yellow Orange Ochre, Span-
Sundown. l.yPk28, m.yPk29, Berries ish Ochre
p.OY 73 Tan M brO 54 Tango... P deep Pk 3
Sunflower v.OY 66, s.OY 68 Adust, Leather, Oriole Tango Pink M gy.R 19
Sunflower |Yellow| brill.Y 83 Tan (same as Maple T l.yBr 76, m.yBr 77 Tansan M I.Br 57, l.yBr 76
Balge Yellow. Dande- Sugar) Tapestry (same as Ma- M d.B 183, d.pB 201,
lion Tan TC l.yBr 76 jolica Blue) (39H11) gy.pB 204
Sung Green l.gGy 154 Tan, Apricot (see Apricot P Tapestry M(45B4) pGy 233
Sung Green gy.YG 122 Tan) Tapestry Biege. P l.gy.rBr 45
Sunglow (same as Con- deep Pk 3, m.R 15 Tan, -Ascot (see Ascot M Tapestry Red M d.R 16
fetti) Tan) Tapestry Red P d.R 16
Sun Glow I.Y 86. p.Y 89 Tan, Autumn (see Au- P Tapis vert (same as Grass M m.YG 120
Sungod v.rO 34 tumn Tan) Green)
Sun God s.rO 35 Tan, Beach (see Beach M Tarragon... M m.YG 120,
Sun Green.. p.gY 104 Tan) gy.YG 122.
Sunkiss m.O 53 Tan, Buckskin (see Buck- P m.yG 136
Sunlight . m.Y 87 skin Tan) Tarragon.. TC m.yG 136
Sunlight Yellow brill.Y 83, 86
I.Y Tan. Copper (see Copper T Tarragona M s.rBr 40, s.Br 55
Sunni (same as Pond Lily) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Tan) Mineral Rouge, Iron
Sun Orange v.yPk 25, s.O 50 Tan, Cork (see Cork Tan) T Oxide Red, Red Ox-
Sunray (same as Daffodile m.OY 71 Tan, Covert (see Covert r ide, Spanish Red
lYellowl) Tan) Tartan Green M d.gy.G 151
Sunrise Yellow . m.yPk 29, m.O 53 Tan. Dark Luggage (see Taupe. M d.gy.yBr 81
Sun Rose. I.Pk4 Dark Luggage Tan) Taupe.. TC brGy 64

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS cnlor des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from
number from sec. number from sec. sec.
14 14 14

Taupe, Dark Mauve (see Terra Cotta.. deep 0 51. brO 54 Tint, Aqua Green (see
Dark Mauve Taupe) Algonquin Aqua Green Tint)
Taupe, Dark Orchid (see Terra Cotta.. R gy.rO 39 Tint, Blue (see Blue Tint) F, T
Dark Orchid Taupe) Terra Cotta.. T brO 54. S.Br 55 Tint, Celadon (see Cela- T
Taupe, Dark Rose (see Terra Cotta.. TC d.rO 38, s.rBr 40, don Tint)
Dark Rose Taupe) m.rBr 43 Tint, Chartreuse (see
Taupe, Mauve(see Mauve M. P, T Terra Japonica (same as m.Br 58 Chartreuse Tint)
Taupe) Auburn) Tint, Emerald (see Emer-
Taupe, Orchid (see Or- Terra Lemnia (same as m.rBr 43 ald Tint)
chid Taupe) Bole) Tint, Flesh (see Flesh
Taupe, Rose (see Rose M, T Terra Merita (same as I.Y 86 Tint)
Taupe) Citron lYellowl) Tint, Gray (see Gray
Taupe Brown R d.gy.P 229 Terra Orellana (same as m.yPk 29 Tint)
Taupe Brown... T gy.R 19. gy.rBr 46. Salmon [Pink)) Tint, Green (see Green F, T
gy.Br 61. brGy 64 Terra Orellano (same as m.yPk 29 Tint)
Taupe Gray T pGy 233. d.pGy 234 Salmon [Pink]) Tint, Ice (see Ice Tint)..
Taupe Rose __. P d.rGy 23. gy.rBr 46 Terrapin m.Br 58 Tint. Ivory (see Ivory
Taupe Sand P I.OIBr 94 Feuille, Grapenuts Tint)
Tawny M brO 54, I.Br 57 Terra Pozzuoli (same as m.rBr 43 Tint, Neutral (see Neutral
Tawny R brO 54 Bole) Tint)
Tawny. Lion (see Lion M Terra Rosa (same as m.rBr 43 Tint, Orchid (see Orchid
Tawny) Bole) Tint)
Tawny, Orange (see M Terra Siena (same as Raw br0 54, LBr57 Tint, Pink (see Pink Tint) T
Orange Tawny) Sienna) Tint, Shell (see Shell T
Tawny Birch M l.rBr 42, I.Br 57, Terra SIgillata (same as m.rBr 43 Tint)
Cream Beige, Sandstone l.gy.Br 60 Bole) Tint, Yellow (see Yellow F, T
Tawny-Olive R m.yBr 77, I.OIBr 94 Terrasse (same as Grass m.YG 120 Tint)
Tea M gy.YG 122, p.G 149 Green) TItanla. M d.rP 242, d.pR 259
Tea Green M gy.YG 122 Terra Umber (same as m.yBr 77. d.yBr 78 Titian M brO 54
Queen Anne Green Raw Umber) Titian Gold M brO 54
Tea Green R gy.YG 122 Terra Verte, Burnt (see Titmouse Blue (same as M p.G 149
Teak.. T d.OI 108. OIGy 113. Burnt Terra Verte) MSsange)
d.Gy 266 Terra Verte, Olive (see Toast.. M I.Br 57
Teak [Brown] (same as M m.Br 58 Olive Terra Verte) Toast Brown TC m.Br 58
Cocoa) Terre Verte gy.G 150 Toasted Almond (same as M I.Br 57
Teakwood M gy.Br 61. gy.yBr 80 Dark Terre Verte.. gy.G 150 India Spice)
Bister, Bistre, Pinecone, Light Terre Verte m.bG 164 Toast Tan (same as San- LBr 57, m.Br 58
Soot Brown Testaceous (same as m.O 53, I.Br 57 dalwood)
Teal.. m.bG 164, d.bG 165, Pheasant) Tobacco TC m.Br 58
m.gB 173 Testaceous. gy.rO 39, l.rBr 42 Tobacco Brown P gy.rBr 46
Teal TC d.gB 174 Testaceus.. s.yPk 26, m.yPk 29, Tobacco Brown T deep yBr 75,
Bright Teal. T deep bG 161, gy.rO 39, l.rBr 42. m.yBr 77
m.bG 164 m.rBr 43, m.O 53, Toboggan M v.rO 34. v.O 48
Dark Teal... d.bG 165. LBr 57 Toga M d.V 212
v.d.bG 166, Tete-a-tete v.LgB 171 Prunella
gy.B 186. Thames River p.B 185. l.bGy 190 Tokay (same as Cedar M m.rBr 43
d.gy.B 187 I
Theatrical Blue m.B 182 Wood)
Deep Teal m.bG 164, d.bG 165 Thenard's Blue (same as s.gB 169 Tokyo... M v.yPk 25, S.yPk 26,
Medium Teal.. m.gB 173, gy.B 186 Cobalt Blue) s.O 50
Teal Blue (same as Duck- d.gB 174, d.gy.B 187 Thistle ,
m.P 223 Tolfec M m.OY 71
ling) Cobalt Violet Tomato [Red].. M d.rO 38
Teal Blue m.gB 173 Thistle Bloom s.rP 237 Khiva
Teal Blue m.gB 173, d.gB 174 Thistle Bloom m.pR 258 Tomato Red P v.R 11
Bright Teal Blue d.bG 155, m.gB 173. Thistle Down p.pPk 252 Carnival Red
d.gB 174 Thistletuft deep rP 238 Tomato Red T v.R 11. deep R 13,
Dark Teal Blue. d.gB 174. gy.B 186. Thrush m.yBr 77, gy.yBr 80 m.R 15, v.rO 34,
d.gy.B 187 Shagbark S.rO 35.
Deep Teal Blue. d.bG 165, m.gB 173, Thullte Pink deep pPk 248 deep rO 36,
d.gB 174 Thulite Pink s.pPk 247 d.rO 38 s.rBr 40
Medium Teal Blue. m.gB 173, gy.B 186 Thyme (same as Pitch- d.gy.G 151 Light Tomato Red (same v.R 11, S.R 12,
Teal Duck d.gB 174 pine) as Flame) vrO 34
Teal Gray d.bGy 192. d.Gy 265 Tiber d.G 146 Tommy Red S.R 12
Teal Green. m.bG 164, d.bG 165 Tiber Green l.yG 135 Bonfire
Bright Teal Green.. s.bG 160. Glass Green, Vitreous Topaz ._ LBr 57, d.OY72,
deep bG 161, Tiber Green l.yG 135 l.yBr 76
m.bG 164 Pale Tiber Green LYG 119 Topaz T d.OY72, s.yBr74
Dark Teal Green T gy.G 150. d.bG 165 Tiffin m.yBr 77 Topaz TC d.OY 72
Deep Teal Green T m.bG 164, d.bG 165 Condor Topaz Amber P m.O 53
Medium Teal Green. T m.bG 164, gy.B 186 Tigerllly s.rO 35,m.rO 37 Toquet M gy.yPk32
Tea rose.- T l.yPk 28. m.yPk 29, TIgerllly deep yPk 27 Torchlight P v.R 11, S.R 12
p.yPk 31 Tile Blue m.gB 173 Toreador M V.rO 34
Tea Rose.. __ TC s.yPk 26 Tile Blue gy.B 186 Dutch Vermilion
Tea Time (same as Sea- M I.OIBr 94 Tile Red m.rO 37 Toreador... P S.R 12
side) Cherokee Torino Blue M gy.B 186
Teen Age Pink P l.pPk 249 Tile Red gy.rO 39. s.Br 55 Tortoise M S.Br 55
Telegraph Blue.. M gy.P 228 Tilleul Buff (same p.yPk 31, yGy 93 Tortoise Shell M m.Br 58
Television Blue... P d.gy.B 187 White Jade) Totem M d.rO 38
Tempest P d.gy.P 229 Tilleul-Buff p.yPk 31 Mars Red
Tempest Blue P d.bGy 192 Tilleul |Green| p.gY 104
Tourmaline M l.bG 163

Temple Tourmaline TC v.p.G 148

P gy.YG 122 Tinsel (same as Deep d.Y 88, d.gy.Y 91.
Tourmaline Green P v.p.G 148, v.l.bG162
Temptation P v.p.P 226 Stone) OlBr 94
Tourmaline Pink... M gy.pR 262
Tennis M d.Y 88, d.gy.Y 91 Tint, Alabaster (see Ala- Tourmaline Pink P brill.pPk 246,
Terra Gotta (Y&D8) F l.rBr 42 baster Tint) l.pPk 249

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Coior name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Tourmaline Pink s.rP 237, Turquoise IBIue). l.bG 163 Tzarine gBlack 157
deep pPk 248 Turquoise Blue l.bG 163 Ultramarine (same v.pB 194
Tourterelie (same as LGIBr 94 Turquoise Blue l.gB 172 Spectra Blue)
Seaside) Turquoise Blue s.gB169, l.gB 172, Ultramarine. v.B 176, brill.B 177,
Trade Winds gy.B 186 m.gB 173 s.B 178,
Trail Green d.G146, d.gy.GlSl Bright Turquoise Blue S.bG 160, brill.gB 168, deep B 179,
Tranquil Green d.gy.G 151, s.gB 169 LB 181, m.B 182,
d.gy.B 187 Turquoise Blue, Dusty (see p.B 185, gy.B 186.
Transatlantic Blue blackish B 188 Dusty Turquoise Blue) V.pB 194,
Translucent Blue p.B 185 Light Turquoise Blue V.l.gB 171, l.gB 172 brill.pB 195,
Transparent Yellow P.Y89. yWhite92 Medium Turquoise Blue.. m.gB 173 s.pB 196,
Traprock d.Gy 266 Vivid Turquoise Blue S.bG 160, S.gB 169, v.l.pB 198,
Seabird m.gB 173 l.pB 199,
Travertine I.OIBr 94 Turquoise Green... l.bG 163 m.pB 200,
Trellis l.yG 135 Turquoise Green l.bG 163 v.p.pB 202,
Trentanel (same as Dyer's l.gYlOl, m.gY102 Turquoise Green v.bG 158, p.pB 203,
Broom) brill.bG 159 gy.pB 204, I.V 210
Trianon m.yPk29, m.O 53 Turquoise Green S.bG 160, l.bG 163, Ultramarine. v.B 176, V.pB 194
Triton d.G 146 m.bG 164, l.gB 172 Ultramarine, Artificial s.B 178, S.pB 196
Triumph Blue m.B 182. d.B 183 Bright Turquoise Green... brill.bG 159, French Blue, French
Trooper d.B 183, d.gy.B 187, S.bG 160, l.gB 163, Ultramarine, Gmel-
blackish B 188 m.bG 164 in's Blue, Guimet's
Tropic Night gy.rP 245 Deep Turquoise Green deep bG 161, Blue, New Blue, Ori-
Trotteur Tan m.Br 58 m.bG 164 ental Blue, Perma-
Bay, Malabar, Mummy Turquoise Green, Dusty nent Blue
Brown (see Dusty Turquoise Bright Ultramarine v.B 176, S.B 178,
Troubador (same as v.R 11, s.R 12 Green) V.pB 194, S.pB 196
Flame) Light Turquoise Green v.l.bG162, l.bG 163 Ultramarine, Cobalt (see
Troubador Red s.R 12 Pale Turquoise Green v.l.bG 162 Cobalt Ultramarine)
Trublu gy.B 186 Turquoise Green, Pastel Deep Ultramarine v.B 176, m.B 182,
Tuileries m.B 182 (see Pastel Turquoise V.pB 194
Tulipwood (same, as Au- m.Br 58 Green) Ultramarine, Violet (see
burn) Vivid Turquoise Green T s.bG 160 Violet Ultramarine)
Tulip Yellow brill.Y 83 Turtle (same as Cocoa)... M m.Br 58 Ultramarine Ash s.B 178
Tumbleweed p.Y 89, yGy 93 Turtledove M d.rGy 23, d.Gy 266 Ultramarine Ash, Blue
Tunis _. d.gy.B 187, Turtle Green M m.YG 120 (see Blue Ultramarine
blackish B 188 Turtle Green R m.YG 120 Ash)
Turbith Mineral (same as I.Y 86 Deep Turtle Green R s.yG131, m.yG136 Ultramarine Ash, Grey
Citron [Yellow]) Light Turtle Green R I.YG 119 (see Grey Ultramarine
Turf Green s.yGlSl, m.yG136 Pale Turtle Green R I.YG119, P.YG121 Ash)
Turf Tan I.Br 57 Tuscan M p.OY 73 Ultramarine Blue v.B 176
Turkey Blue gy.pB 204 Tuscan Brown (same as M m.rBr 43, m.Br 58 Genuine Ultramarine v.B 176, s.B 178
Turkish Blue Mohawk) (Bluel
Turkey Red _. v.R 11 Tuscanny Red P m.rBr 43 Armenian Blue
Turkey Red (same as m.R 15 Tuscan Red (same as M m.rBr 43 Ultramarine Blue (USA) TC v.B 176, V.pB 194
Adrianople Red) Mascara) Ultramarine Green M gBlack 157
Turkey Umber (same as m.yBr77, d.yBr78 Tuscan Sand P I.OIBr 94 Ultramarine Yellow (same M s.Y 84
Raw Umber) Tuscan Tan M I.Br 57 as Light Chrome Yel-
Turkish Blue (same as gy.pB 204 Sauterne low)
Turkey Blue) Tuscany (same as Cor- M m.rBr 43 Umber, Burnt (see Burnt M, R
Turkish Crescent Red deep R 13, d.R 16 omandel) Umber)
(same as Chrysanthe- Tussore (same as Sea- M l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29 Umber, Cyprus (see M
mum) shell Pink) Cyprus Umber)
Turkish Red (same as m.R 15 Twilight, Deep (see Deep P Umber, Raw (see Raw M, R
Adrianople Red) Twilight) Umber)
Turmeric (same as Citron I.Y 86 Twilight IBIuel M gy.B 186 Umber, Roman (see M
lYellowl) Twilight Blue T l.pB 199, I.V 210, Roman Umber)
Turner's Yellow (same as brill.Y 83, S.Y84, p.V 214 Umber, Saccardo's (see R
Lemon (Yellowj) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Twilight Mood P v.p.B 184 Saccardo's Umber)
Turquoise brill.bG 159, Twilight Sun P p.Y 89, p.YG 121 Umber, Sicilian (see Sicil- M
s.bG 160, l.bG 163. Twine M l.gy.OI 109 ian Umber)
m.bG 164, Anamite, Dune Umber, Terra (see Terra M
l.gB 172, Twinkle P v.p.B 184 Umber)
m.gB 173 Twinkle Blue M l.gB 172 Umber, Turkey (see Tur- M
Turquoise TC l.bG 163 Tyrian Blue M gy.B 186, gy.pB 204 key Umber)
Turquoise, Blue (see Blue M, P, Tyrian Blue P gy.B 186 Umber Brown S gy.Br 61
Turquoise) TC Tyrian Blue R gy.B 186, gy.pB 204 Umbrinus B m.rBr 43, gy.rBr 46,
Bright Turquoise T brill.bG 159, s.bG 160 Dark Tyrian Blue. R gy.B 186, gy.pB 204 S.Br 55, I.Br 57,

Turquoise, Dusty (see T Light Tynan Blue. R gy.B 186, p.pB 203. m.Br 58, s.yBr 74,

Dusty Turquoise) gy.pB 204 m.yBr 77,

Turquoise, 18th Century Tyrian Pink M v.pR 254 d yBr 78
(see 18th Century Tur- Tyrian Pink R s.rP 237 Uniform Blue d.B 183
quoise) Tyrian Purple H v.pR 254 Unique p.gY 104
Turquoise, Indian (see Tyrian Rose H V.pR 254 Universal... d.gy.B 187
Indian Turquoise) Tyrian Rose R V.pR 254 Urania Blue (same as d.V212
Light Turquoise l.bG 163, v.l.gB 171, Tynan Violet M m.pR 258 Independence)
l.gB 172 Tyrol (same as Buffalo).. M m.yBr 77 Urania Blue d.V212, gy.V215,
Turquoise, Slate (see Tyrolese Green (same as M m.yG 136 d.gy.P 229
Slate Turquoise) Malachite Green)
Uranium Green... brill.YG 116
Turquoise, Venetian (see Tyrolian M blackish G 152
Vagabond m.bG 164
Venetian Turquoise) Tyrolite Green (same as M l.bG 163
Vivid Turquoise S.bG 160 Aphrodite) Vagabond Green (same as d.bG 165
Vivid Turquoise S.bG 160 Tyrolite Green. R l.bG 163 Pine Tree)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec.
number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Valencia deep pPk 248 Venice IBIue) l.bG 163 Veronica Violet brill.V 206
Valencia Rose_. _ d.Pk 6 Venet, Water-color Versailles. l.gB 172
Venice Blue... v.l.bG 162 Vert Russe (same as Rus- m.yG 136, d.yG 137,
Valor Green d.gy.B 187
Venice Green... l.bG 163 sian Green) gy.G 150
Vamp _ l.pPk 249
Venice Green brill.bG 159 Vervain p.V 214, p.P 227
Vanda _ gy.P228, gy.rP245
Venice Red (same as Bole) m.rBr 43 Verbena (Violet)
Vanda p.rP 244 Venus d.Y 88, d.gy.Y 91 Vesta s.Pk2, I.Pk 4,
Vanderpoel's Blue S.B 178, m.B 182 Venus Blue p.B 184, bWhIte 189 m.Pk 5
Vanderpoel's Green brill.YG 116, Verbena m.rP241 Vestal gy.P 228, gy.rP 245
S.YG 117 Verbena Lavender m.rP 241, gy.pR 262 Veteran d.gy.B 187
Vanderpoel's Violet I.V 210 Verbena [Violet) (same as p.V 214, p.P 227 Ink Blue
Vandyke Brown m.Br 58 Vervain) Vetiver Green l.gy.OI 109
Burnt Terra Verte, Cas- Verbena Violet p.V 214 Vetiver Green. m.YG 120,
sel Brown, Cassel Pale Verbena Violet v.l.V209 gy.YG 122
Earth, Castile Earth, Verdant... v.YG 115 Vibrant Green brill.yG 130
Cologne Brown, Verdant Green m.YG 120 Victoria d.P 224
Cologne Earth. Cul- Verdet (same as Verdigris m.yG 136 Victoria l.yPk 28
len Earth, Roman [Green)) Victoria Blue S.B 178
Sepia. Verona Brown Verde Vessie (same as I.OI 106 Blue d'Orient
Vandyke Brown R m.Br 58, gy.Br 61 Reseda )Green)) Victoria Green. I.G 144, p.G 149,
Vandyke Madder M m.pR 258 Verd Gay (same as Parrot m.YG 120 l.bG 163
Vandyke Red (same as M ev R 19 Green) VictoriaLake (same as d.R 16
Florence Brown) Verdigris I.G 144 Eureka Red)
Vandyke Red R gy.R 19 Verdigris [Green] m.yG 136 Victoria Lake.. d.R 16, v.d.R 17
Vanilla M Crystals of Venus, Dis- Victoria Violet deep V 208
Vanilla Custard P I.Y 86. p.Y 89 tilled Green, Mont- Vienna Blue (same as S.gB 169
Vanity (same as Sandust). M m yPk 29 pellier Green, Span- Cobalt Blue)
Vapor Blue p bWhite 189 Verdet
ish Green, Vienna Brown (same as gy.Br 61, gy.yBr 80
Variscite Green M I.G 144 Verdigris Green I.G 144 Gold Bronze)
Variscite Green. R v.l.G 143 Verditer Green (same as m.yG 136 Vienna Green (same as brill.G 140
Varley's Gray _-_ gy.r 6.0 Malachite Green) Emerald Green)
Dark Varley's Gray R d.pGy 234 Verdugo brill.YG 116, I.YG 119 Vienna Lake (same as v.R 11, S.R 12
Deep Varley's Gray R gy.P 228, d.pGy 234 Verdure d.yG 137 Carmine)
Light Varley's Gray 1^ n P
p.r '997
../ Verldine Green I.G 144 Vienna Smoke (same as d.Gy 266
Pale Varley's Gray R p.V 214, p.P 227 Vermilion (PC) (same as v.R 11 Smoke Brown)
Varley's Grey M gy.P 228 Insigna Red (AN 509)) Viking d.gy.B 187
Varley's Green... p u.yu 10/ Vermilion v.R 11, v.r0 34 Vinaceous s.Pk 2, deep Pk 3,
Vassar Rose M d.Pk 6. gy.R 19 Vermilion s.rO 35 m.Pk 5, d.Pk 6
Vassar Rose TC m nPb 9i^n Vermilion d.Pk 6, s.R 12, Vinaceous, Brownish (see
Vassar Tan M S.Br 55. m.Br 58 m.R 15, l.gy.R 18, Brownish Vinaceous)
Vatican M d.P 224, v.d.P 225 gy.R 19, s yPk 26. Dark Vinaceous gy.R 19
Vatican P d.pR 259 deep yPk 27, Deep Vinaceous d.Pk 6
Veau d'or (same as Corn- M
m p.UT /J. i.yBr /o d.yPk 30, Vinaceous, Deep Brownish
husk) s.rO 35, (see Deep Brownish
Vegetable Red (same as M v.R 11 deep rO 36, Vinaceous)
Artillery) m.rO 37, d.rO 38 Vinaceous, Deep Purplish
Vegetable Rouge (same M v.R 11 Vermilion. v.rO 34 (see Deep Purplish
as Artillery) Vermilion (same
Artificial gy.pR 262 Vinaceous)
Veiled Sun... P m.OY 71, s.Y 84 as Ashes of Rose) Vinaceous. Light Brownish
Velasquez M d.pR 259 Vermilion, Cadmium (see (see Light Brownish
Velvet Brown (same as M m.yBr 77, d.yBr 78 Cadmium Vermilion) Vinaceous)
Raw Umber) Vermilion, Chinese (see Vinaceous, Light Grayish
Velvet Green M m.OIG 125 Chinese Vermilion) (see Light Grayish Vina-
Venet (same as Venice M l.bG 163 Dull Vermilion.. S m.rO 37 ceous)
IBIuel) Vermilion, Dutch (see H, M Vinaceous, Light Purplish
Venetian Blue (same as M s.gB 169 Dutch Vermilion) (see Light Purplish
Cobalt Blue) Vermilion, English (see Vinaceous)
Venetian Blue R S.B 178 English Vermilion) Pale Vinaceous m.Pk 5
Venetian Fuchsia M v.pR 254 Vermilion. Field's Orange Vinaceous, Pale Brownish
Venetian Lake (same as M v.R 11, s.R 12 (see Field's Orange (see Pale Brownish Vin-
Carmine) Vermilion) aceous)
Venetian Pink H I.Pk 4 Vermilion, French (see Vinaceous, Pale Grayish
Venetian Pink (same as M m.Pk 5 French Vermilion) (see Pale Grayish Vina-
Blossom) Light Vermilion V.rO 34, s rO 35 ceous)
Venetian Pink... R s.yPk 26 Vermilion, Orange (see Vinaceous, Pale Purplish
Venetian Red (same as M S.rBr 40 Orange Vermilion) (see Pale Purplish Vin-
Sierra) Vermilion. Scarlet (see aceous)
Venetian Red (same as T deeprBr41, m.rBr43 Scarlet Vermilion) Vinaceous, Pinkish (see
Brown Mahogany) Vernonia Purple gy.pR 262 Pinkish Vinaceous)
Venetian Rose M deep R 13, m.R 15 Vernonia Purple. gy.pR 262 Vinaceous, Purplish (see
Venetian Rose P gy.R 19 Verona Brown (same as m.Br 58 Purplish Vinaceous)
Venetian Scarlet (same as M v.R 11 Vandyke Brown) Vinaceous-Brown gy.R 19
Scarlet) Verona Brown.. m.Br 58 Dark Vinaceous-Brown... gy.R 19
Venetian Turquoise P l.bG 163 Verona Yellow (same as brill.Y 83. s.Y 84, Vinaceous-Buff l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29,
Venetian Yellow (same as M I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Lemon [Yellow]) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 p.yPkai, brPk33
Amber [Yellow!) Veronese Green brill.YG 116, Vinaceous-Cinnamon m.yPk29, I.yBr 76
Venetus B brill.bG159, s.bG160, brill.yG 130 Light Vinaceous-Cinnamon p.OY 73
l.bG 163, m.bG 164 Veronese Green I.YG 119, m.YG 120 Vinaceous-Drab gy.R 19
Venezia M m.bG 164 Pale Veronese Green I.YG 119, p.YG 121 Dark Vinaceous-Drab gy.R 19, d.rGy23
Venice P p.G 149 Veronese Yellow (same brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Light Vinaceous-Drab gy.R 19
Venice Berries (same as M s.OY 68, m.OY 71 as Lemon (Yellow)) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Pale Vinaceous-Drab gy.Pk 8, pkGy 10,
Ta-MIng) Veronica m.V 211 l.gy.R 18, rGy22


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Color name Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Pallid Vinaceous-Drab l.pGy 232, p.pPk 252 Violet. d.R 16, m.pB 200, Violet, Dark Dull Bluish
Vinaceous-Fawn m.yPk29, gy.yPk32 brill.V 206, (1) (see Dark Dull
Light Vinaceous-Fawn gy.yPk32, brPk33 I.V210, m.V 211, Bluish Violet (D)
Pale Vinaceous-Fawn pkGylO, p.yPk31, p.V 214, Violet, Dark Dull Bluish R
gy.yPk32, brPk 33 brin.P217, (2) (see Dark Dull
Vinaceous-Gray P.P 227. gy,P228 s.P 218, I.P 222, Bluish Violet (2))
Dark Vinaceous-Gray gy.P 228 m.P 223, Violet, Dark Dull Bluish R
Deep Vinaceous-Gray gy.P 228 v.p.P 226. (3) (see Dark Dull
Light Vinaceous-Gray P.P 227, l.pGy 232, p.P 227. gy.P 228, Bluish Violet (3))
pGy 233, d.gy.P 229, Violet, Dark Hyssop (see R
gy.pPk 253 deep rP 238, Dark Hyssop Violet)
Vinaceous-Lavender m.Pk 5 l.rP 240, p.rP 244, Violet, Dark Madder (see R
Deep Vinaceous-Lavender p.rP244, gy.pPk253 gy.rP 245, Dark Madder Violet)
Vinaceous-Lilac d.pPk251, gy.pR262 m.pPk 250, Violet, Dark Naphthalene R
Light Vinaceous-Lilac l.rP 240, p.rP 244, p.pPk 252, (see Dark Naphthalene
m.pPk 250, gy.pPk 253, Violet)
gy.pPk 253 l.gy.pR 261 Dark Nigrosin (see
Violet, R
Pale Vinaceous-Lilac l.pPk 249, p.pPk252 Violet- deep V 208, m.V 211, Dark Nigrosin Violet)
Vinaceous-Pink gy.r0 39, l.rBr 42 d.V 212, gy.V 215, Violet,Dark Soft Bluish R
Pale Vinaceous-Pink p.yPk 31, gy.yPk 32 deep P 219 (see Dark Soft Bluish
Vinaceous-Purple (1) m.pR 258, gy.pR 262 Violet TC s.V 207 Violet)
Vinaceous-Purple (2) gy.rP 245 Violet, Aconite (see Acon- H, M, R Violet, Dark Yvette (see R
Dark Vinaceous-Purple. d.pR 259 ite Violet) Dark Yvette Violet)
Light Vinaceous-Purple.. gy.rP 245 Violet, Ageratum (see M, R Violet, Dauphin's (see H, R
Vinaceous-Rufous d.rO 38 Ageratum Violet) Dauphin's Violet)
Vinaceous-Russet l.rBr42, m.rBr 43 Violet, Amethyst (see H, R Deep Violet. P m.V 211, d.V 212
Vinaceous-Slate gy p 228 Amethyst Violet) Deep Violet S brill.V 206, s.P 218,
Vinaceous-Tawny gy.rO 39 [Violet], Amethyst (see IVI m.P 223,
Vineyard d.R 16, v.d.R 17 Amethyst (Violet]) deep rP 238
Oporto Violet, Anthracene (see R Violet, Deep Dull Bluish
Vineyard Green (SCS) blackish G 152 Anthracene Violet) (1) (see Deep Dull Blu-
Vinoso-Bubalinus pkGy 10, l.yPk 28, Violet, Aster (see Aster H ish Violet (D)
m.yPk 29, Violet) Violet, Deep Dull Bluish
p.yPk 31, Violet, Bishop's (see H, M (2) (see Deep Dull Blu-
gy.yPk32, Bishop's Violet) ish Violet (2))
brPk 33, l.yBr 76, Violet, Black (see Black S Violet, Deep Dull Bluish
I.gy.yBr 79 Violet) (3) (see Deep Dull Blu-
VInoso-Griseus. gy.R 19, d.rGy 23, Violet, Blackish (see R ish Violet (3))
l.gy.rBr 45, Blackish Violet) Violet, Deep Hyssop (see
l.gy.Br 60, Violet, Blanc's (see R Deep Hyssop Violet)
gy.Br61, Blanc's Violet) Violet, Deep Soft Bluish
gy.P 228 Violet, Blue (see Blue S (see Deep Soft Bluish
Vinoso-Lividus. l.gy.R 18, gy.R 19. Violet) Violet)
l.rBr42, gy.rBr46, Violet, Bluish (see Bluish A, R Dull Violet v.p.P 226, p.P 227;
d.pPk 251, Violet) gy.P 228,
gy.pR 252 Violet, Bradley's (see R d.gy.P 229,
Vinoso-Purpureus. gy.rP 245 Bradley's Violet) blackish P 230
Vinosus deepPk3, d.Pk 6, Bright Violet A v.P 216 Dull Violet- gy.P 228, gy.rP 245,
gy.R 19, s.yPk 26 Bright Violet S v.V 205, m.V 211, d.pR 259,
Vin Ros6 (same as Wild d.R 16, d.pR 259 v.P 216, s.P 218, l.gy.pR 261,
Cherry) I.P 222, m.P 223 gy.pR 262
Viola m.P223 Bright Violet. I.V210, m.V 211, Violet, Dull Bluish (see
Viola I.P 222 m.P 223 Dull Bluish Violet)
Violaceo-Ardeslacus gy.P 228, d.gy.P 229, Violet, Bright Bluish (see Violet. Dull Bluish
d.pGy 234 Bright Bluish Violet) (see Dull Bluish Violet
Violaceo-Griseus. gy.B 186, gy.pB 204, Violet, Bright Reddish (D)
gy.P 228, pGy 233, (see Bright Reddish Violet, Dull Bluish (2)
d.pGy 234, Violet) (see Dull Bluish Violet
med.Gy 265, Violet, Bright Rose (see (2) )
d.Gy 266 Bright Rose Violet) Violet, Dull Bluish (3)
Violaceo-Niger. d.gy.P 229, Violet, Brown (see Brown (see Dull Bluish Violet
d.pGy 234, Violet) (3) )
d.Gy 266, Violet, Burgundy (see Violet. Dull Reddish (see
Black 267 Burgundy Violet) Dull Reddish Violet)
Deep Dull Violaceous Blue. m.pB 200 Violet, Campanula (see H, IVI Dusky Violet R d.gy.P 229
Dull Violaceous Blue s.pB 196 Campanula Violet) Dusky Dull Violet (1).... R d.P 224
Violaceous Blue. Grayish Violet, Chalk (see Chalk Dusky Dull Violet (2).... R m.P 223, d.P 224,
(see Grayish Violaceous Violet) gy.P 228
Blue) Violet, Chinese (see Violet, 18thCentury (see P
M, R
Violaceus. v.pB 194, S.pB 196. Chinese Violet) 18th Century Violet)
m.pB 200, VV 205.
Violet, Cobalt (see Cobalt H, M Violet, Fluorite (see Flu- M, R
brill.V 206, orite Violet)
S.V 207, I.V210. Violet, Gray (see Gray S
Dark Violet m.V 211
m.V 211. v.P 216, Violet)
Dark Violet d.P 224, p.P 227,
deep P219 Haematoxylin (see
Violet, R
gy.P 228, pGy233 Haematoxylin Violet)
m.P 223
gy.pR 262
Violet. brill.P 217, s.P 218, Hortense (see Hor-
Violet, M, R
deep P 219, Dark Violet d.V 212, gy.V 215 tense Violet)
v.deep P 220, Violet, Dark Anthracene Violet,Hyacinth (see Hya- M, R
v.l.P 221, I.P 222, (see Dark Anthracene cinth Violet)
m.P 223, d.P 224, Violet) Violet, Hyssop (see Hys- M, R
v.d.P 225 Violet, Dark Bluish (see sop Violet)
Violet. v.V 205 Dark Bluish Violet) Light Violet. P m.P 223

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS cclor des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Light Violet. brill.pB 195, Violet. Rood's (see Rood's Light Violet-Gray R pGy 233. med.Gy 265
brill.V 206 Violet) Pale Violet-Gray R pGy 233. med.Gy 265
Ugtif Violet l.P 222 Violet. Rose (see Rose Violet Leaf P m.OIG 125
Violet, Light Bluish (see Violet) Violet Pansy P d.gy.P 229
Light Bluish Violet) Violet. Royal (see Royal Violet-Plumbeous R p.pB 203
Violet. Light Dull Bluish Violet) Deep Violet-Plumbeous... R gy.pB 204
(see Light Dull Bluish Violet. Russian (see Rus- Light Violet-Plumbeous.. R p.B 185. gy.B 186.
Violet) sian Violet) p.pB 203
Violet, Light Hortense Violet. Saccardo's (see Pale Violet-Plumbeous... R p.B 185. p.pB 203
(see Light Hortense Saccardo's Violet) Violet Purple H deep rP 238
Violet) Sea Lavender (see
Violet. Violet-Purple R v.P 216
Violet, Light Hyssop (see R Sea Lavender Violet) Violets. Crushed (see M
Light Hyssop Violet) Violet. Slate (see Slate Crushed Violets)
Violet. Light Lobelia (see R Violet) Violet-Slate R gy.B 186
Light Lobelia Violet) Violet, Soft Bluish (see Dark Violet-Slate R gy.B 186
Violet. Light Wistaria (se R Soft Bluish Violet) Violet Ultramarine R S.pB 196, s.V 207
Light Wistaria Violet) Violet. Spectrum (see H, R Violine.. , M S.V 207, m.V 211
Violet, Livid (see Livid M, R Spectrum Violet) Violine Pink TC m.pR 258
Violet) Violet. Tyrian (see Tyrian Virgin M m.B 182
Violet. Lobelia (see Lo- M, R Violet) Virginia Lavender P pWhite 231
belia Violet) Violet. Vanderpoel's (see Viridian (same as Trans- M s.G 141. m.G 145
Violet. Madder (see Mad- M, R Vanderpoel's Violet) parent Chromium Oxide)
der Violet) [Violet]. Verbena (see Viridian Green H brill.G 140, s.G 141
Violet, Manganese (see M. R Verbena (Violet)) Viridian Green R brill.G 140. S.G 141
Manganese Violet) Violet,Verbena (see Ver- Dark Viridian Green... R m.G 145
Violet, Mars (see Mars M, R bena Violet) Viridi-Caeruleus B brill.G 140. I.G 144,
Violet) Violet. Veronica (see Ver- v.p.G 148.
Violet. Meadow (see M onica Violet) v.l.bG162. l.bQ163
Meadow Violet) Violet. Victoria (see Vic- Viridi-Flavus brill.gY 98, s.gY 99,
Violet. MethyKsee Methyl H toria Violet) l.gY 101, m.gY 102,
Violet) [Violetl, Wistaria (see Wis- p.gY 104. v.YG 115.
Violet. Mineral (see Min- H, M taria (Violet!) brill.YG 116.
eral Violet) Violet, Wistaria (see Wis- s.YG 117. I.YG 119,
Violet. Mood (see Mood P taria Violet) m.YG 120
Violet) Violet. Wood (see Wood Viridl-Glaucus. I.YG 119, p.YG 121,
Violet, Naphthalene (see R Violet) v.l.G 143. v.p.G 148
Naphthalene Violet) Violet. Yvefte (see Yvette M, R Viridi-Griseus. m.YG gy.YG 122,
Violet. Nigrosin (see Ni- R Violet) p.G 149, gy.G 150,
grosin Violet) Violet Black S d.gy.R20. d.pGy234 l.gGy 154, gGy 155,
Violet. Nuremberg (see M Dull Violet-Black (1) R d.pGy 234 bGy 191.
Nuremberg Violet) Dull Violet-Black (2) R d.gy.B 187. d.bGy 192,
Violet. Ontario (see On- M, R d.bGy 192 I.Gy 264,
tario Violet) Dull Violet-Black (3). d.gy.P 229. med.Gy 265
Pale Violet. R l.pB 199, I.V210 d.pGy 234. Viridine Green LYG 119
Violet. Pale Bluish (see R d.Gy 266. Viridine Green brill.YG 116
Pale Bluish Violet) Black 267 Light Viridine Green LYG 119
Violet, Pale Hortense (see R Violet Blue S s.pB 196 Viridine Yellow s.YG 117
Pale Hortense Violet) Dark Dull Violet-Blue R(53') gy. pB 204. gy.V 215 Viridine Yellow S.gY 99. m.gY 102
Violet. Pale Lobelia (see R Dark Dull Violet-Blue.... R(53") gy. V215 Light Viridine Yellow LgY 101
Pale Lobelia Violet) Deep Dull Violet-Blue R m.V211 Pale Viridine Yellow l.gY 101. p.gY 104
Violet. Pale Verbena (see R Dull Violet-Blue R(53) S.pB 196 Viridi-Niger... d.Gy 266
Pale Verbena Violet) Dull Violet-Blue R(53") m.V 211 Viridi-Olivaceus d.gy.Y 91, I.OI 106
Violet Pale Wistaria (see R Dusky Violet-Blue (1) R gy.pB 204, gy.V 2l5 m.YG 120,
Pale Wistaria Violet) Dusky Violet-Blue (2) R d.gy.B 187 gy.YG 122
Pallid Violet R v.l.pB 198. l.pB 199. Dusky Dull Violet-Blue .. R gy.V 215. d.gy.P 229 Viridis v.YG 115,
v.p.pB 202, Violet-Blue, Grayish (see R brilLYG 116,
p.pB 203, Grayish Violet-Blue) s.YG 117.
v.l.V 209, I.V 210, Light Violet-Blue I
R S.pB 196 brill.yG 130,
v.p.V 213, p.V 214 Violet-Blue. Light Grayish l.yG 135.
Violet, Pallid Bluish (see R (see Light Grayish Vio- brill.G 140
Pallid Bluish Violet) let-Blue) Vista Green gy.YG 122
Violet. Pansy (see Pansy H, M. R Pale Violet-Blue brilLB 177 Vitelline Yellow (same as s.Y 84
Violet) Violet-Blue, Pale Grayish Golden Rod)
Violet. Parma (see Parma TC (see Pale Grayish Violet- Vitellinous (same as S.Y 84
Violet) Blue) Golden Rod)
Violet. Permanent (see M Pallid Violet-Blue V.l.pB 193. l.pB 199
Vitreous (same as Glass I.YG 119
Permanent Violet) Violet-Blue. Pallid Grayish
IVioletl. Petunia (see Pe- M (see Pallid Grayish Vio-
tunia [VioletD Vivid d.pPk 251
Violet, Petunia (see Pe- R Violet Brown gy.R 19, gy.P 228, Wad (same as Woad) gy.B 186
tunia Violet) d.pR 259 Wafted Feather pWhite 231,
Violet, Pleroma (see Ple- M, R Dark Violet Brown. d.gy.P 229, l.pGy 232
roma Violet) blackish P 230, Wald (same as Acacia).. l.gY 101, m.gY 102
Violet, Plum (see Plum M d.pR 259, Wallflower (Brown) (same d.R 16, m.rBr 43
Violet) v.d.pR 260 as Cuba)
Violet-Carmine d.rP 242 Wall Green
Violet. Prism (see Prism P _ s.bG 160
Violet Carmine d.pR 259
Violet) Wall Green m.bG 164
Violet-Gray pGy 233
Violet, Red (see Red Vi- S Walnut I.Br 57
Violet-Gray. Blackish (see
olet) Walnut (Brown) l.yBr 76
Blackish Violet-Gray)
Violet. Reddish (see Red- A Dark Violet-Gray d.pGy 234, d.Gy 266 Taffy
dish Violet) Walnut Brown m.rBr
Deep Violet-Gray pGy 233, d.pGy 234, 43,
Violet, Roman (see Roman M med.Gy 265, gy.rBr 46
Violet) d.Gy 266 Walnut Cream p.OY 73


ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Wan Blue bWhite 189, White SC pkWhite 9, pkGy 10, Willow Green (USA 113) s.yG 131
pWhite 231 p.OY 73, (same as Light Green
Warbler Green (same as I.OI 106 yWhite92, yGy 93, (AN 503))
Romantic Green) White 263, Windflower gy.pR 262
Warbler Green R I.OI 106 264
I.Gy Windflower gy.pR 262
Warm Blackish Brown... R d.gy.R 20, d.rGy 23 White... T White 263 Windsor d.P 224
Warm Buff... R m.OY 71, p.OY 73, White TC yWhite92, White 263 Windsor Blue gy.pB 204
m.Y 87 White (USA) TC yWhite 92, yGy 93 Windsor Blue m.pB 200
Warm Gray(Eng 125) F 3650 gy.Y 90 White, Amber (see Amber M Clear Windsor Blue l.pB 199
Warm Gray (USA 125).... F 1750 gy.Y 90 White) Light Windsor Blue l.pB 199
Highlight Buff (Y&D 22) White, Brownish (see A Pale Windsor Blue I.B 181, l.pB 199
Warm Sepia (same as Co- gy.Br 61 Brownish White) Windsor Green (same as d.yG 137
conut) White, Cream (see Cream P Light Chrome Green)
Warm Sepia gy.Br 61 White) Windsor Tan brO 54
Water, Pale (see Pale White, French (see French M Wine.. d.R 16, v.d.R17,
Water) White) deep rBr 41,
Water Blue (same as m i)G 164 White, Insignia (see In- F d.pR 259
Bremen Blue) signia White) Wine, Blackberry (see
Water-color (same as l.bG 163 White, Ivory (see Ivory M, P Blackberry Wine)
Venice jBluel) White) Wine, Cherry (see Cherry
Water Cress (same as m.YG 120 White. Milk (see Milk M Wine)
Cress Green) White) Wine, Claret (see Claret
Waterfall... m.bG 164 White. Mission (see Mis- P Wine)
Water Fall... m.gB 173 sion White) Dark Wine d.R 16, v.d.R 17, i

Water Green gy.gY 105, I.YG 119, White, Mystic (see Mystic P d.gy.R 20,
p.YG 121 White) d.rBr 44
Water Green p.YG 121 [White!, Oyster(see Oyster M Wine, Dark Purple (see
Water Green p.YG 121 IWhitel) Dark Purple Wine)
T Wine, Deep Purple (see
Water Grey
I.OIGy 112
gy.pB 204
deep Pk 3, m.R 15
White, Oyster (see Oyster
White, Paper (see Paper M
Deep Purple Wine)
Wine, Dregs of (see Dregs
Water Sprite l.yG 135 White) of Wine)
Watteau I.B 181 White, Pearl (see Pearl M Wine, Grape (see Grape
Watteau l.gB 172 White) Wine)
Wau (same as Acacia) l.gY 101, m.gY 102 White, Reddish (see Red- A Light Wine.. d.R 16, gy.R 19,
Wax Brown (same as m.yBr 77 dish White) gy.pR 262
Bronze) White,Skimmed- Milk (see M Wine, Mauve (see Mauve
Wax Color (same as Wax p.gY 104, gy.gV 105 Skimmed-Milk White) Wine)
White) White, Spanish (see Span- P Wine, Old (see Old Wine) T
Waxen (same as Wax p.gY 104, gy.gY 105 ish White) Wine, Plum (see Plum T
While) White, Starch (see Starch P Wine)
Wax Red (same as Cop- gy.rO 39 White) Wine, Port (see Port Wine) M
per) White, Wax (see Wax M Wine, Purple (see Purple T
Wax White p.gY 104, gy.gY 105 White) Wine)
Wax Color, Waxen White, Winter (see Winter P Wine, Raspberry (see T
Wax Yellow m.Y 87 White) Raspberry Wine)
Wax Yellow.. s.Y 84 White Blue (same as Sky M l.bGy 190 Wine, Rose (see Rose T
Weathered Oak (same as d.Br 59 Grey) Wine)
Leaf Mold) White Clover.,. P yWhite 92 Wine, Ruby (see Ruby T
Wedgewood Blue y.l.B ISO, I.B 181, White Fawn.. P p.OY 73 Wine)
v.l.pB 198, White Jade M p.yPk 31, yGy 93 Wine, Spanish (see Span- M
l.pB 199 Alabaster, Tilleul-Buff ish Wine)
Deep Wedgewood Blue. . R brill, pB 195 White Jade P l.yPk28, p.yPk31 Wine, Strawberry (see T
Wedgwood Blue T p.B 185 White Light.. P v.p.B 184 Strawberry Wine)
Dark Wedgwood |Blue|.. M m.pB 200, gy.pB 204 White Mist.. P l.yPk 28, p.yPk 31 Wineberry M d.pR 259
Flame Blue White Smoke P l.bGy 190 Wineberry P gy.P 228, d.gy.P 229
Light Wedgwood (Blue).. M gy.B 186 White Swan P v.p.B 184, Wine Dregs (same as M d.R 16, deep rBr 41,
Wedgwood Green T m.YG 120, p.YG 121, v.p.pB 202 Maroon) d.rBr 44
M Wine Lees (same as M
Weld (same as Acacia).
gy.YG 122

l.gY 101,
m.gY 102
Wield (same as Acacia)...
Wild Aster
. M
l.gY 101,
m.Br 58
deep P 219,
m.gY 102
Wine Red T
d.R 16, deep rBr 41,
d.rBr 44
deep R 13, d.R 16
Westminster M v.pB 194, v.V 205 deep rP 238 Wine Yellow... M p.Y 89, gy.Y 90
West Point ... M d.bGy 192 Wild Cherry M d.R 16, d.pR 259 Winsome P v.p.P 226
West Point TC gy.B 186 Vin Ros6 Winsome Blue. P l.gB 172
Wheat M m.OY 71, p.OY 73 Wild Dove Grey (same as M brGy 64 Winter Green M (21E9) m.yG 136
Wheat (same as Buff)... T m.Y 87, P.Y89 Bonito) Wintergreen M d.yG 137
Wheat, Golden (see M Wild Honey M brO 54, I.Br 57 English Ivy (23A12)
Golden Wheat) Wild Iris M pGy 233 Winter Green R m.yG 136
Light Wheat (same as I.Y 86 Wild Orchid M gy.rP 245 Wintergreen (same as T v.d.yG 138, d.G 146
Light Maize) Wild Orchid P l.rP 240 Bottle Green)
Whimsical P I.P222 Wild Pigeon (same as M brGy 64 Winter Leaf M gy.Br 61
Whippet M m.OIBr 95 Bonito) Beach Tan, Cashew
Cocher Wild Raspberry M d.R 16, d.pR 259 Nut, Sedge
Whiilpool (same as Skat- M d.gB 174 Wild Rose M d.Pk6 Winter Pear.. P m.YG 120
ing) Winter Sky P v.p.B 184
Wild Strawberry (same as M deep R 13, d.R 16
White A White 263 Winter Sun P l.gY 101
Garnet Red)
White !i1UP-03 p.Y 89 Winter White P p.yPk3
White MUP-02 yGy 93 Willow M m.OI 107
Winter Yellow.. P p.Y 89, gy.Y 90
White. MUP-00 White 263 Willow Green H m.YG 120, gy.YG 122 Wireless M m.B 182
White PSP-OD White 263 Willow Green (same as M I.OI 106 Wistaria T p.P 227
White R White 263 Reseda {Green]) Wistaria (Blue] (same as M (41 E8) I.V 210
White RC White 263 Willow Green s.YG 117, m.YG 120 Wistaria Violet)

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

Wistaria Blue |M(42C8) l.pB 199 Yellow. l.yPk 28, m.yPk 29, Yellow. Butterfly (see P
Wistaria Blue R brill.pB 195, v.O 48. brill.O 49, Butterfly Yellow)
brill.V 206 S.0 50, 1.0 52, Yellow. Cadmium (see M, R
Light Wistaria Blue R l.pB 199, I.V 210 m.O 53, I.Br 57, Cadmium Yellow)
Pale Wistaria Blue I
R v.l.V 209, I.V 210 v.OY 66, Yellow. Cameo (see M
Wistaria [Violet] |
M I.V 210 brill.OY 67. Cameo Yellow)
Wistaria [Blue] s.OY 68, Yellow. Canary (see Can- F, H, P,
Wistaria Violet R brill.V 206 deep OY 69. ary Yellow) T
Light Wistaria Violet i
R I.V 210 I.OY 70, m.OY 71, [Yellow], Canary (see M
Pale Wistaria Violet i

R I.V 210, p,V 214 d.OY 72, p.OY 73, Canary [Yettow])
Wisteria j
P I.V 210 l.yBr 76, v.Y 82. Yellow, Capucine (see M, R
YTisteria Blue ! H brill.V206 brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Capuctne Yellow)
Wisteria Gray :
P gy-P 228 deep Y 85. I.Y 86, Yellow, Cassel (see Cassel M
Wisteria Mist |
P gy-P 228 m.Y 87, d.Y 88, Yellow)
Witchwood (same as Mar- I M m.Br 58 p.Y 89. gy.Y 90. Yellow, Celestial (see P
ron Glac) yWhite 92 Celestial Yellow)
Withered Leaf (same as ;
M deep 0 51, brO 54. Yellow SC I.OY 70. m.OY 71. Yellow, Chalcedony (see M, R
Feuille Morte) j
s.Br 55 i
I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Chalcedony Yellow)
Withered Rose '
M gy.R 19, m.rBr 43 Yellow (USA)... TC s.OY 68 Yellow, Chamois (see P
Dry Rose !
Yellow, Absinthe (see Ab- M, P Chamois Yellow)
Withered Rose i P gy.R 19 sinthe Yellow) Yellow, Chartreuse (see M, P, R,T
Woad !
M gy.B 186 Yellow, Amber (see Am- H, R Chartreuse Yellow)
DanaS. Oad, Pastel, ber Yellow) Yellow, Cheerful (see P
Pastel Blue, Wad [Yellow], Amber (see Am- M Cheerful Yellow)
Wode ber [Yellowl) Yellow, Chelsea (see P
Woald (same as Acacia).. M l.gY 101, m.gY 102 Yellow, Aniline (see Ani- R Chelsea Yellow)
Wod (same as Acacia) M l.gY 101, m.gY 102 line Yellow) Yellow, Chinese (see H, M
Wode (same as Woad)-...! M gy.B 186 Yellow, Antimony (see M, R Chinese Yellow)
Wold (same as Acacia) M l.gY 101, m.gY 102 Antimony Yellow) Yellow, Chrome (light) H
Wood. Cedar (see Cedar M Yellow, Antique (see An- P (see Chrome Yellow
Wood) tique Yellow) (light))
Wood, Old (see Old Wood). M Yellow, Apricot (see Apri- M, R Yellow. Chrome (see F
Wood, Olive (see Olive : M cot Yellow) Chrome Yellow)
Wood) {
Yellow, Aurora (see Au- M, P Yellow, Chrysanthemum P
Wood, Yellow (see Yellow M rora Yellow) (see Chrysanthemum
Wood) Yellow. Balge (see Balge M Yellow)
Woodash I

M yGy 93 Yelbw) [Yellow], Citron (see M

Woodbark (same as '
M gy.yBr 80 Yellow, Barium (see H, R Citron [Yellow])
Blondine) Barium Yellow) Yellow. Citron (see Citron P, R, T
Woodbine Green (same M m.YG 120, gy.YG 122, Yellow, Baryta (see R Yellow)
as Peridot) m.OIG 125, Baryta Yellow) Yellow. Clear Dull Green- R
gy.OIG 127 Yellow, Big 4 (see Big 4 M (see Clear Dull Green -

Wood Brown R l.yBr 76, l.gy.yBr 79 Yellow) Yellow)

Woodland Brown (same M d.gy.yBr 81, Yellow, Blush (see Blush P Yellow. Cobalt (see Cobalt M
as Cordovan) Black 267 Yellow) Yellow)
Woodland Green (same as M m.OIG 125 Yellow, Boquet (see Bo- P Yellow, Cologne (see M
Forest Green) quet Yellow) Cologne Yellow)
Woodland Rose (same as M I.Br 57 Yellow, Brazen (see M Yellow, Colonial (see M, T
Muscade) Brazen Yellow) Colonial Yellow)
Wood Rose.... l.gy.rBr 45, Bright Yellow... A v.Y 82 Yellow, Copper (see Cop- M
Sorghum Brown l.gy.Br 60 Bright Yellow S brill.OY 67, s.OY 68, per Yellow)
Wood Violet M deep P 219 I.OY 70, m.OY 71, Yellow, Cream (see Cream P
Wren M d.gy.OI 111, OIGy 113 brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Yellow)
Wrought Iron... M d.Gy 266 I.Y 86, m.Y 87 Yellow, Daffodil (see Daf- M
Xanthine Orange R deep 0 51 Bright Yellow T v.OY 66, s.OY 68, fodil Yellow)
Yacht M s.B 178 v.Y 82, brill.Y 83 [Yellow], Daffodile (see M
Yale Blue.. M deep B 179 Yellow, Bright Chalcedony R Daffodile [Yellow])
Rameses, Royal Blue (see Bright Chalcedony Yellow, Debutante (see P
Yale Blue s.pB 196, Yellow) Debutante Yellow)
deep pB 197, Yellow, Bright Chartreuse Yellow.Deep Chrome (see M
m.pB 200 (see Bright Chartreuse Deep Chrome Yellow)
Yale Blue R I.B 181 Yellow) Yellow, Dresden (see H
Yale Blue TO deep pB 197 Yellow, Bright Lemon (see Dresden Yellow)
Yama M l.bG 163 Bright Lemon Yellow) Dull Yellow A p.Y 89, gy.Y 90.
Yama P l.bG 163 Yellow, Bright Melon (see d.gy.Y 91
Yellow A brill.Y 83, s.Y 84, Bright Melon Yellow) Dull Yellow S LOY70, m.OY 71
deep Y 85, l,Y 86, Brilliant Yellow (Y8,D 14) v.Y 82 Yellow, Dull Reddish (see A
m.Y87, d.Y88 (same as Light Yellow Dull Reddish Yellow)
Yellow (BuOrd) F v.OY 66, s.OY 68 (AN 505)) Dusky Yellow RC d.gy.Y 91
Yellow (FS) (same as" F v.OY 66, s.OY 68 [Yellow], Brimstone (see Yellow, Dusty (see Dusty T
Orange Yellow(AN 506)) Brimstone [Yellow]) Yellow)
Yellow (MA) (same as v.OY 66, S.OY 6 Yellow, Bronze (see Yellow, Earth (see Earth F
Orange Yellow (AN 506)) Bronze Yellow) Yellow)
Yellow (PR) F v.OY 66 Yellow, Burnt (see Burnt Yellow, Easter Egg (see P
Yellow (USA 120) (same F v.OY 66, s.OY 68 Yellow) Easter Egg Yellow)
as Orange Yellow (AN Yellow, Butter (see Butter Yellow, 18th Century (see P
506)) Yellow) 18th Century Yellow)
Yellow MUP-32 gy.Y90 Yellow, Buttercup (see Yellow, Empire (see Em- H, M, P. P
Yellow MUP-37 v.Y 82 Buttercup Yellow) pire Yellow)
Yellow PSP-34 p.Y 89 [Yellow],Buttercup (see Yellow, Fall (sea Fall P
Yellow... PSP-38 v.Y 82 Buttercup [Yellow]) Yellow)


ISCL-NBS color des- iSCC-NBS color des-

ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source niirnhpr frnm ^ pr Color name Source
number from sec.
14 14

Yellow, Fantasy (see P Yellow. Mars (see Mars 1

M, R Yellow, Peruvian (see M
Fantasy Yellow) Yellow) Peruvian Yellow)
Yellow, Fog (see Fog Yel- P Yellow, Martius(see Mar- !
M, R Yellow, Picric (see Picric R
low) tius Yellow) Yellow)

Yellow, Frenc h (see M, P (Yellow), Massicot (see !

M Yellow, Pinard (see Pinard M, R
French Yellow) Massicot (Yellowl) i
Yellow. Gay (see Gay Yel- P Yellow, Massicot (see Yellow. Plantation (see P
low) Massicot Yellow) 1
Plantation Yellow)
Yellow, Gold (see Gold M Yellow, Mellow (see Mel- !
P j

Yellow. Platina (see Plat- M

Yellow) low Yellow) ina Yellow)
Yellow, Golden (see Gold- M, P, T, Yellow, Melon (see Melon T Yellow, Poet's (see Poet's P
en Yellow) TC Yellow) Yellow)
Yellow, Golden Feather M Yellow, Mimeosa (see Yellow, Pompeian (see M
(see Golden Feather Mimeosa Yellow) 1
Pompeian Yellow) 1

Yellow) Yellow, Mimosa (see Mi- ! T Yellow Primer, Dark Zinc F

Yellow, Hansa (see Hansa P mosa Yellow) 1
(see Dark Zinc Yellow
Yellow) 1
Yellow, Mineral (see j
M Primer)
[Yellowl, Honey (see M Mineral Yellow)
Yellow Primer, Green Zinc F
Honey (Yellow)) 1
Yellow, Misted (see Misted P (see Green Zinc Yellow

Yellow,Honey (see Honey R Yellow)


Yellow) Moderate Yellow... . RC m.Y 87 Yellow Primer, Red Zinc F
Yellow, Imperial (see Im- M Yellow, Montpellier (see M (see Red Zinc Yellow
perial Yellow) Montpellier Yellow) Primer)
Yellow, Indian (see Indian H, M Yellow, Montrose (see P Yellow Primer, Zinc (see F
Yellow) Montrose Yellow) Zinc Yellow Primer)
Yellow, Iron (see Iron M Yellow, Morning Dawning M Yellow, Primrose (see H, M, P
Yellow) (see Morning Dawning Primrose Yellow) R. T
(Yellowl, Ivory (see Ivory M Yellow) Yellow, Primuline (see M, R
lYellowj) Yellow. Mountain (see M Primuline Yellow)
Yellow, Ivory (see Ivory R Mountain Yellow) Yellow, Pyrethrum (see M
Yellow) (Yellowl, Mustard (see M Pyrethrum Yellow)
Yellow, Japanese (see M Mustard (Yellowl) Yellow. Pyrite (see Pyrite M, R
Japanese Yellow) Yellow. Mustard (see R Yellow)
Yellow, Jasmine (see Jas- T Mustard Yellow) Yellow, Queen's (see M
mine Yellow) Yellow.Muted (see Muted P Queen's Yellow)
(Yellowl, Jonquil (see M Yellow) Yellow, Quince (see Quince M
Jonquil (Yellowl) Yellow, Mutrie(see Mutrie M Yellow)
Yellow, Kasseler, (see M Yellow) Yellow. Radiant(see Radi- M
Kasseler Yellow) (Yellow(, Nankeen (see M ant Yellow)
Yellow, King's(see King's M Nankeen (Yellowl) Yellow, Reddish (see Red- A,SC
Yellow) Yellow, Naphthalene (see R dish Yellow)
Yellow, Lemon (see Lemon F,H,R,S, Naphthalene Yellow) Yellow, Reed (see Reed M, R
Yellow) T, TC Yellow, Naples (see Naples H, M, R Yellow)
(Yellowl, Lemon (see M Yellow) Yellow, Royal (see Royal M
Lemon (Yellow)) (Yellowl,Nastu'tium (see M Yellow)
Light Yellow... T I.Y 86, brill.gY 98, Nasturtium (Yellow)) Yellow, Russet (see Russet P
l.gY 101 Yellow, Nasturtium (see T Yellow)
Light Yellow (AN505) F v.Y 82 Nasturtium Yellow) Yellow, Saffron (see Saf- H, M
Brilliant Yellow (Y&D Yellow, Neopolitan (see M fron Yellow)
14), Lemon Yellow Neopolitan Yellow) Yellow, Seafoam (see M
(USA 121) Yellow, Oil (see Oil Yel- M,R Seafoam Yellow)
Light Yellow (Eng 204)... F I.Y 86 low) Yellow, Sea -foam (see R
Light Yellow (USA 204)... F I.Y 86 Yellow. Olive (see Olive M, S, Sea-foam Yellow)
Yellow, Light Chalcedony R Yellow) SC, T Yellow, Shining (seeShin- P
(see Light Chalcedony Yellow. Orange (see S ing Yellow)
Yellow) Orange Yellow) Yellow, Siderin (see Sid- M
Yellow, Light Chartreuse T Yellow, Orient (see Orient M erin Yellow)
(see Light Chartreuse Yellow) Yellow, Sienna (seeSienna M
Yellow) (Yellowl. Orient (see Ori- M Yellow)
Yellow. Light Chrome(see M ent (Yellowl) Yellow, Smoke (seeSmoke M
Light Chrome Yellow) Yellow, Oxford (see Ox- M Yellow)
Yellow, Light Citron (see T ford Yellow) Yellow, Soft (see Soft F
Light Citron Yellow) Yellow, Oxide (see Oxide M Yellow)
Yellow. Light Lemon (see T Yellow) Yellow, Spanish (see M, TC
Light Lemon Yellow) Pale Yellow SC p.Y 89, gy.Y 90 Spanish Yellow)
Yellow. Light Melon (see T Pale Yellow T p.gY104, p,YG121 Yellow, Spectra (see |
Light Melon Yellow) Yellow, Pale Chalcedony R Spectra Yellow)
Yellow. Light Vlridlne(see R (see Pale Chalcedony Yellow, Sprlng(seeSpring P
Light Viridine Yellow) Yellow) Yellow)
(Yellow), Lime (see Lime M Yellow, Pale Lemon (see R, T Yellow, Spruce (see
[YellowO Pale Lemon Yellow) Spruce Yellow)
Yellow, Lime (see Lime P Yellow, Pale Viridine (see R Yellow, Squash (see T
Yellow) Pale Viridine Yellow) Squa:h Yellow)
Yellow, Linden (see Lin- M Yellow, Pansy (see Pansy P Yellow, Stil de Grain (see M
den Yellow) Yellow) Stil de Grain Yellow) i

Yellow, Lustrous (see P Yellow, Paris (see Paris M Yellow, Straw (see Straw 1 H, P, R
Lustrous Yellow) Yellow) Yellow)
Yellow, Maize (see Maize H, R Yellow, Pastel (see Pastel T (Yellowl,Straw (see Straw M
Yellow) Yellow) (YellowO 1

Yellow, Majolica (see H Yellow, Patent (see Patent M Yellow, Strontium (see
M, R
Majolica Yellow) Yellow) Strontium Yellow)

Yellow. Marguerite (see M, R Yellow, Permanent (see M Yellow, Sulphine (see Sul- M, R
Marguerite Yellow) Permanent Yellow) |
phine Yellow) i

(Yellow), Marigold (see M Yellow, Persian (see Per-

M Yellow, Sulphur (see Sul- |
H, R, T
Marigold jYellowj) sian Yellow) phur Yellow) 1

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec.
14 14 14

|Yellow|, Sulphur (seeSul- M Clear Yellow-Green R brill.YG 116 Yellow Madder (same as brill.Y83, s.Y 84,
phur |Yellow|) Dark Dull Yellow-Green.. R m.OIG 125. Stil de Grain Yellow) I.Y 86, m.Y 87
Yellow, Sun (see Sun Yel- P gy.OIG 127 Yellow Maple S.yBr 74, l.yBr 76,
low) Deep Dull Yellow-Green D
n m VP 9n m niP IOC
m.yBr 77
[Yellow], Sunflower (see M (1) Yellow Mist I.OIBr 94
Sunflower [Yellowl) Deep Dull Yellow-Green K A uP 1lit
u.yu 37 Yellow Ochre S.OY68, m.OY 71
Yellow, Sunlight (see Sun- T (2) Yellow Ochre m.OY 71
., VP 1 09
light Yellow) Dusky Yellow Green gy.Tb Liz. Chinese Yellow, Di

Yellow, Sunrise (see Sun- M Grayish Yellow Green VP oo

ft,i 1
Palito, English Ochre,
rise Yellow) Light Yellow-Green D
Tu lie
Drill. lib, 1VP 1119
I.Tu 10 French Ochre, Gold
Yellow, Transparent (see P Moderate Yellow Green.. or m VP 9n 1
Earth, Imperial Yel
Transparent Yellow) Pale Yellow-Green low, Italian Lake,
e Mineral Yellow
Yellow. Tulip (see Tulip P Pale Yellow Green o Drill. T u 1 iO,

Yellow) I.Tu 119, Mountain Yellow

Yellow, Turner's (see M hrill l^n Ochraceous, Ochre
Turner's Yellow) Yellowish Brown ^ s yBf 74 Oxford Chrome, Ox
Yellow, Ultramarine (see M d66p yBr 75 ford Ochre, Oxford
Ultramarine Yellow) Yellowish Brown. s.yDi /'+, m
e iiDp TA tfOr 77
m.yDr // Yellow, Oxide Yel
Yellow. Venetian (see M Dark Yellowish Brown.. RC gy.yoi 6U low. Permanent Yel
Venetian Yellow) Dark Yellowish Brown... SC c uRr TA
s.yDi It, m uRr 77
iii.yDi //, low. Quercitron Lake,
Yellow, Verona (see Ve- M H uRr 7fi
U.yDl /O Sil, Yellow Earth
rona Yellow) Dull Yellowish Brown A
H uRr 7R
/D, m uRr 77
m.yDi / / ,
Yellow Sienna, Yel
Yellow. Veronese (see M A uRr
.yDi 7fi
/o, low Wash
Veronese Yellow) 1 nil iiDr 70 Yellow Ochre R d.OY 72
Yellow, Viridine(see Viri- M, R gy.yBr 80. Yellow Orange S s.O 50, m.O 53
dlne Yellow) d.gy.ySr 81 Pale Yellow-Orange R l.yPk 28
Yellow, Vitelline (see M Dusky Yellowish Brown.. pr u. et\j uDr Q1
A gy.yBr oi Yellow Realgar (same as M brill.Y83, S.Y84,
Vitelline Yellow) Light Yellowish Brown... oO uRr IR
/o, H au V Q1
Q.gy.T 9i Lemon |Yellow|) I.Y 86, m.Y 87
Yellow, Wax (see Wax M, R Moderate Yellowish DP m.yBr 77 Yellow Red SC brO 54, S.Br 55
Yellow) Brown Yellow Rose P l.gY 101
Yellow, Wine (see Wine M Pale Yellowish Brown... DP 1nil >>Dr 70
i.gy.yor /y Yellow Sienna (same as M m.OY 71
Yellow) Yellowish Citrine K d.gY 103 Yellow Ochre)
Yellow, Winter (see Winter P Yellowish Glaucous n VP 191
p.Tu 1^1 Yellow Smoke P m.Y 87, d.Y88
Yellow) Yellowish Gray DP yby Yellow Stone M gy.gY 105
hrill VP lie
Yellow, Yolk (see Yolk M Yellowish Green AA Drill. Tu lib, (12G2)
Yellow) _ VP 111/,
S.TU 1 7
Yellowstone M d.gy.Y 91
Yellow, Youth (see Youth P ueep VP
Aaan Tu Q
1 1
110, Burnt (12K6)
Yellow) I.Tu 113, Yellow Striping (N 42) F V.0Y66, S.OY68
Yellow, Zinc (see Zinc M m.Tu i^u, (same as Orange Yel-
Yellow) m 7^
nii^ 1ico,
in.utu low (AN 506))
Yellow Beige M l.yBr 76, m.yBr 77 DllM.yu lJU, Yellow Tint T yWhite 92, p.YG
Yellow Berries (same as M S.0Y68, m.OY 71 c uR 131 Yellow Tint (MA).. F p.OY 73
Ta-Ming) Aaan yu
oeep iiP I 39
loc, Yellow Wash (same as M m.OY 71
Yellow Brazil Wood (same m.Y87, gy.YM v.d66p yG 133, Yellow Ochre)
as Lime lYellowl) M uPI 1 1A
v.i.yu 1J4, Yellow Wood (same as M m.Y 87, gy.Y 90
Yellow Bright brill.gY 98, l.gY 101 l.yG 135, Lime (Yellowj)
Yellow Brown brPk 33, d.rO 38, m.yG 136, Yew Green M m.OIG 125
l.rBr 42, A uP M/,
'37 1
Brewster Green
l.gy.rBr 45, ti
v.o.yu 3Q
A >,P 1iJo Yew Green P gy.OIG 127
m.O 53, brO 54, Bright Yellowish Green.. A 11VP
1 1
V.yb Icy 1
Yew Green R m.OIG 125
s.Br 55, I.Br 57, Dark Yellowish Green... R d.yG 137 Yolk Yellow (same as M s.Y 84
d.OY 72, s.yBr 74, Dark Yellowish Green... DP
A i.P 1 37 Golden Rod)
VP 191 rtn VP 199
I.OI 106 Dull Yellowish Green A p.Tu 1^1, gy>)U Icc Yosemite (same as Sun- M l.yBr 76
Yellow Buff. m.yPk 29, m.O 53, Dusky Yellowish Green.. R _,,AlP 111/
gy.UKj 97 down)
m.OY p.OY Dusky Yellowish Green., A wP 137 A tt^3 P ICl
71, 73, RC u.yb lii, a.gy.u i3i Youth Yellow P l.gY 101
l.yBr 76, p.Y 89, Moderate Yellowish Green DP m.yG 136 Yucatan M brO 54, s yBr 74
gy.Y 90 Pale Yellowish Green RC" p.G 149 Cathay, French Yellow,
Yellow Carmine (same as S.0Y68, m.OY 71 Yellowish Oil Green p I.UI lUO Transparent Gold

Florida Gold) Yellowish Olive R l.Ul lUo, m.ui lU/ Ochre, Mexican,
Yellow Cream p.Y 89 Light Yellowish Olive R d.gY 103 Ochre de Ru, Oker de
Yellow Daisy (same as brill.Y83, s.Y 84, Yellowish Orange A krill nv C7
Drill. Ut b/,
fw ck
S.UT bo. Luce, Oker de Luke,
Lemon (Yellow)) I.Y 86, m.Y 87 oeep AV by,
Aaan UT CQ Oker de Rouse, Ru
Yellow Earth (same as m.OY 71 I.OY 70, Ochre, Rut Ochre,
Yellow Ochre) m.OY 71, Spruce Ochre
YeHow Essence p.gY 104 d.OY 72 Yucca gy.G 150
A If nv Cid
Yellow Gem ___ p.Y 89 Bright Yellowish Orange. M V.UT Do Yu Chi d.G 146
Yellow Green brill.YG 116 Dark Yellowish Orange.. DP A nv 79 Yuletime m.OIG 125
Yellow Green S.YG 117, m.YG 120, Dull Yellowish Orange... A
M n nv 73
p.UT /o Yule Tree d.bG 165
v.yG 129, Pale Yellowish Orange... DP n nv 73
p.UT /o Yvette Violet gy.P 228
brill.yG 130. Yellowish Pink.... A
A V.yrK S.yrK Zb, Yvette Violet gy.V 215

s.yG 131, oeep kDL c/,

Aaan yrK 97 Dark Yvette Violet d.gy.P 229
deep yG 132, l.yrR to, Zaffre Blue (same as deep B 179, m.B 182
v.l.yG 134, m ifDL
m.yrK 90
zy. Smalt)
A i.DL 3n
l.yG 135, Zanzibar d.gy.rBr 47
m.yG 136, p.yPk 31, Zedoary Wash (same as m.OY 71
d.yG 137, v.G 139, 0v vPk 32 Daffodile |Yellow|)
brill.G 140, Yellowish Red A s.rO 35, deep rO 36, Zenith |Blue| l.pB 199, p.pB 203
S.G 141, m.rO 37, d.rO 38 Zephyr p.Pk gy.Pk 8
v.l.G 143, Bright Yellowish Red A v.Rll, v.r0 34 Zephyr Blue v.p.B 184, p.B 185
I.G 144, m.G 145 Dull Yellowish Red.. A gy.rO 39 Zephyr Green v.p.G 148

ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des- ISCC-NBS color des-
ignation with serial ignation with serial ignation with serial
Color name Source Color name Source Color name Source
number from sec. number from sec. number from sec
14 14 14

Zest Pink s.Pk 2 Zinc Green m.G 145 Dark Zinc Yellow Primer F gy.OIG 127
Zinc -. pGy 233, med.Gy 265 Dark Zinc Green m.G 145 (N 84D)
Cloud Grey, Grey Dawn Zinc Orange (same as S.0 50, m.0 53 Zinnia. _ M m.R 15
Zinc Chromate (MA) m.YG 120 Cowslip)
'Zinnia Gold I.OY70, I.Y86
Green Zinc Yellow Zinc Orange s.O 50, m.O 53
Yellow (same as S.Y 84
Zulu (same as Ibis Red).. M d.gy.rBr 47
Primer (N 84G) Zinc
Zinc Green (same as Co- m.yG 136 Light Chrome Yellow) Zuni Brown (same as Au- M m.Br 58
balt Green) Zinc Yellow Primer (N 84). m.Y 87 burn)


PERIODICALS NOTE: At present the principal publication outlet for
these data is the Journal of Physical and Chemical
JOURNAL OF RESEARCH reports National Bureau Reference Data (JPCRD) published quarterly for NBS
of Standards research and development in physics, by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Amer-
mathematics, and chemistry. It is published in two ican Institute of Physics (AIP). Subscriptions, reprints,
sections, available separately: and supplements available from ACS, 1155 Sixteenth
Physics and Chemistry (Section A) St. N.W., Wash. D. C. 20056.
Papers of interest primarily to scientists working in
Building Science Series Disseminates technical infor-
these fields. This section covers a broad range of physi- mation developed at the Bureau on building materials,
cal and chemical research, with major emphasis on components, systems, and whole structures. The series
standards of physical measurement, fundamental con- presents research results, test methods, and perform-
stants, and properties of matter. Issued six times a year. ance criteria related to the structural and environmental
Annual subscription: Domestic, $17.00; Foreign, $21.25. functions and the durability and safety characteristics
Mathematical Sciences (Section B) of building elements and systems.
Studies and compilations designed mainly for the math-
ematician and theoretical physicist. Topics in mathemat-

Technical Notes Studies or reports which are complete
in themselves but restrictive in their treatment of a
ical statistics, theory of experiment design, numerical subject. Analogous to monographs but not so compre-
analysis, theoretical physics and chemistry, logical de- hensive in scope or definitive in treatment of the sub-
sign and programming of computers and computer sys- ject area. Often serve as a vehicle for final reports of
tems. Short numerical tables. Issued quarterly. Annual work performed at NBS under the sponsorship of other
subscription: Domestic, $9.00; Foreign, $11.25. government agencies.
DIMENSIOXS/NBS (formerly Technical News Bulle-
Voluntary Product Standards Developed under proce-
tin) This monthly magazine is published to inform dures published by the Department of Commerce in Part
scientists, engineers, businessmen, industry, teachers,
10, Title 15, of the Code of Federal Regulations. The
students, and consumers of the latest advances in purpose of the standards is to establish nationally rec-
science and technology, with primary emphasis on the ognized requirements for products, and to provide all
work at NBS. The magazine highlights and reviews concerned interests with a basis for common under-
such issues as energy research, fire protection, building standing of the characteristics of the products. NBS
technology, metric conversion, pollution abatement, administers this program as a supplement to the activi-
health and safety, and consumer product performance. ties of the private sector standardizing organizations.
In addition, it reports the results of Bureau programs
in measurement standards and techniques, properties of
Consumer Information Series Practical information,

matter and materials, engineering standards and serv-

based on NBS research and experience, covering areas
of interest to the consumer. Easily understandable lang-
ices, instrumentation, and automatic data processing.
uage and illustrations provide useful background knowl-
Annual subscription: Domestic, $9.45; Foreign, $11.85. edge for shopping in today's technological marketplace.

NONPERIODICALS Order above NBS publications from: Superintendent

of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington,

Monographs Major contributions to the technical liter- D.C. 201^02.
ature on various subjects related to the Bureau's scien-
Order following NBS publications NBSIR's and FIPS
tific and technical activities.
from the National Technical Information Services,
Handbooks Recommended codes of engineering and Springfield, Va. 22161.
industrial practice (including safety codes) developed
Federal Information Processing Standards Publications
in cooperation with interested industries, professional
organizations, and regulatory bodies.

(FIPS PLIBS) Publications in this series collectively
constitute the Federal Information Processing Stand-
Special Publications Include proceedings of conferences ards Register. Register serves as the official source of
sponsored by NBS, NBS annual reports, and other information in the Federal Government regarding stand-
special publications appropriate to this grouping such ards issued by NBS pursuant to the Federal Property
as wall charts, pocket cards, and bibliographies. and Administrative Services Act of 1949 as amended,
Applied Mathematics Series Mathematical tables, man- Public Law 89-306 (79 Stat. 1127), and as implemented
uals, and studies of special interest to physicists, engi- by Executive Order 11717 (38 FR 12315, dated May 11,
neers, chemists, biologists, mathematicians, com- 1973) and Part 6 of Title 15 CFR (Code of Federal
puter programmers, and others engaged in scientific Regulations).
and technical work. NBS Interagency Reports (NBSIR) A special series of
National Standard Reference Data Series Provides interim or final reports on work performed by NBS for
quantitative data on the physical and chemical proper- outside sponsors (both government and non-govern-
ties of materials, compiled from the world's literature ment). In general, initial distribution is handled by the
and critically evaluated. Developed under a world-wide sponsor; public distribution is by the National Techni-
program coordinated by NBS. Program under authority cal Information Services (Springfield, Va. 22161) in
of National Standard Data Act (Public Law 90-396). paper copy or microfiche form.
The following current-awareness and literature-survey Superconducting Devices and Materials. A literature
bibliographies are issued periodically by the Bureau: survey issued quarterly. Annual subscription: $20.00.
Cryogenic Data Center Current Awareness Service. A Send subscription orders and remittances for the pre-
literature survey issued biweekly. Annual subscrip-
ceding bibliographic services to National Bureau of
tion: Domestic, $20.00; Foreign, $25.00.
Liquified Natural Gas. A literature survey issued quar- Standards, Cryogenic Data Center (275.02) Boulder,
terly. Annual subscription: $20.00. Colorado 80302.
lyationa! Bureau of Standards
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