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Shot List


Mid shot Sam playing guitar on bed, Mario watching continuous shot between the two using glide
cam (15 secs)

Mid shot (relatively close) of characters lying in bed

Living Room

Over the shoulder shot of Sam looking through window

Mid shot through window of Mario stood outside with rose

Over the shoulder shot of Sam leaving window to go to door

Mid shot of characters taking a selfie on sofa

Over the shoulder shot of characters taking a selfie on sofa

Mid shot of switching channels on tv, deciding what to watch

Long shot characters on sofa watching TV


Wide shot Sam running up to door

Mid shot camera from outside door, moves backwards as door opens

Mid shot Mario helping Sam with tie

Mid shot continues walking through front door

Over the shoulder shot Mario and Sam being photographed before prom


Close up Mario making tea

Close up handing tea to Sam

Close up Mario smiling


Match cut close up Sam holding dog toy/throwing it to dog

Long shot as he throws the ball

Mid shot Mario passing Sam an ice cream

Close up Mario bending down to give Abby ice cream

Extreme Long shot in middle of field with Abby, Mario hugs Aam then walks away

D2 Manshead

Close up of guitar in room, camera pans to Sams face looking down at guitar

Mid shot Sam picks up guitar and starts playing a few chords

Wide shot Sam taking the book from the shelf

Over the shoulder shot Sam looking down at the book, dead rose inside

Close up camera panning across photos, ends on a selfie of Sam and Mario

High angle shot using gorilla pod, Sam pacing the room

Close up Sam picking up a dog toy

Close up Sam holding pictures of Mario with Abby, then pictures of them going to Prom

Close up of Sam tearing up Prom photo

Long shot/tracking shot of Sam going around the room and tearing things down

Mid shot of Sam taking mug from shelf

Mid shot of Sam throwing mug against the wall

Long shot of Sam leaning against cabinet/crying

Long shot of Sam falling to ground, crying

Mid shot of Sam still crying, stops to notice a box in the corner of the room

Mid shot of this box

Mid shot back to Sam

Close up Sam picking things up/taking things off of wall

Close up Sam putting objects in box

Wide shot looking around the empty room

Tracking shot of Sam moving to open the door/looking back as he leaves

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