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Risk Assessment

Location to be used: Quarry, Loft, Drama Room

Date of recordings: 19th and 26th November 2017
People on location: Sophie, Stuart, Will, Andrew, Duncan
Emergency contact: 017683 41236
Designated safety contact on site: 017683 41236

Potential Hazards:
Location Potential Who How What How What Who will When
area hazard might severe controls likely extra action will
be could are is the controls these they
hurt? harm already risk of are controls? be in
be? in harm? needed? place?
Loft Holes in Anyone Minor Wooden 2/10 Cautious Everyone When
the floor boards walking filming
over the
Loft Birds Anyone Very Blocking 2/10 When
coming minor out filming
through windows
window with
Loft Uneven Anyone Minor Be 3/10 Be Everyone When
flooring aware of cautious filming
the when
areas of walking
uneven around

Quarry Tripping Anyone Minor Try film 5/10 Watch Everyone When
over in the where filming
rocks most you are
rock free walking
Quarry Shrapnel Anyone Medium Stand 4/10 Wear Everyone When
when severity well high filming
breaking back protection
objects clothing
Quarry Falling of Anyone Minor Dont 2/10 Stand far Everyone When
rocks stand on from the filming
rock edge of
edges the rocks.

Drama Tripping Anyone Minor Turn 2/10 When

Room over lights on filming
wires in when
the dark walking
Woods Barbed Anyone Minor Where 2/10 When
wire thicker filming
Woods Tripping Anyone Minor Plan out 4/10 When
over tree main filming
roots areas so
we avoid

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