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Release Notes

Release R16
Temenos Open Connectivity Framework - Enterprise
Edition (TOCFEE)
Release Notes

Product: TOCF(EE) R16

Version: R16.0.0.3
Type: Patch Availability

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T24R4.2 Release Notes

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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Copyright 2002-2006 TEMENOS Holdings NV. All rights reserved

Ref : 370491144.doc July 2002

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Release Notes
Table of Contents

IMPORTANT RELEASE INFORMATION...............................................................................................3

Release Highlights.................................................................................................................... 3
Release Number Standardisation............................................................................................. 3
Component Updates................................................................................................................. 3
System Requirements............................................................................................................... 3
TAFC jbase_agent................................................................................................................. 3
JEE compliant Application Server......................................................................................... 4
Java JRE library.................................................................................................................... 4
Disk Space Requirements..................................................................................................... 4
INSTALLATION OF THE SOFTWARE................................................................................................... 5
Upgrading TOCF(EE)................................................................................................................ 5

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Release Notes


This section outlines new features in TOCF Enterprise Edition R16 and
contains important information for upgrading clients. If you are upgrading from
an earlier release of TOCF(EE), please read and understand all the release
information details for each release before starting the installation.
Prior to R09, T24 used the Temenos Connector Server (TCS) to host the
Temenos Open Connectivity Framework (TOCF). This framework includes
adapters, listeners, plugins, formatters, connection pooling, and security. From
R09, T24 can now leverage the application server features for connection
pooling, security, and deployment of the TOCF listeners, plugins, and formatters.
TOCF(EE) offers many performance, deployment and security advantages over TOCF (TC

Release Highlights
This section provides an overview of new TOCF components and advice regarding any
components which have been replaced or deprecated. Please refer to the system requirements
section for further details.

Release Number Standardisation

In the past release numbers for TOCF, jBASE, T24Browser, and T24 all had different formats,
making it harder for the user to insure that compatible components were installed. From R09 all
components for T24 use a standardised component numbering starting with the product version.
From R11, the TOCF(EE) component has been aligned with the other technology products and
introduced 4 digits into the release / version.
Due to this it will be mandatory to install the new R16 versions of each component. Further details
can be seen below.

Component Updates
From R09, a new update process was introduced that gave a client the ability to find and apply
upgrades on a component basis. This means it is now possible for changes to be isolated and
delivered with fewer fixes and for specific components.
The TOCF(EE) component is not available as a T24 Update. Updates are available for the
dependent components within T24. See the section of this document entitled Error: Reference
source not found.

System Requirements

TAFC jbase_agent

The jbase_agent is the executable process that listens for socket connection from the TAFC RA
and allows a remote client to call T24 subroutines. This is the process you will see running on the
T24 server there will be one listener process plus one process for each connection in the
Application Server connection pool.

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Release Notes
Minimum TAFC release: R16
Artifact: $TAFC_HOME/bin/jbase_agent

JEE compliant Application Server

The following table shows the recommended application servers designed to run TOCF(EE):
Archive Platform
TOCF(EE) Supported application servers:
Archive: TOCF(EE) jBoss EAP 6.x

Java JRE library

The following table shows the minimum version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) required
to run TOCF(EE):
Archive Platform
Archive: TOCF(EE)

Disk Space Requirements

Before upgrading your TOCF (EE) installation please ensure you have sufficient disk
space available.

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Release Notes


Transfer the archives to the target machine.

Upgrading TOCF(EE)
If you have an earlier version of TOCF(EE) installed you should
1. Save any system configuration files before proceeding with the installation of the
TOCF(EE) components.
Pay particular attention to the following:
TOCFplugin-ra.rar tcserver.xml
TOCFListener-ejb.jar ejb-jar.xml
Save any other deployment descriptors or configuration files which might have
been modified.
Apply these changes to the deployment descriptors and configuration files which are
located inside the new tocfee.ear archive.

2. Uninstall the existing TOCF(EE) components

- tocfee.ear (TOCF(EE) Enterprise Archive)
- tocfT24ra-ra.rar (T24 Resource Adapter) or jremote-ra.rar in case of TOCF(EE)
versions prior to R10.1.1
- T24Utility.war
On Weblogic, if necessary remove the T24 RA client libraries from the domains shared
library directory:
- <weblogic home>\user_projects\domains\<domain name>\lib\jremote.jar
- <weblogic home>\user_projects\domains\<domain name>\lib\tocfT24ra.jar
Note: To uninstall enterprise components in JBoss you should stop the application
server and remove the artifacts from the deploy directory.

3. Install the new TOCF(EE) components:

- tocfT24ra-ra.rar
- tocfee.ear
- T24Utility.war
- netty.jar (only required when enabling the inbound listener)
- osgicore-1.4.0.jar (only required when enabling the inbound listener in Weblogic
10.3.3 or later)
4. Restart the application server.

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Release Notes
Patches incorporated in TOCF(EE) R16.0.0.3
This release contains the following patches in addition to those available in previous releases:

Issue Resolved:

On trying to upload a document to the database with R16 TOCFEE the below error is raised.
Unable to upload file (might be permission)

Nature of fix :
The fix provides the service locator and proper communication protocol in TOCFEE between
client application and application server which helps in uploading an image to a database.


Issue Resolved:
Image Management - Can store only in one type of table.

Nature of fix :

The fix provides the images to get uploaded to its proper table in the database. Though if there is
two different image types with location as different tables are used to upload the images.


Issue Resolved:
EB.FILE.UPLOAD TOCFEE - unable to communicate with TCServer ( plugin )

Nature of fix :
File Handling fixed to upload the file.


Issue Resolved:
File Upload fails with TOCF-EE R16. Required File upload document

Nature of fix :
File Handling fixed to upload the file. Guide uploaded to defect.

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