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Kaiser Permanente

Project Log

June 3:
Team call regarding completion of Project Definition

June 5:
Rob interviews former Pediatric MA.

June 12:
Design blueprint discussion. Outline to be created by Fatima and Rob
Wednesday team meeting to work on draft of blueprint
Call 7:45 Thursday with Dr. F to review project, docs, direction
Blueprint to be ready for client by Friday, will be worked out during Wednesday's team
Objectives (rob) drafted by Wednesday
Weekend discussion next week (6/17-6/18) to polish up our docs in prep for sharing with
Dr. B (client)
Michael converses with client on Saturday 6/17

June 13:
Rob and Fatima Zoom call to complete blueprint outline

June 14:
Team reviews the blueprint outline Additional questions for Dr. Farrington are added at
the end to develop additional clarity
Rob will be responsible for the following sections of blueprint:
Learner ID
Course Content
Learning activities
Michael and rob will work on blueprint document june 15 remotely. Intention is to have
as much ready to go before conversation with Dr. Farrington.
Michael discussed ideas for video
We need scrubs. Beg, borrow, rent?
What are the situations we need in video that spur roleplays?
What will the roleplays include?
Videos initially run all the way through, but eventually have a stop in place where
participants discuss, then play the video which will then have answers.
We should have extra videos that allow some choices by the trainers as well as extra
content as needed
Call with Dr. Farrington is thursday June 14 at 7:45

June 14, morning work with Michael and Rob

Images from Kagan binder uploaded by Michael. Processing and re-uploading
Researched MA duties, MD cognitive load, and wrote Learner ID section. New
research in team Zotero.
Rewrote objectives according to Dr. F. specifications and with content types in
Michael recommends Kagan pages for specific parts of training:
Page 228 for the intro
270 for participant reflection, maybe to take with them
222 for Post instruction comprehension check
229 for use in department meetings
246 for use in department meetings

Call with Dr. Farrington 7:45 PM June 15
Recognize I statement versus non example
Sort examples into piles
Do a whole list of restating you into I allows for more practice in the time of a
role play. More of these and fewer role plays.
Small groups are better. Pairs works good
Triad activity in monthly meetings
Critical success factors: things to worry about, that if they dont happen, could
derail the training
Learners on task
Access to SME
Technology working
Keeping on time
Adequate practice
Level I eval:
Confidence levels of exercising (5 point linkert scale)
Instructor reaches out to low confidence for additional work
Additional support needed to do [objective]
Level II eval:
Primarily based on observation. We dont need to give an exam, a
quiz, etc. These folks have learned how to learn and have an
investment in getting this right.
Managers have bought in? Are they likely to prompt. MA have different managers
than MD. Support from management needs to be in place. See page 67 in Six D
text for managerial practices
Learner reflection send back to them at a later date. Trainers or managers need
to own this.
Checklist manifesto. Book. Helpful. Rob Campbell should get this. Regards
medical professionals working together.
Reference Stolovich and Keeps for the most effective flow for the training.
How did the role-play go?
Design on the button for Royins.
This is almost an I-statement, now make it an I-statement.
Distinguish between quality I statements from flawed I-statements

Friday June 16: Call with Rob and Michael

Discussed Blueprint
Emphasized use of Gagne from page 115 of 6D
View ISBAR as a supporting content and prior knowledge of our learners
Discussed support for I statement content and expressed the idea that this is in fact the
focus of our instruction.
Support for the I statement can be found in the article by Curtis et al, How to talk to
doctors a guide for effective communication
Rob will farm resources from the Curtis article.

June 17:
Rewrite agenda and learning activities section in blueprint to reflect what we will really be
teaching and to match each other.
Supporting research:
Curtis et al, How to talk to doctors a guide for effective communication
Porter, S. (1991) A particular observation study of power relations between
nurses and doctors in a general hospital. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 16,

June 18: Team call 9:30 am

Individual project for Dr. Farrington

Client Project:
We need to emphasize promote patient care and service

June 20: Team call 6:30 PM

Reviewed our Blueprint document:
Learning Activities
Roleplay explanation: Roleplay exercises start out as completely scripted,
but each subsequent script include more gaps for learners to fill in.
Focus is on feelings
Focus is on need
Put these together
Total of eight scripted sessions for four stages.
Final goal is to have the right statement in the right context on
Current input from Dr. Bendixen for these situations seems to be
weighted to MA issues.
Outcomes from good communication:
Time is saved
Recognition of contributions
Effective patient care
Respect for expertise appropriate to hierarchical position
Correct information is provided
Paragraphs double spaced
Lists double spaced with single spaced items

June 25, 2017. Team Call. Royins on Chat due to connection in Costa Rica

Trimming the presentation:

of training should be active learning (page 148 6D)
Nailing time. We are over budget on time.
We need to trim to fit for success.
ISBAR: Do we need this?
Card sorting activity.
Get rid of the rewriting section.
Get word count down for simplicity and directness
Accessing emotions:
Introduce I statement humor with animated cartoon at the beginning.
Possibility of more humor moments in training to create relief points
Card sorting activity is a place for trainer check-in/feedback.
Each group should be inspected
Video response also a place for trainer feedback.
Visual inspection on thumbs up/down. Trainers focus on wrong answers.
Build dialogue between trainers and trainees to make learning happen
Improving the Ice Breaker:
Me and My partner Venn needs prompts in the PowerPoint.
Keep it non-traumatic
Team will brainstorm this out.
Selection for storyboard:
Video section? Use a flawed interaction video that will demonstrate how
interaction goes that includes more trainer feedback. This meets the
assignment and also serves our project.
Michael and Royins will work on storyboard for next assignment
Fatima will edit the blueprint document
Rob will draw some cartoons. With a purpose, even.
Next call Monday 6/25 at 6 pm

Team Call Monday June 26 6 pm

I statement review
I feel _______
When _________
I need _______
No you
No blaming
No escalation or hostile language
I feel anxious when we have a loaded agenda. I need to have an agenda
focused on no more than three items.
I feel helpless when students use their outside voice during class time. I
need students to use their inside voices so that I can work with them.
I feel anxious when I have a disproportionate number of tasks for which I
am responsible. I need team jobs assigned according to strength and
I feel helpless when the internet connection is bad and drops-out during
an important meeting. I need a more reliable method of communication
such as text messaging or groupware (google docs).
I feel stressed when taking the exams of IST622. I need to know that all
the resources required to respond to the questions are findable from the
PowerPoint lectures or required readings.
Develop storyboard assignment:
Reshape first scenario.
Develop second scenario.
Rewrite objective to match the activity:

Given a video enactment of an interaction between an MD and an MA,

trainees will analyze and correctly apply ISBAR

Given a video enactment of an interaction between an MD and an MA,

trainees will identify correct and incorrect use of I-statements.
Given a video enactment of a potentially contentious interaction between
an MD and an MA that may negatively impact patient care, learners will
choose an appropriate I-statement communication to address the issue.

Team Call July 2, 2017

1) Chapter 4, and discuss how we may apply this chapter to the project
2) BluePrint Update
3) Define/Prioritize development of deliverables

Chapter 4:
Michael created a document, Chapter 4 para San Andreas, for our collective
notes on useful parts of Chapter 4.
Michael is waiting to hear from client on feedback.
Do we need to take more of a lead with client in terms of what we believe will
work best?
Question of wait time before follow-up training activities. Sooner is better.
Manager involvement is key in this, including before the training and after.
We need to focus on develop pieces the learners will have their hands on, and
the trainers materials, and videos, as well as organization items.

Blueprint Update:
Feedback from Dr. Farrington suggests all we need to do is update time
estimates in our agenda.
Current estimates in Outline Matrix were updated to allow for more practice and

Team will reconvene monday night 6 pm

Team call Monday July

Client questions:
Number of trainers: 2. Each will be responsible for 10 pairs
No advance organizers
Client wants the feedback cards/box thing, catch someone doing i statements.
Management must be involved in promoting this as there may be some barriers
to use by MA/MD partners.
Client will do Transfer climate survey from 6D text, page 169
We need to send blueprint and scripts for our videos to client.

Team call Monday July 10:


Team, Call Thursday July 20

Review of deliverables:
Management active involvement
Post meeting department activities (note these as reproducible for pod
managers in the presenter guide.
Need to finalize these materials into concise instructions/checklists
Method of delivering the project to client and professor
Action item schedule

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