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An organization is social arrangement which pursues collective goals,

which controls its own performance, and which has a boundary

separating it from its environment. Organization is association formed
by a group of people who see that there are benefits available from
working towards common goal.
Organization studies are the study of individual and group dynamics in
an organization setting, as well as the nature of organization themselves.
Whenever people interact in organization, many factors come in to play.
Organization studies attempts to understand and model these factors.
Organization study refers to study of organization as a whole and getting
adequate knowledge with various departments in organization. The
study was carried out at MindTree ltd. This study is based on different
aspects and dimensions of different departments.
1.1 Objective of the Study
To familiarize with the organization structure and functioning.

To familiarize with the different departments in the organization and

their functions and activities including documentation.

To understand the how business process are carried out in an


To understand the overall performance of the organization

To know the vision and mission of the company

To know awards and achievements of company

To conduct SWOT analysis of the organization. 1.2 Scope of Study

This report mainly focuses on the companys profile and the
different departments such as Marketing, Finance, Human
Resource Department etc. The organization study is carried out to
make the study of the working of different departments and to find
out problems and give proposal of solutions.

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