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What Is Research?

HEC4771 Final Year Research Project 1 (Chemical)

*Originally Prepared by Dr. Manas Kumar Haldar

Text: Leedy P.D. and Omrod J.E.
Practical Research Planning and Design,
Pearson Education Inc., 2005.
Other books for this topic
Booth W.C., Colomb, G.G. and Williams J.M, The
craft of Research, Univ of Chicago Press,1995.
Phillips E.M. and Pugh D.S., How to get a PhD: a
handbook for students and their supervisors, 3rd
Ed., The Open University Press, Buckingham,

What is research
What is not research
Who is a researcher
Roles of student and supervisor
What is research?
It is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing
and interpreting information
Research originates with a question or problem.
Research requires clear articulation of goal.
Research requires a specific plan for proceeding.
Research usually divides a principal problem into
manageable parts.
Research is guided by specific research problem,
question or hypothesis.
Research accepts certaincritical assumptions.
Research requires collection and interpretation of
Research is, by its nature, cyclical or more exactly,
What is not research
Unfortunately, the word is often employed loosely

Research is mere information
Research is not mere transportation of
facts from one location to another.

Research is not merely rummaging


Research is not a catchword used to get

Who is a researcher?(Phillips & Pugh, 2000.)
Someone who has

Knowledge of area sufficient to evaluate other

work in that area.

Ability to discover where he/she can make a


Awareness and conformity to ethical principles.

appropriate techniques
Mastery of and
awareness of their limitations.
Ability to communicate results to professionals in
their area.

Awareness of international arena.

Roles of Student and
Students Perspective

Why are you doing research?

Making contribution to your field.
Research for its own sake.
Enhancing your career.
Supervisors Perspective

Why is he/she supervising?

Building up his research profile.

Training students for research.
Satisfaction of seeing a student gain research
Discussing problems to enhance teaching.
Supervision Styles

Student as an autonomous researcher:

Student is expected to develop his/her
research topic and work as individuals.
Student as an apprentice: Students work on
topics in the supervisors area of interest.
Students are expected to follow a protocol set
by the supervisor.
What to expect from your
Supervisor should be available when needed. You should arrange for
regular meetings.
The supervisor should guide you about the structure, scope and
methodology. You can expect him to tell you when your work goes
off course.
The supervisor should be friendly, open and supportive.
The supervisor should be constructively critical.
The supervisor should be knowledgeable in the area.
The supervisor should know how to ask open questions and draw
out ideas.
The supervisor should have sufficient interest in your work.
The supervisor should encourage you to attend conferences and
introduce you to others in the field.
What not to expect from your

Do not expect him to do your research.

Do not expect him to write your thesis. But

you can expect him to give comments on
what you write and how you write.

Do not expect him to write your research

and conference papers.
Managing your supervisor
(1) Single supervisor
Report your progress honestly and inform him
about the problems you face.
Regular meetings. Be well prepared.
Follow their advice when you ask for it.
Show enthusiasm for your work. Surprise your
supervisor with new results.
Show independence. Do not look up for
Managing your supervisor
(2) Joint supervisor
Although joint supervision may increase the area of
expertise, there may be problems.
Dilution of supervisors responsibility.
Conflicting advice.
Lack of overall view.

These problems are overcome by

Joint meetings.
Keeping all supervisors informed about the progress of
Sending each supervisor a copy of your writing and
asking them for their written comments.

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