Chapter One

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1.1 Background of the Study

Sinigang is one of the famous dishes in the Philippines. It is often assumed to be the

National Food of the Philippines because of how common it is. Many Pilipino even tourist love

its sour and savory taste partner with rice. Its flavor comes from the tamarind that gives its

sour taste. Sinigang is composed of meat like Pork, Fish, Shrimp, Beef, Chicken and also

Vegetables such as Okra, Kangkong, String Beans, Labanos, Tomato, Onion, Gabi, Chili and of

course the main ingredient the Tamarind. As time pass by Sinigang evolved and produces

different varieties in which ingredients to make it sour other that tamarind such as Calamansi,

Kamias, Guava etc. The tamarind fruit is sometimes used because now there is Tamarind

Powder. Tamarind powder is more convenient for people because you will just mix it to the dish

the its done, you will just wait for it to boil, rather than boiling the tamarind fruit and wait the

shell to be crack to aadd sour flavor. Even the flavoring to make Sinigang has changed, the taste

is still the same, eventhough there are different ways to cook sinigang nothing has change

because it is still loved by us Filipinos.

We Filipinos naturally love soup specially Sinigang. Sinigang is one of the traditional

soup in the Philippines, one of the example of Sinigang is the famous Sinigang sa Sampalok it is

known by its sour and delightful taste. The main ingredient of Sinigang sa Sampalok is of course

Sampalok or Tamarind.

The Sampalok or Tamarind is the one that gives the sour flavor of the Sinigang that we

know. Tamarind is naturally sour, the leaves of Sampalok can also give Vitamins and Minerals

that our body needs every day. It can be also a medicine or herbal medicine. We can make a tea

out of the leaves of the Tamarind and sweet dessert for its fruit.
Kamis is also one of the things that we add to our dish Sinigang called Sinigang sa

Kamias. Kamias can be substituted in to lemon. Kamias is naturally sour in terms of its flavor in

any dish. It also control the flavor of the food to make it balance and more flavorful.

The researcher choose this study to refresh our traditional dish here in the Philippines and

also of course to give information about Sinigang to our new generation researcher. The

researcher make this study to give importance to our traditional dish and also to give unique facts

about the study. Researcher also make this study for some culinary purpose.

1.2 Significance of the Study

This study is significance to the following:

Producers. This study will be very beneficial to the buyers, not only because it was easy to cook

but also the taste and aroma of it.

Costumers. This study will help the costumers to know what is the difference between Sinigang

sa Sampalok and Sinigang sa Kamias

Future Researcher. This will help other researcher as that it will serve as additional information

and will add factual concept for their Review of Related Literature and Studies.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The main focus of this study is to know the rate of people that will choose between

Original Sinigang sa Sampalok and Sinigang sa Kamias

1. How many people patronage Sinigang sa Sampalok in terms of:

a. Taste;

b. Texture;
c. Odor;

2. How many people patronage Sinigang sa Kamias in terms of:

a. Taste;

b. Texture;

c. Odor;

3. The rate of people between Sinigang sa Sampalok and Sinigang sa Kamias?

1.4 Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework of this study shows the rate of people would choose between

the original Sinigang sa Sampalok and Sinigang sa Kamias

Independent Variable Dependent Variable



Characteristic of Sinigang sa The rate of people that will

Sampalok and Sinigang sa choose between the Original
Kamias Sinigang sa Sampalok and
Sinigang sa Kamias

Food Preparation

List of ingredients
Sinigang sa Sampaok
Sinigang sa Kamias

Frame 1 Frame 2

Figure 1. Research Paradigm of the study

Frame 1. The independent variables consist of characteristic of the research study.

Frame 2. The dependent variables consist of the rate of people. The researcher wants to find out

on how it is influenced by the independent variable.

1.5 Scope and Limitations

The researcher will specifically focus about Sinigang sa Sampalok and Sinigang sa

Calamansi. Covering of 30 respondents from Philippine Womens University Sta. Cruz Branch

both male and female. In a range of 17-30 years old.

1.6 Definition of Terms

This section states the unfamiliar words and its definition in the study.

Taste - The sweet, sour, bitter, or salty quality of a thing that you can sense when it is in your


Texture - The feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.

Odor - a distinctive smell

Savory - Wholesome of Tasty.

Tamarind - Sticky brown acidic pulp, widely used as a flavoring in Asian Cooking.

Varieties - The state of being different or uniformity.

Minerals - One of the chemical compound we use in drinks.

Aroma - Typically pleasant smell.

Factual - Actually occurring.

Patronage - A support or promoting something.

Respondents - Statistical data about something.

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