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CONTACT: Tom Streeter (802) 598-9348

Health Care Premium Increase Push Proposed UVM Raises Below Cost of Living

BURLINGTON, VT Contract negotiations between faculty and the administration

are about to enter mediation at Vermonts largest university and the increase
in health care premiums is emerging as a key variable.

United Academics, the faculty union at the University of Vermont (UVM), says
last weeks announcement that health care premiums would climb 5.8% next year
is a game changer. According to union leaders, that means the Universitys
proposed 2% raise would actually keep salary growth for some faculty below
the rate of inflation.

A 5.8% hike in premiums means about 20% of the proposed 2% raise will go to
cover health care increases, leaving our net raise under cost of living
increases, says union president Tom Streeter. For many faculty, it will mean
no raise at all, according to the union.

Streeter, a professor of Sociology, was hired in 1989 and recalls a period

where the University was spiraling into decline. He worries the same thing
could happen again. The effect in the 1990s on campus was enervating, said
Streeter. Young faculty often left, and those who stayed behind felt little
motivation to throw themselves into their jobs. It wasnt just that there was
no financial incentive; it was that the administrations attitude told us
that nobody cared about our work.

Streeter worries a sub-inflation raise will hurt UVMs competitiveness and

national ranking and points to national studies that say UVM is only spending
$1 out of every $3 on instruction and research. The University has the
resources to provide competitive salaries but unfortunately has other
priorities. Union members are fighting to keep the Universitys reputation
intact and are prepared to speak up and bargain resolutely, says Streeter.

Streeter and his colleagues say UVM could pay for reasonable faculty salaries
without raising tuition by bringing non-instructional spending into line with
its peer universities. Faculty will rally to support a fair contract at noon
on Wednesday, Oct. 25th, on the steps of UVMs Bailey Howe library, wearing
their academic regalia.


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