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The Hieronymous Machine

The Maravelous symbolic Hieronymus Machine

In 1948 a scientist, inventor named T. Galen

Hieronymus patented a machine which was
designed to "detect the presence of any element or
combination of elements that may be in substance
under investigation to determine their intensity an/or
quanity thereof by the detection of their emissions or
emanations. "This simply means the device can
locate any element by its individual freqency. The
device turned out to be far, far more. It later became
and still is the subject of a storm of controversy. The
F.D.A. has branded it as a fake and incapable of
accomplishing anything that is claimed for it. On the
other side of the coin are those who have been
experimenting with the machine. Here are some of
the fantastic claims.

1. In the Cumberland Valley a scientist from the

Pennsylvania Farm Bureau put a photo of an insect
infested field into the machine commonly called a
"Black Box". Along with it they put a tiny amount of
insecticide. Forty-eight hours later, the insects in the
infected field, many miles away, were all dead!

2. A scientist named George de la Warr, head of a

huge of laboratory in Oxford, England put a piece of
ordinary photographic film into an opening in the
device and after a few minutes, removed a picture of
his wife and himself on their wedding day, 30 years

3. Galen Heironymus himself used his psionic

device to monitor the life support systems of the
Apollo astronauts. He successfully recieved all the
correct data, before Nasa did.

Psionics as it is called is being explored and

experimented with by some of the most prestigious
learning centers in the world. Among them
Columbia, Duke and Pennsyvania Universities. The
Soviet Academy of Sciences and even Dow
Chemical Co. Even Edgar Mitchell, the astronaut
gave up space flight and went into psionics.

Yet, why then does the A.M.A. claim it's all

quackery? Mostly because Orthodox science cannot
accept the way it supposedly works.
It works on the use of a form of energy that they
cannot prove exists. Mr. Hieronymus named this
energy "eloptic energy". A contraction of the words
"electromagnetic" and "optical". Because this energy
exhibits both electrical and optical qualities.(You
guessed it! Still another discoverer of this same
lifeforce energy we have been discussing) That is, it
can be transmitted by both wires or lens.

The brief description, as follows is how an operator

would use a Hieronymus type psionic machine.

1. The subject piece of ore is placed on the

specimen tray.

2. The operator then places the fingers of one hand

on the reaction pad.

3. The operator then begins tuning into the sample's

eloptic energy frequency by rotating a knob.

4. When the material's frequency is found by the

machine, the operator's fingers will react by
"sticking" to the reaction pad, signaling a hit.

5. By doing something to the sample a reaction can

be caused in the original. For instance, placing as
aspirin in the sample well with a photographic
negative of a person with a headache and turning
on the machine. The actual person will be cured of
his or her headache.
The theory behind psionics is based on quantum
physics. Briefly the theory goes like this.

All matter in the universe is composed of small

packets of energy known as quantas. This energy,
which goes into the making up of atoms pulsates or
resonates at a particular frequency. Each atom
being different therefore, has a slightly different
pulsation or frequency. Thus each material thing
being made up of a combination of atoms, called
molecules, has its own unique frequency, unlike any
other. Now because each individual thing is unique,
no potato for instance is exactly like any other
potato. There exists an "empathy" between the
whole potato and each of its individual parts. If you
slice that potato in half, the frequency of each half is
exactly the same. The only example of that
frequency anywhere in the universe. The rub arose
when these researchers claimed that an affinity
existed between these two pieces. This affinity or
empathic resonance formed a link between the two
pieces no matter how much distance separated

It was some kind of energy link that operated very

much like a radio wave. And they found that by
using one piece as a sort of tuning crystal in a
special kind of transmitter, they could cause a
reaction in the other piece, even miles away. Sort of
like the mysterious thing that exists between sets of
identical twins, who start out in life as a single cell.
Often when one twin is injured the other "feels" the
pain dispute any distance between them. In other
words, these machines are the first to harness the
lifeforce energy to make thought reality. They are
literally electronic magic.

What is possible using The Symbolic

Hieronymus Machine ?

Popular radionics applications of The Psionic

Hieronymus Machine include

1. Enhancement of physical strength and health.

2. Improving energy levels and stamina.
3. Attracting success, prosperity and financial
abundance into ones life.
4. Increasing the chances of career success.
5. Self improvement, reversal of aging.
6. Relaxation and elimination of stress.
7. Improvement of self esteem and confidence
8. Influencing the outcome of challenging situations.
9. Distant healing.
10. Improving personal and professional
11. Enhancement of athletic and sports skills.
12. Attract romantic love or your true soul mate.
13. Happiness etc.

The Symbolic Hieronymus Machine supplied by

Radionics AD Studio has been built by a top
radionics engineer using the original Hieronymus
Patent as a working schematic, and the device has
been designed to allow quick and easy use by those
new to the science of Radionics.

The symbolic Hieronymous Machine

In 1949 T. Galen Hieronymous patented what was

for many years the most famous radionic device in
the US. In the 1950s, John W. Campbell, the
science fiction writer and editor decided to build the
unit in the hope of debunking it. To his great
surprise it worked and not just for him! But there
was more. Campbell discovered that just the circuit
diagram of the instrument would work just as well as
the real instrument.

You can imagine the shock he must have felt at that


Anyway, the circuit pattern has been published

many times but never with much of an explanation
of how to use it. Then, in the early 1990s, G. Harry
Stine published his "Mind Machines?"which had the
first truly detailed discussion of what he called the
"symbolic Hieronymous Machine."

I have made a few additions to the basic pattern to

make it even more easy for you.

Put the Radionic instrument over a piece of red

fabric, this amplify your psionic power 10 % more.
To use this instrument, place the witness of
whatever you wish to work with on the spiral cirle in
the corner opposite the stick pad (witness well).
Adjust the dial with your left hand while stroking the
pad with your right hand firgers as in any other
radionic unit. Then think at it. when you feel the stick
reaction, stop the dial. for start the treatment
broadcasting, just put some white light over the stick
plate. A stand lamp will help. In addition you can use
a pendulum over the stick plate for tuning the
machine, as soon the pendulum swings in clockwise

for example, to treat a headache places an aspirina

in ''witness plate'', realises the syntony of the
equipment, places a photograph of the subject to
treat or person over ''stick plate''

And finally, approaches a lamp of white light and

projects this light over ''stick plate'' that would create
I tie between the tablet and the subject where the
curative properties of the medicine
they would affect to the person to any distance,
having removed its headache.

More information in other subjects and equipment
of radionics, please write to:
Thanks for your purchase!

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