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Happiness Quotient; The next important measurement tool in education

Education is essentially the key to achieve higher aspirations of life, growth,

prosperity, and of course general well-being. We require or aspire to all such
things ensuring we are happy in our life. Then, what about being happy or
happiness quotient during our long (around 20 to 25 years) span of life while we
are gaining education.

People in life are generally exposed to mix emotions which either makes them
happy or sad. So, is it really important that a person should be happy throughout
the time he/she is gaining education? No, it is not at all about being happy during
the days of education rather it is about garnering happiness from education.

Higher happiness quotient from the experience of being taught or educated leads
to multifaceted positive impacts. It makes the person compassionate, content,
thoughtful, and able to make good decisions. It aids to healthier body ensuring
well-lived long life. And not to undermine the fact that higher happiness quotient
makes a person innovative and creative, which is also one of the most important
goals of education.

Exams, their results, and continually monitored grading systems have long been
the measurement tools in education. However, with changing world scenarios,
and stress-laden globalized life; focus is shifting from Gross National Products to
Gross National Happiness. And to be able to march on the same pace, it is
required that people should realize the importance of factors such as Happiness:
A Key Outcome of Equitable Schools, The Economics of Well-Being, and
Happiness Is the Ultimate Economic Indicator.

The results of such approach are not undetermined rather it is only fewer to
count, but are glorious even in their infancy. Bhutan, Norway, Denmark, the
Netherlands, and even Central American cultures (Read Mexico) have
achieved the feat and are live examples of how happiness is one of the most
important marker of meaningful and educated life.

Even when we do not take in account examples of developed nations, or a blissful

Himalayan nation, it is quite objective that a boy/girl will gain and garner most
when he feels happy from the imparted education. A boring, dull education life
does not ensure that a child grows to be meticulous or a genius. It will rather
gloom the prospect of a life that would have been spent well and achieved goals
and contributed to general well-being of his/her society.

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