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Heat Transfer Engineering

ISSN: 0145-7632 (Print) 1521-0537 (Online) Journal homepage:

Energy-Efficient Building Envelopes with Phase-

Change Materials: New Understanding and
Related Research

Rui Cheng , Xin Wang & Yinping Zhang

To cite this article: Rui Cheng , Xin Wang & Yinping Zhang (2014) Energy-Efficient Building
Envelopes with Phase-Change Materials: New Understanding and Related Research, Heat
Transfer Engineering, 35:11-12, 970-984, DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2013.863674

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Heat Transfer Engineering, 35(1112):970984, 2014
C Taylor and Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0145-7632 print / 1521-0537 online
DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2013.863674

Energy-Efficient Building Envelopes

with Phase-Change Materials: New
Understanding and Related Research
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology Madras] at 22:17 01 November 2017


Department of Building Science and Key Laboratory of Eco Planning & Green Building, Ministry of Education,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Thermal performance of building envelopes is important in improving building energy efficiency. This paper includes three
parts: (1) It introduces our new understanding of developing optimized or ideal building envelopes based upon inverse prob-
lems and their solutions, which is helpful for energy efficient building envelope structure design and material development.
(2) It reviews our recent research on developing energy-efficient building envelopes with phase-change materials, includ-
ing the optimized thermal mass characteristics of building wall, novel phase-change material development, measurement
method for thermal physical properties of phase-change material, and application of some prototype energy efficient building
envelopes. (3) It puts forward some limitations of the available works and related research topics for future study.

INTRODUCTION (2) nonlinear specific heat characteristics that benefit building

energy efficiency or building thermal performance.
With speeding modernization and urbanization, building en- There are many important problems regarding thermal energy
ergy consumption has steadily and rapidly increased in China. storage building envelopes, such as: (1) What is the ideal ther-
Chinas total energy consumption in 1978 was about 571 mil- mal energy storage building envelope that can maintain indoor
lion tons of standard coal, while in 2009 it reached 3.07 billion thermal comfort with minimal additional energy consumption
tons [1]. According to the statistical data, the share of building excluding nature energy resources such as solar energy? (2) How
energy consumption in total energy consumption in China rose can one prepare proper phase-change materials (PCMs) used in
from 10% in 1978 to 30% in 2006, and keeps increasing [2]. building envelopes and how should one improve thermal physi-
Heating and air conditioning alone account for 65% of the total cal characteristics of PCMs in order to make them more reliable
building energy consumption in 2003 and are still increasing and economic? (3) How can one develop some easily used, ac-
[3], which not only consumes valuable fossil fuel resources, curate, and rapid methods to test thermal physical properties
but also emits a huge amount of CO2 and other pollutants into of PCMs for thermal energy storage in building envelopes? (4)
the atmosphere. Therefore, research related to building energy How does one apply building envelopes with PCMs effectively?
efficiency is becoming more and more important in China. In order to answer these important questions, our relating
Improving the thermal energy storage capacity of a building recent research studies are introduced (Figure 1).
envelope is an important way to build energy efficiency. Ther-
mal energy storage in building envelopes can be realized either
by using conventional sensible heat storage or by latent heat NEW UNDERSTANDING FOR DESIGNING
storage. For many cases, the latter demonstrates some advan- AND OPTIMIZING THE THERMAL PERFORMANCE
tages over the former, due to (1) higher thermal mass density and OF BUILDING ENVELOPES

Thermal Functions of the Building Envelope and Its Analysis

Address correspondence to Prof. Yinping Zhang, Department of Build-
ing Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. E-mail: zhangyp@ Asan et al. [4] pointed out that at the cross section of the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online outer wall of a building, the temperature profiles are functions of
at inside temperature, outside temperature, and thermal physical

Concept of ideal thermal energy storage building envelope

Question 1 Ideal thermal physical properties of building envelopes (k, cp, etc.)

PCMs have characteristics of ideal cp

Thermal physical
Development of new Applications of PCMs
properties of PCMs and
PCMs in building envelopes
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their testing methods

Question 2 Question 3 Question 4

Figure 1 Schematic of our researches on energy efficient building envelope based upon new understanding.

properties of the wall. In principle, the time lag and decrement (integrated discomfort degree for indoor air temperature in sum-
factor depend on the thermal physical properties (k, cp , etc.) mer) were defined [5]:
and the thickness of the wall material. By designing special 
walls according to different requirements of time lag and Isum = (Tin TH )d, Tin > TH (2)
decrement factor under various climatic conditions, one can
make full use of natural resources to maintain indoor thermal 
comfort. Iwin = (TL Tin )d, Tin < TL (3)
The one-dimensional, transient heat conduction equation for year
a nontransparent wall can be expressed as follows: When I sum and I win are zero, a passive ideal energy conservation
building is achieved.
H 2t
=k 2 (1)
t t t t Determining the Ideal Thermal Physical Properties
where H = t0L c p,s dt + tLH c p,m dt + t H c p,l dt; t0L c p,s dt is
the enthalpy change during solid state, tLH c p,m dt is the en-
t The indoor air temperature of given buildings in given re-
thalpy change during phase change, and t H c p,l dt is the enthalpy gions is a function of thermal physical properties (specific heat
change during liquid state, for constant specific heat materials, cp , thermal conductivity k, etc.) of building envelopes, venti-
H = cp t. lation strategy (air exchange rate, ACH) and additional heat
source power Q. For passive buildings, ideal thermal physi-
cal properties can be determined when the other conditions
Ideal Thermal Physical Properties are known by minimizing I sum or I win . For active buildings,
ideal thermal physical properties, ideal mechanical ventilation
The concept of an ideal energy conservation building enve- strategy, or ideal heating mode can be identified when the
lope was put forward in reference [5], which was that if the heat other two are given by minimizing the total energy consump-
storage and insulation properties of the building envelope had tion. However, these are all nonlinear problems as indicated in
a suitable role in the delay and decay for outdoor temperature reference [6].
fluctuations, the indoor air temperature could stay in a comfort- The traditional method of space heating or cooling system
able range without heating and air conditioning loads. This kind design is a trial-and-error process. It can only compare the inte-
of building envelope was called a passive ideal energy conser- grated discomfort degree or total energy consumption of given
vation building envelope. The corresponding thermal physical cases by experimental or numerical analysis. It cannot determine
properties were called the ideal thermal physical properties of the ideal thermal physical properties of the building envelopes
building envelopes. material. In order to overcome the shortcomings or limitations,
In order to evaluate thermal comfort degree without heating Zeng et al. [6] proposed some new concepts and a new approach
and air conditioning, the new parameters I win (integrated dis- based on the inverse problem to solve this nonlinear optimiza-
comfort degree for indoor air temperature in winter) and I sum tion problem, which is shown in Figure 2.
heat transfer engineering vol. 35 nos. 1112 2014
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Figure 2 Difference of conventional and new approaches in determining optimal building envelopes thermal physical properties: (a) conventional approach;
(b) new approach.

The N-segment method was put forward by Zeng et al. [6] tive, the implication is that the ideal building envelope material
to deal with this nonlinear optimization problem. The excessive has the thermal mass characteristics of phase-change material.
volumetric specific heat is considered as a function of tempera- The characteristic temperature corresponds to the phase-change
ture. The ideal distribution of the excessive volumetric specific temperature, and the excessive enthalpy corresponds to the heat
heat in effective temperature range (tp,min to tp,max ) with minimal of fusion of the phase-change material.
I sum /I winter can be determined through the sequential quadratic Our research group has also presented several analytical opti-
programming (SQP) method when other conditions are given. mization methods to improve the thermal performance of PCMs
The results showed that the ideal forms of c p of thermal mass used in building envelopes. These analytical optimizations are
in the studied cities all approached to afunction (Figure 3). The also based on the already-mentioned inverse problem method.
critical values of excessive enthalpy Hex were different in var- Xiao et al. [7] established a simplified theoretical model to opti-
ious climate regions. However, the corresponding characteristic mize an interior PCM for energy storage in a lightweight passive
temperatures tc of the ideal thermal mass were close to each solar room. For an optimal phase-change temperature, the en-
other in the Chinese mainland. From an energy-saving perspec- ergy stored and released by the PCM should be equal in a cycle.

heat transfer engineering vol. 35 nos. 1112 2014


120 energy conservation include: (1) proper phase-change temper-

ature (1830 C) [9]; (2) large heat of fusion because the space
100 of the building envelope is limited and it should have good heat
tc transfer ability in order to store and release the heat effectively;
and (3) the PCMs stable thermal performance for a long period
with no or a small degree of supercooling. In addition, it is better
cp* (MJm C )

to have economic feasibility.


According to different phase-change states, PCMs fall
into three groups: solidsolid PCMs, solidliquid PCMs. and
40 liquidgas PCMs. Among these the solidliquid PCMs are most
suitable for thermal energy storage. Generally speaking, the
20 candidate PCMs that can be used for thermal energy storage in
buildings are paraffins, salt hydrates, and their mixtures. Most
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology Madras] at 22:17 01 November 2017

0 of the inorganic PCMs used in buildings are hydrated salts. Nor-

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 mally the hydrated salts are good candidates for thermal energy
t ( C) storage in buildings due to their high thermal storage density,
Figure 3 Optimal distribution of cp (t) in passive solar buildings [6]. about 240 kJ/kg, their thermal conductivity, which is usually
more or less than 0.5 W/(m-K), and their comparatively low
economic cost compared with paraffins. Although they have the
Analytical equations were presented to calculate the optimal
proper melting temperatures and heat of fusion at low economic
phase-change temperature and the total amount of latent heat
cost, they havent been widely used because of the supercooling
capacity and to estimate the benefit of the interior PCM for en-
and their corrosivity or strong moisture-absorbing ability among
ergy storage. The analytical optimization results showed that:
the building materials. Organic PCMs can be normally catego-
(1) The optimal phase-change temperature depends on the av-
rized into paraffins and non-paraffins. Paraffins are avaliable
erage indoor air temperature and the radiation absorbed by the
in a wide range of melting temperatures from approximately
PCM panels; (2) the interior PCM has little effect on average
20 C up to about 70 C. The noticeable advantage of paraffins
indoor air temperature; and (3) the amplitude of the indoor air
is that they dont undergo phase segregation due to their low
temperature fluctuation depends on the product of surface heat
vapor temperature. However, paraffins usually have a low ther-
transfer coefficient and area of the PCM panels in a lightweight
mal conductivity of about 0.2 W/(m-K) [10] and a large volume
passive solar room. Jiang et al. [8] improved the work of Xiao
change [11] during the phase-change process, which limit the
et al. [7], as they didnt limit their analysis within one energy
its application. Non-paraffin organics include a wide selection
storage cycle and let the energy stored and released be the same.
of organic materials such as fatty acids, esters, alcohols, and
They concluded that the optimal phase-change temperature de-
glycols. They usually have excellent melting and freezing prop-
pends on the lower limit of indoor thermal comfort. It increases
erties for thermal energy storage in buildings, but are about three
with air change rate, the overall heat transfer coefficient of the
times or more expensive than paraffins [12].
exterior wall and window, and decreases with increasing the
lowest outdoor solarair temperature at the outside surfaces of
window and exterior wall, the lowest outdoor air temperature,
and the inner heat source. Jiang et al. [8] applied the proposed ENCAPSULATING METHODS OF PCMS
method to seven typical cities in China by using the annual me-
teorological data. However, Xiao et al. [7] expressed the climatic In order to decrease the leakage risk of the PCMs used in
data of typical January day in Beijing by Fourier series as the building envelopes, they should be encapsulated into containers.
sum of sinusoidal components in order to apply the proposed The most commonly used encapsulated PCMs in buildings are
method. The optimal melting temperature through simulation shape-stabilized phase-change materials and microencapsulated
under given conditions (20.0 C) is approximately equal to the phase-change materials.
analytical result (19.9 C). But the amplitude for the analyti-
cal method (0.47 C) is much less than that with the simulation
Shape-Stabilized Phase-Change Material
(0.76 C).
Shape stabilized phase-change material is effective to de-
crease the leakage risk of PCMs used in buildings. Normally
PHASE-CHANGE MATERIALS USED IN BUILDINGS shape-stabilized phase-change materials (SSPCMs) are com-
posed of working substances and supporting materials [13].
According to our new understanding for designing and opti- Shape-stabilized PCMs can remain in solid state even when
mizing the thermal performance of building envelopes, it can be the working materials change from solid to liquid [14], which
inferred that the ideal characteristics of PCMs used for building is usually more convenient for practical application than the
heat transfer engineering vol. 35 nos. 1112 2014

solidliquid system. Most shape-stabilized PCMs are prepared single DSC test that consists of regularly cooling and heating
by physical methods, such as blending, adsorbing, impregna- of a sample, one expects to obtain qualitative and quantitative
tion, and so on [15, 16], or chemical methods, including graft information on the phase transitions of a sample, such as transi-
copolymerization and the solgel method [17, 18]. As the per- tion temperature, enthalpy, thermal conductivity, heat capacity,
centage of phase-change material in the composition of SSPCM specific heat, and latent heat [2327]. The DSC method has been
is usually very high (above 80%), the thermal energy storage widely used in many aspects, which include safety screening,
capacity of SSPCM is comparable with paraffins. When the op- drug analysis [28], general chemical analysis [29], and food
erating temperature is below the melting point of the supporting science [30].
material, the compound material can keep its shape unchanged However, there are some limitations of using the DSC meth-
through the whole phase-change process [19]. This advantage ods to determine the thermal physical properties of PCM con-
of SSPCM means it can reduce the leakage problem of conven- cretes: (1) The samples tested by them are usually very small
tional PCM and it can be applied into energy storage application. (110 mg) so that the thermal physical properties of samples
are usually different from those of the bulk materials used in
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology Madras] at 22:17 01 November 2017

practical systems. (2) The DSC measurements procedures are

Microencapsulation of PCM complicated and the equipment is expensive. (3) DSC cant de-
termine the heat of fusion, specific heats, and thermal conduc-
Microencapsulation refers to techniques in which a large tivities of several PCM samples simultaneously. The limitations
number of small PCM particles are contained within a sealed, and uncertainties of the DSC methods in practice have been
continuous matrix. Because the matrix encapsulating the PCM analyzed by many researchers and are summarized in Table 1
doesnt always have high thermal conductivity, the microencap- [3136]. It can be concluded from Table 1 that the measurement
sulation system suffers from low heat transfer rate. In order to results will be mainly influenced by the following factors: heat
overcome such shortcomings of microencapsulation and lower transfer conditions, heating rate and sample geometry, heat con-
its cost, several related researches on thermal physical proper- ductivity of the sample, structure recovery and thermal lag, and
ties of various kinds of microencapsulated PCM are completed: the multivariable co-effect. Thus, there may be some system-
(1) Xu et al. [20] encapsulated the microcapsules containing atic errors between different testing results with various types
wax with 1- to 5-m diameter poly fabricated by radical poly- of equipment, which hinder the comparisons between different
merization around the wax in a dispersion system. The testing measurement results under different measurement conditions
results revealed that the content of the core material was up to and equipment.
about 70 wt%, and the microcapsules had a high heat of fu-
sion (99 kJ/kg). (2) Wan et al. [21] studied different methods of
microencapsulation of phase-change materials. In this research,
encapsulated tetradecane and paraffin wax particles were pre- T-History Method
pared by complex coacervation as well as by emulsifier-free
emulsion polymerization. In order to overcome the mentioned limitations and uncer-
tainties of DSC methods, Zhang et al. [22] proposed a novel
testing method of thermal physical properties of PCMs: the T-
MEASUREMENT METHOD OF THERMAL PHYSICAL history method, which has been adopted and analyzed by many
PROPERTIES OF PHASE-CHANGE MATERIALS researchers. The T-history method derives the latent heat of
PCM through a comparison of the temperature history of the
Accurate measurement of thermal physical properties of PCM and that of a reference material (such as water) under ex-
PCMs and its mixtures with building materials is very important perimental conditions capable of the lumped capacity method
to evaluate and simulate PCM thermal performance in buildings. (Bi < 0.1). Experimental rigs are shown in Figure 4. The advan-
However, this is not an easy thing because of the phase-change tages of the T-history method are: (1) It can measure the thermal
process. Some methods were put forward during recent years physical properties of bulk materials, which is impossible for the
to determine the effective thermal physical properties of phase- DSC method; (2) it can simultaneously derive the phase-change
change materials. The commonly used methods are the DSC temperature, heat of fusion, specific heat, and even the thermal
and T-history methods [22]. conductivity in one experiment; and (3) it doesnt need com-
plicated and expensive experimental rigs and the measurement
procedure is very simple and fast.
DSC Method The T-history method has attracted many researchers inter-
ests since it was first proposed, and some improvements to this
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a thermoanalyt- method have been put forward. Many effective improvements
ical technique in which the difference in the amount of heat to the original T-history method were put forward by differ-
required to increase the temperature of a sample and that for ent researchers. The main revisions and their improvements are
a reference is measured as a function of temperature. From a shown in Table 2 [3740].
heat transfer engineering vol. 35 nos. 1112 2014

Table 1 Limitations and uncertainties of DSC method in practice

Factors Main works Conclusions Reference

Heat transfer conditions The calibration functions of amplitude and phase The accuracy is better in the low frequency range. [31]
lag of the dynamic heat-flow rate of And the calibration is linearly independent of the
temperature-modulated DSC are investigated by measurement conditions.
model calculations.
The influences of heat resistances and heat transfers An offset of 5% can be observed experimentally, [32]
on the uncertainty of heat-capacity measurements leads to a deviation of 1% of the DSC signal and
by means of DSC method are analyzed. the heat capacity determined by conventional
DSC methods.
Heating rate and sample geometry The influence of the heating rate and the sample Both heating rate and PCM geometry affect the [33]
geometry on the apparent specific capacity of the DSC thermograms and the apparent specific heat
PCM during the melting process are examined capacity of the PCM.
experimentally and numerically.
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Heat conductivity of the sample A method is shown that allows a correction of the Heat conduction in DSC and sample as well as heat [34]
smeared DSC curves on the basis of linear transfers cause a falsification (smearing) of the
response in the case study of badly heat measured heat flux in DSC measurements.
conducting samples. The necessary Greens
function can be derived from the smeared curve
without additional measurement.
Structure recovery and thermal lag TheToolNarayanaswamyMoynihan (TNM) The distortion degree increases as the magnitude of [35]
equation is applied to analyze a typical the excess enthalpy annealing peak increases. An
temperature-modulated DSC trace and examine apparent phase lag can result in the measured
the influence of the material nonlinearities on the response due to the presence of thermal gradients
dynamic heat flow. in the sample.
Multiple variables influences The influence of variables on the determination of Amplitude, frequency and heating rate did not [36]
the heat of fusion for phases with different significantly influence the conventional heat of
crystallinity was investigated using oscillating fusion values but had a great impact on the
differential scanning calorimetry (ODSC). values of the cp and the kinetic components.

APPLICATIONS OF PHASE-CHANGE MATERIAL IN implemented in gypsum board, plaster, concrete, or other

BUILDING ENVELOPES wall covering material, thermal energy storage can be part of
building structure, especially for light-weight buildings. Nor-
PCMs have been considered for thermal energy storage in mally, the PCMs were integrated with wallboards and concretes
buildings since before 1980 [41]. With the advent of PCM to enhance the thermal energy storage capacity of building

Table 2 Improvements of the original T-history method and their effects

Problems in the original method Improvements Effect of improvements Reference

(1) It adopts the release point [a in of (1) Uses an inflection point as the boundary The heat of fusion tested is in good [37]
supercooling as the end of phase between phase change and solid-state periods, agreement with that by DSC within
change period. (2) It doesnt include where the first derivative of T-history curve for 4% discrepancies.
the sensible heat in the phase change PCM becomes minimum. (2) The sensible heat
period. in the phase change period was considered in
the modified method.
Improve the presentation format of the The method is proposed to present the results The enthalpytemperature curves can [38]
original method. obtained in the form of enthalpytemperature value the variation of the thermal
curves. properties against temperature.
The original method using a vertically The accuracy of the measurement with the H m measured with the modified method [39]
oriented test tube, which will original T-history method was improved by is only a 2.1% error for distilled water
decrease the accuracy of PCMs with setting the test tube horizontally. They also and a 3.9% error for the paraffin; The
lower T m than ambient temperature suggested the addition of aluminum foil accuracy of the specific heat at the
because of nature convection. externally to avoid radiation effects. solid phase calculated by the low
temperature T-history method is low.
Cant handle granular materials The concept of enthalpy and its relationship with Experiments showed that the analysis of [40]
undergoing phase change over a temperature has been employed in the analysis temperature variation along the bed
temperature range and the accuracy to overcome these problems. shows good agreement with the
is limited by assumptions of constant Enthalpytemperature and apparent heat measured phase-change
temperature-dependent specific capacity curves were obtained. characteristics.

heat transfer engineering vol. 35 nos. 1112 2014


Ismail and Henrquez [49] used experiments and simulations

to validate that the proposed concept of the PCM-filled win-
dow system is viable and thermally effective. Wang and Niu
[50] proposed a novel design of a cooling ceiling operating with
microencapsulated phase-change material (MPCM) slurry ther-
mal storage. It showed that the daytime electricity demand can
be decreased by 33% when the proposed combined system is
installed in an office room.

Night Cooling Storage Using PCMs in Building Envelopes

Figure 4 A schematic diagram of the experimental rig [22].
Integration of PCMs with the building envelope in summer
can increase its thermal energy storage capacity for night cool-
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envelopes. With the increase of thermal storage capacity, more

ing, which can effectively improve indoor thermal comfort and
natural energy resources (night cooling in summer night and
decrease cooling energy consumption of air conditioners in day-
solar radiation in winter daytime) can be stored to improve the
time. In order to study and improve the thermal performance of
thermal comfort in passive buildings and decrease the total en-
integrating PCMs with building envelopes to store night cool-
ergy consumption in active buildings. Nowadays, many new
ing, our research group has completed some research studies
methods to combine PCMs with building envelopes have been
on this topic through experiments and numerical simulations.
put forward, such as integrating the PCMs with solar collectors
These works mainly focus on the effects of different thermal
[42, 43], heat pipes [44, 45], or hot water systems [46, 47].
physical properties on thermal performance of night ventilation
Phase-change thermal storage air conditioning is an important
integrated with PCMs in China through numerical simulations,
measure of transforming a part of peak loads of the day to val-
which are summarized and compared in Table 3 [5158]. Also
ley loads of the night. In order to integrate PCMs with building
see Figures 5 [54] and 6 [55].
envelopes effectively, various means of integrating PCMs with
building envelopes or other energy storage systems have been
investigated by us. The various kinds of energy to be stored
in summer (i.e., night cooling) and winter (i.e., the solar en- Applications of PCMs in Building Envelopes in Winter
ergy in daytime and the off-peak electricity during the night)
determine different corresponding equipment types used in the The energy storage capacity of solar radiation of building
phase-change thermal energy storage process. Thus, the thermal envelopes can be greatly enhanced by integrating it with PCMs.
comfort and energy-saving performance in summer and winter Using PCM wallboards is the most direct way to increase in-
should be analyzed, respectively. door thermal comfort and decrease additional heating energy
consumption in winter. In addition, there are many ways to
combine the PCMs with other energy storage devices, such as
PCMs in Building Envelopes in Summer using solar collectors, or heat pipes as the heat source. Com-
pared with the applications of PCMs in building envelopes in
Generally speaking, applications of PCMs in building en- summer, their usage in winter is more extensive.
velopes in summer are mainly for two purposes: (1) combina-
tion of PCMs with windows and ceilings to decrease solar heat
gain in daytime, and (2) integration of PCMs in building en- Direct Applications of PCMs With Building Walls in Winter
velopes to increase thermal capacity of building walls to store Integration of PCMs with building walls is one of the sim-
night cooling in order to improve thermal comfort and decrease plest and most effective ways to absorb and store solar radiations
the energy consumption of air conditioners in da time. in winter. In a building context, pure organic or inorganic PCMs
can be impregnated into the porous structure of traditional con-
struction materials such as gypsum, concrete, or ceramic, which
Combination of PCMs With Windows and Ceilings
are normally used as internal surface linings. There are many
Alawadhi [48] investigated a window shutter filled with PCM ways to directly integrate the PCMs into building envelopes,
as a method for reducing the heat gain in buildings during day- among them (a) PCM wallboards, (b) PCM trombe wall, and
time in summer. This can reduce the heat flow from outdoor (c) PCM shutter.
space by absorbing the heat gain in the shutter through a melting PCM wallboards. Our research group has finished many re-
process before it reaches the indoor space during the daytime. lated works on the thermal performance of PCM wallboards in
The result indicates that the PCM with the highest examined passive solar buildings through numerical simulation and exper-
melting temperature showed the best thermal performance, and iments [59, 60]. The optimal phase-change temperature and heat
the heat gain through windows can be reduced by 23.29%. of fusion of the PCM wallboards are also derived for the best
heat transfer engineering vol. 35 nos. 1112 2014

Table 3 Research studies related to night cooling storage using PCMs

Thermal comfort/energy saving

Application place Working conditions and PCM used performance Reference

PCM wallboard In Yining, Xinjiang. Optimal Tm and thickness of The integrated discomfort degrees can be [51]
PCM are 26 C and 25 mm, exterior insulation with decreased by 35%.
thickness of 40 mm, nighttime ACH is 50 h1.
In Beijing typical summer day. Concretes with PCM Maximum indoor air temperature [52]
(Tm = 2832 C, Hm = 60 kJ/kg,), ACH = 20 h1 decreased by 2 C and temperature
for night ventilation. swing decreased.
In Beijing summer days. Optimal SSPCM values, Daily maximum temperature decreased by [53]
Tm = 26 C, Hm = 160 kJ/kg, k = 0.5 W/(m- C), L up to 2 C with SSPCM.
= 20 mm. Larger ACH is better.
Night ventilation with PCM (NVP) packed In Beijing June to July. PCM values, k = The COP (the ratio of cooling discharging [54]
bed system (Figure 5) 0.2 W/(m C), Tm = 2226 C, Hm = 190 kJ/kg. amount to the room to fan power
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology Madras] at 22:17 01 November 2017

consumption) is 80.
Hybrid space-cooling system with In an office room in Beijing summer. PCM values, It saves 76% of daytime energy [55]
mechanical night ventilation and thermal k = 0.2 W/(m- C), Tm = 2226 C, Hm = 190 consumption compared with no night
storage using SSPCM. (Figure 6) kJ/kg. Nighttime ACH = 40 h1, daytime ACH = ventilation and SSPCM. The electrical
1 h1. COPs of night ventilation (the reduced
cooling energy/fan power) are 7.5 and
6.5 with and without SSPCM.
Experimental installation flat plate PCM A mean loading capacity of 3,000 W, inlet temperature A payback period of 34 years, and an [5658]
encapsulate during night of 16 C for 4 h, inlet temperature electric power 9.4 lower than the
during day of 30 C. Airflow rate should let Biot conventional one.
number near 1 to maximum heat transfer rate.
Graphite can be added to enhance heat transfer.

thermal performance. Similar works were completed by many and are much lighter in weight. The phase-change materials
other researchers, which are summarized in Table 4 [5962]. have been used to replace masonry in a Trombe wall. Experi-
PCM Trombe wall. Traditional Trombe walls rely on sensi- mental and theoretical tests have been conducted to investigate
ble heat storage, but because of the potential for greater heat the reliability of PCMs as a Trombe wall [6365], in order to
storage per unit mass, the PCM Trombe wall is an attractive analyze how PCM latent heat storage is useful to improve ther-
concept still awaiting successful implementation. A wall filled mal performance of an ordinary Trombe wall for passive solar
with PCM is constructed on the south-side window of a house. heating.
The wall is heated during the day by incoming solar radiation, PCM shutter. Soares et al. [66] proposed a PCM shutter for
melting the PCM. At night the heat is withdrawn to warm the buildings space heating during the winter. Based on the nu-
house. For a given amount of heat storage, the phase-change merical simulation results, the optimal melting temperature of
units require less space than water walls or mass Trombe walls the PCM in this system in Coimbra is 20 C. In their simulated

Figure 5 Experimental installation of the NVP system [54].

heat transfer engineering vol. 35 nos. 1112 2014


Table 4 Research studies on solar energy storage with PCM wallboards

Experimental/simulation conditions PCMs used Main conclusions Reference

A direct gain room with SSPCM plates in SSPCM (cp = 1 kJ/(kg-K), Hm = 1.2 For given conditions, suitable Tm equal to [59]
Urumchi, Beijing, and Shanghai. kJ/kg, k = 0.2 W/m-K), with various the average indoor air temperature. Hm >
Tm in different places. 120 kJ/kg, k > 0.5 W/(m- C), L <
20 mm, air-gap between PCM plates and
the floor should be as smaller as possible.
A typical south-facing middle room in a Hm is 150 kJ/kg, and various melting Under given conditions, optimal Tm = 21 C. [60]
multi-layer building in Beijing. temperatures are considered for optimal Both mixed type PCM-gypsum and
selection. Mixed type PCM-gypsum is shape-stabilized PCM plates effectively
the compound of PCM and gypsum. shave the indoor temperature swing by
And SSPCM is compounded of PCM 46% and 56%.
and the supporting material-HDPE.
A 6 mm iron plate, the heat flux meter, the A commercial PCM wallboard (Knauf, Optimal Tm close to average room [61]
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology Madras] at 22:17 01 November 2017

15 mm thick PCM wallboard and 200 mm Germany) containing encapsulated temperature to maximize the thermal heat
isopink insulation layer was placed in a organic phase change material was storage in the wallboards. Optimal L of
room where the room temperature was used. Tm = 297 K, Hm = 246 kJ/m2. PCM board is 15 mm and the thermal
manipulated using a number of convective energy storage reaches maximum for the
heaters and an air-conditioner. case of h = 3 W/m2 K. Time shift
decrease with h and range of Tm .
Three naturally ventilated, zones were PCM impregnated gypsum board. Hm = The PCMs did effectively store solar energy [62]
established to represent a middle portion 45 kJ/kg, Tm range = 1 K, k = in the transitions periods. The solar energy
of a multi-storey office. Weather data for 0.35 W/(m-K). Tm = 21 C, Mar. 612; stored in the PCMgypsum panels can
Warsaw (52 N) in 1982 was used for = 24 C Mar. 27Apr.2; = 27 C; = reduce the heating energy demand by up
simulations. 30 C, May 2329; July 1925. to 90% at times during the heating season.

cases, the total energy stored and released by the optimum sys- consumption from peak periods to the valley ones, which will
tem during a complete 24-hour-day cycle can reach 2501.3 kJ. generate great economic benefit [68]. Our research group pro-
Buddhi et al. [67] compared the thermal performance of a test posed some kinds of under-floor electric heating system with
cell (1 m 1 m 1 m) with and without a PCM window in PCMs, and they also studied the thermal performance of them
south direction. It was found that the heat storing capacity of the through numerical simulations and experiments. A summaru of
cell due to the presence of PCM increase up to 4 C for 45 h, our work and related research is shown in Table 5 [7074]. Also
and was used during nighttime. see Figure 7 [72].
Other off-peak electric heating systems with PCMs. Ham-
mou and Lacroix [75] proposed a new system that can store
Integration of PCMs With Off-Peak Electric Heating System and manage simultaneously and efficiently heat from solar and
in Buildings in Winter electric sources. In this system, called a hybrid thermal energy
storage system (HTESS), solar energy is stored during sunny
Integration of PCMs into building envelopes to store the days and recovered later at night or during cloudy days, while
heat produced by off-peak electricity can effectively transfer thermal electricity energy is stored during off-peak periods and
the peak electricity demand to off-peak times, which has similar recovered during on-peak periods. Through numerical simu-
benefits compared with an ice cooling storage system. Usu- lations with meteorological data for four consecutive winter
ally, the PCMs can be applied into the floors or other internal months in Montreal, Canada, the results showed that the elec-
building envelopes to absorb the off-peak heating energy. Some tricity consumption for space heating was reduced by nearly
researchers have presented related works on this topic. Our re- 32%. Also, more than 90% of the electric energy is consumed
search group has also analyzed and optimized the thermal com- during off-peak hours. Thus, much electric energy consumption
fort and energy-saving performance of this electric heating sys- and economic cost can be reduced.
tem with PCMs through numerical simulation and experiments.
In addition, there are some novel ideas regarding thermal storage
Solar Energy Storage and Heating System With PCMs
of the off-peak electricity for peak time heating.
Under-floor electric heating system with PCMs. There are Solar air heating systems with PCMs. Our research group
many benefits of using floor radiant heating systems with ther- proposed a new kind of solar energy heating system with shape-
mal energy storage: (1) It can use the floors to heat the in- stabilized PCM [76]. The solar radiation energy was gained by
door environment without additional complex installations [68]; an air solar collector, and the heated air was sent to the under-
(2) combination of thermal energy storage with electric heating floor space of the room by duct during the daytime. Then the
can improve the building energy efficiency without decreasing thermal energy was stored in the shape-stabilized PCM plates.
thermal comfort level [69]; and (3) it can transfer the electrical At night the heat energy stored in the PCM could be released into
heat transfer engineering vol. 35 nos. 1112 2014

Table 5 Research studies on under-floor heating system with PCMs

Experimental/simulation conditions PCMs used Main conclusions Reference

In Beijing. Under-floor heating electrical SSPCM consists of 75 wt% paraffin and For the tested room, 3.3 kWh electric heat [70]
heating system in building with 25 wt% polyethylene as a supporting energy was shifted from the peak period to
SSPCM plates. material. Tm = 52 C, Hm = 150 kJ/kg. the off peak period every day, which was
54% of the total heat consumption.
In Beijing. Electric heating system with SSPCM consists of 75 wt% paraffin and The total electrical energy consumption [71]
ductless air supply and SSPCM for 25 wt% polyethylene as a supporting shifted from the peak period to the off-peak
thermal storage. material. Tm = 52 C, Hm = 150 kJ/kg. period, which would provide significant
economic benefits because of the different
day and night electricity tariffs.
On Jan.1 in Beijing. Electrical heating Tm = 312314 K, Hm = 150 kJ/kg, k = 14.3% energy consumption decreased [72]
phase change heat storage floor system 0.5 W/(m-K). compared with heat convectors, and the
(Figure 7). indoor temperature distribution is more
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology Madras] at 22:17 01 November 2017

even that with convective heating.

Whole heating season (from November 15 The mass fractions of MEP, HDPE, WF, The maximum total power consumption can [73]
to March 15) in Beijing. A novel MMG, and other components are 25%, be decreased by 30.8% compared with no
form-stable phase-change material 30%, 30%, 10%,and 5%, respectively. PCMs.
(FSPCM) as the thermal storage layer Tm = 18.423.5 C.
of an electric floor heating system.
Electrical under floor heating system. Paraffin wax, Tm = 40 C. 30 mm layer of The heat output of the floor could be [74]
PCM between the heating surface and the increased significantly from 30 to
floor tiles. 75 W/m2 with the usage of PCMs.

the room by ductless air supply. Advantages of this system are: Solar water heating systems with PCMs. Solar thermal en-
(1) The system is safe and reliable without heating pipes; (2) the ergy had been traditionally stored in the form of sensible heat
PCM floor can be maintained above 18 C when daytime solar by raising the temperature of water or rocks for later use. Al-
radiation is enough; and (3) heating is provided by radiation in though such systems are very simple, they are inefficient to
daytime and forced convection by fans in nighttime with stable store enough solar energy compared with latent heat storage.
speed, so the temperature difference in the whole room is very PCMs integration with solar water heaters attracted the inter-
small. ests of many researchers. Different designs of the system have

Figure 6 Daily variation of auxiliary cooling supply with and without SSPCM plates [55].

heat transfer engineering vol. 35 nos. 1112 2014

Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology Madras] at 22:17 01 November 2017

Figure 7 Photo of the under-floor electric heating system [72].

been proposed and analyzed by many researchers. Shukla [77] posed inverse problem method. Such analyses not only focus
designed two solar water heaters with paraffin as thermal en- on preparations of new PCMs to be used in buildings, but also
ergy storage material. It showed that on a 24-hour cycle basis, should emphasize optimal control strategies of the thermal en-
the two systems were able to deliver hot water during the night ergy storage system, which can coordinate with thermal energy
and morning with 45% and 60% efficiency, respectively. Rabin storage process of PCMs and make full use of renewable energy
et al. [78] designed an integrated solar collector storage system resources. (2) Accurate measurements are needed of thermal
with salt hydrate as the PCM. The salt hydrate eutectic mixture, physical properties of mixtures of PCMs integrated with build-
which is composed of 48% CaCl2 , 4.5% KCl, 0.4% NaCl, and ing construction materials. As thermal physical properties of
47.1% H2 O with a nucleating agent BaCl2 at 1% by weight, had small samples tested by conventional methods cant represent
a phase transition temperature of 2729 C and latent heat of fu- equivalent values of the inhomogeneous bulk materials, it is a
sion 164 kJ/kg. Tayeb [79] developed a system for domestic hot novel and important issue to design a measurement procedure
water using Na2 SO4 .10H2 O as a PCM and the optimal inlet flow for such materials. (3) The safety and long-term evaluation of
rate was determined to maintain constant-temperature water at PCMs integration with building envelopes is needed. (4) Ef-
the outlet. fective evaluation indexes considering thermal comfort level,
A novel structure of an integrated water pipe floor heating additive energy consumption, and economic cost should be pro-
system using shape-stabilized phase-change materials (SSPCM) posed to access the integrated performance of PCMs in different
for thermal energy storage was developed and experimentally buildings.
studied by Zeng et al. [80]. The results showed that the energy
storage ratio (ESR) of the SSPCM floor is much higher than
that of the non-SSPCM floor. The SSPCM floor heating system
can provide stable heat flux and prevent a large attenuation of CONCLUSIONS
the floor surface temperature. Also, the SSPCM floor heating
system dampens the indoor temperature swing by about 50% Based on the review work of energy-efficient building en-
and increases the minimum indoor air temperature by 23 C velopes with phase-change materials in this paper, some new
under experimental conditions. understandings of current works can be found: (1) The new
optimization method based on the inverse problem is more ef-
fective than conventional means in determining and explaining
the mechanisms of ideal building envelopes thermal physical
RELATING RESEARCH TOPICS FOR FUTURE STUDY properties; (2) in current studies, the analytical optimization of
PCMs thermal physical properties, which can provide a better
Although there have been many accomplishments achieved understanding, is much less compared with numerical studies;
through the already-mentioned studies, there are still some (3) current studies neglect the evaluation of long-term perfor-
points with high social and scientific values that need to be mance of PCMs and their safety impact on humans in building
further studied in the future: (1) Simultaneously analyze the co- envelopes; (4) low thermal conductivity and high cost are still
effects of thermal physical properties of PCMs with other key limitations preventing extensive applications of PCMs in build-
parameters in building envelopes design, and try to optimize ings; (5) many studies regarding the applications of PCMs in
their working parameters and control strategies through the pro- building envelope just focus on their thermal performance in a
heat transfer engineering vol. 35 nos. 1112 2014

specific season (e.g. in summer or winter)however, the whole- in indoor

year performance of such applications should be experimentally out outdoor
analyzed; and (6) there still is a lack of some effective indexes r radiation
simultaneously considering indoor thermal comfort, energy ef- R room
ficiency, and economic feasibility by using PCM applications. sum summer
The usage of PCM energy storage in buildings will definitely w wall
be more extensive as the energy shortage problem is becoming win window/winter
more crucial than ever before. More applications and relatied
problems are yet to be discovered and solved in the future.

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pp. 59, 2004 (in Chinese). received her Ph.D. degree from Southeast University
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in the built environment. She won the New Century
Phase Change Material as the Thermal Storage Layer of
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[74] Farid, M. M., and Chen, X. D., Domestic Electrical Space
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[75] Hammou, A. Z., and Lacroix, M., A New PCM Storage Institute of Built Environment, Department of Build-
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Energy, Energy and Buildings, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 258265, administrative deputy director and secretary-in-chief
2006. of Chinese Association of Indoor Environment and
Health. His research interests are indoor air quality,
[76] Xiao, W., Wang, X., Zhang, Q. L., Di, H. F., and Zhang, Y. heat and mass transfer, and energy storage in the built
P., Experimental Study on Underfloor Air Supply System environment. He has published more than 100 inter-
With Air Solar Collector and Shape-Stabilized PCM, Acta national journal papers. He serves on the editorial or
Energiae Solaris Sinica, vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 13191323, advisory boards of seven international journals, such
2008 (in Chinese). as Indoor Air, Built Environment, and Indoor and Built Environment.

heat transfer engineering vol. 35 nos. 1112 2014

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