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Democracy in Belarus DemoBy

Title of the action:

Location(s) of the action: - specify Belarus regions: Gomel, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Grodno, Brest and
country(ies), region(s) that will benefit Minsk
from the action
Total duration of the action (months): 24 months

199.978 EUR
Amount of requested EU contribution

Objectives of the action Overall objective(s): To raise awareness and strengthen the role
of civil society in promoting human rights and democratic
reform, respect of otherness, developing dialogue with
stakeholders on controversial policy areas, and in consolidating
political representation and participation.
Specific objective(s): Training activists and members of civil
society entities, ethnic minorities, trade-unionists, legal
practitioners and journalists; enhancing dialogue; support of
political pluralism and participation; dissemination and raising
awareness; national and trans-national net-working of civil
society entities and individuals.
Target group(s)1 Leaders and members of civil society entities; members of
women organisations; representatives of ethnic and religious
minorities; leaders of trade unions; legal practitioners; civil
servants and functionaries of local communities; journalist of
local mass-media.
Final beneficiaries2 Civil societies organizations and institutions; trade unions; local
communities; legal practitioners ; people of Belarus
Estimated results Improved awareness of people ; trained activists and members of
civil societies entities ; disseminated info ; better civil society
local authorities cooperation ; organised national and trans-
national network
Main activities Training of leaders and members of civil society entities, ethnic
and religious minorities, local civil servants and journalists on
democracy and human rights; civil society local communities
dialogue; elaboration and dissemination of information ;
organization of national network and inclusion of its members in
into ISCOMET NGO, which has a participatory status with
Council of Europe

Target groups are the groups/entities who will be directly positively affected by the action at the action purpose

Final beneficiaries are those who will benefit from the action in the long term at the level of the society or
sector at large.

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