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Fall Virginia Conference Youth Retreats Be Part of

Called 2017
Aldersgate Youth are encouraged to attend the Annual Virginia Conference
Youth Retreat Weekends!
Parents, this is a great
opportunity to allow our youth
to join with other youth from November 5, 2017
around the conference for a
weekend of Fun Activities and
Music during this 2-nights and Welcome!
2-day event! This is a great
event to invite a friend that has been joined you at youth group!
Aldersgate wants every youth to be able to attend this weekend retreat! If Welcome to Aldersgate Church!
money could hinder attending PLEASE chat with Pastor Rob or Carolyn Were glad youve found our church! We hope youll find us to be an
Robertson. This will remain confidential and we'll make this work!! Please
invite a friend who has been joining you at Youth Group. encouraging, friendly group of people. While we dont make any claims
to be perfect, at our church we come together to help make the kingdom
High School Retreat Details (Grade 9th 12th ONLY)
of God a reality on earth by loving God and loving our neighbor.
Oct. 30 - Nov. 12 - Regular - $ 80 *
*Deadline for Registration - November 12
*No Refunds available after the Deadline for Registration and Refunds prior
to this date will include a $25 service charge per Virginia Conference Policy INTERESTED IN EXPLORING THE MEANING OF
*Total Cost $ 145 with a portion of this retreat underwritten by the church MEMBERSHIP AT ALDERSGATE CHURCH?
Update: Virginia Conference Middle School Next Membership Sunday is December 10
Retreat: November 10th, 11th and 12th The local church is the most significant arena through which disciples of
Middle School Youth Group will be heading to Eagle Eyrie in Lynchburg Jesus Christ are made and Jesus disciples reach out into the world to
on November 10th to join other middle school youth groups from around share Gods love. It is in and through the church that Jesus Christ is
the Virginia Conference. It is going to be an awesome weekend! We are
proclaimed and professed as Lord and Savior. Please contact Pastor Rob
registered and are ready to go! Youth and parents remember, we will
need to have everyone here at the church parking lot at 4:45 so that we by telephone at 434-973-5806 or complete the communication card
can leave by 5:00 PM to arrive at the retreat center on time. found in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate when it is passed
To our church family: We would appreciate your prayers while we are during the service if you wish to explore the meaning of membership in
spending this time away from our families and friends! the life of Aldersgate Church. December 10 is Membership Sunday!
Aldersgate Alive Christmas Edition At-Large Lay Delegate Annual
The deadline for submissions is 9am, Monday, November 6. All late
submissions will be included in the January 2018 edition.
Conference 2018
If you are interested in serving as an At-Large Lay Delegate to Annual
Conference in June 2018, Hampton, VA, please contact Rev. Rob
Robertson. He will give you a Nominee Form to fill out and submit.
WE RESPOND TO JESUS' CALL (Deadline is November 13th) This form is also available on page 5 of the
Make Your Commitment Charlottesville District newsletter, The Ambassador, published this
past week.
Praise the Lord! As of last Sunday, more than 70 children, youth, and
adults of the Aldersgate Church community already have responded to
Jesus' call by prayerfully completing a "We Respond to Jesus' Call
Participation Form" and offering it to the Lord as an act of worship on Sunday Youth Group
Sunday morning. The "We Respond to Jesus' Call Workbook" is designed High School and Middle School Youth Groups are in full swing!
to offer all ages various opportunities to commit their prayers, presence, We keep our time together relevant and real! And each night there is
service, and witness in and through Aldersgate Church. If you have not Food, Fun and Fellowship!
already made this commitment your next opportunity will be today as you The High School Youth have selected the next series called Under
come forward to receive Holy Communion. You are asked to return your Pressure. Join us as we start this new 4 week series! Bring a friend!
form by Sunday, November 27. Join Us in the lower Level Youth Room.
Sunday Nights
High School: 5:00-6:15
For Our Youngest Friends Youth Group Dinner: 6:15-6:45
A professionally staffed nursery is available for children birth through (Hospitality Room)
age three during all services and Sunday School on the lower level. An Middle School: 6:45-8:00
usher will be happy to direct you. Additionally, a Parent Room is
available in the Parlor adjacent to the Sanctuary, for viewing and
hearing all services. Please ask an usher to show you the way. All
restrooms are equipped with changing tables. The Living Nativity this Advent Season:
Adult Cast Members and behind-the-scenes support crew needed
This advent season we are sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ
through A Living Nativity! Can you help tell the story? We are seeking
Thank You several adults that would be willing to participate in a nonspeaking, mini
The members of the Stewardship Committee want to express our drama of The Living Nativity, scheduled for Friday, December 22nd.
gratitude to everyone who has turned in a pledge card the past several This will be held outside at Aldersgate. There will be 4 performances
Sundays. The information on the card has been recorded and you will beginning at 6:00 PM,7:00 PM,8:00 PM and 9:00 PM. If you are
receive a thank you in the mail. Included with the thank you card will be interested in participating as a character or behind the scenes, please
your original pledge card for your records. If you haven't turned in your contact Carolyn Robertson at or
card yet, you can still do so by placing it in the offering plate. Cards are telephone at 757-536-0960 (cell) or 434-973-5806 (office)
available in the narthex. Thank you for your generosity.
Adult Supporters Needed Aldersgate to Host Womens PACEM
for Youth Group Aldersgate UMC will once again host the PACEM (People and
Adult Volunteers are needed to support our Youth Ministry Program for Congregations Engaged in Ministry) Womens Shelter November 11th -
2017-2018! Are you willing to be a driver to take us to events? Can you 18th. Opportunities to help include greeting our guests as they arrive,
bring in a meal or furnish a desert? Would you share your time to be laundering towels, preparing snacks, helping in the kitchen, spending
present at youth group as a chaperone? Maybe you are a time with our guests, and staying overnight. Volunteer sign-up sheets
homebody ...could you open your home for a movie night or our are available in the Reed Room. We will be collecting items for the
Christmas Progressive Dinner Party and Gift Exchange? Are you brave shelter through Sunday, November 12th. Donation boxes are in the
enough to join our group as a chaperone on a Retreat Weekend?
Reed Room and the Welcome Center. Personal items: Chapstick, lotion,
Whatever your answer is, remember, we need your help, time, and
talents to build a great youth program! See Our Sign Up sheet and listing ladies socks (athletic and dress). Food: Gum, mints, hard candy, snack
of opportunities found in the Reed Room!!! Immediate needs are dinner bags of potato chips, pretzels, Cheetos, soft snack bars, tea bags, hot
and/or dessert on Sunday November 12th and December 3rd. chocolate mix, lemonade mix, Splenda and sugar. Other: new or gently
used bath towels and current magazines. Monetary contributions will
be accepted to buy food and paper goods, and to help with other
HURRICANE RELIEF expenses related to hosting the program. Please make your check
In response to the massive destruction and devastation caused by
hurricanes in Texas, Louisiana, and Puerto Rico, the United Methodist payable to AUMC with PACEM listed on the memo line. For more
Committee On Relief is asking for monetary donations. This money will information, contact Deb Reynolds at 882-3346 or
help with the process of rebuilding, bringing in supplies, and any other rynldsdeb@gmailcom; or Nancy Berman at 973-6555 or
resources that the communities may need. The pain and loss that victims
feel will continue long after the water recedes and clean up begins. If you
would like to make a monetary contribution, please make your check to
AUMC with Hurricane Relief in the memo line. And, please pray for your Packaging event for
brothers and sisters in Christ as they deal with their losses.
RISE Against Hunger
Collecting for Care Packages (formerly Stop Hunger Now)
Believe it or not, it's already time to gather items for the December When: Sunday, November 19th, 1pm
college care package mailing!! Please consider donating candy (leftover Where: Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Halloween candy is welcome!), chocolate, hard candies, gum, popcorn, Who: Event is for everyone: children, youth and adults.
pens/pencils, hot cocoa packets, crackers, nuts, or any snack items that What: Event sponsored by the District Missions Team.
are individually wrapped that you feel a college student in the midst of Why: To alleviate world hunger.
exams would enjoy! There is a tub in the hospitality room marked for Please come/stay after church and help pack meals. The goal is 20,000
college care packages. Please help us to let our college students know meals. We also need financial support. Each meal costs 29cents so a
that they are remembered!! Questions? Call Susan Reed at 973-0766 total of $5,800 needs to be raised by the Charlottesville District. Please
or email
make checks payable to Aldersgate UMC with RAH in the memo line.
Contact Deb Reynolds for further info.
Blue Ridge Area Food Bank Christmas Opportunity in November
As you prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this year with family and Even though we have just entered November it is already time to think about
friends, please remember those less fortunate than we are and Christmas and the days leading up to it: Advent. For the last several years we
contribute food items to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. Food that is have produced an Advent Devotional Guide written by people within the
needed includes: Canned Beef Stew, Ravioli, Spaghetti, Canned church, and we are hoping to do so again. That means we need writers!
Vegetables, Canned Fruit, Cans of 100% Juice, Canned Soups, Rice 1 lb. 1. About the writers: People often say to me, I dont have a story. but
bag or box; boxed Macaroni & Cheese, Pasta & Pasta Sauce, Coffee/Tea/ then discover that they DO have a story and they WANT to tell it.
Thats because everyone has a story; whether you have been
Jam/Jelly, Breakfast Cereals/Oatmeal/Grits. MOST NEEDED ITEMS:
Running away from God Praising God Ignoring God Seeking God
Peanut Butter, Canned Chicken or Tuna. NOTE: Please check expiration
Denying God Or running TO God crying Catch me! Im falling
dates, NO GLASS JARS and NO jumbo size containers please. Food
Or doing all of the above
Collection Bins will be placed in the Welcome Center and outside the God is there, ever-present. Not just in the really big, life-changing moments,
Reed Room. Food will be collected through November 30. but in the nitty-gritty everyday moments, and that is what previous writers
have recognized and written about. I hope you will be encouraged to think of
your own story of God working in your life. Everyone has a story: God is here.
Saturday Morning Men's Group 2. About the readers: Every year I hear, Ive sat next to so-and-so in
church for so many years and I never knew this. Yet, we are a community of
Men of all ages are invited to come to the Saturday Morning Men's faith, a community that is joined together in the worship of God as revealed
Group each Saturday at 8:00am for one hour (out at 9:00am sharp) in in Jesus Christ. It is a joy and a privilege to share our God stories with one
room 208 for a time of fellowship. No commitment required! Come another, and to relate to each other on a deeply personal level.
every Saturday, once a month, or whenever you can make it. We share 3. For those interested in writing, I will need your devotion by Wed., Nov.
joys and concerns, prayer, a short devotion (e.g., short bible study, 15. When you are finished (the earlier the better!) please send it to me at
Upper Room devotion, book review, biblical history, inspirational story, or give me a hard copy in church.
short video) given by a volunteer attendee, and coffee and donuts (or 4. Devotion Format: from the top of page: Date, scripture, your
often home-baked goods!). This group sponsors the Prayer Bear devotion/story, your name, closing prayer. The devotion guide is on legal size
ministry at Aldersgate. We occasionally convene the group at Claude paper (8 x14 in.) paper folded in half. So your devotion should take up half
Reed's house (Aldersgate's first Pastor) and you don't want to miss his of a legal size paper. Font size is 12. If you have a story you want to tell but do
devotions. Any questions? Please contact Jonathan Peterson at not want to choose a scripture or write a prayer, Ill be glad to do it for you.
5. Content: The devotions are meant to be personal. They are meant to We hope you can join us!
tell how you have experienced God in your life or about an experience that
affected your faith in God. Sometimes people tell stories of Christmases past,
even a childhood Christmas, and why that particular Christmas means so
Have a Gently Used TV? much to them. Sometimes people write about huge life-changing
experiences but more often they tell stories about meeting God in the
The Cedars/Golden Living Nursing Home is looking for televisions for
everyday routine of life.
some of their residents who do not have one. Used is perfectly fine. The
only request is that they be in working order. If you have questions, If you plan to write a devotion, please let me know in advance so I know how
please see Pat Daniel or call the Activity Director at Golden Living, many to expect. If you have questions please call me at 434-589-5956 or 434-
806-2888(cell) or email me at the above email address. I look forward to
Margaret Thacker (434)296-5611. Thank you.
hearing your stories! Pat MacNicoll

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