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I ncernplete or Lack 0;1 Penetration (LOP):

The edges ,cd the prec88 have not been wei ded logelhe;r I usuaily at the bottom .of smqle V-groove \.velds

Rad i 0'9 ra ph m,cl M;lg e:

A darker Qensi:ty band. Witn very ;;.traig ht paraHetedgeB, ~h the center ot the width of the weld Image.


I nterpass I ncl u sions:

Usually non-metallic irnpudties rhart sol id iffed {YIl1 th"Ei" we"icf SLl rtace and were not removed between weld passes.

Radi;ogra,pihic ~magle:

Ani rf€igLJ~ar1y-snaped spot, usually slightly randomly spaced.

oa rke r d'€n sitv elonoateo and

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Offset or' Mismatch (Hi-La):

A misaJigrlment of the pieces to be. welded,


Radio:graphic ~maQ,e:~

An abrupt change in film density acscss the width of the wefcd image.


Offset or Mismatch with lack of Penetration (LOP}.:

A rfll.sali·ghmsflt of .ne pl~De:s fa' be welded and Insufficient fillmg of the bottom ot the weld Of "root area".

Radiolgr:aplhiic :lmaglE!!:

An abwpt density .change across the widtn of the weld fmagf;l" with 'a st(aigN iOflgitudinal darker 'dellsity ~i lie at tt"18 Genter of the- width of the weld i rnaqe along the edge :of the d6r1sity ctlang,e .

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Elongated Slag Lines (Wagon Tracks):

Impurities that solidify on thesmface a ter welding and were not removed between Pa.SSE;S



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R,a.d~,o;graphrn,c Im,

Etongated i parallel or sing Ie darker density Ii Il18S, i rreqular ill wicttll and slightly wind ing in thelengthwise direcnon,


Lack of Side Wall Fusion I(LOF):

Elongated VOIds between the' wela beads and the jomt surfaces,

Radiiogn\1phic ilmage:

E!anga,ted parallel, or singha, darker denSity lines sometimes with darker density spats d1s·Je.rsed alorl:g the LOF lines Which are very strzligtlt i"n he lengthwise direction and not winding like- elongated slag lines


I'nterpass Cold Lap:

Lack ot fusion areas 'along the top SLrace and edge ol lower passes


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IR ad i 091.raph i c ~ ma'g'Eil'::

SmaH spots or darker oensltlss. some with $1lghtly e10ngated tai Is, ahg.ned in the. wel(jing direction and not In the c-enter of rile width of the weld imag€ .

SCB,ttered Porosity:

Rounded votos random in size .and location,


Radiogirap,hhz: Image:

Rounded spots af darker oensules random in size arid location,

Externall Concavfty or Insufficient Fi II :

A depression in the top oi the 'field; Of cover pass i no icatinc a ttu nner than no mal section thickness.

R.adj,ogtaphio ~mage:

A wel d density darker than I'h,e, oerisj!y of the pieces beillg welded and extending across lie full width off the' weld Image.


Excessive Penetration 1(lci cles,


Extra metal at ths bottom (root) 0 - the welo


Aadwographiilc Imag,e:

A lighter density In the center of the ' .. · .. idth of the weld Image, either extended 'along the: w.eld or in lsolateo ci rcular "drops",


CI uster Porosity:

ROLJnded Of slightly elongate-d voids grouped toqether,



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RadiclQlniprhic Ima'g,e:

Rounded or sri iQ.h~ly elongat,ed darker density spots in clusters, with the: clusters randomly spaced.

Root Pass Aligned Poros!ity:

Rounded and ,elongated voids In the bottom of the weld aJign~Jd along the

we~d cente.r~ine_=-- _

Rad h)gr;aplhl e I mage!:

Rounded and ! darker d~nsity spots, th€lt may be. connected. in a straiqht I ine. in 'the' center of tnel width of ~he weld image .

External Undercut:

A goug:1 ng out 0 t "IS piece to be welded I alonpsrde the. edge 0" the top OJ "extern-a} 'I surface of the welu.

RaciliQg.rap'h"jc 11m age :

An irrEt9Ular d9Ji<.er density al,ong the ed,ge of the weld image. The density will always be darker han the density 01 the pieces being welded,


lnternal (Root)1 Undercut:

A gouging out ·of the parent metal, alonqsids the edge 0 the b.ottom or "intemat" surface ot me weld.

Radiogralphic Imalgle:

An i rre'g u lar d arke r den $ity near 'trre center of the width of ths weld image and along the edge of the root pass, Image.

Transverse Crack.:

A fractu re In the weld metal runrT'lfig across the weld.

Radh:Jg raph ilc- I magle!

Feathe-ry, tw:isling lirl8 of darker der'l~lty running across the width O'i the weld image.

Longitud~na! Crack.: .

A fracture in the weld metal runni n'g !engthwis-e in he "Neld'ing direction,

R.adio,graphic Ima'g'e: .

Fe.attle-ry, tWisting' lines of darker density running lengthwise along the weld at any locauon in the wid",h of the w~ld ima9B-

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fnternal Concavity (Suck Back):

A depression in tr. e .centar of the SUI""face of the root pass



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Rad iOlg rap hie I mag,e:

An eJang'ated irregu lar darker :P-Elnsity with fuzzy edges, in the center of the width of the weld Image.

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!Burn Thrcuqh:

A severe oepresslon 0 ~ crarer-type hoi.€: at the bo tom of the weld but LI s ua j I y no te long; ate d

Radii'o'gr,aphh:: IlmaIQ'e':

,A, localized darker densitY with fuzzy edges ln fhe center 0 - the' width of the weld image. It may be wider than the' width of th~ root pass imags.

Longitud~nal ROI()t Crack:

Afradture In the' weld metal at the ·sd.g·.e of the root pass,


'" i og ra phlic l,mage:

Fe:al"heCry, tw~sting' lines of darker tiSf'lsjty alon'g the eOg"B of the image afm,s mot pass" The "twrsling" featuntl helps to distingUish the root CrElCK from lncornple.te root p'E.3netrati.on,

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Tungsten Inclusions:

Raf1ddm bits 'or tungsten 'fused' ,irliQ but nor melted i lito me weld metal.

R~adiog.raphlc ~mage::

I rm.g u la riy shapeo ~ lowe r den sily sp 01& wndomly located in the we!d rmaQ€.


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