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Tableau 8: The Ocial Guide

by George Peck

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Tableau 8: The Official Guide

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Top 10 Chart Types

Tableau can create many dierent chart types. While Show Me! (covered in Chapter 2) pro-
vides a number of charts you can create very quickly, its hardly the limit of Tableaus capa-
bilities. Still, there are ten chart types that youll probably use more than others, if you are
performing standard visualization and analytical activities. Some of the charts discussed in
this chapter can be created very quickly with Show Me! However, in order to provide fuller
knowledge of the tool, manual steps to create each chart are covered here.

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Bar Chart

Despite all the visualization possibilities, You can enhance a basic bar chart using
and plethora of tools to create charts and any number of Tableau features. To create
graphs, the basic bar chart is still probably a stacked bar chart, where each bar is bro-
used more than any other type. This is very ken down by portions of another dimen-
useful for comparing many dierent types sion, drag the second dimension to Color
of measures, including dollars, quantities, on the Marks card. Or you can create a
number of phone calls, web page hits, and graduated-color bar chart, where each bar
so forth. is shaded with a variation of a color range
based on a dierent measure. Drag the de-
In many cases, leaving the mark type on sired measure to Color on the Marks card.
the Marks card set to Automatic will result You can even create some interesting varia-
in a bar chart (charts based on date/time tions of a bar chart by utilizing both Color
dimensions being a notable exception). and Size on the Marks card, as well as un-
Just drag your desired dimension to the stacking bars by choosing Analysis | Stack
Columns shelf and desired measure to the Marks | O from the drop-down menu. Fig-
Rows shelf to create a vertical bar chart. If ure 4-1 illustrates a resulting bar-in-bar
you want to change another chart type to possibility.
bar (for example, if the default line chart for
a date/time dimension isnt what you
want), select Bar in the Mark Type drop-
down on the Marks card.

Tip: While you can re-drag dimen-

sions and measures to dierent shelves
to change from a horizontal to vertical
bar chart, try using the Swap button in
the toolbar instead.

Figure 4.1 Bar-in-bar chart

Best Practice: If you are charting a single dimension, you may be tempted to add the
same dimension the chart is based on to Color on the Marks card to assign each bar
a dierent color. Reconsider this. The dierent colors may not benefit, and may actu-
ally confuse, your audience. Which is a more eective, less confusing visualization?

Line/Area Chart

Another popular chart, the line chart, Best Practice: Its easy to convert a
shows a trend over time. For example, chart initially created as bar to line or
sales plotted for the past 12 months or area. Just choose Line or Area from the
number of web hits by time of day benefit drop-down on the Marks card. This is
from a line chart. If you initially add a date helpful if you have a dimension that Tab-
or date/time dimension to the Rows or Col- leau doesnt automatically determine to
umns shelf, and a measure to the other
be a date/time dimension, but that still
shelf, a line chart trending the measure
can be used to show a trend over time.
over time will result. (Though a line chart
However, if you use a dimension that
will be created either way, vertical line
doesnt break down data over time, the
charts based on a dimension on the Rows
resulting line or area chart will be of lim-
shelf are probably of little use.)
ited meaning. In this example, Corpo-
As with other chart types, a basic line rate is higher than the other segments,
chart can expand with placements on and Small Business is the lowest. A line
Color on the Marks card. If you place an- chart probably isnt the best way to illus-
other dimension on Color, a dierent col- trate this, however.
ored line will appear for each member of
the dimension. If you add another measure
to Color, the existing line will take on a
graduated color indicating the variation of
the measure placed on Color. While you
can also place measures or dimensions on
Size on the Marks card, you may find the
results to be more confusing than useful
with a line chart.

A variation on the line chart is the area youll see a stacked area chart. Then se-
chart. Like a line chart, an area chart is lect Analysis | Stack Marks | O from the
best used to trend data over time. How- drop-down menu. The areas that were pre-
ever, rather than just showing a single line viously stacked will now overlap each
to represent the path of the trend, the area other, and Tableau will change the colors
chart fills in the entire portion of the chart to make them easier to distinguish.
from the bottom of the chart with a shaded
color. This often results in a mountain Figure 4-2 illustrates why unstacked area

range look. Simply select Area from the charts may not always be desirable. Even

drop-down on the Marks card to create an though Tableau displays the color dimen-

area chart. sion with transparency, its still easy to

miss certain valleys in the mountain
Like line charts, area charts can be en- range if other peaks occlude them.
hanced by dragging a dimension to Color
on the Marks card.
This will create a Figure 4.2 Unstacked area chart
stacked area chart
with each member of
the dimension placed
on Color creating a
separate colored
stacked area. A meas-
ure dragged onto
Color will have no us-
able benefit. A varia-
tion of an area chart
is an unstacked area
chart. Create this by
dragging a desired di-
mension (with a mini-
mal number of mem-
bers) to Color on the
Marks card. Initially

Tableau 8 Forecasting option. Or you can just right-click on the
Tableau 8 introduces forecasting, the abil- visualization and choose Forecast from the
ity to examine data and trends in existing context menu. Tableau will look at the exist-
date- or date/time-based data and fore- ing time-based data and forecast future
cast what trend may occur in the future. trends based on it. The chart will be ex-
The first requirement to forecast in Tableau tended to show the forecast data, and a
8 is to create a chart based on a date or forecast icon will be added to the forecast
date/time dimension. If you choose to measures field indicator. Also, a forecast
change the default discrete Year date level indicator will be placed on Color on the
of the dimension, you must choose a con- Marks card to distinguish existing data
tinuous date leveldiscrete date levels from forecast data, and several field indica-
other than Year wont permit forecasting tors that expose various values used to
(more detail on discrete and continuous forecast will be placed on Tooltip on the
date parts is provided in Chapter 2). Marks card. When you hover your mouse
in the view over a mark in the forecasted
Once your initial chart is displayed, you measure, these values will appear in the re-
can forecast by using the Analysis | Fore- sulting tooltip.
cast | Forecast Measures drop-down menu

To turn o forecasting (youll want to do
this, for example, before you change your Note: Although line or area charts are
visualization to no longer be based on a typically used to trend data over time,
date or date/time dimension), simply forecasting will work equally well with
choose the same drop-down menu or other chart types based on date or
right-click options to turn the forecast o. date/time dimensions, such as a bar
You can also use two other Analysis | Fore- chart showing sales by year.
cast drop-down menu options to custom-
ize or document the forecast. Analysis |
Forecast | Forecast Options will display the
Forecast Options dialog box, where you
can change the duration of the forecast,
choose to ignore a specified number of pe-
riods at the end of the actual data range,
and choose from a variety of forecasting
models. Analysis | Forecast | Describe Fore-
cast will display a dialog box exposing de-
tails about the way the forecast was calcu-
lated via both Summary and Models tabs.

Pie Chart

Although some authorities in visual design Tip: To add a percentage label to each
decry them (preferring, for example, pie wedge, drag the same measure
stacked bar charts), pie charts remain a fix- used on Angle on the Marks card to La-
ture of the visualization world. They are bel on the Marks card. Then select the
used to show a single measure for a Color dimension field indicator and
smaller number of dimension members choose Analysis | Percentage of Cell
(probably not more than six or eight), illus-
from the drop-down menu. Tableau 8
trating what piece of the pie each mem-
now allows multiple items to be in-
ber has. Tableau provides the ability to
cluded on mark labels. For example,
populate a worksheet with a single pie
you can also drag the dimension used
chart, with multiple pie charts organized
to set pie colors onto Label on the
for dierent combinations of dimensions or
Marks card along with the measure to
measures, and even as a chosen mark
show both the percentage and dimen-
type for other types of visualizations, such
as maps. sion at the same time.

To create a pie chart worksheet,

choose Pie from the drop-down on
the Marks card. Then drag the meas-
ure you want the pie to represent onto
Angle on the Marks card (Angle will
only appear after you choose a Pie
mark type). Finally, drag the dimen-
sion that you want to use to create pie
wedges to Color on the Marks card
(again, the dimension should have no
more than six to eight members to not
create too many pie wedges).

Multiple pie charts can be created by just the Marks card to subdivide into pie
dragging a dimension youd like to subdi- wedges (the fewer dimension members,
vide by onto the Rows or Columns shelf. the better). The result will be individual pie
Be careful, as subdivided pies can quickly charts on each country, state, or other geo-
become dicult to interpret. Consider graphic dimension used to create the map.
stacked bar charts or other easier-to-
interpret chart types if you find that subdi-
vided pie charts are dicult to understand.

Tableau also features the ability to choose

the Pie mark type on other visualizations.
One example is using a pie on a map. A
Pie mark type can add context to a map
that would otherwise just show a single cir-
cle for a state or country. After creating the
map, change the Automatic mark type to
Pie from the drop-down on the Marks
card. Then drag a dimension onto Color on

Text Table/Crosstab

One of the original applications that made a hierarchy of panes will be created
personal computers popular was the showing the second dimension organiza-
spreadsheet program. Decades later, tion within the first dimension (make sure
spreadsheets are still used widely in all as- the dimensions have a logical hierarchical
pects of virtually every type of organiza- relationship if you do this).
tion. Even after the introduction of leading-
edge visualization tools such as Tableau, In the case of a crosstab based on more

numbers organized in rows and columns than one dimension on a shelf, you may

are still often used when analyzing data. want to show subtotals on the crosstab at

For these requirements, Tableau provides the end of each outer dimension. Even if

the text table or crosstab (with the term you dont use multiple dimensions, you

crosstab being used for the remainder of may want to see grand totals for rows or

this chapter). columns in the crosstab. Options from the

Analysis | Totals drop-down menu will add
Like a spreadsheet, Tableau displays rows these totals.
and columns of numbers, with one or more
dimensions appearing on the Rows and
Columns shelves, and one or more meas-
ures appearing on Text on the Marks card.
In fact, a crosstab is created automatically
using Tableaus default double-click behav-
ior if one or more dimensions are initially
double-clicked and a subsequent measure
is double-clicked. You can also drag dimen-
sions to the Rows and Columns shelves,
and then drag a measure to Text on the
Marks card. If you include more than one
dimension on the Rows or Columns shelf,

Note: The Totals options from the Analy- gregate your visualization by uncheck-
sis menu, while probably most appropri- ing Analysis | Aggregate Measures on
ate for crosstabs, can be used with any the drop-down menu, or attempt to
visualization type. Just be careful if you color-code a crosstab by placing a
use totals beyond crosstabs. For exam- many-member dimension on Color. A
ple, a total bar at the end of a bar chart dialog box will warn you about this be-
may introduce confusion when trying to havioryoull probably want to use Edit
compare individual value bars while a to- | Undo or CTRL-Z to undo the step that
tal bar appears in the same chart. created the overlapping text.

By default, a crosstab will display meas-

ures on the Text shelf in black. As with
spreadsheet programs, certain numbers
may need to stand out based on their
value. Tableau facilitates this by allowing
As discussed earlier, the numbers-in-rows-
another measure or dimension to be
and-columns spreadsheet metaphor is still
placed on Color on the Marks card. If a
popular. A request to just see the num-
measure is placed on Color, the range of
bers when viewing a non-crosstab visuali-
measure values will create a color range
zation can be easily resolved by right-
that will automatically color-code cells in
clicking on the worksheet tab. Simply
the crosstab (typically a graduated color
choose Duplicate As Crosstab from the
palette will result). A dimension (or perhaps
context menu. A new sheet will be created
a calculated field that returns only two val-
containing a crosstab representation of the
ues) can also be placed on Color to create
dimension/measure organization from the
a more stark this color or this color cod-
original worksheet. Any worksheet
ing for the crosstab.
(whether it contains a crosstab or not) can
Caution: Crosstabs are particularly be copied to the Windows clipboard as a
prone to overlapping text, whereby Tab- crosstab of numbers in rows and columns
leau can place more than one measure for pasting into another application. Just
right-click on a measure or mark in the
in the same cell in the crosstab. This
visualization and choose Copy Crosstab
can happen, for example, if you disag-
from the context menu. The resulting cros-

stab on the clipboard can be pasted into
another application as a row-and-column-
with-numbers matrix.

Using More than One Measure

While a simple crosstab may be perfectly useful when showing just one measure, comparing more
than one number will often be a requirement. Tableau versions prior to 8 required invocation of
Measure Names and Measure Values to include two measures in a crosstab. With the new organi-
zation of the Marks card in Tableau 8, however, you only need drag additional measures to Text on
the Marks card to include multiple measures in the crosstab.

Though dragging multiple measures to Text is a quick, simple way to include multiple measures in
a crosstab, it will not automatically add labels to the crosstab to distinguish one measure from an-
other. You may want to create a calculated field that returns text values to label measures youve
added to Text. For example:

"Sales" + CHAR(10) + "Profit"

will return the word Sales, followed by a carriage return, followed by the word Profit. This calcu-
lated field can be placed on a shelf to add labels for a multiple-measure crosstab.

Tableau 8 will still use Meas-

ure Names and Measure Val-
ues to create a multiple-
measure crosstab as previ-
ous versions did. The easiest
way to use this method is to
simply double-click on addi-
tional measures. Tableaus
default double-click behavior
will add Measure Names and
Measure Values to appropri-
ate places on the worksheet
and include the additional
measures you click. In this
case, Measure Names will
be placed on the Rows or
Columns shelf, which will
automatically label measures
in the crosstab.

Tip: Crosstabs are particularly useful for filter actions, you can set up a crosstab
just show me the numbers types of to show related numbers when a user
user requests. Not only can you quickly clicks on a particular dimension in an-
just show the numbers when design- other portion of the dashboard. Filter Ac-
ing a workbook, crosstabs provide drill- tions are covered in more detail in Chap-
down capabilities in dashboards. By ter 8.
adding a crosstab to a dashboard with

Scatter Plot

Although more esoteric than many of the A particular scatter plot example that may
standard chart types discussed in this be close to home if youve compared other
chapter so far, the scatter plot can provide business intelligence (BI) tools to Tableau
very meaningful visualization of two related is the BI Magic Quadrant issued by Gart-
numeric measures. There are, generally ner. This scatter plot evaluates BI vendors
speaking, two dierent analyses that scat- by two measures: completeness of vision
ter plots help consider: comparison/ and ability to execute. While not all scatter
correlation of the two measures, and exis- plots share the Magic Quadrants both far-
tence of outliers. In most cases, one or ther to the right and farther up is better ap-
more related dimensions are also used in a proach, many scatter plots make analysis
scatter plot. easy by automatically indicating prefer-
ence to higher or lower areas on either or
For example, a scatter plot may be ideal in both axes.
looking for correlation between number of
web ads placed and number of hits to your A scatter plot in Tableau begins with nu-
website, with further analysis on dimension meric measures placed on both the Rows
data, such as where the web ad was and Columns shelves. You can either drag
placed, day the ad ran, or known demo- them there individually or simply double-
graphics of the person who visited your click on one measure after the other, with
website. Or your candidate may want to the first measure becoming the row and
see if the number of outgoing phone calls the second the column. Initially, this will
asking for campaign contributions can be simply place one mark (a blue open circle)
correlated to the number of contributors or on the scatter plot indicating where the ag-
the amount of contributions. Certain out- gregation of both measures appears. While
liers, such as a few contributors who con- this may be somewhat helpful for a very
tributed large amounts, will stand out on a quick analysis of how the measures relate,
scatter plot, allowing for targeted analysis. youll typically want to place additional di-

mensions in play to make the scatter of a desired dimension, drag the dimen-
plot more useful. sion to Detail. While you can change the
shape from the default open circle to an-
other shape by choosing a dierent mark
type from the Marks card drop-down, you
may prefer to have dierent shapes appear
for dierent members of a desired dimen-
sion. Just drag that dimension to Shape.
You can have dierent colors appear for dif-
ferent dimension members or measure
ranges by dragging the desired dimension
or measure to Color. Marks can be sized
by dragging a dimension or measure to
Size. Figure 4-3 shows an example of the
eects of these dierent Marks card op-
Tip: If you initially add measures to the
Since scatter plots display a mark for
wrong shelves, you can undo the addi-
every combination of measure and dimen-
tion or manually move them to the sion added to the worksheet, they can
proper shelves. But you may find it quickly become busy with dierent combi-
faster to CTRL-click on both measure nations of marks. In some cases, you may
fields on the Rows and Columns want to show an even denser series of
shelves to select them. Then right-click marks if you choose to use a scatter plot
and choose Swap from the context to deduce broader generalizations, rather
menu, or just click the toolbar Swap but- than correlations for a smaller number of
ton. marks. In that case, you may want to disag-
gregate data, which will retrieve individual
Dimensions (or other measures that help values from the underlying data source, in-
broaden scatter plot analysis) can be stead of aggregated sums, averages, and
added to additional areas of the Marks so forth, which Tableau provides by de-
card. For example, to simply add addi- fault. To disaggregate, uncheck Analysis |
tional blue open circles for every member Aggregate Measures from the drop-down

Figure 4.3 Scatter plot with Marks card features, trend line, and annotations

menu. You may need to add filters (cov- While not required, trend lines generally
ered in detail in Chapter 5) to reduce the add interpretive value to a scatter plot.
large number of marks that can result from Just right-click on the visualization and
disaggregation. Hovering your mouse over choose Trend Lines from the context
an individual mark on a disaggregated scat- menu. If necessary, edit the default trend
ter plot may be of no use, as no dimension line to change various trend line properties
information will appear for the individual (trend lines are covered in more detail in
mark. Drag desired dimensions to Detail or Chapter 7). And, while annotations are
Tooltip on the Marks card to include that available for any visualization type, they
dimension on the tooltip that appears come in particularly handy for scatter
when you hover over a mark. plots. A mark annotation will add text and

an arrow pointing to a particular mark an overall conclusion of profit versus
(unique combination of measures and di- sales. Eective scatter plots either in-
mensions) on the plot. If that particular clude a small enough number of marks
mark later moves elsewhere on the scatter following a general trend to draw quick
plot, or is eliminated via a filter, the associ- conclusions about the individual meas-
ated annotation will either move or disap- ures, or a large concentration of marks
pear. A point annotation will add text and
(perhaps due to disaggregation) to draw
an arrow pointing to a specific x/y coordi-
general conclusions.
nate on the scatter plot whether a mark ap-
pears there or not. As the scatter plots An eective variation of many Tableau
axes change with variations in data or fil- chart types (scatter plots being a particu-
ters, the annotation will follow the original larly good example) is commonly known
x/y coordinate. An area annotation, like a as a small multiples visualization. Small
point annotation, will add text to a particu- multiples make use of one or more dimen-
lar x/y coordinate. However, rather than dis- sions added to the Rows and/or Columns
playing an arrow, an area annotation will shelves that result in multiple scatter plots
draw a rounded box containing the text. on one or more rows or columns. This al-
You can resize the box to set not only the lows not only individual conclusions to be
originating x/y coordinate for the annota- drawn from individual scatter plot analysis,
tion, but the width and height of the anno- but comparisons to other dimension mem-
tation as well. Like a point annotation, the bers with identical scatter plots. Best prac-
area annotation will move as the underly- tice dictates that the individual scatter
ing data changes the dimensions of the plots either display a small enough number
scatter plot. of marks to be easily interpreted at first
glance, or a large number of marks (per-
Best Practice: While the scatter plot il-
haps via disaggregated data) to draw gen-
lustrated in Figure 4-3 can illustrate eral conclusions at a quick glance.
many Marks card features, annotations,
and trend lines, its not necessarily an
example of an eective scatter plot.
Other than the upward trend, and a few
outliers, the chart doesnt lend itself to

Bubble Chart

Tableau 8 can create two variations of a Bubble charts, by definition, include a

chart designed to visualize a comparison text label on each circle.
of size and color of a numeric measure. By
displaying varying sizes and colors in filled To create this form of bubble chart, place

circles, the bubble chart leads to quick two measures on the Rows and Columns

comparison and correlation of the chosen shelves (double-clicking on one measure

metric. One Tableau bubble chart is a varia- after the other will automatically place

tion on the scatter plot (discussed previ- them on the Row and Column shelves, re-

ously). While this bubble chart variation spectively). Choose a circle mark type

still plots marks on two numeric axes to ex- from the drop-down on the Marks card.

hibit a height/width correlation between val- Click Size on the Marks card to display the

ues, there are several dierences between size slider. Size the filled circle to a sub-

a bubble chart and scatter plot: stantially larger size than the default. Add
the dimension whose members you want
Marks are designated as filled circles. to create bubbles for to Label on the
No other mark types or shapes are used. Marks card. Click Label and make sure
that Allow labels to overlap other marks
Mark size is increased significantly is checked in order to display all labels. Fi-
over a scatter plot to display large circles nally, either CTRL-drag measures you used
(hence, the term bubble chart). on Rows and Columns to duplicate them
on Size (and optionally, Color), or drag ad-
Smaller numbers of marks are often
ditional dimensions or measures to set the
preferred over the larger mark counts of
size (and optionally, color) of the bubbles
scatter plots. Because of the larger mark
according to your needs.
type, a bubble chart starts to lose eective-
ness with more than 20 to 25 bubbles. You
will probably not disaggregate data with a
bubble chart.

create a set of identically
sized blue bubbles for each di-
mension member. Finally, drag
desired additional measures
or dimensions to Size (and op-
tionally, Color) on the Marks
card to vary the size and color
of bubbles as desired.

Here, as in the previous exam-

ple of a modified scatter plot,
bubbles are sized based on
sales and colored based on
profit. Its fairly easy to com-
The second type of bubble chart is new in pare sales and profit, noting
Tableau 8. This chart doesnt show a categories that sell similarly (with similar
height/width correlation between two sized bubbles) but that are far dierent
measures, but instead just clusters bub- profit-wise (very dierent coloring).
bles together, denoting the
dierence between values
based on size and, option-
ally, color. Show Me! oers
this choice or you can cre-
ate it manually.

If you choose to create it

manually, begin by choos-
ing Circle in the drop-down
on the Marks card. Then
add the dimension whose
members you want to cre-
ate bubbles for to Label on
the Marks card. Tableau will

Bullet Graph

A common requirement in visualization is tive positions of the reference lines. An op-

to compare two measures. Often, those tional portion of a bullet chart is a refer-
two measures are an actual number and a ence distribution, which shows a shaded
target or goal. Depending on other ele- area extending above and below the actual
ments of the comparison, a bar chart bar to indicate relative comparison of the
(sales versus quota by salesperson) or line actual measure to the goal or target.
chart (sales by month compared to
monthly goal) may suce. However, Tab- Note: More detail on reference lines and
leau includes another option that provides reference distributions can be found in
an eective comparison method that takes Chapter 7.
up a minimal amount of space. The bullet
Because there are several steps required
graph was created by visualization author
to create a bullet graph from scratch, you
and lecturer Stephen Few to provide just
may prefer to use the Bullet Graph option
such an actual to target visualization.
in Show Me! Simply select the actual meas-
The basic portion of a bullet graph is a bar ure, the goal/target measure, and the de-
chart (typically, a horizontal bar chart), sired dimension in the data window. Then
which denotes the actual or base measure click the Bullet Graph option in the Show
for comparison. Each bar is then paired Me! dialog box. Note that Show Me! can-
with a reference line, which denotes the not automatically determine which is the
goal or target. The compact combination actual measure and which is the goal/
of bars and reference lines not only allows target, and may assign the target to the
a quick comparison of the actual values to bar and the actual to the reference line/
each other, but a quick determination of distribution. Tableau provides a quick short-
how actual value bars compare to target cut to fix this issue. Just right-click on the
reference lines. The bullet graph even pro- axis for the incorrect measure and choose
vides for good comparison of goals/targets Swap Reference Line Fields.
by allowing, at a glance, analysis of rela-

If you want to cre-
ate a bullet graph
from scratch, or
modify some as-
pect of the one
created by Show
Me!, make use of
these Tableau fea-

The dimension used to create individ-

ual bars is placed on the Rows shelf (or
Columns shelf, if you prefer to create a ver-
tical bullet graph).

The actual measure is placed on the

Columns shelf (or Rows shelf, if you prefer If a range of performance distribu-
to create a vertical bullet graph). tion band is desired, another reference line
can be created from the right-click context
The target/goal measure is placed on menu of the worksheets axis. Distribution
Detail on the Marks card (in order for refer- is chosen, per cell, showing 60%, 80% of
ence lines/distributions to make use of the the average of the goal/target measure,
target/goal, it must be in play on the with Label set to None, and with Fill Above
worksheet). and Fill Below checked.

A reference line is created from the

right-click context menu of the work-
sheets axis. Line is chosen, per cell, show-
ing the average of the goal/target measure,
with Label set to None, and a black bar

If the distribution band is dicult to
see, the size of the bar can be reduced by
clicking Size on the Marks card and mov-
ing the slider to the midpoint.

Optionally, another dimension or cal-

culated field can be applied to Color on
the Marks card to denote actual values
that are above and below the goal/target.

Where Are the Gauges?
If youre used to other BI toolsets, you may spend a fair amount of time looking around Tableau try-
ing to find a gauge Show Me! option or mark type. Search as you might, you wont find one. While
some people may consider this a shortcoming of Tableau, the gauge is missing for a very good rea-
son: its generally not a visualization best practice. As Tableau works very hard to help you create
meaningful visualizations as you design your worksheets and dashboards (the Automatic mark type
being an example of this approach), other visualization types are available in Tableau as replace-
ment for gauges. The bullet chart is an example.

Figure 4-4 shows a comparison of gauges and a bullet chart, with each visualization showing the
same set of salespeople, their actual sales, and sales goals. Look closely and ask yourself the same
questions a sales manager who was charged with evaluating his or her sales team would ask.
Which is a more effective visualization of sales versus goals? Which salesperson is highest and low-
est in sales? How close is each salesperson to goal? Which salesperson is over or under goal, and
by how much? Which is a more efficient use of precious dashboard space? Youll probably find that
bullet charts, and other available Tableau visualizations, will provide more effective analytics for your

Figure 4.4 Gauges versus bullet chart

Box Plot

Although it may not be found as frequently Because a box plot is not available in
as bar, line, and pie charts, the box plot is Show Me!, you must manually create the
a very useful visualization when circum- individual portions of the visualization. Con-
stances demand it. Introduced in the mid- sider the basic box plot illustrated in Figure
1970s by the statistician John Tukey, the 4-5. While there are several ways you can
box plot excels at displaying the distribu- create this in Tableau, the box plot illus-
tion of data over a range. You can easily trated in this figure was created with the
determine where the heaviest concentra- following steps:
tion of data elements is in the range, and
optionally, you can easily identify outliers. 1. The dimension desired to slice the

Although there are variations of a box plot, box plot (Customer Segment) was placed

there are a few common elements in all on Columns (it could have been placed on

cases: Rows if a horizontal box plot was desired).

There are indicators of the maximum 2. The measure to evaluate (Profit) was

and minimum value in the range. The maxi- placed on Rows. This resulted in the de-

mum and minimum, as well as all values in fault Tableau bar chart with the measure

between, can be represented as individual aggregated.

marks or as a solid line connecting them.

3. In order to evaluate the profitability

The box portion of the box plot con- over a distribution of individual orders,

sists of lines indicating the 75th percentile data was disaggregated by unchecking

(or upper quartile), the 50th percentile (or Analysis | Aggregate Measures from the

median), and the 25th percentile (or lower drop-down menu. The result was individ-

quartile). The portion between the top and ual data source profit values plotted as

bottom lines is shaded, which indicates large open circles.

where 50 percent of the distribution is con-

4. The Line mark type was chosen from
the drop-down on the Marks card. While

this created the desired line connecting
the minimum and maximum values for
each customer segment, the lines between
customer segments were connected. This
connection was eliminated by placing a
nonrelating dimension on Path (in this ex-
ample, a filter dimensionProduct Sub-
Categorywas placed on Path on the
Marks card). This broke the connection be-
tween customer segments, resulting in a
single line for each segment connecting
the maximum profit to the minimum profit,
and all values in between.

5. A reference line was added by right-

clicking on the axis and choosing Add Ref-
A variation of the box plot adds whiskers,
erence Line from the context menu. Distri-
lines that denote some value at the top
bution was chosen, scope was set to Per
and bottom of the distribution. This use of
Cell, Value was set to Quartiles with the de-
whiskers allows a wider evaluation of distri-
fault number 4 chosen (which created quar-
bution of data points beyond the box. In
tiles), Label was set to None, a solid line
some cases, whiskers denote the mini-
color was chosen, and Symmetric was
mum and maximum (which would have
checked to display the same fill shade
been a good application with the solid line
throughout the dierent portions of the ref-
box plot illustrated in Figure 4-5). However,
erence distribution.
other variations place the whiskers at low
and high percentiles, but not the minimum
and maximum. This type of whisker use is
ideal if outliers that fall outside the whisker
percentiles are to be identified.

Consider the box plot with whiskers illus-

trated in Figure 4-6. Here, individual profit
values are being represented as small cir-

Figure 4.5 Basic box plot Marks card and the slider
was used to greatly reduce
the size of the circles.

The whiskers were cre-

ated by use of an additional
reference line. Distribution
was selected as this refer-
ence line type, Scope was
set to Per Cell, Value was set
to Percentiles (with the num-
bers 2 and 98 typed in manu-
ally separated by a comma),
Label was set to None, a
solid line color was chosen,
and Fill was set to None.

cles instead of a continuous line, which

permits identification of outliers. Further,
whiskers have been placed at the 2nd and
98th percentiles, leaving anything outside
those percentiles to be clearly identified as

The steps described previously to create

the basic box plot in Figure 4-5 apply to
Figure 4-6, with the following dierences:

Instead of choosing a Line mark type

after disaggregating data, Circle was cho-
sen. This replaced the default open circles
with solid circles. Size was clicked on the

Figure 4.6 Box plot with whiskers

Tree Map

When faced with identifying the folders with the overall size of the higher-level
that resulted in a full hard disk in 1990, group of rectangles encoded by a meas-
Ben Shneiderman of the University of Mary- ure. The resulting tree map can display a
land began experimenting with a way of large number of dimension members in a
visualizing which folders were using up relatively small space. A particular rectan-
space. Rather than the typical folder/ gle whose color/size combination interests
subfolder tree view that is still often used the viewer can be hovered over to show a
to decode hard disk contents, Shneider- more detailed tooltip.
man looked for a more compact way to
evaluate hard disk space usage. The tree If you want to modify a tree map created

map was born. Despite its origin, its useful with Show Me!, or create your own, the

for many other constrained-space visualiza- steps are straightforward:

tion requirements. Tableau 8 introduces a

1. Choose Square as the mark type from
Tree Map option on Show Me!, and per-
the Marks card drop-down.
mits manual creation of tree maps as well.
2. Drag one or more dimensions whose
A tree map is designed to display hierarchi-
members you want to create rectangles for
cal data as rectangles within rectangles.
to Label on the Marks card. Ensure that
For each rectangle, two measures can be
the higher-level dimension appears first (ei-
codedone will aect the size of a rectan-
ther drag it first or reorder dimensions on
gle, and the other will aect color. If a sin-
the Marks card).
gle dimension is used, all dimension mem-
bers will appear size- and color-encoded 3. Drag the measure you want to size-
together. However, if more than one dimen- encode rectangles with to Size on the
sion is used (there should be a logical hier- Marks card.
archy between the dimensions, such as
State and City), rectangles will be grouped
together by the higher-level dimension,

4. Optionally drag the dimension or
measure you want to color-code rectan-
gles with to Color on the Marks card.

Note several traits of the resulting tree


Member names for both dimensions

appear on each rectangle.

Rectangles for the higher-level dimen-

sion (Region) appear together. The overall
size of the higher-level rectangles is based
on the Size measure (in this example, Cen-
tral region has significantly higher sales
overall than other regions, and East has
significantly lower sales).

Individual rectangles are color-coded

(in this example, low-profit states display
varying shades of red, while high-profit
states display varying shades of green).

Word Cloud

Another new Tableau 8 visualization is the make use of the following Marks card set-
word cloud (also referred to as a tag tings:
cloud). The word cloud displays members
of a chosen dimension as text, but in vary- The mark type is set to Text from the

ing sizes and colors, depending on one or drop-down.

two measures. A common example of

The dimension used to create the
word cloud usage is analyzing the eective-
words is placed on Text.
ness of search engine keywords in website
visit metrics. The measure used to vary the size of
words is placed on Size.
To modify an existing word cloud created
with Show Me!, or to create your own, The dimension or measure used to
vary the color of words is placed on Color.

Creating Dashboards

In many cases, the finished product in a business intelligence project consists of one or
more dashboards. A Google search on dashboard probably will return more computer-
related definitions than descriptions of the portion of a car the displays the speedometer,
fuel gauge, and other key performance indicators. Still, a BI dashboard serves a similar pur-
pose: to combine, in one viewable space, more than one key performance indicator, chart,
or diagram to present a unified view to your audience.

While some other BI products allow starting with a blank dashboard and adding compo-
nents to it, Tableau presents a dierent dashboard paradigm. In Tableau, individual work-
sheets, each with a single visualization, are created within a workbook first. After desired
sheets have been created, one or more sheets are combined on one or more dashboards
in the same workbook. Depending on how the workbook is finally distributed or viewed (in
a copy of Tableau Desktop, exported to a PDF file, or posted to Tableau Server or Tableau
Public), the end user may view the combined dashboard, individual sheets, or both.

Note: A complete discussion of Tableau distribution options is presented in Chapter


Hyperlink Placeholder: Chapter 8 - Dashboards.twbx

Creating a Simple Dashboard

As mentioned previously, Tableaus basic When youre ready to create a dashboard

dashboard paradigm revolves around exist- in an existing workbook, right-click on the
ing worksheets. As such, youll want to tab list or filmstrip view and choose New
think about your ultimate dashboard re- Dashboard from the context menu,
quirement as you create individual work- click the New Dashboard tab along
sheets. Probably the most basic, but some- the bottom of the workspace, or
times ignored, consideration is the names choose Dashboard | New Dashboard from
given to worksheets. Not only will meaning- the drop-down menus. A blank dashboard
ful worksheet names help you keep track will appear with the data window replaced
of desired views when designing the dash- by four sections: a list of existing work-
board, but worksheet names will automati- sheets in the workbook, a selection of addi-
cally appear on the dashboard as individ- tional dashboard elements (covered in the
ual titles. next section of this chapter), a layout sec-
tion containing the organization of items
Other dashboard considerations include added to the dashboard, and a sizing sec-
additional visual elements in each work- tion for customizing dashboard element
sheet beyond the basic visualization. For sizes.
example, visible color legends, size leg-
ends, and quick filters will be included on If youve used Tableau versions prior to 8,
the dashboard when you initially add the one dashboard change will be of particular
worksheet. While you can move or remove interest. Notice the Tiled/Floating choice
any extra element that you dont want on a just below the list of dashboard elements
dashboard, you may choose to hide any about midscreen. By default this is set to
extraneous legends or quick filters on the Tiled, which will result in behavior you are
worksheet itself before you even begin familiar with from previous Tableau ver-
dashboard design. sions. The Floating option, new in Tableau
8, allows far more free-form placement of

objects on the dashboard than in previous tiled worksheet elements on the dash-
versions. board) can be freely placed in any location.

This selection can be changed at any time, Best Practice: Especially if youve used
and applies to any worksheets you add to earlier versions of Tableau, you may be
the dashboard moving forward. If the de- immediately tempted to add all dash-
fault Tiled setting board elements with the Floating option
is retained, work- for maximum flexibility. Youll soon dis-
sheets will be cover, however, that perfectly aligning
placed on the dashboard in a logical side-
dashboard elements may prove dicult.
by-side, top-and-bottom fashion, with no
It may be preferable to use the Tiled op-
worksheet, legend, title, caption, or quick
tion to facilitate good element align-
filter permitted to overlap any other dash-
ment. You can then select individual
board element. If Floating is chosen, any
dashboard elements that you want to
worksheet added to the dashboard from
move freely (such as legends), and
that point forward (even if there are already

choose the Floating option for them board. Tableau will add each worksheet to
only. This is discussed later in the chap- the dashboard in a side-by-side, then top-
ter under Floating Placement. and-bottom order.

Tiled Placement For example, if you double-click two work-

This default setting uses the same dash- sheets, the second will be placed to the
board design approach as previous ver- right of the first, with the dashboard di-
sions of Tableau, placing worksheets and vided in half vertically. If you double-click a
their associated elements (captions, quick third sheet, the dashboard will split verti-
filters, and so forth) in a strict no-overlap cally on the left, with the third worksheet
order on the dashboard. The most basic appearing below the first. A fourth double-
way to use tiled placement is to simply click will divide the dashboard into four
double-click on worksheet names in the or- even quarters, one worksheet being
der you want to add them to the dash- placed in each. All related worksheet ele-

Figure 8.1 Basic tiled dashboard created using double-click

ments (such as quick filters and legends)
will be placed on the right side of the dash-
board. Figure 8-1 illustrates a simple dash-
board containing four worksheets that
were double-clicked in order of appear-
ance in the worksheet list.

You can also drag and drop worksheets

from the worksheet list onto the dash-
board. While resulting placement of new
views can seem confusing if youre just get-
ting used to dragging and dropping A thin dark box (typically at the very
sheets, there are a few tips that will help edge of the dashboard, but also between
you master exactly where the sheet you legends and worksheets) indicates that the
are dragging will appear in relation to exist- sheet will take up that entire portion of the
dashboard, resizing all other dashboard
elements to accommodate it.

ing sheets.

A large dark box indicates that the

sheet will split the dashboard in half verti-
cally or horizontally.

Once youve placed a worksheet on the
A medium dark box indicates that the dashboard, you can move it to a dierent
sheet will be placed in between the two ele- location. When you select the desired
ments on either side, resizing the other sheet on the dashboard, youll notice the
two elements to accommodate it. small series of white dots at the top of the
title bar (known as a move handle). Hold
your mouse down on the move handle and
drag the sheet to the desired location,
keeping in mind the tips just discussed.

You can also resize a worksheet or legend

once it has been placed on the dashboard.
Point to the top, bottom, left, or right edge
of the element you want to resize until you
see a double-arrow cursor. Drag to resize
the selected element, and resize adjoining
elements accordingly. Tableau makes ex-
perimenting easy. If you dont like the re-

sult of a worksheet placement or resize, Floating Placement
simply click the undo button in the toolbar, While tiled dashboards guarantee perfect
or press CTRL-z, and try again. alignment, they also present a certain
amount of rigidity that has sometimes
Tip: After you add a worksheet to the
proven frustrating in previous Tableau ver-
dashboard, you may find that the visuali-
sions. Tableau 8 introduces floating place-
zation in the worksheet is not properly ment that permits worksheets and associ-
sized. There may be scrollbars that you ated dashboard elements to be placed
dont want to see, or an object may be freely anywhere on a dashboard.
too small or too large for the space its
been allotted on the dashboard. Similar After clicking the Floating button under
to the size option available in the tool- Add New Sheets and Objects as, work-
sheets can be freely placed anyplace on
bar when youre creating a worksheet,
the dashboard. The dark boxes described
you can size the object separately
in the previous section of this chapter
within the dashboard. Right-click on the
wont appear and you can drop the work-
worksheet name in the Layout area on
sheet anywhere you please. If the work-
the left of the screen, or click the con-
sheet includes legends, quick filters, or a
text arrow in the upper right of the title
caption, these items will also be placed on
bar. Choose the desired size from the
the dashboard as free-form elements.
Fit option on the context menu. Once they have been dropped, work-
sheets and their associated elements can
be freely moved and resized without limita-
tion. An immediate benefit of floating place-
ment is the ability to move legends on top
of existing worksheets that may have
blank areas, such as maps. Figure 8-2 illus-
trates this.

Figure 8.2 Floating worksheets and legends

Quick filter floating

over map

Tiled Worksheet

Map legend floating

Worksheet floating
over map
on top of other work-

Floating image and


1 2 3 4 5

If you already have existing tiled work- make the desired floating-order choice
sheets on the dashboard, floating work- from the context menu.
sheets will always appear on top of them.
If you have multiple floating worksheets,
you can choose the floating order, placing
one object on top of or behind other float-
ing objects. Right-click on the object name
in the Layout area on the left of the work-
space, or click the context arrow in the up-
per right of the title bar on the object, and

Tip: You may find that a combination of tiveness. For example, if a worksheet mark
tiled and floating dashboard elements is size encoded, and the actual values of
gives you the best of both worlds. For the size arent necessary for eective use
example, you may prefer the perfect of the dashboard, a size legend may unnec-
alignment of several tiled worksheets. essarily take up valuable dashboard
However, you then may want to place space. The same consideration may apply
to a color legend if general color encoding
map legends over unused areas of a
can be deduced by simply looking at the
map (such as open water). Simply select
worksheet. In these cases, simply select
the legend you want to float, click the
the legend and click the small x in the
context arrow in the title bar, and check
upper-right corner to remove the legend. If
Floating from the context menu. The leg-
you later want to redisplay a dashboard ele-
end can then be moved to any place on
ment, just select the associated sheet on
the dashboard, such as over open water
the. Then make the desired choice from
on the map.
the Analysis drop-down menu, or context
menu (displayed by clicking the context ar-
Associated Dashboard Elements
row in the title bar).
Any legends, titles, quick filters, and pa-
rameters originally belonging to a work- You can also move elements away from
sheet will appear on the dashboard when their default location (the right side of the
you add the worksheet. If you add a work- dashboard for tiled worksheets, and next
sheet in tiled mode, the associated ele- to the associated worksheet in floating
ments will be tiled. If you use floating mode). For example, a tiled legend on the
mode, associated elements will be free- right side of the dashboard may be more
floating on the dashboard. If the work- eective if it appears next to its associated
sheets that make up your dashboard con- worksheet that may have been placed in
tain even a moderate number of these as- the lower left of the dashboard. Dont for-
sociated elements, the dashboard can get the new Tableau 8 option to float leg-
quickly become cluttered with multiple leg- ends, even if the associated worksheet is
ends, filters, and parameters. tiled, permitting the legend to be placed
partially or fully on top of the associated
Consider removing extraneous elements
that dont add to overall dashboard eec-

Best Practice: If you have several work-
sheets that use the same quick filter,
consider one of several approaches to
eliminate duplicate quick filters appear-
ing on a dashboard. Tableau 8 provides
more flexibility than previous versions
with options on the quick filter context
menu. Look for choices to apply the
quick filter to the entire data source (pre-
viously referred to as Global), or one or
more sheets on the dashboard. You may
also consider using a parameter instead
of a quick filter. The parameter can be
applied flexibly to more than one work-
sheet, but need only be displayed on the
dashboard once. Quick filters and pa-
rameters are covered in detail in Chap-
ter 5.

Advanced Dashboard Elements

So far, this chapter has discussed adding With tiled worksheets (when using tiled
worksheets, and their associated ele- mode in version 8, and with Tableau ver-
ments, to a dashboard. Tableau includes sions before 8), layout containers are an in-
additional elements you can add from the tegral part of a dashboard. In fact, even
left side of the screen when creating a though you dont explicitly choose them,
dashboard. These additional elements per- layout containers are added in quantity
mit text and images to be placed on the when you add worksheets in tiled mode.
dashboard, as well as additional items to Consider the dashboard illustrated in Fig-
support web pages within dashboards, ure 8-3, which was created by simply drag-
and blank objects for spacing, and contain- ging three worksheets to a new dashboard
ers to help further refine the way a dash- with tiled mode selected. Because one
board is organized. In addition, the Layout worksheet includes two legends and a
and Size sections provide various ways of quick filter, and another worksheet in-
interacting with and customizing your dash- cludes another legend, several layout con-
board. tainers are automatically created to accom-
modate the combination of worksheets
Layout Container and associated dashboard elements.
A layout container is an outline or box that
contains other objects, such as work- Note: If you are using floating mode,
sheets, legends, and quick filters. The you will probably find layout containers
main benefit of a layout container is auto- to be of little benefit. They are generally
matic resizing of objects within it. If, for ex- only applicable to tiled dashboards.
ample, a quick filter changes the size of a
worksheet in a container (perhaps a cross-
tab shows fewer rows), the other objects in
the container will automatically resize to ac-
commodate the smaller worksheet.

Figure 8.3 Layout containers automatically added to a dashboard

There are two general ways to familiarize sheet widths or heights to automatically re-
yourself with automatic layout container size, respectively. Then drag worksheets
creation: into the just-added containers. Look care-
fullya thin blue outline around an existing
From a worksheets context menu container indicates that a worksheet will
(click the context arrow in a worksheets ti- be dropped in that container. If you dont
tle bar), choose Select Layout Container. see the blue outline, your worksheet will
This will highlight the layout container that be dropped into something other than the
the worksheet is contained within. desired layout container.

Examine the Layout section of the You can add a border to layout containers
dashboard window on the left side of the with the Format option. Select the desired
screen (covered in more detail later in the layout container and click the context ar-
chapter). This section outlines the layout row in the title bar, choosing Format from
container hierarchy of the dashboard, indi- the context menu. You can also right-click
cating how many layout containers there on the container name in Layout and
are, whether they are horizontal or vertical, choose Format Container. The dashboard
and what dashboard elements are con- section on the left will be replaced by a bor-
tained within them. der format option. Choose the type of bor-
der you would like the container to display.
You can add
your own layout
containers to
Another dashboard element thats primarily
your dashboard
intended for tiled dashboards is the blank.
by dragging
When dragged to a dashboard and sized
them from the
to a desired width or height, this element
left side of the
simply inserts white space that can be
screen to the
used to separate dashboard elements
from each other.
Choose a hori-
zontal or verti- Text
cal container, In addition to individual worksheet titles
depending on whether you want work- (which appear automatically when a work-

sheet is added to a dashboard), as well as image on a web server. Once an image has
an overall dashboard title that can be dis- been added, you can change or format the
played by way of the Dashboard | Show Ti- image by right-clicking on the image on
tle drop-down menu item, you can add ad- the dashboard or right-clicking on the im-
ditional text by dragging this item from the age item in Layout.
left side of the dashboard window. When
you drop the text element, an edit dialog Best Practice: Many a dashboard in-
box will appear allowing you to type and cludes a large company logo, often in
format text, including adding predefined the upper left of the dashboard. Recon-
dashboard fields from the Insert drop- sider this approach. As the human eye
down menu. Text can be added in either generally processes information from
tiled or floating mode. In tiled mode, text left to right and top to bottom, the up-
will exhibit the same gray box behavior per left of a dashboard is often the first
as other dashboard elements when being thing seen. A key metric is probably bet-
placed or moved on the dashboard. ter suited for upper-left placement in a
Also usable in tiled or floating mode, a bit- Web Page
map graphic can be added to your dash- A web page can be embedded in a dash-
board by dragging Image from the left of board by dragging Web Page from the left
the dashboard window. Once dropped on side of the screen. A URL prompt accepts
the dashboard, a dialog box will appear any standard web page address. All typical
prompting for the web page interactivity, such as hyperlinks,
choice of an im- is available on the web page in the dash-
age file from a board. While this allows you to include a
local or network static web page in your dashboard, excep-
drive. Navigate tional flexibility to customize web page in-
to the desired teractivity exists with dashboard actions,
folder and se- which are discussed later in the chapter.
lect an image
file. You can
also type in a
full URL to an

Setting Dashboard and Element Or you may prefer to match the dashboard
Sizes to a standard web page size or computer
As a general rule, placing worksheets on desktop size. Again in the Layout section,
dashboards is a simple drag-and-drop select Dashboard (or ensure that no work-
process. And sizing elements once they ap- sheet or other elements are selected on
pear on a dashboard is simplejust point the dashboard itself). The Size section pre-
to the element and resize when the sizing sents a drop-down menu with a variety of
handles appear. However, Tableau 8 intro- dashboard size options.
duces the Size section in the lower left of
the dashboard window, which provides pre-
cise control over the position and size of
individual dashboard elements (provided
they are in floating mode). Either on the
dashboard itself or in the Layout section
above the Size section, select the work-
sheet, legend, or other element that you
want to change. Then make desired en-
tries in the Size section.

There is also an option to size the entire

dashboard. You may, for example, find that
scroll bars appear on the right or bottom of
the dashboard that you dont want to see.

Dashboard Actions

Tableau provides flexible interactivity in URLNavigate to a web page. Option-

your dashboards beyond the default ally, pass selected information from the
tooltips that appear when you hover your worksheet to the URL to personalize it.
mouse over worksheet marks. This interac-
tivity is supplied via dashboard actions, in- Furthermore, there are three ways that the
teractive settings that allow you to high- viewer can initiate a dashboard action:
light, filter, and navigate from any mark on
HoverSimply hover your mouse
any worksheet on your dashboard.
over a mark.
Note: Some of the interactivity dis-
SelectClick on a mark.
cussed in this section also applies to in-
dividual worksheets. When editing a MenuChoose the option from the
worksheet, choose Worksheet | Actions tooltip or right-click context menu.
from the drop-down menus to create
and edit actions. Caution: Be judicious with use of dash-
board actions initiated by hovers. Typi-
There are three types of dashboard ac- cally, only highlight actions are appropri-
tions: ate for this method. Otherwise, simple
mouse movement may initiate time in-
HighlightHighlight matching marks
tensive or undesired actions.
on one or more sheets in the dashboard.

Highlight Action
FilterFilter one or more sheets on
The purpose of a highlight action is to high-
the dashboard based on a chosen mark,
light related marks on other sheets in your
or navigate to another sheet or dashboard
dashboard based on a chosen mark in a
in the workbook.
source sheet. A basic example of highlight-
ing that Tableau provides by default is ex-
hibited when you click on an individual en-

try in a color legend. Youll typically see lect, or menu). In the Source Sheets sec-
marks on the related sheet highlighted tion of the dialog box, choose one or more
based on the legend entry you click. When worksheets that you want the action to oc-
you deselect the color legend entry, marks cur on. In the Target Sheets section,
are un-highlighted on the sheet. A highlight choose one or more worksheets that you
action takes this capability a step further want to be highlighted based on the se-
and allows selections on the actual work- lected mark in the source sheet or sheets.
sheet itself to highlight other related marks There should be a common dimension in
on other sheets. source and target sheets, or highlighting
wont have the desired eect.
To create a highlight action, select Dash-
board | Actions from the drop-down In this example, when the mouse is hov-
menus. The Actions dialog box will appear. ered over a section of a Region % Break-
Click the Add Action button and choose down pie chart, corresponding regions will
Highlight from the pop-up menu. From the be highlighted in the Customer Count by
Highlight Action dialog box, select the State sheet.
method of initiating the action (hover, se-

menu in the title bar (or right-click on the
desired sheet in Layout) and check Use As
Filter from the context menu. Thereafter,
when you click on any mark in the source
sheet, all other sheets on the dashboard
will be filtered to only show values match-
ing what you clicked on the source sheet.
Choose the same context menu and un-
check Use As Filter if you want to turn this
option o.

When you use the context menu option, a

generated filter action will appear in the
Dashboard | Actions dialog box. If you
want to remove or customize the gener-
ated filter action, make choices from the
Filter Action Actions dialog box. You can also create
While quick filters and parameters are op- new filter actions directly from this dialog
tions for filtering interactivity on a dash- box. After creating a new filter action, se-
board, a filter action permits additional in- lect the method of initiating the action (Se-
teractivity, where one or more worksheets lect or Menu are probably the best two
on the dashboard are filtered based on a choices). In the Source Sheets section of
chosen mark on the source sheet. For ex- the dialog box, choose one or more work-
ample, when a certain mark is clicked on sheets that you want the action to be exe-
one sheet, other sheets will refresh, only cuted from. In the Target Sheets section,
showing marks that match the item that choose one or more worksheets that you
was clicked on the source sheet. want to be filtered based on the selected
mark in the source sheet or sheets.
Filter actions can be created directly from
a worksheets context menu, or from the By default, you can multiselect marks on
Dashboard | Actions dialog box discussed the source sheets with ctrl-click to filter on
earlier. Decide which sheet you want to act more than one mark. If, however, you only
as the filter source. Select the context want to allow a single mark to be high-

lighted to filter, check Run on single se-
lect only. The three options under Clear-
ing the selection will allow you to specify
behavior when a filter action is cleared (for
example, if the viewer clicks the same
mark that was initially filtered, or clicks on
a blank area of the source sheet). Leave
the filter will leave the filter active on other
sheets. Show all values will return all val-
ues to target sheets as though no filter
was applied. And Exclude all values will
display no data at all on the target sheets.
While the Exclude all values option may
initially seem of little use, it comes in
handy for drill-down types of actions,
where you only want target sheets to ap-
pear when a filter has been selected, and
to display nothing when no filter is se-
lected. Finally, the Target Filters section al- Another capability of a filter action that
lows you to choose a limited set of fields may not be initially obvious is the ability to
to apply the filter action to, and to map navigate to another sheet or dashboard in
source and target fields if dierent sheets your workbook. In this case, a standard fil-
are not using the same field names. ter action is created as described previ-
ously, but a dashboard or worksheet other
In this example, a click on a mark in the than the current dashboard is selected in
Customer County by State sheet will filter the Target Sheets area. In this example, an
a Drill Down Crosstab on the dashboard. arrow visualization has been placed on
When the filter is cleared on the source the dashboard to appear as a navigation
sheet, the Drill Down Crosstab will show button. A filter action is initiated when its
no data. clicked. Notice, however, that the Target
Sheets section displays a completely dier-
ent dashboard than the Source Sheets sec-

you want the action to occur on. Then type
or paste the desired URL into the URL
box. To customize the URL depending on
which mark is selected to initiate the ac-
tion, click the small right-arrow at the end
of the URL to display fields that are used
in the source sheets. When you select one
of the fields, a placeholder will be added to
the current cursor position in the URL.
When the URL is executed, the current
value from that field will be placed in the

URL options at the bottom of the dialog

box allow you to URL-encode custom field
values added to the URL (for example, to
replace spaces or other special characters
with % encoded characters). You can per-
URL Action mit multiple marks to be selected when the
A URL action allows a web page to be URL action is initiated with the appropriate
launched from within your dashboard. Fur- checkbox. You can then specify the item
thermore, any field in use on the source and escape delimiter to separate the multi-
worksheet can be used to customize the ple values and end of the value list in the
URL. This permits Tableau to display cus- URL.
tom web pages from the Internet or to inte-
In this example, if a user hovers their
grate with other web-based systems in
mouse over or right-clicks on the Drill
your organization.
Down Crosstab sheet, theyll be presented
After creating a new URL action, select the a hyperlink option to Google the currently
method of initiating the action (Select or highlighted customer. When this is clicked,
Menu are probably the best two choices). a URL action will display the Google web
In the Source Sheets section of the dialog page with the current customer name
box, choose one or more worksheets that added to the URL at an appropriate point

(as a value to a q= parameter). As there
is no Web Page element in the dashboard,
a separate web browser will launch with
the results of a Google search on the cur-
rent customers name.

Note: If your dashboard contains a Web

Page element added from the dash-
board menu, it will be updated in-place
when a URL action takes place. If there
is no such element in your dashboard,
Tableau will launch a separate web
browser window as the target for the
URL action.


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