Oracle Essbase 11.1.2: Bootcamp Ed 2.0: Course Setup Document

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Course Setup Document

Oracle Essbase 11.1.2: Bootcamp Ed 2.0

Global Course Code: D63979GC20

Modification History
Created by: Pete DeHaan ( on 11/11/11

Welcome, and thank you for choosing Oracle University. This technical document describes the
necessary steps to follow in order to replicate the technical environment for which these courses were
designed. Before proceeding, you may find it helpful to print this document for ease of reference.

Alternative Configurations
We strongly recommend following the exact configurations described in this document. However,
we realize that with the abundance of hardware, software, and networking configurations it will
not always be possible to follow these steps to the letter. As a result, here is a brief overview of
some additional configurations that may work. Please be sure to test these configurations
thoroughly and discuss them in detail with your Oracle University Representative before utilizing
them to support the course.

Essbase Server and mid-tier services can be installed on a separate server PC, and client
workstations can be configured to connect to the server over an intranet. In this setup, each
student would require a separate login ID (for example, trnadmin1, trnadmin2, and so on). When
creating applications on the shared server, students would need to name their applications
uniquely (for example, Bigcorp1, Bigcorp2, and so on). Some scripted batch processes will not
work in this environment.

Additionally, Oracle 11g can be replaced with any supported relational database (see Product
Compatibility Matrix for more information before product installation). Product installation data is
stored in a relational database, as is course-specific data.

Software Licenses and Support

Please note the following as it relates to software licenses and support:
Oracle University does not provide product software or licenses for on-site training events. This
document assumes possession of all applicable Oracle software and associated licenses.
It is not possible to provide a complete and thorough installation guide in this document, though
effort is made to include important directions to follow when performing the installation.
Customers with product installation issues should open a Technical Assistance Request (TAR) with
Oracle World Wide Support for resolution.

Required Files
The following files are needed for the purposes of completing this setup. If you are missing all or
part of these files please contact your Oracle University Representative: (This file includes all the files listed

D63979GC20_Setup.doc (This document) (This file contains files for configuring the Essbase environment) (This file contains all files necessary for labs during the class)

Glossary of Terminology
Application Instance Every time an application is started, memory is allocated and Essbase
background processes are started.
ARBORPATH Operating system variable that points to the directory where Essbase was
Client Workstation The computer where client software is installed. Client software might
include Administration Services Console, Smart View client, and an HTML browser. In a 3-Tier or
N-Tier architecture this would be the Client Tier. In the training environment, this is sometimes
known as the student PC.

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Database - Collection of data that is treated as a unit. The purpose of a database is to store and
retrieve related information. The database consists of operating system files: data files, control
files and redo log files.
Essbase Server - Computer where Essbase databases are created.

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Setup Instructions
Hardware Requirements
In its default configuration, this class is designed to run with Essbase Server and client
applications installed on every student PC, making each student PC a standalone database
server and client.
On each student PC, you must create the following local administrator-level user account:

User Name Password

admin hyperion

Minimum hardware requirements:

PC: server with 1 CPU, 2.00 GHz
HD: 150 GB
O/S: Windows XP or Server 2003

Software Requirements
Minimum software requirements:
Foundation Services
Foundation Services web applications
Essbase client
Essbase Administration Services client
Essbase Administration Services web application
Provider Services web application
Essbase Services server
Smart View client
Oracle 11g
Oracle SQL Developer*
Microsoft Word 2007
Microsoft Excel 2007
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (reader) for instructor PC only
MSXML 4.0 sp2 Parser and SDK
MSXML 6.0 Parser
Office 2003 Web Components
* Not required for class labs, but useful for optional instructor demonstrations.

Database Configuration Instructions (Oracle 11g)

Install Oracle 11g using the following specifications:
Port: 1521
System password: hyperion
Create the following schema/users with the password hyperion and all admin roles and system
privileges to store required data:
HSS A schema to hold Shared Services data
EAS A schema to hold Essbase Administration Services data
BIGCORP A schema used during class labs

Software Installation Instructions

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For detailed instructions, refer to Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management

System - Installation Start Here RELEASE available on
In the EPM system installer, select the following options:
Middleware Home setting: C:\Oracle\Middleware
New installation Choose components individually
In the product list, select the following options:
Foundation Services
Foundation Services Web Applications
Essbase Client
Essbase Administration Services Client
Essbase Administration Services Web Application
Provider Services Web Application
Essbase Services Server
NOTE: The Smart View client is not installed using the EPM System Installer. The Smart View client has
a standalone executable for installation.

Software Configuration Instructions

From the Start menu, select Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Foundation Services, then
EPM System Configurator.
Configure system:
Foundation Services (password = hyperion)::

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Common settings configuration:

Weblogic domain configuration (user/password = epm_admin/hyperion1):

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Oracle HTTP Server:

Deploy APS to WebLogic Server:

Essbase Server:

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Essbase Administration Services:

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Confirming MSXML Modules 4.0 and 6.0

Open the Installed Programs list, select Start, then Settings, then Control Panel, and then Add or
Remove Programs.
Confirm that MSXML 4.0 sp2 Parser and SDK and MSXML 6.0 Parser are displayed in the Currently
installed programs and updates list.
If necessary, download and install MSXML 4.0 Sp2 Parser and SDK, available from
If necessary, download and install MSXML 6.0 Parser, available from

Confirming Services
Open the Services panel. In the Services list, ensure that the following services have a status of
Hyperion Administration Services - Web Application
Hyperion Foundation Services - Managed Server
Hyperion Provider Services - Web Application
Oracle Process Manager (ohsInstance2553983643)
Oracle Process Manager (EPM_epmsystem1)

If one of the preceding services is not started, select the service and click .
Close the Services dialog box.
Run EPM diagnostic: select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Foundation
Services, then epmsystem1, and then EPM System Diagnostic.

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EPM Diagnostics (1st part):

EPM Diagnostics (2nd part):

In the diagnostic results, a test status of FAILED indicates that the service or database is not running.

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Modifying the Hosts File

From Windows Explorer, perform a search for hosts.
Open the hosts file in a text editor.
Add the following text to the bottom of the hosts file: localhost
Save the hosts file.
Close the hosts file.

Adding an Environment Variable

On the Windows desktop, right-click My Computer, and select Properties.
Select the Advanced tab, and click Environment Variables.
Add the following user or system variable:
Variable name: ESSAPPS
Variable value: c:\oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\ EssbaseServer\essbaseserver1
Save the variable and close the System Properties dialog box.

Configuring the Essbase Installation

From Windows Desktop, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Essbase, then
Administration Services, and then Start Administration Services Console.
The Essbase Administration Services Login dialog box is displayed.
Complete the following tasks:
In the Administration Server drop-down list, select the current computer name, or type localhost.
In the Username text box, enter admin.
In the Password text box, enter hyperion.
Click OK.
Administration Services Console is displayed.
In the Enterprise View navigation hierarchy, right-click the Essbase Servers node, and select Add
Essbase Server.
The Add Essbase Server dialog box is displayed.
Complete the following tasks:
In the Essbase node text box, enter localhost.
In the Username text box, type admin.
Select Use Single Sign On.
Click OK.
The server localhost is displayed in the navigation hierarchy under Essbase Servers.
Expand the localhost server node.
The server hierarchy is displayed under localhost.
Close Administration Services Console.

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Course Setup Instructions

Course Files Installation (Student and Instructor PCs)
Unzip to the C drive.
This archive contains full path information, and automatically creates the C:\CF\Bootcamp
Create a desktop shortcut to the C:\CF\Bootcamp directory called Essbase Bootcamp.
Create a desktop folder called Managing Services. Add scripts for starting and shutting down
services to the folder.

Creating the Bigcorp data warehouse

The instructions in this section assume the use of Oracle 11g to store Bigcorp Warehouse data. If
you are using a different relational database, you can import the necessary Bigcorp data from
zfamlev.txt, located in the CF\Bootcamp\Loadrule folder. This data is primarily used for the
optional exercise 6.2. (Alternatively, you can try applying the files in

Select Start, then Run.

In the text box, enter cmd and click OK.
At the command prompt, enter imp and press Enter.
Enter the following information:
Username: bigcorp
Password: hyperion
Import file: c:\Setup Files\bigcorpwh.dmp
Accept the following defaults by pressing Enter:
Buffer size
List contents of import file only
Ignore create error due to object existence
Import grants
Import table data
For Import entire export file, enter yes.
Press Enter to start the import.
Open Oracle SQL Developer and navigate to the admin schema. Expand the list of Tables for trnadmin
and verify the table Products exists.
Select the Products table.
In the column list, select ID.

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Select Actions, then Column, and then Drop.

The Drop dialog box is displayed.
Click Apply.
The message Column PRODUCTS.ID has been dropped is displayed.
Click OK and close SQL Developer.

Configuring ODBC
From the Windows desktop, select Start, then Settings, then Control Panel, then Administrative
Tools, and then Data Sources (ODBC).
Select the System DSN tab.
Click Add.
The Create a New Data Source dialog box is displayed.
Select the driver for the Bigcorp data warehouse, and click Finish.
The Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration dialog box is displayed.
Configure the driver (Configuration tasks vary from driver to driver. For example, Oracle University
classrooms use the following driver: DataDirect 6.0 Oracle Wire Protocol).
Test the connection.
Click OK to return to the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
Click OK to close ODBC Data Source Administrator.

Configuring Smart View

From Excel, with a blank workbook open, on the Smart View ribbon, click Options.
The Options dialog box is displayed.
Click Advanced.
In the Shared Connections URL text box, enter http://<server>:19000/workspace/SmartViewPro
Click Member Options, and under Indentation, select Totals.
Click Formatting, and select Use Excel Formatting.
Click OK to close the Options dialog box.
On the Smart View ribbon, click Open, and then Smart View Panel.
The Smart View panel is displayed.

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Click Shared Connections to display the Connect to Data Source dialog box.
Perform the following tasks:
For User Name, enter admin.
For Password, enter hyperion.
Click Connect.
To the right of the Server drop-down list, expand the selection list and select Add new server.
Perform the following tasks:
In the Product drop-down list, select Essbase.
In the Product Server Name text box, enter localhost.
In the User Name text box, enter admin.
In the Password text box, enter hyperion.
Click OK.
The localhost Essbase Server is displayed in the Server drop-down list.
Close Excel.

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Cleanup Instructions
The instructions in this section will return student and instructor PCs to their original state
(before installing class files and running the class.).

Removing Applications Created in Class

The script Remove_applications.bat removes the applications Bigcorp and CKD, both created
during the course of a normal class. Any additional applications created during class on the
instructor or student PC are not referenced in this script, and must be removed manually from
Essbase Administration Console.
From Windows Explorer, browse to C:\Setup Files.
Double-click Remove_applications.bat.
A process window is briefly displayed.
Browse to
C:\oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\EssbaseServer\essbaseserver1\app (or to the
Essbase installation directory, if it differs from
Open the App directory.
Verify that the Bigcorp and CKD folders have been removed from the App folder.

Removing Class Files

Delete the following folders:
C:\Setup FIles

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