The Courier-Journal, July 6, 1952

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Army Enginctn Pnoiss

COMPLETED FLOODWALL looking east from Quincy and Adams Streets is in the EXCAVATING for the Fairgrounds Pumping Plant SNORTING TRACTOR dressts the riverward slope of eight-mil- e levee in Paddy's Run
often inundated "Point" section. Economy dictated building wall in the street. resulted in a canyonlike gash that dwarfed oil tanks. section of the
works in the southwest part of Louisville.
flood-protecti- on

Louisville Soon Will Get A $15,000,000 Gift A Floodwall From Bullitt to Fairgrounds
But the red-in-
k cost can be bal- - The work was divided into six the world. It will pump 2,970,000 investment win be made more The sewage is dropped through not have to be high, and are Third Street, and Falling Run
Creek. There will be 10 closures
Costly Operation anced by protection. Lt. Col. Clar-
ence Bidgood, Army district engi-
sections. Required were 56,755
cubic yards of concrete, 5,321,185
gallons of water a minute. It would,
take 2,970 fire engines
useful and cheaper.
The plants at 27th Street, 34th
t therefore economical.
baffle plates to reduce the noise
of falling water. The pumps also Also under construction across at New Albany four streets, two
Will Pay Off neer, said the whole northwest pounds of steel, and 2,721,774 pumping at capacity to move that
big-typ- e

Street, and Shawnee Park are the Ohio is the New Albany flood
will handle sewage of the Fourth
railroads, 1 combined street and
railroad, one sandbag, and two
In Protection section of Louisville will be pro-
tected henceforth from floods as
cubic yards of earth.
The concrete walls were built
quantity of water.
The pumping plants are a good
completed. Those at Fifth, 10th,
and 17th Streets will be completed
Street sewer during floods.
In addition to pumps, levees
works. N The project was started
in 1948 and consists of 2.5 miles
pedestrian-servic- eclosures.
Colonel Bidgood recalled that
large as that of 1945. where it would be too expensive example of and inte- in October, according to schedule. and walls, the works includes of earth levee, .2 of a mile of the 1937 flood in Louisville caused
By JOIIX ESCIIRICH Over-al- l floodworks construc- to buy and destroy buildings for gration. The plan of long-rang- e
The plants at Buchanan, Fourth closures. There are 41 street concrete wall, and six pumping an estimated $52,000,000 damage.
Louisville will soon get a gift tion has been going on for five land on which to build levees. the Army engineers and the Met- Street, State Fairgrounds, Paddy's plants. Still to De ouiit are 6,8S5
closure, nine, railroad closures, Flood damage at New Albany in
valued at $15,000,000. years. It will be two years more These walls run from a few feet ropolitan Sewer District provides Run, Lee's Lane, and Mill Creek one combined street and railroad
feet of levee and 210 feet of con- the last 10 years has been esti-
Like many expensive gifts it before all the floodworks will be to towering concrete almost three that the pumping plants will be will be finished next year. The crete wall.
closure, 10 service closures, and mated at $3,500,000.
will be costly to maintain. The delivered to the city. Now the stories in height. used in the City's proposed sewage--
Beargrass Creek Planet is planned 11 sandbag closures. Contracts for three of the The latest approved cost esti- - ,
gift is the new flood-protectiv- e
levees and walls are completed Thirteen pumping plants will disposal
system. Where the for completion in 1954. The closures 'are easily erected
pumping plants have been let and mate of New Albany flood protec-
works from Bullitt and Main to except for about 100,000 cubic pump sewage and rain water dur- two systems parallel, City and The Fourth Street pumping metal parts that keep water from
it is estimated the six will be tion is $6,295,000. but this may be
near the old Fairgrounds. yards of levee between upper and ing severe floods. They have federal funds were combined for plant, now under construction, is entering through a street during
completed by December, 1953. reduced to $5,663,258.
It will require a crew of men to lower Paddy's Run, southwest of capacity . enough to pump dry the job. This step led to consid- part of an ingenious system. A a flood. The parts for such New Albany's protection line will The big Jeffersonville - Clarks-vill- e
''inspect, operate, seed grass on the city. many a small river. erable saving for both the United large interceptor sewer runs east- closures are stored in vaults at
extend from Indiana Highway 62, works has been completed
levees to prevent erosion, and pro- The project is stupendous. It The biggest plant, and one on States and the City. ward along Main and gathers all the site. These vaults are of near Silver Creek, to near Silver for several years. In the big flood
tect pump plants and closure is 17.3 miles long and will cost which construction is expected to The flood pumps can do two the sewage for the pumps to dis- heavy concrete with heavy steelHills. of 1945, by use of the uncomplet-
vaults. Also, occasional running an estimated $25,700,000, besides start in six or seven months, is jobs, pump floodwater when nec- charge into the river during doors. The pumping plants will be at ed levees and walls and tempo-- ,
of pumps wyi require much nearly $2,000,000 for rights of the Beargrass Creek Pumping essary and ojimp sewage at other floods, or to pump toward the The sandbag openings are at Slate Run, East .Market Street, rarily erected works, the two
way. . Plant, second largest of its type in times. Hence, by constant use, the treatment plant when it is built. places where the bagging will Chambers Street, 10th Street, W. towns escaped heavy damage.

r-- s i

j. n 1
Whitlow's Divorced Wife Police Asked
To Help Find
Mayor To Start Tests
Sues To Get Parking Lot For Link Hill-Burne- tt

The divorced wife of the late Roger W Whitlow yesterday Missing Man Mayor Farnsley will turn geological engineer at 10 a.m.
filed suit to obtain possession of a parking lot from Mrs. Eliza- tomorrow.
Jeffersontown Resident
beth N. Whitlow, whom Whitlow married after the divorce. Operating a rig , he will bring up the first rock
core-drillin- g

Gone More Than Week in preparation for an extension of Hill Street east to
Whitlow, 60, parking-lo- t operator and former chief of the samples
Kentucky Highway Patrol, died June 11. Police have been asked to connect with Burnett at Preston The samples will tell engineers .

In her Circuit Court suit, Mrs.

the divorced wie said thelease search for Robert Zide, his 31, who what to expect when excavation extension probably would be
Lillie P. Whitlow, 2513 Green- has been missing from home and construction begin.
had been renewed since the 1946 ready in four or five months.
wood, said she is entitled to in- not in Jeffersontown since a week ago The two-bloc- k
extension of Hill, They will be drawn up by the
come from the lot at 450 S. agreement, but he did believe
yesterday. which now dead-end- at First, will
s Louisville engineering firm of
Fourth until June 1, 1954, under that affected the agreement. ,
His wife said he left about 4:20 be the first part of a project Hazelet & Erdal.
terms of a 1946 divorce agree- Lawyer Has Doubts eliminating the Louisville & Under proposed plans for the
ment. p.m. to report to work as a fry Nashville Railroad grade crossing grade-crossin-
separation, an

Asks $600 A Month However, Frank A. Logan, at- cook at Pryor's Drive-I- Restau- n
at Preston and Burnett. The ex- overpass would carry Treston and
torney for Mrs. Elizabeth Whit- Road. He tension also will create a major the proposed North-Sout-
iji jj The agreement said that if he
died the divorced wife should be
low, 1805 Algonquin Parkway,
said he doubted that a person
rant, 4170 Shelbyville
didn t reach the cross-tow-
route, since Burnett
at Third.
pressway over Burnett, the newr

restaurant. dead-end- s
extension, and the railroad tracks.
could provide for a future lease
if hr
awarded the lease for the re- Zide. was sub- The over-al- l project will be the This would be at a point just
mainder of the lease's life. to pass to another person at his first under a $2,850,000 west of the Preston-Burnet- t in-
ject to severe
grade-separatio- n

The suit said the defendant, death. headaches and bond issue voted in tersection.
administrator of Whitlow's es- He also said a man's obligation 1950 as part of bond issues total- Cost of the project has been
tate, had refused to give the to pay alimony dies with him. naant seemea estimated as $3,200,000. The State
well in recent ing $13,350,000.
plaintiff possession of the prop- Moreover, he said an adminis- weeks, Mrs. Zide W. W Sanders, City engineer, Highway Department and the
jilt I (
Phi ft wvL"? i erty. It asked the court to order
the administrator to surrender
it, pay, $1,000 damages, and pay
S600 a month until the lot is
trator under a will must con-
tinue to administer the estate
until the end of the period for
filing claims against the estate.

.4 jr'
?T I.
A native of
said plans for the Hill Street

Louisvillian To Head
L. & N. will help finance it.

25 Miles In County
At one time Whitlow operated i., ue was un-
turned over.
Jack Sherman, an attorney for 13 parking lots in Louisville. charged from IIosj lital In Chicago Slated for Resurfacing
the Army at Mortimer Zimmerman, son of Sections of 14 rural highways
Fort Knox in
! Mrs. Zangwill --Jenkins, 2121 Mur- in Jefferson County are scheduled
Mrii, 39, Droivns Judge Upholds Zide 1948 after more
than six years ray, has been- - appointed adminis- for bituminous resurfacing. They
trator of Louis A. Weiss Memorial total 25 miles.
In Ohio River in the service. The Zides lived Also scheduled are 2.6 miles of
GETTING INSIDE PICTURE OF Iroquois Homes, new public housing project under
Courier-Journ- Photo
Curd's Silence here for three years after his dis-
charge, moved to Providence and
Hospital, Chicago.
He is a graduate of Louisviile the Bardstown Junction-Bardstow- n

construction near Hazelwood School, are Michel Marot, France; Ibrahim Elsammak, Egypt; During An Outing New Haven, Conn., and returned
Male High School an the Universi- Road from KY 61 to Clearmont
Miss Imogen Lee, England, and R. Martin Pilch, Scotland. Manuel Ball, Jr., 39, of 2336 W. In Court Case here last June.
The Zides have been married
ty of Louisville. He holds a mas- Road.
ter's degree from the University of They are among 130 miles of
Chicago and has studied hospital roads in 21 counties on which the
Walnut, drowned yesterday after- 4Vi years and have a
Suit Seeks To Recover son, Robert Michael. administration at Northwestern State Highway Department will

Planning Expert Says U. S. Cities noon while swimming in the Ohio

River off Chickasaw Park. Alleged Gambling Losses Zide hair is about 5 feet 2, has
and brown eyes, and
dark-brow- n University. open bids for improvement on
July 18 in Frankfort. j

Police said Ball and several 5 Ed is of husky build. He was driving Catholic Alumnae Plan
Learning To Map Their Oivn Growth
Lexington, Ky., July (JP)
3 la n Is
companions had gone to the park Curd does not have to answer a 1946 Nash club coupe with Ken-
Moiini Mercv Retreat Arrested
for an outing earlier in the after- questions about gambling if the tucky license
' 439-94-

noon. They said Ball waded out in

replies would incriminate him, A closed retreat will be held For Smoking In Bed
The group visited the Planning Ardito, Columbia graduate stu- the water up to his chin and sank Circuit Judge Chester D. Adams Legion Corps Wins Prize July through 20 at Mount
17 Gus Coates, 35, of 645 S. Second,
Group on Tour and Zoning Commission office to
interview Erwin Hoffmann, com-
dent; Allan J. Barker, secretary-treasure- r after swimming a f w strokes.
of the London, Ontario, Coast Guardsmen recovered the
held today. The ruling came as
a result of a suit seeking to re- Second prize of $75 in the
Mercy, Pewee Valley, under spon-
sorship of the Louisville Circle,
was arrested last night on a charge
of setting his mattress on fire
Is Visilini Here munity planner; spent a question-and-answ-

session with Nicholas

and Suburban Planning Board; body lVz hours later about 50
Miss Helen J. Cady, instructor in yards downstream from the point
cover alleged gambling losses.
When depositions were given in
and bugle
Legion's interstate drum
corps contest went this
International Federation of Cath-
olic Alumnae. The Rev. Alfred
while smoking in bed and drunken-
ness. City firemen put out a mat- -
America's .cities are learning
H. Dosker and other Municipal housing and design, Cornell Uni- Ball was last seen. the case a year ago, Curd refused year to Jefferson Post No. 15. The Horrigan, president of Bellarmine tress fire at the address about
Housing Commission staff mem- versity; Ibrahim Elsammak, Alex- to answer many of the 202 ques- Forestville, Ohio, The corps won the College, will be retreat master. j 6:30 p.m. Coates was arrested on
how to plan their own growth bet- bers, then toured old and new-publi-
andria, Egypt, graduate student; 2d Alienation Suit Filed $100 first prize. contest was Reservations may be made by a warrant sworn to by Edwin Mc- -'
tions asked him. Many concerned held at
ter than ever before, a Columbia housing projects here most Gerald W. Hopper, St. Louis activities at the Mayfair Bar, no Friday Ludlow, Ky. phoning WAbash 2024. Kinney, owner of the property.
University planning expert said
of the afternoon. architect; Miss Lee; Michel Marot, Involving Two Couples longer in operation, and Curd's
here yesterday. of Paris, France, a graduate stu-
Likes Open Areas Here dent at Harvard University;' John Robert Buster, 4322 Taylor connection with them.
"Everywhere we go, we find Their impressions were as Boulevard, yesterday filed a $60,-00- 0
that more and more people espe- B. Moore,
s suit
Enjoined From Gambling
varied as their backgrounds. Ob- Rutgers University; R. Martin
cially the business leaders real- Daynon W. Hicks, 4832 Curd once was enjoined in a
ize they've got to plan the orderly served Vernon Read, Canadian en- Pilch, architect, Glasgow, Scot- against Dixie Highway. The Circuit civil suit from gambling at the
gineer now with Architectural
Court-petitio- n

growth of their own communities," land, and Read. East Main Street address listed
Forum magazine: "I'm surprised alleged Hicks caused
said Prof. J. Marshall Miller, as- Buster's wife to leave him last for the bar.
sociate professor of planning at at the large amounts of open
Columbia. areas in your downtown sections." James French Winn, year. Mrs. H. R. Craig brought suit
Mrs. Hicks, who is seeking a against him for $26,325. She acted
He spent yesterday in Louisville Most impressive community yet Masonic Leader, Dies divorce, last month filed a $50,000 under a Kentucky law which per-
as leader of Columbia's annual visited by the group was Green-hill-
U. S." With him Ohio, near Cincinnati, one

Winchester, Ky., July 5 (P) alienatio f ections suit af mits a third party in some cases to
sue for three times the amount

of the New Deal's "greenbelt James French Winn, 93, a former against Mrs. Buster.
were 10 graduate architects and member of the Kentucky Legis- claimed lost at gambling if the
city planners from the United towns," according to Miss Imogen lature and grand high pries't of Air Force Commissions loser does not sue for recovery.
States and four foreign countries. Lee. a former planning officer the Kentucky Royal Arch Masons A similar ruling was given in a
There are still too many cities,
however, with shelfloads of "paper
plans" but nothing else to show,
said Miller.
"The thing that encourages me
with the London, England, County
All the group members were
filled with- admiration fpr the
since 1920, died at a nursing home Harrods Creek Man
here tonight.
Nathan S.
He served in the Legislature was one of Lord,
from 1885 to 1887. From 1890 to Harvard
Harrods Creek,
58 members of the
$3,150 suit against Carl Johnson
and Carson Atkins, identified as K
operators of another bar.
Man Arrested as Drunk Driver
, .V'fXP
Tennessee Valley Authority, which 1893 he was Clark County master Air ForceUniversity
unit of the
is to see more and more cities they 'inspected for three days last commissioner. Winn was one of commission
R.O.T.C. to receive a City police last night arrested
are working out their own plans week. Their tour began June 16 as second Moses Walker, 31, of 1417 W.
for parks, thoroughfares, with in New York, and continues to Kentucky's oldest practicing at- lieutenant in recently the United States Madison, on a charge of drunken
their own citizens committees torneys. Air Force Reserve.
July 25. It covers housing and He had been a Mason 72 years. driving.
instead of buying somebody's pa- other projects in 25 cities. Survivors include a sister, Mrs.
per plan for their town." The group included David Charles R. White, Paris. The fu-
neral was set tentatively for Mon- 2 Men Charged With Murder
iVeicKnox County Oil Well day.
Of Sheriff; Confession Claimed
Bar 3Ianager Charged
Called Million-Dolla- r Kind With Selling to Minor Somerset, Ky., July 5 (IP)
Willard Sprinkles, 28, and George
Jones said Sprinkles, in a signed
statement, admitted the Thursday
Barbourville, Ky., July 5 (P) What may be a million-dolla- r oil Vice Squad detectives last night Kinder, 23, today were charged
well was struck this week in Knox County. arrested Thomas R. Sams. 32, of with the murder of Pulaski County night killing. Kinder said he is
Dr. Daniel Bower said the well, on Moores Creek of Stinking 1240 Wolfe, on a charge of selling Sheriff James B. Jasper. innocent Sprinkles, in his state-
Creek, is the best yet discovered in this section. He said it was pro- beer to a minor. Commonwealth's Attorney Rus- ment, identified Kinder as the
ducing the "Pennsylvania gravity oil that will burn in a
high-grad- e Sams, manager of Nick's Big Six sell Jones said examining trial fordriver of the car in which they
tractor." Bar, 308 W. Jefferson, is accused the two Barbourville men will be fled after the sheriff was shot.
The oil was struck in the carniferous sands at 2,590 feet and of selling six bottles of beer to July 16 before County Judge C. I. Jasper, acting on a tip, was at- U. S. Army Photo
the well is believed to be the deepest one to have been drilled in Pvt. Eugene E. Longnett, 18, Fort Ross. tempting to arrest the suspected KENTUCKY TANKERS in Japan include these four from the Louisville area. In front
this section of the county. Knox. Funeral for Jasper, who was 63 bootleggers Pulaski County is le-
are Cpl. Charles Freeman, Shepherdsville, left, and Pfc. Robert L. Young, 1029 Ellison.
Comparing this oil with other strikes in the county, Dr. Bovver Longnett was charged with and a veteran of- gally dry when he was shot in

said it was of the same type as found in the Virginia oil wells which drunkenness, disorderly conduct, ficer in the area, was held this the chest and lung. He died In rear are Sgt. Roy Cochran, Jr, 301 N. Bonner, left, and Sgt. Robert R. O'Keefe, 2712
have been known as million-dolla- r wells. and buying beer illegally. afternoon. Virginia. All are members of the First Cavalry Division.

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