Beech 1972

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78, 1972] 477


By F. W. Beech
(Long Ashton Research Station, University of Bristol)

Received 2nd May, 1972

Over the last twenty years there has been a progressive improvement in the
fermentation methods employed by the cider industry. The mixed microfiora,
typical of traditional cider making and derived in the main from the processing
equipment, was first controlled by the rational addition of sulphur dioxide to the
juice. This, together with the maintenance of a rigorous standard of hygiene in the
pressing equipment, led to the need for pure yeast cultures. The process has been
further improved by the increasing adoption of fermenting vessels made with imper
vious surfaces and the use of sterile concentrated juice which can be stored until
required for dilution and fermentation.
These changes have been based largely upon chemical, biochemical and micro
biological research into all aspects of the process. Future research is directed
towards the control of the flavour of the final cider.

Introduction This review will be confined to the fermen

During the entire existence of this Journal tation of apple juice. The corresponding
there have been but three papers describing product, perry, made made from pears, has
the technology*, microbiology8 and bio been described elsewhere78.
chemistry of cider making48, the last in 1935,
and only a handful on specialized aspects of Apples
the topic since then7'35-88'40'81. It seems The cider apples traditionally used in the
appropriate, therefore, to review the present process are grown in south-west England",
state of the industry and the relevant scienti north-west France50 and Spain and formerly
fic knowledge that has been accumulated the Channel Islands08areas romantically
over the last 25 years. During this period associated with the remnants of the Celtic
the industry has progressed from being run culture. These areas contained literally
empirically to a point where control of the thousands of cultivars9, each adapted to a
flavour of the final product is a possibility. restricted area. Their names were redolent
Scientifically the industry now has many of the area, their discoverer, fruit character
features in common with brewing, although istic or the supposed qualities of the cider
initially the two were totally dissimilar, made from them. Nowadays, to give econ
apple juice being fermented with a naturally- omies in the nurseries, only a very limited
occurring mixed microflora1. The use of number of cultivars (Yarlington Mill, Dabinett
concentrated juice, analogous to the brewer's and Buhners Norman) are grown, suitable
syrups, and pure yeast cultures, is now wide for any site in the south-west95. For a
spread'6. At the same time brewing com number of reasons, the area devoted to the
panies have become involved financially with cultivation of cider apples has decreased
the cider industry leading to the greater use annually for many years until now the total
of management techniques in the latter. area devoted to cider apples in Great Britain
In the next stage of integration there will be (12,300) roughly equals that in Somerset in
even more benefits to be gained from the 195197. The cider makers, alive to the
brewer's extensive knowledge of marketing dangers of losing their prime raw material,
strategy. have financed schemes to plant new

* Based on a paper read to the Scottish Section of the Institute of Brewing on Oth November, 1071.
478 beech: cider making [J. Inst. Brew.
orchards8-88. The old type of orchard planted the enzymic solubilization of the fruit
with standard trees, really an adjunct to pectin78-94. The consequent dryer texture of
cattle raising and dairying, is unsuitable for the apples allows them to be harvested and
intensive cultivation. Further, such trees do stored in bulk without excessive damage13
not give any crops for at least the first 20 and their juice to be expressed more readily.
years, an impossible situation in modern All cider factories now have concrete silos
economics. Some 10,000 acres of new orch or yards with underground channels of re-
ards will be needed finally, each capable of circulated water. When the apples are fully
yielding at least 10 tons per acre within 7 ripe, they are pushed or washed into the
years of establishment, in place of the once channels and conveyed to a central pond, out
national average of 30 cwt for mature trees. of which rises the elevator bands or Archi
The most efficient layout for such an intensive medean screws leading to the apple mills.
cider orchard has still to be finalized. The The water soon becomes dirty with soil, grass,
layout will probably be similar to that of leaves and broken tissue. To avoid excessive
modern dessert apple orchards, not the water consumption it is screened coarsely to
short-stemmed bush trees on vigorous root- remove debris, chlorinated and continually
stocks advocated in the 1940's, but probably refreshed with clean water provided by sprays
the much smaller pyramid or spindle trees60. on the fruit being removed from the collec
At present the new orchards now in bearing tion pond. The overflow of dirty water with
are planted with bush trees on less intensive a high B.O.D. from dissolved sugars is first
rootstocks at 150-200 to the acre, compared allowed to settle and then passed through
with 50 for standards. Concurrent with percolating filters to a river, or is discharged
developments in orcharding, experimental on to the land via sprays or drainage channels.
harvesting machines have been developed
based either on rotating rubber fingers or on
suction*. The close plantings now advocated The Cider Making Process
preclude the use of tree shakers and catcher Cider is made from apple juice as a result
frames98. It will be interesting to see of two fermentations. The first, carried out
whether the new concept of the fully-automa by yeasts derived providentially from the
ted meadow orchard, based on fruiting processing equipment or added deliberately16,
shoots only, will be adopted first for cider converts sugar to ethanol and the higher
rather than dessert apples. At present it is alcohols. The second, a conversion of l()-
being used as a model for correlating the malic acid to L(+)-lactic acid and carbon
many branches of research needed for its dioxide by lactic acid bacteria34'64, present
realization. adventitiously in the juice and factory, can
The principal characteristic of cider apples occur concurrently with the yeast fermenta
is their content of phenolic compounds, so tion. More commonly it is delayed until the
that they are normally classified on this fully fermented stored ciders reach 15 C in
feature and on their acidity9. Thus, bitter- the early summer of the following year*3.
sweets contain more than 0-2% (w/v) of The cycle of cider making operations is
of "tannin" as measured by the Loewenthal shown in Fig. 1.
titration91 and less than 0-45% (w/v) titrat- This cycle, perhaps more than anything else,
able acidity, calculated as malic acid. illustrates how far cider making has moved
Bittersharps, grown much less commonly, away from the popular farmyard image it
would have the same range of tannin and still has for many members of the public.
greater than this level of acidity. Sweets and Apples are reduced to a fine pulp in a grater
sharps would have the corresponding acidities type mill made of stainless steel. The
but less than 0-2% tannin. Cull fruit, juice, having a pH value in the range of 3*0-
formerly Bramley's Seedling but now more 4-4, is very corrosive and requires equipment
generally Cox's Orange Pippin, corresponds to be made of 18/8/2 stabilized stainless
more closely to the sharp cider apple cultivars, steel, epoxy-coated steel, glass or non-
the latter generally having a higher sugar resinous wood. Plastics and suitably formu
content and a more aromatic character. lated fibreglass can also be used, provided
The tannin content of the juice, besides they have been tested previously for freedom
having a notable effect on the flavour, from flavour taints and gaseous exchange
equivalent to the brewer's hops, also inhibits with the atmosphere.
Vol. 78, 1972] beech: cider making 479

Fig. 1.Flow diagram of the process of cider making.

Apples purchased
apple concentrate

Milling and Pressing


; Pomace.
concentrated aroma

cattle food'

concentrated juice

sulphur dioxide
sugar and yeast

fermentation to dry ness

purchased cider

blending and storage

, filtration -- sweetened and pressure


chill and carbonate

flash pasteurization or sterile filtration -

Draught cider Bottled cider Keg cider

The pulp is pumped or dosed automatically horizontal cage press. The Ensink con
into the press for juice extraction. Presses tinuous belt press is used successfully in the
are of three types:the traditional rack and Netherlands for pressing the very pectinous
cloth or pack press, with one- or two-bed pulp from stored dessert apples61, but it has
single pressing action or three-bed double not yet been tried in England. Such pulps
pressing action; the Bucher-Guyer HP500 are also being treated experimentally with
mechano-hydraulically operated plate hori multi-enzyme mixtures to make juice extrac
zontal cage press4; the Speichim screw tion more economical on these and other
480 beech: cider making [J. Inst. Brew.
traditional, type presses70-'1. The mode of concentration and cool storage prevent the
operation of the presses is described in the development of browning81.01. Care must be
references85.* in addition to those that taken during storage to prevent condensation
have been cited in this paragraph. of moisture on to the surface of the concentrate
In England the residue or pomace from as this encourages the growth of osmophilic
both the single pressing pack press and the yeasts. In Switzerland considerable quanti
screw press is disintegrated and repressed. ties of apple juice are concentrated to ca 40%
The cage press is operated long enough to soluble solids without depectinization, cooled
extract all the readily-available juice in one to and stored at 0C after injection with car
cycle. The final pomace from both sources bon dioxide at a pressure74 of 3 kg/cm8.
is either dried in hot air to 12% moisture and Even so, the "half concentrate" may need
used subsequently for pectin manufacture, or prior flash pasteurization to prevent the
sold wet for ensiling as cattle food. Juice growth of lactic acid bacteria and psychro-
extraction in France is more mechanized with philic yeasts. Juice flash-heated to 110 C
the pomace from the cage or screw press for 5 s is stored at ambient temperature in
being extracted continuously with water25'66. sterile tanks in France, where cool storage of
Finally the extracted pomace is de-watered sterile juice is also practised, with or without
in two Colin screw presses, dried and stored carbon dioxide impregnation.
for the manufacture of pectin. The diluted Fresh juice or the concentrated juice recon
juice is either blended with fresh juice or, if stituted with the required amount of water
the fruit and processing conform to the is treated with amounts of sulphur dioxide10
regulations52, it can be fermented and dis appropriate to the pH and the level of sul
tilled for Calvados: otherwise it is diverted phite-binding compounds in the juice29.
to the manufacture of industrial alcohol. This is discussed in detail later under Juice
The freshly pressed juice may be fermented treatment. The sulphited juice, sometimes
directly, but increasing quantities are being adjusted to a standard specific gravity with
concentrated53 and stored for later conversion sugar, is left overnight for the ionic species of
to juice or cider in the factory, or for sale as sulphur dioxide to equilibrate59. In the
concentrate to other factories. Prior to 1950's and early 1960's when this process was
concentration, the juice is heated to 95 C at developed, the juice was then fermented by
atmospheric pressure and some 10-15% of Saccharomyces species naturally present in the
its volume removed by evaporation, con factory24. In recent years the standard of
densed, and reconcentrated a further 10 cleanliness throughout the factories has
times to give an apple aroma essence8. The become much more rigorous so that the
essence containing all the volatile apple addition of a pure yeast culture is now
aroma can be stored safely at 0 C20-100 and obligatory15. The sulphur dioxide, besides
is used in the manufacture of apple juice, inhibiting spoilage yeasts and bacteria, also
soft drinks and confectionery. prevents excessive oxidation of the juice com
The hot, partially-concentrated juice is ponents, the sum total of its action being the
cooled to 40 C, treated with a complex of production of fresh-flavoured ciders free from
fungal pectin-destroying enzymes and left taints. In the fermentation of reconstituted
two hours for the pectin to be broken down juices the anti-oxidant action is more import
to mono-, di- or tri-galacturonic acid units ant since correctly-made concentrates are
and methyl alcohol. Failure to remove the virtually sterile.
pectin leads to the formation of jelly during Fermentation is allowed to proceed natur
concentration when the sugar, add and pectin ally under an air-lock at ambient temperature.
levels reach critical values. Gelatin is The first pressed juices ferment violently in
added during the enzyming process to assist the warmth of early September but later
clarification, which may be supplemented by fermentations are more protracted as the
passing the de-pectinized juice through a weather becomes inclement. Originally,
continuous self-desludging centrifuge. Con wooden vats were used throughout the
centration is effected under a vacuum of industry, then there was a fashion to use
approximately 80 mm and at 45 C until the concrete tanks lined with a special bitu
soluble solids content reaches 70%. Avoid minous plastic preparation, but unfavourable
ing contamination of the juice with iron and rating assessments have prevented further
copper salts, cooling immediately after installations. Instead, very large tanks, up
Vol. 78, 1972] beech: cider making 481

to 1,000,000 gallons in capacity, are now types of cider just prior to bottling, in order
fabricated on site from steel plates and to counter any chance infections derived
lined internally with a sprayed-on epoxide from the bottles or filling equipment.
resin coating that is thermally polymerized. Unfortunately, the maximum level of 200
Pressure tanks lined with glass or epoxy ppm total sulphur dioxide3 is insufficient to
resin are built in specialist factories and prevent the development of Saccharomycodes
delivered to the site. Stainless steel, fibre- ludwigii, a persistent infection of cider
glass and high density polythene are used for factories. It often resists longer holding
fabricating smaller vessels. times during pasteurization by its habit of
When fermentation ceases, the ciders are forming dense clumps of cells, the innermost
left for a time to give the yeast time to members of which are effectively insulated
settle, and then they are racked and/or from the high temperature.
centrifuged to fill the storage tanks, which Uncarbonated cider is being sold more and
were formerly the fermentation tanks. more in glass jars and polythene containers.
During storage, which may last 12-18 Flash pasteurization and cold filling allow the
months, there is a blending of the new growth of species of mould having heat
cider and also between new and older ciders resistant spores82. Sterilization is now effec
in an attempt to moderate any excessive ted by heating to 82 C, holding 15 s, cooling
changes in the flavour of established pro to 63 C and filling at that temperature: the
ducts27. Because no temperature control is contents then cool to ambient naturally.
exerted during storage, the acidity of nearly Alternative methods of stabilization used in
all ciders is reduced by malo-lactic fermenta the smaller factories include sterile filtration
tion when the temperature reaches 15 C. and in-jar pasteurization at 68 C for 30 min.
This necessitates the addition of synthetic All still (uncarbonated) ciders in these types
DL-malic acid just before the blend is bottled. of container must contain free sulphur
Blending is also necessary to produce ciders of dioxide, be virtually free of iron salts and
different alcohol contents and additions of have an airtight cap. Failure to observe any
sugar syrups are made to vary the degree of one of these precautions leads to the develop
sweetness. ment of browning and oxidation hazes.
Nearly all the cider blends are clarified by Other than cask cider, well-made bottle, keg
centrifuging or kieselguhr nitration. There and jar cider should have a shelf life of at
is still a specialized market for uncarbonated, least a year.
hazy cider but this is passing more and more
into the province of the farm cider maker. Cider Research
Clear or cloudy, naturally-conditioned cask
Research into the process of cider making
cider is produced by the addition of a
over the last 20 years was concerned initially
flocculating or non-flocculating yeast to a
with a study of juice composition and then
cider sweetened sufficiently to give the
with the changes that take place during
required degree of carbonation1. A flocculat
fermentation; now a study is being made of
ing yeast is used to produce the equivalent
the factors that control flavour formation in
cider in bottle form. The necessary concen
ciders. Chemical, biochemical and micro
tration of carbon dioxide is allowed to
biological studies have been used, usually in
develop while the cider is held in a pressure
combination rather than in isolation. It is
tank, any necessary additions of sugar, acid,
not the purpose of this review to describe
etc. are injected and the whole contents of
every detail of the research: such accounts
the tank filtered and bottled under pressure.
have been published by Beech17, Beech &
In France it is known as the Charmat process
Davenport19, Burroughs30, Carr & Whiting41,
and is used in many parts of the world for
Nursten & Williams68, Pollard & Timberlake76
the production of certain sparkling wines.
and Whiting & Coggins89.
Other types of bottled cider are chilled and
carbonated artificially, sterilized by sterile
Juice Composition
filtration or flash pasteurization under pres
sure at 82 C for 15-30 s and bottled in a Chemical.Apple juice differs from wort in
sterilized counter-pressure filling machine: having a lower pH, a much lower soluble
keg ciders are treated in a similar manner. nitrogen content and a virtual absence of any
Sulphur dioxide is always added to these two sugars other than mono- and di-saccharides.
482 BEECH: CIDER MAKING [J. Inst. Brew.
The cider maker cannot control the composi described. The anti-oxidant action of SOa
tion of his juice in the manner open to the is due in part to its inactivation of the
brewer. The exact composition of each phenolase enzymes84.
juice varies according to its variety, its The soluble nitrogen content of cider
source, the orchard husbandry, the season's apple juice is largely made up of asparagine,
climate and the maturity of the fruit when it aspartic and glutamic acids. Smaller
was pressed78. The extent of such variations amounts of oc-alanine, y-amino butyric acid,
for both cider and dessert apples has been isoleucine, methylhydroxyproline, serine and
given by a number of authors. A comparison valine are usually present, while traces of
of some typical values for the major para /3-alanine, arginine, glycine, lysine, methio-
meters of cider apple juice and wort is given nine, phenylalanine, pipecolinic acid, proline
in Table I. and threonine may also be present. Protein,
purines, nucleosides and nucleotides can
usually be detected88-31.
Comparison of Average Analyses for Not only does apple juice contain only one-
Apple Juice" and Wort"
eighth of the soluble nitrogen and thiamine
contents of wort, its poverty as a medium of
Characteristics Apple Juloo Wort fermentation is further emphasized by the
Original gravity 1045-1061 1 020-1-050 seeding rates employed. Even under ideal
Titratable oddity (m.eq./lltre) 22&-130 6-11
pH 3-0-4-4 6-3-5-0 conditions, apple juice is rarely pitched with
"Tannin" (% w/v) 008-0-64
more than 1 x 10 cells/ml, whereas 6-15
Soluble nitrogen (mgN/lOOral) 3-7-14-8 60-05
times as much would be normal in brewing62.
Hence the lower nitrogen apple juice must
The average proportions of sugars present in support a greater degree of yeast growth,
cider apple juice, as percentages of the total which leads to rates of fermentation in terms
sugar content, are 74% fructose, 15% sucrose of weeks rather than days as in brewing.
and 11% glucose45. There are only small Factories based on concentrated juices now
quantities of the polyol, sorbitol88, and traces fortify the "mix" before fermentation with
of the pentoses, arabinose and D-xylose, so ammonium sulphate and thiamine to give
that there is very little residual gravity in more rapid and consistent rates of fermenta
fully fermented ciders, although there can be tion.
in perries. The major acid is l()-malic, Microbiological.The microflora of the
but cider apple varieties commonly contain ripe apple ready to harvest consists of
shikimic, quinic, chlorogenic and p-coum- Aureobasidium puttulans, species of Rhodoto-
arylquinic acids87'88'88"63: traces of a number rula, Torulopsis, Candida, Metschnikowia and
of other acids have been reported. D-Galac- Kloeckera apiculata1*^. They can be found
turonic acid is probably derived from micro- both on the skin and within the fruit tissue,
bial action on protopectin in the fruit. but their mode of entry is as yet not com
Soluble pectin consists of polymers of galac- pletely understood12'48-49. Saccharomyces
turonic acid esterified with methanol. The species and other sporulating yeasts are
pectin is hydrolyzed to pectic acid in the rarely found. The number of yeasts and
juice by the fruit enzyme pectin esterase. yeast-like organisms seldom exceeds 500 per
"Tannin" or the phenolic compounds in the g of sound fruit*4. Small numbers of acid-
juice, consist of epi-catechin, dimeric and tolerant bacteria, predominantly Acetomonas
possibly trimeric pro-anthocyanidin and the spp, are usually present. Lactic acid bac
phenolic acids described above92. Phloridzin, teria are even more rare, while non-acid-
which is now known to occur in greater tolerant bacteria are quite common but have
quantities than was previously realized86, not been identified as yet3'38.
also contributes to the bitterness of the Cider apples are allowed to fall naturally
juice, whereas chlorogenic acid does not to and are generally harvested by hand, but
any significant extent. The precise flavour machine harvesting is becoming quite com
contribution of each component of the mon. The grass, soil, etc under the trees are
phenolic fraction is now being studied heavily contaminated with micro-organisms
intensively. The enzymic and non-enzymic so the count on the fruit rises rapidly,
oxidations undergone by the phenolics when particularly if the skin is damaged. The
the fruit is damaged or ruptured have been tissue is then invaded, not only by moulds
Vol. 78, 1972] beech: cider making 483

and yeasts, but more importantly by Aceto- Unlike brewing, where wort boiling is an
monas species that produce 2-5-diketo com essential part of the present process, steriliz
pounds42 from glucose and fructose. These ing apple juice by heating causes clarification
compounds are important throughout the problems. The pectin esterase of the juice
process of cider making since they combine is destroyed, preventing de-methylation of
with the sulphur dioxide used to control the the pectin, which in turn prevents the action
microflora and render it ineffective. The of the yeast polygalacturonase which attacks
numbers and complexity of the microflora pectic acids only. There is also denaturation
increase with each stage of harvesting, trans of any protein present in the juice so that
port and storage, mainly with Kloeckera even the addition of pectin-destroying
apiculata. enzymes, while allowing clarification to take
The most dramatic change is observed when place, does not give optimum filtration rates
comparing the microflora of apples being afterwards. If the juice is flash pasteurized,
elevated to the mill and that of the juice addition of a small amount of anti-oxidant,
issuing from the press12. Increases of several such as sulphur dioxide, appears to be
orders of magnitude were not uncommon up desirable, but the whole problem of juice
until the early 1960's, some factory juices oxidation needs careful re-examination. Even
having counts of 1-2 x 10 yeast cells/ml. without these difficulties, so long as cider
More important still the increase occurred in makers continue to use wooden vats, it will
Saccharomyces, Hansenula and Pichia spp. be impossible to realize the full benefit of
Similar results have been obtained in Contin flash pasteurization.
ental, Israeli and Russian fruit juice factories. For all these reasons, sulphur dioxide,
The precise composition of this factory flora combined with a careful cleaning programme,
varied from one factory to another: even has proved the least objectionable method of
when Saccharomyces cerevisiae was present control so far; a similar situation exists in
throughout all the factories, there were still wine making. The optimum amount of
differences amonst the strains isolated from sulphur dioxide required in a juice is deter
each factory24. Not surprisingly some fac mined primarily by the pH, since it is claimed
tories were plagued with filtration problems that undissociated sulphurous acid is the
from non-flocculating yeast, aroma of hydro principal inhibitory agent87. Its presence has
gen sulphide, etc. Concurrent with this never been demonstrated and sulphur dioxide
increase in yeasts there were similar increases may well exist mostly in the molecular state
in the numbers of Acetomonas, Acetobacter in water at low pH. Some sulphur dioxide
and lactic acid bacteria39: Zymomonas anaero- reacts with dissolved oxygen so that in
bia has also been found in apple pulp40. practice 75 ppm is needed in juices between
Aerobacter spp., tolerant of pH 4-8, have been pH 3-0-3-3, otherwise a much lower level
isolated from harvested apples68 but so far would be sufficient. Between pH 3-3-3-5,
not beyond that stage. 100 ppm are necessary, and 160 ppm between
With the realization that the microflora 3*5 and 3-8. The maximum legal limit is
could be controlled in part by a rigorous pro 200 ppm total sulphur dioxide, hence juices of
gramme of cleanlines in the press house, pH greater than 3-8 are normally blended
there has been a marked reduction in the with those of lower pH or malic acid is added
yeast count of the raw juice. Values of 2 x to them before sulphiting. The juice is left
lO^ml are now common. At the same time overnight to allow the different ionic forms of
the count is being further reduced by sulphur dioxide to equilibrate. Adequacy of
abandoning rack and cloth presses and replac sulphiting can be checked by determining the
ing them with properly designed presses free sulphur dioxide content of the juice next
made of stainless steel. Within the last morning. From toxicity tests on cider
three years press halls have been changed yeasts it was shown thatforeffectivesulphiting
completely in character, becoming show a minimum residual free sulphur dioxide con
places full of gleaming machinery instead of tent of 30 ppm at pH 3-5, the average juice pH
being awash with a tide of pomace particles. level, was necessary. From Table II it can
Juice treatment.Preceding and concurrent be seen that effective sulphiting reduces the
with these changes, there has been a better yeast population by some 98%: Kloeckera
understanding of the use of sulphur dioxide apiculata, which gives a musty, almost acetic
for controlling the microflora of the juice. taste to cider, is a suitable indicator organism
484 beech: cider making [J. Inst. Brew.
TABLE II Further, because of the effect of pH, the
Effect of an Optimum Addition of Sulphur required amount of free sulphur dioxide will
Dioxide on the Microflora of an Apple vary over the whole range of juice pH's.
Juicb pH 3-8
This is illustrated in Fig. 3, the lower line

Viable count/ml
Hlcroflora Untreated Juice ISOppmSOt added
Ktoeehero apicutata 600,000
Candida mucherrima . 40,000
Pichta sp. 10,000 120
Sacchiromvctt gp. 40,000 7,100
Saecbaromytoie* ludwigii 40,000 2,700
Torulaptu sp. .. 70,000 1,400
Total yeast count 800,000 11,820
Acetic odd bacteria 7,000,000 10,000

since it should be absent from juices that have
been sulphited correctly.
Aerobic yeasts generally and lactic and
acetic acid bacteria are destroyed but
Saccharomycodes ludvngii and any Sacch-
aromyces spp. that may be present will survive.
3-5 4-0
An upper limit of free sulphur dioxide is also
necessary since excessive amounts delay the PH
growth of the culture yeast subsequently Fig. 3.The minimum and maximum values of free
added. This increase in the lag phase is sulphur dioxide required in a juice 12 hours
shown in Fig. 2": it is noticeable that after sulphiting. (L. F. Burroughs, unpub
lished results).

being the minimum effective level and the

250 ppm
upper the maximum permissible. Sulphite
binding compounds in juice from sound fruit
include glucose and xylose; L-xylosone
derived from the interaction of ascorbic acid
and sulphur dioxide; arabinose and galac-
turonic add, if depectinization has taken
place (Table III).


Concentration of Carbonyl Compounds"

Found in Ciders

Normal range Equivalent
of concentration bound 80,
Carbonyl compound in cider (ppm) (ppm)

Acotoldehydo .. 20-100 29-146

1000 Pyravlc odd 0-200 O-06
a-Ketoglutorlc acid 0-30 0-0
10 20 30
L-xylosone 0-200 0-23
Time (days) Honogalacturonlcacld . 100-2000 0-6
TrlROlocturonlc acid . 0-600 0-2
Glucose 0-18,000 0-8
Fig. 2.The effect of treating apple juice with
sulphur dioxide (0-260 ppm) on the subsequent
rate of fermentation by a pure yeast culture. The presence of these compounds in
normal amounts would be compensated for
sulphited juices ferment faster than their non- by the sulphite additions previously des
sulphited partners, possibly because of the cribed. However, any rotten fruit might
reduced microbial competition consequent on well contain 2,5-D-ttrco-hexodiulose and
the addition of sulphur dioxide. 2,5-diketogluconic acid from the action of
Vol. 78, 1972] beech: cider making 485

Acetomonas spp. and Acetobacter aceti. These non-aerated patterns. At present, yeast
two compounds, unlike the first group, bind strains giving fast fermentations tend to be
sulphur dioxide very strongly and, as shown chosen, but research is being carried out on a
in Fig. 4, the amount of rotten fruit in any wide range of strains to enable more suitable
cultures to be chosen. The properties being
examined at present include the pattern of
fusel, or higher, alcohols produced and the
factors that control their production; syn
thesis of acids such as malic and succinic
which might be desirable, and of pyruvic and
a-ketoglutaric which would be undesirable
"5 because of their ability to bind sulphur
3. dioxide; degree of flocculence, rate of fermen
i tation, ethanol tolerance and vitamin require
ments ; absence of such undesirable properties
as the formation of hydrogen sulphide
and diacetyl.

Factors Affecting Cider Composition

Most of the chemical and microbiological
0 30 60
research work on changes in the yeast
Free S02 (ppm) 12 h after adding 150 ppm populations and nutrient levels during fermen
tation relates to the period when cider was
Fig. 4.The residual free sulphur dioxide content of fermented by an uncontrolled yeast flora and
juices made with apples containing different
so will not be reported upon here. Once
percentages of rotten fruit.
suitable strains of fermenting yeasts have
batch must never exceed 10%. Pear juices been chosen the work needs to be repeated
always require an extra 60 ppm sulphur if only to check that it is still deficiencies of
dioxide compared with apple juices at the soluble nitrogen and thiamine that control
same pH: these sulphite binding compounds the rate or the premature cessation of apple
require characterization. juice fermentations. It has also been shown
The rational use of sulphur dioxide in cider that nitrogenous compounds are excreted by
making and the adoption of very large vats, the yeast at the end of the fermentation.
have had a remarkable effect on the quality These include phenylalanine, tyrosine, leu-
of cider produced by the industry. Such cines, valine, y-aminobutyric acid, histidine,
disorders as "ropiness", acetification, enzy- arginine and peptides. It is possible for only
mic darkening18, etc, are no longer to be found 10% of the soluble nitrogen of a cider to be
in factory-produced ciders. Instead the pro amino adds; the identity of the remainder is
duct is fresh and clean in flavour. The being investigated at present. Similarly,
abandonment of many older practices such as pantothenic acid and riboflavin increase:
pulp storage, keeving and naturally sweet excretion of phosphorus compounds occurs
ciders has meant a loss of the apple character earlier in the fermentation. This release of
in the flavour. Again this may be another nutrients back into the cider is important
symptom of controlled oxidation of the pulp since it can affect the subsequent develop
and juice. On the other hand, by storing ment of lactic acid bacteria responsible for
ciders free from sugar, and sweetening only the malo-lactic fermentation.
before bottling, the formerly diastrous out Apart from changes in levels of nutrients
breaks of sickness caused by Zymomonas and micro-organisms during fermentation,
anaerobia have been overcome. Such prac the next most obvious changes are in the
tices axe not open to the brewer who must amounts of organic acids and aroma com
perforce rely on rigid control of the cleanliness ponents. During the fermentation of sul-
of his yeast and plant, and a careful control phited juices there is almost invariably an
of his sugar primings in order to eliminate this increase in acidity, mainly due to the forma
pernicious organism from the brewery. tion of l()-malic acid by yeasts. This is
Yeast.Cider makers are now installing also accompanied by gluconic, lactic and
pure yeast plants of both the aerated and succinic acids and traces of others including
486 beech: cider making [J. Inst. Brew.
fumaric, a-hydroxyglutaric, 2-ketogluconic of a draught cider have been described by
and substituted dihydroxybutyric acids. Williams & Tucknott*0.
Mono-, di- and tri-galacturonides are always The actual amounts in juices is very small.
present, being derived from the enzymic Only H-butanol and w-hexanol are found in
breakdown of pectin. The factors control any quantity; they are not produced during
ling the formation of these acids are currently fermentation and are lost when juices are
being examined. It is known the strains concentrated. A wide range of factors con
vary quite markedly in their production of trol the formation of the remaining fusel
the sulphite-binding acids, pyruvic and a- alcohols during fermentation, such as apple
ketoglutaric. One yeast that requires thi- variety, juice treatment, yeast strain,
amine for growth and for improving its rate fermentation and storage condiions16.
of fermentation, produces considerable quan Juices of different apple varieties and in
tities of pyruvic acid in the absence of different seasons affect the level of fusel
thiamine but very little when the vitamin is alcohols but the precise mechanisms are still
present in sufficient quantity. The pH of the being examined. The level of total fusels
juice and its nitrogen content also influence varies directly with the sugar content, while
the production of pyruvic acid; for a number the amount of amino acids is so small that
of yeasts the production of this acid is greatest the alcohols must be formed from keto acids
at high pH and at soluble nitrogen contents produced by the yeasts. In fact, a low juice
of more than 15 mg N/100 ml. In addition nitrogen level of 5 mg N/100 ml is responsible
to the two sulphite-binding keto. acids, for higher fusel levels in the cider than a level
yeasts also produce acetaldehyde which of 15 mg. Juice pH interacts with yeast
binds any free sulphur dioxide present in the strain and juice nitrogen content. In general
juice at the time of yeasting. These last a low pH causes an enhancement of fusels,
three compounds are more important in the but a wider range of yeasts need to be
last stages of cider making, since if excessive fermented in varying conditions of pH and
quantities are present, any additions of sulphur nitrogen before any trend can be firmly
dioxide made when the cider is being pre- established. The finely-divided pulp particles
pared for bottling are rendered ineffective. carried over into the juice have a marked
Ranges of concentration of the different effect on fusel alcohol levels. Any process
sulphite-binding compounds in ciders were whereby particles are removed, such as
given in Table III. centrifugation or filtration, causes a reduction
Unlike beer, where high concentrations are in the fusel levels as shown in Table V, the
unwanted, the fusel or higher alcohols of cider
are important components of the flavour. TABLE V
The range of values present in juices and Effect of Juice Trf.atment on the Fusel
ciders is given in Table IV: those for com- Alcohol Content of Ciders'0

TABLE IV Total content of 2-phenyIettianol,

Juico treatment bo-butanol and Iso-pcntanol (ppmj
Fusel Alcohol Components of Apple Sulphitcd 415
Juices, Ciders and Ales DcpcctinJzed, filtered and
sulphited 285
Dopectinlzed. unaltered
] tanges (ppm and sulphited 505
Dopectinlzed, solid contents
doubled and sulphited .. 605
Constituent JUICCS Cldore" Ales"
n-pronanol 0-2-2 4-47
n-bntanol 3-24 4-32
17-48 yeast strain and fermentation conditions
Iso-butnnol 14-74 11-83 being uniform.
Iso-pcntanol .. 0-1 42-410 28-77
2-incthylbutanol 0-1-2 16-30 8-22 Results over several years have also
n.hexnnol 1-2
7-258 10-53
shown that sulphiting alone depresses fusel
Tyrosol 0-20 alcohols. Heating the juice, whether by
flash pasteurization or aroma stripping,
followed by enzyme treatment but not
mercial bottled ciders are generally lower filtration, gives results similar to those in
(values for ales are given for comparison). Table V. Delaying depectinization and filtra
Detailed analyses of the aroma components tion of the heated juice until fermentation is
Vol. 78, 1972] beech: cider making 487

complete causes no depression of the content
of fusel alcohols in the ciders. According to Effect of Fermentation Temperature on
results obtained with wines, either addition Fusel Alcohol Production
of kieselguhr to filtered juice or its oxygena-
tion have the same effect as the presence of Higher nllphntlc alcohols (ppm)
pulp solids. These results show that degree Juice 10 15 20 25 30 35
of juice clarity or the state of oxidation must
be examined when changing presses or making Coppln 130 230 235 210

cider from diluted concentrates instead of Kingston

Black 130 155 180 230 185
from freshly pressed juices.
The factor probably having the greatest
Sulphiting carried out efficiently eliminates
qualitative and quantitative effect on fusel
all but Saccharomyces spp., Saccharotnycodes
alcohols is the strain of yeast used for the
Utdwigii, etc. However, if a sterile juice is
fermentation. Table VI shows a 4-fold
inoculated with what might be termed an
TABLE VI "apple" yeast prior to the main fermenting
Effect of Yeast Strain on the Fusel
yeast, there is evidence of an interaction
Composition of Ciders Made from Batches between them as far as fusel production is
of the Same Sterile Juice" concerned. The apple yeasts alone rarely
produce more than 60-70 ppm total fusels
on their own, whereas Candida pulckerrima
Component (ppm)
caused a 50% increase in the fusel level when
Iso- Iso- 2-phenyl- used in conjunction with AWY 350R;
Yeast batanol pentanol ctlianol Total
Hansentda anomala 20% with GEL (Table
Saccharomyce* cere-
vitiae (AWY 350R) 10 05 15 140 VIII.)
S. amuiae var. ellip-
toideus (Burgundy) 20 145 05 200 TABLE VIII
S. wrepi#ia(NCYC
1118) 50 245 30 370 Effect of Yeasts used Singly and in Pairs
S. utarum (OKI) 35 235 135 425
S. cerevitiat (Toronto) 40 290 215 505 on the Total Fusel Alcohols of Ciders"

Total fuscls Total fusels

difference in the range of values obtained Yeast (ppm) Yeast (ppm)
with a selection of yeasts added to different AWY 36011 alone 140 OE1 alone 425
batches of the same sterile juice and fermen AWY 350tt + OKI plus
C.puldttrrima 210 11. anomala 550
ted under identical conditions. The total
fusels are not a true indicator of the taste of
the cider since the GE1 cider tasted of crude Not all such contributions are beneficial;
fusels only, whereas that made with Taranto Kloeckera spp. caused a depression of the
had a more mellow flavour. The next stage fusel alcohol production of both yeasts,
of research is to determine the group of com acetic taints and an increase in the final
pounds next in order of importance to fusels pyruvate concentration.
for their effect on flavour. Next in importance in controlling levels of
The amount of yeast inoculum added to a fusel alcohols is the system of fermentation.
juice seems unimportant as regards influenc This is shown in Table IX. The unusual
ing the level of fusel alcohols in the final ability of AWY 350R to produce -propanol
cider. Variations in the initial cell count by under anaerobic conditions is well illustrated,
a factor of several hundreds have been tried; but under aerobic conditions this is sup
a similar effect has been noted in brewing. pressed in favour of isopentanol. Here,
However, the temperature maintained during however, there is a marked difference
the fermentation is important: Table VII between batch and continuous systems of
shows results obtained with batches of two working14. Aeration reduced fusel produc
sterile juices all inoculated with the same tion markedly: it is used in continuous
yeast, Burgundy. There is a reduction in brewing in tower fermenters for the same
fusel levels about 25 C and below 15 C. purpose since fusels, while essential in cider,
Whether there is a maximum or a plateau are considered undesirable in beer. While
between these temperatures depends on the cider making is confined to the static batch
strain of yeast employed. system it could well use stirred or continuous
488 beech: cider making [J. Inst. Brew.

Fusel Oil Contents of Dry Ciders Produced by Different Fermentation Systems at 25 C

with AWY 350R"

Anaerobic Aerobic

Static Continuous Stirred Continuous

Fusel oil (ppm) batch (heterogeneous) batch (homogeneous)

2-phenylethanol 6 6 30 20
n-propanol 200 250 00 26
iso-butanol 16 16 100 26
iso- and active-amyl alcohols 06 100 200 55

systems in the future. In any case these range of cider apple juices is pH 3-0-4-4 with
results need checking with other cultures and an average of 3-5. At this pH it is usual to
the inclusion of at least one other variation arrange for 30 ppm free sulphur dioxide to be
in tank shape, in particular the cylindro- present before yeasting (=0-54 ppm H2SOg).
conical fermentor or Nathan system which is With this excess it would be reasonable to
of growing importance in the brewing assume that the lactobacilli had been
industry. eliminated. Yet ciders readily undergo malo-
Malo-ladic fermentation.The lactic acid lactic fermentation in the early summer after
bacteria so far found in apple juices are they were made. Ecological surveys are
summarized in Table X36. being made to collect strains from freshly
The non-slime forming strain of Leucono- sulphited juices in the factories and from
stoc mesenteroides is the most common, and ciders undergoing active malo-lactic fermen
Ladobacillus coUinoides fairly common; the tation. All strains are being tested against
two homofermentative rods are less common sulphur dioxide to determine whether they
and Pediococcus cerevisiae occurs very rarely are as sensitive to sulphur dioxide as strains
indeed. All attack malic acid causing a loss that have been kept for years in laboratory
of acidity in the cider and therefore changing culture. If they are all sensitive it remains
its flavour. The heterofermentative organ to be seen whether the action of sulphur
isms and L. plantarum attack quinic acid and dioxide on the lactic acid bacteria is truly
most attack citric acid. These acids are bactericidal or merely bacteriostatic.
important as metabolites since, as said earlier, The most characteristic feature of these
development of lactic acid bacteria is rare in organisms is the conversion of malic acid to
the primary fermentations of sulphited juice, lactic acid and carbon dioxide, which also
occurring almost exclusively in fully fermen occurs commonly in many wines. The
ted ciders containing 0-5% (w/v) sugars or exact type of acid produced varies with the
less. pH so that L. coUinoides produces more lactic
The most intriguing aspect of these than succinic acid at pH 3-6, but succinic
organisms is that in pure culture and in rich acid only at pH 4-8: the exact proportions of
synthetic media they are readily inhibited by the two acids vary with the strain employed.
less than 10 ppm sulphur dioxide at pH 4-0 This is a characteristic feature of the lacto
(equivalent to 0-1 ppm H2SO3). The pH bacilli generallygreat variation between


Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Apple Juices and Ciders

Cocci Rods

Heterofermentative Leuconostoc mesenteroides Lactobacillus coUinoides (formerly L. pastorianus

(non-slime forming) var. quinicus)
Homofermentative Pediococcus cerevisiae L. plantarum
L. tnali
Vol. 78, 1972] beech: cider making 489


Biochemical Changes Brought About by the Lactobacilli Found in Ciders

Substrate Homofermenters Hcterofermenters

Glucose Lactate Lactate, etbanol, CO,

Fructose Lactato Lactate, acetate, mannitol, CO,
Malate Lactate. CO, Lactate, CO, (can have succinate +
lactate + CO,, but this is rare)
Citrate (also pyruvatc) Acetoin, diacotyl, COa Lactate, acetate, CO,
Fructose + (quinate or sbikimate) |"ew-3,4-dihydroxy- Dihydroshikimate, acetate, CO,
Lactate + (quinate or shikimate) J cyclohexane-carboxylic Dihydroshikimate, acetate, CO,
Mannitol + (quinate or shikimate) "i acid, acetate, catechol, Fructose as an intermediate,
Leo, Dihydroshikimate
Chlorogenic acid Not tested Ethyl catechol, dihydroshikimate
Not tested Dihydroshikimate, p-cthylphcnol
p-Coumaryl Quinic acid

3. Anon, Public Health Regulations (Preservatives.

strains whatever the property being examined. etc. in Food), 1926, Amended 1940 and 1053,
Further, the nearer the pH approaches 3-0, SRO (1926) 775, SRO (1040) 663, SI (1953)
the greater the delay before the onset of the 1820.
change. It is known that at least 109 cells/ 4. Anon, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau,
Digest Supplement, Horticultural Abstracts,
ml must be present if it is to take place at all,
1901, 28.
but the exact nutrient requirements of the 5. Anon, Agriculture, 1070, 77, 52.
organisms are still not known completely, 6 Barker, B. T. P., Journal of the Institute of
although recently 4'-O-(/?-D-glucopyranosyl)- Brewing, 1011, 8, 425.
7. Barker, B. T. P., Journal of the Institute of
D(R)-pantothenic acid has been claimed as an
Brewing, 1013, 10, 58.
essential stimulant8. The strain of yeast 8 Barker, B. T. P., Journal of the Institute of
used in fermenting the cider is also important; Brewing. 1022, 19, 517.
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and Fruit, Ed. Wallace, T. and Marsh, R. W.,
bacteria are retarded by yeast activity. The
University of Bristol, 1063, 45.
degree of retardation varies from very little 10 Beech, F. W., Report. Long Ashton Research
(yeast AWY 350R) to almost complete (S. Station forl9S2, 1053. 125.
uvarum)*1. 11. Beech, F. W., Society of Chemical Industry,
Monograph No. 3, 1968, 37.
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fermentation or of the formation of "oiliness". 13. Beech, F. W., Report of Long Ashton Research
However, this group of organisms can use Station for 1962, 1963, 167.
14. Beech, F. W., Report of Long Ashton Research
other organic acids in cider for a much wider
Station for 1906, 1907, 227.
range of biochemical activities. These are 16. Beech, F. W., Report of Long Ashton Research
summarized in Table XI"-89. The import Station for 1968, 1969, 103.
ance of quinic and shikimic acids in the 16. Beech, F. W., Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 1909,
35S, Fll.
flavour balance of ciders is obvious; they 17. Beech, F. W., in Progress in Industrial Micro
affect both the acid and phenolic compounds. biology XI, Ed. Hockenhull, D. J., Churchill
The future of the cider industry involves a Livingstone, London, 1972, 133.
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Fruit, Ed. Wallace, T. and Marsh, R. W.,
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its juice and the process of fermentation. 19. Beech, F. W., & Davenport, R. R.. in The
In these circumstances, knowledge will lead Yeasts, Vol. 3. Ed. Rose, A. H. and Harrison,
to complete control of the flavour of the ciders J. S.. Academic Press, London, 1970, 73.
20. Beech. F. W. & Williams, A. A., Report of Long
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21. Beech, F. W., Kieser, M. E.. & Pollard, A.,
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