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Recurrence due to periodic multi-soliton fission in the defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation

Guo Deng1 , Sitai Li2 , Gino Biondini1,2 , and Stefano Trillo3

1 Department of Physics, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14260, USA
2 Department of Mathematics, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14260, USA
3 Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara, Via Saragat 1, 44122 Ferrara, Italy
(Dated: November 2, 2017)
We address the degree of universality of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence induced by multisoliton fission
from a harmonic excitation by analysing the case of the semiclassical defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger
equation, which models nonlinear wave propagation in a variety of physical settings. Using a suitable
Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approach to the solution of the associated scattering problem we accurately predict,
in full analytical way, the number and the features (amplitude and velocity) of soliton-like excitations emerging
post-breaking, as a function of the dispersion smallness parameter. This also permits to predict and analyse
the near-recurrences, thereby inferring the universal character of the mechanism originally discovered for the
Korteweg-deVries equation. We show, however, that important differences exist between the two models,
arXiv:1711.00134v1 [nlin.SI] 31 Oct 2017

arising from the different scaling rules obeyed by the soliton velocities.

PACS numbers: 02.30.Ik, 05.45.Yv, 42.65.Sf, 47.20.-k

I. INTRODUCTION necessarily a prerogative of integrable models [11], the latter

constitutes a wide and extremely important class employed
The discovery by Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) that a low fre- to describe innumerous physical situations. Clearly, the im-
quency excitation of nonlinear oscillator chains give rise to re- portance of integrable systems goes well beyond the specific
currence instead of equipartition, a phenomenon now known interest for FPU chains, since they often provide an accurate
as FPU recurrence [1, 2], turned into one of most consequen- description of several genuinely continuous physical systems.
tial findings of nonlinear physics [37], leading to multiple In this context, breaking phenomena are a universal feature of
research avenues which are still actively investigated today the weakly dispersive regime [22] (see also [23] for a recent
[811]. The first resolution of the apparent paradox was given review) occurring for the nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equa-
ten years later by Zabusky and Kruskal (ZK) [12] who showed tion [2433], naturally arising as the continuum limit of cubic
that in the continuum limit that gives rise to the weakly dis- -FPU [4], the Benjamin-Ono equation [34, 35] and the Toda
persive Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation [13], the recur- lattice [3638], to name only a few. A special role in this
rence can be understood in terms of solitons, that fission from context is played by the defocusing or repulsive NLS equa-
points of breaking (shocks) occurring in the periodic input tion, since it describes wave breaking phenomena recently ob-
mode (a regime which is substantially confirmed, e.g. for served and analysed in areas as different as nonlinear optics
the quadratic, or so-called type, FPU chain [14]). Nearly [2632], Bose-Einstein condensates [24, 25], and spin waves
synchronous arrival of the solitons after interaction leads to [33]. Furthermore, the periodic input problem for such model
the recursion. An explicit estimate for the KdV recurrence was recently demonstrated to be accessible in fiber optics ex-
time was then given by Toda [15, 16]. Experimentally, the periments, which show fission of dark solitons from peri-
recurrence from periodic input was reported in different sys- odic points of breaking [29, 30]. Yet, natural and fundamen-
tems ranging from electrical lattice networks [17] to continu- tal questions concerning how to predict the number and the
ous wave systems such as ion acoustic plasma waves [18], and features of the solitons and whether recurrence should be ex-
gravity waves in shallow water [19], while it could be poten- pected remain to date completely open in such model.
tially observed also for electron beams that exhibit KdV type The purpose of this paper is to give an answer to these ques-
of breaking [20]. tions and to demonstrate that soliton generation as a result of
This result has led to the notion that a time scale exists for hydrodynamic-like instabilities, and the resulting FPU-like re-
which the dynamics of FPU is essentially integrable, that is, it currences, are in fact a more general feature of nonlinear wave
remains close to integrable limits, either the KdV in the con- evolution equations with small dispersion. To this end, we
tinuum approximation or the discrete Toda chain [8, 21]. Over show that such phenomena can be effectively treated analyti-
much longer times the FPU chains eventually thermalise, as it cally using the scattering problem and its finite gap formula-
is now clear after decades of research on this topics [8, 9]. A tion associated with the defocusing NLS equation. While our
crucially important remaining issue, however, is to investigate results significantly broaden the universality of the ZK mecha-
the metastable state characterised by the recurrences at inter- nism of recurrence, they allow to clarify that the phenomenon
mediate time scales. In this context, a natural question that has presents, for the NLS equation, considerable differences with
remained surprisingly unaddressed is the degree of universal- respect to the case of the KdV equation.
ity of the mechanism discovered by ZK for other integrable We remark that FPU recurrences have also been referred to
models. While it is now accepted that FPU recurrence is not in the literature in the focusing regime of the NLS equation.

These, however, are exact (instead of near) recurrences that number of fissioning solitons and their velocities as a function
occur through a different kind of mechanism involving mod- of e, and then use these results to characterise the recurrent
ulation instability of a strong background (a forbidden regime behavior.
for the defocusing NLS equation which is well known to be The outline of this work is the following. In section II
modulationally stable). Such scenarios have been investigated we characterize the spectrum of the NLS equation (1) in the
in fluids and optics only in a regime that involve few dominant small dispersion limit with initial conditions (2) using a suit-
Fourier modes, i.e. far from the weakly dispersive limit that able WKB expansion. In section III we study the properties
we are interested in [3944]. Conversely, wavepackets with- of the effective solitons arising from the corresponding spec-
out background in the weakly dispersing limit of the focusing trum. In section IV we discuss the recurrence of initial condi-
regime are known to exhibit a different type of breaking (i.e., tions. Section V offers a few concluding remarks. The details
elliptic unbilic catastrophe [45]) compared with the defocus- of the calculations are given in the Appendix.
ing case. The complicated dynamics in the evolution stage
beyond the catastrophe cannot be reduced, in general, to the
fission of solitons that simply move apart with different ve- II. NLS SPECTRUM IN THE SMALL DISPERSION LIMIT
locities [46, 47]. Moreover the global scenario for a periodic
input mode in the focusing regime was never addressed so far, II.1 Scattering problem and monodromy matrix
and will require a specific analysis that will be proposed else-
where. Since the NLS Eq. (1) is completely integrable, the initial
Motivated by the above discussion, here we consider the value problem can be solved via the inverse scattering trans-
following dimensionless periodic initial value problem for the form (IST). In particular, the relevant formalism here is the
defocusing NLS equation IST with periodic boundary conditions, or finite-gap theory
[5356]. According to the periodic IST, the nonlinear ex-
ieqt + e2 q xx 2|q|2 q = 0 , (1) citations embedded in the initial datum are encoded in the
spectrum of the scattering problem associated with the NLS
with initial conditions
equation (1), i.e. the well-known Zakharov-Shabat (ZS) with
q( x, 0) = cos x , 6 x 6 . (2) cosine potential
ex = (ik3 + cos x 1 ) , (3)
The variables x and t are typically space and time, respec-
tively (e.g., see [48, 49]), though in nonlinear fiber optics they where ( x, k ) = (1 , 2 ) T is the vector eigenfunction, and
have the reversed role of retarded time and propagation dis- 1 and 3 are the first and third Pauli matrices, respectively.
tance [29, 30, 50], and e quantifies the smallness of dispersion Since the scattering problem (3) is self-adjoint, all eigenvalues
[29] (in quantum-mechanical settings e is also proportional to k are real. Applying the change of variables v = 1 + 2
Plancks constant h [24]) compared to the strength of nonlin- and v = 1 2 , Eq. (3) can be reduced to the second-order
ear effects. Without loss of generality (taking advantage of the ordinary differential equation,
scaling invariances of Eq. (1)), we have normalized the period
X p of the cosine initial value to 2. e2 v xx + (cos2 x e sin x ) v = v , (4)
The nonlinearity in Eq. (1) induces conversion towards
which is the time-independent Schrodinger equation with an
high-frequency modes, i.e. odd harmonics m/X p , m =
e-dependent potential and eigenvalue = k2 > 0. Since
3, 5, . . . of the m = 1 input frequencies, a phenomenon com-
the potential is periodic, Bloch-Floquet theory can be used to
monly known in nonlinear optics as multiple four-wave mix-
show that Eq. (4) admits bounded solutions if and only if
ing (mFWM) [30, 51, 52]. In the regime of interest here,
e  1, mFWM becomes very efficient and causes strong 2 6 trM 6 2 , (5)
steepening of the cosine fronts, until breaking (hydrodynamic
instability [29]) occurs followed by fission into soliton-like where M () is the monodromy matrix of the problem, de-
excitations, as shown by the numerical simulation in Fig. fined as M = Y 1 ( )Y ( ), and Y ( x ) is any fundamental
1. Marked differences with the corresponding phenomena in matrix solution of Eq. (4). The values of for which Eq. (5) is
the KdV equation [12, 19] are the degenerate mechanism for satisfied comprise the spectrum of Eq. (4). Note that, toeach
breaking that occurs at the null (vacuum) points (cf. [28, 31], nonzero value of , there correspond two values k = in
where similar mechanism is analysed in detail for dark type the original scattering problem (3).
input on a constant background) and the fission into pairs with
opposite velocities, which reflect the bidirectional (NLS) ver-
sus unidirectional (KdV) dispersive hydrodynamic nature of II.2 Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) analysis
such models [23]. Nevertheless, even in the NLS equation,
solitons eventually give rise to a near-recurrence as shown in Since no solutions in closed form are available for Eq. (4),
Fig. 1. Our goal, here, is to provide a quantitative descrip- we apply the WKB method (e.g., see [57]) to obtain asymp-
tion of this phenomenon, including analytical estimates of the totic expansions for the solutions of Eq. (4) and therefore for



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

FIG. 1. Density plot of |q( x, t)| from numerical solution of the initial value problem in Eqs. (12) with e = 0.1, showing the fission into
soliton-like excitations as a result of breaking (hydrodynamic-like instability, see early stage t < 1) occurring in the null points of the input
cosine and the following near-recurrence at t ' 15.5.

trM in the dispersionless limit, similarly to the approach de- < 1 is divided into alternating bands and gaps correspond-
veloped in Refs. [19, 58]. It is convenient to introduce the ing to the values of for which 1 6 12 trM 6 1 (bands)
shorthand notation or 12 trM < 1 (gaps), respectively. The bands and gaps are
Q( x ) = cos2 x . (6) separated by a sequence of band edges n for n = 0, 1, 2 . . . ,
which are the values of such that 12 trM = 1. Note that the
For > 1, no turning points are present, and straightforward value = 0 is always part of the spectrum (this can be seen by
calculations (see Appendix A.1 for details) yield noting that for k = 0 the scattering problem decouples in the
 variables v and v, and can be solved exactly to get 12 trM = 1,
trM = 2 cos S0 ()/e , > 1, (7a) which coincides with the limiting value of Eq. (7b) as k 0).
R p As an example, in Fig. 2 (left panel) we show the depen-
where S0 () = Q( x ) dx. On the other hand, for dence of 12 trM on the spectral parameter for e = 0.15.
0 < < 1 four turning points are present, and the WKB Note that, since trM exhibits exponentially large oscillations,
analysis is considerably more complicated. In this case, the to capture the whole behavior in a single plot we plot the
main difficulty comes from the fact that one must first con- quantity f (trM/2) instead of 12 trM itself, as in [59], with
struct asymptotic solutions in each of the regions away from f () defined as f () = for || 6 1 and f () =
the turning points and near each turning points, and then sign() (1 + log10 ||) for || > 1. In such figure we
match the solutions in the transition regions around the turn- compare the above WKB asymptotic expressions for 12 trM in
ing points, obtaining so-called connection formulae which al- Eq. (7) with the values obtained from direct numerical integra-
low one to continue the asymptotic expressions for the eigen- tion of Eq. (4). As can be seen from the figure, the difference
functions over the whole spatial domain. These expressions between the asymptotic expressions and the numerical values
can then be used to finally construct the monodromy matrix. is negligible for our purposes.
Omitting the details for brevity (see Appendix A.2 for de-
tails), we find the following expression for the trace of the
monodromy matrix III. EFFECTIVE SOLITONS

trM = III.1 Asymptotic properties of the spectrum

2 4 sin2 (S1 ()/e) cosh2 [S2,e ()/e], 0 < < 1,
(7b) Equation (7b) implies that, for 0 6 < 1, each band is
clustered around a maximum of 12 trM, at which 12 trM () =
where S2,e () = S2 () + e log 2, 1, and that the n-th maximum = zn is given by the solution
Z c q of
S1 ( ) = Q( x ) dx , (8a)
Z c q S1 (zn ) = ne . (9)
S2 ( ) = | Q( x )| dx , (8b)
c Since = k2 , all spectral bands of the scattering problem (4)
correspond to a symmetric pair of nonlinear excitations of
and c = arccos( ). the NLS Eq. (1) except for the first spectral band, centered
In the following, we conveniently refer to the half trace around k = 0, which generates just one nonlinear excitation.
2 trM, which, according to Eqs. (7), turns out to be bounded Hence, the number Ne of nonlinear excitations of the prob-
by the unit value, i.e. 12 trM 6 1, for all > 0. In particular, lem is related to the total number Nb of spectral bands in the
Eq. (7a) shows that the range 1 < < forms one infinitely range 0 6 < 1 by Ne = 2Nb 1. Since S1 (1) = 2,
long band. Conversely, Eq. (7b) shows that the range 0 6 Eq. (9) then yields Nb = b2/(e)c + 1 and therefore Ne =

defined by
0 1
S2 (s ) = e log[2/( )]. (11)


Denoting by Nm the total number of maxima in [0, s ), we
have that Nm is also the number of distinct soliton pairs (in
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 10-1 which any two symmetric gray solitons are counted as one,
like the lone black soliton). In light of the above discussion,
from Eq. (9) we then have
FIG. 2. Left panel: Half trace of the monodromy matrix 12 trM as a
function of the eigenvalue with e = 0.15, comparing the asymp-
Nm = bS1 (s )/(e) + 1c . (12)
totic expressions (7) (dashed red) with the results from numerical in-
tegration of the scattering problem (4) (solid blue). Right panel: the
number Nm of solitonic excitations as a function of e. Red curve: The total number of solitons present in the problem is then
full WKB prediction, Eq. (12). Gray curve: linear approximation, simply Ns = 2Nm 1. As shown in Fig. 2 (right panel),
Eq. (13a). Blue squares: the value obtained from numerical integra- the above WKB estimate for the total number of solitons is in
tion of Eq. (3). Orange stars: same from direct numerical integration excellent agreement with results from numerical integration
of Eq. (1). Also shown for comparison (magenta curve) is the total
of Eq. (3) and also in good agreement with direct numerical
number of excitations Ne .
simulations of Eq. (1) (again with the caveat regarding the
difficulty of counting numerically the number of excitations
in case of small dispersion).
2b2/(e)c + 1. It was conjectured in [29, 30] that these ex-
citations display soliton-like behavior. For a fixed value of e, We can also derive fully explicit approximations for the
however, only some of the excitations in the problem resem- number of solitons as a function of e by considering either
ble the dark solitons of the defocusing NLS equation. Note a linear or quadratic expansion of S1 () near = 0 and a
however that counting the number of excitations from direct linear expansion of S2 () near = 1 (see Appendix A.3 for
numerical simulations of the NLS equation presents two ma- details), thus obtaining
jor challenges. The first one is that not all excitations might be  
identifiable in the output. The second one is that it is highly 1 1 2
Nm,linear = log +1 , (13a)
nontrivial to distinguish which ones among all visible excita- 2e
tions are of solitonic or non-solitonic type. In order to dis-  
4 2+1 2 2+1 2
tinguish soliton-like excitations from non-solitonic ones, one Nm,quadratic = log +1 ,
8 2e 2 2
must look at the the relative width Wn = wn /(wn + gn ) of
the n-th band, where wn (gn ) is the width of n-th band (adja-
cent gap). By expanding the expression for trM in Eq. (7b),
we find (see Appendix A.3 for details) respectively. Corresponding approximations for Ns follow ac-
cordingly. The values of Nm,linear are shown in Fig. 2; those
2 of Nm,quadratic are almost indistinguishable from the exact
Wn = exp(S2 (zn )/e) + O(eeS2 (zn )/e ) . (10) count given by Eq. (12). Note that in both cases the leading

order term is independent of the specific value chosen for the
threshold .
The proper solitonic limit of each excitation is obtained
when the relative bandwidth Wn tends to zero. Of course,
since the bandwidths are always greater than zero, one never
has true solitons in the periodic problem. (This is at vari- 2 1
ance, for instance, with what happens when one considers 0.8
the dark potential q( x, t = 0) = tanh x on the infinite line,
which is reflectionless for integer 1/e, containing a number
|V |


Ns = 2/e 1 of discrete eigenvalues that correspond to true 0.4

solitons, as shown in [60].) Nonetheless, excitations asso- 0.5
ciated with very narrow relative bandwidths (Wn  1) be-
come closer and closer approximations of the dark solitons of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4
n n
the defocusing NLS equation. Correspondingly, given a fixed
threshold  1, similarly to [19, 58] we define a nonlinear FIG. 3. Absolute value of the soliton velocity |Vn | (left panel) and
excitation of the periodic problem to be an effective soliton if amplitude An (right panel) for the soliton set associated to a given
the band to which it is associated is such that Wn < . Us- index n. Red circles: asymptotic values; Blue dots: direct numerical
ing Eq. (10) and solving this inequality, we then see that the simulations of Eqs. (1)-(2). Here e = 0.06, resulting in Ns = 15 and
solitonic bands are confined to the range [0, s ), where s is q = 0.898.

1 1
consider first the case of the KdV, which we write as
0.8 0.8
ut + 6uu x + e2 u xxx = 0 . (15)

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
An estimate for the recurrence time in Eq. (15) can be ob-
0.2 0.2 tained from the WKB analysis developed in Refs. [19, 58].
Adopting the same notation of such references, we recall that,
-2 0 2 -2 0 2
x x in this case, the solitonic bands correspond to nonlinear exci-
tations that are close to bright KdV solitons of the form
FIG. 4. Near-recurrence of initial condition for e = 0.3 (left panel)
un ( x, t) = u0 + An sech2
and e = 0.08 (right panel), comparing the initial value (2) (solid An /2( x Vn t)/e , (16)
black) and q( x, t) at the near-recurrence time (dashed red).
where An is the amplitude of the n-th soliton from the back-
ground level u0 , and Vn = 6u0 + 2An is the correspond-
III.2 Amplitudes and velocities of the effective solitons ing velocity. The amplitude can be calculated as [58, 59]
An = 2(ref n ) for n = 1, 2, . . . N, where N is the
Recall that the single dark-soliton solution of the defo- number of the solitonic bands and ref = u0 corresponds
cusing NLS equation associated with a discrete eigenvalue to the ( N + 1)-th band, or first non-solitonic band. Accord-
k = k o is such that ing to the analysis in Ref. [58] and adopting a linear approx-
imation for the eigenvalues, we find that the amplitudes and
hence the velocities scales linearly with the soliton order n,
|q( x, t)|2 = k2o
with increment A = An An+1 = 2 2e and hence
+ (q2 k2o ) tanh2 [
q2 k2o ( x xo 2k o t)] , (14) V = Vn Vn+1 = 4 2e. Clearly, this means that after
a time TKdV such that V TKdV = 2, all the solitons recur
where q = limx |q( x, t)| is the background ampli- having traveled a multiple of the period (recall that 2 is the
tude. Also recall that, to each solitonic band centered at period of the cosine, and note that, obviously, the contribution
= zn 6= 0, with zn defined by Eq. (9), there corresponds a to the velocity that is common to all solitons does not affect

pair of dark solitons with discrete eigenvalues k n = zn . the recurrence time). From this condition we then immedi-
The band centered at z0 = 0, instead, corresponds to a sin- ately find
gle black soliton. We then obtain the velocity and the am-

plitude of the n-th set of solitons as Vn = 2 zn and TKdV = . (17)
An = q2 zn , respectively, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . Finally, recall 2 2e
that, in the infinite line problem, the continuous spectrum is Remarkably, the estimate in Eq. (17) coincides with an earlier
k (, q ) (q , ). Identifying the beginning of one by Toda [15, 16] (once one performs the trivial rescalings
the continuous spectrum with the first non-solitonic band, we of the spatial and temporal variables so as to obtain the same

therefore have q = z Nm +1 . Figure 3 shows a comparison form of the KdV equation). We note, however, that Todas es-
between the above WKB estimates for the soliton velocities timate was obtained using a quadratic (parabolic) approxima-
and amplitudes and the values obtained from direct numerical tion for the cosine potential, which amounts to approximating
simulations of the NLS equation. the eigenvalues with those of an harmonic oscillator. Impor-
tantly, numerical results (not shown) based on the integration
of the KdV equation confirm the scaling of the recurrence time
IV. RECURRENCE OF INITIAL CONDITIONS with 1 from Eq. (17), while the recurrence times from the
numerics turn out to be slightly overestimated by the formula,
Similarly to the KdV equation, the evolution ruled by the possibly due to the soliton-soliton interactions, which are ne-
defocusing NLS equation is expected to nearly recover the glected in both our and Todas approaches.
cosine initial value when the solitons simultaneously return Returning back to the defocusing NLS equation, the time
to their initial location after traveling an integer number of needed for the n-th soliton pair to travel a distance equal to a

periods. whole period is Tn = 2/|Vn |, with Vn = 2 zn as be-
Figure 4 shows the solution at the (numerically determined) fore. By employing again a linear expansion of S1 () around
recurrence time for e = 0.3 and e = 0.08. The numerically = 0 (see Eqs. (35a) in Appendix), we obtain the explicit
determined dependence of the recurrence time on e is also expression Vn = 2 2ne, which in turn yields
shown in Fig. 5. Next we show how one can use the above
WKB results to obtain an estimate of the recurrence time, Tn = . (18)
where we neglect the small shifts due to soliton collisions.
Since our purpose is also to study the differences between This result shows that the key difference between the NLS and
recurrences in the KdV and the NLS equations, let us briefly KdV equations is that, for the latter, Vn is linearly proportional


recurrence strength
to the soliton index n (in the WKB limit), whereas the above 101

recurrence time
expression shows that for the NLS solitons Vn depends on
the square root of n. This difference is reflected in the travel
time Tn . Therefore, while in the KdV equation all solitons
simultaneously return to their initial position at the recurrence
time, this is not true in the NLS equation, and the situation is
more complicated in this case. 10-1 100 10-1 100
More precisely, neglecting the interaction-induced position
shifts, for any fixed integer m > 0, all soliton pairs with
indices n = m, 4m, 9m . . . , l 2 m, . . . (with l any fixed posi- FIG. 5. Left panel: recurrence time as a function of e, as computed
from direct numerical simulations of Eqs. (1)-(2) (black circles),
tive integer) will return to their initial position, which is also along with a linear fit of the numerical data (red line) and the analyt-
the position of the stationary black soliton, at integer multi- ical prediction trecur = t R1 (dashed blue line). Right panel: Figure
ples of the recurrence time t Rm = / 2me. The value of merit of recurrence strength [Eq. (19)], as computed from direct
of t R1 as a function of e, shown in Fig. 5, is in good agree- numerical simulations (black circles), and its linear fit for e < 0.3
ment with the numerically determined recurrence times. Im- (red line).
portantly, note that the recurrence time for the NLS equation
scales like e1/2 , whereas the recurrence time for the KdV
easily extended to other integrable systems (e.g., such as the
equation scales like e1
Benjamin-Ono equation) in order to produce a critical assess-
In order to further characterise the degree of the recurrence,
ment on the general degree of universality of the recurrence
we introduce the following figure of merit
phenomenon originally discussed by ZK for the KdV equa-
R = 1 k|q( x, t)| | cos x |k/k cos x k , (19) tion. We also expect our results to be experimentally verifiable
2 in fiber optics (in the context of mFWM dynamics) and possi-
where k f k2 = 0 | f ( x )|2 dx quantifies the energy con-
bly in other settings (Bose-Einstein condensates, spin waves,
tained in a periodic signal. (Note that k cos x k2 = .) The oscillator chains).
value of R is a measure of the strength of the recurrence. The results of this work also open up the interesting ques-
A perfect recurrence corresponds to R = 1. The numeri- tion of whether a similar approach can also be used to study
cally determined dependence of R on e is reported in Fig. 5, the small dispersion limit of the focusing NLS equation with
showing a strong deterioration for decreasing e, whereas near- periodic boundary conditions. Of course the focusing case
perfect recurrence is achieved for relatively large values of e. is expected to be more challenging than the defocusing one.
The latter fact is straightforwardly explained from Eq. (12), From a mathematical point of view, this is because the cor-
which implies that, for e > 0.163, there is only one soliton responding spectral problem is no longer self-adjoint, which
pair besides the stationary black soliton. In this regime, the means that the spectral bands are not restriced to the real
initial condition
is recovered almost exactly at multiples of axis, and which puts into question whether one can effectively
t R = /( 2e), as also illustrated in Fig. 4 (left panel), con- make use of the WKB method. Physically, the problem is also
sistently with earlier experiments [61, 62] (se also [29]). How- expected to give rise to more complex phenomena because of
ever, for e < 0.163, multiple soliton pairs come into play, and the presence of modulational instability, which becomes more
the recurrence becomes progressively worse for decreasing e, and more severe in the dispersionless limit (i.e., as e 0).
as illustrated for e = 0.08 in Fig. 4 (right panel). Importantly,
a similar calculation for the KdV equation also shows a re- Acknowledgment. We thank A. Armaroli for insightful
currence degradation with decreasing e. However, the scaling discussions during the early stage of this work. This work
law in the two models is different. Specifically, R scales pro- was supported in part by the National Science Foundation un-
portionally to e for the KdV, and as e1/4 for the NLS (see der grant numbers DMS-1614623 and DMS-1615524. S.T.
Fig. 4, right panel). No analytical results are available in ei- acknowledges support from the Italian Ministry of University
ther model which explain this dependence. and Research (PRIN-2012BFNWZ2)


In summary, we have shown that, in systems governed by Here we provide the details on the analytical calculation of
the weakly dispersing defocusing NLS equation, the fission the monodromy matrix and the relative bandwidths.
of solitons from a periodic wave and their recurrence can be
described in full analytical fashion. The result demonstrates
that the phenomenon of near-recurrence discovered by ZK is A.1 The WKB expansion and the range > 1
observable in other integrable systems, though important dif-
ferences arise due to the different scaling of soliton veloci- The WKB expansion. Recall that the scattering problem is
ties with their order. We believe that our approach can be given by Eq. (4). We look for an asymptotic expansion for the

solution v of Eq. (4) in the form (a) Region 1, x [, c2 );

(b) First transition region, comprised by a neighborhood of
v( x ) = [ A( x ) + O(e)] eiS( x)/e , (20)
x = c2 ;
as e 0. Substituting Eq. (20) into Eq. (4), one obtains, at (c) Region 2, x (c2 , c1 );
the first two orders in the expansion, the eikonal equation and (d) Second transition region, comprised by a neighborhood
the transport equation, i.e., of x = c1 ;
S2x = Q( x ), (21a) (e) Region 3, x (c1 , c1 );
(f) Third transition region, comprised by a neighborhood
2iSx A x + iSxx A + sin x A = 0, (21b)
of x = c1 ;
respectively. These equations are readily integrated to obtain (g) Region 4, x (c1 , c2 );
Rq (h) Fourth transition region, comprised by a neighborhood
S ( x ) = Q( x ) dx , (22a) of x = c2 ;
(i) Region 5, x (c2 , ].
rq q
A ( x ) = Q( x ) i cos x Q( x ) , (22b)
The various sub-regions are illustrated in Fig. 6. Next, we
discuss the WKB solution of the scattering problem in the var-
up to arbitrary additive and multiplicative constants, respec- ious sub-regions.
tively, where Q( x ) = cos2 x was defined in Eq. (6), and
A corresponds to the plus/minus sign in S ( x ), respectively. (a) In region 1, x [, c2 ), the WKB approximation
Observe that, for > 1, Q( x ) > 0 for all x R. Con- for the general solution of the scattering problem (4) is
versely, for 0 < < 1 the range x [, ] divides into v1 ( x ) = a1+ v1+ ( x ) + a1 v1 ( x ), (26)
three sub-domains:
(i) Q( x ) < 0 for x [, c2 ) (c1 , c1 ) (c2 , ],
Rx q
(ii) Q( x ) > 0 for x (c2 , c1 ) (c1 , c2 ), | Q( x )|dx/e),
v1 ( x ) = A exp( (27)
(iii) Q( x ) = 0 for x = c1 , c2 ,

where c1 = arccos( ) and c2 = c1 (with c = c1 ). We and
then need to study the WKB solutions in these two ranges of 1/2 
A = | Q( x )|1/2 q | Q( x )|1/4 .

separately. (28)
Trace of the monodromy matrix for > 1. For any value
of in this range, Q( x ) is positive. Two linearly independent (b) In the first transition region, x (c2 , c2 + )
solutions are given, in the WKB approximation, by with > 0, Eq. (4) becomes
p p
v ( x ) = A ( x ) eiS ( x)/e , (23) e2 v xx + (2k 1 k2 ( x + c2 ) e 1 k2 )v = 0,

an asymptotic expansion for v in the first transition region is

with A ( x ) and S ( x ) given by Eq. (22). We can write a
given by
corresponding fundamental matrix solution of the first-order
system associated with Eq. (4) as a Wronskian: v12 ( x ) = c1 Ai[ ( x )] + c1+ Bi[ ( x )],
Y ( x ) = Wr(v , v+ ) . (24) where
Since Q( x ) 6= 0 in this case, such a fundamental matrix solu- ( x ) = a1/3 ( x + c2 e/2k)/e2/3 , a = 2k 1 k2 .
tion is valid over the whole range x [, ]. Therefore the
mondoromy matrix can be obtained simply as (c) In region 2, x (c2 , c1 ), the WKB approximation
to the general solution has two equivalent expressions
M = Y 1 ( )Y ( ) . (25)
Rx q
v2 ( x ) = a2+ A+ ( x ) exp(i | Q( x )|dx/e)
Straightforward calculations then show that the trace of M is c2
given by Eq. (7a).

Region1 Region2 Region3 Region4 Region5

A.2 Trace of the monodromy matrix for 0 < < 1

-c2 -c1 c1 c2 x
WKB solutions for 0 < < 1. For all values of in -p p
this range, there are four turning points, namely c1 , c2 . First Second Third Fourth
Correspondingly we need to discuss the behavior of the eigen-
functions in the following nine sub-regions of the fundamental FIG. 6. The sub-regions of the fundamental domain x [, ] for
the WKB analysis in the range 0 < < 1.
period x [, ]:

Rx q with A given by Eq. (22).

+ a2 A ( x ) exp(i | Q( x )|dx/e), (29a)
c2 (h) In the fourth transition region, x (c2 , c2 + ),
Rx q Eq. (4) becomes
v2 ( x ) = a2+ A+ ( x ) exp(i | Q( x )|dx/e) p p
c1 e2 v xx (2k 1 k2 ( x c2 ) e 1 k2 )v = 0,
Rx q
+ a2 A ( x ) exp(i | Q( x )|dx/e), (29b) an asymptotic expansion for v in the fourth transition region
c1 is given by
with A given by Eq. (22). v45 ( x ) = c4 Ai[( x )] + c4+ Bi[( x )],
(d) In the second transition region, i.e., x (c1
, c1 + ), Eq. (4) becomes where ( x ) = a1/3 ( x c2 e/2k)/e2/3 .
(i) In region 5, x (c2 , ], the general solution in the
p p
e2 v xx (2k 1 k2 ( x + c1 ) + e 1 k2 )v = 0 .
WKB approximation is
An asymptotic expansion for v in the second transition region Rx q
is given by v5 ( x ) = a5+ A+ ( x ) exp( | Q( x )|dx/e)
v23 ( x ) = c2 Ai[ ( x )] + c2+ Bi[ ( x )],
Rx q
+ a5 A ( x ) exp( | Q( x )|dx/e),
where ( x ) = a1/3 ( x + c1 + e/2k)/e2/3 . c2
(e) In region 3, x (c1 , c1 ), the general solution in the
with A given by Eq. (28).
WKB approximation also has two equivalent expressions
Connection formulae for 0 < < 1. Having computed
Rx q WKB expressions for the solution of the scattering problem
v3 ( x ) = a3+ A+ ( x ) exp( | Q( x )|dx/e)
in the various sub-domains for 0 < < 1, we now need
to match the solutions across different sub-regions. First we
Rx q
+ a3 A ( x ) exp( | Q( x )|dx/e), (30a) match v1 ( x ) with v12 ( x ). Explicitly,
1 2 3/2
( a1+ e 3 a| x+c2 | /e
Rx q v1 ( x ) = p
v3 ( x ) = a3+ A+ ( x ) exp( | Q( x )|dx/e) 4
a | x + c2 |
c1 32

a| x +c2 |3/2 /e
+ a1
Rx q e )(1 + O(| x + c2 |)),
+ a3 A ( x ) exp( | Q( x )|dx/e), (30b) x c2 ,
1 2 3/2 2 3/2
1/2  v 12 ( x ) = p
( 21 c1 e 3 + c1+ e 3 )
| Q( x )|1/2 | Q( x )|1/4 .

where A = +q
(f) In the third transition region, x (c1 , c1 + ), (1 + O(1/ 3/2 )), .
Eq. (4) becomes
p p Requiring that these two expansions match, we obtain the con-
e2 v xx + (2k 1 k2 ( x c1 ) + e 1 k2 )v = 0 . nection formula
An asymptotic expansion for v in the third transition region is 2 2 0
c1 a1
= C1 , C 1 = .
given by c1+ a1+ ( ae)1/6 0 1
v34 ( x ) = c3 Ai[z( x )] + c3+ Bi[z( x )],
To match v2 ( x ) with v12 ( x ), note that
where z( x ) = a1/3 ( x c1 + e/2k)/e2/3 . 1 2 3/2
(g) In Region 4, x (c1 , c2 ), the WKB approximation to v2 ( x ) = p
( a2+ ei/4 e 3 i a(x+c2 ) /e
a ( x + c2 )
the general solution again has two equivalent expressions
i/4 23 i a( x +c2 )3/2 /e
+ a2
e e )(1 + O( x + c2 )),
Rx q
v4 ( x ) = a4+ A+ ( x ) exp(i | Q( x )|dx/e) x c2 ,
c1 sin( 32 | |3/2 +

Rx q v 12 ( x ) = p 4)
+ a4 A ( x ) exp(i | Q( x )|dx/e), (31a) 4
2 | |
+ c1+ cos( 23 | |3/2 + 4 ) (1 + O(1/| |3/2 )), ,

Rx q
v4 ( x ) = a4+ A+ ( x ) exp(i | Q( x )|dx/e)
c2 implying
Rx q  +
c1 ( ae)1/6 i 1
+ a4 A ( x ) exp(i | Q( x )|dx/e), (31b) = C , C = .
c2 a2 2
c1+ 2
2 2 i 1

Note also that a2 in Eq. (29b) relates to a2 in Eq. (29a) by 1 2 3/2 2 3/2
v 34 ( x ) =
( 12 c3 e 3 z + c3+ e 3 z )
 +  + 2
a2 a
= C3 2 , C3 = ei3 S1 ()/e , (1 + O(1/z3/2 )), z .
a2 a2
Requiring that these two expansions match, we obtain the con-
nection formula
Rc2 q    
S1 ( ) = Q( x )dx. (32) c3 a3
+ = C1 .
c1 c3 a3+
A plot of S1 () is shown in Fig. 7. Next we match v4 ( x ) with v34 ( x ), note that
Next we match v2 ( x ) with v23 ( x ). Note that 1 i/4 2 ia(xc )|3/2 /e
+ 4
i/4 2 ia| x+c |3/2 /e v4 ( x ) = p ( a e e3 1
1 4 4
a ( x c1 ) 4
v2 ( x ) = p ( a e e3 1
a | x + c1 |
2 2 3/2
+ a4 ei/4 e 3 i a(xc1 ) /e )(1 + O( x c1 )),
2 3/2
+ a2+ ei/4 e 3 i a| x+c1 | /e )(1 + O( x + c1 )),
x c1 ,
x c1 , 1
c3 sin( 23 |z|3/2 +

v 34 ( x ) = p 4)
1 4
2 |z|
c2 sin( 23 | |3/2

v 23 ( x ) = p + 4 )
2 | | + c3+ cos( 23 |z|3/2 + 4 ) (1 + O(1/|z|3/2 )),

z .
+ c2+ cos( 23 | |3/2 + 4 ) (1 + O(1/| |3/2 )), .

Matching these expansions, we obtain
( ae)1/6 1 i
Requiring that these two expansions match, we obtain the con-
a4 c3
= C7 + , C7 = .
nection formula a4 c3 2 2 1 i
 +  + 4
c2 a2 1 1
= C4 , C4 = . Note also that a4 in Eq. (31b) relates to a4 in Eq. (31a) by
c2 a2 ( ae)1/6 i i  +  +
a4 a4
= C .
Next we match v3 ( x ) with v23 ( x ). Note that a4 3
1 2 3/2 Then we match v4 ( x ) with v45 ( x ). Note that
( a3 e 3 a(x+c1 ) /e
v3 ( x ) = p
a ( x + c1 ) 1 i/4 2 ia| xc |3/2 /e
2 3/2 v4 ( x ) = p ( a 4 e e3 2

+ a3+ e 3 a(x+c1 ) /e )(1 + O( x + c1 )),

4 4
a | x c2 |
2 3/2
x c1 , + a4+ ei/4 e 3 i a| xc2 | /e )(1 + O( x c2 )),

1 2 3/2 2 3/2 x c2 ,
v 23 ( x ) = p ( 12 c2 e 3 + c2+ e 3 )
4 2
c4 sin( 23 ||3/2 +

3/2 v 45 ( x ) = p 4)
(1 + O(1/ )), . 4
2 ||
+ c4+ cos( 23 ||3/2 + 4 ) (1 + O(1/||3/2 )), .

Matching these expansions, we obtain
( ae)1/6 1 0
  Requiring that these two expansions match, we obtain the con-
a3 c2
= C5 , C5 = 4 1 . nection formula
a3+ c2 2 0 2  +  + 4
2 i i
c4 a4
= C , C = .
Note that a3 in Eq. (30b) relates to a3 in Eq. (30a) by c4 8
a4 8
( ae)1/6 1 1
a3 a Finally we math v5 ( x ) with v45 ( x ). Note that
= C6 3+ , C6 = e3 S2 ()/e
a3+ a3 1 2 3/2
( a5 e 3 a(xc2 ) /e
v5 ( x ) = p
with a ( x c2 )
2 3/2
+ a5+ e 3 a(xc2 ) /e )(1 + O( x c2 )),
Rc3 q
S2 ( ) = | Q( x )|dx. (33)
c2 x c2 ,
1 2 3/2 2 3/2
A plot of S2 () is shown in Fig. 7. v 45 ( x ) = p
( 12 c4 e 3 + c4+ e 3 )

To match v3 ( x ) with v34 ( x ), note that
1 2 a| xc |3/2 /e (1 + O(1/3/2 )), .
+ 4
v3 ( x ) = p ( a 3 e 3 1
a | x c1 | Matching these expansions, we obtain
2 3/2
+ a3 e 3 a| xc1 | /e )(1 + O(| x c1 |)),
= C .
a5+ 5
x c1 ,

solitons along with their features (amplitudes and velocities)

2 2 as a function of e, it is worth to introduce appropriate Tay-
lor expansions. Specifically, the Taylor expansions of S1 ()
1.5 1.5
around = 0 and of S2 () around = 1 are needed. Using

1 1 known properties of elliptic integrals [63], one can verify that
these expansions are given by the following expressions
0.5 0.5

0 0 S1 () = /2 + 22 /16 + O(3 ) , (35a)
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
S2 () = ( 1)/2 + O( 1)2 , (35b)

FIG. 7. Left: S1 () as a function of (red curve). The gray (black) respectively.

curve shows the linear (quadratic) approximation of S1 () about Relative bandwidth. Here we give some details on the
= 1. Right: S2 () as a function of (red curve). The gray characterization of the bands. For n 1, the width of the
curve shows the linear approximation of S2 () about = 1. n-th spectral band, which is approximately centered at zn , is
given by wn = 2n 2n1 , while for n = 0, the bandwidth
is given by w0 = 0 . The width of the n-th spectral gap is
Trace of the monodromy matrix for 0 < < 1. We now
given by gn = 2n+1 2n . We first consider the Taylor ex-
finally ready to use the results of the previous section to com-
pansion of trM around zn (the location of the n-th maximum),
pute the monodromy matrix for 0 < < 1. In the sub-region
evaluated at = 2n1 and = 2n , and we obtain the n-th
x (, c1 ), we choose the fundamental matrix solution
bandwidth as
Y ( x ) as in Eq. (24), with v+ ( x ) and v ( x ) given by Eq. (27).
The value of this fundamental matrix solution at x = is 2e
wn = exp(S2 (zn )/e) + O(ee2S2 (zn )/e ) .
thus |S10 (zn )|
Y ( ) = Next we use the difference zn+1 zn to approximate wn +
gn . To do so, we first show the difference between these two
S ()/2e ( )eS2 ()/2e
A ( )e 2 S A+
, quantities is given by
e | Q( )| A ( )e 2 ()/2e 1e | Q( )| A+ ( )eS2 ()/2e

with A given by Eq. (28). Based on the above discussion, (wn + gn ) (zn+1 zn ) = O(eeS2 (zn+1 )/e ).
the value of the continuation of the above fundamental matrix
solution at x = is given by We then expand S1 () around zn , evaluate at = zn+1 and
Y ( ) = zn+1 zn = e/S10 (zn ) + O(e2 ).
S ()/2e S2 ()/2e
A ( )e 2 S ()/2e A + ( )e C, Combining all the above results, we finally obtain the asymp-
e | Q( )| A ( )e 2 1e | Q( )| A+ ( )eS2 ()/2e
totic expression for the n-th relative bandwidth in Eq. (10).
where C is the connnection matrix given by
C = C5 C8 C3 C7 C1 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 . (34)

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