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I woke up in a pool of sweat, my heart racing and my breathing heavy.

I couldnt believe the dream

that had just ensued. The neighbour that I had lost my virginity to exposed my intimacy to the
website that I was a frequent visitor of. It couldnt be right, he couldnt have done that. I sat up in
bed with a bewildered look on my face as I looked at my laptop sitting on the bedside table. In my
curiosity, I pulled it towards me.

As the laptop started up, I immediately loaded up my favourite website, lushstories. As I scoured the
pages of stories, I noticed a story published recently, My Neighbour The Writer. I quickly clicked on
the story and read through it. My heart sank as I realised that my dream was in fact a reality. Tears
formed in my eyes as I couldnt believe that he had betrayed my trust like this. My sadness quickly
turned into anger as I threw the laptop onto the other side of my bed and thought about what I was
going to do.

A few moments went by and Id calmed down a bit. Im sure hed be reasonable and delete the story
so my nerves were put to rest. I swung my legs out of bed, stepping into my slippers as I moved to
my door. I grabbed my gown as I went down the hall to the bathroom. No matter how much I tried
to put my mind off the story, I just couldnt. I opened the bathroom door and set the shower running
as I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste from the cabinet.

The room immediately began to fill with steam as the water cascaded onto the bottom of the bath. I
brushed my teeth thoroughly, getting rid of the remnants of plaque until they sparkled with the
lights. I had always loved how perfect my little white pearls were, it was something I took pride in,
Id never had a cavity or any dental work at all. As I rinsed my mouth, I quickly shrugged my gown off
of my shoulders and allowed it to fall to my elbows. The warm steam felt amazing on my bare
shoulders as it engulfed my tiny figure. I placed the toothbrush away and began to strip naked,
letting the warmth caress my body softly.

Clouds of white billowed around the curtain, filling the room as I stepped into the bath. The
scorching hot water flowed around my feet as little droplets splashed up against my body. I took a
quick step under the cascading waterfalls of the showerhead and gasped slightly as it soaked my
entire body. Lathering my body with the soap, I kept thinking about what I would say to him about
his story. I lost myself in deep thought as the water continued to pour over me. Steam completely
filled the room and my skin was kissed pink by the heat of the shower. With a deep sigh, I turned it
off and stepped out of the bath.

Quickly wrapping the towel around my body, I walked back to my room, my head still spinning with
thoughts. I usually played out the scenarios within my head and imagined how the situation would
pan out. I didnt want to upset him to the point where all my secrets would pour out but then again,
I wanted him to know that I was angry with him. As I entered my room, I sorted through my clothes
and pulled out the first bra and panties I could put my hands on. They werent anything fancy or
special, just regular, everyday wear. As it was the summer, I decided to go with cool and casual for
over the top of them before going downstairs.

Pulling my pumps on, I took another deep breath as I opened the door to glorious sunshine. It was
certainly the right choice to go with a tank top and a pair of leggings as the rays beamed down on
me. It was just another perfect day in suburbia as every lawn was a perfectly cut and a luscious
green, but I had other things on my mind as I walked along the sidewalk. The sky was blue and
uninterrupted by any clouds. There was only a slight breeze which made the trees sway gently in the
morning sun.
I paused for a few moments as I reached his gate. I knew I had to do this but part of me started to
feel as though it was a bad idea. I then saw his silhouette through the window which sparked my
confidence. I marched up to the front door and gave it a solid knock.

I practiced my speech as I waited for him to answer. It was a few moments until finally, the door
opened slowly. He greeted me with a shocked look on his face, but then again, he probably wasnt
expecting me to be stood on his porch with a scowl on my face.

Jasmine, this is very unexpected, he said.

Not the only thing that is unexpected this morning, I answered as I gritted my teeth.

What do you mean? He asked.

I think you know what I mean, the story, I replied, my face starting to turn red as I tried to keep my

Oh, that. Can we not do this here? He started, Please come inside.

He stepped aside and allowed me into the house before closing the door behind us. I looked around,
taking in the sight as it was the first time Id been inside his house. Expensive paintings decorated
the halls wall and I couldnt help but be mesmerised by each of them.

Would you like a drink? He asked.

Sure, I replied as he led me to the kitchen.

He started pouring me a glass of water as I looked around the kitchen. It was nothing like my house;
everything was so clean and looked incredibly expensive. I started wondering what kind of guy Id
gotten involved with and why hed want someone as working class as me.

So the story, he said loudly, breaking my trance.

I looked round at him with a shocked look, What about your parents?

Dont worry about them, theyre not here, he reassured.

Oh, I started, Okay, the story.

What do you want to say about it? he asked.

Well, I want you to remove it, I said sternly.

Remove it? Youve got to be joking right? He replied with a smug look on his face.

No, Im not joking, I want it gone, I responded keeping a fierce gaze.

Well, you do realise I know a lot of things about you Jasmine. I want to know one more thing, he

And that is? I replied.

Did you like it? He asked.

What do you mean? I questioned with a puzzled look on my face.

Did you like the story? He responded.

No, I mean how could I like it if Im here asking you to delete it? I asked.

Because youre a girl who likes her image, you wouldnt want your parents finding out about all
your naughty stories just like you wouldnt want other people knowing that youve been stuffed with
a cock. I think you enjoyed both being fucked and reliving the whole thing through my story, even
now I can see that youre dying to fuck. I can feel the tension building in this room, he answered as
he came closer to me.

I looked away from him shyly, my cheeks turned a crimson red and my teeth sank into my lower lip
as I felt the heat of his body against my skin. Even with my heart racing with excitement, I still felt
angry with him. I wanted to move away from him but he was like a magnet that kept pulling at me. I
dont know what came over me but as we stood there, the tension building ever higher, I leaned in
and planted my lips on his.

His tongue started to part my lips and slide inside my mouth as my arms locked behind his neck. His
hands moved onto my hips as we stood there in the morning light, kissing like lovers. My eyes closed
and my anger began to fade, it seemed as if I was longing for this after all. Our tongues glided over
one another repeatedly as our saliva mixed. It wasnt long until he was breaking the kiss however.

I knew you wanted that, he laughed as he looked down my body, Im pretty sure theres
something else youd like too.

I remained quiet but the look on my face told him all he needed to know. The urge had completely
overwhelmed me at this point, I wanted him again.

Going quiet again I see, he laughed. Luckily, I know what you want.

I watched as he started to unbuckle his belt. My eyes lit up with anticipation as I awaited my treat.
He began smiling as he watched my eyes focus on his crotch. Time started to go by slowly as I
watched his manhood come into sight. I licked my lips slightly as I watched him uncover it, inch by
inch. It sprung to life in front of my very eyes as the waistband of his boxers slipped over the head. It
still amazed me by how long and fat it was.

There you go Jasmine, he said as his hand grasped the base.

I was anxious but at the same time extremely excited. Slowly, I dropped to my knees in front of him.
I looked at his cock and then up into his powerful gaze, then back to his cock. I was amused slightly
as I watched it twitch in front of me every so often. In a sharp movement, I started to trace my
tongue down the vein of his member until I reached his hand. I then licked back up to the helmet of
his cock.

Good girl, he whispered as his hand let go of the shaft.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth and started to slide it over his manhood. My tongue
playfully flicked against the eye of his cock before I began to take more into my mouth. He leaned
back against the worktop as I started to work my magic on him. My big brown eyes met his once
again as I rocked my head back and forth on his shaft. With one hand I started to fondle his swollen
balls and with the other I slowly stroked him into my mouth.

His dick began to leak with a delightful treat as I sucked him quicker, I wanted his sperm. My tongue
started to rotate around his helmet quickly as I looked up into his eyes seductively. I liked the feeling
of control as I saw the strain in his face as he fought his own urges to fill my throat with thick,
creamy cum. I pumped my lips back and forth once more, trying to get him to explode but he was
showing great resiliency as he continued to deny me of my treat.

Stop Jasmine, he commanded.

I was suddenly returned to the reality that he was the dominant party. Unenthusiastically, I pulled
my head away from his throbbing cock as my saliva dripped onto the linen floor.

Whats wrong? I asked, Didnt it feel good?

Babe, it felt amazing but I want you to feel good too, he reassured as he helped me to my feet.

I kicked my pumps off to the side as he began to pull my leggings down my slender legs. Once more,
I was hit with shyness as my panties came into view. Pulling my leggings completely off, he gave my
thighs a few kisses before picking me up. With me on his shoulder, he spun around and carefully sat
me on the worktop behind him.

Now its my turn to get what I want, he laughed as he slid my panties down my legs, unveiling my
tight, shaven slit.

My lips were swollen and my pink interior glistened in the sunlight as he playfully kissed just above
my clitoral hood. Spreading my legs a little bit more, his tongue delved into my tight, wet hole. I
moaned loudly as his tongue drove deeper into my pussy before moving back to the entrance. He
then licked up to my clitoris. His tongue danced around my hood before he started to probe my
pussy with his finger.

He sucked and licked my beautiful pink pearl as his finger investigated the warmth of my vagina. He
started to press his finger against my inner wall, sending new sensations throughout my body. His
finger rubbed the rough surface of my g-spot as his tongue wriggled against my clit. My body
shuddered from the pleasure he was inflicting on it. He continued his assault on my pussy until
finally, I let go and my juices flowed from deep within. My yelps and whimpers filled the air as I rode
wave after wave of my orgasm. My heart pounded and my pussy pulsated with the intensity of his

He quickly pulled me down from the counter and faced me towards the kitchen window as I was still
recovering from my orgasm. My legs felt like jelly and I was light headed but I managed to stay up
straight. Without warning, he impaled my pussy with his cock. More pleasure began to flood my
body as he started fucking me from behind. His hands gripped my hips tightly as he thrust back and
forth. My ass clapped against his torso as he penetrated me powerfully. More moans and yelps left
my mouth as he took control of me once again.

Each thrust battered against my cervix as he fucked me deep. I could barely breathe as I tried to
moan out with pleasure. With one hand still on my hip, he moved the other hand up my front and
pulled my bra down, allowing my tits to move freely with the force of his thrusts. I was his little
whore but I adored it. I wanted this and he knew it from the moment I stepped foot inside his house.

His hands moved back up to my tits, grasping them tightly as I rocked my body to match his thrusts.
His lips pressed against my cheek as he pushed his helmet as deep as it could go. He started to slow
down, making me believe he was getting ready to cum. Each thrust was now slow and soft rather
than fast and hard, but they were equally pleasurable.

Are you okay? I moaned as he crept down to a snails pace.

Yes, Im great, youre amazing Jasmine, he gasped as he finally pulled out. Do you mind going on

Pulling a chair away from the kitchen table, he sat down, his cock pointing to the heavens as I
approached him. I placed my hands on his shoulders as I parted my legs to move closer to him. His
hands moved to my ass as his mouth started to suckle on my erect nipples. Reaching back, I grasped
his penis and guided him to my entrance. I then slowly slid down his cock until I felt his balls against
my ass.

I started moving up and down slowly to begin with, letting him feel my tightness with every stroke of
my pussy. My eyes looked deeply into his as my mouth opened and I exhaled softly. I started to
move quicker, riding him harder and faster than before. The chair creaked below us as I attempted
to milk his balls with my pussy. He sharply spanked my ass, leaving a red print on my cheek. It was as
if he was egging me on to make him cum. I gladly accepted his challenge as I went quicker and
harder than I ever had before. His mouth released my tits, and together we moaned with pleasure.

Keep going Jasmine, he groaned.

You like that baby? I moaned, Give me that sperm baby.

Oh god yes, I love it, he groaned.

He started pushing and pulling my body, pumping his cock deep into my slit. Together, we began our
attempt to empty his testicles. My body was being recklessly thrown up and down like a ragdoll as
his cock impaled my pussy. I placed my hands on his chest and started to grind my hips against his
body, leaving his cock fully inside me. It seemed to work as I saw the strain in his face once more.
This encouraged me to lift my body up slightly and begin working his head with fast and shallow

It wasnt long until I felt the head of his cock start to expand, and the strain in his face seemed to
disappear as I slammed my pussy down his length one last time. His balls tightly contracted and his
warm, white goo shot into my uterus, filling me almost immediately.

As his orgasm came to an end, we looked at one another, beads of sweat rolling down our

So, about that story, I whispered as we shared one last kiss.

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