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Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas

48 Woerd Ave, Waltham, MA 02453-3824 USA

Tel: 781-419-3900

Transferring a 38DLP.FTP format file to and from the

Olympus 38DL Plus Thickness Gage using a 2GB MicroSD Card
We are pleased to introduce a new data transfer feature for the 38DL Plus. This new
feature is designed to allow third party software programs to import/export 38DLP.FTP
formatted files to and from the 38DL Plus using a removable 2G MicroSD card.
This file transfer method is an alternative to incorporating the Olympus DLLs into your
software. The advantage of the SD card file transfer is that it uses the same 38DL Plus FTP
format files that your programs are currently creating. This new feature should help any
programs that are currently experiencing direct interface issues using RS-232 or USB. If your
software has already integrated the Olympus DLL for direct communication this will offer a
secondary means to transfer files. Instead of connecting and sending the files to and from the
38DL Plus you can simply copy and paste them to the transfer folder on the MicroSD card.
Using this new feature will save time waiting for data transfers since an operator in the
field can import and export to the card and continue to work allowing the SD card to go back to
the office to be uploaded to your program. There should be minimal modification needed to your
existing program to load files and read files directly from the SD Card.
Upgrading 38DL Plus to v1.19i:
1.) The first step in this process would be to upgrade your 38DL Plus software to the beta
version v1.19i.
*****Please note a released version of software will be available once testing and feedback
from the beta version is completed.*****
2.) Please use the link below to:
a. Download the Upgrade 2010 software if you do not already have it installed
b. Download the 38DL Plus beta software v1.19i. You will need to unzip the file and
save the four bin files to a New Folder on your desktop.
c. View instructions on how to upgrade the instrument software using Upgrade 2010
d. Access example 2DGRID.FTP and BOILER.FTP files
******If you have issues opening the link above using Internet Explorer, please try using an
alternate browser such as Firefox or Chrome. You can also copy the link and paste it directly
into your Windows Explorer.******
Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas
48 Woerd Ave, Waltham, MA 02453-3824 USA
Tel: 781-419-3900

Formatting 2GB MicroSD Card on 38DL Plus:

3.) Insert a 2GB MicroSD Card into the 38DL Plus and power the unit on. It should show the SD
icon in the top right corner:

4.) Then press the FILE key and then the down arrow to highlight EXPORT and press ENTER
5.) Press the down arrow to highlight NONAME00 in green and then press ENTER
6.) You can leave the format as SURVEY FILE and then press ENTER and then ENTER on
EXPORT. This will create the proper folder on the 2GB MicroSD card and should only need
to be done the first time the card is used.

7.) Turn off the 38DL Plus, remove the 2GB MicroSD card and insert it into the PC
Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas
48 Woerd Ave, Waltham, MA 02453-3824 USA
Tel: 781-419-3900

10.) Navigate to the 2GB MicroSD card on your PC and it should now have an OlympusNDT

Importing FTP file from the 2GB MicroSD card to the 38DL Plus:
11.) Follow the path OlympusNDT 38DLP Transfer and then paste the .FTP file(s) you wish
to transfer into this location:
Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas
48 Woerd Ave, Waltham, MA 02453-3824 USA
Tel: 781-419-3900

12.) Remove the 2GB Micro SD card from the PC and insert it into the side door of the 38DL
Plus and turn the unit on.
13.) Then press the FILE key and then the down arrow to highlight IMPORT and press ENTER
14.) Press the right arrow to switch to FTP, then press the down arrow to highlight the FTP file
in green and press ENTER and then ENTER on IMPORT

15.) Once the import completes the 38DL Plus will recall the file. This can be confirmed by
pressing the FILE key:

16.) The file can also be accessed if you press FILE and then the down arrow to OPEN and
press ENTER:
Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas
48 Woerd Ave, Waltham, MA 02453-3824 USA
Tel: 781-419-3900

17.) You can now begin saving readings to the file.Once you have finished saving readings
please follow the instructions below on how to export the file.
Exporting FTP file from the 38DL Plus to the 2GB MicroSD card:
18.) Press the FILE key and then the down arrow to highlight EXPORT and press ENTER
19.) Press the down arrow to highlight the file name in green and press ENTER
20.) Use the right arrow to change the format to FTP and press ENTER and then ENTER on

21.) Once the export has completed you can remove the 2GB MicroSD card from the side of the
38DL Plus and insert it into your PC.

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