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CURSO : Ingls
PROFESOR : Diego A. Becerra Chujutalli
SEMESTRE : 2017 - 2
CICLO : Bsico


UNIDADES 2, 3 & 4

I. VOCABULARY 1: Days of the Week

Complete the days of the week.

1. Su______nday ___
2. M___on_______day
3. T_____ues_____day
4. Wed___nes_______day
5. Th___urs_______day
6. F____ri_____day
7. Sa______tur____day

II. VOCABULARY 3: Family Members

Complete each sentence with the correct word.

brother nephew father grandparents daughter cousins sister siblings

1. My grandfather is my mothers or my fathers ________father ____________.

2. My uncle is my mothers or my fathers _____brother_______________.
3. My niece is my sisters or my brothers _________ daughter ___________.
4. My aunt is my mothers or my fathers _____________ sister _______.
5. My brothers or my sisters son is my ________ nephew ____________.
6. My brothers and my sisters are my _____________ siblings _______.
7. My parents parents are my ________ grandparents.
8. My mothers sisters children are my ___________ cousins _________.

III. GRAMMAR 1: Present Simple

Circle the correct verb to complete each sentence.

1. I __wake___ up at around 7 a.m.

a) wake b)wakes
2. My grandfather _gets____ up at 5:30 in the morning.
a) get b) gets
3. Carlota and Elisa _has ____ breakfast at around 11 a.m. on weekends.
a) have b) has
4. You _take____ a shower in the morning and in the evening.
a) takes b) take
5. Fabio __goes___ to bed at around 11 p.m.
a) go b) goes
6. My husband and I _leave____ home at around 8:30 a.m.
a) leave b) leaves
7. Our dog __wakes___ up at 4 or 5 in the morning.
a) wakes b) wake

IV. GRAMMAR 2: ASI and QASI Questions

Order these words to form questions. Write the correct questions.

1. Whats your full name?

2. Are you Chilean?

3. Where do you live?


4. Do you live in London?


5. Where do you work?


6. Do you my know wife?


V. VOCABULARY 1: The Weather

Write the correct adjective in each space

8. / Its sunny _____________ today.

9. / Its cloudy _____________ today.
10. / Its windy ___

__________ today.
11. / Its foggy_____________ today.
12. / Its rainy _____________ today.
13. / Its snowy _____________ today.

VI. GRAMMAR 1: Present Continuous

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Shes _________takling____ to her mother on the phone. (talk)

2. Felipe is _______running______ in the park. (run)
3. What are you ______doing_______? (do)
4. My children are _____riding________ their bikes. (ride)
5. Were _______warching ______ TV. (watch)
6. Are you ________having _____ problems? (have)
7. Shes ___carries __________ her shopping bags to her car. (carry)

VII. GRAMMAR 2: Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

Circle the correct form to complete each sentence.

1. My friend Gilberto __ speaks ___ seven languages.

a) speaks b) is speaking
2. _i usually ____ dinner at around 8:00 pm.
a) I usually have b) Im usually having
3. Oh no! My cell phone battery __dies___ .
a) is dying b) dies
4. __i run ___ in the park every morning.
a) I run b) Im running
5. _i do ____ my English homework at the moment.
a) I do b) Im doing
6. ___ Its sometimes snowing __ here in November.
a) Its sometimes snowing b) It sometimes snow
7. What language __ are they speaking___? Its not English, Spanish or
a) do they speak b) are they speaking
8. Hey! What __ are you doing?__. Stop!
a) are you doing? b) do you do?
VIII. GRAMMAR 3: Present Continuous for Future
Underline the four sentences that talk about the future.

1. Hows it going?
2. What are you doing on the weekend?
3. Im meeting my friends in a caf.
4. Were having dinner at 8:30 p.m.
5. Were not working at the moment.
6. Look! Its raining.
7. What time are you leaving home?
8. Shes feeling depressed.

IX. GRAMMAR 1: Can Questions

Order these words to form questions.
1. / / /
you Can swim ?
2. / / /
you Can play a musical instrument?
3. / / / / /
What musical instrument can you play ?______________________________
4. / / / /
How languages many you can speak ?_________
Can you use your phone for e-mail ?_____________________
5. / / / /
How can you cook well ?_

X. GRAMMAR 3: Possessive Pronouns

Complete each sentence with the correct word.

1. Hes my boyfriend. Hes _______________.

2. Its our closet. Its _______________.
3. Its their problem. Its _______________.
4. These are your clothes. These are _______________.
5. Its his saxophone. Its _______________.
6. Theyre her children. Theyre _______________.

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