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Team 23, Redbirds for Vets, 10/12 agenda

Location information: Milner library. 3rd floor in the open work spaces

Pack Back\ selfie reminder

Each member should bring\ have done

Updated contacts from operation Santa

Finished logo
Updated website from the last meeting
Meeting with Patty. From organization
Determine how we will collect money/ goods

Primary Objective of the meeting

Vote on the event that we We will host

Discuss any improvements that can be made in regards to team relations
Use what we learned from Patti to start planning event

What needs to be done to achieve this

All members need to come to the meeting prepared to vote on which event we want to do
Webmaster needs to have the website up to date with the agenda and minutes from the last
Liaison needs to come to the meeting with information from the meeting on Monday with the
Operation Santa
Who ever had the logo available bring a copy to the meeting so the team can decide on a size to

What each member needs to bring:

Liaison- come to the meeting with the information from the meeting with Patti. Come to the
meeting with an understanding of what the organization needs from us.
Webmaster- come to the meeting with the website up to date
Treasures- come to the meeting with more information on. How we will collect money and or
objects we collect
Historian- continue to record interactions we have with the organizations
Recorder- turn in agenda on time and make corrections from the last weeks agendas and minutes.

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