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Pioneer School Mid-Semester I Test ( 2017-2018 ) 3rd.

Form Maths

linking / stick /most/ whether/ to / knit / trying /cozier / either / for


I believe that when someone is going through a (1)

time, they need a support group to talk and
express their feelings (2) . I call this
support group a family, (3). the
relationship is through blood or just a connection. (4)
. way, its your family. They help you in
the hardest times in your life and are there when you need
them (5) . . You, in return, are there for them as well
when they need you. My faith grew in this belief when it
personally occurred to me. On December 11, 2009 my
grandmother died. It was very hard for my mother and I to
come to realize it. We have a very large family that was
closely (6) . before her death. When she
was alive, she connected the whole family and was the
reason we were so close; she raised our family to (7)
together. So when she died, that bond
grew even (8) .

Frank is a 74-year-old (1) (widow ) . He

used to be quite (2) ( take / pain ) .but since
his wife Ruth (3) ( passing ) away, hes lost all
interest in getting out or seeing anyone. It (4) ( be )
nine months since his loss, but Frank
shows no sign of feeling at his (5) ( well ) . If a
serious matter set a relative of his (6) ( spirit / low )
.. and off mood, he may not want to do
anything or to see anyone, for he, himself, grows (7) (
melancholy) . Depression not only
Pioneer School Mid-Semester I Test ( 2017-2018 ) 3rd.Form Maths

prevents older adults from enjoying- enjoy life like they

could be, it also takes a heavy toll on health. Franks beloved
onesd have remained happy and vibrant throughout the
golden years (8) ( he / spot ) . the signs
of depression and figured out effective ways to overstep the


(1) ( Consensus/ Understanding/ Misunderstanding )

between parents and children occurs most often when
youngsters are in puberty, medical experts at the Shanghai
Mental Health Center (2) ( observed / have observed /
observe ). Oftentimes, high parental expectations (3) (
predict / contradict / restrict ) natural child development, (4) (
but / thus / so ) causing a gap in communication that can
take (5) ( role / part / place ) prematurely . Experts said both
parents and children (6) (could / ought / might) to make an
effort to keep lines of communication open. "My parents
always tell me to study hard," said Chen Chen, a 15-year-old
middle class student."I feel (7) (exasperated / solaced /
rhapsodic) sometimes especially when I score poorly on my
exams. None (8) (genuinely / barely / roughly) understands
my pain."
Pioneer School Mid-Semester I Test ( 2017-2018 ) 3rd.Form Maths
Pioneer School Mid-Semester I Test ( 2017-2018 ) 3rd.Form Maths
Pioneer School Mid-Semester I Test ( 2017-2018 ) 3rd.Form Maths

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