Cellular Metabolism

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Essential Questions:

1. How do we make energy?

2. Why do we breathe O2 and give off CO2?
3. What are the 3 major metabolic pathways in eukaryotes?
a. Glycolysis - breakdown of glucose, occurs in cytoplasm [2 ATP]
i. Breakdown of glucose makes 2 pyruvate (C3H6O3)
ii. To the mitochondria
iii. GLUT.4 most important glucose receptor
iv. Anaerobic process
v. Catabolic process
b. The Citric Acid Cycle (TCA) aka Kreb Cycle - occurs in mitochondria
i. Kreb Cycle requires O2 , gives off CO2
ii. Takes pyruvate, uses enzymes to make Cofactors (NADH
[make 3 ATP] & FADH2 [make 2 ATP] )
iii. Endosymbiont hypothesis - how we have mitochondria
iv. Cristae - curves in mitochondria
c. Electron Transport Channel - occurs in inner membrane of cristae
i. Cofactors sent here
ii. Energy ions used to make ATP SYNTHASE (located in cristae,
looks like ferris wheel) which then makes ATP
iii. Where most ATP is produced
iv. 1 Glucose a bit of heat and maybe 38 ATP
4. LEO says GER
a. Losing electrons oxidation
b. Gain electrons reduction

Crash Course Biology #7

Cellular respiration is how we derive energy from food we eat
Take glucose + 6 oxygens = 6 CO2, 6 H2O, and Energy (backwards =
photosynthesis) (forward = cellular respiration)
ATP made of adenine with ribose and 3 phosphate groups attached to it
Currency of American biology
Phosphate groups are not happy with each other
Shoots the end phosphate group off (release energy)
Becomes Adenosine Diphosphate
Then replaced by OH molecule
Hydrolysis: water separation
Glycolysis: breaking down of the glucose in the cytoplasm
Breaks into two carbon molecules (pyruvic acids or pyruvic
This process has created 2 molecules of ATP and 2 molecules of
Takes place without oxygen, which makes it an anaerobic process
Fermentation: when there's no oxygen, uses the NAD+
Makes lactic acid which makes you sore
Aerobic processes: need oxygen
The Krebs Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
The Krebs Cycle: inner membrane of the mitochondria
Takes the pyruvic molecules and forms them into two more ATP
molecules per glucose. Plus makes more energy
One of the pyruvates is combined with oxygen
The two left over make 2 NADH molecules to be used for later
Acetyl CoA
Also known as Citric Acid Cycle
2 ATPS for each pyruvate during glycolysis
2 ATPS during the Krebs Cycle
34 ATPS during the Electron Transport Chain
Swap electrons to send hydrogen ions out of cristae
B vitamins are good at holding onto electrons and pass them to other
NAD+ and FAD are like batteries (they charge things up)
3 pyruvates 3 NADH and 1 FADH2
10 total NADH from glycolysis and Kreb's cycle

Electron Transport Chain

It is an IMP
IMS Matrix in [+ H]
Cofactors go to cristae to drop off electrons
Inter-membranous space gets loaded with electrons
Increasing Hydrogen ion concentration, pH gets lowered
Created an electro-motive force
Hydrogen ions go into the ATP synthase, the ATP synthase brings the ions
close to ADP, connects them, and then makes ATP
4 Complexes The order is not the way electrons travel (Its just the order
they were discovered in)
Complex II promotes proton (electron/hydrogen ions) pumping in
complexes III and IV
NADH puts 2 electrons in complex I
The electrons move through redox centers
Puts two electrons into Coenzyme Q
Complex I + Complex II Complex III Complex IV
FADH2 drops off 2 electrons into Complex II
^ Also puts electrons into Coenzyme Q molecules

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