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The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 179:209Y241, 2008 November A

# 2008. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


Jeremiah W. Murphy1,2 and Adam Burrows1
Received 2007 December 4; accepted 2008 June 20

In this paper, we describe a new hydrodynamics code for one- and two-dimensional (1D and 2D) astrophysical
simulations, BETHE-hydro, that uses time-dependent, arbitrary, unstructured grids. The core of the hydrodynamics
algorithm is an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) approach, in which the gradient and divergence operators are
made compatible using the support-operator method. We present 1D and 2D gravity solvers that are finite differenced
using the support-operator technique, and the resulting system of linear equations are solved using the tridiagonal
method for 1D simulations and an iterative multigrid-preconditioned conjugate-gradient method for 2D simulations.
Rotational terms are included for 2D calculations using cylindrical coordinates. We document an incompatibility
between a subcell pressure algorithm to suppress hourglass motions, and the subcell remapping algorithm and present
a modified subcell pressure scheme that avoids this problem. Strengths of this code include a straightforward struc-
ture, enabling simple inclusion of additional physics packages, the ability to use a general equation of state, and most
importantly, the ability to solve self-gravitating hydrodynamic flows on time-dependent, arbitrary grids. In what fol-
lows, we describe in detail the numerical techniques employed and, with a large suite of tests, demonstrate that BETHE-
hydro finds accurate solutions with second-order convergence.
Subject headingg s: hydrodynamics instabilities methods: numerical shock waves
supernovae: general
Online material: color figures
<![%ONLINE; [toctitlegrptitleOnline Material/title/titlegrpentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg4"
place="NO"Figure 4/figref/title/titlegrp/entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg5" place="NO"Figure 5/
figref/title/titlegrp/entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg6" place="NO"Figure 6/figref/title/titlegrp/
e n t r y e n t r y t i t l e g r p t i t l e fi g r e f r i d = " f g 7 "long p l atimescales
c e = " N O "when
F i g uand
r e if7 /other
fi g r emechanisms
f / t i t l e / t i t l efail.
g r pThese
/ au-
e n t rhydrodynamic
The ability to simulate y e n t r y t i t l e gflow
r p t i tisl ekey
fi g to
r e fstudying thors identified two primary reasons why this mechanism
r i d = " f g 8 " p l a c e = " N O " F i g u r e 8 / fi g r e f / t i t l e / t i t l e g r p / might
most astrophysical objects. Supernova explosions, gamma-ray rid="fg10"have been missed
place= "NO"Figurebefore: (1)10/figref/title/titlegrp/
2D radiation-hydrodynamic simula-
bursts, X-ray bursts, classical novae, the outbursts of luminous tions with reasonable approximations
rid="fg12" place= "NO"Figure 12/figref/title/titlegrp/ are still expensive to run,
blue variables (LBVs),entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref
and stellar winds are just a few phenomena and with limited resources,
rid="fg13" place= "NO"Figure 13/figref/title/titlegrp/ simulations are rarely carried to late
for which understanding entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref
and numerical tools evolve in tandem. enough times; and (2) a noteworthy
rid="fg14" place= "NO"Figure 14/figref/title/titlegrp/ feature of the code they used,
This is due in part to entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref
the physical complexity, multidimensional VULCAN/2D, is its arbitrary
rid="fg15" place= "NO"Figure 15/figref/title/titlegrp/ Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) struc-
character, and instabilities of such dynamical fluids. Moreover, ture. VULCAN/2D incorporates
rid="fg17" place= "NO"Figure 17/figref/title/titlegrp/ nonstandard grids that liberate
rotation is frequently entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref
a factor in the dynamical development rid="fg18"
of theplace= "NO"Figure 18/figref/title/titlegrp/ of stan-
inner core from the Courant and resolution limitations
astrophysical transients.entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref
One-dimensional hydrodynamicsrid="fg19" is by dard spherical
place= grids. In this 19/figref/title/titlegrp/
"NO"Figure context, Burrows et al. (2006) claim
and large a solved problem, but multidimensional hydrodynam- that simulating all degrees
rid="fg20" place= "NO"Figure 20/figref/title/titlegrp/ of freedom leads to a new mechanism
ics is still a challenge.entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref
In the context of astrophysical theory, rid="fg21"
this in which the gravitational energy
place= "NO"Figure 21/figref/title/titlegrp/ in aspherical accretion is con-
is due primarily to theentryentrytitlegrptitlefigref
need to address time-dependent gravita- verted to explosion energy
rid="fg22" place= "NO"Figure 22/figref/title/titlegrp/ by first exciting protoYneutron star
tional potentials, complicated equations of state ( EOSs), flexible core g-modes. These modes
rid="fg23" place= "NO"Figure 23/figref/title/titlegrp/ then radiate acoustic power and re-
grids, multidimensional entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref
shock structures, and chaotic andrid="fg24" turbu- vive the stalled shock into explosion.
place= "NO"Figure 24/figref/title/titlegrp/ Remarkably, the acoustic
lent flows. As a result,entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref
theorists who aim to understand rid="fg25" the uni- mechanism, given enough time,
place="NO"Figure 25/figref/title/titlegrp/entry/toc]]> leads to successful core-collapse
verse devote much of their time to code development and testing. supernovae in all progenitors more massive than 9 M simu-
lated to date (Burrows et al. 2006, 2007b). However, this is a re-
One of the outstanding and complex problems in theoretical
astrophysics is the mechanism for core-collapse supernovae. For markable claim, and given the implications, must be thoroughly
investigated. For instance, one question to ask is: could the results
more than two decades, the preferred mechanism of explosion
seen by Burrows et al. (2006) be numerical artifacts of VULCAN?
has been the delayed neutrino mechanism (Bethe & Wilson1985).
Therefore, to address this and other issues that surround the
One-dimensional (1D) simulations generally fail to produce explo-
acoustic supernova mechanism, as well as a host of other outstand-
sions (Liebendorfer et al. 2001a, 2001b, 2005; Rampp & Janka
ing astrophysical puzzles, we have designed the new hydrody-
2002; Buras et al. 2003; Thompson et al. 2003). However, two-
namic code, BETHE-hydro3, from the bottom up. BETHE-hydro
dimensional (2D) simulations, and the accompanying aspherical
will be coupled with the 2D mixed-frame radiation transport
instabilities, suggest that the neutrino mechanism may indeed be
scheme of Hubeny & Burrows (2007) to create the 2D radiation/
viable (Herant et al. 1994; Janka & Mueller 1995; Burrows et al.
hydrodynamics code BETHE, and the merger of these two codes
1995 2007b; Buras et al. 2006; Kitaura et al. 2006), although this
has yet to be proven. In fact, Burrows et al. (2006) have recently will be the subject of a future paper. In this paper, we present and
test the hydrodynamic and gravity algorithms of BETHE-hydro.
reported an acoustic mechanism, which seems to succeed on
Since BETHE-hydro uses arbitrary grids and a general gravity
Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721; jmurphy@
3, Hydrodynamic core of BETHE ( Basic Explicit / Implicit Transport and Hy-
JINA Fellow. drodynamics Explosion Code).

210 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

solver, we expect it to be a powerful and flexible numerical tool, make local approximations that the EOS has a gamma-law form,
able to configure the grid to suit the computational challenge. which stipulates that as the internal energy goes to zero so does
The core of BETHE-hydro is a 1D and 2D ALE hydrodynamics the pressure. For equations of state appropriate for core-collapse
solver. First, solutions to the Lagrangian hydrodynamic equations supernovae, this artificially imposed zero-point energy can pose
are obtained on an arbitrary polygonal grid. Then, to avoid tangled problems for the simulations ( Buras et al. 2006).
grids, the hydrodynamic variables can be remapped to another grid. Two codes in astrophysics which have already capitalized on
A unique and powerful feature of ALE schemes is their flexibility the arbitrary grid formulations of ALE are Djehuty ( Bazan et al.
to tailor an arbitrary grid to the computational challenge and to alter 2003; Dearborn et al. 2005) and VULCAN/2D ( Livne 1993;
the grid dynamically during runtime. Hence, purely Lagrangian, Livne et al. 2004). In both cases, the grids employed were designed
purely Eulerian, or arbitrarily moving grids (chosen to optimize to be spherical in the outer regions, but to transition smoothly to a
numerical performance and resolution) are possible. These grids cylindrical grid near the center. These grid geometries reflected the
can be nonorthogonal, nonspherical, and non-Cartesian. basic structure of stars, while avoiding the cumbersome singu-
Some of the earliest 2D hydrodynamic simulations in astro- larity of a spherical grid. With this philosophy, Dearborn et al.
physics were, in fact, performed to address the core-collapse prob- (2006) using Djehuty, have studied the helium core flash phase
lem. While some employed standard fixed-grid schemes (Smarr of stellar evolution in 3D. In the core-collapse context, Burrows
et al. 1981), other 2D simulations were calculated with adaptive et al. (2006, 2007a, 2007b) using VULCAN/2D, performed 2D
grids. Although many used moving grids, for the most part, the radiation / hydrodynamic and radiation /MHD simulations with
differencing formulations were Eulerian ( LeBlanc & Wilson rotation.
1970; Symbalisty 1984; Miller et al. 1993). On the other hand, Several gravity solvers have been employed in astrophysics.
Livio et al. (1980) did employ an Euler-Lagrange method The most trivial are static or monopole approaches. For arbitrary
involving a Lagrangian hydrodynamic solve, followed by a re- potentials, the most extensively used are N-body schemes, which
mapping stage. Even though these simulations did exploit radi- fit most naturally in smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) codes
ally dynamical grids, they were restricted to be orthogonal and (Monaghan 1992). As a virtue, SPH solves the equations in a
spherical. grid-free context, and while SPH has opened the way to three-
Many of the current hydrodynamic algorithms used in astro- dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic simulations in astrophysics, in-
physics are based on either ZEUS (Stone & Norman1992) or higher cluding core-collapse simulations (Fryer & Warren 2002), the
order Godunov methods, in particular the piecewise-parabolic smoothing kernels currently employed pose serious problems for
method ( PPM; Colella & Woodward1984; Woodward & Colella simulating fundamental hydrodynamic instabilities such as the
1984). Both approaches have been limited to orthogonal grids. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (Agertz et al. 2007). Another ap-
One concern with PPM-based codes is that they solve the hydro- proach to the solution of Poissons equation for gravity is the use
dynamic equations in a dimensionally split fashion. As a result, of multipole expansions of the potential (Muller & Steinmetz
there have been concerns that these algorithms do not adequately 1995). This technique achieves its relative speed by calculating
resolve flows that are oblique to the grid orientation. Rectifying simple integrals on a spherical grid once. Then, the stored integ-
this concern, recent unsplit higher order Godunov schemes, or ap- rals are used in subsequent time steps. In BETHE-hydro, we con-
proximations thereof, have been developed (Truelove et al. 1998; struct finite-difference equations for Poissons equation using the
Klein 1999; Gardiner & Stone 2005; Miniati & Colella 2007). support-operator method and find solutions to the resulting linear
Despite this and the employment of adaptive mesh refinement system of equations for the potentials via an iterative multigrid-
(AMR), these codes must use orthogonal grids that are often preconditioned conjugate-gradient method (Ruge & Stuben 1987).
strictly Cartesian. In x 2 we give a summary of BETHE-hydro and sketch the flow-
In BETHE-hydro, we use finite-difference schemes based chart of the algorithm. The coordinates and mesh details are dis-
on the support-operator method (Shashkov & Steinberg1995) of cussed in x 3. We then describe in x 4 the discrete Lagrangian
Caramana et al. (1998) and Caramana & Shashkov (1998). Differ- equations, including specifics of the second-order time-integration
encing by this technique enables conservation of energy to round- and rotational terms. Section 5 gives a complete description of
off error in the absence of rotation and time-varying gravitational the 1D and 2D gravity solvers. Hydrodynamic boundary con-
potentials. Similarly, momentum is conserved accurately, but due ditions are discussed in x 6. The artificial viscosity algorithm that
to the artificial viscosity scheme that we employ, it is conserved to provides shock resolution and grid stability is described in x 7. In
round-off error for hydrodynamic simulations using Cartesian co- x 8 we present the subcell pressure scheme that suppresses hour-
ordinates only. Moreover, using the support-operator method and glass modes. Remapping is described in depth in x 9. In x 10 we
borrowing from an adaptation of the support-operator technique demonstrate the codes strengths and limitations with some test
for elliptic equations (Morel et al. 1998), we have developed a problems. Finally, in x 11 we summarize the central character-
gravity solver for arbitrary grids. Unfortunately, by including a istics and advantages of BETHE-hydro.
general gravity capability, we sacrifice strict energy and momen-
tum conservation. However, we have performed tests and for 2. BETHE-HYDRO: AN ARBITRARY
most cases the results are reasonably accurate. Furthermore, we LAGRANGIAN-EULERIAN CODE
have included rotational terms, and we use a modified version
of the subcell pressure scheme to mitigate hourglass instabilities In ALE algorithms, the equations of hydrodynamics are solved
(Caramana & Shashkov 1998). in Lagrangian form. Within this framework, equations for the con-
To resolve shocks, we employ an artificial viscosity method, servation of mass, momentum, and energy are
which is designed to maintain grid stability as well (Campbell &
Shashkov 2001), and there are no restrictive assumptions made d
: = v; 1
about the equation of state. Higher order Godunov techniques dt
employ Riemann solvers to resolve shocks, but frequently need
an artificial viscosity scheme to eliminate unwanted postshock dv
 :  :P; 2
ringing. Moreover, the inner workings of Riemann solvers often dt

and flows with significant vorticity. In these circumstances, we con-

servatively remap the Lagrangian solution to a new arbitrary grid
d" that mitigates tangled grids. The new grid may be the original grid,
 P: = v; 3 in which case we are solving the hydrodynamic equations in the
Eulerian frame, or it may be a new, arbitrarily defined grid.
where  is the mass density (which we refer to simply as den- 3. COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND MESH
sity and is distinct from the energy or momentum densities), v
is the fluid velocity,  is the gravitational potential, P is the iso- In BETHE-hydro, equations (1)Y(6) may be solved with any
tropic pressure, " is the specific internal energy, and d/dt @/@t of several coordinate systems and assumed symmetries. Included
v = : is the Lagrangian time derivative. The equation of state may are the standard 1D and 2D Cartesian coordinate systems. For as-
have the general form trophysical applications, we use 1D spherical and 2D cylindrical
coordinate systems. Irrespective of the coordinate system, we in-
P P(; "; Xi ); 4 dicate a position by x. The components of the Cartesian coordi-
nate system are x and y; the spherical components are r, , and ;
where Xi denotes the mass fraction of species i. Therefore, we and the cylindrical coordinates are r, z, and .
also solve the conservation equations Distinct from the coordinate system is the grid, or mesh, which
defines an arbitrary discretization of space. It is this unique fea-
dXi ture and foundation of ALE techniques that provides their flex-
0: 5
dt ibility. Figure 2 shows two example grids; the butterfly mesh on
the left and a spiderweb mesh on the right. Either may be used in
Completing the set of equations for self-gravitating astrophysi- a 2D Cartesian or 2D cylindrical simulations, although the place-
cal flows is Poissons equation for gravity, ment of the nodes is neither Cartesian nor cylindrical. Instead,
these meshes have been designed to simulate spherically or cy-
: 2  4G; 6 lindrically convergent phenomena without the limitation of small
zones near the center.
where G is Newtons gravitational constant. When using cylindrical coordinates in ALE algorithms, one
All ALE methods have the potential to solve equations (1)Y may use control-volume differencing (CVD) or area-weighted
(3) using arbitrary, unstructured grids. In this lies the power and differencing (AWD); we use CVD. Thorough comparisons of
functionality of ALE methods. The solutions involve two steps these two differencing schemes may be found in Caramana et al.
and are conceptually quite simple: (1) a Lagrangian solver moves (1998). Here, we give a basic justification for choosing CVD. For
the nodes of the mesh in response to the hydrodynamic forces, and CVD, the volumes of the subcell, cell, and node are calculated
(2) to avoid grid tangling, the nodes are repositioned, and a re- by straightforward partitioning of these regions by edges. Hence,
mapping algorithm interpolates hydrodynamic quantities from the volumes and masses are exact representations of their respective
old grid to this new grid. Of course, the challenge is to find ac- regions. While this discretization is natural and easy to com-
curate solutions, while conserving energy and momentum. In prehend, it does not preserve strict spherical symmetry when
constructing BETHE-hydro to satisfy these requirements, we use using a spherical grid and cylindrical coordinates. On the other
the ALE hydrodynamic techniques of Caramana et al. (1998), hand, AWD is designed to preserve spherically symmetric flows,
Caramana & Shashkov (1998), Campbell & Shashkov (2001), but only with the use of spherical grids that have equal spacing in
and Loubere & Shashkov (2005). angle. Since this prevents the use of arbitrary grids, and the asym-
To summarize the overall structure of BETHE-hydro, we pres- metries of CVD are small, we use CVD for discretization.
ent a schematic flowchart (Fig. 1) and briefly describe the key Construction of the grid begins with the arbitrary placement
steps. Establishing the structure for all subsequent routines, the of nodes. At these nodes, coordinate positions, velocities, and
first step is to construct the arbitrary, unstructured grid. This leads accelerations are defined. Simply specifying node locations does
to the next step, problem initialization. Then, the main loop for not completely define a mesh, since there is not a unique way to
time step integration is entered. After a call to the EOS to obtain assign cells and masses to these nodes. Therefore, the user must
the pressure, solutions to Poissons equation for gravity are cal- specify the connectivity among nodes, which define the arbitrarily
culated using either the 2D or 1D algorithms in x 5. Both use the shaped polygonal cells. It is within these cells that cell-centered
support-operator method to discretize equation (6), and the re- averages of , ", P, Xi , and  are defined.
sulting system of linear equations is solved by a tridiagonal solver With the node positions, their connectivity, and the cells de-
in 1D and a multigrid preconditioned conjugate-gradient iterative fined, a mesh is completely specified and all other useful descrip-
method in 2D (x 5). tions follow. Cells are denoted by z, and nodes are indexed by p.
After the time step is calculated (x 4.2), the Lagrangian equa- The set of nodes that defines cell z are p2 S(z), where the nodes are
tions of hydrodynamics are solved on an arbitrary grid using the ordered counterclockwise. Conversely, the set of cells that shares
compatible hydrodynamics algorithm of Caramana et al. (1998, node p is denoted by z2 S ( p). Each cell has Np (z) nodes that define
see x 4 for further discussion). To ensure second-order accuracy it, and each node has Nz ( p) cells that share it. The sample subgrid
in both space and time, we employ a predictor-corrector iteration depicted in Figure 3 helps to illustrate the nodal and cell structure.
(x 4.2), in which a second call to the EOS and the gravity solver  xp , and
The filled circles indicate node positions, Pthe crosses indi-
are required. Other than the gravity solver block, the Lagrangian cate the cell-center positions, xz 1/Np (z) p 2 S(z) xp . The
hydrodynamics solver (x 4) is represented by the set of steps be- solid lines are direction-oriented edges that separate cells from
ginning with predictor and ending with corrector ( Fig. 1). one another, and the open circles indicate their midedge loca-
After finding Lagrangian hydrodynamic solutions at each tions. Partitioning the cell into subcells, the dashed lines connect
time step, one could proceed directly to the next time step, main- the midedges with the cell centers. No matter how many sides a
taining the Lagrangian character throughout the simulation. How- cell has, with this particular division the subcells are always
ever, in multiple spatial dimensions, grid tangling will corrupt quadrilaterals. Naturally, the cell volumes (see Appendix B for
212 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

Fig. 1. Flowchart for BETHE-hydro. See x 2 for a discussion.

formulae calculating discrete volumes), Vz , are related to the sub- For calculating pressure forces and fluxes, vectors are assigned
z z
cell volumes, Vpz , by to each half -edge on either side of node p: Cp and Cp , where
X the plus sign indicates the half-edge in the counterclockwise
Vz Vpz : 7 direction around the cell and the minus sign indicates its op-
p 2 S(z) posite counterpart. Their magnitudes are the areas represented
by the half-edges, and their directions point outward and nor-
Furthermore, each node has a volume, Vp , defined by the adjoining mal to the surface of cell z. From these half-edge area vectors,
subcells that share the node p an area vector, Spz , that is associated with zone z and node p is
X then defined,
Vp Vzp : 8
z 2 S( p) Spz Cp
z z
Cp : 9

Fig. 2. Left: Representative butterfly mesh. Right: Representative spiderweb mesh. In general, we construct meshes with much higher resolution. However, to easily
see the features of the mesh we reproduce low-resolution versions here. The butterfly mesh is a standard grid that captures the benefits of a spherical grid near the outer
boundary and avoids the singularity at the center. The spiderweb mesh captures the benefits of a spherical grid throughout, but near the center, the angular resolution is
modified to avoid extreme Courant-condition limits and the singularity. Construction begins with half of an octagon at the center. Subsequent tiers of nodes are placed r
farther in radius from the interior set. When r exceeds r, the angular size is halved. For these transition nodes, r is alternately multiplied by 1  and 1   to
exaggerate the concavity of the cells.

Similarly, vectors are associated with the lines connecting the

midedges and the cell centers, apz . Again, their magnitudes are
the corresponding area, but while the vector is normal to this line,
the direction is oriented counterclockwise around the cell.
The fundamental assumption of Lagrangian algorithms is that
the mass, mz , of a discrete volume Vz is constant with time. For
staggered-grid methods, in which scalars are defined as cell-
centered averages and vectors are defined at the nodes, it is nec-
essary to define a Lagrangian mass, mp , for the nodes as well.
This nodal mass is associated with the nodes volume Vp (eq. [8]).
Conservation of mass (eq. [1]) implies zero mass flux across the
boundaries, @V , of either the cell volume or nodal volume. There-
fore, the region of overlap for Vz and Vp , which is the subcell
volume Vpz , is bounded by surfaces with zero mass flux. Con-
sequently, the most elemental Lagrangian mass is the subcell mass,
Fig. 3. Portion of an unstructured, polygonal mesh. Filled circles indicate node mpz , and the cell mass (mz ) and node mass (mp ) are constructed as
positions, p. Crosses mark cell centers, z. Open circles show the midedge loca- appropriate sums of subcell masses,
tions. Cells are bounded by the edges (solid lines), and the cell is further divided
into subcells via dashed lines. Cp z
and Cp are the half-edge area vectors; apz and
ap1 are the area vectors for the lines connecting the cell centers and midedges mz mpz ; 10
(see x 3 for a discussion). p 2 S (z)
214 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

and axisymmetric simulations, and the full discrete momentum equa-

X tion becomes
mp mzp : 11
z 2 S( p) vp X
mp f zp mp g p mp Ap ; 17
t z 2 S( p)
Hence, we arrive at three discrete forms of mass conservation
(eq. [1]):
where g p and Ap are the gravitational and rotational accelera-
mpz mp mz tions, respectively. For simplicity, and to parallel the discussion
pz z ; p ; and z : 12
Vp Vp Vz in Caramana et al. (1998), we ignore these terms in the momen-
tum equation and proceed with the compatible construction of
In defining the discrete momentum and energy equations, the energy equation (see xx 4.3.1 and 5.4 for discussions of total en-
we use the compatible hydrodynamics algorithms developed by ergy conservation including rotation and gravity, respectively).
Caramana et al. (1998). Specifically, the discrete divergence and To construct the discrete energy equation, Caramana et al. (1998)
gradient operators are compatible in that they faithfully represent integrate equation (3) over the discrete volume of cell z,
their analog in continuous space and their definitions are expressly Z
related to one another using the hydrodynamic expressions for "z
mz  P: = v dV Pz ( : = v)z Vz ; 18
conservation of momentum and energy. As a result, this ap- t Vz
proach leads to discretizations that satisfy momentum and en-
ergy conservation to machine accuracy. This is accomplished where "z "zn1  "zn . Then, the objective is to determine a
with the support-operator method (Shashkov & Steinberg 1995). discrete form for the right-hand side of this equation that con-
Given the integral identity, serves energy and makes the discrete gradient and divergence
Z Z I operators compatible. Caramana et al. (1998) accomplish this
(: = H)dV H = : dV H = dS; 13 with the integral for conservation of energy (neglecting gravity),
V V @V
Z   Z
d" 1 dv 2
where  is any scalar and H is some vector, there is an incontro-   dV  (P: = v v = :P)dV
dt 2 dt
vertible connection between the divergence and gradient oper- IV
ators. For many choices of discretization, the discrete counterparts  Pv = dS; 19
of these operators could violate this integral identity. Simply put, @V
the goal of the support-operator method is to define the discrete
operators so that they satisfy equation (13). The first step is to de- where the second expression is the integral identity, equation (13),
fine one of the discrete operators. It is often, but not necessary, that defines the physical relationship between the gradient and di-
that the discrete divergence operator is defined via Gausss Law, vergence operators. Neglecting boundary terms, the discrete form
Z I of this integral is
: = v dV v = dS; 14 !
V @V X "z X
mz n1=2
vp = f z 0;
and then equation (13) is used to compatibly define the other dis- z
t p 2 S(z)
crete operator. Discretizing the hydrodynamic equations, Caramana
et al. (1998) begin by defining (:P)p at the nodes and use the in- where we used v2p (vpn1 )2  (vpn )2 2vpn1/2 = vp , vpn1/2
tegral form of energy conservation and an equation equivalent to 1/2(vpn1 vpn ), and substituted in equation (15). If we set the
equation (13) to define for each cell the discrete divergence of expression for each zone in equation (20) to zero, we arrive at the
the velocity, ( : = v)z . compatible energy equation
To begin, Caramana et al. (1998) integrate equation (2) (exclud-
"z X
ing gravity and rotational terms) over the volume of node p, pro- mz  vpn1=2 = f pz : 21
ducing the discrete form for (:P)p and the momentum equation, t p 2 S(z)
vp The right-hand side of equation (21) is merely the PdV work term
mp  :P dV  P dS  Pz Szp ; 15
t Vp @Vp z 2 S( p)
of the first law of thermodynamics. Its unconventional form is a
consequence of the support-operator method.
Thus, we derive two significant results. First, inspection of equa-
where vp vpn1  vpn is the change in velocity from time step tions (21) and (15) leads to compatible definitions for the discrete
n to the next time step n 1, the time step is t, and Pz is the gradient and divergence operators. Specifically, the discrete analogs
pressure in cell z. In other words, the net force on node p is a sum of the gradient and divergence operators are
of the pressure times the directed zone areas that share node p.
Hence, the subcell force exerted by zone z on point p is f zp 1 X
Pz Szp . A more complete description of the subcell force, how- ( :P)p Pz Szp ; 22
Vp z 2 S( p)
ever, must account for artificial viscosity (x 7),

f zp Pz Szp f z;p visc ; 16 and

1 X
where f z;p visc , is the subcell force due to artificial viscosity. Fur- ( : = v)z vp = Szp : 23
Vz p 2 S(z)
thermore, in this work, we include gravity and rotation for 2D

Second, equations (12), (15), and (21) form the compatible dis- TABLE 1
crete equations of Lagrangian hydrodynamics. The Predictor-Corrector Procedure

4.1. Momentum Conservation Predictor Corrector

In its current form, BETHE-hydro strictly conserves momentum P n & S n ! f n ............................... P n1/2 & S n1=2 ! f n1=2
for simulations that use Cartesian coordinates and not cylindrical n n
f ; f visc ; Apn ; & ~
g n ! v n1; pr ....... f n1/2 ; f visc
; Apn1=2 ; & g n1=2 ! v n1
coordinates. Caramana et al. (1998) show that the requirement for v n1/2 12 (v n1; pr v n ).................. v n1/2 12 (v n1 v n )
strict conservation is the use of control-volume differencing, or x n1; pr n
x tv n1/2
................. x n1 x n tv n1/2
that exact representations of cell surfaces are employed. As a
f n & v n1/2 ! " n1; pr ................... f n1/2 & v n1=2 ! " n1
simple example, consider momentum conservation with pres-
x n1; pr ! V n1; pr !  n1; pr ........ x n1 ! V n1 !  n1
sure forces only:
calculate g n1; pr & Apn1; pr .............
Fp f zp Pz Spz : 24 e n1; pr & n1; pr ! P n1; pr .............
p p z 2 S( p) z p 2 S(z) x n1/2 12 (x n1; pr x n ) .................
P P n1/2 12 (P n1; pr P n )................
For Cartesian coordinates, the sum p 2 S(z) Spz is exactly zero for g n1/2 12 (gg n1; pr g n ) .................
each cell as long as the surface-area vectors are exact represen- Apn1/2 12 (Apn1; pr Apn ) ...............
tations of the cells surface. This is not the case for area-weighted
differencing, and hence, momentum is not conserved in that case. Notes.The operations to determine predicted and corrected values are listed
For cylindrical coordinates, the sum of surface-area vectors gives in the left and right columns, respectively. See x 4.2 for a detailed discussion.
zero only for the z-component. However, the assumption of sym-
metry about the cylindrical axis ensures momentum conservation predictor-corrector time integration using the finite difference
for the r-component. Therefore, control-volume differencing en- stencil from Caramana et al. (1998). For each time step, the cur-
sures momentum conservation, even with the use of cylindrical rent time level of each quantity is identified with n in superscript.
coordinates. The time-centered quantities are indicated with a n 1/2 su-
Based on similar arguments, the subcell-pressure forces that perscript, while the predicted values are labeled n 1; pr, and
eliminate hourglass motions (x 8) are formulated to conserve the fully updated values for the next time step are labeled with a
momentum for both Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates. On n 1 superscript.
the other hand, because we multiply the Cartesian artificial vis- Table 1 lists the steps for the predictor-corrector integration.
cosity force by 2rp to obtain the force appropriate for cylindrical The predictor step begins by defining the forces on nodes, f n ,
coordinates, the artificial viscosity scheme (x 7) that we employ is using current pressures P n , areas S n , and artificial viscosity forces
conservative for Cartesian coordinates only. n
f visc . Equation (17) is then used to calculate the predicted velocity,
We test momentum conservation with the Sedov blast wave v n1; pr . The predicted node coordinate is then calculated by
problem (x 10.3) using Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates. x n1; pr x n tv n1/2 , where v n1/2 is the time-centered ve-
Symmetry dictates conservation in the r-component of the mo- locity computed as v n1/2 12 (v n1; pr v n ). Then, using f n and
mentum. Consequently, we compare the z-component of the v n1/2 in equation (21), the predicted specific internal energy,
total momentum at t 0 s with subsequent times. Since the initial " n1; pr , is obtained. Using the predicted node positions, the pre-
momentum of this test is zero, we obtain a relative error in mo- dicted rotational acceleration (Apn1; pr ), volume (V n1; pr ), and
mentum by Pz (t)/Pz; z>0 (t), where Pz (t) is the z-component of the density (  n1; pr ), are computed, which in turn are used to cal-
total momentum at time t and Pz; z>0 (t) is a similar quantity for culate the predicted gravitational acceleration, g n1; pr . Calling
z > 0. As expected, the relative error using Cartesian coordi- the EOS with " n1; pr and  n1; pr gives the predicted pressure
nates reflects round-off error. For cylindrical coordinates and P n1; pr . We finish the predictor step and prepare for the corrector
35,000 cells, the relative error in momentum is 3 ; 107 after step by calculating the time-centered positions x n1/2 , pressures
0.8 s and 71,631 time steps. Although momentum is strictly P n1/2 , rotational accelerations Apn1/2 , and gravitational accelera-
conserved for simulations using Cartesian coordinates only, the tions g n1/2 as simple averages of their values at the (n 1; pr)
Sedov blast wave problem demonstrates that momentum is con- and n time levels.
served very accurately, even when cylindrical coordinates are The corrector step then proceeds similarly to the predictor
used. step. P n1/2 and S n1/2 are used to compute f n1/2 , which in turn
4.2. Second-Order Time Integration: Predictor-Corrector is used to compute the updated velocity, v n1 . After computing
the new time-centered velocity, the node coordinates are finally
Our method is explicit in time. Therefore, for numerical con- updated using the time-centered velocity. Then, the specific internal
vergence, we limit the time step, t, to be smaller than three time- energy, " n1/2 , is updated using f n1/2 and v n1/2 . Finally, the vol-
scales. By the Courant-Friedrichs-Levy (CFL) condition we limit ume, V n1 , and density  n1 are computed for the next time step.
t to be smaller than the shortest sound-crossing time and the
time it takes flow to traverse a cell. The latter condition is useful
4.3. Rotation in 2D Cylindrical Coordinates
to avoid tangled meshes and is necessary when remapping is used.
In addition, it is limited to be smaller than the fractional change in In 2D simulations using cylindrical coordinates, we have
the volume represented by (: = v)z. In calculating these timescales, extended BETHE-hydro to include rotation about the axis of
a characteristic length for each cell is needed. Given arbitrary po- symmetry. For azimuthally symmetric configurations, all partial
lygonal grids, we simply use the shortest edge for each cell. In derivatives involving  are zero. Consequently, the conservation
practice, the time step is the shortest of these timescales multiplied of mass and energy equations are
by a scaling factor, CFL. In our calculations, we set CFL 0:25.
To ensure second-order accuracy and consistency with the D
:r z = v 25
time levels specified in equations (17) and (21), we employ Dt
216 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

and is simply a statement of the conservation of angular momentum

about the axis of symmetry,
 P:r z = v; 26
0; 33
where the rz subscript on the del operator reminds us that the Dt
derivatives with respect to  vanish. For concise notation, we de-
fine a pseudo Lagrangian derivative, where J is the angular momentum about the z-axis of a Lagrangian
D @ @ @ Other than the appearance of an extra term on the right-hand
vz vr : 27
Dt @t @z @r side of the r-component and of an equation for the  component
in equation (28), the 2D hydrodynamic equations including rota-
While equations (25) and (26) are simple extensions of the true tion about the z-axis are similar to the equations without rotation.
mass (eq. [1]) and energy (eq. [3]) equations, the presence of Therefore, the algorithms for dynamics in the 2D plane remain
Christoffel terms in the momentum equation give it extra the same, except for the inclusion of the conservation of angular
terms, momentum equation and the fictitious force term.
It seems natural to define J mp v;p rp and v;p !p rp , where
 :r z P A; 28 !p is the angular velocity of node p. In fact, our first implemen-
Dt tation of rotation did just this. However, results indicated that
this definition presents problems near the axis of rotation. Whether
where the extra rotational terms are represented by A,
v; p or !p is defined, the angular momentum at node p is associated
8 with the region of subcells that comprise the nodes volume. For the
> 0ez ;
> v2 nodes on the axis, this definition states that J 0 since rp 0,
er ; which implies that the angular momentum for the region of subcells
A 29
> r near the axis is zero. This awkward feature causes no problems for
> v v
:   r e : Lagrangian calculations with no remapping. However, during the
r subcell remapping step, the subcells near the axis contain no an-
gular momentum, yet physically there should be some angular
To see the origin of these extra terms, one must begin with the momentum to be remapped.
momentum equation in cylindrical coordinates and Eulerian form, Therefore, we have devised an alternative method for includ-
  ing rotational terms in 2D simulations. Just as for mass, the an-
@vz @vz @vz 1 @vz @P gular momentum of a subcell, Jpz , is a primary indivisible unit,
 vz vr v  ;
@t @z @r r @ @z which by equation (33) is constant during a Lagrangian hydro-
! dynamic time step. The angular momentum for a cell is
@vr @vr @vr 1 @vr v2 @P
 vz vr v   ;
@t @z @r r @ r @r X
  Jz Jpz ; 34
@v @v @v 1 @v v vr 1 @P p 2 S(z)
 vz vr v  :
@t @z @r r @ r r @
and for each node is
Jp Jpz : 35
Again, dropping terms involving partial derivatives of , and
z 2 S( p)
moving all terms not involving partial derivatives to the right-
hand side, equation (30) reduces to
To relate angular velocity and v to the angular momentum, we
  treat each subcell as a unit with constant angular velocity. For such
@vz @vz @vz @P
 vz vr  ; regions of space the angular momentum is related to the angular
@t @z @r @z velocity by
@vr @vr @vr @P v2 Z
 vz vr   ;
@t @z @r @r r Jpz !pz pz r 2 dV !pz Ipz ; 36
@v @v @v v vr
 vz vr  : 31 R
@t @z @r r where Ipz V z pz r 2 dV is the moment of inertia for subcell fz; pg.
Since we are interested in accelerations and velocities at the
Hence, using our definition for the pseudo Lagrangian deriva- nodes, we choose that !pz !p , which naturally leads to
tive, D/Dt and :r z in equation (31), we obtain equation (28). It is
now apparent why D/Dt is a pseudo Lagrangian derivative. Jpz !p Ipz : 37
Strictly, the extra rotational terms are a result of Christoffel
terms in the true Lagrangian derivative. Therefore, in defining D/Dt
without them, we have defined a pseudo Lagrangian derivative. Substituting equation (37) into equation (35), we define a rela-
Conveniently, the  component of equation (28), tionship between the angular momentum at the nodes and the
angular velocity at the nodes
Dv v vr
  ; 32 J p !p I p ; 38
Dt r

where With these time levels, the 2D equations, which include rotation,
X would satisfy energy and angular momentum conservation to
Ip Ipz : 39 round-off error. However, r n1 and vn1/2 are not known at the be-
z 2 S( p) ginning of the time step. It is only after the predictor step of the
predictor-corrector method that vn1/2 and r n1; pr are obtained.
By conservation of angular momentum, Jpn1 Jpn Jp As a result, Ar , including the correct time levels and predictor val-
! n1 I pn1 , the angular velocity at the n 1 time step, ! n1 , is ues, is
Jp n1=2 n
! n1 : 40 v v
I pn1 Ar n1; pr
; 47
Finally, a new form for the r-component of Ap is constructed. but to conserve angular momentum and energy, r n1 appears in
The previously defined form is v2 /r, and having r in the de- the denominator. Therefore, the terms vn1/2 A and vrn1/2 Ar will
nominator poses numerical problems near and at r 0. Since not be exactly opposite and equal in magnitude, and angular mo-
v2 /r ! 2 r, the new half time step acceleration is mentum and energy conservation cannot be enforced to machine
  n1=2 precision at the same time.
Ar; p !p2 rp : 41 In the previous section, we motivated a different discretization
of angular momentum, angular velocity, and v . However, the
basic results of this section do not change. There is still the fun-
4.3.1. Conservation of Energy with Rotation damental problem that to strictly conserve angular momentum,
Without rotation and time-varying gravity, the equations for positions at the n 1 time level are required, while one must use
2D simulations using cylindrical coordinates conserve energy to the predicted, n 1; pr, values in updating the radial velocity. Sac-
machine precision. However, with rotation, strict energy conserva- rificing strict energy conservation, we have chosen to strictly con-
tion is lost. Using the equations for energy and momentum includ- serve angular momentum for simulations including rotation.
ing rotation, equations (26) and (28) the energy integral becomes
4.3.2. Simple Rotational Test
D" 1 Dv 2 We have designed a test that isolates and tests rotation. Using
v Dt 2 Dt cylindrical coordinates, the calculational domain lies in the r-z
Z plane and extends from the symmetry axis, r 0, to r 1:0 cm
P:r z = v  v = :r z P (vr Ar v A ) dV : 42 and from z 0:1 cm to z 0:1 cm. The initial density is ho-
v mogeneous with  1:0 g cm3. Isolating the rotational forces,
Since the terms vr Ar and v A are equal in magnitude and op- we eliminate pressure gradients by setting the internal energy
posite in sign, the rate of change for the total energy reduces to everywhere to zero. Consequently, the trajectory of a Lagrang-
the usual surface integral ian mass is a straight line in 3D and has a very simple analytic
evolution for r(t), determined only by its initial position and ve-
@E locity. We set vz 0 and give v and vr homologous profiles:
Pv = dS: 43 vr 3r/r0 cm s1 and v r/r0 cm s1. This produces a ho-
mologous self-similar solution for vr and v that our algorithm
If the form of the energy equation is to remain the same, discrete for rotation should reproduce.
versions of vr Ar and v A must be derived that cancel one another. In Figure 4 plots of v versus r (top) and
versus r panel
In the previous section, we made arguments not to use J (bottom) show that BETHE-hydro performs well with this test.
mp v r. However, it is simpler and more intuitive to illustrate why Simultaneously testing the rotational remapping (x 9.7) and
the 2D equations, including rotation, cannot satisfy strict energy hydrodynamic algorithms, we employ three remapping regions.
conservation, while satisfying angular momentum conservation. The inner 0.1 cm is Eulerian, zones exterior to 0.2 cm follow La-
With conservation of angular momentum we have vn1 r n1 grangian dynamics, and the region in between provides a smooth
vn r n or transition between the two domains. Both v and
profiles are
 n  presented at t 0:0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85,
r and 1.0 s. As designed the angular momentum is conserved to
vn1 vn n1 : 44 machine accuracy. In the top panel (v vs. r), it is hard to discern
any deviation of the simulation (crosses) from the analytic so-
The discrete time derivative of v is then lution (solid line). In fact, the maximum error as measured by
(v; ana  v )/max (v; ana ) ranges from 4 ; 105 near the begin-
v v vr n n1=2 ning of the simulation to 8 ; 104 at the end.
versus r (Fig. 4,
 n1 ; 45 bottom) shows similar accuracy, except for the region near
t r
the axis. At the center (
) reaches a maximum value of
where we have used r vrn1/2 t. This specifies the required 0.2 rads s1 at t 0:55 s. On the whole, Figure 4 demonstrates
time levels for the components of A to conserve angular momen- that this code reproduces the analytic result with and without
tum. Considering time integration, the discrete analog of vr Ar remapping.
v A is vrn1/2 Ar v A . To ensure that this sums to zero, the
discrete analog of Ar is 5. GRAVITY
n1=2 n There are two general strategies for solving Poissons equa-
v v tion for gravity on arbitrary grids. The first is to define another
Ar n1
: 46
r regular grid, interpolate the density from the hydro grid to this
218 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

be defined at the nodes; (2) we should conserve momentum and

energy as accurately as possible; and (3) the solver must be fast.
To this end, we employ the method described in Shashkov &
Steinberg (1995,1996) and Morel et al. (1998) for elliptic solvers.
Specifically, we follow the particular implementation of Morel
et al. (1998).
Applying the support-operator method, we first define the di-
vergence operator and, in particular, define ( : = g )z . Poissons
equation for gravity may be written as an equation for the diver-
gence of the acceleration,

: = g 4G; 48

where g , the gravitational acceleration, is the negative of the gra-

dient of the potential,

g :: 49

Integrating equation (48) over a finite volume gives

: = g dV g = dS  4G dV ; 50
V @V V

and if the volume of integration, V, is chosen to be that of a cell,

the right-hand side of equation (50) becomes 4Gmz . In dis-
cretizing the middle term in equation (50),
g = dS! ge Ae ; 51
@Vz e

an expression for the divergence of g follows naturally,

1 X
(: = g )z ge Ae ; 52
e 2 S (z)
Fig. 4. Plots of v vs. r (top) and
vs. r (bottom) for the simple rotational
test discussed in x 4.3.2. We employ three remapping regions. The inner 0.1 cm is where Ae is the area of edge e and ge is the component of the ac-
Eulerian, zones exterior to 0.2 cm follow Lagrangian dynamics, and the region in
between provides a smooth transition between the two domains. v and
celeration parallel to the direction of the edges area vector.
are presented at t 0:0; 0:1; 0:2; 0:35; 0:45; 0:55; 0:65; 0:75; 0:85, and 1.0 s. In Therefore, substituting equation (52) into equation (50) suggests
the top panel, the deviation of the simulation (crosses) from the analytic solution a discrete expression for equation (48):
(solid lines) is not discernible. The maximum error as measured by (v; ana  v )/
max (v; ana ) is 4 ; 105 near the beginning of the simulation and 8 ; 104 at
the end. The
vs. r panel (bottom) shows similar accuracy, except at the center,
 ge Ae 4Gmz : 53
where (
) reaches a maximum value of 0.2 rads s1 at t 0:55 s. [See the e
electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]
Having defined the discrete divergence of a vector, we then
use the support-operator method to write the discrete equivalent
new gravity grid, and use many of the standard Poisson solvers of the gradient. Once again, the integral identity relating the di-
for regular grids. However, in our experience this approach can vergence and gradient operators is given by equation (13). Ap-
lead to numerical errors, which may lead to unsatisfactory results. plying the definition for the discrete divergence, the first term on
The second approach is to solve equation (6) explicitly on the ar- the left-hand side of equation (13) is approximated by
bitrary hydro grid, eliminating an interpolation step. We prefer the
latter approach, giving potentials and accelerations that are more Z X
consistent with the hydrodynamics on an unstructured mesh. ( : = H)dV  z he Ae ; 54
V e
In determining the discrete analogs of equation (6), we use the
support-operator method. After a bit of algebra these discrete
equations may be expressed as a set of linear equations whose where he is the component of H perpendicular to edge e, and the
unknowns are the discretized gravitational potentials. Solving right-hand side of equation (13) is approximated by
for these potentials is akin to solving a matrix equation of the form, I X
Ax b, and since the solutions change little from time step to time H = dS  e he Ae : 55
step, we use an iterative matrix inversion approach in which the @V e
initial guess is the solution from the previous time step.
In solving Poissons equation for gravity, we seek an algorithm It is already apparent that the discrete potential is defined for both
satisfying the following conditions: (1) the potential should be cell centers (z ) and edges (e ). This fact seems cumbersome.
defined at zone centers and the gravitational acceleration should However, we demonstrate below that in the final equations the

number of unknowns may be reduced by eliminating the cell- Together, the set of equations for the edges of cell z forms a ma-
centered potentials, z , in favor of the edge-centered potentials, trix equation of the form4
e . Completing the discretization of equation (13), the second
term on the left-hand side is Qgg b; 64
Z X where b is a vector based on the edge values, be Ae (z  e ).
H = : dV   Hp = g p Wpz Vz ; 56 Inverting this equation gives an expression for the edge accel-
V p erations as a function of the cell- and edge-centered potentials,
where Wpz is a volumetric weight and Hp and g p are defined at the ge aee 0 Ae 0 (z  e 0 ): 65
nodes. The volumetric weight associated with each corner is de- e0
fined as one quarter of the area of the parallelogram created by
the sides that define After finding the edge acceleration for each zone, these values
P the corner. In addition, the weights are nor- are inserted into equation (53). The stencil of potentials for this
malized so that p 2 N (z) Wpz 1. The remaining task is to define
the dot product Hp = g p at each corner when the vector is ex- equation for each cell includes the cell center and all edges. While
pressed in components of a nonorthogonal basis set, equation (65) gives the edge accelerations associated with cell z,
there is no guarantee that the equivalent equation for a neigh-
boring cell will give the same acceleration for the same edge. To
Hp he ee he1 ee1 ; 57 ensure continuity, we must include an equation which equates an
edges acceleration vectors from the neighboring cells,
where ee1 and ee are basis vectors located at the center of the
edges on either side of the corner associated with node p with Ae ge; L  Ae ge; R 0; 66
orientations perpendicular to the edges, and he1 and he are the
corresponding magnitudes in this basis set. With this basis set, where ge; L and ge; R are the edge accelerations as determined by
the inner product is equation (65) for the left (L) and right (R) cells. While we could
have chosen a simpler expression for equation (66), the choice of
Hp = g p hSe;e1 Hp ; g p i; 58 sign and coefficients ensures that the eventual system of linear
equations involves a symmetric positive-definite matrix. This
enables the use of fast and standard iterative matrix inversion
where methods such as the conjugate-gradient method. The stencil for
" # this equation involves the edge in question, the cell centers on
1 1 cos e;e1 either side, and the rest of the edges associated with these cells.
Se;e1 p p ; 59 At first glance, it seems that we need to invert the system of equa-
sin2 e;e1 cos e;e1 1 tions that includes the cell-centered equations, equation (65), and
the edge-centered equations, equation (66). Instead, we use equa-
p tion (53) to express the cell-centered potentials in terms of edge-
and e;e1 is the angle formed by edges e and e  1. Using equa-
tions (57)Y(59) in equation (56), the second term on the left- centered potentials and the right-hand side of the equation
hand side of equation (13) is
X 1 X
 Hp = g p Wpz Vz z Ae 0 e 0 e0  4Gmz ; 67
z e0
 he (p p1 )ge p ge1 p ge1 ; 60 P 0 P P
P e e 0 A e ae 0 e , and  z e e 0 Ae aee 0 Ae 0
e 0 Ae 0 e 0 : Substituting equation (67) into the expression for the
edge acceleration, equation (65),
where p Wpz Vz / sin2 p and p Wpz Vz cos p /sin2 p . Com-
bining equations (54), (55), and (56), we have the discrete form X  
k k
of the identity (eq. [13]), gk  4Gmz e Ae e  a ke ; 68
z e
(e  z )he Ae P
where k e ake Ae . Finally, substituting equation (68) into
  equation (66) gives the matrix equation for gravity with only
 he (p p1 )ge p ge1 p ge1 0: 61 edge-centered potential unknowns:
To find the equation for ge on each edge, we set the correspond- X   X  
ing he 1 and set all others to zero. This gives an expression for A R
e Ae ae   e A L
e Ae ae   e
ge in terms of e , z , and the other edge-centered accelerations of eR
R eL
cell z,  R 
  4GA  mR  mL : 69
(e  z )Ae  (p p1 )ge p ge1 p ge1 0 62 R L

or 4
On a practical note, all terms involving ge on the z-axis are zero because the
  areas on the axis of symmetry are zero. Therefore, for the zones along the axis,
(p p1 )ge p ge1 p ge1 (e  z ) Ae : 63 one less equation and variable appear in the set of equations for ge.
220 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179
The stencil for this equation involves the edge and all other edges e !ik2 xik2 ;
associated with the zones on either side of the edge in question. k
Taken together, the equations result in a set of linear equations X
g !ik2 xik yik ;
for the edge-centered potentials, e .
Since this class of matrix equations is ubiquitous, there exists X
many accurate and fast linear system solvers we can exploit. To h !ik2 yik ;
do so, we recast our discrete form of Poissons equation as X

i !ik2 xik yik ;

A% s; 70 X

j !ik2 yik2 ;
where % is a vector of the edge-centered potentials, and s is the X
corresponding vector of source terms. We solve the matrix equa- k !ik2 k ;
tion using the conjugate-gradient method with a multigrid pre- k
conditioner. In particular, we use the algebraic multigrid package, X
l !ik2 k xik ;
AMG1R6 (Ruge & Stuben 1987).5
5.1. Gravitational Acceleration m !ik2 k yik : 74
Unfortunately, this discretization scheme does not adequately k
define the accelerations at the nodes where they are needed in Inversion of this linear system gives the potential and the gra-
equation (17). Therefore, we use the least-squares minimization dient at the node. Specifically, we use the adjoint matrix inver-
method to determine the gradient on the unstructured mesh. As- sion method to find the inverse matrix and the three unknowns,
suming a linear function for the potential in the neighborhood of including x;i and y; i .
node i, %i (x; y), we seek to minimize the difference between k
and %i (xk ; yk ), where k is the neighbors value and %i (xk ; yk ) is 5.2. Gravitational Boundary Conditions
the evaluation of %i (x; y) at the position of the neighbor, (xk ; yk ). The outer boundary condition we employ for the Poisson solver
More explicitly, we minimize the equation is a multipole expansion for the gravitational potential at a spher-
X ical outer boundary. Assuming no material exists outside the
!ki2 Eik2 ; 71 calculational domain and that the potential asymptotes to zero,
k 2 N (i ) the potential at the outer boundary, r, is given by

X1 Z
where the neighbors are the nearest cell-centers and edges to 1
node i and are denoted by k 2 N (i), (r) G n1
(r 0 ) n Pn (cos  0 )(r 0 )dV 0 ; 75

Eik2 i  k x;i xik y;i yik ; 72 where Pn (cos  0 ) is the usual Legendre polynomial. In discre-
tized form, equation (75) becomes
xik xk  xi , yik yk  yi , and !ik2 1/(xik2 yik2 ).
Usually, minimization of equation (71) leads to a matrix equa- XNn
1 X
tion for two unknowns: x;i and y;i , the gradients for  in the x (r) G n1
(rz ) n Pn (cos z )mz ; 76
and y directions, respectively (x 9.2). However, i , the potential n0
r z
at the node is not defined and is a third unknown with which equa-
tion (71) must be minimized. Performing the least-squares mini- where Nn is the order at which the multipole expansion is truncated.
mization process with respect to the three unknowns, i , x;i , and
y;i , leads to the following set of linear equations for each node, 5.3. Gravity: 1D Spherical Symmetry
For 1D spherically symmetric simulations, calculation of grav-
ai bx;i cy; i k; ity can be straightforward using
di ex;i gy; i l; Gmp; enclosed
hi ix;i jy; i m; 73 gp  ; 77

where where mp; enclosed is all of the mass enclosed by point p. Instead,
X we solve Poissons equation for gravity using methods similar to
a !ik2 ; those employed for the 2D gravity. By doing this, we remain con-
k sistent when comparing our 1D and 2D results. Furthermore, we
b !ik2 xik ; show that deriving a Poisson solver based on the support-operator
k method is equivalent to the more traditional form, equation (77).
c !ik2 yik ; The inherent symmetries of 1D spherical simulations reduce
equation (62) to the form
d !ik2 xik ; (e  z )Ae  Vpz ge; z 0: 78

Unlike the full 2D version, one may eliminate the edge potentials
See x 10.9 for details on performance. in favor for the cell-centered potentials and the accelerations at

the edges. Since each edge e will have an equation for its value and total energy conservation is given by
associated with cells z and z 1, which leads to Z  
@E @ 1 2 1
e v  dV 0: 88
z Ae Vpz ge; z z1 Ae Vpz1 ge; z1 : 79 @t @t V 2 2

Since the solution to Poissons equation for gravity, using Greens

Using the continuity of accelerations at the edges, function, is
ge; z ge; z1 ; 80 (x 0 )dV 0
(x) G ; 89
jx  x 0 j
the expression for gravitational acceleration at edge e in terms of
the cell-centered potentials is the time derivative of the total potential energy may take three
1 Z Z Z
ge; z (z1  z )Ae : 81 @ @ 1 @()
Vp  dV  dV dV : 90
V @t V @t 2 V @t
Substituting this expression into
Note that this is true only for the total potential energy and does
X not imply (@/@t) (@/@t) (1/2)[@()/@t]. Using equa-
Ae ge; z 4Gmz 82
tion (90) and the Eulerian form of the hydrodynamics equations
(see Appendix A), equation (88) becomes a surface integral:
leads to a tridiagonal matrix equation for the cell-centered poten- I  
@E 1
tial, which can be inverted in O(N ) operations to give the cell-  e P v 2  v = dS; 91
centered potentials. Substituting these cell-centered potentials @t S 2
back into equation (81) gives the gravitational acceleration needed
for the momentum equation (eqs. [2] and [17]). which simply states that energy is conserved in the absence of a
It should be noted that equation (82) can be rewritten as a flux of energy through the bounding surface.
recursion relation for the gravitational acceleration, gp , at node p, ThePdiscrete analogs of EP and K are trivially obtained using
E z mz "z and K (1/2) p mp vp2 , respectively. The discrete
total potential energy may take two forms, the analogs of equa-
Ap gp Ap1 gp1  4Gmz; interior ; 83 tions (85) and (86):
8 X
where mz; interior is the mass of the cell interior to point p. With the <1
> mz z ;
boundary condition g1 0 and then recursively solving equa- U 2 z 92
tion (83) for gp from the center outward, the expression for the :P  g = S P g = g V ;
gravitational acceleration simplifies to equation (77). This is the pb pb pb pb p p p p
traditional form by which the gravitational acceleration is cal-
culated for 1D spherically symmetric simulations and for which where pb indicates outer-boundary values. On trying both forms,
the potential is usually not referenced. The beauty of our ap- we get similar results. Therefore, we use P the simpler form involv-
proach is that 1D and 2D simulations are consistent and that it ing the cell-center potential: U (1/2) z mz z .
self-consistently gives the gravitational potential. Because our discrete hydrodynamics equations including grav-
ity do not give strict energy conservation, we use the core-collapse
5.4. Conservation of Energy with Gravity simulation (x 10.9) to gauge how well energy is conserved. Rather
For self-gravitating hydrodynamic systems, the total energy is than measuring the relative error in total energy by E/Eref , where
E En  Eref , Eref is the initial total energy, and En is the total
energy at time step n, we use E/jUn j. For stellar profiles, the
E E K U; 84
kinetic energy is small and the internal and gravitational energies
are nearly equal in magnitude, but opposite in sign. Since the
where E is the total internal energy, K is the total kinetic energy, total energy is roughly zero in comparison to the primary con-
and U is the total potential energy, stituents, E and U, of the total energy, we use the gravitational
Z potential energy as a reference. For example, the internal and grav-
U  dV : 85 itational energies start at 4 ; 1051 ergs and reach 1 ; 1053 ergs
2 V at the end of the run. However, the total energy is a small fraction
of these energies initially, 5 ; 1050 ergs, and after core bounce,
An alternative form is possible with the substitution of equation (48) 1:5 ; 1051 ergs. Hence, we measure the relative error in total
into equation (85) and integration by parts, energy as E/jUn j.
I Z  The total energy for the 1D and 2D core-collapse simulations
U  g  = dS jg j2 dV : 86 evolve similarly and is conserved quite well. For all times except
8G S V a few milliseconds around bounce, total energy is conserved bet-
ter than 1 ; 103 . During collapse, from 0 to 147 ms, the total
The integral form of equation (84) is energy deviates by only 3 ; 104. Over a span of 5 ms around
Z   bounce, t 148 ms, the total energy changes by 2:2 ; 102. For
1 1
E e v 2  dV ; 87 hundreds of milliseconds afterward, the relative error in the total
V 2 2 energy reduces to 7 ; 104 . Hence, for all but about 5 ms of a
222 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

resolutions of the butterfly mesh are shown: 2550 cells with an

effective radial resolution r  0:02 cm; 8750 cells with r 
0:01 cm; 15,200 cells with r  0:006 cm; and 35,000 cells
with r  0:005 cm. Two facts are obvious: (1) the solutions are
accurate at a level of 3 ; 105 for r/ra  0:005 and 3 ;
104 for r/ra  0:02; and (2) the degree to which the solution
is spherically symmetric is similarly a few times 105 for r/ra 
0:005 and a few times 104 for r/ra  0:02. Plotting the min-
imum error as a function of the effective radial resolution, the
bottom panel of Figure 5 verifies that the 2D Poisson solver
convergences with second-order accuracy (solid line).
Next, we calculate the aspherical potential for an oblate spher-
oid. The homogeneous oblate spheroid has an elliptic meridional
cross section, and the minor and major axes of the ellipse are rb
and ra , where ra is the
 equatorialradius. Thus, the eccentricity of
the spheroid is e 1  (rb /ra )2 1/2 . Given a uniform density, 0,
the potential for a spheroid is

ana (r; z) G0 IBT ra2  a1 r 2 a3 z 2 ; 93

where, for oblate spheroids,

sin e (1  e 2 )1=2
a1  (1  e 2 )1=2 ; 94
e e2

sin1 e (1  e 2 )1=2
a3 2 (1  e 2 )1=2  ; 95
e e2

and IBT 2a1 a3 (1  e 2 ) (Chandrasekhar 1969).

Numerical results with e 0:8 are shown in Figure 6. As with
the sphere, 0 1 g cm3, and ra 1 cm. However, for the given
eccentricity, the polar-axis radius, rb , is 0.6 cm. Once again, the
Fig. 5. Potential of a uniform density sphere. The density of the sphere is 1 g cm3, grid is a butterfly mesh, but this time the outer boundary follows
and the radius is 1 cm. Presented are results for four resolutions of the butterfly the ellipse defining the surface of the spheroid. The top panel of
mesh (see Fig. 2, left): 2550 cells with an effective radial resolution r  0:02 cm; Figure 6 presents the spheroids potential, and the degree of ac-
8750 cells with r  0:01 cm; 15,200 cells with r  0:006 cm; and 35,000 cells curacy is presented in the bottom plot. With Ncell 35; 000 and
with r  0:005 cm. The top panel shows (  ana )/jana j, where  are the cell-
center potentials as determined by the Poisson solver, and ana is the analytic po-
r/ra  0:005, the relative error in the potential ranges from 2 ;
tential. The bottom panel shows the minimum error for each resolution as a function 106 near the outer boundary to 3 ; 105 in interior regions.
of the effective radial resolution. The solid line illustrates the fact that the 2D Poisson Conspicuous are features in the relative error that track abrupt
solver converges with second-order accuracy. [See the electronic edition of the grid orientation changes in the mesh. Fortunately, these features
Supplement for a color version of this figure.] have magnitudes smaller than or similar to the relative error in
the local region. The relative error in the gravitational accelera-
simulation that lasts many hundreds of milliseconds the relative tion magnitude, g p  jg ana j/max (jg ana j) ranges from 104
error in total energy is better than 1 ; 103 . to 104, where g ana is the analytic acceleration and max (jggana j)
is the maximum magnitude on the grid. Typical errors in the ac-
5.5. Tests of Gravity
celeration direction range from 104 to 104 rad with rare
We include here several assessments of the 1D and 2D Pois- deviations as large as 103 rad near the axis and abrupt grid
son solvers. First, we calculate, using the butterfly mesh, the po- orientation changes.
tential for a homogeneous sphere and compare to the analytic In Figure 7 we demonstrate that the ALE algorithm in combi-
solution. This tests overall accuracy and the ability of our solver nation with our gravity solver produces reasonably accurate hydro-
to give spherically symmetric potentials when a nonspherical mesh static equilibria. The grid is the butterfly mesh with 8750 zones,
is employed. Similarly, we substantiate the algorithms ability to and the initial model is a Lane-Emden polytrope with
produce aspherical potentials of homogeneous oblate spheroids. M 1 M, and R 2:9 ; 1010 cm. Crosses show the density
Then, we verify that the hydrodynamics and gravity solvers give profile at t 1 ; 104 s, while the solid line shows the maximum
accurate results for stars in hydrostatic equilibrium, and for a density as a function of time and that the star pulsates. These
dynamical problem, the Goldreich-Weber self-similar collapse oscillations result from the slight difference between an analytic
(Goldreich & Weber 1980). hydrostatic equilibrium structure and a discretized hydrostatic equi-
Figure 5 compares the simulated and analytic solutions for a librium structure, and with increasing resolution, they decrease in
homogeneous sphere, having density 0 1 g cm3, and max- magnitude. Interestingly, the oscillations continue for many cycles
imum radius ra 1 cm. The analytic potential inside the sphere with very little attenuation.
is ana G0 23 (r 2 z 2  3ra2 ), and the top panel of Figure 5 Simulating the Goldreich-Weber self-similar collapse (Goldreich
shows the relative difference of the analytic potential and the & Weber1980) in 1D and 2D is a good test of dynamic simulations
numerical solution, z , as a function of radius. Results for four including gravity. The analytic profile is similar to a Lane-Emden

Fig. 7. Hydrostatic Equilibrium. The grid is the butterfly mesh with 8750 zones.
The initial model is a Lane-Emden polytrope with
5/3, M 1 M , and R
2:9 ; 1010 cm. The crosses show the density profile at t 1 ; 104 s. The solid line
shows the maximum density as a function of time. The oscillations are due to the
slight difference between an analytic hydrostatic equilibrium structure and a dis-
cretized hydrostatic equilibrium structure. This figure shows the codes ability to
follow oscillations for many periods with very little or no attenuation. [See the
electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]

Figure 8 shows snapshots of density versus radius for 1D (top)

and 2D (bottom) simulations at t 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120,
and 130 ms. Both plots indicate that the simulations (crosses)
track the analytic solution (solid lines). Quantitatively, we mea-
sure a relative difference, (z  ana )/max (ana ), for the reported
times, where z are the simulated cell-center densities and ana
are the analytic values. Consistently, the largest deviations are at
the center, and Table 2 gives these values for the 1D simulation
(middle column) and the 2D simulation (right column). The rela-
tive differences range from 9:2 ; 108 at 0 ms to 3:6 ; 102
at 130 ms for the 1D simulation and 1:2 ; 107 at 0 ms to 6:3 ;
102 at 130 ms for the 2D simulation. At all times, the departure
from spherical symmetry is no more than 1 ; 104 .
Boundary conditions are implemented in one of two ways. Either
an external pressure is specified or the velocities at the nodes are
fixed. For external pressures, ghost cells are defined that have no
Fig. 6. Potential of a homogeneous spheroid with e 0:8 (top) and the re- true volume or mass associated with them. Their only function is
lative accuracy of the potential, (  ana )/jana j (bottom); 0 1 g cm3 and to apply an external force to the boundary cells equal to an ex-
the equatorial radius is ra 1 cm. For the given eccentricity, the polar-axis ra- ternal pressure times the boundary surface area. Specifying nodal
dius, rb , is 0.6 cm. The grid is a butterfly mesh, but the outer boundary follows the velocities on the boundary accomplishes the same task. In this
ellipse defining the surface of the spheroid. With Ncell 35;000 and r/ra 
0:005, the relative error in the potential ranges from 2 ; 106 near the outer case, there is an implied external force and pressure. In practice,
boundary to 3 ; 105 in interior regions. Features in the relative error that track generic dynamical boundaries use the external pressure bound-
abrupt grid orientation changes in the mesh are apparent, but the magnitude of these ary condition. On the other hand, pistons, reflecting walls, and
features does not dominate the errors. [See the electronic edition of the Supplement the azimuthal axis have the velocity perpendicular to the bound-
for a color version of this figure.]
ary specified, while the parallel component executes unhindered
hydrodynamic motions.
polytrope with
4/3, and in fact, we use the gamma-law EOS
4/3. While the Lane-Emden polytropes are assumed to be
in hydrostatic equilibrium, the Goldreich-Weber self-similar col- To resolve shocks over just a few zones, we include artificial
lapse has a homologous velocity profile and a self-similar density viscosity in the equations of hydrodynamics. For 1D simula-
profile. The physical dimensions have been scaled so that M tions, we add a viscous-like term to the pressure ( Von Neumann
1:3 M, the initial central density is 1010 g cm3, and the max- & Richtmyer 1950). We denote this viscous pressure by q. The
imum radius of the profile is 1:66 ; 108 cm. For the 1D simulation, original realization of q employed one term proportional to
we initiate the grid with 200 evenly spaced zones, and for 2D, a (v)2 , where v is the difference in velocity from one zone to the
butterfly mesh with 35,000 zones (effectively with 200 radial next. While this form adequately resolved shocks, unphysical oscil-
zones) is used to initiate the grid. Subsequent evolution for both lations were observed in the postshock flow. A second term, linear
simulations uses the Lagrangian configuration. in v, was then added that effectively damped these oscillations
224 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179
Relative Error in Density, (z  ana )/ max (ana ), at the Center
for the Goldreich-Weber Self-similar Collapse Test

(ms) Error for 1D Error for 2D

0.......................................................... 9.2 ; 108 1.2 ; 107

20........................................................ 7.2 ; 104 1.4 ; 103
40........................................................ 1.2 ; 103 2.2 ; 103
60........................................................ 1.9 ; 103 3.6 ; 103
80........................................................ 3.2 ; 103 6.0 ; 103
100...................................................... 6.2 ; 103 1.1 ; 102
120...................................................... 1.6 ; 102 2.8 ; 102
130...................................................... 3.6 ; 102 6.3 ; 102

Notes.The first column is the time in milliseconds, and the second and third
columns are the error between the simulation, z , and the analytic solution, ana ,
scaled by the maximum density of the analytic solution max( ana) for 1D simula-
tion and 2D simulations, respectively. See x 5.5 for a discussion.

while suppressing artificial grid buckling when the flow is not

aligned with the grid. In the strictest sense, the tensor artificial
viscosity does not employ the simple viscous pressure described
above. Instead, Campbell & Shashkov (2001) assume that the
artificial viscosity tensor is a combination of a scalar coefficient,
2 3

/  4 c2 jvj c22 (v) c12 cs2 5; 97
4 4

and the gradient of the velocity tensor, :v. Therefore, references

to the parameters c1 and c2 in 1D and 2D refer to the same linear
or quadratic dependence on jvj. With this assumption the mo-
mentum equation, equation (2), becomes
Fig. 8. Density profiles for Goldreich-Weber self-similar collapse in 1D (top)  :  :P : = ( :v); 98
and 2D (bottom) and at t 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, and 130 ms. Simulation re-
sults (crosses) are compared with analytic solutions (solid lines). A gamma-law
EOS is used with
4/3. The physical dimensions have been scaled so that M and the energy equation, equation (3), is
1:3 M, the initial central density is 1010 g cm3, and the maximum radius of the
profile is 1:66 ; 108 cm. The initial grid for the 1D simulation uses 200 evenly d"
spaced zones. For the 2D simulation, a butterfly mesh with 35,000 zones with ef-
 P: = v (:v) : ( :v); 99
fectively 200 radial zones is used. These tests are calculated using the Lagrangian
configuration. See x 5.5 and Table 2 for quantitative discussion of the accuracy. where (:v) : (:v) (:v)i j ( :v)i j , using the normal Einstein sum-
[See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]
mation convention. With the method of support operators, Campbell
& Shashkov (2001) derive discrete forms of these equations. Anal-
( Landshoff 1955). Another form which we employ for our 1D ogous to the gradient of the pressure term, the discrete artificial
simulations is viscosity term in the momentum equation becomes a summation
2 3
s of corner forces,

1 X p
q  4 c2 jvj c22 (v)2 c12 cs2 5jvj; : = ( :v)! f z; visc ; 100
4 4
z 2 S( p)

96 and the corresponding term in the energy equation is the usual

force-dot-velocity summation:
where cs is the sound speed, c1 is the parameter associated with X
the linear term, and c2 is the parameter associated with the quad- ( :v) : (:v)!  f p;z visc = vp : 101
ratic term. This form has the appealing attribute that it is motivated p 2 S(z)
by the expression for the shock-jump condition for pressure in an
ideal gas (Wilkins 1980). Therefore, implementation of the artificial viscosity scheme is
For 2D simulations, the artificial viscosity scheme we have straightforward and similar to that for the pressure forces.
settled on is the tensor artificial viscosity algorithm of Campbell In practice, this artificial viscosity scheme is formulated for
& Shashkov (2001). Here, we do not rederive the artificial vis- Cartesian coordinates, and to obtain the equivalent force for cy-
cosity scheme, but highlight some of its salient features and prac- lindrical coordinates, we multiply the Cartesian subcell force by
tical implementations. The useful feature of the tensor algorithm 2rp . In general, this works quite well, but sacrifices strict mo-
is its ability to calculate artificial viscosity on an arbitrary grid, mentum conservation (see x 4.1).


A problem that can plague Lagrangian codes using cells with
four or more sides is the unphysical hourglass mode (Caramana
& Shashkov 1998). To suppress this problem, we employ a mo-
dified version of the subcell pressure algorithm of Caramana &
Shashkov (1998). For all physical modes (translation, shear, and
extension/contraction) the divergences of the velocity on the sub-
cell and cell levels are equal,
(: = v)pz ( : = v)z : 102

Hence, as long as the calculation is initiated such that the subcell

densities of a cell are equal to the cell-averaged density, then they
should remain equal at all subsequent times. Any deviation of
the subcell density from the cell density, pz pz  z , is a di-
rect result of the hourglass mode. The scheme of Caramana &
Shashkov (1998) uses this deviation in subcell density to define a
subcell pressure that is related to the deviation in subcell and cell
density, pz , by
Ppz Pz cs2 pz 103
Fig. 9. Comparison when hourglass suppression is turned off (left) and on
(right) for the Goldreich-Weber self-similar collapse. The simulations in this fig-
with the corresponding deviation in pressure: Ppz cs2 pz . ure were run in the Lagrangian configuration with the butterfly mesh. Displayed
Application of these pressures as subcell forces counteracts in the region r > 0 are results at t 0:118 s when the hourglass suppression scheme
the hourglass distortion. However, the pressure throughout the cell of x 8 is used and the scale factor has been set to 2.0. The results shown in the region
is no longer uniform. As a result, the subcell pressures exert forces r < 0 represent what happens when the hourglass suppression scheme is turned off.
on the cell centers and midedge points. These locations in the grid
are not subject to physical forces as are the nodes. Instead, their
movement is tied to the motions of the nodes. To conserve momen- values, and hence, the subsequent subcell forces are not very re-
tum, the forces acting on these enslaved points must be redistributed sistant to hourglass distortions. However, for many simulations,
to the dynamical nodes. Although the choice of redistribution is we have found that it is not necessary to remap after every La-
not unique, we follow the procedure established by Caramana & grangian hydrodynamic solve. Rather, the remap may be per-
Shashkov (1998) for the form of the subcell force (for the defi- formed after N time steps. In these circumstances, the subcell
nitions of Spz and apz , see x 3 and Fig. 3), tracer density is allowed to evolve continuously as determined
by the hydrodynamic equations. With large N, p;tr does de-
f pz Ppz Spz 12 ( Ppz  Pp1
)apz ( Pp1
 Ppz )ap1
: velop significant amplitude, and the subcell forces become effec-
tive in suppressing the hourglass modes. In fact, in the limit that
104 N 3 1, this scheme becomes the hourglass suppression scheme
of Caramana & Shashkov (1998).
This particular scheme works quite well for Lagrangian cal- In practice, we multiply this subcell force by a scaling factor.
culations. However, it can be incompatible with subcell remap- To determine the appropriate magnitude of this scaling factor,
ping algorithms. The hourglass suppression scheme described we executed many test problems and found that problems that
above assumes that only hourglass motions result in nonzero values involved the perturbation of hydrostatic equilibrium provide a
for pz. Even in calculations that are completely free of hourglass good test of the robustness of the hourglass fix. During the test-
motions, the subcell remapping scheme can and will produce sub- ing protocol, we ran a simulation for at least 200,000 time steps,
cell densities within a cell that are different from the cell density. ensuring that the hourglass fix remains robust for long calcula-
Since this difference of subcell and cell densities has nothing to tions. For Lagrangian calculations, a scaling factor 1 produced
do with hourglass motions, any subcell forces that arise intro- reasonable results. For runs in which remapping occurred after
duce spurious motions that do not correct the hourglass motions. N time steps, we found that larger values of the scaling factor
Investigating several alternative schemes, we settled on a were required. However, for very large values of N, such as 64 or
modification of the Caramana & Shashkov (1998) approach. After greater, such large values compromised small structures in the
each remap, we define a tracer density whose only purpose is to flow. Hence, we settled on scaling factors near 1 for large N. For
track the relative changes in the subcell and cell volumes during small N, we found that the difference in tracer density and the
the subsequent hydrodynamic solve. For convenience, and to keep cell-centered density had little time to build to significant am-
the magnitude of the subcell pressures about right, we set the sub- plitudes, so larger values of the scaling factor are required, but
cell tracer density equal to the cell density. After replacing pz with anything above 4 produced noticeable problems in flows with
the difference between the subcell tracer density and the cell den- many time steps. In summary, the scaling factor should be ad-
sity, p;tr , we proceed with the scheme prescribed by Caramana justed to be 1 for large N and 4 for small N.
& Shashkov (1998). We have found that the subcell forces of
8.1. Tests of the Hourglass Elimination Algorithm
Caramana & Shashkov (1998) significantly resist hourglass mo-
tions only after pz achieves significant magnitude. For our new To demonstrate the need for an hourglass suppression scheme,
hourglass scheme, if a remap is implemented after each hydro- and that our algorithm to address the hourglass distortions works,
z we show in Figure 9 results for the Goldreich-Weber self-similar
dynamic solve, p;tr does not have a chance to achieve large
226 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

leading to very skewed cells, can limit the accuracy of Lagrangian

calculations. In this case as well, one can employ a remapping
scheme which is designed to minimize the calculational error.
To remap, a new grid must be established. One choice is to remap
to the original grid, thereby effectively solving the hydrodynam-
ics equations on an Eulerian mesh. Another is to use a reference
Jacobian matrix rezone strategy, which establishes a new mesh
close to the Lagrangian mesh, while reducing numerical error by
reducing unnecessarily skewed zones. The arbitrary nature of the
remapping algorithm even allows the freedom of choosing one
rezoning scheme in one sector of the grid and another rezoning
scheme in other sectors. For example, one could remap in an
Eulerian fashion in one sector, let the grid move in a Lagrangian
manner in another, and in the intervening region smoothly match
these two regions.
Generally, there are two options for remapping schemes. One
can remap from one arbitrary grid to another completely unre-
lated arbitrary grid. For these unrelated grids, one needs to deter-
mine the overlap of the zones of the first grid with the zones of
the second. In general, this can be a very cumbersome and expen-
sive process. As a result most ALE codes remap to an arbitrary
grid that is not too different from the first. Specifically, the usual
stipulation employed is that the face of each cell does not traverse
Fig. 10. Single-mode Rayleigh-Taylor instability; investigating hourglass more than one cell during a time step and that the connectivity
suppression schemes (see x 10.7 for a description of the setup). We present the among nodes, faces, edges, and cells remains the same from the
results of the single-mode Rayleigh-Taylor instability with no hourglass fix (left), first grid to the remapped grid. The regions swept by the faces then
the hourglass subcell pressure scheme of Caramana & Shashkov (1998) (center), contain the mass, momentum, or energy which is added to the cell
and the modified subpressure scheme described in this paper (right). While the
results of the left panel are acceptable, there are hints of hourglass patterns in the
on one side of the face and subtracted from the cell on the other
contours. The central panel is a consequence of the incompatible nature of the sub- side.
cell remapping scheme and the subcell pressure scheme of Caramana & Shashkov It is in this context that we use the swept-region remapping al-
(1998) and our modified subpressure scheme (right) suppresses the hourglass dis- gorithms of Loubere & Shashkov (2005), Margolin & Shaskov
tortions, while preserving the expected flow. [See the electronic edition of the Sup- (2003, 2004), Kucharik et al. (2003), and Loubere et al. (2006).
plement for a color version of this figure.]
This remapping scheme may be described by four stages.

collapse in 2D (x 5.5), with and without the hourglass suppres- 1. The first is the gathering stage. This is a stage in which sub-
sion (x 8). These results represent a Lagrangian simulation of the cell quantities of the mass, momenta, and energies are defined in
self-similar collapse at t 118 ms. On the left (r < 0) the grid preparation for the bulk of the remapping process.
clearly shows problematic grid buckling when the hourglass 2. The second is to remap the subcell quantities from the La-
suppression is turned off. The grid on the right (r > 0) shows the grangian grid to the new rezoned grid using the swept-region
elimination of grid buckling with the use of the hourglass sup- approximation. In doing so, the remapping algorithm remains
pression scheme and a scaling factor of 2.0. second-order accurate, but avoids time intensive routines to
Figure 10 illustrates the problem of using the hourglass sup- calculate the overlap regions of the old and new grids.
pression scheme of Caramana & Shashkov (1998) in combina- 3. The third is to repair the subcell densities. Because exact
tion with the subcell remapping algorithm (x 9). All three panels spatial integration is avoided with the swept-region approxima-
show the results of the single-mode Rayleigh-Taylor instability tion, local bounds of subcell densities may be violated. There-
at t 12:75 s. For the left panel, no hourglass suppression is em- fore, a repair algorithm which redistributes mass, momentum,
ployed. This panel represents our control. While the hourglass and energies to preserve the local bounds is implemented.
instability does not cause serious problems for the calculation, 4. Finally, there is the scattering stage, in which the primary
one can see evidence of slight hourglass patterns at the scale of variables of the hydrodynamics algorithm are recovered for the
the grid resolution. In particular, two blobs near the top and on the new rezoned grid.
edges form distinct patterns. The central panel demonstrates the 9.1. Gathering Stage
problem of using the subcell remapping scheme and the subcell
pressure method of Caramana & Shashkov (1998). On the other In order to remap the primary quantities using the subcell re-
hand, the right panel demonstrates that the modified subpressure mapping algorithm, mass, momenta, internal energy, and kinetic
scheme we have developed suppresses the hourglass distortions, energy must be defined at the subcell level. In the Lagrangian
while preserving the expected flow. stage, the subcell mass, mpz , is already defined. The subcell den-
sity which is a consequence of the change in the subcell volume
9. REMAPPING (Vpz ) during the Lagrangian hydro step is
Fluid flows with large vorticity quickly tangle a Lagrangian
mesh, presenting severe problems for Lagrangian hydrodynamic pz : 105
codes. To avoid entangled grids, it is common to remap the state Vpz
variables after each Lagrangian hydrodynamic advance to an-
other less tangled mesh. Even flows that exhibit very little vorticity, Unfortunately, there is no equivalent quantity for the subcell in-
but extreme compression or expansion along a particular direction, ternal energy. Instead, we define the internal energy density for

each zone, ez "z z , fit a linear function for the internal energy where the matrix, M z , for each zone is given by the coefficients in
density, ez ez ( :e)z = (x  xc ), and integrate this function equation (111).
over the volume of each subcell to determine the total subcell To conserve total energy in the remap stage, we define the
internal energy and, consequently, the average subcell internal subcell kinetic energy and follow the same gather procedure as
energy density, for the velocity by simply replacing velocity with the specific ki-
netic energy:
Epz e dV and epz : 106 jvj2
vpz Vpz kp : 113

Performing the integration of equation (106) involves a volume We ensure conservation of total kinetic energy for a cell,
integral and volume integrals weighted by x and y in Cartesian X X
coordinates or r and z in cylindrical coordinates (see Appendix B mpz kpz mpz kp Kz ; 114
for formulae calculating these discrete integrals). Note that by p 2 S(z) p 2 S(z)

construction, these newly defined internal energies P satisfy con-

servation of internal energy for each zone, mz "z p 2 S(z) Epz . where kpz is the subcell-averaged specific kinetic energy. Then,
Similarly, there are no readily defined subcell-centered aver- the transformation from nodal specific kinetic energies to sub-
ages for the momenta, mpz , or velocities, upz . However, they cell-averaged specific kinetic energies is given by
should be related to one another by
kzSC M z kz ; 115

pz mpz upz :
~ 107 where kzSC is a vector of the subcell-averaged specific kinetic en-
ergies, kz is a vector of the nodal specific kinetic energies, and
If the gathering stage is to preserve momentum conservation, M z is the same transformation matrix used for the velocity
then the following equality must hold: transformations. Having found the specific kinetic energies, the
calculation of the kinetic energy for each subcell is then straight-
X X forward, Kpz mpz kpz .
mpz upz mpz vp : 108 On completion of the gathering stage, each relevant quantity,
p 2 S(z) p 2 S(z) mpz , mpz , Epz , and Kpz , is expressed as a fundamentally conserved
quantity for each subcell. From these conserved quantities and the
By inspection, it might seem natural to set upz vp . However, we subcell volumes, we have the corresponding densities, which, as
follow the more accurate suggestion made by Loubere & Shashkov is explained in x 9.2, are important components of the remapping
(2005) to define the subcell-averaged velocity as process.
uz vp vp1=2 vp1=2
uzp ; 109 9.2. Swept-Edge Remap
Having gathered all relevant subcell quantities, we begin the
where uz is obtained by averaging over all nodal velocities bulk of the remapping process. Since all variables are now ex-
associated with zone z, and vp1/2 and vp1/2 are edge-averaged pressed in terms of a conserved quantity (subcell mass, energy,
velocities given by vp1/2 1/2(vp vp1 ) and vp1/2 1/2(vp and momentum) and a density (mass density, energy density, and
vp1 ). momentum density), for clarity of exposition, we focus on rep-
Substituting equation (109) into equation (108) and rearrang- resentative variables, subcell mass and density, to explain the
ing terms, we get an expression for the subcell velocity that generic remapping algorithm. When there are differences in the
depends on known subcell masses and nodal velocities: algorithm for the other variables, we note them.
We have instituted the remapping algorithm of Kucharik et al.
1 vp1 vp1  (2003). To avoid the expensive process of finding the overlap of
uzp 2vp
4 2 2 the Lagrangian grid with the rezoned grid, this algorithm mod-
X mp 0 z ifies the mass of each subcell with a swept-edge approximation
(4vp 0  vp 0 1  vp 0 1 ): 110 for the rezoning process. As long as the connectivity and neigh-
p 0 2 S (z)
borhood for each cell remain the same throughout the calcula-
tion, time spent in connectivity overhead is greatly reduced. The
We now rewrite equation (110) in a form that obviously makes it objective of the remapping algorithm is then to find the amount
easy to write the gathering operation in matrix form: of mass, me , that each edge effectively sweeps up due to the re-
zoning process and to add or subtract this change in mass to the
1 vp1 vp1  old subcell mass to obtain the new subcell mass, mpz :
uzp 2vp
4 2 2  X
X mpz 0 1 4mpz 0  mpz 0 1 mpz mpz me : 116
vp 0 : 111 e 2 S (z)
p 0 2 S (z)
Of course, the change in mass is obtained by integration of a den-
If U z is a vector of one component of all velocities associated sity function over the volume of the swept region:
with cell z, and U zSC is the equivalent for subcell velocities, then Z
me r dV : 117
U zSC M z U z ; 112 e
228 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

The density function, r(x; y), may take on any functional form. To for each subcell, where
maintain second-order accuracy of the algorithm we use a linear X
density function, a !cz2 xcz2 ;
c 2 N (z)
r zp ( :)zp = (x  xzp ); 118 X
b !cz2 xcz ycz ;
c 2 N (z)
where xzp is the average of the nodal positions defining the X
subcell. c !cz2 ycz2 ;
In determining the gradient, (:)zp , we employ one of two c 2 N (z)
standard methods for calculating the gradient using the densities X
d !cz2 cz xcz ;
from subcell fz; pg and its neighbors. The first method uses Greens
c 2 N (z)
theorem to rewrite a bounded volume integral as a boundary integral X
around the same volume. We begin with a definition of the av- e !cz2 cz ycz : 124
erage gradient of  for a given region. For each component, the c 2 N (z)
average gradient is
Solving this linear system with Cramers rule then gives the least-
  Z I squares gradients.
@ 1 1
x dV  dy; After calculating the gradient we ensure monotonicity using
@x V V V @V the Barth-Jespersen limiter (Barth 1997). The gradient is limited
  Z I by a scalar, z , that has a range between 0 and 1:
@ 1 1
y dV   dx; 119
@y V V V @V rz (x; y) z z ( :)z = (x  xz ): 125

where x and y are the gradients in the x- and y-directions, re- First, we determine the minimum and maximum value of  among
spectively. The region over which the integrals are evaluated is z and its neighbors c :
defined by segments connecting the centers of the neighboring
subcells. Hence, the discrete form of the average gradient is zmin min(z ; c ); 126

 p zmax max (z ; c ): 127

@ 1 X 1 2
y12 ;
z V e 2 We satisfy the requirement that
@ 1 X 1 2 zmin  r(x; y)  zmax : 128
 x12 : 120
@y z V e 2
This is accomplished by
While this method works reasonably well, an unfortunate con-
sequence of the integration and division by volume is that the z min(zn ); 129
value of the gradient is directly influenced by the shape and size
of the cell. where zn is a limiter associated with each node of the cell and is
An alternative method for determining gradients, which is not given by
as easily influenced by the shape of the mesh, is a least-squares 8  
procedure. For simplicity of notation, we describe this method in >
> zmax  z
the context of cells rather than subcells. Again, assuming a linear >
> min 1; ; for r(xn ; yn )  z > 0;
< r (xn ; yn )  z
form for rz (x; y), we seek to minimize the difference between c  
and rz (xc ; yc ), where c is the neighbors value and rz (xc ; yc ) is zn zmin  z
> min 1; ; for r(xn ; yn )  z < 0;
the extrapolation of the linear function of cell z to the position of >
> r (xn ; yn )  z
the neighbor, (xc ; yc ). More explicitly, we wish to minimize the 1; for r(xn ; yn )  z 0;
X 130
!cz2 Ezc2 ; 121
c 2 N (z) where r(xn ; yn ) is the unlimited linear function evaluated at the
where the set of neighbors for cell z is denoted by c2 N (z), With the linear function r defined for each subcell, we return
to the task of determining the swept mass, me . The specific

2 linear function r for density used in equation (117) depends on
Ezc2 cz x; z xcz y; z ycz ; 122
which subcell the edge encroaches on. In fact, it is quite possible
that the volume swept by the edge intersects more than one
x; z and y; z are the x and y components of the gradient, cz immediate neighbor of the subcell in question. Of course, an
c  z , xcz xc  xz , ycz yc  yz , and !cz2 1/(xcz2 accurate swept-edge integration scheme would take into account
ycz2 ). Minimizing equation (121) with respect to the two un- all spatial functions in the relevant subcells. Kucharik et al. (2003)
knowns leads to the set of linear equations and references therein, have noted that such an accurate scheme
ax by d; may be cumbersome and computational expensive. Instead, they
suggest an approximate swept region integration in which only the
bx cy e; 123 subcells to the left and right of the oriented edge need matter in

determining the spatial function of density used for integration. To Recovering the velocities at the nodes is slightly more in-
this end, an oriented volume integral is defined as volved. First, the new subcell-averaged velocity is defined using
the remapped momenta and masses:
Ve x dy: 131 pz
vpz 137
Whether this volume integral is negative or positive, the density
function is taken from either the left or right subcell Then, for each cell we invert the matrix equation that transforms
 node velocities into subcell velocities:
rr ; Ve  0;
r 132
rl ; Ve < 0: Uz Mz1 UzSC : 138

9.3. Repair In this scheme, each cell provides its own velocity for a node,
which may be different from another cells value for the same
While the above scheme is second-order accurate and mass node. Therefore, for each node velocity, we average node velo-
conserving, the approximations made in the swept-edge algorithm cities resulting from the inversion of equation (138)
can violate local bounds. In practice, the values of the remapped
densities should be bounded by the neighborhood values of the 1 X z
original grid. Computationally expensive schemes that find the vp m vp (z): 139
overlap regions among the old and new grid can be made to pre- mp z 2 S( p) p
serve the bounds. However, the local bounds can be violated in
swept-edge remapping. Using the linearity-and-bound-preserving Finally, we recover the specific internal energy. Comparing
method of Kucharik et al. (2003), we conservatively repair quan- the sum of the old internal energy and kinetic energy with the sum
tities by redistributing mass, energy, momenta, and number to of remapped internal energy and a kinetic energy defined by the
neighbors satisfying the local bounds of the quantities on the remapped node velocities will not necessarily ensure conservation
previous Lagrangian grid. However, the order in which one pro- of total energy. Therefore, the old kinetic energy is remapped
cesses the cells and subcells influences the specific values that along with the node velocities. The discrepancy between these
emerge from the repair process. Therefore, we employ the order- two kinetic energy representations is then added to the internal
independent scheme of Loubere et al. (2006). These repair schemes energy, ensuring conservation of total energy during the remap
are designed to repair subcell densities. For velocities and com- stage:
position we wish to preserve the bounds of v and Xi . Therefore, we
have appropriately adjusted the scheme to conservatively repair " ! !#
X X X jvp j2
momenta and particle number by preserving the local bounds of Ez Epz Kpz  mpz : 140
v and Xi , respectively. p 2 S(z) p 2 S(z) p 2 S(z)

9.4. Scattering The new cell-centered specific internal energy is then obtained using
The final remap step is to recover the primary variables for the the modified internal energy, Ez , and the remapped mass, mz ,
next hydrodynamic step. The new cell-centered and node-cen-
tered masses are Ez
"z : 141
X mz
mz mpz 133
p 2 S(z) This ensures conservation of total energy at the expense of con-
sistent remapping of internal energy. Whichever is desirable de-
and pends on the problem. For example, in flows with large kinetic
energies and small internal energies, the discrepancy in kinetic
X energy remapping could substantially alter or even dominate the
mp mzp ; 134
z 2 S( p)
internal energy. Consequently, we include a flag in BETHE-hydro
that determines whether the remapped kinetic energy differences
are added to the internal energy.
respectively. Consequently, the subcell and cell-averaged den-
sities are
9.5. Remapping Tests
mpz Figure 11 demonstrates the basic effectiveness of the remap-
 pz 135 ping algorithm. We remap a 1D step function in density many
times. From x 0 to x 1/2 cm, the density is  2:5 g cm3,
and from x 1/2 to x 1 cm, the density is  1:5 g cm3.
and This test has 50 cells and Nnodes 51 nodes. Indexing each node
by i, the positions of the nodes are
 z ; 136
Vz    2
i1 i1
xi (1  )  ; 142
respectively. Nnodes  1 Nnodes  1
230 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

The remap (or advection) of composition follows the scheme

outlined for the advection of mass on the subcell level, with ni re-
placing  and Ni replacing mass. The new compositions are then
determined by Xi; z Ni; z /mz. The final minor, but crucial, dif-
ference between mass and composition remapping occurs during
the repair process. While the repair process maintains the bounds
on the number density, we also enforce bound preservation of
the compositions.
While we do not address specific rate equations in this work,
transport and nuclear processes will require consideration of non-
zero terms on the right-hand side of equations (5) and (144). Since
our division of composition into subcell compositions has con-
sequences for discrete implementations with rates, we include
here some discussion.
Normally, the discrete form of equation (5) with a nonzero
right-hand side would be designed to operate at the cell level. In
other words, it would involve Nz; i and nz; i . However, the fun-
Fig. 11. Remapping a 1D step function. A step function in density is remapped
many times with a grid that oscillates for two full cycles. There are 51 nodes (50 cells)
damental Lagrangian subunit is the subcell. Therefore, we have
and nmax 800 remapping steps. The top panel displays the density profile for developed an algorithm to handle the composition changes,
remapping steps 0 to 1/2nrm; max , and the bottom panel shows the profile for steps Xi , at the subcell level due to changes at the cell level.
1/2nmax to nmax . Initially, the discontinuity spreads over a small number of zones Irrespective of the scheme employed, a condition which must
(4), and in later steps (bottom) the discontinuity spreads very slowly. be satisfied is that
where Nz; i Np;i : 145
z z p 2 S(z)
1 n
 sin 4 143 We would like to convert the statement of number conservation
4 nmax
into the more useful relationship,
and the remapping step is n. As a result, the grid completes two X
Nz; i Np;i : 146
full cycles in this remapping test. Figure 11 shows the result of
p 2 S(z)
this remapping test where nmax 800. The top panel displays
the density profile for remapping steps 0 to nmax /2, while the bot- When the change in composition due to the rates is applied in
tom panel shows the profile for steps nmax /2 to nmax. Comparison operator-split form to the discrete hydro equations, we have the
of the first half (top) with the second half (bottom) indicates that relations
the remapping process diffuses the discontinuity over a small
number (4) of zones initially, and diffusion slows substan- Ni; z Xi; z mz ; 147
tially after the initial phase, maintaining a somewhat consistent
width in the discontinuity. and
9.6. Composition Remap Ni;zp Xi;zp mpz : 148
Barring any nuclear or chemical transformations, the com-
position equation, equation (5), states that Xi is conserved. The Our dilemma is that the rate equations will determine Xz; i , but
Lagrangian hydro portion of our algorithm will not change a they put no constraint on Xp;i . A fairly natural and simple choice
cells composition. All alterations in composition are, therefore, is Xp;i Xz; i , giving
a result of advection, and in an ALE code advection is handled z
by the remapping algorithm. Np;i Xz; i mpz : 149
Equation (5) may be written in Eulerian form,
Substituting equation (149) into equation (146) we have
@(Xi ) X X
: = (Xi v) 0; 144 Nz; i Xz; i mpz Xz; i mpz Xz; i mz : 150
p 2 S(z) p 2 S(z)
which implies a close dependence of the advection of Xi on 
and v. In practice, if the composition is not advected in a manner Hence, by simply stating that Xp;i Xz; i , we have developed
entirely consistent with the advection of mass, then the advection discrete rate equations that satisfy conservation of species number
of composition will develop peculiarities. Since the remapping of and operates at the subcell level.
density is truly a remapping of the subcell masses, we have de- 9.7. Angular Velocity Remap
signed a scheme for the remapping of composition which operates
on an equivalent subcell quantity. The remap of the angular momentum deserves special men-
Specifically, we define new Lagrangian quantities for com- tion. As in mass remapping, we try to find new subcell angular
position. They are the number of species i in the cell, Ni; z , and the momenta, Jpz , based on an approximate swept-region approach.
number of species i in the subcell, Ni;zp . Analogous to the mass In other words,
density is the number density, ni; z and ni;z p . These new quantities X
are related to the previously defined quantities by ni Xi and Jpz Jpz Je ; 151
Ni ni V or Ni mXi. e 2 S (z)

which parallels equation (116) in form. A notable difference, how-

ever, is the expression for the swept angular momentum. It no
longer involves a simple volume integral, but an integral weighted
by r 2 (see Appendix B for calculating the discrete analog of this
Je ! r 2 dV : 152

After finding the new subcell angular momentum we determine

the new cell angular momentum,
Jz Jzp ; 153
p 2 S(z)

and node angular momentum,

Jp Jzp ; 154
z 2 S( p)

and in turn determine the new angular velocity;

! p : 155


In this section, we characterize BETHE-hydros performance
using several test problems. First, we demonstrate that this code
produces second-order accurate solutions for self-gravitating flows.
To assess the accuracy of high Mach-number simulations, we use
the Sod shock tube problem, Sedov blast wave, and Noh implosion
problem, which all have analytic solutions. Furthermore, we sim-
ulate the Saltzman and Dukowicz piston problems to test the codes
ability to simulate piston-driven shocks using oblique meshes. In Fig. 12. The L1 -norm as a function of r (crosses), the initial zone size, is
simulating two important hydrodynamic instabilities, the Rayleigh- plotted for Goldreich-Weber simulations in 1D (top) and 2D (bottom). The L1 -
Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, we further demonstrate norm is calculated at t 130 ms for both simulations. Both 1D and 2D simulations
this codes strengths and limitations. Demonstrating BETHE- (crosses) converge with roughly second-order accuracy (solid line). See x 10.1. [See
hydros ability to simulate astrophysical phenomena, we con- the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]
clude with a core-collapse supernova simulation.
10.1. Second-Order Accuracy a shock, a rarefaction wave, and a contact discontinuity. A sim-
ple gamma-law EOS is employed with
1:4. Initially, the com-
To verify the second-order character of BETHE-hydro, a smooth putational domain is divided into left and right static regions with
hydrodynamics flow is required. The Goldreich-Weber self-similar different densities and pressures. Specifically, the left and right re-
collapse (see x 5.5 and Fig. 8) satisfies this requirement and is ideal gions have densities of 1.0 and 0.125 g cm3 and pressures of 1.0
to check convergence of the hydrodynamic and gravity solvers and 0.1 ergs cm3, respectively. This gives rise to a self-similar solu-
and their coupling. We use L1 -norms of the error, tion involving a shock propagating to the right, a rarefaction wave
X propagating to the left, and a contact discontinuity in between.
L1 jez r d j; 156 In Figure 13 we display the Sod shock tube test results for 1D
Lagrangian, 1D Eulerian, 2D Lagrangian, and 2D Eulerian con-
where the error is ez ana (xz )  z , ana is the analytic density figurations. Cell-centered densities and locations are marked with
at t 130 ms, r is the zone size, and d is 1 for 1D and 2 for 2D. plus signs, while the analytic results are denoted by solid dark
Strictly speaking, the simulations are Lagrangian and have time- lines. The 1D Lagrangian result shows the appropriate density
varying zone sizes. Fortunately, this collapse problem is self-similar, profile, while the other profiles have been shifted vertically so
implying a direct correlation between the starting resolution and that distinguishing features are more easily compared. In addition,
the resolution at a later time. Therefore, we use the initial zone the profiles are further distinguished by displaying them at differ-
size in equation (156) and in Figure 12. The L1 -norm as a func- ent times: 1D Lagrangian (t 0:2 s), 1D Eulerian (t 0:225 s),
tion of r (crosses) is plotted in Figure 12. As the figure demon- 2D Lagrangian (t 0:25 s), and 2D Eulerian (t 0:275 s). The
strates, both 1D simulations (top) and 2D simulations (bottom) 1D calculations are resolved with 400 zones. Similarly, the 2D
converge with roughly second-order accuracy. tests are resolved along the direction of shock propagation with
400 zones, and they are resolved in the perpendicular direction
10.2. Sod Shock Tube Problem by 10 zones.
The Sod shock tube problem is a standard analytic test that The overall features of the shock, postshock material, contact dis-
assesses the codes ability to simulate three characteristic waves: continuity, and rarefaction wave are reproduced. For all scenarios,
232 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

Fig. 13. Sod shock tube test. For a gamma-law EOS and
1:4, we com-
pare the results of the 1D Lagrangian (bottom line), 1D Eulerian (second line from
the bottom), 2D Lagrangian (third line), and 2D Eulerian (top line) Sod shock
tube tests with the analytic result (solid lines). Other than the 1D Lagrangian re-
sults, the density profiles have been shifted vertically to distinguish features. The
profiles are further separated by displaying them at different times: 1D La-
grangian (t 0:2 s), 1D Eulerian (t 0:225 s), 2D Lagrangian (t 0:25 s), and
2D Eulerian (t 0:275 s). The 1D calculations are resolved with 400 zones, and
the 2D tests are resolved with 400 ; 10 zones. See x 10.2 for a discussion. [See the
electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]

the shock is resolved within a few zones. For the 1D Eulerian and
Lagrangian calculations the postshock density is good to 0.05%
and 0.01%, respectively. On viewing the profiles in greater de-
tail, there is a noticeable departure from the analytic solution at the
tail of the rarefaction wave where the density dips below the ex-
pected value. This error in density at the tail of the rarefaction
wave is 2.5% for the Lagrangian simulation and 1% for the
Eulerian simulation. Since the contact discontinuity moves with
the flow speed, both Lagrangian calculations resolve the contact Fig. 14. Density profiles of the Sedov blast wave test. The Sedov blast en-
ergy is 0.244816 ergs. Initial conditions are 0 1:0 g cm3, "0 1 ; 1020 ergs g1,
discontinuity exactly from one zone to the next and maintain this and the gamma-law EOS has
5/3. The top panel compares the simulations
resolution throughout the simulation. The Eulerian calculations, (crosses) with the analytic result (solid lines) for 1D Lagrangian (t 0:4 s), 1D
not surprisingly, distribute the contact discontinuity over several Eulerian (t 0:53 s), 2D Lagrangian using the butterfly mesh (t 0:66 s), and
(4) zones. 2D Lagrangian using the spiderweb mesh (t 0:80 s). One-dimensional calcula-
tions are resolved with 400 zones. The spiderweb test has a total of 12,381 zones
with 200 radial zones and a maximum of 64 angular zones. The butterfly mesh
10.3. Sedov Blast Wave has a total of 35,000 zones with effectively 200 radial and 200 angular zones.
Plotted in the bottom panel are the relative errors of the density, (  ana )/max ,
A classic test, the Sedov blast wave problem provides a quan- vs. radius, where  is the simulated density profile, ana is the analytic profile, and
titative measure of a codes ability to simulate spherical explo- max is the maximum density of the analytic profile. [See the electronic edition of
sions. Initial conditions are set so that the total energy of the Sedov the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]
blast is 0.244816 ergs, 0 1:0 g cm3, "0 1 ; 1020 ergs g1,
and the gamma-law EOS has
5/3. We compare the simula- There are some practical issues about formulating the Sedov
tions with the analytic result (Fig. 14, solid lines) for the following runs that are worth mentioning. For the 1D simulations, we
scenarios: 1D Lagrangian, 1D Eulerian, 2D Lagrangian using the found that simply placing the initial explosion energy in a small
butterfly mesh, and 2D Lagrangian using the spiderweb mesh. number of inner zones was adequate. On the other hand, the 2D
Results of the Sedov explosion are plotted in Figure 14. The simulations using nonspherical grids required more care. Simply
top panel compares the analytic and numerical density profiles, depositing all the energy within a small number of zones near the
while the bottom panel shows the relative differences between the center led to severe grid tangling and distortions. We remedied this
numerical solutions and the analytic profile. To easily distinguish by initiating all profiles with the analytic solution at t 0:001 s.
different runs and details, we plot the 1D Lagrangian calculation at The bottom panel of Figure 14 emphasizes the quantitative
t 0:4 s, the 1D Eulerian at t 0:53 s, the 2D Lagrangian using accuracy of the postshock solutions. Plotted are the relative errors
the butterfly mesh at t 0:66 s, and the 2D Lagrangian using the of the density, (  ana )/max , versus radius, where  is the sim-
spiderweb mesh at t 0:80 s. The 1D calculations are resolved ulated density profile, ana is the analytic profile, and max is the
with 400 zones. The spiderweb test has a total of 12,381 zones maximum density of the analytic profile. The 1D Lagrangian sim-
with 200 radial zones and a maximum of 64 angular zones, while ulation gives the best results with a maximum relative error near
the butterfly mesh has a total of 35,000 zones with effectively the shock of 2%. In comparison, the 1D Eulerian test gives
200 radial and 200 angular zones. Qualitatively, all simulations 4% deviation near the shock. The 2D Lagrangian simulation
reproduce the overall structure and position of the shock and using the spiderweb mesh has a maximum deviation similar to
postshock flows. the 1D Lagrangian simulation, even though the 1D simulation

The four panels of Figure 16 present the density profiles for

2D simulations. Three of the four panels show the results using
Cartesian coordinates. The top left panel shows the results using
a Cartesian grid with 100 ; 200 zones, the top right panel shows
the results using the butterfly mesh with 22,400 zones, and the
bottom left panel shows the results using the spiderweb mesh.
The fourth panel, bottom right, shows the results using 2D cylin-
drical coordinates and a Cartesian mesh with 100 ; 200 zones.
Obvious is the fact that the mesh employed has consequences for
the solution. Both the top left and bottom right panels indicate
that using the Cartesian mesh for this problem produces fairly
smooth results, with some asymmetry (7%) in the postshock
region. The bottom left panel shows that using the spiderweb
mesh produces perfectly symmetric solutions except near the
center where the deviation from symmetry is as large as 25%.
Finally, simulations using the butterfly mesh, top right panel,
shows a similarly mixed capacity to preserve symmetry. In this
Fig. 15. Density profile for the Noh Problem at t 0:2 s. The solid line is light, it is important to choose a grid that minimizes numerical
the analytic solution for
5/3, and the crosses show the numerical results for artifacts for the problem at hand. A task easily accomplished
resolutions of 200, 400, 800, and 1600 zones. The downturn of the density profile
near the center is wall heating, a common problem for Lagrangian schemes with the use of ALE methods.
( Rider 2000). For the post shock material, the higher resolution runs capture the
analytic solution. The upstream flow matches the analytic solution for all reso- 10.5. Saltzman Piston Problem
lutions. [See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this
figure.] As standard test for arbitrary grid codes, the Saltzman piston
problem ( Margolin 1988) addresses the ability of a code to
has radial zones with half the zone size. The simulation using the simulate a simple piston-driven shock using a grid with mesh
spiderweb mesh shows some slight departure from spherical sym- lines oblique to the shock normal. The top panel of Figure 17 shows
metry. Specifically, for most of the postshock region, the peak-to- the grid with 100 ; 10 zones. For a grid with Nx ; Ny nodes
peak variation of density is less than 1%, and near the shock the within a domain defined by x2 f0 : xmax g and y2 f0 : ymax g, where
peak-to-peak variation of density reaches 3%. The 2D Lagrangian xmax 1:0 and xmax 0:1, the x positions of the nodes are given
simulation using the butterfly mesh has a maximum density by
deviation of 4% near the shock and a deviation from spherical
symmetry of similar magnitude. xmax (i  1) ymax
x (i  1) (Ny  j) sin  ; 158
10.4. Noh Implosion Problem Nx  1 (Nx  1) Ny  1

Initial conditions for the Noh Problem are uniform density

where i2 f1 : Nx g and j 2 f1 : Ny g. At the piston, the left wall is
0 1 g cm3, zero (or very small) internal energy "0 0 ergs,
moving at a constant velocity, 1.0 cm s1, to the right. Initially,
a convergent velocity field with magnitude v0 1 cm s1, and a
the density and internal energy are set equal to 1.0 g cm3 and
gamma-law EOS with
5/3. Subsequent evolution produces
0.0 ergs, respectively, and we use a gamma-law EOS with
a symmetric self-similar flow including supersonic accretion, an
In the bottom panel of Figure 17, we show the grid and the
accretion shock, and stationary postshock matter in which kinetic
density color map at t 0:925 s after the shock has traversed the
energy has been converted into internal energy. The analytic so-
domain twice, reflecting off the right and left walls once. In this
lution for this problem is
snapshot, the shock is traveling to the right. Our results are to be
8(   ) compared with Figures 15 and 16 of Campbell & Shashkov
1 d 1 2 (2001). Figure 15 of Campbell & Shashkov (2001) depicts a sim-
< 0
 1 ; 2 v0 ; 0 ; if r < rs ; ulation with severe grid buckling, which we do not observe in our
f; "; vg   157 simulations. Instead, our Figure 17 shows reduced grid buckling
>  v0 t  d1
> and appropriate densities in accordance with the results of Figure
: 0 1  ; 0; v0 ; if r > rs ;
16 of Campbell & Shashkov (2001).

where v is the velocity magnitude, the shock position is rs us t, 10.6. Dukowicz Piston Problem
the shock velocity is us 12 (
 1)v0 , and d is 2 for 2D Cartesian, The Dukowicz piston problem ( Dukowicz & Meltz 1992) is
3 for 2D simulations using cylindrical coordinates, and 3 for 1D another test using an oblique mesh. The initial setup involves
spherically symmetric simulations. two regions. Region 1 has a density of 1 g cm3 and is resolved
In Figure 15 we present the density profiles at t 0:2 s for 1D, with 144 ; 120 zones. In the vertical domain, y2 f0 : 1:5g cm,
spherically symmetric simulations of the Noh problem using and the mesh lines evenly partition the space into 120 sections.
four resolutions. The initial grid spans the range x2 f0 : 1g cm Dividing region 1 horizontally involves mesh lines with chang-
and is evenly divided into 200, 400, 800, and 1600 zones. The solid ing orientation. The leftmost mesh line is parallel to the vertical,
line is the analytic solution for
5/3. Higher resolution simu- while the rightmost mesh line is oriented 60 relative to the ver-
lations more accurately capture the shock position and the post- tical. The mesh lines in between smoothly transition from 0 to
shock density profile. However, all resolutions depart significantly 60 . Region 2 has a density of 1.5 g cm3 and is gridded with a
from the analytic solution near the center. This is wall heating 160 ; 120 mesh, with the vertical mesh lines uniformly slanted at
and is a common problem for Lagrangian schemes (Rider 2000). 60 . Including region 1 and region 2, the bottom boundary spans
234 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

Fig. 16. Same as Fig. 15, but for the results of 2D tests. All but the bottom right show results using 2D Cartesian coordinates. The bottom right shows results using
2D cylindrical coordinates. The grids used are a Cartesian grid with 100 ; 200 zones (top left and bottom right), a butterfly mesh with 22,400 zones (top right), and a
spiderweb mesh with 8550 zones (bottom left). Both the top left and bottom right panels indicate that using the Cartesian mesh produces fairly smooth results, with some
(7%) asymmetry in the postshock region. Using the spiderweb mesh produces perfectly symmetric solutions except near the center where the deviation from symmetry is
as large as 25%. Using the butterfly mesh produces similar mixed accuracy in symmetry.

the range x 2 f0 : 3g cm and is evenly divided into 304 segments. orientations differ very little. The simulated and analytic reflected-
Initially, both regions are in equilibrium with P 1:0 ergs cm3. shock orientations agree to within 0.5%, and the orientations of
The top, bottom, and right boundaries are reflecting, and the left the transmitted shock and vortex sheet agree to within 2%.
boundary is a piston with a velocity in the positive x-direction and
a magnitude of 1.48 cm s1 (see Fig. 18, top for a low-resolution 10.7. Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
example of this grid).
A piston-driven shock travels from left to right and encounters Here, we simulate the growth of a single mode of the Rayleigh-
the density jump at an angle of 60 , producing a rich set of Taylor Instability. A heavy fluid is placed on top of a lighter fluid
phenomena. The incident shock continues into the lower density in the presence of a constant gravitational acceleration. The top
region, a transmitted/refracted shock propagates into the higher and bottom densities are 1 2:0 g cm3 and 2 1:0 g cm3,
density region, a vortex sheet develops behind the transmitted respectively, and the gravitational acceleration points downward
shock, and a reflected shock propagates into the incident shocks with magnitude g 0:1 cm s2. The domain is a rectangle with
postshock flow (see the labels in the bottom plot of Fig. 18 for x2 f0:25 : 0:24g cm and y 2 f0:75 : 0:75g cm and 100 ; 300
visual reference). The results are to be compared with the semi- grid zones. The top and bottom boundaries are reflecting while
analytic shock-polar analysis presented by Dukowicz & Meltz the left and right boundaries are periodic. For such configura-
(1992; see Figure 13 and Table I of Dukowicz & Meltz 1992). In tions, small perturbations of the interface between the heavy and
their paper, angles subtended by the five regions are presented. light fluids are unstable to exponential growth. Assuming that
In Table 3, we recast this information as the angles that the trans- the boundaries are far from the interface, the exponential growth
mitted shock, vortex sheet, reflected shock, and incident shock rate of a perturbation with wavenumber k is
have with x-axis. The first row gives the analytic values, which s
should be compared with the simulated orientations in the sec- kg (1  2 )
ond row. Strikingly, despite the fact that the incident shock has ! : 159
traversed a grid with an oblique mesh, the simulated and analytic 1 2

Fig. 18. Dukowicz piston problem, another test using an oblique mesh. The
initial setup involves two regions having an interface with a 60 orientation with
the vertical. The top panel shows a low-resolution example of the grid used. Re-
gion 1 has a density of 1 g cm3 and is resolved with 144 ; 120 zones, and region
Fig. 17. Saltzman piston problem. This problem tests the codes ability to 2 has a density of 1.5 g cm3 and is gridded with a 160 ; 120 mesh, with the ver-
resolve shocks that are oblique to the orientation of the grid. The top panel shows tical mesh lines uniformly slanted at 60 . Initially both regions are in equilibrium
the initial grid with 100 ; 10 zones. The left wall is a piston moving at a constant with P 1:0 ergs cm3. The left boundary is a piston with a velocity in the po-
velocity, 1.0 cm s1, to the right. Initially, the density and internal energy are set sitive x-direction and a magnitude of 1.48 cm s1. The piston-driven shock
equal to 1.0 g cm3 and 0.0 ergs, respectively, and we use a gamma-law EOS with travels from left to right, and encounters the interface. The incident shock con-

5/3. The grid and the density color map are shown in the bottom panel at tinues to the lower density region, a transmitted /refracted shock propagates into
t 0:925 s. See x 10.5 for a discussion of the results. [See the electronic edition the higher density region, a vortex sheet develops behind the transmitted shock,
of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.] and a reflected shock propagates into the incident shocks postshock flow. The
orientations of the flow are reproduced accurately (see x 10.6 and Table 3). [See
the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]
For all single-mode Rayleigh-Taylor simulations, we initiate the
perturbation by setting the vertical component of the velocity
equal to vy 2:5 ; 103 1 cos (2x/k)1 cos (3y), where single-mode Rayleigh-Taylor test, the flows are subsonic, so the
the wavelength, k, is 0.5 cm. Therefore, we simulate one wave- term multiplied by c1 has the greatest impact on the magnitude of
length of the mode, and the exponential growth rate (!) should the artificial viscosity forces. Each panel of Figure 20 presents
be 0.65 s1. the nonlinear Rayleigh-Taylor flow after 12.75 s for different
Figure 19 shows the evolution of a single-mode Rayleigh- values of the artificial viscosity parameter, c1 . Clearly, c1 0:01
Taylor instability at t 12:75 s for four resolutions. From left to ( Fig. 20, left) reproduces the expected results for this low-Mach-
right, the grid sizes are 50 ; 150, 74 ; 222, 100 ; 300, and 150 ; number flow. On the other hand, the c1 0:1 run (Fig. 20, center)
450. Gross features compare well, with all the resolutions differ- displays significant departures for the Kelvin-Helmholtz rolls,
ing by only a few percent in the maximum and minimum posi- while the overall progression of the plumes remains similar. Un-
tion of the interface. However, higher resolution simulations fortunately, the model with c1 1:0 (Fig. 20, right) completely
manifest greater complexity for the Kelvin-Helmholtz rolls. One suppresses the Kelvin-Helmholtz rolls on these scales and plume
can compare the third panel to the results of Fig. 4.5 of Liska & progression is severely retarded.
Wendroff (2003). In a general sense, these authors conclude that In Figure 21 the interface perturbation amplitude is plotted as
fewer features imply more dissipation. However, it could be that a function of time (dashed lines). The solid line is the analytic
some of the Kelvin-Helmholtz rolls are seeded by grid noise in exponential growth rate scaled to the simulation results. The
some schemes.6 dashed lines show the simulation results for viscosity parameters,
Next, we discuss the effects of artificial viscosity on the single- c1 , of 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0. Three distinct phases are apparent: an
mode Rayleigh-Taylor flow. As stated in x 7, artificial viscosity is early transient phase, a phase in which the slope most closely
a requirement for ALE algorithms in order to simulate shocks. In matches the exponential growth rate, and the subsequent non-
the current formulation, there are two parameters of the artificial linear phase. The simulations with c1 0:01 and 0.1 manifest
viscosity scheme. One parameter, c2, is the coefficient for ( : = v)2, exponential growth for several e-folding times. The run with
which is largest in shocks. Effectively, this term provides shock c1 1:0, on the other hand, seems to follow the linear phase for
resolution. The second parameter, c1 , is the coefficient of the term only 1 s (1/2 e-folding), if at all. Around 5 s, the evolution of the
that is proportional to cs ( : = v) and is designed to reduce the interface amplitude enters the nonlinear phase.
amount of postshock ringing in the solution. Typical values For the artificial viscosity scheme that we employ, the Rayleigh-
suggested for both are 1.0 (Campbell & Shashkov 2001). For the Taylor instability test indicates that lower values of c1 are preferred.
However, tests of the Sod shock-tube problem including a pa-
See results from J. Stones Athena for a more favorable comparison and a
rameter study of c1 indicate that unwanted postshock ringing is
discussion of the grid noise issue ( /jstone/tests / diminished only for values above 0.5. This represents the
rt /rt.html). primary weakness of BETHE-hydro to simulate flows with both
236 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179
The Analytic and Simulated Orientations of Features for the Dukowicz Problem

Transmitted Shock Vortex Sheet Reflected Shock Incident Shock

Orientation (deg) (deg) (deg) (deg)

Analytic.................................. 101.02 122.92 146.12 90

Simulation .............................. 103.21 124.42 146.92 90.32

Note.While Dukowicz & Meltz (1992) published the angles subtended by various regions, we list the angles of each
feature with respect to the x-axis.

shocks and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. To be clear, this does top region, which flows to the left with speed 12 vshear , and the bot-
not represent a weakness of ALE methods in general, but of tom region, which flows to the right with the same speed. For this
the tensor artificial viscosity algorithm designed to mitigate the test, the linear coefficient in the viscosity, c1 , is set to 0.01. A
hourglass instability that we employ. Other artificial viscosity gamma-law EOS is used with
5/3. The initial perturbation
schemes such as edge viscosity (see Campbell & Shashkov 2001 (see Agertz et al. 2007) is placed in a small band centered on the
for references) allow for proper development of hydrodynamic interface and is a perturbation in velocity given by
instabilities, but do little to suppress the hourglass instability  
( M. Kucharik 2007, private communication). Of great interest to 2x
vy vy vshear sin for j y  0:5j  0:025; 160
users of ALE is a methodology that suppresses the hourglass in- k
stability and postshock ringing while enabling proper evolution
of hydrodynamic instabilities. where k 1/3 cm. It should be noted that this perturbation is not
an eigenmode of the instability. Therefore, simulations have a tran-
10.8. Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
sient phase at the beginning in which this perturbation settles into
Another important phenomenon we explore is the Kelvin- one or more modes of the instability. We have found that using
Helmholtz shear instability. Agertz et al. (2007) have shown that amplitudes suggested by Agertz et al. (2007) vy 1/80 and 1/40,
SPH has trouble simulating the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability when produces strong transients that complicate the interpretation of the
extreme density contrasts are involved. We find that this instability linear regime. To avoid strong long-lasting transients, we set vy
is reasonably well handled in BETHE-hydro and that the evolu- 1/160. These initial conditions should produce a perturbation of the
tion during the small-amplitude regime is accurately character- interface that grows exponentially in magnitude with an e-folding
ized by analytic linear analysis. The calculational domain covers time given by
the square region bounded by x 2 f0 : 1g cm and y 2 f0 : 1g cm
and has 256 ; 256 zones. The top and bottom boundaries are k(top bot )
reflecting, while the left and right boundaries are periodic. For KH
1=2 : 161
y < 0:5 cm, b 1:0 g cm3, and for y > 0:5 cm, t b / , 2vshear top bot
where 8. These regions are in pressure equilibrium with
P 1:0 ergs cm3. The shearing velocity, vshear is scaled with For the simulations presented here, we consider two shear-
respect to the slowest sound speed (sound speed in the bottom ing velocities: vshear 12 cb 0:6455 cm s1 and vshear 14 cb
region, cb ). This relative shearing velocity is split between the 0:32275 cm s1. Hence,  KH is 0.262 s and 0.523 s, respectively.

Fig. 19. Nonlinear phase of a single mode of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability at t 12:75 s. The top and bottom densities are 1 2:0 g cm3 and 2 1:0 g cm3,
respectively, and the gravitational acceleration points downward with magnitude g 0:1 cm s2. The top and bottom boundaries are reflecting while the left and right
boundaries are periodic. From left to right, grid sizes are 50 ; 150, 74 ; 222, 100 ; 300 (this is the resolution used in Fig. 10), and 150 ; 450. See x 10.7 for discussions
comparing these results with those in other works. [See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]

Fig. 20. Single-mode Rayleigh-Taylor instability; investigating the artificial

viscosity parameter. The same resolution, setup, and time are shown as presented
in Fig. 10 and the third panel of Fig. 19. Each panel shows results for different val-
ues of the artificial viscosity parameter, c1 , which is the coefficient of cs ( : = v)
(see x 7). The artificial viscosity parameters are c1 0:01 (left), c1 0:1 (center)
and, c1 1:0 (right). From this analysis, it would seem that one should choose the
lower values of c1 to accurately represent low Mach number Rayleigh-Taylor flows.
Fig. 22. Kelvin-Helmholtz shear instability. The domain is resolved with
However, higher values help to eliminate unwanted ringing in post shock flows.
256 ; 256 zones. The bottom region has b 1:0, and the top region has t
[See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.]
b / , where 8, and both regions have P 1:0 ergs cm3. A gamma-law EOS
is used with
5/3. The top panel shows the development of Kelvin-Helmholtz
The top panel of Figure 22 shows the evolution at t 5:5 s for rolls at t 5:5 s for vshear 14 cb and  KH 0.523 s. The bottom plot of Fig. 22 shows
vshear 14 cb . The first set of nonlinear Kelvin-Helmholtz rolls the interface amplitude (solid line) vs. time and compares to the expected expo-
have appeared. Qualitatively, the morphology of the rolls is nential growth (dashed line) for a simulation with vshear 14 cb and vshear 12 cb .
There are three distinct phases in the log-linear plot; an early transient phase, a
similar to the results presented in Figure 13 of Agertz et al. phase in which the slope most closely matches the exponential growth rate, and the
(2007) labeled as grid 1 at t 2KH (there is a factor of 2 subsequent nonlinear phase. [See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a
difference in the definition of  KH between our work and theirs). color version of this figure.]
There are two main differences. For one, we simulate with a
factor 2 larger wavelength to adequately resolve the wavelength sults in the top panel of Figure 22 corresponds to t 1:67(2 KH ),
for linear analysis. Second, the time at which we present the re- not t 2KH . We have noticed similar discrepancies in the time
required to achieve similar evolution using k 1/6 and vshear
2 cb . In addition, we analyze the growth rate of the interface dur-
ing the linear regime. We determine the interface amplitude by
generating a contour for  0:5(t b ), measuring the peak to
peak amplitude, and dividing by 2. The bottom plot of Figure 22
shows this amplitude (solid line) versus time and compares to the
expected exponential growth (dashed line) for a simulation with
vshear 14 cb and vshear 12 cb . There are three distinct phases in
the log-linear plot: an early transient phase, a phase in which the
slope most closely matches the exponential growth rate, and the
subsequent nonlinear phase. While the growth rate during the linear
regime differs slightly (10%) from theory, the bottom panel of
Figure 22 demonstrates that the correct dependence of the growth
rate on vshear is obtained.
10.9. Core-Collapse Test
Incorporating all aspects of BETHE-hydro, we simulate 1D
Fig. 21. Interface amplitude vs. time for the single-mode Rayleigh-Taylor and 2D hydrodynamic core-collapse of a 15 M star. We use the
instability test. Resolutions and setup are similar to those presented in Fig. 20. We s15s7b2 model (S15) of Woosley & Weaver (1995) and the Shen
compare the analytic exponential growth rate (solid line) with simulation results EOS (Shen et al. 1998) and initiate collapse using a Ye - param-
(dashed lines) for viscosity parameters, c1 , of 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0. Simulations with
c1 0:01 and 0.1 manifest exponential growth for several e-folding times, while
eterization (Liebendorfer et al. 2006). While there are no analytic
the run with c1 1:0 seems to follow the linear phase for only 1 s (1/2 e-folding). solutions for such a test, we test to see whether the density profiles,
[See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of this figure.] timescales, and shock radii, etc., all match experience with other
238 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179

Fig. 23. Density vs. radius for the core collapse of a 15 M star. The model Fig. 25. Angular velocity evolution during the core collapse of a rotating 15 M
is the s15 model of Weaver & Woosley. Density vs. radius for 1D (lines) and 2D star. This test problem was calculated on the same grid as in Fig. 23. The initial an-
(crosses) at times 0, 70, 110, 130, 140, and 150 ms after the start of the calcula- gular velocity profile is constant on cylinders and is given by
(r) 1/(1 (r/A)2 ),
tion. Core bounce occurs at 148 ms. The 2D grid is composed of a butterfly mesh where A 1000 km and
0 2 rad s1. As expected, the central angular velocity,
in the interior with a minimum cell size of 0.5 km and extends to 50 km. A
c is proportional to c2/3 , where c is the central density. The central density com-
spherical grid extends the domain out to 4000 km. There are 23,750 cells in total, presses from 1010 g cm3 at t 0 ms to 2:2 ; 1014 g cm3 at t 160 ms.
with an effective resolution of 250 radial and 100 angular zones. The 1D grid Therefore, at t 160 ms,
c should be 1600 rad s1, consistent with results
has 250 zones, with similar resolution to the 2D run at all radii. For the most part, shown in this figure. Other than a slight, but noticeable, glitch at the location of
the 1D and 2D calculations track one another quite well. There is roughly a 10% the shock (180 km), the angular velocity evolves smoothly with no evidence of
difference in the shock radii at 150 ms. [See the electronic edition of the Supplement axis effects. [See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of
for a color version of this figure.] this figure.]

codes and results published (Liebendorfer et al. 2001a, 2001b, Using this core-collapse test to best represent the conditions
2005; Rampp & Janka 2002; Buras et al. 2003; Thompson et al. during astrophysical simulations, we describe some timing re-
2003). For 2D simulations, the grid is composed of a butterfly sults of this problem. A standard measure is the average CPU time
mesh in the interior with a minimum cell size of 0.5 km and spent per cell per cycle. Using one core of a Dual-Core AMD
extends to 50 km, where a spherical grid carries the domain out to Opteron2 2.8 GHz processor for this test, the average time spent
4000 km. In total, there are 23,750 cells, with an effective resolu- is 8:125 ; 105 CPU seconds per cycle per cell; 80% of which is
tion of 250 radial and 100 angular zones. For the best com- spent in AMG1R6, the multigrid solver. For this problem, the
parison, the 1D grid has 250 zones, mimicking the effective radial iterative multigrid solver usually takes 5 to 10 cycles to achieve
resolution of the 2D simulation. Figure 23 depicts the density a fractional residual of 107 to 109, where the fractional re-
versus radius for 1D (lines) and 2D (crosses) at times 0, 70, 110, sidual of the linear system Ax b is (Ax  b)/b.
130, 140, and 150 ms after the start of the calculation. Core bounce We resimulate the collapse of the S15 model, but with an
occurs at 148 ms. Other than a 10% difference in the shock angular velocity profile of the form
(r) 1/1 (r/A)2 , where
radii at 150 ms, 1D and 2D calculations track one another quite A 1000 km and
0 2 rad s1. The
versus r plot is shown
well. Furthermore, Figure 24 shows an exceptional correspon- in Figure 25. Core bounce occurs at 151 ms. First of all, total an-
dence between the 1D and 2D gravitational accelerations. gular momentum is conserved to machine accuracy. Since there
are no analytic descriptions for the evolution of angular velocity
in core collapse scenarios, we cannot validate the numerical
results via analytic theory. However, the central angular velocity,

c is proportional to c2/3 , where c is the central density. Since the
central density compresses from 1010 g cm3 at t 0 ms to
2:2 ; 1014 g cm3 at t 160 ms,
c should be 1600 rad s1
at t 160 ms. This is consistent with results shown in Figure 25.
Furthermore, the angular velocity evolves smoothly with no evi-
dence of axis effects. On the other hand, there is a slight, but
noticeable, glitch at the location of the shock.


In this paper, we have presented the algorithms employed in
BETHE-hydro, a new code for 1D and 2D astrophysical hydro-
dynamic simulations. The hydrodynamic core is an ALE algorithm,
and its most striking feature is the ability to use arbitrary, unstruc-
tured grids. With finite-differencing based on the support-operator
method (Shashkov & Steinberg 1995) of Caramana et al. (1998)
Fig. 24. Radial component of the gravitational acceleration during the core
collapse of a 15 M star. Similar to Fig. 23. Note the good match between the 1D and Caramana & Shashkov (1998) energy is conserved to round-
and 2D results. [See the electronic edition of the Supplement for a color version of off error in the absence of rotation and gravity, and momentum
this figure.] is strictly conserved using Cartesian coordinates. For all other

circumstances, energy and momentum are conserved accurately, ( M. Kucharik 2007, private communication). Hence, we dimin-
if not precisely. We use a subcell remapping scheme that conser- ish the effects of the hourglass instability, but with some unwanted
vatively remaps mass, momentum, energy, and number density. side effects. While mitigation in 2D is tractable, the instability
For 2D calculations using cylindrical coordinates, we include in 3D has many more modes and is not as easily eliminated
rotational terms in the Lagrangian solver and develop a remap- (G. Scovazzi 2007, private communication), making long 3D
ping algorithm that conservatively remaps angular momentum ALE simulations a challenge.
while minimizing unwanted features in the angular velocity near Throughout this paper, we have not only demonstrated BETHE-
the axis. To provide shock resolution and grid stability, we use hydros flexibility, but have shown that it produces accurate
the tensor artificial viscosity of Campbell & Shashkov (2001), and second-order convergent solutions. With density distributions
and to minimize hourglass instabilities, we have developed a sub- having analytic potentials, we have shown that the 2D gravity
cell pressure method that is a close derivative of the scheme de- solver gives accurate spherically symmetric potentials when a
veloped by Caramana & Shashkov (1998) but avoids pathological nonspherical grid is used, it produces accurate nonspherical po-
problems when used in conjunction with the subcell remapping tentials, and solutions converge with second-order accuracy.
algorithm. Finally, we have developed a gravity solver for arbi- Further tests demonstrated accurate solutions for self-gravitating
trary grids that uses a support-operator technique for elliptic equa- hydrostatic and dynamic problems. We have shown that our hour-
tions (Morel et al.1998) and an iterative multigrid-preconditioned glass elimination algorithm minimizes the hourglass instability
conjugate-gradient method ( Ruge & Stuben 1987) to solve the and does not present problems when used in conjunction with
system of linear equations. subcell remapping. In addition, we have quantified the accuracy
Overall, BETHE-hydro offers many unique and useful features of hydrodynamic simulations by simulating problems with ana-
for astrophysical simulations. For one, by using ALE techniques, lytic solutions. Simulating piston-driven shocks using oblique
the structure of BETHE-hydro is straightforward, enabling simple meshes, we confirmed we can obtain accurate solutions in the
inclusion of a variety of additional physics packages. Examples, context of arbitrary grids. Verifying the codes ability to capture
which will be discussed in future papers, are nuclear networks basic hydrodynamic instabilities, we simulate the Rayleigh-
and time-dependent radiation transport. In contrast with other Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. Concluding the tests,
techniques, such as higher order Godunov methods, no as- we simulated a supernova core collapse, which demonstrates the
sumptions are made in ALE techniques about characteristic ability to simulate complex astrophysical phenomena.
waves nor the relationships among important thermodynamic Simulating hydrodynamic flow is fundamental to understand-
variables. Hence, one of its useful features is an ability to use a ing most astrophysical objects, and despite the long tradition of
general EOS. hydrodynamic simulations many puzzles remain. This is due
Most important among BETHE-hydros strengths is the abil- primarily to the need to address time-dependent gravitational po-
ity to solve self-gravitating hydrodynamic flows on arbitrary grids. tentials, complicated equations of state (EOSs), flexible grids,
This is achieved primarily because the foundation of the La- multi-dimensional shock structures, and chaotic and turbulent
grangian hydrodynamics solver is an arbitrary, unstructured flows. Therefore, with BETHE-hydro, we introduce a uniquely
polygonal grid. Furthermore, grids may be time-dependent, since flexible and functional tool for advancing the theory of complex
the hydrodynamic flow from one time step is remapped to another astrophysical phenomena.
arbitrary grid for subsequent evolution. Consequently, simula-
tions may be executed using a purely Lagrangian, purely Eulerian,
or an arbitrarily defined time-dependent grid. With BETHE-hydro,
simulations have great flexibility, tailoring the grid to minimize nu- We would like to thank Mikhail Shashkov, Raphael Loubere,
merical error and suiting the grid to the computational challenge. Milan Kucharik, and Burton Wendroff for valuable conver-
Ironically, this flexibility leads to BETHE-hydros most pro- sations about ALE techniques. Discussions concerning the 2D
minent weakness, which is shared among all ALE codes, the gravity solver with Ivan Hubeny, Jim Morel, David Moulton,
hourglass instability and grid buckling. We use subcell pressure and David Keyes of TOPS were very fruitful. We acknowledge
and tensor artificial viscosity algorithms to mitigate these nu- support for this work from the Scientific Discovery through Ad-
merical artifacts, but the resolution is imperfect. In x 8, we pres- vanced Computing (SciDAC) program of the DOE, under grants
ent a subcell pressure algorithm that is compatible with the DE-FC02-01ER41184 and DE-FC02-06ER41452 and from the
subcell remapping algorithm, but the efficacy of hourglass elim- NSF under grant AST-0504947. J. W. M. thanks the Joint In-
ination is slightly compromised. Although the tensor artificial stitute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) for support under NSF
viscosity does well to mitigate grid buckling, it can be more re- grant PHY0216783. We thank Jeff Fookson and Neal Lauber of
sistive to the proper development of hydrodynamic instabili- the Steward Computer Support Group for their invaluable help
ties compared to other artificial viscosity schemes used in ALE with the local Beowulf cluster, Grendel.



In Eulerian form, the equations for conservation of mass, momentum, and energy are

: = (v) 0; A1

: = (vv) :P :; A2
240 MURPHY & BURROWS Vol. 179


@(" 1=2v 2 )
: = (" P 1=2v 2 )v : = v: A3



In this appendix, we give the exact analytic volumes and weighted-volume integrals in discrete form. Since we are dealing with 2D
simulations, all integrals are 2D integrals and can be further reduced using Greens formula to 1D boundary integrals. For example, the
volume of zone z in Cartesian coordinates is
Z I X1
dV x dy (x1 x2 )( y2  y1 ); B1
Vz @Vz e

or alternatively,
Z I X1
dV  y dx  y1 y2 x2  x1 ; B2
Vz @Vz e

where the direction of the boundary integral is clockwise, e indicates an edge of the cell, and subscripts 1 and 2 represent the endpoints
of edge e. In cylindrical coordinates, the volume integral is
Z I X1

dV 2 r 2 dz 2 r12 r1 r2 r22 z2  z1 : B3
Vz 2 @Vz e

Throughout BETHE-hydro, integrals of linear functions produce volume integrals weighted by x or y. The discrete form of these
integrals are
Z I X1

x dV x 2 dy x12 x1 x2 x22 y2  y1 B4
Vz 2 @Vz e

Z I X1

y dV  y 2 dx  y12 y1 y2 y22 x2  x1 : B5
Vz 2 @Vz e

Using cylindrical coordinates, these are

Z I X 1

r dV 2 r3 dz 2 r13 r12 r2 r1 r22 r23 z2  z1 B6

Vz 3 @Vz e

z dV 2 r 2 z dz;
Vz 2 @Vz
X 1  3 1 1

2 r22 r2 r1 r12 z2  z1 r22 r2 r1 r12 z1 (z2  z1 ): B7
6 4 2 4

Finally, for angular momentum remapping, we require integrals in cylindrical coordinates weighted by r 2 :
Z I X 1
2 1

r dV 2 r 4 dz 2 r14 r13 r2 r12 r22 r1 r23 r24 z2  z1 : B8

Vz 4 @Vz e

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