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Bullying and Ragging in School should be Banned

1. Nowadays we hear a lot about children in school and colleges being bullied and
ragged by senior students and the children who are subject to ragging taking
extreme steps. This is a very worrisome trend and this should not be allowed to

2. Schools are the institutions where children are to be educated. For this purpose.,
children should be free from fear and intimidation. If their minds are under
tension, it is natural that they can not pay attention to what they are being taught.
There should be an atmosphere in school where their attention is not diverted to
fear of ragging or a sense of danger, physical or emotional. If children can not pay
undivided attention to what is being taught in a classroom, they can not learn. So,
it is absolutely essential that activities like ragging is simply not tolerated or
allowed in a school.

3. Some say that there is nothing wrong in this and such a treatment will make a
child tough and make him ready to face difficulty in life. This is a false argument.
Simply putting a child under bullying atmosphere does not make him capable of
facing difficulties in life. On the contrary, we know it very well that such
unbearable stress on a young mind creates permanent damage and produces fear
psychosis. We have also witnessed many cases where a young child is frightened
so much that he takes an extreme step. Instead of training a young mind to be
tough, he is scared beyond a point.

4. It is also not understood why should the senior boys indulge in ragging. Such
activities that make other children uncomfortable and internally afraid of others
can not be justified on any account To bully a small child and getting away with
it without realizing the consequences of such action creates a poor and wrong
sense of values in the mind of those who indulge in such activities. They will
come to the conclusion that bullying others is an acceptable way of behavior. All
of us know that such behavior can not be allowed in adults in real life. This is
another reason such activities should be banned altogether.

5. In general, any activity that can result in harm to others can not be allowed.
Bullying or ragging harms both, children who are subjected to ragging as well as
those who rag others. And, equally important. No one can think of any thing good
that can result from ragging. If something is proved to be potentially harmful to
all concerned, it must be stopped at any cost.

6. Children who indulge in ragging do not realize the effect of it on young minds.
They perhaps do it for thrills or under peer pressure. It is the duty of those who
are in authority to show them what is good and what is not good. School authority
therefore put a complete ban on ragging, before even discussing such matters as
we are doing now. It is surprising that we are engaged in discussions which are
futile and meaningless.

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