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SALEM 636 308

School of Commerce and Management

Assignment for the year 2009 – 2010

Post Graduate Diploma in Material Management


Marketing Management

Course code: 3040302

Assignment code: A-3040302/2009-10

Marks: 100

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions
from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.

Section – I

1. Explain in detail the various objectives of marketing.

2. Explain the nature of marketing.
3. Discuss on the various elements of the marketing process.
4. Explain in detail the various functions of marketing.
5. Explain the components of marketing mix.
Section – II

6. Explain the various elements of marketing planning.

7. Explain in detail the various types of marketing organization.
8. Explain the factors affecting the marketing environment.

9. Discuss on the various factors influencing consumer behaviour.

10. Explain in detail the various stages of buying decision process.
Assignment I

Production and Material Management

Course code: 3040502

Assignment code: A-3040502/2009-10

Marks: 100

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions
from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.

Section – I

1. Discuss the different role of production manager’s in manufacturing industry.

2. Write an essay an account of the responsibilities of production manager.

3. Discuss the concept of production strategies in detail.

4. Explain briefly the functional relationship of production with other sub functions of


5. Write short note on inter-functional relationship of production manager with


Section – II

6. Write short note on inter-functional relationship of production manager with

Human Resource Management.

7. Write short note on inter-functional relationship of production manager with


8. Briefly explain the problems and issues of production management.

9. What are the qualities of production manager?

10. Describe the steps involved in work study.

Assignment I

Operation Management

Course code: 3040503

Assignment code: A-3040503/2009-10

Marks: 100

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions
from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.

Section – I

1. Write a detailed essay on nature and scope of operations management.

2. Define Operations Management. Discuss clearly the functions and responsibilities of

operations manager of a modern factory.

3. Briefly explain the nature of productions.

4. What are the advantages of Operations Management?

5. What are the disadvantages of Operations Management?

Section – II

6. Briefly explain the functions of Operations Management.

7. What are the responsibilities of Operations manager?

8. Discuss the different kinds of decisions with suitable examples.

9. Explain with neat diagram about the decision making process.

10. Explain the various kinds of decision making techniques in detail.

Assignment I

Store Keeping Management

Course code: 3040505

Assignment code: A-3040505/2007-08

Marks: 100

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions
from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.

Section – I

1. Explain the scope of store keeping.

2. Discuss on the centralized and decentralized system of store keeping.

3. List out and explain the various functions of stores.

4. What are the essential qualities of a store keeper?

5. Write in detail the duties and responsibilities of a store keeper.

Section – I

6. What are the various points to be discussed for the store location?

7. Write a note on material handling equipment.

8. Explain the factors influencing the selection of material handling system.

9. Discuss on the various types of inventory control.

10. Write a short note on:

a) Bin card and Stores ledger

b) Material requisition note

c) Material received note

d) Material transfer note.


Management Practice

Course code: 3041201

Assignment code: A-3041201/2007-08

Marks: 100

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions
from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.

Section – I

1. Discuss various forecasting techniques normally adopted.

2. Explain Maslow’s theory of motivation and compare and contrast XY theory.
3. Explain the importance of planning in the present Indian business environment.
Also highlight the different types of plans.
4. How will you assess the importance of productivity measures in any
organization? Also enumerate the different productivity enhancement tools used
by an organization in the present competitive scenario.
5. Comment on “Span of Control” and its essentiality in a centralized organization.
Section - II

6. Are management and administration different? How will you resolve their
terminological conflict?
7. “Management process is considered to consist of certain functions”. Elaborate and
list these functions in a logical order.
8. “The job of a supervisor is more difficult than that of higher level managers.”
What are the major functions of a supervisor? Explain.
9. Illustrate the various approaches of organizational effectiveness
10. “The objective function of a business is to maximize profits. It has nothing to do
with social responsibilities”. Do you agree with this? Discuss.

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