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Application Form for NIFT Students for Twinning /Exchange Programme at Institutions

I. Section 1: Personal Details

1. Last (family) Name: CHAUDHARY

First Name: GARIMA Middle Name: …………...

2. Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year, e.g. 9 Jan 1980): 2 Jan 1987

3. Gender: M or F : F 4. Marital Status: Unmarried

5. Citizenship: Indian

6. Current residence address with Parents name: 401, Ganga Dharshan Apartment
Near Danapur Road
Sadaqat Ashram
Patna - 800010
Tel No: 9570916487

7. E-Mail address :

8. Permanent home address : House No 246, Naya Bazar, Tallital,
Tel. No.: 05942-231092

II. Section 2: List all academic qualifications (previously attempted or completed


Full name of Full name of Comme Full or
S. No. Duration State/ Country Completed
Institution Qualification nced Part Time
2005-08 B.A New Delhi/ July July Full
College of (Honours) India 2005 2008 Time
Vocational Economics
of Delhi
2003-05 HSC Uttarakhand/ March March Full
All Saints’ India 2003 2005 Time
2 College,

2001-03 SSC Uttarakhand/ March March Full

All Saints’ India 2001 2003 Time
3 College,

II.1 Current Semester of study at NIFT: SEM -II

NIFT Centre & Department Name: NIFT Patna, MFM
Current Semester of Study- II
Batch of Study – 2009-11

SGPAs of all semesters covered till date

Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester CGPA of competed Approval of CC for

I II III IV V semesters duly selection of Courses
approved by CC


II.2 Work Experience, Internship & Projects Undertaken

S.No. Duration Company/Employer Position & Duties

1 9 months Imediablitz Solutions Pvt. Ltd Content Writer – Finance

III. Section 3: Preferred Courses for study during Twinning/Exchange programme (restrict
preference upto three institutions only)

Name of the Subject /Courses you wish

S.No. Name of the Programme
Institution to study
1 Amsterdam Fashion International Fashion and
Institute, AMFI Management
2 Amsterdam Fashion International Fashion and
Institute, AMFI Branding
3 University of Masters - Management
IV. Section 4: References

Please give the Names, Occupation and Addresses of two people from whom references may be
obtained, at least one of whom should be qualified to comment on your Educational Background and
Potential for your chosen course.

Academic Reference Other (or second academic reference)

Name: Santosh Tarai Name: Sanjay Shrivastava
Occupation: Asst. Professor Occupation: Professor
Address: Address:
National Institute of Fashion Technology National Institute of Fashion Technology
2nd Floor, Udyog Bhawan 2nd Floor, Udyog Bhawan
East Gandhi Maidan East Gandhi Maidan
Patna Patna
Bihar Bihar

E-Mail: E-Mail:

Tel: +91-9006645435 Tel:+91-9934304863
Fax: 0612-230087 Fax: 0612-230087

V Section 5: Languages Spoken

.1 Number of years you have been studying in English Language : 12+ 3+ 1.5 yrs

5.2 Any other foreign language that you know: ……………………………………

VI Section 6: Preference of Stay Arrangement

Own Arrangement


Host Family

Any other, please specify

VII Section 7: Statement of purpose (Write a note of not more than 400 words on statement of

Doing an honors degree at the Delhi University in Economics and pursuing a management
degree in Fashion currently has helped me blend the two streams and let me learn the dynamics
of the fashion industry. The major reason for my choice of application is the exposure and new
prospects that I will get during my course. Further it will expand my knowledge and have a
better understanding of an academic setting.

Post my undergraduate studies at Delhi University I pursued a vocational interest of being a

content writer for a financial website company by the name, which helped me
get a glimpse of the professional atmosphere of corporate writing about world economics and
finance. This interest in math and a flair for fashion and design led me to chose my next career
option of studying Fashion Management at NIFT, my current pursuit. Blending of consumer
psychology and behavior understanding the nuances of the retail setup and improving my
aesthetic skills were my main desires.

The desire to study the fashion industry did not just stop with studying inside the class rooms, I
have handled projects on various forms of arts and crafts of Bihar, and did a study on the
understanding of the working of co-operative societies.

Given these interests, my aptitude and ability, background and academic potential for graduate
study, I feel that pursuing the remainder of my course at your prestigious institute is a step in
the right direction. It would simultaneously strengthen my managerial and technical skills in
achieving my career and life goals. I believe that relationships need to be symbiotic. It is my
hope to forge such a relationship with your school. I believe that a degree at your institution
would highly benefit my professional career while my technical and managerial skills would
complement the growing research at your school.

7.1 Any other additional information as to why your application for the programme should be
VIII Section 8: Financial Statement

Please Tick Yes/No.

Financial Sources
Yes No
Sponsor Abroad

Bank Loan/ Other Loan *

Own funding

* (Details to be enclosed)

I hereby state that:

a) I am aware of the official estimate of the cost, provided by the international linkages division of
NIFT, including tuition, housing and maintenance fees for the programme, which I intend to
follow at the university.
b) I have at my disposal the financial support to enable me to meet those cost from my own
c) I understand that at the time of registration I will be in position to pay my admission fee in full.
d) I am aware that I have to pay tuition fee at NIFT & also at the twinning study institution in full
before the stipulated date of programme.

IX. Section 9 : Declaration

I confirm that the information given on this form is correct.

Applicant’s Signature ……………………………………….. Date ……………………………...

Guardian’s Signature

X. Form forwarded by CIL of the respective Centre

(Signature of Coordinator- IL )

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