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Reference list:

NB: Please note all images are copyright free.

Education Review Office. (2016a). School evaluation indicators: Effective practice for
improvement and learner success. Wellington, New Zealand: Author.

Education Review Office. (2016b). Wellbeing for success: A resource for schools. Wellington,
New Zealand: Author.

Graham, D. (2009). Teaching redemptively: Bringing grace and truth into your
classroom (2nd ed.). Colorado, USA: Purposeful Design Publications.

Groundwater-Smith, S., Ewing, R., & Le Cornu, R. (2015). Teaching challenges &
dilemmas. (5th ed). Victoria, Australia: Cengage.

Hamilton junior high school. (2017). Schoolnz. Retrieved 29 October, 2017, from

Korakanui primary school. (2017). Schoolnz. Retrieved30 October, 2017, from

Life Education Trust. (2017). Life education. Retrieved 26 October, 2017 from

Ministry of Education. (2007). The New Zealand Curriculum. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning

Te Totara Primary School. (2017). Schoolnz. Retrieved30 October, 2017, from

The cancer society. (2017). Sunsmartschoolsorgnz. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from

Thepespecialistcom. (2016). The pe specialist. Retrieved 26 October, 2017, from

The School Run. (2017). The school run. Retrieved 26 October, 2017, from sex-education.

TKI. (2017). Tkiorgnz. Retrieved 27 October, 2017, from

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