304 Graphic Organizer Assignment

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1. Open Khan Academy Video

- https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/cellular-molecular-


2. While watching the video fill out the graphic organizer.

A. Draw each of the 4 phases of mitosis in the circles.

B. Draw each of the structures and make sure to draw them in the correct positions in

accordance of the specific phase you are drawing.

C. Answer the questions thoroughly and correctly.

D. Most of the questions require a very short answer but feel free to add more detail to ensure

full points.

3. The Organizer is designed to be completed in the order of the Khan Academy lecture.

4. Students will take this home and work alone.

5. Assignments will be collected at the beginning of class to receive credit of completion

6. Assignments will then be given back and groups will be assigned to discuss assignment and work

together to make corrections.

1. What is the definition the lecturer uses for mitosis?(1 point)

The process by which 1 nucleus splits into two nuclei both with the original genetic material.

2. How does the video describe cytokinesis?(1 point)

The process by which the cell separates the two nuclei into two different cells by splitting the


A. What is the first phase of Mitosis:(1 point) Prophase

- Draw these structures while answering the questions below(3 points): DNA, Sister

Chromatids, Centrosome

3. What is happening to the DNA during this phase(1 point)? Specifically the chromatin?:


4. What happens to the Nuclear membrane (1 point)? Dissolves/disappears

5. Where do the centrosomes move in this phase?(1 point): They migrate to opposite sides of the


B. What is the second phase of mitosis(1 point)?: Metaphase

- Draw these structures while answering the questions below(3 points): Chromosomes/Sister

Chromatids, Centrosomes, microtubules

6. Where are the chromosomes/sister chromatids(1 point)? Lined up at the middle of the cell.

7. Where are the microtubules attached(1 point)? They are attached to the centrosomes and

centromere of sister chromatids?

8. What is the roll of the centromere(1 point)? Holds the sister chromatids together.

9. What are centrosomes composed of?(1 point): 2 Centrioles

C. What is the thirds phase of Mitosis?(1 point): Anaphase

- Draw these structures while answering the questions below(3 points): Centrosome,

microtubules, sister chromatids/chromosomes

10. What is the roll of the microtubules in this phase? Specifically how does it interact with the

centrosomes on opposite sides of the cell and centromere of the sister chromatids?(2 points):

The microtubules are attached to the centrosomes at the end of cell. The centrosomes uses the

microtubules to pull on the centromeres of the sister chromatids. This pulls the sister

chromatids apart from each other to the opposite side of the cells.

11. When the sister chromatids are separated what are they now called?(1 point): Chromosomes

D. What is the fourth phase of Mitosis?(1 point): Telophase

- Draw these structures while answering the questions below(3 points): Chromosomes,

Nuclear membrane, centrosomes

12. When does the nuclear membrane form?(1 point): in telophase

13. What does the nuclear membrane protect?(1 point): DNA/Chromosomes

14. Does the nuclear membrane surround the centrosomes?(1 point) No

15. What does cytokinesis do?(1 point): Pinches the cell into two different cells by splitting the


16. Where in telophase does cytokinesis occur?(1 point): A the end

17. What is the end product of mitosis and cytokinesis?(1 Point): Two identical cells with identical


AFTER VIDEO QUESTIONS: (1 point for each blank space filled in correctly)

- Many students have a difficult time distinguishing between Centrioles, Centrosomes,

centromeres, and microtubules.

- Fill in the blank with the above vocabulary

18. Centrosomes hold the sister chromatids together

19. Centromeres pull the sister chromatids apart during anaphase and telophase using attached


20. Centromeres are composed of two centrioles.

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