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Teachers: Date: Saturday,
Grade: 3 A
Huaroto Guelac, Karol 4th November,
Montenegro Alvites, Felipe 2017

Develop an ability to read other peoples emotions.
Develop the ability to identify and to express ones own feelings or

Value: Obedience to parents and teachers is the best way for children to
succeed in life

Warm up:

Set the scene of the feelings: Lets tell a history:

Today I got up with a happy (Use the face).
Then when I saw the news I felt sad (Use the face)and so on (tell them
two to three stories).

Today we are going to have some fun identifying and expressing different
feelings. I brought some different faces with me today.


Pull flashcards at a time out of your backpack. Can you tell me what
feeling this shows? Have someone write the list of feelings for each
picture on the board.
Elicit participation from students: Who likes to act up? 6 students will
choose one by one a flashcard. They do not have to show it just act like
a charade. The others will try to guess it.
Guided practice:

One student will stand next to you as she/he chooses a flashcard and
shows it only to you. Then the student acts out the feeling. Other
students raise their hands to guess.
On the board, she draws a large circle, one face has long hair and
another has a short one, so that students can differentiate between her
and him. Then draw two eyes, ears, nose and a smiling mouth. Do the
same facial gesture and say, "He is happy! Happy, happy, happy." Have
everyone make a "happy" chorus and do the facial expression. Then on
her face draw a sad face (and maybe a tear under one eye) and teach
"sad". Do the same for the rest of the vocabulary (angry, surprised, bored,
sick, use the cards as a reference).
When it has been guessed, or close enough, prompt the student to say, I
feel (the feeling) when

Independent practice:

Show the children a Worksheet and ask describe what they are to do.
Students do this sheet independently with addition support for those that
need reading assistance.

For closure, the teacher is going to give to students masks with the
emotions than they learn during the class, then the teacher will show the
students images with different situations and the student has to run to the
blackboard with the mask on with the emotion that corresponds to the

Give the students the Metacognition.

Finally, the teacher give them a homework for the house.


Criterion: Indicator:
Oral comprehension and expression. Identify and express feelings and

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