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Philosophy Lesson 1: Doing Philosophy

Teacher: Mr. Ferdie Tamayo

Distinguishing Opinion from Truth

Etymologically, the word philosophy comes from two Greek words:

Philo meaning to love
Sophia meaning wisdom
So philosophy is translated literally as love of wisdom


Conceptual analysis thinking about thinking



Holistic perspective


Partial point of view

Holistic perspective

General specific

Deductive reasoning

General rule specific instance

Philosophy Lesson 1 1
V1.0 (27 June 2017)
Philosophy Lesson 1: Doing Philosophy
Teacher: Mr. Ferdie Tamayo

Partial point of view

Specific general

Inductive reasoning

Specific instances general rule

Recognize Human Activities that Emanate from Deliberate Reflection

Branches of Philosophy and Their Basic Questions:

Philosophy itself the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters
such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Asks: Why?
Metaphysics the study of the fundamental nature of reality. Asks: What is there,
Epistemology the study of the nature of knowledge. Asks: How do you know?
Ethics the study of moral principles, the concepts of right and wrong conduct. Asks:
How should I live? What is the best way for people to live?
Aesthetics the study of art, beauty, and taste. Asks: What is beautiful?
Ethics and aesthetics together make up axiology the study of values.
Logic the study of reasoning and argument.

Realize the Value of Doing Philosophy in Obtaining a Broader Perspective in Life

Why does man see the need to do philosophy?

Plato the sense of wonder

(428/427 or 424/423 BC-348/347
Philosophy Lesson 1 2
V1.0 (27 June 2017)
Philosophy Lesson 1: Doing Philosophy
Teacher: Mr. Ferdie Tamayo

Rene Descartes Doubt, I think therefore I am.

Rene Descartes

Karl Jaspers Experience, limit situations

Karl Jaspers

Philosophy Lesson 1 3
V1.0 (27 June 2017)
Philosophy Lesson 1: Doing Philosophy
Teacher: Mr. Ferdie Tamayo

The love of wisdom an insatiable desire for truth. Socrates: I know that I do not
know; The uninformed life is not worth living

(470/469 BC-399 BC)

Philosophy Lesson 1 4
V1.0 (27 June 2017)

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