Manajemen Terpadu Dislipidemia PDF

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Farid Kurniawan

Divisi Metabolik Endokrin

Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI-RSCM
April 2017
What is dyslipidemia?

Disorder in lipid metabolism or lipid fraction in plasma

Total Cholesterol, LDL-chol, Triglycerides (TG)

Types of dyslipidemia:

Konsensus Pengelolaan Dislipidemia di Indonesia. PERKENI 2012

Symptoms and signs

Usually no symptoms
Symptomatic vascular disease
Acute pancreatitis
arcus corneae
tendinous xanthomas (Achilles, elbow, and knee tendons and
over metacarpophalangeal joints)
Above findings (+) planar and tuberous xanthomas
Diagnosis and screening

Lipid profile measurement

Direct method: TG, HDL-chol, TC
Direct or indirect method: LDL-chol
Is it necessary?
For how long?
Evaluation for secondary dyslipidemia
When do we screen?
Age >20 yrs old, if normal repeat every 5 year
Dyslipidemia as cardiovascular
risk factor
Total risk estimation using a risk estimation system: SCORE
asymptomatic adults >40 years of age
Making logical management decisions
Avoid both under- and overtreatment
Certain individuals already with high or very high CVD risk
without needing risk scoring:
Previously documented CVD
Chronic kidney disease
Familial hypercholesterolemia

2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines on the management of dyslipidemias

Risk categories

2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines on the management of dyslipidemias

Intervention strategies

*In patients with myocardial infarction, statin therapy should be considered

irrespective of total cholesterol levels
2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines on the management of dyslipidemias
Faktor Risiko Utama yang Menentukan
Sasaran Kolesterol LDL

Hipertensi (TD 140 / 90 mmHg atau sedang mendapat obat
Kolesterol HDL (40 mg/dL)
Riwayat keluarga adanya PJK dini (orang tua pria <55 tahun,
orang tua wanita <65 tahun)
Umur (pria 45 tahun, wanita 55 tahun)

Konsensus Pengelolaan Dislipidemia di Indonesia. PERKENI 2012

Empat Kelompok Risiko yang Menentukan
Sasaran Kolesterol LDL yang Ingin Dicapai

0 1 faktor risiko


>= 2 faktor risiko


a. Mempunyai riwayat PJK

b. Mempunyai risiko yang disamakan dengan PJK:
Diabetes melitus
Penyakit aterosklerosis lain seperti stroke, PAD, aneurisma aorta abdominalis
Faktor risiko multipel (>2 faktor risiko)

Pasien pasca penyakit kardiovaskuler dengan keadaan khusus, yaitu:

Disertai faktor risiko multipel
Disertai faktor risiko yang tidak dapat dikendalikan, seperti masih tetap merokok
Sindrom metabolik dengan faktor risiko multipel (TG 200 mg/dL, Kolesterol non-HDL >130
mg/dL, Kolesterol HDL <40 mg/dL)
Pasien dengan sindrom koroner akut

Konsensus Pengelolaan Dislipidemia di Indonesia. PERKENI 2012

Dyslipidemia in metabolic syndrome and
type 2 diabetes

2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines on the management of dyslipidemias

Treatment of dyslipidemia in diabetes

2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines on the management of dyslipidemias

Dyslipidemia management
based on NCEP-ATP III

(Konsensus pengelolaan
dislipidemia 2015
Dyslipidemia management
based on ACC/AHA 2013

(Konsensus pengelolaan
dislipidemia 2015
Systematic review & meta-analysis of the
therapeutic equivalence of statins

Weng TC, et al. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2010;35;139-151

Mukhtar RY, et al. Int J Clin Pract. 2005;59(2):239-252
Treatment targets and goals for cardiovascular
disease prevention

2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines on the management of dyslipidemias

Impact of specific lifestyle changes on lipid levels (1)

2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines on the management of dyslipidemias

Impact of specific lifestyle changes on lipid levels (2)

2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines on the management of dyslipidemias

Impact of specific lifestyle changes on lipid levels (3)

2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines on the management of dyslipidemias

Advanced marker for
Small dense LDL
Non-HDL cholesterol
ApoB (apolipoprotein-B100)
Lipoprotein-a [Lp(a)]

What are the roles??

Dietary recommendations to tower LDL-cholesterol

2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines on the management of dyslipidemias

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