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Year 11 Ancient History Major Assessment Task Notification

Date of issue of assessment: Monday Week 4

Date of submission of assessment: Monday Week 6.

Date of submission of reflection task: Monday Week 8.

Weighting: 25%

Total marks: 25

Assignments are to be completed and submitted individually. There will be one full period allocated
on Friday of Week 4 for students to collaboratively work to complete assignments. Students are also
able to book progress consultation appointments for Monday Week 5 with their teacher for further

Any assignments that are handed in late will incur a 10% penalty for each day that it is late.

Task A Assessment Task

Students are to complete and submit one of the tasks on the options sheet. It is encouraged that
students choose the option that suits both their strengths and interests. Each task enables students
to demonstrate their deep knowledge and understanding of the following outcomes:

P1.1 Describe and explain the contribution of key people, groups, events, institutions,
societies and sites within the historical context.
P3.3 Comprehend sources and analyse them for their usefulness and reliability.
P3.6 Plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and
synthesising information from a range of sources.
The assessment task will be scored out of a total of 20 marks (refer to marking criteria for
further explanation).

Task B Reflection Task

Upon receiving marked and annotated assignments on Monday Week 7, students are to write a 300
word reflection, based on the following questions:

What have I learned from completing the assessment task?

What were the strengths and weaknesses of my work?

If I was to complete the assessment task again, how would I possibly do it differently?

The reflection task will be scored out of a total of 5 marks.

Task A Assessment Task Options

Option 1 Write

Under (Darius) rule, the empire reached its greatest territorial expansion, the economic policies
and administrative bodies underwent major reforms, and a royal ideology was developed
Wiesehfer, Josef. "The Achaemenid Empire." The dynamics of ancient Empires (2009): 72.

With reference to the quote, primary and secondary sources and your own research, evaluate
the role and activities of Persian Kings.

Your essay must:

- Show clear discussion of the roles and activities of at least two Achaemenid Kings
- Demonstrate discussion and explanation of sources that are related to your evaluation
- Be at least 1200 words in length

Option 2 Perform

Using a presentation method of your choosing: (PowerPoint, Prezi etc.), compare and discuss the
success and failures of the Kings of the Achaemenid dynasty.

Your presentation must:

- Include primary and secondary sources that support your discussion the success and
failures of the Achaemenid Kings
- Demonstrate comparison of at least two Achaemenid Kings
- Be between 8-10 minutes in duration

Option 3 Program

Using a web design program of your choosing: (Weebly, Wix etc.), create a website, explaining
the effectiveness of the rule of the Kings of the Achaemenid dynasty.

Your website must include:

- Images of both primary and secondary sources

- A minimum of 600 words explaining the effectiveness of the Kings rule

Option 4 Create

Create two primary sources that support your point of view on the effectiveness of the rule of a
Persian King of your choosing. Explain how each source interrelates in order to validate your

- One of your sources must be visual

- Your explanation of your sources must be at least 600 words
Marking Criteria

Task A Assessment Task

Incorporation of Sources

Description Score
Incorporates a wide range of primary and secondary sources that are highly 5
relatable to the roles and activities of Achaemenid Kings.
Incorporates a range of primary and secondary sources that are relatable to 4
the roles and activities of Achaemenid Kings.
Incorporates a few primary or secondary sources that vaguely relate to the 3
roles and activities of Achaemenid Kings.
Incorporates a primary or secondary source. Source vaguely relates to the 1-2
roles and activities of Achaemenid Kings.
Non attempt 0

Discussion of the Roles and Activities of Achaemenid Kings

Description Score
Demonstrates a thorough and detailed discussion, comparing the roles and 5
activities of at least two Achaemenid Kings. Deeply explores their military,
religious, social and building policies, and effectively evaluates them.
Demonstrates discussion, comparing the roles and activities of at least two 4
Achaemenid Kings. Explores their military, religious, social and building
policies, and evaluates them.
Demonstrates discussion, comparing the roles and activities of at least two 3
Achaemenid Kings. Explores a few of their policies, and evaluates them.
Demonstrates a basic discussion, comparing the roles and activities of at least 1-2
two Achaemenid Kings.
Non attempt 0

Analysis and Explanation of Sources

Description Score
Provides clear and extensive links between ideas and evidence in order to 5
demonstrate the outstanding historical analysis style.
Provides clear links between ideas and evidence in order to demonstrate the 4
correct historical analysis style.
Provides links between evidence and arguments, in order to mildly 3
demonstrate correct historical analysis style.
Provides very few links between evidence and arguments. Minimal 1-2
demonstration of correct historical analysis.
Non attempt 0
Format, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

Description Score
Assessment is submitted in correct format, and has reached the prescribed 5
word or time limit. Student has used excellent spelling, grammar and
Assessment is submitted in correct format, and has reached the prescribed 4
word or time limit. Student has used good spelling, grammar and punctuation,
with a few errors.
Assessment is submitted in correct format, but has not reached the 3
prescribed word or time limit. Student has used good spelling, grammar and
punctuation, with a few errors.
Assessment is either not submitted in correct format, or has not reached the 1-2
prescribed word or time limit. Student has made numerous spelling, grammar
and punctuation errors.
Non attempt 0

Total marks /20

Task B Reflection Task

Description Score
Provides deep and thorough assessment of work. Clearly explains lessons 5
learned, places for improvement and elaborates on procedures for
enhancement of work.
Provides an assessment of work. Explains lessons learned, places for 4
improvement and elaborates on procedures for enhancement of work.
Provides an assessment of work. Provides a sound explanation of lessons 3
learned, places for improvement and touches on procedures for
enhancement of work.
Provides a basic assessment of work. Provides an undeveloped explanation of 1-2
lessons learned, places for improvement and touches on procedures for
enhancement of work.
Non attempt 0

Total marks /5

Total Assessment Mark:


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