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This report is based on a workplace that is taken in a fabrication yard. This report is done
based on the methodology of Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control
(HIRARC) method. The organization chart of the workplace together with the activities or
processes, tasks and safety and health implications are attached together in this report. This
workplace that has been chosen concentrates on fabrication of oil & gas structural materials that
includes many departments including production, project management team, engineering, and
human resource department.
The objective of this report is to identify the main safety and health hazards associated to
the scaffolding activity. The hazards that are identified are evaluated are risk rated by evaluating
the probability and severity using the risk matrix. The qualitative and quantitative data is also
included in this report. Upon risk rating the risks are prioritized and control measures are
discussed. The control measures that are suggested follow the hierarchy of control which is the
elimination, isolation, engineering control, administration control and finally personal protective
equipment (PPE). The relevance of the control measures by recommending several document
review programs are also mentioned and discussed in this report. In a nutshell, the discussion
mentions on the results of the finding, control measures that should be implemented and
recommendations to mitigate or reduce the risk associated to the workplace.


2.1 The Company and Project

China Construction is Chinas largest construction and real estate conglomerate and

biggest building work contractor. It is the largest transnational construction company in the

developing countries and the top home builder in the world, taking the long lead of Chinas

international contracting business. China Construction is well known in the world for

undertaking super high-rise, grand scale, cutting-edge and novel projects and has built up a great

number of landmark projects in China and around the world.

China Construction is one of the most integrated construction and real estate

conglomerates in China with the longest history of specialized operation and market-oriented

management. It is the only construction enterprise in China certified for 3 top grade

Qualifications of general contracting for building works, municipal public works and highway

works, in addition to 1+4 qualifications and first-grade qualification for engineering design of

building industry.

(a) Building work (Scaffolding)

(b) Infrastructure

(c) Design And survey

(d) Real estate

(e) Oversea project

The construction that is concentrated for this report is the building work specializing in

super high-rise structure building and steel structure. The project is located at Tun Razak

Exchange, Kuala lumpur and has approximately 1500 workers.

The Vision of CSCEC is to be the to Be the Most Internationally Competitive

Construction and Real Estate Conglomerate the eyes of our customers, shareholders and most

importantly, our empowered people.

The selected project for workplace assignment is the complete project of Exchange 106

that awarded in December 2015, where the total contract price exceeds RM 950 million to

fabricate the additional module on the existing oil platforms off the coast of Terengganu. Layang

serves to compress the oil pressure in the bottom of the sea due to the existing pressure is

insufficient to balance the topside.

The project is owned by TRX and the first piling was on December 2015. The major

construction process takes place at the open area of Sector 1 while some minor assembly takes

place at Workshop of Sector 1 and Sector 2.

2.2 Organizational Chart

China state construction engineering project has a total workforce of 1500 workers

which includes contractors manpower. The overall organization chart is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: China State Engineering Construction Organization Chart

The project HSE Committee Member is formed according to the Occupational Safety and

Health (Safety & Health Committee) Regulations 1996 which consists of a chairman, secretary,

management representatives and worker representatives. The committee meeting is held on

monthly basis. Refer to Figure 2 for the project HSE Committee Organization Chart.

Figure 2: China State Engineering Construction HSE Committee Organization Chart

2.3 Activities and Work Process

In general, China state engineering has a lot of activities that are incorporated in the

construction process. The construction process that is involved are periodically analyzed by

executed at site. The activities that are fundamental for this construction site is as follows:

(a) Material receiving and transporting

(b) Welding , cutting , gouging

(c) Painting & Blasting

(d) Scaffolding

(e) Confined Space

(f) Material Washdown

(g) Pressure Testing

(h) Mooring and load out activity.

For this report, the workplace that is chosen is the scaffolding activity. Scaffolding

activity is executed at many areas including the workshops and open area. This activity is very

important as scaffolds provide a stable platform to work when the structure is built to a certain

height. The scaffolding practices that are adhered are in accordance to the Factory and

Machinery Act 1967 and OSHA 1994. The materials that are used for this scaffolding process

are also complying with British Standards B.S.5973: 1990 code of practices. Additional revised

standards that are used are as follows:

B.S. 1139 - Metal Scaffolding

B.S. 2482 - Scaffold Boards

B.S. 1129 - Specification for Aluminum Ladders, Steps and Trestles

B.S. 2052 - Specification for Ropes

There are different types of scaffolding, but usually they are all made up of the same

basic components: tubes and boards. In so-called tube-and-clamp system tubes are attached to

each other by special couplers. Fabricated frame system provides the ready-made frames, which

only need to be braced to ensure the rigidness of the whole system and is commonly in use. This

activity is generally carried out by competent personnel and they are responsible for a safe

erection and dismantling of scaffolds. The scaffolds should be periodically inspected and

maintained to ensure the structure is stable and strong for a long time. In order to start this

process, a proper permit should be applied for either installing or dismantling the scaffolds.

Competent personnel who are registered under Department of Occupational Safety and Health

(DOSH) are responsible to check and verify the scaffold materials and structure. The work

process is briefly described in Appendix 1. A scaffold tags will be in place for every access and

egress. Besides that, the tag will notify the user whether the platform is safe to be used or not.

The checklist for inspecting scaffold is attached in Appendix 2.

The structure should be inspected every 7 days or if there are any change in whether

conditions (raining, thunderstorm, strong wing and many more). Employees / workers are only

allowed to start working if green tag is displayed and verified by scaffold inspector. Prior to start

working, a permit should be applied and the control measures as spelled out in the permit should

be in place. A sample permit is attached in Appendix 3.

Any individual who are working at a height more than 2 meters is mandatory to wear

safety harness and when possess a potential of falling from height, they should hook it above and

start working. No obstruction at the access and egress should be in place to ensure evacuation

process goes smoothly in case of any emergencies. All the measures are controlled by the permit

and a delegated safety supervisor is assigned at site to ensure it is executed safely. A toolbox

meeting should be given to the fellow workers on work related issues and the safe use of

platforms with the measures that should be taken in case of any emergencies.

2.4 Hazards Associated to The Activity

There are five main hazards that are namely to involve when an activity is involved

which are the physical, chemical, biological, and psychosocial and ergonomics. For this report,

there are many hazards that are identified such as slip, trip and fall, falling object, falling from

height, protruding scaffold, heat stress, ergonomics, material transporting and many more.

The hazards that are identified and discussed for this report is as follows:

Safety Hazards

(a) Falling objects such as clamps, couplers or other material while erecting the scaffold.

(b) Slip, trip and fall due to poor housekeeping.

(c) Fall from height during installation and dismantling of scaffolds.

(d) Protruding scaffold during the installation and dismantling process.

Health Hazards

(a) Ergonomics due to material handling and awkward position while working.

(b) Heat Stress due to the peak temperature during hot season.

2.5 Work Environment

The working environment is divided into two categories which are in the workshops or in

the open yard. Both the working environment is classified as moderate. The working atmosphere

for this activity requires permit system, thorough inspections and surveillance, toolbox meetings,

procedure, risk assessments and competent personal to execute the activity safely.


The main objectives of this report are as follows:

(a) To identify six safety and health hazards inclusive of 4 safety and 2 health hazards

associated to the particular activity at the workplace;

(b) To access and evaluate the risks that are resulted from each of the hazard;

(c) To prioritize and list these hazards based on their risk rating;

(d) To suggest, list and discuss the control measures to mitigate or reduce the risks;

(e) To recommend document review program for (d) to ensure the effectiveness of managing

safety and health hazards at the work place.


4.1 Identifying Hazards

Conducting Risk there are various ways in identifying the hazards in a work area. The

method that is used for the workplace of my choice is as follow:

(a) Reviewing all the Procedures and legal compliance for the workplace

(b) Developing and using a Hazard Identification Checklist

(c) Conducting walkabouts (walk around) at the area and identify the hazards accordingly

(d) Assessment analysis

(e) Referring the MSDS / CSDC for the particular material

(f) Intervention of the workers/ employees

(g) Analyzing the UCUA card (You See You Act) reported by management/ workers/


(h) Inspections and audits on the workplace

(i) Analyzing the incident /accident records

(j) Analyzing the process flow



4.2.1 Risk Evaluation

Risk is defined as the likelihood of an incident to happen to an individual together with

the severity of the incident if it happens.

Likelihood however is defined as the specified hazardous event happening and severity

is the consequences of specified hazardous event occurring. Likelihood of Occurrences

Likelihood of the event from happening depends on the control measures, personal

exposure and the unsafe actions and conditions at site. By evaluating all these concerns, a

ranking could be established. The ranking table for the likelihood of occurrence and the

definition on the classes is as tabulated in Table 1:

Rating to be used
Likelihood Description
in decision matrix

Most Likely The most likely results of hazards/event being realized 5

Possible Has a good chance of occurring and is not unusual 4

Conceivable Might be occur sometime at future 3
Remote Has not been known to occur after many years 2
Inconceivable Is practically impossible and has never occurred 1

Table 1: Likelihood of Occurrence Severity of Harm

The severity (S) can be determined by these categories:


5 Catastrophic Fatality, fatal diseases or multiple major

Serious injuries or life-threatening occupational
4 Major
(includes amputations, major fractures,
multiple injuries,
Occupational cancer, acute poisoning).
Injury requiring medical treatment or ill-health
leading to
3 Moderate disability (includes lacerations, burns, sprains,
minor fractures,
dermatitis, deafness, work-related upper limb
Injury or ill-health requiring first-aid only
2 Minor (includes minor cuts
and bruises, irritation, ill-health with temporary
1 Negligible
Not likely to cause injury or ill-health
Table 2: Severity of Harm

4.2.2 Risk Estimation

Risk estimation could be established when the likelihood and the severity of the incident

is multiplied. The estimation of the risk may be distributed in the risk matrix. There are two

types of risk matrix which is the Qualitative and quantitative risk matrix.

Qualitative Risk Matrix (2-D Matrix) Table 3 as below is used to identify the risk of the


Severity (S)
1 2 3 4 5
Likelihood (L)
Negligible Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
5 Most Likely 5 10 15 20 25
4 Possible 4 8 12 16 20
3 Conceivable 3 6 9 12 15
2 Remote 2 4 6 8 10
1 Inconceivable 1 2 3 4 5
Table 3: Qualitative Risk Matrix (2-D Matrix)

Based on the Qualitative Risk Matrix, the calculated range of risk rating can be

categorized and countermeasure for each category can be visualized as in the Table 4 below:

Risk Description Action

A HIGH value requires immediate action to

control the hazard as detailed in the hierarchy of

15-25 High
control. Actions taken must be documented on the

risk assessment form including date for completion

A MEDIUM risk requires a planned approach to

controlling the hazard and applies temporary

5- 12 Medium measure if required. Actions taken must be

documented on the risk assessment form including

date of completion.

A risk identified as LOW may be considered as

acceptable and further reduction may not be

1-4 Low necessary. However, if the risk can be resolved

quickly and efficiently, control measures should be

implemented and recorded.

Table 4: Risk rating table

4.3 Example of Risk Estimation and Risk Evaluation for The Hazards Identified

Safety hazard

a) Example 1: Fall from height during installation and dismantling of scaffolds.

= 3 x 5 = 20 (HIGH)

b) Example 2: Falling objects such as clamps, couplers or other material while erecting the


= 3 x 4 = 12 (MEDIUM)

c) Example 3: Slip, trip and fall due to poor housekeeping.

= 3 X 3 = 9 (MEDIUM)

d) Example 4: Protruding scaffold during the installation and dismantling process.

= 2 X 2 = 2 (LOW)

Health Hazard

e) Example 5: Ergonomics due to material handling and awkward position while working.

= 4 X 4 = 16 (HIGH)

f) Example 6: Heat Stress due to the peak temperature during hot season

= 3 X 3 = 9 (MEDIUM)

**Risk Estimation = Likelihood Severity (1 2) = 2

**Risk Evaluation = LOW (No action required)


5.1 Listing The Hazards

Safety Hazards refer to any force that is strong enough to cause injury or any damage to

property. The hazards can be classified as conditions on which harm to workers is an immediate

and violent and in nature resulting in injury or acute effects. Health Hazards refer to any agent

that can cause illness to an individual. This hazard may produce serious and immediate/ acute

effects, or may cause long term/ chronic problems. All or part of the body may be affected.

There are 4 safety hazards which is fall from height, falling object, slip trip and fall and

finally protruding scaffold. There are also 2 health hazards identified in this report which is

ergonomics and heat stress.

5.2 Risk Rating of Hazards

The risk rating that was done using Table 4 has spelled out the possibility of the event to

occur and the severity that can cause an individual. A through studies has been done to it and

most critical hazards has been prioritized as follows in Table 5:

No Hazard Likelihood Severity Risk Evaluation Risk Level
1 Fall from Height 3 5 15 High
2 Falling object 3 4 12 Medium
3 Slip, Trip and Fall 3 3 9 Medium
4 Protruding Scaffold 2 2 4 Low
5 Ergonomics 4 3 12 Medium
6 Heat Stress 3 3 9 Medium
Table 5: Prioritized hazard based on risk rating

The highlighted area in green indicates the critical hazards. The fall from height is the

critical safety hazard that has been identified and the ergonomics is said to be the critical health

hazard at the scaffolding workplace.

Refer to Appendix 4 for the overall HIRARC Table.

5.3 Impact of The Critical Safety and Health Hazard to The Organization

5.3.1 Impact of Fall from Height Hazard to The Organization

Fall from height possesses a great risk resulting in fatality if any slight mistake occurs. In

year 2012 statistics, 424,000 died due to fall from height. It has an extensive impact to the

organization in many ways. Since the severity of this hazard results in fatality, loss of life is

experienced by the company loss of life may result in many other losses includes loss to the

production as well. Loss of production occurs when the production phase is stopped and

production phase freezes as investigation will take lead during this interphase. Loss of time

(LTI) will delay the project and this will lead to loss of cost to the organization. Fatality will also

result in loss of cost to bear for the victim especially in his insurance claim and many other

claims which should be paid by the company itself. Further to that, a loss in reputation can be

seen due to the delayed projects and a bad statistic record in the company. This directly will

jeopardize the name of company for future projects in the bidding stage itself.

5.3.2 Impact of Ergonomics Hazard to The Organization

Ergonomics play a major role in the workers and employees. Ergonomics has a direct

influence to the humans performance which directly results in the beneficiary of the

organizations. If issue pertaining to ergonomics occurs, the comfort of the employee is disturbed.

This will cause a loss in productivity in the employee. This degrading factor in productivity will

result in loss of time and cost for the organization. The human and financial loss also will be

resulted due to the chronic effect of ergonomics. This will lead to higher cost of injuries to the

employees. Increasing injuries to the employee also results in increase number of absenteeism

which also affects the reputation of the company. The potential and performance of the

organization will be questioned if ergonomics issue is not mitigated promptly.


6.1 Control Measures Inclusive of Corrective and Preventive Actions

Control measures are rated based on the hierarchy of controls as follows:

(a) Elimination

(b) Substitution

(c) Isolation

(d) Engineering Control

(e) Administrative Control

(f) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The two main actions which are the preventive and corrective actions are important to

ensure the correct control measures are taken to mitigate or reduce the safety and health hazards.

The preventive actions that are taken are the permanent actions taken to eliminate the hazards

which concentrates in the elimination and the substitution part where else the corrective actions

are the actions taken to mitigate the existing hazards which may eliminate the risk permanently.

The corrective action focuses on the isolation, engineering control and the PPE.

6.1.1 Proposed Control Measure for Working at Height Safety Hazard

Preventive Action Corrective Action

Elimination Isolation

Where and when possible, work from NA

ground level.

Substitution Engineering Control

Select appropriate equipment for the Hook off points on Scaffold

particular activity either for elevated tubes should be certified by

working platform or Scaffolding. competent personnel.

Complete platform with guard

rails, handrails, toe boards and

other engineering guards should

be in place.

Engineering anchored points

should be in place for elevated

working platforms.

Administrative Control

Working at height procedure in


Trainings on working at height

and the hazards associated with

falling from height should be

spelled out in the training. Usage

of safety harness should be

highlighted in the meetings.

Toolbox topics on falling from

height should be cascaded to the

workforce periodically.

Signages on the area where

working at height activity,

scaffolding activity is going on.

Checklists is filled and complied

when working at height.

Weekly inspection in the scaffold

structure or if there are any

change in weather conditions

(heavy rain. thunderstorm. strong

wind and other conditions


Mandatory PPE compliance to safety

helmet, safety jackets, safety shoes and

safety glasses.

Full body harness with hook for those

working above 2 meters with single

lanyard and double / triple locking


6.1.2 Proposed Control Measure for Ergonomics Health Hazard

Preventive Action Corrective Action

Elimination Isolation


Substitution Engineering Control

NA Proper bench / working platform

to be provided to work.

Tools that are used should be

ergonomically designed as per

the manufacturers details

Use appropriate tools for the task

Wear proper lifting aid

Administrative Control

Ensure procedure is in place for a

proper use of tools, working

body postures and details on


Training conducted to all work

forces on ergonomics especially

on how to lift materials, best

back posture while working,

ergonomic way of stretching and


Exercise / conduct stretching for

every half an hour interval while


Do not work in prolonged hours

and encourage job rotation.

Enforce mandatory back safe

warm ups prior to start work.

Toolbox talks on ergonomics

safe work practices

Cascade alerts, newsletters and

bulletins to the workforce on



Wear proper ergonomic aid

while performing associated


6.2 Propose Review Program for Control Measure

6.2.1 Review Program for Working at Height Hazard

The elimination method that can be used for this hazard is by working at the ground as

far as applicable. If situation requires the individual to work at a height, this elimination step

shall not be applicable.

A proper equipment should be worn to ensure that the equipment suits the particular

activity to improve the safety compliance while working at a particular height.

Every scaffolds that are built should have hook off points to ensure the hooks are strong

on the tubes. The scaffold tubes should also be certified by the competent personal. This step is

to avoid any miscalculation by regular personal and causing the system to fail at the place.

Engineering constructed scaffold platform should be built complete with all the safeguards such

as guardrails, handrails, toe boards and proper safety nettings to avoid any fall id any slip and

trip occurs. Anchor points should also be in place to ensure the harness helps to arrest the worker

from falling from height.

Working at height procedure should be in place and all the details especially on the usage

of the harness and the prevention of fall methods should be specified in the procedure. Review

on the procedure should be done yearly to progressively improve the system in place. Trainings

for those who will be working at a height should be done periodically and the usage of the PPE

associated to the activity should be done. Toolbox talk should be given prior to start work to

ensure that a refresher session on the hazards is spelled out and control measures are in place.

Signages and other safety communications such as safety alerts, bulletins should be in

place to alert the workers on the hazards at the area. Inspection on the scaffold or elevated

working platform should be done every week and in any adverse weather change to ensure the

structure is safe to use. The structure is controlled by the tagging system which will be approved

by the competent personnel.

An appropriate PPE for this task should be worn by the employees working above 2

meters of height. The lanyards that are used should have double or triple karabiner to ensure it

helps from falling much lower to the ground. The lanyards should be inspected by the user prior

to use and the methods of checking the lanyards should be taught during the trainings and even

during toolbox as a refresher session.

6.2.2 Review Program for Ergonomics Hazard

This hazard cannot be eliminated as it is the effect from the employee / worker itself and

is caused due to the wrong posture of the individual. A proper working platform such as

engineering constructed bench or scaffold benches should be provided to ensure a proper sitting

or standing posture could be adhered. The tools that are used for the particular activity should

also be engineering designed especially for a proper grip to avoid carpel tunnel syndrome in long

time effect (chronic).

Procedures on the proper lifting method, sitting methods and handling tools should be

spelled out in the procedure. This will avoid the effect of back pain, muscle strain, fatigue and

many more.

Specified trainings for all the workers working in structures which require them to work

in awkward postures and position should be given to educate the workers on the hazards of bad

positioning the body and working in a wrong posture for extended hours.

An exercise program should be done for all workers prior to start work. This is important

to have a good blood circulation and to release all the muscle cramps and muscle pains. A break

of 5 minutes to stretch the body for an extended working for every hour should be mandatory to

ensure the worker is comfortable and active always.

Toolbox talk on the importance of working positions and lifting methods should be

cascaded periodically to ensure shortcuts are not taken for a healthier body. In certain areas

while lifting more than 20kg depending on the weight of the person is not

evaluation on the maximum load that should be carried by the worker should be specified and

cascaded to the work force.

6.3 Benefits of The Recommendation

The recommendations are given to ensure the safeguards of employees are taken care of

in a good manner. The implementation if these recommendations could reduce the risks

associated to the hazards specified. This will result in a LOW risk level which will not require

any further action. This directly will result in a safe working environment with increased

productivity, cost saving and increased reputation globally.

Books and notes:
a) Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
b) Factory and Machinery Act 1967
c) Safety and Health Officer Module I,II, III, & IV
d) Guidelines for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control
(HIRARC), Department of Occupational Safety and Health (MOHR), 2008,
JKKP DP 127/789/4-47, ISBN 978-983-2014-62-1
e) Scaffold Erector SCF-1 (Level 1) Basic Scaffolding Course by Academy
Binaan Malaysia.

Websites and Web pages

1. Work Cover NSW Health and Safety Guide 2001.


Appendix 1 Work Process Flow

Appendix 2 Safety Checklist for Scaffolding Inspection

Appendix 3 Scaffolding Permit to Work

Appendix 4 Completed HIRARC Form for this WPA.

Appendix 5 Workplace Photos


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