The Spatial Planning Process of Kembang Tanjong

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Sampai hal 262 (Dari Community Participation in the Spatial Planning of Kembang

Tanjong sampai The Vision and Situations to be Achieved)

The Spatial Planning Process of Kembang Tanjong

Participatory approach to improve peoples capability. There are several stages in spatial
planning involving the community. At the preparatory stage, community education is made
about spatial plans. Furthermore, in the process of data compilation and analysis,
communities are encouraged to identify the development of potential problems. In field
observation activities, it is important to include key leaders and volunteer participants.
Tabel 1 Participatory Process in the Formulation of RDTR
of Kembang Tanjong 2008-2017
Stage Expected Participation By Way Of
Preparation : People are expected to Dissemination and socialization
Understanding of Spa- understand the role and the of related spatial plans (RTRW
tial Planning, Its Role importance of a spatial plan Pidie Regency).
and Importance in achieving development Personal discussion with key
purposes, especially in leaders in the community.
Kembang Tanjong. FGD (Focus Group Discussion) I,
joined by 40 key persons in the
People are expected to FGD (Focus Group Discussion) I,
Understanding of the understand the importance of joined by 40 key persons in the
Hierarchy of Spatial hierarchy in Indonesian community.
Plans spatial planning and the role
of each planning level in
Data Compilation and People participate in Field observation together
Analysis expressing their perception involving key community leaders
and aspirations with regard and other local participants.
to problems and potentials. FGD III involving 40 key persons
People express their in the community.
aspirations with regard to
vision of future Kembang
Tanjong, mission and
strategy to achieve it,
including their specific
wants about development in
their localities.
Plan People participate in Personal discussion with key
proposing detailed spatial leaders in the community.
plans and discuss- ing the FGD V involving 40 key persons
planners proposed plans. By in the community.
active participation in the plan
formulating stage, the RDTR
will be in accordance with
their aspirations and thus
they will have a sense of
belonging to the plan so that
the implementation of it will
get fully supported by the
Source: BRR 2007
This stage was crucial as sustainability indicators were identified at this phase through the
FGD IV (see Table 1). There was no early warning system when the tsunami happened. The
people have realized that if they want certain situation to happen in the future, they need
indicators to assess the achievement. Thus, at this stage of spatial planning they need to define
sustainability indicators.
Community Defined Indicators of Sustainable Development
Aspects of sustainable development are beyond ordinary peoples perception to
comprehend, especially those related to ecological functions Local people are those who know
best about how they feel in their daily life. It can be expected that many indicators have already
been there and instinctively felt by the people. They just do not systemize the indicators.
Therefore, planners should be able to facilitate in converting scientific, top-down, indicators
into local peoples language, so that the top-down can meet the bottom-up agreeably.
Sustainable development has two equities, namely intrageneration that includes the fulfillment
of needs and aspirations, and the intergeneration that includes the responsibilities of present
generations for future generations.
The Vision and Situations to be Achieved
Kembang Tanjong 2017 as visioned by the people in the FGD IV is the situation of
Kembang Tanjong with significantly increased prosperity, welfare, and sustainability. The
vision is then specified into five situations to be achieved in 2017 as follows : environmental
sustainability,environmental resilience to disasters, peoples welfare, affordable public
facilities and services, peoples resilience to disasters.
Sustainability Indicators
Situation A: Enviromental Sustainability
Situation B : Enviromental Resilience to Disasters
Situation C : Peoples Welfare
Populatiion have guaranted and no poverty incidence is good situation, and worst
situation when people can not buy basic need. This is indicator have 5 following, first income
per head is level of income can use by one person. Second housing situation and the big score is
satisfied when their sheltering. Third Social secuarity system is mean guaranted about live and
live comfortably. The last is public transportation condition, bigger score when people satisfied
with public transportation service.
Situation D : Affordable Public Facilities and Service
City without basic public is worst situation. The Situation can use indicator like the
available and good condition of infrastructure is high score. Another indicator is availabe of
public facilities

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