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Exponents Portfolio

Emily Madera

Unit Summary
Learning Statement
Tell the story of how you made sense of the different concepts throughout this unit. Be sure to hit all of the following talking points, and
include all activities/worksheets that are applicable. Be sure to address a habit of a mathematician and one problem you might have
grappled with. You must use artifacts (in class activities and problem sets, notes, class discussions) from this unit as evidence.

1. Exponent Rules
a. Describe how you made sense of the exponent rules. (Pick two artifacts to include)
i. Exponents Review
ii. Exponent Rules and Practice
iii. Evaluating Exponents
b. Find/Create an appropriate meme or animated gif to describe your preparedness with these types of problems.

2. Exponential Growth and Decay Models

a. Describe how you made sense of exponential growth and decay models. (Pick two artifacts to include)
i. Exponential Growth and Decay Rate
ii. Compounding with 5% Interest
iii. Continuous Compounding
iv. Population and Food Supply (Required for discussion)
b. Find/Create an appropriate meme or animated gif to describe your preparedness with these types of problems.

3. Forms of Exponential Equations (Last Assignment on Board)

a. Describe how you made sense out of the Forms of Exponential Equation.
i. Forms of Exponential Expressions
b. Find/Create an appropriate meme or animated gif to describe your preparedness with these types of problems.
Unit Summary
Beautiful examples Amazing Narratives How I feel about my
preparedness for:

Exponent Rules As an intro to the unit we began by going over basic concepts and
how they work. We went over rules such as the product rule, the
quotient rule, the zero exponent rule, the power rule and the negative
exponents rule. All of these focus on simple ways of combining
exponents, and making sense of equations and exponents. This is
preparing us for future work where we will be incorporating
exponents into more completed equations. These rules were fairly
easy to memorize because of how straight-forward they were. Here
is the example of the work we did:
Xy/Xz= Xy-z
X = 1 Xy * Xz = Xy+z

The way I was able to work through these problems was by using the
practice problem examples and following the list of rules. To solve
these problems I needed to use the habits of a mathematician, the
one I used more frequently was the Generalization skill because I
needed to use general rules to solve these kinds of problems.
The biggest challenge I have with these problems is slowing down
and writing everything out so I dont make small calculation
Exponential Growth and Decay This section was my favorite to work on because the rules to add and
subtract the rate from the equation were fairly easy to remember. We
also did work on this to really get these concepts which helped me
reassure myself if I got struck on certain problems. What I did find a
bit difficult was compounding for e, I now know how to and what to
use it for. I have become more comfortable with this section. Besides
just remembering all the rules and tricks, the concept of exponential
growth and decay is relatively simple.

Exponential Equations When working on this problem alone I took half of one half, this is
what I thought it was P(d) = 7.35(0.250)^d. But after we had the
debrief I realized I hadnt used the square root like I needed which
was P(d) = 7.35(0.707)^d. I believe that these set of problems were
the hardest for me to solve.
The habits of a mathematician that wouldve helped me the most
when working through these problems would of been conjecture &
test because if I had tested my answer I would have realized I was
wrong and fixed my mistake. I also wasnt sure how to do part two,
so I asked for help from a classmate and was able to work it out.
Next time I need to use the habit of a mathematician
start small so I dont make a careless mistake.

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