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Nowadays, international tourist industry is getting more popular and bring a Commented [AL1]: subject-verb agreement

number of advantages to host country. However, some claimed that this trend
lead to tension rather than mutual understanding between people from various Commented [AL2]: subject-verb agreement

culture. In my opinion, I agree with this opinion. Commented [AL3]: various cultures
Commented [AL4]: idea you can avoid repeating the word
There are a huge of negative sides that global tourism causes tension for host opinion twice.
Commented [AL5]: huge is an adjective so you need a noun
country. Firstly, language barriers are biggest problems when travelling abroad. followed it a huge amount
Also you made mistake of subject-verb agreement.
For instance, if visitors who are not able to speak English travel from Asia to
Western countries and they find difficult to express their desire to foreigners Commented [AL6]: find it difficult to do something

effectively to gain their help. Therefore, the mutual understanding is in declined

because of language barriers. Secondly, customs and traditions of host countries Commented [AL7]: I dont see why the lack of mutual
understanding is dangerous and causes tension among travellers
can affect travelers perception when they are not understand in the right way. and local residents. You should clarify this idea.
Commented [AL8]: do not understand such socially accepted
Some of Asian countries, for example, when holiday makings visit temples, they norms of destination countries (you need an object referring to
must wear long pants to express their respect, which annoy to visitors make a customs and traditions to make the sentences meaning clearer) in
the right way.
confliction between them and residents. Commented [AL9]: This is grammatically wrong!
Some Asians, for example, tend to visit temples, one of the most
In addition, the differences of measurement can also lead to misunderstanding. In formal places, when a holiday comes [during holiday season]
Commented [AL10]: its not only about the pants so
America, people use mile in their calculating which make a confusion for conservative clothing sounds better.
wear conservative clothing as a sign of respect better
travelers when visiting the US because they are get used to kilometer than mile. structure
Finally, the challenge presented by different cultures bring negative impacts to Commented [AL11]: annoys
Also annoy someone annoys visitors
local community. For example, visitors may littering on beaches or create many Actually the whole part has a problem. Annoy is already the main
verb so why there is another verb, make? , which annoys
noise, ensuing discrupt locals life. This influences to locals perceptions about foreign visitors and indirectly causes confliction in understanding
foreigners and they are might not likely to friendly to them.
Commented [AL12]: try to use other words like tension,
argument, conflicts
In conclusion, from reasons I mentioned above, I firmly believe that global
Commented [AL13]: calculating system
tourism brings tension rather than its benefits. Commented [AL14]: makes
Commented [AL15]: than to
Band The correct structure is .get used to A than (get used) to B
TR 6 addresses all parts of the task although some parts may be Commented [AL16]: subject-verb argeement
more fully covered than others; presents relevant main ideas Commented [AL17]: may + Verb bare infinitive
but some may be inadequately developed/unclear Commented [AL18]: Wrongly used!
1. , disrupting the locals life.
2.. create many noise and the disruption of the locals life ensue.
You definitely have lots of ideas but you dont know how to Commented [AL19]: influence is a noun. Also local alone
doesnt stand for local people this affects local residents
arrange and develop them sufficiently. Also you dont need perception
to give examples to every single idea; instead, you can give Commented [AL20]: friendly is an adverb so you lack a verb
after to.
further explanation for the idea.
CC 7 logically organises information and ideas; there is clear
progression throughout
The sentences are linked well to each other and the
paragraphing is also logical.
LR 6 uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task; attempts
to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy;
makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but
they do not impede communication

The range of vocabulary is adequate but not sufficient

enough for you to get a higher score.
GR 5 uses only a limited range of structures; attempts complex
sentences but these tend to be less accurate than simple
sentences; may make frequent grammatical errors and
punctuation may be faulty; errors can cause some difficulty
for the reader

You made so many grammatical errors, most of which are

basic ones.
Overall 6 What lowers your score is obviously grammatical mistakes so
you should try to avoid them in the next piece of writing.
Dont forget to learn more vocabulary and develop the ideas
more strongly so that readers can understand that just few
differences in language and perception can cause tension
between travellers and local residents.
Sample answer (Dont learn the structure but the ideas and vocabularies if
possible.To be honest, some of the ideas in this answer are also not well
developed, but I think you can try to explain further by yourself.)
The world we live in is a global village. People in different regions are able to
reach their destination within a day, even the other side of the globe without
difficulty. This does not mean that relationship between nations is getting close
together. Unfortunately, international tourism fails to achieve concord with
nations to a great extent which might lead to mayhem.

To begin with, cultural clashes can occur due to the differences in languages,
lifestyles and values, cultures, ethnic and religious groups, and levels of prosperity.
Comprehend a culture is a matter of long time and most of the cases tourists have
limited time to know about the culture of host country. Veiling of women is a
good example here. In Islamic countries, women strictly maintain veil in order to
respect their values and religion. Sometimes this leads to tension when a tourist
mistakenly acts contrary to this norm. Tourists behavior and customs may cause
hostility due they have little knowledge about the communicating pattern of the
local people. For example, Bengali people are very friendly and have a warm
relationship with foreigner and they expect that tourists act as they behave. This
kind of difference causes harm on harmony and creates annoyance to local
people. In addition, difference between languages might translate into
misunderstanding. Moreover, religious groups may violently react when sacred
sites and objects are not be respected as they are perceived as goods to trade.

From what has been discussed above it can be said that international tourism
creates tension rather than celebration for many differences. Personally, I believe
that knowing adequate information about the host country and open minded
attitude can create a friendly atmosphere and enhance international
understanding. Finally, some pigeonholes have to be smashed in order to build
mutual communication.

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