The Graphs Show Figures Relating To Hours Worked and Stress Levels Amongst Professionals in Eight Groups 1

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The graphs show figures relating to hours worked and stress levels amongst

professionals in eight groups.

Write at least 150 words

The chart gives the number of average hours of worker per week and the
percentage of people is stressed on 8 categories, namely writers, lawyers, doctors,
movie producers, chefs, programmers, lecturers, business men.

Overall, the number of hour worked of both movie producer and business
men are highest, while the proportion of hours of lecturers are lowest. In addition,
the largest number of stressful people is Movie producers. By contrast, the
percentage of anxiety people in programmers make up the lowest figure for factors.

In bar chart, we can see that the highest number of hours worked every week
is business men, which reach a peak of 70 hours. Apart from that the second figure
for time is Movie producers, which is around 60 hours. Whereas, the amount of
time of lecturers is just about 30 hours.

In pie chart, we can see that the most percentage of stressful worker is
lecturers, which stand at 25%. This category is slightly more than the figure for
movie producers, which is the second number of sector at 18% . By contrast, the
amount of nervous people in programmers stand at 5%, this types is smallest in all
of factors.

Task 6 addresses the requirements of
Response the task
(Academic) presents an
overview with information
appropriately selected
(General Training) presents a
purpose that is generally
clear; there may be
inconsistencies in tone
presents and adequately
highlights key features/bullet
points but details may be
irrelevant, inappropriate or
Cohesion 6 arranges information and ideas
and coherently and there is a clear overall
Coherence progression
uses cohesive devices effectively, but
cohesion within and/or between
sentences may be faulty or mechanical
may not always use referencing clearly
or appropriately
Vocabulary 5 uses an adequate range of
vocabulary for the task
attempts to use less common
vocabulary but with some
makes some errors in spelling
and/or word formation, but they do
not impede communication
Grammar 4 uses only a very limited range of
structures with only rare use of
subordinate clauses
some structures are accurate but errors
predominate, and punctuation is often
Overall 5
Sample Answer:
The given graphs presents data on the number of hours worked by people
of different professions and the percentage of employees suffering from
stress due to the professions they have. As is observed from the given
data, Business persons work more hours on an average than people of
other professions and Lecturers suffer from the stress related illness more
than other professional people.

As is presented in the bar graph, businessmen wok 70 hours per week

which is the highest among the average working hours of given
professions. Movie producers work 60 hours per week, which is 10 hours
less than the businessmen but higher than working hours of other
professions. The third highest working hours per weeks are for Doctors and
they work more than 50 hours per week. Writers, programmers, lawyers
and chefs work 47, 40, 37 and 30 hours per weeks consecutively and the
least hours of time are spent by lecturers on their works which is 28 hours
per week.

Interestingly, though the lecturers work less hours per week, they suffer
from stress related illness more than other professionals. On an average,
lecturers are one-fourth among those stress related ill people. Movie
producers and Doctors suffer from this illness and their percentages are 18
and 15 consecutively. Though businessmen works more working hours,
their percentage of suffering from the stress related illness is only 10%
which is lesser than the lecturers, movie producers and doctors.
Programmers, writer and lawyers suffer the least amounting less than 10%
of total number.

In summary, the working hours is not directly related to the stress and
illness from it as some professional who works less working hours suffer
more in stress related illness.

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