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Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 761770

Eect of unbalanced voltage on windings temperature, operational

life and load carrying capacity of induction machine
P. Gnacinski *

Gdynia Maritime University, Department of Ship Electrical Power Engineering, Morska Street 83, 81225 Gdynia, Poland

Received 4 December 2006; accepted 16 July 2007

Available online 4 September 2007


This paper investigates the inuence of the CVUF angle on the windings temperature rise and the derating factor of an induction
machine supplied with unbalanced voltage. The eect of simultaneous voltage unbalance and harmonics on its operational life is ana-
lyzed as well. The results of calculations and experimental investigations are presented for two induction cage machines of rated power 3
and 5.5 kW.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Induction motor; Temperature; Complex voltage unbalance factor; Voltage unbalance

1. Introduction (although other denitions of voltage unbalance percent-

age [47] are commonly used):
One of the most common energy receivers is an induc-  
tion cage machine. Its feature is high reliability and dura- VUF  100% 1
bility. However, the proper condition of work of an
induction cage machine is an appropriate voltage quality where U is a negative sequence voltage component and
it should be supplied with balanced, sinusoidal voltage U+ is a positive sequence voltage component.
of the appropriate frequency and rms value. Any distur- A more precise parameter describing unbalance is the
bances in the supply network frequency or rms voltage complex voltage unbalance factor [3] CVUF:
value deviations, unbalance and voltage waveform distor- U L
tions lead to an increase in windings temperature [1,2] CVUF ku; \hu 2
and, consequently, faster aging of the insulation system
and shortening the operational life. One of the disturbances or
resulting in a signicant increase in windings temperature is V
voltage unbalance. CVUF kV ; \hv 3
The inuence of voltage unbalance on three phase
induction machines can be analyzed with symmetrical com- where UL is a negative sequence of a line voltage compo-
ponents [3,4] negative sequence and positive sequence nent, UL+ is a positive sequence of a line voltage compo-
components. Their ratio, known as the voltage unbalance nent, V is a negative sequence of a line to neutral
factor VUF, describes the voltage unbalance percentage voltage component and V+ is a positive sequence of a line
to neutral voltage component. The ku and kv parameters
describe the magnitude and hu and hv the angle of the
Tel.: +48 58 6901382; fax: +48 58 6901261. CVUF. Between the angles, the following dependence ex-
E-mail address: ists [3]:

0196-8904/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
762 P. Gnacinski / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 761770

hu hv  60o 4 was supplied with DC current. During the calculation of

thermal resistances, the power losses in the rotor windings
The angle hu is an angle between the negative and positive are not taken into consideration (during the test the work-
sequence components of the line voltage. It also describes ing conditions of the rotor windings were similar to those
the voltage unbalance manner. in a short circuited synchronous generator. It is also worth
mentioning that supplying the stator windings with DC
2. State of the art current can be used for braking induction machines).
In Ref. [11], the inuence of simultaneous voltage unbal-
Numerous works concerning unbalance focus on the ance and harmonics on the operational life of an induction
eect of voltage unbalance percentage on an induction machine was analyzed on the basis of the results of calcu-
machine while neglecting the angle between the positive lations. In the applied thermal model, the end windings,
sequence and negative sequence components and the possi- similarly as the slot windings, were considered as a whole
ble variation of the positive voltage component. This they were not divided into three phase windings. In the
approach has been criticized recently. stator windings, only two heat sources were taken into con-
In Ref. [8], the study performed for two dierent meth- sideration one in the end windings and one in the slot
ods of voltage unbalancing showed that not only the volt- windings. The losses in the end windings due to unbalance
age unbalance percentage but also the manner in which were added to the source, modeling the total losses in the
voltage was unbalanced has an eect on the power losses end windings, and the losses in the slot windings due to
distribution and the derating factor (determined so that unbalance were added to the heat source, modeling the
the stator currents hold the rated value in the worst aected total slot windings losses. The model does not take into
phase). account the fact that at full load, the power losses in the
In Ref. [4], the approach based on emphasizing only the worst aected phase winding (of an induction machine
voltage unbalance percentage was strongly criticized. In fed with unbalanced voltage) may be even 2  3 times
Ref. [9], the eect of unbalanced voltage on the currents, higher than the power losses in the least aected phase
machine eciency, losses and their economic aspect was windings [9]. For loads less than nominal, the dierence
presented. The inuence of the CVUF angle on the eect is still greater. As a result of such power losses distribution,
of the unbalanced supply was analyzed in Ref. [3]. The some phase windings may be signicantly overheated,
work was concerned with currents, allowable slip and der- whereas others can have a lower temperature rise than in
ating factors of an induction machine fed with unbalanced the balanced supply conditions (see results of the research).
voltage. It should be noted that the deratings curves were Consequently, the maximal increase in the end windings
presented for two cases the most favorable one and the temperature rise due to voltage unbalance (in the worst
worst one. The curves were determined so that the currents aected phase winding) is signicantly higher than the
could keep their rated values in the worst aected phase. It average one for all three phase windings. Additionally, in
is also worth mentioning that this study is considered one the applied thermal model, the eect of windings tempera-
of the most complete investigations in the derating of the ture on power losses was omitted. To sum up, the thermal
motor [9]. model in Ref. [11] enables calculation of only the average
The eect of voltage unbalance on windings temperature increase in the end windings (or slot windings) temperature
and/or induction machine durability was published in Refs. rise due to voltage unbalance. The eect of voltage unbal-
[1,57,1013]. In none of them was the inuence of the ance on the operational life time of an induction machine
CVUF angle on the thermal eect of the unbalanced supply would have been assessed more accurately if the maximal
analyzed. The measured temperature rise distribution in an increase in the end windings temperature rise due to volt-
induction machine supplied with unbalanced voltage were age unbalance instead of the average one had been taken
shown in Ref. [1]. In the work of Refs. [5,6], the measured into consideration.
eciency, power factor and windings temperature rise for The eect of simultaneous voltage unbalance and volt-
various cases of voltage unbalance of the same percentage age waveform distortion on operational life and its eco-
and economic analysis of the extra costs due to voltage nomic aspects was analyzed in Ref. [12]. In Ref. [13], the
unbalance were presented. The windings temperature rise inuence of simultaneous voltage unbalance and waveform
was measured in an indirect way with the measurement voltage distortions on the reliability of an induction
of windings resistance. machine was investigated. In both these works, in the
In Ref. [7], the derating curves were presented for an applied thermal models, the windings were not divided into
induction machine supplied with unbalanced voltage with three separate phase windings.
the combination of over and under voltages. In Ref. [10], Preliminary investigations of the inuence of the CVUF
the thermal loss of life was discussed for voltage unbalance angle on the thermal eect of voltage unbalance are
appearing simultaneously with voltage rms value deviation. included in the authors work [14] with Mindykowski, Tar-
It should be noted that for the purpose of identication of asiuk and Rupnik: Evaluation of the inuence of an electri-
the applied thermal model, the investigated machine was cal power quality deterioration on operation of the selected
driven with a DC motor and one of the phase windings devices in ship electrical power networks. A nal report on
P. Gnacinski / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 761770 763

grant No 4T10A 05124 of The State Committee for Scien- rs jx s jx r

tic Research, in Poland (Gdynia Maritime Academy,
Gdynia 2006) that is not to be published.
In this work, the eect of the CVUF angle on the wind-
ings temperature rise and derating factor of an induction rr /s
v+ jx rFe
machine is presented. The inuence of simultaneous volt-
age unbalance and harmonics on its operational life is ana-
lyzed. The investigations are based on experiments and
calculations with a thermal model dedicated to the analysis
of an induction cage machine fed with unbalanced voltage.
rs jx s jx r-
3. Machine models

3.1. Currents, losses and torques in an induction machine fed

with unbalanced voltage rr- /(2-s)
v- jx

The currents in each phase winding are a sum of positive

sequence and negative sequence components, according to
the equations:
iU i i 5a Fig. 1. Single phase equivalent circuits for the positive sequence (a) and
the negative sequence (b).
iV a i ai 5b
iW ai a i 5c fr f1 2  s 9
where a = exp(j2p/3), iU, iV and iW are normalized currents where f1 is fundamental voltage frequency and s is slip.
in phase windings between the machine terminals: U1U2, The normalized leakage rotor reactance for the negative
V1V2 and W1W2, respectively, i is a normalized nega- sequence component (xr) is approximately equal to [17]:
tive sequence stator current component (related to the
rated current) and i+ is a normalized positive sequence xr  0; 85xr 10
component of the fundamental stator current harmonic. where xr is normalized rotor windings leakage reactance
In the worst possible case, the current in one phase (transformed to the stator) for the positive sequence.
winding (for example, phase winding U1U2) is equal to Power losses in the stator windings are proportional to
the algebraic sum of the symmetrical components: the square of the rms current value in each phase winding
jiU j ji j ji j 6 and the windings resistance that depends on temperature.
Because of big dierences between the temperature rise of
The positive sequence and negative sequence currents can dierent parts of the windings of an asymmetrically fed
be calculated with the single phase equivalent circuits pre- induction machine (see results of the research), the inu-
sented in Fig. 1. It should be noted that because of the skin ence of temperature on windings resistance should be con-
eect, the rotor resistance and the reactance for the nega- sidered separately for each part of the phase windings.
tive sequence component have dierent values than for Further, normalized power losses in the rotor windings
the positive sequence component. The value of the normal- (relative to the rated ones) Dpru- can be calculated as:
ized rotor resistance for the negative sequence component  2
(rr) is expressed with: I rat
Dpru k r i2r 11
rr k r rr 7 I rrat

where rr is normalized DC rotor windings resistance (trans- where Irrat is rated rotor current (transformed to a stator)
formed to the stator) and kr is the coecient for rotor and ir is normalized negative sequence rotor current com-
windings resistance increase due to the skin eect. On the ponent (transformed to a stator).
basis of Refs. [1416] kr can be evaluated as: Power losses in iron due to voltage unbalance are not
r taken into consideration [12].
H cm fr The backward rotating magnetic eld also produces an
k r cr 0; 1 1  cr  additional load torque that decreases the net machine tor-
1 cm 1 Hz
r 8 que. The normalized value of the additional torque (related
H cm fr
for 0; 1 P1 to the rated torque) t can be evaluated as (based on
1 cm 1 Hz Ref. [14]):
where H is rotor slot depth, cr = 0,25 . . . 0,5 [15] and fr is  2
rotor frequency; for the negative sequence component it I rat i2r k r
t srat 12
is equal to: I rrat 2
764 P. Gnacinski / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 761770

3.2. Harmonic losses and torques DPFe,dist is iron losses with a distorted supply voltage wave-
form, DPFe,sin is iron losses with a sinusoidal supply voltage
Supplying an induction machine with distorted voltage waveform, x is the Steimnetz coecient, ph,sin is the contri-
causes harmonic currents: bution of hysteresis losses in total iron losses in the condi-
Ih uh tions of sinusoidal supply, pec,sin is the contribution of eddy
ih r
 2 13 current losses in total iron losses in the conditions of sinu-
I rat
k sh rs krh fshrh rr x2h soidal supply, Uav is the voltage average rectied value,
Uav1 is the average rectied value of the fundamental volt-
where Ih is hth harmonic current, ih is normalized hth har- age harmonic, Urms is rms voltage value and U1 is the rms
monic current, ksh is the coecient of the stator windings value of the fundamental voltage harmonic.
resistance increase due to the skin eect [15], krh is the coef- It should be noted that the g coecient is equal to the
cient of the rotor windings resistance increase due to the ratio of the peak value of the ux density with sinusoidal
skin eect that can be evaluated with Eq. (8) and sh is har- supply and the peak value of the ux density with distorted
monic slip: voltage supply. Its value can be determined from the
decomposition of the ux density on harmonics.
h1 Voltage waveform distortions produce harmonic tor-
sh 14
h ques. Their normalized value (related to the rated torque)
frh is rotor harmonic frequency: can be assessed with the following expressions for positive
sequence and negative sequence harmonics, respectively
frh jh  1jf1 15
(based on Ref. [14]):
where h is harmonic order.  2 2
The signs  and + in Eqs. (14) and (15) are for I rat ih k rh
th srat 20
positive sequence and negative sequence harmonics, I rrat h  1
respectively.  2 2
I rat ih k rh
xh is normalized leakage reactance for the hth harmonic: th  srat 21
I rrat h 1
fh frh
xh 2x1  f rh P 100 Hz 16 The sign  before Eq. (21) indicates that for the negative
frat 1 Hz sequence, the harmonic torques decrease the net machine
(based on Ref. [15] and the fact that the stator leakage torque, whereas for the positive sequence, they increase it.
inductance is essentially constant with frequency [18])
where fh is frequency of the hth harmonic and x1 is normal- 3.3. Thermal model
ized leakage reactance for the fundamental harmonic.
The normalized harmonic losses in windings (related to One of the methods of simulating the temperature dis-
the rated ones) are expressed with: tribution in electrical machines is the method of an equiv-
alent thermal network [17,20,21]. In this method, the
Dpewhar i2h 17a whole machine is divided into basic elements, like: end
h61 windings, stator slot windings, stator core and so on.
N Each of the elements is modelled by a node in the thermal
Dpswhar k swh fh i2h 17b network. Power losses, which occur in a real machine,
h61 correspond to current sources in a thermal network.
 2 X
N The thermal resistance between each of the elements of
I rat
Dprhar k rh frh i2h 17c a machine are modelled with a thermal resistance between
I rrat h61 the nodes. Furthermore, the thermal capacitance of each
where Dpewhar, Dpswhar and Dprhar are normalized harmonic machine element corresponds to the capacitance in the
losses in the stator end windings, the stator slot windings network. The applied thermal model is presented in
and the rotor windings, respectively, and kswh is the coe- Fig. 2. The nodes 2, 3 and 7 correspond to the phase
cient of the stator slot windings resistance increase due to winding between the U1U2 machine terminals, nodes
the skin eect [15]. 8, 9 and 10 to the phase winding V1V2 terminals and
The iron losses due to the supply with distorted voltage nodes 11, 12 and 13 to the phase winding W1W2 termi-
can be evaluated with (on the basis of Ref. [19]): nals. The model parameters were determined with the
experimental method and calculations (based mostly on
DP Fe;dist Ref. [21]).
gx ph;sin v2 pec;sin 18
DP Fe; sin
4. Laboratory stand
U av U rms The laboratory stand consists of three induction cage
g v 19
U av1 U1 machines TSg 100L-4B (3 kW), Sg132S-4 (5.5 kW) and
P. Gnacinski / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 761770 765

endcap air 5 Table 1

The thermocouple locations in the investigated induction cage machine Sg
end windings windings 132S-4
7 2
3 Thermocouple Location
13 End windings (driving end)
46 End windings (non-driving end)
79 Slot windings
slot 10 Stator tooth
end windings windings casing
8 9 10 iron 4 6
11 Stator core
12 Bearing
1315 Casing
1719 Rotor

end windings windings
11 13
PC computer
programmable AC
power source RS-232

shaft bearings
rotor 1

Fig. 2. The applied thermal model of an induction cage machine. supply voltage

mSZJe 34a (3 kW) loaded with DC generators and sup- motor under the DC
research generator
plied with a programmable AC power source.
The programmable AC power source enables us to set
precisely the magnitude or phase unbalance and to inject Fig. 4. The scheme of the measurement system to investigate the induction
harmonics of programmable magnitude and phase. The cage machines Sg 132S-4 (a) and TSg 100L-4B (b).
maximum power of the source is 9 kVA (3 kVA per phase).
In dierent parts of the induction motors there are built
5. Results of research
in thermocouples: in the end windings, slot windings, teeth,
stator cores, under bearings and on casings. The locations
5.1. Inuence of the CVUF angle on the windings
of the thermocouples in the investigated Sg132S-4 machine
temperature rise
are shown in Fig. 3 and described in Table 1. The locations
of the thermocouples in the stator of the FSg 100L-4B
Below are the results of the experimental investigations
machine (the investigated machine TSg 100L-4B equipped
and numerical calculations for two induction cage
with the additional system of foreign ventilation) is pre-
machines of the types: TSg 100L-4B and Sg132S-4. All
sented in Ref. [22].
the results are determined for the nominal load and the
The scheme of the measurement system is presented in
positive sequence voltage component equal to the rated
Fig. 4.
value (an asymmetrically fed induction machine in the con-
ditions of voltage and frequency deviations, often appear-
ing in ship power systems, will be analyzed in separate
4.5 13 14 11 15 10 19 papers).
Figs. 5 and 6 show the measured and calculated addi-
tional end windings temperature rise (D#u) due to unbal-
1.2 ance versus the CVUF angle Hv for VUF = 3%. The
former gure corresponds to the delta connected motor
17 TSg 100L-4B type and the latter to the wye connected
motor Sg 132S-4. Additionally, in Figs. 79, there is a com-
12 parison of the measured temperature rise distribution for a
18 nominally loaded machine TSg 100L-4B and various sup-
ply conditions. Fig. 7 corresponds to the nominal supply
and Figs. 8 and 9 to a voltage unbalance with the VUF fac-
tor equal to 3% but with dierent values of the CVUF
6 7 8 9
angle. Namely, the CVUF angle for the thermal test pre-
Fig. 3. The location of thermocouples in the stator of the investigated sented in Fig. 8 corresponds to the worst case (see Fig. 5)
induction cage machine Sg 132S-4. for phase winding V1-V2 (the hottest measured point in
766 P. Gnacinski / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 761770

15 82.4 75.4 41.7 54.7

the most favourable the worst
case case 87.4


u [K]


44.2 82.1 73.7

Fig. 7. The measured temperature rise distribution in the induction cage

machine TSg 100L-4B in nominal work conditions.

a b c d

98.1 74.4 43.1 56.6

0 120 240 360
v [] 101

Fig. 5. The additional end windings temperature rise due to unbalance

(D#u) versus the CVUF angle hv; delta connected motor TSg 100L-4B
type, VUF = 3%, T = Trat, f = frat = 50 Hz, U+ = Urat = 380 V. a phase
winding U1U2 (calculation); b - phase winding V1V2 (calculation),
c phase winding W1W2 (calculation), d phase winding V1V2
(measurement points).

46.2 72.8 72.8

9 Fig. 8. The measured temperature rise distribution in the induction cage

machine TSg 100L-4B supplied with unbalanced voltage, VUF = 3%,
T = Trat, f = frat = 50 Hz, U+ = Urat = 380 V, the CVUF angle corre-
6 sponds to the worst case for phase winding V1V2 (see Fig. 5).

u [K]

88.6 81.5 43.6 59.1


-3 96.3

a b c d

0 120 240 360
v [] 93.3

Fig. 6. The additional end windings temperature rise due to unbalance

(D#u) versus the CVUF angle hv; wye connected motor Sg 132S-4 type, 46.3 80.1 79.7
VUF = 3%, T = Trat, f = frat = 50 Hz, U+ = Urat = 380 V a phase
winding U1U2 (calculation); b - phase winding V1V2 (calculation), Fig. 9. The measured temperature rise distribution in the induction cage
c phase winding W1W2 (calculation), d phase winding U1U2 machine TSg 100L-4B supplied with unbalanced voltage, VUF = 3%,
(measurement points). T = Trat, f = frat = 50 Hz, U+ = Urat = 380 V, the CVUF angle corre-
sponds to the most favourable case (see Fig. 5).

nominal work conditions is located in this winding),

whereas Fig. 9 refers to the most favourable case. CVUF angle (superposition of a sinusoid component
The presented results of the investigations show that and a constant component). When some parts of the
D#u in each phase winding sinusoidally depends on the windings are overheated, others will reach a temperature
P. Gnacinski / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 761770 767

rise lower than that for a balanced supply (negative val- / rat [-]
ues of D#u in Figs. 5, 6). Moreover, signicant dier- 1.25
ences appear between the worst and the most 1.2-1.25
favourable cases. For the worst case, D#u was about 1.15-1.2
1012 K, whereas for the most favourable case, it was 1.15
about 78 K. It should be noticed that the most favour-
able case appears for wye connected machines for the 1.1

CVUF angle for which the worst case appears for delta 1.05
connected machines.
Calculated and measured D#u versus VUF are given 1
in Fig. 10. In this chart, the most favourable and the 60
worst cases are compared for the induction machine 180
240 0 VUF
v [deg] 300
Sg132S-4. The next gure (Fig. 11) shows the normalized 360 [%]
end windings temperature rise in the worst aected
Fig. 11. The normalized (referred to the rated one) end windings
phase winding versus VUF and the CVUF angle for temperature rise in the worst aected phase winding versus VUF and
the machine Sg132S-4. The charts show how important the CVUF angle for the induction machine Sg132S-4; T = Trat,
the CVUF angle is: for VUF equal to 35%, D#u in the f = frat = 50 Hz, U+ = Urat = 380 V.
worst case is about 4050% higher than in the most
favourable case, whereas for VUF less than 1.5%, it is
5.2. Load carrying capacity of an induction machine fed with
even higher, 7090%.
unbalanced voltage
It is also worth mentioning that the total power losses in
the stator windings as well as in the rotor windings due to
An induction machine supplied with unbalanced voltage
unbalance are proportional to the squared percentage of
cannot be loaded nominally; it needs derating. In several
voltage unbalance. No wonder that D#u is considered also
works, the appropriate derating factor was determined in
proportional to the squared percentage of voltage unbal-
such a way that the currents could keep their rated values
ance. In reality, the results of the calculations and measure-
in the worst aected phase windings in order to prevent
ments presented here show that the dependence is more
overheating the machine.
linear, especially for the worst case. So, estimation of D#u
Below, Fig. 12 presents the derating factor versus VUF,
as proportional to the square percentage of voltage unbal-
determined in such a way that it can keep the rated temper-
ance may result in signicant errors.
ature rise in the worst aected phase winding. The curves
were obtained for the induction motor Sg 132S-4 with
the model presented in Fig. 2. Comparison of the plots



The derating factor [-]
u [K]


b 0.94
d a
5 0.92 b

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
VUF [%] 0.88
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 10. The additional end windings temperature rise due to unbalance VUF [%]
(D#u) versus VUF, motor Sg 132S-4 type, T = Trat, f = frat = 50 Hz,
U+ = Urat = 380 V a the worst case (calculation); b the most Fig. 12. The derating factor versus VUF, motor Sg 132S-4 type,
favourable case (calculation), c the worst case (measurement); d the f = frat = 50 Hz, U+ = Urat = 380 V a the worst case; b the most
most favourable case (measurement points). favourable case.
768 P. Gnacinski / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 761770

for the worst case and the most favourable one proves that The thermal loss of life may be especially signicant if
the CVUF angle should be taken into account while derat- dierent disturbances in the supply network appear simul-
ing an induction machine. taneously (the results of thermal investigation for such
The next gure (Fig. 13) presents the normalized cur- undesirable supply conditions are presented in Refs.
rent in the worst aected phase winding versus VUF [1,2]). Below, in Table 2, we have the measured additional
after applying the required derating factor as in temperature rise increase due to the lowered voltage quality
Fig. 12. As one can see, the currents signicantly exceed for the investigated induction cage machine TSg 100L-4B.
their rated value despite the fact that there is no risk of The measurements were performed for the voltage unbal-
overheating the insulation system. Further, signicant ance of the VUF factor equal to 2% (for the most favour-
dierences appear between the worst and the most able and worst case) and for sinusoidal and a distorted
favourable cases. Additionally, the chart shows that waveforms (based on Ref. [12]). Similar waveforms may
determining the derating factor in such a way that cur- appear in some power systems. The harmonic content of
rents do not exceed their rated value in any phase wind- the testing voltage is presented in Table 3.
ing will lead to considerable underestimation of the load Comparison of the results of the measurements, given in
carrying capacity of an induction machine, especially for Table 2, shows that variation of the CVUF angle has a
the worst case. more important eect on windings temperature rise (and
consequently, thermal loss of life) than the possible pres-
5.3. The eect of voltage unbalance and voltage waveform ence of harmonics in the case of low-power induction
distortion on windings temperature and operational life of an machines.
induction machine Figs. 14 and 15 present the operational life expectancy
L%, (in percent of operational life expectancy of a nomi-
An increase in windings temperature causes the pro- nally supplied machine) versus VUF and THD (total har-
cesses of degradation of the insulation system to hasten monic distortion) factors. The results of calculations are
rapidly. The life time of the insulation system L can be esti- shown for the nominally loaded induction motor Sg
mated with [23]: 132S-4 supplied with the voltage of a positive component
u of the fundamental harmonic equal to the rated value
L Bek# 22 and the voltage spectrum containing 5th, 7th, 11th and
13th harmonics. The ratio of amplitudes of each voltage
where # is the absolute temperature (in K),
harmonic is the same as for the considered spectrum
k = 0.8617 104 eV/K is the Boltzmann constant, u is
(U5:U7:U11:U13 = 55:20:10:8).
the activation energy (1.05 eV for F class of insulation)
Fig. 14 corresponds to the worst case of unbalance,
and B is a constant.
whereas Fig. 15 corresponds to the most favourable one.
For the most favourable case and voltage unbalance of
VUF equal to 3% (the maximal permissible level of unbal-
ance in ship power systems is 3%), the lifetime expectancy
L% is about 61% of that with the nominal supply. When
unbalance is combined with waveform voltage distortions
1.15 a of THD equal to 8% (voltage waveform distortions causing
b still more signicant heating of induction machines are not
expected), the lifetime expectancy is approximately equal to

Table 2
i [-]

The measured additional end windings temperature rise increase due to the
1.05 lowered voltage quality (the average values of 2 or 3 thermal tests);
machine TSg100L-4B, VUF = 2%, T = Trat, f = frat, a positive component
of the fundamental voltage harmonic equal to the rated value
Unbalance case The worst case Most favourable case
Sinusoidal voltage 7.1 4.1
Distorted voltage 8.1 4.9

0 1 2 3 4 5 Table 3
VUF [%] The harmonic content of the testing voltage (based on [12]), THD = 6%,
the 5th and 11th harmonics are of the negative sequence, whereas the 7th
Fig. 13. The normalized current (referred to the rated one) in the worst and 13th are of the positive one
aected phase winding after applying the required derating factor as in
HarmonicNumber 5 7 11 13
Fig. 12, motor Sg 132S-4 type, f = frat = 50 Hz, U+ = Urat = 380 V a the
Content 5.5 2.0 1.0 0.8
worst case; b the most favourable case.
P. Gnacinski / Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 761770 769

L% [%] able case can be denoted. For the worst one, the additional
temperature rise due to unbalance is c. 1.4  1.9 times as
large as for the most favourable case (for the investigated
machines). For this reason, the CVUF angle should be
80-100 taken into consideration while derating an induction
80 60-80
machine. It should be noted that determining the derating
factor in such a way that the currents can keep the rated
0-20 value in the worst aected phase windings, will lead to con-
siderable underestimation of the load carrying capacity of
an induction machine for the worst case of the CVUF
0 It is also worth mentioning that the impact of voltage
0 2 harmonics on the thermal loss of life of low-power induc-
3 tion machines is lower than the impact of the CVUF angle
2 4 VUF [%]
4 variation or a small variation of unbalance percentage.
6 5
THD [%] 8

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