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General Entropy Analysis

Roger Veramendi Fernndez

Universidad Nacional de Ingeniera

October 10, 2016

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1 Introduction

2 Heat Transfer Processes

Entropy Generation in a wall
More about Entrophy generation

3 Minimizing the compressor Work

Reversible Steady-Flow Work
Compressing a Substance in the Liquid versus Gas Phases
Multistage Compression with Intercooling
Work Input for Various Compression Processes

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"The entropy of an isolated system during a process always increases or, in

the limiting case of a reversible process, remains constant".

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Heat Transfer Processes Entropy Generation in a wall

Problem 1

A heat source at 800 K loses 2000

kJ of heat to a sink at (a) 500 K and
(b) 750 K. Determine which heat
transfer process is more irreversible.

Sin Sout + Sgen = Ssystem

Figure 1: problem 1

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Heat Transfer Processes Entropy Generation in a wall


The entropy change for each reservoir can be determined from the balance equation considering that each reservoir undergoes
an internally reversible, isothermal process.
1 For the heat tranfer process to a sink at 500 K:

Qsource 2000kJ Qsink 2000kJ

Ssource = = = 2.5kJ/K , Ssink = = = +4.0kJ/K
Tsource 800K Tsink 500K

Sgen = Stotal = Ssource + Ssink = (2.5 + 4.0)kJ/K = 1.5kJ/K

2 Repeating the calculations in part (a) for a sink temperature of 750 K, we obtain:

Qsource 2000kJ Qsink 2000kJ

Ssource = = = 2.5kJ/K , Ssink = = = +2.7kJ/K
Tsource 800K Tsink 750K

Sgen = Stotal = Ssource + Ssink = (2.5 + 2.7)kJ/K = 0.2kJ/K

Where did the entropy generation take place?, How could we eliminated the irreversibilities associated with both processes?

Roger Veramendi Fernndez (UNI) Short title October 10, 2016 5 / 17

Heat Transfer Processes Entropy Generation in a wall


The entropy change for each reservoir can be determined from the balance equation considering that each reservoir undergoes
an internally reversible, isothermal process.
1 For the heat tranfer process to a sink at 500 K:

Qsource 2000kJ Qsink 2000kJ

Ssource = = = 2.5kJ/K , Ssink = = = +4.0kJ/K
Tsource 800K Tsink 500K

Sgen = Stotal = Ssource + Ssink = (2.5 + 4.0)kJ/K = 1.5kJ/K

2 Repeating the calculations in part (a) for a sink temperature of 750 K, we obtain:

Qsource 2000kJ Qsink 2000kJ

Ssource = = = 2.5kJ/K , Ssink = = = +2.7kJ/K
Tsource 800K Tsink 750K

Sgen = Stotal = Ssource + Ssink = (2.5 + 2.7)kJ/K = 0.2kJ/K

Where did the entropy generation take place?, How could we eliminated the irreversibilities associated with both processes?

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Heat Transfer Processes Entropy Generation in a wall

Problem 2

Consider steady heat tranfer through

a brick wall of a house of a certain
thickness. On a day when the
temperature of the outdoors is 0 C ,
the house is maintained at 27 C .
The temperature of the inner and
outer surfaces of the brick wall are
measured to be 20 C and 5 C ,
respectively, and the rate of heat
transfer through the wall is 1035 W.
Determine the rate of entropy
generation in the wall, and the rate
of total entropy generation
associated with this heat transfer Figure 2: problem 2

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Heat Transfer Processes Entropy Generation in a wall


We first take the wall as the system. This is a closed system since no mass crosses the system boundary during the process.
During the process, the state ans thus the entropy of the wall do not change anywhere in the wall, it means a steady process.
The rate form of the entropy balance for the wall simplifies to:

Sin Sout + Sgen = dSsyst /dt

Q  Q 
+ Sgen = 0
T in T out

1035W 1035W
+ Sgen = 0 Sgen,wall = 0.191W /K
293K 278K
To determine the rate of total entropy generation during this heat transfer process , we extend the system to include the regions
on both sides of the wall that experience a temperature change. Then the rate of total entropy generation becomes:

1035W 1035W
+ Sgen,total = 0 Sgen,total = 0.341W /K
300K 273K

Where does the entropy generation take place on both cases?, How can we justified the entropy generation on both cases?

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Heat Transfer Processes More about Entrophy generation

Problem 2

A frictionless piston-cylinder device

contains a saturated liquid-vapor
mixture of water at 100 C . During a
constant-pressure process, 600 kJ of
heat is transferred to the
surrounding air at 25 C . As result,
part of the water vapor contained in
the cylinder condenses. Determine
(a) the entropy change of the water
and (b) the total entropy generation
during this heat transfer processs. Figure 3: problem 3

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Heat Transfer Processes More about Entrophy generation


We first take the water on the cylinder as the system. We note that the pressure and thus the temperature of water in the
cylinder remain constant during this process.
1 Nothing that water undergoes an internally reversible isothermal process, its entropy change can be determined from:

Q 600kJ
Ssyst = = = 1.61kJ/K
Tsyst (100 + 273)K

2 To determine the total entropy generation during this process, we consider the extended system. The entropy balance
for this extended system(system+immediate surroundings) yields:

Sin Sout + Sgen = Ssyst + Sgen = Ssyst

Qout 600kJ
Sgen = + Ssyst = + (1.61kJ/K ) = 0.40kJ/K
Tb (25 + 273)K

Can the reverse process takes place?, Is there a way to make this process a reversible process?

Roger Veramendi Fernndez (UNI) Short title October 10, 2016 9 / 17

Heat Transfer Processes More about Entrophy generation


We first take the water on the cylinder as the system. We note that the pressure and thus the temperature of water in the
cylinder remain constant during this process.
1 Nothing that water undergoes an internally reversible isothermal process, its entropy change can be determined from:

Q 600kJ
Ssyst = = = 1.61kJ/K
Tsyst (100 + 273)K

2 To determine the total entropy generation during this process, we consider the extended system. The entropy balance
for this extended system(system+immediate surroundings) yields:

Sin Sout + Sgen = Ssyst + Sgen = Ssyst

Qout 600kJ
Sgen = + Ssyst = + (1.61kJ/K ) = 0.40kJ/K
Tb (25 + 273)K

Can the reverse process takes place?, Is there a way to make this process a reversible process?

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Minimizing the compressor Work Reversible Steady-Flow Work

Reversible Steady-Flow Work

Lets consider the four Gibbs equations as follow:

du = Tds Pdv , dh = Tds + vdP

da = sdT Pdv , dg = sdT + vdP

The energy balance for a steady-flow device undergoing an

internally reversible process can be expressesd in differential
form as:
qrev wrev = dh + dke + dpe

qrev = Tds
qrev = dh vdP
Tds = dh vdP

wrev ,out = vdP + dke + dpe

wrev ,in = vdP + dke + dpe

when the working fluid is incompressible, the specific volume v

remains constant during the process.

wrev = v (P2 P1 ) ke pe

From this lesson, How we can make more efficient a heat

engine? Figure 4: problem 4

Roger Veramendi Fernndez (UNI) Short title October 10, 2016 10 / 17

Minimizing the compressor Work Compressing a Substance in the Liquid versus Gas Phases

Problem 4

Determine the compressor work

input required to compress steam
isentropically from 100 kPa to 1
MPa, assuming that the steam
exists as (a) saturated liquid and (b)
saturated vapor at the inlet state.

Figure 5: problem 5

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Minimizing the compressor Work Compressing a Substance in the Liquid versus Gas Phases


We take first the turbine and then the pump as the system. We
have to keep in mind that the compressor operates in a
flow-steady process.
(a)In this case, steam is a saturated liquid initially, and its
specific volume is

v1 = vfat100kPa = 0.001043m /kg

Z 2

wrev ,in = v dP v1 (P2 P1 )


3 1kJ 
= (0.001043m /kg)[(1000 100)kPa]
= 0.94kJ/kg

Figure 6: Steady flow-process

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Minimizing the compressor Work Compressing a Substance in the Liquid versus Gas Phases


(b)This time, steam is a saturated vapor initially and remains vapor during the entire compression process.

Tds = dh vdP, ds = 0 vdP = dh

Z 2 Z 2

wrev ,in = v dP = dh = h2 h1
1 1

This result could also be obtained from the energy balance relation for an isentropic steady-flow process.

P1 = 100kPa
h1 = 2675.0kJ/kg, s1 = 7.3589kJ/kg.K
(sat. vapor )

P2 = 1MPa
h2 = 3194.5kJ/kg
s2 = s1

wrev ,in = (3194.5 2675.0)kJ/kg = 519.5kJ/kg

Which of the process would be more affordable?

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Minimizing the compressor Work Multistage Compression with Intercooling

Ways of minimize the compressor work

Steady-Flow devices deliver the most and consume the least

work when the process is reversible.

wrev wact (work producing devices)

wrev wact (work consuming devices)

When changes in kinetic and potential energies are negligible,

the compressor work is given by:

Z 2

wrev ,in = v dP

Reducing the work input to a compressor requires that the gas

be cooled as it is compressed. We compare the work input
requirements for three kinds of process. On all this processses Figure 7: Effect of cooling
we deal with an ideal gas Pv = RT with constant specific
during the compression process

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Minimizing the compressor Work Multistage Compression with Intercooling

Ways of minimize the compressor work

Often its not posible to have adequate cooling through the

casing of the compressor. One effective technique is multistage
compression with intercooling. The effect of intercooling on
compressor work is graphically illustrated on a P-v diagram in
figure 8 for a two-stage compressor.
The colored area on the P-v diagram represents the work saved
as a result of the two-stage compression with intercoolinga and
the size of this area varies with the size of the intermediate
pressure Px .

wcomp,in = wcomp. I,in + wcomp. II,in

nRT1  Px (n1)/n  nRT1  P2 (n1)/n 

= 1 + 1
n1 P1 n1 Px

1/2 Px P2
Px = (P1 P2 ) or =
P1 Px
Figure 8: P-v diagram for a
Whe this condition is satisfied, the compression work at each
stage becomes identical, that is, wcomp. I,in = wcomp. II,in two-stage steady-flow
compression process

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Minimizing the compressor Work Work Input for Various Compression Processes

Problem 5

Air is compressed steadily by a

reversible compressor from an inlet
state of 100 kPa and 300 K to an
exit pressure of 900 kPa. Determine
the compressor work per unti mass
for (a)isentropic compression with
k=1.4, (b) polytropic compression
with n=1.3, (c)isothermal
compression, and (d)ideal two-stage
compression with intercooling with a
polytropic exponent of 1.3.
Figure 9: problem 10

Roger Veramendi Fernndez (UNI) Short title October 10, 2016 16 / 17

Minimizing the compressor Work Work Input for Various Compression Processes

Which assumptions shall we take to solve our problem?, and How can we calculate steady-flow compression work for all these
four cases?
1 Isentropic compression with k=1.4:

kRT1  P2 (k1)/k  (1.4)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  900kPa (1.41)/1.4

wcomp,in = 1 = 1 = 263.2kJ/kg
k1 P1 1.4 1 100kPa

2 Polytropic compression with n=1.3:

nRT1  P2 (n1)/n  (1.3)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  900kPa (1.31)/1.3

wcomp,in = 1 = 1 = 246.4kJ/kg
n1 P1 1.3 1 100kPa

3 Isothermal compression:

P2 900kPa
wcomp,in = RT ln = (0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K ) ln = 189.2kJ/kg
P1 100kPa

4 Ideal two-stage compression with intercooling:

1/2 1/2
Px = (P1 P2 ) = [(100kPa)(900kPa)] = 300kPa , wcomp,in = 2wcomp. I,in

nRT1  Px (n1)/n  (1.3)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  300kPa (1.31)/1.3

wcomp,in = 2 1 =2 1 = 215.3kJ/kg
n1 P1 1.3 1 100kPa

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Minimizing the compressor Work Work Input for Various Compression Processes

Which assumptions shall we take to solve our problem?, and How can we calculate steady-flow compression work for all these
four cases?
1 Isentropic compression with k=1.4:

kRT1  P2 (k1)/k  (1.4)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  900kPa (1.41)/1.4

wcomp,in = 1 = 1 = 263.2kJ/kg
k1 P1 1.4 1 100kPa

2 Polytropic compression with n=1.3:

nRT1  P2 (n1)/n  (1.3)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  900kPa (1.31)/1.3

wcomp,in = 1 = 1 = 246.4kJ/kg
n1 P1 1.3 1 100kPa

3 Isothermal compression:

P2 900kPa
wcomp,in = RT ln = (0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K ) ln = 189.2kJ/kg
P1 100kPa

4 Ideal two-stage compression with intercooling:

1/2 1/2
Px = (P1 P2 ) = [(100kPa)(900kPa)] = 300kPa , wcomp,in = 2wcomp. I,in

nRT1  Px (n1)/n  (1.3)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  300kPa (1.31)/1.3

wcomp,in = 2 1 =2 1 = 215.3kJ/kg
n1 P1 1.3 1 100kPa

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Minimizing the compressor Work Work Input for Various Compression Processes

Which assumptions shall we take to solve our problem?, and How can we calculate steady-flow compression work for all these
four cases?
1 Isentropic compression with k=1.4:

kRT1  P2 (k1)/k  (1.4)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  900kPa (1.41)/1.4

wcomp,in = 1 = 1 = 263.2kJ/kg
k1 P1 1.4 1 100kPa

2 Polytropic compression with n=1.3:

nRT1  P2 (n1)/n  (1.3)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  900kPa (1.31)/1.3

wcomp,in = 1 = 1 = 246.4kJ/kg
n1 P1 1.3 1 100kPa

3 Isothermal compression:

P2 900kPa
wcomp,in = RT ln = (0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K ) ln = 189.2kJ/kg
P1 100kPa

4 Ideal two-stage compression with intercooling:

1/2 1/2
Px = (P1 P2 ) = [(100kPa)(900kPa)] = 300kPa , wcomp,in = 2wcomp. I,in

nRT1  Px (n1)/n  (1.3)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  300kPa (1.31)/1.3

wcomp,in = 2 1 =2 1 = 215.3kJ/kg
n1 P1 1.3 1 100kPa

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Minimizing the compressor Work Work Input for Various Compression Processes

Which assumptions shall we take to solve our problem?, and How can we calculate steady-flow compression work for all these
four cases?
1 Isentropic compression with k=1.4:

kRT1  P2 (k1)/k  (1.4)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  900kPa (1.41)/1.4

wcomp,in = 1 = 1 = 263.2kJ/kg
k1 P1 1.4 1 100kPa

2 Polytropic compression with n=1.3:

nRT1  P2 (n1)/n  (1.3)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  900kPa (1.31)/1.3

wcomp,in = 1 = 1 = 246.4kJ/kg
n1 P1 1.3 1 100kPa

3 Isothermal compression:

P2 900kPa
wcomp,in = RT ln = (0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K ) ln = 189.2kJ/kg
P1 100kPa

4 Ideal two-stage compression with intercooling:

1/2 1/2
Px = (P1 P2 ) = [(100kPa)(900kPa)] = 300kPa , wcomp,in = 2wcomp. I,in

nRT1  Px (n1)/n  (1.3)(0.287kJ/kg.K )(300K )  300kPa (1.31)/1.3

wcomp,in = 2 1 =2 1 = 215.3kJ/kg
n1 P1 1.3 1 100kPa

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