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Volume 672, Issue No. Nil (August, 2015)

Title : Special Issue Theme: Exclusion, Discrimination, Disparity - a symposium on emerging

patterns of social inequality in India
Pages : Complete Issue MFN No : 14465

Title : Equality as a Relationship

Author/Ed : Jules Naudet
Pages : 16-20 MFN No : 14466

Title : Politics, Privilege and Post-National Urbanism

Author/Ed : Sanjay Srivastava
Pages : 21-24 MFN No : 14467

Title : Dignity Centre-State: Four Propositions

Author/Ed : Maitreyi Bordia Das
Pages : 25-29 MFN No : 14468

Title : Indquality in Asia

Author/Ed : Himanshu
Pages : 30-35 MFN No : 14469

Title : It's Happening, Lets Keep at it

Author/Ed : Rama Bijapurkar
Pages : 36-40 MFN No : 14470

Title : Social Inequality and Human Dignity

Author/Ed : Satyanarayana, K
Pages : 41-45 MFN No : 14471

Title : The Complexities of the Genderscape in India

Author/Ed : Kalpana Kannabiram
Pages : 46-50 MFN No : 14472

Title : State-Produced Inequality in an Indian City

Author/Ed : Patrick Heller
Pages : 51-55 MFN No : 14473

Title : Inequality in Education

Author/Ed : Sangeeta Kamat
Pages : 56-59 MFN No : 14474

Title : From Formal to Substantive Equality

Author/Ed : Ashwini Deshpande
Pages : 60-64 MFN No : 14475

Title : Muslim Middle Class and the 'Ghetto'

Author/Ed : Anasua Chatterjee
Pages : 65-68 MFN No : 14476

Title : Unequal Dislocations

Author/Ed : Ankur Datta
Pages : 69-73 MFN No : 14477

Title : Absent Dalit: The Indian Newsroom

Author/Ed : Ravish Kumar
Pages : 74-77 MFN No : 14478

Title : UID: From Inclusion to Exclusion

Author/Ed : Reetika Khera
Pages : 78-81 MFN No : 14479

Economic Development and Cultural Change

Volume 63, Issue No. 2 (January, 2015)

Title : Unintended Consequences of Women's Inheritance Rights on Female Mortality in India

Author/Ed : Daniel Rosenblum
Pages : 223-248 MFN No : 14480

Title : The Impact of Land Mines on Child Health: Evidence from Angola
Author/Ed : Jean-Louis Arcand / Aude-Sophie Rodella-Boitreaud / Matthias Rieger
Pages : 249-279 MFN No : 14481

Title : Early Childbearing, Human Capital Attainment, and Mortality Risk: Evidence from a
Longitudinal Demographic Surveillance Area in Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Author/Ed : Cally Ardington / Alicia Menendez / Tinofa Mutevedzi
Pages : 281-317 MFN No : 14482

Title : The Han-Minority Achievement Gap, Language, and Returns to Schools in Rural China
Author/Ed : Yunfan Yang / Huan Wang / Linxiu Zhang / Sean Sylvia / Renfu Luo / Yaojiang Shi / Wei
Wang / Scott Rozelle
Pages : 319-359 MFN No : 14483

Title : Off-Farm Labor Supply and Correlated Shocks: New Theoretical Insights and Evidence from
Author/Ed : Ralitza Dimova / Shubhashis Gangopadhyay / Katharina Michaelowa / Anke Weber
Pages : 361-391 MFN No : 14484

Title : The Impacts of Building Elite High Schools for Students from Disadvantaged Areas
Author/Ed : Prashant Loyalka / Jianguo Wei / Yingquan Song / Weiping Zhong / James Chu
Pages : 393-422 MFN No : 14485

Environment and Development Economics

Volume 20, Issue No. 3 (June, 2015)

Title : Protected areas and economic welfare: an impact evaluation of national parks on local workers'
wages in Costa Rica
Author/Ed : Juan Robalino and Laura Villalobos
Pages : 283-310 MFN No : 14486

Title : Do entrance fees crowd out donations for public goods? Evidence from a protected area in
Costa Rica
Author/Ed : Francisco Alpzar, Peter Martinsson and Anna Nord
Pages : 311-326 MFN No : 14487

Title : The impact of climate change on net revenue and food adequacy of subsistence farming
households in South Africa
Author/Ed : Byela Tibesigwa, Martine Visser and Jane Turpie
Pages : 327-353 MFN No : 14488

Title : Relative quality-related (dis)utility in a vertically differentiated oligopoly with an

environmental externality
Author/Ed : Nada Ben Elhadj and Ornella Tarola
Pages : 354-379 MFN No : 14489

Title : Adaptation to climate change and economic growth in developing countries

Author/Ed : Antony Millner and Simon Dietz
Pages : 380-406 MFN No : 14490

Title : Does payment type affect willingness-to-pay? Valuing new seed varieties in India
Author/Ed : Fiona Hossack and Henry An
Pages : 407-423 MFN No : 14491

Journal of Agrarian Change

Volume 15, Issue No. 1 (January, 2015)

Title : Agrarian Change and the Initial Development of an Aboriginal Bourgeoisie in Australia
Author/Ed : A.J. Smith and Scott MacWilliam
Pages : 1-16 MFN No : 14492

Title : Straddling Contract and Estate Farming: Accumulation Strategies of Senegalese Horticultural
Author/Ed : Elena Baglioni
Pages : 17-42 MFN No : 14493

Title : Governing the Organic Cocoa Network from Ghana: Towards Hybrid Governance
Author/Ed : Laurent C. Glin, Peter Oosterveer and Arthur P.J. Mol
Pages : 43-64 MFN No : 14494

Title : The Real of Community, the Desire for Development and the Performance of Egalitarianism
in the Peruvian Andes: A Materialist-Utopian Account
Author/Ed : Pieter de Vries
Pages : 65-88 MFN No : 14495

Title : Tempest in the Andes? Part 1: Agrarian Reform and Peasant Differentiation in Cotopaxi
Author/Ed : Vctor Bretn Solo De Zaldvar
Pages : 89-115 MFN No : 14496

Title : Accumulation by Dispossession and Socio-Environmental Conflicts Caused by the Expansion

of Agribusiness in Argentina
Author/Ed : Daniel M. Cceres
Pages : 116-147 MFN No : 14497

American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Volume 97, Issue No. 3 (April, 2015)

Title : Why Do Fewer Agricultural Workers Migrate Now?

Author/Ed : Maoyong Fan, Susan Gabbard, Anita Alves Pena, and Jeffrey M. Perloff
Pages : 665-679 MFN No : 14498

Title : Rural Bound: Determinants of Metro to Non-Metro Migration in the United States
Author/Ed : Anil Rupasingha, Yongzheng Liu, and Mark Partridge
Pages : 680-700 MFN No : 14499

Title : National Wage Trends and Migration in a Chinese Village Economy: A Micro Level Modeling
Approach Based on a Composite Utility Function
Author/Ed : Ulrich Kleinwechter and Harald Grethe
Pages : 701-726 MFN No : 14500

Title : The Induced Innovation Hypothesis and U.S. Public Agricultural Research
Author/Ed : Benjamin W. Cowan, Daegoon Lee, and C. Richard Shumway
Pages : 727-742 MFN No : 14501

Title : Making Time for Agricultural and Life Science Research: Technical Change and Productivity
Author/Ed : Daniel L. Prager, Jeremy D. Foltz, and Bradford L. Barham
Pages : 743-761 MFN No : 14502

Title : The Yield of Plant Variety Protection

Author/Ed : Russell Thomson
Pages : 762-785 MFN No : 14503

Title : Externalities and Simultaneity in Surface Water-Groundwater Systems: Challenges for Water
Rights Institutions
Author/Ed : Kelly M. Cobourn
Pages : 786-808 MFN No : 14504

Title : Irrigated Agricultural Adaptation to Water and Climate Variability: The Economic Value of a
Water Portfolio
Author/Ed : Monobina Mukherjee and Kurt Schwabe
Pages : 809-832 MFN No : 14505

Title : Dealing with Uncertainty in Agent-Based Simulation: Farm-Level Modeling of Adaptation to

Climate Change in Southwest Germany
Author/Ed : Christian Troost and Thomas Berger
Pages : 833-854 MFN No : 14506

Title : Optimal Sequential Plantings of Corn and Soybeans Under Price Uncertainty
Author/Ed : Michael Livingston, Michael J. Roberts, and Yue Zhang
Pages : 855-878 MFN No : 14507

Title : Copula-Based Models of Systemic Risk in U.S. Agriculture: Implications for Crop Insurance
and Reinsurance Contracts
Author/Ed : Barry K. Goodwin and Ashley Hungerford
Pages : 879-896 MFN No : 14508

Title : The Impact of AD HOC Disaster and Crop Insurance Programs on the Use of Risk-Reducing
Conservation Tillage Practices

Author/Ed : Karina Schoengold, Ya Ding, and Russell Headlee

Pages : 897-919 MFN No : 14509

Title : Optimal Directions for Directional Distance Functions: An Exploration of Potential

Reductions of Greenhouse Gases
Author/Ed : Benjamin Hampf and Jens J. Krger
Pages : 920-938 MFN No : 14510

Title : Endogeneity Corrected Stochastic Production Frontier and Technical Efficiency

Author/Ed : Apurba Shee and Spiro E. Stefanou
Pages : 939-952 MFN No : 14511

Title : Farmer Bargaining Power and Market Information Services

Author/Ed : Pierre Courtois and Julie Subervie
Pages : 953-977 MFN No : 14512

Title : Model Choice and Size Distribution: A Bayequentist Approach

Author/Ed : John-Oliver Engler and Stefan Baumgrtner
Pages : 978-997 MFN No : 14513

Title : Inefficiency of Male and Female Labor Supply in Agricultural Households: Evidence from
Author/Ed : Martyn J. Andrews, Jennifer Golan, and Jann Lay
Pages : 998-1019 MFN No : 14514

Social Action
Volume 65, Issue No. 3 (July-September, 2015)

Title : Are Human beings Equal in Dignity and Rights? (Editorial)

Author/Ed : N. Sukumar/ Shailaja Menon
Pages : iii MFN No : 14515

Title : Interrogating the Conceptualization of Human Dignify: A Human Rights Perspective

Author/Ed : Ravi Ranjan
Pages : 221-235 MFN No : 14516

Title : Struggle for a Dignified Life: The Case of Paharpur Workers

Author/Ed : Surendra Pratap and Annavajhula J.C. Bose
Pages : 236-247 MFN No : 14517

Title : Adequate Housing across Slum Settlements in India

Author/Ed : Bindiya Narang and Md. Ali Azam
Pages : 248-261 MFN No : 14518

Title : Breaking barriers to Inclusion

Author/Ed : Akanksha Singh
Pages : 262-276 MFN No : 14519

Title : Female Infertility - Human Dignity in Peril

Author/Ed : Saba Ishaq
Pages : 277-286 MFN No : 14520

Title : Surrogacy as Reproductive Labour: Relocating Women's Dignity, Work Situation and Rights
Author/Ed : Saikat Roy
Pages : 287-298 MFN No : 14521

Title : Evaluating Human Rights: Democratic Subversion and Socioeconomic Alienation in the Third
Author/Ed : Sangita Dhal
Pages : 299-309 MFN No : 14522

Volume 63, Issue No. 10 (August, 2015)

Title : Special Issue Theme: Towards Financial Inclusion

Pages : Complete Issue MFN No : 14523

Title : Financial Inclusion in Rural India: Will 'Jan Dhan Yojana' Meet the Inclusion Gap?
Author/Ed : Tripathy, KK
Pages : 3-10 MFN No : 14524

Title : Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana - A Mega Financial Inclusion Project
Author/Ed : Barna Ganguli
Pages : 11-14 MFN No : 14525

Title : Crop Insurance Schemes for Farmers Need for Focused Attention
Author/Ed : Gopal Kalkoti
Pages : 15-18 MFN No : 14526

Title : Jan Dhan Se Jan Suraksha Tak

Pages : 20-21 MFN No : 14527

Title : Unleashing the Potential of Rural Economy: Financial Inclusion through Jan Dhan Yojana
Author/Ed : Sanjay Tiwari
Pages : 22-25 MFN No : 14528

Title : Financial Inclusion - An Appraisal

Author/Ed : Abhijit Sarkar
Pages : 26-30 MFN No : 14529

Title : Financial Inclusion - An Opportunity for Banks and Business

Author/Ed : Amrit Patel
Pages : 31-35 MFN No : 14530

Title : Microfinance and Capacity Building of Rural Poor: Prospects and Challenges
Author/Ed : Ramachandra Pramanik
Pages : 36-38 MFN No : 14531

Title : Mudra Bank: A Game Changer?

Author/Ed : Vinod Deshpande
Pages : 39-41 MFN No : 14532

Title : Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)

Pages : 42 MFN No : 14533

Title : Rs. Two Lakh Crore Investment likely to Rain on Urban Areas in Next Five Years for Smart
Cities and Amrut Plans
Pages : 43 MFN No : 14534

Title : Use of Digital Technology in Agricultural Research

Author/Ed : Ghanshyam Goel and Samrat Bandopadhyay
Pages : 45-46 MFN No : 14535

Title : National Agricultural Market

Pages : 47 MFN No : 14536

Margin The Journal of Applied Economics

Volume 9, Issue No. 3 (August, 2015)

Title : R&D Expenditure and Economic Growth: New Empirical Evidence

Author/Ed : Erdal Gumus and Ferdi Celikay
Pages : 205-217 MFN No : 14537

Title : Dynamic Depositor Discipline: Evidence Based on East Asian Banks

Author/Ed : Fazelina Sahul Hamid
Pages : 218-253 MFN No : 14538

Title : Backtesting of Value at Risk Methodology: Analysis of Banking Shares in India

Author/Ed : Biswajit Patra and Puja Padhi

Pages : 254-277 MFN No : 14539

Title : Indian Urban Households' Access to Basic Amenities: Deprivations, Disparities and
Author/Ed : Arjun Kumar
Pages : 278-305 MFN No : 14540

Title : Women's Malnutrition in India: The Role of Economic and Social Status
Author/Ed : Shikha Dahiya and Brinda Viswanathan
Pages : 306-332 MFN No : 14541

Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing

Volume 29, Issue No. 1 (January-April, 2015)

Title : An Economic Analysis of Mango Pulp Processing in South Gujarat

Author/Ed : Ruchira Shukla ... [et al]
Pages : 1-12 MFN No : 14542

Title : A Comparative Study on Use of Electronic Devices in Agricultural Marketing in Nek Region
Author/Ed : Amrutha, TJ; Siddayya and Vijayachandra Reddy, S
Pages : 13-20 MFN No : 14543

Title : Supply Chain and Sustainability Issues of Graded Murrah Buffaloes: A Case Study of Urban
Dairy Farms in Hyderabad, India
Author/Ed : Shlander Kumar; Ramilan, T and Ramana, DVB
Pages : 21-30 MFN No : 14544

Title : Cost-Returns Analysis and Marketing Pattern of Summer Maize in Punjab

Author/Ed : Sekhon, MK ... [et al]
Pages : 31-42 MFN No : 14545

Title : Production and Marketing of Button Mushroom in Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh
Author/Ed : Arti Kangotra and Chauhan, CK
Pages : 43-57 MFN No : 14546

Title : Economic Analysis of Cotton Marketing Chain in Andhra Pradesh

Author/Ed : Radhika E and Vijaya Kumari R
Pages : 58-70 MFN No : 14547

Title : Production and Marketing of Green Peas in Punjab

Author/Ed : Gurbir SIngh ; Sharma VK and Sukhpal SIngh
Pages : 71-80 MFN No : 14548

Title : Production and Marketing of Hybrid Maize in Sarguja District of Chattisgarh

Author/Ed : Ankeeta Mukherjee ... [et al]
Pages : 71-90 MFN No : 14549

Title : Impact of Horticulture and Livestock based Technologies on Production and Marketing of
Agricultural Procedure in Udaipur District of Rajasthan
Author/Ed : Sapurti; Meena, GL and Burak, SS
Pages : 91-103 MFN No : 14550

The Developing Economies

Volume 53, Issue No. 3 (September, 2015)

Title : Control Premium and Corporate Regulatory Changes: Theory and Evidence
Author/Ed : Sonia P. Jurfest, Ricardo D. Paredes and Julio Riutort
Pages : 159-187 MFN No : 14551

Title : Characteristics of Private-Sector Tractor Service Provisions: Insights from Nigeria

Author/Ed : Hiroyuki Takeshima ... [et al]
Pages : 188-217 MFN No : 14552

Title : Short Paper - Wage Consequences of Rapid Tertiary Education Expansion in a Developing
Economy: The Case of Thailand
Author/Ed : Sasiwimon Warunsiri Paweenawat and Jessica Vechbanyongratana
Pages : 218-231 MFN No : 14553

Environment and Urbanization in Asia

Volume 5, Issue No. 2 (September, 2014)

Title : Role of Urban-Rural Linkages in Promoting Sustainable Urbanization

Author/Ed : Remy Sietchiping, Jackson Kago, Xing Quan Zhang, Clarissa Augustinus, and Raf Tuts
Pages : 219-234 MFN No : 14554

Title : Cities and Agglomeration Externalities: Lessons for Urban Public Policy in Asian Countries
Author/Ed : Prasanna K. Mohanty and Alok K. Mishra
Pages : 235-252 MFN No : 14555

Title : Deforestation and Transboundary Haze in Indonesia: Path Dependence and Elite Influences
Author/Ed : Christopher L. Atkinson
Pages : 253-268 MFN No : 14556

Title : Mission Swachh Bharat: Stage is Set for Getting into Basics
Author/Ed : Rakesh Ranjan


Pages : 269-284 MFN No : 14557

Title : Diversity and Dynamics of Informal Rental Housing in a Mid-sized City in India
Author/Ed : Renu Desai and Darshini Mahadevia
Pages : 285-302 MFN No : 14558

Title : Home-based Workers and Multiple Uses of Dwellings in Urban India

Author/Ed : S. Chandrasekhar
Pages : 303-318 MFN No : 14559

Title : Urban Mega Projects and Land Conversion in Peri-urban Areas-Impact on Vegetable
Production Due to Outer Ring Road in Hyderabad, India
Author/Ed : C. Ramachandraiah
Pages : 319-336 MFN No : 14560

International Journal of Health Services

Volume 45, Issue No. 3 (July, 2015)

Title : The Politics of Austerity in Europe and Its Consequences

Author/Ed : Vicente Navarro
Pages : 405-414 MFN No : 14561

Title : The Consequences of the Politics of Austerity on Inequality: The Case of South Africa
Author/Ed : Patrick Bond
Pages : 415-442 MFN No : 14562

Title : Social Policy and Ecology

Author/Ed : Ian Gough
Pages : 443-452 MFN No : 14563

Title : Pros and Cons of Vaccination Campaigns

Author/Ed : Teresa Forcades i Vila
Pages : 453-470 MFN No : 14564

Title : Social Anthropology and Its Uses for Policy

Author/Ed : Peter Khoury
Pages : 471-494 MFN No : 14565

Title : The Politics of Health Information

Author/Ed : Devi Sridhar ... [et al]
Pages : 495-506 MFN No : 14566

Title : The Politics of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution

Author/Ed : Youn Jung and Soonman Kwon
Pages : 507-529 MFN No : 14567

Title : Health Impacts of Nuclear Energy

Author/Ed : Alison Rosamund Katz
Pages : 530-544 MFN No : 14568

Title : Comparative Politics and Policy

Author/Ed : Peter Duncan
Pages : 545-563 MFN No : 14569

Title : The Politics of Health-Related Taxes

Author/Ed : Richard B. Campbell and Edith D. Balbach
Pages : 564-577 MFN No : 14570

South Asia Research

Volume 35, Issue No. 2 (July, 2015)

Title : Global Meat Market: Structural Changes across Geographical Regions

Author/Ed : Jabir Ali and Evangelia Pappa
Pages : 143-157 MFN No : 14571

Title : Overlapping Territorial Claims and Ethnic Conflict in Manipur

Author/Ed : L. Lam Khan Piang
Pages : 158-176 MFN No : 14572

Title : Hindu-Muslim Relations in the Work of Rabindranath Tagore and Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain
Author/Ed : Mohammad A. Quayum
Pages : 177-194 MFN No : 14573

Title : Folklore in Colonial Karnataka: Representing a Genuine Native View

Author/Ed : Vijayakumar M. Boratti
Pages : 195-213 MFN No : 14574

Title : Domestic Space and Socio-spatial Relationships in Rural Pakistan

Author/Ed : Muhammad Aurang Zeb Mughal
Pages : 214-234 MFN No : 14575

Title : Using State Election Results to Predict the Fortunes of National Parties in Federal Polls in India
Author/Ed : Matthew J. Webb and Albert Wijeweera
Pages : 235-256 MFN No : 14576


American Economic Journal Applied Economics

Volume 7, Issue No. 3 (July, 2015)

Title : Unintended Effects of Anonymous Rsums

Author/Ed : Luc Behaghel, Bruno Crpon and Thomas Le Barbanchon
Pages : 1-27 MFN No : 14577

Title : Saving Lives at Birth: The Impact of Home Births on Infant Outcomes
Author/Ed : N. Meltem Daysal, Mircea Trandafir and Reyn van Ewijk
Pages : 28-50 MFN No : 14578

Title : Incentives, Commitments, and Habit Formation in Exercise: Evidence from a Field
Experiment with Workers at a Fortune-500 Company
Author/Ed : Heather Royer, Mark Stehr and Justin Sydnor
Pages : 51-84 MFN No : 14579

Title : The Rise of Fringe Competitors in the Wake of an Emerging Middle Class: An Empirical
Author/Ed : Alon Eizenberg and Alberto Salvo
Pages : 85-122 MFN No : 14580

Title : Hassle Costs and Price Discrimination: An Empirical Welfare Analysis

Author/Ed : Guillermo Marshall
Pages : 123-146 MFN No : 14581

Title : The Girl Next Door: The Effect of Opposite Gender Friends on High School Achievement
Author/Ed : Andrew J. Hill
Pages : 147-177 MFN No : 14582

Title : The Effect of Income on Religiousness

Author/Ed : Thomas Buser
Pages : 178-195 MFN No : 14583

Title : Development from Representation? A Study of Quotas for the Scheduled Castes in India
Author/Ed : Francesca Refsum Jensenius
Pages : 196-220 MFN No : 14584

Title : The Effect of Product Demand on Inequality: Evidence from the United States and the United
Author/Ed : Marco Leonardi
Pages : 221-247 MFN No : 14585


American Economic Journal - Macroeconomics

Volume 7, Issue No. 3 (July, 2015)

Title : Aggregate Implications of a Credit Crunch: The Importance of Heterogeneity

Author/Ed : Francisco J. Buera and Benjamin Moll
Pages : 1-42 MFN No : 14586

Title : Elasticity Optimism

Author/Ed : Jean Imbs and Isabelle Mejean
Pages : 43-83 MFN No : 14587

Title : Offshoring and Directed Technical Change

Author/Ed : Daron Acemoglu, Gino Gancia and Fabrizio Zilibotti
Pages : 84-122 MFN No : 14588

Title : A Behavioral Model of the Popularity and Regulation of Demandable Liabilities

Author/Ed : Julio J. Rotemberg
Pages : 123-152 MFN No : 14589

Title : Interest Rates, Leverage, and Business Cycles in Emerging Economies: The Role of Financial
Author/Ed : Andrs Fernndez and Adam Gulan
Pages : 153-188 MFN No : 14590

Title : The Economic and Demographic Transition, Mortality, and Comparative Development
Author/Ed : Matteo Cervellati and Uwe Sunde
Pages : 189-225 MFN No : 14591

Title : The Missing Food Problem: Trade, Agriculture, and International Productivity Differences
Author/Ed : Trevor Tombe
Pages : 226-258 MFN No : 14592

Title : Structural Change, Growth, and Volatility

Author/Ed : Alessio Moro
Pages : 259-294 MFN No : 14593

Title : A New History of Banking Panics in the United States, 1825-1929: Construction and
Author/Ed : Andrew J. Jalil
Pages : 295-330 MFN No : 14594


The American Economic Review

Volume 105, Issue No. 7 (July, 2015)

Title : An Empirical Model of the Medical Match

Author/Ed : Nikhil Agarwal
Pages : 1939-1978 MFN No : 14595

Title : Financial Entanglement: A Theory of Incomplete Integration, Leverage, Crashes, and

Author/Ed : Nicolae Grleanu, Stavros Panageas and Jianfeng Yu
Pages : 1979-2010 MFN No : 14596

Title : Banking, Liquidity, and Bank Runs in an Infinite Horizon Economy

Author/Ed : Mark Gertler and Nobuhiro Kiyotaki
Pages : 2011-2043 MFN No : 14597

Title : Do Firms Underinvest in Long-Term Research? Evidence from Cancer Clinical Trials
Author/Ed : Eric Budish, Benjamin N. Roin and Heidi Williams
Pages : 2044-2085 MFN No : 14598

Title : Acquisitions, Productivity, and Profitability: Evidence from the Japanese Cotton Spinning
Author/Ed : Serguey Braguinsky, Atsushi Ohyama, Tetsuji Okazaki and Chad Syverson
Pages : 2086-2119 MFN No : 14599

Title : Team Contests with Multiple Pairwise Battles

Author/Ed : Qiang Fu, Jingfeng Lu and Yue Pan
Pages : 2120-2140 MFN No : 14600

Title : Vertical Contracting with Informational Opportunism

Author/Ed : Vianney Dequiedt and David Martimort
Pages : 2141-2182 MFN No : 14601

Title : Revealed Preference, Rational Inattention, and Costly Information Acquisition

Author/Ed : Andrew Caplin and Mark Dean
Pages : 2183-2203 MFN No : 14602

Title : Estimating a War of Attrition: The Case of the US Movie Theater Industry
Author/Ed : Yuya Takahashi
Pages : 2204-2241 MFN No : 14603

Title : Risk Preferences Are Not Time Preferences: On the Elicitation of Time Preference under
Conditions of Risk: Comment
Author/Ed : Stephen L. Cheung


Pages : 2242-2260 MFN No : 14604

Title : Risk Preferences Are Not Time Preferences: Balancing on a Budget Line: Comment
Author/Ed : Thomas Epper and Helga Fehr-Duda
Pages : 2261-2271 MFN No : 14605

Title : Risk Preferences Are Not Time Preferences: Separating Risk and Time Preference: Comment
Author/Ed : Bin Miao and Songfa Zhong
Pages : 2272-2286 MFN No : 14606

Title : Risk Preferences Are Not Time Preferences: Reply

Author/Ed : James Andreoni and Charles Sprenger
Pages : 2287-2293 MFN No : 14607

Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics

Volume 15, Issue No. 1 (June, 2015)

Title : Influence of General Election Result 2004 (UPA I) and 2009 (UPA 2) on Indian Stock Market
Author/Ed : Selvakumar DS
Pages : 1-7 MFN No : 14608

Title : An Input-Output Approach to the Current Account Deficit

Author/Ed : Economidis Charlampos and Tsarpali Eleftheria
Pages : 9-20 MFN No : 14609

Title : Do Education and Income Level Influence the Need for Micro insurance? A Study of Low
Income in Malaysia
Author/Ed : Noor Ashikin Mod Rom ... [et al]
Pages : 21-34 MFN No : 14610

Title : The Economic Impact of Infrastructural Expenditure in Botswana: A Multiplier and

Structuralpath Analysis
Author/Ed : Botswiri Oupa Tsheko
Pages : 35-48 MFN No : 14611

Title : The Western Ghats of Kerala: A Perusal on Environment, Sustainability and Livelihood of the
Forest Dependent Community
Author/Ed : Rajasenan D and Ruby Babu
Pages : 49-63 MFN No : 14612

Title : Implementation Gap or Absorptive Capacity Constraint? A Study of Underspending of

Budgets in Botswana
Author/Ed : Sukumaran, MK and Galabotswe, O
Pages : 65-75 MFN No : 14613


Title : University-Industry Linkages, National Innovation System, Talent Pools and Outsourcing in
Author/Ed : Ishita SIngh
Pages : 77-100 MFN No : 14614

Title : Institutional Infrastructure - Rural Income

Author/Ed : Ashish Kumar Sedai
Pages : 101-110 MFN No : 14615

Journal of Rural Development

Volume 34, Issue No. 2 (April-June, 2015)

Title : Effectiveness of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme to

Check Migration Among the Rural Households
Author/Ed : Amit Kundu
Pages : 123-134 MFN No : 14616

Title : Forest Rights Act in Chhattisgarh and Gujarat: Unfolding the Dynamics in Implementation
Author/Ed : Madhusudan Bandi
Pages : 135-148 MFN No : 14617

Title : Constraints Faced in Using Modern ICT Tools: A Study of Dairy Cooperative Societies in
Author/Ed : Pratibha Singh, D. Bardhan and S.C.Tripathi
Pages : 149-166 MFN No : 14618

Title : Agricultural Land and Bovine Population in India-A Critical Review of Agricultural Census
Author/Ed : T N Datta, Shrestha and G Chokkalingam
Pages : 167-186 MFN No : 14619

Title : Impact of Poverty Alleviation Programmes on Socio-economic Development of Rural Poor of

Odisha- A Statistical Analysis
Author/Ed : Sanjit Kumar Swain
Pages : 187-214 MFN No : 14620

Title : Strategies of Non-Governmental Organisations for Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse:
The Case of Nagaland, India
Author/Ed : N. K. Patra, M. N. Odyuo, S. Das and L.Y. Longchar
Pages : 215-226 MFN No : 14621


Title : Understanding Economic Viability of Self-Help Groups for Poor: Evidence of Varanasi
District, Uttar Pradesh
Author/Ed : Udai Bhan Singh and Vikas Singh
Pages : 227-242 MFN No : 14622

Title : Missing Gender from Indian Labour Force : Findings from 2001 and 2011 Census
Author/Ed : Rabiul Ansary
Pages : 243-258 MFN No : 14623

The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations

Volume 50, Issue No. 4 (April, 2015)

Title : Tea Workers - Distressed in the Organized Industry in North Bengal

Author/Ed : Ratna Sen
Pages : 535-549 MFN No : 14624

Title : The Gaping Gaps in Labor Statistics in India

Author/Ed : Shyamsundar KR
Pages : 550-559 MFN No : 14625

Title : Economics of Skill Formation: A Note on the Need for Proper Manufacturing Base
Author/Ed : Satya Prasad Padhi
Pages : 560-567 MFN No : 14626

Title : Work from Home: A Boon or a Bane? The Missing Piece of Employee Cost
Author/Ed : Dharma Rajy Bathini and George Kandathil
Pages : 568-574 MFN No : 14627

Title : Determinants of Executive Salary in a Competitive Market

Author/Ed : Jatinder Kumar Jha and Sunil Maheshwari
Pages : 575-587 MFN No : 14628

Title : Determinants of Vacancies for Management Graduates in Indian Firms

Author/Ed : Ashutosh Bishnu Murti and Bino Paul GD
Pages : 588-600 MFN No : 14629

Title : Is CSR a Hygiene Factor for Prospective Employees? An Indian Exploration

Author/Ed : Sunil Maheshwari and Rama Snahkar Yadav
Pages : 601-612 MFN No : 14630

Title : Organizational Justice Climate & Organizational Citizenship behavior in Indian Banks
Author/Ed : Ravindra Jain and Sheelam Jain
Pages : 613-624 MFN No : 14631


Title : Justice Perceptions, Organizational Citizenship behavior, Intention to Quit & Affective
Author/Ed : Soumendu Biswas
Pages : 625-637 MFN No : 14632

Title : Person - Job Fit: Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction & Organizational Committment
Author/Ed : Bindu Chhabra
Pages : 638-651 MFN No : 14633

Title : HR Practices & Union Management Relationship

Author/Ed : Manoranjan Dhal
Pages : 652-665 MFN No : 14634

Title : Alignment of HR Practices with Organizational Strategies

Author/Ed : Venkat Rao G and Jayarama Krishna D
Pages : 666-679 MFN No : 14635

Title : Human Resource Practices in Indian SMEs - An Exploratory Study

Author/Ed : Upasana Agarwal A and Sumi Jha
Pages : 680-695 MFN No : 14636

Title : Empowering Leadership: A Study of Team Leaders & Team Members

Author/Ed : Manjari Srivastava and Ruta Vyas
Pages : 696-712 MFN No : 14637

Journal of International Development

Volume 27, Issue No. 6 (August, 2015)

Title : Special Issue: The Post-2015 Moment: Towards Sustainable Development Goals and a New
Global Development Paradigm
Pages : Complete Issue MFN No : 14638

Title : The Post-2015 Moment: Towards Sustainable Development Goals and a New Global
Development Paradigm
Author/Ed : Charles Gore
Pages : 717-732 MFN No : 14639

Title : Seven Decades of `Development', and Now What?

Author/Ed : Gabriele Koehler
Pages : 733-751 MFN No : 14640


Title : Universality and Ambition in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: A Comparison of Global
and National Targets
Author/Ed : Andrew Scott and Paula Lucci
Pages : 752-775 MFN No : 14641

Title : Young and Dynamic?-The Curious Case of Korea's National Level Post-2015 Process
Author/Ed : Soyeun Kim and Hanee Kang
Pages : 776-800 MFN No : 14642

Title : Global Prosperity and Sustainable Development Goals

Author/Ed : Henrietta L. Moore
Pages : 801-815 MFN No : 14643

Title : The Ebola Crisis and Post-2015 Development

Author/Ed : Melissa Leach
Pages : 816-834 MFN No : 14644

Title : Leaving No One Behind?: Informal Economies, Economic Inclusion and Islamic Extremism in
Author/Ed : Kate Meagher
Pages : 835-855 MFN No : 14645

Title : Post-2015 Global Governance of Official Development Finance: Harnessing the Renaissance
of Public Entrepreneurship
Author/Ed : Jiajun Xu and Richard Carey
Pages : 856-880 MFN No : 14646

Vikalpa: The Journal of Decision Makers

Volume 40, Issue No. 2 (April-June, 2015)

Title : Realigning Business Strategy to Cater to Customers with Disability (CwD) in the Indian
Author/Ed : Abhishek and Richa Saxena
Pages : 121-131 MFN No : 14647

Title : Mandatory IPO Grading: Does it Help Pricing Efficiency?

Author/Ed : Joshy Jacob and Sobhesh Kumar Agarwalia
Pages : 131-144 MFN No : 14648

Title : Antecedents of Turnover Intentions of Officers in the Indian Military: A Conceptual

Author/Ed : Rakesh Kumar Jaiswal ... [et al]
Pages : 145-164 MFN No : 14649


Title : Informational Effect of Select Private Placements of Equity: An Empirical Analysis in Indian
Capital Market
Author/Ed : Anjali Tuli and Abha Shukla
Pages : 165-190 MFN No : 14650

Title : An Intelligent Project Management Maturity Model for Moroccan Engineering Companies
Author/Ed : Oussama Marrouni Alami; Otmane Bouksour and Zitouni Beidouri
Pages : 191-208 MFN No : 14651

Title : SOme Key Issues and Challenges Facing India: Perspectives on Policies and Action
Author/Ed : Subhrendu Bhattacharyan ... [et al]
Pages : 209-241 MFN No : 14652

Title : Production Linfe Balancing: Is it a Balanced Act?

Author/Ed : Abhishek Shinde and Dileep More
Pages : 242-247 MFN No : 14653

Health Action
Volume 28, Issue No. 9 (September, 2015)

Title : Special Issue Theme: Caring for Under-Five Children

Pages : Complete Issue MFN No : 14654

Title : Care of the Young Child

Author/Ed : Ravi D'Souza
Pages : 4-6 MFN No : 14655

Title : Helping Children Enjoy Childhood and Health

Author/Ed : Rajarapu Venkataswamy
Pages : 7-9 MFN No : 14656

Title : Malnutrition, Respiratory & Gastrointestinal Infections in Under-Fives

Author/Ed : Baswaraj Tandur and Siraj Kanam
Pages : 10-13 MFN No : 14657

Title : Safeguarding Under-Five Against Disease and Death

Author/Ed : Nirmala
Pages : 14-15 MFN No : 14658

Title : Managing Emotional & Behavioural Disorders in Children

Author/Ed : Janarthanan B
Pages : 16-18 MFN No : 14659


Title : Trauma in Children

Author/Ed : Vetriselvi D
Pages : 19-20 MFN No : 14660

Title : Kangaroo Mother Care

Author/Ed : Ranjini Devi
Pages : 21-23 MFN No : 14661

Title : Managing Protein Energy Malnutrition

Author/Ed : Priya Fernandes
Pages : 24-25 MFN No : 14662

Title : Nutrition & Child Health

Author/Ed : Gayathri Sukumaran
Pages : 26-29 MFN No : 14663

Title : Adressing Issues of Sustainability and Accessibility

Author/Ed : Rajagopal N
Pages : 30-31 MFN No : 14664

Title : Wilms' Tumour

Author/Ed : Pratima Vuyyuru
Pages : 32 MFN No : 14665

Title : Child Marriage

Author/Ed : Ramana Rao
Pages : 33-35 MFN No : 14666

Title : Nutritional Lifestyle in Children & Health

Author/Ed : Shini Mathew Pulickal
Pages : 36-37 MFN No : 14667

Cambridge Journal of Economics

Volume 38, Issue No. 4 (July, 2014)

Title : The political economics of austerity

Author/Ed : Suzanne J. Konzelmann
Pages : 701-743 MFN No : 14668

Title : A model intervenes: the many faces of moral hazard

Author/Ed : John Latsis and Constantinos Repapis
Pages : 743-760 MFN No : 14669


Title : Economic growth and welfare state: a case study of Sweden

Author/Ed : Luis Buenda and Enrique Palazuelos
Pages : 761-778 MFN No : 14670

Title : Money in contemporary capitalism and the autonomisation of capitalist forms in Marx's theory
Author/Ed : Leda Maria Paulani
Pages : 779-796 MFN No : 14671

Title : Aggregate structural macroeconomic analysis: a reconsideration and defence

Author/Ed : Mark Setterfield and Shyam Gouri Suresh
Pages : 797-816 MFN No : 14672

Title : The balance of payments-constrained growth rate and the natural rate of growth: new empirical
Author/Ed : Matteo Lanzafame
Pages : 817-838 MFN No : 14673

Title : Inflation targeting monetary and fiscal policies in a two-country stock-flow-consistent model
Author/Ed : Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo
Pages : 839-868 MFN No : 14674

Title : Social divisions in school participation and attainment in India: 1983-2004

Author/Ed : M. Niaz Asadullah, Uma Kambhampati, and Florencia Lopez Boo
Pages : 869-894 MFN No : 14675

Title : The evolution of Engel curves and its implications for structural change theory
Author/Ed : Alessio Moneta and Andreas Chai
Pages : 895-924 MFN No : 14676

Title : D. Stewart and J. R. McCulloch: economic methodology and the making of orthodoxy
Author/Ed : Shin Kubo
Pages : 925-944 MFN No : 14677

Title : Pigou's Wealth and Welfare: a centenary assessment

Author/Ed : David Collard
Pages : 945-960 MFN No : 14678

Title : Robertson and the Cambridge approach to utility and welfare

Author/Ed : Mauro Boianovsky
Pages : 961-986 MFN No : 14679


Cambridge Journal of Economics

Volume 39, Issue No. 5 (September, 2015)

Title : Climate change and sustainable welfare: the centrality of human needs
Author/Ed : Ian Gough
Pages : 1191-1214 MFN No : 14680

Title : Stratification economics and identity economics

Author/Ed : John B. Davis
Pages : 1215-1230 MFN No : 14681

Title : Agency and neoliberalism

Author/Ed : Mary V. Wrenn
Pages : 1231-1244 MFN No : 14682

Title : What really caused the Great Recession? Rhyme and repetition in a theme from the 1930s
Author/Ed : Nicholas Snowden
Pages : 1245-1262 MFN No : 14683

Title : Inflation and economic growth in an open developing country: the case of Brazil
Author/Ed : Carolina Troncoso Baltar
Pages : 1263-1280 MFN No : 14684

Title : Developing countries' changing nature of financial integration and new forms of external
vulnerability: the Brazilian experience
Author/Ed : Annina Kaltenbrunner and Juan Pablo Painceira
Pages : 1281-1306 MFN No : 14685

Title : Structural change and economic development: is Brazil catching up or falling behind?
Author/Ed : Andr Nassif, Carmem Feij, and Eliane Arajo
Pages : 1307-1332 MFN No : 14686

Title : Profit maximising goes global: the race to the bottom

Author/Ed : David Kiefer and Codrina Rada
Pages : 1333-1350 MFN No : 14687

Title : Tackling the instability of growth: a Kaleckian-Harrodian model with an autonomous

expenditure component
Author/Ed : Olivier Allain
Pages : 1351-1372 MFN No : 14688

Title : Heads I win, tails you lose? A career analysis of executive pay and corporate performance
Author/Ed : Ian Gregory-Smith and Brian G. M. Main
Pages : 1373-1398 MFN No : 14689


Title : Demand and distribution in integrated economies

Author/Ed : Armon Rezai
Pages : 1399-1414 MFN No : 14690

Title : Capital's humpback bridge: `financialisation' and the rate of turnover in Marx's economic
Author/Ed : Marco Veronese Passarella and Herv Baron
Pages : 1415-1442 MFN No : 14691

Title : Two trajectories of democratic capitalism in the post-war Chicago school: Frank Knight versus
Aaron Director
Author/Ed : Robert Van Horn and Ross B. Emmett
Pages : 1443-1456 MFN No : 14692

Health Policy and Planning

Volume 30, Issue No. 7 (September, 2015)

Title : Can the health system deliver? Determinants of rural Liberians' confidence in health care
Author/Ed : Theodore Svoronos, Rose Jallah Macauley, and Margaret E Kruk
Pages : 823-829 MFN No : 14693

Title : A profile of women at the highest risk of maternal death in Pakistan

Author/Ed : Sohail Agha
Pages : 830-836 MFN No : 14694

Title : Data quality assessment in the routine health information system: an application of the Lot
Quality Assurance Sampling in Benin
Author/Ed : Yolaine Gll Ahanhanzo... [et al]
Pages : 837-843 MFN No : 14695

Title : Whole-of-government approaches to NCDs: the case of the Philippines Interagency

Author/Ed : Raphael Lencucha, Jeffrey Drope, and Jenina Joy Chavez
Pages : 844-852 MFN No : 14696

Title : Evidence of horizontal and vertical interactions in health care spending in the Philippines
Author/Ed : Uma Kelekar and Gilberto Llanto
Pages : 853-862 MFN No : 14697

Title : African stakeholders' views of research options to improve nutritional status in sub-Saharan
Author/Ed : Michelle Holdsworth... [et a]
Pages : 863-874 MFN No : 14698


Title : Economic cost of primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Tanzania

Author/Ed : Frida Ngalesoni, George Ruhago, Ole F Norheim, and Bjarne Robberstad
Pages : 875-884 MFN No : 14699

Title : The value of building health promotion capacities within communities: evidence from a
maternal health intervention in Guinea
Author/Ed : Ellen Brazier, Rene Fiorentino, Mamadou Saidou Barry, and Moustapha Diallo
Pages : 885-894 MFN No : 14700

Title : Increased use of recommended maternal health care as a determinant of immunization and
appropriate care for fever and diarrhoea in Ghana: an analysis pooling three
demographic and health surveys
Author/Ed : Natalie McGlynn, Piotr Wilk, Isaac Luginaah, Bridget L Ryan, and Amardeep Thind
Pages : 895-905 MFN No : 14701

Title : Attainments and limitations of an early childhood programme in Colombia

Author/Ed : Bladimir Carrillo, Wilman J Iglesias, and Juan C Trujillo
Pages : 906-916 MFN No : 14702

Title : Supporting mental health in South African HIV-affected communities: primary health care
professionals' understandings and responses
Author/Ed : Rochelle Ann Burgess
Pages : 917-927 MFN No : 14703

Title : Community-based family-style group homes for children orphaned by AIDS in rural China: an
ethnographic investigation
Author/Ed : Yan Hong, Peilian Chi, Xiaoming Li, Guoxiang Zhao, Junfeng Zhao, Bonita Stanton, and Li Li
Pages : 928-937 MFN No : 14704

Title : Commentary - Social solidarity and the right to health: essential elements for people-centred
health systems
Author/Ed : Leslie London, Chuma Himonga, Nicole Fick, and Maria Stuttaford
Pages : 938-945 MFN No : 14705

Journal of Development Economics

Volume 116, Issue No. Nil (September, 2015)

Title : Failure vs. displacement: Why an innovative anti-poverty program showed no net impact in
South India
Author/Ed : Jonathan Bauchet, Jonathan Morduch, Shamika Ravi
Pages : 1-16 MFN No : 14706


Title : Productive inefficiency in extended agricultural households: Evidence from Mali

Author/Ed : Catherine Guirkinger, Jean-Philippe Platteau, Tatiana Goetghebuer
Pages : 17-27 MFN No : 14707

Title : Watchdogs of the Invisible Hand: NGO monitoring and industry equilibrium
Author/Ed : Gani Aldashev, Michela Limardi, Thierry Verdier
Pages : 28-42 MFN No : 14708

Title : Do better property rights improve local income?: Evidence from First Nations' treaties
Author/Ed : Fernando M. Aragn
Pages : 43-56 MFN No : 14709

Title : The resource curse exorcised: Evidence from a panel of countries

Author/Ed : Brock Smith
Pages : 57-73 MFN No : 14710

Title : Child mortality risk and fertility: Evidence from prevention of mother-to-child transmission of
Author/Ed : Nicholas Wilson
Pages : 74-88 MFN No : 14711

Title : Fiscal incentives and policy choices of local governments: Evidence from China
Author/Ed : Li Han, James Kai-Sing Kung
Pages : 89-104 MFN No : 14712

Title : Quality signaling through certification in developing countries

Author/Ed : Emmanuelle Auriol, Steven G.M. Schilizzi
Pages : 105-121 MFN No : 14713

Title : Financial development and the choice of trade partners

Author/Ed : Jackie M.L. Chan, Kalina Manova
Pages : 122-145 MFN No : 14714

Title : Effects of renminbi appreciation on foreign firms: The role of processing exports
Author/Ed : Barry Eichengreen, Hui Tong
Pages : 146-157 MFN No : 14715

Title : Social accountability to contain corruption

Author/Ed : A. Lambert-Mogiliansky
Pages : 158-168 MFN No : 14716

Title : A positive analysis of Fairtrade certification

Author/Ed : Andrea Podhorsky
Pages : 169-185 MFN No : 14717

Title : The relationship between federal budget amendments and local electoral power
Author/Ed : Sergio Firpo, Vladimir Ponczek, Viviane Sanfelice
Pages : 186-198 MFN No : 14718

Title : A heterogeneous agent model of credit-linked index insurance and farm technology adoption
Author/Ed : Katie Farrin, Mario J. Miranda
Pages : 199-211 MFN No : 14719

Title : Segregation and conflict: An empirical analysis

Author/Ed : Alejandro Corvalan, Miguel Vargas
Pages : 212-222 MFN No : 14720

Title : Leveling with friends: Social networks and Indian farmers' demand for a technology with
heterogeneous benefits
Author/Ed : Nicholas Magnan, David J. Spielman, Travis J. Lybbert, Kajal Gulati
Pages : 223-251 MFN No : 14721

Title : All in the family: Explaining the persistence of female genital cutting in West Africa
Author/Ed : Marc F. Bellemare, Lindsey Novak, Tara L. Steinmetz
Pages : 252-266 MFN No : 14722

Development and Change

Volume 46, Issue No. 5 (September, 2015)

Title : The Economic Logic of Persistent Informality: Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in the
Southern Philippines
Author/Ed : Boris Verbrugge
Pages : 1023-1046 MFN No : 14723

Title : Transitions to Formality and Declining Inequality: Argentina and Brazil in the 2000s
Author/Ed : Roxana Maurizio
Pages : 1047-1079 MFN No : 14724

Title : The People and their River, the World Bank and its Dam: Revisiting the Xe Bang Fai River in
Author/Ed : Ian G. Baird, Bruce P. Shoemaker and Kanokwan Manorom
Pages : 1080-1105) MFN No : 14725

Title : Litigation against Political Organization? The Politics of Dalit Mobilization in Tamil Nadu,
Author/Ed : Grace Carswell and Geert De Neve
Pages : 1106-1132 MFN No : 14726


Title : Solidarity Economy for Development and Women's Emancipation: Lessons from Bolivia
Author/Ed : Isabelle Hillenkamp
Pages : 1133-1158 MFN No : 14727

Title : `I Do Not Work: I Do Commercial Sex Work'. Ambiguities in the Discourse and Practice of
Selling Sex in Mombasa, Kenya
Author/Ed : Egle Cesnulyte
Pages : 1159-1178 MFN No : 14728

Title : What is the Alternative? Youth, Entrepreneurship and the Developmental State in Urban
Author/Ed : Marco Di Nunzio
Pages : 1179-1200 MFN No : 14729

Title : Review Article - The Arithmetic of Resource-intensive Growth, Keynesian Monetary

Management, and Egalitarian Green Growth
Author/Ed : Amiya Kumar Bagchi
Pages : 1201-1212 MFN No : 14730

Title : Review Article - The Chimera of Inclusive Growth: Informality, Poverty and Inequality in
India in the Post-Reform Period
Author/Ed : Sumangala Damodaran
Pages : 1213-1224 MFN No : 14731

IDS Bulletin
Volume 46, Issue No. 5 (September, 2015)

Title : Special Issue Theme: What is the Unique Contribution of Volunteering to International
Pages : Complete Issue MFN No : 14732

Title : Introduction: What is the Unique Contribution of Volunteering to International Development?

Author/Ed : Danny Burns and Jo Howard
Pages : 1-4 MFN No : 14733

Title : Volunteering for Development within the New Ecosystem of International Development
Author/Ed : Jo Howard and Danny Burns
Pages : 5-16 MFN No : 14734

Title : The Changing Tides of Volunteering in Development: Discourse, Knowledge and Practice
Author/Ed : Erika Lopez Franco and Thea Shahrokh
Pages : 17-28 MFN No : 14735


Title : What's Different about How Volunteers Work? Relationship Building for Wellbeing and
Author/Ed : Jody Aked
Pages : 29-42 MFN No : 14736

Title : Using Participatory Methodologies to Achieve Change in Valuing Volunteering

Author/Ed : Elizabeth Hacker
Pages : 43-53 MFN No : 14737

Title : The Impacts of Politics and Ethnicity on Volunteering

Author/Ed : Alexandrea Picken and Simon Lewis
Pages : 54-68 MFN No : 14738

Title : Learning from Communities: The Local Dynamics of Formal and Informal Volunteering in
Korogocho, Kenya
Author/Ed : Simon Lewis
Pages : 69-82 MFN No : 14739

Title : How Participatory Practice can Help to Strengthen the Role of Volunteering in Sustainable
Development: An Organisational Perspective
Author/Ed : Katie Turner
Pages : 83-94 MFN No : 14740
Asian Survey
Volume 55, Issue No. 3 (May-June, 2015)

Title : Special Issue Theme: China's Maritime Embroilments

Pages : Complete Issue MFN No : 14741

Title : China's Maritime Embroilments

Author/Ed : Lowell Dittmer and Mikael Weissmann
Pages : 447-454 MFN No : 14742

Title : The South China Sea: Law Trumps Power

Author/Ed : Stein Tonnesson
Pages : 455-477 MFN No : 14743

Title : Behind Rising East Asian Maritime Tensions with China: Struggle without Breaking
Author/Ed : Chong-Pin Lin
Pages : 478-501 MFN No : 14744

Title : Chinese Discourse on the "Nine-Dashed Line": Rights, Interests, and Nationalism
Author/Ed : Zheng Wang
Pages : 502-524 MFN No : 14745


Title : Japan's Approach to Maritime Security in the South China Sea

Author/Ed : Paul Midford
Pages : 525-547 MFN No : 14746

Title : How Economic, Strategic, and Domestic Factors Shape Patterns of Conflict and Cooperation in
the East China Sea Dispute
Author/Ed : Paul O'Shea
Pages : 548-571 MFN No : 14747

Title : The US Rebalance and Southeast Asia: A Work in Progress

Author/Ed : Sheldon W. Simon
Pages : 572-595 MFN No : 14748

Title : The South China Sea: Still No War on the Horizon

Author/Ed : Mikael Weissmann
Pages : 596-617 MFN No : 14749

Title : The South China Sea: Achievements and Challenges to Dispute Management
Author/Ed : Ramses Amer
Pages : 618-639 MFN No : 14750

The Indian Journal of Labour Economics

Volume 57, Issue No. 2 (April-June, 2014)

Title : Social Exclusion and the Labour Market

Author/Ed : Arjan De Hann
Pages : 185-200 MFN No : 14751

Title : The Employment Challenge Faced by Bangladesh: How far is the Lewis Turning Point?
Author/Ed : Rizwanul Islam
Pages : 201-226 MFN No : 14752

Title : The Incidence of Interpersonal Workplace Bullying in India's ITES-BPO Sector

Author/Ed : Premilla D'Cruz and Charlotte Rayner
Pages : 227-242 MFN No : 14753

Title : Determinants of Women's Labour Supply in Urban Unorganised Sector in Mumbai

Author/Ed : Neeraj Hatekar and Abodh Kumar
Pages : 243-258 MFN No : 14754

Title : Gender Wage Gap in the Indian Labour Market: Evidence from the NSS 66th Round Data
Author/Ed : Shiney Chakraborty and Subrata Mukherjee
Pages : 259-280 MFN No : 14755


Title : Being Employed at the Lower End: Going through and beyond the Narratives of Waste
Picking Women in Kerala
Author/Ed : Ann George
Pages : 281-298 MFN No : 14756

Title : Research Note - Impact of Child Labour Practices on Educational Attainment among the
Children in Ambujwadi, Mumbai
Author/Ed : Sampati Guha and Hemangi Patel
Pages : 299-316 MFN No : 14757

Title : Research Note - Labour Rights and Globalization in India: Challenges for the Trade Union
Movement in India
Author/Ed : Shyam Sundar, KR
Pages : 317-328 MFN No : 14758

Title : Communication - The 55th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics
(ISLE): A Report
Pages : 329-356 MFN No : 14759

Sociological Bulletin
Volume 64, Issue No. 2 (May-August, 2015)

Title : The Metaphors of Culture: Multiculturalism as a way of Everyday Life

Author/Ed : Dipankar Gupta
Pages : 133-151 MFN No : 14760

Title : New Hindu Religious Movements in Contemporary India: A Review of Literature

Author/Ed : Rajeev Dubey
Pages : 152-170 MFN No : 14761

Title : Of Women, by Men: Understanding the 'First Person Feminine' in Bhojpuri Folksongs
Author/Ed : Asha Singh
Pages : 171-196 MFN No : 14762

Title : Interface in Approaches to Mental Disorder in India: A Sociological Analysis

Author/Ed : Tina Chakravarty
Pages : 197-218 MFN No : 14763


Economic and Political Weekly

Volume 50, Issue No. 41 (October 10, 2015)

































Economic and Political Weekly

Volume 50, Issue No. 40 (October 03, 2015)

































Economic and Political Weekly

Volume 50, Issue No. 39 (September 26, 2015)































Economic and Political Weekly

Volume 50, Issue No. 38 (September 19, 2015)




























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