SQ L Template Configuration Guideline

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SQL Template

Configuration Guideline
Revision History
Author Change Reference Revision No Date Published

Hemant Patel Initial Revision 1.0 5-Mar-2014

SQL Installation

1. Right click on template and click to Deploy Virtual Machine from this Template.

2. Give name to virtual machine and select appropriate folder.

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SQL Installation

3. Select appropriate Cluster

4. Select appropriate resourcepool

5. Select appropriate datastore.

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SQL Installation

6. Click on check box Power on this virtual machine after creation. Here you have two options.
Either you select Customize using the Customization Wizard or Customize using an existing
customization specification. First we go through different steps involved in customization
wizard so we selected that first. Follow A to M steps to complete wizard.

A. Enter name and Oragnization. You can enter any value here.

B. Computername selection page. Here you have three option. You can enter
computername by selecting Enter a name or you can use the same name which you
given to your virtual machine or select Enter a name in the Deploy wizard.

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SQL Installation

C. Left all options as it is in screen and select next.

D. Enter password for your OS and click on Automatically log on as a Administrator for 2
times because when it will customize and do sysprep it will need to auto login.

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SQL Installation

E. Select time zone and click on next.

F. Left this as it is and click on next.

G. On network tab select Custom settings to provide IP address detail

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SQL Installation

H. Click on as per below screen

I. Enter your IP address detail.

J. Enter domain name and domain credential if you want to join your computer to domain
or you can select workgroup.

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SQL Installation

K. Generate New Security ID is already selected. Do not uncheck this box otherwise it will
not generate new SID for you OS.

L. Do not select save option. Click next.

M. Refer your configuration and click Finish.

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SQL Installation

7. If you wish not to continue with customization wizard, you can select pre-customized settings
specific to operating systems and IP subnet. When you click Customize using an existing
customization specifications below screen will appear on your screen. Here you can select
customization specification according to your template name which you selected for
deployment along with for which IP subnet you are deploying this template. Follow A to B steps
to complete this. (This is just for your information. We are not using this option)

A. Enter computer name and IP address.

B. Refer your settings and click to Finish.

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SQL Installation

8. Once customization will apply you can see below screen where you can identify your computer
name and IP address has been configured properly which you provided earlier during the
customization wizard.

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SQL Installation


NOTE: Before starting below steps join your computer to domain if it is a part of your AD domain and
login with domain account. If you select to join domain during customization step you do not need to
rejoin again. You have to login with domain credentials.

1. Go to C: drive where you can find the folder name CompleteSQLInstallationSteps folder

2. In this folder there are two folders. Click on RunThisBatchFile1st folder. (Onward SQL2012 SP1
CU2 template there is only one batch file to finish SQL installation)

3. Double click on SQLINSTALLATION.BAT file.

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SQL Installation

4. Read below information before pressing any key to continue your setup.

5. To access kindly provide your SYMC Username.

6. Enter SYMC password:

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SQL Installation

7. Enter your SQL SYS admin account. You can enter your domainname\administrator or
computername\administrator account. User must be exist.

8. Enter password for SQL SYS admin account.

Note: In SQL Server 2012 template you will not get prompt for SQL Admin password. Once SQL
server is installed you have to manually change SQL Service authentication if you want to run
SQL services with specific domain user.

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SQL Installation

9. Now your SQL Installation begins. You can wait till it complete.

10. Once your installation has been done you can see setup result: 0. If this is not 0 and any other
code like 23568533. then there should be issue in SQL installation. Also you can monitor that
how much time script will take to complete SQL installation.

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SQL Installation

11. Once your SQL installation has been done you have to install management tools and other
shared feature in SQL like integration service, client connectivity tools, Business intelligence

Note: Onwards SQL 2012 SP1 CU2 template you cannot find SQLMANAGEMENTSTUDIO
installation batch file because these all feature are supported in image preparation. So it was
already installed. You have to just complete SQL installation.

12. Read information before pressing any key to continue.

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SQL Installation

13. To access kindly provide your SYMC Username. If you already authenticated it may
not be asked you for credentials.

14. Enter your SYMC password:

15. Now your installation begins.

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SQL Installation

16. Once your installation has been done you can see setup result: 0. If this is not 0 and any other
code like 23568533. then there should be issue in SQL installation. Also you can monitor that
how much time script will take to complete SQL installation.

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