Remedial Sheet ASPNET Oct 2016

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Remedial Sheet

Subject ASP.NET with C# Course TYBSc. IT

(1) What is Assembly? Explain
(2) What do you mean by JIT compiler? Explain
(3) What is garbage collector? Explain
(4) Explain the concept of namespaces.
(5) Explain .NET Framework
(6) What are delegates? Discuss the steps involved in creating and using a delegate.
(7) Explain ASP .NET Page Life cycle.
(8) What is CSS? What is the need of CSS? Explain different types of CSS
(9) What are the different types of Selectors in CSS? Explain
(10) What do you mean by pseudo classes? Explain

(1) What is Web .config File? Explain
(2) Explain the use of Global .asax file.
(3) Explain the use of Calendar control.
(4) Explain any five common properties of the server controls
(5) Explain RadioButtonList control and CheckBoxList control with its properties and methods
(6) Explain the similarities and differences between ListBox and DropDown List
(7) What is the difference between Button, LinkButton and ImageButton? Explain any three
common attributes
(8) Explain the textbox web server control. List & explain any four textbox attributes.
(9) Describe the following properties
(i) GroupName property of a Radio Button
(ii) Text property of a Label
(iii) TextMode property of a TextBox
(iv) Checked property of a RadioButton
(v) SelectedIndex property of a ListBox control

(1) What are the advantages of AJAX application?
(2) Explain UpdateControl,ScriptManager and UpdateProgress control
(3) Explain TimerControl with example
(4) List any 5 applications where AJAX is incorporated
(5) What is the importance of JQuery in the development of web application
(6) What are the selectors present in JQuery?
(7) What are the different types of effects in JQuery with example
(8) Explain different types of LINQ operators
(9) What are the advantages of LINQ?
(10) What are the steps for creating LINQ to objects?
(11) What are the steps for creating LINQ to XML?
(12) What are the steps for creating LINQ to SQL?

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