Dynamic Linking

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Dynamic linking:


1)Crate two tabls with name Mdyna_par and Mdyna_ch without taking ID fields

2) create an edt field (Dynalink)

3)Drag and drop the edt field to Mdyna_Par table and set the tabl proprtis MAdatiry to

4)creat indx to Mdyna_par ,drag n drop the edt Dynalink field from fields node to Indx

and set th below properties

alternate key:yes

allow duplicates : No

5) Set Mdyna_par table properties

Primary index : created index

6)Go to EDT node, set the dynalink proprtis

rfernce table : Mdyna_par

*After giving refernce table -> drag and drop the edt(dynalink) field to Mdyna_ch
table fields node image rfernce : D2

7)Fill the sampl data in two tables .

Phase 2:

1) Go to Forms node, create a simpl form for Mdyna_par table

Form-->RC New Form->(Mdynaform_par)

Expand Form

i)Under Datasources ->drag and drop Mydna_par from Tables nod

ii)Under Designs node-> R.C NewControl -> Grid

Drag the fields from datasourcs node to grid.

set the grid propertis width:column width

heigth: column hight

2)similarly crate a simple form for Mdyna_ch table i.e Mdynaform_ch and follow the
above step 1 as it is

3) create a Menu item for Child table(Mdyna_ch) such that we can link two tabls in a
single form

Menu Items-> Display -> drag n drop the Mdynaform_ch

(Name and Label fields should be same and mandatory)

4)Go to Mydnaform_par

i)Undr dsigns node ->RC new control->Tab

set tab properties:

width:column width

heigth: column hight

datasourc: mdyna_par

ii)RC on Tab ->New control->Tabpage

Drag and drop the menuitem crated for Mdynaform_ch to here and set the tab
page propertis AS above.

Output: Open theMdynaform_par :: imag rfrence D3 and D4

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