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Absence Management Metrics

SuccessFactors APAC

Workforce Analytics
Measure and Dimension Definitions
Absence Management Metrics Pack | APAC

Version 2.6 | July 2015 Commercial in Confidence SuccessFactors

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Table of Contents
1. Overview __________________________________________________________________ 4

2. Drill to Detail _______________________________________________________________ 4

3. Data Graphic _______________________________________________________________ 5

4. Base Input Measures ________________________________________________________ 6

5. Reporting Structures_________________________________________________________ 7

5.1 Time Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 7

5.2 Structural Dimensions ................................................................................................................. 8
5.3 Absence Dimensions .................................................................................................................. 8

6. Derived Input Measures _____________________________________________________ 10

7. Result Measures ___________________________________________________________ 11

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Absence Management Metrics Pack | APAC

1. Overview
The management of workplace absence is an important aspect of supervision in the workplace. Maintaining
higher levels of worker availability (i.e. low absence and turnover) will increase organisations productivity and

Absence measures relate to absences of employees, the reasons and duration of these absences. This enables
analysis of lost time due to sick and other unscheduled or scheduled leave and when analysed together with
turnover, this data provides reliable indicators of the organisations stability, and employee attitudes and morale.

Key business questions organisations will be able to answer though this metrics pack includes:
How does our unscheduled absence compare to competitors? How does this compare across internal
demographic segments and lines of business?
What percentage of our absence days is unscheduled versus scheduled?
How do our sick leave occurrences differ according to employee generations (Baby Boomers, Gen X,
Are there any concerning patterns of absence that would prompt further investigation?
What is the remuneration value of unscheduled absence per employee? How does it vary across lines of
business or geographies?
What percentage of our sick leave occurrences adjoin a public holiday or weekend?

2. Drill to Detail
Drill to Detail functionality is provided via the SuccessFactors website and allows users to build data queries that
return the details of the individual employees meeting the criteria of the query. Using these results and the
standard website Query Workspace, analytical users can see how the transactional data feeds they provide to
SuccessFactors are transformed into the metrics presented on their Human Capital website.

Drill to Detail enables power users to quickly isolate individual pieces of data and to verify which employee data
records are included within a particular measure. It is also a valuable tool for project teams who routinely conduct
verification tasks via the website or who are required to handle requests from casual website users for
transactional information.

The Drill to Detail functionality (if applicable) is represented within this document using the following symbol .

Note: If the employee has multiple distinct contributions towards a metric (e.g. two absences within the same
month) there are different ways in which this can be displayed within the drill to detail output. In these instances
the result may not match the counts that are being drill to detail.

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3. Data Graphic
The following diagram provides a summary view of the Absence Management Metrics Pack measurement framework. Denotes Drill to Detail functionality (if applicable).

Source Data Fields Base Input Measures Result Measures

Absence Data Absence Days1 Absence Days per Employee
Employee Id Absence Hours1 Absence Days per Employee (FTE)
Absence Start Date Derived Input Measures Unscheduled Absence per Employee
Absence Occurrences
Absence End Date Total Unscheduled Days Absent Multiple breakdowns available refer to list of Result
Total Bradford Factor #
Absence Type Code Total Unscheduled Days Absent Family Measures
Total Workdays2
Absence Duration Days1 Total Unscheduled Days Absent - Unscheduled Absence per Employee (FTE)
Total Working Hours2
Total Workdays per EE2 Miscellaneous Multiple breakdowns available refer to list of Result
Direct Remuneration3
SuccessFactors Data Transformation

Daily Pay Rate3 Total Unscheduled Days Absent Sick Leave Measures
Hourly Pay Rate3 Total Unscheduled Days Absent Workers Absence Rate
Compensation Unscheduled Absence Rate
Configuration Data Sick Leave Occurrences Multiple breakdowns available refer to list of Result
Dimensions/Hierarchies Measures
Codes & Descriptions
Reporting Structures Time Period (Calendar, Fiscal) Absence Occurrences per Employee (FTE)
Hierarchy 1 (Organisational Unit)4 Sick Leave Occurrences per Employee (FTE)
Hierarchy 2 (e.g. Location)4 Absence Occurrences per Employee (Headcount)
Absence Duration Sick Leave Occurrences per Employee Headcount)
Absence Duration (Long/Short term) Average Bradford Factor
Absence Type Remuneration Value of Sick Leave3
Absence Paid / Unpaid Remuneration Value of Unscheduled Absence3
Adjoining Public Holidays and Weekends Remuneration Value of Sick Leave per Employee
Bradford Factor Scale (FTE)3
Medical Certificate Remuneration Value of Unscheduled Absence per
Employee (FTE)3

1 Absence Duration Days is required if absence start and end date are not provided.
2 Total Workdays and Total Working Hours are calculated or sourced as expected days / hours.
3 If Pay Rates cannot be provided, SuccessFactors will calculate the rates by using [Direct Remuneration / Total Workdays (or Total Working Hours)]. If neither the Pay Rate nor Direct Remuneration is

available, SuccessFactors will calculate the rates by using [Annual Salary / Total Workdays (or Total Working Hours)]. Direct Remuneration is sourced from the Workforce Analytics Remuneration and Benefits
metric pack. Annual Salary is sourced from the Core Workforce and Mobility metrics pack.
4 Dimensions/hierarchies link to the Core Workforce and Mobility metrics pack data via the employee id
# Denotes Restricted Input

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Absence Management Metrics Pack | APAC

4. Base Input Measures

The Absence Management Metrics Pack measurement framework supports the generation of the following base
input measures. Denotes Drill to Detail functionality (if applicable).

Base Input Measure Description
Total number of workdays or rostered days employees are absent
Absence Days
from work during the reporting period.
Total number of working hours or rostered hours employees are
Absence Hours
absent from work during the reporting period.
The number of absence occurrences for all employees during the
Absence Occurrences
reporting period.
Availability The Bradford Factor Score of all employees at the end of the
Total Bradford Factor
reporting period. (Used in the calculation of Average Bradford
(Restricted Input)
The total number of available (rostered) working days in the
Total Workdays
period for all employees.
The total number of available (rostered) working hours in the
Total Working Hours
period for all employees.
Workforce The total direct cost of the employee to the employer, excluding
Direct Remuneration1
Productivity benefits and superannuation.

1 If Pay Rates cannot be provided, SuccessFactors will calculate the rates by using [Direct Remuneration / Total Workdays (or Total Working
Hours)]. If neither the Pay Rate nor Direct Remuneration is available, SuccessFactors will calculate the rates by using [Annual Salary / Total
Workdays (or Total Working Hours)]. Direct Remuneration is sourced from the Payroll and Benefits metrics pack. Annual Salary is sourced
from the Core Workforce and Mobility metrics pack.

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5. Reporting Structures
The Absence Management Metrics Pack measurement framework supports the generation of the following
dimension hierarchies.

Dimension / Hierarchy Description
Allows analysis of measures across calendar years with breakdowns
Time Period / Calendar
at quarter and month level.
Allows analysis of measures across fiscal years with breakdowns at
Time Period / Fiscal
quarter and month level.
Allows analysis of measures across the organisations reporting
Hierarchy 1
structure with breakdowns for each level in the structure tree.
(Organisational Unit)
Links to Core Workforce data via the employee identifier.
Structure Allows analysis of measures across another of the organizations
Hierarchy 2 reporting structures with breakdowns for each level in the structure
(e.g. Location) tree.
Links to Core Workforce data via the employee identifier.
Allows analysis of measures by absence duration: 1 or less than 1
day, 2 Days, Greater than 2 less than or equal to 3 Days, Greater
Absence Duration than 3 less than or equal to 5 Days, Greater than 5 less than 10
Days, Greater than or equal to 10 less than 90 Days, Greater than or
equal to 90 less than 365 Days, 12 Months and Greater, Unallocated
Absence Duration Allows analysis of measures by absence duration short/long term:
(Short/Long Term) Mid-Short Term, Long Term, Unallocated
Allows analysis of measures by absence type:
Unscheduled Absence (Sick, Carers, Workers Compensation,
Absence Type
Workforce Miscellaneous), Scheduled Absence (Annual Leave, Long Service
Availability Leave, Leave without Pay), Unallocated
Allows analysis of the Bradford Factor score by scale: (No
Bradford Factor Scale Concern, Some Concern, Moderate Concern, Concerning, Very

Allows analysis of measures by medical certificate: Medical

Medical Certificate
Certificate Provided, Medical Certificate Not Provided, Unallocated
Adjoining Public Allows analysis of measures by absence adjoining public holidays
Holidays and Weekends and weekends: After, Before, Overlap, No Adjoin, Unallocated
Allows analysis of absence measures by whether or not the absence
Absence Paid / Unpaid
is paid.

5.1 Time Dimensions

Time dimensions provide for the breakdown of measure values across consecutive periods of time (years, quarters
and months).

Refer to the Core Workforce and Mobility Metrics Pack for further information and example views of the time period
dimension for a calendar and a fiscal reporting year.

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Absence Management Metrics Pack | APAC

5.2 Structural Dimensions

Structural dimensions provide for the breakdown of measure values across administrative and geographic

Refer to the Core Workforce and Mobility Metrics Pack for further information and example hierarchies.

5.3 Absence Dimensions

The Absence framework provides a single tree for each of the following dimensions:

5.3.1 Absence Type Dimension

This dimension provides a two level breakdown. The top of the tree is referred to as All Absence Types"

Absence Type
Sick Leave Without Pay
Carers Leave
Unscheduled Workers Compensation
Bereavement Leave
Miscellaneous Compassionate Leave
Emergency Leave
Annual Leave
Long Service Leave
Leave Without Pay
Maternity Leave
Paternity Leave
Training Leave
Study Leave
Scheduled Other Jury Duty
Military Leave
Scheduled Other
Carers Leave
Extended Unscheduled Leave
Workers Compensation
Flex Leave
Adjustments to Leave Balances

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5.3.2 Absence Duration Dimension 5.3.5 Absence Paid / Unpaid

This dimension provides a single breakdown level. This dimension provides a one level breakdown. The
The top of the tree is referred to as All Absence top of the tree is referred to as All Absence Paid /
Durations. Unpaid.

Absence Duration Absence Paid / Unpaid

1 or < 1 Day Paid
2 Days Unpaid
> 2 and <= 3 Days
> 3 and <= 5 Days
> 5 and < 10 Days 5.3.6 Bradford Factor Scale
>= 10 and < 90 Days This dimension provides a two level breakdown. The
>= 90 and < 365 Days top of the tree is referred to as Bradford Factor
12 Months + Scale.

Bradford Factor Scale

No Concern BF >= 0 and <= 21
5.3.3 Absence Duration Dimension (Long/Short
Term) Some Concern BF > 21 and <= 44
Moderate Concern BR > 44 and <= 99
This dimension provides a two level breakdown. The
Concerning BF > 99 and <= 899
top of the tree is referred to as All Absence
Very Concerning BF > 899
Durations 2 (Long/Short Term).

Absence Duration (Long/Short Term)

1 or < 1 Day 5.3.7 Medical Certificate
2 Days This dimension provides a single breakdown level.
> 2 and <= 3 Days The top of the tree is referred to as All Medical
Mid-Short Term Certificates.
> 3 and <= 5 Days
Medical Certificate
> 5 and < 10 Days
Medical Certificate Provided
>= 10 and <= 21 Days
Medical Certificate Not Provided
> 21 and < 90 Days
Long Term >= 90 and < 365 Days
12 Months +

5.3.4 Adjoining Public Holidays and Weekends

This dimension provides a single breakdown level.
The top of the tree is referred to as All Adjoining
Public Holidays and Weekends.

Adjoining Public Holidays and Weekends

No Adjoin

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Absence Management Metrics Pack | APAC

6. Derived Input Measures

Through the filtering of base input measure by dimension categories, a rich set of derived input measures can be calculated.

Category Base Measure Derived Measure Filter / Calculation

Total Unscheduled Days Absent Absence Type: Unscheduled
Total Unscheduled Days Absent - Family Absence Type: Unscheduled - Family

Total Unscheduled Days Absent - Miscellaneous Absence Type: Unscheduled - Miscellaneous

Workforce Absence Days
Availability Total Unscheduled Days Absent Sick Leave Absence Type: Unscheduled - Sick Leave
Total Unscheduled Days Absent Workers
Absence Type: Unscheduled - Workers Compensation
Absence Occurrences Sick Leave Occurrences Absence Type: Unscheduled - Sick Leave

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7. Result Measures
Base Input Measures and Derived Input Measures are combined in formulas to calculate result measures. Through the specification of formulas combining
both base and derived input measures a rich set of result measures can be calculated.

Category Measure Calculation
Absence Days per Employee Absence Days / Employees (Headcount)
Absence Days per Employee (FTE) Absence Days / Employees (FTE)
Unscheduled Absence per Employee Total Unscheduled Days Absent / Employees (Headcount)
Unscheduled Absence per Employee - Family Total Unscheduled Days Absent Family#/ Employees (Headcount)
Unscheduled Absence per Employee - Total Unscheduled Days Absent - Miscellaneous# / Employees
Miscellaneous (Headcount)
Unscheduled Absence per Employee - Sick Total Unscheduled Days Absent Sick Leave# / Employees
Leave (Headcount)
(Total Unscheduled Days Absent Sick Leave# + Total Unscheduled
Unscheduled Absence per Employee - Sick
Days Absent - Miscellaneous# + Total Unscheduled Days Absent -
Leave, Misc Leave and Family Leave
Workforce Family#) / Employees (Headcount)
Unscheduled Absence per Employee - Total Unscheduled Days Absent Workers Compensation# /
Workers Compensation Employees (Headcount)
Unscheduled Absence per Employee (FTE) Total Unscheduled Days Absent / Employees (FTE)
Unscheduled Absence per Employee Family
Total Unscheduled Days Absent - Family# / Employees (FTE)
Unscheduled Absence per Employee -
Total Unscheduled Days Absent - Miscellaneous# / Employees (FTE)
Miscellaneous (FTE)
Unscheduled Absence per Employee - Sick
Total Unscheduled Days Absent Sick Leave# / Employees (FTE)
Leave (FTE)
Unscheduled Absence per Employee - Sick (Total Unscheduled Days Absent Sick Leave# + Total Unscheduled
Leave, Misc Leave and Family Leave (FTE) Days Absent - Miscellaneous# + Total Unscheduled Days Absent -

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Absence Management Metrics Pack | APAC

Category Measure Calculation
Family#) / Employees (FTE)
Unscheduled Absence per Employee - Total Unscheduled Days Absent Workers Compensation# /
Workers Compensation (FTE) Employees (FTE)
Absence Rate (Absence Days / Total Workdays) x 100
Unscheduled Absence Rate (Total Unscheduled Days Absent / Total Workdays) x 100
Unscheduled Absence Rate - Family (Total Unscheduled Days Absent - Family# / Total Workdays) * 100
(Total Unscheduled Days Absent Miscellaneous# / Total Workdays) x
Unscheduled Absence Rate Miscellaneous
(Total Unscheduled Days Absent Sick Leave# / Total Workdays) x
Unscheduled Absence Rate Sick Leave
[(Total Unscheduled Days Absent Sick Leave# + Total Unscheduled
Unscheduled Absence Rate - Sick Leave, Misc.
Days Absent - Miscellaneous# + Total Unscheduled Days Absent -
Leave and Family Leave
Family#) / Total Workdays] x 100
Unscheduled Absence Rate Workers (Total Unscheduled Days Absent Workers Compensation# / Total
Compensation Workdays) x 100
Absence Occurrences per Employee (FTE) Absence Occurrences / Employees (FTE)
Sick Leave Occurrences per Employee (FTE) Sick Leave Occurrences / Employees (FTE)
Absence Occurrences per Employee
Absence Occurrences / Employees (Headcount)
Sick Leave Occurrences per Employee
Sick Leave Occurrences / Employees (Headcount)
Average Bradford Factor Total Bradford Factor # / EOP Headcount
Workforce Workforce Remuneration Value of Sick Leave1 Total Unscheduled Days Absent Sick Leave x Daily Pay Rate

If Pay Rates cannot be provided, SuccessFactors will calculate the rates by using [Direct Remuneration / Total Workdays (or Total Working Hours)]. If neither the Pay Rate nor Direct Remuneration
is available, SuccessFactors will calculate the rates by using [Annual Salary / Total Workdays (or Total Working Hours)]. Direct Remuneration is sourced from the Payroll and Benefits metrics pack.
Annual Salary is sourced from the Core Workforce and Mobility metrics pack.
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Category Measure Calculation
Productivity Costs Remuneration Value of Unscheduled Absence1 Total Unscheduled Days Absent x Daily Pay Rate
Remuneration Value of Sick Leave per
Remuneration Value of Sick Leave / Employees (FTE)
Employee (FTE)1
Remuneration Value of Unscheduled Absence
Remuneration Value of Unscheduled Absence / Employees (FTE)
per Employee (FTE)1

# Denotes Restricted Inputs

1 If Pay Rates cannot be provided, SuccessFactors will calculate the rates by using [Direct Remuneration / Total Workdays (or Total Working Hours)]. If neither the Pay Rate nor Direct Remuneration
is available, SuccessFactors will calculate the rates by using [Annual Salary / Total Workdays (or Total Working Hours)]. Direct Remuneration is sourced from the Payroll and Benefits metrics pack.
Annual Salary is sourced from the Core Workforce and Mobility metrics pack.
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